krispiecake · 1 year
ive been back at college for 5 days now and we are at the point where i unfortunately am going to be a huge bitch to everyone as i no longer have the ability to mask due to exhaustion
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storge · 3 months
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Go to bed. I’m right here. You can see me anytime.
JING BORAN as Fei Ke Regeneration (2024)
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boo-berry-gremlin · 7 months
49+ Followers Event/Arc
Content warnings: transphobia, deadnaming, misgendering, emotional abuse, and overall shitty parenting. Proceed with caution.
[Attached is a letter printed on letterhead from Wellington Industries, Inc. which appears to have the recipient’s legal name poorly scribbled out]
Dear M̶̵̶̶̶̶̘̑͆°]¢✓€° Wellington,
We received an interesting email this morning. At first, we thought it was sent to us in error, as it referenced a female student named Boo LaRue, but as it turns out, that is the identity you pose yourself as at school. Surely you are aware of our feelings on this, both the discarding of your connection to our family and corporation, and the flagrant disregard of your biology. Update your information with your school immediately, and do not lie to them again.
Speaking of lies, you also lied to us about your reasons for staying at Blueberry Academy over winter break. You informed us that you were taking advanced courses that required you to stay on campus, and we gave you that grace, despite how poorly it reflects on our family that our son was not present. However, we have received your transcript, and not only were you taking standard level courses, you are doing quite poorly in said classes.
Did you think we wouldn't figure out that you're slacking? Did you honestly expect us to be fine with this? You know our expectations of you, M̶̵̶̶̶̶̘̑͆-&$(ṣ̶̴̶̶̶̶̶̶̶̶̶̠̺̦͌͆̉͠, and you are failing them all. 
Unfortunately, your school's sham of a director has not let us alter your schedule on your behalf. We expect you to meet with the school counselor and resolve these errors immediately. Should this disappointment continue, we will be pulling you from Blueberry Academy and placing you in a more structured school. Clearly the freeform learning environment that your sisters thrived in has only enforced your childish behavior and lack of direction.
Anthony Wellington, CEO
guys, i just got this letter, and brooooooooo my parents wanna take me away from here??????? like i guess fuck me for wanting to be a kid for a lil longer
y'all i cant survive harder classes, what am i going to do???
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laughing-lazulis · 3 years
In the tags to delete later
My doggo for your trouble. (She got a haircut a few days ago and she nakey 🥺)
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sopfr3 · 4 years
Prank gone wrong?
BNHA x gn! Reader
In which the bakusquad and Y/n prank bakugou, but it goes wrong in so many ways.
Warnings: cursing, Y/n having a little crush on everyone 0.o (that hoe), maybe OOC characters?
[[stupid decisions start......
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"im sorry, bro. but I can’t risk it.” Kirishima said, shaking his head in shame. I sighed, knowing if he said no, everyone will follow with him.
“come on kirishima! you’re supposed to be the dwane johnson of the group,” i tried convincing him. Currently, I’m trying to convince the bakusquad to prank Bakugou, because he did something real dirty to me
“Oi, airhead!” Someone yelled to me. I turned around and saw Bakugou standing at one side of the door turning his head to the left to show that he found something.
“whatcha need, my man?” I said, pointing my fingers out and making little guns. “pew pew, right?” He just gritted his teeth and bit down a snarky remark. “do it for the vine,” he kept on repeating to himself quietly.
“you like the Backstreet Boys, right?” He said with a smirk plastered on his face, knowing all too well of my obsession.
“like them? i LIVE for them! i mean, have you seen them? i’d turn down even todo, my beautiful babay, for them. wait, are they here?!?! bitch, move!” I said, running faster then Kaminari saying something stupid. Already, I’m gasping for air, even if I’ve only been running for a few seconds. But the time I reached the door, I realized that Bakugou was acting a little too noice, and that he also had his phone out.
But I noticed too late, and there was that clear stuff people use to put on for food right in front of my face, and my face went right up against it. Since that happened, my body went straight forward, leaving my head behind, and making me fall. I could hear Bakugou’s laughter in the background, and he’s having trouble breathing from how much he’s laughing.
“if you don’t start running, you’ll have another reason why you won’t breathe.” I said, still laying flat on the ground. I could hear his laughing stop, but he just walked over to me, crouched down, and started talking.
“that’s what you fucking get for putting foot cream in my moisturizer, dumbass.” He half yelled, half said. “what? you don’t get the reference?” I said, still trying to catch my breath because I’m out of shape. Then there was a silence.
“now you pay for your sins, okay?” I said, but before Bakuhoe can say anything I tackled him on the ground, so I was on top of his stomach
“YOU HOE!! HOW CAN YOU DO THIS TO ME?!?! I THOUGHT I HAD A CHANCE OF MEETING MY DREAM BAND— no, I kNEW I HAD A CHANCE BUT YOU FOOLED ME!!” I yelled, while shaking his collar of his shirt with my hands. He started yelling his own insults while trying to get me off of him, but I wasn’t planning on getting off anytime soon because we’re talking about tHE BACKSTREAT BOYS!
“get off me, you crazy bitch!”
“oh, you haven’t seen crazy yet!”
“h-hey Y/n’s- A-AH, sorry!” Someone said, making me stop treating Bakugou like he was a rag doll and turn around, seeing a blushing Izuku. “oh, hey Izuku!” I said, waving to him, but Bakugou took this moment to shove me off of him.
“i-i’ll leave you g-guys to it,” Izuku said, running of to wherever, then hearing someone yell, ‘get some’ to Bakugou. Then I facplanted.
“yeah, I still need to tell the poor cinnamon roll that I was trying to kill Bakugou. but, that’s the reason why I need your help! we’re doing him a favor, if anything.” I said, sweat dropping. I see Kirishima blushing, then I pinch his checks and say,
“Don’t worry, you’re still my favorite shark boy.”
“idk about you guys, but count me in!” Kaminari said,
“did you just say I don’t know in—”
“shhhhshshhshshhh.” Kaminari said, shoving his whole hand on Seros mouth, but then Kaminari pulled away quickly when Sero licked it. “that’s straight up nasty, dude.”
“Kaminari, I don’t know if it’s a good idea—” Mina started, “Mina, yes, it’s a very stupid idea, but with a great outcome!” I started, then they all shhhhhhed me because we’re all in the dorms, standing outside of the spawn of Satans door. “okay.” She said, shrugging, “we’re all going to die someday, and it’ll probably be by Bakugou anyways,”
“that’s the spirit!” I said, clapping my hands together, but the two people who actually had common sense were still on the edge about it.
“i’ll pay you guys $50.”
“deal.” Sero said. “wait, but I want $50,” Kaminari whined, “shhhshhhshsh, we can’t always get what we want, Kami,” I whispered, patting him on the shoulder.
“that’s not very manly, Y/n.”
“well, you gotta do what you gotta do, ami right?” I said, but they just left me hanging.
Then I pulled out the trusty black sharpie marker that I always keep on myself, even though I tell Aizawa otherwise.
“okay guys, this day will forever go down in history as the stupidest death, got that? okay.” I said, starting to open the door. “Wait!” Sero yelled, holding out his hand. And I thought that he had common sense. Everyone looked at him and gave him the are-you-serious look. “we need to name it.” He said, pointing to the weapon. “hmmm, I approve.” I said, then I hold out the marker on my hand. “okay guys, we gotta-”
“what kind of name is Benjamin?” I asked to whoever said it, then Kaminari replied. “i dunno, isn’t he the one who invented it?”
“huh, that name doesn’t seem so bad now.” I said, “benjamin it is then.” As I said that, I pointed the marker to the sky like it was a sword. I turned around and opened the door, then looking around Bakugous room. Hmmm, his room smells nice, I thought. I looked back at everyone and saw Kaminari touching everything, Sero poking bakugous face, and Kirishima and Mina both playing sticks with eachother.
“guys!” I whisper shouted, and in a instant they all stood in front of me while saluting, like they are in military school. “oh? i like this. but anyways, we’re here for one thing, and one thing only. and that is to ruin bakugous pretty face with sharpie.” I said, and they all nodded in response.
“yes ma’am, sir!” They said. then they all went where Bakugou was sleeping, and I followed with them, then I started drawing on his face. I started off with a unibrow, that made Sero and Kaminari giggle like little girls in preschool. Then I let Kirishima draw a mustache on him, but it looked like he was a pedo because of the style. Mine wanted it to be extra special and gave him a cat nose, whiskers, and drew little ears on his forehead. We were all laughing at this point, then we heard it.
Bakugou falls off the bed, and wakes up in the process. We all just stand there, in either awe or disgust.
“holy shit.”
“he let it rip.”
“that shouldn’t be able to come out of someone’s, ya know.”
“g-guys- i think he’s awake.” Kaminari said, shaking in his boots. Bakugou starts getting up, with a red face. None of us know if he got up because he fell, his fart, or because of our talking. But boy, he looks mad. Or flustered.
“what thE HELL ARE YOU DUMBASSES DOING IN HERE?!?!” He yelled, his blanket falling off to reveal his..... Mickey Mouse shirt.
“the real question is.... why are you wearing a Micky Mouse shirt?” I said, pointing my finger to him, trying to hold back my snickers.
“You all have 3 seconds before I kill you all.” He said, breathing heavily.
“aw, shite,” I said, “well guys, I wish you luck and don’t die.” I said, waving them goodbye while sprinting out, but of course someone had to follow,
“hey hey hey,” Kaminari said, “i hope you don’t mind that I brought everyone else too.” I looked behind him and saw everyone else.
“can we just talk about how Y/n topped Bakugou—”
“i still want my $50!”
“or that he let out a fart so loud it woke up the giants from their million year nap?”
“i still need to tell my mom about that time I killed my goldfish and I blamed it on the dog!”
“since we’re making confessions, im gay!”
“we already know that,”
“guys, my arm is bleeding and I don’t know what to do or how it got there.”
“okay, I need to take a breather.” I said bending down and putting my hands on my knees to hold myself up. Everyone else does the same, until we remember what we were running from.
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Hey y’all! Thank you for making it this far! I hope you enjoyed, and make sure you leave a comment and hopefully a note🤞 Hope you have a good day <3
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tommyshep · 7 years
about me tag game
thank you @lesbiansebastianstan for the tag!!
how tall are you? 5′4 and im coming to terms w the fact that ill be a short ass twink my whole life its ok
what color are your eyes? blue but usually they just look grey haha
do you wear contacts and/or glasses? yup i wear contacts and i literally havent owned a pair of glasses in three years but im getting some real soon cos to wear contacts every waking hour is annoying
do you wear braces? i had them from like 6th-8th grade i think
what is your fashion style? black skinny jeans, baseball tees, baseball caps, and lots of jackets/flanels/sweaters, most all of its green and black
when were you born? april 16th 2001 (not to say april is the best but all the greatest celebs were born in april soooo (rdj, patrick stump, must i continue?))
do you have any siblings? yup just an older sister!
what school/college do you go to? i go to a community college in connecticut
what kind of student are you? im the kid who bullshits english essays and somehow gets a 105% and the teacher rants and raves and uses it as an example for the next five years.
what are your favorite subjects? im super into soc right now, but i actually really liked stats and algebra last year for some reason??? but i HATE science
what are your favorite movies? oh shit lets see uhhhh iron man iii, rent, amazing spider-man 2, scream, and the greatest showman (does life on the murder scene count??)
what are your favorite pastimes? i like reading comics and cuddling my dog, also starting to write novels is really fun (i never finish them)
do you have any regrets? hm ya i wish i had opened up more when i was struggling in middle school cos now i feel like its too late :)))
what’s your dream job? i wanna be a counselor and work with trans kids
would you like to get married? brooooooooo i cant wait to have a husband like thats the dream
do you want kids? ya definitely! i’ll probably adopt, and i think fostering sounds cool too, i would love to be at least a part-time stay-at-home dad
how many countries have you visited? uh just canada and i would probably be happy just visiting canada again i love canada
do you have a significant other? nahh but i wish, if anyone wants the job hmu
Put your playlist on shuffle and without skipping put the first 15 songs.
time machine - the click five whoa oh! (me vs everyone) - forever the sickest kids being from jersey means never having to say you’re sorry - cobra starship 5tr82he11 - mindless self indulgence apologetically - boigirl love in the middle of a firefight - dillon francis and brendon urie never lose your flames - issues i’m a disaster - ghost town veins! veins!! veins!!! - frank iero and the patience new rose - the damned bamboo bones - against me! terrible things - the ready set i love you 5 - never shout never generation throwaway - the used take cover - all time low
alright im gonna tag @heyshurii, @botanicalbucky, @starsandsupernovae, @clintbartos, @steveplustony, and @anagonyed because you guys are in my notifs a lot and ily! only if you want to ofc!
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krispiecake · 1 year
i hope that everyone is aware that i am trying SO HARD to be normal but the universe is TESTING ME.
#i am trying ao hard not to fall back into old habits rn but jesus CHRIST brooooooooo#i havent been able to get barely any time with the staff i need for the past two days and now#theyre like 40mins late with my meds bc of another tenant#and its not even like theyre WITH the other tenant rn btw there are two members of staff sat in the office just talking#and its like bro. BROOOOOOOO#like they know this shit is SO triggering and i know they cant help some stuff but i still feel like i should be able to get my meds on time#if they arent actively with another tenant#its such a small thing but it helps my brain remember that actually they do still care abt me lol#all ive wanted to do since like wednesday was just watch a movie with my fp now that we’re cool again#and i was waiting in the lounge for like an hour and no one even came in#and its not like we planned anything so im not mad or whatever im just frustrated that#i had a rlly shit night last night and a pretty shit day today#and there just isnt anyone around to talk to bc theyre all dealing with someone else#or not even just sat around talking or whatever#idk this shit makes me wanna punch things burn everything to the ground and then kill myself if im being totally honest rn#and like last night and this isnt my therapists fault or anything but ahe wasnt able to pick up#and i managed to get thru it but it just added to the feeling like no one gave a shit#and its past nine again so she probs wouldnt be able to pick up now even tho i kinda need help again#idk this shit just. its so fucking triggering and i feel insane and so tightly wound#and ive been putting so much effort into my stupid therapy and i just wanna let go and have a full on meltdown again#i wanna take a bunch of pills and scream and cry and throw things and argue and just LET GO#cuz i feel like thats my ‘true nature’ and everything else is just me faking#or masking#AND IM SO FUCKING SICK OF IT ITS SO MUCH EFFORT AND I FEEL LIKE IM GETTING NOTHING BACK
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krispiecake · 1 year
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