#I BROKE MY ART BLOCK!!!! (lies)
lyacinthus · 1 year
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blep :b
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222col · 23 hours
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★ art donaldson x reader ★ inspired by 'coffee' by chappell roan ★ 0.6k ★ 18+ | cw: angst, adult themes
art: hey, long time no speak, wanna grab a drink?
you wish you could resist, wish you'd already blocked his number. you broke up nearly a year ago, you'd met him a few times since, and it always ends the same way. you crying, him comforting you all the way back to his apartment then kicking you out the next morning. it's a repetitive cycle, one that you're not strong enough to break.
you: coffee?
coffee is safer, if you drink, you know where it leads. nowhere else is safe. you hate that you're stuck in his grip, unable to escape the delusions that fill your mind the second those blonde locks appear in front of you.
art: meet me at the jazz bar, 7pm? the one on mary ann street
ignored, your requests, your pleadings, always ignored. he knows you like the back of his hand, knows you can't resist him. he's already there when you arrive, a couple drinks in. a glass of wine waiting for you on the table accompanied by the flirty smile on his face. "hey sweet girl." you drink and catch up and tell each other lies. "i want you, come home to me." art pleads, after his fourth glass of wine. if you didn't still love him, still trust him and his intentions, you'd be fine. you wouldn't end up back at his apartment again. but you do, so your hand links through his as you walk back to his place.
"my girl, my perfect girl." you can smell the wine of his breath as he pushes you through the door of his apartment. the pictures of you are gone. you're kissing your way to the bedroom, he's got new sheets. you don't exist here anymore, you're not a part of his new life. he's moved on, well moved on enough to remove you from his home. there isn't a piece of you left here. you're almost crying into the kiss as art pushes you onto the mattress.
you: hey, wanna grab dinner?
you'll never know what kind of magic spell this boy has over you, one that makes you drop all your morals and defence mechanisms to run to him.
art: let's do the park, meet you there at sunset
the text shows any ideas of a normal conversation flying out the window. but you'd rather feel something, than nothing at all. you meet him at your favourite tree, tasting the alcohol on his tongue as his mouth crashes into yours. always excusing his behaviour, telling yourself he loves you. feeding your delusions, at least he wants to see you, feel you, taste you. "i'm sorry baby, don't cry, want you." he whispers into your ear, as his hand slips into your jeans.
art: let's grab coffee?
art was your reason to live, to cry, to love. but it wasn't healthy, you knew it and he abused it. knew he could get anything he wanted from you, knew you'd do anything he asked of you. the memories come flooding back. sat in front of him on the couch as he plaits your hair, dancing the night away at bars, watching him on the courts. looking up the tennis channel on tv, seeing art's face plastered over the screen. those curly blonde hairs, that you used to wash the shampoo out of. those big blue eyes, that used to tell you they loved you. those little dimples you used to kiss every time he got shy when you complimented him. art taught you how to love, how to care. a single tear dropping onto the phone as you text him back.
you: it's better if we don't try, it's never just coffee
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thoughtfulchaos773 · 1 year
Fixing & Empathy
This is a long one- and of course, I'm talking about the table scene. But it's such a great example here.
How Carmy connects with Syd and Claire shows the difference between Empathy and Fixing. Fixing is our instinct when our partner is in feelings of discomfort; we sympathize and try to see the silver lining for this person; we want to solve their problems instead of sitting in pain with our partner. Empathy, you're showing someone you care and understand; it's finding something within you to connect to the other person. This is the art of vulnerability.
Claire: When we were, like, six, she, uh, fell off a fence and broke her arm, and it scared the sh¡t out of everybody? Except me, I just, like, sat there and stared at her arm.
Carmy: 'Cause you wanted to fix it?
Claire: I wanted to understand it.
Carmy: Right.
This has become my favorite interaction of the Claire & Carmy storyline. It's the summary of their relationship, a foreshadowing, if you will.
If I fill in the blanks, she is a fixer, at least in romantic relationships. I know Molly said with Carmy it's the first time Claire has stood up for herself. Maybe that's what she means: Claire wants to fix her partners; she's an enabler, as @moodyeucalyptus said. Enabling is when someone else will always fix, solve, or make the consequences disappear, and I noticed this dynamic in 2x08.
2x08: She listens to his problems and reminds him that everything is fine the night after his panic attack. When Claire asks Carmy what he's thinking about. He can't be honest that he's still thinking about the suppression test because she will attempt to fix it. He does not trust her with his feelings of discomfort. The fixing Claire does is futile support.
The way she attempts to fix Carmy, we hear through Carmy himself. A panic attack about his family gatherings - Claire's solution is finding a new meaning, making the cannolis your own. chaos menu? Could you try making it something you care about?
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Can she truly understand and connect with what he's feeling? Carmy not defining their relationship could mean the lack of a bond on Carmy's part.
Part of the solution to Carmy's dilemmas on the show lies in connecting - moving out of the constant state of isolation.
Connection improves Carmy; when he initiates contact, he becomes a better version of himself. He stops screaming, gets out of his head, and can provide for others and inspire them.
All the above matches what he does for Tina, Richie, Marcus, Ebrahim, and most of all, Sydney.
It's like what Luca says in 2x04- being inspired by someone, bettering ourselves because of the person next to us- and really getting out there in the world means opening ourselves up to other people, which is what Carmy and Syd do for each other- they use empathy as a source of bonding.
Blocking was talked about for their scenes before, how one always initiates closeness- Carmy usually does that, especially in season 2. That need for contact - touching Syd on her back and shoulders - shows Carmy's longing for closeness with Sydney.
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Before I get to empathy, Here's the thing: I know people hate to say that Carmy relies on Sydney or that she's his peace argument, but this does not mean Sydney actively tries to fix Carmy. Just Sydney's presence ignites change in him; just by her honesty, he's willing to try and be there for someone and get out of that place where he's hiding within himself. Sometimes, it's forgotten that social isolation can impact our mental health, and bonding with others can make positive changes.
"...empathy is kind of this sacred space. When someone's kind of in a deep hole, and they shout out from the bottom, and they say hey it's dark, I'm overwhelmed, and then we look, and we say, "Hey," we come down."I know what it's like down here, and you're not alone."
-Brene Brown
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I talked about the table scene fifty-eleven times. It makes a great example of the connection Carmy feels to Sydney.
When we're with people - our person - they make us want to be better. We don't fear a future; we expect a future with this person. There's this knowing Carmy has about Sydney; he knows whatever this relationship is, they'll work on it.
Carmy & Sydney show us the correct way to deal with your partner's feelings is empathy- listening to one another, instead of correcting emotions- you get in the hole- or table with them and express your own fears. He leaves space for Sydney to share her concerns and doesn't try to correct those feelings. He affirms and tells her he's right there with her (I fuck things up all the time), and he's honest- the without-you dialogue isn't just to make her feel better. It's his own moment of vulnerability.
When Carmy says I won't let you, I think he will hold his side and make it easier so they can fix themselves. All while empathizing with each other during their partnership.
Writing this makes the scene of the walk-in even more heartbreaking. Carmy was in the dark hole- calling for Sydney to bond with him; they couldn't help each other :(.
This is why I can't blame Carmy for screaming at Richie; he sort of begged Richie for empathy, but Richie judged him- causing panic at that moment and more isolation.
Though the end of season two was heartbreaking, I have faith we'll get more intimate, empathetic scenes despite the fall in season two.
This is a roundabout way to say- whether they end up together romantically or not (they will i just say this for the sycarmy doubters), Carmy pretty much confirms his bond with Sydney is unlike any other he's experienced, and no one can replace what he feels for her- even if someone is sitting at their table.
SIDEBAR: Read this insightful post by @bioloyg about Carmy fixing himself.
I've referenced Brene Brown's Empathy Vs. Sympathy
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ase-trollplays · 4 months
Getting Over It
The tip of Thiomi's mechanical pencil broke for the fourth time as she was sketching, and the woman silently gritted her teeth and impatiently tapped the eraser to reveal more lead. She was behind on commissions again and hoped to get some warm-up sketches in before starting on her work proper, but her restraint was beginning to wane.
She shouldn't have even approached her. She knew it was going to be an unpleasant interaction. It always is when it comes to her.
Of course she's not sorry. She's never sorry for anything wrong she does, that bitch.
In fact, if not for Thiomi making herself known, she probably wouldn't have even noticed h--
The sound of paper flapping was followed by a loud THUMP as the sketchbook hit the wall, followed by a thud as it fell uselessly to the ground, and Thiomi balled her hands into fists at her desk with tears threatening to well in her orange-tinted eyes.
She knew talking to her would only make her angry. She knew she wouldn't get the reaction from her that she wanted. She knew it was a mistake, so why did she do it? Why did she bother approaching that spiteful, wretched, insensitive--
"Well shoot, what's got ya doin' all that clickin', miss ma'am?"
Thiomi darted her head toward the doorway to her room where Corali stood with a bowl of sliced pears. Only now did Thiomi take note of the loud throat clicking emanating from her. She quickly unballed her fists and laid her hands flat on the table and unhunched her shoulders as she relaxed her jaw. The clicking slowly subsided as she stood up from her desk and made her way over to her moirail to accept the pears.
"It's nothing," Thiomi responded curtly and took the bowl from her. Corali glanced to the side and eyed the battered sketchbook on the ground before gently picking it up and unwrinkling the bent pages.
"Them eyes a yers're tellin' a different story," Corali remarked with a cross of her arms as Thiomi shoved a large pear slice in her mouth and took her time chewing as if to avoid answering.
"It's just an art block," she lied through her teeth before stuffing her mouth with another large slice. The taller troll narrowed her eyes slightly, then sighed.
"Bullshit it is. Meemaw an' I could hear ya from downstairs. There ain't no amount a art block that could cause that," Corali said bluntly. Thiomi seemed to deflate for just a moment before steeling her gaze, which she kept firmly on the pears. Corali could hear the unspoken "It's not your business" like an airhorn in her ears, and she narrowed her eyes at her and glared like a disappointed parent.
"I'm fine," Thiomi answered curtly and went to angrily eat another pear, but Corali snatched the bowl away from her before she could silence herself again. She now turned her venomous glare at her moirail and opened her mouth to protest, which Corali immediately halted.
"Yer a shit liar. Tell me what's the matter," Corali demanded.
"I s-said it's nothi--"
"An' I'm sayin' it ain't nothin'. You were perfectly fine 'til ya went out, an' when ya came back I could feel the anger comin' off ya like steam out a shower. I thought givin' ya space ta simmer down would help, but if yer gonna lie ta my face then I ain't gonna keep playin' nice about it. I'm yer pale! Why can't ya tell me what's gotcha fumin'??"
"Because you can't help! You can't fix it, s-so why bring it up!?" Thiomi spat with a barely subdued growl. The tears she was suppressing followed through on their threat and came streaming down her cheeks, and she furiously wiped them away on the sleeve of her sweater.
Corali relaxed her glare and sighed before pulling the angrily crying woman into a one-armed hug. As rare as it was to see such a gentle and soft-spoken woman loudly and aggressively angry, Corali didn't flinch at the sight. She knew anger like a childhood friend, a warm security blanket to protect her from fear and abuse like a shield.
A shield she was recently forced to abandon before its heat could burn her any further.
"Maybe yer right, an' I can't fix what's wrong, but that don't mean I can't help," Corali assured her and hugged her just a little bit tighter. Thiomi didn't hug back, but she visibly relaxed against her.
"Her name's S-shadah. We were kismeses s-sweeps ago. The relationship only lasted a s-sweep and a half, and s-she s-spent at least half of it cheating on me before leaving me altogether for her mistress."
Thiomi sat curled against Mousemom's side and leaning against Corali. The bowl of pear slices sat empty in Thiomi's lap as she held her moirail's hand. Her grip was strong and tight with repressed rage, but the metal appendage was more than capable of handling it. Corali couldn't stop a glare from appearing on her face, but it paled in comparison to the scowl Thiomi wore.
"Tch. What a fuckin' bitch. I ain't ever understood the point a cheatin'. If y'ain't happy just break up outright instead a stringin' someone along an' goin' behind their back," she said.
"Exactly! We could have talked and maybe worked s-something out, and if it couldn't be s-saved, then we could have at least broken up on good terms! But instead, s-she s-spent half a s-sweep lying to me!" Thiomi agreed. She growled and ground her teeth as lukewarm tears continued to fall.
"I know I'm not naturally competitive, but if s-she'd just told me s-she wasn't happy, I would have tried harder. S-she was the first person I ever fell pitch for. I hated her arrogance, her selfishness, how loudly and unapologetically disrespectful and rude and s-spiteful s-she is, but s-she's also confident, and headstrong, and determined, and proud... S-she was perfect, and... And--"
Thiomi choked on her last statement and grabbed the bowl in her lap to launch it across the room in frustration. The plastic bounced harmlessly across the floor slinging pear juice with every impact. With a heavy breath, she hid her face in her hands and loudly cried out her rage and hurt. Corali slung her arm around her and pulled her close. Mousemom gave a few concerned squeaks as she listened to her ward's distress, and Corali gently papped her large snout to ease her a bit.
"Why couldn't I be enough for her?? Why couldn't s-she just-- just talk to me!? Why did s-she have to lie to me for half a s-sweep?! I can't-- I can't even think about that quadrant now! How can I trust I won't be hurt again?? That I'm ever going to be enough for anybody!!" Thiomi wailed and slammed her fists against her crossed legs just to release at least a fraction of the tension and angry energy, and Corali made no move to stop her. She'd been carrying around and hiding this anger for sweeps.
Venting was the best thing she could do for herself.
When her rage entered another lull, Corali finally spoke up again. "An' then ya ran inta her while you were out an' about."
"Y-yeah. I was an idiot to approach her at all, but I-I wanted her to be s-sorry. I knew s-she wouldn't be, because s-she's never s-sorry, but..."
"But ya still wanted some kinda acknowledgement that she knew she was wrong. Just somethin', anythin' at all to show she has at least a fraction of a conscience," Corali finished, and Thiomi could only bite her lip and nod in confirmation.
"S-she told me it was my own fault our relationship failed. That not holding her interest forced her to look for s-someone else because I never measured up. S-she called you a downgrade from S-sonja because 'at least he's a highblood,' and 's-settling for the lowest s-society has to offer' means s-she was right to dump me s-since i'm 's-such a joke.'"
Corali could feel her own anger start to well up hearing the brutal dressing down she received. However, rather than contribute to the Shadah hate train, she stood up and walked toward the couch, removed the cushions, and set them in a heap in front of Thiomi.
"What are you doing?" Thiomi asked in confusion as she watched Corali head to the cleaning closet in the kitchen and pull out the broom. She walked back to her, grabbed one of her hands and hoisted the small woman onto her feet with a single yank. Thiomi squeaked in surprise and nearly lost her balance from the sudden motion, but Corali was quick to catch her and straighten her up.
"We're gon' do a li'l thing called catharsis. See, yer gonna take this broom here an' beat the everlovin' shit outta them cushions," Corali told her matter-of-factly. "Hit 'em as hard an' as much as ya need. Trust me, as the expert on bein' angry, it'll feel damn good."
Thiomi stared at Corali, then the couch cushions, then the broom as it was forced into her hands. Broom, Corali, cushions, Corali, broom. Her incredulous gaze went back and forth for a few moments.
"You want me... to hit my cushions?"
"Them ain't yer cushions. They're Shadah's smug bitch face. Show that jackass what for!"
"I... I don't--"
"Here, lemme help getcha started," Corali said with a grin as she lifted up a cushion and held it in front of her. "Yer a spineless li'l wimp what couldn't fight her way outta a wet paper bag. I'm the best yer ever gon' get, an' ya fuckin' fumbled it. An' leavin' a purple fer a rusty? Pathetic."
"Y'all gonna take that lyin' down?" Corali prodded. Thiomi gripped the broom in her hand and gave the cushion a weak swing.
"Y'all call that a swat? I been bit by mosquitoes with more punch than that! Hit me fer real, or are ya too weak??"
"I'm not weak!" Thiomi raised her voice and took another swing, this one noticeably harder than the first.
"Them love taps say otherwise! C'mon, that can't be all ya got!"
"I s-said I'm not weak!" Smack!
"That's more like it! Tell me how ya really feel!"
"I hate you!" Smack! "I wish I never met you!" Smack! "You don't deserve your quadrants!!" Smack!! Smack!!
"An' why d'y'all wish ya never met me, huh!?"
"Because you s-suck!!" SMACK!! "You're a liar!" SMACK!! "And s-selfish!" SMACK!! "And the worst!" SMACK!! "Person!" SMACK!! "I ever!" SMACK!! "Met!!!" SMACK SMACK SMACK!!!
"There we go! Keep goin'! Show that bitch she's a waste a meat an' air!!" Corali cheered as her moirail finally let go and started wailing on the cushion, all the while yelling and venting everything she'd been holding back for sweeps. Her onslaught only stopped when she accidentally walloped Corali in the face. She yelped and dropped the cushion, and Thiomi's rage almost immediately vanished as concern overtook her. She cast the broom aside and tried to get a good look at Corali's face to check for any bruising. Corali, rather than be upset, cracked up laughing as she allowed Thiomi to examine her.
"Oh my god, I'm s-so s-sorry! I didn't mean to get s-so carried away!" Thiomi sputtered, but Corali brushed off her apology with a half-hearted wave of her hand and nudged her away.
"S'alright, miss ma'am! I fight yer matesprit, remember? I been hit with way worse than a li'l ol' broom ta the face. What about you, though? Felt pretty good to let loose, right?" Corali asked with a goofy grin. Thiomi fussed with the hem of her shirt as if she was embarrassed to answer.
"Ye... Yeah, it kinda did," she answered meekly with a small smile.
"Hahaha, the way you were swingin', I'd say 'kinda' is a understatement," Corali laughed and ruffled her moirail's hair before picking up the cushions and putting them back on the couch. As she was about to take a seat, Thiomi grabbed her around the middle and gave her a tight hug.
"Thanks," she said sweetly. "Nothing will fix what happened, but... but I can live with that."
"Good. One li'l beat 'em up session ain't gonna be enough ta heal how bad you were hurtin', but at least ya got some a that anger out now instead a hidin' it."
"Yeah. Next time I s-see Kamava, I'll tell her about S-shadah and s-see what s-she s-says."
"Atta gal," Corali said and leaned down to plant a small kiss on the top of her head. "Yer gonna be just fine."
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tor3memberwhatsdeleted · 10 months
Alright. Let's get this going.
Yes, me. @alice-the-kittycat-yt
Sep-dec 2021
From running through the house, I turned my foot the wrong way and broke it. It wasn't till a week later that I was taken to Urgent Care to get an X-ray of it. Turned out it was fractured. I had to use crutches to get around.
Because of that, I couldn't carry my bag. Someone had to help me. Yes, the mentioned, Alexander.
Not going to say his full name. That would be completely wrong. That'd probably be considered doxxing, which is not what I want. Don't do or say anything to him. That's wrong and not a good way to handle such situations.
Anyway, he was the one to carry my bag. Over the time, I developed a close bond with him. I had ever wanted to love, but something changed when I met him. Felt instantly drawn and breathless looking at him.
Off of that, my friends found out. The first time he asked me out, I declined. I didn't want to like him at the time.
Oh how bad that was.
I soon confessed and we stayed extremely close friends for a while.
Feb 18 2022
This is the exact day he asked me to be his girlfriend. Of course I excepted.
Went on the rest of the year without any problems, other than me then thinking negatively of myself after dating him. Bringing down my self esteem.
Rest of 2022
It was alright. I was completely blind by love for this man. I was dumb. Long time followers remember me always talking about him over this period.
As well as self hate posts.
Drawings of him.
Everything on him.
I was obsessed with this guy.
How foolish.
I realized signs of him cheating with a clingy woman named, to keep her private, we'll call her Izzy. She always wanted to be around him.
Then came valentine's day of 2023...
Feb 25, 2023
This is the exact date of which he broke up with me after admitting to cheating on my with Izzy.
I was devastated and depressed.
I didn't know what to do with my life. But...
I built myself back up. He started being a b**** to me and calling me things.
Going as far as to bring up my past, which is a very sensitive subject for me.
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I couldn't believe he would do such a thing (yes, my parents fought, not only with words but violence, I might do a story on that later).
Then it went to insulting my appearance.
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Then brings my depression to make fun of me
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Wouldn't anyone cry?!?!?!
Then he goes as far to tell me to kill myself after I mentioned my friend telling me to block him. Before I even finished my sentence.
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Can't even spell properly.
Uses the same insults as a 6 year old.
Present day
So, currently he called me recently, no, I didn't answer because I was confused. I've been a lot nicer to him.
Though I'll never truly forgive him.
He lied and said I was abusive then later admitting to dumping me for another woman.
I won't forget this. I never did anything to him. Yes, I did say some pretty rude things as a comeback, but I never went as far as to tell him to literally kill himself. I wouldn't wish that upon anyone!
Insulting my art.
I will never forgive or forget that.
He is rude and not trustworthy.
I'm done here.
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casspurrjoybell-25 · 3 months
Skating on Thin Ice - Chapter 36 - Part 3
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*Warning - Adult Content*
Elijah Ellis
I couldn't help but think of the time I spent with Mandy and how it made me feel.
It seemed like such a simple thing but she was right, confronting my emotions was crucial in dealing with them.
I always thought hockey was the only way I could let off steam.
Never would I have thought of art to be a sort of therapy for me.
My shower was quick and soon enough, I dried and threw on my clothes before heading back to my room.
I was confused when I saw Joshua standing in there until I saw what he was doing.
"What are you doing?" I asked Joshua, rushing over to him and snatching my cell-phone out of his hand.
"Elijah, what the hell is that?" he asked in a low tone, gesturing toward my phone.
"None of your business," I yelled.
"Don't go through my phone."
"Are you getting bullied?" Joshua questioned, his eyebrows raised.
"Leave it alone, Joshua," I seethed.
"I can't," he exclaimed.
"I've been trying to give you space but I can't ignore that."
"Why did you even go through my cell-phone in the first place?" I snapped, shoving the phone in my back pocket.
"Because one of those idiots wrote something stupid on your post," Joshua explained.
"The one Ryan posted of all of us."
I hadn't even notice any of the guys from my old team comment on the photo.
"I wasn't going through your phone, just your Instagram," Joshua said.
I scoffed.
"That doesn't make it any better."
Joshua stared at me with a hard glare.
I could tell he was trying not to blow up at me but if I pushed him far enough, he would.
"I could have just gone to Dad, would you have preferred that?" Joshua asked, crossing his arms over his chest.
My glare matched his at his words.
"I'm trying to be a better brother to you, Elijah," Joshua told me, his voice soft.
"I can't let you torture yourself with what those people have to say to you. I can't."
"I'm not," I lied.
Joshua gave me a look that told me he saw right through me.
"I know you," he said.
"I know you think you deserve what those people say."
"But you don't," he cut me off.
"You don't deserve it..." his voice broke on the last few words.
I couldn't pull words out of my mouth.
My throat was dry and my eyes burned as I looked at Joshua.
He seemed so torn up and guilty.
When I saw tears well up in his eyes, I knew this was about more than just the messages I had received.
"I'm so sorry," Joshua choked out, his jaw right.
I was shocked at the sound of his voice, broken and shaky.
"Joshua, let's just not do this right now," I suggested, wanting to get away from him as soon as possible.
"I'm not ignoring this," he asserted, his voice sounding stronger.
"You can't let them do that to you."
"It's not like I can just stop it," I responded with a sigh.
"Block them. Delete the account. Do something," Josh urged.
"Please Elijah."
"It's not a big..."
"You're my brother. I love you. I can't let this happen to you..." his voice was getting shaky again.
My mouth went dry at his words.
I didn't remember a time Joshua and I had ever uttered those words to each other.
We never saw ourselves as brothers, not until now at least.
My lip quivered as my eyes burned with tears that began spilling out.
Joshua had his arms wrapped around me almost instantly, letting me cry on his shoulder.
He held me tightly, like I would unravel if he let go.
I grasped the back of his shirt and rested my head on him.
"I'm so worried something will happen to you if that continues," Joshua said in a raspy voice, his head falling to my shoulder.
"I'm sorry I worry you," I muttered.
"You're my brother, I'll always worry about you," he replied.
"Worrying about you isn't a burden, it just comes with being family."
I gripped him tighter and let out an uneven breath.
"I love you too, Joshua."
His arms secured me to him as we both calmed down.
"I couldn't ignore this," Joshua started.
"But I really am trying to stop butting into your life."
I scoffed, pulling away from him to give him a look of disbelief.
"It's not working," I told him.
"It is," he assured me with a grin.
"I know more than you think but I'm minding my business."
It wasn't hard to figure out what he was talking about.
I nodded, tightly pressing my lips together.
"But we'll talk about that when you're ready," he said, his grin turning into a satisfied smirk.
I laughed, wiping excess tears form under my eye.
"No we won't."
I could tell it pained him to not ask me about Fox but still, he kept his word and kept his mouth shut.
The two of us moved to sit down on my bed, shoulder to shoulder.
Joshua held out an open hand, raising his eyebrows at me.
"Phone," he said.
I rolled my eyes, pulling my cell-phone from my back pocket and handing it over to him.
Joshua wasted no time opening up my Instagram and blocking the members from my old team who had left me messages.
He deleted the messages and put my account on private.
"You should block everyone from your old school," Joshua suggested.
"So they have no way of getting to you."
I nodded in agreement.
Joshua and so spent the next few minutes going through my followers and blocking everyone from my old school.
"There," Joshua said with a grin, handing my phone back.
"Now you can still get memes from Ryan without the assholes bullying you."
"Thanks Joshua," I said in a soft tone.
Joshua let out a hum and didn't make any move to leave my room.
"Joshua," I started, grabbing his attention.
He turned to look at me.
"What you said that night, the night I left," I continued.
"It really bothered me. It still bothers me."
His expression softened and he looked down at his lap, avoiding eye contact.
"I know," he muttered.
"I'm not mad at you," I told him.
"But it hurt."
Joshua sighed, rubbing his eyes with the heels of his hands.
"I was just scared and frustrated," he said.
"And I took it out on you and that was messed up."
"I know."
"And I thought you just hated being here," he continued.
"But I now I know it's because you feel like you don't belong here, not because you hate us."
"You do belong here, you know," Joshua told me, nudging me with his shoulder.
I thought for a moment.
"I'm trying."
"I'm sorry for saying that stuff," Joshua apologized.
I could tell by the look on his face that he was sincere.
"I know you are," I agreed.
"I don't even know why I was so worried about you knowing about Trevor," Joshua admitted with a sigh.
"It's not a big deal," I assured him.
"I still think you should apologize to him."
Joshua nodded.
"Yeah. I should."
The hurt we both felt throughout the months I had been living here was out in the open and now that it was, it could finally start to heal.
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terriergirlthoughts · 2 years
to ex who cannot let things lie
i often find myself awake, sick to my stomach thinking about what you have put me through. not just from the three weeks we dated, but the five years that followed, where you constantly spewed hate and lies about me no matter what.
no matter how many months, years i stay silent, you continue to say things online about me. you say lies that i know in the bottom of your heart, you know aren’t true. empty accusations with no real evidence or even elaboration, just labels and buzzwords plastered over each other to build this big monster you insist that i am, but you never really knew me.
two weeks into becoming friends with you you were crushposting about me already. you asked me out, and i said no because i didn’t know you well enough. you guilted and grilled me about it, “well you have to let me know now if this is ever gonna happen because if not then i have to get over you.” i didn’t know what to do so i said probably.
i wish you knew that several people warned me about getting involved with you before i did. even our mutual friends. and even one of your exes, who you also abused. who you also threatened suicide and self harm to. i should have listened. but i thought maybe you’d changed. so i got to know you more, and a month later maybe, we started “dating” on christmas.
we dated for three weeks. you ridiculed me on my appearance, guilted me for my eating problems which i tried to keep to myself, and when i vented, (with consent to), you told me “well if you were skinny i wouldn’t be attracted to you”. yes you said that. you would blow up on me, telling me how terrible of a person i was for telling harmless jokes (saying “haha eat a bag o’ dicks” to a jab at my appearance). i would hang out with my roommate on nights i knew you were busy anyway and you would tell me how horrible of a person i was for not inviting you. if i didn’t respond to you you would guilt me. not just with vague posting on your blog about self harm and other grim stuff, but no you actually sent me art of you mutilating yourself and said “you weren’t answering so i got sad”. i was busy with college applications.
our relationship wasn’t all terrible 24/7, i had decent memories joking around together and drawing pictures for each other, showing each other music and stuff. in all honesty i never took it too seriously, though we said “i love you” to each other a week in. shamefully the first time i said it back i was drunk at my friends house, and it was over text. in all honesty i don’t think i loved you but i thought you were pretty cool when you weren’t freakin me out. it was high school, whatever.
but the bad outweighed the good, by far. dating you felt like constantly walking on eggshells. now, this was a long time ago, and i’m not sure what kind of person you are now, and if you’ve changed i’m happy for you and i congratulate you. but back then, you weren’t as kind as you should’ve been. i grew cold and distant, i didn’t want to be with you anymore. i broke up with you. i told you it was my fault and i was just bad at dating people and not to blame yourself, to protect your feelings. i was afraid of your reaction if i were to tell the truth. you told me you loved me more than anything and to let you know if i changed my mind, and that you’d always be there for me, that you didn’t want anyone else… then a few seconds later, you said “i wish i’d never met you, i wish my phone was lost forever, i wish i was dead”.
our breakup was as cringey as any high school break up tends to be. afterwards i offered you my friendship and tried to be kind. you blocked me on everything to protect your feelings, which i understood. still, i looked out for you in ways you couldn’t see, some you could. i wanted to be friends, genuinely, i didn’t want to hate each other, i didn’t see that as productive for either of us seeing we were in the same classes and would have to be spending time near each other anyway. i believe the worst i ever said to you after our breakup was “fuck off”.
things started going sour when you were posting about me nonstop. not just vague posting me, you were fully name dropping me to hundreds of people who knew my name. who knew who i was and my accounts. it started out with heartbreak-posting, sad-posting, which is all understandable. still i didn’t want my name involved so i asked you to stop and you did not.
months later, your posts turned very bitter, very aggressive. your friends and you joked about me dying, your friend even made a joke about a hit man killing me and you posted it laughing about it. you didn’t stop there, you made a whole separate side blog dedicated to posting hate about me. in one of them you said “DIE” over and over again. this all made me so sick and so paranoid.
months later, into the summer, you began referring to me online as your abuser. this came as a complete shock and punch to the gut to me. not only because we hardly even ever fought, and when we did it was you blowing up at me. but because i felt you had been the one mildly abusing me.
you never specified how i “”abused “”you. it was an empty accusation, no examples, no specifics, which i would have expected given how much you tended to overshare on your blog and in your art even, at the time. back in school , that year you made your final project about me and our “toxic relationship”. it was essentially a zine of you projecting the entirety of twin fantasy onto our relationship. which… was weird. but i had to stand there and listen to it and read it in front of everyone who knew it was about me. i wanted to disappear or throw up. i wish you knew what that felt like.
after the initial “abuser” accusation i could not leave bed for days. i cried constantly, i felt so fucking wronged. i had no appetite, i felt sick, it had completely destroyed me. the posting’s severity got to a point where my family noticed and became concerned. my mom told me she was going to text you from her phone and threaten legal action in hopes it would stop, from the death threats to harsh untrue accusations, none of us could take it anymore.
i even felt bad at the thought that receiving a text like that might frighten you or make you nervous. but she had made her mind up and what was i going to do. regardless of how i felt i also recognized it was warranted.
for years i would get random texts from friends showing me stuff you were saying. once you started with the ‘abuser’ stuff you didn’t stop, it had become concrete in your mind i guess.
flash forward to this year, i find out you are now referring to me as your “groomer ex bf”. how everyone in the fur community follows your “groomer ex bf” and how you were “groomed” when you were in the furry community.
i had the worst panic attack i’ve had in years. i could not stop shaking. man i thought i was going to die i couldn’t breathe. i could not believe this. the utter shock that you would even say something like that knowing it’s not true.
when we dated for three weeks, five years ago, in high school — i was one grade above you. one grade. we are barely a year and a half apart in age. you asked ME out. i even rejected you at first. we never had sex, our relationship was barely sexual at all. the most we did was draw suggestive pictures of our characters for each other. i was barely a non-virgin. we kissed a handful of times and held hands a few times.
do you… understand the weight that word holds? do you understand what that word even means??? grooming is something that an adult does to a child, preying on them for months to years, building a relationship with them to trust them so they can defile them.
to call me a groomer when it’s so painfully obvious that it isn’t true is just. an absolute new high score for you. i never thought you could outdo yourself. but you did. you keep topping it. i feel like next you’re gonna say i’m a serial killer or something. i don’t understand WHAT on this earth has you out here saying these things. but it has me in the same place i was in four years ago when you started accusing me of abusing you.
it doesn’t make me sick because i think it may be true, i know it’s not true. but the thought of other people believing you because they don’t know any better, and associating my name, my music, my artwork with something so disgusting and horrific. that’s what makes me sick.
i’ve worked so hard to build what i have now, i found myself in a community with people who i love and respect. the thought of losing all of this to someone who emotionally destroyed me for five fucking years over three weeks of nothing. that makes me sick. someone who has no problem lying to seem troubled. just like you did in high school, telling people you were “below the poverty line” when your dad makes movies and your mom home brews kombucha in your big ass suburban house. you are a privileged and sheltered narcissist and i pray to god you don’t do to anyone else what you have done to me.
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shima-draws · 4 years
It’s official: I can no longer draw
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amirahart · 2 years
Flinch || Charles Leclerc
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Pairing: Charles Leclerc x (Y/N)
Warnings: mentions of abuse/flinching, mention of the French gp 2022 (yes that needs a warning), crushing, bad writing, even worse summary lmao
Summary: You and Charles are having an argument, when a sudden movement causes you to unravel your past…
Authors Note: 1. Tried to make a gif, did not go great. 2. If you have ever been in a situation like this, or you’re still going through any form of abuse, I am so sorry, you are so strong, you deserve so much better, and I am always here to talk to you if you need. I promise you I know that it seems hopeless, but it will get better❤️
Xoxo Art
He was drunk. (Y/N) knew that the moment she opened the door for him. She didn’t know why she thought that after today’s events, after his scream on the radio, after waiting for him for hours without him calling, something extremely out of character, he would show up sober. But she still hoped so.
The stench of alcohol overtook her, froze her for a second. She could do this. She could put him to bed and not think about it. All would be well. She quickly shuffled to the side and let him into her appartement, watching him and he stumbled a little bit and then fell onto the couch in a not-so-graceful move. It was all familiar to her, the entire endeavor, and as much as she was trying to assure herself that Charles wasn’t him, her heart rate still picked up.
She quickly closed the door and hesitantly walked to his side. “This is your boyfriend and he needs you right now”, she reminded herself. “This is your Charles and he needs you”. She looked at him and tried to block the memories from entering her brain.
(Y/N) sat to the couch next to him, still keeping a small distance between them. Charles was balancing his head on his arms, hiding his face. The sight broke her heart. She couldn’t bear to see him like this, so small and broken, over a mistake.
“You shouldn’t blame yourself”, she said quietly. She knew he heard that today a million times, but it was true and she still wanted to remind him of it. He didn’t react to the sound of her voice. “I am still very proud of you”, she tried again, and this time, Charles’ head snapped up.
“Don’t you get tired of this, amour?”, he asked in a venomous tone, which made (Y/N) clench her teeth and recite her mantra again. “This is your Charles, he needs you. He’s not like him”
“Get tired of what, baby?”
“Always saying the right fucking thing. Lying to my damn face”, his words took her aback. He was drunk, and she shouldn’t take them to heart, but she still did. He was never this rough with her.
“I have never lied to you Charles”, her voice seemed to get smaller.
“You did just now. Why the fuck would you be proud of a damn failure?”, his tone was getting more agressive, and (Y/N) could see that they were trotting in dangerous territory. She hated the fact that he thought of himself that way. She hated the fact that in that moment of weakness for her boyfriend, in that moment where he was breaking down, all she could think was how she was going to escape this, how to control her breathing and the best excuse to allow her to bid goodnight and hide under her covers. She hated the fact that her first instinct was to leave him at this state and protect herself.
“You are not a failure Charles. You have never been a failure and you will never be a failure. Everyone is allowed mistakes”, she started, her tone even and calculated, but Charles just rolled his eyes and scoffed, starting to pace across the living room. “It does not define you”, she tried to sound reassuring, but her voice was shaking at the way his feet hit the wooden floor, the way he was clenching his teeth. The too familiar way his nostrils flared and his hands closed into fists.
“I’m not fucking allowed mistakes, (Y/N), that’s the fucking problem”, he continued to pace across the room, his voice getting louder. “I’m supposed to be good at what I do and I ruined everything!”
“You did not ruin everything”
“I fucking did! So many people have sacrificed so fucking much for me to be able to be here, I’m just disappointing everyone. I know I am. And I know I disappointed you, which is why it’s so fucking annoying when you say that you’re proud of me”, (Y/N) tried to interrupt him, but he just kept going. “You shouldn’t be fucking proud of me. I’m a formula one driver, I’m supposed to be the best, I’m supposed to be world champion, and fucking look at me!”
“Honey, of course I’m proud of you, you’re not disappointing anyone. It happens to every driver, look at Perez, look at Lewis, even Max”, what she intended to be sympathetic words just riled him up more.
“Don’t fucking compare me to Max! I can’t stand being compared to him! Not by you! I understand he’s better, he has the championship, I get that, I don’t need that right now!”, he was practically yelling at this point, which made her breath hitch in her throat. She couldn’t do it. She couldn’t be here for him, not when he was drunk and angry and yelling and reminding her of everything she tried to hard to forget.
“I’m sorry baby, you’re right. Let’s just go to bed and talk about this tomorrow”, she reverted back to her old ways. Apologize, validate, escape. Apologize, validate, escape. It was always her fault. She’d rather it be her fault. She just wanted to go to bed and forget this ever happened.
Charles didn’t hear the desperation in her voice, partly because he was blinded by his anger, and partly because he was drunk. He was too into his own head to understand that he was hurting her. “We’re doing this right now! Don’t you understand that my career is important to me? I can’t afford mistakes like these (Y/N), I can’t ! Do you get that?”, he didn’t know why he was yelling. It wasn’t her fault. If anything she was the only thing making it better. She was the only person that could tell him bullshit such as « you’ll do better next time » and « I believe in you », and he would actually believe it. She was the one that could numb his pain and make him feel human. He shouldn’t be yelling at her.
“I understand, baby”, she cringed at the way her voice shook.
“Then why don’t you act like it?” Had he turned to look at her in that moment, he would’ve seen the fear in her eyes, the way she was sitting on her palms to stop them from shaking, the way she was counting each breath. But he didn’t.
“Charles, you’re drunk and you’re angry. Please calm down so we can discuss this, or this conversation stops now”
“You’re not listening to me!”, he yelled, turning around to face her and hitting the wall with his hand in frustration.
And she flinched.
He had never sobered up faster. He had never hated himself more.
Silence filled the room as the realization of what happened hit the young couple simultaneously. (Y/N) was frozen in place. She thought it was all behind her. She thought that he wouldn’t affect her life once he was out of it. She thought that his hold on her was over. She thought she was strong. No one had ever seen her flinch.
Charles retracted his arm. He didn’t know what to say. All words seemed to have left his brain except for one phrase: I made her think I would hurt her. He was disgusted with himself. He would never raise a hand on anyone, ever, and yet he was so disgusting that he made the woman he loved think that he had the capability to hurt her. He wanted to rip his arm off and burn it, as to not be associated with anything that could even be remotely related to making (Y/N) scared or hurt.
(Y/N) was the first to unfreeze. She quickly cleared her throat and stood up, heading for the door. “I have to go”, she mumbled, trying not to let her tears run down her cheeks. She hadn’t cried in a long time. She couldn’t let him see her cry. She was not ready to face the consequences.
Hearing her so broken set Charles into action. He approached her as gently as he could, still keeping a distance between them. “Je suis vraiment désolé”, he said in a soft voice, trying to prevent his own tears from escaping at the sight of her so broken. I am so sorry. He couldn’t express how truly heartbroken he was, not even in his native tongue.
“It’s not your fault baby, it’s alright, I just have to go”, her hand was on the door handle, her back facing him. She couldn’t do it. Not again.
“(Y/N)”, his voice was raw, one word holding so much emotion that she couldn’t avoid crying anymore. She slowly turned to face him, and her tears triggered his own. He fell on his knees in front of her, looking her in the eyes with such intensity that she couldn’t break the contact if she wanted to.
“Je ne te ferais jamais de mal” I would never hurt you.
They were both sobbing. (Y/N) slowly slid down, hugging her knees and letting her tears run freely. I would never hurt you. She was shaking. It was getting harder to breath, and the room seem to be getting smaller and smaller. She knew he would never hurt her. She hated herself for making him think she was afraid of Charles. She hated herself for allowing him to still have a fucking effect on her life.
Charles slowly slid next to her, and she placed her head on his shoulder. A weight was lifted off his chest as he felt her touch. He ran his fingers through her hair, something that he knew soothed her. They just stayed there for a while, both crying, until they let it all out of their system. He placed his head over hers and just kept mumbling apologies into her hair. He could never apologize enough. He could never express the regret and fear and pain and agony he felt. He promised himself that if she ever decided she would give him a second chance, he would spend his whole life trying to prove to her how much he loved her. How much he cherished her and adored her. He would never fucking hurt her. Never.
After a while the tears stopped, and came the hard part. The conversation. (Y/N) knew she could not avoid it, but she could not fathom the idea of being so vulnerable in front of anyone, even Charles. She didn’t like remembering what had happened to her. It was an admission of her own weakness, how long she stayed. It made her feel dirty, unworthy.
“I’m sorry for making you cry over something this stupid”, her voice was barely over a whisper. She didn’t know what to say. Charles heart broke for what seemed to be the millionth time tonight.
“S’il te plaît, dont apologize”, he pulled her close again, burying his face in her hair to hide the tears that were spilling out of his eyes. “Don’t apologize”, he muttered again and again.
After a long moment of silence, he spoke again. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen you cry”, he whispered.
“I don’t cry anymore”
“Why not?”
She thought about her answer. She thought about the events of tonight and the events that took place not so long ago, but still seemed to be eons away. She thought about the memories she tried to suppress, the thoughts she tried to drown. And she came to the conclusion that the only person in the world that could possibly understand her was holding her in his arms.
« He didn’t like it when I cried », her voice was barely audible. Charles didn’t know what to say. He pulled her impossibly closer and waited for her to make the next move. « It was years ago. I was young, younger to know better. And he was just so charming. Everything he said was like music to my ears. So I didn’t think straight. We fell in love so fast, I thought it was a miracle. And it was, until it wasn’t. He was stressed and he was angry and he was drunk, oh he used to get so drunk. It wasn’t like the movies where he’d chase me around with a knife or whatever. He was just… he was so mean. I felt like I wasn’t good enough in my own house”
Charles felt paralyzed as he listened to the love of his life talk about the thing that plagued her. He had so many thoughts running through his mind. How he wished he met her earlier so he could save her the pain of going through that. How he wished he could find this guy and kill him with his own bare hands. How he wished he knew what to say or what to do to make it all better.
“But he was still sweet. Every time he would yell at me or make me cry he’d be perfect afterwards. He’d promise me the world and I used to believe it. I believed every fucking word of his. I was so fucking stupid. The word “abuse” didn’t even occur to me even after he started to beat me. I was such a fucking idiot. I never told anyone. Everyone was so happy for me. They all thought we would get married. They didn’t see what was happening behind closed doors. How he would drink and drink and then hit me cause I’d try to tell him to cut it down, or because I didn’t tell him to cut it down that meant I didn’t care about him, or how when I talked I talked too much, but when I didn’t I was mad or I was cheating on him. I think the worst part is I wanted to marry him. I wanted to trap myself into that fucking life. Cause even if he beat me and he made me cry and he made me want to rip my skin off and hide away for days, he was perfect. He was romantic and he knew my needs and he brought me flowers. He would apologize and promise that one day we’d travel the world together.” She took a deep breath. “It took me two years. Two years of my fucking life wasted living in fear. But I left. I found a job offer as far away from him as possible and came here and prayed he’d never find me. I still hate myself for it. Not just for staying so long, for letting him steal two years of my life, but for still letting him ruin me. I can’t cry without fearing that I’d get hurt. I can’t stand up for myself. I used to be stubborn, can you believe that? Now I’m not. I lost part of myself to him.” She chuckled dryly. “I spent so long trying to scrub myself clean from him that I forgot who I am.”
She tried to sound okay, but Charles immediately picked up on how painful that was to admit for her. “You, ma vie, are the bravest, most beautiful, most thoughtful and caring and funny person I have ever met. You make everything you touch a trillion times better. You are talented and exquisite and kind and so intelligent. And all of that is you. Your past does not define you, chérie, and even though he might have caused you pain, he will never be able to reach you again. And he is certainly not the thing that made you such a wonderful person”
She teared up at his words. Charles stood up, with (Y/N) still in his arms, and moved them both to the couch. They sat there for hours, talking and crying, holding each other like it was the end of the world. Most of their time was occupied by Charles whispering sweet nothings into her ears, apologizing over and over again. For not making her feel safe, for her past, for not being able to do anything about it.
He held her until she fell asleep in his arms. He didn’t dare move in fear that he would wake her - God knew she needed the rest. He kept running his fingers through her hair, promising her that it was all better, promising he would never even think about touching alcohol again, telling her how sorry he was and how much he loved her.
He didn’t know if she could hear him but he didn’t really care. He needed to tell her all this. Because for the rest of his life, he would have to live with the fact that he made the love of his life flinch.
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I have a request! So Reader is curious about what Zhongli was like during the Archon war so Zhongli gives them a dream (With consent of course) where they meet Morax and reader gets fucked by him. Also Zhongli is watching too. If he manifests in the dream to join in or not is up to you.
This was the hardest fic I wrote so far because I had to think if I'd go for two dicks Zhongli or not. So anon, and everyone else, please suspend your disbelief in this fic. Yeah 4 cocks might be too much for one hole but listen as the new adage says "If there's a hole, there's a way!"
Sweet Dreams Are Made of This
Summary: A simple question borne out of curiosity leads you to experience a side of Zhongli that no historian had never even thought of.
It started from an innocuous question, one borne from curiosity and genuine desire to know more about him.
“What were you like, during the Archon Wars?” You had asked, the midday sun shining brightly through the bamboo leaves on the roads of Qingce.
Your hair fluttered in the soft winds, your silver bell tinkling with each step you took as it fluttered from the sides of your sash.
“Unpleasant” He had answered after a beat, he stopped observing you and looked forward, blankly staring at the road as he remembered the way he was.
Just as cold and as unfeeling as the rocks he had come from.
Your curious tone became on the receiving end of his inquisitive look. You smiled at him, gentle and just shy of being embarrassed, “I think, you would have no patience for my usual antics. Had you been unfortunate enough to have met me then.”
“Perhaps,” Zhongli agreed but silently he thought, ‘I would have still come to like you.’
You laughed at his agreement, oblivious to his silent thoughts, “Ah~ but I feel like I would have so much fun teasing the version of you during the Archon Wars.”
“I bet you were so uptight during that time, like a stick in the mud!” You continued in playful banter, “I’d probably be the first person who’d get you so mad you’d be red in the face!”
Zhongli found amusement in the triumphant tone you held, your tone just as excited as it was when sharing theories with Miss Alice. Zhongli found comfort in that, the knowledge that even at his most scariest, and most unpleasant point in his life, you would be fond of him.
“Zhongli, do you think that if we met back then we’d be as close as we are now?” You asked him, “personally, I think that we wouldn’t be. I don’t think I would have been able to survive the aftermath of the Archon Wars.”
Zhongli paused in his walking, his joy washed away in your rationality.
“What makes you so sure of it?” He asked, ‘I would have protected you.’
You gave him a soft smile, “We wouldn’t have gotten along, I would probably punch you in the face. And then you’d get mad for the disrespect.”
Your laughter rang in his ears, as if mocking his sentiments even if he knew that your words held a modicum of truth in it. Back then, he had no qualms on dirtying his hands, no matter how gentle he tried to be, he never wavered in face of difficult decisions, always choosing the best option that would lead to victory.
How would he have reacted to you, who fought and found answers beyond what was given, always seeking a third option that would ensure a happy end. You were not meant for war, your ideals and kindness would have no place in those cruel times.
Even so, Zhongli wanted to prove you wrong.
“Then, shall we place a bet?”
“A bet?” You asked, eyes glinting in anticipation of a boon.
“Yes. I shall give you a dream, of sorts, that can transcend through time.”
“Ooooh~! Another one of those adepti arts, I presume?”
“Yes. I would let you meet the version of me before the height of the Archon Wars” Zhongli began to explain, “then if we manage to be as close as we are now, I have won the bet. If that version of me ends up loathing you, I acquiesce to your belief.”
“And what do I get if I win?” You asked.
“Whatever you wish for” He answered, eyes shining bright like cor lapis.
The golden leaves of the gingko trees fluttered as it fell down to the ground. Morax sat on one of the edges on the numerous outcrops of Qingyun Peak. It was a rare moment of peace, there was no imminent danger that needed to be quelled. Liyue was in momentary peace. He sighed and let himself relax, enjoying the solitude up until he heard the soft sound of someone landing nearby.
In an instant he appeared before a human who wore strange clothing. He pointed his spear at them, “Speak, why do you trespass on the grounds of the Adepti?”
“Huh?” You blinked at him, slowly getting up as you patted the grass and dust off your clothes, “Damn, Zhongli wasn’t really kidding when he said you were too wounded up.”
Morax frowned at your impudence, “Mortal, that is not the way to speak to the Prime Adep-”
You raised your arm towards him, interrupting him as you offered, “Osmanthus wine! I’ll share it with you if you don’t get mad at me!”
Your wide smile, warm and inviting made him uneasy. An unknown feeling bursting in his chest as he stared into glinting eyes.
“Impudent” He said before moving to capture you and bring you down the mountain.
Despite moving at a speed impossible for a human to match, you had effortlessly evaded his hands. Your laughter rang loudly in the open field, teasing and amused. Zhongli frowned and quickly gave chase and yet you eluded him, teasing him by purposely letting him almost grab the hem of your sleeves only to speed up at the last possible second before appearing far away from him in another direction.
Frustration building up, Zhongli decided to use his geo to block your path, slowly studying your moves so as to anticipate where you would move. It went on and on, erecting stone steeles to block your path until you were caged and nowhere to run.
“Uwaa~” You panted, a mild tone of complaint seeping into your voice“How come you can’t even have tenderhearted feelings for this weak human?”
Morax frowned at your blatant lies, “No human would be able to match the speed and energy of an adepti the way you do.”
You gave him an amused smile, sweat dripping down your face, “That you’ve met. Have you ever made it out of Liyue?”
Morax didn’t answer, stony gaze boring down on you.
“Aiya~ what a tough crowd…” You trailed off and yet the smile on your face never wavered, “but if you keep up such an attitude towards me~ I’ll win the bet and have an adepti answer my whim~”
“What tricks have you done, mortal!” Morax pointed his spear at your throat.
Your smug look never wavered, “Ahahaha, I did no tricks Lord Adeptus~”
“Lies!” He denounced, “What sort of charm did you use to seduce one of my own?!”
“Seduce?” You blinked at him owlishly before a wide grin broke out on your face, “Oh, oh! You think I’m seductive?”
You pushed his spear away, sauntered to him, pressing your chest close to his, arms wrapping on his neck. With a voice dripping in honey and seduction, you whispered in his ear, “Does Lord Adeptus find me pleasing to his taste? Would you like to have a taste of me?”
Your lips moved to his exposed thoat, kissing the apple of it. Morax felt some sort of stirring within him, convinced that you had placed him in a trap, he pushed you off unconsciously gentle with his grip, “What sort of spell have you casted?!”
Your laughter, soft and oddly fond, made him uncomfortable. A feeling that he could not name settling in his bones. His chest was warm as he stared on the way the soft afternoon light shone on you, casting you in warm orange light as you laughed uncontrollably.
“No spell, just utterly charming in your eyes” You answered, fluttering your eyelids and gracing him with a smile he often found among the numerous brothels on Chihu Rock.
“Shameless!” He admonished as he took out a talisman and withit binded you.
“Oh~ How kinky~” You said with amusement as if you felt no danger.
‘Foolish mortal’ Morax thought privately as he pulled you along to begin the trek down the mountain only to stumble upon your next words.
“Does Lord Adeptus plan to have his wicked way with me then? Bring me somewhere secluded and show me the might of his jade pillar?”
“You! You! You!” Morax found himself at loss for words.
“Adepti would never stoop to such a barbaric act!”
“Oh” Your disappointed voice only served to confuse him, until you uttered your next accursed words, “I wouldn’t have minded if it was you~”
A wink sent his way accompanied by the odd motion of your lips had his face beet red. It was the first time he had ever suffered such a loss. Embarrassment gave way to anger when he heard your laughter, his hand moved to curse you until another voice stopped his movements.
“Must you resort to such means, to win our bet?”
Your smile brightened up as you saw Zhongli walk in the clearing, wearing his archon clothes. His hair swayed in the wind, gentle smile plastered on his face despite the chiding tone of his voice.
“But the appeal of having you indebted to me was too much to resist!” You answered with a jovial grin that made Morax pause.
“More of you?” Morax asked with great annoyance until he realized how much similarity he had shared with the new “guest”.
A split second was all it took before you found yourself encased in Zhongli’s familiar arms, his strong shield surrounding you both as Morax’ vortex vanquisher hit the shield. You blinked, slightly rattled but still relatively calm as if you weren’t just about to be skewered by the Lord of Geo.
“Are you alright?” Zhongli asked, concern evident but you remained staring at Morax.
“Zhongli~ I’m starting to understand why you think I’d get along with this version of you!”
You grinned, eyes no longer glinting with plastic curiosity. Zhongli sighed and resigned to whatever consequence would be the outcome of your action.
It took several terse talks between Zhongli and Morax to draft an acceptable contract between the two of you and Morax. All of it just to accompany Morax in his day to day life. Zhongli found himself frequently being on the receiving end of a spear, or in some cases a glower from the amount of times you had teased his stubborn and unpleasant past self.
However, Zhongli could not deny that this version of him was growing fond of you, soft even, with the way Morax would occasionally gently steer you away from the geo vishaps or the rare times he would bring you to Azhdaha to play with the large geo dragon.
Though this soft moment would always, almost, be followed by your teasing. Zhongli wasn’t even spared from your flirtatious remarks though he did have the advantage of knowing you longer, thus he was able to render you speechless more often than not when compared to Morax. But from the past few days, Zhongli could see how Morax was learning and he knew that it would only be a matter of time before you would be rendered speechless by Morax as well.
Thus, the three of you spent the days in simple fun, getting to know each other, sharing battles and each moment Zhongli spent observing how you acted with Morax brought him some sort of warmth, happiness at your acceptance and your rationality during such troubled times. It was true that your kindness would not have survived but Zhongli could see that if you truly had lived in this time, your kindness would have just taken another form, adapting and yet remaining all the same.
You were a safe haven, for him, for Morax, and for those who met you in this troubled times. A human who stubbornly remained kind, who audaciously declared that even Celestia could be wrong. This side of you that remained hidden in the present times, flourished like a well cared for silk flower.
Therefore, it really should not have surprised him to see Morax begin courting you, not that you noticed, and yet it did. Surprise and discontent warring inside him, both claiming that you were his and one discrediting his former self. He figured that the same thing was most likely happening with Morax, from the dangerous glint in the other’s eye when he drew close to you or held you by the waist.
Somewhere between teasing Morax and having Zhongli recount his past through the various strolls you took in Liyue Harbor, you noticed the almost possessive way Morax would act towards you, the barely kept aggressiveness directed to Zhongli whenever he would care for you or the occasional soft growls towards threats you didn’t even notice.
It was fascinating to watch him, and you made no secret of it. So a part of you couldn’t help but blame yourself for provoking a dragon. Really, what sort of person says, “I can take you” to a god of war?
“Me, apparently” You thought with great regret and annoyance as you found yourself benign subjected to the intense bedroom look of Morax.
“Can you?” Morax purred, eyes glinting with something primal and you can’t help but be entranced.
You have always been drawn to beautiful and dangerous things.
In contrast to his predator smile, his kiss was gentle but no less passionate than your previous lovers. Morax’ grip on your body was firm but gentle, bringing you close to his rock hard body. You gripped his clothes as you opened your mouth wider, letting his inhuman tongue explore your mouth.
In the privacy of his abode, you didn’t hesitate to tangle with him. Battling for dominance in the bed, a passionate dance of desire that had the dragon in him purring in delight. Morax bit your neck and you moaned in pleasure before making the split decision to bite him back.
Your clothes were askew, private parts exposed to the cold air and you returned the favor to Morax. His hair was untied and his thick cocks sprung out as soon as your hands pulled down his pants. In a fluid movement, you easily took both of his cocks inside your mouth.
Morax, who had never experienced such a thing, felt his heart quicken just as his arousal rose once more. It was a testament for his new found feelings towards you that he let his guard down and lost himself to the sensation of your tongue and mouth as it sucked him off. His hand clasped the back of your neck and held you still as he began fucking your mouth.
Your moans of pleasure made wonderful vibrations that intensified his arousal, drool dribbled down on the side of your lips as you slowly lost yourself to the haze of pleasure. His bed shook with each vigorous thrust that hit the back of your throat, he stilled inside your mouth, his cocks managing to not make gag as it spilled thick loads of cum down your throat.
Morax smirked at you and you smiled back, lazy and challenging. He laid you on the bed, body naked as the day you were born. Despite his recent orgasm, his cocks were still erect and throbbing, you bit your lip in anticipation.
Legs spread wide, exposing your hole that was calling out for his cocks with each twitch that was visible in Morax’ eyes, you were the picture of desire. Morax swore as soon as he plunged his cocks inside your tight and warm hole, you moaned feeling as if you had ascended to Celestia itself when his cocks stretched your hole. The burn, a mixture of pleasure and pain.
He moved slowly, coaxing you with sweet words as you cried out in pain and pleasure until the only feeling left was pleasure. For all of his inexperience, Morax was good at reading people and body language, and yours was the easiest he had read. It took him barely a minute before he was able to accurately tell which parts sent you to a high, which part of you brought forth more arousal.
He sucked on your tits as he thrusted into you, hitting your sensitive spot that had you moaning and begging his name. Your lustful moans felt more devoted than any other prayer he had received from his people. Your kisses felt more divine than any offering he had ever tasted.
If there had been another way to reach Divinity, Morax had no doubt that making love with you was one of them. Each touch from you sent his body aflame, each call of his name made him feel more of a god that he wasn’t.
Oh! How he wanted to drown in you for eternity until erosion came for him. He wanted you in all the ways he never understood, each particle of his cell calling out to yours, and Morax felt it too much so he poured each and every emotion you made him feel in fucking you. He fucked you as if to brand himself in you in all the ways that matter. He plunged his cocks inside you again and again, bringing you countless orgasms as you submissively let him maneuver your body however he wanted.
He fucked you from behind, thrusting hard enough to leave marks on your buttocks, spilling his seed again and again without stopping his thrusts as you came again and again.
He fucked you sideways, spreading your legs high and wide, as his mouth kissed and bit your neck, his hand pinching and twisting your nipples while his cocks slid in and out of your hole that was overflowing with his seed. He broke you apart with each round and mended you over and over again until you lost count of the times you came.
Both of you were so focused on each other that neither of you noticed the arrival of Zhongli.
And what a sight it was to behold, the way your body contorted in half as he watched Morax impale you with his cock again and again, the scent of sex heavy in the air. Zhongli felt his cock stir, quickly hardening as the lewd sounds of flesh clapping echoed loudly, he moved slowly as he divested himself of his clothes until he reached the side of the bed just as you and Morax laid on the bed, panting from the most recent orgasm.
He observed your body seeing the marks and bruises that littered it on top of the numerous drying flecks of cum on your skin. He swallowed his saliva and spoke,
“Perhaps there is room for one more?”
And your smile, inviting and sparkling at the thought of another challenge, made him breathless and helplessly fond of you all over again. The continuous and seemingly never ending cycle of him falling for you over and over again was one he would never tire of.
“Why don’t you come over and see for yourself?” You said, positioning yourself to lie on Morax as you spread your legs once more, hands going to your hole and spreading it for Zhongli to properly appreciate.
You felt Morax’ cum dribble down just as you felt his displease growl.
“I bet I can take the two of you at once”
There was no such thing as a medicine for regret, and it was one you had no need for. Not when two predatory glint brought you to a new height of pleasure.
Zhongli’s thrust was just as hard if not rougher than Morax, as if he was releasing centuries of frustrations to your abused hole, not that you were complaining. You were already lost to the pleasure of their cocks filling you and stretching you, all semblance of rationality thrown away as you begged for their cocks.
Zhongli’s cocks fucked your hole, easily slipping in and out from the cocks it had been receiving from Morax, Zhongli’s cocks were thicker but shorter when compared to Morax. Despite that his skillful thrust had you clamping and twisting as your mouth busied itself with Morax’ cocks.
Between the two of them, not a single part of you remained untouched. Your body was stained with their love, their marks littering every inch of your skin, their hands leaving bruises on your skin as you sank deeper and deeper into them. The overpowering scent of cum filled your senses as Zhongli and Morax threw away their rationality and began to fuck you like beasts in heat.
The fact that you could take them both at once, was proven true, with the way your holes relentlessly sought their cocks, how you ignored your bruised knees just to get into a better position for them. And it pleased them terribly, made them want you more. To make you theirs permanently and for as long as they breathe. It made them fuck you harder, just to reach deeper inside you, spilling their thick cum inside you until it over flowed.
You moaned, joy mixing with pleasure as you came just as they filled you to the brim. White spots filling your vision until you finally passed out. Your body remained responsive, your hole twitching as Zhongli continued fucking you through your orgasm.
Morax grinned, animalistic, as he took his cocks and smeared the remaining cum on your lips and then spreading it on your face, “You really could take us both at once.”
His cum spilled from the slight gap in your mouth, his thumb gently pushed it back inside before he turned to Zhongli, “Shall we see if they can take all of our cocks in one hole?”
Zhongli stilled as he spilled more of his cum inside, then he answered, “Let’s see how long it takes before they wake up as well.”
The two of them worked together, loosening your hole until it was able to fit four cocks inside, your walls spasmed with every thrust as your let out unconscious moans with the immense amount of pleasure from having four cocks inside you. Your unconscious and limp body was sandwiched between Zhongli and Morax, your nipples played with until it was sore and overly stimulated. The two of them didn’t stop fucking you until your stomach was filled with their cum, their cocks repeatedly penetrated you, thrusting inside you again and again until they had their fill.
Their cum created pools of semen on the bed sheets, some of it on the floor when the two decided to switch positions, trying out different positions with your unconscious but eager body until they were satisfied. By the time you woke up it was already afternoon of the next day, your body utterly sore from all the sex it went through.
You blinked and realized that there was someone sleeping beside you, a quick glance on the side and you recognized Zhongli, ‘The dream must have already ended’ you thought as you slowly got up from the bed.
Except your legs could barely stand, making you fall into the floor in a flash. You blinked, your mind not registering the pain but instead focusing on the feeling of something warm dripping down from between your thighs.
“Are you alright?” Zhongli asked, the vestiges of sleep clinging on his eyes, as he frantically assisted you back to the bed.
His torso was filled with scratches and bite marks. You flushed with embarrassment as you recognized the marks you left on him.
“I-just what happened after I passed out?”
“The first or the second one?”
Zhongli smiled tenderly at you, “It’s alright if you can’t remember, I’m sure another round would jog your memory.”
Like a magic trick, his words had your hole eagerly twitching with anticipation. Coyly you lied back on the bed and spread your legs, showing him your glistening, cum filled hole.
“Perhaps” You agreed with a seductive smile, “I’m sure I can take you well.”
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randomshyperson · 3 years
The Scarlet Witch Prophecy - Chapter 23 - The Witch's Cabin (Part Two)
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Thanks to my gif maker and friend of course, @abimess.
Summary: As the youngest daughter of Howard Stark, you have ordinary expectations for your years at Hogwarts. Little do you know what adventures await you when your destiny is intertwined with the legendary Scarlet Witch.
Warnings: +16. Adaptation of the Harry Potter Saga, Magical Thematic, Prophecies, Mentions of Violence, Torture and dark magic, Language (swearing and minor/major offenses), manipulation of will, Underage kissing, insinuation of smut with minors, Smut (overage), descriptions of death, aggression, obscurity, angst, fluffy, soulmates analogies. || Chapter Warnings: +18, smut.
Series Masterlist ||  Read on AO3 || All Works Masterlist
Chapter 23 - Part XXIII - The Witch's Cabin (Part Two)
You weren't sure if Wanda wanted some time from you as well, as you watched her walk through the garden, sit alone on one of the benches while looking at the rocky mountains in the distance.
What you were sure of was that she was distressed. So much so, that even as she blocked out her emotions, strands of her discomfort escaped, and you felt your body shiver slightly.
Sighing, you put your hands in your pockets, resisting the urge to join her as you watched her from the balcony.
"Here, Miss." It is Charles who says beside you, with a mug of reheated tea. You raise your eyebrow in confusion, and he smiles tenderly. "I thought a hot drink would bring you some comfort." He explains, and you mutter a thank you as you accept the cup.
Charles stands beside you, watching the landscape in silence for a moment. When you take the first sip, and sigh lightly, he asks, "Did it help?"
"Not much." You reply. "I appreciate the intention, but I won't feel good over tea until she is."
It's a simple statement. And Charles just murmurs in understanding, not needing you to explain further.
There is another pause, before he speaks again.
"Then I think you should talk to her." He says.
"She said she needed some time alone." You retort, scratching the back of your head with your hand quickly, and placing the cup on the large one on the balcony. "I'm giving her space."
"Oh, I see." He murmurs. "Are you sure that the alone time included her protector?"
You give a short humorless laugh. "You know, people have weird ideas about this whole thing. We're still two separate people. Wanda can have her time without me."
"Of course she can." Charles agrees quickly. "Forgive me, I think I expressed myself badly. I didn't mean to say that you two aren't independent, or to put me on the same level as sensationalist wizards who don't know anything about ancient magic." He speaks, causing you to frown. "I only meant that it is my understanding that scarlet witches and their patrons have a special relationship. If I remember correctly, it is written that the patrons bring a profound sense of safety and comfort to their sorceresses when present."
You feel your cheeks flush, and you look away quickly. Charles doesn't seem to notice, or if he does, he says nothing.
"So...do you think she'll like it if I talk to her?"
" Well, she's your sorceress, you know her better than I do, Miss Stark." Jokes the man. "Don't let an old book tell you what you must or mustn't do."
You bite the inside of your cheek, lingering your gaze on the crestfallen figure of Wanda meters ahead.
"Thanks for the tea, Charles." You mutter before starting to walk toward the gardens.
To avoid frightening her, you make a noise with your steps, but Wanda only lifts her head when you are practically at her side.
And you swallow dryly when you notice the tears on her face, approaching calmly to sit beside her.
You don't have to say anything really, and you don't mind waiting for her to tell you whatever she needs to. But Wanda just waits for you to sit down, and then she leans against your body, sinking into your embrace as you run your hands around her.
She relaxes immediately with your touch, sighing. You think Charles was right after all.
Her tears cease, drying against your shirt, and she inhales deeply against you.
“Thank you.” She whispers, making you smile shyly, as you run your fingers through her hair.
"For what?" you whisper back, half-joking, not knowing exactly what you've done.
"For staying."
You sigh, hugging her tighter as your fingers gently scratch the back of her neck, and Wanda shivers against you, before relaxing completely. "I told you I'm never leaving."
You stand like that for a few more moments, until Wanda starts to move again. She pulls her face away to look at you, and you just smile at the intense way she does so.
"I'm sorry." She says, and you frown in confusion. She straightens up before continuing, taking a deep breath, as if she is finding the right words. "With everything Agatha showed us, I finally understood that I never had a choice on my fate. And before, when I was going to erase your memory, how angry you got, I didn't understand why. Because to me, I was making the right thing, sparing you somehow. But now, I understand." She confesses quickly, gesturing as her eyes fill with tears. "It was your choice. And I don't think you would ever forgive me if I moved on without you, when you chose to stay with me. And as much as I hate how dangerous this is, and I don’t want you to get hurt, you have the right to choose to stay by my side if you want, because those are your feelings and I had no right to try to take them away from you."
You nod, sighing, and raise your hand to her face, caressing her cheek.
"It's okay, darling." You say. "I haven't been angry in quite some time. But I appreciate that you apologized."
You move closer, kissing her softly on the lips before pulling away. "I guess in the end I broke my promise about not touching you before the apology." You joke making her smile. "I couldn't help it, you're just too irresistible."
Wanda laughs shyly, raising her hands to your neck, looking at you fondly.
"Do you want to talk about what we saw?" You ask next, and she sighs, nodding.
You spend the next few minutes talking. Wanda feels bad about the whole thing. About all the lies, schemes, and about never having had a real choice. No matter what would happen, she was always going to become the Scarlet Witch. And no one asked if she wanted that.
She didn't talk about Natalya, and you respected her time.
"I don't think I'll ever be able to forgive Agatha completely for the things she did." Wanda confesses a moment later, you two are sitting side by side, looking at the mountains. "But a part of me will never be able to hate her entirely. And I detest that."
"It doesn't bother me that she matters to you, Wanda." You say. "Even with everything that happened, she really believed she was doing the right thing. And now she's helping us. And I know you've spent a lot more time with her than I have." You clarify quickly, and Wanda looks at you with a slight frown. "I just mean that even with the pain she caused me, it's okay for you to still care about her. I won't hold a grudge over it."
Wanda nods, reaching your hand up on the bench. She entwines your fingers together, and moves closer to lean against you, resting her head on your shoulder.
"Can we stay here just a little longer?" She whispers. The sunrise is approaching. You were going to say you would stay as long as she wanted, but your speech becomes a yawn halfway through, and she laughs softly. "Maybe the bed would be better."
You laugh softly too, and Wanda squeezes your hand before moving to pull you back into the house.
When you go through the kitchen, Agatha is there. She and Wanda exchange a look, but neither of them says anything, and you just follow the brunette in front of you upstairs.
You think you'll sleep until lunchtime at least.
You grunted in pain as you fell to the ground.
"Everything okay there, Stark?" Agatha's softly teasing voice made you give a wry laugh.
"Perfect." You grumbled as you stood up, wiping the dust from your pants. "Again please, and try something stronger this time, Agatha, I think you're starting to go soft on me."
The witch laughed, raising her wand quickly. The next spell hurt more than the first.
It had been eight and a half weeks since you had been in Agatha's house.
Things were going well, if you could put it that way.
After that day when Agatha showed the memories out of the pensieve, she and Wanda were on thin ice, and no memories were shared again. They treated each other politely, with occasional sharp pins, but nothing ever too aggressive.
Meanwhile, Agatha was really helping the two of you to become better sorcerers.
You think you never learned so much magic at once, but you weren't complaining.
Even Charles was helping you with potions, a passion he seemed to share with Erik.
And with the intensity of your studies, Agatha hoped that soon you would be worthy of pulling Rowena's diadem out of the hat, but she never seemed to find the right spot, and it was making everyone slightly frustrated, even if no one would admit it.
You haven't heard from the order.
With Fury's death, the radio went silent. You believed that no one but him had been arrested, or killed, because nothing was said in the Daily Prophet. But it wasn't easy to ignore the tightness in your chest at not knowing for sure.
Now that you were practically considering yourself a master at dueling, even if Agatha wouldn't admit that you had far more knowledge in defense against the dark arts than any other witch your age, you expected her to continue the lessons in Occlumency and Legilimency that Erik never managed to finish.
"You're not ready for that yet." She replied, for the third time you brought up the subject, and you sighed impatiently.
"But professor-"
"Erik taught you the basic level of that magic, Y/N." She interrupts, moving her hands so that the objects in the kitchen begin to prepare lunch around you. Wanda is in the house library, studying with Charles, and you had spent all morning practicing dueling spells, and learning to become more resistant to them as well.
Your whole body was sore from the times you fell to the ground when you were hit by stupefy and the most common duelling spells , but it was better than being knocked out at the first attempt if you had never practiced before.
"A master of legilimency would be able to dominate the minds of an entire city at once. You're not ready for that kind of magic yet."
"But I don't need to control an entire city, Agatha." You argue back, following her through the kitchen around the house. "You can just continue from where Erik started and-"
"Enough." She interrupts by turning to you, but she doesn't look angry, just impatient. "You won't leave me alone if I don't agree won't you?"
She sighs. "I can teach you Occlumency, Stark. But I won't teach you Legilimency, it's...against my vows."
You frown in confusion, "Your vows?"
But Agatha gives you only an insinuating look, and you understand.
As Legilimency is directly considered a forbidden, and dark magic, it would break her vow to only do the right thing by the scarlet witch, her promise to Natalya.
You've never been more curious to know how Agatha got around the perpetual vow for so many years, but the way she’s back walking tells you she's not going to share that with you anytime soon.
"Charles is a master legilimens." She continues talking, moving downstairs where the library is. You in her trail. "He can teach you."
"Really? That 's great!."
As you arrive at the study room, the huge piles of enchanted books surrounding you, your gaze immediately seeks Wanda's.
As Agatha tells Charles to teach you, you approach the girl, finding her distracted with a reading. You smile at how lovely she looks, and can't help but move quickly closer, and steal a surprise kiss from her that makes her sigh.
"Hey, you." You say as you pull away, and she giggles as she relaxes.
"Hey, you." She repeats as she stops you from moving away by holding you by your arm, pulling you back to kiss you properly.
"Hey little love birds, your first lesson in Occlumency is going to be tonight." Agatha warns in a tone of teasing, as you give an embarrassed chuckle breaking away from Wanda, leaning on the pilaster next to the chair she is sitting in. "And you, Miss Maximoff, can practice your natural legilimency skills with Charles on the same schedule as well."
"Yes, ma'am." You and Wanda answer together, and Agatha gives a warning sneer before turning, squeezing Charles' shoulder gently before leaving.
The man turns to you. "Miss Stark, please do not spill mud on my parchments."
You look down to your clothes immediately. Well, it wasn't your fault that Agatha had knocked you to the ground so many times. You were a mess, and you raised your hands in a sign of surrender.
"Sorry, Charles." You mutter as you walk away. "I just came to give my beautiful girl a kiss, I'm going upstairs to take a shower. See you two at lunch."
You give Wanda a wink of goodbye before walking away, being careful not to bump into books along the way.
You grumbled softly in pain as you removed your tangled sweater, realizing that perhaps you should have asked Agatha to go easy on the spells instead of challenging her.
Distracted, you startled when you heard knocking on the bathroom door, but relaxed completely when you saw that it was only Wanda, who smiled and leaned against the doorframe, looking up at you.
"Hey, babe." You greeted her, working to remove your shoes. "Do you want anything?"
"No, I just decided to take a break from the books." She replies. "But I would like to know how you convinced Agatha to teach you Occlumency so easily." She comments in a mixed tone of teasing and impressiveness and you laugh softly as you kick your untied shoes away.
"With my charm of course." You return, making her laugh.
When you motion to remove the shirt, Wanda bites her lips. "Allow me."
You stand still then as she steps up to your front, looking at you with the same tenderness that you look back.
Wanda works on the buttons of your shirt, and when she is finished, she pushes the material away, sliding it down your arms until it falls to the floor. You blush slightly under her curious gaze, but say nothing, letting her move the straps of your bra, and then open the clasp, soon the garment falls too.
She moves her fingers down your waist, to reach the zipper and buttons of your pants, and unzips them. You move timidly to remove the item as well, taking your panties with it.
Wanda gives a soft giggle, and you look at her curiously.
"It's nothing." She says shyly. "It's...I just realized that it's the first time I've seen you naked."
You blush, but respond. "I wish I wasn't covered in dirt."
"I wish you weren't covered in bruises." She retorts sharply, and you swallow dryly. The purple marks around your body are a result of the spells, but you don't care about that. The pain isn't exactly strange after all.
"It was worth it, though." You retort softly, and think that part of you is really referring to getting stronger, learning new magic. But the other part, the part that knows it's all for the girl in front of you, adds, "You're worth all the effort."
Wanda looks away, swallowing dryly as well. "Don't say that."
"It's the truth, Wanda." You say simply, and she sighs, straightening her posture softly.
"But you don't have to say it."
"You want me to lie then?"
"I just don't want you to say it so proudly." She retorts almost scoldingly, and you bite the inside of your cheek, not wanting to argue. She sighs, and puts distance between you, turning toward the exit.
You clear your throat, and call out to her. "I don't want you to be angry." You murmur. "I can't help it to say things like this, you know that."
Her expression softens. "I'm not angry, darling." She assures you. "I'll just get a towel for myself."
She leaves before you understand what that implies. Wishing you didn't look like a complete mess, you quickly step into the tub you left ready as soon as you arrived in the bathroom, and sink against the hot water, waiting for Wanda to join you.
Wanda doesn't take long. She leaves the towel in the sink, and smiles at you before she starts to undress, right there in front of you, as if she had done it a thousand times before.
You blush, but don't look away. And she doesn't seem to mind that you follow every movement of her hands, although her cheeks redden when she has her breasts exposed in the air.
Soon, she steps into the tub with you, taking the seat in the opposite corner, smiling softly as you hug your legs, looking up at her.
"I'm sorry I said that, I know you don’t like it and I shouldn’t have." You mutter. But Wanda just shakes her head, steeling herself to move closer, her hands touching your forearms.
"Don't worry." She says. "It's the truth after all. You are my knight in shining armor, and I can't do anything to change that."
You laugh softly, and Wanda smiles, stroking your skin with her thumb.
"I want to try something." She says next, making you look at her curiously. "Something I read about it this week. Can I?"
"Of course, darling." You say, and then she is pulling your forearms gently so that you stop hugging your legs, and you sink your hands into the water, waiting, as Wanda moves her fingers, guiding you so that you sit properly, and she sits between your legs. "What are you going to do?"
You ask curiously, even half embarrassed to have her so close, but Wanda just smiles, moving her hands out of the tub, where she makes the soap magically fly to her.
"First, I'm helping you get clean, babe."
She says, dipping the soap in the water before bringing it to your skin, lathering your shoulders gently. You relax under her touch, looking at her intently.
"Can I do the same to you?" you ask in a whisper, and she smiles.
"Of course."
Wanda raises the soap at face height, and with a flick of her hands, the item doubles itself to another. You raise your eyebrow. "Show-off." You tease, making her chuckle, as she hands you the other soap.
For the next few minutes, you help each other soap up amidst giggles, and stolen glances. Wanda's touch is as gentle and affectionate as her gaze, and you are so comfortable that you don't even have time to think about how intimate the whole moment is.
As you finish washing off the soap, Wanda begins to run her fingers along your shoulders. "Will you stay on your back for me?" She asks lowly, and you murmur in agreement before shifting to obey.
Without seeing her, your curiosity makes you tense up, and Wanda smiles as she moves closer, her hands on your waist. "Relax, darling." She asks against your ear, her fingers moving up your skin slowly as you obey.
"Do you remember last summer?" She begins, and suddenly you are feeling soft twinges on your skin. It's Wanda's magic. You don't know what she's doing, but it feels good. Little shocks around your back.
You just murmur, relaxing against her hand.
"When Papa taught you about mirroring magic, I mean." She continues, her tone low and soft. "So that you could take my damage from possible attacks."
"And you were so upset about my wrist breaking when you fell off a broom that you put me to sleep in Pietro's bed." You complete making her laugh.
"But I didn't send you away because I still wanted you in my house." She retorts and you laugh in agreement.
"Yes I do, darling." You say next. "I remember everything I went through with you."
Wanda bites her lips, blushing at your statement. But she continues to talk beyond that.
"There is another kind of spell like that." She says. "Charles was reading with me a line that said If the protector can take the pain, the witch must learn to heal the pain as well. You understand what I mean?"
You sigh softly as you feel the pressure of her fingers increase on the points where you knew you were injured. But it's not discomfort that you feel. It's a different sensation, like an electric shiver that turns into a gentle tightness.
"Yeah, I think so. You'll be able to heal my wounds now, right?" You ask with your eyes closed, instinctively leaning even closer against her hand as the pressure increases, and Wanda just murmurs in agreement, concentrating on her task. "That's pretty cool."
"I still need to learn it properly." She continues. "And I don't want to have to practice."
You chuckle softly at the comment. Of course she doesn't. For her to learn to heal your wounds, you would need to hurt her so she gets to practice, and that possibility is horrible for Wanda.
"I'm sure we'll find an alternative to that, Wands." You murmur lazily, so relaxed against her touch that you begin to feel sleepy.
Wanda continues for a few more minutes, and when she finishes, she goes around your waist with her hands pulling you gently against her, making you sigh.
"How do you feel?" She asks with her face resting on your shoulder, her arms hugging you as you relax against her.
"I feel incredible, love." You reply with your eyes closed. "Thanks to your magic fingers."
Wanda giggles, turning her face to kiss your neck, her lips touching your skin softly and making you smile and sigh.
"Can I make you feel even better?" She asks as she returns her mouth to your ear, playing with the lobe between her lips and teeth, making you hold your breath. "I could use my magic fingers."
You bite back a smile, nodding. Wanda inhales softly, settling herself better against the tub.
Her hands go around your belly with her fingertips, moving upward. You gasp when she reaches your breasts, stimulating your nipples between her fingers.
You let out a satisfied murmur, and your body gradually warms up.
When your nipples are hardened enough, and Wanda has you shivering, she wraps your breasts with her full hands, pressing the flesh against her palm, and you gasp, throwing your hips forward unter water.
"Wanda." You sigh softly as she continues to play with your breasts. "Don't tease."
"I'm not teasing darling." She murmurs back, returning the gentle caress against your nipples. "I'm just getting you wet."
"Just... touch me." You whisper, starting to move back into her, the tightness in your belly growing, and all she did was touch you softly. "Please."
Wanda lets out a sigh, like a giggle, and you don't have to look at her to know she's smiling. "I didn't know you were the begging type, babe."
You grumble under the teasing, but Wanda finally lowers her hands, and you shiver in anticipation, forgetting to respond.
She runs her hands down your inner thighs, but never where you want her. And when you sigh impatiently, she chuckles against your ear.
"Say pretty please again." She teases and you feel your cheeks burn, quickly turning your face to the left, putting distance between her mouth and your ear. All Wanda does is chuckles again, but this time, her fingers go straight to where you want her, caressing your entrance and you gasp.
“M-more.” You ask but she just stands still, her fingertips against your clint while her mouth kisses your shoulder and her other hand goes up to your breast, to repeat the moviments from earlier.
You have trouble keeping your eyes open, and when you try to force her finger against you, she just moves them away with a giggle while you grumble of dissatisfaction.
“Wanda.” You warn, but her hand just rests against your thigh.
“C’mon, babe.” She says. “You sounded so hot when you said please. Do it again.”
“No.” You retort stubbornly, but your affected tone makes her smile, her fingers moving closer to your warm center but still not touching and making you clench your closed fists.
"Say, please fuck me." Wanda whispers against your ear, and you feel a sharp, tightly pulsation in your belly, sighing heavily. "And I will."
But you didn't want to give Wanda a taste of victory, even as you came so close to begging for her touch. All you did was press hard against her, your ass fitted against her hot core, and she gasped in surprise and arousal, digging her nails into your thigh.
"Cheater." She murmured breathlessly, making you smile, but your advantage was short-lived when she pressed your breast into her palm, and without any warning, slid a finger into you, entering easily through both the water in the tub and your arousal.
"Oh." You moaned loudly, one hand gripping the edge of the tub as Wanda moved slowly inside, making you squirm. "More, babe. Please."
Wanda chuckles at your hopeless tone, but obeys, inserting another finger now. It slides between your edges with ease, and you bite your lips to avoid being loud. But when Wanda presses her palm against your clit as her fingers move in and out of you in a slow, torturous rhythm, you whimper, squeezing your hands on the edge of the tub until they turn white.
"You're so tight." Wanda whispers against your ear, her hot, wet breath sending shivers throughout your body. "My sexy baby taking my fingers so well."
You moan softly, becoming even more aroused by Wanda's words. She sighs against your ear, quickening the pace of her thrusts, and you begin to feel the tightness under your belly reaching the limit.
"W-wanda... I'm clos-oh" You can't maintain a coherent sentence, thrusting your hips in the same rhythm as Wanda's fingers move in and out of you, and Wanda grunts against your ear, her fingers sinking into you.
"Show me how it feels, Printsessa" She asks and you need to concentrate beyond pure pleasure to be able to share your sensations with her. When you do, Wanda moans loudly against your ear, the hand on your breast squeezing firmly, pulling you against her and making you gasp. "Is this how you feel with me, baby?” She asks with a breathless whisper. “It’s so fucking good." She whimpers, increasing the pace of her fingers, and now stimulating both you and herself, and you use your free hand to keep yourself from screaming, knowing that the noise would attract the attention of the other residents.
"I can't hold it." You whimper, your body beginning to spasm out of rhythm with the strokes, you are so close.
"So don't." She gasps back against your ear, and it's the next second that you come, your walls clenching against Wanda's fingers, and you see stars, your loud moan is muffled by her hand on your mouth when you can't keep the gesture and clench your hands under the water.
And you are barely recovering from your orgasm when Wanda reaches hers, sharing it with you, and you moan deeply, turning a complete mess against her, feeling your body explode with pleasure again.
You stand in silence, trying to normalize your breaths, Wanda's fingers slip out of you, making you sigh, but she keeps her hand on your thigh, until she joins the two at your waist, smoothing you better against her.
"I can't feel my legs." You mumble breathlessly, your body tingling completely from the intensity of the orgasms. Wanda just gives an equally affected laugh, moving one of her hands up to push her wet hair out of the front of her face.
"Too bad, I still want to taste you."
You grunt softly, feeling your face heat up. But you sure as hell won't protest when Wanda's hands start coming down again.
“It really worked.” You murmurs impressed, as you button a clear shirt up, getting ready for having some food since you and Wanda skipped lunch, being busy with things. The bruises that you once had, are all gone. A few red spots were seen, but nothing too remarkable as before.
Wanda bites her bottom lip, kneeling in the bed, still naked. The vision was a gift from heaven you could say.
“If you feel any pain, tell me.” She asks as she watches you dressing. “I could try to ease that too.”
“You’re too good for me baby.” You commented with a shy smile, getting closer to her again. Agatha liked well dressed manners, she said. That’s why almost every set of clothes she gave you had ties, and sweaters. You and Wanda teased her about being old.
And that's why you're knotting your tie, and Wanda is unbuttoning your shirt. Wait, what?
"Hey, hey." You quickly warn, holding up her fingers, as Wanda giggles with her gaze gleaming in mischief. "We can't stay here all day, sweetheart."
"Can’t we?" She retorts in a mixed tone of defiance, making a pout that makes you want to kiss her.
"You know we can't." You retort with a smile, caressing her cheek before buttoning the buttons she has opened. Wanda bites her lips as she watches you. "I can bring you something to eat, but eventually we have lessons."
"No, that's okay, I'll come down with you." She says but doesn't move from her spot, and you raise an eyebrow curiously, but Wanda was just waiting for you to finish buttoning your shirt before pulling you up by your poorly tied tie, rising to kiss you on the mouth.
You smiled against her lips, bringing one of your hands to her neck, kissing her firmly.
"Are you sure we need to go downstairs?" She murmurs breathlessly against your mouth, and you sigh.
"Maybe another ten minutes."
It takes another half hour for you to leave the room.
Wanda accompanies you, straightening your crumpled clothes before you head to the kitchen.
Fortunately, Charles had saved some lunch for you, and between smiles and stolen glances, you ate in silence.
And when Agatha asked you to join her upstairs, for her occlumency lesson, Wanda kissed you on the cheek and wished you good luck.
Agatha's private study room was dark.
Unlike the library, or Charles' offices, which were extremely cozy.
Here, you felt almost intimidated. But Agatha seemed relaxed, and you felt confident enough with your magic to enter.
"You know the fundamentals, Miss Stark, so let's not stall." She says as she walks over to one of the cabinets, working to remove her rings and place them on the wood. "Sit back and relax. And know that I'm going to try the real thing, Y/N. Just like an opponent would."
You swallow dryly, but murmur in understanding, walking over to sit in the armchair that Agatha seems to have left ready for you.
She turns around, and takes the seat in front of you. With a flick of her fingers, one of the books on the bookshelves in the room comes flying toward her, floating in the air, open at eye level.
She grumbles softly as she reads, probably checking the spells correctly, and then the book closes and returns to the bookshelf.
"In a fight, a wizard's mind can be their greatest enemy, Miss Stark." She begins, rolling up her sleeves, and you hold your breath in anticipation. "That's why you need to protect yours as best you can."
"Professor Erik taught me a few things." You mutter, but Agatha raises her eyebrow in disbelief, and you are almost offended. "Hey, I'm not that helpless."
"Is that what you think?" She challenges. "Look closer."
You frown in confusion, and try to understand what she means.
Then you notice the other figure in the corner of the room and almost jump out of your chair.
An illusion, Agatha never sat next to you, and she disappears the same second you noticed her.
"What the fuck....?"
"Illusions, Miss Stark, will be the least of your problems if the dark lord has access to your mind." Agatha warns as she moves from the shadows of the room, her hands folded on her belly, looking at you, who was still in shock from the last trick. "But I will teach you to recognize and escape false images first."
The first lesson is not easy.
Honestly, it is so exhausting that by the time Agatha frees you, you are stumbling sleepily to your room.
You fall into bed still in your study clothes, and are almost closing your eyes when Wanda walks in.
"Hey, sweetheart, aren't you going to dinner?" She asks, but you don't even open your eyes, muttering that you were going to sleep.
Wanda walks over to you, gives you a kiss on the cheek, and turns out the lights.
It takes another three weeks for something to happen.
Technically, a lot has actually happened.
You have learned to break illusions, create them, protect your mind from mid-level invaders, lie in a way that rings true in your mind and fools any invader.
Agatha won't admit it, but you are a very talented Occlumens.
And Wanda, is quite the opposite of that.
Charles often comments that maybe it's the power of scarlet magic, but he''s never seen someone who could manipulate the mind of others so easily. Not since Agatha, and the witch makes a sarcastic remark, but has a proud smile as she goes out to harvest carrots.
Where you are expert at protecting the mind, Wanda is at attacking it.
She doesn't have the same strength as you in blocking Agatha, but you can't invade anyone's mind without putting in a lot of effort.
"I think it's an interesting thing, actually. " Charles comments next to you, in the fourth week of studying mind magic, with the four of you sitting in the room, and Agatha in the armchair in front of you, while you have your wand raised and try to get into her thoughts. "You balance each other perfectly, you know? Y/N can protect your mind while you attack, Wanda. It's quite useful."
"Great observation, Charles." Agatha congratulates impressed, not seeming to have any difficulty blocking you even while talking to someone else.
"Does that mean I can get inside your head through her magic?" Wanda deduces in curiosity, but didn't expect anyone to confirm, her eyes glowing red and connecting with your mind.
You choke, firming your touch on your wand, and because you were already trying the spell, you manage to get into Agatha's mind without any problems with Wanda’s magic.
A small girl is running down a hallway; it's Hogwarts.
"Freak!" " Weirdo!" are the whispers of the crowds of children she is passing through.
And then the whispers change to "watch out, she's the principal' daughter" "I heard she killed that Ravenclaw boy"
A mirror. Agatha must be sixteen now, she looks young. She stares at her reflection, and then punches the glass.
"You are a disgrace to this family." A woman says in front of her as the memory fades to another, looking at her with contempt. "A scandal like this. Our coven will recommend your expulsion."
"I never wanted to be a part of this, Mama!" Agatha exclaims in a mixture of anger and hurt. "I hate those old backward women, I want to learn everything I can and -"
The slap is loud. "Rules exist to keep everyone safe, Agatha. You're too selfish to realize that."
It gets faster, the flashes. You watch Agatha grow up, study in hiding, kiss a girl behind the candy store who pushes her away when the older schoolmates laugh, you listen to the cruel comments, watch her buy the cottage, meet new people, and many colored lights, the spells she has already cast blending throughout the memories.
"Please, daughter, forgive me" She pleads in a crying voice, but Natalya looks at her with contempt. "I will do the right thing this time, please, I-"
"Swear it."
You see a flash of the day she took the perpetual vow, her hands entwined with her daughter, and then you see more quick flashes of lost moments, until you focus on the day she was alone in Magda's house again, her hand on the cheek of baby Wanda, now asleep.
"Forgive me, I have failed again."
The memory shifts, you watch Erik crying at a memorial service, many other people dressed in black beside him.
She talked to Erik about the girl, asking if he had noticed anything strange.
Visiting a mansion, your home. You see yourself, about five or six years old, playing in the backyard with your brother, the emaciated image of your father talking to her in a low tone, delivering a letter.
More unclear flashes.
Agatha writing the acceptance letters from the school that year, the name Wanda Maximoff emblazoned on the paper.
The day Wanda and Pietro enter Hogwarts, Agatha rummaging back into her old journals and books.
Agatha starts to resist then. You see two more flashes of class, before she pushes you and Wanda out of her thoughts, and you choke breathlessly, stumbling away.
The teacher gets up quickly, aggressively throwing herself at you two, and you cover Wanda with your body immediately, but she calms down, because Charles puts his arm around her waist.
"Agatha, breathe." He asks softly, and she seems to come to her senses, shaking her head, and casting an almost embarrassed look at you, before muttering apologies and leaving the room.
You and Wanda are wide-eyed, in shock at all you have seen for long seconds, as Charles sighs and moves to organize the books you had messed up when the lesson began.
"She's going to need some time." He says turning to give you a tender smile. "But don't worry, I can continue the lessons with you two. For now, I suggest a cup of tea to everyone, and we can continue tomorrow."
"S-sure, that sounds great." You mumble awkwardly, turning your face to Wanda, who looks troubled. "Everything okay?" You whisper to her, and she forces a smile, nodding.
You won't push it, so you even squeeze her hand gently before following Charles into the kitchen for tea.
Agatha doesn't leave her room for six whole days.
Charles just says that she is tired, and brings her meals.
You only study next to Wanda; it's not as if you can feel guilty about something she has done to you so many times.
And then, as if no time has passed, the former headmistress comes into the kitchen in travel clothes, while you are eating lunch.
"Good morning?" You exclaim in surprise, and the teacher only murmurs with a nod, picking up an apple from the fruit tray and turning toward the front door.
You exchange a confused look with Wanda before the two of you quickly stand up.
"Agatha, where are you...?"
"Hogwarts." She replies without stopping walking, as you follow her down the hallway to the exit. "Stephen has hidden the darkhold in the spiritual plane of the castle. I'll get it, and read it to Miss Maximoff as promised."
"I-" Wanda starts half uncertain, but Agatha gestures quickly.
"I'll be back as soon as I can." She clarifies. "We'll need him to perform the ritual as well. Please help Charles with the house, and if possible don't damage my vegetables."
And on the porch, she apparated.
You and Wanda stared at the empty space for a long moment.
"What just happened?" You mutter.
"Did our spell drive her insane?" She retorts back, and you sigh, turning to go back inside, and close the door, Wanda following you inside.
"I have no idea." You say. "Let's let Charles know she's gone, and try to keep him from blowing up other cauldrons while she's out."
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flowerypeaches · 3 years
“What is that?”
Hero stopped their approach, a positively bored expression on their face. “What are you doing?”
Their nemesis, who was currently pointing behind Hero with an incredibly overexaggerated look of surprise, rolled their eyes, “Uh, giving you your cue?”
“My cue?”
Villain sighed loudly, dropping the egregious pose. “You're supposed to turn your head, in a suitably dramatic fashion of course, search for what I was pointing at, only for it to be revealed a ruse, granting me the opportunity to strike you unawares so I may gain the upper hand in our skirmish.”
“Mhm, and why would I fall for something so stupid?”
“Because you are stupid?”
“Ow, okay, okay!” Villain held a hand to their nose, grimacing as it came back bloody from Hero’s rather crude punch. “See, this is what I was trying to avoid. No story, no drama, no excitement. What if I let you get a few good hits in afterwards?”
Hero replied by kicking Villain’s feet out from under them, knocking them onto the cold and cracked pavement. “Looks like I’m already getting a few good hits in.” They leaned over Villain, arms crossed. “Now, are we going to actually fight, or are you going to keep trying to direct your own personal soap opera?”
Hero waited for Villain’s patented snarky response, specifically about how soap operas are a valid form of art and Hero would be wise not to disrespect it, yadda yadda, but none came. In fact, Villain wasn’t even looking at them.
“Uh, Villain? You still with me?” 
Villain’s voice was barely above a whisper, “What is that?”
“Seriously? It hasn’t even been a minute and you’re really using the sa-”
“I’m not screwing with you, Hero, there’s something in the sky!”
Hero had to admit, Villain’s acting had gotten much better in the last thirty seconds, but no matter how real it looked, they weren’t going to fall for it. Villain might be messing around now, but Hero couldn’t forget that they were a criminal, and a dangerous one at that.
They reached down, pulling Villain, who was still staring into the sky, up by their collar. “Look, I get that you never got the lead role in the school play or whatever, and want to make the world burn because of it, but could you, just this once, take our fight seriously?”
“I think it's getting closer.”
Hero ignored them, “I’m tired of the other heroes telling me I have it easy because my nemesis would rather focus on projecting their monologue to all of the hostages than actually rob the bank they broke into to begin with.” Sure, Hero was thankful Villain’s obsession with the dramatic kept them from causing too much destruction, but they had their own reputation to uphold, and constant stalemates with the theatre school reject did not help! “Let me tell you what. If you go down to the station without a fuss, then maybe I can get you into one of the nicer cell blocks. You know, the ones with the view of the hills. Does that sound good? Villain? Are you even lis-”
Blinding light filled Hero’s eyes and ears, cutting off every train of thought and any plan of action they might have had before then. They looked up, and despite the harsh light making their eyes water, they could make out the vague shape of a disc floating directly above them.
Oh no.
“Told you.”
Hero looked back down to their nemesis, who looked much too smug for the situation at hand, and sneered, “Maybe if you didn’t insist on playing drama club, I might have actually taken you seriously.”
Villain had the courtesy to drop their grin, squinting up at the…  “Is it getting brighter?”
It was, and that meant it was too late for Hero to prevent what was about to happen. Familiar cold heat ran through their veins as their limbs locked in place.
A safety precaution.
Definitely not to prevent anyone caught in the beam from escaping.
“Hero? I-I can’t move.” Villain said.
They shouldn’t be here.
Hero’s eyes widened, realizing just how screwed they were. They tried to relax their hands, to let go of Villain, to shove them out of the beam, anything, but only managed to twitch their muscles, as if they were encased in a steel mold.
Villain seemed to be doing the same thing, though the trembling may have just been the fear. Any other time, Hero would have loved to see Villain’s mask slip. To force them to acknowledge that, yes, Hero was a real threat to their criminal livelihood. Instead, Villain acted as if Hero was a fellow actor, asking for Hero’s thoughts on new scenes they came up with, or excitedly talking about whatever had happened in their soap that day, a neon flashing sign that indicated they were in desperate need of friends. Did… did that mean Villain thought they were friends?
Not the time.
Hero gave up on their efforts, and let the looming dread wash over them. This wasn’t acceptance, no, they were just giving themself a moment to rest before they faced what was up in the ship. Oh, they weren’t ready.
Two enemies, encircled and entrapped in an ever growing light, locked eyes. 
“We’re so f-”
And as quick as it had appeared, the burning light and mysterious ship attached to it, along with Hero and Villain, vanished into the night.
Light surrounded Villain. The ambient noise of the city was replaced by a low, droning hum. Any sense of direction was lost as gravity no longer affected them. They were weightless, and, even in this world of superpowers, nothing made sense. Where did the city go? Why couldn’t they move? How were they floating? The light was all-consuming, and Villain would have thought themself lost in it if not for the deathgrip Hero still had around their collar. 
Slowly, the light faded, and Villain felt their own weight return to them. Their legs wobbled, and in an instant, whatever force that held them in place disappeared. They would have fallen if not for Hero, who still held them in their grasp.
“What just happened?” Villain said, though not really expecting an explanation.
Looking around, they could see they were now in a circular, silver chamber. Dials and switches and lights and symbols dotted the walls, communicating something or other, and the floor was, what was that, carpet? Villain shuddered. Honestly, it looked a lot like a cheap sci-fi set for a tv show that should have been cancelled three seasons ago than a futuristic aircraft capable of teleporting human beings.
“Oh, no, no, no.” Villain jumped at Hero’s voice, and stumbled as their anchor let them go to run over to a wall.
Not a wall. A window.
Villain blinked.
A window that showed… Earth? No, that couldn’t be right. If they were looking at the earth, that could only mean...
“Shit, we’re already in orbit.” Hero said.
Villain blinked.
They were in space. Space. That was impossible, right? They couldn’t actually be in space. But here they were, staring at the little blue marble with their very own eyes. Was the room spinning? Or was it the spaceship?
Villain ran their hands through their hair.
They were in a spaceship. A spaceship. That was impossible, right? They couldn’t actually be in a spaceship. But here they were, having been abducted by the UFO just seconds ago. By what? Aliens?
Villain forced their gaze away to keep themself from spiraling, instead focusing on Hero, who has since moved on from the window to the numerous switches and lights, tapping the wall and looking at the symbols that popped up. Villain didn’t understand what Hero was trying to do, it wasn’t like they could understand what any of it meant.
Three deep breaths, and Villain made the best plan ever made in 24 seconds. They stepped up next to their nemesis.
Hero’s hand was covering their mouth, muttering something to themself, and clearly not paying attention. Nevertheless, Villain continued, “Now, as much as I hate to say it, I think we may have to work together to get back on Earth.” Truth be told, in any other circumstance, Villain would have been ecstatic to work with their nemesis. Whether to defeat a worse villain or take down some other hero that had become corrupt, they would have welcomed the opportunity wholeheartedly. 
Why? Well, Villain would argue that it was more interesting, that their relationship, and subsequent fights, would have more dramatic tension. Definitely not because of any other tension that may arise from spending time together.
Villain puffed out their chest, “Lucky for you, I have decided to put aside our differences, and your lack of charisma, to take the initiative and save us both from peril. Yes, this does go against my better judgement, and yes, it may possibly be my most difficult role to date, but if it means I get to go back home in time to watch my soaps, then it’ll be worth it.”
Hero finally turned towards them, “Do you ever shut up?”
“Only for dramatic effect.” Villain said with an award-winning smile, earning an eye roll and a huff of annoyance. “So… what do you think we should do?”
“I thought you said you’d take the initiative?”
“Yes, the initiative in proposing we work together.”
Villain held up their hands, “Hey, hey, before you go punching willy nilly, why don’t you tell me what you were doing over here? Get anything useful from the flashing green triangle you were poking at?” They would have teased more, but Hero’s lack of response made them move on. “What are you thinking?”
Hero’s eyes flickered to the wall and back to Villain. “You need to leave.”
Villain blinked.
“Well, obviously we need to escape. We were abducted!”
Hero shook their head, “No, you need to leave. I’ll stay, and deal with-”
“What? And how are you going to figure out how anything works, huh? Even if you do, why wouldn’t you just come back with me?”
“It’s not that simple, I can’t re-”
A low, loud beep interrupted the enemies, and Villain turned their head in time for a wall opposite the window to open up and let someone through. Someone distinctly… humanlike. 
The person, an older woman by the looks of it, smiled brightly and opened their arms. “ .·°¯°·.·° .·°° ?”
That was distinctly not humanlike. It was like hearing someone speak through water, and an undercurrent of static scratched the inside of Villain’s ears. 
The woman—were they even a person?—walked closer, and Hero quickly stepped in front of Villain, shielding them.
She paid no mind, however, and spoke again, “ .·°¯°·.·° .·°° ,” looking expectantly at Hero, who, after a moment of hesitation, stepped forward. Her smile widened, and Villain was hit with a sense of deja vu. She pulled Hero close, and, were they hugging? Why was Hero letting her? What was happening? 
The woman whispered something to Hero, but it wasn’t like Villain could understand even if they tried. Hero turned back to Villain, giving them an apologetic smile before, “ ° .·°° ° .¯ .”
Villain’s jaw dropped.
Hero was replying to the woman. Which meant they understood her. Which meant they knew whatever language was being spoken. Which meant… which meant… Why were they abducted in the first place?
The danger presented itself fully to Villain.
They had been taken off the face of the earth by their mortal enemy, or someone who was well acquainted with them, at the very least, and had no possibility of escape. Villain considered themself clever, but trying to figure out how alien—alien!—technology worked was beyond them. They had to rely wholly on Hero, who, although Villain was loath to admit it, hated their guts. Hero could be plotting in front of Villain right now and they would be none the wiser.
Hero wouldn’t do that. Villain tried to reassure themself, because Hero wouldn’t send them off with some unknown alien being. They’d want to arrest Villain proper, right? Arrest and put them in some high security cell they’d break out of a month later. It was their thing. Villain didn’t want their thing to end.
Villain shook their head, they’d have to examine and repress that particular line of thought later, because the woman was suddenly standing in front of them, startling Villain out of their thoughts. She reached out, clutching Villain's jaw with cold fingers, turning them this way and that. As if they were being studied. Was Villain wrong? Was Hero really getting rid of them?
“ ¯ .·°°·°¯ .” She said. Villain’s ears itched worse now that the woman was closer.
Maybe Hero thought they were doing Villain a favour, sending them off on an adventure, letting them create their own melodramatic space opera. Or maybe this was punishment for all the dated Space Trek references. Both were a possibility.
Familiar hands pulled Villain away from the woman and into Hero’s chest. They were not blushing.
“ .·° .¯°·°° !” Hero’s voice was raised, clearly upset at whatever the woman had said.
She, however, was unaffected by Hero’s outburst, gesturing between the two enemies with raised eyebrows, “ °·.°·.°¯°·. .” 
Hero shook their head, and Villain felt Hero’s grip tighten ever so slightly, “ °·.°¯ .·°°·.°°¯ .”
A strange noise came from the woman, sounding almost like… bubbles? It was clearer than the other times she spoke, and it was the way she moved that made Villain realize it was a laugh. She was laughing at Villain. Or Hero. Both?
Hero’s hands were shaking, and Villain couldn’t tell if it was with anger or fear. 
“ ·° .·° .” Hero was curt with her, and Villain recognized the tone from when they threatened to blow up City Hall. The tone that preceded their fights.
The woman seemed to recognize the tone as well, as she backed off a little, holding her hands up in a placating way. She gave Villain a small wave before nodding at Hero, “ ·.°.°¯°°¯° .· .·° .” and left, the wall closing up behind her.
The pair stood in silence.
Hero let go of Villain, letting them step away. Except, they didn’t. In fact, they did nothing of the sort. Villain spun on their heels and stepped forward, “What on ear–ugh, what just happened?”
“There, um, might be a slight problem.”
“Slight problem? You call this”—Villain gestured wildly around them, narrowly avoiding hitting Hero in the face—”a slight problem?”
Hero leaned away from Villain, avoiding their eyes.
“Care to explain? Anything? At all?”
“Where do I start?”
Villain’s theatrics, for once, wasn’t uncalled for. “Oh, I don’t know, how about the fact that we were abducted? That we are in space? Or, or!” Villain backed off, giving themself room to pace around the circular room and project their panic to an audience of one, “That there is an alien speaking to you, Hero, in an alien language, because no human could actually sound like that, acting like she knows you, and you, you reply to her? As if you know her too?”
“Yeah, that would be my… mother.”
“Your mother.”
Hero nodded.
“Your mother who lives in a spaceship. Who speaks an alien language.”
“Who is an alien.”
“Who is an alien.” It took a good second for the words to sink in. “Your mother is an alien?! Like, an alien from an alien planet?”
Hero nodded again.
Villain felt their brain short-circuit. “Does that mean…”
“That I’m an alien from an alien planet? Yes.”
Villain felt lightheaded. This was okay. This was manageable. This world-shattering, insane truth of the universe was perfectly manageable, and they were not going to spiral, not for one second. Deep breaths. One… two… three… Villain stopped pacing, facing Hero with the calmest expression the latter had ever seen on the former. “Okay, so now that you’ve had your nice little family reunion, we can go back, right?”
Hero’s face was a cross between a smile and a wince.
Villain’s expression twitched, but held firm, “And why not?”
“Well, my mother-”
“The alien.”
Hero tried not to get annoyed, but damn, did Villain make it hard. “Yes, my mother the alien. She, erm,” They groaned, covering their face with their hands, “She may have made a fundamental mistake about the nature of our relationship.”
“And what mistake would that be?” Villain grit their teeth.
“She may, perhaps, think that, we’re… dating.”
“Louder, Hero. Speak so everyone in the audience can hear you.”
“She thinks we’re dating!”
Villain blinked, completing the rule of thirds and simultaneously breaking their composure. So much for not spiraling. “Dating?” Their voice squeaked.
“Dating,” Hero nodded, “And-”
“There’s more?!” Villain turned away, back to pacing and practically pulling their hair out from the absurdity.
“And, the reason we can’t leave yet is because she invited us to dinner.”
Oh. Oh, no. Oh, no no no.
“What’s wrong? I thought you loved drama.” Hero said, failing to lighten the mood. “Aren’t family confrontations and misunderstandings the bread and butter of soap operas?”
“My love of drama left me when we left the atmosphere.” Villain glared at Hero with enough ferocity to start a fire.
Villain walked up to the walls, flicking the switches and turning the dials, to see if, miraculously, they could make the ship go back to the city. The lights blinked mockingly in response.
“Uh, Villain?”
“There doesn’t happen to be an escape pod on this ship, does there?”
“Unfortunately not.”
“We’re really going to have to do this, aren’t we?” Villain said, turning to face their nemesis.
“Unfortunately yes.”
Two enemies, both flushed head to toe from frustration and embarrassment, locked eyes.
And Villain, lover of monologues and soliloquies, came up with the most profound, most thought-provoking line they could think of.
“We’re so fucked.”
Hero was inclined to agree.
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venusinwalls · 3 years
LT2 THEORY: about walls era, meaning of 369 changes in the smiley face, inspiration and references to "2001: a space Odyssey" all are things that went unnoticed, and all with quite a bit of spoilers;
I am going to explain what the film is and why Louis and Charlie were very inspired by it as they said and it serves a lot to understand the changes in everything else
- The first thing is to see the references and for that it is important to return to "walls video" and what perhaps seemed insignificant to us but has many parallels what we see today, so here the spoilers begin. The film addresses topics such as human evolution, technology, artificial intelligence and extraterrestrial life, it is characterized by the surreal and psychedelic as well as being a precursor in its branch and which has a lot of backgrounds with a philosophical touch something iconic for the time.
— escene one: "The dawn of man": the film begins in the desert where a group of animals begin the process of evolution and adaptation when they find a Euler brick or orthohedral block (monolith) that leads to portals and ok but it is quite significant not?
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— Escene 2 : rumors of an epidemic make a group of scientists meet and embark on a journey under the surface of the Moon, to 5 astronauts where they find another "monolith" identical to the 1st, the problem here is that it is a suicide mission and none survive match two.
I can't believe how Louis made that reference and we didn't see it ok let's continue, the cause of death of the 5 are the sounds emitted by the monolith and their non-alignment with the elements and here there are references to Nietzsche and the "super man "
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— Escene 3: "Mission to Jupiter" where there are 6 crew members: 3 in hibernation 1 artificial intelligence machine and 2 the protagonists: David and Frank and here comes the 3 parallelism of Louis on the dance floor with the movie ship.
In this new mission, both protagonists are not informed about what they are going to and their life on the ship is monotonous, even between the two they become friends and from loneliness they begin to talk with the artificial machine (HAL) all right until they both suspect that something bad is going to happen.
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david and frank decide to talk secretly about HAL (the machine) which, in addition to being an artificial machine, fulfills the function of panopticon and well ... This is the crucial part and the link to the whole story because here it begins a before and after in the movie and oh coincidence panoptic parallelism 👁️
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HAL always controls them although they think that it is only a machine as I said, it is a panopticon (it sees everything) the machine upon learning of the secret of both decides to take revenge and in the most cruel way, what it does is decompose the machine with connection to the land what generates the pilots have to go to the outside. Frank is the one who offers himself and leaves David in charge of the arrangement inside and that is when Hal (the machine) kills Frank and even though David tries to rescue him it is too late and not only HAL killed Frank but the other 3 hibernating crew.
What leaves David alone on the ship and instead of crying what he seeks is revenge and this is where HAL continues to torment him to the point of distorting the memories in his mind (which is a wink to this part of the walls mv).
From the center of the ship while the machine looks for mercy and asks him to think who the real enemy is, David still disconnects him but hal leaves a video where one of the scientists of the 1st suicide mission is the same one who sent him to this to investigate the "monolith".
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— Escene 4: "Júpiter and beyond infinity": with that ending comes the last chapter of the movie where, months later, David arrives at Jupiter finding the "monolith" that, as he approaches, takes the appearance of a door that opens more psychedelic spaces than Louis and Charlie used in "The live london".
The psychedelic scenario changes and everything continues to be seen from the point of the panoptic eye where David is now in mirrors that appear copies and copies of David younger to older and the monolith again in its older version (wink wink or coincidence to coacoac) You know 🌝
The ending of the movie is super complex, like the movie itself, because there are many references, but suddenly, David takes the form / copy of a fetus inside a transparent sphere, then floating in outer space above the Earth, which implies evolution of your copies.
How do you know coacoac is difficult to pigeonhole into "walls album" because in turn it seems that it belongs but no, for me it represents the transition between the old and the new Louis. Coacoac is an autobiographical description of his life and his experiences the power that others can identify with him.
Because if coacoac is the walls transition in the desert, it represents his life before becoming an artist, that is why he chose this film and his inspiration in oasis and within the video he enters other dimensions through the gates of the monolith that, as in the film, are different versions Of his past.
Then he goes to his stage in 1D what is related to the part of the moon in the movie and how all that ended, then the part of David and Frank is his solo era, all the obstacles and losses he had and how just like David did not he gave up and that's where coacoac enters the transition to lt2
Because for me the panopticon represents all those entanglements that he had / has with his record company, that is why now he is even using them in the merch and photos since the panoptics are always symbols of a power that it is difficult to finish it and expose it also Louis has an incredible mind and he is a fan of references and that everything always has a framework like all the videos on walls that do not have an easy order to say because he broke with that and goes from back to front because they are also different spheres and it depends on how you look at it. interpretation, so...
The importance of the film lies in the power to reinvent itself and as we constantly live experiences that seem from other worlds, that is why the smiley face has 6 transitions that are not actually erasing it, it is rebuilding it as it did with its mv and its nods to the movie.
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to finish this analysis I put more references first from the beginning of walls louis use merch of the film and its director and in his merch the relationship to 369 with the film and if you look at the number of protagonists are always 3, 6 and 9 in addition to the kinetic art and the various monoliths in the 369 merch:
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All this theory is available in Spanish on my Twitter profile @/wallshypersonic.
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mima-sama · 2 years
could you run me down on the maidruukuto situation? i heard they did creepy loli fetish art
So. MaidRuukoto/RuukotoPresents. I already made a post about this, but I probably could have been a little clearer in places, because that post was a response to something he'd left in my askbox as an anon, and so it reads as such. This post will be more detailed.
He used to send asks to me back in the day, and I didn't really know that much about him, so I interacted with him every now and then. That was a mistake, and now he likes to show up in my inbox as an anon to pester me, since I've blocked him.
A few years ago, back when the Tumblr apocalypse happened, me and a few of my friends in the Touhou ask/RP community made a RP discord server. None of us were fully aware of RuukotoPresents' true nature, so when he joined, we didn't think much of it at the time. And then the trolling started. Not the funny kind, either. There's a fine line between good-natured trolling (sending your friends a rickroll or making silly puns), and being an obnoxious, toxic person, and RuukotoPresents would routinely cross that line. This, of course, also broke several server rules regarding conduct.
And so he was banned. But because I had interacted with him positively in the past, he viewed me as a "friend", and came into my dms to ask me to plead with the server admin on his behalf for a second chance.
Now, both the server admin and I are all about second chances, so the admin agreed to let him back in if he had a witness to attest to his character. He found a friend of his to testify on his behalf, and after all was said and done, he was allowed back in the server, and his friend even got invited.
Not even three days later, RuukotoPresents' friend, his character witness, makes their first RP post. It's a character profile of their own original character. To quote it, their character was a "l*wd 8-yo catgirl". I wasn't there when this was posted, but everyone else in the server saw it and was appalled. I was too, when I learned of it later on. Needless to say, RuukotoPresents and his friend were both swiftly banned, permanently this time. He later came into my inbox again, claiming to not know his friend was like that, but I didn't buy that excuse then, and I definitely don't buy it now, knowing what I now know.
A few years later, and I'd met some wonderful new friends, and we were discussing weird and creepy people we'd met on the internet, and I bring up RuukotoPresents-- and one of my friends goes, "Oh, I knew him. He was a real creep." And then this friend proceeds to tell me about how RuukotoPresents tried to join their community, but was basically outed from it before he could even join because of his behavior. That was when I learned about the fetishes and the inappropriate Walfas art (which has since been deleted).
So, I could say, based on my own experiences with him that I wouldn't put it past him to make creepy l*li fetish art. But I've also looked at his deviantart, and talked with people who had interacted with him in the past (I'm not naming any names because he's basically a stalker, and will harass these people), and can confirm that he has, in fact, done this.
There is not enough eye-bleach in this world to make me unsee the things I have seen. If you want to take a look for yourself, his deviantart is RuukotoPresents-- but as I warned in the initial callout, it's pretty weird. And gross. So maybe don't. (But if you do, do it quickly, as given his personality, he's likely to start deleting things once he realizes he's been compromised.)
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gingerxarmy · 3 years
Falling In Love  MV&LN
a/n - this is an midnight thing of me trying to cope with stuff. hope you enjoy! hah
Reader x Max Verstappen & Lando Norris 
Inspired by; Hopeless romantics - James TW
Words: 1800+ 
You having falling out of love with one, but, falling in love with an other. 
Some People say the art of love is one of the most beautiful things in the world. The process of pinning after one person, to grow with them and if you're lucky, have them with you until your days are count. But all beautiful things have a dark behind. The moon, which is one of the most beautiful and calm things we have on this planet, has a dark side. No-one can know what's on it for sure. 
Love has actions and words. Your significant other can give you flowers, but they can also give you bruises. You can have sweet nonsense whispering in your ear when you are watching a movie, or they can tell you lies you so desperately want to hear. 
But the most painful thing about love is when one of the two people is falling out of it. What are you supposed to do when the exciting feelings are fading away, when you no longer can have them staying with you. When whatever you do or say are no longer enough. The heartache is one thing everyone experiences in the name of love. Even if you are living a loving life, the death you vow will make sure you are apart. 
But when you are the one who can’t stand to be with him anymore. All you wanted to do was wish for a moment to make sure you could get into an argument and get him to hate you, just so this wouldn’t hurt as much as it did. He had been perfect. Everything he had done was for your preference, so you could be happy. But in the end, your feelings faded. It hurt, it really did, but when one goes - another comes along. It’s always a shift. The worst part was that they were friends, best friends even. 
You’ll never forget about the time you meet him and how inlove you were from the first eye contact. You had met Max one evening in Monaco when you were on a vacation with three of your girl friends. You had been walking on the streets of Monte Carlo in search of a Café. After almost thirty minutes walking in circles you decided on Scala Green Café, neither of you had heard about it before, but it was calm and in need of something to drink thanks to the heat outside you took a table and ordered a drink each. 
You had lovely conversations about the city you are vacationing in and as usual, for four single ladies, it turned quickly to the cute guys you’ve seen on your walk earlier. You had all agreed on one particular man you had seen not too far from the café who had taken home the price of the most handsome one. With his broad muscle building and determined steps it had made it quite hard to not look at him. His face and hair was hidden under the cap he had been wearing, which was a shame, you all agreed on. 
You had a nice conversation on planning the remainder of your trip when the doorbell for the Café called. Three muscular men in t-shirts and shorts made their way to the cashier. Probably asking for a table. Your conversation died down when the waiter led them to a table in your direction. Looking after them when they passed, not really caring if they were aware that you and your friends were staring or not, and trying not to droll. 
“What is it with handsome men in this city?” One of your friends asked. Your group started to giggle but you soon interrupted when the doorbell called once more and the man with the cap stepped in through the door, looking around before seeing the three men who just walked next to you. The difference with this man was that he could feel you staring and your eyes meet for a short moment. But long enough for you to start to blush, hiding from his gaze you took a sip from your drink. 
“You made eye contact with him. Didn’t you?” Your friend to the right of you said and gave your shoulder a squeeze. You nod your head and turn around trying to find the guy who just walked past. But to your luck/misfortune he was already looking at you, and for a second time in less than ten minutes you had made eye contact and he had made you blush. 
That café wisit had ended with a tissue with a phone number and a name, Max. You could never have thought that two moments of eye contact and a tissue could give you two amazing years of love. Max Verstappen had taught you about Formula One and everything about the sport that you now loved with a passion. When race weekends didn’t clash with your job you would be with him for support and for yourself and the adrenaline rush from watching the race from the teambuilding. 
 Your relationship was amazing, you had your fights like every couple had. But when the new rookie trio came along in 2019 and you found yourself hanging with when Max went out with the youngest one of them three. Lando Norris had become a big part of your life when he and Max started to play games and stream together in their spare time. And when you got invited to chat with the two when they were playing games, things started to escalate. 
It wasn’t something big, Max knew you two were close friends, but when normal conversations started to become more flirty and when you started to find yourself  thinking about Lando more often and not only in a platonic friendship way you started to think about your relationship with Max. 
And here you are, trapped between two wonderful men with a mind drawn between them two. Would you just block Lando and try to find your happiness with Max and try to fall in love again? Or would you talk to Lando about what you feel for him and tell Max how you’re no longer in love with him. Whatever you come up with you couldn’t get rid of the feeling of disappointing one or not both of them. 
That evening Max felt something was up with you. You, who always talked about your day, were now sitting quiet and not eating your food. Of Course he would get worried, you knew it. 
“What’s wrong, love,” he asked. Love, it hurt. 
“I think we need to talk.” You pushed away the food. “You know I love you, right?”
“Yes, of course. I’ll always love you. What’s this about?” He reached forward for your hand but you couldn’t bring yourself to let him take it. Instead you put your hands in your lap and let your gaze rest on them. Fiddling with your fingers. 
“I will always love you Max. But I don’t think I’m in love with you anymore. I’m so sorry, you haven’t been anything but lovely and kind to me. But I think our time is up.” A single tear escaped your eye when you lifted your gaze and met Max’s eyes. 
“I had already guessed it, even though I didn’t want to believe it. I’ve seen the way you two look at each other. And he would be really lucky to have you.” This time you let him take your hand. Releaf wash over you and you give him a broken smile. “And I’ve been texting this girl, and before you think anything, no. It was always friendly but now when I know for sure that you like Lando I may give her and I a try.” 
“I think you should,” you give Max’s hand a squeeze before letting his hand go, giving yourself one more moment before letting him go. 
“You and Lando need to invite me to your wedding later on, alright?” You two start to laugh at this. The eaze going conversation coming back between the two of you. 
A couple of weeks later you followed Max to Monaco GP, where everything started between the two of you, your journey could have an ending there years later. He had invited the girl he had been talking to as well, or, you had invited the girl he had been talking to because you were dying to know how had his heart now when you no longer had it. She was kind and you two shared a couple of laughs during the grand prix weekend. Max was in safe hands. 
“Okay, so, Lando’s waiting!” Max said later that evening. Max, Carlos and Lando had shared the podium today and you couldn’t be more proud of the three of them. 
“Isn’t it meant for you to be out celebrating your first podium and win in Monaco?” You say before giving him a hug. Even though you no longer are a couple you are great friends. The platonic love is still there. 
“Yes, and you are coming with. And so is Kelly. Come on!” Max dragged you off to a car where the others were waiting. And Max, being the matchmaker he is, made you sit next to Lando on the short way to the Bar someone of the drivers had shoosed. Probably Daniel if you could say it yourself. 
“You and Max broke up?” Lando dared to ask later when the group of people had gotten a couple of shots. 
“Yeah, our time together ran out. It was mutual so no hard feelings or anything. And I’m really happy about it. I really thought we were going to end on bad terms. And now I’m rambling!” You put a hand over your mouth to stop yourself from talking. But all Lando could do was laugh. Oh, God, that laugh. 
“So if you two are no longer a couple I can do this without having to risk my head.” Lando leans in and you two share a kiss. Your hand finds its way over to his curls and his hands make it way down your back, making you move closer to him. 
“If I was you I would still be careful of your head,” you say as you make eye contact with Max. 
“If you're breaking her heart, Mate. I’m breaking you!” Max screams over the loud music in the club and makes the others look in your direction. “Oh, and don’t forget about that wedding invitation you promised me!” 
You couldn’t help but laugh, happy that you got the man your heart wanted and still have your best friend by your side. You lean in and steal a kiss from Lando once more before leaning into him, laying your head on his shoulder and start to speak with the people you are out celebrating for the night. 
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ktheist · 4 years
03 — show me yours & i’ll show you mine | m
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➙ muses. seokjin x college student / gamer!reader ft. best friend! taehyung
➙ genre. best friend’s brother au. university au. working au. fwb au.
➙ word. 1.9k
➙ warnings. explicit content, fingering, mild exhibitionism
➙ index. 01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05 | 06 | finale | side story 1 |
➙ synopsis.  “why are you doing this if you’re not gonna fuck me?”
saturday evening, taehyung comes up to you with a face of a blank canvas, phone in his hand facing the ceiling and relays the news of his break up.
you’re in the middle of watching a show with his two brothers on your laptop.
“wh-what?” is all you manage to say whilst namjoon and seokjin freeze in their spots.
“i broke up with her,” taehyung’s shoulderline rises as he casually shrugs.
“but why?” deep down, you have an inkling - but your mouth moved on its own before you can even stop it.
“cause she was shit talking you,” and with that, he twirls around, heading back to the hallway where one of the doors connect to his room.
and just like second nature, your body shoots up, trailing after the slumped man like a mother to her pupper.
“you guys watch without me,” you briefly say to the two men on the couch, their faces scrunching with growing concern.
for the first time in a long time, you and taehyung bare your hearts to each other. talked about your fears and hopes and what keeps you going. which is, to an extent, each other and the two brothers. you’re not sure how you fell asleep but you wake up with a leg sprawled all over your stomach and a snoring sound echoing against the wall. the blanket draped over you and taehyung isn’t part of his bedset because one, you and taehyung end up sleeping on top of the sheets and two, you know the only one brother out of the three loves the color blue so much, his bedsheets and blankets are always themed with light cerulean. and this blanket - you’ve definitely seen seokjin use a dozen times.
"hey, morning,” you greet the two brothers whilst they’re unpacking what seems to be takeouts from a store you all collectively agree have no bad item in their menu.
everyone eats just about anything from that restaurant.
“morning, sleepyhead.” namjoon shakes his head, smiling - it’s probably the hair pointing in different directions.
“how’s taehyung?” seokjin asks when you come to sit on the stool next to where he’s standing.
“well, i mean - he’s not in a good place,” you begin, “i know he really liked her. and i know she talks shit about me behind my back and she knows i do too and he’s always caught in between, but he always seemed to brush it off and never take sides you know? so i didn’t think he’d break up with her over it.”
“hey, it’s not your fault,” the hand on your shoulder is warm, seeping into your heart as you examine the sincerity of those brown eyes, down to the reassuring smile of those plump lips.
“thanks for saying that, jinnie,” you want to ask for a kiss (and maybe some dick) but with namjoon - though he’s cluelessly continuing with his task of preparing the takeouts - around, you settle for patting his hand that’s on your shoulder.
after washing your face and returning to the kitchen, you find the previously sleeping-like-a-long giant perched on one of the stools, rubbing the grogginess out of his eyes.
“look who’s up!” a smack lands on taehyung’s back.
the aforementioned man doesn’t even flinch as he takes another second to rub all the sleepiness away before craning his neck to look at your smiling face - it may be a dumb smile but someone’s got to be lifting the atmosphere.
“i thought you left,” he grumbles, before his arm snakes around your waist and brings you in for a side hug.
the recoil is almost automated as your smile scrunches into a cringe, arms flailing to push him away and at least get a few inches gap in between,“ew, what the hell.”
“i’m sad! gimme a hug,” he laments whilst namjoon laughs, commenting something about how “adorable” the two of you are and how it “...reminds me of the good old days, you know?”
he means when you and taehyung aren’t as resistant to skinships.
but all your attention goes to the eldest brother whose glance lingers a second too long before he tears his gaze off from you and taehyung.
it turns out that little bitch tried making taehyung choose between you and her after he’d texted her (in an attempt to placate her jealousy-prone heart) about how you’d opted to room with seokjin in yesterday.
give them and inch and they’ll take a mile.
“i should’ve known,” taehyung shakes his head, bags heavy under his eyes as he lies in his bed, cocooned by the light cerulean blanket, “you don’t like her but you like everyone-”
“don’t you go justin bieber on me,” you smack him in the stomach, to which he curls up into a caterpillar, moaning in pain and something about suing for personal injuries.
but the fact that he can complaint at all means that he’s recovered half of himself.
“i’m getting some food from the kitchen, you want anything?” you roll your eyes.
“how bout a new girlfriend?” he manages to say, despite the so called blow to the stomach.
“potato chips it is,” you nod before strutting out of the door.
the hallway is dimly lit, save for the lone light in the ceiling and the slightest bit of gap that allows luminescence to pour out of seokjin’s room. so you knock on the door, leaning against the frame, “hey.”
kim seokjin sits on the chair you previously occupied the night before, round glasses perched on the bridge of his nose as his eyes widen for the briefest second before offering you one of his warm smiles, “hey, how’s taehyung?”
“he’s eating,” you shrug, trying to appear casual even though something in the way his shirt swallows his already broad built and making him appear like you can fight him and win - gets your heart doing flips.
“that’s gre-” he can’t even properly get his response out because you’re already crossing the short distance between you and him, hands cupping his cheeks before smashing your lips against his. as if you haven’t had water for days. as if you’ve been breathing with your head barely above water.
his hands find their way on your hips, kissing you back more delicately than you can ever control yourself. tingles dot your skin from where his hand caresses your elbow and travels up your arm, lingering there, as though forgetting the reason his warning touch.
“i needed that,” you break away only to steal another kiss before confessing.
seokjin chuckles, his hand slipping over to your chest before attempting to pinch your nipple. to which he fails because your padded bra successfully blocks him off.
“oh, you’re wearing a bra?” the genuine surprise gleaming in his eyes should offend you.
“unless you want your brother accidentally touching my nips while we were wrestling each other to decide who gets to use your comfy as hell blanket,” you roll your eyes.
taehyung won, obviously. which explained why he was lying in bed like a human burrito just now.
“i’d have to give taehyung a personal beating if that happened,” the dorky grin and amused glint in his whenever he cracks a not-so-funny-but-adorable joke, isn’t present.
your heart’s always done this thing where it skips with every smile that curls on his lips, yet the lack of it and the underlying seriousness of his tone is making your heart lurch in your throat, warmth spreading all over your body.
“anyways, i need to get taehyung some chips, thanks for the kiss.” you wave but something wraps around your wrist like an iron hold seconds before you find yourself perched in seokjin’s lap and the man dangerously close to you - despite having shared a passionate kiss just a moment ago.
“taehyung this, taehyung that,” his hand slips under your shirt, coarse hand trailing up your back until you feel him unhooking your bra in one go.
like he’s had enough practice in the art of seduction.
“well, he’s the one out of the four of us with a broken heart,” you pray to the constellations and deities that your voice is levelled though it soon proves to be pointless if his other hand’s snaking up your front and hovers over your chest where he could feel the organ beneath beating wildly.
“you’re breaking mine though... with spending that much time with my brother,” he traps your nipple in between his thumb and index finger, caressing, teasing with a smile that ironically has probably broken a few hearts of his own.
“i can fix that,” you beam, finger tracing down his front and down to the waistline of his pants, to which you can’t reach unless you scoot away to allow your hand to -
“not right now,” the sound of wind chimes drum in your ears as he chuckles.
it makes the umpteenth rejection a little less prickly, as you pout, “when?”
“soon,” and with that, he takes your wrist in his hand, making you push your own shirt up until your nipples are bare in the open, “hold this up for me, please.”
it’s the please that gets you.
ever the gentleman even as he’s about to tease you with his teeth against your nipples and his free hand fondling your other breast.
“why are you doing this if you’re not gonna fuck me?” you grunt, displeased, but arch your back anyway to make it easier for him to suckle and bite on your erected nipples.
you’ve always thought his hair looked soft but it’s softer as you bury your free hand in it. at first, it’s just a gentle caress - just like patting a golden retriever. but then as his tongue lapse over your protruded nub and the pressure in his free hand in your other breast grows more intense, you’re surprised he’s not moaning out in pain from the way your hand’s instinctively grasping at his roots.
“ah!” a yelp escapes you when he leaves your left nipple for the other one, biting down harder than you’re used to but not enough to draw blood.
you’re lost in the pain and pleasure of his tongue and apt fingers, where his mouth isn’t sucking on your nipple, his fingers are pinching and groping it. somewhere in the back of your mind, you distinctively remember a midly pressing matter-
“what the fuck?”
something about a heartbroken best friend and an unclosed door.
"t-taehyung!” you gasp, body almost jolting upward like a criminal caught red handed but seokjin’s arms around your body roots you down in his lap as he slowly pulls down your shirt before turning his attention to his youngest brother.
“taehyung, calm down,” he instructs with ease but his wide-eyed gaze is filled with concern.
“this isn’t-” you begin, slipping away from seokjin’s loosened grasp to pad over to your best friend who looks like he’s seen a ghost or his brother and best friend almost-fucking. either one works, “this isn’t what you think.”
“no-” the younger cups his mouth as he doubles over, his other hand held up in the air as if to tell you to “stay the fuck back-”
“oh, come on,” the slightest brush of your nipples against the material of your carelessly-pulled-down bra makes does not go pass you, yet you put your hand on your hip, rolling your eyes, “don’t be so dramatic.”
and that’s when taehyung hurls his guts out in front of seokjin’s door.
note. ooof 
i wasn’t sure if this drabble was gonna gain any eager readers. when i say eager, i mean those who look forward to an update, but some of you showed interest and it warms my heart! so here’s to another update! hope yall enjoyed!
taglist. @aretha170​ @scalubera​ @ambersaesthetics​ !
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