hucowboyification · 2 days
Poolverine and 10 please?
10- "We're really going to fuck here? What if someone sees us?"
It'd been an easy job. Get in, stab, claw, and shoot all the fuckers in the warehouse to death, get out. No one was left alive; not even the cleaning crew.
Making a quick getaway wasnt strictly necessary; given how blood-soaked they both were, it probably would've made them more suspicious. But the surrounding area had been terrorized by that group for so long that everyone turned a blind eye to the two mutants booking it down shaded alleyways, and the adrenaline made for great foreplay, so they ran anyways.
Logan pulled Wade down an alleyway, around a corner, and then into a dead end, where a brick building towered over everything.
Deep scratch marks in sets of threes littered the face of the building; hundreds, if not thousands of sets, some clearly much older than the several months Logan had been living in this universe.
"Climb," Logan instructed, lacking anything in the way of real urgency. It was made even less urgent by Logan tugging Wade's mask off and pressing him briefly to the brick wall for a deep, but surprisingly gentle kiss.
Once he was released, Wade did as he was asked. Fortunately, Logan had the forethought to make sure that people with normal hands could get to the roof, though just barely; it was a tough climb, even for Wade, and he had to question if it was really the only way up onto the roof, or if Logan just wanted to watch his ass as he made his way up tedious hand-and-foot-holds.
"Used to love coming up here," Logan sighed once they'd both reached the roof, leaning shoulder-to-shoulder against a boarded-up maintenance entrance. "Quiet. Good views. Hard to climb for most people. Back... back where I'm from, it got torn down years ago."
Wade, using the little good sense he had, didn't pry or crack a joke. He didn't particularly feel like regenerating any limbs tonight, thank you very much.
"But, anyways," Logan continued, giving Wade a sharp-toothed grin. "Thought it'd be a good place to bring you to catch our breath after a job. Be nice to spend an evening together without worrying about waking anyone up."
"Wait, do you mean-" he leaned in close, exaggeratedly whisper-shouting in Logan's ear- "S-E-X?"
"Yes, you goddamn loser, I mean fucking." Logan snorted, bumping his forehead against Wade's shoulder. "Up here, alone, under the stars."
"Aww, Wolvie, that's so romantic! We're really going to fuck here?" Wade gasped in mock surprise, bringing his hands to his face. "What if someone sees us?"
The twitching of Logan's lips gave away his attempts so suppress a laugh. "Who the fuck would see us, moron? It's the middle of the night, this is an abandoned building, and we'd see if anyone came on a nearby roof." Then he grinned. "Besides, what do you care? I always thought you'd be an exhibitionist."
"Oh, I am an exhibitionist, peanut, but you never know. There are cameras everywhere these days.
With a brief, disparaging "Jesus Christ, Wade", Logan dropped to his knees, nuzzling gently at Wade's already hard cock under his suit.
Then, the claws came out, moving towards the fabric of Wade's pants, and-
"Hey, no, no, no! Soft paws!" Wade shouted, swatting Logan's hands away and getting his fingers quite scratched up in the process. "I'm not sewing this up again! God, the knife hands are hot, but can you use your fingers to unzip me like a normal fucking person for once?"
Reluctantly, Logan did as ordered, sheathing his claws and unzipping his pants without ripping them (and Wade's skin, though that was of less concern) to shreds.
If there were cameras around (and of course there were- whatever the dicks at the TVA said, he's the main character here), they'd be getting quite a show.
Send me an ask with a number and a ship!
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working on catching up with the bsd manga so i can watch s5 (look... i know Most of what happened except for a couple things and. okay. i read chapters 99-100.5 before i watched s3 but. it's fine) and like. i've said it once and i'll say it a million more times. the bsd manga art is SO GOOD I WANT TO TEAR MY HAIR OUT AHHHHHHHHH
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dw-flagler · 3 months
its kind of funny to me that in the comics supergirl kind of occupies the spot for like the edgy superman. which is kind of weird for her typical role as kid sidekick to superman because her thing as a character (at least the versions of her character that i like) is that she doesn't have a reason to help anybody and doesn't like earth. edgy superman. but she's also the kid sidekick. strange juxtaposition
#it obviously depends on which comic you're reading#cause like there are completely different versions of supergirl depending on which version we're talking about#there's like 3 different supergirls with 5 different backstories#there's the one where she's a kind of slime goop that mimics the form of a girl--that was matrix#that was the version from the 80s that continued into the 90s--the weird run that had like angels and demons and stuff#god that one was weird#then there was the main one which is kara zor el but she has like 3 different backstories on her own#there's the argo city one which is truly horrible where like she watches thousands of people die in front of her#that one was most recently used in the supergirl woman of tomorrow comic written by the vile tom king at least as far as i'm aware#then there was the pod version (the more popular one) which has two variations on its own#variation one was that she's actually older than superman but got stuck in suspended animation for like 25 years#and variation two where she's just younger than him and i don't know how that works#of course the argo backstory is also the pod backstory they're not incompatible#it does beg the question of which you think is more tragic:#waking up one day to find out everyone you ever knew is dead and gone or watching them all die slowly in front of you#anyway the third super girl is power girl who is super girl except older so she's power girl because they didn't do a 2 spider man thing#this is easy to follow right#oh right and apparently they made a completely new backstory for her in my adventures with superman though i never watched that#because i still have to finish the supergirl cw show which is ANOTHER version of her character where she's 24 instead of a teenager#which sounds like a small thing but it literally turns her into a completely different character#i mean like powergirl is a completely different character isnt she#what was i talking about? right i kind of liked new 52 supergirl at least the first few issues#i really liked the disorientation of “where am i who are these people where's my family” she goes through#shame it kind of sucked#i'm probably not going to finish the CW show by the way. i'll probably give up halfway through season 3 if we're being optimistic
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mamaspeckles · 7 months
I am back!!! And kinda rusty with my writing ideas😭 god bless me because these headcanons are going to be crazy!!!
Lucifer SFW and NSFW Headcanons
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-Lucifer is an absolute sweetheart to you– his personality is so fatherly so he is bound to be kind and caring to everyone but the respect bar goes up when it’s for Charlie or you ·
-he goes out of his way to praise and compliment you even if it’s for basic deeds like cleaning up or taking care of yourself.
-Lucifer is surprisingly hard to fluster, any sort of affection or flirtatious banter you throw at him doesn’t really make him freak out or melt into your hands like putty.- minus his hard shell for your remarks he does enjoy complimenting you for your smarts and beauty. “You are so beautiful and strong minded my love~..you awe me!”
-if you tend to like flowers or perfumes as gifts, he is the perfect man for you. Lucifers favourite things to gift you are yellow, pink, or black tulips as swell as vanilla or midnight scented perfumes, he will always hand gift them to you when he gets the chance.
-this man loves making you laugh! He will pull any corny dad joke out just to make you snort and wheeze.
-lucifer will only call you honey, beautiful, or darling unless he is being stern with you.
-Lucifer is the supreme gentleman in public and behind closed doors. He will allow you to do the talking when you two spend time with each other- he finds allowing his lover to voice their opinion’s or pick the topic of conversation is the most One of the main respectful thing a man can do.
-he would straight up die if you asked him to make a rubber duck version of you- his face glowing up as he drags you into his work room and makes you watch him create a mini duck of you.
--Lucifer never refers sex as ‘fucking’ but is the type of man to say and refer it to ‘making love’ , it’s not just ‘sex’ or ‘fucking’ to him- it’s deeper and more spiritual in his eyes- Unfortunately if you are impatient it’s a bad thing, Because making love with the king of hell means you will be waiting quite awhile for the first time between the two of you.- Lucifer doesn’t look for sweet release but rather for a sensual and spiritual connection whilst your bodies rub together.
-Lucifer undoubtedly possesses the mindset and a switch dynamic. While he does lean towards a more dominant nature, he is open to bottoming if you approach him with the request with curtesy.
-I can honestly see Lucifer a thing for BDSM. Nothing too extreme but more of the end of the stick type of kinks such as handcuffs, blindfold, hot and cold play, etc.
-Lucifer HATES using a condom. He even tends to forget to put one on/ He doesn’t want to stop in the heat of the moment just to wrap a rubber around what is supposed to bring life. And due to him despising Condoms he tends to pull of if you don’t want him finishing inside.
-this man got some good old angelic power if you know what I mean.. like this man’s stamina is crazy! Once he starts, he’s never stopping. Not until you are absolutely wrecked.
-Lucifer isn’t very loud, but he is vocal. Low grunts and gasps to say the least,sometimes a low desperate groan escapes his throat when he gets closer to an orgasm.
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This was actually so hard to write bruv…the NSFW part was SO HARDDDD😭 but anyways if you want more just request!(reblogs and liking it is appreciated btw)
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kwisatzworld · 17 days
Uccio Salucci: the good life
December 2008 by Mat Oxley
Uccio Salucci’s good life is living life with the world’s greatest motorcycle racer, handing him his helmet and gloves on the grid, topping up his energy drink in the pit, hanging out with him in Ibiza. In fact, everywhere Valentino Rossi goes, Uccio goes with him. It’s a bit like being God’s butler. There’s no doubt that Uccio lives the good life – travelling the world in first-class style with the hugely popular Rossi, who just happens to be his best mate as well as his employer. Uccio has been Rossi’s right-hand man since his earliest days on the GP trail, he’s like an extra pair of hands for the seven-time world champion. The old school friends have known each other most of their lives and are pretty much inseparable whether they’re in the paddock, partying in Ibiza or chilling out back home in Tavullia.
How old are you? I’m 29, same as Valentino.
How did you get here? We have been dear friends since we were four or five years old. We used to go to school together and after school we used to go minimoto racing together. Of course, Valentino was always faster. When he started travelling around and doing well in GPs he needed someone he could really trust to be with him, as all racers do. Valentino asked me to be his ‘main of faith’ and I said yes.
What do you do? My real job is to drive the motorhome to all the European races. I am also Valentino’s assistant, so he calls me bad names when things go badly and when things go well we share the happiness. I look after everything for him, all his kit, his leathers, helmets, gloves and boots, anything he hasn’t got time to do, I do.
What is the highlight of your job? Travelling, seeing new things, learning new cultures and, of course, being with an amazing character like Valentino. He’s a lot of fun to be with, in and out of the paddock. Of course, we do argue, we argue a lot, like women! The best moment of our time together was South Africa 2004, his first win with Yamaha.
What makes you tick? The engine of my job is wanting to win the race on Sunday, this is my main motivation, just like Valentino’s. You cannot do this job if you’re not hungry for victory.
Is it the easy life? It’s easy and it’s difficult. For sure it’s easier than a proper job, I don’t consider this to be a real job. It’s difficult to be with Valentino because he’s very famous, so he gets a lot of criticism, so you always have to stay calm about this kind of thing. But you get used to the lifestyle, it’s not a crazy life but an emotional life.
What’s your best-ever trip? I always enjoy driving the motorhome on long journeys, like to Jerez in southern Spain. The motorhome is always very crowded, there’s always four or five of us from Tavullia, with me doing all the driving.
What’s the best bike you’ve ever ridden? The Yamaha 990cc M1! I rode it twice in 2006, first at Monza, then at Valencia. Valentino let a few of us ride his bike. It was fantastic, the power and the braking were incredible, and the handling was so light and easy, like a bicycle. But I didn’t go very fast. For sure if I crash, I die!
What’s the secret of the good life? The secret of the good life in the paddock is to take everything lightly, not to take it too seriously. There’s a lot of pressures and if you focus too much on the pressures you don’t have a good time.
What would you swap about your good life? I don’t like it when Valentino gets criticised. The paddock is like a barber’s shop, everyone talks a lot, there’s a lot of bullshit, I don’t like that aspect of this world.
How often do you ride? I have an XT660 Supermotard, I go to the seaside from Tavullia. In the summer I never drive a car. Maybe I’m a little crazy on the street, especially on roundabouts: foot down, wheelies. But please don’t write that.
Who else has the good life? Rock stars!
You and Valentino like a party don’t you? Yes, of course, we love parties, but we’re getting older so we don’t party as much as we used to. We like to be with friends, eat a pizza…
So no more DC10? [A legendary Ibiza pill-popping club] We don’t like it anymore, the people are different now, Ibiza has changed.
What’s the best party you’ve been to? DC10 in 2000, before Vale bought a house in Ibiza. That was crazy!
What about girls? Some people think I’m a filter for Valentino’s girls but I’m not, maybe it would be nice. The problem of being with Valentino is that when a nice girl comes to meet us, she soon goes off with Valentino. He’s better looking, thinner, richer… and faster too.
Was the good life better in 1997 or is it better now? Those early days in GPs were unforgettable, the world championship was a dream come true for us but it was kind of like a game back then. We used to play, we were more natural in the way we carried on. Then we got older, racing got more serious and now it’s becoming more like a normal job.
What happens away from races? I’m with Valentino wherever he goes, like two normal friends, well, maybe not normal friends, but we are very good friends who get along well in all kind of circumstances.
And what good life after this good life? Recently I’ve started thinking about this but at the moment I have no idea. I will worry about this problem when I have to worry about it…
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wen-kexing-apologist · 2 months
I would just like to take a moment to praise Ayaka is in Love with Hiroko. I am only three episodes in to this show, but it has been so funny, so chaotic, and so undoubtedly queer. With so few GL offerings in the absolute tidal wave of BL that we get each year, we rarely get an opportunity to see what feels like more authentically queer sapphic experiences. Or at least I have. There are moments for sure, there are lovely little shows like Sleep With Me and She Loves to Cook and She Loves to Eat but if I am honest 23.5 and Chaser Game W were disasters, GAP while consistently fun did drop in quality in the back half, and the majority of other GLs I’ve heard about that have aired recently are genuinely problematic. 
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We are almost halfway through this show right now, and I am having the time of my life. This show has had me legitimately cackling in every episode and truly embodies the gay panic of a good ol’ fashion lesbian desperately trying not to misconstrue her colleague’s rather obvious advances.
That said, there are three things that this show has done that have made me fall desperately in love with it:
Hiroko spends so much of her time at the lesbian bar.
Hiroko and Ayaka are horny on main
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Legitimately, it makes me so so happy that we are getting a story out of Japan where the main character is incredibly aware of and comfortable with her sexuality. This is not a queer discovery show, this is a gays getting on the same page about their feelings show. Learning in, like, Episode 1 that the second Hiroko turned 18 she marched her gay little ass straight to the lesbian bar and has made that Her Spot for (I think) more than a decade. 
She’s an established regular with a bunch of other established regular lesbians friends and that makes me *so* happy. 
Both Hiroko and Ayaka are horny on main in ways that are also so refreshing to me, and the way they play with Hiroko’s own history as a Woman Who Fucks is so fun because it is made so blatantly obvious that she is the pursuer in the majority of the sexual encounters she’s engaged in (and those counts are in the triple digits) so it is really fun seeing her brain absolutely short circuit and any and all suaveness we got to see in the little flashbacks of her times picking up women in the bar just absolutely imploding under the stress of trying to convince herself that this incredibly hot woman that works for her is actually straight and has no idea what she is doing. 
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And on the flip side, Ayaka has clearly not had a ton of sexual intimacy with women in the past because we see her being incredibly impersonable and isolated in the flashbacks we get. But now that she is actively pursuing her feelings for Hiroko and desperately trying to make herself known she is clearly very horny and would be DTF at the drop of a hat. It is just so much fun watching her get progressively more annoyed at the fact that she is making it blatantly obvious that she wants to fuck Hiroko and Hiroko is at this point willfully ignoring it because she, and I quote, “doesn’t know how to act without an ulterior motive,” and is trying to make sure she isn’t misunderstanding Ayaka. 
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And finally, and this is just a small thing, but in the most recent episode, Hiroko and Ayaka take a business trip together, and Ayaka ends up helping this elder that is having difficulty with some heavy boxes of supplies for their store. AND THE PERSON SHE HELPS IS THE BUTCHEST WOMAN I HAVE SEEN OUT OF ALL THE ASIAN QLS I’VE WATCHED FOR THE PAST TWO YEARS. Like we have had mascs, but I am talking the casual inclusion of an elder butch woman, which I have not seen. Hell, I have barely seen older butch lesbians in any media I’ve watched (shout out to Cloudburst) so to see someone just vibing in this show, even if her role is small, is of such monumental importance and makes me feel like this show is made with a queer audience in mind, which is not the case for most of the GLs I’ve watched (at least in my own perception/opinion). 
Anyway, if you are not watching this show you should! It’s readily available on GagaOoLala, the episodes are only 23 minutes long, and there will be a whopping 8 episodes.
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eveningrainstorm · 5 months
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my take on teenage raz and lili!
some design notes under the cut:
They're intended to be about 16 here! I didn't go for anything too drastic in terms of changes -- these are largely just what I'd consider natural evolutions of their canon designs
For Raz, my main focus besides just making him look older was to add a bit more resemblance to the other Aquatos in his design, since his relationship with them wouldn't be strained like it is during canon
Raz is shown with very straight hair in canon, but since most of his family's hair is more wavy or curly I tend to imagine he styles it that way on purpose as part of his Sasha Nein cosplay or whatever. He wouldn't still feel the need to do that at this point, though, so for this design I wanted to make it more curly, similar to Augustus or Frazie, while still similar to his canon style. This turned out to be incredibly difficult and I'm still not entirely happy with where I landed, but it's good enough
I didn't think he would still wear the helmet but I didn't want to discard it entirely, so the goggles were a compromise. I meant to give them some visible scratches and wear and tear since they're presumably the same goggles he's been wearing since he was 10, but I forgot. rip
Obviously the most notable change to Raz's outfit is the scarf -- I wanted something that would tie him visually to the other Aquatos while still fitting with his general look. I imagine they gave it to him as a gift, sort of an acknowledgement that even if he doesn't perform with them as an acrobat, doing his Psychonaut work is his own way of being an Aquato
Raz's outfit here is honestly very similar to his PN2 outfit. This is because in my eyes "long coat and turtleneck" is Peak Character Design and cannot be improved on. (Hence why I may not be the best person to redesign Raz.) He has an actual coat rather than just an oversized blazer this time though, so that's an improvement. With the turtleneck I was was vaguely intending for it to be color-wise something of a middle ground between the Sasha-style green striped turtleneck and the Aquato blue/green and white stripes, but it ended up basically just being the PN1 stripes with the PN2 color. which, you know, that works
I went back and forth on what their heights should be -- I thought it would be kind of funny if Raz ended up short and Lili ended up taller than him, but then I decided to just make them more in line with their families, with Raz being tall and lanky and Lili being average verging on short. Except then I accidentally made Lili tall anyway because I was only vaguely considering her height relative to Raz. I guess Lili's probably taller than her dad now? good for her ig
Most of their facial features are just slight variations of how they look in canon -- slightly smaller eyes and so on. the only real specific change is that Lili has a more defined nose now, similar in shape to her father's
Lili's outfit here is more different from either of her canon outfits than Raz's is, but there's still not much that really requires a ton of explanation. The goal was to make her look vaguely cool and fashionable, although as I am neither of those things I cannot guarantee I was successful
I tried a couple different hairstyles for Lili, and I'm still not entirely set on this one -- Originally what I settled on was to give her two braids, which I did like, but I kept doing sketches of her where I just drew the top part of the hair and was like "ngl this kind of works on its own" and so I ended up going with the short hair. I also briefly tried an asymmetrical haircut but I couldn't get it to look right. I think this one suits her though
Lili's tattoo (on her left wrist) was a later addition to the design, and even in the later stages of drawing this I wasn't sure whether to keep it. I like it conceptually I just haven't figured out a consistent design for it yet, only that it has to be of plants
god these notes got way longer than I meant them to be I am so sorry. Uh basically I'm still figuring out the details of these designs but for now here's Raz and Lili, they're teenagers now, thanks for reading
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kalims · 2 years
˃ ᵕ ˂ . . "what are you willing to do? oh tell me what you're willing to do."
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I would,
premise. in which it's the things he's willing to do.
parts. one , two
characters. rook, cater, ruggie, lilia, epel and kalim.
contents. scenario, fluff, crack, comfort, teaspoon of angst in lilia,
includes. gender neutral reader, sebek x gn!reader (platonic) in lilia's.
cw. mentions of nudity (not what you think it is I swear)
note. not proofread, but read clarifications please thank you!! it's to clear up general idea's of the scenarios
I know most of lilia's part is sebek but I hope you know the whole point of it
my unofficial 'I am back' post
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rook hunt
I would be your number one fan.
who the hell thought it would be a good idea for you to be the main character in the play?
oh wait.
that's right it's freaking vil. the worst part? it's VIL and no matter how much you resent the idea, you can't exactly deny vil all in his glory when he asks you because either way he's gonna strike you down with one look alone.
well at the very least if vil insisted you be the main lead out of... over 300 students in the school he must really be striving for success. if he wasn't he wouldn't be so lenient.
now you get why epel is both terrified and irritated at vil.
you were getting starved! (which is in fact, not true but you swear your stomach is still empty and lonely after one meal full of vegetables) maybe you don't mind veggies, maybe you do. but heck.. you enjoy those delicious, savory food once in a while.
you huff, panting as you kneel over. this was absolute hell. if you knew your character liked to apparently 'test their speed with horses' literally everyday you wouldn't have taken the spot. really though who even enjoys that?!
the play took place in an older era, where high society and such was a thing. typical main lead is outcasted yadda yadda.
you wipe the sweat off your brow and sweatdrop. "bonjour! you look positively sparkling!" a bottle of water is promptly shoved in your face, but even with the sudden intrusion of space you pay it no heed. after all water had never looked so enticing before.
though sparkling? you'd rather use the word 'hot and sweaty'. if anyone was sparkling it'd be rook. "I'm more stinky than sparkling." you can't say you enjoy the feeling of sweat on your skin.
even at your little joke his smile doesn't falter, rather it widens through the crinkle of his eyes. "you are still beautiful in my eyes, trésor"
you raise a brow at his casual compliment.
"I don't see how you'd like me racing with horses." it is rather ungrateful, you'd expect a character like yours to be on the horse, not running alongside it! magically out of nowhere rook pulls out a handkerchief which you gratefully accept.
your nose catches a whiff of the scent. wow, it smells like rook. too bad it's getting sacrificed for the better good. you think, patting down your forehead in the way vil taught you.
cause apparently just dragging it across your skin wasn't as good as patting it. though you won't question the unusual languange.
rook seemed to find your comment humorous as he laughed. "whatever you'll do. I will always admire!" well gods. his smile was contagious cause you found yourself mirroring his look. rook looks pleased with the upturn of your lips.
he catches a hold on your shoulders. "perhaps this is merely stage fright. first time, no? do not fret! I will be cheering for you if it makes you feel better."
your face twists into that of doubt. "um.. rook I love you but that seems.." embarrassing? you'd got your own share of people yelling out your name in a cheer. especially your family at an event you were featured in.
the experience wasn't that nice. it's not that you hate it, but something about it is like a thorn in your mind.
rook tilts his head. "nonsense, trésor. I will show everyone how nice your performance is, they deserve to know!" he proclaims.
oh no no no—
you chant in your head, frantically running around rook and attempting to stop him from giving you an example. just the first shout attracted the attention of your other co-workers.. "ROOK—"
"let them hear the depths of my love!"
cater diamond
I would be present.
cater is observant.
his ability to sway nearly every conversation to his favor is partially due to his ability to pick out the opposing person, be it a nervous twitch when the conversation tilts to a subject. or the gleeful shine in their eyes.
he can tell, especially you.
sure. he might've known you less compared to his friends but it feels like he can tell everything about you.
it does feel like a crush at first, he's questioning himself whether his feelings are actually romantic or not. borderline gaslighting himself that it's not even when he tries everything to impress you.
'you're just a friend' he tells himself but he's testing out the tricks social media told him to. holding eye contact when he can't even contain his heart.. amongst other things it's his favorite.
cause he can see your eyes, and at times you look away. clearly embarrassed by the contact.
"how's my favorite person doing?" cater slides in. seemingly out of nowhere, slinging a casual arm around your shoulder while keeping you close.
seriously. the occurrence had happened to often you had grown to find the little shoulder sling present in your everyday.
technically you are his favorite person but no matter how much he says so you just don't believe it.
you roll your eyes but can't keep the smile off your face, despite the clear look of exhaustion on your face. "just peachy. don't you have class right now?"
as far as you were aware. the time period between classes were alternating. it was the students that had to move between rooms to attend their class.
cater shrugs. "we were excused for club practice. it just ended, so I thought; why not see how you're doing?" he explains. pinching your cheek out of the simple urge and grinning when you grunt and slap his hand away.
as far as he can tell. you are definitely not feeling peachy, the bags under your eyes. more prominent than ever, or the unkempt appearance that both vil and riddle would practically strangle you for speaks volume.
"I'm fine."
cater knows that look all too well.
he tightens his grip on your shoulder and practically pushes you to his side, not really forceful. his eyes soften the littlest bit.
whatever vulnerability cater had shown for a little quickly disappeared as he simply smiles, perhaps less bright than his usual but it was.. something.
closer than you've ever been cater leans in, in a voice you've never heard. it's quiet, and gentle. "well. if you ever aren't come talk to me, okay?"
you still at the sudden warmth that jolts in your heart. "okay.."
ruggie bucchi
I would give you the tastiest piece
"—can you believe it?" ruggie huffs. words coming out in mumbles due to the amount of donuts he'd eaten in a single minute. it seemed that a mouth full of his favorite treats isn't gonna stop him from telling you all about leona's recent orders for him.
you absent-mindedly swirl your drink with a straw. "totally."
it was like, it goes in one ear and out to another. it does feel a little horrible to ignore something someone's talking about, especially if that person is someone you like! the only reason you were listening is cause you liked his voice.
you did get the gist of it though. it seemed like leona was in a bad mood nowadays, which meant ruggie had to take most of it by the increasing amount of errands leona had him run.
leona in a bad mood = ruggie's now more broken sleep.
as the resident ruggie stan you didn’t really mind him leeching off the salary you'd gotten for crowley. a few madol isn't gonna hurt your savings, plus. it's not like you haven't bought a few treats for yourself previously in the past.
you leave out the part that you like seeing his delighted face.
you did sneak a few glances by the plate almost finished by ruggie in a mere few minutes. you, by no means spent cheap money on it. for the guy you liked you'd probably buy anything he'd like (within reason) and then 'fall short' if ace asks you to buy him food.
it looked scrumptious in all honesty but from the look of ruggie's face and the assumption that he won't stop any time soon prompted you to shut your mouth and just enjoy him enjoying the donuts.
"thanks a lot for this. you know just how to cheer up an exhausted hyena up." ruggie laughs under his breath. sending you a rare look of appreciation that has you cracking a smile.
proudly, you nod. "of course. anything for you."
you wince. maybe that was too bold, but then again. it didn't seem to faze ruggie in the slightest.
after a period of silence, not exactly awkward in the slightest but rather comforting. no words needed to be said, you liked that, ruggie liked it as well. he casts you a peek.
"I can see you ogling at it. you look like me when I look at the donuts."
you frown. "no I don't.. I am not, ogling at your food."
ruggie shakes his head but there is a trace of a smile in his face. "I might be eating a lot right now but I can't leave you out of it can I? you gave it to me." ruggie says, pausing to look at you before continuing, "it's our food,"
to seemingly show you that it's 'ours' ruggie takes out the final donut in the plate and hands it to you with a grin. "I saved the best for last, here. open your mouth." he urges, threatening to squash it right in your face if you didn't with fast motions.
you sigh. he's just taunting you at this point. and, as far as you can tell that's his favorite flavor.
"but that's your favorite." you point out but ruggie's grin only seemed to spread across his face wider.
he shakes a finger in your face. "nope. correction, you're my favorite now eat up!"
you were too flustered to rebel against it.
lilia vanrouge
I would love with you
"aren't they simply adorable?" lilia raises one finger to point at the duo that.. didn't really seem all to adorable to you.
you sweatdrop. "uh.. yeah.. totally cute." it's not like you were gonna say outright: those are two men who are battling each other, definitely doesn't look cute to me. more like horrifying. to lilia out of all people! if silver and sebek are anything to him it'd be babies.
he beams.
it's safe to say it positively breaks down your entire body to skip a beat of your heart.
earlier the afternoon lilia had graciously extended an invitation to his dorm. something about bonding and since you're incredibly down bad, of course you wasted no time fretting over yourself as you trudged towards the mirror with barely contained excitement.
while sebek did pick you up (courtesy of lilia) you're sure he knew why you were barely able to keep yourself on your toes, hence surprising why he didn't bother to comment in it.
most probably something about the audacity of humans and defending himself if you pointed it out.
you aren't sure of the details which is admittedly kind of idiotic but did you really care? no.
but did you expect to spend your afternoon quite literally babysitting two grown men with the man you can call your yearning? quite a suprise and one you can't say you welcome.
when you accepted the invitation you didn't spend hours picking out articles of clothing and practically thrashing your wardrobe trying to make a 'casual' outfit that would appease to his eyes just to waste it on.. watching two grown men live their own lives!
frankly it's frustrating. it's endearing that lilia had his family in mind every step of the way but all the more irritating. and you don't even mean the part where he had his family in mind.
you just wish he'd realize they aren't the boys he used to baby before.
after god knows when, you watch lilia enter mother hen mode when silver fell down from his sitting-sleeping position. lilia gently lowering himself to adjust silver's position.
you look down.
and god did you feel awful for invalidating his love for family (kind of) it was too presumptuous of you to assume that you'd ever fit in it anyways.
oh well. you shrug. at the very least you were able to bear witness to it.
call it a sixth sense but you can tell sebek is right beside you. he huffs. "you, are a pitiful human." he says casually. the words are awfully mean, but you sense no particular ill intent from the boy.
instead you find it quite amusing. so you laugh quietly under your breath. "so I've been told." you can't use your fingers to count the amount of times sebek had called you that.
you both just stay like that. in silence, surprisingly no quips from sebek's mouth.
till he turns to you.
"the way you look at fathe—master lilia. you are being a coward by not telling him."
"I'm fine with that, there are things better left unsaid."
sebek stares at you. as in, stares real hard. the kind of look you'd see with someone who was feeling a mixture of confusion and frustration.
he opens his mouth as if to say something.
your own gaze lands on a poorly wrapped bandage around his arm. you raise your brows and gesture, "enough talk about me. what is that?"
great seven.. sebek had hoped you wouldn't see that, even so. he didn't pick you out as someone to care anyways (not that he wanted you to) it's just bizarre in itself.
at the mentioned he grunts and looks away. "it is merely a scratch!" he huffs. looking forward aggressively as if to try and hide away the sweat in his forehead. you roll your eyes.
it is a scratch but also not one? sebek and only noticed the blood down his arm when he was in the restroom. it seemed like silver had managed to nick him.
"human! you are not—"
sebek grumbles but sits down anyways. once again surprising you with his obliged silence as he waits for you to return with a new roll of bandages. the boy can feel the searing embarassment of getting treated by a human by all things!
"my my, seems like silver did a number on you did he?"
lilia chuckles deeply. sending the boy a look which sets off a fire within. sebek immediately opens his mouth to defend himself, while you. busy yourself with wrapping it around tight, but loose enough not hurt.
"silver is lucky to have done it that's all!"
you laugh.
sebek snaps his gaze to you. "what are you laughing about, human?! your way is that of a parent and I don't appreciated you flocking me." he grits out. possibly not realizing the extent of his words till he spots the look of rare suprise in lilia's face.
his face mirrors yours, but yours is definitely coated with embarrassment.
lilia giggles, a fond glance he gives you sends thousand butterflies in your stomach. "parent eh? I didn't know you yearned for another parent my dear sebek. if you wanted two that can be arranged fufufu.."
epel felmier
I would do the craziest thing with you
while you did have your own fair share of being in trouble plenty of times (a good amount stems from being with ace and deuce) you aren't sure if the potential consequences of this one can top any of them.
you squat outside the window of vil's room, which could be considered a violation of privacy if your intention was to break in this room.
right. your eyes slide to your left. in a similar position, epel sits beside you. hugging his legs to his chest looking oddly innocent for someone whose idea was to do this in the first place.
in hindsight you can call it epel's master plan to get a week with vil off his back.
apparently his master plan included adding paint to vil's shampoo, an atrocious color of bright violet. and yes, you were both on the roof. probably looking creepy as fuck to anyone else but you merely prayed that no one would look up.
"are you sure this is safe?"
"it is."
one peek down there made you question his sincerity, either he wasn't worried about falling off or was just too into waiting for vil to get out the shower.
speaking of, "what if he comes out naked?! I don't wanna see that.." you groan. shivering by the mere thought and even epel grimaced when you mentioned it.
"uh.. I hope he won't..?" so we're basing the possibilities out of your hope? great. you think grimly. you really think this is a bad idea, horrible really. but if it's epel you'll do it.
now I know what the 'in the name of love' shit they were talking about. you deadpan.
the more you stare down the more it seems horrifying to just drop down. epel huffs at you, clearly noticing your frantic eyes. "don't look down." he says, and you do just that. the problem is now you can't stop thinking about it. there isn't even a railing to stop you if you slip.
"what if I fall?"
"I'll catch you."
oh shit.
your heart rate speeds up immediately as you lower your eyes, trying your hardest to act casual.
"... with what your tiny, noodle arms?"
epel's face scrunched up at that. he casts you a glare but you know there's no malice in it whatsoever. it's become normal at this point, picking at each other. (of which you thoroughly enjoy)
he crossed his arms. "it's not—! agh whatever!" epel fumes. smacking your arm playfully as you feign a groan of pain. "my arms are manly and strong!"
you looked at him then at his arm before grinning. epel makes a look of offense.
both of you burst into a fit of giggles right after and you never thought he could look any more beautiful with crinkled eyes and a wide smile on his face.
though the moment of felt joy was hushed upon the shrill scream that definitely belonged to vil. of course, it was manly but nevertheless unable to mask the terror in it.
that was like an omen for punishment and revenge. you cover your mouth and look at epel with wide eyes.
he looks at you as well but you can tell he's holding in the cackles.
in all fairness it wouldn't have been too bad if epel used the shade of purple vil had on the tips of his hair. but this one? it's literally a bright neon that will burn your eyes for life.
you can't give yourself the moment to feel warm at your shoulders bumping, too wrapped into muffling the giggles that would definitely wake up the entirety of pomefiore from their beauty sleep.
you and epel are practically gripping each other for life, shoulders shaking in wheezes. midst that, you both failed to hear the rustle over your heads.
"my my, my ears have not decieved me! I know two love birds singing when I hear it."
"OH MY F—"
the laughing immediately seizes as you both look up at rook hovering over the two of you, donning an amused smile.
you sigh. "oh shit."
kalim al asim
I would give it to you
kalim is by no means rich.
he's loaded.
since the day he was born even his room as a child cost more than the monthly expense of a citizen, toys handcrafted by the most talented, a blanket soft and crocheted with the most expensive of silk.
an entire vault filled with treasures, gems, things made entirely out of gold. at some point he leaves them untouched, swimming in it out of boredom.
even scarabia wasn't exempted from his touch of gold.
you could say he doesn't know how to live other than luxuriously.
it sounds bad. he knows, but for the entirety of his life it's all he's ever known. and kalim isn't really one to break out of a habit that's been going on for so long.
nor does he see any bad in it. out of the goodness of his heart he merely thinks he's rewarding you with the things you deserve.
last week a whole lot of tuna was sent to your dorm. it was definitely the work of grim, and you imagine the little feline brought up your name in a conversation with kalim. the boy didn't have a second thought before he took out the money that didn't make a scratch in his account.
while you would have wondered who sent the shit ton that would last grim a good year it was prominent that it was kalim from the exaggerated words of happiness in the gift card, filled with little doodles. (you assume he couldn't help himself)
you make a mental note to limit the interactions between kalim and grim.
the second time it was purely out of coincidence. a mistake on your part, if you'd like to say.
off handedly you'd mentioned to kalim that if someone were to ever give you something on valentines, you'd rather it be one that's beneficial to you. a practical gift. but since it was the day of expressing love you settled for the classic choice of flowers.
everyone loves flowers!
but you didn't expect to step into the cafeteria with your friends and immediately get slapped by a straw flower that apparently sprouted wings and flew (a joke of course) but you like to think that it had something out for you.
deuce's jaw drops at the amount of wildlife around the wide room. there's flowers everywhere and in the sole center was kalim sheepishly scratching his cheek.
you just stared around, gobsmacked and flabbergasted. "what.. in the holy name of—" you trail off.
beside you. ace grimaces, slapping away a flower that fell in slow motion beside his face. then dragging a palm across his face. "all of this and he says.. oops?" he groans.
after picking up his jaw from the floor deuce nods hesitantly. "yeah, isn't this a bit much?"
as flattered you were. it really was.
on one, sunny, hot day you invited kalim for a walk around scarabia. beyond the dorm, away from all the glamorous things.
kalim didn't complain one bit and went along without much fuss, happily even if you might add.
the sun shines down at you harshly. the weather in the desert here sure is unrelenting. you wipe the sweat off your forehead. feeling the crunch of the sand beneath your feet.
the boy isn't too far behind you, taking animatedly as you nod along.
"that reminds me! your birthday is coming up." at that, your eyebrows raise. you still can't keep the heartwarming smile off your face at the mere fact that he knows, and remembers.
you smile at him kindly. kalim flushes at the beam. "where did you hear that from?" you question absent-mindedly enjoying the walk despite the great struggle the heat brought you.
because goddamn was it hot in here!
kalim falls into step beside you. "I asked the grandmaster for it."
more like basically forced. but he doesn't know that.
he continues, "what would you like? anything you want! I'll give it to you." kalim grins. there's no doubt whatever he's saying is nothing but the truth, he has the power to get anything you ask.
you feel embarrassed at the thought that clouds your mind. one word.
at your silence kalim tilts his head. "what's the matter? if you need more time to think it's alright!" he reaches out and clasps your hands together, further flustering you.
you gulp. "I just... I really want you, you and your heart." you slap yourself on the head in your mind cause god did that sound cliche.
you tense at the frozen kalim. only staying still when he breaks into this, love struck, goofy grin and giggles. he all but practically throws himself onto you in a tight embrace.
"you already do!"
I've been practically dead but don't blame me I've been stressed & sick fr
after this I'm probably gonna be dead again BYE HOMIES
anyways for cater's part it's him basically being there for mc, like not just present but there.. yknow... idk if you get what I'm saying LOL
so like picture this, you're going thru a hard time and there's a shoulder to lean on which is cater. WHICH I ALSO REALIZED OMG HE DID GAVE US A SHOULDER TO LEAN ON LITERALLY WKAJSKJA
B4 you say lilia's part didn't even include the whole romance thing I just thought it'd be sweet if I incorporated his lil' family in it
so while you might not think it's a lilia x reader it really is, I'm just showing the parts that'll get lilia to love you. especially if you're doting on his babies!!
ngl reader in lilia's... I lowkey thought they were a grandma when I was building their character
'I would love with you' is loosely based off two parents loving their children lmao idk what I'm saying. anyways j hope you spotted it, lilia taking care of silver + you taking care of sebek = loving them (platonically)
draft for epel's was actually like. since rook appeared out of nowhere I wanted reader to be startled and slip off, epel actually saving them just like he said. (with his noodle arms.) you're free to imagine it! but if you do wanna see me write that just hit me up in my inbox and I'll write an alternative scenario 🤫
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aquaquadrant · 5 months
thoughts on the chaos theory trailer below the cut
there’s no WAY brooklynn is actually dead. i will continue to believe this unless i see the credits roll at the end of the final episode without being shown otherwise. depending on how long ago it happened relative to when our story takes place, she either let ppl believe she died during the attack to investigate in secret, or she was kidnapped. there’s a shot of some guy holding a pink cellphone which seems very suspicious.
side note, it’s interesting that she addressed darius directly during that final video. that combined w the lack of focus on kenji makes me wonder if their relationship lasted beyond the jwcc epilogue. ofc we could still get that in the actual show, it makes sense they wouldn’t linger on kenji’s feelings during a short trailer, so it could’ve just been down to editing. we shall see.
i’m so happy and relieved that the other campers are gonna be main characters, i was afraid we’d only get brief cameos with them near the end. i’m not the biggest fan of their older looks (sammy’s is the best imo other than darius) but i don’t HATE them. i think ben’s new design is still the most jarring.
so excited for the variety of new locations we’re gonna see, and how improved the quality of these sets seems to be so far.
the direction of the show- the campers on the run being hunted by dinosaurs while trying to unravel the mystery of who’s behind it all- is a FANTASTIC choice. i think this is when the campers are at their best tbh, when they’re operating as a unit, sneaking around to thwart the bad guys, surviving dinosaurs all the while. being back in society on the mainland could’ve presented a tricky problem of “why don’t they just get help from the police??” so i think this was a clever way to get around that. they are being HUNTED they have no idea who they can trust (perhaps even some of their trauma is playing a hand in that…)
some eagle-eyes folks have caught sight of bumpy in a few scenes. THANK GOD, it wouldn’t feel the same without her.
yasammy seems strong as ever. praying we get plenty of scenes with them being affectionate gfs 🙏🙏🙏
just based on the trailer alone i can def see what the crew meant by this series taking a darker tone. i’m so excited to see just how far they got to go with it. there’s a brief shot of a guy literally in a dinosaur’s mouth, so i have high hopes.
overall? i’m VERY looking forward to this and am tentatively hopeful it might even surpass jwcc as a better series, which is. SO rare for sequels. but i’d be happy even if it fell a bit shorter than jwcc cuz i’m just happy to have any content w these kids. gives me plenty of fodder for my own writing.
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1schadenfreude1 · 7 months
Rewriting Cain Boyfriend to Death 2 Love how the BTD fandom just collectively agreed to adopt EP's characters as our own I am absolutely tormented by the fact that Cain had so much potential but just. does not have the best writing ugh he's too similar to Rire and it kills me SO I am rewriting the fallen angel, lots of headcanons below the cut
Cain's number one motivation for why he does what he does is BOREDOM He's been torturing people in hell for centuries and it's become BORING. He wants something new, something interesting. He wants to see live humans and savor their emotions. Cain misses being human He'd never admit it out loud of course, but he does miss having real human emotions and enjoying human pleasures. Of course he can't be on earth too long while angels are hunting him, but maybe, spending time with humans will help him regain some of that human feeling?
Cain is chaotic evil incarnate LISTEN everyone in btd2 is a silly dork and Cain should be one too. He should have the most unpredictable and immature chaotic energy. Do you trust this face??? You shouldn't
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I think he just. does shit without thinking. Like he's been away from real humans for so long that he's sort of forgotten how fragile they can be.
"Oh c'mon little toy you can handle a little boiling water, right? Hello? Human? Fuck. Guess I need a new one." Yeah he's incredibly overpowered but that doesn't mean he knows how to USE that power lmao. He doesn't know how to interact with people anymore. he wants to be human again, but all he really knows how to do is…torture people. he's so dumb.
Straight up contradicting canon here but-- Cain feels bad for killing Abel Asking about Abel makes Cain get SUPER uncomfortable and shut down. He doesn't wanna talk about it. He definitely doesn't feel remorse about it. Nope. No remorse here. Abel is DEAD and GONE and good riddance and he DEFINITELY doesn't have lingering issues about it. Fuck you. Rips you apart with chains.
He loves bullying Damien though They have each other's phone numbers for god's sake. Cain sends Damien gore porn of the people he's killed. Those two try to kill each other on a weekly basis. It's normal for them. Yes that is Damien's severed arm on the living room wall. It brings Cain joy. Don't worry about it. Totally normal thing to say to your sibling
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Cain and Rire are rivals I think this is basically canon (based on Darqx's gorgeous art and animatics) but I wanna delve into it a bit! They're both incredibly powerful supernatural monsters, but their main difference comes down to this: Rire is lawful evil Cain is chaotic evil Cain kills people for purely selfish reasons: he wants to see human reactions and feel their emotions again. He thinks that causing pain will help him feel human. Rire kills people because its his job to collect souls. He loves his job and has a lot of fun with it, but in the end its still his job.
Cain is much, much older but Rire is way more mature
Cain is more powerful, but can't do much when he's stuck in Tartarus Rire is less powerful but has much more freedom of movement
Cain likes to play the long game, seducing victims with romance before going sadistic on them Rire is a busy demon; he likes to have fun but needs that soul sooner rather than later
Cain plans long elaborate dates because he's bored and reads too many romance novels Rire's plans are short and brutal, he does what he wants and that's it
Cain loves humans and wants to savor their reactions and emotions Rire hates humans and treats them like disposable toys
Cain is more interested in pain than sex, he won't rape a victim unless he really likes them Rire likes sex lmao. its a power rush for him and it feels good I hope my ramblings make sense lol
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spghtrbry · 2 months
so i’ve been. THINKING lately.
you can find many similarities in both stories but there are also huge differences…
in cain and abel’s story cain murders his younger brother because of his jealousy and because god preferred abel over him, which is obviously similar to how chuck’s pride made him envious of jimmy because he’s more likeable and made their mom laugh etcetera etcetera..but i’d say abel was a pure guy, he didn’t do anything bad, he was like. basically the purest human being at that time (well it’s not really difficult to be the best person when there’s like 4 people in the whole world and two of them literally got kicked out of heaven but anyway). and cain murdered him. which is clearly not the case with jimmy and chuck because obviously in the legal point of view chuck is a better person than jimmy …
and we’ve got esau and jacob, which is i think a really underrated story. i mean i love cain and abel but i think people often forget about those two. esau, (technically) an older brother, always gets tricked by jacob. jacob buys his birthright and steals his father’s blessing that was meant for esau. and esau rages at him because. i mean. that’s not a nice thing to do. but in the end jacob becomes one of the Main Characters in the genesis… personally i think this story is more… idk, specific? there’s just something about the younger brother constantly tricking the older to get what he wants, even though the reasons not always are completely selfish. BUT! in the end esau and jacob made peace which is (spoiler alert😨) not the case with chuck and jimmy ………..and also jacob didn’t really have a redemption arc and esau just. idk. moved on with his life. got a family and all that. so he basically became a normie. but yeah ANYWAYS!
so yeah. i’d really love to hear ur thoughts and opinions on this one because i am a little bit insane about all this stuff as you probably noticed
(also if i messed something up or if im wrong anywhere please lmk lol it’s been a while since ive read the old testament…….)
#the best thing to do at 4 am .#better call saul#jimmy mcgill#saul goodman#chuck mcgill#personally i think that. idk#cain and abel’s story is CLASSIC#everyone knows what happened to them and why it happened to them. it’s very straightforward#but honestly i think cain is too evil for chuck#i mean yeah chuck surely is fucked up but he’s not THAT bad#and i think he definitely always had some fucked up sense of love for jimmy and man they just know each other too well#while cain and abel don’t really seem to care about each other and cain is just like. yeah this guy pisses me off im going to kill him 👋bye#and esau&jacob seem to know each other reallt well and they know what they’re capable of#ALSO jacob was his moms favorite!! just like jimmy!!!!#and yeah jacob is obviously much more sly and clever than abel#but. honestly. when i think about it like this#i just. you know.#i think jimmy wouldn’t be like this fucked up if their relationship with chuck was better#i mean. i don’t THINK i KNOW#this is a fact#chuck is one of the most important figures in jimmys life#he and kim is his whole world#which is EXACTLY the thing with cain and abel. there are LITERALLY no other people in the world except for them#they are the only people that exist for each other and THEY HATE EACH OTHER#and it’s PAINFUL#(yeah im ignoring adam and eve’s existence)#while esau and jacob are like. you know. this is an important part of the plot#but no one seems to really care about it#idk how to explain there’s just so much going on there that this thing doesn’t feel that BIG and INTERESTING and IMPORTANT#man idk this is hard
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spacebarbarianweird · 9 months
Mortal Bounds. Part 2. Death, Worthy of a Barbarian
Synopsis: Tiriel and Astarion had a good life together, and now it's time for her to go.
TW: Tav's death
Thanks @tragedybunny for beta-reading!
Tags: main character's death, Astarion mourns his wife.
Read on AO3
Headcanons This is the second part of the Mortal Bounds series. Tiriel dies and Astarion deals with grief and loneliness along with their daughter. Usually all my fics can be read separately but in the case of Mortal Bounds I'd recommend to read them in the order they are written.
Mortal Bounds. Part 1. Shall We Meet Again? Mortal Bounds. Part 3. Paint it Black
Tiriel raises up her face to the skies. Her  legs are numb after a long walk in the mountain, and her  throat burns with panting.
She feels a strong hand on her back - in case she falls down, Astarion will catch her. 
"So, my sweet, what are we doing now?”
Tiriel smiles at her husband.
It's been 150 years since they met. 130 since they became parents to a wonderful dhampir woman they named Alethaine. Thirty - since they decided to become adventurers once again.
Astarion hasn’t changed a bit. Frozen in time, he looks the same as he did decades ago. Short silver curls, his roguish smile, pale skin, crimson eyes, still the most beautiful man she’s ever seen. And all hers.
Tiriel stopped aging at twenty-five. Her elven blood didn’t let her wither , but a year ago the human ancestry finally took a toll on her. Within a year the red hair got pale. Wrinkles covered the face. Tiriel was still strong enough to wield her ax and travel through the wilderness.But -
"Let me relax a bit." Tiriel sits on the ground. Astarion immediately kneels beside her the same way he did for all these one hundred and fifty years. "Don't look at me like that! I am not an old wreck."
He plants a kiss on her cheek. The winds howl like hungry wolves, and a group of warriors who joined them look scared.
All young humans, not older than forty. For them, Astarion and Tiriel are the relics of older times. People who remember Baldur's Gate before the ocean washed half of the city into the dark waters and who can tell about the Cult of Bhaal and many, many other things they witnessed.
"If you are a wreck, you are the most fierce and beautiful wreck this world has seen."
Tiriel touches Astarion's curls and he closes his eyes like a content cat. She wants to tell him a lot of things - that she is sorry they haven't found him a way to walk in the sun, that they haven't found his family... How much she loves him, her very own elven prince she saved from monsters.
Gods know she doesn't have much time left.
They've discussed it many times. Tiriel is mortal and though half-elves often live up to two centuries it's still not much in comparison with Astarion's immortality.
And he knows Tiriel doesn't want to die in bed, old and helpless. She is a warrior, with rage in her blood - she must die in a battle, fighting and killing the most ravenous monster Faerun has seen.
She is Tirirel the Barbarian of the Sunset Mountains, after all.But she is sometimes so weak, she can't lift her ax up for days.
"What do you think she's doing now?" Astarion suddenly says.
Tiriel doesn't need to ask who he talks about.Alethaine, their daughter.
Silver curls, dark eyes, a pair of fangs. She used to be a monster hunter - but sixty years ago she was invited to the court of Cormyr. "They prefer to have a dark witch of their own", Alethaine said, changing her light travel armor to a black dress of a noblewoman. She always had mannerisms of royalty and the life at the castle suited her more than sleeping in the dirt while hunting yet another monster.
"It's night, Astarion, she probably walks around the woods."
"Or reading"
"Maybe both at the same time"
Astarion laughs. "When we deal with that dragon, let's visit her. I understand we live so long that years mean little to us. But it's been a decade since we last saw our little princess."
"Our little princess is one hundred and thirty years old"
"Which makes her a young elven maiden. Though, of course, she would have been considered an adult among Tel’Quessira but still."
Tiriel touches Astarion's cheek. "Agreed. Once we get a reward, let's sail to the Border Kingdoms. I suppose the High Necromancer can offer her parents both a shelter and a job."
Astarion grabs Tiriel’s hand and kisses the knuckles.
"Beware! The beast is here!", a warrior yells, and a loud rumbling sound pierces the air.
Astarion prepares his bow and arrows - he will hide in shadows, somewhere he can distract the beast with annoying shots and small fireballs.
Meanwhile, Tiriel will rush ahead right into the beast's maw. To slaughter it like countless monsters she's killed in her life.
Starting with a wild bear she butchered at the age of fifteen.
Tiriel’s family never loved her. They even didn't bother to give her a name rather than calling the girl “a fairy bastard” and “a pixie”. As if it was her fault, a married woman who dared to call herself "mother", couldn't keep her legs shut.
Her siblings, all of whom are long dead, just pushed Tiriel down the cliff, hoping she would never come back. Tiriel still remembers pain, embarrassment, anger, and sorrow. Why? Why me? Why do they hate me?
And the sorrow transformed into rage. Her blood boiled and Tiriel cried out like an animal, like a wild beast attacking the bear with a small knife she had.
Rage.A skill of primal warriors, fury nothing can compare to. It gave Tiriel strength, faith, and bravery.
And ever since then, her blood boils the same way before the battle. When suddenly the two-handed ax gets as light as a wooden stick and the monster in front of Tiriel becomes just a pathetic animal
"I will go first!" Tiriel says to the warriors, lifting the ax. And suddenly it feels too heavy.
Pain pierces her  body, from spine to legs, and Tiriel almost collapses to the ground.
Human ancestry dictates its rules.
You are old, Tiriel. You don't belong to the battlefield. You belong to a safe bed in a cozy home which will be your grave soon enough.
Pale hands grab Tiriel’s waist and help the woman to stand up. Astarion looks at Tiriel, with no smirk or tease in his eyes.
The massive body of the beast lands, ready to burn down everything to the crisp. A dragon. A Death, worthy of a warrior.
Tiriel isn't scared. She smiles at Astarion and presses her wrinkled forehead to his."Astarion, tell the bards to make a song about me."
Whatever he answers drowns in the dragon's roar. Tiriel walks right to the beast. Then she runs.The blood boils with rage. The lungs burn. The adamantium ax feels as light as if it was  made of hollow bones.
Tiriel has no complaints and no regrets.
She had everything she could ever wish for. A life full of heroic deeds. Friends to drink ale with. A family. A daughter to be proud of.A man to hold in arms.
She will be remembered. She will be loved.That's her own immortality.
Tiriel the Barbarian runs faster and faster, holding her weapon above her head.
It all ended in a blink of an eye. The dragon which spent its last minutes trying to get a shadow figure who dared to cast "ig-nis' ' now lies dead among the burning trees.It won't attack the city, and the people will spend the next days honoring the heroes who killed the dragon, not hiding from it.
Astarion jumps down on the ground."Tiriel! TIRIEL!!!"
No, she couldn't die. Not now. He needs her. He will always need her. And they agreed to visit Alethaine together, she must be alive!
Astarion waits. Waits to hear her voice, to see her. "It's just a scratch" she will tell him, visibly bleeding and he will carry her in his arms to a safe place.
Tell the bards to make a song about me.
What did he answer? What was his response?I love you.
Yes, that's what he told her. That is what he has been telling her for decades. Every day, these words never lost their meaning.
"Tiriel!" Astarion grabs a warrior's hand. "Damn, where is she?!"
"She... died."
Astarion pushes the man away and runs to the dragon's corpse. It's so hot it’s impossible to be there but blessed by his immortality Astarion barely feels the heat.
"Tiriel! Tiriel!"He keeps calling, hoping to hear the answer. She must have been wounded. Of course, fights aren’t easy for her anymore. She is getting older. But she still... She has time to spend with him.
Then he stumbles over something.
Astarion makes a step back and sees the plate of her armor, melted in the dragon fire.Red hot.
"I am sorry", one of the warriors says. "She just jumped into it like a fucking dragon slayer. She cracked the beast's skull in two and disappeared in the flames. We will remember her. She saved us."
Astarion drops to his knees still holding the piece of armor in his pale hands. He feels numb. Is he supposed to yell? To scream? To curse? What do people do when they lose their hearts?
He sits like that staring in the distance. He will never see Tiriel. He will never hold her warm hands. He will never talk to her. He won't spend hours motionless while Tiriel, sound asleep, clings to his cold body.
She will never kiss him. Or caress his elven ears.
He will never taste her blood, so divine and sweet.
He will never read to her, will never say how much he loves her just to see a smile on her face.
Tiriel made him feel redeemed, innocent, and alive. She brushed away his terrible past with a tender touch of her fingers. Now when he thinks about his scars, they don't hurt because he remembers Tiriel's kisses along his skin.
But it's over now.
Her mortal life came to an end. She died as she desired. In a fight. The bards will make a song about her. People will remember her.
"You need to go, it's almost sunrise", a young woman tries to make him stand but his legs don't obey.
"I-I... Need to tell... my daughter..." Astarion mutters.
Alethaine... She was attached to her mother. Ever since she was born. Always clinging to her like a kitten. Astarion remembers Alethaine crying - when she was six Tiriel was severely wounded and though she was all right the  little Dhampir realized what mortality was for the first time.
Of course, that six-year-old girl is long gone. The woman he will have to talk to has a century's worth of life experience. But a mother is a mother. And Astarion will have to be strong when he meets the High Necromancer, Alethaine Ancunin.
Gods know, he doesn't want to deliver this news to her. But who will? 
Astarion looks around trying to memorize the place which became a grave for his beloved.
He will grieve. He will mourn. Once his mind makes peace with what happened. He just doesn't know how to live without Tiriel. He started living at his grave 150 years ago, with her by his side. Her smile, her warmth, her kindness.
Which are all gone.
Astarion gives out a cry, pressing the melted plate to his chest.
Tag list
@tugoslovenka @marcynomercy @wintersire @vixstarria @not-so-lost-after-all @ashiro20 @theearthsfinalconfession @herstxrgirl @starlight-ipomoea@micropoe10 @astarion-imagine-archive @veillsar @elora-the-slutty-songstress @fayeriess @lumienyx@astarion-beloved @tallymonster @caitlincat-95 @tragedybunny @valeprati @lynnlovesthestars @marina-and-the-memes
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uriswhumpchamber · 3 months
After a long time (read: approximately two weeks) of deliberation (read: procrastinating), I've made this blog. To contain anything whump-related and be able to be properly excited about the idea of torturing characters without filling my main with, well. Y'know.
On to the proper introduction: I am an adult (21+). I speak English as a second language and am not used to writing longer works on it, so you'll be much more likely to see me writing shorter snippets.
Aaand I'm adding a cut here, because oh god this got long.
For tropes I like/you may find in my writing/reblogs:
Multiple whumpees, specially with whumpee-turned-caretaker. Specially if they're not good at it.
Caretaker-less whump; hurt/no comfort; self-caretaking (if that is a trope at all). In a similar vein, carewhumpers. 10/10
Torture in general. A decade of it being a special interest has... Not paid off, but something similar.
Medical/lab-setting whump.
Supernatural/magic whump.
Any sort of deep meaningful platonic relationships in whump I am aro and starved of them in mainstream media.
Defiant/violent whumpees, strong and not.
I have very few squicks, to the point where I don't care to discuss them :P will comment on 'em if they ever come up. I can stomach most things.
I do not have a DNI: you can assume this blog is geared towards people older than 18, that there will be sensitive content, and act based on that. I try to add important trigger warnings to my work (blood, some kinds of violence, flashing and eyestrain if I'm posting something visual, any kind of bigotry), but I can't promise to tag for everything. Am always open to suggestions regarding what tags to add to one post, though.
I'm multiply disabled, autism included in that, and a lot of my characters share those aspects. As much as I don't mind discussing disability in whump, as it's a subject I care about, I will not be apologetic about depicting characters that represent this aspect of my personality, in any of the very common roles seen in this genre.
I tend to write mostly about my own characters. While most of the Deep Lore will not be necessary (and if it is I'll try to give a quick rundown), if y'all end up interested in finding out more about my homemade blorbos, you can find them in my art account under their own tags.
I don't think there's anything I'm missing, so this will do for an intro/pinned post. I hope.
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thebunnyslibrary · 11 months
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summary. You've prayed so long for warmth...then one day your prayers are answered.
characters. Sun God!Steve x Reader
wc. ~3.7k words
warning. none
BunBun’s Spoop-tober Collection Masterlist / Main Masterlist
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Your one grace in life was that you had been left on the steps of the most prestigious temple as a babe. No name, only yourself in a basket with a bouquet of sunflowers, meant as an offering to the Sun God to protect you. When you were old enough, you worked hard to prove you deserved a place, wanting to please the gods. The other women of the temple, all from upper class families whose families had paid for their positions, looked down upon you. They felt as though you were a showoff, favored above others by the higher priestesses, and as such, never spoke to you unless absolutely necessary.  The higher priestesses treated you kindly, true; but were matronly above all else and often a bit aloof. As such, in the temple of the sun, you often felt cold and alone, talking only quietly to yourself. You sought the warmth and comfort for someone to call your own. And to call you theirs in turn.  
You kept a small private garden out behind your living quarters. The temple had a communal garden, but the other women left you only gravely rock unfit to grow anything. But you’d found a small, very fertile patch deep in the woods in a clearing by a stream. You’d managed to grow sunflowers, having stolen a few seeds from the kitchens. You worried this would make the gods angry, but instead every seed you planted grew into a beautiful bloom. And from those blooms, you were able to gather more seeds. Some of which you kept on your person, some of which you packaged and shared with the less fortunate people you met in the village, and the rest you continued to cultivate for yourself; pressing the flowers in your journals to preserve their beauty or using them to make paints.  
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One cold night, only a few days away from the harvest festival to celebrate the new year; you’d gathered a bushel of the brightest sunflowers from your garden and stowed away into the temple, hoping to offer tribute to bring warmth into your life The warm air in the temple was a welcome protection from chilly air outside, thanks to the large fire pit in the center of the room. Some of the older priestesses were tidying up and nodded simply at you before leaving; giving you privacy.  
You knelt before the altar of the sun and laid the flowers down. You weren’t sure exactly what to say; now feeling foolish and selfish when you knew there were so many more worthy things to ask for, to help people. But you found yourself saying 
“Please, shine your light on me. Let me find someone to warm me and comfort me when I am lonely.” The air was still for a moment, then the crackling of the fire became louder. You turned and saw the fire was growing. Bigger and brighter, it grew until you were blinded and feared its burn. Then your world went dark.  
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You awoke on what you were was a cloud. You stretched out your hand, feeling the sheets that were smoother than silk. You opened your eyes enough to see a sheer golden lace canopy hanging overhead. You sat up slowly, feeling slightly dizzy; trying to gather where you were and what happened. You looked around to see you were on an enormous bed with golden yellow blankets and pillows.  
“Here, drink this.” A voice spoke and you jumped, turning to the source.  Your eyes had to adjust, like looking up at the sky on a bright sunny day. But your mouth gaped open as you took him in. Tall and massive like a mountain, he had a body that seemed sculpted from clay. Broad shoulders held up a dark blue tunic, exposing strong arms. A man’s beard framed a boyish smile with golden blonde hair and striking blue eyes that were full of knowledge…and hunger. He was standing at the foot of the bed, in his hand was a golden goblet.  
You looked around the rest of the room, admiring the tall shelves full of books. A fireplace housed a roaring fire. But what drew your eye most were the vases of sunflowers. There seemed to be at least one on every flat surface, all holding flowers that looked like the ones you’d been growing for the last few years. He stepped closer and sat down at the edge of the bed, leaving space between you two. 
“They are, indeed, little one.” he said, smiling and again offering the goblet. You were hesitant at first, but as you sat near him, you felt more comfortable, familiar. You carefully took the goblet from him and sipped it slowly. The taste was nothing more than water, but when you swallowed, you felt warmer, more alive than you’d ever felt.  
“Wow” you gasped, swallowing the rest of it down easily. “Who are you?” He shifted closer to you, running his hand down your cheek. 
“Pity. You’ve spent so much time talking to me, I’d thought you’d know me by now.” He leaned forward, taking the goblet away and pressing a soft kiss to your forehead. The cup vanished, as if it had never existed to begin with and you were left aghast.  
“Talking to you? But I only ever spoke to myself in the…” Realization dawned on you. “No, I couldn’t…this couldn’t” you were sitting in the bedroom…in the very house of the Sun God. 
“You can call me Steven, little lamb.”  
“No…but…I’m not worthy…” your eyes started to tear up, fearing this was some sort of punishment or damnation.  But he wiped your tears away with his thumbs, soothing you. 
“No, my beauty. You have proven yourself more than worthy. I have watched you over these many years. I have seen how hard you work, your kind heart; You want to only create beauty in this world and to make me happy. Now it’s my turn to repay the favor.” He took your hands, helping you stand up from the bed. As you moved, your simple robes turned into a beautiful sky-blue dress to compliment his dark tunic. 
“Come, my love.” He took your arm in his and escorted you out of the bedroom, down a hallway and out into a beautiful garden. There were flowers and plants you could scarcely imagine. And of course, miles of sunflowers. Small creatures, bunnies you saw in particular, scurried about. And brightly overhead, the sun and air made everything feel fresh and new. 
“I hope you like it.” Steven said. “I can imagine you’ll probably spend quite a lot of time out here. If not spent in the library, or my art studio. Or our bed.” Steven teased, wrapping his arm around you and you pulling you close to him in a tight hug. His forwardness making you squeak. You stared up at him, still in shock at what was happening. 
“But…why me? There are many other girls in the temple, far more worthy than me. Surely, you would want one of them for a bride.”  
“Worthy? Who could be more worthy than you? I told you; I’ve seen you, right down to your soul and every beautiful thought you’ve had.” Steven explained. 
“But I have nothing…no status or power. I am not fit to be the lover of a god.” You turned away from him, not wanting him to see you cry. But his only response was to wrap his arms around you, placing a kiss to the top of your head and holding tightly. 
“Believe me, you are worth more than a thousand of any one of those harpies. They seek only greed and power for themselves and their status. They do not wish to see the beauty in existence, only its next step up. You write beautiful poetry, grow flowers just to admire them, you have always given warmth; you deserve some in return.” 
You considered his words. He was right, you’d never once wanted the phenomenal power the gods were said to bestow. Being a child of the temple, you had no family status to speak of, no wealth. You knew those did not bring the happiness and warmth a good book or a warm meal could bring to you. What was money and power if there was no one you loved to share it with? Steven leaned down to kiss your cheek.  
“Come, I have another room to show you.” 
The room he brought you too was enormous. Floor to ceiling windows on 3 walls looked out into the garden you’d been in. Half-finished sketches and paintings were strewn about. The back wall was covered with paintings, drawings, sketches, all beautiful landscapes. Green forests that stretched on for miles, beaches with oceans that blurred into the sky above, and mountains that towered above valleys below. 
“Did you make all these?” You said, staring and examining each one. 
“I did, and they’re all real. I’ll take you to any of them you want to go and more places even beautiful than those.” Steven promised. 
You stopped in front of a painting of a field with a river surrounded by woods. You looked closely and your jaw dropped in recognition when you saw the patch of sunflowers; it was your garden. And you were even more surprised as you leaned in closer to see the river in the painting was actually moving, the leaves on the trees rustled in the wind, and a deer walked slowly into the clearing, ate some grass, then continued off out of view of the page. 
“Steven…you…you made this?” 
“Yes, my love. I could not speak to you directly, but I could hear you in my temple, every wish and desire. I did my best to make and give you what I could, hoping and waiting you would speak to me directly in the temple.” He said.  You smiled sheepishly.  
“I’m sorry I kept you waiting.  But your work certainly is incredible.” He stood next to you, wrapping his arm around your waist, holding you close to him.  
“Thank you, my love. But it all pales in comparison to you.”  Your cheeks heated up, suddenly finding the floor very interesting to look at. But Steve cupped your chin, pulling your face back towards his. 
“Let your god worship you for once.” He pressed his lips against yours and you somehow seemed to get even warmer. Steven’s arms wrapped around you, scooping you up as if you were weightless and carrying you back towards the bedroom. He set you back on the bed, kneeling next to you to remove your sandals. He placed soft kisses on your ankles and slowly up your legs.  
“I promise to be gentile for your first time.” He whispered. 
“Steven…” You bit your lip, trying to find the words. “For my first time, I want you; all of you. I want to feel everything…” His blue eyes grew darker.  
“If you want to feel, little lamb. I’ll make sure you feel. Lay back on the bed.” You moved to scoot up towards the headboard and your dress disappeared, leaving you in only a pair of yellow panties. “My sunlight.” Steven sighed, his own tunic disappearing as he knelt between your legs. A pair of black undershorts revealed a large bulge that had your thighs clenching. Steve licked his lips. 
“So cute. Relax, baby. I’ll make sure you’re good and ready before we get there.” He leaned in to kiss you, taking your hands and bringing them up to grab his hair. “Don’t let go until I say you can.” You bit your lip and nodded. A small “Yes Steven” squeaking past your lips. 
  “Such a good girl.” He slowly kissed you again before kissing down your neck and chest, pausing to kiss across your breasts before continuing his kisses downward until he reached the hem of your panties. He nudged your thighs apart, hooking your legs over his broad shoulders. He inhaled deeply and let out a little moan. 
“Your little pussy smells so sweet. I’ll bet you’re soaked for me, aren’t you baby? You should be. I can’t wait to taste this pussy. You’ll have to offer it to your god every day, understood?” You nodded, pressing your hips up and holding his hair tightly, making him groan low.  
He moved his hand over your panties, and they seemed to burn away, leaving only a warm tingle between your legs. He winked and you found yourself giggling like a schoolgirl at his charisma and powers. He truly was a god but all he wanted was your pleasure. 
He hooked one arm under your legs and lifted you up slightly, reminding you of his godly strength. His eyes found yours. His voice was low. “Watch. Watch me feast on my sacrifice.” He wasted no time licking a long streak up your slit. A breathy moan left your lips and he smiled. “Such beautiful sounds you make, little dove. And they’re all mine for all eternity.”  
He continued his ministrations, using his fingers on one hand to draw circles around your clit while his tongue licked at every inch of your pussy, lewd sucking noises were absolutely filthy and sinful coming from his divine lips. 
“So, fucking good…” he murmured. “And all mine forever.” Using his other hand, he brought two fingers and slowly pushed them into your pussy, rubbing against the special spot you could never quite reach. You had touched yourself once or twice in the solace of your room, but you’d never felt anything near this amazing. His warm touch was setting the rest of your body on fire.  
“Steven…please…” You were gripping his hair for dear life, every tug making him groan against you. 
“Yes, my love; are you going to cum? I want to taste every drop. You are true ambrosia, nectar of the gods.” He rubbed your clit faster. “Cum my little star. Cum for me.” Your body tightened as you fell into the abyss of pleasure, screaming his name and bucking your hips into his face. He kept his word, licking every part of you he could reach as his hands slowed, letting you ride out the rest of your climax 
When you finally came down from your high, you looked down and saw how tightly your thighs were gripping his head. You snapped your legs open.  
“I’m sorry…did I hurt you?” But Steven only chuckled, his voice low. He took your hands from his head, kissing your palms and wrists; he climbed bed up the bed to meet you, kissing your lips so that you could taste yourself on him.  
“You are worried about hurting me, little lamb." He mused. “Never apologize for that, love. I would happily perish with my head between your thighs if you wished.” Your face heated up and you weren’t sure how to respond. Steven lay next to you, and you wrapped your arms around him, snuggling close to his chest.  
“This has to be a dream.” You said, a tear running down your cheek.  
“Why do you say that as if you’re expecting me to shove you away at a moment’s notice?” Steven asked, his voice full of concern. 
“It’s all I’ve ever known, I suppose. I still do not understand why you have chosen me. Someone so inexperienced, so broken.” At this, Steven looked down at you.  
“Oh, sweet thing, A soul that's born in cold and rain knows sunlight. Oh, your love is sunlight.” He kissed you again; then turned you so that you were on top of him. He held your hips tightly and the way he looked at you made you feel even smaller.  
“It’s your turn now, little one. Take your pleasure as you see fit.” Fit… when he turned you over, his shorts had vanished, and now you could feel his cock prodding against you. And from what you could feel, you weren’t sure how on earth he WOULD fit. You’d heard some of the other women at the temple boasting about their past experiences. But Steven, you’re sure, would put all their former lovers to shame. He nudged his cock against your ass. You swallowed and adjusted so that you were kneeling over his cock.  
“Breathe, little love. There is no rush to our pleasure.” You met his eyes and saw only love and warmth. Letting go of the breath you didn’t realize you’d been holding, you lowered yourself, gasping as the head of his cock penetrated you. 
“Fuck.” You let yourself sink lower, moaning at the feeling of him filling you up as your pussy flexed and squeezed his cock. His hold on your hips tightened as you watched his eyes roll back. Steven moaned and you bit your lip, watching a strong god fall apart. You flexed around him again, but he gave a sharp smack to your ass that made you yelp.  
“Don’t get cheeky there, dove. You do not want to test a god’s strength.” He purred. With newfound confidence and strength, fueled by his love and devotion, you smirked and traced your finger down his chest, tweaking one of his nipples. 
“I thought you were here for my pleasure.” you said, leaning into kiss him, but biting his bottom lip instead. Steven’s pupils were blown wide with lust. 
 “You’re waving a red flag in front of a bull darling. If you keep teasing me, I won’t be able to control myself.” Curious, you now steadied yourself on his chest. 
“So…what?” you replied kissing him and flexing your muscles again. He groaned into the kiss and took one of his hands from your hips, wrapping it around your throat. When you pulled away from the kiss his eyes were full of hunger and desire, but no malice. Even the grip around your throat was loose enough you had no trouble breathing, but strong enough you could feel his power.  
In a flash, you once again found yourself on your back, Steven’s hand still wrapped around your throat. His cock had slipped from your pussy, but he spread your legs wide, teasing your entrance. Steven leaned down close. 
“Be careful playing with a god of the sun, little lamb. Or you may wind up burnt.” He warned playfully.  But you only smiled up at him, saying “I would gladly be the Icarus to your certainty. With wax melted, I'd meet the sea, my sunlight.”  
Kissing you passionately, Steven pushed his cock even further in you and making you gasp, feeling like you were going to split in two. He started to move his hips, pulling his cock out slowly, letting you feel every inch before thrusting back in hard.  His hand went between your legs, finding your swollen clit and rubbing it. You were already so sensitive from your last orgasm; you both knew it wouldn’t take much to push you over the edge. And you could tell Steven was getting closer to when his pace picked up and his thrusts became harder and faster. 
“I’m going to fill you, dove. Bind you to me so that we are one heart, thrust one mind thrust one soul.” He grunted. “Forever.” 
“Yes…yes…please…I’m yours Steven.” You cried; your hand wrapped around his that was around your throat. You were so warm; every stroke of his cock inside you stoked the flames of desire and lust.  
“Cum for me, star. Cum for your god.” Steven said, moaning as he chased his own release. You came even harder than you had earlier as Steven stilled above you and you could feel his cum filling you, making you moan even more. 
For a few moments, there was just the sounds of the two of you heavy breathing, your hearts beating together. You felt your muscles tense and relax as you seemed to almost melt into the bed. You opened your eyes to see Steven smiling down at you before he leaned down to kiss your forehead.  
“Someday, my love. I’ll have to paint you like this.” Your mind was hazy in post orgasmic fog, and you could only nod. He gathered you in his arms and, still joined together, moved you two together so that you were laying on your sides. Now, in this moment of post coital bliss, you were able to see his face closely. He seemed ageless but weathered at the same time. Like a man who had seen or knew too much.  
“I still don’t know if I’m suited to be the lover of a god. My own parents didn’t even want me.” You said. Steven sighed.  
“Do not think too harshly of them dove. I saw your parents. Your father was sick, your mother was destitute. They brought you to my temple in hopes of a better future.” You thought on his words. For years, the girls at the temple tormented you, convincing you that you were unwanted, unloved. Now to hear the truth, relief washed over you and you seemed more at peace than ever before. A few tears threatened to fall over. But Steve kissed your cheeks. “Such a weepy bride I have” he joked. You smiled. 
“I was often teased for my sensitive nature.” You admitted. 
“I know. And it wounded me every time you spoke to me about when it occurred. But it is never a weakness to show compassion and care. That is why I chose you for my bride.” 
“You know, I don’t recall an actual engagement.” You teased. 
“You’re right. I suppose I’ll have to ask you.” He leaned in close. “One letter at a time...on your pussy.” You squeaked and he smiled, kissing your forehead. “Trust your god little one. I promise you shall want or need for nothing. I will love you and hold you close to my heart for all eternity.” Keeping to his word, he held you closer to his chest and you noticed the blankets had surrounded the two of you. “Rest now, little dove. When you awaken, there will be a great feast to celebrate and welcome you as my bride.” And there you slept. In your shared comfort and warmth. 
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All I See Is Red | J.M.
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(summary) you thought you were being rescued but instead you end up under the control of different captor
(warnings) blackmail, captivity, forced proximity, the possibility of sexual assault (eventually not happening and not between the main characters), death, threats, DUB-CON (initially non-consensual oral, initially non-consensual kissing) CONSENT UNDER PRESSURE IS NOT CONSENT!!!
(pairings) Joel Miller x reader
(reminder) Y/N – your name
(genre) angst, fluff (if you, like me, have abandonment issues), smut (if you squint), dark romance
(trope) enemies to lover-ish?
(word count) 7.7k
(also) I’m not god, I cannot make you stop reading if you’re a minor but I would kindly ask you to not interact with this post if you are underage
(also) flashbacks’ in Italics, the flashbacks from Joel’s point of view are in Bold Italics
(also) please be aware that this is a dark romance so don’t be surprised when triggers previously mentioned are found in the following fic (it’s YOUR responsibility to read the trigger warnings and decide whether you’re up for it, baby :))
(also) it’s 1 AM here in Latvia and I’m drunk so excuse any mistakes I might have missed while editing
You squirmed under the intense gaze of one of your companions. The man was about your age and one of the leaders of the group that had captured yours. He looked shady at best and rapey at worst. You had no idea what you could possibly do to avoid his attention and your mind subconsciously jumped to the worst case scenario that could occur if his undivided attention and intention would not stray. Your hands trembled as your thoughts raced through your options.
Would it be worst or better if you complied? Would it be quicker or slower? More or less painful?
It was pretty clear what people paid with post-apocalypse, and it was not with money. Some paid with weapons, and yours was taken away by your captors. Some paid with food, which was also taken away and which you didn’t have lots of to begin with.
Breathe in.
Breathe out.
You fought tears prickling your eyes and mentally berated yourself for not staying in the QZ.
Your hands were tied in front of you and with a thick rope, instead of handcuffs or metal substitution that was used for some of your group-mates. Apparently, you didn’t pose enough of a threat for them to use cuffs on you. And it felt weirdly insulting.
One of the older men of your captors stepped in front of your small group. He pointed his rifle to a man of your group, motioning for him to get up. When he didn’t comply or even move, you saw a muscle tick in your captor’s jaw, as he pressed the weapon against the older man’s forehead and pressed the trigger.
You gulped, as you watched a person slump against the ground in front of you. Blood pooled out of his head and people around him screamed out for mercy, silently begged for quick death or cried softly.
Next gunshot was so unexpected that you jumped a little, when a little boy to your right ended up shot between his eyes. You squeezed your eyes shut to avoid accidentally looking at the child.
And even with your eyes shut, you could feel the weapon being turned towards you.
“Quick death is better than anything else this world has to offer.”
- Not her, - you shuddered, as the slimy guy in the back spoke up. – She can be useful for a while.
You really wished the leader of the group would consider you an additional and unnecessary mouth to feed but then the person to your left crumbled against the ground and your fate was sealed.
When you opened your eyes, every person you had travelled with was dead. Death didn’t scare you nor did it surprise you – post-apocalypse had made everyone emotionally stunted and numb and you hadn’t known these people prior to your journey. But they had still treated you better than most of the people you had met.
The disgusting man in back looked you over, smiled, took a step towards you and... crumbled to the ground. Your eyes widened.
There was a bullet wound right between his eyes. His eyes were still very much so wide open.
The leader zeroed in on you. He quickly approached you and pulled you up by your arm.
- Was she bait? – someone behind his back asked.
You shook your head, suddenly realizing two very important things. One – you were out in the open with somebody who just took out some of the best armed soldiers without them even suspecting anything which meant whoever this was – they were very, very dangerous. Two – in this entire world you had no friends left which meant one thing and one thing for sure – whoever was killing your captors, was not doing it out of the goodness of their heart.
Maybe for their supplies?
Their weapons?
Or maybe-
A bullet went straight through the group leader’s head, making him go down right against you, taking you to the ground as well. The bullet wound from his head sprayed you with blood. You could feel blood on your face, taste it in your mouth, feel it drip down your hair...
- Shiiiiit, - Tommy watched through his binoculars. – Did you get her too?
Joel shook his head.
He never missed and he certainly didn’t shoot someone he didn’t intend to.
Once Joel finished off the rest of the soldiers, he swung the rifle over his shoulder and took the binoculars from his brother.
- Are we offering her to stay in Jackson or are we just leaving her here?
Blood coated you all over. The protective side of Joel wanted to hug you, wipe blood, tears and sweat from your face and promise that you have nothing and no one to be afraid of. He would make sure of it. The other side of him – the one he wasn’t aware of up until this moment – primal and possessive – demanded that he marched over to where you were laying on the ground, picked you up and fucked you right there in the blood of the scum that laid their hands on you. This side demanded that he claimed his prize. He had saved you life, so now it belonged to him.
He pushed both parts away and tried to imagine what if you had been someone he didn’t have such a primitive reaction to. What if you were any other woman in distress? What if you were a child survivor?
- I’m going to offer her a chance to come with us, - Joel decided. – Whatever she decides, goes.
Tommy nodded, seemingly deeming it a good idea.
- I think we should try to convince her to stay, though, - Joel added, meeting his brother’s eyes.
When Tommy offered nothing, for a moment Joel thought he had slipped up and told on himself, so he added:
- She’s a woman, maybe wounded, definitely alone, - he shrugged, as if he didn’t care either way. – It would be in her best interest to live in a town with, you know, walls and houses. Water. Food.
Tommy, seemingly okay with that, got up and started heading downhill towards you but Joel’s hand on his shoulder stopped him.
- Let me, - he offered.
His brother looked a bit weirded out. Whenever he and his brother were out on any rescue missions together, Joel put in extra effort to not have to deal with any survivors and always headed straight back home.
- Are you sure? – Tommy looked over his bloody dirty clothes and disheveled hair. – You can be kinda... blunt.
Joel just chuckled and decided on using the only card that usually got his brother off his back.
- I think your pregnant wife might appreciate that I’m letting you off sooner...
Tommy’s eyes softened, as they usually did whenever his wife and unborn child were mentioned. He nodded and picked up their shit before throwing his brother one last glance.
- At least try to be empathetic.
Your senses after the whole shoot-out were a bit all over the place. You couldn’t focus your eyes enough to notice how bloody your own hands were but you could very clearly taste the metallic blood on your tongue. You could smell the blood on your neck and in your hair but your hearing seemed to catch up only on your rapid heartbeat.
That was exactly why you hadn’t heard the heavy approaching footsteps. That was why, when a large hand landed on your shoulder, you – not knowing if it was that of a friend or an enemy – pulled your fist back and swung as hard as you could.
The man before you easy caught your wrist. His warm palm wrapped around it and he pulled you towards him. Still very much so in the state of panic, you allowed him to pull you into a hug and rested your head against his chest. Your breaths were erratic, as you clung to the only person who didn’t immediately tried to kill you off.
One hand slowly stroked through your messy hair, as the other drew circles on your back, trying to calm you down.
He smelled nice, you decided, after recognizing the smell of soap.
Nobody smelled like soap anymore. Not in this hellhole.
That made you double-take in the man before you. Once your breathing had somewhat stabilized, you pulled back. The man let you, while still keeping an arm on your bicep to most likely not let you fall in case you fainted.
- Who the fuck are you? – sounded a bit rude but you were too emotionally drained to care.
- I’m... – he looked at the bodies at your feet. – I’m from a nearby town. My name’s Joel.
You looked down too. He didn’t seem dressed similarly to the dead men and sure as hell didn’t look like he crawled out of a sewer.
- Are you with these guys? – you gestured towards the dead people.
He shook his head, and you exhaled in relief.
Now, were you sure he wasn’t just lying? He didn’t seem to be but wouldn’t be the first time you hadn’t caught up to a lie. But he wasn’t trying to hit you or shoot you, or rape you and that would have to do. For now.
- I’m the one who killed them, - that got your attention.
When you didn’t move a muscle – or breathe, for that matter, - he took a step towards you but this time you immediately took one back. His head slightly tilted to the side, as he let go of your arm. You didn’t dare to run or try to reach any of the weapons that belonged to your captors. You were acting as if you had come across a wounded but still stronger-than-you animal.
- That’s one hell of a skill for a citizen of a nearby town to have, - you threw out, trying to steady your voice so it doesn’t tremble.
- Then it’s a good thing, I guess, that I was trying to save you and not kill you, sweetheart, - he said in a low voice, meant to put you at ease.
For a moment, nobody spoke. Nobody moved.
He was first to break eye contact and brushed his hand over his face, as if dealing with this bloody scared girl was irritating him.
- Jackson – the town I’m from – is few miles from here. You can wash off the blood, get some clean clothes, eat and, you know, not freeze to death, - he gestured towards the hills and leaned down to pick up the rifle of the dead leader of the scavangers. - Let’s go.
He turned to leave, assuming you would just follow a stranger as some sort of a child.
When you didn’t move from your spot, your arms still numbly hanging by your sides, he threw a look over his shoulder and stopped. He just looked at you for a second and then strode towards you once again.
This time when you took a step back, he didn’t care and took an additional step to end up right in front of you.
This close together, you had to tilt your head back to look him in the face. When he didn’t say a word, you realized he was probably waiting for an explanation.
You cleared your throat, trying to not sound tired and empty.
- I don’t know you, - was all you said.
When all the reaction you got was a tilted eyebrow, you rolled your eyes and tried to step back again to put some distance between you two. His hand shot out and he pulled you back by your bicep to where you stood. This time the touch seemed more than just making sure you could stand. It seemed almost possessive.
- You are a stranger and I’m not going anywhere with you, - you sounded like a kidnapped child who had to explain the most essential survival instinct.
He smirked, looked down at you.
- A stranger, huh? – his fingers on your arm didn’t let go. – Didn’t stop you from clinging to me just mere seconds ago...
Once he had said the words out loud, only then Joel realized how much he liked the idea of you seeing him as your savior. Your protector. Provider. How much he liked the thought of you clinging to him any time you were scared, knowing he was the one to stop anybody from harming you.
You looked into his darkened eyes – eyes that now seemed to vaguely remind you that, above all, he was still a man and stronger than you at that.
In another life, had you met him at a bar, you probably would’ve been tipsy and tried to hit on him. Then he would have to turn you down because he probably would say something along the lines of “I could be your father, sweetheart”. But essentially it would be because your type were older dominant men and he would probably be married to an age-appropriate woman. And, after embarrassing yourself, you would check him out one last time before parting ways and never seeing each other again.
He was literally a textbook version of your type. Every single feature you had ever found attractive in a man.
But, if anything, apocalypse had taught you to never live this life by the rules and instincts of your previous one.
- How do I know that you’re not just taking me somewhere to kill and dismember me?
“Why not – give him some ideas for your death,” you mentally berated yourself.
He smiled patronizingly, as if dealing with an annoying child.
- If I was able to take them all out from there, - he motioned towards some trees on a hill. – why take you anywhere? I could just kill and dismember you right here, - he laughed.
Even though you didn’t want to admit it, what he was saying was believable. There was no one else – alive – left here and nowhere to run and hide – not that you were in any condition to be successful at attempting that. He could just shoot you and be done with you.
Seeing some initial understanding flash in your eyes, Joel let go of your arm and turned to leave, again:
- Shall we?
And, again, you didn’t move.
When he turned towards you with a raised eyebrow, waiting for you to explain your next issue, you decided to take the diplomatic route.
You approached him and took his clean, large palm into both of your much smaller, much bloodier hands.
- Thank you, - you felt every emotion you had had for the last few days rush out all at once. – Thank you so much for not letting them kill me, Joel, - tears prickled your eyes. – They said they were gonna give us to some sort of a cannibal cult or something. And then there was this one guy, he was looking at me all the time so I thought that he was gonna...
Joel’s arms circled around you and pulled you against his chest. This was a real hug – not the one before where he was trying to make you breathe again. You stood up on your toes, arms wrapped around his neck, as you rested your chin on his shoulder. After you mustered the strength to calm down and speak clearly, you said:
- What I meant to say was – thank you for saving me but I’m not coming to your town, - you softly explained. – Thanks for the offer though.
For a moment, Joel didn’t move or breathe. His thoughts raced hundred miles per hour, trying to understand your words. His arms slowly loosened around you, and he stepped back to look at you.
You were smiling, just a small smile out of gratitude, but it made his heart both stop and somehow pick up speed.
These three days of following you and your captured group had made him feel such a surge of protectiveness, seeing you struggling to accept your situation. The thought of bringing you back to Jackson – which was something he never offered when it came to new people – and it made him feel as if you were controlling him from afar. You didn’t even know him and you were still slowly but steadily wrapping him around your little finger, making him come up with plans how to protect you.
- It’s not safe for you out there, sweetheart, - he tried to reason. – You’re alone and don’t seem to know how to use a weapon well. How are you going to survive?
He seemed to understand. He was doing the thing that people did where they knew someone was leaving but were still asking questions just to let someone know they cared. The soft look in his eyes made you let your guard down just a little. But it was enough for you to make a grave mistake.
- Well, living’s overrated anyway, isn’t it? – you tried to joke.
His eyes darkened, and your smile dropped. When he started to look downright angry, you reached to jokingly punch your fist against his shoulder.
- I was joking, - your laughed under your breath, - Jesus...
But all Joel could see before his eyes was red. You, laying somewhere, coated in blood. This time, your own. Would it be a wild animal? Another group of armed soldiers? Maybe you would just eventually starve?
Tommy and Maria would let you go the minute you would confess that Joel had brought you back against your will. They would not keep a prisoner and someone who did not wish to be there. And he would be forced to watch you leave. He would be forced back into square one.
Once you turned your back on him and searched the ground for anything you could take for yourself, Joel made up his mind.
You felt his hand wrap around the front of your neck, as he roughly yanked you back against his chest. Out of sheer surprise, both your hands shot up to peel his hand from your neck.
When the initial terror had subsided, you realized he wasn’t trying to strangle or choke you. His fingers expertly found a spot on your neck a bit below your left ear, and you felt him put pressure against it. You started to feel light-headed but it was too late for you to remember that certain spots in your neck could be used to make a person lose consciousness.
His other arm wrapped tightly around your middle, as your vision had started to cloud.
With black spots dancing before your eyes, all you could focus on was his warm breath against the back of your neck.
- This is for the better, sweetheart, - he promised and placed a light kiss on the small hairs on the back of the neck. – You’ll see.
That evening, when Joel returned to Jackson later than expected, Tommy greeted him at the gates.
- Where have you been? – his brother looked and sounded worried. – Where’s the girl?
- She refused to come here so I offered to walk her down all the way to the main road, - Joel purposefully avoided looking his brother in the eye, as he took off his rifle. – She’s heading back to the closest QZ.
For just few seconds, Tommy looked suspicious. He had spent three days, trailing around the scavangers and watching Joel get progressively more protective over you.
Had he killed you?
That was the only option Tommy considered and it didn’t seem possible. What would he gain from killing you?
Tommy shook his head and clasped his brother’s shoulder.
- Maybe for the best, - he offered. – Can’t save everyone.
Joel nodded and continued to dissect the few items he had taken from the dead scavangers.
Had Tommy been less tired and less excited to just see his brother alive and well, he would’ve noticed his brother’s gloves and warm jacket gone. The backpack that was usually given to people who went outside the town limits and was usually filled with food and some essentials, was gone too.
You opened your eyes, hearing the deadbolt being unlocked from outside. You didn’t rush towards the door as you had done the first few times Joel had returned. You had thought that having the element of surprise and trying to catch him off guard him would make at least a small difference. It didn’t. It hasn’t. Every time you had ended up on the floor with him restraining both your hands with one of his, while immobilizing your legs with his thighs.
“You’re getting better at this,” he praised you, and that left you even more furious. “Another few times of you ending up under me and we might just end up with me under you.”
After the initial shock had passed and you had gained back some strength – thanks to the food Joel brought and keeps bringing over which you still refuse to thank him for – and after you had realized that crying and pleading with him to let you go won’t work, you adapted a new tactic. Trying to scratch his eyes out every chance you got.
You have been living in this little cottage for about a week now. It was cozy and in any other circumstance could be considered something you had once wished to live in. It had an open-floor and with stairs that led to somewhat of a second floor with one room that only had a railing around it and no walls so it could be seen from the first floor.
This is where you had woken up. The way Joel had explained it – since you refused to come back to Jackson as a “civilized” person, you got to live here. With him.
Living was a bit too flashy of a word for it. You couldn’t leave. Every night when Joel begrudgingly went back to Jackson (as he put it, his brother would get suspicious if he stopped going home all together), you were locked inside this cozy little prison. Prison that you realized after many unfruitful leaving attempts was more secure than any QZ you had been a part of.
An old kitchen knife that you had tugged inside your sleeve bit into your skin. In order for this to work, you would have to get physically close enough to Joel. The problem was – that kind of behavior would probably be suspicious to him, as usually you tried to keep as much distance between the two of you as possible.
When he opened the door with his shoulder, you realized that you had missed a really good escape opportunity. Both his hands were full of what looked like boxes of food and clothes. When he kicked the door closed, you greedily watched the deadbolt with the lock unused, as your captor went over to the small kitchen portion of the house to put down the food. Subconsciously, you felt your tongue swipe over your lower lip, eyes darting between Joel and the door.
- I have to say, I’m disappointed, - he chuckled. – All this way from Jackson, I was really looking forward having you trashing and squirming underneath me.
You didn’t move from where you sat in an armchair in the middle of the room. When your eyes once again darted to the door, Joel caught it. He leaned against the stove and crossed his arms over his chest. With a slight turn of his head, he gestured towards the unlocked door.
- Wanna try? – he patronized you, smiling. – I mean, the last time you got out, I caught you before you had a chance to step outside the gates. Granted, you were malnourished and weak, and couldn’t pick up any speed...
Your eyes didn’t leave the door. How come freedom was this close and this far at the same time?
Joel lazily walked towards you but took the longer route by circling around the side of the kitchen island, giving you, like, two second head-start.
When he finally reached you, you looked up to find him staring down at you. His fingers incredibly gently pushed a stray lock of hair behind your ear, before he bent down so you were both more or less at an eye level.
- Here’s an idea, - he suggested, - I’ll let you have a fifteen second head-start, an unlocked door and I’ll even throw in permission to use that blunt kitchen knife you got on you.
You tried not to flinch by how little of privacy you had from him.
- In return, if you make it outside the gates, I’ll-
- Let me go? – you asked.
He laughed and shook his head. You deflated. And you hated that just for a moment there had been a small hope in your heart that he might have gotten bored of taking care of you here. That he had gotten sick of you.
- No, - he chuckled as if you had tried to make jokes. – Make it outside the gates and I’ll reward you.
You must’ve looked like you genuinely considered this deal because Joel looked a bit surprised but mostly amused.
He circled the armchair, pushed his boot between your much smaller ones and roughly kicked your left boot to the side, so he could comfortably stand between your legs. Once he placed both his hands on the armrests on either side of you, he leaned down. Your lips were just few inches apart and it had gotten really hard to keep eye contact. Or breathe, for that matter.
- And what’s the reward? – did that hoarse voice really belonged to you?
You eyes kept darting from his eyes to his lips.
- I was thinking head.
It took a second for your lust-clouded brain to catch up. Once it did, your accusing eyes shot up to meet his amused ones.
- What?
- I’ve seen you looking at my arms. My hands. Me. I know you find me attractive, - he said. – And I think we both know that it’s very much reciprocated.
You were so mad you could almost feel fumes coming from your ears. You roughly placed both your hands on his chest and pushed him back which made him stumble back just a little. You must’ve looked quite shocked because he softly laughed and backed up.
- Have you lost your mind? – you raised your voice. – What makes you think that I would ever agree to any sexual favor? You’re keeping me here against my will - I could never find you attractive!
Joel turned his back on you and went to lock the door. When that was done, he turned back towards you and smiled:
- I would make sure it’s very, very good for you, - his gaze slowly slid over you from head to toe. – You won’t be complaining nearly as much when you’re fucked out of your mind and cannot string a sentence together.
Even though you weren’t naive or inexperienced by any means, his crude words left your mouth wide open.
Did he think you were the type of person to have sex with your kidnapper?
For the first time ever, you had no words. You closed your mouth and opened it again. Then closed again. You wanted to take the old lamp on the nightstand and smash it against his head.
- The fuck do you... – you started. – What the...? Are you out of your mind?
Joel shrugged as if he didn’t care either way and turned towards the kitchen to start on dinner.
Your hand grabbed the lamp, and you threw in his direction without trying to hit anything or anyone in particular.
The lamp smashed against the kitchen wall and broke apart all over the stove and the floor.
You marched over to where Joel looked down at the broken lamp. Your hand reached out, you grabbed his shoulder and harshly turned him to face you.
- You will never ever touch me, - you spoke through your teeth. – And I will never ever agree to any deals with you. You’re disgusting to me.
Before you had a chance to step back, Joel’s hand shot out and grabbed your chin. He tilted your head back, pulled you against him and pressed his lips against yours.
In any other situation this type of kiss would be considered chaste. Virginal. A peck, really. No tongue. But this was Joel and, no matter how much you hated him for locking you up, he hadn’t hit you, he fed you and clothed you and in your fucked-up mind, that had experienced so much cruelty in this new world, he was very much still attractive both physically and emotionally.
Still, you gathered all of your strength and, placing your palms against his chest, tried to push him back. He didn’t budge an inch. Even more so, he pressed his hand on top of yours, as to make sure they stayed firmly pressed against his chest.
You turned your face to the side, roughly ending the kiss. He pressed his forehead against your temple and exhaled heavily.
- You have no idea what you do to me, sweetheart, - he murmured. – The things I wanna do to you...
The kiss left your light-headed. And you hated yourself for it.
This was your captor. All you should feel for him should be pure hatred. Anger. Disappointment in the man who once had saved you just to lock you up in this place as if you were his pet. Who had taken control over every single decision in your life. He chose what you ate. What you wore. What you read. It was deeply disturbing. But not nearly as disturbing as the fact that, despite all of this, you still had sexual dreams involving him almost every night. Where he bent you over the spotless kitchen counter and demanded that you paid for all the trouble you’ve been costed him. Insisting that you repaid him for all the food, clothes and shelter he’s provided for you. Every night you went to bed angry and woke up dripping wet. And twice as angry.
- What would it take for you to let me go? – you asked, trying your best to pull off an innocent, naive look.
He looked down at you. His eyes were almost apologetic.
- You already know the terms, baby, - his raspy voice sounded pained. – Come back to Jackson with me. Play house with me. Let me take care of you. Let me provide for you.
When your unsure eyes met his, he wrapped his hand around the back of your neck and pulled you against his chest.
- We can have a good life together, you and I, - he promised. – Just allow me to be your man, and you’ll have everything you could ever dream of. Safety. A house of your own. Children, if you want them. A dog, if you don’t.
Did it sound promising? Sure. Still, you shook your head. Everything you knew was back at your old QZ. And, even though Joel had done more for you than anyone else in a really long time, you still didn’t trust him. His intensity scared you. His need for you terrified you.
Joel’s eyes darkened. His hands untangled themselves from your hair, and he stepped back. Then he just turned around as if nothing had happened and started to prepare dinner.
You felt so, so helpless.
Would it be easier for you to escape from Jackson than it was escaping from here? There was a possibility of you finding a person who would feel for you and eventually would let you leave the town. Maybe, if you could get to Joel’s brother and his wife and convince them to convince Joel-
- If I come with you to Jackson, will you leave me be? – you tried to reason with him. – Can I just come back with you and we part our ways? Can we just act as if nothing happened?
With his back still turned to you, Joel pulled out a carton of eggs, placed them carefully on the counter and then turned to face you, carefully folding up the paper bag.
He looked you over with a heated glance, as if trying to decide whether some quick oral is worth letting you go.
- No.
You wanted to smash something against his head.
- No? How the fuck would you even explain me coming back to Jackson to your brother? You told me that you-
- If you’re coming to Jackson, nothing changes, - he put the paper bag on the kitchen island and approached you. – You come back but you’re still provided for by me. Sleeping next to me. Living with me. You’re still mine. I’m just offering you a bigger house and an additional human interaction.
You were fuming.
- And if you’re really thinkin’ that my brother might make me change my mind and let you go, you clearly haven’t learned anything in this past week, - Joel reached you and looked down at you almost comfortingly, as if trying to deal with a very, very difficult toddler. – He has his own troubles and he won’t risk his new family over some girl he hasn’t even met yet.
When you didn’t speak, Joel added:
- Take it or leave it, - he shrugged. – To be fair, I prefer not to share you with anyone. To keep you locked up. All to myself.
When he turned to return to his dinner, you weighed out your options and quickly made a decision.
- Fine.
He looked genuinely surprised.
That was a first.
- What? – Joel couldn’t believe what he was hearing.
- I’ll go to Jackson with you if that’s what you want, - you straightened, trying to at least keep an illusion of you having the upper hand. – On one condition.
Joel’s lips pulled upward. He looked quite handsome when he smiled. And for the first time in a long time, he felt genuine happiness. Still, he looked amused when you demanded a condition of your own.
- Let’s hear it, baby, - he urged you, motioning with his index and middle fingers for you to approach him.
When you did, he put his hands behind his back, watching your angry face.
You lowered you voice almost to a whisper.
- If I succeed in escaping from Jackson, - you started, - because I will attempt to do so, I can promise you that, - your angry eyes were met with his terrifyingly dark ones, - if I succeed, you don’t look for me. You don’t come after me. You don’t chase me. You let me go.
Joel put on a show of considering it. When he nodded, seemingly accepting your terms and conditions, you exhaled with relief.
But then he leaned down and added:
- Good luck with it, though, - he chuckled against your temple. – I will be watching every step you take outside our home. You will be by my side every second of every day. And, if for whatever reason, I have to leave Jackson, you will be tied to my bed, a vibrator pushed all the way up in your cunt to the highest setting to the point where you won’t be able to stand up, - he placed a light kiss on your forehead in an almost loving manner, - let alone run.
You trembled with either terror or need and hated that you couldn’t decide which one was it.
- You won’t hate me when I come back to you at night, - he promised. – You will greet me like your god because only I will be able to stop your misery. Running away will be the last thought in your pretty little head when I’m done with you.
He took a step back.
- I’ve been good to you, letting you adapt, - his eyes shamelessly roamed all over your body. – But don’t ever assume I wouldn’t use your own body against you. I’ve let you preserve your dignity but, if you try to run, I will overstimulate you to the point where you will beg me to fuck you. Where you plead for me to take you and make you mine. To ravish you.
He had never spoken to you like this. He had always tried to mask his lust for you and had allowed for you to do the same.
- I don’t want you to hate yourself for wanting your keeper. Don’t you think it would be easier on you if you wanted your husband, your lover? Allow me to make you my wife and you can sleep easier at night for wanting this, - he motioned between the both of you. – For wanting me.
- I already said I’d come with you to Jackson. That’s all I can promise you right now.
He nodded in an almost understanding manner. As if deciding on giving you some time to come to your senses.
- Fine, it’s a deal, - he decided and then something dangerous flashed in his eyes. – Now strip.
In a world that had shocked you every step of the way, you were still taken aback.
- W-what?
- You heard me. I’m taking that oral we argued about a bit earlier, - you noticed Joel’s hands slightly trembling, as if he was approaching a priceless artefact and, for the first time, he had been given a permission to physically touch it.
Except, he hadn’t.
- What? No, - you backed away. – The whole purpose of this was for me to come back to Jackson! – you argued. – You didn’t ask anything for it!
He shrugged, still zeroing in on you with predator-like steps.
- That was before. I’ve changed my mind. Now I want something for my troubles.
For the first time, you thought of a possibility of needing to physically fight off Joel. And you knew you wouldn’t be able to do that. Your hand reached for a book that laid on the table, you pulled back and swung it across his face.
His face just slightly turned to the side and, when his eyes found yours again, the pupils were dilated to the point his eyes looked black.
You made it worse.
- That’s it, baby, - he encouraged. – Try to fight me off. You have no idea how hard I get every time you’re violent.
- I’m not sucking your dick, bastard, - you threw the book away, deeming it to be pretty much useless. – I’ll bite it off if you make me do it!
For a split second, Joel looked clueless. Then he chuckled.
- I think there’s been a little bit of miscommunication, darling, - his hands found your hips and pushed you, making you sit down on the bed. – I don’t want you to suck my cock, baby. I don’t enjoy taking something that’s not freely given. I enjoy giving.
You couldn’t believe what you were hearing. He kneeled down in front of you, hands travelling up your hips. His long fingers started to untangle the messy knot you had tied in front of your sweatpants.
- I want to eat your pussy, baby, - a hand on your chest roughly pushed and held you down against the bed. – That’s what I demand for providing for you. That’s how you repay me for saving your life.
In what upside-down world were you in right now?
Since when did men consider giving being a prize to them?
Once he had gotten rid of your sweatpants, he hooked his fingers on the sides of your panties and pulled them down. When you tried to sit up and press your legs together, he shook his head, disappointed.
- Can’t have that, baby, - he tsked, placing a sloppy kiss against the inside of your thighs. – I want to fully enjoy myself and you’re getting in my way.
Next thing you felt was the coldness of the metal placed around your wrists.
He had handcuffed you!
Not paying any attention to your trashing, he cuffed your hands together and then cuffed both of them around the headboard of your bed. When you pulled against the cuffs, all he said was:
- Don’t hurt yourself, baby.
He reached somewhere next to him and picked up a piece of your clothing.
Those were the last words you uttered before he stuffed your panties in your mouth, effectively shutting you up.
You tried to kick him in his face but he easily caught your calf, placed a quick kiss on your knee and spread your legs.
As you had thought before, your strength and anger were nothing compared to his. His warm calloused palms wrapped around your upper thighs, keeping you in place as his mouth delved in between your legs with no hesitation.
The first initial swipe of his tongue was torturous. Your conflicting mind and body refused to acknowledge the immense pleasure both of them received. He purposefully tortured you with thoroughly enjoying you and making every lick as slow as he possibly could. His beard pressed against your inner thighs and you knew tomorrow there would be red marks left from it on the inside of your thighs.
You tried to withdraw by pulling your hips back towards the front of the bed but his fingers dug into your hips and pulled you firmly back against his mouth. And when you tried to close your legs, his hands wrapped around your thighs, holding them apart. Joel’s tongue dipped inside your hole, and you squeezed your eyes shut when the tip of his tongue touched something inside you, making black dots dance before your eyes.
Fuck you for making me feel this pleasure, you tried to talk with your panties still in your mouth, fuck you for making me feel wanted.
Joel’s nose accidentally brushed over your clit and you whimpered, making him laugh against your core.
- This is how you’re going to sound and look every night from now on, - he lifted his head to meet your eyes, his lips glistening in your arousal. – This is how you’re going to receive your man home, sweetheart. This is how you’re going to reward me for all the troubles I go through to provide for you. With your legs spread and your mouth shut like the obedient little girl I know you can be.
His lips wrapped around your clit and sucked. Against every bone and wish in your body, you pressed against his mouth, trying to find some relief.
So, so close...
When you were balancing right on the edge of the abyss, Joel pulled back. A whine left your mouth against your better judgement, and tears pricked your eyes.
This week had left you in so much stress. You wanted this. You needed this. You had to have this.
His hand shot up and pulled the soaked material from your mouth.
- Don’t stop, don’t stop, don’t stop... - you blabbed incoherently.
- Hey, baby, - his hand unwrapped from your thigh and grasped your chin to tilt your head towards him. – Beg me to make you come. Beg me to make you feel good, baby.
You tried to close your thighs to get some friction between them but Joel’s hands held them apart, making you suffer. The pressure was still there and it bordered with physical pain. You had to get some relief.
- Fine, - you nodded. – Fine! Please, please, make me come, Joel!
He leaned down towards your pussy and... softly blew air against your core.
When she twitched, Joel just looked up in amusement.
- I think she likes me, - he chuckled. – I think she knows who she belongs to.
- Just finish what you started, - you pleaded. – Please.
He tilted his head to the side, considering it.
- Tell me you want me, - he took a long swipe from your ass to your clit. – Tell me you’ll be a good little girl and let me take care of you.
- Fine, you can take care of me, - you panted. – Feed me and clothe me, and-
He sucked on your clit and you lost focus. And your ability to talk. Black dots danced before your eyes and your back bowed from the bed. He calmly ate you out through it, only removing his mouth once you had slumped back against the sheets.
- Good girl, - he whispered against your core and placed a kiss on your pussy lips. – Such a good, good girl for me.
You still tried to steady your breathing when he gently let go of your thighs and stood up. Towering over you, he reached to remove the handcuffs.
When your frightened eyes met his, Joel paused and leaned down to kiss you on the lips.
You could taste yourself on his them.
He placed his hand on your cheek in a lover-like manner, closed his eyes and rested his forehead against yours.
- You’ll learn to love me, - he promised both you and himself. – You’ll learn to love me eventually, sweetheart.
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kassuthehero · 3 months
my favorite riordan characters (just my opinion, don’t come at me)
Magnus Chase
I read MCGoA first (dont judge), so I have sentimental value over this series. I think magnus is literally so hilarious in a tired and confused way. It’s also so funny how Percy was so lost still like after 5 books but Magnus knows so much about the mythology already. Even after reading pjo i thought Magnus was way funnier and better main character than Percy. I think that was because Magnus is 16 in his series and Percy is just 12 in the lightning thief and I was already like 14-15 and liked more mature characters (Magnus is still a child and a dumbass). Magnus is also a very sad character if you think about it. He is basically an orphan bc his father wasn’t there and he witnessed his mothers death. Then he lived in the streets and was probably hungry, cold and scared almost every day. And then BOOM. Suddenly weird shit happens and he dies a gruesome death. Like seriously, a ball of melted asphalt burns through his body… He also never really had time to cope with the being dead thing bc suddenly he's supposed to save the world. Like wtf. Also I get the biggest gender envy ever (don’t ask why, he’s kinda pathetic xd). Best thing is that he’s fruity like I am. Magnus is also the healer so it is really interesting to get the healer's pov, a guy who isn’t your usual hero. Magnus also defeated LOKI, A GOD, with the power of friendship, which is hilarious. Magnus starts the show as a cynical boy who has lost everyone but by the end he has found a new family and moved on and I think that’s beautiful.
2. Will Solace
The absolute sass master. Of course Percy is still the sassiest ever but oh boy does Will come the next second. Will seriously takes no shit. I haven’t read his and Nico’s book yet but just from BoO and tHO I can say he has some balls. Like, one of the first things he does is calling Octavian, one of the biggest bad guys, an anemic loser. WHILE standing nose to nose with him. Like even Nico thought that Octavian was kinda scary but Will just marches right up to him and starts throwing insults. And then he proceeds to stubbornly make Nico rest and heal. He is so stubborn and bossy and I love him for it. Will also has a sadder side. He always puts everyone else before him bc he is the healer so it’s his job. He also was forced to be a leader way too young after he lost his older siblings. Still, he manages to walk around with a smile on his face. Will is so strong and his past is way overlooked. All the fans focus on Nico’s traumas and how Will helped him but never the other way around. Give Will some love, people.
3.Apollon (Lester Papadopoulos)
The most dramatic god ever, like omg. Apollo/Apollon has always been my favorite Greek god and Rick's version is just perfect. He is so annoyingly self centered and arrogant but at the same time he is so sad and vulnerable. I have never cried bc of Riordan's books but the hidden oracle made me sod like a baby. All the regret and pain in the stories about his lovers was heartbreaking. How his heart is stone bc he doesn’t believe in love anymore and how he takes responsibility for all the death he has caused. He is still an asshole but at least he notices it. I relate to him on such a deep level. He masks all his pain with humor and overconfidence just like I do. I haven't finished the trials of the Apollon yet but I can’t wait to read more of him and learn even more sad, funny and interesting things about him as a character.
Of course I have to include our best boy. During the HoO I just kept waiting for Percy’s POV just bc his thought process is the most entertaining in my opinion. He is so unhinged most of the time. Like, everyone is scared of Nico, no, you guys should be absolutely terrified by Percy. Like bro is so close to losing it. Few more inconveniences and he will kill everyone. but at the same time he likes eating blue food and doesn’t know half of the myths the others do. He just does what he feels like doing. My favorite moment was when he and Annabeth were in Tartarus and Percy was about to kill Akhlys by drowning her in her own poison. Like bro is insane. It’s also so sad that he and Annabeth have been in the front lines of war since they were like 12. It’s always them. Like there had to be other heroes right? Or like why couldn’t some minor god handle the situations? I have always loved characters who insult the enemy while fighting and Percy is just like that. At first, I didn't think he was any special but as he grew older, I started to like him more. Probably bc I could relate to him better when he was closer to my age. He also got more serious as he got older. I’m kinda pissed that he gets again a new series even tho Riordan has other characters that have potential. (I MEAN MAGNUS! LIKE PLEASE RICK! PLEASE!)
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