#Hws Alabama
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goldenstarprincesses · 8 months ago
In a states AU, which state posts this
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savebats-statetalia · 2 years ago
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I dunno why, but I really ship Alabama and Texas.
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programmingandengineering · 17 days ago
CS 513 HW Final Exam
Problem 1 – (20 points) The “AL_NJ_Income_pct” CSV dataset on CANVAS categorizes the tax returns of families in the states of Alabama and New Jersey into six categories (Returns_pct1 to Returns_pct6). Use these six categories and Euclidian distance, to perform the following analysis Use the kmeans clustering method to create two clusters for the “AL_NJ_Income_pct” dataset. Show the cross…
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programmingsolver · 10 months ago
CS 513 HW Final Exam
Problem 1 – (20 points) The “AL_NJ_Income_pct” CSV dataset on CANVAS categorizes the tax returns of families in the states of Alabama and New Jersey into six categories (Returns_pct1 to Returns_pct6). Use these six categories and Euclidian distance, to perform the following analysis Use the kmeans clustering method to create two clusters for the “AL_NJ_Income_pct” dataset. Show the cross…
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myprogrammingsolver · 10 months ago
CS 513 HW Final Exam
Problem 1 – (20 points) The “AL_NJ_Income_pct” CSV dataset on CANVAS categorizes the tax returns of families in the states of Alabama and New Jersey into six categories (Returns_pct1 to Returns_pct6). Use these six categories and Euclidian distance, to perform the following analysis Use the kmeans clustering method to create two clusters for the “AL_NJ_Income_pct” dataset. Show the cross…
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the-acid-pear · 3 months ago
They're recycling the Abruzzi plotline they're insane
Alex that was the saddest laugh I've ever heard that was a COUGH. But man. So hot. Love my white boy with disorders.
His Alabama ass... So funny. Finally a contender to his Puerto Rican ass. Way weaker tho.
Michael doing this is so funny bro you can literally meet Linc in person bffr.
Lincoln misogynism is so funny. More writers than him but he talks to this beautiful woman like she's a kid.
I'm going thru something rn but James is incomprehensible to me. I'll blame it on him being Australian. I don't trust him a lick.
I'd fix Alex. I'd fix him. Also his eyes looking green under th right lighting... Hw so cute. Also ling went fucking Psycho. Mental sequence. This season is insane.
Gets so hard I pass out. Sammy and Teddy you two need to kill each other. EVERYONE GRABS AND SHAKES THIS MAN HE'S MADE TO BE MANHANDLED. HES SUFT A DRAMA QUEEN ACTOR.
"I'm nobody with no hopes of being anyone" his character in a nutshell. Biting his face.
Brad that woman is gonna fucking get you.
"how have you been Michael?" Alex. I love your disorders. "SO YOU DONT MIND IF I KILL HIM? 👁️👁️" he's literally so funny and real.
Linc and Sucre again... Sobs and kicks.
Also the classic se7en twist except not really. Unless it's like a finger or an ear but that's a big bax.
Alright Sona time second worst season I don't know how bad this will be but I know it'll be bad. Time to see men in pain!!
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simple-persica · 2 years ago
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Whoa! It's boys from the stream!
So we talked a bit more about Texas and his character. He's just a big sweetie pie who kinda comes across as intense or rude because he's so high-energy and goes at everything with full force. Also, he likes One Piece and that's why his shirt looks like that. Also, we figured he had blue eyes because of the "The stars at night are big and bright" part of the Texas song, and his eyes are supposed to be the night sky. But also there's a German community in texas that still speaks German so...there's a blue-eyes connection I guess.
And there's Alabama! He finally has a semi-finished design and character! He's still a talented cook and gossiper, but he's also a stinker of a middle child who wears clothes that are too big for him. He thinks the dirt stains on his shirt and quirky in the same way paint splatter on an artist's white shoes are quirky. But he just smells like freshly cut grass. He also has a pet possum named Chmamalay. And he's not feral he just looks like that.
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crumpled--notes · 3 years ago
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“Aww, sweetie~ You really think of me this much?”
“You ain’t the only one with peaches, Georgia.”
2022 vs 2016
Redraw of my old OCs Alabama and Georgia (ft. the Clanton Butt Peach). I might color the recent one later. I’ve been wanting to play around with the watercolor brushes more but idk
Redesigned Georgia a bit while I was redrawing this too. Mississippi is already designed to look like a Southern Belle (mixed with suburban mom), and while I don’t plan on bringing back my statetalia OCs, I like this design for her more.
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savebatsfromscratch · 2 years ago
Statetalia - Good 4 U - 26 and 27
Originally Shared: Nov 04, 2022   
Scratch link: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/747644741/ 
Press the green flag and please don't steal my animation! 
WARNING, this song uses the words "damn" and "sociopath," (being warned for different reasons) I don't think they are inappropriate in their uses here, so they are not getting muted in the audio file. 
Oh my GOSH that head turn looks great! 
Characters in order: 
Alabama (Red color scheme, the main character lol.) 
Texas (Yellow color scheme, the one Alabama has a crush on.) 
Louisiana (Purple color scheme, the girl Texas is dating now.) 
Notes and Credits: 
@savebatsfromscratch (me) for the animation and characters. 
ashedpotatoes for the map and pallet. 
Olivia Rodrigo for the song I think. 
Scratch bitmap of course.
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fostertheory · 1 year ago
There also has been loose talk of uprisings and civil war on the right for years. That makes the ground more fertile now.
For those not well versed in US history, here are precedents of US presidents deploying national guard troops. (Source: https://www.chicagotribune.com/news/ct-national-guard-deployments-timeline-htmlstory.html)
President Eisenhower federalized (took control of) the Arkansas National Guard via executive order in 1957. This was after then-governor Orval Faubus ordered the guard to block the Little Rock Nine, a group of Black schoolchildren, from entering Little Rock High School.
This also occurred in 1963 when JFK federalized the Alabama National Guard to ensure the University of Alabama was integrated. The federalized Alabama National Guard also provided protection for the (second, successful) march from Selma to Montgomery in 1965 lead by Martin Luther King, Jr. (This was a re-federalization, not a continuation from '63.)
Nixon called in national guard troops to deliver the mail in New York City during a postal strike in 1970. (The troops apparently had some level of solidarity; their efforts were considered ineffective and the postal workers got the raise they were seeking. Checking another source, I see that some guardsmen were postal workers!)
HW Bush sent in the National Guard to the US Virgin Islands in 1989 after Hurricane Hugo. Given that the US Virgin Islands are a territory, not a state, it is not clear to me whether the national guard troops had to be federalized in the same way that they were in the above examples. Readers may remember from coverage of the January 6 insurrection that the DC National Guard is not under local control; it reports to the president through Joint Force Headquarters and the Secretary of Defense. It may be a similar arrangement in the US Virgin Islands.
The article also mentions instances of the regular army being deployed on US soil. The ones mentioned were cases of quelling unrest either over desegregation or over Dr. King's murder. The Army was also deployed in response to the 1863 New York Draft Riots and to disperse the "Bonus Army" in 1932 (WWI veterans camping out in DC to demand promised payments.)
As a member of GenX, I have observed that things in my living memory are not in living memory of a critical mass of people. The horizon seems to be about 25 years. If Biden were to federalize the Texas National Guard, it probably will be received by many as unprecedented and a huge step up. It doesn't help that there is a segment of the media universe that benefits by banging the drum and stirring up controversy. Certain standoffs against various federal agents from over the years also loom large in the imagination on the right, contributing to the volatility of the situation.
If America ends up having another civil war, the worst part will be that it got preceded by YouTube thumbnails like this.
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hipsofsteel · 3 years ago
#70 for Rusty and Kitty
#70 on my Spotify Wrapped: Back Porch by Willie Jones Spotify / Youtube / Genius Lyrics
(The ask being referred to)
That 70 is for the basically 70,000 words of them that I wrote for my first NaNoWriMo.
Kitty's out on the back porch piecing together another quilt in the last bits of full daylight. In her rocking chair with her feet up on a stool, a look of total concentration on her face. Rusty looks at her through the screen door, sipping a can of beer and watching her as she works.
Her curls get caught in the breeze, not often enough to distract her, but sometimes she has to reach up and brush one aside, black hair against beautiful brown skin, the lighter color of her palms. Rusty could get lost in tracing the lines on her hands for days if she let him.
Her hands, which work so quick as she sews, a steady rhythm in her pace. This is a woman who's mastered her skills, who has little time to mess about. She's working, but because she loves the work, not because it's necessary.
He remembers falling into that same sort of haze as he fixed up that old rocking chair for her. It'd gotten into bad shape, and then one of the rockers had snapped. Kitty had sighed and tossed it out into the scrap. Rusty had snuck out that night and dragged it into the toolshed before the garbageman came.
He'd spent weeks putting it back together, shaping a new pair of rockers, and then sanding, finishing, and sealing. But the work didn't feel like work, not when he considered who it was for.
As she lifted up a yellow triangle to add to her quilt, he remembered that yellow Easter dress she'd had for a few years, with the little white polka dots, and the hat with the lace. She'd looked as pretty as a daffodil in it. Rusty had been sad to see it go.
She took a sip of her sweet tea, and Rusty remembered her teaching him how to make it so long ago, in the early days of their relationship. The way she's been so focused on instructing him that she hadn't noticed that his eyes were following the movements of her body instead, and the way she moved her hands. Her hands. They always drew him in, they were like magic, and she hardly every noticed how she always moved them so gracefully.
A green piece of fabric next. She told him she loved the color of his eyes, green and bright like new leaves, young grass. Rusty always found himself preferring hers. That beautiful warm brown. There couldn't be green growing things without the warmth of the earth.
She kicked off her shoes absentmindedly, sandals dropping down, and Rusty remembers a cross country drive, long before seat belt laws, where she'd at some point in the southwest hung her feet out the window and set her head in Rusty's lap. It hadn't been for more than a few minutes, but Rusty recalled the moment with a clarity that surprised him all these years later. The way she'd looked up at him, smiling.
Cars were always a good thing too. How she'd lean her head out the window sometimes and laugh. How one time they got tangled up in the back of his truck. Trips, camping and fishing. Hunting too. Escaping to places where people hadn't cared about how they looked when so many places in the world had.
He didn't know how long he'd known that she was the only one for him. She'd taught him English, to read and write. She'd never treated him like he was stupid even when he struggled. She'd just set those hands on his and guided him through the process of learning something new.
And he didn't know when she realized it, when she reciprocated. All he knew was that time didn't really matter, he just wanted as much of it as he could have to spend with her.
He startled, and Kitty was looking at him.
"How long have you been standing there?"
"A while." He admitted, taking another sip of his beer.
"And why didn't you think to come out and sit with me?" She's teasing him as she puts her sewing away into her basket, and then stands up, motioning for him to come out. Rusty follows her to the porch swing, and she unfolds a quilt he's familiar with as he sits down next to her.
The border is a series of camellia blossoms and flower dogwood, their state flowers, with a vining pattern around them. And in the center stands a redheaded man holding the hands of a black woman in a yellow dress.
Rusty helps her spread out the quilt over the both of them, and then puts an arm over her shoulder. Kitty leans her head into him.
"There." She hums. "Much better to watch a sunset like this, don't you think?"
Rusty has hardly even noticed the sunset, but he glances out at it as he pulls her closer.
"Can't agree with ya more, Kitty-cat."
And as Rusty admires the sunset, Kitty watches how the orange hues of the light nearly set his hair ablaze with color. How it brings out the freckles that aren't hidden under his beard. How it makes him glow.
She leans in closer, enjoying the moment with him.
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surfingthesealand · 3 years ago
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Doodles of some random states. 🇺🇸
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savebats-statetalia · 2 years ago
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I this au thingy up on the spot for a scratch meme, but it kinda slapped so here's a little drawing of it on paper. (Downed Spaceman AU)
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linkinaboxx · 5 years ago
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4 more states to add to the collection.
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abandoned-accnt · 4 years ago
Tennessee : "Yoink" is the opposite of "yeet".
Mississippi : But it's just as fast.
Alabama : The Lord Yeeteth and the Lord yoinketh away.
Georgia, blinking : I think I'm having a stroke.
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hallelujahweddings · 8 years ago
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