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potatochip-oc-dump · 1 year ago
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could you imagine.... chip but pokemon trainer... life would b so beautiful
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devilmeows · 1 year ago
been thinking about my ocs' pokemon au so hi. i am making a post about it
last member of the Sinnoh Elite 4 - assumed the position after Bertha retired, then the order was shuffled around for him to come last after Lucian
he and Lucian get along pretty well :)
his team doesn't have a clear type majority, but he does have 3 dark-types
his team is made of Mona (F-Meowstic, starter), Noivern, Salazzle, Obstagoon, Meowscarada and Weavile (only Mona has a name so far, but the others have names as well. just havent found them yet lol)
he lives in Sunyshore with his girlfriend Anathema :) it's close to the league and it's the warmest city in Sinnoh which is important for his Salazzle
speaking of, he found his Salazzle as a Salandit as he and his friend Arwin were helping with investigating into an illegal breeder: they found out he was breeding Salandit, and by the time the breeder got arrested the Salandit were no longer fit for living in their natural habitat or in most of Sinnoh. Ryden boxes her/leaves her at home when he goes to Snowpoint
his exact origins are unknown, but he was found by Louvain in Kalos, and he lived there for a few years before the Forna family moved to Sinnoh
just a trainer. Doesn't really have the same ambitions as their girlfriend, and is content with where they are right now
lives in Sunyshore with their girlfriend Ryden :) works as a mechanic there
their team is made of Roxie (Honchkrow, starter), Mienshao, Glaceon, Ninetales, Hisuian Zoroark and Gastrodon (East) (like Ryden, they all have names, i just havent found them yet)
they found their H-Zoroark as a Zorua near Lake Acuity - I headcanon that after the whole Distortion World stuff from Platinum, Sinnoh has experienced space-time distortions much like those in PLA. However, the Pokémon that emerge from them usually die within a few hours if not found. This specific Zorua got lucky that Ana was passing by
originally from Kalos, and a former member of Team Flare because of their parents. They escaped after blowing up one of their most important labs and they were found severely injured by Ryden in the streets of Lumiose City
they continue to dye part of their hair orange despite this. They just think the colour looks neat, and they look different enough now that anyone who might wish them harm wouldn't recognise them
actually the "they dont have nicknames in this post, but all of their pokémon do have nicknames" applies to everyone. gonna stop adding it now
also just a trainer. he's actually pretty tough but he doesn't really bother fighting. he's a dad he's past his youthful days of fighting all the time
lives in Floaroma with his husband Lucius :)
originally from Kalos, where his family has lived for generations. they did, however, die in a house fire a few years after Lucius came into his life, which is partly what prompted the move to Sinnoh after little Ryden entered the picture
his team is likely incomplete for now, but is made of Lycanroc (midnight), Lycanroc (dusk), and Delphox (starter). is it obvious that he's a werewolf in canonverse
he works at the Floaroma Community Centre and has entertained the thought of opening a bar there because he has an interest in mixology. Floaroma isn't exactly the target demographic for a bar though, so he settles for making cocktails at home for fun
travels a lot because of whatever it is that his family did/some other reason that is unclear as of now
also also just a trainer. just like his husband, he's actually pretty tough, but he doesn't like Pokémon battles, so he avoids them as much as possible
lives in Floaroma with her husband Louvain :)
they're the one who suggested Floaroma when the Forna family moved to Sinnoh, mainly because they like gardening and they thought the generally relaxing atmosphere of the town would benefit their husband and their kid
originally from Unova, and a former member of Team Plasma. he joined it because...lore unclear for now. He/his parents worked at a shelter and Lucius saw a lot of mistreated Pokémon, which made him more enclined to listen to Team Plasma and believe in their ideals, but then he realised it was all just Ghetsis wanting power before the events of BW went down and he dipped
her team is likely incomplete for now, but is made of Altaria, Decidueye, Florges and Lycanroc (day). have not determined who the starter is yet
finds it funny that one of Ryden's coworkers is named Lucian
one of the Sinnoh region's top trainers. considered becoming a gym leader, but his team isn't uniform enough for that
born and raised in Pastoria. currently lives in Veilstone
avoids cities that are too close to the Coronet mountain range because they're cold as balls
his team is made of Empoleon (starter), Garchomp, Dragalge, Eelektross, Togekiss and Basculegion (female)
they obtained their Basculegion in the same way that Ana got their Zoroark: on a walk around Lake Acuity because their Empoleon wanted a swim. space-time distortion happened. they kept the funny fish
Arwin and Ryden met as kids on the beach near Pastoria: Arwin was surprised that younger-than-10 Ryden already had a Pokémon. They became friends and remained friends and set out on their Pokémon journey together many years later. They dated during that, but Arwin broke up with Ryden and shortly after he had to go home because his mother Chantelle was in an accident
the accident didn't kill Chantelle, she was fine after a few days, but it was an extremely stressful time for Arwin, and he blames Furie for it: she was there when it happened, her Staraptor was also injured, and Arwin interpreted that as her being the cause of the accident. He hates her as a result (she wasn't actually to blame)
will do everyone else: Later!
also lore is subject to change if i feel like changing it
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dissolvingfromsalt · 2 years ago
🎫 gummy?
ooohhhhhh this was was kinda tough bc i havent thought about her as much as my other ocs :o but here's a few things!
gummy was originally supposed to be a garbodor! i changed her to be a trubbish because i just love trubbish so much.. here's an old doodle of what she looked like before that decision!
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(and ig this would be what she'd look like in the future if she were to evolve?)
she's pretty charismatic, she always finds something to talk about! she befriends one of the mons in her team very quickly, but as a result he feels pretty bad about how he and the others lying to her, keeping her from knowing she's actually in a band of THIEVES and not just "finding" all of the rare and expensive treasure...
some more old doodles... shes teaching him how to play triangle!
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her whole team only consists of a few pokemon, all poison types. herself, a skuntank, a croagunk, and their boss whos a drapion
the croagunk isn't as nice to gummy... or at least not at first. things start to change however when gummy finds out that the croagunk loves books, and she starts to read books together with her!
her boss really isnt nice to her either, he tries his best to ignore her most of the time because he doesn't like how she treats the team like they're a group of travelling besties as if they're not criminals constantly on the run...
tbh her story needs a lot of work lmao, it's pretty much been untouched since i first came up with the idea like 4 years ago.. i want to make redesigns for her teammates that i can post soon though!
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veiledfox · 2 years ago
1 and 24!
Munday Meme
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1. When did you start writing on Tumblr?
} From what I can recall, 2012 or 2013, I was absolutely not supposed to be on here at the age I was, but I couldn't give less of a shit after such a stifling and annoying life of growing up with a highly religious LDS Mormon family, who I still live with, but I've not been active with that shit for even longer than that honestly. I'm not even gonna sugarcoat that I started with MLP either, cause that's what was big at the time and I had actually gotten into it. It ***used*** to be good, used to be fun, but it started getting horribly repetitive and boring and I moved on rather quickly. Went from MLP to Pokemon, Pokemon to Soul Eater, made a RWBY OC, made another RWBY OC which became a team, then remade that team and expanded to near 30 RWBY OCs in total, then cut back down to a pair of "main" OCs with 2 extras. Finally came here, independent but adaptive OC who could play into a number of different fandoms.
24. What about your muse are you most proud of?
Honestly, it's a mixture of my prior primary muse and Kyuushi. My prior muse was the full realization of an OC who I had been working on/writing through two prior iterations before the third became what I really wanted them to be. I still write them on Discord with a friend since we've grown really attached to the throuple our muses from RWBY have. But we've both p/much entirely abandoned our RWBY blogs on here and most association with the fandom since the RPC wasn't really great, and the show's been fucking garbage for years now.
Kyuushi, however, has been the one Muse that I've put so much time and thought into and felt happy with how she was right away. She's become my main muse 100%, and I'm honestly really proud of her, and how I've adapted her to different worlds and their rules so far. Just... really wish people seemed more interested in interacting with her. People say they are, but then just... don't. Ever. Unless it's the small circle of people who've stuck with me throughout my last 4-5 blogs, there's next to nothing happening with any of my muses with anyone.
Aside from them, Axel, I've had the idea of Axel for a long ass time and adapted them from another RWBY OC into an independent OC and brought them back on here, and I love my Chimera Boi so much. Just, again, the lack of interest in interacting with him hurts quite a bit honestly.
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Yo! Made yet another Trauma Center OC for James' sidestory within the manga verse, this time it's Juila who recently made her debut in my first ever fanfic, figured I'd draw out an overall appearance for what she looks like so you can imagine the scenes with her in your head, including fleshing out some of her personality, she was originally supposed to be an nurse alongside Angie and Leslie but changed my mind on that and made her the second Surgeon of the G.U.I.L.T Reserve Unit alongside James Lunagazer, anyway onto her bio.
Juila was born on the southern part of Angeles Bay in 1994, making her presently 24 years old, as an young child, she often got up into an lot of scrapes as she was the type to be an massive daredevil and want to help others in need.
Although most of these adventures often put her in danger and at odds with her father, who she absolutely despises given he often was overprotective of her and often made choices for her against her will, especially after an incident where she saved someone who was drowning as an teenager, but it resulted in her getting an nasty scar across her right eye when some thugs that had pushed the person in picked an fight with her.
Although the thugs were caught and arrested by the police, this pretty much led to her and her father getting into an huge fight and breaking off their bond, especially as her dad brought up her deceased mother into the argument.
Although after this event, Juila decided to become an lifeguard in order to save lives just like she did back then, to hear her tell it, she was an very fast and powerful swimmer, often compared to a shark in a frenzy trying to reach it's prey, or in her case the person in trouble out at sea.
However eventually on one rescue there was an badly injured surfer, and due to not being fully experienced with medical treatment other than CPR or bandaging, Julia felt powerless and could only watch as they were picked up by the ambulance but unfortunately the surfer had passed away due to late treatment, and so decided to join med school in order to become an paramedic so that an treatment would never be delayed until the ambulance arrived again.
It would be during this period she came across an at the time senior student Leslie Sears, and after getting to know each other, Julia realised that Leslie was the one she saved from drowning as an teenager all those years ago!
Juila reinvigorated by this discovery, threw herself into working harder as both an medical student and an lifeguard, eventually earning the nickname of "Rescue Shark Julie" but after two years, Julia decided her path lay elsewhere and chose to become an surgeon instead of an paramedic, handing in her resignation to the lifeguard crew who were all very sad to see her go, but wished her the best in her endeavours, she still visits them from time to time and even performs unofficial rescues years later though!
Eventually she worked her way up into joining Caduceus USA for her high professionalism and skills, which seemingly were of an supernatural quality... it was here she got to reunite with Leslie who was part of Caduceus by this point and even met fellow Surgeon Tyler Chase, who she sympathised for his plight around his Sister Amy contracting G.U.I.L.T, although she wouldn't be assigned to the main G.U.I.L.T Counter Measure Team, she would be skilled enough to head up the Reserve Unit alongside Senior Nurse Bentley Toby, and eventually gained an partner in the form of James Lunagazer, if you ever need someone to aid you at sea or in hospital, Juila's your gal!
As long as you don't get on her bad side! ("Don't worry, I don't bite...much.)
Additional Information about Julia:
-She used to play Pokemon on the Gameboy back when Gen 3 was an major fad at the time, but when she played Gold and Silver and eventually their remakes in Gen 4, she looked at Misty as an major inspiration for her tomboyish attitude and the fact she used water types, even styling her hair like HeartGold and SoulSilver Misty!
Not that she'll admit it though, she's an major closet fan but was discovered by James one day when she left her backpack behind and he went to return it to her, but thankfully he was also an major fan.
("Is that an Vapoureon badge!? I'm into Pokemon too! Even named my Eevee "Eva" after the robot seen in WALL-E!"
"Y-Yeah, but swear to me that you will tell absolutely NO one of this! Last thing I need is Tyler poking fun and breaking down my image of an tough girl!"
"O-o-okay... but I'd think it makes you cute though... and I'm sure Dr. Chase wouldn't do that... I think.")
-Her Caduceus scrubs are coloured Yellow with Dark Red to remind herself of her lifeguard days, and to give herself the boost she needs to save lives, even if she's not on water anymore.
-She was rather skeptical and apperhensive of James Lunagazer joining at first, mostly due to his young age of 20, and viewing his shyness as an sign of being too fragile wondering what Ben saw in the young surgeon, so she often tried to keep him out of most G.U.I.L.T operations she believed were beyond his level.
However after being called out for being overprotective in the same manner as her father by Leslie, and that James needed to experience these trials himself sooner rather than later, Julia relented but made it possible to be by James' side as much as she could, eventually seeing his power and resolve to push past his nerves.
After these, Julia eventually came to see James as an promising equal and became another mentor to him along with Tyler, Derek and Bentley, including trying to break down his shyness when she discovered James had gained a crush on a certain nurse from Elysium three years later!
("Aww, seems my little partner is finally growing up after three years away! Although you certainly could use some more confidence in avoiding an tongue twister around Ms. Ross though!"
"WH--WHA-!?! N-n-n-no!! I-I-I don't get tongue-twisted around Heath--uh! Ms. Ross, I-I was only uh...taken aback by how beautiful she was--AAAARRRGHH!! WhatamIevensaying!?!"
"Good grief... can't even take an little teasing, just be glad it's me and not Tyler, though he could use an different target compared to Dr. Stiles and Angie now and then~!"
"D-D-Don't you even dare!!!")
-While she is highly disciplined, that doesn't stop her from pulling wisecracks now and again, (she's still an rebel underneath!) Especially around Tyler and sometimes pairing up with James' little sister Kira Lunagazer to pull some of these tricks, (with an reasonable boundary of course!) And she's got quite an strong punch given she also did karate as an child, even sparring with Angie sometimes.
-When she once temporarily visited Resurgam University Hospital for an seminar, she got into an fierce row with Maria Torres over the matter of discipline when as usual Maria was fighting with the Paramedics over an minor screw up, seeing an lot of herself in the angry paramedic, Julia decided to try and instil some restraint into Maria... with little success.
("There's just no winning with that one, usually the stubborner one wins out, in this case Maria over you."
"Oh thanks for the compliment Dr. Cunningham...and how are you even allowed to carry an cigarette in here!?"
"You're only questioning that now? Anything weird pretty flies at Resurgam... even nearly getting stabbed in the head with an arrow or dealing with an annoying machine that can't understand figurative speech..."
"I now suddenly fear so much for this hospital, and feel sorry for you....")
-Julia for hobbies sometimes swims at the beach when she's off duty during the summer, and even goes scuba diving with Leslie from time to time.
-She looks up to Cybil Myers as an motherly figure and decided to try her hand at being an therapist for G.U.I.L.T patients, it didn't go well exactly but Cybil still appreciated the effort, as for Victor Niguel.... oh boy the pair often get into an lot of heated debates over Sci-Fi films if Victor was ever somehow in the room...
("There's no way that would ever be possible! It just doesn't work like that! DOES NO ONE IN THE FLIM INDUSTRY UNDERSTAND ANYTHING BASIC ABOUT ACTUAL SCIENCE!?"
"SHUT UP VICTOR! Stop taking the fun out of it!!")
And that's pretty much it for Julia! Haven't decided on an second name for her, but I'd figure given the situation with her father, she'd probably not want to go by her other name, Haven't decided what Greek God would fit her yet, or if I want her to just be an normal surgeon or even have one of Asclepius' daughters blessings as an alternative.
I'd pretty much decided in personality, Julia would be like Maria Torres, except more disciplined and far less prone to using violence on others to get her point across, anyway that's all for the second Surgeon of the G.U.I.L.T Reserve Unit!
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penumbramewtwos · 2 years ago
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I posted 196 times in 2022
That's 196 more posts than 2021!
57 posts created (29%)
139 posts reblogged (71%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 129 of my posts in 2022
Only 34% of my posts had no tags
#mewtwo - 75 posts
#pokemon - 58 posts
#newtwo - 20 posts
#babytwo - 17 posts
#beginner artwork - 15 posts
#fanfic - 11 posts
#rotom - 5 posts
#fanart - 5 posts
#mew - 5 posts
#pokemon cafe remix - 5 posts
Longest Tag: 102 characters
#(when do i level-up from beginner artist and ameture fanfic writer. can someone point out my exp bar!?
My Top Posts in 2022:
I attempted drawing a Mega Mewtwo Y for the first time... I am not happy at all with how it turned out, but it can only get better if I keep trying, I guess.
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Bonus bad drawing of the day, pen ink Mewtwo: No eraser, lots of worrires!
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14 notes - Posted November 21, 2022
Updating 'Mewtwo OC' info: 'Okita'
Name: Okita Spes. (THR-M2E-ID#141/150) She/Her.
Pokemon Species: Mewtwo (one of many spliced clones of Newtwo).
Nature: Gentle. Likes bitter, Dislikes sour.
Birthdate: April 30th. 2034.
Pronoun: She/Her/They.
Gender: Intersex. (Identifies as Female)
Sexuality: Ace, Lesbian. Aro* (She's moderate on the Aromantic spectrum, it would take many factors to convince her)
Height: 1.9m (Adult) (shorter than average). Human form (Adult): 1.77m.
Weight: 118kg (Adult) (less than average). Human form (Adult): 55kg.
Region: Aunura [Fan-made: Based off Australia]
Likes/Interests (non age specific):
Her hobby of inventing weird and wonderful gizmos. The only drawback being - She's the only one who can understand them.
Drinking bitter coffee flavoured milk.
Playing video games with her human parents Pokemon, Hoopa.
Hugs from her parents.
Collecting bits of old hardware to fuel her hobby.
Dislikes/Dreads (non age specific):
Making friends, and having to talk to people in public.
Sleeping. (Nightmares are common)
Fighting. (She will if she has no other choice)
Talking about her childhood.
Fear of blood, and medical treatments* (Especially invasive ones).
Creation info:
The Team Rocket faction in the Aunura region created 76 Mewtwo, with the DNA and data left over from Newtwo's escape.
The 76 Mewtwo we're created by flooding a host's body with Newtwo's DNA.
A Host/Vessel had to be very young, and Psychically gifted: Either a Psychic Pokemon with full IV, or a human child of strong Psychic type trainer parents.
The steel plates on the back of her head and upper-back are unique to her: The bottom plate has a mixture of Dread plate and Dusk stone. When introduced to her bloodstream it forces the Mewtwo DNA to almost nullify completely. leaving her with a human guise. Within the top plate, the dust of a Mind plate can be drawn upon once her 'medicine' runs out. to help with reinstating her true Mewtwo forme.
Fun Facts:
Okita loves listening to electronic music on the lowest setting (she has good hearing, like most Mewtwos).
See the full post
15 notes - Posted December 5, 2022
I got a couple of birthday gifts this morning
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See the full post
17 notes - Posted November 24, 2022
Hope you're enjoying your lunch/snack/what ever meal you'd like call it @paradoxiusblack
I had a spare 30 minutes before I had to drive home, and couldn't stop laughing at what you randomly said xD
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Sorry for how Ocunan turned out in my rush, I'm looking forward to learning more about his character another day when I have a clearer mind and more free time.
(Ocunan belongs to @paradoxiusblack )
Now I know why he's yellow... Jks xD
24 notes - Posted November 4, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
My first ever Fanart! I have such mixed feelings about it, but overall proud that I could pull something off after such little experience.
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Brain: DO IT!
Me: Why? I just want to draw Pigment with a simple pose...
Brain: Toast!!!
Pigment and Huey belong to @xxtc-96xx
Okita belongs to me.
TC was one of the first Mewtwo artists/bloggers I came across, I fell in love with their rollercoaster series, and brilliant art very quickly after trying to find out more about Newtwo. Newt from the anime (and their story) was and still is so amazing to me! such a different characteristic to her Brother. I can't thank them and other Tumblr blogs I've discovered enough for my first creative spark!
I still can't shake all my nerves about making Fanart, but I loved making this so much! Now I want to draw my OC in a GLaDOS costume for Halloween because she loves robots xD
178 notes - Posted October 21, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
A Year in Review... I joined in July... Or. I think August? O_o idk
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hxdrostorm · 2 years ago
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@15-44​ has sent: 4 (for both star wars and pkmn if you're up to it 👀)
Mun Views  [Accepting]
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4. On your fandom. 
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// For Pokemon: I saw that gen 9 has finally been released, and how much of a buggy mess the games are (It’s just BDSP all over again). And I’m curious to see how people are going to defend GF/Pokemon company this time around. For USD$60, I sure hope people are enjoying the game. But somehow, I feel like this new generation is even worse than Galar. BECAUSE, it came after all of the shitshow that the previous generation turned out to be. They literally haven’t done much in the way of improvement, from one generation to another one. I mean, why would they? Gen 8 may have been their most profitable gen ever since the original and gen 2 hype.
It’s not all a lost cause, but these games shouldn’t have been released in this state. And watch them mask the “fixing patch” as the USD$30 DLCs that are coming. I obviously still very much love the franchise, but the most recent entries have been so... Disheartening to see. Is it wrong for me to say how I think us as fans deserve something better? I wished that the companies in charge of pokemon, would change their strategies. So the team working on the main line games would be able to have proper time, to establish and iron out the next entries. Bc both humans and pokemon designs wise have been pretty lackluster, if I say so myself.
For SW: Going from one subject to another one...
SW is primarily a succession of tragedies, one after another. That’s the main drive for the series’ narratives, and I’m shocked to see the amount of people who just seem to be unable to handle these themes in a fandom for a show like this.
SW isn’t anywhere near on the same level as say GoT/HotD, in the amount of taboo/darker subjects. But the serie’s main theme is war, it’s literally in the name sake. And the franchise, never sugarcoated or even romanticized this topic and always tried to show the effects it had across the galaxy as well as from all perspectives. That’s IMO the coolest part about SW. The entire cast of SW isn’t 100% good or bad, there is nuance in many places.
Then, here comes some people who I feel like, would be way happier in a fandom for a serie like pokemon. ‘This character did some bad things, and I’m not happy with it, that’s why I’ll stan a version of this character that in no way or shape reflects the source material’. IDK man, if you’ve to do this in order to get any amount of enjoyment out of something, then... WOuldn’t it be better to try get into something that’ll cater to your tastes better?
I’m not being a canon purist, bc hell I’m also not the most SW knowledeagble (there is still a lot I must have yet to know, everyone knows it is a mess.). BUT IM SAYING THAT, mAKING OCS OUT OF ESTABLISHED CHARACTERS IS KINDA OF COUNTER PRODUCTIVE IN MY VIEW POINT. Especially if they get mad, that ppl will turn to the source material for reference, and not consult their personal interpretation of the facts. Which in no way or shape, will ever replace the canon.
I understand not being comfortable with stories, SW can get dark at times. That’s why I feel like, some people would be happier in other communities.
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a-tale-of-legends · 3 years ago
How do you come up with good ocs? Also hi I like your blog 👋
First of all thank you so much!!!
Secondly, making good ocs? Hm. Well I don't really think there's bad oc's..
Like. Okay.
I have a lot of oc's. Some are more nuanced that others ( like comparing my gym leader ocs to my main and secondary protagonist ocs). How I came up with them? Well that depends.
They all start with an idea. Alexis, my bw Mai protagonist oc, came from the idea " what if Hilbert was depressed?" ( Look. I was very young when I created him. Middle school-high school me didn't know much then.....also his name used to be Noah). Danica,Sinnoh oc, was " what if Danica was goth and creepy?". Of course, now both of these characters are much different than how they started out to be. Alexis isn't just " Hilbert but depressed"( god), he's a traumatized forced hero who's too afraid of the world and himself to properly heal. Danica isn't just " dawn but creepy", she's a lonely girl who manages to make friends with a lonely pokemon ( Giratina), and is struggling with both her ego and her imposter syndrome. Most of my protagonist ocs are made via me playing the game ( unless it's a nuzlocke) and experiencing the game through their eyes, all based on the idea before. Also, just in general, when I play a game, I'm already making characterizations to the mc I'm playing lol.
On the flip side, my gym leader and elite 4 ocs don't have to be as complex, since by default, the gym leaders already are? Well, no that's not it. I guess what I'm trying to say that they are just simpler due to them having an actual gimmick: the type they specialize in! And because of that gimmick I can tell how they affect the region around him. I made a set of Kalos gym leaders/ elite four members a while back to replace Malva and Viola ( cause I accidentally made a bug specialist and loved her too much to let her go...which is ironic since she didn't even replace Viola, but that's not the point). The whole theme was " challenging Kalos' beauty ideal". I made the headcanon that dark, ghost and poison are considered ' evil' types both in nature and no thanks to the evil teams constant usage of this. This is especially prevalent in Kalos, where said types don't meet there ideals and thus having one be a gym leader or worse, an Elite 4 member would cause an uproar( both from those against and for this change). Psyche, a ghost type specialist, had gotten the spot as the new Elite Four member. Chaos ensues. There's a lot more I could go into here, but to put it simply, these oc's help the worldbuilding of this world, about the what I think should be addressed and such. They don't all have to be like this though: sometimes you just make a fun oc and you just slap em onto the world lol.
Ah, I hope this was okay! I know I tend to ramble ( a lot) and not make much sense. A quick tdlr: I just have an idea, whether it's for a character or the worldbuilding that I want to do, and build up from there. Whether it's through playing the game again, or simply discussing it with mutals( or just thinking about them nonstop), they'll eventually grow into what you want to be/ just still be a fun character you can love :)
I hope this answer will suffice! And thank you!!
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ygo5dsmonth2020 · 5 years ago
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We’re back! It’s that time of the year! The mods are excited to announce this year’s themes for YU-GI-OH! 5DS MONTH 2020. 
Bored during quarantine? Say no more. We hope you join in this year!
Day 1 (July 7th): Stardust Acceleration
Accelerate! We’re kicking off into overdrive by starting this month off with our hero of the hour! Rev it up by showing us how YOU celebrate Yusei Fudo’s birthday!  
Day 2 (July 8th): Sink or Sail
As good captains, we all have a ship we’d set sail on. Which is yours?
Day 3 (July 9th): Story to Story
Our tale begins with a fast-paced story that takes us through the city’s tournament with the Fortune Cup, the Satellite’s peril with the Dark Signer’s, to Crash Town, to once again Neo Domino City’s action with the World Racing Grand Prix to the conclusion with the Ark Cradle. Which arc was your favorite?
Day 4 (July 10th): Songs to Fix a D-Wheel To
Let the music play! Do you have a playlist you wanna share? It can be for a character, a ship, an overall arc, or a fanfiction! Come on Eileen, show us what you got!
Day 5 (July 11th): Bloom of the Black Rose
Pitch dark flower, set to bloom! Today we celebrate the Black Rose, Aki Izayoi! How will you choose to celebrate our loyal psychic?
Day 6 (July 12th): As Above, So Below
Heaven or hell. Signers or Dark Signers. The Crimson Dragon vs the Earthbound Immortals. Whose side are you on?
Day 7 (July 13th): This Town Ain’t Big Enough
Yeehaw! Bring out your ponchos, set your guns to duel, and show us what all Satisfaction Town has to bring? Is it a character? The city itself? A duel? Satisfy us!
Day 8 (July 14th): Power Play
Further Turbo Dueling King, the Master of Faster, lover of ramen, and one hell of a (jack)ass. Today we’re celebrating the King Himself: Jack Atlas!
Day 9 (July 15th): Fly Your Colors
The World Racing Grand Prix! Today is all about Teams, whether it be Team 5ds, Team Unicorn, or even somewhere out of the WRGP- Like Team Satisfaction! Which Team are you on?
Day 10 (July 16th): Free Day I/Introduction Day
Our first free day! Use this day to either introduce yourself to the crowd or feel free to leave it open! It’s up to you!
Day 11 (July 17th): Fly, Blackbird!
This Satellite bird is our man of the hour! Our favorite hardworking, lovable, mother hen for kids, and unbeatable duelist, but what else is there? Show us! Give your love for Crow Hogan!
Day 12 (July 18th): Star-Crossed Lovers
Have you ever wanted to see the cast of Yu-Gi-Oh 5ds paired up with someone from another show entirely? Wanna see Yusei Fudo in a relationship with Dawn from Pokemon? Now’s your chance! Anything is possible today!
Day 13 (July 19th): Flip the Script
We all have a favorite alternative universe we’d like to see Team 5ds in. Whether it be a coffee shop, college, or maybe even a glimpse of the timeline Z-ONE came from! Anything is on the table for this day!
Day 14 (July 20th): Words Have Power
Like the Heart of the Cards, there are many signature catchphrases within the world of 5ds. What’s your favorite quote?
Day 15 (July 21st): Spirit World Walker
The holy light of protection, now cross and become eternal life! She may be small, but she sure is mighty! Bow down to the protector of the Spirit World- Rua/Luna! Today’s day is all about her!
Day 16 (July 22nd): Me and My OC
Most of us out there think of an original character to place into the world of 5ds. For many of us, it’s the start of friendships, self-journeys, or just fun and self-exploration into another world! Show us your OC today!
Day 17 (July 23rd): Polar Opposites
The modern-day story of light vs dark. A tale of contrasts. Ying-Yang. What two opposites do you want to showcase?
Day 18 (July 24th): Heart of the Dragon
Envoy of love and justice! This energetic machinist has as big of a punch as his heart! Today is all about Rua/Leo!
Day 19 (July 25th): Flex Your Canon
We all have our different headcanons about the characters or story. What are yours? It can be anything from changing canon to implementing your own ideas!
Day 20 (July 26th): Free Day II/Support Fellow Creators
Our second free day! You can use this day to submit whatever you wish, or you can shout out your favorite artist, fanfiction author, or just your favorite character! Give someone else some well-deserved love.
Day 21 (July 27th). Spin the Wheel, Throw a Dart
Story tropes! This could be anything from a day on the beach, a sleepover episode, or anything in between! What trope do you wish to see in the world of Yu-Gi-Oh 5ds?
Day 22 (July 28th): Tech Genius
The android with a supercomputer for a brain, Bruno stole our hearts as Antimony and continued until the bitter end. Today’s day is all about Bruno!
Day 23 (July 29th): Bad Guy Syndrome
The series had its swarm of enemies: whether it be Divine, Ruder/Roman, Rex, or Z-ONE. Which is your favorite?
Day 24 (July 30th): We’re Here Too!
Out of all the characters in the entire series, who do you feel is under-appreciated, or deserves more attention? Show us!
Day 25 (July 31st): Dead Guy Walking
Former Dark Signer, leader of Team Satisfaction/The Enforcers, and a brooding man looking for some satisfaction. Today’s day is all about Kalin Kessler/Kyosuke Kiryu!
Day 26 (August 1st): In the Z-ONE
Z-ONE is the man behind the madness. What kind of man do you think he is? A man trying to save the world, or destroy it? Tell us!
Day 27 (August 2nd): Pain vs Puff Pieces
Angst vs Fluff. Do you prefer a fairytale ending or a bittersweet tragedy? Pick one and show off!
Day 28 (August 3rd): Tale of Two Stories
We now have seven Yu-Gi-Oh series! What would happen if one of our heroes from Team 5ds happened to meet someone from the past, or perhaps the future? Whether you prefer to rev it up, high five the sky, or get your game on, show us what you got!
Day 29 (August 4th): You Can See Them Too?
The world of the Duel Monsters is filled to the brim with spirits. Showcase either your favorite duel monster or a moment within the Spirit World!
Day 30 (August 5th): Free Day III
Our last free day! Share with us anything your heart desires!
Day 31 (August 6th): Going My Way!
Today is the last day, but we still have the road to tomorrow. What does the future hold?
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annsparksthegmr · 4 years ago
Pokemon Black Nuzlocke - Part 1
Hey! Wanted to try something different because quarantine is boring and since where I am, lock down is happening again, I thought about doing something I thought I’d never do: why not attempt a Nuzlocke of one of my favorite Pokemon games? Sounds crazy, I know. But I could at the very least put the game down in between sessions. And I thought by doing one, it would be interesting - and I kind of wanted to work on a Pokemon OC idea based on that run.
One I hope to get to drawing soon enough. But for right now, it is Nuzlocke time. (I should be finished Shield, but honestly I’ve gotten too bored and disappointed with that game to even finish the main story.)
So if you’re interested in reading the little notes I have regarding this Pokemon Black Nuzlocke, you can read more below. And if you don’t, that’s fine too!
So with all that being said, I'll try and keep things in bullet points since I’m not entirely sure how to format this. But I’m going with Nuzlocke Rules as follows:
I can only catch 1 Pokemon each route that is my first encounter. If it faints, I can’t have any other Pokemon from the route. (Gift Pokemon also do count as an encounter if given in a specific area. Such as the one before the first Gym counts as my Dream Yard encounter.)
However, I am involving a dupes clause in case I encounter the same Pokemon back to back on routes. So I can’t have two Lillipups but I will allow myself to capture a Purrloin and Liepard if they are on separate routes as encounters. But if the Purrloin has evolved to a Liepard by the time I encounter the wild Liepard, I can use Dupes clause to not capture it. (I hope to not have to use this rule. But I just don’t want a team full of the exact same Pokemon when I have to face the champion.)
If a Pokemon faints, I can not use them again since they are considered dead.
All Pokemon on my team must be nicknamed. No exception.
Shiny Clause is here in place by some random odds a Shiny Pokemon appears. I’ll catch it, but I won’t use it.
As challenging as it would be to play without items, I will only restrict myself from using the battle enhancing items such as X Speed.
Any additional ones shall be added if I feel like things are getting too easy.
Now to the actually notes regarding the beginning of this Nuzlocke.
Current name of my character is Avi. It is a placeholder name for the time being. But I like how it could be a nickname.
Starter Pokemon is Snivy. !!!Female!!! Nickname shall henceforth be Queen. (Could have probably gone Fire or Water Starter, but I am bias toward most Grass Starters.)
Route 1 encounter is a female Lillipup. Nicknamed Puppy.
Fought N and Queen was brought into yellow health. Switched out to Puppy for the easy victory. Kind of forgot N just decides to challenge you out of nowhere, but thankfully I was healed for the battle beforehand.
Route 2 encounter is a female Purrloin. Nicknamed Ghost Girl - Yugioh Vrains reference. Later, I came to regret the name choice.
Ghost Girl nearly died to a critic hit from a Level 4 Patrat. Survived on 1 hp.
In Striaton City fighting Cheren at the school. He manages to burn Ghost Girl and reduce her to 2 HP. Still alive as Puppy finished off the Tepig. Puppy also finished off Purrloin and defeated Cheren.
Dreamyard Patrat also brought Ghost Girl to red yet again. Purrloin seemed nice but appears to be a liability.
In the Dreamyard, I took the Panpour to help out against the upcoming first Gym battle. Despite the fact I doubted to use it in the long run, I decided to name him Fountain
Striaton Gym is primarily a Fountain and Puppy show in the battles. Got the first badge after beating Chili without any losses.
Fennel comes to bug me about Dream Mist and stuff while my Pokemon are still injured. So I healed everyone up before heading there. Bianca just watched as a Munna got hit by some Team Plasma members before one of them decided to come and hit me. Hit me as if battling me. Which i quickly defeated one no problem. Then the other met the same fate.
Thankfully a Musharna stepped in while Bianca was too scared to do anything. Fennel also got her Dream Mist which I will probably have no use of considering the fact everyone has moved onto the Pokemon Switch games and forgot Fennel even existed.
Also Fennel prevented me from leaving town so I got to hear about the useless feature I’ll never fully get to use. And I doubt to hear from her again.
I decided to visit the little daycare center instead of getting a new encounter right away. Just because I wanted to level up primarily Puppy and Queen. Because Ghost Girl and Fountain were not going to be big party members in the long run. At least I do not think so.
But on Route 3, Cheren challenged me after I beat up twin girls. And I wasn’t entirely confident about the fight. Though I did have Pokemon around the same level as Tepig, I was starting to realize how much I did not remember regarding levels of opponents of this game. And how I might need to prepare for upcoming Gyms and battles. 
Though luckily, Fountain and Puppy managed to carry me to victory. Then Team Plasma decided to steal a young girl’s Pokemon and I have to go with Cheren to fix it while Bianca comforts the young girl. Which, both of us proceeded to wipe the floor with the Grunts no problem. Plus it did help in the double battle they decided to keep biting Tepig, leaving Queen to get off a Growth before using Vine Whip to knock them both out.
I did decide to get my encounter in the caves once Team Plasma left and found a Roggenrola. It was female - which usually it was hard for me to get female Pokemon whenever I played. So I tried catching it, since even though I could not fully evolve it to its final form, I didn’t think it was a truly bad Pokemon to pick up. So Pebbles joined the team! Never used a Roggenrola but I kind of hope if she survives it will make the fourth Gym battle easier.
Now before I went grinding up Pebbles to catch up and everyone to a similar level, I needed to get my Route 3 encounter. Though I had completely forgotten the Blitzle trainer existed, so when I switched in Pebbles she nearly died. I kind of forgot that right now, those defenses suck. And it might have also been a crit. That or Shockwave. And out of everything for my runs, I fear the random crits knocking out my Pokemon. Second is me suddenly being under leveled or not prepared for a battle.
So I wanted to try my luck in the dark grass for a double encounter to increase my odds of finding a more unique encounter. But I got a Blitz, who was a male and I caught him in a Heal Ball. His name is now Zigzagzop because funny reference. And he was holding a Cheri berry for some reason. Nice.
This route was also when I realized I could have gotten a Pidove, but at the very least using them to level up Zigzagzop would be nice.
And here is where I’m going to be ending any story progression and solely focus and trying to get everyone up to Level 15 who is on my primary team. Because I did look up there is a Trainer Battle with N where he’s around Level 13. Though me being dumb did not realize I had Queen attack a Patrat twice with Vine whip and it was about to unleash its powered up attack. Luckily I had Pebbles who had Sturdy tank the hit and then switch back to take it out. 
But I am considering maybe leveling everyone up to around 18-19 to prepare for the Lenora battle. Mainly because I know she is going to be a challenge as none of my team knows any fighting type moves. That and I recall her Watchhog using Retaliate giving me lots of problems when I was younger.
I have no real plans besides trying to either tank out things with Pebbles or pray I can easily knock out Watchog. Not sure if there are any tips or tricks regarding how to beat that in terms of Nuzlockes. But next time I update everyone, I should have beaten Lenora with hopefully no deaths, but considering the situations… I got a feeling I’m going to mess up and get some deaths. And I got a strong feeling it may involve Ghost Girl considering the amount of times she has nearly died already. Or if I screw up Pebbbles’ Sturdy.
Team Recap:
Queen - Female Snivy (Lvl 14)
Puppy - Female Lillipup (Lvl 14)
Ghost Girl - Female Purrloin (Lvl 11)
Fountain - Male Sampour (Lvl 12)
Pebbles - Female Roggnerola (Lvl 11)
Zigzagzop - Male Blitzle (Lvl 12)
Deaths: 0
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flyingfishflopsthings · 4 years ago
pmd list questions. all of them :0
Omg thank you snick 💕
1. Have I played all the games? Yeah! I’ve not played some of the variations like red rescue team or sky (though my copy of sky should arrive next week 👀) or the Wiiware games but for all intents and purposes, yeah! Basically!
2. Favourite? My favourite is definitely explores! It’s both very nostalgic for me (my sister used lot let me do missions on her copy of time) while also a game that stands up really well, story wise, as I didn’t really know the story before I actually played it last year. In close second is gates though. It’s just so good! 🥺
3. Fave partner character? Cinders!!! My Darkness partner!!! I love explores partner, they’re so sweet and they have a great arc!!
4. What did you name your characters?
Ok so in rt my hero is Emmy (bc people irl call me Em & she’s my most self insert character) and partner is Iggy, which I think was short for incenderary device????? Or ignition or something??? I was struggling for names and she’s a torchic so I looked up fire words I think.
My Explorers hero is Luca and my partner is Cinders. however! In the game, Luca is actually named Em bc again, that’s my name, and I hadn’t realised how attached I’d get to this character haha. After a bit I realised I wanted her to be a seperate character, so the name came from a Pokemon rp oc who I never really did anything with haha. As for cinders, he’s a chimchar so again I just looked up fire terms
Cue and Dee are my gates team, and honestly idk where these came from?? I think??? It was because ‘cue’ kind of sounds like axew and Dee sounds like it could rhyme with snivy kind of??? Also maybe bc of deceit from sanders sides? Idk
My super team is Syvia and Sticks. For syvia, I went to fantasy named generator, liked the name Sylvia, and misspelt it and didn’t realise until I’d beat the game. For sticks, I kind of liked the idea of them having a more nicknamey name, and they’re a turtwig sooo.... also it’s a cute name lmao
5. What’s a Pokemon you wish you could play as? CHEWTLE!!!! I think a chewtle hero would be very fun this i why I want a gen 8 game. Of the Pokemon already in a md game though I want Snover bc I fucking love Snover.
6. How do you interpret gengar and Gardevoirs post game relationship? 😳I haven’t actually played much of rts postgame so I haven’t encountered gengars backstory I’m a fake fan I know
7. How do you interpret the future trios relationship? Hmm I think they could definitely get together? More interesting to me is thinking that Dusknoir used to travel with grovyle hero and Celebi before they realised what fixing the future would do, so the post game future trio dynamic is awkward bc it’s like “wellll we were friends but you tried to kill me but then you didn’t so???? Are we friends again??” Haha
8. If you’re an artist how do you draw grovyle and Dusknoir?
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As a human apparently I only draw grovyle as a cool anime man looking to the side
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As a Pokemon I like to make fun of him for being short
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I tend to draw Dusknoir pretty menecingly/looking a bit like a Wild West man which I think is a wild take but whatever
9. Who do you ship? I’m a big fan of chatot/Wigglytuff, obviously. It’s my favourite haha no moment will ever beat “my invaluable partner”. I also ship team charm as a polycule, and I guess also future trio? Idk. Ram paradise and Minchino is pretty obvious. Emolga and Dunsparce I lowkey ship. Idk if I ship emolga and virision bc a. Idk how old they’re meant to be??? And I feel like virision is older but idk. B. I think verision can be aroace as a treat for me :] my gates team are the only ones I’d really consider shipping I think, and I don’t think I have any super ships haha
10. Opinion on nuzleaf’s character? Did you find the twist surprising? Ok so I spoilt quite a lot of supers story for myself before I played it so I knew about Nuzleaf going in so, no I wasn’t surprised really. I think Nuzleaf is funny to make fun of, and he’s definitely a character that it’s funny to be like “that stupid bitch” but like attaching a 💖 to the statement you know? I don’t love??? Him? He wasn’t the most interesting Pmd character ever to me and I feel like the possession thing was a bit of a cop out- if they’d stick with him legit being manipulated but acting of his own free will I would have liked that. Idk he’s pretty fun i think
This was a lot of fun!!! Thanks!!
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ffamranxii · 5 years ago
It’s no secret that I love Pokemon. Like, I LOVE Pokemon. I have a lot of original characters for other series that I love and have loved since I was a kid, series that I still love and keep up with today as an adult, but I have one OC who has never, ever changed, since I created her when I was a little girl. She has always had the same occupation, the same love interest, the same pokemon. So I went ahead and made her a heavily detailed trainer card/profile!
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Meet Miki, the Eevee breeder!
Miki has used Molly Hale’s pre-teen design since her movie came out in 2001. She’s one of the very first OCs I ever created. She is not Molly - she is a separate person.
Miki and her sister Nana were born in Ecruteak City, Johto. Their grandmother was a Kimono Girl, and because of her, Miki developed her fascination with Eevees. Miki and Nana began their journey as rivals, Miki with a Cyndaquil and Nana with a Totodile. They also each were given an Eevee by their grandmother.
Miki and Nana’s parents, evolution researchers, taught them to take a different approach to training and the gym challenge than others. Some pokemon trainers set out at the tender age of ten years old like the legendary Red, and others set out later. Some complete the challenge at a maddening pace like Blue, but Miki preferred to take the time to learn from and train with the gym leaders she would eventually battle, if they would have her. This led to deep, intense bonds with her pokemon, and her first Eevee evolved into an Umbreon during her second Johto gym battle.
Miki decided to travel the world around the time she completed the Indigo League, learning from experts and gym leaders, discovering different Eevees, and began breeding soon after entering the Orange League. Her first baby Eevees were evolved into a Vaporeon and a Flareon, respectively. 
By the time of the Hoenn League, Miki had begun to wonder if battling was all there was. She discovered that in Hoenn, pokemon could enter Contests, and she enlisted her Umbreon, a four time League champion, in one. They lost. Contests were not like battling at all. Nana, who was not in Hoenn at the same time, encouraged her sister, and sent her countless articles about Contests from the region she was currently traveling through. Miki spent the longest time in Hoenn, putting off the gym challenge for months while focusing on Contests, eventually winning her first one with her Umbreon. 
Miki was in her late twenties by the time she retired to the Pasio region, a small, quiet place. She was asked, for a time, to run a gym, being a highly decorated League champion from another region, and she agreed until Pasio got its own gym system running. She used her Eevees, for whom she was well known - her Umbreon, her Jolteon, and her Sylveon - and gave the Heart Badge to those who defeated her. The Heart Badge was retired after her gym closed, and special recognition given to those in the Pasio League who possess it. 
Miki lives on a large farm outside of Centra City, Pasio. She runs a dedicated Eevee breeding program, breeding Eevees for battle, show, companionship, or breeding. Her former non-Eevee battling companions live in peaceful retirement, and any wild pokemon who wander in are welcome.
Miki’s world is ever so slightly AU from the actual Pokemon world. It includes the world of the fanmade Pokemon Uranium and its Tandor region, and Mega Evolutions are permanent evolutions, Z Crystals being a kind of evolution stone. The timeline of her Eevee evolutions also does not follow game canon.
This canon is a mix of the games, anime, and manga, similar to how I constructed my C’est la Vie 5 manga. Not everything that happened in one medium is canon, and in addition there is a lot of my own fanon mixed in as well. Most of this takes place in my own head, having stewed there since I was eleven years old.
Named Eevees
An Eevee breeder, Miki of course has dozens of Eevees and their evolutions running around. Ten have names, and these are the Eevees that have traveled with Miki, battled with her, won Contests, and been there through it all. 
1. Umbreon: Nicknamed YAN YAN, this Eevee was bred by Miki’s grandmother and is the brother of Nana’s Eevee. Yan Yan is the oldest Eevee in Miki’s possession, having known her since she was a child and becoming hers once she set out on her journey. He is her strongest pokemon and her most highly decorated. He is one of her top breeders, and any Eevee fathered by him commands top dollar. His best friend is Abbi.
2. Glaceon: Nicknamed GLACIE, this Eevee was her second ever to evolve. Glacie appears dainty and frail like melting ice, which is part of a carefully calculated plot to make the opposing pokemon feel bad and resist attacking her. Her Ice attacks were deadly and when she was in battling form, Glacie was too. Glacie was always a motherly type, and took care of every pokemon on Miki’s team. Her first babies were the Eevees that became a Vaporeon and Flareon. She has several ribbons and did quite well in contests, but all Glacie ever wanted was to be a mom. She has retired from breeding, though she still mothers all the baby Eevees. Her partner is Luxe.
3. Vaporeon: Nicknamed RAINER, the daughter of Yan Yan the Umbreon and Glacie the Glaceon. Rainer is a powerhouse of a pokemon, one of the most powerful Miki possesses, and the second most decorated, taking after her father. When Miki leaves home, Rainer is one of the pokemon tasked with protecting her.
4. Flareon: Nicknamed PYRO, the son of Yan Yan the Umbreon and Glacie the Glaceon, and the younger brother of Rainer the Vaporeon. Pyro takes after his mother and likes playing with the baby Eevees. He and his sister do very well in Contests, especially as a team with their fire and water displays. He does not have the focus to compete in contests fully and Miki retired him; he nannies the baby Eevees.
5. Leafeon: Nicknamed LEAFY, Miki found him in the wild. He had been abandoned by a previous abusive trainer, and adjusting badly to life in the wild. Miki spent several weeks earning his trust and tending to his wounds. She offered to bring him with her, stating that he would never have to do anything he didn’t want to. Leafeon is a companion pokemon; his best friends are Sylvie and Nines.
6. Nucleon: Nicknamed NUKU NUKU. Nuku Nuku is the other fully evolved Eevee Miki has caught, this time in the Tandor region. Her sister Nana, having reached Tandor and deciding to settle there, was thoroughly immersed in the discovery of the Nuclear type and the absolute devastation it had wrought on the environment and she’d persuaded her sister to journey to Tandor after competing in the Hoenn League. Their parents joined them, curious at how pokemon could seemingly change their type (as Nuclear seemingly corrupts known pokemon like Pikachu into “Nuclear Pikachu”, for example), but upon learning this was not a new sort of evolution, they became disinterested and returned home to Johto. Nuku Nuku is technically Miki’s strongest pokemon, because of the inherent overpoweredness of the Nuclear type, but Miki only brings Nuku Nuku into battle against the strongest trainers or threats. Nuku Nuku is lazy and enjoys napping in the shade.
7. Espeon: Nicknamed ESPY, this Eevee has the distinction of being the last Miki ever caught in the wild. Bold, sassy, and determined, Espy can battle, she just prefers not to. Espy was born to be a star, and holds the rank of Grand Champion in every Contest she has ever competed in. Miki is flooded with requests for Eevees mothered by Espy, who is, as one judge described her, “the most perfect specimen of an Espeon ever born.” 
8. Sylveon: Nicknamed SYLVIE, this Eevee is the son of Yan Yan the Umbreon and Espy the Espeon. He has all of his mother’s beauty and all of his father’s power and the combined charm of both. (Thankfully, he also got his father’s laid back attitude.) Sylvie loves life. Sylvie loves Contests and battling. And Sylvie loves Miki. There are very few things Sylvie doesn’t love.
9. Jolteon: Nicknamed SPARKY, the ambitious son of Yan Yan the Umbreon and Glacie the Glaceon. He was born nearly at the same time as Sylvie, and sees Sylvie as his rival. He is not as powerful as his father, and sometimes is not entirely in control of his own electricity, striving to be the best for himself and for Miki. Sparky enjoys picking on Espy.
10. Eevee: Nicknamed POOF, this Eevee resembles a Gigantamax Eevee but as a normal sized Eevee. She has a huge mane and a playful nature. She is a companion and Miki hopes to use her for Contests. Poof was a gift from Miki’s friend Shiru.
11. Eevee: Nicknamed SILVER, this shiny Eevee was a surprise! His father is Pyro the Flareon and his mother is Espy the Espeon. Miki hopes Silver will help her be able to breed more shiny Eevees for Contests, but for now he is a companion.
Named Pokemon in the Eevee Project
Some pokemon are not Eevees but Miki has included them in her Eevee breeding project, for various reasons.
1. Luxray: Nicknamed LUXE, Miki was forced to take this pokemon along after it took a liking to the Eevee that eventually became Glacie the Glaceon, after saving it from a wild Manetric. Based on Luxray having been the father of all my Eevees in his debut game. I love you, Luxray, I never forgot.
2. Mega Absol: Nicknamed SOSO, Miki stumbled upon an Absol and her cub while on her way to Lavaridge Town in Hoenn, being pelted with rocks. Not understanding Absols’ reputation as the harbringer of misfortune, Miki scolded the people responsible and she and Yan Yan the Umbreon ran after the mother and baby to see if they were okay. The mother growled and wouldn’t let them near, so Miki left some Berries and food for them and sat a little ways away. Absol had been trying to warn the town of the oncoming storm, which took out power to the town, but because of Miki’s kindness, Absol let Miki and Yan Yan shelter in her cave until the sky cleared. Soso and her cub left Lavaridge with Miki, and live in happy retirement on Miki’s ranch, where her warnings are taken seriously and the other pokemon love her.
3. Absol: Nicknamed ABBI, the son of Soso. Despite his very rough start in life, Abbi has grown up knowing love and affection from Miki and her pokemon and fiercely defends his friends, Miki’s property, and Miki. When Miki leaves the farm, Abbi stays behind to guard the babies. His best friend and father figure is Yan Yan the Umbreon.
(Part 2 shortly)
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slade-neko · 5 years ago
Took a quick break of Pokemon Sword and Shield to finally test out The Sims 4 University DLC.
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I literally know next to nothing about this pack. Just what I saw in the two preview trailers. I got it thinking it’s gonna be so much fun, right?!  Well... we’ll see... I’m inserting a “keep reading” because its a looong post.
First off I wasn’t sure who to send to Uni. Ended up playing it as my main OC. 
Bought him a new University laptop and enrolled him into the Fox-trot University (or something like that.) Had to wait a full day or two before he got accepted. That’s a pretty long wait with MCCC cutting my game time to half-speed... Maybe you can do it instantly somehow, but I missed out on that if you can. Turns out you can, with TestingCheats True and shift-clicking to bypass the wait time. Good ol’ cheat codes savin’ the day, hahaha! Only wish I knew that sooner...
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Anyways, he arrived at the University eventually. I easily got distracted looking around at all the sims walking around and one of his many classes crept up on him and he was late. Like really late, made it to class with only 3 minutes left for the session. That’s off to a wonderful 1st day.
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Turns out it didn’t matter as they were actually just off-screen rabbit holes. Joyful fun, that is. I had signed him up for a buttload of computer-related classes thinking they’d be fun/ playable? Kinda regretting that now. What do the devs expect the player to in a single person household during a rabbit hole event? Are you supposed to just wait there in real life? Stare at the walk-bys? (Y’know I’ll admit the walk-bys were mildly entertaining...)
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I even spotted Danny from NSP as the new “Health” teacher, I presume? Just look at those “painted on abs.” Go, Danny!
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The classes are only a couple of hours too, so its not a terribly bad wait.
After that disappointing 1st class. I noticed my sim had a bunch of career tasks to do. 
a final exam 
term papers x2 
give presentation 
and homework x4
I misunderstood thinking he had to do it all at once, so I sent him to the study hall to spend the rest of the day doing “career tasks.” Luckily he had a cool study partner.
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Finally sent my sim to his dorm to meet his roommates, but before he could do that, I noticed somehow he had got thrown into the E-Sports career and had to do some team gaming? I think I accidentally set him up with a gaming scholarship. I’m not really fond of “competitive gaming” though. Probably should’ve read through the scholarships a bit better.
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Several more hours later, I ended up just sending him to sleep because it was incredibly late. Dawn of the 2nd day came and then he finally got to meet his “very epic” roommates! Probably the thing I was most excited for seeing in this expansion.
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A Nature-loving hippie boy, a space bounty hunter girl, a space alien girl, and an edgy little jackal...? Oh, boy this will be interesting...
Then well that’s uhh, that’s honestly as far as I got in my playthrough...
The last few days I have been doing more extensive University play testing on my brother’s game and discovered a bunch of annoying things about University. Like how households are ripped apart and individual sims are thrown into single households for the schooling system. I completed an entire term and sims were not re-merged into their original households. Maybe I needed to wait more time after the term is over or something, but if it doesn’t actually re-merge my households that’s reallllly annoying. I don’t want to have to spend time moving sims around to get them back in their rightful households after a term at a University. 
Another annoying thing I’ve noticed is that it would seem my roommates in Uni were creating their own University outfits that were REPLACING my outfits I made for them. 
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Why are these not Situational outfits? They straight up replace the Everydays I created. I can’t tell if that’s a bug or maybe an outdated mod. Seems to only affect my active sim’s roommates though, but jeez I can’t have my sims losing outfits. I spend way too much time making nice outfits on them to have my game go deleting them.
Other than those two big annoyances, the DLC is pretty fun to play. As it is now, I don’t really want to go to a University with all the headache of the cleanup duty I’d have after each term. Those two problems go a long way for me. On the positives, I really like the roommates system. It’s funny to enroll into a university and see which random sims get assigned to my dorm. As for the world, Britechester, I love it and the Universities’ designs! I personally prefer the old gothic Garreg Mach looking school way more than the modern design of the Fox-burrow university. 
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moonvalecrossing · 5 years ago
Now here's something I haven't asked you in a long time: a "Fav and Least Fav" ask related to Pokémon. Favorite and least favorite Gym Leaders of each type they specialize in? Kahunas and Trial Captains will count, but if one ends up as your fav/least fav, I'd suggest separating them and the actual Gym Leader that's your fav/least fav of their type. Also, Bede and Marnie's statuses as Gym Leaders will count too, mostly just so Piers can have some competition with his sis. :P
Alrighty. Time to sit down and tackle this!
Normal Type- Least Favorite: Whitney. WHITNEY. That damn Milktank. I’m sure she’s killed many a Nuzlocke team. And yet still has the gall to cry like a baby when she loses. She also comes across as one of those vapid dumb and pretty trend girls. “Everyone was into pokemon so I got into it too!” I really think skill is the only thing they care about when they hand out the title of Gym Leader sometime because this chick really doesn’t seem to be the type who’d normally get this type of authority.
Normal Type- Most Favorite: Cheren. He is adorable baby husband. Though mostly it’s really cool to see another rival become a gym leader like Green did. I just wish they’d kept his glasses instead of for some reason swapping them to Bianca for some reason.
Fighting Type- Least Favorite: Korrina. Her character art bugs me. Is she seriously supposed to be wearing skates and also doing fighting moves? I can’t even stand on four wheel skates without nearly breaking every bone below my waist. And you’re telling me this girl runs around doing axe kicks on roller blades??? No thank you. Also she hoists a Lucario onto you. I like raising my pokemon from their earliest point and you go and make me have to take one because I’d feel bad if I didn’t since it wants to come with me now.
Fighting Type- Most Favorite: Brawly. Mostly because he’s hot. Slightly because his gym is actually a gym with workout equipment in the remake and I find that amazing and hilarious.
Flying Type- Least Favorite: Skyla. Partially because of her anime counterpart. Mostly because I hate her design. Why are her wrists so thick on those gloves? Why is she wearing boots, a cropped jacket, those weird gloves, and what look closer to boxer style panties than shorts underneath a bunch of bondage-y belts? She looks like a generic anime waifu more than a pokemon character. Like a Mega Man OC. Of one of those weird dating games where the women are just objects in female coded human form Skyla’s a humanized seatbelt.
Flying Type- Most Favorite: Falkner. Because Kahili isn’t a gym leader. Congrats, Falkner. You cute little bugger. Also he’s the only notable male flying type trainer.
Poison Type- Least Favorite: Prepare the flame shields. I don’t like Roxie. Small children as Gym Leaders bug the hell out of me. I see Gym Leaders as characters with high authority in the pokemon world. I hate the idea of kids who look like they’re only a few years out from learning the alphabet and basic mathematics having any kind of power in a region. The only exception I have is Galar because the gym leaders feel less important since they’re merely sports celebrities. ...Also I hate Roxie’s Pebbles Flintstone hair. It makes her look even more like a baby to me.
Poison Type- Most Favorite: Koga. Despite the fact I still think that he and Sabrina had their gyms switched, he’s still my favorite. He even became a member of the Elite 4 and left the gym to his daughter. I find that sweet.
Ground Type- Least Favorite: (Actually Hapu, because of reasons stated above for Roxie, except even more because this kid is a freaking KAHUNA. Why is this little mud farm girl chosen to be the KAHUNA of a whole dang island and one of the most important people in Alola? Surely the Tapus could find someone better, but then again the gods must be crazy.) Clay. Because he looks like a Texan Business Tycoon. And I’m a left-leaning American. That should probably explain things well enough. Because boy howdy do I not wanna open that can of worms. Maybe if I ever get to the point of fighting him in Black Version my opinion will change. But like I said. My real answer is Hapu. Clay just has the misfortune of being next at the bottom of the line.
Ground Type- Most Favorite: Giovanni. Because he is my mafia husbando and I am a garbage human. Have you seen a picture of the man in the “How I became a Pokemon Card” manga? Hot damn. And his newer pokemon cards? HOT DAMN.
Rock Type- Least Favorite: Gordie. This Ronaldo Fryman looking fucknugget with accessory tips from Bling Bling Boy on Johnny Test. He looks like one of those smug basement dweller types who’d call me a FEEEEEMALE if I turned him down for a date. Also his official art does the same thing I hate about Diantha’s. His knee faces more inner-forward but his foot’s pointing outward. Unless that picture’s drawn with him in mid dance spin, dude’s ankle is broken. At least he looks kind of cute when he doesn’t have his hair styled back in that douchey style. I feel like he’d yell about feemales again if I told him I thought his mom was hot. Also he’s not wearing socks with dress shoes and that should be a criminal offense.
Rock Type- Most Favorite: Roxanne is super cute. Even if she’s skirting the line of young people in positions of power she actually looks like a mature person who was ahead of her age level in school. However I will object to the idea of her being a teacher in any shape or form like in the anime. This person hasn’t even struggled through the mental ravages of puberty aint no way she should be allowed to be a teacher.
Bug Type- Least Favorite: Burgh, if only because people use him as a stereotype a lot and I hate that. Toxic masculinity is bs. MEN CAN BE FABULOUS WITHOUT BEING GAY. That said, his pants and shoes are a color crime.
Bug Type- Most Favorite: Guzma is the equivalent of a Bug Type trial captain and you will never convince me otherwise. I- what- you’re really gonna fight me on this? Fine. Bugsy. Bugsy is my precious bug-catching child. Precious baby.
Ghost Type- Least Favorite: Acerola. I’ve already stated why I hate kids in power like this. Plus I just. do not like. characters with the bubbly personality and the cat mouth. I instantly know I’m going to dislike a character the moment I see that damn catmouth. I’m not coming up with a non-trial alternative for this one. I am either neutral to or love the other ghost trainers.
Ghost Type- Most Favorite: Morty. Because 1. He’s hot. 2. He’s got a sweet scarf. 3. Agatha’s not a gym leader. :P Morty has a very nice design. After the remakes came out anyways.
Steel Type- Least Favorite: There’s only like two of these. I don’t hate Jasmine at all but she’s the only other actual gym leader of the Steel Type. So we’re gonna use Molayne anyways. Mostly because his stick-ass gangly legs give me the creeps.
Steel Type- Most Favorite: I’ve never met him but Byron looks like a miner hobo and I dig that. Plus he made Roark and Roark’s hot. (Then why isn’t Roark my favorite rock gym leader? Because not all my favorites can be because of my asexual thirst.)
Fire Type- Least Favorite: Blaine always makes me think of my grandfather and I am not that fond of my grandfather. Even though Blaine seems much much nicer and friendlier a grandpa than my actual grandfather.
Fire Type- Most Favorite: Flannery’s design is adorable and I love it. Doesn’t hurt that it’s also the kind of outfit my more pro-fire trainer would wear.
Water Type- Least Favorite: Marlon. Don’t get me wrong. Marlon’s hot. But he gets to be least favorite for lying about being a tan boy. Seriously look at that tan line around his swim suit that pastey white skin does not do his design favors.
Water Type- Most Favorite: Wallace. This one is pure thirst. Pure. Thirst. Wallace is a babe. I love everything about this fabulous bastard. Especially his hat and scarf in the remake. Especially the remake. Babe.
Grass Type- Least Favorite: Milo. I’m starting to feel like the people who design and did the art for some of these newer characters don’t know how bulkier people’s legs work. Because Milo and Gordie’s legs just look really, really wrong. These characters do not have ankles their calves just end at flat feet. Also milo’s leg is doin that broken ankle thing too. Other images don’t make them look as bad, though. Other than that I hate characters who have no whites to their eyes. It’s freaking creepy and Milo’s baby face doesn’t help. And I can not figure out the design of this guy’s eyebrows either. I know he has them but they don’t look like the anything but exist to blend with his bangs.
Grass Type- Most Favorite: Erika. I like her design a lot. I guess some of the weeb in me still exists deep in there.
Electric Type- Least Favorite: Sophocles. I just don’t like his design. At all. Only other arguments I could give are the kid with with Clemont again. That and his jumpsuit.
Electric Type- Most Favorite: Lt. Surge, Volkner, and Elesa are are great. But Elesa wins because Lt. Surge is a paranoid soldier who makes getting to him a chore and Volkner looks like he takes the same brooding pills they fed to Cloud after Final Fantasy Advent Children turned into into the broodlord. Also ‘urgh need actually challenging opponents’ characters bug me, regardless of how attractive they are.
Psychic Type- Least Favorite: Tate and Liza. But this time the main reason ISN’T because they’re babies. No, no. That’s a big reason, but even being psychics can’t save them. They have a BIG problem. The main reason for these two is that their gym team is garbage. Emerald and Black2/White2 not counting in this because of the remake being their current gym team in my eyes its just a damn solrock and lunatone! I love me Lunatone, don’t get me wrong. But damn, kids. How are you actually gym leaders with a team of pokemon that is barely suitable for the gym trainer in the first gym of the region? The only starter that can’t hit you with a super effective move is the fire starter. Being a double battle only means that I can get rid of your pokemon faster because I get to use TWO pokemon moves on my turn.
Psychic Type- Most Favorite: Olympia. Her design is absolutely beautiful. I want her dress. I want her cape. She is the black and silver space queen and she WILL BE RESPECTED IN THIS HOUSE. Even if whoever did her art doesn’t seem to realize dresses don’t slip into the navel or hug into the crotch hole. Surprised whoever drew it didn’t also add the camel-toe since they think fabric works that way. If I were her I’d strangle someone with one of those magical floaty ring bracelets. Space mom aint having non of your objectification shit.
Ice Type- Least Favorite: Candice. You live in a winter town. Your gym is an ice slide hell. Put on some goddamn pants and a coat. I’m not gonna give you any sympathy when you end up with the worst cold ever.
Ice Type- Most Favorite: Melony. She is adorable and has actual weight to her. And she loves her kids. And holy shit look at her she’s actually dressed for cold weather and ice unlike nearly every other goddamn Ice Gym Leader besides Pryce.
Dragon Type- Least Favorite: Claire is an arrogant b-witch who cant accept defeat and is worst that whitney because at least Whitney gave you your earned badge when she stopped crying like a baby. Claire refused until you did some ‘trial’ and still didn’t think she’d have to give you the badge until granddad dragon master told her to stop being a child. Also she gets more least favorite points because she’s what has prevented me from talking about how much I hate Iris here. That’s right, Claire. I dislike you so much you get MORE hate points because you prevent me from hating another character more than you.
Dragon Type- Most Favorite: Raihan is a babe and the most challenging Gym Leader I’ve ever faced. Bonus points because technically I wouldn’t call him a type-based gym leader but a strategy based leader because he focuses on weather more than dragons. Plus his “Leader Challenges You!” post makes him look a little wild.
Dark Type- Least Favorite: Marnie. Because I wanted to see her brother again so I invited him to the Championship thing and Marnie freaking cockblocked me by beating her brother in the first round. LET ME SEE YOUR BROTHER, MARNIE.
Dark Type- Most Favorite: Piers is my husband and Marnie’s just gonna have to deal with it. :P He’s super cute and his worrying over Marnie in the post game was the cutest damn thing. Plus young Piers in his rare league card is so precious and gives me life. It’s gonna take a lot of work for any other dark type trainer to top Piers.
Fairy Type- Least Favorite: Mina. I hate Mina. Lazy/Unfocused/High artist characters piss me off. Alo Mina should have been a normal type trial captain because of smeargle and the fact that Ilima has pink hair and the same huge buggy-like water eyes Valerie has. Mina even dips her damn hair in paint like Smeargle does with its tail. Mina couldn’t be assed to have an actual trial the first time around. Second time around she just made you go collect something from people you already beat.
Fairy Type- Most Favorite: Bede. If you can’t look this beautiful sparkly eye angel of a child in the eyes and find him amazing once he becomes Opal’s apprentice, you have no soul and should probably get that looked at.
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upsettlspaghettl · 5 years ago
Empire City Con 2019
I can say with confidence that this has been the best weekend of my life. People will be so quick to say that the Steven Universe fandom is one of the most toxic fandoms out there, but in all my years of going to conventions, this has been the most welcoming and friendly by far. Now, this could be because it’s a convention based on one singular fandom, as opposed to the mishmash of fandoms that gather at other conventions, but even Bronycon was nowhere near this level of welcoming. Then again, I only got the chance to go to 2 Bronycons so I don’t know if I can say much.
The flight to North Carolina was surprisingly not that bad. I’m very prone to getting lost, but I left 4 hours in advance and I didn’t even need those 4 hours. But this was my first time ever flying somewhere completely alone.
I got the chance to meet Deedee Magno Hall, who signed my Guide to the Crystal Gems. Now it’s my goal to get all the character pages signed. But it’s got all the fusions of season 1, so chances are I won’t ever get the chance to get Sugilite’s page signed. Oh well, a fan can dream, right? Just kind of a bummer because she happens to be my favorite fusion.
She also validated my OC ship with Yellow Pearl which was super cool of her. Deedee is a really sweet person. While waiting in line to meet her I made friends with a kid, and he was fanboying like crazy. Later on we met somebody else, and we all did karaoke together. Then they got to do a group Karaoke with Deedee, which I was unfortunately too nervous to join. She said she would try do one with me but we never got the chance, but either way I’m so grateful. She’s a really kind person and I hope I can meet her again!
My part in the karaoke was still really fun though. Me and my 2 friends were having a hard time figuring out what song to do, and since the instrumentals were live, the people playing only had a limited number of songs they could play. Eventually we agreed on Stronger than you. But the instrumental team couldn’t play that one, so one of my new friends asked everybody to sing along and be inclusive. I got to to do the Peridot rap onstage too! Only me and 1 other person in the audience did that though so it was really scary and I fumbled a lot... but I’m still so happy that I got to because it was just such a good time for everybody.
There was actually a garnet cosplayer who’s act was right before ours and they were still by the karaoke lineup, so one of my friends asked them to come join us. Toward the middle of our act, this same friend spotted a Jasper in the front row, dragged them up on stage, and we had an adorable fake fight scene. I had to hop off stage right before the song ended to hug somebody in the front row who was crying. I was relieved to hear that they were tears of joy. In the end, they invited my group to sit in the front row with them.
Right, and Garnet’s act! They actually sang the original SU opening in German which was super amazing. Toward the end, there was a Pearl cosplayer in her Mr. Greg tuxedo who sang It’s Over isn’t it with Deedee, and a Yellow Pearl cosplayer who did an amazing Yellow Pearl-y take on Do it for her. So yeah the variety of acts was fantastic and the whole thing was just so feel-good all around.
At the very end of the karaoke, after everyone had gotten a chance and we were all just hanging out in the karaoke room, I was given a Spinel promo pin by a Mystery Girl. Not literally a Mystery Girl cosplayer, but somebody who I thought was just... well, somebody. They mentioned having extras from the movie screening in CA, and were handing them out to Spinel cosplayers. Of course I was hopping up and down being super thankful to an awkward degree, like I normally do.
That night, I told my roommates what happened, and they told me just who that Mystery Girl was. None other than Mackenzie Atwood, creator of the Pearl’s Secret Rap Career series. My facial recognition is terrible, so I didn’t realize at the time. I was lucky enough to run into her again the next morning during breakfast in the hotel lobby, so I got to thank her personally in the end.
Speaking of Mystery Girls, there actually was a Mystery Girl cosplayer who was especially awesome. Not even ten minutes after arriving at the convention, I see 2 Spinels who welcome me into their Spinel group. A Mystery Girl cosplayer is with them, and they hand me a pair of shoe squeakers. They look like tiny clear whoopie cushions, and Mystery Girl was handing them out to all the Spinels. I don’t know about everybody else, but mine drew a lot of attention from other con-goers because I was super happy and energetic at this con so I ran everywhere I went. People were always laughing and it made me so happy that I was able to make people smile. I’ll definitely be using them again in my future Spinel cosplays.
One of the people I shared a hotel room with was a Spinel cosplayer on the first day, and they were carrying an amazing Spinel plushie that I remember seeing a photo of on Deviantart, and later showed up for sale on Etsy. It was super expensive and I remember wanting it, but I couldn’t be jealous because I know I was super lucky to even see the thing in real life!
On the second day, I met a sweet little girl who seemed to think I was the real Spinel. She drew me a picture of Baby Spinel, and I gave her my drawing of Baby Spinel which I’d made earlier that day in the quiet room. Later on, one of the convention organizers was holding a game session, and this kid crushed me in a round of Gem Gem Clod... which is Duck Duck Goose, but better. Note to self: playing games that involve running when wearing pink high heeled boots probably isn’t gonna go well!
After some games, we made some meep morps. Somebody started a trend of drawing Lion on the little canvases we were given, but my Lion wasn’t coming out quite right, so after I finished drawing his head I just. put it on one single leg. You’ve heard of Leg Pearl, now get ready for Leg Lion. I was super happy about that too because I made everybody laugh.
Once we ran out of canvases, the organizer offered to take polaroids of some of us, so now me and this adorable little kid had matching photos, which we put in tiny pink frames and put a Spinel gem on each.
oh also! the game organizer had a tattoo on their leg of a bunch of anime characters, mainly the cute “squad mascot” archetype. There was Hawk, Happy, a few other characters, and Keroro! I totally freaked out over Keroro because it’s a relatively obscure series, and it was the first show that really got me into anime! I’ve always loved things like Pokemon and Naruto, but Keroro Gunso was my gateway to the anime community as a whole.
At around noon, I spent a little more time in the room where the games were held, which had some board games of its own, books, and art supplies and overall functioned as just a room to hang out in. There I met a Pink Diamond cosplayer in a pink schoolgirl uniform and an Uravity hat (really cute outfit!), and a goth Spinel cosplayer. The Pink Diamond cosplayer was a great artist and drew a really cute magical girl Steven. These 2 people also taught me what a vsco girl was when they were joking about the fact that Pink Diamond would totally be one. I was super confused but it was really funny after they explained it.
There was a cosplay fashion show much later in the day and I made friends with a Ruby and Sapphire while sitting in line. They were a couple irl and went on stage together and they were adorable! They were also both Hazbin Hotel and Harry Potter fans, so we had a lot to talk about. We kept talking while we waited in line for the Sadie Killer and the Suspects concert too, and a few other people joined us. I’d only just met these people but I really felt surrounded by friends.
Earlier in the day, while I was waiting in line to meet Kinetic Cosplay, I ran into an amazing Sour Cream and Buck Dewey. I got their photo, only to later see them on stage as a part of the real life Sadie Killer and the Suspects. Jenny Pizza was also on stage, but I didn’t see her before that.
While the convention was great, something also happened that scared the hell out of me. At NYCC just last month, I bought some very tiny stickers, one of which was Froppy from BHNA. When I got home and unpacked, it was gone. I thought maybe it fell into the fabric of my backpack, and if it did, there was really no way to retrieve it unless it decided to fall out again. However at the convention... I was at the registration table, decorating my con badge. I pick up my phone, and suddenly the Froppy sticker falls out of nowhere. It looked like it came from the phone, but I can’t imagine where it would have fit and gotten stuck. It kinda just fell out of the void. Either way I’m glad to have it back.
Lets see... I also got some pictures of the real life Mr. Universe van... and later on I ran into the owner of the van in full Mr. Universe gear.
The Garnet cosplayer was Cotton Candy garnet on the second day and I still can’t get over how sweet and nice they were.
There were some family cosplays. On the first day I saw a Yellowtail carrying a baby doll dressed as Onion, and then on the second day the same person was with a Vidalia cosplayer, and an actual child dressed as Onion.
There were also a pair of parents dressed as Connie’s mom and dad, and their kid dressed as Connie.
On the first day there was a Mr. Smiley which was super cool and unexpected, and then on the second day they were Bismuth. There were actually 3 Bismuths in total at the con which was surprising because that wig looks super difficult to make. Anyone who can pull that off is amazing!
The last day only went on until about noon, but my flight didn’t leave until the next day. I didn’t book my hotel room for that night because I wanted extra time in case I got lost on the way to the airport. Turned out there were free shuttles. I ended up in the same shuttle as that Pink Diamond cosplayer and her dad, and she showed me this adorable RPG game app called Wholesome Cats. We took some snapchats together and now I know what I’d look like as a boy...
Since there was a shuttle to the airport, that meant I was super early for my flight. Super early as in, almost 12 hours early. After going through security, I was planning to just sleep at the gate, but my gate number wasn’t on the screen. So I asked an airport employee, and he told me that I wasn’t even supposed to be let through security until the next day, which was when my gate number was supposed to show up... whoops. It wasn’t so bad though, either way I’d just be hanging out at the airport for the night. I decided not to sleep though, just in case. It felt weird late at night, when the airport was more or less completely empty. It was so nice and quiet, and the Starbucks was still open so I had a super yummy dinner of pumpkin bread and cheese danishes.
I think that’s about it? If you wanna see pictures, I’ll be posting them all to a public album on Gnomie Leviton on Facebook, and I’ll also select a special few to post on QueenGnomie on Instagram.
If you add me on FB please tell me your url! I only add people who I've talked to before.
In conclusion!
This was by far my favorite convention I’ve ever been to, because you could literally just go up to someone, start talking, and you’d immediately have an awesome new friend. I’ve never been to a con before where every single person was so approachable. It really felt like everybody there was one big family. I already have a potential roommate for next year, so I really hope to get back on my feet soon so I can go!
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dontspeakoftheattic · 6 years ago
So guess what I’ve been up to.
That’s right, more pokemon. Not reborn this time. (Though I am still playing that. I alternate between that and the ungodly number of other fangames I have.) This time it’s pokemon Rejuvenation! Another fantastic game, styled similarly to Reborn. It’s got those fantastic level caps we all love so much. Now, I have an old save file from Rejuvenation that’s just me. But because I hate myself, I wanted to make things harder. So I updated the game to V10, and decided to start over with a new player, and play as one of my characters. (Not like, from pokemon or anything, just a general oc). A while back I made teams for everyone as if they were gym leaders because why not. My challenge to myself is to stick to that team throughout the game.
So, introducing.... Cian!
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(I didn’t get a screenshot when I picked the avatar, my bad) Now this isn’t quite accurate to what he looks like of course (my Cian is a red head), but it’ll do. Cian’s team is varied, because I see him as being a wild card. Instead of one specific type, I’m trying to make sure just about none of his types overlap (though few dual typings do). Now enjoy a brief montage of screenshots.
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Maybe I would. You don’t know me.
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Oodles the Cyndaquil! Cian’s starter and the first of our challenge pokemon. (Be prepared for more ridiculous names whoops, blame Cian not me)
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What are you, lady? Don’t go askin questions like that. It’s rude.
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(I really started slacking on the screenshots, whoops. In my defense, I think I beat this guy at like 4 am. Again. Hm.) So this is that battle with Keta. You know, where you get the badge. The difficult battle, not the slightly easier one. Anyway I struggled against this one, but Pantomime pulled through for me. Look at him, it came so close but super potions and determination eventually did it.
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Sweet, sweet victory. And finally an up to that damn level cap.
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I then proceeded to get sidetracked and play this for too long. Whoops. It’s addicting, y’all. Seriously.
Okay. Since I was so slack on the screenshots here, have a breakdown of the current team:
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Jackie the Beautifly: Cian’s second pokemon, nicknamed after his boyfriend, Jackson.
Pantomime the Mr. Mime: Second newest addition, rescued from the zen lab. Not the most creative name but you know what. Its grown on me.
Princess the Lycanroc: She’s shiny, but you can’t actually tell from the sprite. Cian is very proud of her. Oodles the Quilava: He’s evolved! Tethra the Skrelp: Named for Tethra, Lord of the Sea Cattle. I have a book on Celtic gods that mentioned him, and thought it fitting. Leif Erikson the Eevee: Leif will be evolved to a Leafeon at the first opportunity. I believe that explains the name. He is also the most recent edition to the team. There are still a few pokemon that I aim to add to Cian’s roster, I simply haven’t gotten to them yet. These include: Sneasel, Murkrow, Porygon, Mareep, and Archen. (I’m not actually sure I can get Archen in this one. If not, oh well. I have others to choose from.)
Alright, I’m done rambling for now. I’m sure I’ll post again at some point, either with more Rejuvenation, or Reborn, or whatever else I decide to play.
If you like pokemon fangames, I suggest you play this one, and Reborn too if you aren’t already. They are awesome, seriously. They really add a challenge to pokemon, and I love it.
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