#Hrvatsko Zagorje
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kittens (48) par Vlado Ferenčić
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Marisstella Octek (Stella Levanić Čižmešija)
#poetry#prose#lyrics#children literature#kids literature#EDDAs SAGAs#writers and poets#writing#CROATICA#indie author#Boka Kotorska#ACADEMIA EDU#essay#essay writing#stories#literature#words#poem#aestethic
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Wooden Barn with haydrying racks
Zagorska Sela, Croatia
Zagorska Sela is a village in northern Croatia in the Hrvatsko Zagorje region that sits in the southern foothills of the Julian Alps. The eastern side of the village and municipality is formed by the Sutla River that is the border between Croatia and Slovenia. The Sutla flows into the Sava river. The wooden barn and haydrying structure rests on a masonry base and contains open space for housing animals and equipment. The upper level provides open space to dry hay and closed work space. (photo 1988)
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Klenovnik (15) by Vlado Ferenčić
#Zagorje#Hrvatsko Zagorje#Hrvatska#Vlado Ferencic#winter#Vladimir Ferencic#snow#Klenovnik#Croatia#NIkon D600#Nikkor 17-35/2.8
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Matej Frajman: Zmajček Pozojček spašava legendu
Zmajček Pozojček je pomislio ako ljudi mogu putovati svijetom, onda i on sigurno može putovati kroz vrijeme. Nakon kraćeg razmišljanja odlučio je otputovati u prošlost i to u najveći grad Hrvatskoga zagorja, Krapinu, uz koji se vežu mnoge zanimljive legende, običaji i kultura. Odlučio je otputovati u vrijeme kad se događala najzanimljivija legenda, legenda o Čehu, Lehu i Mehu.
Zmajček Pozojček bio je vrlo pustolovan zmaj i često je volio putovati kroz vrijeme. Volio je sve legende, a najviše je volio one tužne pretvoriti u sretne. No, njegove je pustolovine zaustavio neki čudan virus koji je zavladao svijetom, zbog kojega su se odjednom svi ljudi zatvorili u svoje kuće pa je i Zmajček Pozojček odlučio napraviti odmor od mnogobrojnih putovanja. Bojao se da će ljude u…
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berberis vulgaris (01) by Karlstajber http://ift.tt/2pUFcvF #macro
#macro#close up#blossom#Klenovnik#Croatia#Nikon D600#Zagorje#Hrvatska#Vlado Ferencic#Hrvatsko Zagorje
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I want to draw this for a long time and finally it turned out!
In the region of Hrvatsko Zagorje in northern Croatia, the manufacturing of children’s wooden toys was developed in 19th century and UNESCO intangible heritage in 2009.
Every toys are fully handmade, usually the men in a family take soft willow, lime, beech and maple wood from the region and dry, hew, cut and carve it using traditional tools then the women apply ecologically-friendly paint in improvisational floral or geometric patterns.
(x x)
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28. april 2019.
Danas ćemo učiti jednu pesmu koja je namenjena drugu Titu za njegov rodjendan. Pre nego što predjemo na učenje melodije govorićemo u najglavni- jim crtama o drugu Titu. To su sve poznate stvari. Vi deco ste s njima upoznati iz časova srpskog jezika, iz pričanja na raznim proslavama sa raznih proslava, bilo da je to dan Armije, dan pobede, dan republike praznik žena — svuda se pominje ime našeg pretsednika. Bilo bi mnogo kada bi nabrajali sve detalje koji čine da je lik maršala Tita toliko čvrst, popularan i u narodu toliko voljen. I ne samo u našoj domovini. Drug Tito je poznat u svetskoj javnosti još odavno. Kao ilegalac, pa posle kao vodja partizanskih borbi, i najzad kao primeran državnik koji se u medjunarodni politici istakao kao jedan od najdoslednijih boraca za mir medju narodima, koji se zalaže za slobodu i nezavistnost među državama sa isto toliko energije, kao što je to činio u periodu revolucije od 1941-1945.
Rodjen je u Kumrovcu — hrvatsko Zagorje pre 65 godina u siromašnoj seljačkoj porodici. Rano je osetio svu gorčinu teškog života. Njegova mladost bila je ispunjena tugom, borbom za samoodrža- nje. Ali on nije klonuo. Kao metalski radnik on se uključuje u radnički pokret i postade član Komunističke partije, koja je tada bila ilegalna. I to zato što je bila proganjana od predratnih režima.
Maltretiran od majstora kod kojih je radio, on je marljivo čitao naprednu literaturu, u koju je još onda verovao, i koja mu je pružila nadu za bolji život radnika. Kao politički radnik istakao se kao čovek sa velikom energijom, nesebičnošću i borbenošću. I kao takvog, Partija ga 1937 predlaže za svog sekretara. Na tom odgovornom mestu drug Tito je ostao sve do danas. Kroz NO postao je legendarna ličnost. O njemu, i njegovom herojstvu pevale su se pesme širom naše zemlje. On je stekao glas najmilijeg u našem narodu. Svetska javnost je sa svim tim upoznata i prema velikim zaslugama i popularnosti koju uživa drug Tito, ona danas visoko ceni njegovu reč.
Mnogi od nas se često zapitaju odkuda našemu maršalu nadimak Tito. Da li neko od vas to zna? Teško je utvrditi pravu istinu. Time su se bavili i neprijateljski krugovi za vreme okupacije. Nadimak je zbilja interesantan već zato što je kratak, i otsečan. Mi znamo i to, da je drug Tito još pre rata imao ilegalna imena, kao n. p. Walter. Meni je poznato o današnjem nadimku ovo: kada je maršal za vreme rata davao zaduženja
svojim komandantima činio je to ovako: Ti - to, Ti - to a ti - to! tako je ostao taj, danas jako popularan nadimak! A vi svi znate, da se zove pravim ime- nom Josip Broz!
U vezi sa učenjem ove pesme, koja je namenjena pionirima, ne smemo da zaboravimo, da je drug Tito veliki prijatelj pionira, da ih rado prima, razgovara, vodi u svoj park, gde ima puno zanimljivih stvari, životinja, kao n. pr. papagaja, koji znaju da pevaju dalmatinsku narodnu: “Marjane, Marjane...”
Pređimo na učenje pomenute pesme.
Ja ću vam diktirati stih po stih, a za mnom pišite.
I (Diktirati pesmu)
II (Posle prve strofe, diktirati II!)
III Neka nekoliko njih pojedinačno pročitaju tekst I. strofe, a ostali, da kontrolišu šta [su] napisali!
IV Posle svi zajedno lagano čitaju!
Melodija ove pesme je jako laka. Ja ću vam lagano odpevati prvi stih nekoliko puta! Ko li je upamtio prvi stih?
#tito#pioniri#1957#nastavnica muzičkog#koncept nastave#papagaji#marjane marjane#uskrs#zemun#50 kinti
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The Great Peasant Revolt of 1573
The peasant revolt of 1573 was a revolt against the unbearable living conditions of the dependent peasants. The revolt broke out on the estate of Franjo Tahy, affecting Hrvatsko Zagorje and a part of Slovenia...
The peasant revolt of 1573 was a revolt against the unbearable living conditions of the dependent peasants. The revolt broke out on the estate of Franjo Tahy, affecting Hrvatsko Zagorje and a part of Slovenia, and affected a number of peasant revolts in our area over the next few centuries. According to its organization, it was the most serious revolt of the peasants in Croatian and Slovenian…
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kittens (48) par Vlado Ferenčić
#kitty#cats & dogs#cats#kittens#animals#animal planet#Vlado Ferencic#Zagorje#Hrvatsko Zagorje#Vladimir Ferencic#Hrvatska#Croatia#Klenovnik#NIkon D600#Sigma 150-500/5-6.3#flickr
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Traditional Wooden Dwelling (hiža) in Staro Selo
Kumrovec, Croatia
Kumrovec is a village in the northwest region of Croatia known as the Hrvatsko Zagorje. Staro Selo (Old Village) is an ethnopark that contains a number of old structures gathered from the region as well as the homestead of Josip Broz Tito. This dwelling (hiža, hiša, or kuća) was constructed around 1830. It was constructed with wooden planks and covered with a plaster coating; the roof covering is rye straw (šop). The structure is joined to another and is identified as object 23/24. (photo 1988)
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Discover Veliki Tabor Castle in Croatia, an architectural wonder shrouded in mystery
Discover Veliki Tabor Castle in Croatia, an architectural wonder shrouded in mystery
– © Stjepko Krehula / Wikimedia Commons Veliki Tabor Castle, located in the Hrvatsko Zagorje region, is among the most attractive and best-preserved monuments of medieval fortification architecture in Croatia. Being both a castle and a museum, this magnificent building has been recently renovated, and it is breathtaking. A prime location in Croatia Veliki Tabor is a fortress and a museum dating…
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"Travel to Croatia with Google Arts & Culture"
Croatia, the country of a thousand islands, is well known for its spectacular beaches and national parks, and as one of the sunniest places in Europe. But it also has a rich cultural history, with one of the highest counts of items on UNESCO’s List of Intangible Cultural Heritage. Google Arts & Culture partnered with the Croatian National Tourist Board, the Museum of Arts and Crafts in Zagreb and the Museum Alka of Sinjto let the world experience the colors and sounds of Croatia. Learn about the local crafts, dance like there is no music, join best-in-class festivals or learn about the national delicacy strukli.
1. The Crafts
Decorating licitars Photo: Luka Smuk / Croatian National Tourist Board
Toy making from the region of Hrvatsko Zagorje Photo: Julien Duval / Croatian National Tourist Board
It’s the little things that give a place a distinct personality. In virtually every gift shop and souvenir stand in Croatia, the sweet biscuits called licitars are ubiquitous. The bright red, decorated hearts, birds and other shapes aren’t just colorful mementos—they’re part of Croatia’s intangible cultural heritage and a symbol of the country itself. Another tradition that survived centuries is the skill of handcrafting wooden toys. They are ubiquitous to the region, so much that in 2009, the traditional manufacturing of children’s wooden toys in the Hrvatsko Zagorje region of Croatia was inscribed to the UNESCO Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity. Check out the whole toy-making process.
2. The Fashion
Ljelja singing Photo: Ivo Biočina / Croatian National Tourist Board
Slavonika beret Photo: LFP Studio / Croatian National Tourist Board
When people think of the cultural heritage of Croatia, they often look to centuries-old traditions being kept alive by a small handful of practitioners. Croatia is vibrant with colors and traditional regional costumes, from Dalmatia’s floral handkerchiefs to Gorjani’s hats literally made out of flowers. Historical men’s fashion includes Alkar lancers, whose dark blue uniforms and plumes in their hats will take you back in time to the Ottoman Empire. And for an unforgettable celebration of color, there is nothing quite like the Rijeka Carnival. A new wave of young Croatian designers is taking inspiration from the country’s rich history of folk arts and crafts and applying it to contemporary fashion and accessories. See herehow Croatian crafts are influencing today’s design and fashion.
3. The Festivals
Lastovo Poklad festival with firecrackers: photographer: Stjepan Tafra / Croatian National Tourist Board
Bell ringers festival Photographer: Ivan Vranjić / Croatian National Tourist Board
Croatia is rich in music festivals, historic reenactments and religious festivities. Throughout the year, but especially in the spring and summer, annual festivities celebrate Croatia’s local, regional and national traditions. There is the loud and empowering Bell Ringers’ Pageant in Kastav, a historic Alka Tournament in Sinj, the beautifully costumed Spring Procession of Ljelje and the hilarious donkey race in Tribunj. On the opposite side of the country, on far-off Korčula Island, the locals cultivate the saber dance, a choreographed mock sword battle between two kings fighting for the love of a princess—quite a spectacle to see!
4. The Places
Dry stone wall on Kaprije island Photo: Ivo Pervan
Though Croatia is full of beautiful beaches and vibrant cities, the country’s foundations rest on dry stonewalls, which dates as far back as the 9th century BCE. That was when the ancient Liburnians began to erect defensive hill forts and walls using stone but no mortar or other binding material. They were such good builders that remnants of these constructions remain even today. Bavljenac Island has the densest concentration of dry stone walls, and when viewed from above it looks like a giant fingertip.
Curious to see more? Stroll around these top five locations and immerse yourself in the lush naturescapes of the country. Alternatively, check out g.co/travelcroatia, download the Android or iOS app or visit Google Arts & Culture. Uživaj!
Source : The Official Google Blog via Source information
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Julia Iliev: Bila sam vodič
Julia Iliev, 4.razred, OŠ Konjščina: Bila sam vodič (za natječaj Jer moja priča blista budi furešta il’ turista! )
Ljetos sam imala goste iz Australije. Za tu sam prigodu izmislila turistički vlakić – sve ćete čuti u priči. Lijepo se smjestite i uživajte! Počinjemo! Bok, ja sam Julia Iliev i bit ću vaš vodič kroz Hrvatsko zagorje. Samo za vas sam osmislila današnju turističku rutu. U prvom ćemo dijelu posjetiti Muzej krapinskih neandertalaca, dvorac Trakošćan i dvorac Veliki Tabor. U drugom dijelu voziti…
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New Post has been published on Books What
New Post has been published on http://bookswhat.com/archives/50799
Vladimir Jakopanec, autor romana U zamci Nefretitis i zbirke kratkih priča Omorina, u svom novom romanu Heretici inspiriran je posve novom temom, koja u nas još uvijek nije dovoljno obrađena. U fokusu njegova promišljanja ovoga puta je sudar novih, iluzornih i...
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