#for every time i fought him) but pretty boy ADORES him and is hyped to be able to voice him once we meet him in our playthrough
asfdhgsdkjhgb · 3 years
imma be honest rouxls kaard my beloathed but also im kinda hyped for whenever i get to his fight in my current playthrough w friends
#i absolutely hate the bastard bc most of the game overs in my first playthrough where in his fights (i game overed at least once#for every time i fought him) but pretty boy ADORES him and is hyped to be able to voice him once we meet him in our playthrough#(our other friend is deeply confused on how to feel abt this character they havent met yet bc both of us have such differing opinions)#but i recently remembered that pretty boy said that to make the rouxls kaard fight better he would kiss me every time i took damage#(originally it was every time i died but he decided that wasnt very much lmao) so now im kinda like still hate the bastard but like... gay#(bestie thats a shit ton of kisses tho his fights are SO HARD FOR NO REASON rouxls kaard by BELOATHEDDDDD)#anyways thats how my life is going rn howre yall lmao#the thing is idk when we're gonna be able to continue next bc it depends on when theres a good amount of time to hang out outside#of school / to have a sleepover n this weekend is a long weekend but pretty boy is out of town until tomorrow so :(#(not having school yesterday n today and not being able to meet up w friends until sunday is why i am Touch Starve:tm:)#also i just wanna continue it because its so fun like the game itself is already awesome n i wanna play more and also!!! playing#with friends just makes it so much better n like we all do voices n do decisions n stuff its awesome i love it sm#also ive just been seeing a lot of deltarune fanart n stuff and im just like aaaaaaaaa i wanna play moreeee but i canttttttttttttt#just me rambling again#frogs down bad
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0poole · 4 years
I LOVE No Straight Roads
Honestly it’s hard to keep me away from a game with great visuals and even greater character design. I knew from the INSTANT I saw these characters that I was going to love it. I just finished it because it’s (unfortunately) pretty short, and even though I cheesed the final boss through it’s very lenient death mechanics (Instant respawn at the cost of a good rank) I actually appreciated that it wasn’t a pure cake walk. I’ve yet to rematch all of the bosses, but since I had genuine trouble with the later ones I’ll hold off on that.
But who cares about gameplay, am I right? I sure as hell don’t. I would’ve bought the game no matter what the hell it was. I wanted the characters (and the music, although I realized that second) and that was it. 
First of all, I love any world that is super fantastical but cheesy in its concept, ala a city powered by music, and battles between artists using music. Ideas like this only spawn from a mind that wants to create a fun atmosphere, if nothing else, and it was sure as hell fun. I genuinely love when someone goes so far into a crazy idea and doesn’t waste your time explaining it with real world logic. Wanna know how a city can be powered by music? Shut up and look at the cute virtual mermaid. Lord knows I did. Every once in a while, it does you good to just let the player/reader/viewer just revel in the idea without having to go out of your way to make things seem realistic. It’s not about “turning your brain off” or whatever, it’s picking your battles.
Also, I can seriously love a world with great background characters to it. Any game with the right situation to insert the random nobodies you find onto the streets into the art in the credits really played into the greatness of the world’s less important characters, and that’s always a good thing. It’s technically world building. But, since I always love to pick favorites, I’d have to say my favorite background character is easily Mia, the NSR infodesk assistant. It’s funny, because you can literally search “nsr characters” into Google and she’s the third image result. I love how jumpy she is when you first interact with her, since NSR probably spread the word about B2J suggesting they’re rock thugs who’d beat up anyone, so for all she knows she could die right then and there with a guitar lodged in her skull. She’s probably just some intern trying to pay for college. She don’t want trouble.
Also, I just realized that 90% of the characters in this game have the same body structure that I always love, that being having arms/legs that sort of fan out in width into relatively large hands/feet. It’s a kind of limb structure I fall into so much because it just really hits me right for some reason. I really can’t explain why.
Anyways, I gotta talk about the big boys individually:
Mayday and Zuke are an amazing duo. I’m always a sucker for a cute and crazy girl, but honestly Zuke hit so many of the right notes too. I will say it’s weird to pair the martian Zuke with the humanly-skinned Mayday, but honestly it doesn’t even matter because he looks so cool on his own. I love his weird blocky blue dreadlocks, and his weirdly shaped shirt which bares his chest in the weirdest way... And, oh my god, Mayday’s weird Spongebob background flower eyes? It’s little tidbits like that that really make me jealous. How could I have ever thought of that? It looks so perfect, and I don’t know why. And her little booty jig she does in her idle animation? Adorable. I played as her as much as was reasonable not only because I’m a filthy button masher with little strategy but also because she’s so damn cute. I can also appreciate how she has a tough-as-nails persona while still keeping a semi-girly attitude, like with her falling for 1010 and Sayu. Characters are so much better when they’re a perfect blend of characteristics, instead of being all one-note, like how Zuke is the quiet one but gets heated against DK West, and all. 
Honestly the voice acting for every character is great, but I love when Mayday’s VA’s accent shows through. It’s a perfect twang to accent (consider this the only acknowledgement of a pun in this post) her snarkiness. 
DJ Subatomic Supernova was going to be an easy favorite since he’s all space-themed. Also, I don’t know why I always end up liking the egotistic characters. Not in the sense that I like their egotistic-ness, but in the sense that I like everything else about them and they just so happen to also be egotistic. The same applied with Empoleon (maybe like my 2nd favorite Pokemon) and Rarity from MLP, probably among others. Either way, I’ll never not love space themes. Not to mention he’s got a funky disco theme, and I’m slowly starting to realize that I am in extreme love with techno-funk styles of music. The instant I heard his music he cemented his place into my playlists. 
As for design, I still have no idea what the fuck he is. Clearly AI is at human levels in this world, but if he’s a robot why does he still have hairy legs? But, if he’s a human, is that weird orb his head? Is it just some sort of puppet which he controls from inside his giant jacket? I know I dissed explaining things realistically but I actually want to know with this guy. Even the wiki doesn’t say. Either way, he’s clearly the logical extreme of “being at the center of your own universe.” Even his jacket depicts a solar system, with his hood being the sun. Didn’t see that until I tried to draw him. I really wish this guy wasn’t so tied to his DJ stand so I could reasonably draw him without it. I don’t want to draw his hairy ass legs. It is a great touch for his design though (although I prefer his beta look with pants and long boots, another design trait I tend to gravitate to) since DJs could reasonably not wear pants, since they’re always behind a table.
Sayu is my favorite. It’s so plainly obvious. It’s weird to say that sometimes, because some characters like Sayu are so clearly engineered to be as adorable as possible, to the point where they’re basically a parody of whatever they’re supposed to be emulating, but then they do that so well that they are still likable for what they’re trying to parody. Also, even though I’ve never looked into any vocaloid superstars myself, the fact that they exist and are loved in real life is absolutely perfect to be used as a character design in a world like this. It’s so weird conceptually, but we all know it’s normal and realistic. But yeah, she’s a giga-cutie whom I’ve already drawn and I’ve listened to her theme on loop on many different occasions. Favorite character, favorite track, favorite weapon of choice (What did I say about Empoleon?), which, and I wouldn’t have noticed this myself, looks like the USB symbol you see above USB ports on computers. How crazy perfect is that?
Even apart from my unbridled love for cute monster robot(?) girls, her boss fight is probably the 2nd greatest of them all, at least conceptually. She’s just a hologram, so you can’t touch her, but you CAN disconnect the artists which control her in order to defeat her. It’s the kind of concept for a boss fight that could only work for this type of character. I’m a sucker for the cute girl that provides her voice, but I love how the animator (video editor? the yellow one) actually attacks you with a mouse and lowers the brightness of the setting once he appears. Also, the mocap guy being the deeply-voiced type but still providing the adorable movements of her body. It’s such a great combo of characters, and their little extra art in the credits makes me like them even more. I just wish we could interact with them individually.
DK West was probably one of the most interesting characters visually, especially since I knew of every other NSR member long before the game came out, but I only just heard of him closer to the release. I wasn’t sure where he was placed, but I definitely assumed his gig was the weird shadow demon we saw in the trailers. When I finally saw him in game, I was shocked to hear him speak an entirely different language most of the time, which was really cool. Also, finding out he was tied to Zuke and wasn’t strictly an NSR artist really made him more interesting. You know, if his fucking shadow clone magic didn’t make him crazy cool enough. Even though I suck at his game and am not especially fond of his raps, the visual of him rapping with this giant monster behind him and dozens of weird shadow wingmen by his side hyping him up was probably one of the coolest in the entire game. The dark way they were hyping him up too gave such a bizarre atmosphere, especially since it parallels his seemingly chill and smiley demeanor. 
I definitely hope they’ll introduce new bosses as DLC in the future, and make them sort of in the same vein as DK West, where they aren’t the biggest artists ever, but they want to pick a fight with B2J. I’d kill for any extra content this game can provide.
Yinu is obviously special since she was the subject of the demo they put out for the game. Even though I knew all her bells and whistles, she and her mom still beat me a few times in the full game. Considering she’s semi-tied to story-ish spoilers I kinda want to go more into her in a separate section. It is worth considering playing the game first since it’s not hard (with the easy going deaths) and it’s short length.
1010 seriously grew on me as I learned more about them and interacted with them. I got their shtick when I first looked at them, but after seeing that animation of them touring the city on Youtube I was kinda falling for them. Then, I learned that they’re apparently repurposed navy war robots? I mean, maybe not them specifically, but it seems to heavily point in that direction, with the warship cars and “attention!”s and all. It took me a bit to get into their music too, but once I actually fought them and put their actions to the music I fell in love with it. I swear, Neon J’s weird dancing can has some of the smoothest moves in all of gaming. I don’t know whether they mocapped out those movements or got one of the greatest animators ever, but it looks so impossibly clean his part of the song gets me like 30x more hype than it would normally. 
Also, their little art piece of them looking at fan mail in the credits is probably one of the most adorable things ever. Even if they’re just Neon J’s puppets, that piece of art really makes it seem like they love every one of their fans. I’m not gonna lie, I might swoon a bit too if they picked me out and gave me some special attention.
Oh yeah, and the fact that Mayday was super sad in her showstopper against them was adorable and hilarious at the same time. The little tweaks they made to the showstopper for each fight were great.
Eve just has to be Lady Gaga, right? Like, an even crazier Lady Gaga. DJSS is Daft Punk (or any artist with a helmet persona, you know what I’m talking about), Sayu is Hatsune Miku, DK West is Kanye West, Yinu is a generic child protege, 1010 is a KPop boyband (just pick one) and Eve is Lady Gaga. That’s just how things are. But, again, this is the kind of boss fight that only this type of character could provide. It’s not just surreal imagery, it’s ARTISTIC surreal imagery. The fight is so mesmerizing in every way, especially by how it starts off so slow and calm and progresses to insanity, as well as the increased emotional investment in the fight making you feel so much more into it than just “That’s the boy band. Let’s fight.” Not only does it get you more invested, but it makes her artistic persona go deeper than just “she looks weird.” She is genuinely conflicted about her relationship with Zuke, and naturally that leads her to literally split him and Mayday apart. That mechanic specifically was the coolest, although I do wish they made it more obvious when you needed to switch over to a different side. I was getting pulverized by her fight too, since there were so many things to pay attention to. Her fight was definitely the best one. 
Tatiana and Spoilers:
Let’s be real with ourselves, the twist was so obvious. I do also think, though, that obvious twists aren’t bad if they’re just good reveals. At some point, a person just has experienced so many stories that “only pretty good” twists are easy to spot. It doesn’t mean that the twists are bad, it just means you yourself experienced.
I feel like her transition from rock to EDM was pretty understandable, even as a non-musician. She was so caught up in what she assumed was popular that it basically consumed her. It’s easy as an artist to want to forgo what you truly want to make in favor of what makes you popular, and clearly since her transition to EDM made her the CEO of the biggest company in the city (world?) that probably made her think she truly needed to change her outlook. Then, when she saw B2J try to bring it back, she sort of coined them as being as misguided as she was and knocked them down a peg. Plus, they were kinda being jerks about it.
It’s kinda like the Trolls sequel, where everyone pegs rock music fanatics as being too stuck up in their own heads to appreciate other types of music, which honestly seems more like the case than the alternative. When I first heard of the story of the game, I was seriously hoping they did put an asterisk on B2J’s ambitions because they were a bit sketchy from the start. 
That’s kinda where I want to talk about Yinu, because she was the true turning point in what they were doing. She’s literally 9 and yet she’s getting dragged into all this BS. When she said “I hate you all” at the end of her fight, and played a somber tune on her broken piano after the fight destroyed it, you kinda got a kick in the face to realize you’re kinda being an asshole to some of them. Sure, they fight back, but they wouldn’t fight in the first place if they didn’t have to. They are just people who play music under a joint name that B2J just so happened to get in hot water with. 
Then, of course, there’s Kliff, who also reeked of surprise villain, and who’s basically the embodiment of the bad side of B2J, where he just wanted to destroy for his own sake and not for the actual greater good. Once B2J realized their mistake, they backed off, but Kliff was so hard pressed to do what he planned on in the first place he wouldn’t stop. I kinda wish he got a bigger fight to his own since he’s clearly a big enough tech genius to divert a whole satellite into one specific building. Maybe the Elliecopter chase bit was his thing, but I do kind of wish he was there to fight against them too.
Even though Tatiana did kind of reform a bit quick, It’s still not too crazy to assume she could see that B2J was just misguided and the fact that they worked to revert their wrongdoings for her sake would make a pretty strong impressions. They clearly can hold their own, so it’s not like she wouldn’t want them to join NSR too. 
Oh yeah, and her boss fight was clock/time themed. If there’s a theme under space that I love, it’s clocks/time. 
And If I am to be respected by the internet, I must provide a negative opinion to balance out my positive one. I will say that the character model physics (like Mayday’s braids, DK West’s vest thing, Neon J’s fluffy neck thing, etc) got kinda funky at times. Especially DK West’s vest, which was completely messed up for every scene he was in... Also, even though the voices are mostly great, some lines felt a bit off. Just a bit. That good enough? Good.
But yeah anyway that’s another favorite game to add to the pile. Eventually I’m gonna have to compile a true list of my all-time favorite games/movies because I do kind of want to have a solid idea of what my all-time favorites are.
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haikyuuishete · 4 years
Koji Hiroo|| Boyfriend Headcanons
Since Nohebi and Nekoma can’t stand each other one bit, it was really hard for them to meet at summer camp (Daishou and Kuroo would start world war 3)
They even fought for a hang out spot, like literally (Nohebi won which made Kuroo want to bang his head on a wall)
That's where you come in, since the Nekoma boys aren't allowed to be in the restaurant (Nohebi made the rules)
They haven't met you yet so they would think it was just a regular girl
That's how Hiroo met you, listening to Daishou rant to them as he ate, you came in
He dropped his chapsticks, his mouth hung wide open a bit
He couldn't take his eyes away from you, you were so pretty
Numai noticed the change of his behavior and followed his gaze seeing you
Sadly you left which made him pout a bit
"You could've gotten her number" Numai smiled elbowing him teasingly
Soon enough he saw you again
He had found out that your were Nekoma's manager which he didn't really care much cause rivalry didn’t mater
He started to see you everywhere at games and at training camp and even at combined practices
"Please Daishou behave I beg you" he begs his captain not to start fights
"I don't understand you!" "I really like her okay if you start a fight with Nekoma we would get banned and I won't get to see her"
Okay Daishou will behave and hold his tongue for a while
As Hiroo spots you, he would notice how quiet and shy you were
It kinda irked him whenever he saw Kuroo pat your head
"If you want me to fight him you gotta tell me" Daishou shows up making Hiroo push him away
During practice, families brought a box of snacks for the guys and of course you went to get it
Two full boxes that were were heavy but you were strong enough but you couldn't see due to the box on top of the box under it
"Let me help you" Hiroo came to help
"Oh thank you"
It was awkward walking together like you two never spoke once
He wasn't bad looking he was HANDSOME drop dead gorgeous
You couldn't even look at him in the eyes due to how pretty he was
"Do you like anyone?" Which surprised you
"Wha-" "Hiroo hurry up we have a game to play" his coach shouts at him
Yea that's how the interaction went
"I hate my life, just burry me alive" he would keep saying to his team
He liked you so much and he messed up his chance (no he didn't, you kept thinking about him a lot too)
The rest of his team was ready to come over to Nekoma and confess for him but Mika stopped them telling them "you guys are dumb, it doesn't work like that"
It was another game, both teams were waiting to get the court
You were chilling, leaning against the wall waiting for the boys to come back from the locker room
That's when the Nohebi boys found you
"Their she is go ask her" Everyone kept hyping Hiroo up like dude just go
"Come on just go before I can't hold my tongue anymore" Daishou hisses which made Hiroo glare at him
Kuguri who was annoyed by his upperclassmen
"Or I'll go and make my move on her then"
Almost challenging Hiroo
"No you won't" pushing him away Hiroo takes a deep breath and walks up to you
On the other hand you realized you've been getting stared at, looking up from your phone it was Hiroo
"Hey y/n" "hey Hiroo"
Shit just saying his name made his heart beat faster
"I wanted to ask you if um you want to go out with me" "Um oh" you were in total shock
"Is that a no?" "No no I didn't mean it like that, I don't really know what to say"
"How about saying yes" He bit his lip, he was being too confident "okay yea"
He couldn’t help but let out a huge smile as you two exchanged numbers
He finally did it, his whole teammates tackled him onto the floor once you left with your team
After getting your number, he sets up the perfect date
You two go to the arcade and get food, it wasn’t too big
But you enjoyed the outing with him which turned into a lot of hangouts and late night phone calls
When he can’t meet up with you or you can’t he always call you before bed time
He would also talk to you after school before practice just to hear your voice and let’s just say his voice is mmm
The closer both of you got the more in love you were with him and the other way around
He asked you to be his girlfriend after a few months dating
He was a lazy yet passionate guy who would praise the ground where you walked on
He is fun and quiet a guy, who likes to keep his relationship in private but that doesn’t mean he won’t trap you between the wall and make out knowing your team is looking for you
Yeah he’s kinda cocky, but in a good way tho
He’s the type of boyfriend who would sneak into your room late at night either because he can’t sleep or he’s bored and wanted to know what you’re up to
Absolutely hates when guys come up to you and flirt with you (even though you know how to defend yourself he still gets jealous)
A guy from the opposite team was flirting with you, trying to grab your wrist stopping you from walking away
He was fuming like how dare he touch you?
As he stomps over to your spot, he didn’t realize that Nekoma was walking up to you already
“Y/n i was looking for you” cheekily grabbing your hand into his “what are you? Her boyfriend” this dude didn’t think you were dating him because again
He’s the rival of Nekoma
“Yea I’m her boyfriend so what?” He glared
He’s super scary when someone tries to fight him
“GIRLFRIEND?!” Your whole team combusts
Yea that’s how they found out, it wasn’t good because Daishou and Kuroo went off at each other
You just watched in amusement while Hiroo was embarrassed
When he’s nervous he tends to grab your hand and squeezes it a lot not to the point of hurting you, when he’s jealous or mad he grabs your thighs and squeezes it (man he’s hot)
Not only he’s hot but the guy knows how to make each day amusing and exciting
One moment he pins you onto the wall and attacks your lips and then he would be screaming because his teammates telling you embarrassing stories about him
He has his days off of practice, he would casually come to your school to pick you up for a date
everyone calls hims (the hot dude from the gate)
He would take you anywhere you want, treats you like a queen, protects you and also most importantly
He can be sarcastic (it makes everything funnier)
As the manager you had a lot of duties so you don’t have much time for him, which saddens you but don’t worry rooster head has it covered
Kuroo would invite Nohebi over to a combined practice which means you get to see your boyfriend more
Not only that but Hiroo invites you to every party that his teammates host to get to spend time with you
Oops no chair? That’s alright sit on his lap
Yes he’s that type of boyfriend
Sometimes he can be lazy, he would come over just to sleep and hold you close to him
You don’t mind of course, you love taking naps with him, even combing through his soft hair with your fingers
He likes sleeping shirtless so just in case for you to know
He’s also the type of guy who would just randomly give you hickeys because why not?
He absolutely adores it when you do the same, makes him feel special
He’s full of surprises smh
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wishingpoodle2004 · 5 years
(Scroll to the bottom to see my allstar list)
•A Simple Life by Survivah
Derek plans to spend the rest of his life holed up in the woods after Laura dies. Then he meets a stubborn young fox, and the stubborn young fox meets an urn of Deaton's magic powder, and his plans change.
My Rating: 10/10
Simply Excellent
•The Boy and the Beast by Duran Sudis (dsudis)
In which events in Beacon Hills go rather differently from the start, and a Beauty and the Beast (ish) story ensues. (Scott is not a teacup and no one sings about their feelings.)
My Rating: 9/10
Great story. Would liked to see the Human! Derek x Human! Stiles develope a bit more
• Good Behavior by theSilence
The God Awful Courting Tactics Used to Woo Stiles Stilinski by Derek Hale.
My Rating: 8.5/10
Absolutely hilarious, Stiles and Derek at their finest (not). Only fault is that it’s short and the people need to know what happened after date 3.
• headlong (I’m falling in a) by hito
Kink meme fill: When Stiles goes to college, for some reason, he has to share an apartment with Derek, which sucks, because Derek still hates him the most. They fall in love.
My Rating: 8.5/10
Love Stlies and Derek learning to share breathing space and getting walked in on by the rest of the pack . Warning⚠️ Lydia is bonkers and power hungry.
• You Feel Like Home by thestreetballet
"Derek, don't bully Mr Stilinski. He's had a bad few days."
My Rating: 9/10
I love love love Harry Potter AU sterek. Young Derek is desperately trying to look out for his newly found mate (young Stiles) while balancing prefect duties, pack life AND trying to keep said mating a secret from everyone including Stiles. This is part of a short series, read it all to get it. Warning ⚠️ Alpha Peter is bananas, lots of interspecies conflict.
• Can’t Take The Heat? by Ilovesocks_24
“Hi, I’m Stiles, and what I have for you today is…”
“Stop, just stop.” Grumpy Eyebrows interrupted. “That is honestly the worst looking Pasta Primavera I have ever seen. I don’t even want to eat it, it looks so bad.”
Stiles narrowed his eyes. No one insulted his creamy bacon carbonara without even trying it. And no one insulted his creamy bacon carbonara after they tried it either.
“It’s actually a Creamy Bacon Carbonara, asshole,” Stiles snapped. “And for the record, it’s supposed to look like that.”
Or the one where Stiles is a new sous chef at Full Moon Steakhouse and Derek is the Gordon Ramsay of all head chefs. So of course they fall in love.
My Rating: 8/10
Pretty good. The story was more focused on Stiles journey as a chef so not as many fluffy moments but still pretty satisfying.
• Permanent Fixture by linksofmemories_archive
Derek is Scott's older brother. Stiles is Scott's best friend. Derek is falling in love with Stiles. This is a bit of a problem.
My Rating: 9.5/10
This story WILL make you CRY. I had a hard time rating this because it’s very slow burn with lots of angst but you can literally feel every emotion in the story so I had to give it the extra 0.5. Spoiler: Claudia called it.
•Fly a Little Faster by mirrorkill
Everyone knows when you go back in time, you shouldn't step on an ant, just in case you accidentally kill your own grandparent or something. But what happens when you go back in time and, uh, accidentally interrupt the one event that apparently made the Grumpiest Alpha in Town into a ball of mindless manpain?
Well, if Marty McFly can do it, so can Stiles Stilinski. All he has to do is get Derek and Paige to fall in love before he gets pulled back to his own time. And before he makes anything worse. That's easy as pie, right? Right?
My Rating: 8/10
Such a creative. I only wish they had gotten to spend more time together in the past.
•Pack Up; Don’t Stray by the_deep_magic
AU – Werewolves are an enslaved underclass, collared and tagged by human masters. Detective Stilinski’s on duty the night they bring in an untagged stray.
My Rating: 8.5/10
I like this story because their love was based on trust and respect. Just two people who needed each other, found each other and fought for each other.
•In the Solstice of our Hearts by raving revolution
"You're not putting that up your butt," Scott told him flatly and Stiles couldn't stop the pissed off whine he made, but his friend continued. "Stiles, you can't put that up your butt, you know that. Your butt won't be ready for anything to go in it until-"
"Okay, okay!" he said, flailing his hands to stop his friend's lecture. "Message received, no butt stuff until I'm pounced on by some freaking animal in the forest and ravished to within an inch of my life. Got it. Thanks, Scotty, I mean heaven forbid I actually try to take control of my life and give myself a fighting chance or anything."
"Not all alphas are animals," Scott said quietly.
Maybe he was right, but Stiles wasn't holding his breath.
My Rating: 8.5/10
Interesting story but I wanted more fluff.
• No Homo by orphan_account
Stiles' sophomore year starts something like this:
3 FourLokos
+ 1 peer-pressuring cat
- 1 best bro to end all best bros
= 1 Craigslist ad headline that reads "str8 dude - m4m - strictly platonic".
Derek is the fool who replies.
My Rating: 9/10
This is one of my all time favorites. The author’s summary doesn’t even begin to do it justice. Firstly homophobic Stiles is just hilarious and adorable. Secondly this story is sooooo Hot🔥, bottom!Derek is amazing. Thirdly, just read it!!!!! You won’t regret it
• tongue of dog and blind-worm’s sting by Zercalo
In order to keep the identity of the teacher he's been seeing a secret, Derek's been withdrawing from his pack and family. Cora, frustrated with his alienation and a little lonely, clings to the first nonjudgmental person who offers companionship – which happens to be that odd Muggleborn Revenclaw who's always hanging around the Gryffindor common room.
She hasn't befriended Stiles for Derek's sake, but Derek just might reap the benefits anyway - if he pulls his head out of his ass and quit the stupid self-sacrificing act.
My Rating: 9/10
This is another Hogwarts AU where Cora is the best friend we all need. Derek’s dug himself into a pretty deep hole with Kate but Stiles might just get him out of it. Cute teenage courting ensues and once again we all need a Cora in our lives. Oh, and no biggie but there’s a mass murderer on the loose. Note: This story is part of a series.
• Rare Books and Special Collections by orphan_account
Derek Hale hates libraries.
Unfortunately, not all books can be ordered on Amazon.
(Or: in which Derek is a grumpy omega writer, and Stiles is an annoyingly attractive alpha special collections librarian.)
My Rating: 9/10
I love Omega! Derek. He’s an anti social writer who we just want to scoop up in our arms. Stiles’ idea of flirting is giving Derek books and library tours. Adorableness and Cluelessness ensues.
• Cornerstone by Vendelin
Suffering from PTSD, ex-Marine Derek Hale moves back to Beacon Hills to open a bookshop and find a calmer life. That’s where he meets Stiles, completely by accident. Stiles is talkative, charming and curious. Somehow, despite the fact that he’s blind, he’s able to read Derek like no one else.
My Rating: 8.5/10
I see this fic EVERYWHERE and it is pretty good but because it’s a pretty serious story it doesn’t have as much fluff. Derek’s got serious issues and Stiles is blind. However, I did love how Stiles shared so much of himself with Derek and how Derek slowly learned how to return the favor. I really appreciated the reality check.
•Pink Is For Pining (You, You, Nothing But You) by clotpolesonly
“You know you could just ask him out, right?” Scott asked.
Stiles stuffed the toast in his mouth and hoped he wasn’t blushing. “Why would I do that?”
“Because you have a ginormous crush on him.”
“I do not, shut up,” Stiles hissed as well as he could around a mouthful of toast.
“Your pink hair says differently,” Scott sing-songed at him.
In which Stiles is a supremely socially awkward metamorphmagus with a crush, Derek is a quietly pining werewolf, and Scott and Lydia are done with their stubbornness and stupidity.
My Rating: 9/10
I had to end off this rec list with Pink is for Pining and (surprise surprise) it’s another Hogwarts fic. This one is always in my top 3 because through Derek’s love, Stiles learns to love every part of himself. Alright, maybe I’m hyping this fic up too much (it’s REALLY short) but I’m a believer that one paragraph can make all the difference 😁
My Allstar List
1. A Simple Life by Survivah
2. Pink Is For Pining by clotpolesonly
3. Permanent Fixture
4. No Homo
5. Rare Books and Special Collections by orphan_account
Thanks for Reading!
I hope you enjoyed this Rec list. Please send me any you think I’ll enjoy or that would be a good addition to the list. Happy reading!
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cindydoll · 5 years
could you talk about bart and cindy? how his abuse affected her / her relationship with her family?
oH BOY CAN I!!!! buckle up kiddies it’s gonna be a bumpy ride!!!! (also i kinda stray in some parts but i was on a ROLL) also, fair warning, this is LONG
so, things start off rough right from the get go. as soon as cindy comes home with chris and cathy, bart is already enraged at the idea of cindy coming into their home. keeping in mind cindy is only two years old when she moves in with chris and cathy, one can argue she isn’t affected in the long term by things at this age, but i think logic and personal experience can say otherwise. despite her age, while she may not yet fully understand and comprehend the meaning of what bart says, she certainly understands and is affected by the tone he takes, as well as the facial expressions and other physical things that happen when bart is near cindy. she can tell, even at two years old, that this boy - this boy she grows up loving and admiring, and just wanting to please - wants nothing to do with her. 
‘“get her out of here!” he yelled, his face a red mask of anger. “take her away! put her in the grave with her mother! don’t want no sister’! i hate her, hate her!” […] then, while mom stood on looking too shocked even to breathe, dad reached to control bart, who jumped up to hit cindy! then cindy was crying[…]’
this is just on the first day. that scene alone is enough to make cindy aware of bart’s dislike of her, and to make her uncomfortable and weary around him. now, an awful lot of two year olds are at the age where they’re starting to talk and converse and understand what’s being said to them. and they remember an awful lot, for the first handful of years at the very least. cindy might not be able to fully understand and comprehend the words chris says right after sending bart to his room for this outburst, but cindy remembers bits of them until she is old enough to understand - not to mention the fact that bart most likely told cindy this at one point in time, knowing full well chris and cathy fought over adopting cindy. and this stays with cindy, always going the extra mile to make chris love her, to make sure she makes him proud. she’s always petting about him, and giving him some extra attention. logically, she knows chris loves her very much, especially after she’s been with them for a short period of time. but she can’t get it out of her head that he had said those words, that he had objected to wanting her, that she will always be trying harder than she has to with cathy.
‘[dad] gave my mother a chastising look. “now do you see why i objected to adopting cindy? you know as well as i that bart has always had a very jealous streak.”’
and speaking of cathy, cindy is competing against carrie and she doesn’t even know it. cathy is comparing cindy to carrie (as she later does with jory’s twins), and she goes her whole life feeling that something is missing from her. something that she can never quite put her finger on, but that this missing link is the key to having her mother’s complete love and adoration. the missing link is she’s not carrie - she’s nothing close to carrie. she resembles more of a younger carrie personality wise - cindy isn’t afraid to speak her mind and tell people what needs to be said - but she also knows when to be polite and not utter a word that will put her parents in dismay. she may resemble carrie as a toddler, but at the end of the day, cathy will still have to deal with the fact that cindy isn’t carrie, and carrie isn’t coming back. and bart, being the ever observant child that he is, no doubt eventually hears cathy mentioning the similarities of cindy to her beloved carrie, and will often rub it in cindy’s face whenever he gets the chance. and it stings all the more coming from bart.
‘“[…] as it is i have a little girl who seems so much like carrie to me.”’ -cathy
and then, when jory talks to cathy about bart’s nightmares, he let’s it be known that cathy is letting cindy take up too much of her time. cathy, who in the best of circumstances isn’t a very good mother, has been spending less time with her two (biological, mind you) kids, and spending more time (both mentally and physically) with cindy, or thinking about cindy, or trying to convince chris to adopt cindy. her spending less time with jory and bart is because of cindy, and this is something that bart especially holds against cindy. (i feel like jory would eventually let it go and come around, but he might also hold a little grudge against her, letting it affect their relationship for a number of years until he grows and matures more). 
‘[…] how could i tell her the truth? – that she was too taken up with cindy to pay attention to anyone else. and never, never should she give anyone more attention than bart. even me.’ -jory
bart, especially during his time where he was under the influence of malcolm, had ingrained it in his mind early on, while cindy was still only two, that she was a wicked, sinful girl. this here, especially from his influence with malcolm that stayed with him until christopher’s death, plays a huge part in how he not only looks and treats cindy, but all women (even cathy, during his darkest of times). during her entire life with chris and cathy, cindy is belittled and berated by part, he insinuates that she’s a slut and that all she wants is attention from any guy, even from other family members. this constant torment eventually leads to cindy sleeping with the vast majority of men she meets, even during her late teen years (which is just… no, i’ll talk about it but never write anything of the sort while she’s underage). she craves bart’s love and approval so badly that she lets these things get into her head, and she starts to believe them. and then she goes out to prove him right, and she also goes out to get that approval and love (just love in another form, cindy does not love bart more than a brother okay? okay) with anyone she meets. she only ever uses this self-destructive behavior with men. her relationships with women are always legit and healthy thank you very much. bart also blames cindy a lot for ruining his things, his life, his relationships. this first stems not only from his dislike of her, but because as a toddler she really would destroy his things - on accident, of course.
‘wicked little girl, that cindy. didn’t care who saw her naked. didn’t care who saw her sit on the potty. didn’t care about being decent or clean. took my toy cars and chewed on them.’ -bart
‘i could have slapped cindy when i heard her say silkily, “bart, darling, i was so sure you’d love this scarlet gown … since you think i’m a cheap, trashy thing, anyway, i’m just living up to your expectations – and playing the role you wrote for me.”’ -cathy
‘"have you forgotten all the nasty, mean things bart did to me? maybe i wasn’t locked up, starved or beaten, but i’ve had my problems, and don’t think i haven’t. bart makes me feel so unsure about my femininity that i have to test all the boys i meet … i just can’t help it.”’ -cindy
cindy later spends the vast majority of her childhood both afraid of bart, and trying to win over his love and affection. she knew something wasn’t right with him. she knew he was pretending to be a snake in the pool when he tried to drown her. now she was afraid of both bart and snakes, and for a while, she was afraid of water, too. she would wail and scream whenever she had to take a bath, and it took a lot of gentle coercing and love to get the deed done with. thankfully, after a while, she comes to realize she is safe with cathy, chris, jory, and emma around water and it comes to an end. but throughout her life, every time she looks into a pool, she sees in the reflection a young bart trying to drown a younger version of herself, and a quick flash of a current bart trying to drown her.
bart’s actions and attitude eventually started to bother not just everyone, but even cindy. while in bart’s presence, she found herself more often than not upset and in a bad temper. this started at a very young age, when she couldn’t help it as easily as she could in her teenage years. it made for hyped-up awkward family times together. this lasted up until after chris’ death, and as she got older, the more intense it got. at first it was just at mealtimes, and other times the family gathered together. then it on to become big events. all of christmas or thanksgiving, all of easter, graduations, etc.
‘it was a terribly awkward meal, with no one comfortable. appetites were small, and even cindy was cross.’ 
‘”no!” she’d shouted over the telephone, “i don’t care if he did send me an invitation! it’s just his way of showing off. he can put ten degrees behind his name and i still won’t admire or like him – not after all he did to me. explain to jory and melodie why, so their feelings won’t be hurt. but you won’t have to explain to bart. he’ll know.”’
cindy often fussed and worried over her looks. a part of her was just in her nature, and a part of it was because of the time bart decided to shear off golden locks while she was a child. for years, she would spend her time jumping at the sight of anything sharp, scissors, knives, broken pieces of glass or mirrors, etc. especially if they were in the hands of bart. even as an adult, she was extremely uncomfortable being around bart when such objects were near him. the event traumatized her in a way, and it led to her taking extra care of her hair as she entered her teenage years. for years, she would distrust any man with objects sharp enough to cut her golden curls of hair, even jory and chris, who she otherwise loved to make crafts with - a thing which because hard to do for nearly a year after the incident, because cindy would often run away and hide whenever the crafting scissors were in either of their hands.
‘all that pretty blonde hair that used to be cindy’s was blowing on the wind. […] now cindy’s hair looked like mine. stubby. short and ugly.’
cindy, as a very young child, becomes extremely untrusting of almost everyone around her. she trusts cathy and emma, in her own home, that’s all she can fully trust. she especially becomes untrusting of men, whether they’re children her own age or men in their 90′s. and not only is she untrusting. she grows up believing that people, especially men, will hurt her. this abusive behavior from bart might have something to do with cindy’s general dislike and lack of attention in males (aside from her using them in various ways), but really she’s very afraid of them and afraid they’re all going to hurt her like bart had hurt her over her lifetime. 
‘"look what [bart] did to cindy, a helpless child who trusts that no one will hurt her.”’ -cathy 
‘the pain in [bart’s] hard slap rocked cindy backward so that she sat down very hard on the second stair step. i heart the skirt of her red gown rip down the midback seam. […] tears came to [cindy’s] eyes.’ -cathy
‘playfully [bart] pinched [cindy’s] cheek. so playfully his pinch left a deep red indentation on her face. she squealed and kicked out. her high heel dug into his shin. he yelped and slapped her.’ -cathy
throughout the years, bart tried to ruin cindy’s relationships with the family, and even with emma. he was jealous of the amount of time everyone spent with cindy, was jealous that they would give cindy things, and he genuinely thought everyone loved cindy more than they loved him. (although i’m sure some did, let’s be real here). bart would lie, connive, scheme, and tell stories that shed someone in a negative light all in the hopes of changing their opinions of cindy, and to have cindy’s opinions change about the others. even as a child, after everything bart put her through, cindy knew enough to not trust bart or what he said. she took what he said with a grain of salt, and could only silently hope the others did as well. thankfully, despite his best efforts, cindy’s relationships with everyone stayed the same - flourished, even, because of the things bart said. he would even try and paint corrine in a negative light to little cindy, who had never even met corrine, just so he could have her memory, her love, to himself.
‘[[…]] cindy, who was sitting on jory’s lap and laughing as she played with some toy he’d given her. never gave me anything.’ -bart 
‘[[…]] “i hold no love at all for cindy. she’s done nothing but steal from me – and she isn’t even one of us.”’ -bart
bart’s actions had affected cindy so badly, that, despite cathy loving her with all her heart, it did get in the way of their relationship whenever bart was brought up or around. cindy knew full well that it hurt cathy that she wouldn’t have anything to do with bart the older she got, that she wouldn’t forgive him or forget everything that had happened long enough to have a good time when he was around. even with his absence, if his name was uttered, it was enough to set cindy off on a tyrant, and everyone knew it. she was the only one in the household who couldn’t - and wouldn’t - keep her mouth shut when it concerned bart. cindy knew it had to of hurt cathy (and chris), but she didn’t care enough to not say anything. and this reason here is why her relationship with cathy has a crack in it. cindy doesn’t care that cathy loves bart - on the contorary, she expects it from her. but she does care that cathy won’t accept her wishes to live a bart-free life. but it always hurt her when cathy took bart’s side, even when she knew she was in the wrong. and she would hold that against cathy for days at a time.
‘[[…]] it gave me additional pain to know that cindy couldn’t let go of her dislike of bart long enough to help him celebrate.’ -cathy 
‘"really, cindy, you can’t blame bart. this time you deserved a spanking.”’ -cathy
cindy uses her strong feelings against bart much to her advantage. she uses the rage that burns within her as strength to help propel herself forward. on top of her own pure ambition to achieve things, she uses the hatred to fuel her further, and she gets more accomplished than many others this way, much to everyone’s surprise. this is a habit she started (unknowingly, mind you) as a child, and during her early teenage years, when she realized what she was doing, she liked it and it’s advantages so well that she purposely kept at it. such is apparent after the dress fiasco at bart’s 25th birthday celebration.
‘"damn him to hell! i’ll show him! i’ll dance ten times better than melodie has ever danced! i’ll make every man at this party want me tonight, despite this deadly mousey gown you chose.”’ -cindy
sometimes, cindy couldn’t help but think bart had gotten to cathy, chris, jory, or emma about certain things. whenever the others criticized her or made any sort of comment on something that bart would often torment her about, a flash of horror and despair would wash over her, as she would convince herself for a few crucial moments that they were now taking bart’s side. no, not just taking bart’s side. that bart had been right all along. and that crushed her more than any of the others would ever know. in such small, simple ways, bart had managed to make such an impact on cindy and her relationships with her family members. did he even know?
‘"cindy, i wish you would wear those beach coverups at the poolside. and that suit is much too skimpy.” she appeared startled, crestfallen and hurt because i criticized her suit.’ -cathy 
‘suddenly bart was there, yelling at cindy. “you don’t have to stay. you’re just the bastard my mother had to have.” cindy blushed deeply red. “are you trying to hurt me again, jerk? you can’t hurt me now! i’m through with that!” “don’t you ever call me jerk again, bastard!” “creep, jerk, creep, jerk!” she taunted, backing up and dodging behind chairs and tables, deliberately baiting him to give chase, and in this way, give her dull day a bit of excitement. “cindy!” i stormed, furious now. “how dare you talk to bart that way? now say you’re sorry … say it!” “no, i won’t say it, for i’m not sorry!”’ -cathy 
‘"learn to keep your mouth shut.”’ -jory to cindy 
when bart enters into his affair with jory’s wife melodie, despite him barely having actual conversations with her, he (and his presence and his general attitude about things) manages to make melodie change her views of cindy. some of this is her depression over jory’s accident, but if bart wasn’t around, or even involved at all with her, cindy never would have been brought up, most can agree on. melodie can see how bart and cindy act around one another, she knows what they say when the other isn’t near. her opinions start to change, and it’s not in a good way.
it’s even apparent that bart’s relationship and time spent with joel has formed a negative opinion on cindy (as well as cathy, chris, and jory). despite cindy not being a blood relative, and it not being her fault about the incestuous relations throughout the family (that she isn’t even aware of, mind you), he still has a hatred of her, and one can only logically assume some of this is because of what all bart has told him of her.
bart has even affected cindy’s relationships with people outside of the family. friends, lovers, you name it. with lovers, he’s particularly fond of violence as her preferred method to ruin relationships.
‘"i was spoiled like you spoil your dear little cindy.”’ -melodie to cathy 
‘i can’t say i really care for joel. he seems very fond of bart, but he does nothing but criticize cindy. she can do nothing right in joel’s eyes, or in bart’s.’ -cathy 
‘"he’s ruined lance’s face, ruined it.” more than likely she was right. i had to teach bart how to hold back his rage. how terrible for such a good-looking boy to have his beautiful nose broken, to say nothing of his black eyes and many cuts and bruises.’ -cathy
this is good for now, this is by far no means everything, but i’ve tortured you enough if you’ve read all of this.
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wallypollyanna · 6 years
Shuffle play- 1933 words
Virgil wasn't expecting to be sharing his music with the rest sides when he went into the living room after dinner. He walked in and sat in his normal seat, the end of the couch, and took out his headphones to chill and listen to his music.He sat peacefully alone for a bit, doozing off a bit and calmly listening to his music. As "It's time" faded out, he slowly opened his eyes.
Which contradicted the sudden noise and flash in front of his eyes. 
It caused him to jerk up, suddenly awake. It took him a second to comprehend what was happening, but he realized quickly that the song had changed from the relatively quiet "It's time", which needed his volume up, to "Welcome to paradise", with it's opening guitars blasting in his ears.He also realized that the flash in front of him was Roman bursting into the room, yelling about his entrance.He took his normal seat next to Virgil, and innocently looked at him as though he hadn't just given him a heart attack
"So what's our favorite emo listening too? My chemical romance? Fall out boy?" He asked leaning onto him to get a better look. Virgil opened his mouth to respond, but was stopped by Logan walking in and scolding Roman.
"Is it necessary for you too yell every word you speak, Roman? I was in my room getting some work done, and I could hear you." Logan said, rubbing his forehead and taking seat.
Roman grinned, and responded "Important people say important things ,and need to be heard by everyone!" 
Virgil raised an eyebrow. "Then why do you scream everything you say?" 
Before Roman could get an offended noise out, Patton walked into the living room and smiled at them all.
"Looks like I'm the last in at this party!" He walked in and took his seat in between Roman and Logan, and looked back and forth between them all. "So what's going on?" Virgil answered first, not wanting to continue discussing Romans yelling, and said "We were just talking about my music."
Patton brightened, and said "I actually heard about something that people do with playlists and friends!"
"And what's that, Pat?" Virgil asked, unplugging his headphones.
"Well, basically it was that the music would be put on shuffle, and then every song would be a person's personality, or a song to describe a friendship!" Patton said excitedly.
"Or maybe a romantic partner." Roman added in, nudging Virgil, who in response turned away and fought back a blush. "I'm down to do it." He said.
They all turned to face Logan, who shrugged his shoulder and said " I doubt it could really give a song that completely describes a person or friendship-" Patton expression fell a bit at that, before Logan finished with "But it may help increase our bonds by going along with it. Patton squealed, and asked"Then who's going first? And who's music?"
Virgil rose his hand. "We could use mine, I guess, since I have my phone out."They all nodded in agreement, and Logan went to answer the second question.
"Since it's Virgil's Phone, I think he should be the one to go first."
"Sounds fair to me." "Go on!" Was all the encouragement he needed to go on to his music and press shuffle.
He closed his eyes, to resist looking down at the song before it started. When it did start, he could help but laugh a bit at it."Be nice to me, how ironic ". They all looked at him, confused, before he clarified.
"It's basically about a mutually self destructive relationship between two people." He shrugged, and continued. 
"Pretty funny, since I am-" the looks on there faces made him change his wording."-was pretty destructive to all of you and Thomas." 
Patton looked like he was about to but in, but Virgil cut in. "But I know I'm not anymore."
Patton seemed satisfied with that, and Roman said "Who's next then?"
"How about we just go down the couch?" Virgil said.
They all agreed, and Virgil went to click on to the next song.
"Roman it is then."
He glanced away, before hearing the beginning play. He smiled slightly, before annocing the song.
" Wow princy, you some how got a song just as over dramatic as you are."
 Roman fakes an offend look, while Patton giggles and Logan hid a smile.
Virgil smiled too, And continued to explain the song. "It's basically the magic in a relationship. It's pretty electric too, so it does fit you pretty well."
Roman lit up a bit at that, and grinned.
"Me next!" Patton said excitedly.
When they all heard the familiar chord of absolutely smitten,Virgil's face reddened and Patton's face broke into a huge grin.
"Is this Dodie Clark?" Logan asked, tilting his head.
 Virgil hid his face and nodded, and both Patton and Roman squealed a bit. 
"Who knew even someone as emo as Virgil could enjoy some soft love songs! "Roman teased.
Logan looked at Patton, and asked "So then Patton, how well do you relate to this song then?"
Patton blushed a bit and looked away responding with "A lot."
Roman smirked at Patton,as Virgil rose up to press next.
"And finally, Logan." He said.
He pressed next, and saw the last thing he was expecting to see appear.
Logan frowned at the tune, not find it familiar.
"What is this?" He asked, trying to think if whether or not he had heard it before.
Virgil hesitated slightly on telling him, not sure about how he would feel about the song. "It's called you don't know. It's kinda about a guy singing about how life is, and how you don't know what he's been threw, or what he's seen."
Logan nodded, and said "I may listen to it later, then."
 "What do we do next then?" Roman asked, enjoying this "game".
"Now we do pairs!" Patton responded.
Virgil nodded."Me and you'll go first the, Pat." When he pressed next and heard the song begin, he felt his eyes water a bit.
"What's wrong Virge? Is it the song? Is it a bad song?" Patton asked nervously, worried about him.
Virgil chuckled a bit. "No Pat, I gotta say it fits pretty well." That had relieved Patton, who started listening to the song.
"What's it called?" He asked.
"What a catch, Donnie." Virgil replied.
Roman and Logan let them be for a bit, before Roman could help but cut in. 
"As adorable as you two are, could we shift ourselves over to the other people in the room?"
Virgil nodded, and pressed next. They all sat quietly, waiting for the music to start.
When it did start, Romans expression shifted some.
"Everybody wants to rule the world." Virgil said.
Logan tilted his head, and Virgil took hid cue to explain the song.
"It's basically about people wanting power, and the chaos and destruction it creates."
Roman and Logan glanced at each other, both unsure of what to say.
Then Patton, dear sweet Patton broke the silent atomosphere by asking "How about we continue? Me and Roman can go next!."
Logan looked away from everyone, and nodded. Roman seemed to be happy with the suggestion, and Virgil pressed next on his play list.
Patton seemed happy when the song started.
"Now this is something I reginse! Where have we heard this before?."
Roman seemed pleased with the song too. 
"Seven Nation army! This is such a good hype song! I'd be lying if I said I wouldn't fight the dragon witch to it!"
Both Logan and Virgil smiled slightly.
"Sounds like the ehm, the "hype" of this song fits your a Patton's... Eccentric personality's."  Logan said, look back and forth between the two.
That seemed to make Patton happy, and Roman was ready to move on.
"Who's going next? How about me and you, dark stormy Knight?"
Logan cut in before Virgil could respond.
"Logically, it should be me and him next, due to you and Patton having just went."
Virgil shrugged, and said "Can't argue with that logic." He pressed play, and looked away from his phone.
When it started, Virgil's expression fell a bit.Logan looked at him questioningly, before Virgil sighed and explained.
"It's basically an anthem for socially awkward people, and the narrator gives off a feeling of being lost, or feeling worthless.".
Logan focused on listening to the song, and nodded. "It seems to fit my inept ability to understand social cues and such, and your stress and anxiety during them." Virgil nodded in agreement.
Before Roman could rush to suggest him and Virgil, Patton beat him too it.
"Me and Logan next!" He said, wrapping an arm around Logans shoulders. The contact seemed to fluster Logan, and made Virgil smirk slightly.
"You got it boss." Virgil said with a salut, before going onto the next song.
It was silent for a bit, before a piano started, which was recognized by all four men.
Roman bursted out laughing, and Virgil couldn't help but grin. Patton and Logan both flushed red, from a combination of the song choice, them being so close, and Virgil and Romans reaction.
Logan cleared his throat, and faced away from Patton, before speaking up.
"It maybe is a fitting theme, because of your ability to love so strongly, and my lack of ability to, "love like you", and your all around "goodness" compared to my-"He was cut off by Patton talking. "Yeah, and how I'll be able to do anything, once you realize one small thing."
Logan fiddled with his tie, before quietly asking "Patton, would you like to join me in my room got some reading?"
Patton smiled softly, agreed with a soft "Sure", before they both got up and made there way to his room.
Roman and Virgil who had been sitting there as quietly as they could, both erupt into cheers as soon as they left.
"Oh thank GOD they've FINALLY come too there senses, I don't think I could have taken much more of there hopeless pinning." Roman said while dramatically laying down on Virgil's lap, looking as over dramatic and relieved as possible.Virgil nodded in agreement. ,"Took them long enough." When he glanced down at Roman, he remembered thw phone in his hand. *Do you wanna finish the game?" He asked.
"Yes! "Roman agreed quickly.
Virgil pressed next, and sat his phone face down to play the music.
Or he did, until he heard what it was.
He automatically reached over to it to stop it, saying. "Well, that was fun we had a good time, that's enough if that." 
Before he could grab it, though, Roman took it and held it away from him.
"What is this?" Roman asked."I know I've heard it before!".Virgil desperately tried to get his phone back before Roman figured it out, but by the time he got it, it was too late.
"This is shake it! I didn't take you as that king of Myspace emo!" Roman said in a teasing voice.
Virgil blushed, resorted to hiding his face on the couch armrests."That's it, my dignity is completely gone. God, if your there you can kill me now." Virgil said, loud enough for Roman to hear.
Roman snorted at that, at patted Virgil's head. 
"It's pretty cute though, and is an, interesting choice for a song for us.
Virgil groaned, face growing darker. 
Yeah, Virgil hadn't been expecting a lot from this evening, but this wasn't too bad.
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minaminokyoko · 7 years
A Love Letter to Black Panther
Disclaimer: Y'all gon' get tired of hearing me scream, "WAKANDA FOREVERRRRRRR!"
Because I mean it. Bless this movie, man. This is everything I have ever dreamt of seeing from a black superhero with an all black cast. They couldn't have done a better job. This movie is a vision, fully realized. It's going to leave a very important impact on pop culture at large and I am so here for that. I've been a black nerd since birth, and to be given a big budget film with a 90% black cast that is backed by a studio giant is so gratifying I can see why some people left the theater in tears of joy. It's not that we haven't had black films before that did well. It's not that we're not giving credit to Blade for being a (mostly) successful film franchise with a black hero at the helm. It's all the elements lining up from having Ryan Coogler direct to grabbing actually African cast members to being marketed during the Superbowl--which is the most expensive ad time you can buy on television--to seeing an amazing integration of tradition, science fiction, and modern topics that are relevant to the black community. I sound like I'm overstating things, but I truly am so happy with how this film turned out. It wasn't a cheap cash grab. It was a genuine attempt to weave a story about African and black culture based around a whole lot of ass-whuppin' and I can't wait to dive in. Follow me, Wakandans.
Naturally, spoiler alert.
Let's start with the man himself, the King of Wakanda, T'Challa. First of all, I knew I'd love him since Civil War. Most people went for Tony or Steve and came out of that movie going, "OH MY GOD BLACK PANTHER IS THE FUCKING BADDEST I CANNOT WAIT FOR HIS SOLO MOVIE DUDE." We all knew he was a total badass, but what I left this movie with was a sincere love for the mercy and compassion he showed us in this film. It's very easy in a position with that kind of power to let it corrupt you and become jaded, but the gestures he made in this film were so lovely. I love that he was outraged by his father trying to erase history with what happened to his uncle and cousin. He was genuinely angry and hurt by it all and in the end, he showed so much kindness by letting Kilmonger see the sunrise before he died that it was honestly touching. I love T'Challa because he has such a big heart. It’s an incredibly important perspective to provide, as much of the world still sees black men as angry, dangerous thugs incapable of kindness. He has flaws as well, like his anger issues and naivete, and that's what makes his journey so compelling. It's very easy to write a royalty character as above it all, but that's why Thor: Ragnarok was so well received recently: they knocked Thor off his princely pedestal and brought him down to our level. We understand what T'Challa is going through even though we aren't royalty. He has a homeland to protect and a family to look after in his father's absence, much like we have our own responsibilities trying to tug us in a thousand different ways. I love that he challenged his father and brought about a new era, extending his help to the world. T'Challa is an excellent character and Chadwick Boseman did a hell of a job with him.
As a black woman, you know what's coming next. My girls Nakia, Okoye, and Shuri. Where do I even start? First of all, let me raise my fist for some lovely dark-skinned women getting the spotlight in a major superhero film franchise. Now, don't get me wrong--I absolutely freaking LOVED Tessa Thompson in Thor: Ragnarok. She slayed. But my heart is just bursting with pride at these beautiful badass women who are given weight, agency, and attention in this film. I have absolutely nothing against light-skinned women at all, but I do acknowledge that they tend to get roles easier than dark-skinned women because society still has this idiotic aversion to them because of the establishment's idea of beauty. It was such a rush to see each woman on screen having inner conflict and deciding what side of the line they would stand on. I love Nakia's stubborn nature and her hesitance to join the fray, but the second T'Challa was gone, she switched into spy mode and she did the damn thing. She saved the people who cared about her, she saved Ross, and she stood up for her country as well as the other people out there who needed her help. You are a diamond, Nakia. Okoye is probably going to come out of this film as the runaway favorite, if you ask me. I mean, Danai Gurira is already worshiped for her role as the amazing Michonne on The Walking Dead, but seeing her here, slicing and stabbing and beating the tar out of everyone while struggling with her loyalty to the Wakandan throne just gives me all the feels. I adored her sharp tongue and her grumpy frown and her impossible awesomeness. Then there's Shuri. I can't express my delight with her. She was such an adorable, witty addition to the team. I fully admit that I fell for the low-hanging fruit: the "WHAT ARE THOOOOOOOSE!" joke was hilarious even though I know no one over the age of thirty is going to have a single clue what she was referencing. I loved her calling Ross "colonizer." Shuri was throwing shade left and right and it was glorious. Furthermore, having her be the gadget gal of the film was brilliantly done. I loved her enthusiasm and her amazing tech. I loved that she bravely fought even though she was inexperienced. She was such a great character and I look forward to seeing beautiful little girls idolizing her mind and her strength in the future.
Kilmonger is definitely one of the strongest villains in the MCU so far. Most people ding Marvel for having thin villains, and that's not an unfair assessment. In my opinion, it's Cutting Room Floor issues. When you have to tell a story in two and a half hours, sometimes there's just too much content that you're excited to fit in and you just can't get it in there, so you take out chunks related to the villain to avoid the hero having an unsatisfying character arc. It's not a great idea, because then your villain isn't three dimensional and it can diminish the overall enjoyment of the film. Kilmonger is the answer to that problem. He had a reason for what he did, and while it wasn't an excuse for his cruelty, it definitely made you think about the fact that every good villain is a hero in his own mind. Kilmonger's plan even tempted someone in T'Challa's camp because it had a serious amount of relevance not only to Africans but black people all over the world. Wanting to stomp out oppression, especially in this day and age, is a trap I think a lot of people can fall into. I love the almost Shakespearean tragedy of it all, that maybe this could have been avoided if T'Chaka stayed behind and explained to the boy where he came from and that he had no choice. It probably wouldn't have worked, but just abandoning the kid with his dead father was ice-cold, and it's more tragic that it was done out of good intentions in T'Chaka's mind. I love that T'Challa sympathized with Erik and even offered to save him in the end. That has weight. That's excellent writing. I do admit, though, that Michael B. Jordan is definitely a young actor, because he was hamming it up pretty hard in certain scenes, but overall the kid did well with the role.
The costume design and scenery were just breathtaking. Man, I love the visuals we got to see. African culture is so vibrant and interesting. I'm really delighted knowing millions of people will get some exposure to all the different aspects and traditions it has to offer.
The soundtrack is killer. From the score to the tracks, it was done truly well.
Andy Serkis as Claw (although I don't appreciate the bait and switch, I can live with it; Marvel always kills their villains that are not Loki and even he is probably going to die in Infinity War). I knew he was an oddball in Age of Ultron, but damn, was he a complete nutcase. I appreciate how completely insane he was the whole time with no real explanation as to why. The simple glee on his face when he giggles, "I made it rain!" was just flawless. He might have the market corned for wackiest Marvel villain thus far. I'm sad that we only got to enjoy two performances from Serkis, but they were still entertaining as hell.
The action sequences had me floored. This is one thing I've always adored about Marvel films. The pacing is always excellent and they know how to wow you. If you follow me at all, you'll know one of the numerous reasons I hated the Justice League movie is that there was NO imagination in ANY of the fight scenes. Black Panther offers some of the best and most creative scenes to enjoy, from hand to hand combat to flipping cars with a fucking vibranium spear. I was cringing and twitching in my seat like I was playing a VR of Tekken, for God's sake. These fight scenes were so well done (though I will ding the film for lighting issues; the jungle scene suffered badly from that problem, as did at least one other one to my chagrin) and I loved everyone's various weapons and fighting styles.
MY BOY BUCKY AT THE END CREDITS YOOOOOOOO. I am infatuated with the idea that the Wakandans analyzed him and have been slowly helping him recover from being brainwashed and abused. It made my cold, petrified heart all warm inside when he smiled and looked out over the water. I just want Bucky to be happy, okay?! Leave me alone!
Well, I've gone on long enough, haven't I? I regret nothing, honestly. This is like The Dark Knight all over again: one of those rare instances when the hype for something was so crazy that we were sure it couldn't deliver, but not only did it deliver, it kicked the hell out of all expectations. I can't wait to see where the road will lead from here. My wish and hope is that this movie does so damn well that Hollywood opens its damned eyes and listens to what we have been saying since the beginning: we want diversity and we want it well done and we want it now. Stop relying on the old ideals of a market that we outgrew decades ago. Black people are just as complex and interesting as everyone else on the planet, and it's time you woke up. We've been doing it ourselves with all kinds of various projects from comic books to novels to short films and you can either lead, follow, or get out the way, as Jidenna once said. Your move, Hollywood.
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dancingqueen707 · 6 years
IAL #36 My VLD S6 review + My Predictions for S7
Hey hello guys welcome to another Sunday and so it’s been a week since s6 of voltron dropped and literally the fandom is dead. If you are from my writing blog my author name is Tidus S. Queen but on my personal account I am Kat. I am going to be telling my opinions about this season and how good and amazing it was
Disclaimer: these are just are my options please respect them if you don't care just dont read the post and have a nice day. I am also giving 0 hate to ships this is just my views/take on the latest season.
Because I am way to obsessed for this show I rewatched S3 to S5 before the season dropped so I knew everything for this season.
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My thoughts on Lotor:
S5 cliffhanger was Lotor and Allura going to the Altean world called Oriande to learn more about altean alchemy. Then we learned about lort how he is literally a space indiana jones and zarkon was a prick as a father to him and you feel bad for him. I’m gonna state right now I NEVER TRUSTED NO MATTER HOW HOT HE IS. The first time we meet the prince lotor is in S3 when he literally was teasing the paladins and to see if they can become voltron, but they can't because we lost shiro in the astral plane and he died in the s2 finale. So yeah thanks dreamworks for hurting me in the feels.
One more thing I wanted to point out Dos Santos one of the co-executive producer said that lotor was gonna be like a “justice league villain” in an article and as someone who loves superhero and villains I knew lotor was going in to help voltron with a bigger ulterior motive and once he got it the quintessence he literally played himself because he actually had real feelings for allura but we then learn this season that he killed f the alteans hw saved to get more enriched quintessence. Do i Feel he is not dead? Nope we saw no body therefore there is a total possibility we are going to see lotor in future seasons . Do we think he get a redemption arc like zuko? Maybe there are a lot of possibilities
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My thoughts on Allura and Lance :
Another character I want to talk about is Allura guys I felt for A llura for this season so much because she literally got played by lotor all allura wants to do is see her people and altea again. We know that Allura loves her people and her dad and she lost her planet to the galra since the very beginning of this show. The question I have been seeing non-stop is that do you think Allura is using Lance as a rebound ? NO NO NO Allura will never do that to Lance ,and Lance respects her too much to be a douche to her he cares about her he is protective friend ( i don’t blame him} . lance did get friendzone this season yes but he is not gonna be a douche to Allura because he got friendzone. Lance has manners and respect Allura. I love their platonic friendship in my views. If you ship them romantically I respect you
A lot of people are hating on dreamworks for pushing Lance over this season. Hello hi people who are thinking that that is how the vld staff and created story tell the characters arcs in this show. Do I want lance to be happy? hell yess. But Lance can’t just get random happiness as a writer and creator of any story you have to make characters suffer in order to make them grow in a story. I know personally think they are setting up Lance's arc for that reason .In my eyes lance and allura friendship are going to get stronger as the seasons progress.
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My thoughts on Keith: FINALLY FINALLY WE GET THE ORIGIN STORY OF KEITH’S PARENTS AND HIM AHH IM SO HAPPY THANK THANK YOU DREAMWORKS. Also keith has matured so much found his mom and probably bonded with we the two years that him and his mom were on space dolphins. I think that Keith need the 2 year gap with his mom. He probably learned stuff for her and he now understands his origin. Keith becoming the black paladin he is now the leader that shiro wanted him to be reference in s2 when they were going to the BOM headquarters. Keith also got a pokemon wolf when everyone else was playing dnd space version. Keith go shiro back and his mom and he has definitely grown since season 1. His fighting scene with shiro was so heartbreaking to watch but he knew how to handle the clone and respect kuro. Shiro is Keith father figure form what we saw in the flashbacks with keith dad wearing Shiro’s outfit from season 1 -2 and their bond is so deep I love them so much. I do believe that Shiro did save Keith and I love their brotherly love I really do. You ship them relatively good for you I am not hating on the ship this is just my opinion on their bond.
My thoughts on Romelle: I love this pretty altean conspiracy theorist who literally busted lotor. I love romelle I hope we see her in future seasons.
Thought on Hunk,Pidge, and Coran : they did amazing the whole season hunk defeated galra with galran policitiscs. Pidge our wonderful pidge saved the universe.. Coran has muscles he looked amazing and did great this season.
My opinions on the 7 eps:
Ep1: Omega Shield
We meet lotors nanny. (she reminds me of space yazma from the emperor's new groove lol”
Hunk learning galra politics are schooling the galrans to stop fighting (im so proud our diplomatic boy )
Ep2 : Razor Edge (more like keith and his mom bonduing ep and I’m all for that”
I love krolia, i love we get keith’s origin about his mom and dad how they met, how she got there
Texas kogane saving keith name from being yorak (lol)
They she protected keith from the blast (ahh my heart the feels)
How keith and shiro met (finally i have been waiting since s1)
How keith acted in the garrison (poor boy he fought someone )
Keith gets a pokemon who loves and it is very valid to be (also what's it’s name yorak or keith dad’s name?)
Ep 3:Monsters and Mania
The chilliest ep for the paladins
The dnd ep is my fav. I love dnd i got all their jokes about dnd
Kuro being a literal nerd yass
Lance is an adorable dork and i love him
Pidge growing to defeat coran
Allura looking like a queen being amazing with a bow and arrow
Hunk rocks every look i love how his va tyler labine made him talk man oh and punk friendship is just beautiful
Ep 4:The colony
Romelle losing her brother over quintessence
Her not believing in lotor
The ep allura threw lotor and he deserved and it was right after they kissed
Romelle being a literal badass
Ep 5: The Black Paladins
Keith and Kuro fight was so beautiful and emotional
Keith being the black paladin and has matured so well
I loved this episode too it was amazing the animation everything the soundtrack is beautiful too
Ep: 6: All Good Things
The ep that allura dragged lotor when they were fighting between the dark voltron vs good voltron
I called that lotor was gonna make a bad voltron
Allura summing the blazing sword
Coran needs to wear more muscle tees and show of his muscles more
Ep 7: Defender of all universes
The actual ship that matters the castle of lions has to be destroyed to close off the quintessence field
And the montage yeah that gave me all the feels
Looking amazing with white hair he is now a silver fox and he gets to rest FINALLY
Allura doing her own version of avatar state to put shiro essence into the clone body
The ending and the parallels . ALL THE PARALLELS THIS SEASON
My favorite episode was ep 3 because I love dnd and everyone got to just chill and play game.
My thoughts on season 7
Road Trip season i heard it's going to be from the co executive said in a recent articles
I want keith to play dnd so badly I want him to hang out more with the paladins and be super goofy
Shiro actually seeing matt again
I want to see hunk’s and lance’s galaxy garrison stories
Lance arc might happen
What’s keith pokemon wolf name?
And his dad name?
Hagger is gonna be the new villian along with sendak
I have no idea what else is gonna happen next season but i’m already hyped for it
If you have read through this whole review thank you for reading it sorry it is full of rambles but this is just what I think of this season. I loved it. I hope you are having a nice day, night or ,afternoon and what are your thoughts on this season? Did it make it or break it for you? What do you think is gonna happen in s7 or future seasons? Please like or reblog and follow my main or my writing blog I post these IAL every sunday at 9EST. And again thank you for reading my review.
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Who else on svt (other than jeonghan and dk) do you think is genuinely close?
oooo00000OOOOh b you better grab a chair 
I actually think a majority, if not all, of Seventeen is close. They’ve all trained and worked with each other as “seventeen” for so long it’s kinda impossible to not know each other well yaknow? This list is what I’ve seen lately, but I cant be the one to fully judge because I didn’t stan Seventeen from the beginning T-T
Hyung line (s.coups+ Jeonghan+ Joshua)- They have a system going on where S.coups has to make a decision and Joshua and Jeonghan aid in  the right path. Kind like in OFD japan where Hoshi and Hyung team fought and Coups was a bit too heated to really make a decision and Jeonghan provided a push and Joshua provided reassurance that it’s the right thing to do to make a meeting and resolve the problem.
S.coups+all members- He needs to be able to know all the members well enough to lead the group. He doesn’t necessarily need to be with them all the time though, and that’s okay
Gamer buds (I think it’s S.coups+Wonwoo+Woozi or Mingyu???)- They play games together lol
Jeonghan+Dk-They’re each other’s favorite roommates. Their personalities clash well like a puzzle. Jeonghan yearns of love and appreciation and someone who can take his jokes well. Dk is just that dude. Someone who smiles through every situation and uses humor as his form of energy.
Americain line (Joshua+vernon)-Joshua talks to Vernon in English and aids him in learning the language and I bet Vernon helps him with writing Korean etc. They both know bits about America and customs there. They first bonded through that and now through their personalities.
Jun+wonwoo?- They are both the type of guys who say a joke that makes everyone uncomfortably laugh, but its okay because they have this thing goin where they tell fans that the other is bad at telling jokes and is unfunny, when irl they are just teasing.
Leader Line (Hoshi+Woozi+S.coups)- To be 3 leaders in a team you need a state of neutrality and know how to work well together. They lead differently. S.coups leads the team, he makes the decisions regarding the well-being of the team. Hoshi leads steps and position he makes sure they look well put together. He is also the hype man. Woozi is the “behind the scenes” man. He creates the music in his studio with no disruptions till its perfect. He doesn’t like the attention, but Seventeen/leaderline tries their best to tell everyone that he has a large role in the creation of Svt to rightfully credit him.
Hoshi+Wonwoo-Mocking each other 24/7. Same age friends. They like to play rough sometimes, but it’s a normal thing
Gag trio (Hoshi+Dk+Seungkwan)- Get together to make people laugh. They are the loud ones who just came to see a smile.I’m pretty sure they have a cheer too so…
Wonwoo+Mingyu-The solid ship. We got puppygyu and tsundere Wonwoo. They are sweet together. Though I heard a fan tried to force the ship irl and it made then drift apart for a while? I think they are coming back together
Woozi+Vernon- Teacher->apprentice. Woozi said he wants a mind like Vernon, the way Vernon thinks is so unique and different from what Woozi would expect. and Vernon said he wants natural talent like Woozi. Not many people shed light on it, but Vernon has a lot of credits alongside Woozi (but not as much ofc) in music production and lyric writing. Woozi appreciates that and they both share the same chill energy when they are not being memes.
Woozi+Jeonghan- Woozi only lets Jeonghan do things to him? But he doesn’t really threaten to hurt him afterwards. He just kinda lets it happen lol. 
Mingyu+The8- Now that The8 is coming more out of his shell and isn’t as ‘cute’ as his near debut image, he can finally let out the fashionista inside of him. He roasts tf out of Mingyu and enjoys the same interest as Mingyu in style and designing to the point that they both said that one day they will come out with a brand together. I feel like Mingyu is legit about that, so I look forward to it.
Mingyu+Seungkwan- The relationship they have is funny to me. They do this thing where they tease each other and then the other one acts like he “had enough” and fights the other. They had a vlive together and all they did was “bicker” and it was great lol.  That’s how I am with my friends. we just tell each other to stfu and fight all the time and it’s great. Goals amirite?
Chinaline (The8+Jun)- Legendary way of meeting (Jun rippin off The8′s cap and then proceeded to spit onto his face bc he had braces) Had to learn Korean together and know the struggles of leaving their hometown far away to pursue a kpop career. Rn its like a older brother to little brother situation where The8 is the older brother and Jun always tries to mess around with him.
Seungkwan+Vernon- So soft. so so so so so soft. Seungkwan watched his lil boy grow into a man, but still treats him the same. with the constant patpats on Vernon’s face and adoring him and appreciating him. And then vernon always looking at Seungkwan when he talks and laughs at his antics. This as a pure pair.
Seungkwan+Dino- bickering lol. Dino learning how to be sassy from Seungkwan. And Seungkwan being Sh00k from his clapbacks.
Vernon+Dk- Same birthday bros. They are memes together and apperently Dk really wants to meet Vernon’s lil sister. Vernon refuses. lol same.
Dino+Jeonghan?-Dino nugu aegi is a joke among Carats etc, but Dino wasnt much of a fan of it. He is grown now as stated by him which is a loss for poor affectionate Jeonghan. I’m not saying their connection is splitting, but it is sure being grinded down bc Dino doesnt like being babied anymore T-T
Dino+Hoshi-Same thing with Jeonghan kinda. I think Hoshi is trying to get the kid in Dino to come back out again. But Hoshi also respects his work ethic and ability to help choreograph.
If I were to condense the most within-group social members it would go:
S.coups-Everyone needs to be comfortable with the leader and he needs to now his members well in order to lead right
Jeonghan- Though he likes to joke a lot, members depend on him for advice and help in difficult times. And he is always there to listen 
Hoshi- Seventeen’s hype man. When the members feel slow in energy they can look to him to find a push and strive for perfection with matching passion as him
Dk-Ability to make the room light and happy. He knows how to joke well and the members appreciate it
Seungkwan-pushing Seventeen to be more out there. With his amazing variety and Mcing skill, he always tries to get the more quiet members to show up on camera and talk a bit
Mingyu- Does a lot for the group behind the scenes like cooking and cleaning. The backbone of the dorm lol. All members know him well. He is also social outside of the group.
Vernon-Due to this kid’s slow and l o s t (lol) nature, all Seventeen members feel a need to protect him. They all agree that he is very unique and 4d. Always living in his own word that they need to pull him back to the real world to ge him focused sometimes.
The8- Before was pretty quiet, but as his Korean improves so does his social skills. He is now able to talk more freely to members and ask what a certain word means without being scared of messing up
Joshua-Joshua is the type to be quiet most of the time, but has bursts of randomness. I feel like, like myself, though he doesn’t talk too much, he is always listening and observing (thats why he is good help for s.coups when making decisions)
Wonwoo- Wonwoo is an introvert and has trouble showing a lot of emotion. He does have a bubbly side though and its seen in his nose crinkles. 
Woozi-Woozi kinda chooses to be left alone. He prefers to work alone undisturbed and I think sometimes overworks himself. The members always point out his achievements bc woozi is not the type to shout it out himself.
Jun- Jun is really 4d and sometimes childish. The members love him of course, but sometimes his jokes can be too odd for everyone to grasp when he comes in and out of a conversation.
Dino- Dino is growing up and is finding individuality. So he will prob. not be playing along with the hyungs things like he used to before. But I hope he goes back to just joking around like that bc just bc you’re grown doesn’t mean you can’t be childish ^-^
There are many more combos I probably missed. I is overwhelmed my dude. Some of my stuff might even look full of shit to others. idk lol
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panda-noosh · 7 years
1) I absolutely adore your blog and BTS I LOVE THEM AHHHHHHHhh 2) Could you do a headcanon with the paladins with a s/o who is a super good fighter, and can beat almost anyone at boxing?
Thank you so much! Iactually wrote this to BTS piano music . . . wow.
  Anyway, enjoy!
 - he knew you could fight withweapons. he knew you could argue. but whenever you start to show thatyou're good at fighting with your fists?hewould be blown away.
 - perhaps its his own skillset and his own knowledge of such a thingthat makes him so in awe. it's very rare that he meets someone thatcould beat him in a fight, and he doesn't say that in a self-centredway.
 - it's genuinely just fact.
 - so whenever he watched you completely wipe out a Galra soldier withjust your fists and your boxing skills, he had to take a minute tobreathe and evaluate what he had just seen.
 - he wouldn't ask you about it directly, I don't think. he'd muchrather challenge you to a match before he did any of that.
 - and then you won and his pride was dwindled and he regrettedeverything.
 - but he was still in complete awe nonetheless.
 - he wouldn't want you boxing, though. he would think it wasimpressive, but he'd feel a lot better if you fought with a weaponover just your bare hands.
 -Keithwould kind of see your skill as an opportunity to make himselfbetter.
 - he is definitely the type of person who is alwayslookingfor ways to improve. every move he makes is to improve himself, everydecision he makes is to improve himself. so upon seeing that he canlearn hand-to-hand combat from you, he was ecstatic.
  -he wouldn't waste a moment in asking you to train him.
  -for the first few lessons, he was basically just asking you a pile ofquestions about your own experience with boxing – when you began,the heaviest person you've fought, how many matches you've lost andwon.
 - you two would sit for hoursjusttalking about the sport itself rather than actually training.
 - and it was fine, because Keith loved hearing about your experiencewith it and he could honestly sit and listen for hours more.
 - he never knew you were so fierce, though he always never knew thereason behind you taking up boxing. upon hearing that it was becauseof an abusive relationship you had been in (I have to add my angst,sorry), he would suddenly want to know how to box even more.
 - not to improve himself. to protect you and make sure nobody everhurts you like that again.
   hewould find it extremely cool.
   Idon't think his first instinct would be wanting to learn it, thoughthat definitely came later on.
   hisfirst instinct would be telling everyoneabouthow his S/O is a boxing legend that can beat up anyone and is thegreatest human being on the planet.
   hewould just brag about it, even though it wasn't his skill to bragabout.
   hewouldn't care about that, though. you were basically half of him, sohe clearly hasevery right to brag.
   butthen time would pass and his bragging interests would die down,replaced with this undying need to know how to box as well.
   buthe would never ask you to train him. never.thatwould hurt his dignity or something.
   instead,he just watches you training on your own and then copies you as bestas he can whenever he has time.
   youcatch him one day and you can't help but laugh, even though histechnique is actually pretty good.
   fromthat day onwards, you two are just in constant competition over whocan box better. Lance actually ends up getting pretty good at it, butyou're the professional.
 - boiis so panicked the first time he sees you boxing that it'sunbelievable.
 - having you fight alongside him with a weapon was bad enough, and hewas barely letting that happen. but whenever you stroll up to afight, unarmed with just your damn fists raised, he loses his mind.
 - he's grabbing at you, forcing you behind him as he holds up hisweapon, trying to protect you.
 - until you come stampeding through, completely wiping out the enemywith a swift punch to the jaw.
 - even though he's amazed, I can imagine him still being mad at youfor putting yourself in such a situation.
 - this particular situation would turn him off of boxing altogether,and any time you even bring up training, he would just pout and belike, “I really with you wouldn't.”
 - but boxing is what makes you happy, so he tries to put up with it.
 - but if you even tryandgo into an actual battle without a weapon, he will leave a god damnbattle and drag you back into the ship.
  -wouldn'treally understand the hype behind it, tbh.
  -she finds it interesting, of course. she isn't some soulless humanbeing. seeing you in motion is always going to be a cool sight forher to look at.
 - but she doesn't understand why people are so amazed by it???
 - probablybecause she's lowkey a boxer herself don't fight me on this.
 - people genuinely come up to her and ask her about your boxingskills, since you're renowned for basically being unbeaten in yourtime of boxing.
 - and she just looks at them like “youinterrupted my work for this?”
 - but she can say this, and she can act like she doesn't care, but themoment you have a match and you're in the ring, she's the loudestperson in the crowd.
 - literally screaming for you to win.
  -she's basically the reason you're unbeaten – she doesn't letyoulose. she's that supportive that it genuinely just becomes impossibleto lose.
 - but then when you two are actually in a battle, she would of coursewant you to have a weapon over your bare fists.
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looselucy · 7 years
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80 Wednesday the 5th of April should have been like any other day, really. It should have involved waking up with a big smile on my face, a few more jobs to apply for, Harry either holding me close or already up making breakfast. They were the mornings I’d become accustom to after a fortnight of living with him. But I didn’t get any of those lovely things.
I awoke already squirming and complaining as Harry whipped the duvet off me, sniggering to himself as searched for sheets that were no longer there, my fingers clasping at nothing and my eyes still closed and my lips pouted. “Noooooooo.” I cried. “Why are you doing this to me?” “Get up! C’mon! We’re busy today.” “No.” I shook my head and then turned it into the pillow, my voice dulling. “I remember specifically that you said you weren’t working today. We have no plans. Only bed.” The mattress bounced aggressively as he leapt onto the bed, and then he started jumping. The idiotic man was actually jumping on the bed. I turned my head so I could face him, my whole body jolting as he grinned to himself, happily jumping up and down with not a care in the world. “Get up!” “I hate you.” “GET UP FLORENCE!” “DON’T FULL NAME ME!” He was so giddy over his actions, it almost looked like you could set up camp in his dimples. Even though I was cold and desperate to still be snuggled in bed, I couldn’t help but smile, just seeing how happy he was. “The thing is, Florence, there’s something happening in the centre today, and I didn’t know about it until this morning but we have to go.” “What does it involve?” I finally giggled, reaching my hands up so he could pull me to my feet. “That’s a secret.” He grunted as he dragged me upright. He stopped bouncing as soon as I was on my feet, because we both knew I wouldn’t be able to stay vertical if he continued bouncing like he had. “I’m not going unless you tell me.” “But it’s all part of the fun!” He fought. “Do you trust me?” “Of course I do.” “Then I promise, you’re going to love it.” “As long as it’s something we’ll both enjoy.” I folded my arms. “I’m going to enjoy it more than you are. Hands down. I’m going to die, I’m that excited.” “Tell me!” I pleaded. He shook his head, moving in and planting a firm, loud kiss on my forehead, and then he jumped back off the bed, practically skipping over to the kitchen, because it turned out he was midway through making breakfast after all, I’d just been too busy complaining to notice. “Go get ready.” He instructed. “We need to be there in like… an hour, so you’ll find out soon enough.” “This best be good.” I stumbled downwards, strolling towards the bathroom. I heard him sniggering again, enjoying keeping me in the dark when it came to our plans, and I was trying to enjoy it too, be excited and eager but I was just a bundle of nerves. I hated the uncertainty of it, and how hyped Harry was. It genuinely could have been anything, knowing him. He wasn’t easy to predict in that sense. It also really pissed me off that I had no idea what I should wear because I had no idea where I was going. I was just about to shout him and ask, but I knew he wouldn’t reveal anything to me, so it was entirely pointless. Harry had sorted me a set of drawers in his bathroom, which I literally thought was the most adorable thing ever. He was weirdly tidy for a young male with his own place, no one demanding he tidied up after himself, so he’d probably only done it to get my clothes off his floor and into an organised space, but I still thought it was adorable. By the time I was ready, Harry was laying out our omelettes on his dining table, still just wandering about in his underwear like he always did, hair tied into a loose bun, muscles flexing. I’d grown accustom to him looking that way, but occasionally, the sight of those tattoos, his large arms, the span of his hands, the tattered curls, the full lips and toned physique; it completely knocked the wind out of me. He was beautiful, and though I knew that to be true of his soul, sometimes it was almost like I had to force myself to be blind to his physical appearance. “What?” He pulled me from my trance. I hadn’t realised I’d been gawping at him, but I definitely had, so much so he’d noticed. “Nothing.” I gasped, though it was clear I was lying. He had this look in his eye, like he had me completely figured out, like every emotion and thought I felt was once again something that he could access easily, crawl within and explore. As I began to approach the table, wanting to move on from my obvious staring and his obvious knowledge, he moved towards me, standing his body firm in front of mine, blocking me. I looked up to him, my lips close to his chest, his fingers clasping around the dagger pendant I kept tight around my neck. “I need to make something clear.” His voice sent shivers sparking down my spine, so deep, hypnotic. He then wrapped his fist around my necklace, using it to yank me forward, my breathing faltering as the front of my body jounced into his. “What’s that?” I tried to keep my composure. But then I looked up to him, and every ounce of equilibrium I’d managed to salvage slipped away, just seeing the smirk on his face, the spark of charm that flickered somewhere in the green of his eyes. I was fucked. “What’s happening today, what I have planned for us… It’s a date.” “Wh-what?” “I’m taking you out on a date.” “I… Uh… I don’t-” I tried to pull from him, but he wouldn’t let me. I took a step back, and he followed, predicting my moves and gripping his large hands at my waist. “Tell me you don’t want this.” He groaned, keeping me in place. “Tell me you don’t want this, and I’ll stop.” Breathlessly, I tried to find the words, tried to form them in my mouth and push them outwards. But they couldn’t form there because they didn’t exist within me. Those words couldn’t rise from my heart, or my gut, because they weren’t there. I couldn’t tell him to stop because there wasn’t a shred of me that wanted him to. “I want this.” I whispered, dizzy over the words. I felt his whole body relax, my admittance easing his exterior and soothing his mind, an almost moan like sound pouring from between his parted lips. “Good.” He quaked, somehow holding me even closer. “I feel wobbly.” “You’re fucking adorable.” “The foods going cold.” He laughed to himself, once again kissing my forehead, and then he let go of me, leaving me stumbling backwards, genuinely woozy over what had just happened. When I opened my eyes, I was seeing stars, maybe because of my unease, or maybe because I was sure I’d never seen Harry look happier. “You’re already dressed for a date anyway.” He shrugged. I looked down to my outfit choice like I didn’t already know what I was wearing, almost like it was a complete subconscious decision that I’d once again decided to wear a dress. “Fuck.” I cursed gently. 81 “A flower show?” I gawped. “Yeah!” “A flower show?” “Yeah!” “You have hay-fever!” I pointed out the obvious, because his nose was already bright red, and he was stretching his face out, trying to control it. We were already stood in the centre of the large, white tent they’d put up for the occasion, surrounded by flowers and elderly couples who were wandering around, pointing at flower arrangements, mulling over the different types and colours. It was beautiful to see, so bright and warm and vivid. I felt at peace in there, and we were only in the first tent. They’d lined up around ten of them in the square in the centre of the city, and Harry was absolutely elated that we’d be exploring them all. And even though it was incredibly lovely, I still had to shake my head at him. He was like no boy I had ever known. “I’ll be fine.” He dismissed. “Are you sure?” “Yes. It’ll totally be worth it. LOOK AT THESE!” He took my hand and pulled me off towards some white flowers he’d spotted, quickly planting me in front of them, delicately reaching out towards the petals. “These are pretty.” I smiled. “Florence Daisy Valentine, these are more than pretty.” He sighed, disappointed in me. “They only grow in like… two or three places in the world. They’re called Skeleton Flowers. I don’t even know how they’ve managed to get them here without them dying. They must have been kept really warm. When the petals get wet, they go see-through.” “Really?” I gasped, a little excited. “Seriously! It’s so cool! I’ll show you the video when we get home. They’re amazing. I can’t believe I get to see one in real life!” I knew he loved flowers, he’d always been open about that, but it was still enjoyable to see him getting so excited over them. He was totally in his element, even if it meant that his eyes were watering and his nose was red and his voice was a little dopier than it was usually. Being stood in that tent, surrounded by the rich colours and the nature he had loved since he was a small boy, years before his nightmares, years before tattoos and liquor and before his father’s cancer, he seemed whole.  He was young, encompassed by an awe-inspiring happiness, before the worries and stresses of his life had pushed themselves through his bubble. I could see it all in his eyes, the dreams of a young boy rather than the nightmares of a man. He'd never looked so beautiful. “You look happy.” I told him, wonder in my eyes. “I am happy.” “Good!” I giggled. “I like seeing you like this.” “You always see me happy.” “I know but like… This is on another level. I love it.” He smiled briefly, but then the features of his face began to twitch, and I could see the sneeze building up before it finally escaped. I had to bite my tongue to keep from blurting out how cute I thought he was. So that was how we spent our morning. We wandered around each tent, and Harry sniffled and sneezed and looked adorable the entire time. He told me facts about the beautiful flowers that he loved and learnt new things about the ones that were a little less familiar to him. We spoke and we laughed and became at one with the rich colours that surrounded us, each petal and stem reaching further than our vision, somehow, almost like the effect they had left the stems tangling and intertwining somewhere much deeper. I finally understood exactly why Harry loved flowers so much. It almost felt as though it was impossible to feel unhappy in that atmosphere. Imagine how much my happiness inflated when Harry appeared with a gigantic bunch of sunflowers he’d purchased me. He’d explained he had been a little tempted to get me daisies put with them just because of my middle name, until he remembered I hated my name, and the sunflowers alone would have to do. By the time we’d sat down for lunch, I was still blushing, having to move the sunflowers down to the floor because I couldn’t see him when they were atop the table. They were big and bright and beautiful and completely in the way. “Your face is a normal colour again.” I cooed. “Good.” He chuckled, smiling sweetly across the table. The sun sunk through the ivy that climbed the metal frames that sectioned off the outside area of the restaurant he’d chosen, igniting his caring face, beating down on him almost as though he was pulling in the suns power. “You look good today.” I told him. It wasn’t that he didn’t look good every day, because he did, but he looked extra beautiful that day, filled with joy and covered in pollen. “Thank you. So do you.” He returned. “Thank you.” “I love it when you accept my compliments.” He sighed, picking up the menu. “So, how do you think it’s going?” “What?” “The date! How do you think the date is going?” I guess I’d kind of forgotten we were on a date. I hadn’t felt nervous, or jittery, I’d just been myself. Because, technically, it was our first date, but in a way, I’d already been in a relationship with him. I lived with him. Being in his company was so natural and easy, that even the title of a date wasn’t enough to make me nervy. Even so, there had been something special about that day, and we were only in the early afternoon. “It’s been really good.” I admitted, my teeth keen to show themselves. “I’ve not been on many dates, but this is by far, the best one I have been on.” “That’s a bold claim.” “Not really.” It was stupid how large my smile was. “You’re probably the only nice person who has ever taken me out on a date, so you don’t have much competition.” “Fair point.” He chortled. “But, I think you would still take the title anyway. Today has been lovely.” “So far!” He noted. “Plenty of time left in the day for me to fuck this up. OR, make it better. Hopefully the latter.” I watched him trace his eyes over the menu, and I was fascinated by him. I guess I always had been, but I was letting myself feel it more. A part of me wished I could list it all off, find the specific thing that made him so captivating, just so I could make sense of it. But it seemed to be everything about him. People often possess certain good characteristics, like kindness, intelligence, humour, good looks, compassion. I found it easy and helpful to tag people with certain wonderful characteristics. Yet Harry loudly possessed every good quality I could name, almost like you didn’t have to get to know him to realise it. His wonder was so intense and strong, that it emitted from him, and I began to question if the glow I’d noticed was coming from the sun, or if it was something that just happened from within him. I couldn’t get enough of it. At some point, I managed to pull my eyes away from him and pick what I wanted to it, opting for the biggest burger available. No mucking around. “I’ve been speaking to my sister recently.” I told him nervously. “Really?” His eyes went wide. “Shit. How’s it going?” “I think it’s going quite well! Like, we’re just texting back and forth a bit, but, it’s nice. It feels normal. Like, it just feels like I’m chatting with my sister. We’ve not been like that for years.” “Must be nice.” “It is. It kinda feels like… we could be okay.” He nodded, his fingers searching over the woven material of the white sheet on the table, tracing the white flower that had been stitched with care into the seams. He looked like he was a little hesitant over the words he was about to say. “Do you… Do you feel like you’re any closer to talking to your parents?” I was doing everything one step at a time, and it was working for me. I’d gone from ignoring things to handling them, but it had to be one by one. I felt like speaking to them was one of the final steps, one that was so far into the distance that I couldn’t see it, so I didn’t need to think about it. “I don’t know.” I acknowledged, running my hand through my hair. “It just feels like that’s a huge step, y’know? I’m just not there. I will be. Sometimes, it feels close, but… It’s not. Not yet.” “That’s okay! It’s okay if you never get there!” His pitch heightened to some extent. “It’s not an easy thing, and if it’s too big for you, that’s understandable. I… I know I wasn’t with your family for long, but I can imagine how intimidating your mother can be. I can imagine her reacting badly and fighting what you tell her. I know you snapped, when you said to your sister that you’re close to cutting them all out of your life, but… if that’s what you need to do, then… that’s okay. I think it would be amazing, if you can talk to them and figure something out. I hope that happens, I really do, but… I want it to be something you want, rather than something you feel like you should be doing. Am I talking sense?” “I think so.” “I just mean… if cutting them out is what you want, then do it. Don’t fight for something and waste energy on things you don’t want. Don’t try and heal something that’s incurable. I hope it’s not but, if it is, that’s okay, and it’s not your fault.” If we were at home, I would have wrapped my arms around him and held onto him for as long as I physically could. I’d whisper into his ear, tell him how grateful I was for him. I’d run my fingers through his soft curls, shiver when his hands stroked down my spine, sigh when I noticed I could feel the faint beating of his heart. I wished we were at home. “You’re incredible.” I opted for instead. “Thank you.” 82 Louis had done a wonderful job, when it came to teaching Harry how to give sex eyes. I was glad to be on the receiving end. I was trying to talk to him, but I was continuously distracted by the way his eyes would occasionally drop, running down and back up my body, landing on my face as he tugged his bottom lip between his teeth, his fingers running the softest circles imaginable at the top of my leg. It started feeling more like a date then, with whiskey on the table and charm in his every move. “You lied to me.” I said, ignoring the gentle bustle around us. “What? When?” “Well you told me, once upon a time, that you don’t have any moves that you pull on a date. I feel like I’ve been lied to.” “That’s not strictly true.” He leaned even closer to me, his body twisted so he could look directly at me. “I told you about the sex eyes, and I told you that I like flowers. I bought you flowers, didn’t I?” “You did. And the sex eyes…” “How am I doing?” “Very well.” “Good,” Again, his eyes flicked downwards. “I’m glad you’re impressed by my efforts. Besides, there are a lot of date moves I haven’t pulled.” The bar we’d chosen was filled with circular booths. Harry had called in a favour with a friend earlier on in the day, because apparently people booked months in advance to get one of the booths for the evening, even if it was on a bloody Wednesday night. Even though we could hear the faint chattering coming from other booths, the piano being played somewhere in the distance, it felt totally secluded. There was just me and him, most of the booth empty, the two of us tucked close together. He took his unoccupied hand, the back of his fingers brushing against my collarbone as he toyed with the chain of my necklace. “Such as?” I prompted. “Yawning and putting my arm around you, which is a classic.” “Then do it.” So, dramatically, he did. He faked the most ridiculous yawn I had ever seen, making me blurt out a laugh as I picked up my drink and brought the straw to my lips, needing something there to stop me from blurting out again that I genuinely thought he was the most adorable human being of all time. His arm fell heavy around me, making sweet little sleepy noises as we eased into our new position, and I was sure his lips were getting closer to my own. “That worked quite well.” His voice was getting lower. “Are you still comfortable?” “Very.” “Good.” “And I don’t just mean the position. I’m comfortable around you! You… make me feel comfortable. I dunno. It’s weird.” The tip of his tongue escaped its trap so that he could wet his lips, his eyes falling again, but they stayed on my mouth, his heated breath tickling the area his eyes were adoring. Maybe I’d spoken too soon, because seeing him look at me that way had my heart beating twice as hard as it needed to, my throat tight and my lips quivering. I should have been better at handling myself, but when a boy so beautiful holds himself so close, focuses on your lips whilst he dampens his own with his smooth tongue, it’s near impossible to stay unruffled. “There’s another date move that I can’t pull,” He sighed. “Even though it’s a classic. So, I’m a bit upset about that one.” “What’s that?” I managed to choke out, my voice small. “After walking you home, I’d kiss you outside your front door.” He spoke casually, and I almost gasped. “But I can’t do that, since you live with me.” The deep tone of his voice suggested that Harry had never known rejection, like he’d confidently seduced every woman he’d ever wanted. He had complete control and it was wholly inspiring. I felt like there were so many things I could learn from Harry, things I was already learning, but that kind of magnetism was something he was just lucky to be born with. You can’t learn that kind of charisma, and it can’t be taught. You either have it, or you don’t. Harry was swimming in it. “I guess you’ll need to pull an imaginative move then.” I tried. “I have something in mind.” He was leaning in, and my hand landed on his thigh, closing my eyes as though not seeing it happen would mean it wasn’t happening, because somehow it was too much. My emotions were too much, his words were too much, the atmosphere we’d created was too much. I had to close my eyes, meaning that his fingers on my jaw came as a surprise to me. “HARRY?” We heard. My eyes automatically bolted open, seeing that Harry had his screwed shut, more to do with frustration than the fact that his lips were literally almost on mine. “This is literally… the most private bar I could find.” He sighed angrily, eyes still closed. “I literally… only managed to get us a booth because I work at Vocatus.” “OH MY GOD, HARRY!” We heard the voice again. “Who the fuck is that?” His question was answered when Zayn literally jumped into our booth, the biggest smile on his face, astonishment in his eyes. Reluctantly, we distanced somewhat, Harry turning to face Zayn and give him a fake, welcoming smile before he flopped his head backwards. “HEY YOU TWO!” Zayn squealed, as happy as ever. “Bro, I didn’t know you were coming here tonight.” “Called in a late favour.” Harry grunted his reply. “Y’know, we were gunna get our own booth, but we might as well join you two! Hold on, don’t move! I’ll go get her.” He said, before bouncing straight back out. “Who?” Harry attempted to grab his attention. “WHO?” But he was gone. I could tell that Harry was frustrated when he turned back to face me and found me laughing against the back of my hand, trying to stay quiet and trying to stop myself because I knew he’d be grumpy. “What about this is funny, Florence Daisy Valentine?” He huffed. “Everything.” I concluded. “If anything, I can’t believe we didn’t see this coming. I can’t believe that we thought this day would run smoothly. There had to be a hitch. It’s us!” He was shaking his head, but just about smiling, and I saw this as my perfect opportunity to lean in and plant a firm kiss on his cheek, the stain of my red lipstick surrounded by the blushed pink of his cheeks. Zayn was back a few seconds later, dragging a girl into the booth with him, still looking exceedingly happy and surprised to have ran into us. “Guys, this is Melissa!” He beamed. “Hi.” I gave her a small wave. “Nice to meet you.” Harry said, easing slightly. “Melissa, this is Harry and that’s Ren! They’re the couple I’ve told you so much about.” My brows lowered, shooting him a confused look across the table and wondering why the hell Zayn had chosen to talk about me and Harry to this girl. “I’m worried.” Harry’s brows furrowed. “What’ve you been saying?” “Melissa agreed to be in a fake relationship with me! I’ve been telling her all about you two and how you did it! This is actually great that we bumped into you. You can tell us everything and give us some advice. Amazing. Let’s order some drinks first!” I wasn’t sure how I felt. I wasn’t mad at Zayn for telling someone, not really. It probably made sense to tell someone he’d suggested that to, that he knew two people who’d done it before. I could tell from the look in the girl’s eyes that she was doing it in the hope of getting closer to Zayn; that much was clear, and she hadn’t said a single word. But I felt uncomfortable. Neither of us had ever really delved into the details of what we’d done and how we’d worked over Christmas. It was too weird to word, and in the end, it had caused so much unnecessary stress and pain, and driven a gap between me and Harry, even though it was the thing that originally brought us together. I didn’t want to talk about it. My relationship with Harry had been so confusing and complex because of our initial beginnings, and I felt like I’d finally spent a day with him where it had never crossed my mind, where everything felt normal and lovely and I was just on a date with a nice boy. I didn’t want to be reminded of all that. I didn’t want to talk about it. I didn’t want to admit that the only reason we were there together was because of some twisted plan we’d allowed ourselves to get involved in. I turned my head towards Harry, and I could see the same disappointment running through his face. This was not how he’d wanted out evening to be. Not even close. He unwrapped his arm from around me, but dropped his hand to his side and found my fingers so he could link them with his own, clearing his throat and trying not to think about what we’d be doing if Zayn hadn’t just walked in and turned the latter half of our evening sour. 83 I was howling on top of the sheets, squirming around and clutching at my stomach, my cheeks hurting and my eyes watering. “I’m not kidding, Ren!” Harry argued beside me. “We’re doing this again tomorrow! I’m calling in sick and we’re going back to the flower show and back to the restaurant and back to the bar but this time, we’re wearing disguises. We’re doing it all again, but this time, we’re doing it without fucking Zayn coming and fucking it up. We’re doing it right.” “Noooooo!” I sniggered. “We’re doing it! Except, tomorrow, we have to get up an hour earlier to go down to the costume shop and sort out our disguises.” I wiped away my tears, glad we’d decided to make jokes about it rather than dwell on it, because our time with Zayn and Melissa had been totally exhausting. Joking about it made it okay that it had tainted what was otherwise a perfect day. I took my time calming down, my chuckles becoming rarer, and then I pulled the sheets up high, turning on my side and letting out a little yawn, snuggling my head into the pillow. “I’m sorry that it ended like that.” I smiled, closing my eyes. “I fucking hate Zayn.” “No you don’t.” “No, I don’t, he’s a nice lad, but I do. I fucking hate him.” I giggled again, opening my eyes briefly just to watch him settling down, and then I closed them again, completely at ease now we were home. “He’s harmless.” “Okay, so maybe we don’t need to repeat the whole date,” Harry continued. “But can I take you out tomorrow night? I’m working in the afternoon, but… Can I take you out again tomorrow night?” “Only if we don’t have to wear disguises.” “Deal!” “Okay.” I tittered. “You can take me out again.” “YES! Good.” Thanks to our early morning, I was exhausted. It felt like it had been a nonstop day, but it had been almost flawless. The weariness I could feel tugging my eyelids down was actually welcomed. And yet, I felt like I had to open them again, just to see Harry getting himself comfortable, still with a smirk tugging his lips upwards just slightly, seeming relatively heavenly. I was speaking before I’d even figured out what I wanted to say. “Harry?” “Mm?” He replied, eyes closed, facing the ceiling. “I like you.” I whispered, and his head whipped to face me. “I really… really fucking like you.” “Wh-what?” “I think you’re amazing, and… this isn’t a friendship, is it? Whatever it is it’s… totally insane and ridiculous but… it’s not a friendship. I like you.” I knew I’d been making that obvious all day. Maybe I’d been making obvious for even longer than that, but finally voicing it meant something entirely new. I’d just admitted it to myself in the exact same moment I admitted it to him. I’d felt something and dealt with it and voiced it immediately, as soon as it made sense to me. “You like me?” He asked, his voice so quiet I had barely grasped the words. “So much.” I didn’t need to hear him say those words back to me, because he made it clear with every movement. Every touch and every look screamed that he felt something for me that was so much stronger than a friendship. I didn’t need that confirmation, but he did. He had needed to hear that. “Fuck.” He gasped. “I… I hoped, but… Fuck.” I let out a breathy laugh, watching him as he tried to come to terms with what I’d just told him, his eyes searching over my face, like he was waiting for me to just crack and say I was joking. I wasn’t. He was never going to hear that. “Sorry it took me so long.” I swallowed. “No.” He shook his head, reaching his hand out and stroking his thumb just below my eyes. “Don’t be sorry. Never be sorry for taking the time to figure out how you feel.” I nodded, once again quickly accepting that Harry had made an extremely valid point. That’s when I noticed he was closing the gap between us once again. He was slowly hitching his head from his pillow onto mine, his eyes once again focused on my lips. His movements were so slow, drawn out and, his fingers moving to clasp at the curve of my jaw just below my ear. He stopped moving closer when his forehead thudded sweetly against mine, our noses touching, and I hooked my leg over his hip, breathing him in momentarily. “Harr-” He cut off my words as he planted his lips on mine, and I inhaled him some more, pushing the front of my body further into his and moaning into his tender kiss. Harry was kissing me. His tongue licked at my bottom lip, our mouths widening together, allowing the kiss to intensify, continuing to moan and push myself to him, losing my hands within his hair as his trailed down my back. “I adore you.” He mumbled to my lips. You know how you never really remember the moment you fall asleep? It just kind of happens? That’s what kissing him was like; just perfect and soothing and lovely and then it was happening. Whilst his lips were on mine it was like I was knocked unconscious until it was over, and then all I wanted to do was kiss him again, to be dragged under again, to slumber sweetly once again. His hips kept ticking up towards me as he groaned into my open mouth, his tongue working wonders with mine, and none of it felt real. Every inch of my body belonged to him in that moment, and it was perfect. I’d never known a connection quite like the one we were sharing in that moment, it was almost omnipotent. I wanted to kiss him until I could feel that his lips were swollen against mine. I wanted to feel all over him until the mornings sun shot through his rounded windows. I wanted to belong in that moment for as long as I physically could because no feeling I’d ever had compared. I wished it was something I could bottle, return to it and taste the sweet flavour of his lips upon mine for the first time without there being any confusion or misconception. Everything was visible and uncomplicated, and the zest of our vibrant feelings was something I wanted to taste forever. But eventually, the kiss began to calm, Harry pattering sweet miniature presses of adoration to my lips, still holding me close. When he pulled away, his lips instinctively tugged outwards, brushing his thumb over my bottom lip. “I feel like I’ve waited my whole fucking life for a kiss like that.” He whispered, twisting his finger around the chain of my necklace. I left one last chaste kiss against his plump lips before I snuggled against his chest, feeling the calm hammer of his full heart. It felt like I’d held myself against him so securely a thousand times, but our closeness that night seemed to intensify. “Goodnight, Harry.” I whispered, pressing my lips against his chest. “Goodnight, Florence Daisy Valentine.”
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vertigoambrosia · 7 years
quick quick trip report of this weekend
friday night: battle club pro
got a pic with british strong style during the meet & greet
was too awkward/nervous weird to say anything more than ‘hi’’ even the girl who cried probably said more
i’m sure you’ll be surprised to hear tyler bate is adorable and trent seven is such a doof dad
it was very hot inside
since i had bought tickets entirely for bss i didn’t really know most of the wrestlers, but i can say that local indies are real good at making heels that you can point and laugh at
like the dudes from maine that were REALLY PROUD of being from maine
unexpected ‘this escalated quickly’ of the night was logan black vs shane mercer
intermission realized a stain on my pants made it look like i peed myself so that was the end of any plans of interacting with anyone
the ugly ducklings still kinda frighten/confuse me but one of them liked my magneto shirt so next time i see them (i’m sure they’ll be back) i will get something from them
bss/carnies was amazing and the carnies really did live up to all the hype
my phone overheated and died halfway through that match
dunne vs carter was super sick; dunne did all his usual brutality and mischief
bad end: darius carter somehow fucked up a belt shot and cut pete dunne p. bad; match ended suddenly, dunne had to have stitches and was def pissed off as fuck
saturday; evolve
was really late and barely arrived before the (advertised) bell time, which i feel real bad about cause my friend finally came to a show and he had to wait for my late ass
didn’t get to meet walter :(
but did say hi to riddle; i should probably stop being surprised that he acts like we’re buddies considering 1) it’s matt riddle, and 2) i have been going to every nyc evolve show for...almost the last year, actually
i have a lot of opinions about the troll boys
tim’s sendoff after his match kinda reminded me of ‘i have to go now, my planetgermany needs me’, and for some reason he never turned on stokely, but i fucking squealed when walter came out
[v. jealous that progress boston got he and tim teaming up]
main event was insane; my boy hot sauce kinda got destroyed
[actually all of the people in that match are my boy]
i hope walter comes back to evolve (or nyc) again soon
those chops omg
i got my friend to buy tix for the next show too!
i should have actually eaten food between the shows but i didn’t really
progress nyc
this is what i wanted to write about the most b/c you’ve definitely heard some shit about it
although i obviously know of progress pretty well, i’d never actually seen a show from them before
crowd was hot af; it was almost overwhelming before the show started and jim started talking
venue was hot af; apparently it was massively overbooked (1500 tix for a gym that supposedly is only supposed to hold up to >650), and the AC broke.
also apparently they ran out of water for a bit, which....really?
jack gallagher was supposed to challenge dunne before he was injured, but instead he roasted the shit out of pete and then zach gibson came and fought him
gallagher really is adorable
i forgot bss are heel in progress; the boos! middle fingers!
tim beat dijak in a fun match and is no #1 contender for the atlas title
nyc progress crowd are more ambivalent on him than nyc evolve crowd
havoc vs janela included
many chairs
a table
a wood board (possibly a door?)
bare foot biting
thumbtacks [in bare foot]
boys i am glad you are not dead
oh did i say the ac broke? what i actually meant is that the building is apparently heated by some sort of water pipe cooling system, and it was so humid in there that water started condensing on the outside of the pipes
and the walls
the building was actually sweating
pete dunne was at ringside during sppt/bss being a lil shit
a very bad thing i know you heard about: tk cooper got a dislocated ankle. i didn’t see it, but people said it was super gnarly. it was real tense for a while; for some reason the emt wasn’t like, in the room and had to be found, and the locker room had to help carry him out cause there was no stretcher?
i didn’t know this until later cause i was in GA, but apparently two people fainted, presumably from the heat
after they carried tk back, it turned into a handicap match, which travis won (and which also featured pete dunne getting the GET OUT from the ref)
i have to give props to jim smallman, progress, bss, and travis banks for being able to recover from that; it was really tense for a while
there are too many chops in wrestling these days but walter should always be allowed to do them, even if they make us cringe
one of the chops got a ‘you sick fuck’ chant at one point because damn
riddle actually won though, which made me a lil sad, but it was obviously a Good End for most and surprise surprise both those dudes are so great
bss had a long ass line for merch/pics/etc; was also surprised banks was out there since he had to be real worried
didn’t see walter on the way out :(
riddle did wave to me though as i went past
so overall, real exciting, sometimes uncomfortable, and some tragedy, but i had a real good time
fucking exhausted though; i have done nothing this entire sunday
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iitsqii · 6 years
IAL #36 My VLD S6 review + My Predictions for S7
Hey hello guys welcome to another Sunday and so it’s been a week since s6 of voltron dropped and literally the fandom is dead. If you are from my writing blog my author name is Tidus S. Queen but on my personal account I am Kat. I am going to be telling my opinions about this season and how good and amazing it was
Disclaimer: these are just are my options please respect them if you don't care just dont read the post and have a nice day. I am also giving 0 hate to ships this is just my views/take on the latest season.
Because I am way to obsessed for this show I rewatched S3 to S5 before the season dropped so I knew everything for this season.
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My thoughts on Lotor:
S5 cliffhanger was Lotor and Allura going to the Altean world called Oriande to learn more about altean alchemy. Then we learned about lort how he is literally a space indiana jones and zarkon was a prick as a father to him and you feel bad for him. I’m gonna state right now I NEVER TRUSTED NO MATTER HOW HOT HE IS. The first time we meet the prince lotor is in S3 when he literally was teasing the paladins and to see if they can become voltron, but they can't because we lost shiro in the astral plane and he died in the s2 finale. So yeah thanks dreamworks for hurting me in the feels.
One more thing I wanted to point out Dos Santos one of the co-executive producer said that lotor was gonna be like a “justice league villain” in an article and as someone who loves superhero and villains I knew lotor was going in to help voltron with a bigger ulterior motive and once he got it the quintessence he literally played himself because he actually had real feelings for allura but we then learn this season that he killed f the alteans hw saved to get more enriched quintessence. Do i Feel he is not dead? Nope we saw no body therefore there is a total possibility we are going to see lotor in future seasons . Do we think he get a redemption arc like zuko? Maybe there are a lot of possibilities
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My thoughts on Allura and Lance :
Another character I want to talk about is Allura guys I felt for A llura for this season so much because she literally got played by lotor all allura wants to do is see her people and altea again. We know that Allura loves her people and her dad and she lost her planet to the galra since the very beginning of this show. The question I have been seeing non-stop is that do you think Allura is using Lance as a rebound ? NO NO NO Allura will never do that to Lance ,and Lance respects her too much to be a douche to her he cares about her he is protective friend ( i don’t blame him} . lance did get friendzone this season yes but he is not gonna be a douche to Allura because he got friendzone. Lance has manners and respect Allura. I love their platonic friendship in my views. If you ship them romantically I respect you
A lot of people are hating on dreamworks for pushing Lance over this season. Hello hi people who are thinking that that is how the vld staff and created story tell the characters arcs in this show. Do I want lance to be happy? hell yess. But Lance can’t just get random happiness as a writer and creator of any story you have to make characters suffer in order to make them grow in a story. I know personally think they are setting up Lance's arc for that reason .In my eyes lance and allura friendship are going to get stronger as the seasons progress.
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My thoughts on Keith: FINALLY FINALLY WE GET THE ORIGIN STORY OF KEITH’S PARENTS AND HIM AHH IM SO HAPPY THANK THANK YOU DREAMWORKS. Also keith has matured so much found his mom and probably bonded with we the two years that him and his mom were on space dolphins. I think that Keith need the 2 year gap with his mom. He probably learned stuff for her and he now understands his origin. Keith becoming the black paladin he is now the leader that shiro wanted him to be reference in s2 when they were going to the BOM headquarters. Keith also got a pokemon wolf when everyone else was playing dnd space version. Keith go shiro back and his mom and he has definitely grown since season 1. His fighting scene with shiro was so heartbreaking to watch but he knew how to handle the clone and respect kuro. Shiro is Keith father figure form what we saw in the flashbacks with keith dad wearing Shiro’s outfit from season 1 -2 and their bond is so deep I love them so much. I do believe that Shiro did save Keith and I love their brotherly love I really do. You ship them relatively good for you I am not hating on the ship this is just my opinion on their bond.
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My thoughts on Romelle: I love this pretty altean conspiracy theorist who literally busted lotor. I love romelle I hope we see her in future seasons.
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Thought on Hunk,Pidge, and Coran : they did amazing the whole season hunk defeated galra with galran policitiscs. Pidge our wonderful pidge saved the universe.. Coran has muscles he looked amazing and did great this season.
My opinions on the 7 eps:
Ep1: Omega Shield
We meet lotors nanny. (she reminds me of space yazma from the emperor's new groove lol”
Hunk learning galra politics are schooling the galrans to stop fighting (im so proud our diplomatic boy )
Ep2 : Razor Edge (more like keith and his mom bonduing ep and I’m all for that”
I love krolia, i love we get keith’s origin about his mom and dad how they met, how she got there
Texas kogane saving keith name from being yorak (lol)
They she protected keith from the blast (ahh my heart the feels)
How keith and shiro met (finally i have been waiting since s1)
How keith acted in the garrison (poor boy he fought someone )
Keith gets a pokemon who loves and it is very valid to be (also what's it’s name yorak or keith dad’s name?)
Ep 3:Monsters and Mania
The chilliest ep for the paladins
The dnd ep is my fav. I love dnd i got all their jokes about dnd
Kuro being a literal nerd yass
Lance is an adorable dork and i love him
Pidge growing to defeat coran
Allura looking like a queen being amazing with a bow and arrow
Hunk rocks every look i love how his va tyler labine made him talk man oh and punk friendship is just beautiful
Ep 4:The colony
Romelle losing her brother over quintessence
Her not believing in lotor
The ep allura threw lotor and he deserved and it was right after they kissed
Romelle being a literal badass
Ep 5: The Black Paladins
Keith and Kuro fight was so beautiful and emotional
Keith being the black paladin and has matured so well
I loved this episode too it was amazing the animation everything the soundtrack is beautiful too
Ep: 6: All Good Things
The ep that allura dragged lotor when they were fighting between the dark voltron vs good voltron
I called that lotor was gonna make a bad voltron
Allura summing the blazing sword
Coran needs to wear more muscle tees and show of his muscles more
Ep 7: Defender of all universes
The actual ship that matters the castle of lions has to be destroyed to close off the quintessence field
And the montage yeah that gave me all the feels
Looking amazing with white hair he is now a silver fox and he gets to rest FINALLY
Allura doing her own version of avatar state to put shiro essence into the clone body
The ending and the parallels . ALL THE PARALLELS THIS SEASON
My favorite episode was ep 3 because I love dnd and everyone got to just chill and play game.
My thoughts on season 7
Road Trip season i heard it's going to be from the co executive said in a recent articles
I want keith to play dnd so badly I want him to hang out more with the paladins and be super goofy
Shiro actually seeing matt again
I want to see hunk’s and lance’s galaxy garrison stories
Lance arc might happen
What’s keith pokemon wolf name?
And his dad name?
Hagger is gonna be the new villian along with sendak
I have no idea what else is gonna happen next season but i’m already hyped for it
If you have read through this whole review thank you for reading it sorry it is full of rambles but this is just what I think of this season. I loved it. I hope you are having a nice day, night or ,afternoon and what are your thoughts on this season? Did it make it or break it for you? What do you think is gonna happen in s7 or future seasons? Please like or reblog and follow my main or my writing blog I post these IAL every sunday at 9EST. And again thank you for reading my review.
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