#How to attract my crush with mantra
howtoexloveback · 9 months
Black Magic Mantra To Get Desired Love Back
Are you in love or you love someone to your heart but the person doesn’t have the same feelings in return is quite painful? You are doing everything for that guy or girl but they don’t love you. So after doing all the efforts, you have an only one-stop solution to get the black magic services. During these instances, it is important to get the black magic services from experts to get the love…
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intothedysphoria · 6 months
Steve managed to accidentally crush his headphones over the weekend, so he reluctantly turned to Billy Hargrove for help.
Steve and Billy hadn’t exactly gotten off to the best of starts, considering they beat the crap out of each other within the week. Billy has mellowed out significantly since Neil had left though, so Steve told himself to grow some balls and walked into the general repair shop Billy worked at.
The death metal blasting from the speakers was obnoxious but there was basically nobody there so Steve was able to swallow down the rising panic creeping up his throat. Billy was just some guy. He’d move back to California come the new year and Steve’s life would be exactly the same as it had always been. At least that’s what he told himself.
Billy raised an unimpressed eyebrow at Steve tripping over the step on his way up then stammering his way through an apology. His headphones lay sadly tucked under arm, limp and lifeless.
Actually getting the word autism out was harder than Steve anticipated. Maybe it was because he wasn’t used to telling other people or maybe it was because he found Billy very attractive and he knew what happened whenever anyone he liked found out.
The curl of the lip. The sneer. The asking if he was like mentally five or something.
He managed to stumble his way through explaining that they were his sensory aides and they really helped him not get overwhelmed in public and please don’t punch me again Hargrove.
Billy didn’t punch him, much to Steve’s great surprise. Instead he mumbled something about be right back Harrington and disappeared into the staff only area, only to return with a brand new pair which he thrust into Steve’s hands.
“I get it Harrington. Just take these, you busted yours pretty badly. On the house.”
Steve was pretty sure his brain malfunctioned briefly and then attempted to exit the shop after pushing on a pull door.
Billy had been pretty civil with him. So either it was all some great prank that was about to fall on his head or Steve may have misjudged him just a little.
He didn’t risk reaching out again until a month later when he’d really managed to fuck his oven up and gave himself a five minute mantra about being confident before dming Billy on Instagram asking for help.
A message came back in a minute asking what the fuck he’d managed to do. Steve insisted he had no idea then he just got a short, blunt “on my way princess.”
Billy’s tool box was extensive. As much as Steve would have wished, that wasn’t an innuendo. He just had a lot of kit, probably more than was needed for the actual state of the oven.
They hung out a bit while Billy tinkered, threw out jargon that Steve didn’t understand, then declared it was fixed. Steve resolutely tried not to stare at a peach ass in very tight denim. He may have failed.
A comfortable silence fell afterwards until Steve panicked and asked if he wanted a coffee. It only seemed polite. Billy had been working all afternoon pretty much.
How that ended in them snuggled onto the sofa, Steve couldn’t exactly remember. All he could really register was that Billy’s arms were warm and strong and Steve wished he could just stay there.
Then he snuggled in further and Billy stiffened up. Crap. He’d fucked up somehow.
Steve pulled himself back up into a sitting position, self consciously checking his hair. Billy looked slightly bewildered but more at himself than Steve.
“You…………you alright man? I didn’t push you too far right?”
He got a slow blink in response and being pulled back into a muscular chest. Steve just hoped he wasn’t doing his “simp face”, as Robin had named it.
Ok first name was not a good sign. Prepare for a fist.
“I fucking like you ok? Don’t laugh. I’ve liked you ever since I first set eyes on you, you beautiful oblivious bastard.”
And Steve. Steve had always kind of hated romcoms. They were dumb and clishe and the couples who got together by the end never really made sense.
But looking at Billy’s slightly flushed face and after hearing his confession, Steve thought the romcom route might be the best way to go.
Billy really was a very good kisser.
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frownyalfred · 10 months
pap @ jason: isnt it a good thing youre pioneering healthier beauty standards for omegas, and thats why its toxic you refuse to speak up and give interviews
jason's internal mantra: killing is bad fighting reporters are bad
failson of rich company: i am a man of sophisticated taste, i like my omegas hearty if you know what i mean
jason, control hanging by a thread: oh?
PFFFFFFFT. Jason impressing the one alpha who wants his omega to be able to crush trees with his thighs, meanwhile all the other alphas turn away in disgust. THAT’S how he finds a mate.
one lone alpha at the charity event who saw the pap confrontation says “I like how you intimidated that paparazzi, it was so attractive” and Jason (a la Taron Egerton in that one interview) just goes “really??”
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moonkissedvisions · 6 months
Hi there! I don't know if you answer asks or not but her goes: I happened to randomly come across your post about your uncle. I'm an Anuradha moon, Mula Sun and Pushya Rising and yes I feel like many times I feel so strongly about things that they happen not in a good way though. Idk how or what this is but it's not controlled (unfortunately). Very recently I had a crush on a guy who is totally unattainable..... I thought about him so much and a few months later one of my classmates met his best friend and they're now good friends. She also introduced my classmate to his other friend circle. Turns out he's in a relationship though so oops... But that's the thing I never thought of him like "oh he'll be my bf kinda way" and I constantly put myself down thinking there was no way I'd be able to even see him from afar. Lol and look what that brought on me- I have to hear my classmate talk about his friends and him. 😪🥲
So yeah that was my story. Why do I feel like us Anuradha natives keep hurting ourselves over relationships. Claire Nakti did mention in her videos the Cindrella trope associated with Anuradha idk if it'll ever happen to me though. Anyway thanks for giving me a space to rant. I just felt like finally found someone who would understand. ❤
Hi there. :) Firstly, no problem at all. 🩷🩷🩷 I just wanted to say that I can relate to your story. I have Saturn in the first house conjunct my ascendant, and it happened to me that I attracted a guy I liked, but hesitated too much to make a move. After all the synchronicities and signs, I found out that he was already in a relationship with someone (he met her way after he met me) and I even HELPED other women get together with him after he was single, with good intentions and everything. It's like I served everyone, but me. It makes me think about how I have no problem putting others before myself in such situations, and in other cases too. I feel that this is especially true for Saturn-dominant people in general.
Anuradha is a particularly friendly and considerate nakshatra, diplomatic and loyal. And while I don't know your gender, I know men with this nakshatra who are true gentlemen and Saturn women who are the type to help everyone and do a lot of things for them, being extremely submissive and passive. This is not necessarily bad!! It's also common for Saturn people to not feel sure about certain things and hesitate to get what they want straightforwardly. They often struggle to make decisions in many areas of their lives. In the end, Saturn is exalted in Libra, and Saturn people strive to restore and maintain the balance of everything, and of Karma.
No placement is a curse, though. I think if Saturn people struggle with relationships is due to the things I mentioned above, NOT because they are meant to struggle in relationships or any aspect of their lives at all. When Saturn people set their minds to a goal, they are highly disciplined and persistent until they achieve it. They are responsible among many other things. They are also the type to say "Today I will get this done" or "This year I will accomplish this" and succeed. Mantras and affirmations are especially powerful for you so I would consider this, and also keep focusing on your goals, serving others, and being how you are. Although this case may have been disappointing to you, I still believe you are doing a good job just the way you are. 🩷✨
Remember that Saturn is a planet that may take time to favor you. It promises to bless you eventually, while it teaches you to be a responsible person, restrict, and persevere. I think you acknowledged your placements and how they play out in your life very well!
Well, my message is to recognize the good qualities of your astrological chart and use them in your favor. Seek to understand the nature of Saturn more, focus on your strengths, and give credit to yourself often. I do get your concerns but trust me ;) there is no curse here and you didn't do anything wrong. Let's celebrate the good things and see all of what you do right instead of putting yourself down. You can correct your mistakes and improve yourself without putting energy into negative self-talk, overthinking, and anxiety. Also, take care of your health to prevent those issues.🫀
Lastly, think about how Anuradha is a devoted friend, a selfless lover, and a compassionate and empathetic person in general. Recognize your discipline and focus. My uncle, besides knocking down a wall, 😭 was able to successfully work in a variety of fields and he was always at the service of others, bringing them together and serving as a mediator. He was the peacemaker in my family when it was needed. I consider him a great teacher and counselor as well. He married late but he is so happy in his marriage and I suspect they are both Saturnians.
I sincerely hope that my response has been helpful! Don't hesitate to ask again if you need it. Although I'm not a professional, I take pleasure in answering your questions.
Anyway, you got this!! Believe in yourself and your path. 💋💋💋
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TW: Smut. Language. Mention of drugs (marijuana).
SUMMARY: Your inability to refrain from acting on your crush on your best friend proves fruitful…
Anonymous asked:
hii could u do a smut where reader and rafe are best friends but the reader secretly has the biggest crush on rafe and one day they're in his room on the bed getting high and playfully bickering and she just can't resist how hot he looks so she just kisses him suddenly to shut him and that catches him completely off guard and he's so surprised bc of how oblivious he was about her crush on him lol and she sits on his lap and they start dry humping, and it leads to him pounding her from behind hard and fast and teasing her about how she should have told him about her little crush on him earlier bc he would've fucked her sooner ;)
He’s your best friend. He’s your best friend. He’s your best friend. He’s your best friend. 
This was the simple, repetitive, but completely ineffective mantra that you had continued to repeat to yourself for the umpteenth time just today. That was because it was more difficult in this moment than it had been in any prior. Those small whispers of attraction were now blaring in desperation as you were absent minded in his perspective. But in truth, all you could think about were his lips pressing against yours. His hands running down the length of your willing body. His voice calling your name as he was breathless. And his co-
“Starting to think you’re only using me for my drugs-” He teased as he had been on some rant about Sarah, all of which you tuned out in the second you had stationed yourself beside him on the bed. But as always, you wouldn’t allow him the satisfaction of knowing he had this effect over you because you knew he would hold it over your head-especially if the feelings were unreciprocated. As you couldn’t help but ask yourself if he had felt that way about you, in any capacity, that he would have shown it by now. And because of it, you were taken back in reservation to act on what your body yearned for. 
“What else would I be here for?” You continued with this banter, his jaw cocking as if to say, ‘oh really’, before he held the blunt out of reach. 
“Well then just for that, you don’t get anymore. I’m cutting you off. Until you can learn to be nice to me.” You set your head to the side in clear annoyance before going to reach for it, forcing you to straddle him. 
“But it’s so much easier to be mean.” You continued, stretching over him as he kept it effortlessly from you, the grip around your waist having accelerated your pulse, as he would scoff beneath you. 
“Please…You couldn't be mean if you tried-” Before you could retract yourself, your lips had been against his. The entirety of humor from his face had been drained as he would continue to just stare at you. 
“I-” You closed your eyes, pressing your hands to his chest to prepare to push yourself off of him, only to feel him take a cruel hold to your hips. Keeping you in place, he forced you to move against him, his lips pulling apart to the friction also felt and heated between your legs. 
“Keep fucking moving…fuck…” He breathed before leading his lips to your neck, your body set on fire from his sudden desire as this had been a moment you thought of in eager desperation. 
“Rafe-” His hand came to the back of your neck. 
“Don’t tell me you don’t want this…”
“I’ve always wanted this…” Your confession was revealed before you could stop it, his brows rising in approval. 
“Then I want these off…” He explained, tugging on your shirt and bra as you were quick to oblige, his teeth sinking into your breast in a painful punge quickly remedied by his tongue, “And I want you to show me how you’d do it…See if it’s worth my while…” He continued to tease as he positioned you over his cock, bringing you to initiate those motions, before ultimately taking control and forcing you to rise, fall, and rush over his clothed shaft until his nails left indents at your hips. 
“From behind…I’m taking you that way-right now.” You squealed with excitement as you were positioned this way, your shorts and panties taken immediately from your hips as he was quick to undress, the feeling of his hands running down your curves and between your legs having made you jolt and gasp. 
“All THIS for me?” He asked with a smirk while you nodded. 
“You always dripping like this when you’re with me?” Again, you nodded. A smack to your ass brought yet another gasp from your lips. 
“That’s for not telling me. Think of all the fun…” He took his cock between your folds, allowing you to learn the length of him as he luxuridated his entire rigidity between your lower lips, “we could have had if you just told me…at the beach and at the club…I could have had you in every position by now!” He teased. 
“Rafe, please-” His hand came to your neck, pulling you just high enough to cause you to strain to speak. 
“Beg me. It’s so fucking sexy…Hearing my best friend want my cock like this…Say you want it…tell me…” His tone was breathless yet condescending from behind you as he continued to pound into you with those vicious thrusts, slowing them as he spoke, but increasing them while making it difficult for you to respond. 
“Cock, Rafe, fuck-” Was all you could utter as he scoffed. 
“Works for me.” He teased, feeling you begin to tremble. 
“Aww…you gonna come?” 
“Sing it for me, sweetheart…Let me know I’m SUCH a good friend to you…taking care of you-” His hand came to your clit, increasing the acceleration to your high as you spilled quickly, his edging and sudden pleasure having caused you to squirt. 
“You stay right fucking there…I want to use that for me…” He pulled you to his chest, the sudden slick making it even more effortless to glide in and out of you as he reached his own high, smacking your ass one final time, before scoffing. 
“Just think, we could have done that SO much sooner if you just would’ve told me…” 
Taglist: @hopebaker @iovdrew @penny4yourthoughts @magnificantmermaid @pickingviolets @lovedetlost @trikigirl271 @maybankslover @slut4starkey @slvtherinseeker @obxiskewl @obxxrxfes @bluesongbird @slut-era @ailee-celeste @rafesbae
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sunnyrosewritesstuff · 11 months
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More Bagginshield treats! Thank you @shantismurf for your request. I hope this meets your expectations. 🥰
Flower Crowns
Pairing: Bagginshield
Type of Treat: Sweet, Romantic Pining
Word Count: 717
“Are you sure about this, Cousin?” Siggy asked Bilbo, looking at their dwarven guest uncertainly. “He’s already turned down four flower crowns tonight. I don’t think he wants to be courted by a hobbit.”
Bilbo gripped the crown in his hand just a little bit tighter. He’s had the biggest crush on Prince Thorin, ever since he showed up at their grandparents’ smial to begin negotiations between Erebor and the Shire on behalf of the Ered Luin community. As the Baggins of Bag End, it had been necessary for Bilbo to attend the meetings, and he learned that Thorin was fair and just. He was eloquent, straight to the point, and he was also unfairly attractive with his dark curl locks and his piercing blue eyes. An assessment his fellow hobbits seemed to agree on as the doe-eyed looks and presentations of flowers seemed to suggest. 
However, Bilbo was feeling unusually confident that with him it would be different. Perhaps it was just wishful thinking, but he thought they shared a moment the other day during their tea break. When Bilbo asked about Thorin’s travels, his Took side hung onto his every word, and Thorin promised to take Bilbo if he ever felt so inclined. It could just be a polite offer with no real meaning, but there was a look in Thorin’s eyes. A look that he kept pinning Bilbo with that made something warm and fuzzy settle in his bones.
Even now, Thorin would glance over at Bilbo from where he was sharing drinks with some of Bilbo’s Brandybuck relatives, and he would pin him with that same look. Bilbo took a deep breath.
“I have to try.” He declared to Siggy.
His cousin clapped him hard on the shoulder. “How unusually Took of you, Bilbo. I’m so proud! You go get that dwarven prince of yours!”
Bilbo gave him a smirk back, thankful for the pep talk as the steeled his courage and took a step forward. Just one more step. Just one more step. Bilbo continued his mantra until he was in front of Thorin who had excused himself to meet Bilbo halfway. Bilbo found himself tongue tied under those gorgeous blue eyes trying to recall the exact reason he came over here in the first place.
“It seems we meet again, Master Baggins.” Thorin spoke, his voice smooth and low pitched.
It was enough to send Bilbo’s knees knocking. He cleared his throat before extending his hands and the subsequent flower crown forward.
“Prince Thorin, I made you this crown in the hopes that you will accept my suit.”
Bilbo had cast his eyes downward, waiting for the inevitable decline only to receive no answer. Hesitantly, Bilbo raised his eyes again, only to find Thorin with a hand to his chin, regarding him with mock contemplation.
“I must confess I’ve turned down a few of these tonight, but I don’t quite know the full extent of the custom. Would you explain your craft to me, Master Baggins?”
Bilbo nodded before turning his eyes back to this creation.
“In the Shire, we court with flowers. A flower crown is made with the flowers or plants we recognize as being strengths of the other. Basically, we say ‘we know you well and want to crown you as such’.”
“So, your acorns and oak leaves say that I am ‘Oakenshield’. It’s more than what I have been acknowledged as so far, but does it mean you know me?” Thorin continued to tease.
Finally, feeling brave enough to look Thorin in the eye, Bilbo nodded. “Yes, because while that was the surface meaning I was going for, oaks have other meanings: honesty, strength, justice, and longevity in your rule. These are the things I have noticed about you, Thorin Oakenshield.”
For a moment, the smile slipped from his face and Thorin just stared at him. Bilbo started to worry that maybe he had made a mistake, and he didn’t know Thorin as well as he thought he did. The crown was plucked gently from his hands, and placed upon Thorin’s brow. Bilbo’s mouth dropped in awe at actually receiving this wondrous gift. Thorin leaned in and kissed him before Bilbo could do anything more embarrassing than that.
“It’s a good start. Let’s build on it together.”
Trick or treat my inbox.
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ash-and-books · 6 months
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Rating: 3.5/5
Book Blurb: Love and Vanity meets Succession in a clever, funny, and romantic uplit about wealth, power, family, and love from rising star Lily Chu.
For Dee Kwan, every day is the perfect day. No, really. She has a house she loves, a job she adores, and a ridiculously attractive “nemesis” who never seems to mind when she wins their favorite online game. How can life possibly get better? (It can’t, obviously. It can only get much, much worse.)
Soon Dee is forced to share her adorably cozy home with her parents and prickly estranged grandmother. Then she's tossed into the deep end, tasked with cleaning up a scandal for intimidatingly chic luxury fashion firm Celeste. If that weren’t enough, she discovers her hot-nemesis works there, too…and Teddy is nothing like the man she thought she knew.
Before she can cry foul, Teddy comes clean about his double life: he’s the heir to the CEO and he needs her help to make Celeste a better place—for everyone. But that means taking down the old guard—including his father—intent on standing in their way. Now in the center of a dizzying corporate coup, Dee is forced to decide whether she’s ready to stop watching the world through rose-colored glasses and instead face the truth: about herself, about her feelings for Teddy, and about what she’s willing to do to truly make a difference.
Always remain positive, no matter the cost
Realize that every setback is a hidden opportunity
Accept compliments graciously, especially when given by mega-hot rivals
Never, ever question whether any of these mantras actually work
What happens when you start your new job you find out that the guy you're crushing on is actually the CEO's son and the company you are working at has a huge diversity and misogyny issue? Drama. Dee Kwan loves her life, she's got her dream job, she's got a house she adores, and a very hot "nemesis" on her favorite online puzzle game. Yet that all takes a turn when her job is shut down, her parents and grandma move into her house, and now at her new job she is forced to clean up a scandal for an intimidating chic luxury fashion firm... and to top it off, when she finally meets her hot nemesis and starts falling for him... she discovers he is the heir to the CEO of the problematic company she is working at. Dee wants so badly to make a change at the fashion firm Celeste, but with so many superiors who are standing in her way and the constant battle to even get change for the bare minimum... Dee is fighting a battle she never thought she'd face. From dealing with terrible superiors, secretly dating the one guy who is off limits, and trying to find a way to fix the diversity and terrible practices of the company, Dee has her plate full. Her positive optimism can only take her so far before the cracks begin to show and when things get worse... Dee will have to see if she's willing to risk her job and the guy she's falling for, to do the right thing. I loved the author's previous two books and this one felt like a departure from the other two as this one was less romantic and much more job drama. It started off really cute and I did love Dee and Teddy together, yet the romance kind of fell off into the background and took a step back to the job drama that Dee was going through. This didn't feel like a romance book, it felt much more like women's fiction and I feel like if I had known that going in I would have held my expectations more. The story itself was okay, I just felt like I was expecting a romance and I barely got one. I did like that the book addresses diversity issues in companies and the practices that some companies have, and I also had fun with the fashion industry element, I just kind of wish there was a bit more. It's a good contemporary book for sure, I just think you should know what to expect before going in so you don't get the wrong hopes up.
*Thanks Netgalley and SOURCEBOOKS Casablanca | Sourcebooks Casablanca for sending me an arc in exchange for an honest review*
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Inch-resting . Doesn't that create problems in monogamy for him? Even if he doesn't cheat, just subconsciously starting liking someone else who seems to value you will create problems imo?
Taking this opportunity to ask for Klicky angsttt where Klaus genuinely has a crush on someone else - just someone he looked up to (like a teacher or anyone) eho validated him and had some thoughts but decided against it because he loved vicky a lot more .
Far From The Eyes, Close To The Heart | The Umbrella Academy AU
Pairing: Klaus x Vicky (OC - The Eighth Child’ Verse)
Word Count: 1,2 k
Warning: Strong language, angst
a/n: Yes! I believe he has issues with monogamy because he never really understood his feelings and what love is supposed to feel like. Thanks for the amazing suggestion and I love the ship name Klicky. Hope you like it <3
It had been over a year since Klaus fell into that alleyway and found himself completely lost in Dallas. Just as he managed to confess his feelings to Vicky... Of course that would happen, the little girl on the bike must really not like him.
Even though it didn't seem like he would ever meet any of his siblings again (except for Ben of course), a little voice in his head still held him back, saying they were still out there. Vicky was still out there waiting for him. Whenever he saw anything beautiful, he couldn't help remembering her and sometimes it would bring tears to his eyes.
The cult was full of attractive people who would most likely be willing to have sex with their leader. Sometimes it occurred to him the thought of sleeping with them, but always at the last second, he couldn't. He even failed to... get it up a few times, which he attributed to divine intervention. 
What really got him going was the memory of the few times he got to be with Victoria. He still remembered perfectly, the taste of her lips, the softness of her skin, the smell of her perfume. He remembered that electric sensation when she first kissed him in Vietnam, the excitement of waking up next to her, the whispered conversations they had when they thought the world was ending.
"Be alive, be alive, be alive..." he mumbled. It was taking longer than it did in Vietnam, it was getting harder and harder to hold out hope every day that passed.
"How long are you gonna stay out here pretending to meditate?" a voice called him as he sat under a tree next to the mansion. They had just returned from Greece and Klaus decided to buy the engagement ring, even though he didn't know if she would ever get to wear it.
"Hey, Justin," he turned around with a sad smile. "Why don't you sit down?"
Justin was a young man in his late 20s, tall and muscular, with wavy blonde hair and blue eyes. He had a nose that seemed sculpted and a velvety voice that could make anyone tremble. He wasn't technically part of the Destiny's Children, he was there simply because his younger (and much more gullible) brother, Matthew, decided to join about four months before that conversation took place.
He knew it was a cult, but Matthew didn't see it that way, so Justin followed wherever his brother went to protect him as they were both orphans since Justin was just a teenager. 
"Why do you say I'm pretending to meditate?" Klaus asked.
"Because I never heard the mantra be alive, it sounds more like a prayer."
"It is, but it doesn't mean I'm not meditating on it."
"Who are you praying for?" Justin asked. 
"My siblings, I think you know how that feels. I haven't seen them in so long."
Justin nodded. He didn't believe Klaus was a prophet, he didn't even believe the man knew what he was talking about most of the time, but he recognized a good person under all the bullshit and his crazy facade. That knowledge quickly turned into attraction, which quickly turned into a crush.
"I do, are you orphans too?" 
"Yeah, our father died just a while back and our mom... was crushed when our house collapsed."
"Really? Or is that more bullshit?"
"It's true. If you think all I say is bullshit then why are you still here?"
"You know why."
"Because of Marcus."
"Matthew," Justin corrected with a chuckle. "Yeah, him too."
Klaus noticed how the man looked at him, he knew that look well and it usually brought a cocky smirk to his face, but it was more complicated this time. 
First, there was Dave, then there was Vicky. Too many times he had his heart broken. Even though, he couldn't help imagining what it would be like being with Justin. A nice guy with his life somewhat together, wasn't embarrassed to demonstrate his feelings and treated him like he mattered. All of that made his heart race a little, but he would never admit it to Ben, who was always bugging him about it.
"Can I ask you a question?" Justin murmured, finally gathering the courage to say something.
"Yeah, but you'll probably say the answer is bullshit," Klaus laughed.
"Why have you never slept with anyone here? It's a house full of people, you must be attracted to at least one of them..."
"Honestly, at this point, I have no idea. It just doesn't feel right I guess."
"Is there anyone you would consider being with?" 
"Yeah, definitely."
Klaus and Justin exchanged a look. They both knew they were attracted to each other and more than that, they even liked each other, but so far none of them took the first step. 
Tired of waiting, Justin leaned in for a kiss, which Klaus reciprocated at first, but after a moment, he pulled away. 
"I- I can't," he breathed, though he hadn't felt that good in ages, he really missed the giddy feeling of being wanted and touched in that way.
"Why not?" the young man tried to not let his disappointment show.
"I'm already taken."
"By who?"
"Her name is Victoria, she's been the love of my life ever since I learned what love was. We grew up together and I knew deep inside she felt the same way, but we took too long to say anything and then I lost her. Now I don't know where she is, if she's alive, if she's doing well," Klaus' voice cracked as a tear rolled down his cheek. "There isn't one day I don't regret not saying something sooner, wasting all that time we could've spent together."
"She's a very lucky lady."
"I'm the lucky one. She's the most loving person I've ever met, she loved me when I was unlovable, when I was destroyed. I don't know what I ever did to deserve someone like her."
Saying those things out loud unlocked something in him and Klaus started sobbing for the first time in a long time. He imagined Vicky wouldn't like to see him cry and if she was alive she could probably hear him in her head, but he couldn't help it. He just missed her more than he could ever explain. He didn't feel like a person, part of him was empty, longing for that voice, that laugh. 
"It's all right!" Justin rubbed his back soothingly. "I thought you liked me... I was stupid, sorry I mixed things up."
"I do like you, that's the thing. You're very handsome and sweet, what's not to like? I just-"
"Love her."
"Yeah," Klaus breathed.
"Don't worry, I understand," he shrugged, though he was pretty much gutted as well. Even with all the sadness, he admired that devotion, it was beautiful and he hoped one day someone would feel the same way about him.
Meanwhile, on the other side of town, Victoria was working, dusting the display TVs while Elliott took a break. She heard loud and clear: I can't keep living without her. 
"I miss you too, Klausie," she whispered to herself.  
Tag List: @elliethesuperfruitlover @seanfalco @badsext @salvador-daley @firstpersonnarrator
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firedragon1321 · 1 year
I usually leave the sexuality of my characters entirely up to them. Unless the story hinges on them being attracted to someone specific (which is rare, unless we're talking villains with obsessive fascinations with main characters), I leave my characters alone and let them choose.
I learned my lesson about choking their sexual tastes because of The Plot and The Themes and The Author's Personal Bullshit. That contributed in killing my first trilogy. Being surprised is more fun, anyway.
Elly was my first Surprise Gay Protagonist. Learning from my past failure, I went "okay let's see where this goes". He ends his story happily married. I still have to do some edits but I'm not removing that. He goes through a lot of shit and deserves happiness.
Kova is developing a crush on his friend Mikita. And I love and support him. Not sure how Mikita will react yet. But they'll probably end up together, too. They just both have to get over the mantras of the fucked up dystopian societies they come from.
Here are the protag boys (near the end of their stories and all grown up).
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777rare · 2 years
BRING CRUSH TO ME - 89974476
LOVE MARRIAGE - 46619615
THE BOMB OF LOVE (to increase love in your world beyond your imagination!) - 00 53 111
Write them on your wrist
Repeat them as affirmations or mantras
Write them on a piece of paper and tuck them under your pillow at night
Write them on your scripting letter to the universe
Label your water bottle with a Grabovoi code to manifest with water
Write Grabovoi numbers on a bay leaf, then burn the leaf and spread the ashes
You can do almost anything with these codes to get them to work.
Also, don’t be afraid to get creative with this!
For your Request😊💫 @melaninnmagixc
Feel free to request whatever you want me to post in my dm❤🌻
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Katsuki Bakugo realizing he has a crush on you...
(Bakugo x F!Reader)
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a/n: like the title suggests, it's just going to be headcanons of our favorite hothead, bakugo. requests are open, but make sure to read my pinned post before leaving your request! i hope you enjoy this one!
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As we all know, Bakugo always goes on board no matter what the situation is. He just has that firepower that fits his personality perfectly. When he first met you, he was actually trying to challenge you. Since your quirk lets you shoot lasers using your fingers, or when full-powered, your whole hand. Plus, your physical ability and mobility rival his. With that, you two are always paired up when your Aizawa-sensei saw a potential duo between you and Bakugo.
There's not a day that he would poke fun at you. Whether it'd be in the dorm, in the classroom, or in the ground beta. He'll do anything to stir you up. However, one day, you were so fed up with him and gave him a taste of his medicine. As you brutally beat him up with a devastating loss on his side. He was upset, but he's finally admitted something to himself...
But, little did you know, Bakugo did start to grow some silly crush on you. He tried to shake this off, but the two of you always together don't help him. This boy has a habit of eavesdropping on others, and he overheard that your type is a nice and serious guy. Mina suggested that you probably have a crush on Todoroki, but you rejected that idea. Bakugo is a man full of pride who took this seriously. As his mantra goes, he always wins. And, he was determined that he must win you.
When he went to Best Jeanist's work-study, he thought that maybe the hairstyle the pro hero gives him is exactly what you wanted. So, the week after your work-study, he came in all prim and proper. But, he felt his ego shattered when you laughed at a joke that Kaminari made. However, that didn't discourage him. Suddenly, he was excelling in a lot of aspects in school. Whether it'd be hero work or academics. You realized how Bakugo is much more attractive when he just shuts up and calms down for once.
Again, it was time for your quirk training and Bakugo being your partner was just stretching to prepare. He keeps on smoothing his hair back. He told himself that he won't lose to you again. But, around that time, your quirk manifested into an even greater range, causing it to go out of control. You accidentally hit him, and of course, you rushed towards him. When he was okay and was standing up on his own, you hugged him really tight and you were saying sorry to him. He didn't realize he was hugging you back until Midoriya called him, "Kacchan!" Midoriya ran towards the two of you, and Bakugo just immediately screamed at his face. Kaminari and Kirishima were making fun of him, telling him that he's just mad because Midoriya ruined his "moment" with you. And, that was the start where your classmates would tease you two...
But, he finally lowers his pride and admits to himself that if there's someone who could be stronger than him, it should only be you. It should only be the girl he genuinely likes, and the only girl who softened him up.
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tokoyamisstuff · 3 years
This Is New For Me
Loki x Reader
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Summary: Life on Asgard can be straining - especially if the God of Mischief has taken a liking to you.
Warnings: Loki being so terrible at flirting it physically hurts, bullying, this got way angstier than I initially intended
Words: ~2800
A/N: I’ve written this trying to distract myself from personal problems, but honestly I can’t think straight rn. Dunno I kinda hate how this turned out but here you go I guess...sorry.
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Loki Odinson must really despise you.
No matter how often Thor would stand up for his brother and try to justify his behavior, there was no other explanation for you other than that he must truly hate you with every essence of his being.
In the beginning, having been invited in the palace to train magic under the Allmother sounded like a once-in-a-lifetime chance - yet all that’s left from your initial excitement had been replaced by pure annoyance.
Lately, whenever you knew that you had to attend class with that certain raven-haired prince, your insides would churn before you even arrived.
Weeks have turned into months, never once ceasing his condescending remarks or childish pranks. Of course, he wasn’t called the God of Mischief for nothing.
All nine realms had tales to tell about his sheganinans - yet with you, he seemed especially invested. There was not one encounter where he could leave you at peace, always ending with you being victim to his wicked humor. 
The man did not seem to respect you at all - and it made you furious.
Today, you’d show him just what you were capable of!
“Greetings, great Allmother.” Polite as always, you bowed deeply in front of your queen, her magnificent presence still making you jittery beyond belief.
“No need for formalities, my lovely student” she responded heartily, only making you admire her even more - until a loud, exaggerated sigh cut through the calm atmosphere.
“Her again?” There he stood, maintaining his defensive pose as he rolled his eyes at you. “Mother, why would you keep on bringing a lowlife like her to defile this holy place?”
This was probably the millionth time that Frigga apologized deeply for her son’s behavior, and you were always amazed by her patience with him. How could a person so formidable end up raising such a troublemaker?
But then again...if she believes that there is good in the God of Mischief, then so would you.
“For today, I have prepared a spell that can only be cast by two mages at once”, Frigga explained, while Loki would still not bid you a single look. “So throughout this lesson, you will need to work together to succeed.”
Irritation was clearly visible on his face - and if you were perfectly honest, you weren’t really fond of that idea either. Yet if it was your scolar’s wish, none of you would protest.
“Spontaneous creation of complex concepts puts a huge stroll on one’s mind and body, so do not be frustrated if it doesn’t work within the first try.”
The idea was simple: Create a blooming meadow in midst of the palace floor, since creating life would be way too complex - only masters of the sorcery arts could take this spell to completion.
You and Loki were now sitting on the bare floor in front of each other and only now you realized how tense he had become, sweat dripping from his forehead and biting his bottom lip.
Was your presence really so terrible that he couldn’t bear with it?!
“Hey” you whispered, taking his hands to form a ring just as instructed “Don’t worry, we’re gonna get this!”
“I don’t need your encouragement...” he spat between gritted teeth, now that you noticed his palms were just as sweaty as his face seemed to be.
One second. Two, tree...fourty....a hundret and two...
“Relax” Loki repeated to himself as if it was his mantra - but now, with your fingers entangled in his? Sheer impossible.
Distraught, he shot his mother a desperate look, just for her to point  towards you, sitting cross-legged and seemingly completely relaxed.
Since your eyes were closed, Loki took this chance to observe every detail of your face, without having to fear that you’d notice his little infatuation.
By the norns - you were as fair and bewitching as always. So way, way out of his league. An unreachable, vigorous being. No angel, valkyrie or similar could ever reach up to you - at least in his eyes.
Was this what they called love at first sight? Loki only knew those sentiments from novels he always ridiculed before he got to know you.
Slowly and steadily, Loki aligned his breathing pattern with yours, picturing the cycle of energy the two of you formed. Carefully, he began infusing you with his magic, trying his best to allow yourself do the same to him.
Another minute passed by and you were finally able to let your magic flow through each other’s bodies entirely, like a serene stream.
With things being like this, he felt so different from the Loki you knew.
His magic was strong, indeed - but so gentle, warm and somehow comfortable to be coated with. You wondered-
As soon as Loki slapped your hand away, breaking the cycle, all of the flowers that had previously bloossomed through you would wither in an instant.
“What the hel do you think you’re doing, you mewling quim?!” Loki shoutet as loud as his lungs allowed him to, while his mother’s face distorted in second-hand-embarrasment at her son’s choice of words. “Who do you think you are?!”
“I-I’m sorry, I just-” You only wanted to scan his emotions through the magic bond you shared, just peek under the cover for a mere second - what was he so afraid of you to find?
“Know your place, woman!” The god pointed at you before he rushed up, ignoring the ache in his heart as he saw your face contort in sadness. “You are beneath me, never forget that!”
Why were you even surprised?
“You’re right” you sniveled quietly as you balled a fist in your dress, and Loki hated himself so much that he wished to just disappear. “My apologies. You don’t have to put up with me ever again.”
As always, instead of fighting, you made your leave without ever fighting back.
Frigga’s pleads for you to stay and talk this over were all for naught when you rushed away, muttering curses directed towards youself rather than anyone else.
Instead of scolding her son, she’d punish him through her silence, furiously shaking her head as she rushed away as well.
Why did he always have to ruin everything?!
The God of Mischief was very well aware that whenever you were close, his mind went completely blank - and that made him panic.
Never before he had felt so goddamn vulnerable in front of anything, terrifying him beyond belief.
And Loki loathed that feeling: Losing control over himself, being reminded once again how alone and  unloveable he is, facing a goddess as stunning as you are every single day.
So he concluded it to be best to cope like he did all those millenia: Cover up those insecurities, shove his anxieties in the back of his heart and protect his heart from anyone coming close.
Good thing you believed that presumptupus, disoblinging duplicity of his to be his true self.
That would make it easier for the both of you, having as much distance as humanly possible. Vicinity could become dangerous terrain.
Yes, he would only save you some time - it would be a waste if you would try to actually give him a chance, just to be let down by what kind of disappointment he truly was.
But it wouldn’t end here - since the only way Loki Odinson first and only communication was through causing mischief.
A scream of yours startled the servants early in the morning, with your personal maiden being the first to rush to your side.
“Milady, wha-” She stopped in her tracks as she saw you standing in front of the mirror, touching your scalp in disbelief, where everything had been cut short.
That was it. Enough of it!
Dismissing the servants, you took a scissor and tried to at least make an acceptable hairstyle out of the mess he had made, before you would leave to the royal garden.
“You!” Pointing towards Loki, innocently sitting on a bench to watch the sunrise, you screamed and let a strand of hair run from your fingers to the floor. “You did this!”
“Now relax, would you” he chuckled, wearing his smug grin like a trophy as he defendingly held his hands into the air. “You should be grateful, it looks much better like this.”
Next thing he knew was the feeling of your backhand, mercilessly crushing against his collarbone.
Usually, you’d be shocked at yourself, for you had never been a person to choose violence ever before - but right now, you were too full of anger and hurt to even realize.
“You conniving craven pathetic worm!” you exclaimed, breathing heavily as you swung yet another fist towards the prince - however, he grabbed your wrists, trapping you in his hold.
In his life full of wrongdoings, he had been called worse than that - yet still, hearing insults coming from you of all people shot arrows through his heart with every word escaping his lips. Not that he’d ever admit, though.
“It was just a little prank.” Loki would’ve never thought that his actions would affect you this much. “What are you so worked up about?”
“All this time I believed there could be a good person beneath all that...but now what?” The compassion you detected in his eyes were only upsetting you even more. “You are a selfish, cruel and terrible person, and I gave up on you.”
Loki let go off of you, staring at you in disbelief:
You actually believed in him, all this time?! That was impossible!
If anything, the Odinson had always believed you to ignore his existence completely, if he wouldn’t use such drastic measures to attract your attention.
“Wait a second, I-”
“I hope you know that you deserve to be alone...” you sniveled, turning around to face him one last time before you fled the scene. “And you always will be.”
Several minutes had passed until Loki had given up in silencing he voices inside his head that told him you were right: He was indeed a despicable being, tainting your pure goodwill - repelling anyone that would still be willing to give the God of Mischief a chance.
Out of a whim, he jumped up from his place, wanting to rush after you. He was very well aware that he was probably beyond forgiveness by now, yet he at least wanted to make things up to you - even though he had no clue where to start.
“Calm down, Lady Y/N.”
Thor’s voice drang to Loki’s ears just a mere second before he saw that particular heart-wrenching scene unfold in front of him:
You were lying in his brother’s arms, crying to your heart’s extend while soothed you, softly petting what remained from your hair.  Loki remained hidden in the shadows, even though his guts told him to stab his brother right here and now.
“My brother...you know-” The God of Thunder was trying to find the right words, even though poetic speeches were not really his forte. “It’s just his speecial, twisted way of interacting. Who knows where he got that from.”
“I rather wonder if he realized how his behavior truly makes me feel” you snapped back, unwilling to keep defending him. “Weak and worthless, that’s how I feell. And every time our ways cross, he’s making it worse!”
By the gods, Loki never wanted to make you feel that way, let alone think such ways about yourself! He of all people, who knew best what its like to feel unfit and nowhere near enough.
Loki grabbed the fabric of his shirt tight, feeling that his heart might burst if he didn’t. It took everything in him to not let out a loud sob and be caught - but then, his brother snapped him out of it with an impossible question:
“Do you still love him?”
“L-Love might not be the right word, I mean-” Lately, you had let Thor in on your secret admiration for his younger brother. “With the way he’s treating me, and all-”
You just couldn’t help being drawn to him against all reason. After everything you had endured, just to be close to him - and he never even acknowledged your feelings.
And still, here you were, crying over a man that didn’t want you.
“Lady Y/N?”
Loki’s voice made you panic, immediately wriggling out of Thor’s embrace. The Odinson understood immediately, nodding towards his brother before leaving the two of you alone.
“Since when have you been standing there?!” Panic dropped to your stomach, wondering just how much he had heared.
“From the very beginning.”
Before you could even think about what to do now, Loki summoned a dagger, cutting off his raven locks in one swift move. “Wha-”
“Please, accept this as means of apology.” The man now dropped to one knee, humbly facing the ground. “I have never intended to make you doubt your most perfect self.”
Frantic, you were scanning his voice, face, anything for the slightest hint of a lie - but nothing. Loki seemed determined and sincere when he looked up to you, hesistantly taking a hold of your hand.
“This is new for me...” he uttered under his breath as his lips graced your knuckles, and only now you realized that he was trembling ever so slightly. 
“I-Is that another trick?!”
“What kind of vicious being do you think I am?” Well, after everything he had commited it was only natural of you accusing him. “There are lines not even I do not cross.”
Only for a brief second your heart felt a little bit lighter, as his eyes were locked with yours, lost in this moment you have been waited for so long...
...a little too unexpected, right?
Suddenly, you tugged your hand away, and Loki could only sigh in frustration. Of course it won’t be that easy for him to gain your trust. “I don’t need your pity, Loki...”
No matter how he racked his brain around the matter, he had burdened your shared past probably beyond the point of repair.
That would be his last chance, maybe the last time he’d ever see you again. He was so desperate in his attempt, and yet - what else could he do?
So for the first time in millenias, the God of Mischief decided to speak from the heart for a change:
"Y/N, I-I...As I said, this is new for me, so...” he cleared his throat before continuing, stress literally dropping out of every pore. “From the first day we’ve met, you...I mean...you were the most magnificent being I ever laid eyes upon, and...when I think about it now, I-I may be enarmored with you.”
Your eyes widened at this wholeheartedly confession, a sincere smile playing on his lips in contrast of sole tears running down his face.
Never before you had seen him like that: Flustered, vulnerable, and honest...
“I thought to be unworthy of your affection, so I tried to belittle you, to...I don’t even know. I’ve been told many times I am quite assertive of anyone but myself. I-I mean, I am a mess...I don’t understand my own feelings and thus drive away any chance of happiness, and...how could you ever-?”
“Mhh...” you silenced the man as your lips crushed over his, falling straight into his arms. It took Loki quite a second to fully grasp the situation before deepening the kiss, his arms wrapping around you as if you’d disappear if he was to ever let go.
“Y/N...” the prince gasped when your lips parted from that breathtaking kiss - and this time it was you who wore that thug grin on your face.
"Apology accepted” you giggled, just to smother the face of this flabbergasted man in yet another thousand smaller kisses.
This had to be a dream, he thought...and immediately, a wave of guilt washed over him. He did not deserve this in the slightest.
“Now, don’t give me that look.” Cupping Loki’s face in your hands, you gifted him that heartwarming expression he had ignored for so many years, thinking it was not meant for him. “That kiss wiped my memory from everything you’ve done...by now.”
Out of sheer, genuine happiness, Loki leaped from the floor and excitedly swirled you around in his arms.
After another kiss that would kick the air right out of your lungs. the god would peck a more gentle one afterwards, as sweet and tender as no one ever thought he could be.
Even if it’s gonna be a long way, Loki would prove to be worthy of your love.
“Lady Y/N...if you are to believe in me, then I swear I will be on my best behavior from now on!”
"Let's see about that."
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shihalyfie · 3 years
A guide to the 02 kids’ personalities and overall demeanors
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I’ve already covered the deeper details of each 02 kid’s character arc and development throughout the series, but I figured I might dedicate a more specific post about the complexities of their outer personalities, and their behavior patterns on a day-to-day basis. 02 is the kind of series that doesn’t really spell out what the characters tend to do or don’t tend to do, or what boundaries they will and won’t cross, which means it can be a bit of a challenging task to track their behavior over fifty episodes and figure out the patterns. Fortunately, these characters are written remarkably consistently over said episodes, so we have a lot to work with!
Disclaimer before we continue: In general, all of my 02-based meta is specifically written for the Japanese version in mind, but this especially applies to this one, because the majority of the nuances of the demeanor and personality traits described below were not retained in the American English dub at all (please see this post for more detail). As a result, please understand that if you’re working from the perspective of having only seen that dub, and the contents of the below post sound completely different, that would be why.
Daisuke and V-mon
Believe it or not, I would say that Daisuke is actually the most difficult to nail the nuances of out of this entire cast. This is probably a really weird thing to hear when the usual fandom mantra is that he’s “flat” or “lacking in development”, but I think the deceptive part is that while he’s simple-minded and himself doesn’t think in complex terms, analyzing his behavior as a whole and how he approaches things actually involves a lot of very delicate balances, and getting that exactly right can be very easy to mess up. Daisuke’s not a rude jerk who looks down on anyone, not in the slightest -- but he’s also not a saint who can do no wrong, either!
I think the easiest analogy (which I’ve brought up several times on this blog already) is that Daisuke is like a puppy, but not just any puppy -- a tiny puppy that barks very loudly at anything it perceives as threatening (regardless of whether it’s actually threatening), makes its feelings very clear with obvious likes and dislikes, and can do some phenomenally stupid things in a bid to please others, but in the end means no malice and only wants you to be happy.
This is to the point where I’m just going to have to bullet-point this, because there’s so much going on at once:
Excessively emotional: One of Daisuke’s earliest profiles refers to him as having “an excessively large range of human emotions”, and really, a lot of the humor surrounding him has to do with the fact he has incredibly dramatic, overblown reactions to nearly everything around him. So if he gets a little annoyed or suspicious of people making fun of him, he tends to get really dramatic about being upset, and when he experiences only a minor setback, he acts like it’s the end of the world, and when he’s emotionally hurt, he sometimes even gets set on the verge of crying (you can especially hear this in Kiuchi Reiko’s delivery). Even Daisuke himself doesn’t tend to get caught up in it for too long and gets over things surprisingly quickly, so you can take it as him just constantly being too wrapped up in the mood -- but when it really is a serious situation, he gets truly emotionally invested in it, too.
Too easy to read: Because Daisuke wears his heart on his sleeve and is dramatic about everything, he’s awful at hiding anything. Any attempt at trickery or trying to disguise his intentions quickly blows up in his face because he’s too simple-minded and too transparent.
Not malicious: Daisuke only ever lashes out or gets angry at others when he thinks others are doing something he disapproves of, or when he thinks he’s being attacked; he’s very warm and kind to everyone otherwise (even in the earliest parts of the series, when he’s at his roughest, you might notice he’s very soft around Chibimon, as if understanding that his partner is now in a very small and delicate form and needs to be treated accordingly). In other words, Daisuke is very quick to get defensive, but he has no malice or reason to be condescending towards anyone otherwise, and he’s perfectly friendly with people even when they’d provoked him earlier (because he doesn’t really hold grudges). He doesn’t attack people without reason; even when he voices dissent against what someone is doing, he very rarely, if ever, insults a person or their character directly. Even when he’s trying to state his opinions (such as when he bids for the others to accept Ken), he never forces them down others’ throats and accepts that they disagree with him, even if he’s clearly not happy with their disagreement.
Easily critical and suspicious: Daisuke is a very bluntly straightforward and honest person, and he seems to get most set off by people who act suspicious; note how his early-series outbursts towards Takeru tend to be when Takeru’s acting evasive, and in Hurricane Touchdown, he catches onto Wallace’s shady behavior even before he starts flirting with Miyako (Daisuke’s own method of trying to seem attractive to others involves just “doing something cool and hoping it’ll impress others”, so he seems to dislike the concept of flirting as a whole). Because of that, he catches easily onto “things looking off”, so he tends to call it out (even if sometimes he’s overdoing it and there isn’t actually anything significant to be upset about).
Supportive and adoring of others: Other than the moments when he gets set off, fundamentally speaking, Daisuke likes other people, is perfectly willing to acknowledge them or heap praise on them when they do something awesome, and generally cares for their well-being. He’s easily defers to others when he understands they’re better than him at something, and he even has a decently realistic scope of his limits (see how he’s perfectly aware he’s likely to lose the soccer game in 02 episode 8, and figures he might as well enjoy the experience). This is even taken to its logical conclusion in the Kizuna drama CD when he “credits” his friends for giving him amazing and insightful advice when all of it was actually pretty ordinary stuff they’d done offhandedly. It also means that, given his penchant for getting emotionally invested in everything, he has a huge emotional stake in making sure his friends are doing okay, and supports them accordingly.
Deferential to seniors/elders: Tying into the above, you may notice that Daisuke takes a properly respectful and soft tone towards his elders and seniors in nearly all occasions, even to the point of occasionally using proper polite-form language around them. All things considered, Daisuke is a pretty well-behaved kid.
Constantly getting strung around: As much as Daisuke looks like he’s aggressive, in actuality, it’s very easy to get him to back down if you argue against him strongly enough, and since he has such a “the heck is that?!” attitude all of the time, you can see him constantly getting strung around and at the mercy of things happening around him. That doesn’t mean he doesn’t have enough will to put his foot down when it becomes a really important subject (especially in the second half of the series), but it’s very often when he’ll be talked down by others around him and shrink with an “oh...okay...” In fact, this is why a lot of his actions aren’t nearly as reckless as they might be otherwise; as much as he’s a bit hot-headed and likes to lead the attack, he also has a sense of self-preservation and intimidation when things look a bit too dangerous, and will only push forward in such a case when there’s something he really believes in at the other side of it.
Lacking in self-awareness and insecure as a result: While Daisuke doesn’t have any signs of persistent self-hatred (on the contrary, there are times he arguably comes off as overconfident), it also seems that he has practically zero awareness of how he himself is doing -- which means that he ends up rolling over like an idiot trying to get others’ approval and trying to impress them, even when it’d be clear to anyone else that he already has that approval. This also likely ties into the fact that he’s perfectly capable of acknowledging others’ accomplishments and skills (see above), so you might even think that the problem isn’t so much that he thinks he’s bad as much as he keeps comparing himself to people he perceives as being that much more awesome. (Perhaps symbolic of this, he apparently has a complex over being shorter than Takeru and Ken, despite the fact that he seems to be of perfectly average height for a kid his age.) It seems that his only bar for how he’s doing is dependent on everyone’s reactions around him, hence why his ridiculous antics are significantly less pronounced when he has proper emotional support and friends to keep him in check. It’s also important to consider that this applies to his apparent crush on Hikari as well; his crush mainly manifests in wanting her approval very badly, and it’s mostly visible in terms of him losing a ton of brain cells in her presence and bending over backwards to please her or impress her. He never actually says in words that he’s interested in her, nor does he ever show signs of intending to seriously ask her out, so it’s something that’s only apparent because of this behavior, and it’s very likely he hasn’t even seriously thought through what would happen if she actually accepted him in return. You can basically see this as an extreme version of the way Daisuke tries to get approval from everyone else, and this trait of his noticeably dies down whenever there’s more important things at hand, or when he seems to be in the midst of getting proper validation from those around him.
Simple-minded and pragmatic: What’s usually referred to as Daisuke being an “idiot” comes from the fact he doesn’t play well with complex thinking, tends to settle for very simple explanations or answers, and more thoughtful types like Ken or Iori will often have to fill that part in for him. However, because Daisuke is so simple-minded, he’s sometimes the most pragmatic person in the group, because he doesn’t overthink things or get principles of theory caught up into everything. So if Ken is clearly not showing any indication of doing bad things anymore and is actively working to help, Daisuke believes he should be allowed to help regardless of what he’d done in the past, and if they’re dealing with the situation of potentially having to kill a living enemy, Daisuke points out that hesitation would have resulted in even more casualties. In essence, in a situation where everyone’s running mental loop-de-loops, Daisuke will usually be the first one to snap them all out of it and go “uh? Guys?” Moreover, this trait of his makes him very good at spotting glaring threads or asking questions about the elephant in the room, because since he works best with things that are right in front of him, he can’t not notice it.
Enjoys the little things: Because Daisuke is so simple-minded, it’s very easy to please him (this is why his chosen career path is something as simple as ramen making). Daisuke likes his friends, and appreciates even simple things around him, so he’s happy with even simple pieces of happiness -- hence, why he’s fine with potentially losing the soccer game in 02 episode 8, because he’s ready to simply just savor the experience of getting to play against a respectable and formidable opponent.
Note that the main reason Daisuke never seems to bring up any of these issues with himself within the series proper is simply that he doesn’t seem to be aware of them -- he’s too simple-minded to understand what’s going on with his own behavior in depth, and hence, this is how he can say he’s not worried about too much by the time of 02′s finale, especially since by that point he has a proper support group that’s already helping him deal with most of his issues anyway.
Daisuke also has the roughest speech pattern out of any of the 02 group (similar to Taichi and Yamato in Adventure); he has a tendency to shorten words a lot and use “rough” variants of words (for example “-nee” instead of “-nai”).
Mischievous, friendly, and playful, V-mon is pointed out even by official sources to be much like his partner (far more so than usual), and it’s likely a byproduct of the fact that Daisuke himself is very honest and straightforward about his emotions and thoughts, and so since he has nothing to hide, V-mon is pretty much exactly like him -- with the major difference being that he’s a little more outwardly friendly and less likely to lash out angrily. So he’s effectively Daisuke without that very thin abrasive exterior, and because both of them are so like-minded and friendly, they get along extremely well (albeit with quite a bit of comfortable bantering on the way there).
Ken and Wormmon
Ken is the more intellectual type that Daisuke isn’t, and even after his stint as the Kaiser, it’s clear that he’s still quite studious and naturally interested in studying things. Looking closely at his style of dress and way of carrying himself (note how he lays down his chopsticks in 02 episode 36) indicates he’s also a rather tidy person in general. Being someone who’s capable of thinking things thoroughly, this makes him able to have a lot of deep insight into both intellectual and emotional issues, but because he takes things too seriously sometimes, he can sometimes come off as a bit overly stickler or insistent (note Daisuke and Ken’s Shopping Carol, where he subjects Daisuke to a long-winded lecture about the history of Christmas, because, really, he’s a nerd), or lead himself down the wrong direction when he’s having a hard time being straightforward (such as when he comes up with some very flimsy theories about why Jogress might be dangerous in 02 episode 28).
In fact, Ken’s disposition could be considered to be the opposite of Daisuke’s in many ways; while Ken is much softer and more conciliatory on the surface, he’s actually much more assertive and strong-willed by default, and it’s made clear that, even after his reformation from the Kaiser persona, he could still be vicious if he wanted to, he just doesn’t enjoy it because he doesn’t like it and it goes against his belief system (note that he even offered to "dirty his own hands" in lieu of the other kids if push came to shove and Archnemon had to be killed in 02 episode 29, even though he clearly wasn't enthusiastic about the idea). In fact, he has a very strong sense of responsibility and believes heavily in making up for what he’s done -- recall that 02 episodes 26 and 49 involved snapping him out of it by reminding him that there were things that needed to be done, and that he himself still had many things he wanted to do that wouldn’t be addressed if he’d stayed fixated on his past. Thus, Ken doesn’t deny nor avoid anything he’d done, and he isn’t even all that prone to self-pity -- it’s just that his tendency to put too much responsibility on himself means that he also takes a while to accept everyone’s support, too, because he doesn’t like the idea of putting burdens on others.
Because Ken is actually one of the more straightforward people in this group and a fairly honest person (at least, as long as he’s not lying to himself), he might hold himself back a little bit in order to not be rude, but he doesn’t do it nearly to the same degree Takeru or Hikari would and is much more willing to speak his mind when he has an opinion he wants to voice or needs to sort out his thoughts on something. Conversely, he’s not nearly as cold as Iori can get when criticizing things (he’ll certainly be firm, but not as incisive). Most post-02 materials also indicate that he’s not above being a tease or even a little mischievous (see Armor Evolution to the Unknown, Diablomon Strikes Back, Daisuke and Ken’s Shopping Carol).
Ken uses a speech pattern that’s slightly more casual than Takeru’s, but not nearly as rough as Daisuke’s. While anime will often have speech patterns substantially change between different personas of a character, other than Park Romi’s delivery of a more condescending tone for the Kaiser and a significantly softer one for Ken, nothing about his speech pattern is substantially different between the two personas (not even the first-person pronoun), indicating that, in the end, they’re really the same person after all, just manifesting the same personality traits in different ways.
Wormmon is affectionate and clingy, unfailingly loyal to Ken, and his biggest advocate during a time when Ken is trying to relearn how to love and accept himself -- meaning that he ends up very important to providing Ken the initial support he needed before Ken allowed other friends into his life. Wormmon isn’t all nothing but clinginess, though -- he has some insight about the weight of his experiences when prompted (02 episode 46), and in fact is more than capable of calling out Ken’s behavior when he’s being unreasonable or throwing himself into denial (see 02 episodes 27, 30, and 49).
Miyako and Hawkmon
Miyako approaches everything she likes with an attitude that makes her come off as constantly having bubbles and hearts around her. When she likes something, she says so. When she doesn’t like something, she says so (and she will go off when she’s on a roll; see 02 episode 14). In fact, part of the reason she so infamously voices her opinion on people being cute is, quite simply, that it’s her honest opinion. (Note that she never actually tries to ask them out or anything -- she just wants to make it very clear that they’re attractive.)
For the most part, she adores the people around her, and, like the others in the 02 group, she’s perfectly respectful towards elders.  She also loves poking her nose in others’ business and trying to be as helpful as possible, which is good in that she ends up being a huge help to others, but also not good in that sometimes she overdoes it a bit (when Hikari calls her out for being a “handful” in 02 episode 31, the word she uses is one that literally means "a little too overly involved in others' business").
Miyako is the one who gets everyone up in high spirits by being cheerful, and whose cheer rubs off on everyone else around her (see her cheerfully leading the charge into the Digital World with her “Digital Gate, open! Chosen Children, let’s roll!” catchphrase). This is something the rest of the group catches onto very quickly, asking her to supply the “usual cheer”, and the later episodes of the series especially drive home the fact that her presence and antics bring happiness to those around her.
Miyako has a similar “chaotic, sloppy, and straightforward” demeanor to Daisuke, but there are some key differences. Unlike Daisuke, who’s bluntly honest about his opinions mainly because he doesn’t really hide things in general, Miyako’s opinions will be out of her mouth before she can control it. In other words, she has a nasty case of foot-in-mouth syndrome. In addition, while Daisuke tends to have a very thin skin and lashes out defensively out of instinct, Miyako takes things much more at face value and doesn’t blow a fuse nearly as easily, but because she’s significantly more assertive and aggressive, she’s much more prone to doing what she wants on her own whims instead of backing down to anyone. In fact, Miyako is significantly more emotionally sensitive in the long run, so while Daisuke tends to blow a fuse more easily, he’s also able to shrug it off and move on more quickly, whereas Miyako has a thicker skin, but when she does take emotional pain, she takes it much more deeply and harshly. She also tends to get overwhelmed easily by stress and panic, which makes her one of the more prone to running around in circles and doing frantic things in the midst of it.
One thing you might notice about Miyako is that she’s actually more critical of herself than anyone else in the group is; most of the time they act with mild exasperation at her antics but don’t tend to criticize her directly, whereas Miyako is very aware of her own shortcomings and is constantly either criticizing herself or comparing herself negatively to others (see: 02 episodes 10, 14, 18, and 31 especially). If she slips up and does something that stepped on someone else’s toes, it doesn’t take her long to realize that she’s messed up and want to do better. So while she generally tends to act the most in-your-face and aggressive, she also doesn’t necessarily want to be this way, and suffers from self-confidence issues and a poor opinion of herself.
Miyako uses a feminine speech pattern that’s a bit more casual than Hikari’s (she noticeably is willing to use the word anta for “you”, which has a bit of a connotation of being abrupt and in-your-face, especially with Daisuke). She’s also the most likely to physically manhandle things, both in the affectionate (hugging people) and aggressive (grabbing things and jumping on them in order to attack) senses.
Hawkmon is repeatedly referred to as being like Miyako’s “knight”, since he has absolute loyalty to her (in spite of her ridiculous antics often meaning he gets strung around by her) and is effectively in charge of minding her so she doesn’t get too out of control. While his overly polite and gentlemanly demeanor initially seems like a sharp contrast to Miyako’s aggressive and messy personality, you might also notice that, at their cores, the two aren’t all that different -- both are unfailingly loyal to others, and both also have a penchant for dramatic theatrics and being a bit overly proud of themselves.
Iori and Armadimon
The key thing to know about Iori is that he’s not stoic because he’s not feeling fervent emotions, but rather because he’s constantly holding them back (this is especially apparent if you look carefully at his facial expressions and Urawa Megumi’s delivery, where you can tell his facade is often “slipping” even when his words would indicate otherwise). Since Iori is trying to live by the ideal of being a model citizen, especially under the very formal environment he was raised in, he comes off as mature for his age, but it’s very important to not forget that, underneath all that, he’s still an impressionable nine-year-old child with the wide range of emotions and immaturity of one, and when he does emotionally fall apart, everything tends to burst out (see 02 episodes 16, 44, 47, 50). In addition, Iori is never condescending about the fact he usually acts more mature than the others; the impression is that he’s much more strict with himself than he is with others, and in fact still does look up to his elders in the 02 group even when they’re obviously a lot messier than he is.
The “need to be a model citizen” is something looming over Iori’s head at almost every moment, and it’s the easiest way to understand the way he acts in a nutshell. Iori is focused on the idea of “becoming a proper adult”, which means that he’s adhering to all of these principles because he feels they’re necessary to live a proper and honest life as per the formal manners that his family background trained him into. But like a young child who insists “you have to do this because those are the rules!” all of the time, Iori is over-applying all of this, and even his own grandfather advises him that he really needs to chill (02 episodes 5, 24). In short, he struggles with thinking flexibly and understanding that life isn’t all that clear-cut, because he’s a young child. Since he also tends to bring out these things in relation to “what my father would do/say”, it’s implied that he’s basing all of this off of having only hearsay to work off of in regards to what his father was actually like, to the point of aspiring to an impossible, saintlike version of him he’d created in his head.
Note that Iori’s “rules” have less to do with institutional rules (that would be more of a Jou thing) and more to do with self-imposed personal rules; for instance, he doesn’t mind sneaking into school during a holiday when it’s obviously not hurting anyone (02 episode 6), but he struggles with things like wasting food (02 episode 3) or not formally introducing himself to an elder (02 episode 5). So in other words, his adherence to principles has heavily to do with “the right and proper way to live” more than anything, and what he believes is the right thing to do in a given situation.
Iori’s journey in 02 is largely fueled by the fact that, as an inheritor of sorts of the Crest of Knowledge, he has a sense of “I want to know and understand more” whenever he sees something that makes him curious, but unlike Koushirou’s desire to learn more about the world around him in terms of its technical workings, Iori mainly wants to know more about people. The reason he begins to let go of his inflexible mindset is that he has the humility to understand that he still has a lot more to learn and understand, and when he sees behavior from others that doesn’t make sense, he does his best to learn more about it -- hence how his aggressive probing into learning more about Takeru allows them to reach an understanding and eventual Jogress, and how he’s able to eventually reassess his own view of human morality and emotions.
Iori sticks out in that he almost always uses the formal variant of Japanese in most situations (nobody else in the 02 group does this). However, formal in this situation doesn’t necessarily mean polite; Iori doesn’t believe in flattery and will bluntly state his opinion in said formal tone, and will be very cold towards something he sufficiently disapproves of or doesn’t have any respect for, which can make him even come off as passive-aggressive at times. (Noticeably, while he still asserts his own opinion, he does refrain from criticizing the others in the 02 group too much, presumably because he respects and looks up to them a lot as his elders, regardless of how chaotic they can sometimes get.) In addition, because a lot of his demeanor comes from him restraining himself, when his emotions are sufficiently pushed over the edge, he loses grip on the polite form and starts “lapsing” back into the casual one.
Because Iori was so young during 02, and because the events of its story ended up really upending his view of the world, the huge eight-year gap between 02 and Kizuna makes it difficult to predict certain things about his demeanor at the time of Kizuna (especially since his own voice actor commented on the difficulty of conveying the nuances of Iori’s character, thanks to only being able to work with the limited time frame of a movie that doesn’t put him in the kinds of emotionally drastic situations that push him to his limit). That said, everything we’ve seen of him in the movie itself and the drama CD makes reasonable sense; now that he’s much older, he comes off as having much better restraint on his emotions and coming off as genuinely calm, but he’s still not one for flattery, and you can still see very minor slips in his facade every so often.
Armadimon also initially seems like a sharp contrast to Iori in terms of demeanor, in that he’s much more casual and laid-back, and he’s indeed a huge factor in reminding Iori to chill once in a while -- but, much like Iori, he prods and asks questions about anything he’s curious about. This initially seems to be out of simple-mindedness because, being a Digimon, he doesn’t understand human society that well, but his very basic questions often end up snapping Iori back to reality in realizing that he’s getting hung up on things that don’t actually make practical sense. Urawa also felt that Armadimon fills in some of the void that Iori’s late father left behind, in that he provides Iori with unconditional love and helps guide him.
Takeru and Patamon
Takeru is the kind of person who seems to dislike major disruptions to the status quo, so he doesn’t say anything inflammatory that’ll rock the boat. It’s very difficult to get him to talk about serious topics related to his deeper personal feelings (02 episode 17, 35, Spring 2003), and even when it’s clear he might have more misgivings on the situation, unless it’s an urgent situation where it needs to be brought up, he won’t voice his misgivings too clearly for the sake of not causing trouble (hence why Daisuke is so unsure what to make of him in the early episodes of the series, because Takeru constantly fails to clarify his own position in favor of a “good for you” or “sure, you keep believing that if you want” attitude). This also makes him the most likely to awkwardly change the subject or try to distract with small talk, and it means that, even when he’s saying cheerful, pleasant things, it’s very likely there’s pain or uncertainty under that initial facade. (Note that while his suspicions of Ken during 02 episodes 25 and 27 aren't nearly as vicious as Iori's turn out to be, we learn that he's still willing to quietly accuse Ken of working for his own self-satisfaction in the latter episode, but he never brings this up to anyone but himself.)
Because Takeru isn’t  necessarily doing this to be consciously dishonest, it does mean that he also has positive applications of this tendency to take everything in stride and keep the peace, because he ends up keeping the more extreme personalities in the rest of the group in line and acts as an effective mediator. You could say that he has a pretty high amount of tolerance and a capacity for taking everyone’s points of view in mind. However, since it’s also very difficult to tell what he himself is thinking, his use of this as a poor coping mechanism for his personal trauma leads to a tendency for him to suddenly explode in a mess of emotions whenever something gets too personal, leading to sudden conflict, and with others at a loss in terms of how to deal with him (the most extreme example being 02 episode 19, but also present in 13, 11, and 34). This “two-sidedness” is why it ends up having to be the more consciously methodical Iori who steps up to try and understand him better as his Jogress partner.
Fortunately, Takeru shows signs of becoming more straightforward in the aftermath, although you can see that he still has a penchant for mild flattery and “trying to hold back for the sake of not being rude” all the way up to Kizuna (but, again, this can’t be said to necessarily be a bad thing when it means he has a valuable skill as a mediator).
Takeru has a fairly neutral speech pattern that comes off as casual but not too aggressive or assertive (not as absurdly polite as Iori’s, but slightly less assertive than Ken’s).
Patamon initially still seems to be “immature” in the same way he was in Adventure, which initially seems to widen the gap in personality between him and Takeru, but looking closer reveals that the differences aren’t as big as they seem; Patamon seems to have gained a capability for slyness and active trolling behind his playfulness (see 02 episode 7), not entirely like Takeru starting to use his evasiveness in a teasing-like manner. Moreover, Patamon does actually seem to have gained a bit of proper maturity in the meantime; see how he instructs the Baby Digimon on convenience store food in 02 episode 3, and in general seems much more willing to take independent action in ways he didn’t always in Adventure. Noticeably, Takeru’s difficulty with his own convoluted feelings means that he can’t even have a proper heart-to-heart with him about it on the situation (most glaring in 02 episode 34, where it’s implied that Takeru would rather leave Patamon to be happy right now instead of bothering him about it), especially because he’s clearly having difficulty even working it out with himself. However, despite their ostensible differences in mentality, Takeru and Patamon have no difficulty getting along at all in 02, and, other than Takeru pampering Patamon a bit, there isn’t all that strong of an impression of them being so mismatched -- perhaps because, in the end, they really aren’t all that different.
Hikari and Tailmon
Taichi stated in Adventure episode 48 that Hikari has a problem where she's so selfless and thinking of others that she'll never speak up about her own problems. Hikari states in 02 episode 31 that she compulsively cannot speak out about her own feelings even if she wanted to, to the point she’s jealous of Miyako for being able to be more open (even if it means being overkill at times). As a result: if Hikari’s talking about “the right thing to do”, or something for everyone’s sake, or something that’s relevant to other people and what’s best for them, she will be extremely vocal and quick to act, and she’s not above even chipping in with criticisms (see: 02 episodes 19, 32, 44). In fact, she’s fully capable of being playful or toying with others if she really wants to (see how she casually manipulates Daisuke into calling a lunch break for everyone in 02 episode 6).
The moment the issue at hand is about herself, though -- her own feelings or pain, or something that might hurt others’ feelings (hence the presumable reason she dodges Daisuke’s affections rather than proactively doing anything about it), or something that would put a burden on others for her own sake -- she completely clams up and refuses to do or say anything, and when bad things start happening to her, she resigns herself to her own fate and concludes she can’t do anything about it. Hence, why she takes such a defeatist attitude towards the Dark Ocean swallowing her up in 02 episodes 13 and 31, and why it’s such a big deal if she even so much as asks for help. 02 episode 31 indicates that Miyako reaching out to her is an important step in breaking her out of her shell, and the Kizuna drama CD -- which has Hikari assertively declare something she personally wants -- heavily implies further that Miyako was instrumental to this becoming possible.
Hikari is compassionate for others to the very end, expresses pity for BlackWarGreymon as early as 02 episode 31, and catches on quickly to Ken’s feelings on himself in 02 episode 37 (and even back when she’d been more skeptical about him in 02 episode 25, she never seemed to have real personal distaste against him as much as she still wanted to make sure he was trustworthy first). But although she’s one of the most compassionate in the group, she’s also one of the most assertive in the group. This leads to something that initially seems like a paradox: she’s actually more fervent about the need to fight than the more aggressive Miyako is. Miyako is, ultimately, emotionally caught up in everything and briefly falls apart at having killed LadyDevimon in 02 episode 44 (even despite knowing how horrible of a person she’d been), but Hikari is the one who points out that there would have been more victims if they hadn’t. 02 episodes 25 and 43 had made it abundantly clear that Hikari didn’t like it at all, but she states in 02 episode 37 repeatedly that they need to prevent there from being victims -- meaning that she values the importance of protecting all lives, including those who would be hurt in the process, and thus has some of the more resilient guts when it comes to the prospect of fighting to save others. Again, her hesitation only comes into play at its worst when it has to do with herself; working to save others is a no-brainer.
Hikari uses a casual feminine speech pattern that’s less in-your-face than Miyako’s, but she’s still a bit more casual than she was in Adventure, when she used the more polite watashi instead of atashi. Interestingly, Tailmon herself seems to have mirrored this as well, presumably because now that she’s had more time to recover from her miserable life under Vamdemon, she’s able to enjoy her life a bit more freely. This means that, while Tailmon is still the most mature and put-together of the Digimon partners in the 02 group, she sometimes acts a little more casual and playful in a similar way to Hikari, and while she has a certain degree of stuffy personal pride (see how she wasn’t very amused at how frivolously the other Digimon were playing around in 02 episode 3), she’s still open to enjoying herself a little more freely. Hikari, for her part, becomes surprisingly like-minded with her during those times -- see them in 02 episode 12 -- and, as stated earlier, it’s not like Hikari isn’t up for making tough decisions when they’re needed, either.
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💮💮Heyyy, I have a really annoying pet peeve in romance fanfiction and wanted to know your opinion.
So I really hate it when the author goes like "x characher was in love with y character" despite them not even being friends?!?
And then they continue on to say that how x character was jealous and insecure about z character (who is presumably a hot person).
Although I don't see it as impossible, I dislike it when the pacing is too fast like, how can you be in love with someone who your not even friends with. You don't even know the person on a surface level basis, like how???
And from my understanding of love, it stems from feelings of trust, deep understanding and such, it seems like the author is describing a crush but framing it as love just cause they were too lazy to go in depth about how they were strangers to friend to pining idiots to lovers u know?
And I'm not saying all fics should go into every little detail about x and ys relationship, but at least make them friend (so the reader does the imagining) or just take the easy route and go x just had a crush. Idk am I just too sensitive abt these thing?
Alo remember to drink water and eat, our favourite author needs to stay healthy
_ stay safe, flower anon💮💮
i think this, in part, stems from romanticizing... romance, if that makes sense. as in, being enamored with the tropes of love/romance/falling in love/heavily cliched "love at first sight" premises, etc. when most of what we see in popular media just... isn't realistic or even relatable to the average person who has been in love
you can have a CRUSH on someone if you don't know them well. you can have immediate sexual or physical attraction to a complete stranger (i mean, that's what porn is, right?), you might even feel jealousy over this person being around others (this one is a toxic trait linked heavily with insecurity and immaturity, in general), etc.
but no, i don't believe in any kind of "love at first sight" mantra that many fics and headcanons unfortunately fall into because it's bullshit and not real lol. it's one thing i guess to... write about 😍😍😍 this fairytale-esque idea of just KNOWING you're in love with this person you barely know. maybe the "mysterious stranger" appeal is in there somewhere, or the "they're so cool/unapproachable/popular that i'd never have a chance, so i'll just fantasize an imaginary version of them in my head that seems like my perfect match in every way and then project that onto the REAL character/person who might not really act like that at all, destroying the fantasy"
y'know, like that!
the horrible pacing is also annoying. i mean... there's a reason my fic is fucking 500k words at this point and uhhh for 3/4 of that, "love" was not in the mix. this is kiiiiinda why scenarios where they start off as just barely knowing each other or friends-of-friends or polite coworkers or something tosses me for a loop when all of a sudden things go from 3 to 99 really fucking quickly with like, zero buildup or anticipation.
but its also people writing what they want for free on the internet that's, in most cases, completely self indulgent and less for us as content consumers and more as "i wanna write this thing" where real scenarios have little say (i have a *thing* against yandere/abuse/really imbalanced power dynamics/age gaps being romanticized and easily publicly accessible because it can and does give the wrong impression about certain situations that put irl people in danger. there's def those ppl out there who will see a stalking/obsession/controlling dynamic in a fic and think it would be awesome to have someone obsessed with them, some kind of dream come true... and like yes! those types of kinks do exist! and can happen SAFELY with CONSENTING ADULTS who are into that! but not everyone (esp minors, no offense, sorry) who stumble on this kind of thing might be able to distinguish between consenting kink and romanticizing abuse)
.... that got OFF TOPIC but its still important lkajsl;kfjaf ANYWAY-
yeah. basically, i agree and it's annoying lol but it's best to just don't read/block if you run into it and move onto things you DO enjoy reading
i did drink a lot of wooder today and i made a yummy creamy tuscan chicken recipe for dinner 😤
thanks flower anon 💮
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Teenagers Part 1
Harry Potter AU 
Summary: Request fic:  Regulus had never noticed you before. You are the opposite of him in almost every way. It also doesn't help that you are the sister of the one person that Regulus is most annoyed by. Now its time to learn if opposites really attract?
Pairings: Regulus Black x Reader 
Rating: M
Song in Chapter: Take it like a man by Cher
A new school year…
You were more than thrilled going back to school. This year was going to be bittersweet. It was James and Sirius’ last year at school. Knowing that your brother and best friend would be leaving soon was enough to make you dread going back but you decided to not think about it. You would think about it the next year when you had to make all new friends. The less you thought about your friends leaving, the better off than you were. In your years at school, you had grown incredibly close to Sirius, Remus, and Lily. You were close to James anyway so not seeing your brother every day was going to be horrible the following year.
I’ll be happy this year.
You muttered to yourself as Sirius and James came running up behind you.
Sirius yelled your name before throwing his arms around you in a bone-crushing hug.
“Sirius, you saw me five minutes ago.”
You coughed as he dramatically patted your head. James, Remus, and Lily finally caught up and was chuckling at the scene. They were so used to Sirius trying to drive you crazy that it was nothing new.
“Pads, can you not crush our sister?”
James asked with a smirk. Lily nodded.
“Yeah, Sirius, she is turning blue. “
Sirius quickly put you back on your feet and petted your cheek. He was giggling hard at the annoyed expression on your face.
“Better now?”
You nodded, rolling your eyes.
“You are going to be the death of me one day. People are going to keep thinking that you are my boyfriend.”
You bent down to pick up the book that Sirius knocked out of your hand. Sirius muttered a quiet apology as he wrapped his arm around your neck.
“It's fine. I’m used to it.”
Sirius smiled again.
“What’s wrong with me as a boyfriend?”
You motioned to Remus.
“Well nothing except if I am dating you I am also dating Remus which makes this one weird love triangle where I feel like I am dating my brothers. We aren’t that creepy are we?”
Sirius and Remus were both dying laughing at that comment while James shook his head.
“No, we aren’t that creepy. I would, for the record, be okay with the three of you in some weird triangle. At least I know my sister would be taken care of.”
Sirius grinned and patted your head again.
“We take care of her plenty enough.”
“He’s right, James. I feel like I have three older brothers. That could be the reason guys are scared to date me.”
You said with a smile as Sirius’ attention went elsewhere.
“Why is my brother staring at us?”
Sirius asked. Your eyes went in the direction of where Sirius was looking. Regulus Black stood with his little band of Slytherin “tyrants” (as James called them). Sure enough, the younger Black brother’s eyes were locked on Sirius and yourself. Evan and Barty leaned forward and whispered something to Regulus.
“He may not be looking at us.”
Sirius frowned. There was no denying that Regulus’ eyes were locked not only on Sirius but you.
“He’s actually looking at Y/n.”
Remus commented. You frowned. Regulus didn’t even know who you were or at least he pretended not to. It didn’t matter that the two of you were in the same year...neither of you spoke to the other. You didn’t really count him telling you to “move” in third year as talking.
“Looks like he’s lost.”
James said. Sirius hadn’t said another word but carefully watched his brother’s face. There was something different about that expression and Sirius wasn’t for sure what it was. Regulus didn’t show many expressions so seeing his brother looking like he had been hit by a book at the sight of you was rather amusing.
“If he had a crush on Y/n I am going to strangle him.”
James growled. You burst out laughing.
“Calm down, James. He doesn’t even know who I am.”
“Oh, I’m sure he does.”
James muttered as Sirius finally gave up and waved at his younger brother. Regulus scowled at Sirius before turning and tugging Evan and Barty with him.
“I guess he doesn’t miss me.”
Sirius said, sounding a little sad. You sighed. Part of you was still furious with the Black family for how they did Sirius. They didn’t realize how wonderful of a boy that he was. You wrapped your arm through his.
“Come on, let's go find a place on the train. Forget them.”
Regulus sat down beside Evan. His mind was stuck on his brother and the girl that was with him. Regulus wasn’t oblivious to the fact that his brother had a bit of a “hoe phase” going on but you, whoever you were, seemed different. There was something about the girl that Sirius had his arm around that really didn’t scream “I am Sirius Black’s type.”
“Who was the girl with my brother?”
Regulus finally asked. Evan looked up with a scowl.
“You know her.”
Regulus crossed his arms over his chest feeling annoyance building. While Evan had been his best friend since childhood, there were times that Regulus wanted nothing more than to punch him.
“Yeah? Well, I wouldn’t be asking you if I had the foggiest idea who she was now would I?”
Barty grinned from his place on the opposite bench.
“She is Y/n Potter. James’ sister...you know that git who stole your brother.”
Regulus’ mouth dropped. The last time that he had really looked at you...you were different...childish. Now you were...Regulus didn’t even know what word to use but the strange feeling in his stomach told him that it was something good.
Evan finally spoke again.
“She’s had one hell of a glow up over the summer. I can’t believe that I am saying this but she is pretty. She used to remind me of a baby squirrel.”
“A squirrel?”
Regulus questioned. Evan nodded.
“She was always so nervous looking. Now...if she wanted to tie my ass to a chair and give me a lap dance. I really wouldn’t mind. She would have to lose the Gryffindor tie and put on one of mine though.”
Evan smirked when he noticed the expression on Regulus’ face. He had never seen Regulus be the least little bit interested in another girl. Now here he was looking like he wanted to fight for your honor.
“I suggest that the three of you just leave Y/n Potter alone. It won’t end well.”
Severus’ monotone voice said as the boy stepped into the compartment. Evan laughed.
“Just because you are scared to stand up to Potter and his goons don’t mean that we aren’t. Come on Sev, even you have to admit that Y/n is a lovely girl now. Have you seen her ass? A perfect handful.”
Severus rolled his eyes and sat down without further comment. Regulus turned back to Evan.
“Maybe you should ask her for a date if you are that desperate for her attention?”
“You saw her first.”
Regulus rolled his eyes.
“Just because I look at her doesn’t mean that I want her.”
The next morning Regulus woke up with a groan. He had tried to keep his mind off of you the whole previous evening but found his eyes glued to you. To his delight and displeasure, your eyes never flickered in his direction one time.
It also didn’t help that you were in his dreams that night. The whole night your sweet smile was locked on him. Even if you didn’t say a word you were looking at him. No one else but Regulus and he loved every bloody second of it!
Getting involved with her would be stupid….wreckless. Mother and father would be furious. She’s a blood traitor. Her whole family is...I don’t need that.
Regulus muttered as he got dressed. It didn’t matter how many times that he repeated that mantra to himself when he closed his eyes...it was your face that he saw.
Sinking into his place at the Slytherin table by Evan, Regulus silently started going through the motions of acting like he wanted to eat. There were plenty of things for him to think about...school, quidditch, tests...but you were the first thing. Was this what a crush was supposed to feel like because Regulus honestly had no clue.
Finally getting brave enough, he looked up at the Gryffindor table where you sat beside Dorcas Meadows laughing over something Marlene Mckinnon was saying.
Merlin, her smile is pretty…
Regulus thought before internally screaming at himself to stop.
“Hey, Reg, look, it's your woman.”
Evan commented with a smile. Regulus immediately elbowed Evan in the ribs.
“Shut up.”
Evan’s attention went back to the Gryffindor table when Sirius plopped down beside you.
“Something tells me that you need to get a move on if you want her before your brother runs off with her. By the rate he’s going, he’s going to try to marry her.”
Evan commented with a sneer. He had little patience with Sirius and now with the knowledge that Regulus had an interest in a girl for once...Evan wanted to make sure that Regulus got what he wanted for once.
Regulus rolled his eyes as you moved your hand over and landed on Sirius’ plate. He watched as you quickly pulled your arm up looking at the sticky syrup from the waffles that his brother was eating. Regulus couldn’t hear the conversation but it looked like you were giving Sirius the “what for” for having his plate so close to you. Sirius gave you a feeble shrug before taking your hand in his and licking your arm.
Regulus thought as you picked up a book and smacked Sirius with it.
That works…
Regulus enjoyed watching you do what he had wanted to do to his brother for ages. When your eyes looked in his direction, Regulus froze. You offered him a small smile before turning back to the conversation with Marlene.
What the hell is going on with me?
You couldn’t help but smile at the expression on Regulus’ face. You had caught him looking at you several times but tried to not let him know that you were aware. It was nice seeing a cold glare on his face. Although you had never spoken a word to Regulus and really had no authority to judge him, he always seemed so cold and angry. You were honestly unsure if he knew how to smile. Now here he was staring at you with a stunned expression on his face.
“He’s a cute boy.”
Marlene commented. You looked up.
Marlene glanced over your shoulder to make sure that James, Sirius, and Remus were locked into a deep conversation about a prank before speaking again.
Dorcas and Lily both smile.
“He’s been watching you all morning.”
Dorcas added. You blushed and found yourself unable to look at the Slytherin table for a moment. Finally getting brave enough, you looked over again. Regulus had taken off his robes and sat in his black jumper talking to Evan. You rolled your eyes at the mere thought of Evan Rosier. The boy was a git!
Regulus, however, couldn’t have been more lovely. You smiled at just how much he and Sirius resemble each other in addition to their subtle differences. For one, you loved Regulus’ curls. He had apparently let it grow out over the summer and with the longer hair, Regulus reminded you a bit more of his brother. Another difference was Regulus’ eyes. His eyes were darker than Sirius and had more of a “James Dean daydream” look where Sirius was all “devil may care.”
“He must be bored.”
You replied, taking a sip of your drink. Dorcas glanced over her shoulder at the boy.
“Regulus always seems so sad and angry. Maybe you could cheer him up?”
“Like he would want anything to do with me. Besides have you all met my brother? James would fall off of his unicorn if I let Regulus within 8 inches of me.”
Lily smiled.
“He is a big boy. He’ll get over it.”
Marlene leaned closer and wrapped her arm through yours. You couldn’t help but look over at Regulus again. He sat tapping his fingers anxiously. Even his hands were nice-looking...you were in a lot of trouble!
“Here’s what you do...you simply tell him that if he wants your heart then he needs to take it like a man.”
Dorcas nodded.
“Oh, that’s a good one, Marlene. She’s right, Y/n. Before he fights for you, he needs to show you that he can.”
You couldn’t help but laugh.
“You two just ripped off a Cher song.”
“She has good advice and clearly Dorcas and I are on the same page.”
Marlene said with a smile. You quickly gathered your things to head off to class.
“Maybe he and I can go on a date to that new skating rink down in hell.”
You said with a laugh. Both Marlene and Dorcas gave you offended gasps.
“Hell doesn't have to freeze over for a Slytherin and a Gryffindor to be compatible.”
“It will for that one.”
You replied before bidding everyone a fair well and leaving the great hall.
Arriving in Potions, you were never more grateful to get to a class that you really had to focus on. The less that you had to sit and think about the morning's conversation with your friends the better off you would be.
“Good morning, Ms. Potter.”
Professor Slughorn said with a cheerful smile as you stepped into the room. He had been adoring you since the year before when you cracked one of his zany puzzles.
“Good morning, Professor. Did you have a nice summer?”
“Oh, yes my dear. I hope you did as well. I saw Lily and she said that the two of you spent a lot of time together.”
You nodded.
“Yes sir, she’s one of my best friends.”
Professor Slughorn nodded with an approving smile. You couldn’t have asked for a better best friend in his eyes.
“That’s wonderful, my dear. If you will just sit down there, please. I am pairing everyone up with a partner this semester. I’m sure yours will come along shortly.”
“Thank you, sir.”
You replied as you dug your new potions book out of your bag. It wasn’t until Slughorn said Regulus’ name did you look up before looking down.
Of course, he’s in this class. Why not? Merlin help me if he gets sat next to…
“Mr. Black if you will sit with Ms. Potter, please. I am pairing the two of you up this semester.”
You screamed in your head, knowing that your face was blushing bright red. Regulus sat down beside you and was dead silent. You peaked at him through your hair. He sat with his hands in front of him on the table. Eventually, you would have to look up at him but right now you didn’t know how quickly that would be.
What if he actually didn’t like you and was just staring because he thought that you were dating Sirius or something? That would be some cruel joke for you. You would be getting all emotionally distraught and downright nervous for no reason.
Dorcas and Marlene’s ripping of Cher lyrics came right back to your head.
Boy, if you want my heart. You gotta take it like a man. Before you fight for us. You gotta show me that you can. So when the lights go dark...I wanna know you understand that if you want my heart you gotta take it like a man...
“You do know how to talk, right?”
Regulus’ voice pulled you from your thoughts. Ah, that’s what his voice sounded like...you loved it already. You couldn’t help but wonder just what the fuck was going on with you? Since when did you get all giddy for some boy that you didn’t know?
You took a deep breath before looking up at Regulus. He looked bored sitting beside you but it looked like his own cheeks were slightly pink.
“Yes, I know how to speak.”
You replied. Regulus anxiously tapped his fingers on the table in front of him.
“Good because it would be one hell of a boring semester if you were mute.”
You automatically frowned.
“I didn’t hear you saying anything.”
Regulus rolled his eyes.
“You’re sassy. Lovely.”
You put your book down in front of you feeling the annoyance build but at the same time, Regulus calling you “sassy” was hilarious.
“You don’t know the half of it.”
You snapped back. A small smile played on his lips. Was he testing your patience or was he trying to get hit with a book the way Sirius did?
“You are friends with my brother aren’t you?”
You nodded.
“We aren’t dating.”
“I wasn’t asking.”
Regulus replied. Internally he was thanking whatever lucky stars that he had shining in his direction. He didn’t have to worry about his older stupid “better looking” brother for once.
“Sorry, that’s usually the first question that most people ask.”
You said, feeling your face flush. Regulus smiled.
“Tell people to mind their own damn business. It works wonders.”
Before you could respond, Professor Slughorn called the class to attention. Both Regulus and yourself turned to face him, ending the conversation that was taking place. You tried to listen to what Slughorn was talking about was busy congratulating yourself on not looking like a total fool.
Boy, will Dorcas and Marlene love this...
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cherishedproperty · 2 years
Hey, this might be kind of random but I thought maybe you would be someone who could kind of understand me or give me advice that might help.
So, I'm like you, pretty progressive, but I have this kink that I've recently kind of realized I'm into. I'm a pretty submissive guy, always have been but after all my relationships ended with them abusing and cheating on me. It's been a few years and I've still not been able to have any luck because its been nearly impossible to meet someone if you don't have a cool career or make a lot of money, basically, you're screwed when it comes to meeting and connecting with women in the dating world. I started seeing bimbos who I had always scoffed at as cute and it just kind of went from there to sluts and whores and now it's like subservient patriarchal obedient sometimes dumb women, I just find myself more attracted this as time goes on. Morally, it feels super wrong but idk, theres something appealing about in a naughty way. I was talking to someone I had a crush on about the kink because we share it and we actually flirt so hard that when I got off I felt this weird sensation I've never felt like deep within me, I can still remember the feeling. It kind of scared me, like what happened? Anyway, it didn't work out because like most people they don't want it to ever be a part of their real life. I started talking about what was happening with a friend and I think the reason I feel this way is a result of abusive exs, like it mentally warped my view on what the ideal potential gf could or should be. It's almost like I just I really dont feel like myself or know what I like or want and its just been very weird. I'm confused. I've never been dom at all let alone like that, why am I like this? I've only liked dominant fat women for most of my life, idk what's happening or how to like back away from this feeling.
There is nothing inherently wrong with changing your preferences over time. I’ve known many submissives who have become Dominants or switches. Physical type can change as well. Sometimes those preferences change as a sort of defense mechanism. A friend of mine was abused as a submissive and became a Dominant for a period. Now that she has a partner she trusts, she’s a bit more in the submissive space. Sometimes that happens.
But I’m also sensing some misogyny and hostility toward women in your ask. If I had to armchair psychologist, it sounds like your negative experiences—and your lack of positive experiences—with women have brought you to a place of wanting to be with someone you see as beneath you. The risk of rejection is lower when it comes from someone you don’t fully value in the first place. I could be wrong, but the fact that you’re troubled by this tells me you may feel like it’s not coming from the right place. There’s nothing inherently wrong with a bimbo kink. But your words are concerning to me. I think it’s worth unpacking with a kink-friendly therapist.
The other thing I want to address is these former partners who cheated. As a submissive, it can be easy to gravitate to the partner who is exciting and feeds your submissive side. But that person may be domineering and not dominant. They feed the kink side but utterly fail at the relationship side. A good number of submissives have had a Dominant partner who lied to them, abused them, cheated on them, etc. It takes a LOT of time to find someone Dominant who is a good person, nurtures your submissive side, AND builds you up as a person. Especially if you’re a submissive man. I want every submissive to have a mantra that goes like, I am a submissive, not a doormat. I don’t kneel for anyone until they’ve shown me they respect my boundaries and are eager to build me up just as I do for them. It’s important for submissives to set boundaries firmly and hold to them.
Inferiority can be a fun game for a scene, but it is toxic to a relationship. Even a D/s one. Doesn’t matter which side of the power exchange you’re on.
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