#How to Blow Someone Else's Secret Identity By Accident
bat-in-the-machine · 30 days
A new chapter of Miraculous World Tour: Gotham! Flash meets Knightowl! Everyone is afraid of how Marinette's mind works! Ladybug isn't the Guardian of the Miracle Box?! Sneak preview under the cut as usual.
"I do not understand," Aeon said.
"I don't understand either," Olympia said. "I remember a Marinette, from the French-American Friendship Week thing a few years ago. You and Jessica did spend some time with them, when you weren't running away from your responsibilities."
"To be fair," Marinette said, "they were still spending time with us then, too. So technically, they were still keeping an eye on French students!"
"Marinette Dupain-Cheng," Aeon said, "those events are not recent. You do not need to make excuses for us."
Olympia began to swear, a low litany of curse words. After a few choice expletives, she glared at Marinette in the rear view mirror. "You're Ladybug," she said. "You're Ladybug and that means that this Adrien... Agreste, was it? ...is Chat Noir. How did I not see it?"
"Magic," Marinette said. "The Miraculous increases confusion about our identities, making it almost impossible for people to draw connections between our civilian and heroic identities."
"But Aeon..."
"Magic does not register correctly to my visual processing. It renders me immune to the identity concealing effects of the Miraculous. It also, unfortunately, means that I am unable to perceive the beings that empower the gems."
"Yeah, kwami don't register to technology," Marinette said. "Mademoiselle Mendeleiev got akumatized because she couldn't prove their existence. It was a whole thing."
"So you've been sent to New York to keep the Ladybug Miraculous out of the hands of your enemies?" Olympia frowned. "You didn't seem like the type to hide from your troubles."
"Yes, well, Uncle Bruce thought that three assassination attempts in under a week was one too many, I guess." Marinette shrugged. "Although I'm a little surprised he sent me to the United Heroez instead of someone affiliated with the Justice League."
"I..." Olympia frowned. "How did you know?"
"I know the identities of Jessica Keynes and Aeon, and everyone knows that Uncanny Valley was built by Majestia, so when she called you 'Mother'..."
"Babs is going to be furious," Olympia said. "Not even Batman knows our identities."
"Then... why did he send me to you?"
Olympia facepalmed and began swearing again. After a moment, Marinette's eyes went wide and she began swearing as well, a counterpoint to Olympia's, but in French.
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Fics Including Tyler Oakley (2) Masterlist
part one
A Series of Possibly Fortunate Events (ao3) - orphan_account
Summary: It all started with a small mistake. Ok fine, not really a mistake. Dan was just too tempting for his own good sometimes. Who could blame Phil?
Dan is a little shit and he knows it... and Phil's too much of a saint to do anything about it.
A Stolen Ring (ao3) - orphan_account
Summary: Dan’s not normal. Why?
He's not human, he has a mysterious ring, and he hates Phil Lester. They have a strange past, one filled with bullying and avoidance, but when Dan turns into an incubus, everything changes. He struggles with his identity and cries himself to sleep most nights, yearning to be normal. And somehow the universe makes it worse by bringing him and Phil together - in the most literal sense.
All I Want (For Christmas) Is You (ao3) - ShippingFangirl26 (IceQueenJules26)
Summary: Dan Howell's life as a student of modern piano music is completely turned upside down when he is grouped in an assignment with Phil Lester...
An Accident Waiting to Happen (ao3) - ltuhura
Summary: When Dan joined technical crew for the school’s production of The Drowsy Chaperone it was mostly because PJ was the head of design. He was planning on stealing free cookies and avoiding lifting heavy set pieces, not having some random emo kid steal his heart and then avoid him.
blow a kiss, fire a gun (ao3) - The General Phanchild (orphan_account)
Summary: "If I don't improve... he'll absolutely obliterate me. And there's nothing I can do to stop him." Secret Agent “Gold,” or Dan Howell, is less than thrilled when he is forced to team up with new recruit “Amethyst,” Phil Lester. Phil is a former trainee; clumsy and overly apologetic, while Dan’s six years of experience have left him skilled and stealthy, yet completely emotionless. Throughout their mission to bring a mysterious super-villain to justice while travelling the city of Tokyo, Phil tries to come to terms with his illogical fear of Dan, while realising what Dan's true intentions with him are.
Blue Fish (ao3) - potatocakesparker
Summary: Daniel Howell is the lead vocalist and guitarist of alt-rock band, 'Hanging Grims' he created with his best friend, PJ Liguori. Last night, he played a normal show and did a meet and greet. This morning, he woke up with the mark of his soulmate.
Chapter Two (ao3) - HandleWithCare
Summary: All Phil wanted was the newest Stephen King novel. What he found instead was even better and may have even changed his life. No matter how good or bad chapter one is, sometimes, you just have to be brave and turn to chapter two.
came out new (all because of you) (ao3) - kanertazers
Summary: five times dan told someone about his relationship with phil (and one time he told everyone else)
Desires (ao3) - A_Million_Regrets
Summary: What would you do if you were suddenly hauled from your inauspicious life and dumped into an unforeseen catastrophe with your worst enemy?
Dan Howell and Phil Lester completely and utterly hate each other. They fight every time they meet, and all of their friends are tired of it. But one day, these two hot-headed, reckless men stumble through a secret passage in a mysterious old house and wake up on a strange island uninhabited by other intelligent life forms. They only have each other and no way to escape. Will they fight to death, or will they learn to trust each other in a world where no one else exists? Can they put aside their mutual hatred for each other to survive this misfortune?
Give Me A Try (ao3) - danfanciesphil (thejigsawtimess)
Summary: Dan, a bartender at 'Habenero', Brighton's hottest gay club, has been obsessed with AmazingPhil, the openly gay Instagram model for a long time. In all the fantasy meet-cute scenarios Dan has imagined for he and his semi-celeb crush, none of them involved him being at work, being soaked in various liquids, or being halfway through a Saturday night hell-shift. Sometimes, life doesn't wait around for your plans.
home is where the heart is. (ao3) - orphan_account
Summary: 16 year old Daniel Howell had always felt out of place in his dad's fancy apartment or under the Singaporean sun. Life was not bad, but being the son of a British expatriate banker divorcee with commitment issues meant that there was never a home.
Inspired by the only constant in his life, a similar aged British youtuber by the name of Phil Lester, Dan decides to move to his supposed homeland Britain on a whim, in the hopes of escaping his bubble of isolation, and maybe find the place where he truly belonged.
Somehow Dan lands himself in one of the few notorious all boys boarding schools in Britain, one that has bizarre traditions, vicious inter-house competition and way too many attractive boys; and a roommate who had been Dan's best friend all along, even if Phil Lester hadn't known it.
Dan finally found home.
I could be your crush (ao3) - iwoulddieforthisship
Summary: Sometimes crushes are best left alone
It's So Meta Even This Acronym (ao3) - Dieupardonne, Mazabrei (Dieupardonne)
Summary: Dan Howell and Phil Lester lead anything but normal lives, but they were content with the direction they’d taken and happy with their current situation. But soon, they begin to realize that things aren’t right anymore; they’re not in the world they should be.
Looks Can Be Deceiving (ao3) - evanegg
Summary: The new kid that scares everyone because of his looks teaches Dan that you really shouldn't judge a book by its cover.
Misunderstandings (ao3) - iwoulddieforthisship
Summary: Phil was breaking up with him. Dan was sure.
Realized I Can't Not Be with You (ao3) - whoops_ima_dannie
Summary: dan and phil are crew members on fall out boys tour
Sometimes being a vampire can really suck (ao3) - tol_but_smol
Summary: Soulmate vampire AU! Every vampire has a soulmate, they can be human, vampire, any gender and when they meet you know they’re your soulmate.
Sweet Tooth (ao3) - phantasizeit
Summary: Searching for a new beginning in London, Dan stress-bakes to cope with his blundering through the adult world. Luckily, his hot, older neighbor, Phil, has a sweet tooth.
The Aftermath. (ao3) - iamalwaystired
Summary: so this is the aftermath of my fic The Gaming Video. i recommend reading that before this, hope you enjoy.
The Only Exception (ao3) - wildflower_honey
Summary: All Phil needed was some money for his mom’s birthday present. That was it. So why is he sitting in the back of a van with a bunch of gang members who somehow know every detail about him?
The Two of Cups (ao3) - orphan_account
Summary: Dan's ever helpful roomate Tyler is forcing Dan to go to the YouTuber party his friend is hosting, with the theme of 'Heavenly Bodies' to match this years Met Gala. And his friend wasn't going to let up the opportunity to get them both dressed up and have a wild so why not give it his full, especially when a hot guy he met the other day says he's turning up too.
Phil certainly wasn't expecting to meet an angel that night, but the heavens seemed to have delivered.
The Ultimate Boyfriend (ao3) - americanphancakes
Summary: Dan Howell is utterly convinced he'll die alone with no one to love him. He's also certain he'll never be able to realize his dream of making desserts for a living instead of dealing with his nightmarish boss.
Thanks to the wonders of modern technology, all of this is about to change.
The one where Phil is an android custom designed to be Dan's boyfriend.
Underwater Piano (ao3) - Ariadnutau (Sirenby)
Summary: He’s gone.
“Who?” Dan hadn’t realized he’d managed to call Tyler. Or make his thoughts heard in the physical plane.
“Phil.” Ah. That surge of emotion that gurgles his voice and raises and lowers it so unattractively. Why does his throat hurt?
“What do you mean Phil’s gone? Is he dead?! When?? What happened, Dan? Are you two okay?”
Wonders Never Cease (ao3) - yiffandquiff
Summary: Dan and Phil were one of the 'it' couples at their high school until one day, Phil blindsides Dan with a break up. Hurting and seeking comfort, Dan befriends Tyler who helps him get through the first tough few months of the break up, mending his shattered heart. But Dan doesn't want to move on. He wants to be with Phil and maybe, just maybe, in the end, he'll still get to be.
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judyhopps934-mt-zd · 3 years
Thoughts on Lies
Warning: Spoilers! And possibly having your heart torn into pieces. Other than that, have fun!
We open up with Marinette figuring out the recipes for the power ups as the new guardian.
I am disappointed that she still has not stopped oogooling over Adrien when he appeared on the news. Especially since she was allegedly with Luka by then. (I'll explain what I mean in just a minute)
Adrien was tired after the day he had as Adrien, which is a contrast of what Marinette believes his life is like. But being Chat Noir is the highlight of his day...
...only to not see Ladybug show up for patrols. And we see that it was all due to her figuring out the powerups.
Also, the patrols are a thing in cannon and I am still not over it after "Truth".
Chat Noir hoping for an akumatization so he can escape his civilian life radiated the same energy as Alya asking for akumatizations to interview the temporary heroes on her IG post. I get it, but still! We do not have people in danger for our needs.
Plagg being the one who announces any voice messages for Chat and asking for cheese through the feature on the Chat Phone brings me a whole other level of life.
Also, the whole milk thing at Le Grand Paris bar counter. It was hilarious, but also very sad. He really missed his m'lady
He ends the patrol after he saw Kagami training with her mom. And the smiles on his face! *Cries in Marichat and Ladynoir*
Plagg is the one that encourages Adrien to move on from Adrien, just like he applauded him from doing so in Loveater.
Kagami apparently said that fencing lessons are scheduled an hour in advance and Adrien (with that goofy grin on his face) knew what was up!
Both Ms. Tsurugi and Gabriel are very pissed at one another for the schedule change. That's hilarious, although everything comes at a price.
The parallels! Kagami is apparently learning Russian at her mother's request. Truly is a reflection of Adrien, civilian life wise.
Kagami? Lying???? The hell???? Who are you and what have you done to Kagami????? (Why am I surprised, y'all did this in Desperada)
She lies to their parents and the teacher to be in the art room with Adrien. I get it, teenage rebellion after being under an uninvolved parent, but still!
I like how the writers gave Kagami another dimension by saying she loves art, but her mom does not like her passion for drawing.
Also, art reflecting the truth? Hmmm.....
Since people like mentioning that Marinette has a thing for people with absent parents after "Truth", I will now say that Adrien has a thing for people who are great at drawing. I do not take criticism.
Kagami is hinting that Adrien's civilian life is not his true self (thank you for understanding him!)...
...but also says that being a "clown" (it was the Chat pose) is also not who he really is. The fandom would disagree with you. Although that brings up the question of whether both personalities merge to form who he really is and cannot be seen completely by anyone in any part of his life. But he is more like Chat Noir regardless.
Also, I want to see Adrien and Kagami spend more time together prior to this episode to see why she was not pleased with him being a clown if that's who he truly is, because her repositioning him against the wall made me feel like she is trying to place Adrien into a mold that reflects the image she might have created in her mind. (I don't know, this was just the first thought that came in my mind.)
They almost kiss, with Adrien being taken into shock (not terrified as we thought) until the alarm saying they have fencing lessons starting interrupts them and Adrien runs out, not before BLUSHING LIKE HELLO?!?!?
This is what I referred to in my second point and confirms what everyone was saying about this episode: this is "Truth", but through Adrien's perspective. Finally, an Adrien-centered episode!!!
To continue, every time Adrien and Kagami are together or were about to kiss, a sentimonster appears, with Ladybug trying to do something about it. Just like Lukanette, just like Adrigami: being a superhero affects your love life as a civilian.
Chat being thrown off the roof by accident and being rescued will never get old or less funny lol.
Montages continues up until the boat scene, where Adrien missed the intro to the performance, but I will never get over the fact as to how Adrien made it there before Marinette. It is beyond me.
Kagami not letting Adrien stay for 5 more minutes. Hmm...
Their cute moment together was what will lead to the demise of Adrigami as Kagami noticed he dropped the infamous lucky charm bracelet. *le gasp!
Why *le gasp*? Because 1) I fear it symbolizes that something will happen to Adrienette or that Adrien has forgotten about her, and 2) Wait until later.
Kagami revealed she lied so she can spend more time with Adrien alone, lying about leaving rehearsal earlier, lying about the fencing lessons rescheduling, and who else knows what else so she can be with him.
She tells him she loves him. But Adrien notices Ladybug and an Akuma. Oh boy, he wasn't able to give her any attention.
Because he left towards the direction of the boat (and said he left something there), Kagami used that to conclude it had something to do with Marinette. Oh boy.
Either I missed an entire scene about Ladybug knowing ShadowMoth's name, or we were not supposed to know how they know until this episode. It feels out of place to me, but oh well.
"I..am...AN INCREDIBLE SWIMMER!" still cracks me up even when I know how important it was in protecting her secret identity.
Happy Birthday Prince Ali!
Apparently, Kagami lied that her mom was in charge of watching over Adrien (or maybe not? I can't tell at this point.)
Yep, Kagami believes that Adrien is going after Marinette and probably resents them both if her facial expression says anything
We get to see that Ladynoir moment from "Truth"!! I love these two and their banter.
Adrienette stans, not much has changed. Adrien was concerned that he lost the Lucky Charm bracelet, for real. But said again because he though he would be clear of the lie since he thought he had it on him.
Thinking that she lies to get out of being with her, she leaves. With the bracelet. The leaving part is understandable, especially because she does not know about him being Chat Noir or what entails him to do. But why take the bracelet???
Adrien is also saddened by what happened. He also liked her.
We've never seen that part of city hall. Well designed in my opinion.
She was the akuma in City Hall with the glowing sphere! We were right!!!
Adrien feels guilty, though it is not really his fault. He has a duty to Paris!
Why is the music sounding different in French.
Jagged Stone. How do I feel about you after learning you purposefully abandoned Luka and apparently Juleka? Also, what's with the song??? (Rhetorical question. Do not answer)
We were wrong about Kagami's power: it paralyzes people who lie, not kill everything in its path.
Jagged, you abandoned your children. And you apparently lied about your age?!?!?! Both episodes show something about Jagged Stone that make him seem like an awful person on the inside.
Ladybug, how do you know about Lies's powers?!?!? There is a hole in the plot here! Unless there were other paralyzed civilians that gave her power a dead giveaway.
Chat Noir, if you lie as a civilian for whatever reason, of course Ladybug will too, since as a civilian, you need to lie to keep your secret identity a secret. Same rules apply to Ladybug, especially as the guardian.
The Lucky Charm is a drone, not a camera like I thought. How the hell did I get into an ivy if I can't tell the difference?!?!
Chat Noir pretending to lie is funny. It might also be his peppy attitude to lying. Also, his funnier version of ShadowMoth's name.
Ladybug finds the akumatized object and gasps. I wonder if its only a eureka moment or also the fact that she recognizes the bracelet, especially if its custom made.
Brutally honest people does not exist (we have all lied at some point, even Kagami who is usually brutally honest with people), but animals can't lie.
Fang being involved in destroying the akuma is cool.
This is the moment that we dreaded so much, yet knew was coming: CHAT NOIR DIES!
JK! He actually is paralyzed by truth because he jumped into the glowing orb. We were right that this is an anguishing scene to watch, but we're wrong about the part that he's killed. Yet, he still unnecessarily sacrificed himself and caused Ladybug to be angst about it.
Yes Ladybug. Chat is crazy. And also crazy for you. And you are right about the crazy unconscious part. My Ladynoir heart!
ShadowMoth almost won until Fang bit off the charm bracelet. Thanks Fang!
Chat backing away from Fang licking him is a mood.
My favorite Ladynoir moment of the evening: Ladybug telling Chat to stop sacrificing himself and Chat saying she likes her adorable angry face. Her smirk afterwards.. And then their pound it.
But no seriously Chat. You need to stop doing that to Ladybug. She cannot take it anymore
Plagg said that even if Adrien loves someone else, he is likely to go back to Ladybug. Just like he goes back to Camembert. Seriously, despite his cheese analogies, he gives great wisdom.
Not Kagami almost beating up Adrien during his fencing lessons. And Mr. D'Angercourt notices this too as he stopped Kagami's final blow.
Also, isn't it illegal in fencing to push people? Oh boy.
And there's the Adrigami breakup scene: Adrien telling Kagami that he enjoys their time together and Kagami knowing their is sincerity in him. It is sort of unclear who actually ended things when Adrien asks if they could still be friends, but Kagami ends it all by saying that she will let him know once she can face him again. Ouch.
Adrien is hurt and stares at the lucky charm bracelet with what looks like sadness. Once again ouch.
Like Lukanette, I want to see Adrien and Kagami be happy together at least until halfway through this season. The issue is that it will hurt them more in the end.
Also, I noticed the difference between Luka and Kagami when ending their respective relationships. It hurt them both, but Kagami was more forward about it and Luka was somewhat passive. It could be based on what they know about their now exes (Luka knew that Marinette had feelings for Adrien and was not secretive about it even when they were together if the truths her friends said and the opening scene to this episode reflect this, whereas Kagami only has a suspicion and Adrien does not say anything regarding to it.
Also, I really did not like how the breakup on this end resulted in. While more realistic for a lot of people, it did not help that it involved Kagami as there are people who will go after Kagami after watching this episode, and I believe that the writers know this. Kagami is a good person who has a different response to the trust issues and lack of communication, as well as lies in their relationship. Not saying its a perfect one, but an understandable one. In conclusion, don't trash Kagami, especially if you saw this coming.
I take back what I said before; this is my favorite Ladynoir scene. I want to hug them both because they have to lie and keep secrets from everyone, even have some secrets between themselves! But at least they can trust each other! Excuse me while I cry over how much we are being fed. Also, the fact that they broke up with their respective partners makes this both heartwarming and heart breaking.
Overall, this episode is just as good as Lies! It is the first fully Adrien-centered episode, which makes this a first and already exciting. While I did not like how their breakup was handled, it was realistic and showed that honesty and communication are important. Also, can my children be happy together for longer than an episode??? I swear, their pain hurts me.
But at least Ladybug and Chat Noir have each other's company to get them through. May us Ladynoir stans continue to be fed!
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bailey-reaper · 3 years
Howdy! I thought about a scenario where barok's (not currently) s/o, who's a prosecutor like he is, turns out to be a woman dressing under the guise of a man. Would that be alright to request? Someone who's smart and closed off enough to keep it under wraps from even the lord chief justice...until barok somehow finds it out on accident and the two have to figure out what to do next...
Headcanons (Bend it like Portia)
Notes: (yes, that's a Merchant of Venice reference in the title)
S/O is female (she/her pronouns) but spends time disguised as a man so she can practice law (he/him at such times). Barok refers to her using nicknames / petnames.
Content Warnings: disguising gender; (historic) gender inequality; fear of being exposed
She'd always been fascinated by the law, even as a child, and it had been quite a blow when her dreams of practicing as a lawyer were shattered on account that 'she was a girl' and 'women cannot practise as lawyers for that is a man's job'.
Not only did it seem incredibly nonsensical not to mention unfair: if women had to obey the laws of the land, why couldn't women argue them in a court of law? Why couldn't women be lawyers? It seemed too ridiculous to be true, but it was.
However, she refused to be told what to do: the law was her passion and she would practise it! Thus, she dressed as a young boy and took law at university; was called to the Bar and eventually managed to find employment in the Prosecutor's Office –– it was like a dream come true, but every day the threat of it becoming a nightmare was very real.
She had to be so careful at all times when she donned her male disguise and left her home: she had to watch how she carried herself, the way she spoke and the timbre of her voice. She had to keep a close eye on the robing rooms and only change into her court gowns when she was sure no one else was in the room.
It was a constantly harrowing experience, thus she went to great lengths to be a distant and aloof member of the Proseuctor's Office. She avoided social events like the plague, for the risks of socialising were too great, and made no efforts to befriend anyone else in the office. Again, it was too great of a risk.
Despite her efforts, however, her reputation among her peers was excellent: they reognised her talent as a prosecutor and she was often entrusted with the most difficult of cases because of her strong work ethic and impressive intelligence.
In fact, it was no exaggeration to describe her as the second most competent prosecutor currently in the crown's employ. The only person who ranked above her was Lord Barok van Zieks, whom she knew in passing and understood to be a very competent man and someone of integrity.
One day, she would get to see the extent of his integrity for herself: after a case she had prosecuted was over, she was in the lobby discussing a few matters with the bailiff when a member of the accused launched themself at her with a knife and cut into her robes. At the same time, Barok had been leaving the adjacent court and saw the events unfold. He quickly interjected, having the attacker detained while he took his colleague to the robing room to check 'he' was okay.
To Barok's stunned surprise, when he removed the robe to check how deep the knife had cut, he found that this was not a fellow male at all but a young woman. She looked utterly mortified at being discovered, all these years she'd managed to fool everyone – even Lord Stronghart – but now, one careless mistake, and her secret was revealed.
"I won't tell anyone," Barok said before she could utter a word.
"What...?" that was not what she'd expected to hear.
"As I said: I won't tell anyone about your true identity."
"... Why? Why would you do that?"
"... You're a skilled practitioner of the law, I respect your dedication to pursing the truth and the intelligent way in which you conduct your cases. It's clear that you are a passionate and competent lawyer, your gender should not stop you from practising."
"... I... don't know what to say."
He'll smirk, "You don't need to say anything, but most people go with a simple 'thank you'. For now, let's get you to hospital so that cut can be stitched up... it's deeper than I expected."
"... Yes... thank you."
Time and again Barok would protect her secret, for example: now that he knew he would make a point of spooking the rest of the men out of the robing room (his presence alone was usually enough to achieve that) so that she could change in peace.
Gradually, as time passed, she would find herself growing increasingly attracted to the stoic, but kind-hearted Reaper of the Bailey...
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thecollectiverpg · 3 years
Tumblr media
L O A D I N G   V I L L A I N   P R O F I L E …
Rachel Gallery learned to be mercenary from a young age. She learned it from the best. The best, in this situation, being her father. Gregor Gallery was a genius, that was a universally accepted fact. If you wanted something, he could build it for you, from cars to bombs to cloaking devices. He wasn’t particularly picky about who benefited from his services, as long as the money was good and you gave him enough respect, enough freedom. He worked for and with the Guardians because they wanted the best machines, the biggest guns, and a man who wouldn’t ask too many questions. He didn’t give a shit about their ideals, or their enemies, or who had the biggest and best power. All he cared about was the work, the money, and his daughter. He kept their little secrets, and he sold half his inventions on the black market while none of them were looking –– all in the name of a bigger and better life. 
Rachel practically grew up in a lab, wrist deep in circuit boards and the guts of machinery, fingers filthy with motor-oil and hair singed by a blow torch. Her father taught her how to do anything and everything that she set her mind to, doted on her and called her by every name she ever chose. There’s power in being smarter than everybody else, he told her, knowledge is power. 
And when she gains her powers, he smiles at her. He kisses her on the forehead and tells her: There’s power in a secret, Rachel. A secret identity, a secret power. Being smarter than everyone else can keep you safe, but letting them underestimate you helps as well. 
Knowledge is power. Rachel still believes that. But power is power as well –– and she’s lucky, she has both. The power, and the smarts to keep it secret. 
There are no youth groups for the young Rachel Gallery, even though she could have made a name for herself that way. She doesn’t play teenage superheroes. She studies at her father’s side instead, learns everything he can teach her –– she isn’t as smart as he is, but she’s close. He builds her a place to practice with her powers, develop perfect control. He sends her to MIT and talks to her every day on the phone. He keeps building weapons for the Guardians, keeps laughing with them, keeps their confidence and tells them how brilliant his beloved daughter is. He always did love to brag. 
When he dies, they don’t tell her exactly how it happened. An accident. A gruesome, horrible accident. He missed one phone call, and then a second, and when someone finally talked to her, he was already gone. It teaches her another lesson: that the world isn’t fair, that it doesn’t give a fuck who you are or what you do, it will still treat you like shit. She learns that the world is a broken, horrible place. She learns that her father was the only thing she ever really cared about. So knowledge and power become the only things in her life. 
She becomes a lot of things, in the following years. An academic prodigy. A human rights activist. A coldhearted bitch. She graduates from college, and demands her father’s old position in the Guardians. They would be stupid not to give her the job: she’s the only one who knows everything he did, the keeper of proprietary knowledge and half a dozen patents they’ve been dying to get their hands on. She becomes the Mother of Invention, and she starts getting her hands dirty. 
Building herself a mask isn’t the first thing that Rachel does, when she gains access to the Guardian’s resources. But it’s pretty high up the list. Masks mean anonymity, give her a door she can walk through on her way to being a Queen. The world is a terrible place, and Rachel doesn’t have any intention to make it better. She just wants to be the most powerful piece on the board. Sometimes, the easiest way to take control is to make everything worse, and play both sides as you do it. She doesn’t give a fuck about the heroes. She doesn’t give a fuck about the villians. At the end of the day, she has to look out for herself. 
Zenith joins the Collective six months after Rachel Gallery becomes The Mother of Invention. She’s a trifold thing, a secret in a secret in a secret. She takes her time with it, stays hidden in the sidelines for a few years. But she’s a superstar at heart, with a flair for the dramatic. Zenith is powerful, and that is undeniable. Zenith is also charming, and quick, and smart enough to think her way through every situation. Zenith cuts a striking figure in a haze of chaos, floating above the ruins and cutting through any obstacle. Like fucking Superman, if Superman wanted to absolutely destroy you. She battles the Guardians with the best of them, destroys their shit, and then retreats back to her lab and builds them new one's. She pours gas on the fire of every conflict, and grins the whole time. It’s a vicious cycle, but it’s one she has some level of control over. 
Rachel collects power, collects influence, and becomes infamous. A villain to be feared, a weapons specialist to be respected, with a careful wall between both parts of her life.
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wiener-soldiers · 4 years
how to (not) be internet famous - peter parker
summary: peter parker becomes internet famous overnight and doesn’t exactly know how to deal with it, which causes him to end up in a precarious situation.
words: 4k
warnings: rien, mes amis!
a/n: part of the unsolved mini-series! just wanted to write a lil blurb w some world building before i go into more ghost/ghoul hunting. also goes without saying that this is minimally edited, sorry lol
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Peter Parker did not intend on becoming famous.
It was quite literally an accident—a byproduct of being in the right place in the right time. But, completely out of his control, Peter Parker helped solved an Unsolved mystery.
It was one of Buzzfeed Unsolved’s most viewed episodes; the story of Peter Quill, a little boy who went missing right after his mother died. Of course, one theory was that he was abducted by aliens. That was the joke theory.
Until Peter Parker and Y/N Stark proved that theory to be correct.
Being fans of the show, the duo was vaguely aware of the existence of Peter Quill, the mysterious boy who went missing. It wasn’t until Thor traveled back to Earth with the rest of the Guardians did Peter and Y/N recognize Peter Quill.
Of course, their first instinct was to interview him about how he got abducted and ask about some space stories. Their next instinct was to invite Ryan and Shane of the Unsolved Network to interview him as well.
This subsequently made the internet blow up. And Peter Parker became famous because of it.
The video titled “We Solved A Buzzfeed Unsolved Case” garnered millions of views overnight, with thousands of comments flooding the video. Peter’s Twitter went from less than a hundred followers to more than a hundred thousand overnight, and his Instagram blew up in a similar fashion.
He was used to Spider-Man being famous, but Peter Parker had never gotten that much attention before. It was surreal.
He found himself sitting on the brown leather couch at the Avengers Tower (where the Stark family alose happened to reside) the morning after the video was released, staring at his texts blow up in front of him.
Ned: Dude you’re famous?? You’re on the YT trending page!!
MJ: can i meet ryan and shane? also warning: flash and brad don’t know you’re dating y/n so their texts may be a little hostile…
Flash: Damn Parker, how do you know Y/N Stark???
Brad: Why haven’t you brought Y/N around?
Betty: Peter you HAVE to let me interview you for the school news! When are you free??
“What the hell is going on…” Peter whispers, jaw unhinged as notification after notification caused his phone to ‘ding’ out of control.
“Hey Pete,” he hears a voice flow into the living room. His girlfriend walks past him, not before pressing her lips to his cheek. His cheek warms at the contact and his eyes follow her pajama-clad body into the large kitchen.
“Did you see the video you posted?” Peter calls after her. Y/N shakes her head as she throws a banana along with other frozen fruit into the blender.
“No…why?” she calls back. “Do you want a smoothie?”
“No, but thank you,” Peter replies quickly. He turns his body to face her and raises his voice at the sound of the blender turning on, “It’s trending. Like, everywhere.”
“I figured it would,” Y/N calls back, the hum of the blender drowning her voice out.
“How are you so chill?” Peter asks her, slightly bewildered.
“There was paparazzi in the hospital waiting room when I was bored. You get used to stuff like that,” she answers, before making her way back to Peter, smoothie in hand. She positions herself on the couch, placing her legs overtop Peter’s lap.
He places his arms over her shins instinctively. “I’m definitely not used to stuff like that,” he mumbles, still scrolling through his notifications.
Y/N scoffs, “You’re Spider-Man, honey. That comes with press.”
“Spider-Man is famous, not me,” he counters.
The sound of the elevator opening and deep voices conversing cut the couple off as they turn towards the door. Tony, followed by Steve, Bucky, and Natasha file into the common floor, all deep in conversation. They don’t seem to notice the young couple, so Y/N decides to make them known.
“Morning!” Y/N calls out.
Tony’s head snaps up towards his daughter, before shifting and narrowing his eyes at Peter. “We were just talking about you,” he says, walking towards the two.
“Oh?” the younger Stark challenges.
Natasha lets out a soft laugh before patting Peter on the shoulder. “You need a public relations lesson,” she says to Peter.
“A what?”
Y/N lets out a fit of giggles. “It’s to make sure you don’t say something stupid to a large audience,” she tells him, and Peter scrunches his nose.
“Why would I need a…oh.”
Tony smirks at him before showing him his ever-rising Twitter followers. “Yeah, oh. That video you posted basically broke the internet. Even old man Steve is talking about it.”
Steve rolls his eyes but smiles sympathetically at him before handing him a grey folder. “Protecting Spider-Man’s identity is still your number one priority, right?” Steve asks and Peter nods. “So, we need to make sure you don’t say anything stupid or post something that gives away who your alias is.”
“So, what’s in the folder?” Peter asks the adults in the room.
“Homework,” Natasha answers. “I’ll help make sure that your identity stays a secret, but I need you to make sure you read that document very carefully. They’re full of general best-practices and protocol for if your identity is exposed.”
“Got it,” Peter whispers, mostly to himself.
“Great,” Tony says with a pat to his shoulder. “It was a funny video, by the way. Can’t wait to see what you kids come up with.”
Over the weekend, even though Natasha, Tony, and Y/N prepared him as best they could for the storm that would most likely ensue on Monday at school, Peter still didn’t feel prepared.
He stood in the middle of his room, gnawing at his lip and choosing between the dark blue sweater and the maroon sweater. Granted, the sweater wouldn’t make that much of a difference and hide the fact that Peter was still a big nerd, but he had a feeling he needed to make a good impression today.
“Babe, you are overthinking it,” Y/N mumbles from Peter’s bed. Like most weekends, she spent the night at Peter’s place. Although things do tend to get a little heated, most nights the couple just watch movies, play video games, or take a walk around the block.
“You’re not the one going to a public school,” Peter mumbles back. It was true; Tony had tried sending Y/N to Midtown, but the paparazzi was getting unbearable, so she took online classes instead. Y/N didn’t mind missing out on the high school experience—her life was so surreal that nothing could make her feel normal, except Peter or Morgan.
“That wasn’t what I meant,” Y/N groans and rolls out of bed. She shivers at the cool breeze caused by the AC being blasted on high as she wraps Peter’s flannel around her body even tighter. “I meant that you’ll look really good in whatever you wear, honey.”
Peter rolls his eyes but turns to face his girlfriend, dark blue and maroon sweater still in hand. “I don’t know why I’m so nervous,” he admits.
“Afraid everyone will look at you differently?”
“Afraid everyone will think I don’t deserve someone like you…”
Y/N gives him a soft smile before closing the gap between them. She peppers kisses along his shoulder, his neck, then finally his lips. Peter ducks down to look at her, wrapping his arms underneath the flannel she’s wearing and around her waist.
“I love you, ya know that right?” she whispers into his collarbone.
Peter hums in response.
“And the world doesn’t get to decide who or what you deserve. Because you deserve a hell of a lot more than what I can give you.”
Peter groans, “Don’t say that. You give me everything I need.”
“And that’s what matters,” Y/N replies. “Not what anyone else thinks. Okay?”
Peter pulls away and gives his girlfriend a sincere smile, “Okay.”
“Good,” she muses before pressing a final kiss to Peter’s lips. She then takes the maroon sweater from his hands. “Wear the dark blue sweater, I want to wear the maroon one.”
Despite Y/N’s encouraging words, Peter’s still nervous.
He’s nerves kick in as soon as Y/N has to leave his place while he packs his school bag. He’s nervous on the subway on the way to school. He’s nervous as he crosses the street towards campus. He’s nervous when he’s walking toward the school entrance, so much so that he can hear his heartbeat over the podcast he’s listening to. And he’s especially nervous when people openly gawk and stare at him as he makes his way to his locker.
Luckily, MJ and Ned are there to save him.
“They’re all staring,” MJ comments as Peter yanks his locker open and reaches for his calculus textbook.
Peter laughs nervously, “I’m aware.”
“You know that clique of really hot sophomores who won’t shut up at lunch?” Ned adds on as he stares at his phone, “They’re all thirsting over you on Instagram.”
Peter slams his locker shut in surprise, “Wh-what?”
Sure enough, Ned’s phone is filled with screenshots of the video on Allison’s Instagram story with the caption ‘hmu peter ;) or i may have to fake needing a tutor to talk to you.’
Peter gags. MJ snickers.
“Oh my god, this is awful,” Peter shudders as he turns around and makes his way to first-period calculus. Ned and MJ follow suite. “Don’t they know I’m dating someone?”
“Peter, if we barely knew you were dating someone until we met her and started handing out with her,” MJ deadpans.
“Speaking of your girlfriend,” Ned butts in, “are you going to tell her about Allison?”
“No, she’d probably laugh. And it’s not a big deal, right?” Peter answer honestly, smiling slightly at the thought of Y/N laughing her ass off at the thought of sophomores at his own school acting thirsty on main.
Ned stops dead in his tracks, “What if she was actually talking to you?”
“Ned, what—”
“Hi, Peter!” a high-pitched voice attempting to sound sultry cuts him off.
MJ laughs in amusement before walking away as Peter squeaks out, “H-hi, Allison.”
Ned pats his shoulder encouragingly before walking away, giving Peter a ‘you’re on your own’ look.
She bats her eyelashes at him, giving him a shy smile. Peter’s distracted by her bright pink outfit—she looked straight out of an early-2000s movie. It suited her, but it wasn’t really Peter’s preference.
“I watched your video, it was really funny,” Allison says, inching closer to Peter.
“Thanks, um look, I gotta go—”
“You doing anything tonight?” she immediately asks.
No, Peter thinks, but he racks his brain for an excuse. May is working so he can’t use her, Tony is at the Avengers’ Compound, MJ has art class, Ned is working on a group project, maybe Y/N…
It’s too late. “Great!” Allison quips, “I’m having a party tonight and you’re invited, hottie. I’ll AirDrop you the details.”
“Uh, thanks,” he mutters pathetically as she practically skips away.
It wasn’t just Allison’s invitation that stuck out to him; it seemed like everybody more popular than Peter was giving him some sort of attention. If Peter didn’t know better, we would’ve been flattered. Instead, he was suspicious.
By lunch, Peter had been invited to three parties, a football game, a boat ride, and more invitations to hangout than he could count. Even Mr. Harrington made a jab at Peter’s internet fame.
As soon as the bell rang, Peter bolted out of his English class and ran out the front gates to take a breath. Even as Spider-Man, public events often felt overwhelming. Now, with no excuse to leave and no disguise to hide his flustered expression, the few minutes of silence he had at beginning of lunch was the only break he got all day.
“You don’t look too hot, babe,” he hears a voice say. From his spot leaning against the railing of the school entrance, he lifts his gaze and finds Y/N Stark staring up at him from the bottom of the stairs.
He stands up immediately and meets Y/N halfway down the stairs. He smiles widens as he gets close to her, “What are you doing here?”
“MJ texted me—said you were feeling overwhelmed,” she says nonchalantly, but concern laces her features. “You doing okay?”
“Just not used to so many people giving Peter Parker attention. And the feeling that they probably just want to hang out with me because they want to be famous makes me icky.”
Y/N hums and reaches for his torso to give him a hug. Peter is on the step above her, so he wraps his arms around her shoulders and rests his chin on her head. “I know how you feel,” she mumbles.
Peter laughs half-heartedly, “Got invited to a shit ton of parties, though.”
Y/N chuckles into his chest, “Oh really?”
“One of which is tonight. Got any plans?”
“Hmm…maybe,” she tells him. “Dad wants me to be his plus one to a gala thing, but I don’t really want to go.”
“You’d rather go to a shitty high school party?”
“I’d rather do anything, honestly.”
A honk from a car parked on the curb catches their attention. Peter looks up and finds Happy peering his head through the window of a black sedan. “Hate to break you two up, but I really don’t want to be swarmed by high schoolers,” Happy shouts, “so we should get going, Y/N.”
Y/N sighs, “And, that’s my cue.”
“I’ll see you tonight, maybe?” Peter asks hopefully, pressing a kiss on her forehead.
“Maybe. Text me the address, but don’t bail on the party,” Y/N tells him before giving Peter a proper kiss. Another honk from Happy causes them to break away, followed by the school doors opening and more and more people filtering outside. A series of shocked gasps at Y/N Stark and Peter Parker in such a compromising position prompt Y/N to start walking down the stairs.
“See you, Peter,” Y/N shouts as she quickly makes her way down the steps.
Peter waves to Y/N in the passenger seat as her and Happy drive away. His phone the buzzes with a text from Y/N:
Y/N 🥰: hang in there bb, love you!
“Yo, dickwad!” Peter hears Flash shout from behind him, “Why didn’t you introduce me to your Stark friend?”
Peter sighs. This was going to be a long day.
“You don’t have to go if you don’t want to.”
“I want to May…it’s just that—”
“It’s just that you want Y/N there?”
Peter sighs and shakes his head. He sits in the passenger seat of May’s car as she’s parked outside Allison’s house where the party is taking place. He’s beyond uncomfortable: the girl who was shamelessly flirting with him was sending him DMs, asking him when he was going to show up to her party. His skinny jeans—the nice ones saved for special occasions—were still a little stiff because he never really wore them, and he’s sure he’s made sweat stains on his white t-shirt.
“I guess, I just want the high school experience, to feel normal. Even if it’s a fake normal,” Peter says honestly, fiddling with his hair in the mirror. “But everything is easier with Y/N around.”
“Did she answer your texts?”
“I sent her the address and she said she would try to find an excuse to leave the gala early, but I don’t know if she’s gonna make it,” Peter says dejectedly.
May nods understandingly, “If you want to leave, just send me an SOS. I’ll come pick you up.”
“Thanks, May,” he says before pressing a kiss to her cheek. He doesn’t feel his body move, but his feet carry him out of the car and towards the front steps of the house. He doesn’t realize he’s reached for the door until he’s already inside, looking around at the darkened house illuminated by colourful lights and blaring with music.
“Peter!” he hears someone call from the top of the stairs. It’s Allison, clad in a sheer top, lacy bralette, and tight leather pants. He tries not to gawk at her, but he gulps in nervousness as she approaches.
“You made it!” she exclaims over the rumbling bass. Without warning she pulls Peter into a hug, pressing her body close to his. His muscles tense in surprise, but he feels Allison shiver.
Fucking great, Peter thinks as Allison eyes him up and down, biting her lip.
“Do you want a drink?” Allison says, latching onto his bicep and guiding him further into the house.
“Um, sure,” Peter says as he tries to remove his arm from her grasp while still remaining subtle. He fails, and Allison proceeds to run her nails up and down his arm.
Someone shoves a solo cup in Peter’s hand, and he takes a few big gulps immediately. His powers can’t get drunk, but he can sure as hell try if he has to handle Allison’s not-so-subtle advances towards him all night.
“I’m glad you came,” Allison suddenly whispers in his ear before biting his ear lobe in an attempt at seduction.
Peter whips his head around to confront her but before he can say anything, she’s left him to chat with her friends who have been watching the whole interaction in jealousy and awe. Great, Peter thinks before wiping his earlobe clean of her spit.
The party isn’t too bad; a few games of beer pong are going on the patio and people are taking turns jumping into the pool in just their underwear. Peter makes small talk with some people he recognizes, but for the most part, he leans against the wall and watches Flash pretend to be good at beer pong. Every few minutes, he checks the time on his phone and hopes for a text.
At 9:15, Peter has been at the party for forty-five minutes and is on his third drink. He still doesn’t feel buzzed.
At 9:24, Allison checks up on him again and tries to get him to strip with her and jump into the pool. He declines.
At 9:32, Flash loses his third game of beer pong in a row and a heard of angry freshmen finally scare him away from the table.
At 9:47, he hears excited commotion inside the house. He doesn’t bother to look inside and instead stares at the amber liquid in his cup.
He feels a hand fall on his shoulder, and he groans, finally fed up with Allison’s antics. “Look Allison, I think you’re sweet and all but—”
“Who’s Allison?”
Peter’s face breaks into a huge smile at the sight of Y/N Stark, still in her formal evening wear. The dark green, straight gown falls to the floor and the simple dress is bedazzled by nothing except the gold necklace Peter got her for her birthday and the million-dollar Stark smile.
“You made it,” he says in relief and excitement.
Y/N smirks back, “I’m overdressed.”
“You look beautiful.”
Y/N examines Peter’s outfit, “You look good too. This shirt makes your arms look huge.”
Peter blushes but takes a hold of her hands, only half-aware that half of the party is probably staring at them right now. “I didn’t think you were going to make it.”
Y/N laughs, “We were stuck in traffic. Dad wanted to get out of there too, it was pretty boring. We had to drop him off at home, first.”
“You left a boring party to come to another boring party, then. The difference is that you don’t get free dinner over here.”
Her laugh draws more attention to the duo and Peter finally finds the balls to look at the decent-sized crowd accumulating around them. He then notices a familiar face push through the people.
“Oh my god, you’re Y/N Stark!” Allison gushes as she approaches her, “Can I get a picture with you?”
Y/N smiles at her, “Um, sure?”
Allison squeals and shoves her phone into someone’s face, demanding them to take her picture. After a few photos are taken, Allison grabs her arms giddily and says, “You should totally follow me on Insta, these pics turned out really cute.”
Y/N looks amusedly at her, “Yeah, for sure…”
Allison then gasps, “You know Peter, too! We go to school together.” Allison then wraps her arms around Peter’s bicep and Y/N and Peter lock eye contact; Peter looks at Y/N in a state of panic and Y/N looks at Peter with nothing but amusement.
“Yeah, I figured,” she tells her, the amused expression growing.
Allison gasps again, “Peter! We should get a picture together too!”
Before he can really process it, Allison is pulling Peter close and shoving her phone in front of their faces. As Allison makes several different selfie faces, Y/N laughs softly as Peter smiles awkwardly at the camera. Suddenly, the feeling of lip-glossed lips touches his cheek and Peter raises his eyebrows in surprise and watches as Allison presses a kiss to his cheek in front of his girlfriend and what seemed like half the party. Her kisses trail down his neck, jaw, and ear before Peter finally gets over his initial shock and laughs awkwardly.
“Okay, um. That was kinda weird, Allison. You see, I’m ac—”
Allison juts her lip out and pouts, “But these were turning out so cute, Petey!”
Y/N Stark finally breaks out into a fit of hysterical laughter and both Peter and Allison turn to her with a bewildered expression.
“What?” Allison asks accusingly, thinking that she’s being mocked.
“Honey, he’s not interested.”
Allison’s jaw unhinges, “And how would you know?”
“Sweetheart, you’d be embarrassed if I told you.”
She scoffs. “Try me.”
“I’m dating Peter.”
Allison’s eyes bulge. The group of people watching the interaction gasp. Peter chokes on his own spit.
Allison’s face suddenly gets very, very red. “Miss Stark, I’m so, so sorry—"
Y/N holds out a hand to stop her rambling. “Don’t worry about it, love. If I wasn’t already dating him, I would be all over him, too,” she quips before grabbing Peter’s hand and leading him out of the party.
“E-erm, bye! Thanks for inviting me,” Peter calls back as Y/N leads him out of the house and towards the black sedan where the driver was waiting for the two to be done partying.
“All things considered, I would call that a pretty tame first fan interaction,” Y/N tells him as they walk towards the car. Her arm is wrapped around his torso as she leans her cheek on Peter’s shoulder. 
Peter’s arm slings around her shoulders and looks down at her face. Her eyes twinkle in the moonlight and her features are light with amusement. “You’re not mad?” he asks her.
“Why would I be mad?”
“Because another girl was kissing me in front of you. And that you had to out our relationship.”
“Not a valid reason to be mad, to be honest. She didn’t know, and our relationship was bound to get out anyway.”
Peter laughs lightly, “You’re amazing, you know that?”
Y/N hums, “Yeah, I know. But so are you. And don’t worry, after a few weeks, the whole school will be a little chiller about your internet fame.”
A week later, Y/N and Peter uploaded a video where they went ghost hunting with Sam Wilson and Bucky Barnes and it broke the internet yet again. Needless to say, the whole school was not very chill about it.
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caffeinetheory · 5 years
-Anything you write or draw on your skin appears on the other’s
--This applies to injuries and cuts
-Tim is older by a few months
-They find out about the connection after Mari’s 7th birthday when they both get sizable bruises on each leg but can only remember causing one
--Que parents explaining what it means and frantic research
--Constant conversations follow
--Both become fluent in the other’s language with in 2 years (and even then people find out after 2 years because sometimes they slip when talking)
--Many inside jokes and weird words they made up trying to understand the other language that only they know the meaning of
-They send notes of worry to the other after bad injuries and notes of encouragement
-Wonder Women basically adopts Mari when she finds out there is an active Ladybug
--Mom used to be a Ladybug so she knows all about the Muraculi
-Mari does still have friends despite Lila’s best efforts
--Lila isn’t a main antagonist though still isn't a good person (I want to focus on more fluffy things so that's why; she is no way a good person or redeemed character) 
--Her class support system: Cholé, Alix, Adrien, Kim, Luka, Kagami and Max
--Juleka comes around after hanging out with everyone and talking with Luka
--Nino, Nathaniel and Marc also support Mari but aren’t as open because fear and Nino is on the fence about his Girlfriend 
--Jagged, Penny, Clara, Audrey all have a respect and care for Mari
-Tim and Mari have battles of witt on their arms to try to figure out who is smarter
--(Spoiler: they are both insanely smart) it is basically a tie
-Most of the good in person fluff will take place after Hawk Moth is defeated and Mari is the official Guardian
--My girl needs some happiness and good luck man
-Mari and Tim accidentally find out each others identity after they leave themselves notes on their arm and putting the pieces together; however this is often forgotten between stress and more important things
--Because of this though when the Justice League gets a message from Paris, he knows it is real and believes it
--When they find out they don’t tell the other because they understand and respect how important secret identities (this is part of the reason it doesn’t really cross their minds)
--Mari figures out who Robin is; she forgets that Red Robin is a thing so doesn’t look into finding him out
--Figuring out Robin was an accident so she doesnt looking to the rest of the BatFam
--Tim forgets about all the stuff about Ladybug on his arms because living in Gotham has enough to deal with so he tries not to focus on too much at once/has bigger problems
--“I JUST MEET RED ROBIN/LADYBUG” moment in Paris, after a patrol where they run into each other when the League is investigating the plea for help
--The Wayne’s and Diana are there on “official” business but really it is just a cover so they can investigate
--Diana hears about this from both sides as she befriended Mari earlier and finds this a lovely development
---She also figures out that they are soulmates but doesn’t tell them, it’s better if they figure it out themselves
---Does often have a knowing smile when talking to the 2 of them about it though
-It took years before the team decides that they need to contact the League 
--This is a few years in maybe 4 going on 5
--Wonder Woman is the one going through the messages and immediately wants to help
--Tim walks in about ½ way through the message and stops what he is doing, immediately knowing this is real thanks to his soulmate
--Jason basically gets adopted by the Dupain-Cheng’s after coming to their bakey every morning while in Paris
---Loves Mari and would do anything to protect her
---Loves the fact she can easily flip him like its nothing
--Damiain respects her abilities and accepts the fact she is basically his older sister now
---Both end up becoming very protective of the other in their own ways
---Wants to teach her how to use his blades so badly and to meet all his pets
--Dick loves her from basically the beginning
---Loves her happy and optimistic attitude despite her situation (he can see himself in her a little bit)
---Instant friends and she smuggles sweets to him
--They meet when Dick follows Jason to the bakery one morning
---When Dick introduces Mari to Kori she is taken into a bone crushing hug that everyone is worried about the small girl but she instantly returns and is perfectly fine
----Kori already loves her
--All the boys meet her in Paris at the bakery but Tim and Bruce (Alfred did not come)
--Tim was never awake so they brought him back coffee and Bruce while he did go, she wasn’t there at the time
-There many “dumb” battles of witt have lead to many late night talks
--Anytime the bois need help with a really bad puzzle by the riddler Tim asks his soulmate under the guise of a normal “battle”
---There is rarely context but always a fun time
-Both have gotten a lot of big scars that sorry the other but they have comfort in the fact they know the other is still ok and alive
--Small messages and self care tips/messages usually litter their arm after a particular bad injury/scar
--This always makes them feel better and brings a small smile to their lips on both parties once they get the message they are okay
--Lots of check in messages too after big fights and encouragement 
-Team Miraculous 
--Ladybug is the leader and tends to be point base for public relations (Mari)
--Chat Noir is the second in command, and is the go to if Ladybug isn’t available 
---Adrien has matured a lot and is a respectable force to be reckoned with 
---Both of them help train the others and often spare together to blow off steam 
--Ryuuko is  Kagami, she became a permanent holder at the same time Luka did
--Viperion is Luka and it is after the four become a semntited team that Mari decides they should know each other’s identities
--Queen Bee joins a little but after, she’s a reformed Cholé
---While hesitate at first Mari gets them all to be accepting 
---Probably changes name and outfit though, but is a permanent holder
--King Monkey and Pegas are semi permanent holders (Kim and Max respectfully) 
---Only not permanent because they want to avoid suspension but are full members of the team
---Also work as civilians, helps with the cover
--Alix also is a part of the team but only as a civilian 
---They have considered giving her the Fox 
----She helps answer questions and acts as a ground base for the hero’s as she is the main “civilian” the government goes to if they need the team
--They are a really tight team and trust each other fully
--The turtle and fox get used but sparingly 
---Ivan might be turtle sometimes 
---Nino later might be a good choice too, I’m not fully sure yet
----Fox has been used by Alix and maybe Juleka too but unsure about Juleka right now
--All holders have slight effects from their miraculous 
---Mari and Adrein have the most as they’ve had theirs the longest 
---Mari has good luck and is able to embed some of that luck into what she makes
----She also doesn’t do well in the cold
----Things tend to grow more around her, especially flowers, almost like they are growing toward her
---Adrien has bad luck (thanks to Mari’s gifts this isn't really bad though) and if not careful can break anything
----Likes to take naps in the sun and is very protective 
----Cats like to gravitate to him
---Kagami has lots of extra body heat
---Luka can sometimes predict what is going to happen, can predict a lot of normal everyday things
---Cholé can easily knock people out now, she knows all the right places to hit to incapacitate someone
---Max (weaker cause hasn’t had as long) knows the fastest way to get places and shortcuts basically anywhere
---Kim (weaker cause hasn’t had as long) is able to freerun and parkour with little training 
----Can also sense when some chaos is about to happen, however it isn’t to sting yet but does get stronger the longer he has his miraculous 
---Alix (has the weakest, but still strong) has the ability to tear apart half truths and lies, she gets this from the fox but also works on it herself after vowing to not let Lila fool anyone she cares about again
-After Hawk Moth is defeated Adrien moves in with the group
--Mostly stays with Mari and Kagami
---Considering moving with Mari when she leaves Pairs
-Mari becomes the Guardian before Hawk Moth is defeated 
--It is about when she makes a real team, Fu gives her the knowledge and training she needs
--He’s been doing it indirecting since the beginning (well a few months in) but after she takes initiative with making the team he is more direct
--He waited to make sure she as ready and she is
-Mari plans to move to Gotham to properly meet her soulmate after school
--This is to move the Miraculous and to further her career 
--This is one of the biggest motivators to contact the League to get help defeating Hawk Moth
--The team is more than onboard with going with her and follow where she goes 
---They are basically family, and family supports family
--This move would also help them with Uni and furthering their potential careers, so it is a win-win for everyone
--They do want to stay a Superhero team after Hawk Moth but more low-key, the move would also give them a chance to be more open about wanting to do this
---They don’t want to step on toes but want to help if they can
-Soulmates in this au (romantic at least)
--Tim and Mari (duh)
--Adrien and Kon (Conner/Superboy)
--Cholé and Kagami (maybe Luka, unsure but I’m a sucker for poly, I could always make it a Young Justice member, any ideas welcome)
--Kim/Max/Alix (we love poly and these are a good trio)
-Kon-el/Conner and Adrien 
--For the longest time Adrien didn’t think he’d ever be loved/have a soulmate
---Conner wasn’t around yet so that’s why his connection wasn’t there
--Adrien cried the first time he got a mark he cried
---It made him know there was someone else
---Mari stayed with him the whole night holding him and telling him, she knew he would have someone
--Conner rarely responds, the boy doesn’t know French so it’s kinda hard
---Tim notices the language and offers him help, he is also the one to explain what soulmates are to Conner
--Conner feels bad for his “other half”
---Partly due to the whole secret identity thing
----He isn’t great with people
----His other half seems to get hurt a lot and doesn’t want to be another cause of that pain
--Despite never getting much from his soulmate Adrien always leaves messages of encouragement and validation
--He understands how much that can mean to someone
---He starts to leave some in Englsih too, just in case his soulmate only knows Englsih 
----Mari’s idea but he was more than on board for
---He often apologies of injuries he gets 
----Conner doesn’t usually notice the injury but the note afterward
-----part of his alien blood is why he doesn't usually feel
------When he does notice he does worry a lot because if he feels it what must have happened to this other person (is under the impression it is a normal civilian)
--Adrien is so happy to know he is loved by someone else, because as Conner may not show it, he has a feeling his other half cares
---Mari is so happy that her best friend has gotten what he needed to know he was loved she cries with him too
----It happens a year or so after being heros so they are close but don’t quite know each others identities yet, but that happens not long after
--Conner is convinced to go and help when the Justice League goes to Paris
---He goes and stays with Tim most of the time
---Tim is the one who convinced him to go and acts as a translator, as Conner has a grasp of the language he isn't too confident
---He does meet Chat Noir but only briefly; both are more focused on the bigger picture
----Both act like lost puppies with Mari and Tim respectfully; and when they get together this doesn't change too much
----They are a really fluffy couple, Adrein needs physical affection and Conner accepts
-How they meet (Tim and MAri) [finally I know]
--They meet as heros before they meet as civilians
--They meet as heros on a patrol before the final battle with Hawk Moth
---This is where the “HOLY SHIT I JUST MEET RED ROBIN/LADYBUG” moment happens, after they get back from patrol they indemnity write the other
----Mari talks to Diana about all this over breakfast the next day
-----they both know the others identity because Diana told Mari so she would trust her because she knew Mari because of her connection with the Miraculous, instant connection
----Wonder Woman figures out they are soulmates through this (Tim had a mini crisis with her that night)
--She “may or may not” leave hint to Bruce to set something up for them
--The 2 are to focused on the final battle to worry about the potential revelations 
---While fighting they have instant synergy and chemistry that goes unnoticed by them at the time but everyone else notices and takes note
--Bruce decides to “spontaneously” sponsor a trip for a class to go to Gotham, as a senior/graduation reward for a class that has done a lot for their community
---It is also a way to give a break to the poor kids who have been dealing with this for far to long
---The “contest” is announced about a week or so after the final battle
---Wonder Woman tells Mari about it
---Mari then proceeds to write far more than one would have expected, she really wants her class to have something good finally, and even excluding all the hero end stuff they do it is close to being a novel
----She would have won even if wasn’t a set up 
---Wonder Woman tells Bruce which class to choose and doesn’t question it as he trusts her judgment, he also doesn’t question why she is so insistent but completely agrees with her choice
----Diana is the one to tell Mari who instaly is giving her a bone crushing hug which Diana returns in fold
---The whole squad is hyped
----Luka and Kagami pulled some strio “happen” to be going to Gotham themselves
----This is also seen as a great opportunity for them to scout places for them to consider moving after school is done
--They meet at Wayne Enterprise building
---Dick is leading the tour
----Diana may or may not have given him some hints that Tim’s soulmate is in the group
--Lila’s empire is destroyed that week, she tried to lie about the Waynes to the Waynes 
---Tries to say she is dating Damiain who is way younger than her and knows nothing
---Conner is staying with Tim because his soulmate said something about Gotham and figured spending time with Tim isn’t bad either
--Identity get revealed on purpose during the trip (probably near the end) 
--When Mari sees the boys she is confused but happy to see her new friends again so soon
--Diana is a good support for Mari and a “wing woman” of sorts 
--Jason is so happy to she his new “sister” when he crashes the tour to mess with Dick
--Tim is passed out in his office when they pass
---Mari writes a note to her soulmate about how funny it is, this makes Conner look up as he is watching Tim and sees the note appear in his arm
---Mari doesn’t notice but Dick and Jason do
---This leads to the 3 trying to get them to talk
---Adrien catches on and instantly wants to help his bestie meet her boy
----Adrien then tells his soulmate about it later because he wants to and Conner sits straight up and has a huge revelation
-----The boys along with Diana and Mari’s squad set them up and they have a good time and it is really cute                                                                                                                                                      
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Prompts for someone who is very well meaning but makes a huge mess of things, yet it somehow all improbably works out for the best anyway? If ya don't mind?
Sure thing! I’m used to getting romantic asks so getting this one was kind of easier to do.
Dialogue Prompts
1) “Why would you do that?!” “It seemed like a good idea at the time!”
2) “You woke the dragon?!!” “I fell!” “You’re so clumsy!” “I’m sorry, let’s run!”
3) “Person A if you cough and get us caught I will gut you right here.” “[Insert Person A sneezing]” “They’re hiding over here!” “You’re. Dead. RUN!”
4) “I just ate lightning bugs.” “Oh my god why would you do that?” “The fairy queen said they’re enchanted and that it’ll give me magic.” “And you believed her?” “Why would she lie?” “Because she hates you!”
5) “I don’t know about you but I could go for some ice cream.” “We just murdered a guy!” “A guy who happened to be a serial killer. I think that earns us some ice cream.” “Oh my god.”
6) “Do you think I’m stupid?” “I don’t think you’re stupid. I know it. That’s why I wont let you do Math for anything.” “I just thought you liked Math.” “No, last time you did Math we ended up with twenty goats.” “And?” “And we only needed two!” “But we made so much goat cheese! We made a killing!”
7) “This road trip is going to take how long?” “About six days!” “Why didn’t we just book a flight?”
“I just thought we could spend more time together.” “Oh my god kill me.”
8) “I told Person A that B cheated on them.” “What?! Why would you do that?” “It was the right thing to do.” “No. No it wasn’t. B was going to tell them. B was going to explain everything but now A’s going to freak out and think B was trying to hide it. You made a mess of everything.” “I can fix it.” “Please. Don’t.”
9) “I may not have got the glasses right.” “Are you kidding me? One had poison in it, you didn’t think to make sure we didn’t get the fucking poisoned glasses?!” “I’m sorry.” “If I die I’m going to Freddy Krueger your ass and come back to murder you in your fucking sleep.” “Please don’t do that.” “You’d better hope I don’t have to.”
10) “Don’t be mad.” “Oh god, I’m already so mad that you’re telling me not to be mad. What did you do?”
11) “What if we kill it with the fireworks we have here? What if we put them all in the house, cover them in gasoline and then blow them up when they come inside?” “That’s so stupid it might work.”
12) “You’re an idiot. But your heart’s in the right place.” 
13) “Do you think they hate me?” “You filled their entire room with spiders.” “I thought they said they liked them.” “They don’t.”
14) “How do we defeat the enemy?” “We make them watch The Ring and when they’re done we call them and tell them they’re going to die in seven days.” “Wow, that’s probably the dumbest thing you’ve ever said. Anyone else got any ideas?”
15) “I don’t know why you’re so mean to me?” “You just do nothing. You ruin everything and somehow it still works out for you in the end. Some of us have to work for what we want, the universe doesn’t just make us lucky like you!”
16) “What do we do? We’ve got to get rid of them somehow.” “I got it. We put witch hazel in their contact case.” “That’s so fucked up. Okay.”
17) “Do you think killing that guy makes us bad people?” “Oh god, is this what we’re going to do today? I’m not being roped into having a heart to heart with you where I convince you you’re a good person. I refuse to do it.”
18) “I mess everything up. I’m a failure.” “Yeah…” “That’s it? Those are your comforting words?” “Oh, right, comforting. Um… I don’t know how to be comforting. Let’s get ice cream.”
19) “I’m worthless, I ruin everything.” “It all works out in the end.” “But what if one day it doesn’t?” “Then I’ll prepare for that day. Now stop crying and let’s go kill your stepdad.”
20) “Do you think I’m a loser.” “Oh yeah!” “...” “Oh no, you’re crying. Oh shit. Um, I mean yeah I think of you as a loser but you’re a cool loser, you know? Like a, um, like in a we’re good friends kind of way.” “You’re so bad at this.” “Look, comforting crying people isn’t in my job description!” “Just tell me it’s going to be okay and hug me.” “It’s going to be okay… Do we hug now?” “Oh my god.”
Regular Prompts
1) A is always messing everything up but everything always turns out fine. When people start wondering why A explains they don’t know why they’re always lucky, they just are. That’s when A discovers they have the blood of a rare dragon who’s made of pure gold allowing them to be the luckiest person in the world.
2) A works in coat check at a fancy place and accidentally switches the coat they’re wearing with the coat of someone carrying spy information. When they track down the person they end up watching them die where the secret they were carrying could have been exposed. They get a phone call from another spy, Person B, who instructs them to go to a certain location. When they do Person B recognizes them and takes them with them, making A confused. They get kidnapped, shot at, drugged, but they always pull through and when they get to the right location B reveals that they recognized them as Person C’s son/daughter and knew everyone else would too because they look extremely similar.  A and B are awarded for saving the government's secrets and it ends with A being trained as a spy by B.
3) A is the long lost son/daughter of a Queen/King who died. They are tracked down by people they think are the police. A has stolen something that belongs to the Queen/King and goes on a long chase by the people running the castle. They try to sell the item but just end up calling the police. They run off again, meeting Person B who’s a thief like them. They fall in love along the way and when the police finally catch up to them they explain their the last heir left. A explains they’ll only accept the crown if B’s allowed to rule beside them.
4) A accidentally drops an old key into a sewer near their house  while moving things around the attic, not thinking it’s important they continue doing their thing. When A’s friend gets B to help A neither of them are happy about it. When they start moving around the attic the door closes behind them and locks. The key to unlock is the one in the sewer. Without their phones to call for help they’re forced to sit together in a room until someone gets back. This forces them to bond and get closer as either friends or more. (Bonus if they decide to hang out even when the attic is unlocked)
5) A accidentally gets two samples mixed up resulting in two different pregnancies but they’re not carrying the right person’s babies. A calls them to tell them this and the couples all meet up. As they talk they begin to notice they have more in common with the other people and by the time the babies are born they’ve swapped partners completely meaning the person pregnant got with the person who matches their baby in the end. (Bonus if they end up naming the babies something similar and are still good friends afterwards.)
6) A is cleaning out a rocket when they accidentally fire themselves in space. Panicking the person who was supposed to be in charge, Person B, gets in touch with them immediately and asks what’s going on. A doesn’t know what to do, they’ve never been in a rocket. They’ve quickly got to get used to it and get in the right suit. When they get in space they make it to a station that has food and water for them to pick up for the immediate journey back. A and B talk a lot more and end up bonding over mutual interests that they normally only talk about when A gets panicky. But when A gets to the moon/planet they discover alien life and end up bringing tons of samples back that they wouldn’t have been able to get because of some sort of timing issue. When A gets back instead of being fired they’re praised as a hero and decide they’d actually like to be an astronaut but never without B in their ear or by their side. (Bonus if the first person to greet them is B, especially if they’ve never seen each other in person before.)
7) A ends up getting kidnapped because they look identical to a prince/princess. The leader, Person B, notices immediately that they’re not the prince/princess because of their clothes. Turns out B is in love with the prince/princess and knows they’d never be caught dead in something like that. B explains that the prince/princess was supposed to get on their boat and they were just going to call it a kidnapping because they wanted to run away together to go treasure hunting. When they get back to the kingdom after a long journey to B, Person A and B end up growing closer to each other and A’s sad to leave the ship. Turns out the prince/princess got married so they could be a king/queen in another kingdom. When B doesn’t take it too hard Person A asks if there’s still a space left on the ship for them. B happily tells them yes and they sail off together.
8) After an accident A ends up getting super powers and immediately decides to be a superhero. When they try to save people they realize it’s way harder than it looks. They’re very bad at it but always manage to save the day. 
9) A accidentally starts a war between kingdoms by sending a love letter from a king to the wrong person. It actually helps everyone deal with their issues and ends up bringing the kingdoms closer together.
10) A ends up finding some orphans by finding them on complete accident. Person A makes them food and offers to help them find a home. They get lost and end up with Person B, a recluse who’s never left their home before or been around strangers. Despite that they all hit it off really well and they convince B to leave their house and go out of the woods to see society. After a long journey together bonding over games, talks, good experiences, and horrible ones, they come to love A and B like their parents. When they get into town A heads to the orphanage but ultimately decides to raise them all on their own. B decides they want to sell their home and be closer to the kids. (Bonus if it ends with a wedding.)
Sorry this took so long by the way and if this isn’t what you wanted just let me know!
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faecaptainofdreams · 4 years
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~~Laetus~~ Laetus, pronounced "lay-tuhs," is a Latin term for "colorful, joyful, glad," and most prominently, "lovable." This bizarre moth spirit was recently accidentally summoned to Earth-616 during a little magical mishap at Kamar-Taj. Sometimes opening portals invites in strange visitors, but given this one was so fluffy and seemingly harmless, Stephen allowed him to stay. As it is, he couldn't convince him to go back. Laetus is semi-sentient. A good example of how he behaves would be like a washed out, less insane version of GIR from Invader Zim, and even with a similar voice. But Laetus is considerably more intelligible, as his learning capability and memory retention are quite impressive. Still, this doesn't exactly make him intelligent. Consistently bearing a derpy, happy face and cheerful disposition, Laetus has been welcomed to residency in the Avengers facility, sharing run of the building, coming and going as he pleases. Strange would've kept him in Nepal, but the little imp kept getting into magical equipment, and so the Sorcerer Supreme deemed his presence unsafe for everyone. He's almost like a self-sufficient pet Laetus breaks the occasional thing, but isn't overly destructive nor does he take up space. His eating habits are various, with him eating more for pleasure and out of curiosity than real necessity. Sometimes he'll ingest that which isn't food, and thus he will puke it back up. "Lovable" comes quite befittingly, as Laetus has a secret power; the ability to pass his joy on to others, and typically make them laugh. With his almost hollow, wide moth eyes and high voice that bears resemblance to having some sort of impediment, his affect on others comes directly from his face and odd vocals. Not every word he says will make someone laugh, but much of what he says or learns to say, combined with his silly antics, more often than not causes most or all who witness to giggle or laugh. Laughter intensity varies among individuals, and though the effect may not last or create a permanent good mood, it's definitely good for breaking up tension and easing a troubled mind. After some exposure, Strange has noted that during a serious moment where he's trying to sort something out, whenever Laetus interrupts and causes him to laugh, once he becomes serious again the answers he sought become more clear. He speculates the moth's energy has a resonant mental cleansing capacity. Aside from causing laughter, Laetus' nature draws in those whom he encounters, which may or may not be a defense mechanism in its own right. He is charming and cute, and with that silly voice he appeals to most everyone, which in turn keeps him safe. Were he not so endearing, he would most likely be annoying otherwise, but there are people who do see him as annoying for the most part. But again, this all depends on individual personality traits, energy sensitivity, and comical preference. More serious or mentally damaged individuals are less likely to succumb to his charms, but even then, they often take too much pity in his nature to harm him. Whether or not Laetus is aware that his affects on others aid him remains a mystery, though it's popularly assumed that he is not aware. A side effect of his cuteness and magnetic appeal to others is that when he's trying to be serious, the adorable and comical voice tends to only make those whom he runs to for help laugh. Of course, no one laughs at him directly; they're laughing because his energy just brings them that unbridled joy, and they find him humorous. It's nothing intended to be insulting, or to make fun of him for being different. When times are serious enough, if he deeply needs someone to pay attention or is trying to alert them to trouble, he will quietly point to the thing he is warning of. Overall, Laetus is very accepted and loved, seen as something of a stay-at-home companion, though once in a while he will sneak into someone's luggage and stowaway if they leave for someplace else. On another occasional, he hid in Harlow (OC)'s backpack and infiltrated her school, causing the mutant a rather difficult day. ~~Personality~~ He is generally innocent in nature, blindly repeating things he hears on tv shows or YouTube videos, whether it's appropriate or not. He does appear to be conscious of the fact that he consistently makes others laugh just by talking to them, even when he's trying to be serious, but this isn't something he abuses. Laetus tends to refrain from being around 24/7, and he doesn't constantly butt in. He's friendly, generous and rather spontaneous. ~~Physiology~~ Laetus is plushy, covered in soft fur, and is roughly the size of a small dog. He has three fingers and a thumb per hand and four toes per foot. The antenna on his head are thick and long, indicative of his gender. His tail is fat and plump with an extended bone running through to the tip of it (he's a vertebrate). Unlike a standard moth, his intimate exits are not in his tail; they're where ours are. Laetus is 2 and 1/2 feet tall and weighs roughly twelve pounds. While moth and butterfly wings are covered in small, powdery scales, Laetus's are as well, but they're not so fragile, nor do the scales flake off. In fact, when he doesn't consciously need them to be stiff and fly-worth, they are flexible and very resilient, and can sometimes even be folded like paper. When he needs them to straighten out, they do it naturally. Because interdimensional moth spirit magic. When he flies, his wings beat rapidly, making a constant flapping sound. Like a regular moth, when his muscles need to be warmed up for flight, he will vibrate his whole person...which tends to make everyone laugh, especially considering he often hums while doing it. As you would imagine, Laetus is not overly coordinated when he flies and is susceptible to bumping into things -- most recently a ceiling light and blowing it up while trying to make off clumsily with a can of cheesy pringles he jacked from Sam and Steve in the kitchen. Needless to say, his attempt at pringle piracy was a bust, and it was hilarious. But just for his effort, the boys shared the chips with him, and made sure he didn't cut himself when he landed in the pile of glass from the shattered light. Though he flies similarly to a normal moth in terms of being a klutz, he definitely understands momentum and knows how to swing in its favor to get where he needs to go. Taking off is generally the hardest part of flight for him and is when he is most accident-prone, but once stable he can maintain consistent flight for hours, and even hover in place, and fly backwards or upside down. Laetus is surprisingly durable. This isn't to say he's indestructible, as he is a flesh spirit, but he can take a beating and his skin doesn't break easily. When cut, he bleeds blue, but heals quickly and naturally. Experience suggests he has an uncanny ability to absorb shock, for when he hits things at a high velocity he tends to just bounce straight off of whatever it is he hits. Considering his cuteness and apparent vulnerability and naivete, resilience to otherwise fatal encounters are extremely benefiting to him. Laetus doesn't appear to be strictly diurnal or nocturnal, as he sleeps off and on when he desires, preferring to nap occasionally as opposed to sleep hard for hours on end. This enables him to be awake day or night, though the others will note he seems particularly mischievous when the sun goes down. He isn't overly attracted to lights in a standard setting, but if he is in darkness and sees a single light, he will go to it out of curiosity. Laetus feels feelings just like us, including but not limited to satisfaction, curiosity, joy, sadness, pain, and fear. When he's afraid, he'll simply get quiet and lay flat with his antennae flat, and will say nothing. If Laetus is frightened, the entire mood tends to be brought down. It's ominous times if Laetus senses trouble and doesn't alert someone with a resounding "Oh no!" He can belch...like a man. It's not even a joke, but it is hysterical. He makes his friends proud every time... Most of them. ~~Preference~~ While Laetus has shown curiosity in anatomy, this is more childlike and immature. He has no real preference or urge to mate. He understands anatomy, though, and has a shockingly vivid grasp on sexuality, gender identity and reproduction.
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hcllenic · 4 years
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(DOUGLAS BOOTH, CIS MALE) - Have you seen APOLLO DEMETRIUS BLACKTHORN?  APOLLO is in HIS SENIOR year. The HISTORY MAJOR is 23 years old & is  a SCORPIO. People say HE is CREATIVE, INDEPENDENT, CALLOUS and CYNICAL.  Rumors say they’re a member of CALLOWAY. I heard from the gossip blog  that HE IS NOT HIS FATHER’S BIOLOGICAL SON.
content warnings for death, drug use ?? i think thats it
he’s cupid’s brother
from a very wealthy family that rose to prominence around 1921, taking power in a variety of places. kind of like the kennedys. likely cursed. apollo claims he doesn’t believe in said curse, but the truth is more that he doesn’t want to believe in the curse.
moves from highs to lows really quickly – one week he’s extremely extroverted and ready to fight god and the next he’s alone in his dorm ignoring a paper in the name of wondering if he actually has an identity beneath the one that seems to just have been formed to get his family’s attention / approval / warmth
is honestly very defensive – i don’t mean in arguments, but rather when it comes to relationships. he’s the first one to cut and run because he tends to anticipate the fall before it happens. he tells himself he doesn’t care about his siblings because he’s honestly convinced they would sell his soul to satan for one corn chip.
nothing is eternal and he really knows this – he’s constantly waiting for death to come ‘round the corner. or something else, equally dramatic.
bit of a morbid sense of humour that not everyone appreciates.
almost has this idea that the rest of his siblings are gonna have to die if he wants to end up happy and successful which he KNOWS is absolutely wrong and not productive at all but like.... that shitty luck <3
grew up, for the most part, at his parent’s estate in romania but he really liked to travel and would do so often, after he turned sixteen
he thought he’d found a loophole around the curse / bad luck / whatever u wanna call it by simply not dating but this girl he was like FULLY in love w died in a hunting accident when he was fourteen over summer break (they’d met at boarding school) and he was like. hm. fuck. could be unrelated but.... hm.
so now if he has feelings for someone he just panics. he figured out he was bi and doesn’t really have that much internalized homophobia but he DOES have internalized cursephobia. if he thinks he’s into someone regardless of their gender he’ll ghost them or start a fight w them intentionally or start deliberately trying to notice their flaws
found out he wasn’t his father’s son bc he found a letter his mom wrote to his actual father which was never sent
he burned the letter because, at the time, he was terrified of anyone else finding out. he’s pretty sure it was the only evidence.
SUCH a hedonist. he will do whatever he thinks is the most entertaining until a deadline shows up at which point it’s time for apollo to take a ridiculous amount of adderall and finish a ten page paper in three hours. they’re often riddled with spelling mistakes but they have made some good points. he HATES making up his works cited tho its like pulling teeth w him
relatively responsible driver by day but smth about the night makes him REALLY wanna speed. prone to road... exasperation?? its not rage idk
he has like... contained anger issues like he’s never directed them at anyone he just wanders off to have a fit and then returns. hnstly pretty sure he works out to let off that steam
he’s kind of intelligent but he’s also such a fucking idiot. he had no idea how to cook / do laundry / do ANY of that at all until he was alone at university and, after a week of literally just buying new clothes instead of washing the ones he owned, finally googled how to use a washing machine
absolutely not a monogamist and you should not trust him <3 that said i feel like he’s not secretive about that one particular aspect of his personality like he’ll let people know that if they want a relationship he’s not the person to be approaching which tbqh is probably there to mask how deeply he actually would love to be in a fully monogamous and faithful relationship lol he’s a secret romantic just like... doesn’t wanna get hurt. and he CLAIMS he doesn’t believe in the family curse but that’s kind of bullshit. he does. a potential simp pretending he does not have the capacity to simp
can be awful at taking advice. he’ll listen to it and understand it but he’ll disregard it anyway
very bad at being optimistic. he does feel a bit cursed, again, even if he claims he doesn’t believe in said curse. the blackthorn bad luck always feels like its nipping at his heels.
he can be sooooo dramatic. he’s obnoxious <3
but he’s also like..... relatively independent? he doesn’t like asking for help and he feels like leaning on people too heavily is a shortcoming on his part so he just. will not.
really good at group projects like for some reason he feels too guilty about not actually giving them his all and will actually put effort in whereas when it comes to his own individual projects he’ll just say fuck it (unless he’s genuinely interested)
studying history w an economics minor because he figured he should go for something more or less related to capitalism to soften the blow of running to academia
a bit sensitive about the fact that he’s not actually related to his father by blood. it makes him think about all the conflicts he’d ever had with his father post finding out about his real parentage and like... when he thinks about all of that i think he realizes that his family’s love may very well be entirely conditional and he’s afraid of that. which might be why it almost seems, smtms, like he is actively trying to push them away because he thinks if he leaves first its Fine :)
rlly likes creative ventures he just LOVES working w his hands its so soothing to him. will often be in the pottery studio after dark. he can play piano
wanted connections:
close friends (or as close as he can get) – he seems a little detached and there are def moments where he just vanishes without a trace for a week but they seem to be okay with this and he loves them for it. never feels suffocated by them at all. is occasionally afraid his luck will negatively impact them but so far, so good.
they hooked up a few times then he ghosted them and now its AWKWARD
enemies. please !!!! its unrealistic that he wld be able to exist without ppl hating him
and maybe enemies to friends / enemies to lovers tropes can happen like... i love that.
they’ve known each other for a long time and neither of them trust the other but they have spent many nights together and would probably call each other friends if asked.
they’re similarly chaotic / detached / miserable and sometimes they lean heavily on each other because they don’t really have anyone else who gets it.
they committed a crime together once
they’re attracted to each other but he goes out of his way to avoid them bc he’s like . that seems like the WORST idea. it rlly seems like he actively hates them
and they were roommates (oh my god they were roommates)
someone he literally just argues with all the time. like thats the whole relationship
someone as obsessive as him who is willing to accompany him down history or science or whatever related rabbit holes and procrastinate with him. he wld die for them <3
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rainythefox · 4 years
Nightfall (CH.12)
Synopsis: Pre-Resident Evil 1, slight-AU/Canon Divergence. Claire Redfield comes home to visit her  brother Chris for the holidays but gets caught up in a dangerous game of  cat and mouse with Albert Wesker, the Captain of STARS, after stumbling  upon dark secrets. She can’t call the law; Wesker is the law, and she  can’t tell Chris. She is trapped…Claire/Wesker & Slight  Chris/Jill. Rated M for eventual smut, language, violence, adult content.
AO3 Link
Chapter 12: Complicit
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Claire couldn’t believe this was happening. After two days of “late night babysitting” preparing for this…mission, she was about to actually undergo it. She was kinda freaking out deep down, but her Redfield nerve and composure never broke a sweat on the outside.
She lingered, eyes firmly set on the double glass doors and the welcoming signs, faint traces of snow dancing around her. Would she be able to do this?
“Losing your nerve already? Pity. Thought you redheads had more spunk than this...”
Wesker’s velvety voice crept through the tiny headphone hidden in her right ear. It wasn’t the only thing he attached to her. There was a video camera, the smallest and most advanced she had ever seen, and some kind of tracker, like he needed another way to keep her under his thumb. All to “help” her during this important task at hand that he so generously gave to her. And by generously, there were implications if she didn’t go through with this, that Chris would have a bad “accident”.
“The only nerve I’m about to lose is my last one with you,” she muttered, careful to not talk too loud as a few people slipped by her to enter the building, eager to get out of the dark evening's cold. “I’m ready when you are.”
Wesker’s low laugh through the earpiece made her shiver more than the icy wind blowing the snowflakes around. “I’m always ready, Claire. You should know that by now.”
“Whatever.” Ignoring the dark implications behind his words.
“I have the utmost faith in you, my dear. Do not disappoint me. You know the consequences.”
The younger Redfield took a deep breath. This was it. She would do this…she had to, for Chris.
She headed up the concrete steps and entered Raccoon University, bypassing the positive and welcoming signs advertising “Exclusive Open House for Umbrella’s Future Leaders!”
Claire immediately took notice of all the college students her age and even some older people here. The large, fancy lobby was decorated up for the occasion. There were balloons, finger foods and drinks, more signs and several tables for information on Umbrella programs, internships, scholarships, and grants. Distracted by all the dress up and people, Claire paused to get her bearings, only for someone to bump into her.
“Oh…sorry,” a girl around her age mumbled, wearing a green jacket and looking of Japanese descent. She smiled apologetically and readjusted her backpack strap. Claire noticed right away she seemed a little spacey, but didn’t think much on it.
“All good,” she replied and allowed the girl to pass. Claire watched her walk over to the corner by some of the many leather lounge chairs and tables, sitting with a girl in a yellow hoodie with a long braid and glasses.
“Hello everyone, and welcome to Umbrella’s Open House!” The voice immediately drew Claire’s attention and she turned towards the front desk of the lobby, where three men stood in suits. She immediately recognized them from the research and planning she had gone through for the past two days in order to do this assignment. The man speaking was Greg Mueller, a professor here at the university that also worked for Umbrella. On his right stood another professor and Umbrella researcher, Simon Lowery. The man on the left was well-known Umbrella researcher and medical doctor, Nathanial Bard.
“We hope you are enjoying the delicious food and beverages catered to us by our local favorite restaurant, Grill 13,” Mueller continued. “And of course, staying warm from good ‘ol RC snow. Now, before we begin with tonight’s exciting tour of our historical university, introductions are in order! I’m Dr. Greg Mueller, head of the Research and Lab department of the University and I teach several courses. With me is my colleague and good friend, Dr. Simon Lowery. He’s essential to my team here and makes sure that everything runs smoothly and you have him to thank for some amazing programs to help you on your journey to a brighter future here. Last, but certainly not least, our special guest tonight is the revered Dr. Nathanial Bard of Spencer Memorial Hospital, whose achievements are nothing short of ground-breaking, and he will help you get started on which of Umbrella’s programs will serve you best. I’m going to hand the mic to Simon now.”
Lowery looked to be the younger of the three and wasn’t shy when he took the mic from his colleague. “Thanks Greg. Hello everyone! You know, this is the third year Greg and I have helmed this open house in search of bright pupils with a future at Umbrella Corporation. We have fun every year, and it’s always great meeting every single one of you. Now take your time, visit, mingle, get to know each other, make yourself at home and help yourselves to all this delicious food - I personally recommend the smoked sausages, they’re my favorite! - and please check out each booth we have set up for more information on what programs Umbrella has to offer for you, and we will go into depth later on after the tour. Dr. Bard, would you like to say anything?”
“Of course,” he said and snatched the mic with a wide, fake grin. “There’s something for everyone here. You absolutely will not leave empty handed. Umbrella cares about each and every one of your futures, and we are here to help. It’s my personal mission to make sure every individual will get the help and information they need to ensure a prosperous future. You have my word! Welcome to Umbrella’s open house!”
The three men put up the microphone and split up to join the chatting groups of visitors. Claire kept her cool, getting herself a cup of spiced cider and checking out the information booths just like everyone else.
She could certainly understand why Wesker was using her in this infiltration. There was no doubt she blended right in with the crowd of college ready young adults. She could tell by overhearing bits of conversations that many were already students here at the university while others were newcomers.
The hardest part was waiting. She couldn't get to the next step of the plan if they didn’t go on the tour around the university. So the younger Redfield put on a charming smile and worked the crowd, pretending to be one of them, fishing for information as she waited.
"Such a charmer you are, dear heart. But be careful of whom you charm. Some snakes are immune to the flute."
"Like you?" Claire whispered.
"I'm impervious to the charms of nearly everyone. Most people are just so predictable and boring. Thankfully, you are not ‘most people’...”
Is he really flirting with me over the radio or am I just hearing things? Claire sighed. As if she didn’t have enough on her plate at the moment!
“Oh! Tell her to sneak some shrimp into Nate’s food. I wanna see the dickhole swell up like a balloon and choke.”
She stood corrected, instantly, after William talked smack on the other side. But his big mouth didn’t get to say anything else before a loud yelp rang her eardrum and all became quiet again.
Claire shook her head, but soon a tall figure slipped around from behind her and greeted her with a smile that was more lecherous than cordial.
“Good evening! Dr. Nathanial Bard, how are you, Miss?”
He extended his hand. Claire panicked for a moment because she never came up with a fake identity even after Wesker’s insistence upon it. He had said the chances of her being approached were slim, but not impossible.
“Do not give him your real name. You’ll want to drop conversation with him as quickly and as inconspicuously as possible.”
As Bard frowned, the name finally hit her and Claire eased a fake smile that looked natural. “Elza. Elza Walker. Nice to meet you, Dr. Bard.” She took his hand and shook it, internally gagging.
His eyebrows rose high. “That is such a pretty and unique name. You from Raccoon City?”
“No, sir. In town visiting family. I was thinking about transferring to Raccoon University and a friend told me about the open house. Figured I’d give it a try and see.”
She could feel his eyes skim over her, not near as clandestine as Wesker was, and, dare she admit, not near as tantalizing as him either. Claire squeezed the cup of hot spiced cider in her hand, restraining herself from splashing it in his face.
Bard’s smile widened. “Well, I think you’re in luck, my dear!”
The younger Redfield didn’t realize how much she secretly liked Wesker’s pet names for her until it came from someone else’s tongue. She internally shook her head. Now was not the time to start having the warm fuzzies for that asshole. Claire could hardly believe she was even thinking in this direction. Had to be the stress of going undercover while quite literally having Wesker breathe down her neck...yes, that was it. It had to be.
Get it together!
“There’s a program for everyone! Umbrella Corporation wants you to succeed! Grants, scholarships! Umbrella will even pay for everything for you to transfer. There is no shortage of bursaries here. What kind of field are you looking to get into?”
Bard leaned in closer, suave and friendly. It would’ve fooled anyone else, but not Claire. This man was digging for something. She could only hope that he was being a lecher and wasn’t seeing through to her true motives.
“You’re stalling. Get out of there.”
Wesker sounded annoyed, but she couldn’t determine why. It wasn’t as though she had messed up the mission...yet.
“You know, I’m still on the fence,” Claire made up, slowly backing away.
Bard chuckled. “One of those, huh? No worries. When I was your age, I didn’t have a clue either. But do not fret, Miss Walker, my colleagues and I are here to help. There’s no need to decide right now. After the tour, we can sit down and talk it over. We can still find something right for you even if you haven’t decided on a major.”
“Oh, the tour...right,” Claire faked ditzyness. “I better go to the little girl’s room before it starts!”
She beelined for the restrooms just to the side of the information center in the lobby, even as the doctor told her directions. She sat her cup down on a table as she passed by, glancing over her shoulder. She spotted Dr. Bard motioning her way to the younger Dr. Lowery, the two men speaking quietly.
There were a few other girls in the restroom. One student flushed a toilet and came out, washing her hands and leaving quietly. A couple fixed their makeup while gossiping. Since Claire didn’t need to go, and wasn’t about to while Wesker was able to see everything, she pretended to check her face over too. She fluffed her hair, left down in long waves for the occasion.
“Worried about looking good enough for me, Claire? Don’t be. You still have work to do, and it doesn’t matter to me what your hair looks like while doing it. Just do it.” Wesker mocked. The biting humor in his admonishment was hard to miss.
“Geez, you really need to be nicer if you want to get laid, buddy!” William muttered in the distance. “OW! Fuck…”
Despite the wheeze of pain and cursing, distant chuckling sieved through the earbud. But Claire ignored it, instead nearly bristling and turned on the tap to wash her hands as the girls left back out to the lobby.
“I am doing it, asshole. Even with lecherous old men hitting on me, which wasn’t a part of the plan, by the way! No need to be so pushy. If you want me to go under cover here and make it believable, then let me handle it. It’ll get done, stop riding my ass!”
There was a moment of silence before William snorted loudly in the back, laughing. “That’s what she said!” He cackled loudly in amusement. “Man, I like her more and more every day...the girl has balls.”
Wesker's laughter was quieter, colder. “If you insist, dear heart. I’m just offering my humble assistance to make things go over smoothly. Just get the job done and we’re fine.”
Humble, my ass! Claire thought sourly.
The Redfield sister heard them announcing the tour. She quickly dried her hands and exited the restroom, melding herself into the back of the group. This would be the slowest process, she knew, but kept her wits about her even as she only half-listened to the doctors as they rattled off trivia and history over the university.
They took the upper floors first, pointing out classrooms that covered the liberal arts and the professors who taught them. Dr. Mueller told them the history of the iconic bell tower.
“Jesus, Greg, you’re putting me to sleep over here, put some life into it!” William huffed. “You seriously make me want to shoot myself.”
At least Lowery had a bit more spunk and spirit as he raved about the college’s sports teams, particularly the football team, the Raccoon Sharks. Which Claire never understood why they chose “sharks” and not, well, “raccoons” for obvious reasons. But hey, at least the sharks were colored up like raccoons.
They returned to the first floor and continued the tour. There was the fancy cafeteria, the huge library, and more classrooms. The doctors talked about more of the programs and classes, semester activities, and the following herd asked questions in return.
They left the main establishment to take a walkway to a neighboring building. It was still lightly snowing, but the walkway was covered. It was also illuminated by soft, yellow lights. Claire could hear the Circular River rushing nearby, as the institution was built along its path.
This was the building she had been waiting on. It was essentially its own facility, running classrooms, laboratories, and other departments, doubling as a school and a research center for Umbrella.
Claire used to not think anything of it, even admired how much Umbrella helped out the city between their programs at the university and hospitals, as well as their charities and large scale employment. Now, the deeper she went down this rabbit hole being dragged by Wesker’s leash, she started to wonder what was really going on.
Men like Albert Wesker, William Birkin, and Sergei Vladimir were not the type to work for “good guys”. Even the three doctors Mueller, Lowery, and Bard were all hiding something, that much was certainly clear.
So, what was Umbrella hiding? What were they hiding that required the Captain of the elite S.T.A.R.S. force and the Police Chief to control the city? That required them to murder people once they knew too much? And what about that top-secret underground Umbrella facility that William reigned over?
Claire had a flashback of Wesker pulling the trigger on Finley’s head, the blood spraying across fresh snow; how his fate was completely covered up with no one to question or oppose it. She recalled watching the news just the other day reporting on how his body was discovered and ruled a suicide in his car.
What happened to Mr. Finley back there will never be brought to light. He died in a car crash, you see. Committed suicide, or simply disappeared. His fate is whatever I decide to make it. You and your brother are no different, same with all the others who thought they could expose me. Wesker’s voice echoed in the back of her head from that fateful day.
Maybe Umbrella were still the good guys. Maybe Wesker, Irons, William, and Sergei were the infestation of corruption, growing and taking control, like weeds strangling a fruit tree from its roots. Yeah, surely that was it.
But deep down, she didn’t believe herself.
Once they were inside Dr. Mueller’s state-of-the-art laboratory that connected to a classroom laboratory through two automatic sliding doors, the professor slash researcher began boasting with a lot more pride and spirit than his lecture on the university’s trivia earlier. He showed off some equipment in his place between Lowery and Bard.
Again, Claire only half-listened, her eyes scanning the area for her objective.
“In short, there is no other research department like this in the country. My laboratory is vital to Umbrella’s key studies on disease prevention and cures.”
“C’mon Greg, you’re a glorified babysitter with a sandbox! Mine’s way better!” William hollered, sounding like his mouth was full. Coffee break between two sessions of unethical lab work, she supposed. Just another day at the office, between blackmailing and killing people. Nothing to write home about.
Wesker sighed. “If you wish to do a dick measuring contest with someone, at least choose some actual competition.”
“My dick’s bigger than all three of theirs. I got pics to prove it. Don’t ask. I have my sources. Courtesy from their parties with the senator. I will nail those dick pics to their corpses when we’re done with them too.”
And yet I wondered how these two are best friends…silly me.
“Claire, as soon as they leave the laboratory, the power failure will engage. Be ready. The laboratory’s backup power will switch on, but the security systems will remain down.”
“Got it.”
Still, William’s words hung her up. There was nothing stated in all the planning that anyone would be killed...but what if she was setting it up for these three men to die? No, she specifically remembered Wesker wanting to gain control over them. They were useless to him dead. But that didn’t mean their value to him didn’t have an expiration date…
Claire shook out the thoughts and trailed after the rest of the group once more. The double doors to the neighboring classroom laboratory slid open and the mass of people passed through, the doctors taking turns to address their followers. Some of the crowd whispered amongst themselves, but they were mostly quiet.
As the last few went through the doorway, Claire purposely slowed herself down to where the door slid shut inches from her. The power instantly went out. Total darkness and stillness swallowed her for only a moment before the laboratory’s backup power switched on. But just as planned, the double doors were locked, glowing red above.
She barely heard the mumblings of surprise on the other side before turning and speeding towards the main computer in the back, located near a single locked electronic door with a sign that stated, “Authorized personnel only!”
Claire reached inside her parka pocket and pulled out the computer disk. The same, unmarked one she got the other day when Wesker was using her to fetch from his informants. She pushed it into the drive, fingers itching to get this over with.
“You have just under four minutes, Miss Redfield. Don’t drop the ball now.”
She ignored him and typed away, putting in the passwords and entries she had memorized from the planning process of this infiltration.
The spyware program uploaded onto the mainframe in a timely fashion. What took a bit longer was it copying information back onto the disk, whatever that was. While it processed, the younger Redfield moved to a nearby set of drawers.
“You sure it’s the bottom one?”
“That is what my source informed me.”
“They better be right.”
Claire retrieved her lockpick from her pants pocket, the one gifted to her from Jill, the same one she used to break into Wesker’s house. She carefully worked the lock, listening, feeling, remaining focused. It finally gave and she pulled the drawer open. Inside was what she was looking for.
"Looks like the "master of unlocking" taught you well. Shocker. Guess you stumbling into my affairs paid off in the end, in more than one way... "
The sealed yellow envelope inside looked harmless enough. But the label printed on it in red ink chilled her to the bone. Requested research for THANATOS PROJECT.
The name sounded ominous to her, and she couldn’t help the shiver running down her spine. She had a bad feeling about this.
Claire retrieved it from the drawer, looking it over. It was heavy, full of papers and what felt like maybe a USB drive. There was a white sticker in the bottom right hand corner that read, “Paid in full. - AR.”
Those initials had to be Aaron Roth. If only Wesker wasn’t spying on her and she had the time...she would’ve ripped into the envelope to see what they were all hiding.
She slid the drawer shut and returned to the computer. The disk was ready to be removed. She took it back and returned it to her pocket. Taking a step back, she looked it over once more. Everything was in place and didn’t look disturbed.
“Finished in a timely fashion. I’m impressed. You’re certainly talented in more ways than one. I’m almost tempted to hire you again, dear heart. I’m sure I could find some use for you...”
“You didn’t hire me, asshole, you blackmailed me.”
“Semantics. What matters is a satisfying outcome...wouldn’t you agree?” Wesker purred in her ear.
Oh God. Was it just her or was there a double entendre somewhere in there? Sweat broke out on Claire’s forehead even though she had managed to keep her cool until now, but Wesker making ambiguous remarks was getting to her. Nervously (and not just a little bit annoyed with herself), she discreetly wiped her sweaty bangs from her forehead.
Let’s get this over with, she admonished herself. The sooner her dealings with the corrupt STARS Captain were over, the better.
The college student stuffed the envelope inside her jacket and under her arm since it was too big to put in a pocket. She hurried over to the double doors, knowing time was almost up. If it all went according to plan, the doctors and their party would still be in the dark locked in the next room. The backup power in this area would be cut off and the doors would open just long enough to allow her back with the others before all power returned.
When the lights went out, Claire barely heard the doors skim apart, courtesy of whoever was controlling the university’s power system. She stepped over the threshold into the classroom, moving further in, careful not to run into anything. This particular laboratory for regular classes had large windows on the opposite side, but it was so dark outside, it barely helped light anything.
But soon it didn’t matter. The power returned in an instant, back to normal, as though it had never been touched. Claire wasn’t far from the group and quietly joined them as everyone got their bearings, blinking to adjust to the sudden bright lights. Startled voices talked over each other.
“Everyone, everyone, settle down. Everything is fine!” Mueller announced. “Just a small power failure. Let’s return to the lobby and I will have someone look into it!”
Relieved, Claire followed along as Mueller and Bard escorted everyone out of the classroom while Lowery remained behind by the door checking on the visitors. That was normal and understandable enough until his brown eyes pierced her. Watchful. Suspicious. She kept her composure, offering him an innocent smile as she slipped by him and out the door. He didn’t say anything, but Claire felt his eyes on her back until she caught up with the others, heart slightly racing.
Surely, he wasn’t onto her. There could be no way.
"Think he's onto me," Claire whispered as voices boomed through the massive hallways, the herd migrating back to the lobby.
"Irrelevant," Wesker answered. "As soon as you return to the lobby, make your leave. Without notice, preferably."
"Don't worry, Claire. Lowery's a nerdy bag of stress and paranoia. Nothing to fear there," William added.
"Like you?" Wesker mocked.
"You know, I’m half-tempted to empty one of my petri dishes into your coffee next time you’re not looking. Don’t push your luck, jerk. Annette always says you wouldn’t like me angry. And you know how Anne’s always right. Even she says so!"
Amused chuckling was all he got as a reply from Wesker.
Claire rolled her eyes at their continuous banter. God, she swore these two were like old marrieds.
Once they all filed into the lobby, most visitors either took a seat or went and got more food. She soon noticed a couple heading for the front doors, sliding on their coats, and took advantage, inconspicuously joining them.
"Hold on, please, you three," Bard hollered, making the trio pause and look. "Before you leave, let us make sure everyone is accounted for from the power outage. A small safety regulation we must abide by."
Claire inwardly groaned and moved away from the doors with the others. Bard and Mueller finished speaking together in a hushed huddle and went opposite ways.
"What are you doing?" Wesker asked.
"You said to leave without being noticed. Did you not hear him?"
"Then find another way out. Do it quickly."
Claire ground her jaw but didn't answer. She looked around, thinking of a way she could escape. More university workers were showing up now from other hallways, probably disturbed by the power failure. Lowery had yet to return.
She watched Dr. Bard set a plate of food down on an empty table and left it to go introduce himself to another pretty face, using the same charm he had used on her.
Apparently, the prick was only interested in helping students he found attractive. The girl obviously looked uncomfortable but smiled to be nice, and that didn't sit well with her one bit.
But since kicking him where it counted would cause a scene, the younger Redfield soon found herself scheming up something better.
Casually, she went over to the buffet of refreshments, picking up a plate and grabbing a few random foods. She sat down at a table close to Bard's plate, eyes scanning. People were talking or reading while they ate. She de-shelled one cold shrimp and broke it up into chunks.
She had only a tiny window of opportunity here, and it all determined on the selections of food on his plate. Pulse racing but outwardly composed, she discreetly took a stroll over to his plate. From afar she analyzed what was on it, and what would best conceal her ticket to freedom.
“HOLY SHIT, SHE’S GONNA DO IT! I LOVE THIS GIRL!” William squealed in delight.
She winced, retracting the urge to rub her eardrum. Her deft hands quickly stuffed the pieces of shrimp into a club sandwich triangle. It was pressed back into place with the toothpick and then she was off, glancing around to make sure she hadn’t been caught. Everything went on as normal. Claire got some more spiced cider and returned to her seat to wait.
“Don’t tell Anne, but If I wasn’t already married...” William softly laughed in her ear. She could tell he was trying to whisper, but the eccentric, mad scientist didn’t realize he was louder than he thought. “She’s a keeper, Al. Don’t screw this up!”
Screw what up? Keep me...for what exactly? Stop giving him any ideas, William! God, this is really getting out of hand...
Claire facepalmed as she started to feel hot under her collar and blamed the thrill of committing a heist under everybody’s noses for it.
The Redfield sister didn’t have much time to dwell on it before she spotted Dr. Lowery emerging into the lobby. She instinctively made herself smaller as he marched across the room, going straight to Dr. Mueller.
He pulled the older man aside, whispering urgently. Claire started sweating in serious now. Especially when their eyes scanned the full lobby until Lowery pointed her out.
“Shit,” she hissed under her breath. She pretended not to notice them, her nerves beginning to rattle a little. She reluctantly called for help. “Wesker…”
“What is it?” Claire wasn’t sure if it was just her hearing things, but he actually sounded a little concerned.
And then she was saved. Not by the bell but by commotion. People shouted and pointed, some moving in closer to watch or help as an individual choked. Dr. Bard was turning red, red like the shellfish he had just unknowingly consumed. Mueller raced across the lobby for him, Lowery right behind him after giving her one glance.
Claire took her chance. She sprinted for the doors and was out, taking the concrete steps two at a time and bolting across the front courtyard through the snow flurries with only the college ground lights to guide her.
When she made it through the opened gates and took a sharp turn on the sidewalk, she collided straight into another person and nearly lost her footing. She dropped the enveloped stashed inside her coat.
“Sorry, Miss. I should’ve been watching where I was going,” the young man said with a charming smile, stooping to pick up the envelope for her.
He slightly flinched when he picked it up and noticed the label, as though he recognized it. But it was gone in an instant and he presented it to her with a warm smile and twinkling green eyes.
“What the hell is he doing there?!” William demanded.
Wesker ignored him and promptly spoke to Claire. “Take it and leave, do not engage in conversation with him, Claire. That is an order.”
“Leave?! This may be our only opportunity to kill the bastard!”
“Are you okay, Miss? Do you need help?” the man asked.
She silently obeyed Wesker, snatching the yellow envelope back and hurrying past him. The redhead didn’t look over her shoulder, but she could feel the man watching her until she turned down the next block.
Panting, the icy wind cutting her throat, she finally slowed to a walk, heading for her next destination. Traffic rolled by her, beams of headlights stretching down the streets and making the falling snowflakes sparkle. There weren’t many other pedestrians out walking the streets, but she did spot many inside buildings shopping or having a coffee.
“Who was that?” she asked.
“Aaron Roth,” Wesker answered nonchalantly. “He’s not someone you should involve yourself with.”
“Oh, but I should involve myself with you?”
Wesker chuckled mockingly. “Wishful thinking, Claire? I’m flattered. Then again, I’ve been known to have that effect on redheads...must be genetic.”
Claire bit her tongue. She pulled her parka hood over her head, bundling up from the cold. After passing by the empty elementary school, she cut across the parking lot to the bus barn next door.
Her ride would arrive here to pick her up. Unfortunately, Claire wouldn’t be going home just yet. She had to meet Wesker in person first. She just hoped that Chris wasn’t getting worried...or worse, suspicious.
The bus barn was a large depot and mechanic shop for all the schools’ buses. Rows and rows of parked long, yellow buses slept quietly. It was dreary and quiet, with snow falling lightly all around. A person could easily get spooked by themselves here, as though they were trapped amongst sleeping giants.
“There’s been a change in plans,” Wesker announced. “My main liaison will not be picking you up. Instead the collaborator that worked the power outages at the university will. He should be there shortly.”
“Okay,” Claire mumbled through chattering teeth.
“I’m going to sign off for now, dear heart. Well done. See you soon.”
She was relieved for the silence. Claire waited with her hands in her pockets, back against a cold bus, shivering, watching the snowflakes swirl around. The lights of Raccoon City at night were beautiful to look at, some of the skyscrapers in the distance were lit up in Christmas colors. The younger Redfield was so lost in observing the serene scenery around her that she did not hear the pair of feet that had slowly walked closer to her.
"Found you!"
The voice startled her and she pushed away from the bus, whirling to confront them. Shocked, she didn't say anything as Lowery cautiously approached, encased in shadow from a looming bus nearby, and sounding a little out of breath.
"The hell?" Claire hissed. "What do you want?" She reached for her knife in her pocket.
As Lowery stepped into the light, speckles of snow in his brown hair, she noticed the gun pointed at her chest.
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“Lucky shot!” Chris whined.
Jill laughed, moving around the pool table to take her next move. “Suck it up, buttercup! You’re about to lose to a girl!”
“It’s these beers. They threw me off my groove.”
Jack’s Bar was crowded tonight. The bar was full and so were most of the tables. Music played on the radio, but it could barely be heard from all the talking and laughter bouncing around. The bar-and-grill was decorated up with Christmas decor and lights, looking quite festive and bright.
His partner made the winning shot that cost him this game of pool. She won the last time they were here too.
“Whoo!” Jill exclaimed, arms shooting in the air and grinning at him. “You know what that means, partner!”
“Yeah, yeah,” Chris grumbled, fishing for his wallet. He looked around him and then spotted the familiar face he was seeking. “Hey, Cindy! C’mere!”
The favorite waitress of J’s came over, an empty tray under her arm. The young, pretty blonde smiled and giggled. “Let me guess, lose again, Chris?”
“Hey, I’ve won before, okay?!”
“A Mai Tai then?”
“Yeah,” Chris answered, giving her a $10 bill. “Here’s for another plus tip...because I know Miss Sharpshooter here’s gonna want seconds.”
“Why wouldn’t I when your pouty ass is buying?” Jill snickered.
They made faces at each other, and then Chris spotted the rest of their party arriving. “Oh, bring the drinks to our usual table, the guys are finally here.”
Cindy nodded. “Will do. You want your usual?”
“Yeah, add it to my tab.”
Chris and Jill joined the others at their usual table. The STARS teams came here often to wind down and have fun, different mixes of teammates each time from differing schedules. Hell, even the Captains came once in a while.
Wesker was a pro at pool, too. And Jill had been on his team a few times. She said he taught her tricks...something about math and trajectory or some shit. Who does that? Didn’t people just point and shoot at the balls with their cue sticks?
The gang tonight consisted of Chris, Jill, Barry, Joseph, Forest, and Richard. Tagging along with Barry was Robert Kendo, which wasn’t uncommon. They ordered their food and drinks, a perfect view of the hockey game playing on the hanging box TV. While waiting, the group of friends and colleagues joked and small-talked.
“So, Kendo, how’s that new assault shotgun model coming along?” Richard asked.
Kendo cracked a grin as he took a swig of beer. “You ask me that every damn time you see me, Rich. Look, I’ll personally call ya when I make a breakthrough, alright?”
“You better! I’m excited!”
“Coulda fooled me!”
Cindy and her friend and co-worker soon brought their food and drinks. Chris could never remember the young lad’s name...Bill? No...Will. It made him think of William Birkin again...the mysterious man that Claire was babysitting for. The past couple of nights she had stayed out late babysitting, and it seemed as though tonight would be the same. He just hoped that’s what she was really doing…
“Cindy, babe, could you please turn the station? I cannot stand these damn Christmas tunes anymore!” Forest complained.
“Aw, c’mon, Forest. Get into the holiday spirit!” Cindy exclaimed. “Don’t be a grinch!”
“Don’t insult the Grinch like that,” Joseph joked.
Cindy gave him a look. “Don’t be a meanie, Joe.”
“Eh, he’s just jealous of my hair, Cin. That’s why he fucking hides his under that stupid bandana all the time.”
“You wish.”
Cindy casually shook her head, used to their antics, and left them to their meals. The gang discussed their plans for the upcoming holiday, after work of course. Most of the STARS team had family here to celebrate with. If Chris remembered correctly, only he (other than Claire), Jill, and Captain Wesker didn’t have any family.
Soon, they got on the topic of gifts.
“I finally found Claire’s Christmas gift. She’s gonna love it. I picked it up the other day. She’ll never find it!”
Jill laughed beside him. “That’s because it’s at my house!”
“Your house is the safest place! She’s a sneaky little brat and will find it!”
“Speaking of which,” Barry interrupted, dipping a couple fries into his ketchup. “I figured you wouldn’t be coming tonight because Claire’s in town. She make you come out?”
“Probably,” Richard snorted. “I’d need a break from him too.”
“Nah, she’s been babysitting for someone. Last few days she’s had to babysit well into the night.”
Joseph snickered. “That’s what I’d say too if I was messing around with a guy I didn’t want my big brother to know about.”
Chris shot his colleague a glare that almost dropped him dead. Joseph stuffed his mouth with a big bite of hamburger.
Kendo cleared his throat, pushing his empty beer bottle up to the middle of the table. "Oh! That reminds me, Chris. Did Claire get into trouble?”
“Huh? No, why?”
“I was on the other side of town yesterday evening picking up Emma’s medicine and I saw her with the Captain. He opened his car door for her and she got in.”
“Which Captain? Enrico? Or Wesker?” Richard asked curiously.
“Yeah, cuz that determines how much trouble she must’ve been in,” Forest teased.
Kendo half-rolled his eyes, sighing. “THE Captain, ya idiots. Wesker. I saw her with Wesker. She got into his car and they drove off.”
“See? I told you there was a guy she didn’t want you to know about!” Joseph laughed. “They must’ve hit it off after she went down to the station to give him a piece of her mind. Bet now she’s giving him a piece of something better!” Barry slugged him hard in the arm. “Ow!”
This was new information to Chris. He sat there, dumbfounded, at a loss for words as his mind processed exactly what Robert had said. “She didn’t get in trouble...that I know of. Wesker would’ve called me, for sure.”
Barry frowned. “For sure…But then why else would Claire be with him?”
“Chris, buddy, I love you, but let’s be honest here, they’re probably doing the nasty.”
“Jesus, Forest,” Jill growled, facepalming. “Don’t be starting those kinds of rumors.”
“Where there’s smoke, there’s fire, s’all I’m sayin’.”
Chris glared at Forest. “Between you and Joseph, I’m gonna shove those beer bottles so far up your backdoor you two won’t be walking straight. Ever. Again.”
“Sorry,” Kendo interrupted. “I didn’t mean to get everyone so riled up. I was just curious. Looked harmless to me.”
“Dumb and Dumber here like to start shit,” Barry explained, glaring at Joseph and Forest. “I’m sure it was harmless. It is Wesker, after all. Maybe she just needed a ride.”
“Or maybe he offered her one,” Jill added. “He’s quite the gentleman.”
“Gentleman?!” Forest scoffed. “The guy’s a hard ass and a dick to us most of the time!”
“I mean, yeah, he kinda has to be. He’s our boss. But really, he isn’t that bad to most of us. You two just get on his nerves all the time,” Richard admitted.
“Hey, who’s side are you on, Aiken?”
“I’m j-just s-stating the facts!”
“Alright, alright, knock it off, all of you,” Jill ordered in her “mom voice”.
“It’s all harmless joking,” Joseph defended. “And Chris knows it, right bud? I mean, how often do I joke what if Wesker is actually a sociopathic supervillain on a quest for power? Of course he isn’t...but I sometimes wonder!”
Chris shook his head. Joseph and Forest were frustrating at times with their nonstop jokes, but he knew it was never mean-spirited. They all ribbed each other all the time; it was their clique’s twisted way of showing they cared about each other.
“You and your weird conspiracies, Joe...But really, let’s just drop the subject, okay? I don’t care why Claire was with Wesker,” he lied. “Because I know it doesn’t mean anything. Got it?”
“Got it,” they all agreed.
“Good. Now can we all please get along, drink some beer, and talk about something pleasant? Like the weather or something?”
They all looked to the front of the bar, where the windows were. Snow fell just outside, looking to have picked up since they arrived at the bar.
“Oh yeah, pleasant RC snow...love it,” Jill quipped dryly.
Chris scowled, rubbing the back of his neck. He had even more worries on his mind now, thanks to their earlier discussion. And no matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t push them away.
His overreacting, protective brotherly instincts had continued to gnaw at him, making him wonder about the integrity of this “babysitting job”. Claire had never given him a reason to doubt her, but still he worried.
There was something going on with Claire. She was definitely hiding something, and his innate detective instincts kept putting together the clues, all starting over a week ago. Some kind of worry or panic she hid from that jog on the mountain hiking trails, her quiet, wandering thoughts, some questionable explanations, the injuries she hid on her hand and ankle...and then this Wiliam Birkin came out of nowhere with a babysitting job for her. “A friend of a friend.”
And now she was with Wesker on the other side of town when she was supposed to be babysitting? That set off a whole wave of bad thoughts and red flags in his mind.
No, he told himself firmly. It’s Wesker. There has to be a logical explanation! I bet it’s all harmless and I’m worried for nothing.
Captain Wesker may have been a hard ass at times, and he and Chris bumped heads occasionally, but they respected each other and got along great most of the time. He was one of the best men he knew. A damn good leader and boss, too. After his big screw up in the Air Force, not many were willing to give Chris a chance, and Wesker did.
There was absolutely no reason to worry about Claire being with him. If anything, it should have relieved him...knowing his little sister was in good hands. Wesker would take care of her.
But deep down inside, something small, some miniscule but insistent doubt ate at him. A growing part of him was questioning whether everything was as innocent as it seemed...
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melodiesofblueroses · 4 years
Star Boy (Yoosung x Reader) Pt.3
★ ━ 𝙒𝙤𝙧𝙙 𝘾𝙤𝙪𝙣𝙩: 4.4k 
Part 1
Part 2
Part 4
Bonus: Alternative Ending
        It was on the front page of every newspaper in the human world. It made headlines on television screens: the night that the sky had lost the stars. Yoosung had made such a grave mistake, neglecting his duties. It was such a simple job too, really. Yoosung just had to put the stars up, it didn’t really require much thought. Yet he brushed that job aside, for (MC) was more important than any duty or expectation society has placed on him. Yes, Yoosung will be shunned forever, and his reputation will never rise above that of a lowlife, but it was all for (MC). Isn’t that worth it, risking everything for one who might not reciprocate your feelings? For our dear star boy, the answer was yes. Yoosung was a fool blinded by love. 
        Of course, this accident was no incident to sweep under the rug. No, Yoosung would have to confront the higher up, which had called for him the following day. Jihyun, the sun of the solar system, dealt with all ordeals that occurred within and outside of his solar system. He was quite a force to be reckoned with. A meeting with him basically meant that your reputation as a celestial being was gone, vanished into the vast sky. There was no recovering when the leader called you in to discuss a clumsy mistake.
        “Ah, Yoosung was it?” Jihyun started off calmly, smiling as Yoosung took a seat before him. Our doomed star boy was called exactly an hour after the sun had risen. Nothing was able to escape JIhyun as long as the sun was in the sky. Yet, from Yoosung’s perspective, Jihyun seemed like quite a tired being. He wasn’t sure if it was the lopsided smile or the disheveled hair, but Jihyun looked exhausted. Maybe this wasn’t the first time such an incident happened, although he highly doubted that thought. If such a grave mistake were to occur, it would be taught in training courses, used as an example of what not to follow. 
        “Now, I’m sure you know why I’ve called you in.” He had such a soft voice, not one fit for such a high position. Although he seemed like a gentle guy, Yoosung didn’t want to take any chances and refused to meet Jihyun’s eyes. He was the sun after all, the grand all be all of the solar system. “No need to be so stiff,” Jihyun chuckled.
        “I-I’m sorry,” he meekly mumbled, flushed from head to toe. What it was like to be called out by the most important figure for your mannerisms. It was too embarrassing. 
        “I see you’re still quite new to all this.” Jihyun sighed and combed a hand through his hair. “You know, the stars are what humans are the most familiar with. Without them, our identity will be in danger of being exposed. Humans, since the start of time, have always made up legends about the sky and its stars. Yet, our identity remains a secret. It’s how balance is accomplished.”
        Yoosung wasn’t quite sure at what Jihyun was getting at. He was the sun after all, the brightest in the solar system. He must have ways of thinking beyond what Yoosung could comprehend, much to the poor boy’s dismay. It didn’t really help his confidence that he didn’t know what was going on. Rather, it frightened him, and Jihyun clearly picked up on that. 
        “I’m sorry, but I’m not quite sure where you’re getting at.” Yoosung was bothered now since Jihyun kept stalling. He knew of his mistake and sitting in this rather small office agonizing over the consequences that awaited didn’t help settle the growing anxiety in Yoosung’s gut. He wanted to get this meeting over with already. Yoosung was just waiting for Jihyun to rip away his badge of honor and have him shamelessly wander the night sky for the rest of eternity or whatever else the punishment was. Was Jihyun just torturing him by having him sit there and listen to the clock’s rhythmic ticking? Maybe this was the punishment. 
        But he wouldn’t dare show his true feelings to the leader of the solar system. If need be, Jihyun could have Yoosung’s very existence decimated within a few seconds, whether literally or metamorphically was the question. I mean, Yoosung’s career was practically over, but he didn’t necessarily want to die. 
        He heard a rather loud sigh from Jihyun. Well now that was just a tad bit rude. “I see you’re as naive as the reports say.” Woah there, did everyone really see him as a naive little boy? Gah, that stupid flirt’s nickname was sticking. “All right, I’ll give you a second chance.” 
        Wait, what. Did Yoosung hear that correctly? The sun of the solar system, the ever-powerful all-knowing, the Jihyun Kim, was giving naive little Yoosung another chance? Was the sun going to rise in the west and set in the east now too? What in the world was Jihyun thinking?
        “E-Excuse me?” Yoosung stuttered out, still quite taken aback by the sudden turn of events. Here he was, all prepared for the consequences that would befall him. Hell, Yoosung was prepared to face expulsion from the celestial realm. He wasn’t quite sure what Jihyun’s true motives were, but it was best to not ask. After all, he was given a second chance, why blow it? 
        “You seem to still be quite new at your job, and I understand it can be quite nerve-wracking. You don’t seem quite used to it yet.” Yoosung slowly nodded, paying close attention to Jihyun’s explanation. “Yoosung, I’m trusting that you won’t make the same mistake twice, am I clear?” 
        “Y-Yes sir! Thank you for this second chance.”
        “Mm, of course. But you do know the consequences that await if you neglect your duties again, right?”
        “Why did you not hang the stars?” (MC) asked that night, a bit concerned as to what was in the future for poor Yoosung. It was cloudy, and the stars hid behind the soft cotton-like structures while the moon shone through. It was quite a fitting metaphor for what was occurring, Yoosung hiding behind his feelings while (MC) was miles ahead and shining with such brilliance. The sky always seemed to uncover the depths of Yoosung’s heart. 
        Yoosung saw how her face was of mixed emotions: anguish, worry, and disappointment, all rather negative emotions. He did feel a bit bad that it was because of him that (MC) was worrying. But he knew the consequences of his actions, and he was ready to accept them. He might as well be shunned from being a celestial being, forever wandering the vast night sky and wondering how his life came to be. Yoosung would never regret his decision, however. This small star was going to shine through all the clouds and the moon, so as to be noticed and make a name for itself. Yoosung might have taken that concept a bit too far though. 
        “The stars are nothing in comparison to you,” he responds confidently, (MC) quite taken aback. Yoosung could see it on her face. He didn’t know if she felt uncomfortable or if it was just the blush on her face making her seem so, but he decided to continue. After all, this was an important moment in his life. “Your light outshines them all, today moreso than ever. You are my one true star, and you have encompassed my being so much so that I forget about the mudane ones my duty is tied to.”
        (MC) was, needless to say, shocked at how mature Yoosung had seemingly become. I mean, just a few months ago he seemed rather timid (although that could be thrown around rather loosely) and a bit childish. But here he was, holding her hands against his chest to feel his rapidly beating heart, proof of his undying love. She was happy, over the moon even. Yoosung’s confession was heartfelt, one truly born out of pure love, and (MC) felt that she could take comfort in his words. But she was also very concerned. “But if you are to forget about the stars, who will guide all the children on the Earth to their parents?” 
        “They will follow your radiance, for in the night sky you are the most eyecatching of them all.” Yoosung then proceeded to take out his gift, the perfect one for someone sweet like (MC). It was a small star, one defective and not large enough to dot the night sky, but it still radiated a tiny light. “Please, take this star. Think of it as a piece of me that will always be watching over you, even if we are lightyears apart. I may not be the brightest star in the night sky nor the most beautiful, but I’m still able to carry out my duty of watching over the beautiful princess of the moon.” 
        Breathless. (MC) felt her heart stop for a brief moment or rather it skipped a beat. Oh God, what was this warm fuzzy feeling that was spreading through her chest? It must be embarrassment, or maybe it was happiness. She couldn’t quite process what was going on in those good few seconds, any words she wanted to speak becoming nothing but a breath of air. Was this a dream? It felt like a scene out of a shoujo manga, so warm and heartfelt. Her cheeks were flushed from the confession, face a bit hot from all the blood circulating through, and now in her hands, nestled a glowing star. The star itself was so dazzling, definitely standing out from the thousands of others that nestled in the midnight blue sky. To others, however, it was merely a small star, nothing more nothing less. But to (MC), this lone star was so much more beautiful than all the stardust or star bits she had collected over the years. It carried a certain essence, one that reminded (MC) a lot of Yoosung. And that itself carried so much more weight than anything she had. 
        “Yoosung,” she muttered to herself, still unable to process that this truly was reality. Her mind was still in a murky haze, or her head in the clouds if you will, but she was a bit more composed. “I feel the same way, truly I do.” (MC) seemed to still have a bit of trouble coming up with words as she tried her hardest to not fumble over them. “But you musn’t forget about your duties. The stars are such an integral part of the nighttime sky, and without them, we would all be lost. The sky needs its star boy, and I can’t have you risking your position-your future-all for me.” 
        Her response left Yoosung feeling confused, not at her answer but at his own emotions. On one hand, he was ecstatic that she felt the same way. (MC), the moon girl who had a much higher status than him in the celestial realm, reciprocated his feelings of love. It was love, right? Not some mere crush that would disappear in a few months...right? That little seed of doubt grew when he heard (MC) mention how she couldn’t pursue a relationship with him, not at this time at least. Were their duties really so much more important than his feelings? Yes, the humans that lie below depend on the stars and the moon and the sun and all the other celestial objects, but at this moment, couldn’t (MC) forget about their tiresome duties and focus on the confession? 
        “I am willing to risk anything if it means that I could have a future with you.” He took her hands in his, immediately softening up the moment he felt her warmth. (MC) looked at him with curious and sorrowful eyes, as if expecting him to plead to change her mind. Yoosung was, needless to say, a bit hurt by this, but that was exactly what he was going to do. “You may think that I’m still a child, but I’ve grown. Over these past few months I shared with you, I’ve matured, no longer the naive little boy that first met you.” Taking a deep breath, he placed her hands on his chest, right above where his beating heart lay. “I promise I won’t forget about my duties again. I promise you with all my heart. But for now, focus on this moment. You’re the only one that can make my heart beat this way, and for a moment, I want you to forget about your duties and focus on your feelings.” 
        Her feelings? (MC) blinked, a small blush flushing her cheeks once more as she stared at her hands which were curled up on Yoosung’s chest. Yoosung was right. All this time, (MC) had been worried that if the two of them were to pursue a relationship, then Yoosung would repeat his mistake, and he would forever be taken away from her. But Yoosung had matured, and it was a bit offensive that she wouldn’t acknowledge his growth. The least she could do now was give Yoosung a concrete answer and forget about the world for the next few moments. Her breath hitched in her throat, but (MC) tried to calm her nerves and beating heart before the words left her lips. “I...I love you Yoosung, and those are my true feelings.” 
        The second that sentence registered within Yoosung’s mind, he broke out into a wide, goofy smile. “I’m so happy,” he breathlessly muttered, quickly pulling (MC) into a tight hug. This time, (MC)’s response felt so much more genuine and full of love, not that the first one wasn’t, but she had finally accepted the fact that he had matured. He couldn’t hold himself back, and in a few swift movements, he connected his lips with (MC)’s, a moment that Yoosung had dreamed about for so long. (MC) didn’t seem to mind and happily accepted the kiss, much to Yoosung’s relief since it practically came outta nowhere. The current situation was something that Yoosung couldn’t register for a few moments. He couldn’t believe that this was real, that his life was finally looking up. Not only had he finally grown, but he also found a girlfriend, one that he loved so much with all his heart. If only Yoosung could live in this moment forever.
        “Hey, Yoosung was it?” It was a voice that our dear star boy thought he would never hear again. It took a few seconds for it to register, but once it did, Yoosung automatically recognized the voice belonging to a certain flirtatious silver-head. So he had finally remembered his name this time around huh. Yoosung turned to face Hyun who seemed to have a rather displeased look, as if he came bearing bad news. This greatly upset Yoosung. He had a gut feeling that he knew what this was all about, and quite frankly Yoosung was over that incident. Sure, he made a grave mistake that endangered the very existence of the Celestial Realm, but accidents happen (maybe not on that scale but still). He was already lectured by both Jihyun and (MC), not to mention he had to deal with the gossip and rumors that tarnished his very name. 
        “Yes?” Yoosung tried his best not to let his annoyance show. He had no actual reason to be mad at Hyun. The poor man just wanted to talk with him, yet Yoosung was already jumping to conclusions. “You’re Hyun, the shooting star guy from back then.” 
        “Ah, I’m flattered that you remember.” His chuckle was a bit deep, but what struck out to Yoosung was that it sounded rather manly, unlike his laugh that he thought sounded that of a grade-schooler. There were those intrusive thoughts that appeared in his mind for a split second, the ones that made him very conscious about his appearance. Yoosung quickly shook off those thoughts when he saw Hyun’s serious face. “I actually have something to ask you.”
        “Are you and (MC) dating?” Well, that question certainly came as a shock to our dear star boy. Were they dating? Well, the two of them did share a kiss, and they did go on a lot of outings that could be classified as dates. So yeah, Yoosung and (MC) were a couple, but why would Hyun know anything about this? Yoosung’s mind wandered back to the conversation where (MC) had stated that she was very close friends with Hyun and immediately came to the conclusion that (MC) had told him of their status. Even then, why would it matter to Hyun? He couldn’t possibly have feelings for (MC), not when Yoosung’s life was finally starting to look up. 
        “Yeah but why?” Yoosung desperately wanted to add on to that, wanting to ask why it concerned Hyun anyway, but alas the words got caught in his throat. Hyun’s tone hadn’t been a pleasant one. In fact, it was very similar to the tone that came with “we need to talk,” and we all know that those kinds of statements cause deep anxiety within one’s stomach. Yoosung felt his throat go dry, and his heart hammered against his chest, anxiously awaiting what Hyun was going to say. 
        He heard Hyun heavily sigh. Well now, that was a bit rude, don’t you think Hyun? Yoosung pouted at this and crossed his arms, similar to back then during their first encounter. Seems like Hyun hadn’t changed in the slightest since then. “I mean this in the nicest way, I truly do, but do you think you’re ready to be in a relationship?” 
        Oh ho ho, Yoosung should’ve expected such a snide remark coming from this narcissist. First, he insults his intelligence by calling him naive (well that was back then but the nickname still stuck), and now Hyun thought that he wasn’t mature enough to be in a relationship? The audacity of this man! The question didn’t go over well with Yoosung, and he felt his blood boil with each passing second. He tried his best to remain calm, but his patience was wearing thin. Who was Hyun to question him like this? 
        “Of course I do,” Yoosung retorted, a bit of his anger evident in his tone of voice. It was offensive, really. “I don’t know why you’d think this matter concerns you but-”
        “Listen, Yoosung,” Hyun cut in, trying his best to alleviate the tension between the two. “I just have (MC)’s best interests in mind. I’m sure she’s told you all about me. Hell, she never stops talking about you when I hang out with her.” That comment left Yoosung a blushing mess, briefly forgetting about his anger from moments ago. Ah, the thought of (MC) praising him and talking of nothing but good things when he wasn’t around made him fall for her harder. She truly was an angel in disguise, a pure and angelic being that deserved all the stars in the sky in order to illuminate her beauty. But enough of that and back to the matter at hand. 
        “I do too. I want nothing more than to make (MC) happy.” Yoosung bit the bottom of his lip, trying his best not to get too emotional. Truth be told, he was still young when it came to being a celestial being, and thus still quite sensitive over the little things, especially when it came to (MC) since she is his first girlfriend. 
        “I’m glad we both want to protect (MC), but Yoosung, do you think you’re mature enough to handle a relationship? Just a few weeks ago you had forgotten-”
        “Oh, so that’s what this is all about.” Yoosung had a gut feeling that it all led up to that incident from a couple of weeks ago, but now that it was confirmed, he couldn’t help but feel angry. Hyun just felt so insulting, as if he somehow thought that he was better than Yoosung himself. Yoosung was so sick and tired of everyone bringing up that incident, especially since he’s matured quite a bit since then and learned of his mistakes. When he opened his mouth to respond this time, Yoosung couldn’t hide the anger and spite that filled his voice. “I should’ve known. You’re probably just jealous of me and (MC).” Emotions got the best of him, and Yoosung’s face was burning a bright red as he spat out remarks he would regret once he calmed down. 
        “What? Dude no. (MC) and I are just friends-”
        “Then why would you ask if I think I’m ready to be in a relationship?”
        “Yoosung, I just want to make sure you wouldn’t make the same mistake twice. I don’t want anyone to hurt (MC)-”
        “Of course I wouldn’t! I’ve grown since then, and it’s a bit offensive that you’re bringing up old events. Why are you trying to interfere with our relationship?” Yoosung was feeling riled up and couldn’t stop. It may have been the immature thing to do, but Yoosung kept going on, being carried by his emotions that swayed his judgment at the moment. “For the first time in my life, I like someone, and I feel motivated. I don’t get why you’re being so negative even when we don’t know each other that well!” With those final words said, Yoosung made a small ‘hmph’ and turned around, already moving away from Hyun who tried to call out to him to mend their now strained relationship. He wasn’t exactly sure what Hyun was getting at, but what Yoosung did know was that a seed of doubt had been planted in his heart at that exact moment. 
        “Don’t think too much about what Hyun said,” (MC) softly spoke, stroking Yoosung’s soft locks as he lay in her lap that night. “He’s just trying to look out for us. I promise you he means well.” The night sky around them was still and blank, similar to a canvas waiting to be painted on by its owner. Yoosung had been feeling a bit pouty tonight and went straight to (MC) to be comforted before doing his duty. Hyun’s remarks from earlier on in the day had stuck with Yoosung, and he couldn’t shake off the doubt that lingered in his heart. Was he really still that immature, naive boy from back then? Did (MC) deserve someone better than him, someone who’s mature and could easily deal with these intrusive thoughts? 
        “But I can’t help but think what he said may be true,” Yoosung muttered, burying his face in the soft cotton cloth of (MC)’s plaid yellow dress. Mm, her touch was just so soft and comforting. It always relaxed him after a stressful day. “Maybe I really am still an immature boy.”
        “Don’t say that. You and I both know that you’ve grown so much. It’s natural to have doubt you know, but don’t let it get to your head.” She continued to play with his hair, ruffling it here and there to which Yoosung sighed contentedly. Maybe (MC) was right after all. He was mature in his own way. Even if he went back to his immature tendencies every once in a while, growing up was a long process, and there were setbacks here and there. But that didn’t mean that Yoosung wasn’t mature! Slowly but surely, that seed of doubt was bound to get smaller until its whispers could be heard no more, and Yoosung was going to be a bright, confident, young star one day!
        “Heh, thanks (MC),” he mumbled bashfully, sitting up so that he could act like the big spoon and cuddle her. She responded with a simple “of course” and immediately laid her head on Yoosung’s chest, drifting off to sleep in a few short moments. Guess (MC) had a long day as well, yet here she was comforting Yoosung when he felt at his lowest. Had he really matured?
        The next few hours, Yoosung was lost deep in thought as (MC) lay on his chest, sleeping the night away ever so soundly. Ah, she looked so peaceful and pretty drowned in the moon’s light that was illuminating beneath them. The sight of (MC) sleeping put Yoosung at ease as he reflected back on today. 
        Hyun may have been right, but (MC) did have a point. Hyun was simply looking after the two of them, cautious so as the two could live a happy life together with no setbacks. He may not have been the best with words, but his heart was in the right place, and that’s what matters most. Damn, now Yoosung felt bad for going off on him. He would have to apologize to the silver-head soon, maybe when the two met again at a later time. 
        Sighing, Yoosung looked at (MC) yet again and smiled. Ah, he was just so happy to have someone so pure and precious as his girlfriend. It truly was a blessing. When he looked at her, Yoosung felt that seedling of doubt diminish ever so slightly. Yes, Yoosung may not be the perfect star boy nor the perfect boyfriend, but Yoosung was maturing, what he had wanted to do all his life. He knew that the doubt wouldn’t leave anytime soon, but Yoosung knew that he had to have confidence in himself. At that moment, while he lovingly gazed at (MC), Yoosung came to a conclusion. 
        He, Yoosung Kim, current star boy of the Celestial Realm, was going to do what it takes to stay with (MC) and make her happy. And that was his resolution, what made him a true man. Yoosung would listen to his heart and never regret any of his decisions from now on. At last, finding true comfort, Yoosung felt himself doze off in the arms of his lover. Yes, he had neglected to put the stars up in the sky yet again this night, but it was worth it, for (MC) was more valuable than any of the planets and stars and galaxies that would align the universe and paint the night sky. (MC) was his one true love, and he would take being shunned and banished over a hundred times if it meant (MC) would be happy. With that, he drifted off, smiling and pushing the thought that he had forgotten his duties yet again to the back of his mind. For now, in this moment, he would savor being in (MC)’s warmth.
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steve0discusses · 5 years
Yugioh S4 Ep 4: Pegasus and His Unlimited Moxie
So, I’m finally back after that long--time--when I was sick, then busy, etc etc. Long story, I peaced out from social media for the large part, and my method for finding solace mostly involved watching so much  “big living in a tiny house.”
Those houses are so damn tiny.
And now I feel better, so lets get back to business.
Just FYI, this is a midweek post because this weekend I’ll be exploring a part of California I didn’t know existed before my friend was like “Napa’s booked, so we’re going South to do our wedding in the other wine country” and it’s like “the hell are you talking about other wine country?????”
So I might be driving to a large cardboard cutout of a winery, and me and 400 guests are going to just stand in front of it and pretend that it’s real for a couple days. This means that I will probably make only like maybe three updates this month and I’m just going to have to come to terms with that.
And in case you are wondering (you’re not) the bye bye bye mashup dance we’re doing for the wedding is going great. It’s really freakin great that the Seahawks decided to choose this week to steal our thunder, so now everyone at this wedding will think we’re just all really into Football. (I’m just telling you that because I feel a need to complain so thank you for listening.)
But anyway, it was a nice surprise amongst all this *stuff* I didn’t really want to do, that this particular episode of Yugioh is pretty great. Like...guys we get Pegasus, we get Kaiba having a meltdown, we get PEGASUS. Like I forgot how much I like Pegasus.
So first off, Yugi and friends decided to watch the news about the whole shpeal from last episode, probably because each and every one of them was certain they all shared the same collective fever dream.
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Something to note about Yugioh is they use a lot of near future tech, and I don’t know how much of that sci-fi goes completely over the heads of kids nowadays since this has become so normal. But yo, people in 2002 were still using AOL.
A lot has changed in 10 years. Just let that sink in, babies in the back.
(read more under the cut)
Also, please turn your entire attention over to this
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the weird orange cookie on this painting is what really gets to me. It looks like a handmade soap. Because in order to soothe my soul during this stressful month I also watched a lot of cold-process soap making videos.
*quickly looks up to see if there’s Yugioh Soap*
Yeah that doesn’t exist. Hey do you think that if I sent in a Yugioh soap design into Royalty Soaps she’d actually make it? I mean, she did Studio Ghibli. This is just Studio Ghibli but on fire and with terrible hair and actually very different.
(And yes, I did, just now, in fact, make a soap design that I’m absolutely mailing to Royalty Soaps. I’ll put it at the end. No idea what it should smell like, mostly because the last thing I want to do when watching Yugioh is think about how ANY of this smells.)
See, tangents like this are why I don’t have more time.
Anyway, Yugi recalls that he was supposed to *do a thing* but also recalls that he was given really no instructions at all.
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When something absolutely wonderful happens.
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Y’all I was like shouting at the screen “BE A TAPE BE A TAPE BE A TAPE” and lo and behold:
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Dude. Pegasus is such freakin mastermind. Remember that this show started out with them streaming video on a computer, and what did he decide to do? He sent them a tape. Pegasus knows FULL WELL how much they want to see this tape but at the same time...don’t want to watch this tape, and what follows is everyone deciding if they should or should not open Pandora’s box. A Pandora’s box they opened once before and then murdered Grandpa entirely by accident.
I can’t believe they sat on this joke for four seasons. It’s such a freakin good joke.
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So of course it’s the same kid who once decided it would be a great idea to put together a puzzle that came in a box that said “WARNING THIS GODAWFUL THING KILLS PEOPLE” who decided to just stick this in the VCR when everyone else was fighting and no one was looking.
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And, this is not a joke, this is literally how Pegasus decided to open this tape by scolding him for not keeping in touch when Pegasus tried to kill them not once but multiple times back on murder island. Pegasus thinks this deserves him at least a Christmas card.
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Something that’s also very Pegasus is that he um--doesn’t even bother wearing an eyepatch nowadays. He’s just got...one eye now...just an empty socket that he covers with bangs and is like “ya I dare you not look at it.”
And then on, this kid’s show, they basically go through the checklist of things that are “things a child abductor would ask you to do”
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And that’s it. That’s the whole tape. It’s the end of the world and Pegasus wants to get one last good prank in before it all goes belly up.
And it worked really good on Joey. But unfortunately, did not seem to phase Yugi.
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And then after this, the show gets very sidetracked by some side characters that are...they still exist.
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First of all, how much did Weevil spend on a bug drone? Like...what’s this guy’s day job?
Second of all, Rex and Weevil live on some weird brain plane, where they’re pretty sure that the upper echelon of card people are all in love with eachother (which, I don’t blame them, I’ve seen tumblr, it does give that impression if you’ve never watched this show). What they don’t realize is how badly each of the upper echelon of card people want to murder the Hell out of eachother, wipe eachother’s brains, and blow eachother up on a 6000 ft tower on an abandoned island.
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so I guess...Unfortunately...Rex and Weevil are...still with us. Their reasoning is kind of weird--they want super good cards--but like...what’s the point of having super good cards if you’re still Rex and Weevil? Rex is so bad at cards we didn’t even get to see him lose in S2.
Also, the biker gang is back, and I still don't know their font color because they’re in dim lighting in this scene so I’ll just use these temporary font colors for now.
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So, having done his one last good Joke (and maybe the only good joke that Pegasus has ever made) Pegasus decided to sit and wait for someone to do a murder on him. I mean he’s not psychic anymore, but he’s figured he’s screwed enough people that this was how he was going to go out anyway.
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So I guess she’s back for another season? It’s weird, she made one cameo and then that was it for this episode, but it was very clearly Mai Valentine. Bro brought up that they had to make her a villain again, because she’s literally their only girl villain and I was like “no that’s, not right they’ve got...” and then I kinda sat there for a couple of seconds and I realized “oh dude there’s only been one girl villain so far in all of Yugioh!” and he was like “YEP.”
Because both of us completely forgot about Rebecca until I wrote this in this post and he was double checking it just now. My apologies to the Rebecca stans.
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And then Yugi decided to let us know something extremely disturbing about his curse. The showed played it off like this was a cute thing you would want to have happen. But no. No one would ever want this.
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Ho boy! They share FEELINGS?
So like...
...bear with me here--when Yugi is scared, Pharaoh gets scared. When Yugi is tired, Pharaoh feels tired. When Yugi has a complete meltdown basically every single day, Pharaoh reaches for his Tums. So um...I have to ask the question...
So who’s dating Tea? Yes, I know the real answer is neither of them, but who is the one that keeps bringing forth this ship that this show is supposed to be shipping? Both of them??? I mean they have the same feelings, and before I was like, well, I’m sure Pharaoh just kinda turns around and watches brain TV when Yugi and Tea talk about...deadlifting, or whatever she’s into, but nah he’s like...he’s got the same feelings as Yugi.
Does that just...never bother them? Like...they never get jealous? Ever?
It’s so freakin weird.
This whole sequence was Yugi being like “You can’t keep a secret from me Pharaoh, I will instantly know since I can feel you lying to me” and it’s like hot damn that’s a big lore drop that they just hop and skip away from.
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So the next day they go to the airport and just go unsupervised to a foreign country.
This makes complete sense on Gramps’ part, because he was exploring Egyptian caves most of his life, so in comparison, California is baby town and Yugi would be fine. Clearly Gramps doesn’t know enough about Oakland.
Then again, Grandpa spent a very long and mysterious time in the Middle East raiding so many tombs and stealing an entire artifact that contains the whole history of a lost age of Egypt and an actual Pharaoh’s soul so like...probably wouldn’t get you past TSA in 2002. He’d send off like every red flag warning in the airport.
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Give me an Air Joey spinoff this instant, Yugioh, you cowards.
It’ll be just like Wings, except all the pilots are very bad at their job and haunted by multiple ghosts.
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There’s a very long pissing segment where there was no piss, but Rex begging Weevil to let him piss in the airplane. It’s about as much as you can expect out of a Rex and Weevil segment. And like, basically at this point, Rex and Weevil are married, yet this ship is never, not once, ever surfaced in my feed of fanart I see out of y’all.
And I don't blame you.
Now, when we get to California, we find out that Croquet either went completely gray or was replaced with an identical twin and also...
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Which doesn’t really look like this, PS.
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So bro has already told me that they’re going to San Fransisco next episode or so (OMG I’m so excited to talk about it), so this is absolutely supposed to be SFO in the show. (maaaybe Oakland Airport? But I super doubt it)
Most people outside of CA don’t know the vast scale of Bay Area and that the San Fransisco Airport is not very well named since it is...not close to San Fransisco at all.
So, I’m going to guess that the show thinks they landed directly in the heart of SF. With the way this vista looks, I think they basically just painted the view from north of Downtown. Which is especially fun because that is a pretty bougie community and the thought of having just a major airport smack in the middle of it makes my heart warm and fuzzy because they have voted out an affordable housing community SO many more times than is morally acceptable. Serves you right, here’s your international airport across the street.
But Bro has warned me ahead of time that this season makes absolutely no sense geography wise...and I’m pretty stoked for that.
And then, as if reading my mind, Tea removes Rex and Weevil from the show, yet again.
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Incredible that they got through customs like that, but they did arrive on a private plane, and maybe customs are different for them? I...don’t think it would be, even for a private plane, everyone has to go through customs. But, it’s a kids show, so Rex and Weevil snuck into America in a luggage bag, just like how Fox News warned us about.
Then again, I imagine that the customs agent was like “yo there’s two human bodies stuffed in here!????” and was like “ohhhhh wait, it’s a Pegasus’ plane. That adds up. Ya.” and just let it through.
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Time for a classic Kaiba meltdown sequence, where he puts on a show of being really competent but is in reality acting like a stack of screaming cats in a purple trench coat.
Mokuba just working overtime to keep this ship afloat because man.
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And then this next part isn’t a joke I made up--Kaiba only took as long as it took to monologue for five seconds about his reputation before doing this:
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It’s more than possible that the translators have no idea who Roland is, and unlike me, isn’t keeping tabs on Roland every second that green haired fourthKaiba is on screen.
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So Pegasus decides to give Kaiba a call on his video phone--because again he only saves the Panasonic Camcorder for spooking Yugi.
Pegasus could have just *called* Yugi the entire time, lol.
Anyway, without the camcorder, Pegasus now has room to stretch out his legs and stick his feet directly in the screen like the end of the world wasn’t less than 2 days ago.
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And the show isn’t telling us why or how this is happening after the whole Mai thing that happened. But it’s nice to know that even when Pegasus may be absolutely held up against his will, he still freakin slays.
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Youknow, Pegasus does more in this one episode to remind me that “oh yeah, Pegasus was my favorite character this whole time” than anyone else and he did in like two calls, sitting in a chair behind his desk, just screwing with people to screw with them.
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And what I enjoy about Pegasus is that, although he had his eyeball removed--he’s still a freakin asshole. He still super sucks. I had a lot of questions about “how much of Pegasus being the worst was the eyeball?” And apparently the answer was “VERY little, this guy is just the freakin worst. Didn’t need to be cursed at all.”
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And so, Yugioh doesn’t really do transformation sequences--unless you count when Yugi sometimes goes “yugiohhhhhh” and then to everyone else looks virtually the same. Instead Yugioh does gear up sequences.
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Where we find out that Seto promised Mokuba he wouldn’t play cards anymore until he was done building all those theme parks.
I guess it’s unfortunate for Mokuba that this whole Pegasus end of the world thing happened out of nowhere and also unfortunate for Mokuba that Kaiba can build card-themed theme parks Really Quickly. I think Mokuba was banking on it taking an entire lifetime to build a park but youknow, looking at how many sequels of Yugioh there are...eh, Mokuba should have instead dared Seto to give up dueling until he finished a single semester of public school. Then those cards would have stayed buried.
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Hey um...did Kaiba add hip spikes on this purple coat since Season 2? I don’t remember him having those.
Good thing I write a blog and I can check. Time for some time travel to Season 2.
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Ah, yes, the hip spikes were not there in Season 2. So, at some point in between then and now, Kaiba looked at this old ass coat hanging in his closet and was like “Not Enough Butt Spikes!” and just glued em on there.
But anyway, back to Season 4...
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I’m pretty sure this is one of the doors from Evangelion.
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And so, off they go, straight to their death, in the world’s most un-aerodynamic vehicle.
Really glad that Dragon Plane seems to have become a permanent character, as it would if you spent 10 million dollars building a dragon plane that can’t possibly fly using real world physics.
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So, Yugi and Co are going to California, and Seto is going to Season One.
And I guess Bakura was like “Oi! Loves! Is every body ready for me to murder them?” and Gramps was like “sorry, they’re getting murdered by Pegasus today” and he was like “bloody hell, every time.”
Anyway, if you just got here, this is a link to read all these recaps from the beginning, in chrono order--it’s a lot of content, and I can’t believe I spent this much time doing this.
And because you’re curious, here’s the soap design that will get absolutely rejected by Royalty Soaps because they say they like to watch anime but they also pronounced “Ghibli” wrong like over 20 times on that one video so I have a strong feeling this is not their brand.
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atombombbagel · 6 years
romanced companions and sole have a massive fight and break up: how companions deal w it and how they react whenever they see sole afterwards??? (extra angsty w danse & mac pls i love them)
I’m so sorry it took me so long to get to all of these reactions, I feel extremely bad about it :(
ANGST AHEAD, this is very very over exaggerated…
Also, I know in the ask it says ‘how do companions deal with it and how do they reactafter they see Sole afterwards’ but I’m leaving that to part two (because Ihave another request to tie in, hope that’s okay)
Trigger warning; mentions of drug use.
 In gamespoilers, just in case you haven’t finished the game or what not - (Blind Betrayal, The Nuclear Option, Far Harbour DLC)
Hope you enjoy! 
Cait:Another one. Cait slammed the mirrored cupboard door closed, nearly shatteringthe glass. This was the last straw; her blood was boiling, and she hadn’t seenmuch action in weeks. She could barely control her rage. She stormed from thebathroom and into the bedroom where Sole was getting dressed.
“D’ya have te keep thisjunk lyin’ around the house?” Cait asked angrily. Throwing a psycho needle ontothe bed. “That’s not the only thing in the cupboard Sole. Why would ye keep theseinside the house when ye know my past.” She was visibly angry at this point.Sole turned around and looked down at the bed.
“I’m going to get rid ofthem, we pick so much junk up I forget to sell-”
“SELL THEM!?” Cait boomed,her Irish accent getting thicker. “Why would ye sell them knowing what they do.Get rid of them!” She put her hands on her hips, shaking her head.
“I think you’re beingunreasonable, imagine the money we could make-”
“Are ye thick Sole?” Caitfurrowed her eyebrows, cutting Sole off again.
“What are you so worried yourold junkie ways will return. Relax.” Sole snapped.  
“FUCK YOU.” Cait Shouted beforehuffing. “D’ya know what I can’t do this. I’m out.  You’re a fuckin’ asshole.” Cait threw herhands up before spinning around on her heel and walking hot feet out the door.
She does her best to avoidSole after she left them, because she knows full well if she saw them, she’d eitherjump their bones or punch them in the face. She wants to do neither.
Curie:“Oh no!” Curie whisper-yelled as she watched the poor settler getting mutilatedby ruthless raider. “We have to help them!” she turned to Sole who was alsowatching the horrible sight in front of them.
“We can’t, we’ll giveaway out position.” Sole hated that they couldn’t help. “There are too many ofthem, if we go in guns blazing, we’ll end up like that poor soul.” Curie knewthat there wasn’t much they could do, but it was in her nature to be caring.She had to do something. She got up attempting to go in there but Sole grabbedher and carried her away. “What are you doing?!” Sole snapped at Curie.
“Why did you stop me!They need me!”
“That was a suicide mission!I’m sorry but he was as good as dead.” Sole didn’t mean to sound so harsh, butthey couldn’t take back the words now.
“What happened to theminutemen being of the people, for the people?!”Curie questioned. Sole was taken aback by Curie’s tone of voice.
“There wouldn’t be anyminutemen if we all went on missions like that. We must pick out fights!” Soleshook their head. “I can’t lose you.”
“You may not have lost mein death, but you’ve lost me as a partner.”
“What do you mean?” Soleasked, their forehead creasing.
“You’ve changed. Those poorpeople. You would’ve helped them but now I’m not so sure.” Curie sighed. “Ihave to go.”        
Danse:The loud explosion reverberated through the sky, it would have alerted anyonefor miles and miles. So, when Danse heard the commotion he rushed outside, hiseyes scanning the mess in disbelief. It was gone. Metal and fiery rain. Whocould do this?
Danse lifted his head ashe heard the ding of the elevator, alight smile appearing on his lips as he saw Sole appear from the doors. Sole didn’tshare the same expression. He furrowed his brows.
“Sole? Are you alright?” Heasked, now filled with worry. Sole just looked at him for a moment, trying tobuild up the courage to tell him. They knew this was going to be bad.
“I had to do it. I didn’thave a choice. I’m sorry,” Sole said quietly, unable to look the taller man in theeye.
“What did you do?” Danse’sworry was exacerbated by Sole’s cryptic words.
“The Prydwen. The Elder,he didn’t give me a choice.” Sole swallowed the lump in their throat. They lookedup at Danse for a split second, his face etched with disgust.
“That was you.” His toneof voice was cold and its scared Sole. “There were children up there.”
“You think I don’t knowthat?” Sole shot back quickly. “There are children in the institute too.” Dansecouldn’t even look at Sole. What Sole had done was repulsive. “This wasn’t an easydecision for me.”
“You murdered so manyinnocent-”
“Innocent?” Sole snapped.“The Brotherhood are hardly innocent! Look at what they did to you!”
“Oh, and the instituteare much better!” Danse fired back. He turned away and looked down. What Solehad done had made him sad at heart, but all he could feel was this bubblingrage in his veins. “Get out.” He ordered, turning back to face them.
“Danse, lets talk aboutthis.”
“No! I don’t want to hearit. We’re over, I could never date someone so cruel and selfish.” He spat hiswords at Sole like a snake would spit its venom. Sole didn’t say another word,they just left, left Danse in his own misery.
Deacon:Deacon’s secret identity was all he had. It kept him safe, it kept him distant.That was until he met Sole. They saw straight through him and tore down thosewalls and identities he’d spent so long building. How could they do this to him?
“IT WAS YOU.” Sole hadnever heard Deacon shout so loud, in fact they’d never heard him yell at all.It was shocking to say the least.
“What are you talkingabout?” Sole asked, their voice a little shaky. Deacon scoffed as he looked directlyat Sole. He wasn’t one to be messed with when he was angry.
“Remember those guys wewere scouting? The ones who kidnap the synths and torture them?” He lowered hisvoice, but not by much. Sole nodded slowly.
“What about the-”
“Don’t bullshit me Sole,I know you told them of my identity. You. You are you the one who went to ‘speak’to them.” He took a step forward which made Sole take a step back. Sole wasstuttering.
“I didn’t, I swear.”
“You actually sold meout. I TRUSTED YOU,” Deacon boomed, and Sole swore his dominating voice shookthe room. “We’re fucking done.”
“Deeks, I wouldn’t. Don’tdo this. It wasn’t me. I wouldn’t do that to you.” Sole pleaded but the agent wasn’ttaking any of it.
“Stay away from me.”  
Hancock:“You were flirting,” Sole snarled, shaking their head. All Sole wanted was tochill out in the bar with Hancock and what did he have to do, talk to thatpretty girl who was so enamoured with him. “Oh, Hancock you’re so brave!” Solemocked coldly. Sole’s blood was boiling, and Hancock’s wasn’t that far off.
“There is a differencebetween flirting and being nice Sole,” Hancock fired back. “You get jealous ofthe stupidest things. It’s hard to take you anywhere.”
“WHY ARE YOU WITH ME THEN!?”Sole raised their voice louder than usual, making Hancock take a step back.
“Sometimes I don’t evenknow!” He shrugged. “You’re over the top! And you’re blowing this way out ofproportion! She was being friendly.” He paused before adding, “You’re just jealousI get the attention and you don’t.”
“Fuck you Hancock,” Solehissed, “She was clearly trying to get you to fuck her so why don’t you go andshack up with her?!” Sole knew that they were pushing him, whether it be onpurpose or not.
“I’ve had enough of this.”Hancock pushed passed Sole, heading for the door.
“If you leave now, we’redone,” Sole snapped. The ultimatum didn’t seem to bother him, he was too angryto care at this point. He reached for the doorknob. “Wow. You love me my ass.”Hancock ignored Sole completely leaving through the door to cool off.
MacCready:“I don’t need your help!” MacCreadyaccidently snapped at Sole, and this wasn’t the first time he’d done it either.Sole being the sweetie they are was only trying to help Mac patch up a wound,only they had poured a little too much alcohol in the cut. MacCready cursed asthe cut oozed blood and alcohol, the wound stinging beyond relief.
“Oh! I’m sorry,” Soleimmediately apologised to him, but it went straight over his head, the onlything on his mind was the pain emitting from his leg.
“Stop trying to be sohelpful all the time! I can do things myself you know!” MacCready’s shoutingfrightened Sole a little. They’d never been on the receiving end of MacCready’sfury. “Just, get away from me. I don’t need you here.”
“Well if you don’t wantme around,” Sole said sadly, taking a few steps back. MacCready just glared at them.“I’ll just go. I’m so sorry.”
“Good!” MacCready calledafter them as Sole left the room, heading back to their home. They never knewhe felt that way about them.  
Nick:Acadia, Far Harbour, The children of Atom. Sole struggled to decide what thebest course of action was. Nick had tried to put his two cents in, but Sole wasn’texactly listening to reason, they couldn’t they were too confused by the wholesituation and Nick, well he was obviously going to side with DiMA. Why wouldn’the? They knew each other.
“You don’t have to dothis. DiMA didn’t mean any harm.” Nick tried to convince Sole not to tell the peoplewhat DiMA had done. All the lies he’d told to keep the peace. But what is peacewhen it has a deadly cost? Sole didn’t know.
“I can’t deal with all thesefactions against each other, all the time. If it isn’t the Brotherhood and thesynths, its this. I can’t let him get away with what he did. It WAS wrong,”Sole informed Nick, knowing full well they couldn’t change his mind on the subject.
“One mistake shouldn’tdefine a person, you of all people should know that.”
“Classy. Bring up my mistakesto justify someone else’s actions.” Sole turned away from the synth, pacingback and forth as they did so.
“I will not stand by andlet you do this.”
“You can’t stop me fromdoing what needs to be done Nick, I’ll do what is right no matter what.” Heknew by the look on Sole’s face he wouldn’t persuade Sole otherwise, theirfinal decision would be just that, final.
“Maybe not, but I can end this. I can end us,”Nick threatened but Sole just turned and glared at him. “I’m not sticking byyour side this time. We’re done here.” Nick wasn’t joking either, he had hismorals and so did Sole. Maybe they weren’t meant to be.
Piper:Piper was fuming. She had spent hours findingout all the necessary information she needed to write the biggest story of herbudding career. Just when she thought she had the perfect published masterpiece,she finds out that her source was a phoney. The greatest piece of writing she’dever put together was fake and if people found out, her reputation would onlyget worse.
“You gave me the dodgiestsource out there!” Piper boomed as Sole walked through the door to the Publick Occurrences.As soon as Piper’s loud voice shook the small building, Sole stumbled back, startled.
“What do you mean? Theman for your interview? He told me-”
“You did it on purpose!You knew this would be a fantastic story! But no. No one can be a hero and savethe day except good old Blue, straight out of the vault, sob story and all.”Piper’s rage only increased when Sole tried to explain themselves, but she didn’twant to hear it, she didn’t want any of Sole’s lame excuses.
“That isn’t true at all.I was by your side trying to HELP you, not sabotage you. Who told you I stabbedyou in the back?” Sole asked, trying to stay calm.
“It doesn’t matter who!All that matters is that you did it! You wanted to see me fail!” Piper snapped,this time crossing her arms. Sole had seen her get angry, they’d just neverseen her get this angry. “I thoughtyou loved me!”
“I do love you. You haveto believe me-” Sole pleaded.
“Get out!” Piper shoutedand Sole took a step back. “GET OUT AND DON’T COME BACK.
Preston:Preston stood in the doorway, his arms crossed over his chest as he watched Solehand over some Jet to Mama Murphy. He toldSole to stop feeding her addiction but instead of listening to him, theyused her sight for their own use, endangering the old woman further.
“Sole.” He grabbed theirattention with his thunderous voice. Sole could tell he was angry. They toldhim they would stop and here they were getting caught again. “A word.” Henodded his head towards the door. Sole gave a light smile to Mama Murphy beforefollowing Preston out the door.
“Before you say anything,I needed her help. I’m close to finding Shaun.” Sole tried to reason withPreston but at this point he didn’t want to hear Sole’s reasons.
“How many times have Isaid to stop giving her chems? They aren’t good for her. I know you want tofind your son, but this isn’t the way! You’re killing her! How could you be so self-centred?”Preston scolded.
“He is a child Preston! Ineed to find him!” Sole shot back, creasing their eyebrows as they looked athim.
“NO! Not like this!” Prestonshouted, moving closer to Sole’s face. He was visibly angry now, you could tellby the creased-up features on his face.
“You can’t tell me whatto do!”
“FINE! Then were done. Ican’t continue to support you if you’re going to force drugs into Mama Murphy.I can’t.” Sole’s expression immediately softened. Preston was breaking up with them.What.
“You’re not actuallygoing to break u-” Sole started but was cut off by Preston who was stillenraged.
“Yes I am. Don’t think I’mhelping you anymore. I’m completely done.” Preston didn’t even wait for Sole toreply before he backed away, leaving to them to their own devices.
X6-88:X6-88 tapped his transmitter in confusion, usually it worked fine, there havebeen a couple of instances where it had played up at sent him somewhere else insteadof the destination he wanted, but never had it just stopped working. It was annoying,he’d have to contact a member of the institute or find another courser to helphim fix it. And by fix it, he had to find a deceased courser… regardless, hewas trapped until Sole returned. Which they did shortly after it had broken.
“It is good to see you.”X6 said with a faint smile as Sole walked in their home. Sole smiled lightlyback at him, only X6 could tell something was up. “What is wrong?” He asked,sitting down on a chair next to his bottle of purified water.
“You’re not going to likethis, but please hear me out, okay?” Sole pleaded and X6 nodded. He was reasonablewhen it come to most things. “Shaun… Father, I do believe that deep down hethought he was doing what was right…” Sole took a long pause before musteringup the courage to continue. “But I couldn’t let him carry on with what he wasdoing, it isn’t right. I couldn’t let him replace people, destroy families. I’msorry.”
“I don’t understand.” X6said, confused.
“The institute. It’sgone.” There was a long moment of silence, X6 coming to terms with what Solewas saying. He stood up and removed his laser rifle from his belt, pointing it atSole.
“How could you?! How couldyou go against me like this?” The look on his face just read betrayal. Sole didn’tthink they’d ever see that look, mixed with a bit of sadness, on his face.
“I didn’t go against you.The institute and what they stand for, its wrong X6. But now, we can betogether away from all of this. We can start over and be happy.”
“I could NEVER be happywith you. You destroyed my home! You killed Father!” He stepped forwards, pointinghis gun at Sole’s head, ignoring the tears stinging their eyes.
“Put it down, NOW!” Sturges,who had heard the commotion, came in and held a short hunting rifle to thesynths head. “I think its time for you to leave.” He nodded his head towardsthe door as a demand. X6 lowered his gun and headed out the door, taking onelast look at Sole before leaving the settlement.
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spongeekat · 5 years
[Rewrite] The 6 Months Peter Parker was Dead Chapter 1
read on ao3
Masterlist Here
Summary;  Peter is forced to fake his own death to save the lives of his fathers, as well as his boyfriend Wade and the rest of the Avengers. Now living as his secret identity of Spider-Man, he must cope with the pain he's causing his friends and family, while adjusting to the lonely life of a full-time hero. It's not easy when his decision keeps finding ways to haunt him, and it seems his identity is even harder to hide when he's 'dead.'
“Peter, please. Just look at me. You don’t want to do this. You don’t want to hurt Tony, or Steve, or anyone else that cares about you. You’re so young.”
Bruce’s pleading was wasted breath. His uncle’s voice was distant, barely audible over the pounding of blood in his ears. Peter’s mind throbbed with unease. The burning embers kissing the windows and door frame were pulsing brighter than the rest of the world, and when he tore his gaze down to his arms he saw the crimson burning his skin and up the expanse of his shoulder.  Fire Trucks blared deafeningly close, yet he didn’t so much as wince. Men and women were screaming at the rescue teams to help. It all sounded so far away. When he looked up at the fire consuming the burnt mansion, dripping with hunger and malintent, the blistering heat scorched his body. Sweat gathered on the edges of his hairline, and for a moment he felt he was breathing in pure charcoal and ash.  His logical mind, though hardly present, told him this was a terrible decision, and he should stay clear of the collapsing building. He felt a hand firmly grasp onto his shoulder, before it drug his limp form around to face Bruce. Peter caught sight of calm eyes staring back down at him, though the usual composure of the scientist before him had broken. Blood dripped steadily down his cheeks, and Peter was aware of wires of a bomb strapped to his uncle’s chest creeping up from under his shirt. They served as a grim reminder of the consequences of his actions, if he chose not to go through with the plan being forced onto him.
The splintering crash of another room caving in on itself pulled him from his mystified haze. His senses slowly started to return, the deluded shrieking now hitting him in stereo. Glancing back at the horrifying scene, the mansion was standing on its final legs. His window of opportunity was running short. There was a tunnel in the basement open only for so long, and Peter would lose his chance to disappear into it if he didn’t make quick decisions.
A man howled for help from the second story. Peter wasn’t sure if he was a pawn placed there by Harry, or if he was an actual tenant of the home that had been ambushed with his arson. Either way, the fire truck's ladder wasn’t operating, and the man had no method of escaping. Peter’s urge to rescue him was making his stomach churn in agony. He knew Harry was watching, and any aberration from the scheme would result in negative outcomes for everyone involved.
“Don’t think about me for a second.” Bruce’s voice was soothing, and much closer to Peter this time, his hands desperately anchoring him in place to keep him from making a move towards the flame-engulfed house. “Think about yourself. It would be better for me to die than you. Remember your fathers. Remember New York. All the people that love and depend on you. The people that would be devastated.”
Who? The thought made Peter’s throat constrict. He couldn’t deny Tony and Steve would be left in shock- and childless- but thinking logically, both of his previous sets of parents and the one girl he’d ever loved were already dead. Superheroes lost people all the time. In the overall scheme of things, did his life really matter…?
But Bruce. Uncle Bruce was someone Peter had vowed to protect. He glanced shortly up at his worn face, the abuse he’d been dealt taking form in dark bruises on his jaw and a fractured nose. The Green Goblin had been the mastermind behind this all.
Harry Osborn had made his appearance at the science convention Bruce and Peter had gone to that afternoon. Peter had originally been invited by Tony, but his Dad hadn’t been up to attending the event and sent Bruce in his place. The look of disbelief on his Uncle’s face when Peter had shot out a web to defend them was cemented in his mind. Peter fought hard. He hadn’t won. Harry had baited them out of the convention center to a parking garage rigged with electric traps, and he’d stupidly ignored his spidey-senses until it was too late. Static shot through the room, currents cutting through his body until he was debilitated and had passed out. The horror he felt waking up to Bruce, beaten, bloodied, and covered with explosives, had felt grimly similar to watching Gwen fall to her death 2 years ago. He couldn’t go through that again. He couldn’t watch another person in his life die because of his double-life.
Windows shattered behind them,  glass shards dropping to the sidewalk and causing onlookers to take steps further back to avoid the spray. Peter was pushed into Bruce from the momentum of the crowd, though Bruce wound his arms tightly around him. Peter could feel his unwillingness to let go. He wished he could stay that way with him, even if just for a minute longer. He may have resolved himself to his death, but that didn’t make the fear any less harsh.
“I know you think it’s your only option. But Peter, you have so much more to live for besides just being Spider-Man. You can’t lose your family. You can’t lose Wade.”
Wade. He would be devastated. He and Peter had agreed they would end each other’s lives when it came down to it, because neither wanted to survive alone. His promise ring was heavy on his finger. Peter slowly reached down and slipped it off with trembling hands, pressing it tightly into Bruce’s palm. “Keep it for me.” Peter’s voice ruptured through his chest, searing his lungs. His body ached, like he would have a break down any moment. However, he didn’t feel the immediate need to cry. He felt... numb.
Harry hated Peter. He didn’t have to scream it at him a thousand times to get the point across. He could see it in the spiteful eyes of his ex-best friend. He could see how Peter had broken him with his refusal to be the experimental drug for Norman. He had promised to do what he could to help the man he’d grown up with, but Norman had taken matters into his own hands and was too far gone for Peter to save him in the end. And then there was the night Norman had killed himself in a horrible accident, impaling himself on his glider when he had tried to take out Spider-Man. This fueled Harry’s inexplicably strong animosity, and Peter had no way to convince him that he hadn’t caused the loss of his father. In his eyes, while he knew it was horrible mistakes leading up to this, he accepted the blame for ruining his friend.
“You don’t deserve your dads.”
Peter had been electrocuted to the point he felt the shaking wouldn’t stop, sweat dripped down his face, and burn marks charred his arms and legs. He was in no shape to attempt an escape from the Goblin, especially with Bruce covered in explosives and unable to mutate to the Hulk. He wouldn’t risk his life in a gamble.
“Little Spidey wants to take away my father, my future, and still wants to pretend he’s the good guy! All we wanted was your goddamn blood !”
“Harry, this isn’t you.” Peter had seen Harry’s darkest days - through every disagreement with his family. Yet, despite the pressure of his Dad and the fate that awaited him, his fire had never burned out. Now, it seemed only black voids filled his eyes. “Let me help you. I-I promise, I’ll do everything I can-”
“No, that offer has expired. Sadly enough for you!” Another bolt coursed through his spine and spread down to his fingertips. Peter collapsed to his side on the floor, his body spasming excruciatingly as he tried to catch his breath and his heart threatened to give out. “You’re on my terms now. And that is somewhere you don’t want to be.”
Harry had given him an ultimatum. He cackled sadistically from behind his deranged mask, hovering over Peter’s broken frame on the floor still his twitching from another round of electrocution. “I won’t kill you. I want you to kill yourself. Peter Parker will die from this world either way.”
Peter was too disoriented to respond, and trying to pick himself up off the floor only left him dazed and in a heap once more. His limbs seemed to stop obeying him entirely.
“So I have a choice for you, Spider-Man.” A single, deformed finger blinded him, his brain engorged with electric sparks and hardly able to take in the details of it wavering in his eyes. “I’ll blow Banner’s brains out like a firework , reveal your identity to the world, and just as you return to normal life with Dear old Dad’s and your family of super-freaks, I’ll come for you. You won’t know where I am. But I’ll take a person from your life one by one, rip them to shreds and send you videos to commemorate, until you end your pathetic existence yourself.”
“Don’t listen, Peter.” Bruce croaked, though his prompting didn’t eliminate the weight of the Harry’s threats.
“Two.” Another green finger dug into Peter’s forehead, pushing sharply at his temples to make his neck arched painfully back. “You will leave your life as Peter Parker, and your Dads will be childless. You are a part of the Avenger’s now, aren’t you? Do you have fun being Spider-Man? Running around pretending not to sleep under the same roof?  Is it easy to lie to them? I hope so, because Spider-Man is all you’ll ever be. You’ll kill yourself- or at least, they’ll think you’re dead- on television so everyone can see just how weak and pathetic you truly are. And you’ll suffer each day watching them in pain, knowing they couldn’t save you. Your Hulk will live. So long as you trust him to keep a secret.” He paused, tauntingly, and withdrew his fingers from the teen’s forehead. Peter stared in disbelief at the floor in front of him, a shuddering taking over his form. He couldn’t do that to Steve and Tony, or the rest of his family. Either choice was a terrible punishment for them; they’d lose a friend, a team member, and suffer the publicity of Peter’s identity reveal and the murders that followed; or they’d lose their only son, while he played observer to the aftermath right under their noses.
“Don’t make me wait all day, Spider-Man, the choice is clear. Make your decision by the count of three, or I’ll set off my boom-toys and kill Banner now.”
Before Harry had even reached 2, Peter’s voice shot out in utter panic. “I’ll do the second one! I’ll pretend to die!”
Peter could see the heartbreak on Bruce’s face. He knew he was selfish. He knew he couldn’t do this to the people he held most dear, but he couldn’t risk lives that weren’t his. He couldn’t put people in danger who had never agreed to be in harm’s way in the first place.
“Be careful. Get the bombs off as soon as possible.” Peter brushed away Bruce’s arms from his body, taking a few steps backwards. Worry spiked in Bruce’s eyes, but Peter had his back facing him before he could say another word. He ducked under the police tape at the front lines. A fireman squawked to his right and made to grab him,, but Peter was quicker and evaded his grasp. He sprinted towards the home before anyone had really noticed he’d broken through, but when they had, there was an outcry of concern from the crowd. His steps tapered off at the front door and he slowed to a stop. The furniture and walls just inside the doors were blackened from the flames, sweltering smoke pouring through the frame. He could smell the petrol that had fed the fire, which was now spilling down the stairs at a rapid pace. He had a minute, maybe less, before the entire front room would be consumed by the blaze. Sweat collected on the arch of his eyebrows, and for a moment he was left petrified on the porch. There were civilians screaming at him to stop, and training his ears, Peter knew one of the first responders was dashing towards where he stood, his footsteps slamming against the asphalt. Despite the dread of entering the tomb that stretched in front of him, he couldn’t let himself get stopped. If he were interrupted by an officer he wouldn’t get a second chance to finish what he had started. His eyes locked onto the cameraman from their local news gawking at him from behind police lines, and before concerned bystanders could get in his way, he had ducked in the doorway and out of sight from the public.
Before he had even taken 5 steps away from the door, an explosion sounded behind him, nearly catapulting Peter into a half-destroyed piano from the force. Peter threw arms over his head as dust and debris sprayed his way, varnishing his face and hair with ashes. The side of the house closest to the stairs had begun collapsing, beams creaking before plunging through the weakened ceiling and splintering against the ground. He navigated his way towards the kitchen, the furthest point in the house from the source of the fire, purposefully orchestrated by Harry. He knew he was watching him, executing perfect timing as to prevent Peter’s plan from getting hindered. This also meant Peter was given no chance to go back on his word, once it was set into motion. His way out had been barraged chunks of burnt wood and drywall, and there was only one escape point remaining; the basement.
The roof groaned with strain, and the snapping of wood caught Peter’s attention. A tingle of warning ran up his spine, and his arms straightened above him on instinct to catch a burning beam that was hurtling down towards him. It easily outweighed him and was painted black with fire. The flames scorched the skin on his hands, but his adrenaline-induced high distracted him from the pain. He managed to throw it aside back towards the living room, side-stepping the cavern above him in case another piece of the frame decided to give out. He sucked in a sharp breath to look down at his palms, bits of the skin burned away to reveal pink and bloodied skin, but there wasn’t much to do about it now. The sooner he got out of this house, the less trauma he’d have to worry about later.
He trudged his way down the staircase that led to the under structure, the air growing thinner and easier to breathe. Peter hitched his backpack off his shoulders and dropped it to the floor, yanking out his suit. Despite the rush he was in, he faltered when he looked at the fabric, as if it was his first time seeing it. He didn’t feel like he was in a hurry this time to don the costume. After today, it would serve as his prison sentence. He wasn’t able to take it off and return to his life as a student, son, and Daily Bugle employee. Peter Parker, in this reality, was dead.
He tore off his current clothing, dropping it to the ground beside him. It was difficult to pull the spandex over his damp skin, but he eventually was zipping it and fixing his mask in place. Feeling his breathing obstructed by the suit was what finally made it all seem real. He wouldn’t be returning that night from his trip with Bruce to a warm bed and a kiss on the forehead from Steve. He wouldn’t spend his night listening to Tony trying to prove why it was a pointless convention made for less competent scientists to prove their theoretical intellect. There’d be no family movie night like every Saturday, and Natasha wouldn’t tease him and Wade endlessly when Wade snuck in once Tony and Steve went to bed. He wouldn’t go out for his nightly patrol, and he’d never again return at an unholy hour to rush to hide his new bruises with concealer and long-sleeve shirts.
Peter was really losing his entire life.
He twisted to locate the crudely carved tunnel leading out of the basement and up towards the back yard. Harry had told him it would be there as his means of escape, and it seemed just barely big enough for him to crawl through. With a faltering confidence he shoved his backpack in far enough to fit his body, then grabbed hold of the walls of the dirt path to pull himself in as well. His toes poked around for a growth in the dirt, and when he found it, he gave it a light tap and withdrew his foot. A weak bomb went off and the end of the tunnel collapsed, the light fading out of the space in seconds. Harry hadn’t been lying about the detonator to prevent his route from being found. He really had planned this revenge meticulously.  Peter grabbed hold of his backpack and pushed it up further along the steep angle, using his feet to climb up after it.
Trapped in utter darkness in a tunnel that led Peter to god-knows-where, he crawled towards the beginning of a new kind of hell he wasn’t emotionally prepared to face.
“Now being called a Reckless Hero; How the adopted son of Tony Stark lost his life in an attempt to save politician Jamison Morre last Tuesday when he was trapped on the fourth floor of his burning home. The Manhattan Arson and Explosives team has just concluded their investigation on the case of a house-fire that left two dead earlier this week. Firefighters received the call about this massive fire at about 4:30 PM. When they arrived on the scene they discovered Morre was still inside the home, unable to escape his bedroom before the fire had caused the stairs to collapse. 20 Year old Peter Parker-Stark was spending the day with a family friend when the young man supposedly passed by the scene and heard the cries of the homeowner as he yelled for help. Despite all of the first-responders best efforts, they were not able to extend their ladder due to faulty equipment. It was then Stark decided to take matters into his own hands. He ran into the half-demolished building to try to reach him, but a gas line exploded just as he entered. Police say they found a body that was badly burned and crushed under the rubble, but it had been concluded to belong to Parker-Stark. We talked to the fire chief that was on the scene at the time.”
“It was an unfortunate incident that my men were not prepared to deal with. Our truck ladder wouldn’t extend, and we couldn’t reach the man through his window. The kid ran past us and it took too long for any of us to realize he had gotten through. It’s something sad that we have to deal with when heroes like Spider-Man and Captain America run around and try to save people all the time. Normal people want to be heroes, too. All of our trucks are being tested to be sure this won’t happen again, and the parts that failed are being looked into.”
“We’ve received no comment from Tony Stark on the incident. More details to come as they’re uncovered.”
The TV clicked off, the screen shutting down to black, and Peter was once more basked in the silence of his empty apartment. He drew his legs up to his chest, resting languidly against the arm of his couch. After a couple of nights taking refuge under the bleachers of his old high school, Bruce had gotten him settled into a rented furnished studio apartment, at least for the time being until he figured out the next steps he would take. It had been surprisingly difficult adjusting to life on his own. Despite his roots of  living primarily with Aunt May and Uncle Ben in an aged, single-family home, he had grown quite accustomed to life in Stark Industries and the luxuries that came along with it. Of course he was also never completely alone in the tower. Even when his 5-or-so family members were away on a mission, he still had Jarvis, who was decent company. But now he was left isolated on the other side of town.
Bruce hadn’t come to visit Peter yet. At least not when he’d been home. He’d left a new phone, clothes from his room, his laptop, his promise ring, and cash in a box on his counter while Peter was out. He also texted him updates about upcoming Avenger’s meetings, though all official activity had been postponed until further notice. Peter hadn’t heard anything about Steve and Tony’s state yet, though he figured that was for the better.
The depression of losing his family had hit him quite hard. Rather than crying to mourn his losses, he just felt... empty. His life had been shattered apart by the man he used to consider his best friend, his relationship had been ripped prematurely away, and he was left a captive to his superhero persona. He hadn’t brought himself to move from the couch since he’d moved in, much less go out for patrols. Besides, the temptation to burst into his old home and reveal that he had never really died and beg for forgiveness for lying to them would overwhelm him. He wasn’t strong enough for it yet.
On his new phone he navigated to the social media sites his family had kept up for him, all now switched to a remembrance page. Several people from highschool and college that had barely even known his name when he was ‘alive’ had posted tribute statuses. Even his professors had reached out about the unfortunate death of their student. The name that stood out most viciously on the page was Flash. He was, according to his post, torn-up by Peter’s death, wishing he had been given the chance to apologize for his misbehavior all those years ago towards Peter. The fact that his death may have actually done good for a person made him want to laugh at the sour irony.
There was still the intrusive thought that overall this may be a benefit to those he’d left behind. After all, how many of his family members had he seen murdered, or close to it, because of his genetics and powers? It was hard to ignore the fears when they were the only thing keeping you company during the day.
Peter’s police scanner buzzed on low volume next to him on the cushions, and the words ‘Masked Red Man’ and ‘Shooting.’ immediately caught his attention. Wide-eyed, his fingers fumbled to turn it up.
“  612 we’re requesting response cars because we have squads tied up with this shooting. Unable to move inside. 5 suspects have been spotted with firearms, and approximately 24 people are still inside the mall. Masked man is now out of sight and has appeared to have entered through the fire exit. Shots have been fired. Where did this guy go? Were those swords?”
Apparently there was a hostage situation in the mall, and Wade was getting himself involved. The fact had Peter on his feet in a second. Wade had been kill-free for a year and half since joining up with the Avenger’s alongside Spider-Man, and had been very proud of that fact. Peter was really hoping that streak hadn’t been broken. No, he had to be sure Wade wasn’t going to hurt anyone. His chest ached as he pulled himself from the couch and tumbled over to his suit that laid out on his counter, holding it up before him.
No more moping. He was going to have to face this head on. He was doing this to protect those he loved, and he couldn’t give up on saving the city and the people in it just because he was grieving. So he pulled the zipper open and ripped off his shirt, trying not to let his mind linger on the anxiety of seeing Wade again.
Spider-Man landed stealthily on the glass roof of the Manhattan mall, but he still heard an eruption in the crowd gathered to watch the scene, supposedly noticing him. He braced his fingertips against the slippery panes and crawled silently, eyes scanning inside for where the hostages were. He’d heard from the report that the shooters had been spotted near the electronics store on the second floor through a window. As promised, when he reached that area, he saw a man standing with a loaded gun in the center of a broken escalator, with a group of a dozen people kneeling behind him. There were bound to be more shooters in another section, which Peter had to be careful not to alert, as to not risk any of the individuals’ lives.
He carefully gripped onto and pulled one of the glass panels up as warm air rushed out at him, calculating his strategy. Yelling below him indicated someone was on the phone, likely with the police, in one of the hidden stores. The hostages seemed to all be alive at least, though Peter was sad to know there had already been at least one casualty. He picked the angle at which he could quickly web the gun with one hand and grab the gunner with the other, which would hopefully be silent enough that he could then land in front of the hostages and body-block them until he’d taken out the three other gunman.
Peter adjusted so that he’d have room to jump down once he’d webbed the man, extended his wrist, and braced himself to ambush his target.
“Who the fuck is that?!”
The faint sound of boots hitting tile drew his attention to a maintenance hallway. His vision locked in on a man making his way towards the gunmen with a frightening ambiance, shrouded by the crimson emergency lights flashing rhythmically. His katanas were dragging on the ground, sparks leaping off the tips , and nothing about this man seemed friendly or hopeful like Peter had come to know him. His heart swelled in his chest upon seeing the familiar suit, a sharp pain forming in the back of his throat. Wade. His presence brought in an instant happiness that threw him completely off guard, though the grief overshadowed it in a moment when he’d realized that it meant nothing. Wade had no idea who lied behind the mask. They were still stuck miles apart.
“Stop walking towards me or I’ll kill one of the kids!” Peter was torn back to the situation at hand. His eyes darted to look for the other gunmen, and he could see the barrels of their machine guns poking out of the door of one of the stores. He counted 3 present at the scene, which meant one was still missing.
Deadpool’s heavy steps didn’t falter at the threat, and Peter’s ears picked up on the clicking of a gun safety. It was time to make his move.
A child screamed when Peter descended down on them, which distracted the man aiming at Wade long enough that his blades had the chance to scrape together. Peter turned in horror, expecting a maimed body lying on the floor, though he was met with the sight of a halved gun and the man bleeding from his nose after taking a hilt to the face. Thank God. The criminal was injured, but alive.
The whizzing of a bullet entered his ears and he instinctively side-stepped it, and several other shots. His wrists darted out, web fibers solidifying and sticking onto the strap of one of the rifles. He ripped it out of the hands of the gunman, pulling the magazine out and discarding it before the body clattered to the floor. Peter shot another two webs at the man’s arms and drug him forward, digging the heel of his foot into his forehead to disorient him.  Deadpool was beside him without hesitation, sliding under a bullet’s path and yanking the shooter’s feet out from under him. Peter noted that Deadpool was dully silent compared to his normal banter and… Peter would give anything to hear just a hint of laughter in his voice. Peter turned his head at the hostages, pointing towards the exits. “Go to the police. You should be safe.” He said, calmly, to keep them from panicking and trampling one another. His voice disguiser he’d invested into when he’d gotten invited to the Avenger’s buzzed softly in his mask, distorting his voice deeper and leaving it unrecognizable.
Peter cemented two of the criminals to the floor. He used his knee to anchor another, wrapping web around his wrists to subdue him, and Deadpool seemed to be taking care of the other gunmen. His heart rate had picked up to a rapid pounding due to the close proximity of Wade, and he struggled to find something to say. There was an uncomfortable tension draping them, and Peter knew he should break the silence. He straightened up ever so gradually, studying Wade’s mask, though the mercenary seemed to notice and refused to return his gaze. His body language echoed the tenseness he seemed to feel, his quivering hands using more force than necessary to rip at the shirt fabric of the knocked out man to tie his hands. Peter wanted to hug him. It hurt so terribly to be this close, to see him looking so defeated, but unable to do anything about the fact. Nothing else felt as important in that moment as comforting Wade did.“Deadpo--”
“I have to go.” Deadpool stood from his work, looking over at the computer store. Peter followed his eyes, slowly, every fiber in his being not wanting to look away from Wade, to see the last of the men cowering behind a desk. “You can take care of him, right, Spidey?”
Wade sounded drained. Peter swallowed down the remorse that took over him as he nodded. “I-Uh- Yeah” Wade braced to walk away, but panic erupted in Peter’s chest. He didn’t want him to go. “Um, We should talk!... Sometime. Like we used to.” He said awkwardly, with urgency, unsure why he had made the offer knowing that he absolutely could not risk giving his identity away.
The mercenary hesitated, his blades, still dirtied with blood and gunpowder, being shoved away into their holsters on his back. “Yeah, maybe .” Wade returned half-heartedly, and it was clear he had no intention of accepting Spider-Man’s offer. He didn’t say anything else, picking his way over the bodies and dragging his feet back towards the exit.
And all Peter could do was watch him walk away with the other half of his heart. His promise ring sat heavily on his finger, under the glove.
He was broken. There was no other way he could describe the torment that had crushed his spirit. Wade was hurting, that much was clear by his shortness, and Peter knew it was entirely his fault.
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hcpefulmarshmallow · 5 years
You guys, I wanna say a thing and it’s completely irrelevant to anything at all but it has been bothering me for just the longest time and I need to say it. 
 So you know that trope of superheroes working to keep their secret identity secret from everyone all the time always? It’s dumb and makes no sense after a moment’s thought. Hear me out. 
 I get keeping it secret from villains and society at large, but why wouldn’t you tell your closest friends and family? Sure there’s the chance somebody close to you will betray you, but you know what happens even more than that in superhero stories? The villain learns the hero’s identity anyway. I mean, if Doctor Evil McBad is going to inevitably capture your sweet, precious Mary Sue Jane, she ought to know what’s going on, right? If she doesn’t know who you are, then this random supervillain randomly blowing up her house and demanding information on Captain Spiderbat is gonna be hella confusing and traumatising. At least if she knows the truth, she is more knowledgeable about the situation, and more capable of fighting back. Plus, she’ll know not to say things that accidentally implicate you. Also, when you have the inevitable subplot where you have to miss out on her big Photoart gallery date opening EventTM because you gotta save the world, she’ll know why and presumably understand. I mean, it’s kinda wild how many superhero narratives frame this situation, you know? Captain Spiderbat misses MSJ’s Big Event so big it needs capital letters, and the story always pivots to be about, “Oh woe is Mild Mannered Alter Ego, doesn’t she know he was only doing what’s right?” Like, no....no, she doesn’t. That’s my point. 
 Anyway, you know what superhero had his shit together? Danny Phantom. No really. 
 Slight spoilers but also the show wrapped up in 2007, wyd?
 For the uninitiated, here’s what you need to know: Danny Fenton was just 14 when his parents, a couple of ghost-hating ghost hunters, built a very strange machine. He stepped inside, became half-ghost, and along with it found himself with a set of superpowers. He had snow white hair and glowing green eyes, he could walk through walls, disappear and fly he was much more unique than the other guys. After a month of fumbling with these powers, too scared to tell his ghost-hating ghost hunting parents what had happened, he decides to become the titular Danny Phantom, and save his hometown, and sometimes the world, from evil ghosts. 
 Many of these ghosts either know or come to learn his secret identity regardless. He tries to keep it secret, but word gets ‘round in the ghost zone, you know? But alongside his ghost enemies, Danny has a serious publicity issue. Half the town ends up hating him, and again, he lives with ghost-hating ghost hunters. He does keep his identity a secret as best as he can, revealing it to the world at large in the final episode (and once a while prior, but that was macguffin Thanos Snapped away. No really, there was a reality-altering glove with gems and everything. There was also another time, but some Time Lord fixed that all up.)
 But you know who he never keeps his powers from? His best friends, Tucker and Sam. Admittedly they were there when he got his powers, but he never hid anything from them after that. They knew who Danny Phantom was, who his enemies were, and fought by his side - honestly, saving his butt as much as he saved theirs. As Danny went from being an awkward teen to a kickbutt superhero, Tucker and Sam trained to become the best ghost hunters in the world. (Again, really. There’s an episodes where “The BEst Ghost Hunters In Teh World!!1!” show up, and Tucker and Sam were more efficient than all of them combined.) Being closer to Danny than everyone else they are frequently put in danger, but they have the knowledge and skillset to defend not only themselves, but the whole town. And sometimes, their superhero.
 Oh, I am leaving out one person, too: Jazz. Danny’s older sister who starts off the series totally unaware of what’s happening with her brother, but finds out by accident later on. Their parents are good people, but usually so caught up in their ghost hating and ghost catching, they don’t see what’s going on with their kids. Jazz recognises something’s up, and spends a lot of her time trying to help Danny, despite not knowing what he’s going through. When Jazz figures it out, she decides not to tell Danny she knows, and instead, supports him from the sidelines and lets him come out when he’s ready. (Man, there’s so much queer coding in this show, good grief. Anyway.) 
 Behind his back, Jazz begins training, paying as much attention to her physical skills now as her intellectual ones. She defends Danny and covers for him at home, making his life much easier. Even telling her ghost-hating parents to their faces that Danny Phantom is a good guy and keeping a scrapbook of his achievements. And when the truth finally comes out, Danny doesn’t wholly reject her input. There are some serious teething problems for an episode as Jazz becomes overbearing at first, but eventually they settle into a comfortable place where she can help whenever needed, and defend herself when she’s attacked. Unlike the beginning of the series when she didn’t even believe ghosts existed, Jazz has developed into someone who is not only formidable in her own right, but is also invaluable to Danny. 
 Tl;dr: if you’re looking into the business of leaping over buildings in a single bound or punching meteors out of the sky, maybe tell your loved ones where you’re going. It’s just polite.
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