cycle-hit · 6 months
kotokos anger in yonah is also fear. btw. its her being terrified of being left alone in her goals once again. of her ideas being rejected. of es telling her she's been wrong this entire time. that she has to confront a part of herself she's buried and tried to erase. what people claim is her "manipulating" es is just her desperately trying to make es understand her. whatever. stares into the distance. listens to unravel and thinks of kotoko and starts sobbing
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reverbywerby · 2 years
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willosword · 7 months
charlie and lucifer are literally so similar it's driving me bananas i can not stop thinking about it
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mars-ipan · 11 months
actually i don’t think i’ll ever recover
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jdms-flat-ass · 11 months
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whoever decided the enemies in denoument of sin would come in two waves deserves to step on every single lego in a hypothetical 'entirety of teyvat' lego set
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homeofjonicles · 2 years
The Jonicles - Entry 27: The One Where I Rank How Sexy Each Jon Is (Part 1)
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(image courtesy of @outofcontextgarf!!)
It is currently the 15th of October, 2022 at 12:24 pm on a Saturday. Next week will bring a never-ending avalanche of worthless exams (like, 5 of them) that will most definitely cause a mental break, so why not write this entry and the next now before the insanity hits? It is also day #149 of my Jon Arbuckle hyperfixation!!
I think it's been well established that I love Jon, and you've surely all read entries 8 and 15 by this point. I'm gonna be upfront and say that Jon Arbuckle is quite the dashing and handsome fellow! His dorky, fatherly and unashamedly him sort of demeanor is something I really love about him, not to mention the relaxed look in his eyes he always seems to have (especially in the early strips). And don't even get me started on how THICK this man is! All and all, Jon is a man of attraction to me. So it would only be reasonable to, in the midst of my ever-so-strong Jon hyperfixation, to compare and contrast each iteration of Jon from one another in a sort of contest to see which Jon is the hottest of them all. This will be split into two parts: The main comic strip being part one, and the other media being part two. Yes I have gone completely insane, let's do this!!
How will this work? Well, there's a criteria for every aspect of Jon, whether it be physical or related to his personality. Here, I'll list them:
Source material (Comics, cartoons, games, movies etc.) - No points
The era each Jon iteration is from (late 70s - early 80s, 80s, 90s, 2000s, 'Jon' era etc.) - No points
Physical attributes (How big the eyes are, his hair, whether his anatomy and proportions are more cartoony or realistic, pants colour (trust me it matters) etc.) - 1-10 points (combined because i dont know how to count)
How thick he is (Flat as a board or thick as a baker's dozen) - 1-10 points
His voice acting (Thom Huge, Wally Wingbert etc.) - 1-10 points (cartoon/voice acted games exclusive)
Uniqueness (Details/quirks that are special to that specific iteration of Jon such as art style and physical quirks) - 1-10 points
Personal significance (If the era/iteration of Jon is one I grew up with or have a special emotional connection to) - 1-5 points
Personality (more goofy than serious, more unhinged than relaxed, more fatherly than simply being a pet owner etc.) - 1-20 points
Any other interesting bits of information that make him more or less attractive - Any extra bonus points
Each bit of criteria will then have its points added in a general score out of 65 + whatever bonus points I may give, and that final score will decide which Jon is truly the hottest out of them all (at least to me anyway)! I'll try my best to find every piece of official Garfield media I can and will be avoiding any fan media like fan comics and animations and any derivative fan media like Garfield Minus Garfield, Square Root Of Minus Garfield and ZALGO strips that would be redundant to include. Now that I've got that all out of the way, let's start!
First of all, let's start with the most well-known iteration of Mr. Arbuckle, that being the Garfield comic strip. Everyone's seen at least one Garfield strip in their life and Jon, arguably being the main guy is a major part of what makes the comic what it is. The Garfield comic had its humble beginnings in 1978* and it looked very different from the strip many in our generation grew up with, Jon's eyes being much smaller and his proportions being much lankier than they are now. Let's start with late 70s - early 80s Jon, shall we?
1978 - 1984
Physical attributes - For starters, Jon's eyes are very small and beady and are much higher up on his head, making for an unusual sight for people who are unfamiliar with the strip's early works. Jon's nose is much higher up as well as a result, making his philtrum (the groove on the face that connects the nose and mouth) incredibly long. Jon's head is quite narrow and slender, making for plently of space for smooching and to hold his head in your hands and give him the loving tender care he deserves. Jon looks very tall and thin in this iteration of the strip, probably the skinniest and scrawniest he's ever been, but I like 'em skinny and scrawny anyway. Jon's hair is still as curly as it's ever been, but it's visibly flatter and has a sort of fringe at the front, certainly an interesting detail that adds a uniqueness to this iteration of Jon that I haven't seen past the late 70s as, unfortunately, this little detail about Jon seems to have vanished into the 80s. Throughout the majority of the early strips, Jon's pants are a nice pitch black which honestly looks quite nice on him. Something about it makes him look taller in a way. This is possibly the most human-like Jon has looked in the strip* and I like that in a way. Therefore, I give the physical attributes of 1978 - 1984 Jon a solid 7 out of 10. Not bad for a start, not at all!
How thick he is - You know, for the start of the strip, Jon is pretty thick. Whilst his ass doesn't stick out as much as the late 80s, he still has a considerable amount of cake stored back there, and to say that he's flat would be a big lie. It's still there when he's simply standing upright which is extremely pleasing, meaning he doesn't even have to put in effort to have a big ass. Overall, I give Jon's ass a 6 out of 10. That's a pretty nice ass!
Uniqueness - This era of Jon is probably the most unique out of the bunch as this was when 'Garfield' had just evolved from a small Pendleton Times strip to a more mainstream comic, meaning that Jon has many little design quirks and is rough around the edges as his design evolved from strip to strip. He, as stated earlier, is also the skinniest and lankiest of the bunch, making him very unique in that suit, not to mention his hair fringe. Overall, the uniqueness of early Jon has to be a 9 out of 10. An incredibly unique Jon to behold, I say!
Personality - In the early strips, Jon was much more serious and level-headed. Yeah, he still had plently of dorky moments and was a hopeless romantic when it came to Liz, but in terms of general attitude, Jon was a lot more relaxed and witty. He even comes off as a little more sophisticated, looking cool and calm, sometimes even having his hands positioned in a "tent" like a villain or something, haha! He's loving towards Garfield, but he's also cheeky and cunning, tricking Garfield into having a bath by saying it's soup and teasing him with a puppet that calls him fat (unrelated but i had a very similar dog puppet as a child... maybe i am jon....). He often looks directly at the reader, usually to emphasise a punchline, though in the first strip, he politely introduces him and Garfield to the reader, showing him to be a gentle, respectable and polite man. He's also more introverted, as even when talking to someone as close to him as Lyman, Jon enjoys a lot of his time alone, reading a book, usually with his cat. While Jon is more level-headed in these strips, He is still easy to provoke, easily startled and can lose his cool quickly when things go wrong or when Garfield annoys him, though a detail to be noted here is that Jon yells and shouts a lot less. Jon, while he is more serious and calm in this era, is certainly not a boring character at all, as his politefulness, main character tendancies and loveable charming attitude make him a 17 out of 20 in terms of personality! A very likeable fellow indeed, I'd love to chat with him!!
Personal Significance - While I mainly grew up reading comic strips from the mid to late 80s, I have read plenty of early 80s and even a few late 70s strips as a child and I hold them very dear to my heart. Therefore, in terms of nostalgia and what Garfield strips would ultimately shape my view of who Jon is to me, this era of Jon is one of very personal significance to me. He's special to me and therefore is one of the most ideal Jons to me (i believe i've talked about this before...). Overall, the personal significance is a 5 out of 5 for his importance in my early Garfield endeavors.
Extra details - Looks like he's the most likely Jon to have a conversation to about the existensial parts of life, I'm giving him and extra 5 points just for that.
So, with all those decided, what score do I give 1978-1984 Jon overall? Including bonus points, this era of Jon would be a solid 49 out of 65. Not bad, not bad at all! That's quite an attractive Jon actually, great DILFing man!
1985 -1989
Physical attributes - Since the early 80s, Jon's appearance had been quickly evolving to give him a much larger eye shape that takes up more of his face, though his eyes still aren't as exaggerated as they are in the 90s. They still have quite a lot of roundness in them which is something I personally like quite a lot. Jon's head shape has also quickly changed as well, being less narrow and more round, still plenty of space to hold and smooch! Whilst the fringe has long disappeared, Jon's hair is still as curly and bouncy as ever and seems to have doubled in how much there is, and with how chubbier Jon's face is, there's plenty of it to pat. Jon is also still relatively narrow, though his proportions are a lot less realistic. For instance, Jon's head compared to his torso is much bigger in size, his hands have gotten slightly puffier and he appears to have more of a general silhouette now as he evolves. Jon's also way more expressive than he was back in the late 70s, his bigger eyes allowing for a much higher range of wacky expressions for him to make. His pants are still black, though his blue slacks do make ocassional appearances from time to time. From behind he looks particularly attractive, his head being in a sort of chibi shape, his shoulders looking broad, he just generally looks powerful and handsome from the back for some reason. This Jon, to me, is arguably one of the most recognisable and is the Jon I think of when someone mentions his name and is also the era of Jon I used and studied as a reference to develop how I draw him. Therefore, Jon is a fantastic 10 out of 10 in terms of his appearance! What a handsome fellow!!! ;)
How thick he is - Oh my goodness, this Jon is a THICK Jon. You know how in entry 15 I mentioned that the panel of Jon having a stroke while taking lasagna out of the oven is from the mid 80s? Yup, Jon is thick as FUCK in this era. Like, his ass is always just there and it is magnificent. The man doesn't need effort to make his ass look fantastic, it just is that way. Therefore, I officially give his ass a solid 10 out of 10; a fantastic, perfect rump capable of putting even JFK to shame!
Personality - The 80s is where Jon's personality starts to shift and change. In the 80s, Jon is still our favourite cat dad and carries much of his personality from the early 80s to the late 80s. He still has moments of seriousness, but he's a lot more of a dork and a goof than he was in the late 70s. Jon also has way more moments of forgetfulness and being unorganised, such as the strips that have the punchline of Jon forgetting to sort out his fridge and being unaware that his tie is in his coffee. The 80s was also the time where Jon went on a lot more dates with people outside of Liz, showing Jon's evolving willingness to step outside of his comfort zone. Jon still remains quite sane in the 80s, though he tends to become panicked and angered a lot more often (relatable) than he did before. One thing I really like about Jon is just how caring an energetic he is, and there's not a better example of that than in the 80s. While Jon may snap at Garfield from time to time, Jon shows that he's incredibly caring towards his beloved cat, treating him almost as his son and taking him places for holiday. Although Jon is energetic and exciteable, Jon also shows a lot more lethargy and tiredness which suggests some underlying form of possible depression which adds yet another layer to his character. This is also the time period that cemented Jon as a little bit of an unlucky chap, but not to the point where he's completely miserable, which I like. Overall, 80s Jon is a loving family man with a heart of gold, and though he may have outbursts sometimes, they never last long, and Jon is still that loveable polite man he has been since the beginning, which is why I give Jon's personality an 18 out of 20!
Uniqueness - For it's time, 80s Jon is quite unique. For starters, the art style of 'Garfield' was pretty cemented here, being a sort of base for how the art would evolve and change over the years, so Jon here has a very unique appearance. This was also the time in which his hair changed shape into a much curlier and bouncier look, also serving as a base for how his hair would look in the future. This was also one of the first times Jon's personality developed a lot from how he was at the beginning of the strip, adding more layers upon layers that really developed Jon and made him feel like more of a real person than just a funny cartoon guy and that, to me, is super attractive. I rate Jon's uniqueness a 4 out of 5, quite an original lad for his time and one that I'll never forget!!
Personal significance - If you've read many of the entries, you'll know that 80s Jon is a huge part of my heart and my childhood 'Garfield' exposure. 80s Jon was the one I saw in my dad's comic books. 80s Jon was the one I saw on screen whenever I'd watch 'Garfield And Friends', the Halloween special and 'Garfield In The Rough'. 80s Jon is the Jon I still enjoy when rewatching my favourite specials and 80s Jon is the one I go for when reading strips I haven't seen before. 80s Jon was the Jon I grew up with and the Jon I know. Therefore it goes without saying that 80s Jon is a 5 out of 5 in personal significance because he means so much to me and is the one I relate to the most! I love 80s Jon man :)
Extra details - That "Why do they call it oven when you of in the cold food of out hot eat the food" edit still has me rolling, 6 extra points for my boy he deserves it
Alright, time to roll in the score for my favourite cartoonist! Including the bonus points, 80s Jon gets a solid score of 53 out of 65 on the sexymeter! Alriiiight, Jonny Boy! That's one hell of a sexyman if I do say so myself! You deserve it, buddy! :D amen!!
1990 - 1999
Physical attributes - In the early 90s, Jon looks very similar to how he does in the mid to late 80s. However, over time there have been subtle changes to his appearance, especially his eyes. I said that 80s Jon really cemented the way he looks in modern times, but to give credit to 90s Jon, a lot of what people think of when they think of Jon are his more egg-shaped eyes that came in the 90s. Jon's figure continues to become more cartoony and exaggerated, his appearance having not changed too much for the majority of the 90s as I believe Jim Davis found a comfortable style to stick with for quite a while. His head is even more circular and round than before, and whilst his eyes are massive, there's still plenty of space to smooch and cuddle! Jon's also waaayyy more expressive in the 90s, as in every panel Jon is just bursting with expression and I really like that! He faces the front a lot more and gives the reader a very good view of his loveable little face. Jon's curly hair now has more of a defined shape and again as seemed to have multiplied in amount, making for ample head-petting abilities. Plus, it just looks really nice to pat and run your hands through, it looks soft. Jon has also become visibly chubbier and less lanky which kinda makes him look a little shorter than before and his back arches out more, though he still retains much of his limb skinniness and those glorious muscular legs of his. Oh yeah, I didn't mention that did I? Jon's muscular legs appear much more frequently coming the late 90s and 2000s and I must say they look quite dashing. Jon never skips leg day and that's solid proof! Jon's pants are still a nice sleek black, though as the 90s progresses, you begin to see a lot more of his darker blue slacks making more appearances. With all that said, 90s Jon gets a solid 9 out of 10 in appearance! Truly handsome lad if I do say so myself, I reckon!
How thick he is - It excites me greatly to see that Jon is even thicker than he was in the 80s. Just look at his ass! Talk about not needing effort, it's a force that truly cannot be stopped nor shaken... At least figuratively, hah... Ahem, anyway, Jon's ass ROCKS! 9 out of 10!
Personality - Jon's personality in the 90s is really interesting. His dorkiness has seemed to increase a LOT and more punchlines place him at the centre of it all. This is also the decade of Jon talking endlessly about little thoughts that come to his head or memories he's had as a child, something I relate to a lot and also something I enjoy! More Jon is always a great thing in my book, I love learning more about him from his own first-hand accounts of his life!  Over the years, Jon's patience has slowly been waning the more tricks Garfield pulls on Mr. Arbuckle. He lashes out more and generally seems a lot more nervous and panicky, not to mention his mood swings which indicate a significant loss of sanity. Jon's apathy has also increased and he's become a lot more desperate for a date, which really concerns me, since this specific detail marks the beginning of Jon's descent into near-madness from how badly he wants someone to love and to be loved himself. Jon's also more airheaded and doesn't pay a lot of attention to what's going on around him as often, which leads him to getting pranked a lot easier by Garfield and Odie. However, Jon is still as cunning as ever, often pranking Garfield back, stealing his food that one time and sawing holes into tables and floors to psyche his cat out. Jon's personality during this time period is also really fun to analyse as he has so many little quirks and behaviourisms that are great to study and use to get a better grasp at just how to develop his character when writing stuff. Therefore, I give the personality of 90s Jon an 18 out of 20!
Uniqueness - There isn't too much to say about 90s Jon that can't be said about 80s Jon. They're quite similar, although 90s Jon is a little more unhinged than 80s Jon is. On top of that, 90s Jon does develop his character a lot more and is a big part of why I headcanon him as having ADHD, but apart from that, not too much. I give 90s Jon a 3 out of 5 in terms of uniqueness, but that doesn't mean I dislike 90s Jon at all; far from that in fact!!
Personal significance - All my dad's 'Garfield' comic books are from the 80s, so I can't say that 90s Jon has too much significance. However, he still has some significance in a weird way. I remember discovering 'Garfield Minus Garfield', and even though I said I wouldn't include fanworks, a lot of the GMG strips I read were from the late 90s, as this was a time where the Web 2.0 was still kinda young, so a lot of 90s comics made it into GMG. But apart from that, 90s Jon doesn't have too much personal significance, so I'll give him a 5 out of 10. Doesn't mean he's not special though!!
Extra details - hehe jon drank dog cum 7 points
And what do the final results say about our curly-haired sexyman? Including the bonus points, 90s Jon gets a nice 51 out of 65! That's fantastic, Jon! I'm proud of you, man!
2000 - 2009
Physical attributes -To be honest, 2000s Jon is myleast favourite out of the bunch (not to say i dislike him though!!). Not in appearance though, especially in the early 2000s! He looks really cute! His head is nice and round and I'd love to hold it in my hands... like putty in my hands! His hair still looks curly and bouncy as ever, though I find it odd how compared to Jon's head in the later strips, his hair looks a little bit less? It's not too big of a deal, but I just wanna run my hands through his hair and now it's lessening... He's going bald! Jokes aside though, Jon's still super expressive and I've noticed that he makes his signature snarky expression a lot more, which is always amusing and adorable!! Whenever he smiles, especially his little devious grins, it ends up being incredibly contageous and I smile too! Jon looks a little chubbier as well which is admittedly pretty adorable, he looks huggable and it just melts my heart :). As I said before, Jon's meaty ass legs are still here, and boy are they meaty! I think leg day is a strong suit of Jon's! Also, Jon's pants have officially changed from black to blue, and honestly? They look nice! I prefer the sleek black colour more, yes, but the blue looks nice on him!! Overall, 2000s Jon gets a 7 out of 10! Pretty handsome!!
How thick he is - One constant of life that will always remain true is that Jon will always be thick as a bakery. Like DAAAAAMN WHAT THAT ASS DO!?!? 8 out of 10, babey!!
Personality - You know, 2000s Jon has really strayed from what 70s Jon was and it's interesting. 2000s Jon seems like an entirely different guy (apart from still being sexy as fuck). He's way less chill than he was before and is it me or does he seem a lot more erratic and angry? It worries me how angry Jon can get, even to the point of really shouting at Garfield. He seems way more nervous and depressed too, he talks so much more about how much his life stinks, the poor guy can't seem to catch a break when he gets a date, if he gets a date... Speaking of dates, Jon's also way more desperate to get one, which is also concerning. He seems to place his entire value on getting a date and I just... I just really wanna hug him... Jon is really loving to his family though, he still keeps in contact with his parents and brother on the farm and still loves Garfield and Odie, even if he gets pissed off with the former a lot more. He's also incredibly loving towards Liz, who he finally got to be with romantically after so long (i'm super proud of him!!!)! He's also still the loveable dork he's always been, even more so now! He's a chatterbox and always has something to say, he loves expressing his love for the accordion and his other niche interests and hobbies, why does everyone seem to hate him!? He's quite unlucky, but he's loveable nonetheless!! For that, I give 2000s Jon a 17 out of 20 in personality!! A frustrated yet loveable DILF who might be slightly insane; my favourite kind!!
Uniqueness - 2000s Jon is unique in the way that his personality is yet again more developed. This is probably the lowest his sanity has been in ages, and the 2000s cemented Jon as the strips' butt monkey, something which depresses me since Jon is so much more than that. It also cemented Jon's dwindling mental health in the Garfield fandom, something I'm interested in, but also depresses me a little because I just want Jon to be okay and happy. Overall, I rate 2000s Jon a 3 out of 5 in uniqueness to other Jons.
Personal significance - Ahh, the 2000s. That was my decade, I was born in that one! So I must have some sort of personal attachment to that era of Jon, right..? Not really, actually! And that's really surprising too, seeing as how I grew up in the early 2000s and liked Garfield. But as said before, 80s Jon was my Jon, and I don't remember reading many of the 2000s strips as a kid, so 2000s Jon doesn't really have too much personal significance to me, unless you want to include GMG again. Though I do have an attachment to Garfield's Scary Scavenger Hunt by proxy of me having a huge attachment to old Flash games, so what the heck, I'll give him credit that!!! So, 2000s Jon only has a 3 out of 5 rating, but that doesn't mean he isn't special to me at all! He just wasn't that prominent or present in my childhood, is all!!
Extra details - He's so cute when he has his eyes wide open and he's smiling, he looks so happy and joyful! 8 bonus points!!
How did 2000s Jon do? Well, according to this calculator I searched up on Google, 2000s Jon gets a 46 out of 65, including bonus points! Kinda low, but not bad at all! 2000s Jon may have ranked lower than most, but that doesn't mean I don't love him at all; I love him a LOT!! You did great, Jon! I'm proud of you!! :D
2010 - 2019
Physical attributes - In the early 2010s, Jon looked a little... Weird? Like not in a bad way, but I think it's the fact that his hair looks smaller, his face just looks taller y'know? However, as the art styke yet again continues to evolve, his hair begins to return, and now I can run my fingers through his locks once again! Not to mention that his face is still quite chubby and round, giving ample space for him to rest his head in anyone's hands. And it's either the framing or Jon's gotten taller because man, does he tower over the kitchen table! I like a man who's tall... But then again I also really like short gremlin men... But! Seeing tall Jon again is exciting and always a welcome sight!! I don't really have much else to say other than this Jon? Pretty good Jon! And my, does he look lovely when he smiles! I'll give 2010s Jon a solid 7 out of 10!!
How thick he is - Glad to know Jon's still thick as ever! That ass is LIVID, 8 out of 10!
Personality - Not too much has changed since the late 2000s. Jon's still very erratic and nervous, often having mood swings between apathy and fits of rage and excitement. However, he absolutely adores Liz unconditionally like the loving father and now boyfriend he is! She's the world to him and it's so cute!! Jon still has absolutel love for the accordion and his other interests, proving that nothing can truly break this man's dedication to what he truly desires. He's still our loveable dork, still wearing funny suits, caring for his little family and just being him! Overall, Jon gets a good ol' 18 out of 20 for his personality!
Uniqueness - 2010s Jon isn't really that far from late 2000s Jon, so there aren't too many unique qualities that make 2010s Jon that different I'm afraid. However, in the very late 2010s, the artstyle gets a bit of a glow up and Jon's hair gains three little tufts near the back and they're so fucking adorable!! I'll talk about it way more in the next time period, but oh my gosh it's so adorable and it's great to see another major change to Jon's curly bouncy hair!! 2010s Jon unfortunately only get's a 2 in uniqueness to late 2000s Jon, but I still love him unconditionally regardless!!
Personal significance - Not too much personal significance other than, again, GMG. Really weird considering the early 2010s were when I spent so much time on the internet, but back then I wasn't really that interested in 'Garfield' as much. Unfortunately, 2010s Jon only gets a 2 in this category, but I want him to know he's still special to me regardless of his score!
Extra details - "Isn't that your phone?" That wasn't a bee, that was something else that makes a bzzzz-ing noise......... 10 points
Roll in the results, Garfy Baby! 2010s Jon gets a solid 47 out of 65, including bonus points! Not bad, Jonny Boy! Not bad at all! Pretty darn good, in fact!! Great job my man!
2020 - Now...
Physical attributes - Wow, Jon really got a glow up didn't he? Jon's eyes remain as big and adorable as ever, and his facial structure has become more round and circular again, and it's perfect for holding in your hands!, Oh, and not to mention his hair!!! His hair is so cute! As I mentioned before, Jon's hair has a little three-pointed thingy at the back and it's absolutely adorable! It really reminds me of Luigi's hair! Jon, you look incredibly cute!! Ahem, where was I... Oh, right! Jon still retains a lot of his tallness which I always appreciate seeing back again! Jon's back may still be really arched out, but man, have you seen this guy with his shirt off?? Damn, the things this man could do... AHEM.... A-Anyway, fear not, for Jon's pants are still blue, and will probably remain that way for quite a long time! Also, more than 20 years and he still hasn't missed a single leg day!? That's insane! You know, I'm feeling generous! 2020s Jon gets a 8 out of 10!! Lookin' good, man!!!
How thick he is - UPDATE: JON IS STILL THICK AS HELL!! 44 years of ass, that's an achievement! You deserve a medal, Jon! 8 out of 10!
Personality - 2020s Jon, while still having moments of apathy and modd swings, seems a lot happier now that Liz has settled into his life. He's still out loveable dork and a complete hopeless romantic, but he's a lot happier now, I bet. He's incredibly quirky and airheaded, often forgetting and misplacing things by accident. He still LOVES the accordion and even uses it against Garfield to get him to eat his veggies, absolute power move! His fashion sense is even more wildin' than before, often combining silly shorts with silly hats and colours that completely clash with one another. He's not a complete shut-in, but he's more reserved and we really only see him hangin' out with Liz in the house, which must take quite a toll on his mental health and it worries me. However, he has a tight-knit family who loves him and cherishes him for who he is, and for that, he loves them back. He's still pretty unhinged though, but I think his mental health has made a slow improvement since the late 2000s. Progress, Jon! Progress will get you to where you deserve to be, keep trying buddy! And with that said, I give 2020s Jon a cool 17 out of 20 for his personality! Quite the enjoyable guy, don't you think?
Uniqueness - Jon certainly has more uniqueness than early 2010s Jon, though unfortunately not by too much it seems... Though, 2020s Jon has a cute little quirk with his hair, and in my personal opinion, he's gotten quite the glow-up compared to several other characters! So you know what? I'll give 2020s Jon a 3 out of 5! I seriously really love his hair though, it's absolutely adorable and I might adopt it into how I draw him!!
Personal significance - It's surprising; I have more of a personal connection to 2020s Jon than 2000s or 2010s Jon. Is it the time period of me getting a Jon fixation therefore being more interested in the recent strips? Maybe! But whatever it is, I'm pretty attached to 2020s Jon regardless, I think I might give him a 4 out of 5!
Extra details - "Did you accidentally take Odie's medicine again?" Dog Jon is a good Jon and that implies Jon takes a certain medicine and frequently mixes it up. 10 points!
And what does good ol' Jonny Boy score say! I believe it's a cool 50 points, including the bonus ones! That's quite a fine contender, Jon! I'd say you come... Second? No, third? Wait, let me just add these up...
So, the finals places for the sexiest Jon in the main strips are....!
80s Jon - 1st place - 53 points
90s Jon - 2nd place - 51 points
2020s Jon - 3rd place - 50 points
70s - Early 80s Jon - 4th place - 49 points
2010s Jon - 5th place - 47 points
2000s Jon - 6th place - 46 points
Well, it seems my suspicions were correct. According to this bizarre and disorganised point system, 80s Jon turned out to be crowned the sexiest comic Jon out of them all! I'd like to give a big congratulations to 80s Jon and all the other time periods of Jon who have blessed the world of 'Garfield' with their existence as a sexyman! Now, I'd like to end this off with a quick message that, no matter what thw victory may be for once specific Jon, no matter how much I may have my favourites here and there and no matter what type of Jon media I may enjoy the most, please let it be known that Jon, no matter what time period you are from, no matter how you may evolve to be over the years, I will still love and cherish you, just the ame as I always have. You are special to me. You have always been special to me. And you know what? I want you to know that even if you don't look as flattering in one time period compared to another, it doesn't matter that much because you are still you. You are still Jon. And I love you, man.
And so with that said, I'd like to conclude this entry of The Jonicles. I most likely won't be able to write a new one dor a week at least because of my.... stupid exams, but rest assured that when they get out of the way, Entry 28 will soon commence, and I'll be back to my usual Arbuckle simpery in no time!
This one's been a long entry... Last edited at 9:04 pm JESUS
It's time i formatted my entries properly, this one has an actual title now!! I could say something else of value, but I'm really, really tired right now, so you know what? Jon is neat. Be like Jon. Goodnight!
Your Local Jonnoissuer
Posted at 9:22 pm
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returntotheground · 12 days
time is something i have no concept of and does not matter to me and then i hit a deadline and feel like i'm going to throw up every inch of my guts
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modernbutch · 2 months
my heart is a stupid fucking ghost limb reaching . Fuck
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ethan-green-69420 · 2 months
Journal entry #10:
I completely forgot to write here, cos first of all I'M SO HAPPY TO HAVE A BOYFRIEND (smiley face)
And for other news I now know how to treat my horrible sense of taste (another smiley face) it's heavily taboo but I'll get used to it
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the-cooler-king · 4 months
Characters that definitely, unequivocally are rose brides: vash the stampede, livio the double fang, vergil dmc, kratos
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gachaparadise · 6 months
More spoilers lmao
Noooo not the branding cg 😭😭😭 my poor baby I'll get you out of here
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swordbisexual · 10 months
Not me fixin’ to turn my own obsessive tendency to collect and hoard camp supplies into Shaxibis character meta.
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cigaretteparfum · 2 years
so i opened twitter again after so long today. aaand the last time i logged in was 24 dec but even before then, i rarely spend more than 2 minutes on the platform.
i think what's really interesting was just how quick a sense of doom settled in me, and my feed wasn't even particularly negative. it's heavily, strictly curated to only show people i personally know or in a community with, but either way the only people i kept following from both of those groups are not the kind of people that consistently bring ~drama~ and controversial tweets to my feed. and yet.
even before i finished catching up to all the tweets i missed (which wasn't a lot -- i followed like 50 people? and half of those are barely active like me) i started getting ... tired. but it's in the middle of the night and i can't sleep and i haven't been on the bird app for a while, so what the hell let's just keep going. then the tiredness slowly got worse even though by this point, the closest thing to a "negative" bullshit i saw on my feed was just a friend of mine clowning on an andrew tate tweet that wasn't even all that bad. (tate was quoting al-baqarah, lol.)
ok, ok, so maybe it's the timeline, the homepage. it's the stuff from other people that, while am almost certain they won't bring too much negativity to my eyes, i still can't be 100 per cent sure. maybe that uncertainty made me feel kinda uneasy. so i switched to my own profile, completely filled with stuff i retweeted because they brought me joy, but still, i started feeling something close to a fatigue. then pretty quick i seriously started thinking, "holy shit i want to die."
which is fucking wild, by the way. i haven't had anything close to suicidal thoughts in probably months -- not unironic like this, anyway. and it's all just because i was scrolling through twitter. but it was pretty fucking addictive, not gonna lie. if i hadn't thought about killing myself or whatever, i might've continued scrolling until who knows when and what state of mind i'll arrive in.
i genuinely don't know what it is about twitter. i always thought the whole thing about twitter and other similar social media apps weighing people down and affecting their mental state negatively was just about the stuff that actually appears on their feed but as i said: almost the entirety of my feed was fine. there was nothing really outrageous or maddening or frustrating like it was fine. but still within seconds i started doom scrolling and the only reason i snapped out of it was because i caught sight of a super massive red flag.
i don't know if it was because the app UX specifically overwhelmed me, or i simply already had too much negative experiences on twitter that that affected the way i saw and interacted with the app, or if it was something else entirely. i just know that the fucking bird app is pure evil. it made me want to kill myself simply by being in it and -- no fucking thanks.
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rubydubydoo122 · 5 months
On your Jason death thing, I am still rooting for Jason to die of complications from the adrenaline, fear thing. Just for the drama, I am a Jason died at the end of Under the Hood and Battle for the Cowl truther though.
Me too. I think there's just so much AUUUUGGGHHH of a father killing his supposed son to rescue said son's murder.
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ghostlightfic · 2 months
I need to shake isabeau and put him in a blender ppllleeaaassseeee you're supposed to be the emotionally smart one auuuuggghhh
[Isabeau jolts.]
Isabeau: I. Am I not being??? What did I do???
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