#I Am So Sorry About Talking About Alkaid Again. It WILL Happen Again
ad-hawkeye · 7 months
do you have any tips for getting into/starting lovebrush that guy you talk about ticks off some of my boxes 😞
DJGHHDLJGHDJGHJD I'M SO SORRY ANON. THIS IS ALL MY FAULT. okay. okay. oh gosh let me write up a list.
once you get an ssr, prioritize leveling up and ascending that ssr. once it hits level 100, you'll be able to call in a second assist (from another player) at the same level, effectively giving you two level 100 ssrs to work with.
this game is pretty ftp friendly. you'll get a lot of gems from playing through the main story. once you get an ssr, i'd recommend stashing gems as much as you can and holding out until an event banner arrives so you can get some neat limited edition cards to enjoy in the future.
you get some stamina from mc's cat each day. try logging in during the morning and the afternoon to claim your stamina.
i'd recommend playing through the first five or so affinity events for all of the boys just to get a base idea of how they act. leveling up at this point is super easy. if you notice yourself finding a bias, then i'd start saving up gifts because the higher affinity levels need a lot of gifts to unlock.
you can find previous event stories and the short card stories for cards you don't have on youtube, though i'd hold off on seeking those out until you feel comfortable with the main story.
lbc does a pretty good job of introducing you to the world, its lore, and its characters. when you start, prioritize the main story, and play the major side stories (one about cael, one about mc's mom) once you unlock them.
the boys in the modern world take a lot slower to "develop" character wise. once you get to know them, they're all pretty well rounded characters. since they don't have a typical route, and you unlock more story for them via events and affinity levels, it's a lot more slower paced than your typical godheim or eden route.
even though the alternate versions of the boys are different characters (our memories make us who we are after all), there are base traits, concepts, and ideas that are consistent across every single version of them. like if you see an interesting characteristic in godheim, chances are that character's alternate self in the modern world, or eden, is dealing with something very similar.
i hope it's fun for you in the end!! if not i'm sorry in advance for being annoying as hell on this account HAHA. at the very least, lbc's art and music are wonderful, and worth the price of admission alone.
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mystwright · 6 years
Lone Wolf PT.3
Characters: You and Taehyung (V)
Word Count: 4415
Read PT.1 Here PT.2 Here 
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Get some sleep already. You thought to yourself. You know you have to be ready to meet Taehyung at 2. You looked at your phone and saw that it was only a little past midnight. Why is sleep always against me? You thought.
You tossed and turned in bed, hoping you could find a new and more comfortable position to sleep in, but you knew the real reason you were awake was because Tae was running through your mind. You were excited to see him again. You always were.
You sighed. Sleep now or you're going to regret this later. You reminded yourself. You shut your eyes and finally let sleep win.
As soon as you heard your alarm blaring just loud enough for you in your room, you shut it off as fast as you could. Still groggy, you got up from your bed and began to put on your new outfit. You fumbled with your pants and then your shirt. Your mind and body was so tired… you couldn't believe how it literally felt like you had just woken up from a five minute nap when you had at least been sleeping for 2 hours... scratch that.. you told yourself. Of course 2 hours was not enough.
You glanced at your phone and saw a new message from Tae.
*I parked a few houses down just in case. I’ll meet you outside your house and then we can walk to my car together.*
*I'm almost ready. Just gotta put on my shoes. I should be able to meet you in 5 minutes* You texted back.
You did one finally look in the mirror and then headed out your window.
Outside was dark and cold but you knew you needed to make your way over to him and leave before anyone saw.
“Y/N, over here!”
Not too far ahead of you was Tae and he was holding something in his hands.
“Tae!” You happily replied.
He leaned in and gave you a quick kiss on your cheek once he reached you.
“I brought this for you.” He said as he wrapped a blanket around you.
“Thank you! I was just about to run back inside for a sweater”
He chuckled. “Come on, this way.”
Inside his car, you sat down with the blanket still wrapped around you.
“Are you really that cold?” Tae asked as he turned to look at you. “I can turn on the heat…”
“No, no! It just smells really good and is really soft!”
He began to laugh. “Give the blanket back, Y/N. I can't have you starting a relationship with it!”
“Oh my god! No, don’t take it away from me!”
Tae smiled as you wrapped the blanket around yourself tighter. He started the engine and began driving off.
“Back to the pool?” You asked.
“No… there’s been a change of plan” He replied.
“Oh! So where to then?”
“Back to where we first met”
You were a bit surprised.
“The drive in?” You asked.
He nodded. “Yep!”
You didn't question him after that… If that's where he intended for you guys to go then so be it. You trusted him.
In the car, you looked out the window and watched your small town as you both drove through it. You remembered how mundane you thought it was at first  but now it was beginning to feel like home. Building after building, it felt like you were counting sheep.
“Y/N...” Tae called. “Wake up”
“Humm” You replied.
You had fallen asleep again.
“We’re here” He said.
You rubbed your eyes and yawned. The drive didn't feel long at all.
“5 more minutes” You groaned. You put the blanket over your face and closed your eyes again.
Tae got out of the car and went to his trunk. Before he left home, he had thought about all the things the two of you would be needing tonight. From his car, he pulled out two chairs, a small table for snacks and a lantern just in case it was too dark for you and him.
“Y/N” He called as he got back inside his car.
When you didn't move from under the blanket, he slowly pulled it down to expose your sleepy face to him.
“Aye, Y/N, did you get any sleep at all?”
A small line of drool began to form at the end of your lips. The sight of you like this was too cute, too innocent. He laughed in disbelief and gently wiped it away.
From there, the contact finally woke you up. 
“What happened?” You asked.
“You were drooling”
Embarrassment flushed your face. “Did I really? I'm sorry you had to see that!” You got up and looked at yourself in the mirror.
He let out a small laugh.
“Why are you so cute, Y/N? Come on, before we miss the stars”
Outside you took in the cool air again. It was dark but the setup had your eyes immediately going towards the snacks.
“For me?” You asked
“I can’t let you starve, Y/N”
You took a small bag of chips and a bottle of water into your hands as he sat down.
“Do you want some?” You asked.
“No, I’m okay.”
“You sure?”
“I’m sure, come have a seat next to me, Y/N”
You made your way over and sat down. You looked over at Tae and he seemed so content being outside. You took a sip of your water and gazed at your surrounding.
How long ago was it when you found out about this place? You didn’t quite believe in fate but maybe that was what it was because somehow this place brought you to him. You looked up at the sky and gasped. For such a small and boring town, the sky at night was beautiful when everything was shut off.
“This is nice” You told him.
“What constellations do you know?” He asked.
You looked up again and sighed.
“I only know the Big Dipper and Little Dipper….”
Tae shot up from his seat laughing
“It that it?” He asked.
“What?! It’s not like I study stars on a daily basis! What about you? What constellations do you know?”
“Come here and I’ll show you”
He patted on his lap and you happily got up from your seat to sit down on him.
“Am I squishing you?” You asked.
“Not at all. Now lay back and get comfortable Y/N. I have to educate you”
You laughed and did as you were told and laid down on him.
“Give me your hand”
As you did, he wrapped his free arm around your waist.
“So Little Dipper and Big Dipper?”
You laughed again.
“Impressive, right?!”
You turned your head to see him and grinned before returning to look at the night sky.
“Let’s use the big one as a starting point then.”
He raised your hand up towards the sky with his and began to trace the constellation you knew.
“Merak…. Dubhe… Phecda…Megrez… Alioth… Mizar… and Alkaid… Those individual stars make up the Big Dipper. In between the little and Big Dipper is Draco..”
“Like Harry Potter!?” You asked.
“Just like one of your beloved Harry Potter characters, yes” He replied laughing.
“What other ones can you show me?
He looked up for a bit.
“Ah, I’m not sure if we can really see it but here.” He took your hand again and began to outline a new constellation for you. “You’re going to love this… one of the stars that make it up is called Bellatrix…”
You couldn’t help but gasp.
“If you keep connecting the other stars around it, you get Orion”
He continued to name stars for you until both of your arms got tired from pointing up at the sky.
“Thank you” You said turning to face him again. “I learned so much! I think if I was given a pop quiz about stars, I’d ace it for sure!”
“You better!” He replied. “Speaking of quizzes, how’s school going for you, by the way?”
“It’s going… just a couple of months left and then we’re done, right? How about for you?”
“Same. I’m ready for it to be over.”
“Are you?” You asked suspiciously.
“What? You don’t believe me?” He replied laughing.
While others only saw Tae as a delinquent, no one but you knew how brilliant he actually was.
“I don’t! I study my ass off all the time and am barely making it in the top 40! You… you just look at a book cover and bam! A! Somewhere in the top 10 of our whole class!”
He let out another laugh.
“See? Burdensome” He replied resting his head on your shoulder.
“What are your plans after high school?” You asked.
“What do you mean?”
He lifted his head up. “Well… What are your plans?”
“Oh.. well my mom doesn’t  have a lot of money, so I’ll probably end up at the community college we were at earlier. Why?”
He seemed a bit nervous now. “I was wondering if maybe I could join you?” He asked.
You looked at him surprised. “You want to go with me?”
He ran his hand through his hair. “I know it sounds like some cliche… but I do… I mean, if you want me to too! If not, I understand. Crap. I know it was dumb of me to ask.”
He was talking so fast. You didn’t know what compelled him to be so nervous. Of course you wanted him to be with you.
“No, no, I would like it if you did. Maybe we could get a small place together nearby campus. We could live the college dream together! We’ll have odd part time jobs to help us pay for our place, late night study sessions, and unlimited amounts of coffee. You can help me with my homework… maybe even do my homework”
You were so excited at the thought that now you were the one rambling.
He stopped to look at you in awe.
“I want that with you.” Tae said.
He wrapped both his arms around your waist now and you smiled at the thought of you two.
“You know, if we live together, I’ll also be able to kiss you whenever I want” He whispered into your ear.
Your turned to look at him and he gave you the biggest square like smile. You were at a lost for words.
“What?” He asked nonchalant.
How dare he act so innocent after what he just said. You let out a sigh of defeat and he laughed again before he pulled you tighter into his arms.
You continued to sit on top of Tae. As a quick and cool breeze blew by, you shivered.
“I'm really cold now” You replied.
“I don't know why you like that blanket so much. I'm better than it anyways”
“Tae! You can't really be jealous of this blanket? You gave it to me!”
“Come on, back to the car. I'll help warm you up.”
You smiled and got up as he opened the door and pushed the passenger seat forward for you to get in.
“You first, love”
Once you got in, he followed you. In his car, you both sat down next to each other with his arms wrapped around you again.
“This is my favorite time of the day”
“Why is that?” You asked.
“It's peaceful”
It was true. It was so quiet outside now at 4 in the morning. All that could really be heard was little sudden movements from one of you or soft breathing. Being your self proclaimed drive in, you knew there was no one else around to bother you guys at this place or hour. It was nice and time just seemed to slowly fly by as you two continued to sit.
“Do you remember when we first met?” Tae asked as you laid in his arms.
“I do.” You ran your hand through his hair and looked at him. “It was here. You saved me from making a really bad mistake”
“Do you still think about running away?”
You shook your head and turned to dig your face into his chest. Why was he so comfortable?
He held you tighter. “Good. Stay here with me, Y/N”
“You won't get tired of me?” You asked.
You meant for it to come out as a joke but saying it out loud actually made you feel nervous. The future wasn't certain for the two of you… it never is for anyone…  but you knew you wanted to be with him. As you laid in his arms, it felt like it was taking an eternity for him to answer and you could feel yourself getting worried.
He planted a few kisses on your forehead. “I love you, Y/N. How could I get tired of you?”
You could feel a few tears trickling down your face now. As they hit his chest, Tae got up to look at you. “What's wrong, Y/N?” He gently grabbed your face and wiped your tears away. “Did I say something wrong?”
“No.” You kissed him. “No. I love you too, Tae. I’m just really happy.”
You two continued to kiss in the backseat of his car. Even if it was small, you wanted nothing more than to have him closer to you. You stopped to place your hand on his chest and looked at him.
“Tae… I”
Without another word, he tossed the blanket aside and you couldn’t help but laugh at his actions against the inanimate object that he had brought for you.
“I’ll keep you warm from now on, Y/N”
He peppered you with soft kisses and you shook your head in disbelief.
“How is taking my shirt off supposed to help me?” You playfully asked as he slowly lifted it up and off your body.
He smirked.
“I’ll show you”
He kissed your neck and then began a trail down your shoulder. How were his lips so warm against you, you never knew… but he was like your own little personal heater.
“I get it!” You laughed. “I get it!”
You watched as Tae began to take his jacket off. Inch by agonizing inch, he began to pull it off of him. But unlike any normal human being… How the hell did he make taking a jacket off look so hot? You felt yourself blushing and getting worked up at just the sight of him. Is this also what he meant by “warming you up”? At moments like this, you realized that maybe he knew you all too well.
“Is this too much for you?” He asked as he caught you looking.
You couldn’t let him win and so you leaned in to kiss him. When he began to reciprocate, you caught him by surprise by playfully biting his lips.
“No” You replied.
Tae smirked and threw his jacket down next to the blanket before he went back to kissing you.
Kiss after kiss… He was right. Even though you were wearing less now, you felt yourself getting warmer from his touch.
“Your car is so small” You laughed as you tried to remove your pants.
You shimmied away as Tae unbuttoned his jeans.
“Sorry, love” He replied as he pushed his jeans down.
Once your pants were off you made your way over to straddle him.
Before you could do anything, he moved his hands up to gently cup your face.
“Stay here with me, okay?”
You wrapped your arms around him and kissed him gently on his lips.
“Okay” You replied.
You kissed him on his lips again before he stopped to move his lips towards your breasts. You leaned your head back and watched as he sucked your hardened nipples.
“Tae” You moaned.
He moved back up to look at you and smiled.
“What is it, Y/N?”
You moved a hand up to gently grab his face.
“I love you” You replied before kissing him.
You leaned into him by moving up and forward, ready for him to slid into you. As he slowly stretched you out, you softly moaned into his mouth before stopping to look at him one more time. For a moment, you and Tae just smile at each other before you both brake into a small laugh.
Taehyung placed his hands on your waist and kissed you back gently.
“I love you too, Y/N”
Just his words alone made you tighten around him. Slowly, you begin to bounce up and down on his cock. Unlike earlier, you both took your time with each other this time. There was no rush. It was just the two of you together, embracing each other and trying to memorize every small detail that you could  about one another.
You ran  your nails down his back and in return, Tae moved his lips down your neck again. Unable to hold back anymore, you picked up your pace.  As he finally neared his own high, Tae held on to you like he was afraid to let you go and so you whispered his name and sweet words into his ear as you came around him again.
As you laid in his arms, Taehyung began to run his circles in your hand.
“Tae, let’s go to school tomorrow as a couple.”
“Are you sure?” He asked looking at you.
“Yeah, who cares about what other people think.”
“How about after lunch?” He asked.
“I’ll meet you at the front” You replied as you kissed him.
Getting back home proved to be just as easy as you leaving. After a quick kiss from Tae, you both parted ways nearby your house where he first met you earlier.
You shook the cold from your body as you crawled back into your room and got back into bed before realizing that you only have a few hours left to sleep anyways before you have to get up again for school. The thought of you and Tae finally showing everyone that you were a couple scared you but you were ready.
You texted Taehyung goodnight before you finally fell asleep again.
When your alarm went off again, you groaned before you heard your mom walk downstairs.
“Have a great day, honey!” You heard her say before she went out the front door.
You slowly stretched in bed and sighed in relief that she had no idea you were out just a few hours ago. You picked up your phone and looked at your texts.
When you saw Taehyung’s name light up, you smiled.
*Morning :)* He texted.
“Morning love”
You continued to scroll down.
*Good luck on the test today* - Jin
*Good luck to you too* You replied back.
Next text.
*Y/N!! I’m having the time of my life trying to decide what to wear today* - Jessica
You laid in bed and chuckled to yourself.
*Just go naked* You responded. *That’s what I plan to do*
*OMG Y/N!*
You put your phone down and got up to finally get ready for school.
As the day went on, school went along as usual. After briefly meeting with your friends before and after class, you wondered what they would think when it was lunch time.
“Where are you headed Y/N? Class is this way!” Jess asked.
“I’ll be back!” You replied.
You quickly made your way over to where Tae was waiting for you. As you neared him, you noticed that he looked a little different. You knew it was finals week but Tae looked worn out.
“What happened?” You asked. “You look so tired. Did you sleep okay?”
“Sorry, I just got back from doing something. I’ll tell you about it later”
“Are you okay?” You asked.
He gave you a smile.
“You don’t have to worry about me. I’m okay. Are you ready?” He asked.
“I’m ready”
He took your hand in his and you both walked back into school together.
At first, it seemed as if no one cared but then you realized a few heads turning and so you held onto his hand tighter.
“It’s okay, Y/N.”
You turned to look at him and smiled knowing that he was right.
He continued to walk with you to your class. As soon as you saw your friend Jessica, you turned to him again.
“She looks so confused” You whispered.
“I’m sure she has a lot of questions”
You looked at her again and she gave you a wtf face as she threw her hands around in confusion.
“I’m sure she does” You replied.
“Go talk to her” Taehyung encouraged.
“Meet me after school in the front?” You asked.
“I’ll be there waiting for you”
You slowly let go of his hand and made your way over to your friend.
“Are you crazy? What are you doing with him, Y/N?” Jess asked as she got up and pulled you aside.
There was no point in hiding it now.
“We’re together” You replied.
“Like together, together?” She asked. “Since when? How long has this been going on? How am I just finding out about it?”
You weren’t surprised. You expected this kind of reaction out of her. “Sorry, it’s kind of a long story…”
“Omg, Y/N! You can’t just go around being in a relationship and not tell me anything! And Tae? Of all people!? What? How?”
You laughed nervously.
“Like I said, it’s a long story…”
All of the sudden there was a shift in the atmosphere.
“Does Jin know?” She asked.
You were confused.
“Why does it matter if he knows or not?”
“For the hundredth time… He really likes you, Y/N! You can’t just do that to him”
You were a bit taken back.
“But he knows that I don’t like him. You know that too”
Before she could answer you, the school bell rung.
“Let’s just get to class and talk about this later” She replied. “That test isn’t going to take itself.”
She walked into the classroom while you stayed behind. You knew that Jin liked you but like you said.. He already knew that you didn’t like him.
“Are you going to class, Y/N?”
You looked behind you and there was Jin.
“How long have you been standing there?” You asked.
“Long enough to hear the last few bits of your conversation..”
“So you know?”
“I know. I mean.. I’m not blind. I saw you walk in with him…”
“Are you okay?” You asked.
“I’m fine. Let’s get to class before we get marked absent and miss our test.”
In your classroom, you sat and focused on your test. This was more important than thinking about how affected everyone was acting by your relationship.
God. You thought. After this was one more class and then you could see Tae again.
When the final school bell rung, you quickly made your way over to the front of the school.
You walked towards your destination and smiled when you saw Tae waiting for you. You continued on your way but then picked up your pace when you saw Jin making his way over to Tae.
Jin looked angry and like he was on a mission.
But why? What was he doing?
You watched in horror at the scene of events that followed.
From afar, you saw Jin come up to punch Tae in the face.
“What are you doing!?” You yelled running over.
“This asshole broke into my car after he vandalized it!”
“What!? What are you talking about!?” You continued.
Tae got up and pushed Jin away.
“You need to leave NOW”
“Or what?” Jin asked.
Jin turned to look at you. “I don't know who you think this person is Y/N, but he’s trouble.”
You pushed Jin out of the way and made your way over to Tae.
“Are you okay?” You asked, gently grabbing his face.
“Stay away from him, Y/N”
You turned to look at Jin.
“No, Jin, you’re wrong! You don’t know what you’re talking about!”
“Then explain this, Y/N”
He threw a bag on the floor in front of you and Tae.
As you looked on the ground, you couldn't believe what you were seeing. The bag was Tae’s… As it laid on the ground, a spray can rolled out of the bag.  After seeing it, you knew without a doubt that they were indeed his. You had just used it yesterday.
“What? Why does he have your bag?” You slowly asked Tae. You tried to wrap your head around what was happening but everything was going by too quickly.
Before he could answer you, school security guards had shown up. “Break it up! Break it up!” They pointed at Jin and Tae. “You two need to come with us”
Tae was in no mood to go though. “It wasn't me!” Tae yelled as they tried to drag him away. “I'm being set up! Someone must have stolen my bag from my car!”
“Y/N!” He called. “Look in my bag and you’ll see that I’m not lying!”
As you bent down to try and grab his bag, one of the security guards got it before you. “Not so fast, we need this to serve as evidence”
“What?!” You couldn’t believe what was happening. “At least let me look inside before you take it”
“Unless you want us to bring you in for questioning too, I suggest you leave this alone”
Screw this stupid security guy!
You walked away and made your way to the parking lot and stopped to look back. Something about what just happened seemed off. You continued walking and went through it looking for Jin’s car. It wasn’t too hard to find... Out of all the cars in the parking lot, his was the only one that was covered in caution tape. The windshield had been broken and there was definitely spray paint all over it.
You continued to look at the destroyed car.
Okay Y/N, think… Was Jin setting him up?
As much as you hated to think about it..
Did Tae do this?
You needed to put the pieces together.
You grabbed your phone out of your pocket and began to take some photos of the hateful words sprayed on the car. It was up to you to solve this now.
Lone Wolf PT.4 Here
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jokertrap-ran · 4 years
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(时空中的绘旅人—For All Time—) New World: PARADISE Main Story Translation (Bad END 安宁的乐园 : Peaceful Paradise)
*For All Time Master-list *Spoiler free: Translations will remain under cut *Paradise’s main story tag will be #Welcome to Paradise
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Alkaid once told me, that if I'd faced a problem that I couldn't solve no matter what, I could go find him.
I think now's the time to do just that.
MC: Sorry, but I’ve a prior appointment with a friend; so I can’t accept your invitation because I have to go find him first.
Clarence held a hint of disapproval in his eyes, And Feng Yan seemed reluctant to let me leave, but Ayn raised his hand.
I want to slip out of this place that spells trouble, and to look for Alkaid, in his small garden to ask him for advice on this matter.
⊹ ˚✩ ━━━━━━━ ∘◦ ✥ ◦∘ ━━━━━━━ ✩˚ ⊹
I still trust him more, despite how odd his garden was.
People's personalities will change under different circumstances, and growing up in a different environment. But I believe, that something won't change by nature. And that Alkaid will always be reliable.
⊹ ˚✩ ━━━━━━━ ∘◦ ✥ ◦∘ ━━━━━━━ ✩˚ ⊹
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Night had already fallen by the time I'd found the garden. The home was lit with warm yellow lights that gave out warm and cozy vibes, something that was completely different from the state of hostility that permeated the world outside.
I walked up to it, but I watched the door open on its own before I could even knock on it.
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Alkaid: (Y/n)? Why did you come here alone by yourself?
MC: I strayed from Rorschach and… met with a bit of trouble.
I told Alkaid everything that had happened.
He patiently lowered his head, listening, adding his little thoughts and comments along the way.
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He thought that my heading to Battalion's Headquarters was way too reckless; and that Rorschach was way too lacking when it came to having a sense of responsibility, since he'd just dumped me like that.
It was then, that Alkaid raised his head.
Alkaid: Sorry, I’ve left you to talk out on the doorstep like that… That was really bad hospitality on my part, as the Owner.
Alkaid: Would you like to come in and rest?
MC: Okay; sorry for troubling you 
I didn't think too much about it, nodding.
He leaned down slightly, opening the door to grant me entry.
⊹ ˚✩ ━━━━━━━ ∘◦ ✥ ◦∘ ━━━━━━━ ✩˚ ⊹
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Stepping into the living room, I was greeted by the fragrance of flowers. In fact, the whole room was filled with them, layers upon layers of white, red and pinks.
There was a neat and tidy set of tea ware set out upon the table at the center of the room, as if they were used for entertaining guests. It was spacious and bright in here, and it resembled a Villa from the previous world I was in rather than Paradise, which was in a state of ruin.
Suddenly, a click sounded behind me; the sound of a lock turning.
I abruptly turned my head, only to realize that the door had been locked from the outside. Alkaid was outside; I was the only one who had walked into the room.
MC: Alkaid!?
⊹ ˚✩ ━━━━━━━ ∘◦ ✥ ◦∘ ━━━━━━━ ✩˚ ⊹
I pulled at the door with all my might, but it didn't budge at all. My heart filled with an ill sense of unease— Alkaid locked me in?
MC: What are you doing, Alkaid!?
I banged on the door, hard; only to hear Alkaid’s voice float over, as polite as ever.
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Alkaid: I’m going to trim some... Extra, unneeded, branches.
Alkaid: But don’t worry… I will be back before you know it.
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Someone once told me that this, was Paradise.
At first, I didn’t understand… How could a place like this, one filled with so much struggle, be called Paradise?
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Now, I understand; I was wrong before.
There was indeed no conflict here; no struggle at all. I am relaxed and happy, for every day is absolutely peaceful here.
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A man flew through the sky as he was punted out, falling heavily onto the sandy ground.
Disgruntled, he got back to his feet and tried rushing towards the entrance again, only to be stopped by an invisible barrier.
Unknown Mechanical Voice: —Paradise’s Admission Period has ended.
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Rorschach: ……
It was time for him to leave. The battle he’d failed to participate in had already ended.
The very fact that Paradise was closing, meant that— No one would ever find this place in the sandy deserts, ever again; and that it would only live on as a distant rumor, spread between the underground Shelters.
And similarly, all the Ability-users who had come to Paradise and stayed, would only gradually end up being no different.
Rorschach: ...That asshole!
He cussed lowly under his breath. No one knew if he was cursing to himself, or at the uncaring source of the mechanical voice. The metal gate that served as Paradise’s entrance gradually closed, seemingly as if an eviction order had just been issued to him.
More than 300 Ability-users disappeared; including the girl he had been watching out for.
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He reminded her; he did.
That no matter how vicious the dangers she met was, to never, ever look to "him" for help. But now he sees; he sees that she did not heed his warning.
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The roaring wind blew more sand into the air, blocking out the sun; it covered the irregularly shaped sand dunes that were nearby.
All crimes that occur here in this desert will all eventually be smoothed out and buried along with its sandy seas; no matter what they may be.
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⊹ ˚✩ ━━━━━━━ ∘◦ ✥Welcome to PARADISE ◦∘ ━━━━━━━ ✩˚ ⊹
Previous Part: (Chapter 24)
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