h0nkshroom · 4 months
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multiplayers your cult of the lamb
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couragecrossing · 1 year
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just show me oscar in the car alreadyy
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aminta · 1 year
btw I remarried ck3 my current campaign is almost finished and im racing to get all of italia so I can destroy the papacy by the end of the game (which is only >25 years away).... but my empire controls spain, france, 99% of italia + sardinia&corsica, 85% of scandinavia for whatever reason and almost all my vassals love me so im powered up. i just need to invade part of bavaria and croatia and kill a few kings until my nephew inherits the kingdom of italy and automatically becomes my vassal because his mom is my vassal 😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈 we ballin rn
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FNAF Dashboard Simulator
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🐊 not-coughin Follow
guys I hate living in hurricane utah. you will not believe what i just saw.
#cryptid sightings
🐰 springbonnie-and-friends
Well? You cant just say that and tag it #cryptid sightings and not elaborate!
🕶️ cryptid_hunter Follow
Dont you know that Utah is full of cryptids man. They probably saw the Wire Monster
🐰 springbonnie-and-friends
The what.
📸 Wire-Monster-Heritage-Posts Follow
Official Wire Monster Heritage Post
🐰 springbonnie-and-friends
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🛼 he-was-a-rollersk8er-boi Follow
🛹 tony-fawk Follow
tfw you're so bad at rollerskating that your sleep paralysis demon shows up to outdo you
🛼 he-was-a-rollersk8er-boi Follow
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🎩 f-bears-family-diner Follow
We know what you did.
🌻 farmgurl1 Follow
This whole blog is giving ARG guys. But I googled the restaurant and it used to be a real place??? Someone pls explain
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⬜️ middle-of-nowhere-deactivated-02132022
GUYS I'm so scared for my life right now! bumped into his weird guy on the street and his hat fell off and his whole head was BALD AND PURPLE. like his skin was purple. And he smelled like roadkill. Did I just encounter a zombie?!
🎇 slaymechanic Follow
omg youre so rude! why are you demonizing that poor homeless man?! blocked
💌 cutsie_side_blog Follow
OP makes me sick
🖼️ simple-artist Follow
💽 foundfootagelvr3
🛤️ i-like-trains Follow
🏙️ king-sh1t Follow
🎼 classicalmusic1 Follow
🐰 springbonnie-and-friends
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🔎 henry-emily-sightings Follow
Oh my god guys normally I just post about whenever this guy ends up on the news but I literally saw him IRL today! He's moved back to Hurricane Utah?! Oh my god!
🐻 fr3dbear_fan Follow
🕵️ problem-sleuther Follow
you mean that guy who was arrested for killing a bunch of kids including his own daughter??? should we be worried
🔎 henry-emily-sightings Follow
Clearly you haven't done your research. It wasn't him. They're still not sure who the murderer was but a lot of online fans believe that the murderer might have been Henry Emily's co-owner and friend William Afton. Naturally the guy disappeared shortly after Emily's arrest. Right, @william-afton-sightings ?
🔍 william-afton-sightings Follow
The guy's a ghost. I've literally turned this blog into a search for the Vintage Spring Bonnie suit, seeing as it was what the murderer wore to kill the missing kids. It's also missing, btw. It was also the only suit William Afton would wear, and some reports say he didn't like it when employees wore his suit. I'm hoping if I look for the Vintage Bonnie suit, then Afton might be too.
🐇 bonnie_lvr Follow
I've seen a spring bonnie suit but it was probably a crappy cosplay or smth. horror attraction by my place is trying to make it freddys pizzeria themed (disgraceful)
🔍 william-afton-sightings Follow
I have literally never seen a cosplay of Spring Bonnie. DM me PLEASE
💽 foundfootagelvr3
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🎬 vintage-show-polls Follow
🐊 not-coughin Follow
Ugh this is such a niche tv show all of you are just voting based on what you know of the animatronics, not the show. gtfo posers
💽 foundfootagelvr3
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reminder this is unreality. go ahead and vote in the poll and click the link of that tagged blog tho
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WIBTA For Snitching On My Brother?
tl;dr at the end, the submissions a bit long. sorry if this sounds like stupid teen drama, but i needed outside opinions. (tw for mentions of attempted suicide)
so for a bit of context here, me (14nb) and my brother (14m) both have Parental RestrictionsTM on our phones. In my opinion they are way more severe than they need to be. i am not allowed to have any social media at all, my mother barely tolerates discord. I cannot text anyone who is not my direct sibling or parent from 9pm at night to noon the next day and i cant use any "nonessential" apps during that time frame too. my brother has the same restrictions on his phone, but he has safari removed because my mother said he was playing "random internet games". however, he has found ways around this and ways around the app restrictions. i know how he does it. i really dont have any intention of telling our mother, its none of my business and i honestly dont care that much.
I recently moved to a new school. My brother and i were homeschooled prior to this during covid. And it was fine. We went to a homeschool co-op twice a week. A year ago we were both enrolled in Local Community College as dual enrollment students. A semester into that i was Not Vibing Well and ended up having a breakdown and getting a therapist. I would talk to her directly about this but i havent been able to see her in weeks due to scheduling conflicts. The workload seemed too much to me, there was no longer a distinction between School and Home. i felt like i was constantly on the clock, and i barely saw my friends. In addition to other factors at my co-op, I got very lonely. At that time the limits on my phone were 9pm-3pm (it was later edited to 9am to noon) . I cant remember exactly what happened, but i asked my mother to at least change the communication limits so that i could talk to my friends during the day. She said no, stating that I Do Not Need to Communicate With Friends During The School Day. i do not have a real “school day” i am at home basically 5/7 days of the week. And normal kids see their friends every day at school. The argument got dropped then.
Fast forward half a year, i felt increasingly lonely, out of place, bothersome, etc, at my co-op and have decided to try going to Local Public Highschool. This meant leaving my best friend (14f)  whom i love dearly (for the purposes of this post i will call her Z). Z is one of my favorite people in the whole world, we got platonically married, I lovingly refer to her as “my wife”, and i would genuinely die for her. She got a phone over the summer which means we have a better way to communicate, replacing discord as the primary communication system. Also at that time one of my best online friends fucked up their discord account somehow and the whole online group moved to text. there's about four of them? J, Other J, B, and L (ages vary from 12-16). I believe only B is directly relevant to this story but the others are worth mentioning. Additional context (tw for mentions of suicide from now on), all of those four are varyingly suicidal. B has attempted before, at least twice I believe. out of the group i am probably the most mentally stable.
School starts! I am already feeling a bit lonely due to leaving Z but we stay positive. I wake up for school at like 530 and check my phone at like 6:45. Woohoo a message from B! It was sent at 4 am. This is concerning. There is a glitch that i can use in order to view texts for between half a second and four seconds, it depends, and i use it. B’s message reads “Bye”. theres no fucking reason that they would be texting me goodbye at 4am in the morning unless they were going to kill themselves. I cannot properly view or respond to that text until noon, so eight hours. I wait to know if my friend is ok for eight hours, and at noon i check my phone again. In that time i’ve received messages from the groupchat. J, Other J, and L all received “bye” texts from B at around the same time period. After a few messages, we know B is ok, i dmed them privately and they responded both in ims and the gc. So they are ok. But i had to wait for eight hours to know that. Later that day i asked my mom if she had considered my proposal (i asked her a day or two before if she would at least turn off communication limits because it is also rather embarrassing to be honest to have to tell other people that oh i cant respond to your message right now, sorry my mom has limits on my phone :D. In addition i get anxious when i send a message that im nervous abt and it doesnt get responded to for hours so i hate leaving messages for longer than two hours). Once again, she said no. it goes against her Views As A Parent for me to have “unrestricted access” to my phone. She offered to add only Z to the list of people i can contact during the limits. This is better than nothing but Z texts more in the groupchat than she does in private messages so it wouldn’t work that well. We argued, it didnt work out, i got pissed off and we both went to bed. i very strongly feel that for like my mental health i need to be able to communicate with my friends better than i can at the moment. And i dont want to wake up to a message from a friend, have it be the last one they ever send, and not be able to respond for hours. 
Heres where the part where i could be an asshole comes in. (so sorry that that was really long i didnt know what parts would be needed as context and what were not so i just typed everything i think might be relevant). This isnt something that i am very strongly considering, as i truly dont want to fuck up my relationship with my brother and i love him a lot. I just want opinions on whether it would like be going too far i guess. I am considering offering a trade. I tell my mother how my brother has found ways around his limits, and she turns off the communication limits on my phone. WIBTA if i did that?
TL;DR: would i be the asshole if i snitched on how my brother got around some restrictions in exchange for me being able to communicate with my friends?
What are these acronyms?
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femmikoto · 2 months
HARUKA - iceland
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i dont feel like i have to justify this one its just the obvious choice
YUNO - co-op
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has the money to justify the higher prices and likes the convenience of getting little treats OH MY GOD YUNO WAIT LOOK OUT THERES A SPEEDING CAR COMING TOWARDS YOU OH MY GOD SHE CANT HEAR ME
FUUTA - asda
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uni student budget brought him here but he gets lost in the aisles and has to climb through gaps in the shelves to avoid being trampled underfoot by those of a non-embarrassing height
MUU- harrods food hall
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SHIDOU - waitrose
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surgeon money
MAHIRU - sainsburys
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values herself enough to spend a little higher than she needs to. more willing to buy stuff like gourmet marshmallows or whatever
KAZUI - m&s
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probably a gay joke to be made about mark and spencer but im not doing it. two-income household means he can afford the higher prices until The Event. he buys his clothes here
AMANE - morrisons
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yknow when someone just gives off morrisons vibes
MIKOTO - tesco express
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he doesnt have the time to go to big tesco.
KOTOKO - aldi
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every woman deserves to enjoy a bowl of own-brand cereal before conducting vigilanteism
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rust-is-a-car-disease · 2 months
Dod crossover ideas go
Dod x orv (i think ive seen 2 on ao3 alr and they are amazing i love them. They will not be able to be pried out of my cold dead hands. I didnt finish orv but the setting is one of my favs)
Skills i think would be neat for idols/testar and co to have: immersion, crowd control, some charisma bs skill
Individual skills (not counting current stuff):
Bae Sejin: smtg to do with his amazing actor stuff. Arguably that could be included in immersion so maybe smtg to do with setting up situations like reading from a script. Legal jargon stuff exists so... maybe smtg to do with contracts or no... maybe smtg like the vow of death from tcf but less extreme? Or like informal verbal contracts confirmation to a milder degree... not to death usually probably
Ryu Chungwoo: again i love him but idk much abt him. He just doesnt click in my brain. Uh uh maybe a minor perception skill. Specifically not mental resistance. Oooh i dont actually know much abt idol dynamics, what does an idol group leader do? Uhhhh something something perfect child??? Like uh 'i have to be a good child' like in return to player. Its basically where the user is compelled to behave better? But it can go very very wrong as we can see in s tier timeline dynamics. So he would be compelled to do well and behave well maybe like a rock in the group as the hyung and leader but he could explode or crack horribly in certain conditions
Lee Sejin: incite. Manipulation related skills 100 percent. Maybee something that allows him to blend naturally into groups or with people unnoticed. Kind of like a just casually inserting himself everywhere whenever he wants. What else... uhhh id say a favour system where if someone owes him from something like him saving their life or giving them food theyre obliged to help him but that sounds too op to be fun... maybe mental suggestion? More so people think of him favourably automatically as a baseline? So theyre more open to him generally + added that if he slips an idea into conversation they will very likely take it out he intended and adopt the idea he wants
Park Moondae: wifi skill. 100 percent wifi skill. Chat with keundal maybe due to body swap and system shenanigans? I feel like hes the kind if he covers up a bit he would be able to get relatively unnoticed until he reveals himself and then suddenly he cant get any time to himself. So maybe a skill like that? Siren siren siren s- no too op its not as fun... emotionally suggestion? Like he has a skill that suggest emotions to people strongly so theyre emotional states are easier to manipulate? Its thru song tho
Seon Ahyeon: uhhhh not a mental resistance skill... sorry deer but ur nullification works differently... uhhhh oh shit idk what could be used as a skill for him... his beautiful face isnt a skill... his charm is just him... uhhhhhhhhhh... focus? He can hone in on a self set goal or objevtive maybe? I seem to remember the arc where he tries to get moondae to tell his secret... uhhh what elseeeeee uhhhh idk man ToT a lot of his traits and personalities dont fit into skills. Eternally beautiful face skill ✨
Cha Eugene: uhhhh little kitty cat... oh he can eat a lottt. I say he can store food. Yoo mia alr has the storage skill so i say he can stock pile food nutrients and stuff. It would be useful where he just eats a lot and instead of burning thru it like usual probably he can store it. My boy knows how to get attention... wait that alr carried over in black hole... uhhhh my guy knows how to utilise attention??? Like in the water festival? Focus on his coolness not how out of place he is. Cover up flaws and distract???
Kim Raebin: ah our rabbit... what to do with this bunny... maybe his music has a layer of suggestion to it? Like he can suggest things through his music like emotional and mental suggestion? Not to the point of moondae and sejin who specialises in a specific one but its there. Uhhh what else... oh! He can summon his equipment. Paired with moondae's voice he can summon a microphone and suddenly theres widescale suggestion
Keundal: can check the status of testar + marked people like in the alternate world arc where everyone got their memories (it was then right?? Or am i accidentally adding tomagachi arc to it?)
Cheongryeo: his obesessiveness and repeats havd earned him several abilities which are like but not limited to being able to check vaguely ehat his group members + moondae are doing, having the skills related to kidnapping someone(s), following scripts etc. This comes with the downside of him being even more mentally unstable and a constant worry of his kongi which will probably lead to several mental breakdowns and hammers to peoples heads. Where does one find dog food in the apocolypse? Is human meant toxic to dogs? Whooo knows? :)
Kongi: he(??) gets skills bc i said so. Also bc cheongryeo will probably go batshit crazy without kongi. Whos keeping who on a leash? Probably something like mentally healing(to an extent) for people he cares abt like cheongryeo. Kongi is adorable i will not be taking criticism. This goodest boy has negatic survival skills. He will get sick from slightly unclean food and cheongryeo has to put in the work to take care of him. He gets sick a lot in the apocolypse and everyone is trying to stop cheongryeo on a rampage bc his mental state is even worse than before.
Orbit employees: idk but i think if its fun if they benefit from being associated with not 1 but 2 system users. Ofc maybe not too. They could also just all die.
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manartistman7 · 2 years
A different explanation for sagau
Staring at the jar filled to the brim with some weird purple stuff not knowing what to do with it I put it in a box in my room.
It was a gift from someone I like to not think about why would father give me this well also a thick letter I have no interest in opening.
Half forgetting about it I continue on with my day.
at first its just a book or two I reread a line and it's different not sure if I'm miss remembering or not so I ignore it.
but all the things in genshin start to make me question my sanity.
At first it was nothing to suspicious a weird question from Albedo here a Xiao in general there.
But why did Albedo look like he was trying to hide something when I went to his lab. And why did Xiao sound so flustered every time they spoke I hear that he was not well translated but it is kinda weird.
But Ayaka and Yoimiya are a hole new breed they become more talkative like to many in to little time how can they make so many I cant help but get nervous after I lose count of how many times I have wondered around collecting everything I see while Ayaka tells me how her day went. Or Yoimiya says well a lot.
doing my commissions in mondstadt and all of a sudden klee just runs in and starts chucking bombs at everyone laughing my ass of at first then immediately realizing how weird this is I'm not in co op who is this klee and how did they get here my confusion increases when she starts speaking "Hi screen friend".
"What" I said very confused doesn't every one say traveler "um u oh" Klee looked confused for a second then said "Oh right your shy Albedo said not too talk to you in till your special present is finished but I saw you so" she then preceded to make her best puppy dog eyes "you wont tell Albedo right"
I'm not sure what to do here but go to the group chat thing and type don't worry I wont tell your bro" so I do just that Klee then said "um could you say that out loud I cant read backwards" horror begins emanating of me what did she just say say it out loud did they hack into my microphone hiding my uncomfortableness as best I could "don't worry Klee I won't tell Albedo don't worry" Klee looked brimming with joy and said "then could you maybe play with me"
not sure what the best course of action is but after the initial shock I can't help but think this is some elaborate hidden event I mean there is no way that genshin could become self aware and if it is the best way to know is throw Klee so "yes I would love to" Klee excitedly tells me to follow and I do just that.
I'm not sure what to feel anymore on one hand Klee is adorable also exploding thing with her is is fun but how the fuck is this do able in the first place there is no ai to become self aware so that is out. the in environment has become more interactive well mostly Klee but I can do a few more things but not nothing can last forever. "Klee I know your here you know the consequences" was that Jean a shit wait I'm fine but Klee is not Jean looks furious then she looked at my character after that the face was hard to put meaning to "what is the meaning of this" Jean points at my character "we agreed to keep them in the dark about this" "I uh well" Klee looks nervous I don't blame her Jean looks anger er than the trailer with so "Stop"
Klee and Jean look at me "I found Klee first and she and she only told me that she can here me" Jean looks less mad and a little barrenest "oh" Klee looks at me as if I put the stars in the sky and I know just what to say to make this better "also what was that about keeping me in the dark" Jean looks nervous for less than a second then said "well you see Klee knows knight secrets so is there any further questions" Jean speaks in a serious knightly tone I know when to shut up and honestly I felt like I ow Klee for all the incriminating things she said to me also I need to look some stuff up.
"well if that is it I'll be going" I say Klee waves happily goodbye jean also waves teleporting to a statue of the seven then logging out I open up firefox and everything related to what just happened and I find nothing I then look up anything in a average house that can make you hallucinate and I have not had any of the things that can.
then I remembered the jar I go to the box I put the jar and find the jar was have empty also I notice that the glass of the jar was not clear I could only make out the color of what is inside angrily I open the thick letter and I learned that my dad joined a fucking cult and gave me hallucinogenic drugs with an enormous amount of anger I slam the jar to my desk and stomp to the trash bags all the while saying "why did I keep that motel cumstain of a dad gift you pathetic sack of disappointment and horse shit" shouting to my self not caring if I worry anyone when I come back to the jar I see that it is empty.
a/n honestly I was going to right more but that cliffhanger ending might be better I will probably do more so uh see you sometime later bye
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ryuubff · 6 months
sdv 1.6 spoilers
okok so my initial thoughts on my first day of playing 1.6 (i did a complete restart on co-op with my friends) is that i love the new little decor in the villager's houses... like i saw seb's room and there r so much more posters and notes its so homey
the books are a good addition but theyre def more like mid-late game things because of how expensive they are hello.. LOL unless u make a lot of money early game they'd be easy to get
i also like the prize ticket thing from lewis' home! u can get more things early game (such as trees) so i think thats a neat little addition.
there was also an opossum in the town square that appeared at night and it nearly gave me a facking heart attack man so that was. definitely somethibng.
other than that thoes are the only things i've unlocked so far so i cant wait to see more things :]
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melishade · 6 months
Another banging chapter !!! Thank u for the recent chapter in this tiresome day I have several questions for this one 1. Erwin against genocide ? Hmm, I thought he fully support Rumbling, dont judge me, I only follow trend if Erwin lived instead of Armin, he'd beside Eren trampling the world. Elaborate your opinion, cause I dont get it. 2. Why in the backward earth didnt Megatron and his co tell about Eren situations and his ability ? Everyone could've prepared for the worst if they tell Survey Corps about them, especially OP, Hanji, Levi, Armin, and Mikasa. Hell, maybe they will try to convince Eren, or maybe sorry ass beat up in Levi case. Nah, it wont change Eren to change him unleashed his bullshit shitstorm. I have a prejudiced about Louise freed Yelena and the rest of Extremist Restorationists from jail. Oh maybe you can make OP and Megsy realized there is a trigger for Eren ability (Cough cough, Historia) 3. Wil you make Kenny meet Levi and tell him that he is in the good side now (sort of) ? Cant wait for trio Ackerman in action, Kenny and Levi bickering, Mikasa tired for their shit and tried to stop it, it would be hilarious IMO
OK, I think thats all. Huff, thats quite a lot to ask. Thx :)
So these are spoilers for Attack on Titan and Attack on Prime chapter 82, so go read it if you haven't.
First question about Erwin I think that Erwin could go either way when it comes to supporting or opposing the Rumbling. You just have to look at Erwin's character as a whole. Because his motivation for joining the Survey Corps was to find out about the secrets of the outside world and prove his father's theory. A selfish motivation. But when he survived his first expedition and watched his dying comrades give heart and soul to the cause, he had to hide his ambitions behind the glory of humanity's survival because he felt so guilty for leading his comrades to his death for his own selfish benefit. I'm sure that some part of Erwin did believe in the survival of humanity when he was alive in the main story, but it wasn't a top priority. Not to mention he was doing monstrous shit and sacrificing his comrades when he needed to in order to achieve his goals. His plans were effective, obviously, but it literally took him a mountain of corpses to get there. So you could factor in Erwin's selfishness for wanting to activate the Rumbling and his desire to do anything and everything to protect the walls and have his plans succeed. If we are looking from the perspective of Erwin's selfishness and him playing his part as a monster to ultimately protect the island, then Erwin would be in support of the Rumbling.
But I think the one key scene that would make Erwin oppose to the Rumbling is his death charge. His final stand. Because Erwin didn't have to go to Shinganshina, but he wanted so desperately to see what was in the basement and prove his father right. But right when the Survey Corps backs are against the wall as Zeke is killing them off slowly, and Erwin confesses his sins to Levi, Levi tells him to die, and Erwin says thank you to him. Erwin's last stand is him abandoning his dream, abandoning his selfish desires and finally fighting for humanity. Erwin's last stand was that of glory and altruism because he was finally doing the right thing for the right reasons.
Mind you, the Walls have always been cruel to him. It was the people in the walls that killed his father, not the people in Marley. It was the people in the walls that scorned and ridiculed the Survey Corps. It was the people in the walls that arrested him and beat him and planned to execute him. He knows just how selfish and cruel humans can be, but he still chose to fight in the Survey Corps. He didn't abandon his own dream, and he didn't abandon humanity despite the cruel treatment, so I don't believe he would allow for the destruction of the outside world because they all hate him and the island.
In AOP, Erwin's story plays out differently. He lives, and tells his sins to Optimus during the coup, and Optimus is understandably angry at Erwin. Erwin's guilt came to the surface when Optimus showed up, because Optimus has always been altruistic in nature, but Erwin hasn't. So when Erwin gets to live and leave the Survey Corps because Optimus said he wouldn't serve if Erwin was in command, Erwin is left with guilt and shame at the lives he let die out of selfishness. Now Eren wants to do that, kill lives out of what is clearly selfishness, and Erwin can't let that happen out of guilt and compassion. Erwin has abandoned his humanity multiple times, but I think when it really comes down to it, Erwin will still find a way to chose his humanity to make up for the cruel things that he's done.
Of course, we'll never know how Erwin would react in season 4. He merely watched from the Paths along with everyone else. But I think the salute at the end signified that he supported Levi and his choice.
Second question regarding Megatron's secrecy.
Megatron's team consists of Erwin Smith, a retired member of the Survey Corps, a civilian who's not supposed to know top government secrets, Nile Dok, someone who is sharing those top secrets to a civilian, and Kenny fucking Ackerman, the guy who killed over 100 MPs, was part of the old government, and was in prison before Erwin broke him out. If Megatron's comes up to them now with this information, they're going to ask how he got it, and he can't bring up their information. If he does, he's in deep shit, Nile loses his job, Erwin goes to prison, and Kenny will be killed. It's the same reason why they had to omit Erwin and Kenny from the report and say that it was Nile, Ymir, and Megatron who suspected Zeke's treachery. Megatron was already mistrusting of Zeke, Nile had info on the wine transportation, and Ymir was a witness. They have to frame it so that information gets told without sounding like a madman while no one gets arrested.
Third question
Kenny and Levi will interact in AOP. It's just way later. lol. But the other stuff I can't answer because that will be too many spoilers.
I hope these answers are to your liking.
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madammobius · 1 year
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now listen sega i hate being negative but ive been scorned twice before. will this have the retro engine-esque classic sonic physics recreation, and if it doesnt, will it at least feel good in its own right like generations? you can’t mess up classic physics a third time now come on. im putting my faith in that you’ll nail it but you KNOW what we want
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since im already in this realm ill take now to say, not a *huge* fan of a few of these animations, they’re a little stock/janky looking. mainly this one, why are his legs so small? relative to the stretch of his arms? 
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i know its trying to replicate the max speed thing from mania but his legs there were MUCH larger compared to the rest of him
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alright with that out of the way im going back to being EXTREMELY HYPED, you BET im getting that amy rose skin. WAIT DOES THIS IMPLY SKINS FOR THE REST OF THE GAME?!?!?! IF SO, MAY I SUGGEST SONIC’S FAVORITE CLOTHES FROM THE OVA
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sorcerous-caress · 10 months
Time to send a damage roll with PallyLock Wyll lol. He's hitting like a truck now in Act 1 and I haven't even gotten my oath broken yet btw (prepared to break at Auntie Ethel)
Remember the Bullette in the Underdark? I rolled a critical, and it was at 90hp. I downed him with a single critical hit divine smite with 104 damage btw with Phalar Aluve buff too. And i'm not even Oathbreaker yet, prepared to break it when i accept the Hag's hair. My husband who was playing co-op with me took 2 seconds to process what happened cause the Bulette died too quickly 🤣🤣🤣
A greatsword, greatweapon and paladin is the solution to everything. Cant wait to see the full potential:)
-Pallylock Anon ♡
Isn't the bulette the one mini boss encounter you want to keep alive to indirectly help you with the other fights in the underdark?
But honestly, great job anon! A nice 100 crit this early in the game is huge. Greatswords are a knights bestfriend.
The other fights will be harder without the bulette but I think you'll do just fine, paladins were made for glory afterall.
And you can avoid breaking your oath if you want by making someone else accept the hair from auntie ethel, but since it's already in your plan, then hell yeah. Wyll getting corrupted by power is always a welcomed sight.
Just be careful if you're playing on honour mode. The enemies only need to get lucky once to end your entire run. Give em hell!
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quarrybee · 1 year
okayyyy I forgot to do this yesterday but here’s my thoughts on the CoS recode
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It’s in its early stages buutt I think so far it’s actually pretty good (at least compared to current CoS). Bigger and better map, more in-depth survival aspects (water purity is a neat concept), and more in-game info on creatures instead of having to check the wiki for basic information every time. Also the survival stats menu telling you how much time you’ve been alive or how much food you ate is very good but idk if they’re adding back death rewards so. also blood moon and volcano are AWESOME events no notes. they finally gave aquatics some more interesting game play with the portals and the darting and beaching speed (you don’t lose health on land and some aquatics can move faster then others on land) and the flooding (which is a double edged sword but I’ll get to that later). Also missions and diet changes good (why is tun a herbivore though lol)
There are flaws ofc. Aliments are just. so op now. you cant heal off burn in water and mud doesn’t seem to speed up health anymore. This makes breathspammers even more atrocious to deal with. Imagine losing 8500 hp just to energy breath. Why. The elephant in the room is the current overpopulation of giant invisible semi aquatic Spinosaurus that roam the map with 600 base dmg AND thorns*, but that problem Will hopefully fade off as the game enters full release. Flood is just. nightmare mode to deal with unless your semi or fully aquatic or a bird. other then that have fun drowning Mr boreal and Gramoss. Flying is fun but why did they nerf gliders so bad lol. I get the removal of “getting launched 50 feet into the air on take off” thing but unless your at a high level good luck getting any air dork. *apparently Mijiu wasn’t supposed to have 36 defensive bleed but it was there long enough to make fighting them impossible for a day or 2 (it’s been fixed now)
I can talk about this thing all frickin day but it’s barely been a week since its release so we’ll wait and see. I like this direction the games taking tho. 7/10
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thewhitegrape · 1 year
about andrea: for MY delusions, it's based on the time they spend together/drunk uber story where he rode w. her when she was blackout, him pretending like he talks to both the botez sisters the same amt when he always mentions andrea or smth that she texted him, his dumbass never following thru with portal 2 co op w/her bc he's nervous, that's why i mentioned her 😁 it's only less plausible to me than mayapants bc he doesnt joke around w her the way he does with maya. i cant see him wanting to get w such an outgoing girl his ass wants to be indoors all day.
connors being so comfortable calling maya a dumb girl lately smth shifted seriously, the week before the gala he kept calling her stupid girl on the right, and when he watched the clip, he is so schoolboy yanking pigtails 🙄
wait i didn’t even realize he pretends that he talked to both botez sister, i just assumed he was closer to one naturally… also la lightpost story is so funny.
at this point im just agreeing you i just need them to play portal. GET OVER UR CRUSH i guess. also did you know when connor’s friend (girl from elementary, sister practically) was stuck in New York, he was able to connect her with andre who was staying there at the time??? Hmmmm 🧐
he’s also been a little boy when he talks about maya and chat does it too (obviously in a humorous lighthearted way). school boy with a school crush :3
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userblaney · 2 years
racism rant part 23456786543245
the double standards are through the fucking ROOF. it actually makes me want to fucking strangle someone. if i get called 'racist, and anti white' for saying that white ppl cannot experience racism and get held back when i have another lesson????? then a pasty ass dude call me, the n word (im fucking brown anyway) IN FRONT OF A TEACHER?? AND NOT FACE ANY CONSEQUENCES??? and if i report them?? i'm 'mistaken' and hes 'just uneducated'??? number one. educate them?? number 2. thats unfair???? these incidents happened when i was 14 btw. but do u know what is even more painful?? when ppl 100% know what they are doing, what theyre saing and the meanings of theyre actions and consequences. im talking about higher ups, teachers, slt members, shopkeepers, all that. it makes me so fuckING MADDDD. im in a class with one of my friends. she has a pretty noticeable indian accent bc she yk. moved here from india less than 2 yrs ago?? but her english is perfectly understandable. yet this bitch (ofc middle aged cishet white man) decides to pretend he has no clue what shes saying. anD PROCEEDS TO MOCK HER??? the audacity he has. hes also called me the saddest and most awkward person ever for waiting for him to fimish his converstaion. which ok yeah i am, however if alex (white kid) waits for him to finish his convo before asking something. hes polite and well behaved and praised like crazy. its not much but its very worthy of a fucking boot in the face. and if i report him?? im disrespectful. ofc i am. its jus banta inni. cant u take a joke? NOT IF ITS FUCKING RACIST I CANRT. oh yeah dont even count the number of times ive been called paki. another huge thing, im sure poc would relate to (specifically 1st gen immigrants) is being underestimated like fucking CRAZYYY dont even lieeee. when i was in primary, i was rlly good at readinf so like everytime i had a sub or wtvr yeah theyd always b like omg ur english is so good!! no shit i was born here. ur accent is rlly welsh omg i thought itd be different!! no shit i was born here. do you understand what that means?? yeah dw. my personal fave is one where ur doin sumt wrong or zoned out like ill give u an example. the local co op makes a queue for the skl kids since its right by our skl and i was waitin once bc i had to get milk n eggs on my way home innit then. i had a major migraine so i was zonin out all day and i happened to zone out while second in the q. then i was allowed in then for abt 30 secs i dint realize, then atp someone nugded be from behind so. i went in. then the security guard asked me if spoke english??? even tho id spoken to him on previous days bc im a rlly regular visitor???? anyway long story short, id been called a 'fuckin immigrant' but yeah. i'm just mad bc how can ppl who we are supposed to trust treat us like that and thing thats ok????? yeah its nutn new k bye
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