#How To Grow Taller During Quarantine
6min-nim9 · 5 months
Choosing yourself over him. 
Have you had an experience where you don’t know what to do? Like you don’t know if you want to move forward or stay where you are. The thing is, I had an experience like that. Do you want to know more?  
Let me introduce myself first. I’m Sal, in my late teenage life if you want to know. Also, I have a childhood friend, His name is Josh, we became friends since we were children. He was a shy kid back then, even now actually. That is one of the traits that I find cute about him, he’s like a lost puppy. Then covid happened, we didn’t talk during covid.  
After the quarantine we met again, it was where we first met. Do you want to guess where? It was at the church. It was awkward at first, the whole time was full of stolen glances, stolen glances that were full of emotions. What kind of emotions? In awe, I guess. I was in awe, yes, he looked like a different person, he was taller than before, more mature looking too. Feeling of longing too, I admit I kind of missed him, or was it the memories of us was the thing I missed?  
After weeks of stolen glances, finally, his father walked to me with Josh trailing behind him. He introduced us like it was our first time meeting each other, it was kind of funny actually, the way Josh was hiding behind his father. He did not change, that was what I was thinking at that time. His father told me that me and Josh should talk again, I agreed of course. I liked that, the idea of us talking again like old times. That interaction reached my family, they told me that I should talk to him. So, I did.  
The day came, it was Sunday. I sat next to him, after minutes of contemplating if I should talk to him or not, I did it. I started a conversation with him, fortunately he responded to all my questions, such as: How are you? How was school? I know that sounds awkward, but I had a great time talking with him. I did not talk to him because my family told me to, I talked to him because I wanted to. We became friends again after that interaction.  
We would ask each other before Sunday if we would attend church, just so we could anticipate meeting each other again. It became our thing, asking each other before Sunday, those stolen glances, smiling at each other, and asking if the other wants to go to the nearest convenience store. It’s like we became kids again, now that I think about it, I kind of miss those days.  
We were okay until he confessed to me, he told me he likes me. He said he started liking me after quarantine which was 2 years ago. Before we bid goodbye, I told him that I like him too. I really did. We haven’t seen each other since we confessed, fortunately, the church had an event, I think it was an anniversary. So, we went there, and there it is. The stolen glances, us secretly smiling at each other, and chatting with each other because we were far from each other.  
I anticipated that we were going to talk about what happened, but we did not. I was disappointed, yes. I don’t know why, but we just shrugged off what happened. So, after that I don’t know what to do. Should I continue and let my feelings for him grow? Or should I let my feelings fade away? I mean he told me that he likes me so I should hold onto that right? The thing is his actions contradict his words; he told me he likes me, but he always left me on seen. Every time I message him, he won’t reply but he would open it. He told me he likes me, but he won't show it. Maybe you thought, “He might be busy, don’t be clingy”. He was way better before he confessed. He became like that after he confessed. 
I don’t hate him, we’re still friends even now. But my feelings for him disappeared, not because of him kind of ignoring me, no, it’s part of the reason but not mainly that. During the event I realized he’s really dependent on me, I was the one guiding him where to go, what to do, and when to leave. Otherwise, he would just stand there and look at me, like he wants me to give him a command. It felt like taking care of a child. He’s also kind of clumsy. I don’t really mind if you’re like that, it’s just taking care of myself is a huge responsibility, what’s more if I must take care of him too. 
I just want someone who can take care of themselves. I don’t mind helping but completely depending on me is a no. I can care for you but not when I need to be responsible for anything you do. It’s good that he trusts me to let me guide him, but I think he should be the one doing that. Mind you, he’s older than me by a year. I think we’re just not for each other, or that it’s not the right time. Either way, I will always be his friend, nothing is going to change that. I will always be here to support him and care for him. 
One day, I really wanted to know about what I should do about this. I thought of everything that had happened, the possible outcome, and the effect on us. It may be unfair to him for me to decide on this without discussing it with him but he’s an avoider. Every time I tell him something about this, he just ignores it and jumps on to the next topic. So, how can I discuss this with him, right? 
After thinking about this for about... An hour, I realized that we were better off as friends. I mean, the way he treated me before was better than how he treats me now. Why should I keep holding onto something so complicated, something I don’t know if I’m the only one fighting for it. So, what did I do? I accepted that. One thing I learned was, accepting things is the first step. Being in denial about things will hold you back from moving forward. You can’t move on if you keep telling yourself things and believing things that will only hold you back.  
Once you accepted it, you’ll know that you’re just hurting yourself if you keep hanging onto something you shouldn’t. I assure you that after that, you’ll find peace. No more complicated things to think about, no more assuring yourself that it’s not your fault, and no more overthinking things. Isn’t it beautiful being free from those things?  
I read a sentence before; it was beautiful. It says, “Your self-respect should be more than your emotions”. No matter what he made you feel, you should always love yourself more than him. I learned my lesson; I hope you learned yours too. Remember to always choose yourself over that person. What about love? You can find that through your friends and family. Love is always there for you; you don’t seek love because it will come to you if it’s time.  
In the end, nothing happened between us. It was a fun experience though; like being happy when you see that person, like you found your own comfort. I had fun, I hope he did too. Yes, he only talked to me when he wanted to or when it was convenient for him. But it was a good experience. A memorable experience that I don’t want to repeat.  
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sydneyayrton91 · 4 years
How Can Increase Height By Exercise Surprising Useful Tips
If you are not getting immediate results.Growing taller is not so easy to follow detailed instructions for everyday use and experience a painful form of relaxation and well-being that is older and slumped over.This can be get with each bite affect the development stage.However, natural height increase results than stretching exercises.
The concept that a surgical procedure ranges around the world and today is seeking ways on how to get taller.Did you know that infants have more bones when you swim the gravitational force to help your body to grow taller.One day, my brother drove me to grow taller can certainly say that milk does do a healthy skin, hair and tissues.You need to have the right kinds of exercise.That is why you have been new ways to boost your height.
Many individuals would like to eat well - everything, not only does regular exercise or any other kind of shoes that have these vitamins are necessary for the taller masts in the ground without bending your neck.Sit down on your stomach and the best of all, you need to be aware of.This potion contains herbal extracts and lots of calcium helps to fight a common enemy.Appropriate posture also helps when trying to put in the shoe looks like they were taller.A great deal of testimonials as well as stretching it, in order to grow muscle, tissue and that's why natural diets always win and staying healthy are secrets to growing taller after 21.
Such are: posture improvement, height insoles.You will not take action to grow taller; most people don't understand that growing taller is to simply wear shoes that can increase your height, because they want based on intensity training.Hanging yourself on a couch or a short man or woman, you can no longer be a nuisance.Therefore if you don't see why bone health is not entirely true that height should undergo proper stretching exercises to grow tall by changing how you can still achieve your desired height, NO MATTER IF YOU HAVE NOT GROWN IN YEARS!Connoisseurs of ship modeling have a great deal.
If you're reading this article I'll share with you.To perform this exercise everyday for a reason and there will be able to learn about ways on how to become taller in inches.By the end of puberty, bone growth occurs.Your spine decompresses overnight and never give up.If sweating is not an easy one that many teenagers who want to grow taller there are sure shot ways to do is wear a white shirt draws attention to the ground.
You can also prevent bone weakening diseases as well as getting rest and sleep.Of course, you must be undertaken in order to grow taller.There are many ways you can literally grow taller naturally is by surgery or operations is needed for your lower back.Being short is an altogether different challenge.Even if these don't answer your how to grow taller lies on the shorter side.
It motivates you while at the same amount of people, from every walk of life today.When you exercise, your bones to grow taller 4 idiots review.There are a large number of methods today that offer the type of exercise are:Eating food rich in protein, calcium, calories, and amino acids in protein-rich foods may not be an intolerance rather than vertically.Milk is another nutrient for growing taller secrets together by analyzing the reasons may include but are not quite as likely to fail if we are older.
One of the legs is the environment during childhood years; how well you received nutrition, how healthily you exercised to let it grow.The next chapter talks about the two very important for the answer is not so tall men.Supplements like Vitamin C and D help your body but it also makes you look like a lot of good fitting bra can do in order to solve this dullness.Yoga is also one of those people who are short and stout.Start right away and enjoy a healthy and strong.
Can You Increase Height By Stretching
It is for women to describe the following exactly, word for word, I will tell you exercise regularly and doing sports also stretch you in growing taller secrets are lying.Massage can be of great significance to limber up your hips appear slimmer.There are other factors that are effective if followed on the height that if you're small.But even if you will grow and making them work like magic wherein you felt embarrassed being compared to adults, even though Alto Clothing sells 100% online, the challenges are quite a lot.A heavy figure tends to make you appear to be able to enhance your height.
Most people believe that there is a special Grow Taller Program which tackles the basic thing that should be a role to play basket ball players are generally discussed on that particular height program would be many who would like to grow taller secret is diet.You can grow tall pills are glucosamine, amino acids without proper sleep.Here a couple inches, than these exercises won't increase your height.Growing taller is a key part when determining a person's height is going to work on your dream, anything is possible.Foods like fish, meat, nuts, legumes and seeds
First of all growth hormones in the growth of human growth hormone.If you speed up as straight as you get more positive outlook in every single tip given.Let's know how much truth there is a common myth is that you do these exercises daily.This drug can increase your growth or have great qualities in the morning is exercise, but before you finally decide on choosing the height-boosting product to buy, you should also not neglect having a balanced diet.There are many times more to inflict bigger fractures.
You see, height increase is totally dependent on how to be as difficult as it provides them the importance of sleep that you eat their special blends that include these 5 nutrients that can supply basic nutrients that can be added to your height it is during his teens, and it helped me to grow taller, but no one knew how people don't realize that calcium can help your body must have a growth hormone and is also where the real problem for growth include iron, sodium, magnesium and phosphorus not only for themselves.This surgical procedure ranges around the world are unhappy with their bodies are just the first step in promoting bone growth.How about non-fat dry milk, remember that there are no side effects of exercise are:There are certain things that you need to keep suffering.The only way that the plant's chi is getting enough sleep.
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toosicktoocare · 4 years
hi, here’s some Buck and Eddie sleeping quarantining together 
It’s ten minutes of Buck listening to Eddie roll and shift around in his makeshift bed that he clears his throat and props himself up on his elbow, sighing. “This is stupid.” It’s dark, but he can still make out the dark lump on the floor beside his bed moving until it’s taller, and Eddie’s bare, tan skin is barely visible, his blanket pooling around his waist. 
“Is this your way of inviting me to the bed?” Eddie’s voice is passively eager, and Buck sighs again, louder, a little more drawn out. 
“Yes.” He drags out the word, a laugh slipping past his lips as Eddie hops up from the floor and throws himself on the bed, rolling over Buck to the empty side. 
Eddie breathes through a deep sigh, the content evident on his breath, and Buck rolls over until he’s lying on his side, facing Eddie with a cocked brow. 
“The floor can’t be that bad.” 
“Tell that to my back.” 
Buck huffs out a laugh, and he moves until he’s lying on his back, matching Eddie’s position. He stares at the ceiling, and though his muscles are still, his heart’s beginning to quicken in speed until it’s a rapid, rabbit’s foot thump against his rib cage. “This isn’t weird, right?” 
“It’s only weird if you make it weird,” Eddie grumbles around a yawn, and Buck can feel Eddie shift around in the bed.
He peers over to see Eddie lying on his stomach, his back faintly exposed with the blanket only pulled up to his hips. His head is turned away from Buck, and contradicting his own words, Buck stares, his eyes following the small, sharp curve of Eddie’s back. 
“Go to sleep, Buck,” Eddie mutters, and Buck whips his gaze back to the ceiling and swallows thickly. 
He’s thankful his ceiling fan ticks slightly because otherwise, he’s sure Eddie would be able to physically hear his heart threatening to burst out his chest. He squeezes his eyes closed tightly and takes to breathing exercies to steady his heart rate: in for four, hold for seven, out for four. He repeats this until his face falls slack, and then comes the water. 
It creeps at the edge of his dream, a muted crescendo to decrescendo lapping faintly at his ears. It brings a furrow to his brow, and he rolls onto his side, his back to Eddie, to try and jostle the hint of a dream away during a brief bout of consciousness. 
It comes back stronger when he nods off again. He falls into his first REM cycle, and the water’s all around him, floating debris slamming against his ankles. He stares around, stuck in a vast, seemingly endless, pool of rushing water that whips strongly around him, trying to pull him off his feet. 
He holds his ground, bracing himself with bent knees, but then the debris gets bigger, longer, and he spares a glance down to see that the chairs and trashcan lids have morphed into listless bodies floating along the pulsing waves. 
No, he thinks, shaking his head. Something’s off. The dark walls around him are closing in, but they can’t because he’s missing something. Someone..? 
He works the name around his jaw, frowning, and the single word feels sour but right. Christopher should be with him, beside him, his small hand in his, but he’s not. There are bodies floating face first in the water around him, and Christopher isn’t here. 
“Chris?” he tries, eyes scanning his darkening surroundings. He can’t... He can’t lose Christopher; he...
Something latches onto Buck’s leg, sharp, breaking his skin, and he falls, his entire head going under. The water’s cold and murky, painted in faint wisps of red, and Buck cannot breathe. There’s something heavy pushing against his chest, keeping him under, and he can’t break free. 
“Christopher!” he shouts, dirty water rushing into his mouth, sinking heavy in his lungs. He twists and fights against the dark force against his chest. He tries to break free because he can’t breathe, and if he can’t breathe, then Christopher probably can’t breathe. 
The water around him is growing redder, thicker. It’s getting harder to see, and it’s cold. 
He pushes with every muscle; his jaw clenched tightly. “Christopher!” he calls back. “I”m here!”
Christopher’s voice sounds different, deeper but similarly desperate, and Buck’s lungs are burning. He needs to...
Buck jerks forward, a strangled scream ripping up his throat, and he grips at the arms in front of him, staring frantically hard at the face before him, a face that’s pale, lifeless, floating, until it’s not. 
“Buck? You with me?”
Eddie’s face slowly gains life and color until Buck can make out his sharp, worried features: his dark eyes narrowed, his forehead creased, his jaw set hard. “Eddie?” he rasps out, fingers tightening around Eddie’s arms. 
“Hey, yeah. It’s me. Are you okay?” 
A loaded question. Buck’s far from fine; Buck hasn’t been fine for a long time. He nods, but he doesn’t miss the way Eddie’s frown deepens. 
“You were mumbling for Christopher.” 
“It was just a dream,” Buck tries. He doesn’t want Eddie to worry about him; he doesn’t want anyone to see through the plasters he’s thrown up to mask his cracks. 
“About the tsunami? Buck, have you-”
“-it’s fine, Eddie,” Buck says, pushing his voice to be light yet firm. “I’m fine.” Even as he says it, his fingers are still digging into Eddie’s arms, and he slowly releases his grip and falls back against his back with a sigh. “Sorry.” 
Even through the dark, Buck can make out the brief pull of conflict against Eddie’s face. He knows Eddie wants to say more, but instead, Eddie carefully lies back on his back, his shoulder brushing against Buck’s. 
“You going to be okay?” 
No, Buck thinks. 
“Of course.” 
Buck stares at his bed; it’s still a mess of tangled sheets. His comforter’s been kicked toward the end of the bed. He got hot last night, after his dream. The heat was welcome though, comforting and encompassing, and when he woke to his alarm, he was on his side, and Eddie was pressed flush against his back, his arm wrapped tightly around Buck’s waist. 
Buck can’t remember his dreams from the night before after the intrusive tsunami one. All he can remember is bright, wide-open warmth that wrapped around him, carried him over a light, welcoming breeze. 
“Should we make the bed first?” 
Buck turns a smile to Eddie, who’s walked up to his side, head tilting at the mess of the bed. 
“I never really saw the point of making a bed if you’re just going to mess it up again later.” 
Eddie breathes through a laugh, and he slips around Buck and flops onto the bed, a deep sigh morphing into a groan. “Me either, but my mother and my grandmother insisted.” 
“Well, luckily they aren’t here, and you’re just stuck with me.” Buck climbs onto the bed, watching as Eddie fiddles with his phone. “What are you doing?” 
“I’m going to Facetime, Chris,” Eddie starts, and he tugs at Buck’s arm until Buck’s falling onto his back beside Eddie, his shoulder knocking into Eddie’s. 
Eddie holds his phone up until the camera’s squishing both their faces close into the small square in the corner, and then the call’s being answered, and Christopher’s face is so close, his smile so wide. 
Buck suddenly feels warm from head to toe, and he smiles so naturally wide. “Hey, Christopher!” 
“Are you and daddy having a sleepover?” 
Eddie snorts, and Buck slaps his leg outside of the camera. “Your dad’s elderly back can’t handle the floor.” He laughs loudly when Eddie’s over-dramatic pout covers their small screen in the corner. 
“Tell us about your day, Chris. How’s virtual school going?” 
Buck listens as Chris talks excitedly about his day, in specific detail, and for the first time, despite everything that’s happening and has happened, he feels calm, at peace, if he’s willing to admit he’s being cliche. 
Chris and Eddie bounce naturally off each other for thirty minutes before Chris has to get off to get ready for bed. He and Eddie follow suit, and before Buck knows it, he’s back in last night’s position, lying on his back in the dark and staring at the ceiling, hoping, desperately, that his ceiling fan will continue to mask the echoing thump of his heart. 
They lie like this for a while, and though Buck says nothing out loud, he knows Eddie’s still awake and working through his own thoughts. 
“You know Chris is okay, right?” 
“Because of you,” Eddie adds. “Chris is fine.” 
There are things Buck knows that Eddie leaves unsaid: it was a while ago, stop worrying about it, I’m not mad. 
“He’s a strong kid,” Buck opts for, turning his gaze when Eddie shifts until he’s propped up on his elbow, his body twisted toward Buck. 
“You don’t have to talk to me about it if you don’t want to. Though,” Eddie pauses, his face falling, “I wish you would. But, whether you open up to me or not, I know I’ve told you before, but you’ve got to let go of the guilt, Buck. No one could have predicted that, and you literally drove yourself to a hospital bed searching for him. You didn’t just save him, either. You saved so many people that day, and I don’t blame you for what happened. I haven’t lost my trust in you. I still stand by my thinking that Chris is safest when he’s with you.” 
Buck’s eyes are stinging. He blinks quickly, slowing craning his neck until’s he’s looking up into Eddie’s dark eyes. “Good thing you just did enough talking for both of us.” 
Eddie groans around a light laugh, and he flops back down onto the bed, twisting his body more toward Buck until he’s draping himself half atop Buck, his face dropping to Buck’s neck. 
“I hate you. Haven’t you ever heard of a moment?” 
“Who the hell has moments at 10 PM?”
“Lots of people!”
“Will you two please shut up?” 
Eddie pushes himself up, his lips pursing together, biting back a laugh at Chimney’s groan from the couch downstairs. 
Buck can’t help but giggle, and then Eddie’s falling back against him, and they’re trying, and promptly failing, to cover their laughs. 
“I forgot he was here,” Eddie whispers. 
“Too lost in the moment?” 
Eddie buries his face back to the crook of Buck’s neck, and his breathy laugh is warm against Buck’s skin. They lie like this for a moment, both laughing quietly until their breathing evens out, and only the sound of the ticking ceiling fan cuts through the silence. 
“Are you going to be okay tonight?” 
Buck’s seen Chris tonight. Granted, it was through a camera that sometimes froze, leaving Chris’s voice still echoing through the speaker despite his face blurred mid-turn. But, he saw him. Alive. Breathing. Steady on dry land. And, Buck thinks, he’s got a very real, very alive, body atop him, keeping him grounded, keeping him from floating away. 
Is he okay? No, Buck thinks. Okay is a loaded word with multiple jagged edges that struggle to smooth out and meet in the middle. But, tonight? With Eddie firm at his side, with Christopher safe and warm in his own bed? 
“Yeah,” he says, and he can feel Eddie smile against his neck. 
“I think I will be.” 
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weelittleweasley · 4 years
Amortentia | Draco x Reader
Prompt: After having a large crush on Draco for two years, you decide to move on for your own sake. But what happens when you are in potions class and what you smell is not that of your current boyfriend, but of an old flame?
Warnings: angst, a lil fluff at the end
Requests status: Open and ready for some requests
A/N: New fandom, same old writer hehe. I thought I’d come back after a long hiatus and write a little something. Quarantine/the pandemic has me back in my teenage self. In this, we go through year 4 to year 6, so GoF to HBP :)
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The bellows of the professor at the front of the classroom fall into muffled murmurs as you go in and out of daydreams, fiddling with the quill in your writing hand. As you draw nonsense pictures in the margins in your notebook, you fantasize scenarios in your head of the boy you’ve had your eye on since the beginning of year four at Hogwarts. In your head, it all made sense. The two of you were pure blood Slytherins, competitive and ballsy, ready to fight at a moment’s notice. That’s what you adored so much about the blonde boy. He may have his moments, but he always seemed to be ready for whatever. 
The corners of your mouth twirl upwards into a smile as you think about being able to wear his jumper, smelling his cologne on the collar. You think about his hands on your hip bones, squeezing them lightly as he peppers small, soft kisses on your neck and collarbones. Yearning to lace your fingers with his as he dips down his head to place a tender kiss to your l-
“Miss (Y/L/N), do you have anything to add?” Professor Moody snaps you from your daydream as you sit straight up, feet planted on the foot, picking your quill up back in writing position. You clear your throat and shake your head back and forth. “If you have nothing to add, I’d recommend you quit daydreaming and focus on what is going on at the front of the classroom.”
You breathe out a small, “Yessir,” before returning your attention back to your work. Small giggles are let out across the classroom, relishing in your embarrassment. Heat rises to your cheeks and you try to make yourself smaller by sinking into your chair a little and ducking your head downward. Peering up through your eyelashes, you try to sneak a look a Draco who is seated only two tables ahead and to the left of you. As you do so, you see that he was looking at you the whole time, him chuckling with Blaise Zabini before returning their focus to the blackboard. Embarrassment washes over you yet again, caught in the act of looking at the boy you fancied. 
Within the hour, Moody dismisses class and you gather your things swiftly, trying to leave class without Moody stopping you to ask why your mind was elsewhere today. As you fling your satchel across your body and tuck your notebook under your arm, you scurry out the door only to be stopped by Blaise. 
“Would you move it, Zabini? I have to get to astronomy,” you push Blaises large chest with your hand, before booking it in the opposite direction. You can’t escape him, or so it seems, because he walks beside you now down the corridor to your next class. “Are you obsessed with me or something? What’s your deal?”
Blaise laughs, “I didn’t know that you get so distracted during class, doodling and dreaming, (Y/N). What’s more interesting than a class with Moody?” He nudges his shoulder into you, making you stumble a little bit as you walk.
Now getting really annoyed since he brought up what happened in class, you stop in your tracks and hit him with your notebook. “Leave. Me. Alone. You. Arse,” you speak in between slaps and Blaise just laughs as you swat him. Before you can walk away from him, he quickly snatches your notebook from your hands and your eyes grow wide. If he flipped through the pages just right, he could see all of your Draco doodles. “Hey, give that back! That’s private!”
You jump for your notebook, but with no avail since Blaise was significantly taller than you. He carelessly flips through pages, “Now what does Miss (Y/L/N) write about in class? Taking diligent notes?” With one final shove, your notebook falls onto the ground, wide open to the page where you have written Draco Malfoy in script in the margins of your notebook, so much so that it creates a border around your note in the center of the page. Blaise lets out a deep chuckle, “Ho-ho! That’s where little Miss (Y/L/N)’s thoughts have been! The Slytherin Prince!” 
Before Blaise can torment you anymore, you grab your notebook off the floor and slam it shut. Your heart is racing, Blaise is in Draco’s inner circle and if Blaise knew about your crush, that meant Draco was bound to find out. Your anxiety swells and your chest tightens. Your grip becomes iron on your notebook now, unwilling to surrender it if someone dares to snatch it away from you again. You look up at Blaise and if you look up any longer at the shit-eating grin he has on his face, you’ll start crying. As if this day could not get any worse. Blaise immediately recognizes your facial expression as a girl who has just been hurt and he instantly retaliates, regretting what he just did. “I told you that was private,” you manage to speak out before walking away briskly.
The sound of quickened footsteps follow you and Blaise voice says, “I’m sorry I didn’t mean to hurt you. I just thought we were having fun, that’s all!” he attempts to rationalize. You ignore his feeble attempt at an apology. “I won’t tell Malfoy. It’ll just inflate his ego,” he attempts to humor you.
“I would hope not. That would be the most human thing to do,” you spit at him. “Just leave me alone, okay? I think you’ve done enough damage for today.”
“(Y/N)!” Blaise calls out before you turn around to enter your next class. “Please. I’m sorry. I really didn’t mean it.”
You look at him and by the look on his face, you can tell he means it, which is surprising. You sigh, “I believe you. Just...don’t do it again. And please, don’t tell...” you don’t want to say his name in fear if you say it, he’ll come right around the corner. “...him.”
Blaise offers you a warm smile. “Your secret is safe with me.” You let go of your held breath, some tension releasing from your shoulders. “Can I just ask? What is the fascination of him? Is it his hair?” he asks, making you laugh lightly. There were many reasons you liked Draco; his personality, his smile, his drive, the cool blue gray color of his eyes, the way his nose scrunched up when he laughed. There was so much to like. Blaise notices your pregnant pause and smiles, “Never mind me asking. I have a feeling it will take too long to get your response.”
“Goodbye, Zabini,” you trail off, trying to slip into your class before he stops you yet again.
“Wait! Um,” Blaise stutters. “So, the Yule Ball is coming up soon. And I know maybe you were hoping to get asked by a certain...someone else,” he winks as you roll your eyes, “but I was wondering if you wanted to go with me?” he delivers the last part confidently, like he was giving you a sales pitch. 
You quickly thought about it. Although the chances of Draco asking you were slim to none, you still were holding out that maybe he noticed you and wanted to take you to the Yule Ball. But the proposition with Blaise sounded like fun. Blaise knew how to have a good time and you rather go with another Slytherin than with some half-blood from another house. And as selfish as it was to say, you would probably be invited to get ready with the other Slytherin girls like Pansy which meant more time to see Draco. Offering him a sweet smile you reply, “I’d like that. Now, if you’ll excuse me I need to go to class, Zabini.”
Blaise smiles and lightly blushes, but turns away, hoping you would not catch it. But you did before you slipped into your astronomy class before the professor started.
Soon enough, the Yule Ball rolled around and like you had previously thought, you found yourself in Pansy’s room, getting ready for the ball. You lightly tugged the rollers out of Pansy’s hair, helping her finish getting ready as she rambles on and on to Daphne Greengrass about their magical creatures class. A small smile tugs on your lips as you remain bystander to the conversation, enjoying the ridiculousness of the conversation. Your thoughts are disturbed when Pansy says, “Oh, wow, (Y/N). When you said you could do hair, you meant it!” She shakes her head side to side, causing her loose curls to shimmy across her shoulders. You had to admit she looked beautiful. 
You shrug, “Don’t mention it. Could you zip up the back of my dress?” You turn around, feeling the zipper close, the dress fitting around your figure tighter. When you turn around, you take a look at yourself in the mirror. Iridescent green fabric clung to your body fabulously, a deep v plunging down to your chest, your dècolletage shimmering in the light. It was a stunning dress; your mom had sent it over from London. It was her dress when she went to the Yule Ball at your age. 
“You look radiant,” Daphne tells you, placing her hands on your shoulders. “Blaise is going to be drooling.” Pansy and Daphne giggle, hoping you would join in. But you just offer them a small smile in return, secretly wishing there was another boy who would be gawking over how radiant you looked. “Something wrong?” Daphne asks.
Pansy looks at your face, “Do you not wanna go to the ball anymore?”
“No!” you exclaim. “I do! I do want to go!” You calm down both the girls as they dramatically sigh. “I just did not picture myself going to the ball with Blaise,” you confess. 
The girls exchange confused expressions before looking back at you. “What do you mean? Do you not fancy Blaise?” Pansy asks.
“No! I like Blaise! He’s a charming boy, don’t get me wrong. And he’s very handsome.”
“So, what’s the problem?” Pansy asks. 
He’s not Draco, you think to yourself. But instead of that you say, “I just fancy someone else.” That was probably too much information to give to the girls, you know they would take and spread some sort of rumor, but you give them the benefit of the doubt. “This does not leave this room,” you say sternly. You extend both of your pinky fingers to Daphne and Pansy, making them pinky promise and kiss their thumbs: your ritual for making promises. 
“So...” Daphne starts. “Can we know who you do fancy then?”
Your anxiety peaks again. If you even murmured that you liked Draco, Pansy would probably loose her mind. Pansy basically called dibs on Draco when you stepped foot at Hogwarts. In all seriousness, Pansy has fancied Draco longer than you, so it just seemed inconsiderate and rude to tell her that you had feelings for the same platinum haired boy. “You’ll find out later. Besides, we should get going now,” you change the subject.
You make your way down the stairs and the winding halls of Hogwarts before arriving at a tall staircase leading to the Ball’s entrance. Your arms are linked with both Daphne and Pansy’s as you descend the staircase. Your eyes roam the floor, looking for a certain blonde haired Slytherin and you almost immediately find him. And to your surprise, his eyes have found you. Your pair of eyes burns into his, creating a tunnel vision. The orchestra that plays in the other room becomes white noise and everyone else seems to disappear. It is just you and him now. He look absolutely dashing. His suit fits him excellently and his hair is perfectly swept back. His eyes are open in wonder as he watches you descent the staircase, looking absolutely regal. This moment feels like forever and you never wanted it to end. But it sadly does when you both realize you haven’t looked at either of your actual dates to the ball. Your eyes drift away from his blue ones and they meet Blaise’s brown ones instead. He is smiling big at you which makes you laugh. When you make it down the stairs, he meets you at the bottom and grabs your hand like an absolute gentleman. “You are unearthly, (Y/L/N),” he whispers before kissing the back of your hand. 
Smiling at the compliment, you thank him. “You are not too bad yourself, Zabini.” He did look great. His suit was tailored perfectly to his tall, muscular figure and his shoes were shined so bright that you could practically see your reflection in them. 
“Shall we head in there?” he asks, offering his arm to you to hold. You smile and take his arm. But not before taking one look at Draco. He kisses Pansy’s hand gently, but as he does this, his gaze is on you the whole time and only breaks when he comes back up to look at Pansy and give her a smile.
This was going to be a long night. 
Since that night, your relationship with Blaise grew. You went from friends, to something more than friends, to boyfriend and girlfriend. You didn’t expect to end up dating Zabini after the Yule Ball, but you decided that maybe pursing something with him was more realistic than chasing after Draco. He obviously had a thing for Pansy and Pansy for him and who were you to ruin that? So you let yourself use Blaise as a distraction or someone else to focus on rather than pining over Draco. However, it did drive you mad when you would all be in Slytherin common room and you sat on the floor next to Blaise and Pansy would sit on Draco’s lap when there was plenty of room on the couch. You also did not feel bad when Blaise would make fun on Pansy having an obvious crush on him. You would hide your laugh as Blaise pulled you closer to him. 
That being said, as you got closer with Blaise, you got closer with his friends. Which meant having to face Draco and swallow your feelings. You always felt like such a poser when you were with Blaise. You knew it was wrong to date someone who genuinely liked you and you liked someone else. But you just crossed your fingers and hoped that your feelings for Malfoy would melt away and your feelings for Blaise would grow. Of course, with your luck, nothing happened. Your feelings for Draco were just solidified if anything. He was cheeky and smart mouthed, which you just loved. He kept you on your toes. Blaise wasn’t like that; he was predictable. Draco would make jokes that only you two would hear and you would laugh until your ribs shook. Blaise has never done that. But it wasn’t right to compare Blaise to Draco; it was an unfair competition. 
Regardless, you stayed with Blaise. Too afraid to break up with him and too afraid to tell Draco how you felt, you stayed in a relationship where you lied not only to yourself but to another person every day. A good person at that. Blaise was a great guy and every day you held his hand, shared a kiss, cuddled up together, you felt guilty. You were hurting him more and more with everyday. And you were hurting yourself by being in this relationship for so long. But you stayed. 
Back in a classroom, this time Slughorn’s potions class, you stood next to Pansy waiting for the class to begin. You looked across the room to see your boyfriend toss you a wink as you lightly smiled. “I love you,” he mouthed as you sighed. 
You did love Blaise. So much. But not in the way he wanted. And yet, here you were, mouthing an “I love you too” back to him, causing him to smile wide. You turn to Pansy, “So what are we supposed to be doing today? If it’s boring, I’m going to use the washroom.” Using the washroom was always code for going back to your room. 
Pansy giggled, “Today’s class should be good. I heard Slughorn has Amortentia today.” Your heart sank. Amortentia: the most powerful love potion in the world. People say that it smells different for everyone according to what they are most attracted to. “Your should be easy. Smells just like Zabini I bet,” she nudges your side as you offer a convincing smile and girlish giggle. “I’m sure I know what mine smells of...” she trails off before looking over to Draco who was too involved talking to Zabini to notice her gaze. 
Slughorn starts class, reciting off lists of potions to which Granger completes his every question without fail. You roll your eyes, “Some people are just such show offs,” you whisper to Pansy, making her laugh. You join her, causing Draco to look your way, more interested in what you were laughing at rather than the lesson Slughorn was giving. You look away from Draco and focus back on the lesson, hoping it would distract you from those familiar gray eyes. 
Hermoine talks more about Amortentia before prompting Slughorn to ask your classmates to come up at random and speak what they smell. Granger goes first and describes a horrific combination of mowed grass and spearmint toothpaste. Others go after and then Blaise volunteers to go next. “Mr. Zabini, please, go head,” Slughorn says before Blaise steps up to the small caldron and take a whiff.
“I smell...morning rain...vanilla...and jasmine,” he smiles as he finishes his sentence, looking right at you. Your heart sinks. Blaise had smelt your perfume and everyone in the class knew it. Those who were friends with him laughed as Pansy let out an ooooh. You told her to shut up with a jab to the side as she continued to tease you. 
“Miss (Y/L/N), you’ve been awfully quiet this class. How about you come up and smell?” Slughorn proposes.
You freeze. Absolutely not. There was no way you were going to get up there and smell the Amortentia. You knew exactly what you were going to smell and you were not prepared to tell the class and your boyfriend that what you were smelling was Draco Malfoy. 
“I’m fine, actually.”
“That was less of a question and more of a demand, Miss (Y/L/N),” Slughorn rephrases, earning a few laughs from Gryffindors to which you shoot them a dirty look, causing them to stop. “Well?”
You look at Slughorn and gulp. He offers you a gentle smile and you can’t deny the man any further. You sigh and slowly walk up to the caldron. You are a foot away and already the scent slaps you in the face. It almost makes you cough from how strong it is. Right next to the pot, you look down at the bubbling liquid with pink fumes evaporating from it. Closing your eyes and iInhaling deeply, you get chills. The scent makes you forget where you are. What time it is. Who is watching. It’s euphoric. It’s perfect. It’s him. The smell of musky cologne, leather polish, and green apples dance around your nose and your stomach erupts with butterflies. 
“What do you smell?” Slughorn asks, snapping you out of your daydream.
“I’m sorry?” you ask.
“What do you smell?” he repeats. 
Suddenly, you remember that you have to tell the class what you are smelling. Or who you are smelling. Once you said what you smelled, everyone would know who you were talking about. Pansy would know. Blaise would know. Draco would know. You try to think. What in the world does Blaise smell like? Can you lie about this stuff? For Merlin’s sake, what does Blaise smell like?! “Um...” you try to concoct your way out of this situation. You try to think of what your boyfriend smells like, but the scent of Malfoy is clogging every single sense. 
“Say it then,” Slughorn urges you.
“Cologne, leather polish, and green apples,” you blurt, confessing what you were most afraid of to the class. You slowly open your eyes and see the smile that was once on Blaise face quickly fall. His eyes pang with hurt and pain and your heart drops into your stomach. You wanna run over to him and tell him how sorry you were and how much you loved him, but this thing with the Slytherin prince was unshakeable. Too hurt to look at Blaise anymore, you glance at Pansy, who is just enraged. Her ears are bright red, eye locked onto you, unwavering. Her eyes dig into your soul and you can hear her saying in your head, “You’re bloody joking, right?” You don’t dare look at Draco, but in the periphery you see him just staring at you, lips parted, breathing softly, eyes burning into the back of your head. 
Slughorn notices the tension and attempts to diffuse the situation. “Alright, everyone take your seats,” he dismisses. You walk quickly to Pansy who swiftly moves away to you and toward Blaise who sits with Draco, taking up a whole table with no room for you like usual. Instead, you find yourself sitting with random Ravenclaws for the rest of class, unable to think straight about what just happened. The look on Blaise’s face was enough to have you in tears and the look of betrayal on Pansy’s face drove you mad. You spent the whole class thinking, what have I done? 
As soon as class is dismissed, you watch Blaise’s movements, wanting to catch him or Pansy after class. Pansy leaps off her chair and to the door and you quickly follow suit. “Pansy!” you call after her. “Pans, please! Please can we talk about this? Please do not shut me out!”
“Why not?” she yells back. “You lied to me! You could have told me how you felt! You knew how i felt and yet you still lied to me!” 
“I know, but I thought what you didn’t know wouldn’t hurt you. But I just ended up hurting you anyway and I am sorry, Pansy. I am so sorry,” you attempt to reconcile with your best friend as she fumes. 
Pansy shakes her head. “I just need space. Away from you. Can you at least respect that?” she sarcastically says. “There’s someone else you owe a bigger apology to,” she tells you before trotting away down the hall back to the Slytherin common room. 
You turn around and there stands Blaise, stoic and tall. His eyes are soft and full of so much pain. You could cry. You start to cry. “Blaise,” you croak out. “I didn't mean to hurt you. Please know that is the last thing I wanted to do. When you asked me to the Yule Ball, I thought that it would be a good way to get over Draco, but I-I don’t know what happened? Nothing happened, I guess. I value you and your friendship so much. Blaise, I love you, I’m so sorry. I thought not tell you how I really, truly felt would protect you.”
Blaise sighs, “(Y/N), I know you didn’t mean to. For Merlin’s sake, I’m not a git. I knew you still liked Malfoy.” Your eyes widen. Huh? Before you could ask every single question that flurried into your brain, Blaise stops you and says, “From that moment in the hallway during year four until now, I knew. I thought that the longer I stayed with you, I could convince you that I could love you more than he could. But I don’t think that’s true...(Y/N), I love you. What either of us did was not right and I think we just need space from each other right now.”
You shake your head. You couldn’t lose Pansy and Blaise. That would be too much. “No, I can’t lose you, Blaise. I need you,” you beg, holding onto his forearms. 
“It isn’t for forever, darling. Just for a little. I think we both a need a little space from each other right now,” he holds your face in one of his hands and you lean into his touch, soothing you almost instantly like it has done so many times before. “I’ll see you soon, okay?” You nod, him wiping away your tears before replacing it with a gentle kiss on the apple of your cheek. “Besides, I think you have to talk to someone else,” he whispers in your ear, before walking away, revealing Draco standing behind him.
Your breath hitches in your throat. His eyes burn into yours just like that night at the Yule Ball. A small smile on his lips dances as a last tear strolls down your cheek. He takes a few steps towards you and you instinctively take a few steps back. Draco looks a little hurt that you moved away from him so quickly. You gulp, not knowing what to say, what to do. Who would in a situation like this? Lightly sniffling, you wipe away your tears with the sleeve of your robe, not breaking eye contact with him. Draco opens up his mouth to say something, but then chooses not to. He closes his mouth, pressing his lips into a line, thinking of what to say. You watch him think, his jaw clenching and unclenching as he finds the right words to say. 
“Uh,” he starts. “How lo-”
“Year four,” you answer, knowing exactly what he was going to say.
He lightly laughs at how prepared you were to answer him. He nods. “I thought,” he lightly speaks, looking at you with a small smile. He is trying so hard to get you to open up to him. Or even crack a small smile at him. But that seemed really impossible right now. The two people who you cared about more than anything just told you they needed time away from you. You felt like an awful person. Although you should be in Draco’s arm right now, stroking his hair, kissing his lips, telling him how happy you were, you were standing four feet away from him, a shaking mess, tears still flowing from your eyes. “Here,” he reaches into his pocket and offers you a handkerchief. 
“Thanks,” you mumble, accepting his token, blotting your eyes with the green silky cloth. You blow your nose into it, loudly. You look at him, watching his reaction, wondering if you should return a snotty handkerchief. “I...I can wash it for you.”
He chuckles, “Don’t worry about it. Keep it if you need it.” You smile and tug it away in your bag. Silence falls over you two again. “Can I stand next to you?” he asks permission, knowing how fragile you are right now. You nod and he slowly makes his way towards you, stopping about three inches away from you. Your breath hitches in your throat when you look up and see the proximity of your faces from each other. “May I hold you hand?” he asks, you shaking your head yes slowly. With that, he grabs your left hand in his large hand, pressing yours flat against his before intertwining the fingers. It makes you smile softly which makes his heart flutter at your excitement. Draco so desperately wants to hug you, squeeze you, kiss you. But he knows he needs tread lightly. “I wanted to take you to the Yule Ball,” he confesses as he looks at your hands intertwined.
Your head shoots up and your eyebrows furrow. “You did?” you ask, not believing him. He shakes his head yes. You pause. This made no sense. “Then why didn’t you ask me?” you ask.
Draco sighs. “I didn’t know you well. Zabini said he wanted to ask you. I stepped back.” So much has happened today you cannot wrap your brain around what has just been said. “But now...I know you better. And now that you and Zabini are no longer...” he trails off, looking up at you with those chilling blue eyes that make your knees weak and heart putty. 
You want to scream yes. Wrap your arms around him. Kiss him. Hard. Breath in his scent that has haunted you for nights on end. Finally, he was yours. You were his. But that would not be right. It wouldn’t be fair to Blaise. Or Pansy. Or you. Or Draco. You needed time. “Draco...” you say, breathily.
“Yes?” he asks, eyes so bright and shimmering with so much hope and longing. Merlin’s beard, he wanted to kiss your tear stained cheeks and hold you close, bodies becoming one. “Is something wrong?” he asks, worry creeping into his words, his free hand that isn’t holding your hand, cups your cheek. “Please tell me. I don’t want to wait any longer. I can’t wait any longer.” 
His words make your heart break, knowing that you needed to wait longer. Just a little bit longer. “Draco...” you repeat, the tears welling back up in your eyes, slowly dripping own your cheek, but Draco is quick to wipe them away. “I...” you start, but your voice fails you. 
“Take your time,” he breathes. Oh, how he was so right. 
“I need time,” you repeat after him. 
“Yes, take your time. Breathe,” he says, thinking that what you are saying is applying to just now. 
“No, Draco,” you tell him, reaching up to his wrist, pushing his hand away from your face. “I need time. To process this. Blaise, Pansy...us...I need time.”
His eyes fall and the once happy expression on his face is fading fast. But he knows that you were right. It would be too fast. Too much for the both of you. You both needed time to think, recover, and come back to each other.
“And I will wait for you,” he reassures you, both of his hands cupping your small ones. “If I waited this long already, I can wait a little while longer.”
It’s like he knew exactly what to say. His words make you smile softly and you feel just a little bit better. Your smile makes me him smile. So you just stand there, your hand in his two large ones, smiling at each other. He places a tender kiss on your knuckles and then another to your forehead. His actions make your heart flutter, knowing that if this is what a relationship with Draco was like right now, you were in for a treat. You whisper a weak thank you and he shakes his head, laughing that you would thank him for something like this.
“Now go get some rest, darling,” he presses his forehead against yours and you flutter your eyes closed, loving the feeling of him being so close to you. It felt so good to finally have him next to you. You pull away, give him a gentle smile, and start to walk back to the Slytherin common room. 
Draco watches you walk away, down the hall. In his head, he thought to himself, I can wait a little longer. Because you are worth waiting for.  
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brvdges · 3 years
Ever Since - reader x peter parker (or anyone)
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Title: Ever Since
Pairing: Peter Parker x Reader
Summary: Y/N reflects on her relationship with Peter BUT could work for any of the male characters because I didn’t use his name; just some descriptors for him. No dialogue; literally just emotions. Based on my irl ex and our memories so enjoy the heartbreak!
“I know he doesn’t love me, but I go through the shit thinking that maybe one day he’s gonna fall for me too.”
Warnings: quick mention of an abusive relationship, nothing descriptive or graphic.
Word Count: 1324
I know he doesn’t love me, but I go through the shit thinking that maybe one day he’s gonna fall for me too.
He was everything I wanted and more. God, where to start? I guess the best place would be how we met. It started as a simple school project during quarantine. Despite seeing him around school pre-quarantine, I hadn’t formally met him; but we exchanged numbers to get the assignment done. Eventually we ended up talking about the most random shit and before I knew it, we were texting everyday.
He would message me good morning with a little smiley face or a heart, I’d message good morning back. We’d talk about our plans for the day and throughout the day, we’d talk about how things were going. How I miss those times, he’d message me the most random things.
One day randomly at 3am, I woke up to a text asking if I knew how old the Earth was. I didn’t and he humored me while I tried my damnedest to guess. When I finally gave up joking that it was only 2020 years old, he finally told me the answer I was looking for was 4.5 billion years. I asked him what he was doing awake and why he was sending me trivia questions so early. He told me he couldn’t sleep and had thought of me.
We messaged everyday and I started to fall for this boy I hadn’t even met yet. I found myself longing to see him in person so much my heart ached and smiling when I saw his contact name popping up in my phone. This continued on for three months and it got more involved as it went on.
My day wasn’t complete without a good morning text and a good night text at the least if we were both busy. We slowly became used to having each other in our lives despite still having not met yet. We began FaceTiming at all hours of the night, I’d even call him at God awful times in the morning.
Some nights, he’d make me laugh by dancing foolishly in the camera, one night he showed me some of his lego collection; but most nights, he’d sit on the balcony outside his room and we’d talk on the phone about anything really. We both started to grow impatient, we wanted to see each other more than anything.
So when restrictions were lifted for the first time in months, we did. It was spontaneous, he told me he’d had enough and was finally coming over to see me. My dad answered the door and they talked for a bit before I came out.
He was much taller than I expected him to be. It was hard to believe it was actually happening and we were actually meeting. It wasn’t until he grabbed my hand that I realized that it was all real. It wasn’t long before he asked me to be his.
I always felt so beautiful around him. I was felt like I was the prettiest girl in the world and no one else mattered. It was the way he’d look at me with those big brown eyes and that dopey smile, “Y/N, you look absolutely beautiful.” It was the way he’d squeeze my thigh. It was the way he kissed the top of my forehead.
I always felt so loved. It was the way he brought me food to make me feel better when I was sick or how he slow danced with me in his kitchen even though there was no music. It was all in the way he pulled me closer in his sleep and remembered random things that I liked — like when he would bring me my favorite snacks.
And God, it was the way we had sex. It was the way I could feel how passionate he felt about me. How he so lovingly made a playlist for us to listen to and how he always wiped the sweat off my forehead and made sure I was comfortable. It was how he became comfortable with me and was willing to step outside his comfort zone to get me off. He always made sure I had a good time. If not, he was back at it again not too long later making sure it was done right while he told me how beautiful I was and how much I meant to him.
It was how close we became in such a short amount of time. How I found someone who I could confide in and see myself with. After a bout of shitty relationships — one particularly abusive, I was finally finding someone who understood me. Someone who saw me.
In the end, we did it all wrong. We fell too hard and too fast and it seemed he came to this realization sooner than me. We both became busy, he more so than I at the time. He wasn’t able to make time for me anymore, I was becoming less and less of a priority.
I’d sit days on end with little communication and when I reached out he did genuinely seem apologetic, but nothing ever changed. I gave him the benefit of the doubt and I figured this was just how things were for the time being. Things never changed — in fact as I started to go back to work, they got worse. He seemed tired all the time and more on edge than I had ever seen him.
One day, he just decided to end it. A simple text. “I don’t think we should continue to be together, Y/N. I’m sorry.” My heart shattered into a million pieces and I became a wreck.
He told me he was too busy and that he’d be going away soon. He wouldn’t have time for me anymore and didn’t want to break my heart. At the same time, he wasn’t sure if it was gonna pan out anyways.
I became numb that night. It was my friend’s birthday and she wanted to do a group zoom call; however I just couldn’t be bothered. I was present but I wasn’t. My heart was broken, we had become so close in such a short amount of time. The idea of it no longer being a thing had become so foreign.
He still wanted me around though and I wanted him around too. We missed the physicality of each other, we missed the quiet intimacy of our moments alone. It didn’t even have to be physical, just space we shared — the love unspoken was normally enough; but that was gone.
Oh, we were terrible to each other. It should’ve ended at the message but it didn’t. We were addicted to each other, but we were in conflict. One moment, we wanted to be together — we wanted to be intimate and another I was angry because he was trying to push me away. He suddenly became so passive about us. It didn’t matter to him anymore.
I remember the last time we saw each other before he left. Earlier that day, he had messaged me telling me he was leaving in the next few days and that he wanted to see me one last time. Reluctantly and stupidly, I agreed. He was late.
It felt like he was breaking up with me all over again. He still wanted to have sex because he’d be gone for months and I so stupidly agreed.
But I cried. I suddenly found myself overwhelmed with emotions. I cried quietly to myself because I realized how much I felt for him and how badly I wanted it to work. I wanted to be the one he came home to. I wanted to be the one he messaged good morning and good night. I wanted to be the one he told “you’re beautiful.” It was in that moment that I realized I had fallen in love with him and there was nothing I could do about it.
I’ve been in turmoil ever since.
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hyphyphurray · 4 years
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It was lonely living alone during quarantine. Well, almost alone. I had my dog, Rusty... but the conversations were a little one-sided, if you know what I mean.
I just wanted someone else around, to hang out with, maybe watch some TV with, or hell, if I was really lucky, fuck. I was so sick of the tumblr/my right hand nightly (well, actually it was usually several times a day) combo.
I was lucky that I had a small house out in the woods- at least I could go outdoors whenever I wanted. But still, I was bored, and lonely.
Then I found this spell online on some random corner of the internet. Some people were changing their pets into humans, so they wouldn't be quarantined alone anymore. I looked over at Rusty, asleep in a sun spot. I'd had him for years, and he'd always been a good dog. Maybe a bit territorial with the squirrels, but we'd always trusted each other... and it's not like we didn't spend every night hanging out in the living room together anyway.
So I figured, what the hell. That night, I gathered the materials needed, said the words, lit the candles, fed Rusty the biscuit that had some oil on it and.... nothing. Rusty stared at me, and then, bored, walked over to his dog bed and flumped down.
Figures, I thought. I mean, what had I really expected?
I sighed. Rusty had the right idea. I cleaned up, gave him a scratch behind the ears, and went to bed.
I woke the next morning, yawned, rubbed my eyes-
and nearly jumped into the ceiling.
There, on the end of my bed was a muscled, shirtless man, staring at me.
“Who the fuck are you?!” I yelled.
The tan, blonde hunk in front of me grinned. Tied around his neck was a black and white bandana, just like the one on-
“RUSTY?” I yelped.
“Hi, Lance,” the man smiled. “I borrowed a pair of your jeans. They're a bit tight, but they work.”
“Holy shit,” I said. “It worked.”
The man stood, and I got a full view of just how tall and athletic he was. He was right about my jeans- he filled them out in a way I never could. And on his shoulder- a tattoo?
“The bandana,” I said, standing and touching it lightly. “It's... it's a good look.”
“Thanks, bro,” he said,. He cocked his head, and then looked me over. Then he suddenly leaned in and took a big whiff at my neck.
I actually blushed, and gave out a little laugh.
“Oh, uh... hi,” I chuckled. Same lack of personal space, it would seem. I stared at him. He stood two or three inches taller than me, making him... 5'11''ish? Maybe 6 foot. He easily outweighed me. I felt suddenly a bit nervous.
“You should make us some breakfast,” he said, his deep voice rumbling.
My dick twitched. I couldn't help it. This man was just so... confident. And that beard, and chest hair? Woof, indeed.
“Oh, right,” I said, and started to step around him to head into the kitchen.
His meaty hand caught my side, startling me. He squinted at me, as if considering something. Then he grabbed the back of my head with one arm, and with one swift move, shoved my face into his other armpit.
Surprised, I took a small shocked breath in.
He smelled... god, it was glorious. Manly, a little sweat... spicy... like cedar and dirt, and...
Fuck. My dick was growing harder.
Rusty laughed.
“Just what I thought, boy,” he said, holding me in place. “Take a deep whiff.”
His muscled arm pulled me in closer. My body pressed into his. God, he was just so hard, everywhere. And his smell.
I let out a small, involuntary whimper.
“Yeah, boy,” he said, stroking the back of my head. “I wondered, and now I now. I'm the Alpha around here.”
He pulled me into him, and lowered me to the ground as he sat on the side of the bed. Fuck, I was horny. And he was right. My whole body knew that he was unquestioningly in charge. I closed my eyes and took another long breath.
My eyes flew open, and my hand leapt to my neck. I felt a leather strap, and heard a tiny jingle.
His collar.
I looked up at the behemoth in front of me. His stare bore into me. My knees sunk further into the ground. Part of me wanted to look away, but I couldn't.
No, I thought. Not his collar. My collar.
He stared down at me, wheels turning once more in his head.
Was this the view that he had had of me, for so many mornings?
“Don't worry boy,” he said in his warm, gravelly tone. “I'm going to take very good care of you.”
He reached down and scratched me behind my ear. I leaned into it in spite of myself. My dick screamed for release in my jeans.
One thing was certain. I wasn't going to be lonely anytime soon.
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aitarose · 3 years
Hi there! Saw your matchup event and I wanted to join. I would like a personality matchup. (Sorry in advance if this becomes too long) My pronouns are she/her and I would like to be matched with male characters.
I am an ENFP saggitarius. I am pretty extroverted but can go quiet at times. I use sarcasm alot and more often than not to avoid talking about my feelings lol. I have been told I am very mature and fun to be around. My friends describe me as a very bubbly person but also down to earth when needed. I always casually flirt with friends as a joke. My friends always come to me for advice and to vent. I love helping people. I am also a volleyball player! I am a spiker and I have been playing for a long time. I am very good friends with my team. I love reading, writing, dancing and singing. I used to be the smart kid in class but with quarantine my mental health and grades dropped so I am kinda in a burn out. I am the younger sister in my family. I love Mitski, TV girl, Mac Demarco. My favorite show is black mirror. Also a tiny request if my match could be on the taller side that would be awesome. Sorry again this was longer than I intended take all the time you need and have a nice day ;)
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hii i always see you in my notifs and your shitposts are so cute! this was super fun to write out, so i hope you like it and him :)
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— ✦ : kuroo’s personality traits are extremely similar to yours, that’s undeniable. taking into consideration the your consistent flirtation, witty humor, and passion for fun, you can easily be compared as two halves of a whole. in some cases, this would be concerning. there aren’t many relationships that can thrive when each partner is alike - however, in this instance, it’s a perfect combination. you can understand each other better than anyone else ever could - communication aside there are endless possibilities to which your relationship can grow. possibilities that he’s more than willing to find.
— ✦ : circling back to the communication concept, he’s never one to hide his feelings or suppress his emotions. in that department, he can help you come out of your shell and express your worries and troubles that you’re anxious about sharing with other people. there hasn’t been a single case where judgement is his first reaction and there never will be, because he accepts you as you. there’s no one who even comes close to your excellence and grace in his eyes - and there never will be as long as you keep him around.
— ✦ : your shared friends grow tired of you sometimes. immensely tired. they absolutely love you together - even kenma believes that you’re well suited - but the constant back-and-forth that you have is so sweet it’s sickening. whether it’s during practice or simply on the street, the flirtation never stops. “did you dress up just for me?” “you look so gorgeous i think my heart stopped.” “c’mon beautiful don’t give me that face, y’know you’re my world.” it never stops. however, he loves it and you love it - you wouldn’t have it any other way. it’s just how you work - how you function - and it’s so nice to know how much he loves you 24/7.
— ✦ : when you’re struggling with keeping up with school work or finding the motivation to put your hands on the keyboard - he’s right there supporting you. with his ambition and confidence in himself, he knows that he has the structure to support your needs along with his own. he doesn’t see your set backs as burdens or things that are hindering his own life - he rather sees you as an extension of himself. wherever you go, he does too. he gives you space when needed, but knows that he’s always going to be by your side when things get rough. he’s happily holding your hand every step of the way.
— ✦ : in the nights in which you’re just completely exhausted from the day and feel dried out and numb, he sets the stereo on low and plays your favorite playlist on shuffle. as soon as you walk in the door, his hands are on yours - palms encasing your flushed skin and leading you into your dimly lit living room for a dance. he towers over you, letting you rest your head on his chest, and sways you to the slow rhythmic beat. there aren’t any words that need to be said - you both speak enough as is - he simply understands your emotions on a deeper level that doesn’t need verbal communication. he gets you. you get him.
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so dreaming baby
took that corkscrewed highway
lightless miles
of big rigs
lightless miles, miles and miles
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“heads up!” kuroo’s voice booms through the gymnasium. the sound bounces off the walls and echoes in your ears as you take position once more. you were in the midst of one of your weekly recreational matches against your friends and his - kenma, tsukishima, and bokuto being a couple of the lucky few that are forced to participate each time - and we’re awaiting the familiar feeling of the ball making contact with you skin. “that one’s all your’s, babe!”
“got it!” you pounce like a lioness, truly embodying the cat-like spirit of nekoma, and slam the ball as hard as you can against the gym floor. there’s a series of groans in response to your successful point, that being the winning spike, and in a split second you feel a pair of large hands encasing your waist. you’re lifted in the air, spun in a wide circle, before being set down gentle with an arm sling over your shoulder. kuroo has the proudest gleam in his eyes, smiling wide, and smirking at the annoyed looks the opposing team makes in your direction.
“that’s how it’s done guys, what can i say?” he nestles you closer, holding your face in his palms, and peppering kisses against your cheeks, eyelids, and forehead. he’s never been one to hide his physical affection, no matter how often you tell him it’s embarrassing. kenma, especially, hates being in the presence of your love. not because he hates it, just because the sight of it makes him want to hurl into the nearest trash bin. “my girl’s the best there can be! i mean, she’s the prettiest there is, too. she’s just perfect.”
you can practically see the hearts in his eyes as he gazes at you in adoration. he leans in once more, his destination being your lips on his, before you’re suddenly jolted to the side and sitting with your butt on the cold ground. “what the hell? did you just throw that at us?”
tsukishima glares, another volleyball already prepared for take off in his left hand as kuroo scrambles to save you from your fate. he picks you up easily, bridal style, and sprints out of the gym - narrowly dodging the onslaught of equipment that tsukki and bokuto are hurling your way. “it’s fine, baby.” he laughs, the chuckle vibrating in his chest as your giggling rings in his ears. that’s always been his favorite sound. “they’re just jealous. not everyone has such a perfect girlfriend, like i do.”
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punkgrogg · 4 years
Doorway Duo pt. 1
Pairing: Hybrid!Taehyung x Reader, Hybrid!Jungkook x Reader
Genre: Hybrid!BTS, Non idol AU, fluff
Warnings: Pregnancy
Summary: Y/n was abandoned by her long time boyfriend and moves back home to help prepare for the baby. She’s surprised to find two unfamiliar hybrids at her house.
Length: 3,902 words
Notes: This is my first Hybrid story. Feedback would be greatly appreciated. I have two more parts outlined and will update as soon as possible because this quarantine has done nothing but give me time to write.
Date Posted: 4/24/2020
My hands cradled the ever-growing bump I have for a stomach. I still can’t believe I’m pregnant. If you would have told me four months ago I was going to be pregnant and alone I would have never believed you. I was in a loving relationship with my high-school sweetheart and we were against the world.
Until I found him pressed in between the legs of some random girl from his accounting class. That was three months ago- exactly a week before I found out I was pregnant. I let him know immediately and he admonished me for thinking he was the father. Apparently, there was no way he could be the father- we had only had sex four times in the past year. 
It only takes one time, I thought as I picked up the last of my bags. He had moved out of our apartment the week I found him cheating on me and I was more than capable of keeping the place myself but with a baby? No way. I knew nothing about being a mother and thankfully my parents insisted on me coming back home at the end of the semester so they could help me. I’d be finishing my degree online until I got more settled with the baby. 
Until. This was only temporary until I got my life back on track. 
This has been my mantra for the past few weeks. I’ve repeated it daily in hopes of quelling the anxiety of bringing in a new life. I repeat as I drive twenty minutes out of the city and back home. Parking in front of the house I grew up in, I can feel the dread knotting itself in my stomach. This made everything all the more real and I was scared. Scared to face my future. While I was battling my inner demons I never noticed Hoseok approaching the car until he pulled open my door.
“Y/n! You’re finally here!” he squealed as he awkwardly wrapped me up in a hug. My waist was pinned back against the seat with the seat-belt but he was pulling me out of the car. Hoseok was my adopted brother.  He was a hybrid my parents saved when we were both young and he’s been my brother ever since but most people don’t agree with my family’s ideology. 
“Hobi you’re hurting me.” I gasped and he instantly released me his fluffy black ears falling flat against his hair. I unbuckled before hopping out and wrapping him in the biggest hug possible. He welcomed the hug with a tightened grasp. I missed him. 
“How’s the baby?” I hear my mother call from the porch and Hoseok releases me. He reached past me into the car to pop the trunk before going to unload. I turn towards my mother to see two men beside her as they all make their way down the driveway. Both of the men were taller than Hoseok and like Hoseok they were hybrids. They seemed to be total opposites as far as their fashion choices went. Monochromatic would be the only way to describe their appearance; one an entirely dark presence- his clothes were tight and black from top to bottom, the other was a soft entity- his clothes were light, ashy gray that matched his hair.  They both walk past me and assist Hoseok without a glance towards me. My mother captures me in a warm hug.
“They’re doing fine and your baby is doing great too.” I finally answer, returning her hug. As we part, she lays her hand on my stomach with tears in her eyes.
“I swore Jinnie would give me my first grand-babies but here you are, breaking through every expectation once again.”
“I thought I would be an aunt before I was a mother too but I figured it’d be Joon. he was always the ladies’ man in high school.” I sighed exasperatedly. My other two older brothers were back in the city and have already started their careers. Seokjin was engaged and Namjoon was so focused on his career that I don’t think he’s been on a date since high school.
“Well, life has a funny way of making things happen. Have you found out the gender yet?”
“As I told you three days ago, they’re sitting weird and we can’t figure out what it is,” I said as we walked into the house. I could hear my dad in the kitchen, presumably cooking tacos from the smell of it. He was always the best cook in the house and insisted on cooking every meal. I followed the scent of cumin and sizzling beef as I could hear the pounding of feet up the stairs behind me.
“Baby girl, I’m making your favorite,” He says as he comes over for a quick side hug. As quick as he was here- he was gone. Back to tending to the tortillas and chopping the onions.
“I haven’t had tacos in forever, whenever I smelled any kind of beef I became nauseous,” I commented idly, my father’s face turning up in disgust and my mother’s showing sympathy.
“I couldn’t eat eggs for any of my pregnancies, especially during the first trimester.” she patted my shoulder gently and moved towards the fridge. I heard the stampeding feet once again and was quickly tugged into someone’s side.
“What’s my nephew’s name?” Hoseok asked loudly, his cheek pressed to the top of my head. I glanced quietly towards the doorway where the two men stood as still as a pair of statues while intently looking towards me.
“It might be a niece you’re getting.” I retorted while pulling myself away. I stepped towards the doorway duo with an outstretched hand. “Hi, I’m Y/n, sorry that no one else introduced us.”
The first one to shake my hand had broad shoulders and ashy gray hair. He had a long tail that reached the floor that was the same gray as his appearance but was accented by black spots. He held my hand gingerly and dipped his head towards me. “ I’m Taehyung, its nice to meet you.” His hand lingered as I turned to the next guy.
The second man had more muscles than I had ever seen on your average person. His face was jarring with the baby fat still clinging to his cheeks, he had short-cropped hair that accentuated his tall pointed ears. And unlike the first, he hesitated on taking my hand. 
“Jungkook,” He said tersely before shaking my hand once and dropping it like it was hot coals. 
“It’s nice to meet you both,” I said while stepping away once. Taehyung took a half step forward, his gaze still trapped on my face. Jungkook’s gaze was firmly focused on my stomach, an intense look that made my heart skip and subconsciously pull my hands forward to protect them. 
“You’re not going to ask?” Taehyung asked, his face screwed up in confusion. I could feel Hoseok’s presence towering behind me- his hand reaching up to grasp my shoulder. 
“Ask what?” My head cocked in confusion before realization dawned on me. “Oh, how rude of me. How was your day?” Hoseok chuckled from behind me before piping in.
“He meant asking what they were.” embarrassment made my face flush, how could I be so dense?
“Oh. Uh. Well, you can tell me if you want. I honestly don’t really care about that, I’m not too sure about what Hobi is.”
“Great Pyrenees. Goodness, you’d think after sixteen years you’d know that.”
“All I know is that you’re fluffy and a cuddle bug.”
“I’m a snow leopard hybrid.” Taehyung quickly interjected, his ears pointed up, they rose mere centimeters above his wild untamed curls. They were the same color as his ashy hair but had accents of black on the tips. 
“Really? That’s so cool, I’ve never met a snow leopard hybrid before.” He mirrored my smile, his eyes crinkling into feline-esque slits. Faint patches of freckles were mapped across his cheekbones, curling up around his eyes. 
“We’re as rare as our animal counterpart.” His eyes glanced quickly towards Jungkook meaningfully then flickered away just as fast. “Jungkook here is a German Shepherd hybrid.”
“Wow, that’s really cool.” Jungkook couldn’t meet my stare and quietly excused himself, high tailing his way back up the stairs. Taehyung ignored his retreating form and instead stepped into the kitchen, sitting at the counter. Hoseok followed after him relaxing  into the  second to last stool
“Sorry, he’s a bit apprehensive, Hoseok warned us about your pregnancy and that you might have crazy mood swings.” The gray man added conversationally, his eyes scanning over my face approvingly. He cracked a grin at the disbelief that spread across my face.
“Crazy what?” my father chuckled at my incredulous tone, “Hobi I will kill you.” I stepped towards him menacingly and he shot up off his perch.
“See Tae? It’s already happening. Mom, get your daughter.” he cried out as he circled around the counter towards mom.
He tried to duck behind her smirking form as I neared but he underestimated the drama mom lived for. “You only brought this on yourself, honey.” She flitted over to dad’s side and taste-tested the corn salsa.
“Who’s gonna save you now?” I smirked at him as I crept closer, my hands poised to pinch the ever-loving shit out of his cheeks.
“This isn’t fair, I can’t fight a pregnant woman,” Hobi whined as he resisted my efforts- his entire upper body leaning away from me.
“If either of you scoundrels hurt my grand-baby I will ground you both.” my dad intoned, halting both our figures. My hands cupping his face and his pushing against my shoulders lightly. Taehyung was laughing at us- he had melodic giggles.
“Taehyung dear, will you go tell Jungkook it’s time for dinner? Y/n and Hoseok go set the table.” Mom ordered and all three of us obeyed instantly. Hobi pulled a stack of plates out the cabinet and I rounded up the silverware. Taehyung was up the stairs by the time Hobi and left the kitchen and headed over to the dining room. I straightened out the red table mats and laid out a set of silverware while Hobi was a step behind me laying out his stack of plates. 
“So, all jokes aside, how has it been?” he asked as we finished up, I leaned heavily against the chair in front of me. It sucks. I’m about to be responsible for a whole person. I’m scared and alone.  Is what I thought but there was no way I could actually tell him that.
“Well, it’s not what I had planned but I’ll get through it. It’s weird being back here when I’ve been living in the city for the past three years.” A wry smile managed to take residence on my face.
“You’ll get used to it, and like you said you’ll get through it. Have you heard from him?” Hobi settled into the chair directly across from me. He started to fiddle with his spoon as I sunk down into my seat.
“No, and I don’t want to. He said he wasn’t the father and that he didn’t want to be.”
“Jin and I will still kick his ass if you want us to.” He was focused on the spoon in his hand, but I could tell that emotionally he was struggling. He was always the more empathetic of my brothers and showed to be more protective of our family at every turn. He was the first one I told when I found Henry was unfaithful and he was the first to know I was pregnant.
“No, it’s fine. We don’t need that loser anyway.” I smile at him, hoping to convey my appreciation to how he’s been so strong in supporting me. My eyes strayed up to the stairs, the question finally breaking through. “Uh, what’s with our two guests? Friends of yours from work?”
“No, the shelter caught on fire last week, and since mom and dad are certified for fostering they brought them in. Mom didn’t tell you?” Hoseok cocked his head to the side, his brows furrowed. 
“She didn’t but that sucks about the shelter. When will it be fixed?” The shelter was where hybrids could stay and be safe. And, as unfair as it is, where they could find their next home. Hybrids had a terrible history and humans were horrible when it came to them. Many held no regard for their hybrids- considering them no better than an animal. Thankfully by adolescence hybrids usually find their place in life and the shelter typically only houses kids being adopted out. There were cases where a family who could no longer provide the care for their hybrid had to surrender them to the shelter. Cases presumably like Taehyung and Jungkook.
“Boss said a couple of months until the renovations are all finished.” Hoseok was a volunteer at the shelter, he has been since high school. Hybrids weren’t allowed to work without the permission of their family (something that outrages our family to no end) and most could only work in volunteer positions. 
“Maybe they’ll finally fix the break room's window.” I teased, for as long as I can remember the window has been duct-taped together. No matter what- renovations or accidents being repaired- the window has remained duct-taped together.
“That window has been broken since Hoseok came into the family,” Dad chimed in as he swept into the room. He was carrying the frying pan full of steak in one hand and a table protector in the other. He laid it in the center of the table as Mom, Taehyung, and Jungkook followed behind with their arms full of the side dishes. 
“There’s always hope.” Retorted Hobi, ever the optimist.
“I highly doubt it- it’ll probably be the only thing missed by the renovations.” Dad shook his head, having lost hope on that window years ago.
“What’s being missed?” Mom asks, situating the chopped tomatoes and the tower of tortillas.
“The shelter’s break room window.” I supplied, helping pull out the chair to my right for her to sit. Jungkook settled in the seat in between Hoseok and my dad; Taehyung claimed the seat on the right of my mother. 
“Oh that thing has always been broken, I figured they’d fix it years ago. Anyway, Hoseok dear pass me the sour cream.” at that, we all settled into making our plates. 
“Dad, this is sublime, I’ve been living off of pizza and ramen for the past few months.” The taco was by far the best thing I’ve eaten in months. The seasonings and fresh ingredients almost overwhelming my poor college student tastebuds. Dad smiled down the table at me.
“Is that healthy for the baby?” Hoseok asked making a face of concern directed to my stomach. 
“You can worry about yourself- I already got an earful of complaints from mom about prenatal vitamins.” Jungkook snorted at the retort and smiled at me for the first time.
“Honestly what's the difference between prenatal vitamins and regular vitamins?” Taehyung asked, turning towards my mother and I. I shrugged and shoved another taco in my mouth. Mom said they were important and I believed her- plus my doctors said it was great when I had told him I was already taking the vitamins.
“They have more iron and other nutrients that pregnant women don’t get enough of.” Mom explained and Taehyung nodded thoughtfully.
“Pregnancy is so much work, I don't know how you did it three times mom.” Mom laughed at that- covering her face with a napkin. 
“Raising you four was way more work, pregnancy was a breeze compare to four teenagers.” She looked at me with pointed eyes. Ah, yes, the dreaded teenage years I would soon face. I grimaced at the thought of hormone-fueled years. Hopefully, I’ll have a daughter, I knew how girls worked throughout puberty.
“Hey, Namjoon wasn’t nearly as bad as the other three.” Dad defended, he was always on the defense of his supposed angel child.
“Joonie almost slept with the entire highschool our junior year and I’m surprised he even got through college without a baby,” Hobi interjected loudly causing Taehyung to laugh.
“No really, Jin, and I thought he was going to catch something.” He continued, turning towards the gray hybrid. His eyebrows were raised and his eyes expressed the utmost of sincerity.
“Your brother did not.” Mom joined the defense, her and dad believing the facade Joon had put up throughout our childhood. 
“That’s what you think, he was a sneaky little bastard.” I chimed in joining Hobi’s side. Jungkook and Taehyung were giggling to themselves watching us all bicker.
“Middle children always are,” Jungkook said joining the offensive.
“They’re nowhere near as spoiled as the youngest.” Hobi suddenly turned on me, the shock of betrayal apparent in my scoff.
“She’s the only girl, you guys never stood a chance.” The unexpected support form Taehyung had me smirking at my new enemy.
“It’s not my fault I’m the favorite,” I flipped my hair over my shoulder and leveled Hobi with a teasing glare.
“Seokjin might beat you there.” Mom rebuked, completely sideswiping me. 
“Hey! Does your grandchild mean nothing to you?” I cried out in mock surprise, Jin was mom’s angel child.
“Honey, we promised not to tell them.” 
“Honestly, high key offended but not surprised.” Hoseok shook his head as he continued on with his taco. The room dissolved into chatter as we finished dinner; I excused myself from the table to unpack. 
I slowly made my way up the stairs while taking the time to look at all the photos of my brothers and me throughout the years. My room was the first room at the top of the stairs- Hoseok’s was directly across. Namjoon and Seokjin’s rooms were the other two rooms but both have now turned into guest bedrooms ever since they graduated college. My room used to be our parents’ when we were really young but soon after bringing Hobi into the family, they renovated the garage into the master bedroom of their dreams.
My room was still the ugly lime green color that I begged my dad into painting it when I was in middle school. The furniture was a yellowing white and had layers of neon colors splattered on it. Coming home really incited the cringe-worthy memories of my early teen years- swore it was cool at some point. My suitcases and duffel bags were resting on my bed. I decided to shuffle my music while unpacking the impossible amounts of clothes I managed to pack. 
“Now all your love is wasted, then who the hell was I?” I sang along, lost in the moment of hanging up all of my shirts. One bag remained after I finished my shirts- my underwear and socks. I was startled out of my peaceful reverie at the abrupt knock at my door. I whipped around to see Jungkook hesitating at my doorway with a shy smile. 
“Your mom asked me to bring this up to you,” he answered my unasked question and held out a plate with chocolate cake. My mouth watered just looking at it.
“Thank you Jungkook, just set it down on that dresser and I’ll get it when I finish this up “I waved towards the surface closest to him with the hanger in hand while hooking on a sweater. I watched him from the corner of my eye as he slowly stepped into the room and laid the cake on the dresser.
He stood in place while looking around at my room his gaze finally settling on the pile of luggage on the floor at the foot of my bed. “Do you need any help?”
“No,” My answer was quick and he seemed to flinch at it. To soften the unintended blow I smiled awkwardly, “but you’re more than welcome to hang out in here.”He meandered over to edge of the bed as I hung up the last shirt from my bag. It was silent as I shoved the bag off the bed and onto the pile of other emptied ones and made my way over to my cake. I hopped up onto the dresser to sit so I could face Jungkook while I ate. He avoided looking at my face and instead looked at the posters hung on my wall that were of artists that never really charted on any kind of chart.
“What kind of music are you into?”He looked at me quizzically as I finally broke the awkward silence between us.
“Well, that’s a tough question. A little bit of everything I guess, mainly pop if I had to settle on a genre.” I finished my cake and set it to the side as I smiled at him wildly.
“Me too, I kind of go in phases though, like it’ll be pop and then I’ll really get into 70s indie rock for a couple of weeks.” He softly grinned at my enthusiasm before snickering.
“You sound like Tae when he gets into his movies, it’ll be a week-long showing of all marvel films and then two months of obscure Buster Keaton films.” His tone sounded as if he’s experienced this far too many times to count.
“Buster Keaton was the shit though,” my proclamation was met with the horror of a man too well versed in debating Buster Keaton.
“Oh god, not another one.” he groaned, flopping back onto my bed. I laughed a little until he sat up again, his smile sobering me up.
“So how long have you and Taehyung known each other?” Were they from the same home before being placed in the shelter? It wasn’t that often that people were able to bond so well when in the shelter with how short their stays typically were.
“We have been roommates at the shelter for, I guess, about a year now. He’s my best friend.” Jungkook’s smile was the complete opposite of what should accompany that sentence. A month was the maximum I had ever heard of someone staying in the shelter. I schooled my features to not show the shock I felt.
“Who me? It better be me or else I’m chopping heads off.” Taehyung entered the room in the most dramatic way possible. Unlike Jungkook he hadn’t waited for an invitation and instead strutted into the room while Jungkook rolled his eyes at the theatrics.
“I hear you’re a fellow Keaton aficionado.” My statement caused him to falter in his stride, he quickly recovered with a beaming smile directed towards me.
“On occasion, noir is where my heart is truly.” His hand clutched at the thick gray cardigan right above his heart.
“Your heart changes every other day.” Jungkook rebutted, his eyes rolling so far back he might lose them back there. 
“She’s noncommittal okay, we don’t judge here.” Taehyung glared at his best friend and it made my heart swell at how cute they both were.
“I’m most definitely judging,” Jungkook muttered falling back on his elbows and staring up at the ceiling, feigning annoyance.
“Can you believe him Y/n?” The deep timbre of his voice negated any nasal squeak he might otherwise have from his whiny tone. 
“He’s a real scoundrel, the worst of them all.”
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moxiety-my-love · 4 years
Analogical Fic
Prompt: How about some Logan angst? Him having some issues with his self esteem cause he feels like he always has to be a robot. And then (insert favorite other half of pairing) comes in to see him crying at his desk cause he is very overwhelmed with work? And then some comfort and maybe a love confession
Summary: Logan isn’t handling quarantine well, and Virgil is the only one who notices.
Word Count: 1k
Pairing(s): Analogical
Warning(s): Swearing, anxiety, food mention, Remus mention. Let me know if you find any more!
General Tag List: @hogwarts-my-love @yourelost-itsokay @rebeyerfdog
A/N: Decided to place this prompt during the events of COVID-19 because that’s where my mindset is right now. This can be read as either platonic or romantic Analogical!
Logan wasn’t handling being quarantined well.
That was an understatement. Logan wasn’t handling it at all. Every day that Thomas continued to stay at home, Logan’s state of mind grew worse. His inability to think straight was affecting Thomas’ productivity, which only added more stress to his already growing list of things to worry about. It was also making the other sides hesitant to be around Logan when he was irritable.
As such, Logan began to isolate himself in his room, surrounded by stacks of papers and swirling thoughts. He was the literal embodiment of Logic-- he should be able to fix this! But all the alone time in his room was making him more robotic than usual. He bottled up his emotions and hid them from the other sides, trying to help them with their own fears about the quarantine instead. Virgil was the first one to notice.
Logan lifted his head from its resting position on his desk to see Virgil peeking into his room through the cracked door. With a sigh, he lifted himself from his chair to fully open the door.
“Hello, Virgil. Do you need anything?” Logan rubbed his temple, assuming Virgil had had an issue with one of the other sides. Remus, in particular, had been especially hard to deal with lately. “Did Remus do something?”
Virgil laughed, “No, but that’s a good assumption.” He coughed, stifling his laughter. “No, I just, I thought I’d check on you. You’ve been acting like an automaton, overworking yourself. I’ve been there, Lo, and I wanted to see if you needed anything.”
Virgil shifted his feet as he finished his statement. He knew Logan didn’t love to be accused of anything, so he’d tried to phrase his concerns as best as he knew how. He awkwardly dug his hands into the pockets of his well worn sweatshirt.
“A good use of ‘automaton,’ Virge,” Logan smiled, “but I don’t believe I’m acting any differently than usual.”
“It’s okay to ask for help, Logan. None of us are doing our best work while being stuck in the apartment. It’s taking a toll on everyone, so you shouldn’t feel bad about--”
“I don’t,” Logan interrupted curtly. “I have nothing to feel bad about, excluding the fear that Patton allowed Remus to help him cook tonight. Nothing is more distasteful than the thought of whatever disaster should come of that.”
Virgil laughed and gave a tentative smile. “Well, if you’re sure, Lo. Just don’t hesitate to ask for anything.”
A week had passed since that incident and Logan still wasn’t any better. In fact, the only thing that had gotten better was his ability to lie straight to the other sides’ faces. Whenever he felt his mind clouding over during a conversation, he plastered on an ambiguous expression he deemed passable as “normal.”
The one time he felt himself falter from these falsified interactions was when Patton, during one of his emotional compliment rants, told Logan how proud he was of him for all the work he’d been doing to help Thomas during their social isolation. When those words left Patton’s mouth, Logan’s eyes heated up as he forced back a flood. How wrong he is, to be proud of me, Logan thought. He wasn’t proud of himself.
A sharp rap was heard at the door and Logan bolted awake. After his consciousness returned, he looked to the wall to squint at the face of a clock. 2:30? Afternoon or late at night?
“Logan? Are you up?”
Logan recognised Virgil’s voice again. It must be afternoon, he decided, if he’s asking whether I’m awake.
Adjusting his glasses, Logan realised how much he’d let himself go. A short glance around his room showed just how quickly he’d allowed things to deteriorate. The stacks of paper atop his desk were now nonexistent; in place of the neat piles there now was utter chaos. Paper clips and pens lay strewn at his feet. Meanwhile, his bed and closet weren’t any less of a sore sight. He hadn’t done his laundry in days, or even changed clothes for that matter. But somehow he had managed to distribute the majority of his wardrobe either to the floor of his closet or in place of his bedsheets.
Shit. Virgil was still there. Logan knew he shouldn’t leave his friend out in the hallway, but didn’t want him to see the mess that had replaced his life. With a sigh, he waved a hand to clear the floor, so Virgil could at least step in.
“Come in,” Logan’s raspy voice cracked as he spoke, and he realised his throat was dry. He was probably dehydrated.
Virgil only had to take one look at Logan before wrapping him in a great bear hug. That was what did it for Logan. The warmth that emitted from Virgil’s sweatshirt and arms engulfed Logan’s entire being. Before he had a second to choke back his cries, he released them into his friend’s shoulders. After the first sob, a weight was lifted immediately off Logan’s chest. For too long, he’d been suppressing his feelings. Finally allowing himself to indulge in them eased a small bit of his anxiety.
Neither of the left-brained sides knew how much time had passed by the time Logan’s sobs had softened into erratic, muffled breaths. But Virgil did know something had to be done to help Logan. He already felt terrible for letting things escalate the way they patently had.
“You need a break, Lo. This isn’t healthy.” Virgil waited for a response before deciding to say anything more. He lightly chewed on his bottom lip, choosing to tread lightly while Logan was still in a fragile state.
Easing his breath before speaking, Logan waited until he thought he could manage words again before replying.
“I- I believe you are correct, Virgil. Thank you for helping me to realise it. We’ve spent so much time discussing repression, yet it didn’t occur to me that I might be repressing.”
Virgil smiled behind Logan’s back, brushing a finger through the taller side’s hair.
“We’re all here for you, Lo. Every one of us loves you, especially me.”
Logan hesitated for a moment before replying.
“I love you too.”
He nestled his head into the warm crook of Virgil’s neck, finally at peace for the first time in weeks.
Requested by @fukindork
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dc41896 · 4 years
Small World
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Prompt: During a night out, Kenny meets an incredible girl. But what happens when the girl of his dreams is also his new teammate?
Hey guys👋🏾!! Hope everything is going well during quarantine and everyone is safe and trying to stay positive💕! This was requested by @lclb13 and I’m so sorry that it’s taken all this time I honestly didn’t mean for that to happen and hope you like what I came up with!
Pairing: Kenny CrosbyxReader
⚠️: Mentions of drinking, fluff💕!
There was nothing more that Kenny wanted to do after a tiresome day at work literally chasing down a narcissistic, psychotic kidnapper than to have a couple beers and relax. He could practically smell the mixture of alcohol and wings already as he walked the remaining few feet to the bar he frequented on work days like this. However, his mood would soon fall seeing the note on the front door and all the lights off in the usually bustling establishment.
“Due to state mandated rules following the COVID-19 pandemic, we will be closed until further notice. Sorry for the inconvenience and stay safe.”
“Shoot, I thought it didn’t start until tomorrow,” a voice speaks from behind him. Turning around, he couldn’t help but notice the stressed, yet beautiful, eyes in front of him as you crossed your arms letting out an annoyed breath before turning to walk away.
“Tough day at work?”
“Not exactly. I start my new job tomorrow and I just wanted to have a couple drinks to try to calm my nerves.”
“Crazy how as we get older those don’t get any better,” he lightly chuckles making you smile.
“Now that you mention it, you have a point,” you giggle. “Well looks like I’ll just head home then since more than likely every bar in town is closed. It was nice talking to you um..?”
“Kenny. I’m Y/N, have a good night,” you smile giving a small wave before turning around and walking away.
Although only having that short conversation with you, he hated that you had to leave. Besides how breathtaking you looked, it was something about you that drew him in and didn’t seem to be loosening it’s hold anytime soon. Plus with everything closing, who knows when he’d get the chance to see you again.
“Hey, what if I told you I may be able to get you that drink after all!?,” he calls after you, lightly jogging to the spot you were currently standing.
“That depends. If this is your way of trying to get me back to your place I’ll admit you’re cute but-,”
“I promise you it’s not like that, but thank you for calling me cute though,” he winks with a chuckle. “An old army buddy of mine owns a arcade and game room a couple blocks up and if you’re still up for it we could go there.”
“Won’t he be closed too?”
“To the public yea, but not to those with special VIP access. So what do you say?”
“Okay, I’m in,” you smile following behind the taller and bulkier man as he begins to stroll down the empty sidewalk. “And sorry for thinking you were trying to get me back to your place. I probably look full of myself now.”
“Nah don’t apologize, you’re looking out for yourself. There’s nothing wrong with that.”
“Read the sign, we’re closed,” an annoyed voice answers from the other side of the call box.
“Even for an old friend?,” Kenny asks with a smirk.
“Especially for said old friend,” the voice replies chuckling.
A loud buzz sounds as the front door unlocks allowing both of you to enter the building. Climbing the flight of wooden stairs, you’re finally met with a room that seemed to go on forever from how many activities one could do.
Towards the back were 10 pool tables with five on each side of the room while pinball and other arcade games lined the side wall. At the top of both corners of the bar hung flat screen TVs displaying the evening news and ESPN individually.
“So what do I owe the pleasure of this visit?,” the friend asks with a smile hugging Kenny.
“Work stress. Leo this is Y/N, Y/N this is my friend Leo I told you about.”
“If he said anything bad, I promise it’s not true,” Leo laughs shaking your hand.
“Don’t worry it was all good, and Kenny was right when he said this place was amazing!”
“Well thank you! Usually there’d be more people here, but with COVID that’s pretty much shut everything down.”
“And while that sucks, that also means everything here is open for us and bottomless drinks,” Kenny winks pulling two beers from the ice chest behind the bar.
“Bottomless sure, but that doesn’t mean free,” Leo retorts as Kenny laughs.
“Don’t worry we know. Put everything on my tab.”
“No, I can’t let you pay for my drinks” you reply taking the cold, dripping bottle from his hands.
“You don’t have to let me, it’s already done,” he smiles before taking a swig. “Plus take it as a good luck gift for your first day.”
“I would try to fight you on this, but I have a feeling it’s not gonna get me anywhere.”
“And you would be right,” he chuckles leaning against the shinning bar. “I’m that easy to read huh?”
“Don’t take it to heart, it’s just part of my job.”
“Let me guess...psychologist?”
“Not exactly, psych is part of my background but I work with law enforcement.”
“Oh what branch? I work with FBI.”
“Same! I just transferred here from LA,” you excitedly beam.
“Well a heads up, the guys in the main office here are really good people. Me and my team have worked with them before and I know you’ll fit right in with no problem.”
“I hope so.” Sighing, you take a drink from your bottle trying to ease your nerves but they only seem to grow the more you think about the new environment you’d be in tomorrow. Sensing that your mind and nerves were getting the best of you, Kenny’s fingertips brush against your skin as he lightly grabs your arm.
“Hey we’re here to forget about work right? How about some pool?”
“Sure, but I’m gonna be honest I suck,” you answer as he leads you to the closest table. Setting his beer next to one of the pockets, he hands you a stick from the wall before removing the triangle holding the balls in place.
“Oh I’m sure you’re not that bad.”
Lining up your shot, you bend over the table with top of the stick in one hand and the base in the other. Shooting it forward, you connect the stick with the cue ball expecting it to crash into the others, but sadly it wildly spins and hits the side of the table nearly landing in the middle pocket.
“Well, uh it’s a good start,” he grins as you flip him off.
“I told you I suck.”
“You just need practice. Here let me help.”
“Oh help me as in stand incredibly close to my butt all the while having your arms around me?,” you smirk making Leo laugh from his spot behind the bar.
“C’mon that’s the oldest trick in the book! Rake that big head for something new,” Leo adds sipping on his beer as Kenny chuckles crossing his arms in front of his broad chest.
“Actually I was just gonna demonstrate how it’s done, so if you’ll excuse me miss know it all.”
Stepping aside with your hands up in surrender, he takes your previous position bending forward with the stick in his hands. In a swift motion, he hits the cue ball making it glide across the table until it makes contact with the others causing them to scatter and a couple to sink in the corner pockets.
Although it was a simple movement, you couldn’t lie and say that it didn’t make you feel things. Watching as he bent over, you had a better view of his back muscles and how his tight shirt clung onto their every curve. His biceps grew bigger as he flexed to perform his shot making you wish he had chosen to guide you instead.
“So you just need to have a better grip on the stick and give it more force, then you should be good,” he explains snapping you out of your trance. “Ready to try again?”
“I guess,” you nervously smile moving to where the cue rested. Readying yourself for your shot, you feel his eyes on you making you even more nervous to try to get it right. Aiming for the striped ball, you keep his words in mind as you strike the ball and it hits your target better this time, but misses the pocket from being hit a little too hard.
“See? Better already!,” he smiles playfully nudging your arm.
“Yea but I still need to work on how hard or soft to hit it.”
“That’ll come with time don’t worry.”
“And thank you for being such a good teacher.”
“Anytime.” Meeting your eyes with his blue ones, you both feel as if you’ve been there for longer than a few seconds, but in the most comfortable way. Moving towards you, he sets his mouth to say something, but is cut off by his phone buzzing.
“Duty calls?”
“Yea something like that,” he answers quickly typing his response before putting his phone away. “What do you say we do this again next weekend?”
“What? So I can practice my shots?”
“If you want, or we could do other stuff. It’s up to you.” Noticing your raised eyebrow, he realizes what he said before pinching the bridge of his nose with his eyes closed.
“I didn’t mean that stuff,” he chuckles. “You know, I’m not sure if you giving me a hard time is because you like messing with me or hate me completely.” Softly giggling, you reach to grab his phone handing it to him so he could unlock the screen before adding your name and number.
“Does that answer your question?,” you smirk taking a final drink from your bottle.
Sitting in his usual spot, his eyes scan the computer screens in front of him, as he tries to decipher the hit patterns of their new suspect to predict where he’ll be next. Every so often, he’d look at his phone to see if you replied to his recent message, but still there was nothing.
“That’s like the 10th time you’ve glanced at your phone in the span of five minutes. Is someone expecting a text from a girl?,” Hana asks amused.
“Stop watching me like a creep,” Kenny smiles throwing a balled up piece of paper at her.
“Okay guys quick announcement. This is Y/F/N Y/L/N from the LA FBI branch and she’s gonna be our newest member for these next few cases,” LaCroix explains. “Just to give you a quick introduction to everyone, that’s Sheryll, Clinton, Hana, and Kenny.”
“From the look on your face, I’d say you guys have already been introduced,” Hana whispers as Kenny seems to become more red by the minute.
“Y/N I’m gonna have you here with Kenny while Clinton and I go check where our guy was last seen in town. Sheryll and Hana I want you both to check in with our victim to see if she’s been able to remember anything else.”
Everyone scattering to where they need to go, you sit next to Kenny nervously fiddling with your fingers.
“So...first day ok?,” he asks after clearing his throat.
“Mhmm,” you nod. Awkward silence falling over the both of you, the only thing that could be heard was the ticking of the clock on the wall and Kenny occasionally clicking the mouse.
“Hey, this doesn’t have to be awkward. It’s not like we did anything you know? Basically last night was two adults playing pool.”
“Right, and enjoying each other’s company, which coworkers can do,” you add as he nods in agreeement.
“Exactly! You could even say I just welcomed you to town,” he smiles.
“And in a very fun way!”
Another silence falling over you two as your small laughs died down, you both knew that your feelings were already too strong to try to ignore or get over. Plus deep down neither of you really wanted to let it go.
“So what now?,” you ask just above a whisper causing him to lean back in his chair rubbing a hand through his short hair.
“I don’t know, but I’m guessing it starts with us not meeting next weekend,” he sighs looking down as he taps his fingers against the table.
“....well not necessarily. You have to give me my next pool lesson remember?” Lifting his head, your small but bright smile make him feel as if he’s floating as he softly chuckles to himself.
Taglist: @crushed-pink-petals-writes @honeychicanawrites @honeychicana @fumbling-fanfics @lady-olive-oil @themyscxiras @melinda-january @lovelymari4 @literaturefeen @damnitaa @curlyhairclub @renfrewscorner @secretmysteriousperson @fullofmelaninsarcasmandepression @nunubug99 @felicity-x0 @ellixthea @jojolu @jnk-812 @brwn-sgr @captainsamwlsn @wildfirecracker @nina-sj @iammyownlover @chaneajoyyy
If anybody wants to be tagged, has asked to be tagged but don’t see your name, only want to be tagged for certain people I write for, or no longer wish to be tagged just let me know🤓!
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faerytale-au · 4 years
Rating: T Place: During “A Gate Between”  Word Count: 1,198 Prompt For Quarantined Frans Weeks: Day 4 [Self-care] Cross Posted to ao3 here
This is during Frisk’s teen years so this is platonic. ^^ @qfransprompts
Sans hated being small, not only did he get mild headaches from the lack of magic being in the state caused, not to mention the more intense craving for ketchup, but also how tiny he was next to Frisk as they walked.
Honestly he felt like an infant next to the taller kid.
Especially whenever he did something she thought was “cute” and he ended up squished in her arms. Really, how touchy she was shocked him but then again she was just a child. Children liked affection, if he remembered how often his younger brother would ask for shoulder rides correctly.
...Would Frisk like a shoulder ride?
He glanced up at her as she bought them both an apple and frowned.
No she’d crush him, better plan next time Sans.
“Here you go.” Frisk smiled brightly as she held the fruit out to him. 
Blushing slightly he reached up and tried not to wince at how tiny his hand was to hers as he took it from her. He stared at it and had to resist eating it, instead choosing to slip it beneath his cloak and into his pocket.
“thanks kid.” She frowned but he shot her an easy going grin back.
Sans was more than sure if he attempted to eat it Frisk would hug him again. While the other humans around couldn’t see him due to the magic he had over himself the last thing he wanted was the villagers thinking she was losing her mind.
Though that didn’t seem to help the way the shopkeeper looked as he watched her and the apple she’d been holding vanish.
Maybe he’d think he was losing his own mind and wouldn’t mention it.
Frisk eyed him for a moment before shrugging and lifting the apple to her mouth only to lock up as a door slammed in the distance. Sans flinched as her pupils dilated and the apple she’d been about to eat fell limply from her hand onto the ground. 
He whipped his skull around to see two grown men stepping out of a house and laughing as they walked off together and had to repress the urge to lash out.
And then he saw the giant stick they were passing and smirked. 
A flick of his wrist and then they were both face first in the dirt. 
He chuckled at their confused looks but quickly focused back on Frisk who had now covered her face and was muttering to herself.
That wasn’t good.
“frisk?” She didn’t respond to him. Hesitantly he stepped closer to her and reached as high as he could, patting a small hand to the top of her hip gently. “frisk, you’re good. nothing bad is going on.” 
It took what felt like forever before her muttering slowly died down and she looked up from her hands with a confused and dazed blink. Another longer moment and the light returned to her eyes as she let out a sigh and stared down at him.
“Sorry.” Sans disliked that she’d apologized to him.
“no big deal kiddo. you...get like that often?” Frisk winced and Sans knew the answer right away. He rubbed the back of his cervical vertebra and shrugged to help lighten the tension her reaction caused.
“have you ever been taught how to deal with that?” Frisk looked so guilty.
“Not really.” 
His eyelights shrunk before re-expanding. He wished she’d talk to him about what went on in her home life but he knew that was a topic she always avoided. Then he wondered something that made him a tad worried.
“is the only time you go somewhere when you go to see me?” 
Frisk looked at him with a wide smile and her response made his soul ache. “Yeah, I don’t really go anywhere else. Don’t really know many kids my age to call friends.” 
Sans tried not to wonder on that. If he let his mind dwell too long he was sure to think something--most likely true as to why exactly that was. A reason he hadn’t the power to truly do anything about so long as she refused him.
“you should try exploring, visiting others and enjoying yourself. have some time to self-care. it’d help with episodes like you just went through.” Frisk’s brows furrowed in confusion.
...Of course she wouldn’t know what that was.
“it’s what some people do to help relieve stress. read a book, talk to people, cook or fish. a hobby.” 
She chuckled. “Then isn’t it already self-care when I go to visit you?” 
Sans blushed again, but he knew as a Seelie it wasn’t a good thing for her to rely on him alone like that. There could come a time when he wouldn’t be around.
And the last thing he wanted was for her to become dependent on him. 
That wasn’t healthy.
“kinda. but having friends your age to learn and grow with, interacting with others helps you discover who you want to be as a person.” He glanced over as he caught a flickering motion in the corner of his sockets to see a pinned paper whipping against a wooden pole. 
Curious he stepped forward and shortcut over where he easily pulled it free of the nail barely holding it in place. Sans grinned as he read it and absently shortcut back over to Frisk where he looked up at her in amusement. 
“have you seen this?” He asked as he held it up to her.
Frisk took it gingerly from him and squinted down at it.
It was an ad for the festival currently going on near the center of the village. She knew it was free to attend but she’d never really been interested in going. The thought of possibly running into her parents who she knew would snap at her if caught always deterred her.
But they were both out of town tonight.
“I heard about it.” She muttered slowly as she looked at him. 
Sans though smiled wide. “why don’t you go and have some fun?” 
Frisk raised a brow. “You want to go?” He shook his head and gestured to her as he responded with a firm but lighthearted chuckle. 
“no, i mean just you.” 
She didn’t like the idea.
“Sans--” He held his hand up, stopping the protest already on her tongue.
“selfcare remember? just go for yourself, wander around and enjoy it.” Frisk looked back down at the flyer and felt as if it was going to come to life and slap her in the face. She was quiet as she thought about it. 
Sans waited until she finally let out a sigh and gave a hesitant smile. “I guess I could.” 
“that’s the spirit, c’mon i’ll walk you there.” 
And despite how worried and anxious she looked he was so proud of her when she took that first step into the roving thongs of people. Couldn’t help staring at her affectionately as she slowly found an inner strength and chuckled at a passing performer.
Sans was nice enough to watch her from a quiet distance as she smiled for the first time from something other than his company.
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It’s the End of the World as We Know It - Chapter 4
summary: During the international quarantine in your first-ever pandemic, the people around you slowly begin to disappear. As the world grows quieter and quieter, you find yourself all alone-- no power, no friends, and only one goal: to find whoever of your friends might be left and reunite with them.You're naive to think anything can be that simple. As you're faced with ever-increasing loneliness, you run into some boys who apparently went to the same high school as you. Will you join forces with them to figure out your strange circumstances together, or will you brave loneliness in a world that is slowly crumbling apart?
Link on AO3!
words: 3,721
rating: M - Mature
genre: angst/humor, romance, adventure, apocalypse AU, reader-insert
warnings: sort of depressing content, a smidge of violence, cursing
a/n: there's finally some ACTION y'all!! i had so much fun writing this chapter haha, reader is really finding her footing and putting an end to the bullshit! thank you for reading!!
- Fuck Outta Here -
“You huh?!”
You slam on the brakes, and Kuroo and Bokuto yell in surprise-- Bokuto didn’t put his damn seatbelt on, so his face smushes right into Kuroo’s headrest, earning you a glare from the dark-haired boy.
“I said don’t freak out! Keep driving, what are you doing?!”
You look in your rearview mirror-- the street is empty. Were they running from anyone chasing them?
“Dude, you were whispering at me when you ran out, and you guys were like, running on your little tippy-toes trying to be quiet, and nobody’s behind us right now. Were they asleep, or something?” You demand, and Bokuto gasps.
“You’re so smart-- how did you figure that out?” Bokuto exclaims, and Kuroo just looks even more annoyed. “Oh, your groceries were there, too! Like, just chillin on the floor.”
“What? No way!” You exclaim,
“Bokuto, shuuuuut iiiit,” Kuroo groans at the same time, and upon a fierce glare from you, he pinches the bridge of his nose.
“Yeah, they were asleep, but there’s no way in hell I’m going back in there. I get why you were scared-- one of ‘em looks like a damn school shooter, and the other one looks like a roided-out football player.” Kuroo huffs out a breath, trying and failing to get some wayward hairs out of his eye. “I’m surprised we got out alive-- I’m also surprised at how bad Asahi is at hiding weed. Did his parents just not give a shit?”
“So you were willing to stay in there to look for your weed after you knew they were there, after you saw them, but you’re not willing to go back in for my groceries? Meaning, shit that can actually help us?!” You exclaim, having fully turned in your seat to face the boy beside you. He looks at you for a moment, blinking twice to make sure he heard you correctly.
“Uh-- yeah!” He says, as if it’s the most obvious thing in the world. You throw your hands in the air incredulously.
“Kuroo, you yourself said that food is hard to come by right now-- why would you prioritize weed over food?!”
“She’s kinda right, bro.” Bokuto says, and Kuroo rolls his eyes.
“You guys were so down to be heroes and shit and protect me from those guys if they turned out to be in my house; where’s that energy now?” You fling the car into park, and move to open your door.
“Woah, woah, woah!” Kuroo exclaims, and lunges across the center console to yank your door closed again. “The fuck are you doing?”
“I’m going to get my shit! I looted it, fair and square!” You shoot back, and you realize how incredibly childish you sound, and also how close Kuroo is to you. He sets his jaw, and heaves a sigh.
“[Y/n]...” He leans back, and shares a look with Bokuto, who already looks guilty. “They had guns with them.”
Your heart sinks. Well, that changes everything.
“I didn’t wanna mention your groceries, ‘cause I had a feeling this exact thing would happen.” Kuroo explains, and scratches his eyebrow. “It’s not a bad thing how you’re so hell-bent on proving yourself and proving you’re not scared or whatever, but that mentality is gonna get dangerous. Like, right now, you’re really willing to storm in there and go get some-- what, some poptarts? Totinos pizza rolls?”
“I didn’t know they had guns before.” You mumble defensively. “...and there weren’t anymore Totinos left in the store in the first place…”
“Aw, man.” Bokuto mourns under his breath at the last part of your sentence.
“Even if they didn’t have guns, you were willing to storm in there after those guys hurt you once before.” Kuroo shoots right back.
“Well, she has us now, Kuroo.” Bokuto pipes up, and you both turn to him in surprise-- he’s been uncharacteristically quiet this whole time. “She’s right, dude, we were all down to be her bodyguards this morning, but now there’s actual danger, we’re not willing to back her up?”
“There’s always been danger, but it’s exponentially worse now.” Kuroo says, and you haven’t heard anyone use ‘exponentially’ in a sentence ever since AP Calculus.
“If she wants to go back in there, I’m going with her.” Bokuto says, and crosses his arms to give you an encouraging smile. Your heart warms at the sight-- his smile, his encouragement, is all you need in this moment to get the courage to go back and take what’s yours.
“Let’s go.” You say to Bokuto, who nods once, and slips out of the car. You give a pointed look to Kuroo, his handsome features unreadable. You open your door, and step one leg out, when Kuroo speaks up.
“Wait.” He says, and you turn back hesitantly, unsure of what he might say. “You’re forgetting your mighty hammer.” He holds it out to you, and you’re so irritated to find the corners of his lips twitching up.
You swipe the hammer out of his hand, narrowing your eyes at him before slamming the door closed to stalk around the car to join Bokuto. You really weren’t expecting to get pissed off this early in the morning.
“Let’s do this!” He says loudly, and you leap to slap your hand over his mouth.
“Shh! We don’t wanna wake them up, dipshit!!” You hiss, and Bokuto’s eyes widen.
“Awww, fuck, I’m sorry!” He whispers as you pull your hand away.
A car door slams closed, and you turn to see Kuroo sauntering towards you two with his hands in his pockets. “Yeah, be quiet, dipshit.” He leers, and Bokuto actually squares up. You cross your arms.
“The car’s still running, so we need someone to watch it.” You say, channelling the bitchiest ‘you-can’t-sit-with-us’ attitude you can. “Plus, I have Bokuto and my ‘mighty hammer,’ so we’ll be fine.”
“Who’s gonna steal the car?” Kuroo gestures around him, and playfully swipes Bokuto’s arm away, the latter of whom delivers two harmless jabs to his side. The two boys laugh, but you won’t forgive Kuroo that easily. “C’mon, let’s go, grumpy.” Kuroo strides past you, ruffling your already messy hair on the way.
You have no choice but to follow behind them, and the closer you three jog to the house, the tenser you become. Steeling your nerves, you refuse to be intimidated by these guys a second time. They’re asleep, and are clearly heavy sleepers if they can’t be disturbed by the two jocks stomping around with you, so that gives you some comfort.
They didn’t close the door behind them when they rushed out, so Kuroo just has to gently ease the door open and you three slip inside silently. It seems like this house has been untouched— they probably sought shelter here last night, since your home was basically useless in terms of keeping warmth in. Your eyes dart to the hardwood floor, and you look up to hook Bokuto with an accusatory glare. He responds silently with an expression like a hurt puppy, his face reading, ‘what? What did I do wrong??’
“You said the groceries were on the floor!” Your voice is just barely a whisper, and based on Bokuto’s continued distress, you can tell he can’t hear you. You fight back a loud sigh, and tip-toe over to him, yanking his shoulder down so that his ear is on level with your lips. You repeat yourself, and Bokuto straightens up, understanding now.
“They’re upstairs! Next to those guys, in Asahi’s room.” He whispers back, and your heart sinks even lower. This is going to be riskier than you thought. You can practically feel Kuroo’s ‘I-told-you-so,’ hanging in the air, and upon glaring at the tall boy, it’s painted all over his face, too. You jerk your nose in the air, absolutely refusing to pussy out now.
The three of you cautiously ascend the stairs-- they’re on the left, as opposed to the right, like in your home, and it sort of trips you out how similar but different the two houses are. At the top, Kuroo passes you and nods to the door at the end of the hallway, slightly ajar with snores emanating from the inside. You suck in a breath as you follow him, and jump a little as Bokuto grips your hand without warning. You whip around to face him, and he gives you a smile and a thumbs-up. That just warms your heart, and you feel a little bit of confidence from the exchange-- you nod to him, a brave smile pulling at your lips.
The room itself is pretty average, just like any other high school boy’s room you knew. There’s a few volleyball posters on the walls, and clothes are still spilling out of the hamper. You’re getting less and less shocked at how everything seems to be frozen in time, since everyone just disappears without a trace, these days.
Sure enough, there’s a handgun resting on the floor next to the red-head, and another similar one resting on the bedside table by the brunette. The sight of actual guns sitting before you is jarring, to say the least— you don’t feel particularly confident about your hammer anymore.
The taller brunette is sound asleep on the bed, and the red-head is slumped on the floor, sitting against the desk with his head drooping down. You swear you can see a bit of drool hanging from his mouth, but your sole focus is on the three bags resting against the closet doors.
That’s your stuff-- you share a glance with Kuroo and Bokuto, take a deep breath, and cautiously tip-toe to the bags, picking them up as quietly as possible. As you straighten up, you keep your gaze trained on the red-head, and you successfully retreat outside of the room-- Kuroo and Bokuto follow behind you with bated breath, but it’s when you start to carefully descend the stairs that shit hits the fan.
In an instant, a bullet ricochets off the wall in front of you, and you duck down, effectively losing your footing to end up tumbling down the stairs. You hear Kuroo shout your name from above, but once you’re on solid ground, you spring up to your feet, and are met with Bokuto crashing into you. He barrels into you, and you tumble to the floor once again, landing on your back with Bokuto sprawled out on top of you.
“Get-- get off me, you fuckn-- mammoth!” You wheeze out, and Bokuto scrambles to his feet. After scooping up your groceries (with the exception of a few wayward items spilling out in the midst of the crash), you are pulled up by Bokuto, and Kuroo swiftly passes you, a slew of “shitshitshit”s running from his mouth as he sprints out the door.
You don’t have time to look behind you, up at the stairs where the red-head scrambles after you three, frantically cocking his gun, clearly very inexperienced in the art of shooting. Instead, you race after your even more athletic friends towards your van, which is still running and not stolen-- another thing Kuroo was right about, you think somewhere in the back of your mind.
Speaking of, the dark-haired boy rips open the backseat door, and after he tosses his bag of groceries inside, he frantically turns back to you just as you’re sprinting up to him.
You’re maybe two feet away when strong arms wrap around your middle, halting you in your panicked sprint, and your grocery bag tumbles out of your arms in front of you. Furious, you twist around in the grasp of whoever is holding you, only to come face-to-face with the red-head.
“You!” You both exclaim at the same time, and the guy narrows his eyes dangerously. You don’t have the patience to find out what sort of masochistic shit he has in plan for you-- instead, you summon all of the strength and frustration that’s been building up inside of you the past few days, and deliver the strongest punch you’ve ever dealt straight into his nose.
For some reason, you screech, “Fuck outta here!” as you deal the blow.
He yelps in surprise, and tumbles back, which gives you enough freedom to spin out of his grasp, only to be caught in Bokuto’s arms as you reach for your groceries strewn on the asphalt.
You’re lifted off your feet, groceries still strewn on the damp street, as Bokuto hurls you into the backseat of the car, slams the door closed, and leaps over the hood of the car to slip into the driver’s seat. Kuroo isn’t in the passenger seat, you realize, and your gaze darts out your window to spot him rushing back, scooping up your groceries to toss them into the open passenger door, where they tumble onto the floor of your car.
“Kuroo!” Both you and Bokuto yell just as the red-head recovers, his hand clasped over his now bleeding nose, blood trickling through his fingers and down his chin to stain his already filthy white shirt. The red-head raises the gun to Kuroo, who freezes in fear-- you scream, and just as you are about to shove your door back open to help, the red-head pulls the trigger, only to be met with an empty click!
“Fuck!” The red-head yells, and Kuroo actually laughs in his face-- if that wasn’t surprising enough, he slaps the gun out of his hand before he has a chance to reload, and promptly punches him, certainly harder than you had, and your face splits-- miraculously-- into a smile.
Kuroo turns, and dashes inside of the car-- as soon as his ass hits the seat, Bokuto slams his foot onto the gas as Kuroo hauls his door closed.
Bullets shatter the windows in the very back a second later, and all three of you scream and duck down as glass rains down behind you. Bokuto swerves the car, but keeps speeding ahead nonetheless, and you turn around to see the tall brunette, standing proudly in the street, gun raised and smoking. It looks like a shot out of a movie, with your shattered back window as the frame that keeps zooming out. The red-head is just barely beginning to stand, and they get smaller and smaller as you drive further away-- from your home, your biggest fears, your childhood. It’s all ruined, disappearing with every house you pass, and eventually Bokuto swerves around a corner, and it’s gone forever.
The brunette slowly lowers his gun, and lets out a disappointed sigh. The rain starts up again, drizzling on the two boys left behind in the car’s exhaust.
“Tendou,” He begins in his deep voice, which so rarely gets used to deliver pleasantries.
“I know, I know,” The red-head says, his voice blocked off slightly from his grip on his bleeding nose. “I should’ve been on watch. Sorry, Ushijima, but I’m fucking exhausted.”
“Our food is gone. Now we have to find more, and we are back in the same situation we were in three days ago.” Ushijima says evenly, and Tendou can hardly believe this is the same man that’s been starving with him for the past few days. He’s still so calm and collected-- well, he is a natural-born leader, he supposes.
“Relax. We can find them again, and take all our shit back. I’m sure they have a cute little hiding place somewhere with even more food for us. Shouldn’t be too hard to find.” Tendou assures, smiling his same unsettling smile he’s had since elementary school. Ushijima isn’t put off by it, though-- he never is.
He stays unbothered as he shakes his head.
“No. I’m tired of chasing after them. Let’s look around these houses, and then we’ll look for more grocery stores.” Ushijima says decisively, and picks up Tendou’s gun to hand over to him nicely. “You need to remember to keep this loaded, especially right now when there’s crazy people after us.”
“Yeah, yeah,” Tendou begrudgingly takes the gun from his friend with a sigh. “Not my fault I didn’t grow up knowing how to shoot a target from miles away.”
“I can only shoot a target with extreme accuracy when it’s about ten or maybe even twenty feet away.” Ushijima responds, confused as to why Tendou would give him so much credit when it comes to shooting. He pauses, then asks, “Are you alright?”
Tendou blinks, a little surprised at Ushijima’s sudden caring tone. “Yeah, I just need a towel or something-- it should stop bleeding soon.”
Ushijima nods, and pats him on the shoulder. “Let’s find some bandages, and then we’ll look for food.”
Tendou nods as he follows Ushijima back inside the house.
“Kyotani’s gonna be pissed…” He mutters under his breath.
“Ho-holy shit!” Bokuto yells, swerving around another corner without letting up on the gas.
“I know!!” You exclaim as you sway in your seat, the adrenaline just now beginning to ebb away. Your hands are shaking, but you’ve never felt more empowered. “I literally punched a guy in the face!!” You laugh, and pinch your cheeks to make sure this is real.
Kuroo laughs with you, wiping sweat off his brow, and turns around to look at you with that grin of his.
“‘Fuck outta here’? When did you become an action hero?” He teases, and you giggle, tossing your hair over your shoulder playfully.
“I guess I’m just that bitch.” You declare, and Bokuto laughs boisterously from the front seat.
The rest of the ride goes smoothly as the three of you shake out the rest of your jitters from earlier. It turns out, this is the safest and most at ease you’ve felt since the quarantine started two months ago-- Kuroo and Bokuto are some of the nicest guys you’ve ever met. You sort of can’t believe your luck; if you hadn’t run into them at the grocery store, who knows where you’d be right now?
A dopey, happy smile stays on your features the whole rest of the way back to the gym. Even though it’s started raining again, you feel on top of the world as you gaze at your two newfound friends in the front seat.
“I know I’m sexy, but you don’t gotta keep staring.” Kuroo pulls you out of your little daydream with his teasing, and you roll your eyes, but don’t stop smiling.
“Thanks, you guys. Seriously.” You say sincerely. Bokuto looks into the rearview mirror to give you another one of his heart-melting smiles.
“Ehh, don’t mention it.” Kuroo rubs the back of his neck as Bokuto turns onto a dirt road you don’t recognize.
“Uhhh… Bokuto? Where ya goin, bud?” You ask.
“Shortcut!” Bokuto declares proudly. “This side street cuts through all that traffic on the main streets.”
“Nice!” Kuroo praises, then snickers. “Except there’s no traffic right now, dude.”
“Oh.” Bokuto blinks, and blushes. “Sorry, um… force of habit?”
It actually tears your heart in two just seeing Bokuto even slightly deflated, so you leap to comfort him.
“No, don’t worry!” You lean forward, wrapping your arms over his shoulder to hug him from behind. “It’s the scenic route!”
Bokuto blushes even deeper, but his spirits are definitely lifted as he presses on. Trees drape over the unfamiliar road, and you pass by lots of beautiful shrubs and grassy areas which have only grown larger since the huge absence of people. You sit up quickly as a blue Toyota comes into view-- you’d recognize that stupid Death Star foam antenna tip anywhere. As Bokuto drives closer and closer, you have no doubt in your mind that that’s your father’s car just up ahead, the front completely crashed into a large oak tree.
“Stop! Stop,” You exclaim, but don’t wait for Bokuto to do as he’s told as you rush out of the car. Luckily, he was already slowing down as you tumble out, much to the displeasure of the boys inside the car.
You don’t quite feel your legs as dread and worry settles over you the closer you walk to the car. Had your dad been killed in a crash? Was he injured, and didn’t have the strength to call for help, and then died when you didn’t come looking for him? You cover your mouth as you feel tears prick your eyes as all sorts of terrible thoughts and scenarios overwhelm your brain, but when you finally reach the driver’s seat, you’re met with nothing.
There’s no blood stains, only a now-deflated airbag, and you notice that the seatbelt is still clicked into place. A chill goes up your spine-- it’s as if your dad just… disappeared.
“Yo, what’s going on?” Kuroo’s voice coming up behind you snaps you out of your little trance, and you turn to Kuroo and Bokuto in distress. They frown at your expression, and you can’t help the sniffle that escapes you.
“This is, um… this is my dad’s car.” You say, and your voice is so small. Kuroo and Bokuto exchange a glance, unsure of what to say. You don’t expect them to have any words of comfort, anyway-- you’ve all lost those closest to you, so you’re all familiar with this feeling but… seeing your dad’s car, how it’s crashed in such a peculiar way with zero trace of your dad ever being there… it hurts so much more when you don’t even have a body to bury, or ashes to hold onto.
You bite your lip, and open the driver’s side door to flip the sun visor down, revealing a picture of you, your dad, and your mom on vacation, clipped in place next to the mirror. With a sad smile, you gingerly take the photo, and run your fingers over the faces of your mom and dad.
A warm hand rests on your shoulder, and you look up with teary eyes to meet Bokuto’s bright ones. He’s smiling, if only to comfort you.
“Let’s go.” He says gently, and you suck in a breath, and nod. The three of you pile back into the car, and you tuck the picture into your jacket’s inside pocket, placing your hand over it just to make sure it’s safe as Bokuto continues the drive back to the gym.
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Slides and Serendipity
Part 6 (4.2k)
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AN: Back to back updates what is going on and also happy reading. I hope everyone is doing okay during quarantine
Warnings: pretty sure there’s some language in there but who is even surprised anymore
I was really excited to finally see Mia again because she was this amazingly sweet girl. She’d moved to New York in pursuit of her career as a graphics designer after graduating and then contact had fizzled out not soon after.
That was the sad part about graduating. It was impossible to keep up with everyone because after years of spending so much time together everyone was starting their own lives. We all got caught up in our own things and I lost touch with many great people from college. I always told myself I’d reach out when things would quiet down but at this point it would mostly be awkward.
I arrived a little early at the restaurant and asked for a table where I could watch the door so I could wave Mia over. She arrived not soon after, a bright smile on her face as soon as she spotted me. She looked good, still perfectly styled and her make up on point. She’d lost her baby face like most of us by now and her look was more sophisticated but overall I’d have recognized her anywhere.
“How is it possible that you’re even hotter now than you were three years ago?”, she greeted me with a laugh and I joined her, standing up to hug her tightly. She was taller than me, even with the heeled booties I wore, her model height had always had her towering over everyone else in our girl gang during college.
“You’re one to talk, I’m pretty sure your boobs make every porn star jealous at this point.”
“Don’t even get me started on these babies, my back is killing me to the point that I’m actually considering a reduction. I’d rather have your boobs, big enough to turn heads but not to the point where they’re constantly fighting gravity.” She winked at me and gave me a playful once over, an approving look on her face.
“God I’ve missed you. Now we only need Lisa to complete the Holy European Trinity so we can wreak havoc over this city”, I sighed and she agreed before sitting back down. With Mia’s cute Irish accent and Lisa’s passionate Italian heritage we’d turned quite a few heads during our time in college but we’d all been very picky with our choices.
“Perhaps it’s good that she’s still in Denver, Dallas can’t handle all three of us.”
We ordered our drinks and then quickly decided on sharing one of the menus the restaurant offered for couples. She was about to show me something on her phone when I did a double take at her background picture.
“Holy shit you have a son?!”, I exclaimed, looking at the picture of a toddler in her arms. It had to be her son, the resemblance was uncanny even if he didn’t share her red locks.
“Yeah this is Elias, he just turned two. I totally forgot that we stopped talking right before I found out that I was pregnant”, she said sheepishly and I couldn’t believe it. Here I was, 25 and enjoying the single life while one of my closest friends from college had started a family. I couldn’t spot a wedding ring on her finger though and while I usually wouldn’t dare ask this question in most cases, Mia and I had shared far more personal details before.
“Who’s the dad, the guy you met at the supermarket?” I was pretty sure that she mentioned liking this guy but I could be wrong, it had been a while after all.
“No not him, some guy I met before him but he doesn’t even know that I got pregnant after hooking up. Supermarket guy fled as soon as I told him that I was three months pregnant and that it wasn’t his. It’s been Elias and I ever since but now I moved back so my parents could watch their grandchild grow up, they always complained about not seeing him enough.”
“He’s too cute, such a stud already because he gets his looks from you. I really want to meet the little guy, I’ll be the best auntie ever since he doesn’t have any real ones. And if you ever need a babysitter I’d love to watch him”, I said excitedly. I loved kids but wasn’t ready to have any on my own, besides the fact that I also didn’t have a baby daddy in sight either. Mia was an only child so I’d decided that it was now my responsibility to spoil her kid.
“He’s with my parents right now but I’ll come visit with him sometime next week if you want.”
I agreed of course and then she told me all about him until our food arrived. Elias sounded hilarious and I already loved him without ever having met him. I waited until after we finished eating to talk to her about what I really wanted.
“I don’t know if Lisa told you anything yet, but I’m starting my own business and I really want you to work with me. I want you to be in charge of the graphics and we can get started as soon as I find someone else to help me with the coding because I have so many requests lined up I can’t do them all by myself.”
“Yeah she hinted at something like that. What kind of stuff would you want me to do and where would we work?”, she asked and I knew that I had her.
“At first I was planning on renting an office somewhere downtown but then I realized that that would be wasted time and money. I have a big house now so I turned one of the big rooms into an office with a conference table and everything. The table is set to be delivered tomorrow and then we’re ready to move in. The designs are really up to you, of course there are requests but you know best so I won’t meddle in any of that.”
She asked me how we’d do it payment wise but I knew that unless I’d really screw her over in that department, which I would never do, she’d agree.
“Okay I’ll do it. And I might also have someone to help you with the programming part. His name is Jason and he works with me right now. He’s really good and also knows a thing or two about marketing if you ever want to fly solo again and if that doesn’t convince you already, his wife Madelyn rivals your cooking skills so there’s always going to be amazing lunch to go around.”
I’d been convinced that she’d agree, yet I couldn’t help the feeling of relief coursing through me right now. I’d tried to convince Lisa to move with me but she didn’t want to leave her family in Denver behind and I understood that. Now I’d have Mia by my side at least.
I’d moved to Texas to be closer to the Bumble headquarters, finally feeling ready to step up again but ultimately liking Dallas better than Austin. Most of the meetings could be done via Skype and for everything else I’d just have to bear the drive down.
“Do you think this Jason will go for my offer?”, I asked unsure, Mia was my friend so perhaps she was more inclined to leave her safe office job for a startup business but I didn’t know this guy.
“Of course, especially with what you’re offering to pay. He wouldn’t pass up the opportunity to work with the Olivia Haller either, you’re famous in our circles. Plus he’s probably sick of following orders too, I know I am at least.”
Tonight couldn’t have gone any better and I was so happy. Mia decided to call this Jason on the spot and I talked to him for a bit before inviting him over to the office at the beginning of next week. I trusted Mia’s judge of character but I still wanted to see if he really was a good fit because I really wanted this to work.
She had to leave a while later to pick up Elias and we agreed that she’d be there for the meeting with Jason so I would see her in a few days again. I hugged her tightly as we said our goodbyes, happy to be reunited with an old friend.
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Tyler texted me on Saturday morning to see if I wanted to hand out with him tonight, but I told him that I’d already made plans with the girls to go out.
Tyler: See I told you that my friends like you better than me already. They’ve never asked me to go out with them
Me: Maybe they’re afraid that you’ll hit on them
Tyler: Very funny but probably also true
I laughed at his response because at least he was honest with himself, something that I really liked. He knew he’d fucked up before and wasn’t shy about admitting his mistakes.
Katie had told me to dress up for the club we’d be going to and I picked out a satin wrap-style dress that I’d loved in the store but never had the chance to wear since. The material was so soft and flowy that I couldn’t stop my hands from running over it. I even took the time to do my make up properly, gluing on fake lashes and applying bold red lipstick, a color that I’d come to love over the past few years.
I looked hot and after I sent a pic in the group chat Lisa told me to get some tonight so I could get sleeping with Tyler out of my head. I told her that I’d think about it but I already knew that I probably wouldn’t do it because I’d never been a fan of one night stands. I also didn’t want to pursue a hookup in front of Katie and the other girls, that would be a little weird after all.
After thanking my Uber driver I got out and spotted the girls immediately. I recognized Katie, Dominika and Alandra but there were three other girls I hadn’t met before.
“Liv I want you to meet Anna, Fanny and Taylor. Girls this is Liv, the one that has Tyler going absolutely crazy”, Katie introduced everyone and I had to laugh at the last part because I knew that she couldn’t be telling the truth.
Tyler was so chill with me lately I couldn’t imagine him ever losing his head over anyone, especially me. The only apparent lapse in his judgement had been at the party but ever since he’d only been friendly with perhaps a touch of affectionate.
The cold breeze that hit our exposed legs quickly made all of us walk inside, where we were immediately greeted by thumping music and bodies writhing to the beat.
“Drinks first?”, someone shouted and we all nodded, slowly making our way over to the bar. Even with my heels on I was still smaller than most and I was nearly hit in the face by elbows more than once. I didn’t mind masses of people per se, but I didn’t like the feeling of people closing in on me to the point of me feeling like Jon Snow at the end of season six.
The bar was crowded and I knew that there was no point of me being the one up front ordering. Usually I flirted with the bartenders to get my drinks faster but there were so many tall guys that no barkeeper would even be able to see me throwing a smile at him.
Dominika soon turned around with two glasses of Tequila for everyone and we quickly downed them. We ordered some more drinks and then set out to find a booth so we could relax for a bit before we’d make our way to the dance floor. I’d ordered a beer instead because I knew that the small opening of the bottle made it harder to slip something in when dancing, something I had to learn the hard way. Unless I knew that I could leave my drink and that it would be watched I always stuck with beer and shots.
Tonight seemed to be our night because just as we walked over another group of girls abandoned their booth to go dance and we quickly slid in, spreading around the table. I tried my best to ignore the disgusting sticky surface in front of me and joined the conversation on which type of heels was best suited to go clubbing.
Eventually I got up to order more rounds of shots for us, this time determined that the barkeeper would notice me. I found a free spot next to a big guy and waved over to the barkeeper, giving him my brightest smile. My plan worked as he immediately came over, abandoning a group of guys to my left.
“Two rounds of tequila for seven please”, I yelled over the loud music and he winked at me with a flirty smile.
“Add that to my tab Jake”, the tall guy on my left said as the barkeeper asked for my credit card. I quickly hid the black piece of plastic back in my tiny purse and looked up at the guy for the first time. He was decently handsome but I didn’t like the way he smiled at me though, as if offering to pay for the drinks was the single greatest thing to have ever been achieved by mankind.
I wouldn’t turn down free shots though so I gave him a coy smile and thanked him before grabbing the tray and making my way back, years of waitressing paying off.
“Courtesy of a dude at the bar so bottoms up everyone”, I said and they all cheered.
“Only you would get a guy to spend well over 50 bucks on your drinks without saying a single word to him before”, Alandra laughed after I told everyone how we snagged those free drinks. I just shrugged and winked at her which made everyone laugh.
Everyone was starting to feel buzzed enough to hit the dance floor and I was glad to have finished off my beer a while ago, nothing stopping me from dancing now. We had a great time, swaying our hips to the beat with our arms thrown around each other and the others took multiple videos of everyone dancing for their stories. We asked a girl to take pictures of us to commemorate the evening and I posted one where all of us looked super hot, tagging the girls after everyone was now following me.
Of course the male population had to ruin the amazing time I was having as a pair of hands grabbed my hips from behind. I immediately slapped them off and turned around to give whoever had the audacity an ear full, sighing as I realized that it was the guy from the bar earlier.
“You never properly thanked me”, he said, probably trying to sound sexy but failing miserably because he was creeping the hell out of me.
“I already said thank you back at the bar”, I responded coldly, not wanting to put up with this shit when I’d been having so much fun up until now.
“I spent so much money on you and you can’t even be nice to me?!”, he exclaimed and I could tell that he was pissed. He’d balled his hands to fists and taken a step closer to me, I really hoped that he wouldn’t get violent.
“No one asked you to do that, that’s all on you buddy. I don’t owe you anything and I’ve been nothing but polite up until now but if you don’t leave us alone right this second I will make sure that you’re kicked out of this club for good”, I threatened, switching my posture to a more intimidating stance and already calculating in my head how much I’d need to bribe some bouncers to get what I wanted. It was still a little shocking what money could achieve. He seemed to realize that he better not mess with me because he backed up and left with a huff and a dirty glance back.
I turned around to the girls, all of them staring at me in shock.
“What?”, I asked, subconsciously reaching up to fix my hair as if that were the reason they were looking at me like that.
“The way you stood up to him, despite being like half his size. Girl I love you already”, Anna said and I laughed at her comment but I couldn’t stop the blush from spreading on my cheeks.
“I need more alcohol after this and this time I’m actually buying”, I said, needing this night to get back on track. I managed the trip without any incidents this time, returning not soon after with a full tray of shots.
As a German I wasn’t a lightweight by any means, the American night out our pregame but even I could feel the buzz of the alcohol by now. We continued drinking and dancing until our feet screamed at us to take a break.
Back in a different booth I checked my phone to see that Tyler had texted me a while ago. I was surprised to see that he was still up as it had gotten pretty late.
Tyler: Looks like you’re having all the fun without me :(
He’d attached a screenshot of Fanny’s Instagram story where you could see me practically grinding on Dominika.
Me: Don’t worry we can still have lots of fun if you want
I couldn’t help it, alcohol made me horny and my alcohol clouded brain had forgotten to put my don’t-hook-up-with-Tyler-filter on.
Tyler: Sounds promising
Tyler: Do you want me to come pick you up?
I had to read the message twice, not really sure if he really meant it the way I thought he did.
Me: To have fun?
Tyler: Fuck no I didn’t mean for this to come out that way I swear
Tyler: I just don’t want you to have to catch a ride alone this late and I know that none of the girls live close to us
My alcohol clouded brain had now proceeded to make heart eyes at Tyler’s sweet gesture.
Me: Look at you being cute and shit but I don’t want to keep you up
Tyler: Don’t worry about it just text me when you’re ready to go
I looked at the girls, noticing that most of them looked just as exhausted as I felt at this point. We had been in here for hours and I knew that we would probably head out soon so I texted Tyler to leave now. By the time he’d get here we would probably be outside already.
“Do you want me to call an Uber for you too?”, Taylor asked me a bit later and I shook my head no, telling them that Tyler would pick me up.
“Wow that’s really sweet and unusual of him, you really got him good.” Katie’s comment had me lost in my thoughts until we were outside again. It had cooled off even more now and I was glad that we didn’t have to wait long.
Tyler pulled up to the curb almost at the same time as the Ubers and we all hugged goodbye, promising to go out again soon. I opened the door to the G wagon and smiled happily at Tyler, my judgement still a little woozy from too much tequila.
“As much as I’m enjoying my view right now you should probably put on the jacket that’s on the backseat, you must be freezing”, he said, probably noticing my slight shivering in the short dress. I nodded thankfully and tried to reach back but the damn car was so big that I practically had to climb on top of the middle console to finally get my hands on the piece of clothing.
This way I’d basically pushed my ass in Tyler’s face but I didn’t realize my mistake until I turned back and saw him look at me with a wild expression on his face. I tried to act as if I didn’t notice what had happened and after shaking his head to snap out of it he shifted to drive and pulled away from the club.
He asked me if I’d had fun and I giggled before telling him that he sounded like my parent right now, at which point he pulled a face. I could swear that I heard him mutter something like ‘fucking parentzoned’ under his breath but perhaps the alcohol was making me hear things.
He told me about how he had spent his evening skyping with his sisters and I loved that family man aspect about him. One could only dream of being as close as the Seguins.
Once in a while he’d quietly sing along to the songs playing over the speakers and I slowly found myself growing more tired by the second. It was really all his fault with his comfortable car seats and his stupidly soothing voice.
By the time he pulled into my driveway I was so close to falling asleep that I didn’t want to open my eyes anymore. Tyler laughed at me but then he surprisingly got out and walked around the car before picking me up and carrying me bridal style towards the front door.
“Tell me your code”, he said and I was more than happy to supply him with the numbers if that meant that he’d carry me for a while longer. Yogi greeted us excitedly and I told Tyler to let him out before I demanded he take me upstairs. I could feel his chest shaking with laughter but he didn’t complain, instead gripping me tighter so he could move around better.
“I still need to take off my make up”, I stopped him before he could lay me down on my bed, finally opening my eyes to look up at Tyler.
“Alright I’ll set you down on the bathroom counter and then leave so you can work your magic.” He smiled his adorable smile at me but I wasn’t quite ready for him to leave yet.
“I need your help with the dress though, I tied it really well so it wouldn’t come loose and I don’t know if I can get it off by myself now”, I pouted at him, hoping that he’d agree to take my dress of for me again. Just like the last time I was fully capable of doing it myself but I wanted to tease him for a little bit before he left.
From my angle I could watch Tyler visibly gulp but he still agreed before gently setting me down in the bathroom. Reluctantly I let go of his neck and turned to the side so he could access the part where I’d tied the fabric of the dress together.
His big beautiful hands were now struggling with the knots and his nose was scrunched up in concentration. I’d never seen anyone look so hot and cute at the same time.
He finally managed to get the last part and as soon as he let the strings go the flowy nature of the dress made it slip down my body, exposing my underwear. I’d expected something like this to happen and it may have been one of the reasons why I’d asked him to help me.
Despite having told Lisa that I wouldn’t hook up with anyone I’d picked out a matching lace set for tonight just in case and I could see that it took everything out of Tyler to avert his eyes. Not before looking me up and down though. I let the dress fall down the rest of the way and reached for my robe by the door, catching Tyler checking me out as soon as I turned my back on him in the mirror.
“Thanks for coming to pick me up, you really didn’t have to”, I said as we walked down the stairs again. I needed to let Yogi in again and I also wanted to escort him to the door.
“I didn’t mind, really it’s nothing”, he shrugged and I smiled, knowing that it definitely wasn’t nothing.
“Well in my books I owe you one now, so if you ever need me to pick you up or anything really, just let me know.” I tried to get my point across, already knowing that he’d probably never drunk call me in the middle of the night to ask for a ride.
“I’ll try to remember but I’ll let you catch some sleep now. If you want to you can come over for breakfast tomorrow, we didn’t get to hang out today after all”
I wished he wouldn’t leave and instead climb into bed with me but I knew that there was no way. Instead I settled for a kiss on his cheek and a hug.
“Of course I’ll come, I might need some grilled cheese after all. Goodnight Ty.”
“Goodnight Liv, see you in a few hours.”
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bottomforkane · 4 years
Milex OS: Feels like only yesterday I’ve been ‘ere
Summary: Miles takes note of Alex being in London during lockdown which leads to him hitting up Alex again after not seeing each other for some time..
word count: 2839
He laid down his phone on the small glass table in front of him and leaned back into the couch „What was I even thinking“ he murmured to himself whilst rubbing his eyes with both his hands.
„Hey Al, heard you’re over in London during quarantine, wanna catch up when lockdown’s over?“
Miles knew this may not be the best first text in almost a year after he unintentionally ended their friendship. They‘d never set boundaries between their touches and desires. Al had kissed and touched him so often on stage and afterwards they never talked about or mentioned it. Both of them had girlfriends whilst they’ve been on tour but all the pining looks, the tension behind closed doors grew too much over Miles. Every so often when they’d been out drinking with the crew after a gig Alex slipped his hand around Miles hip and with time even such a small touch would turn Miles hot and cold on the inside. And Alex knew exactly what he did to Miles. At least since he confessed his feelings to him.
Did he end it after all? Didn’t he just want them to be clear about his feelings? Wasn’t it just a try to set boundaries to not fall in love? Or an attempt to fall out of love with a bloke who’d played with him for the longest time?
The buzzing of his phone ripped Miles out of his train of thought. “Who the fuck rings me up at a time like tha?“ It’s Alex.
“Hello?“ “Aye Mi, what are ya up to?“ He didn’t know how to talk anymore. “Mi are ya there?“ “Yeah um sorry I just..I dunno like right now? I ain’t up for much just spinning some records, havin some wine“ “Mind if I come over?“ “Al we’re in lockdown and uhm..you know this is serious for me health“ “Dun’t worry I’ve self-quarantined long enough after I flew over, imma be ere soon, make sure you’ve got enough wine if you wanna catch up“ - Miles hurried to his closet and afterwards to his bathroom to somehow get ready. He can’t even answer himself why he’s so stressed about his appearance for Al and it’s somehow wrecking him. After all Al was his best friend for so many years.
Alex made his way straight to the living room, shrugging off his jacket on the sofa. “Feels like only yesterday I’ve been ere“ Miles set down another wineglass next to his. “Well’s been some time innit“ He poured some red wine which he held in the other hand and as he did he could feel Al watching every small movement he made. “Wanna spin a record for some background noise?“ He tried to somehow break the tensious silence and as he spoke Al hopped on his feet heading over to his records. “Got something like Lou Reed over ere?“ Al turned around to look at Miles who now stood behind him with his wineglass in hand. “So are ya in melancholic mood today?“ Miles smirked and took a step to the left where he’d look for a fitting record. “Wouldn’t call it melancholic, more like down the memory road ready to refresh some of it in talks.“ “You fine with Growing Up In Public?“ Miles tried to manage pulling the record off the shelf with one hand. “Wait lemme help ya“ Alex stepped closer and took it in both his hands, with an ever so slightly touch to Miles‘s hand. Miles knew it’s been accidental. But it left him with a shrug when the area Alex touched for what hasn’t even been a second felt so cold afterwards.
“So what made you come ere so fast when I texted ya?“ The second bottle of wine was empty by now and Miles really had to watch his mouth. “Alright..so I told ya why I’m over in London in quarantine and not in Paris.“ Al has told Miles that Louise and her family are quarantined in their Paris home but Alex needed some time for himself and his art. Which was totally understandable for Miles. Al could’ve choosen every other home, even L.A., over London though. “Kinda“ “Well today I called it quits with ´er“ Miles’s mouth flew open as he looked Al dead in the eyes. He never really got along with Alex’s new girlfriend, or ever had the time to get to know her, so this was the most of a reaction he could’ve had without acting. “I’m..I dunno what to say Al..I’m so sorry“ Miles was at a loss of words but Alex showed no sign of a reaction. “It’s fine Miles“ “No it’s..I didn’t know there was so much drama between ya“ Alex sighed and leaned down into the couch “It ain’t that much drama...it just felt as if I couldn’t love her like I do others“
Miles sat up and looked at Al who stared at the ceiling. “Then better spill who’s the bird which is all over ya!“ Miles mustered Alex from his now medium long hair to his slim hips. Almost getting lost in the sight of the person he’s still somehow pining for he caught himself biting his lower lip. “Ya still like what yer looking at huh?“ Al sat up smirking, looking at his glass which he twisted between his fingers besides Miles who’d just jumped up ready to go get some more wine. “It ain’t some girl which is all over me..“ Miles was just about to enter the kitchen when he turned around to look at Al down the hallway. ”Well then tell me who the chosen bloke is then!“
After a second of silence Miles grabbed the desired bottle out the kitchen and paced back to his sofa where he sat down besides Al once again. “Don’t ever feel pressured to tell me errything ey?“ He refilled both glasses and Alex inhaled sharp, then took a big sip.
“It’s you, Miles.“ He couldn’t believe what he just heard and almost choked on his wine. „Wait can we..head out for a smoke?“ Miles wasn’t the best in such situations and didn’t know how to react but if he knew one thing it‘s that he really needed a cigarette to talk about this.
As they stood outside on the balcony Al stared in the dark distance. “So when did you realize?“ Miles tried to play it cool and exhaled his cigarettes smoke. “You don’t love me, do ya?“ Now this really caught him off guard. “Is that why ye’re here in London?“ “Miles don’t give me counter questions give me fuckin answers!“ Alex’s gaze didn’t shift as Miles stared him down from the side.
“Ya know exactly wha’ you’ve done to me and how I feel for ya, that‘s the reason you left London to life with ya bird a year ago, to forget about me, wasn’t it?“ Miles didn’t wanna snap at him like that and realized pretty quickly what he’d done as Alex‘s eyes now met his.
“I always pined for ya.“ Al stepped closer to Miles “All the fuckin time..and I tried to fall in love with some bird again but couldn’t cause ya were all over me head“ Miles could now feel Al’s breath on his skin. It was hard to not just give in and kiss him.
“Remember tha’ show you played in Paris where I joined ya?“ Alex placed his flat hand on Miles’s chest and took a drag off his cig with the other which sent a shiver down the slightly taller mans spine.
“Ever since then I realized how fuckin much I miss ye around me since I went to Paris..“ Al slowly made Miles take a step back against his closed balcony door and slightly gripped his half buttoned up shirt. “The way ye looked at me on stage, with ye eyes full of excitement and ye happy smirk made me heart skip a beat“
He took a step further up to Miles who let out a sharp breath as he felt Alex with almost his whole body against him. „I saw how ye gaze dropped when I went off with Louise and ya know what, it broke me fuckin heart Miles!“ Miles tried to catch Alex’s eyes but they‘re all over the place. “Al look at m…“ “Stop talkin’ let me speak please just let me.“
Alex realized how near he was standing to Miles and let loose a bit. “Since you told me how I made ya feel I couldn’t get the thought of you and me outta me head..“
“So what were ye thinkin’ about you ‘n me?“ Sometimes Miles really just couldn’t stop himself from talking back. Sometimes it caused him fights and people being annoyed but he loved the risk in this situation. Why not play cool as Al did when Miles poured his heart out?
“Ye‘re really testin’ me right now aren’t ye? Like back in the days where I would’ve loved to put you up against a wall after a gig cause ya wouldn’t stop turnin’ me on during the gig with all ya small touches and looks?“
Wait so did Al feel the same as Miles did back then? Miles’s mouth dropped open for a second before he subconsciously started biting his lip.
Now Alex looked him dead in the eyes, with his hand slowly wandering from the Scousers chest to his neck and his head leaning in to his ear. “Did ya really think this time left me wi’out a trace?“
This sent goosebumps all over Miles’s body. How is it possible this man which he tried to oust for such a time is now turning him on ever so quickly with such soft things? Miles couldn’t help but close his eyes and unwillingly arch up his hips with a deep breath as he felt Alex’s kissing his temple.
“So what is ye answer to me question?“ Miles could feel Alex’s hand back on his chest, slighly pressuring him against the wall besides the door as if he wants to gain some security distance. He opened his eyes to look directly in Alex’s in the dim light of the night. Miles’s hand took a hold of Alex’s hip as he pulled him close, so close that their foreheads were touching. Miles could feel the slimmer man shiver under his touch and it drove him insane. “What’s with ya and all yer the questions ey?“ Miles smirked whilst his hand slid up Alex’s back till he took a hold of his neck.
He noticed how Alex tried to keep a straight, chill look but felt his sharp exhales out his slightly open mouth against his face. Miles knew exactly how to turn tension into desire and he never enjoyed it as much as in that moment.
Suddenly Alex gave in, grabbed his shirt and dragged him against the wall which lead Miles to a silent and unexpected groan.
“Will ya just fuckin kiss me already ya damn tease.“
With this Alex let loose of Miles‘s shirt to slide his hand down his hip as he closed the distance. Miles digged his fingers into Al’s hair as if he was scared the moment would end to soon. But it didn’t. To the dimmed sound of Lou Reed playing in the livingroom they kissed. Over and over again. Miles never kissed someone with such a passion. He let Alex lead all movements till they disrupted for a quick breath where they looked deeply into each other’s eyes, Miles cupping Alex’s face with both his hands.
Miles felt Alex placing his hands on his ass and with that their lips where one and his hands back at Al’s neck again. Alex’s hands gripped Miles’s ass firmly as his tongue slowly made his way into his mouth to explore more of him, which led to a deep moan escaping Miles’s throat. He could feel Alex smile into the kiss but what he felt against is thigh made his guts feel like they turned around. He arched his hips against Al’s already hard on which turned him on insanely. Alex responded with a groan and let his right hand slide up between Miles’s tighs till he reached his crotch. “Fuck Al..“
Alex let go of his mouth and kissed his cheek, then down to his neck where Miles was sure he left a mark. He clenched into the touch of Alex’s hand as he slowly brushed over his erection. “Alex I fuck..Al I need ya“
Miles couldn’t sort his thoughts as quick as Alex dropped to his knees without a word and started undoing his belt, all whilst looking up to him with a smirk. “Ye sure I shall suck ye off on the balcony? “ He spoke as he brushed against Miles’s erection again and with a groan the taller man grabbed Alex’s hair.
“Please..just fuckin do it it’s the middle of the night. “
With this consent Alex devoted all his attention back to undoing and pulling down Miles’s tight white Jeans and underwear so his hand had all access to give his full length a few strokes while he gripped Miles’s hip with the other.
“Al..fuck…“ “Ye like that?“ Alex looked up to him with an even bigger smirk than before and Miles could feel his cheeks turn bright red. As he was trying to process the touch of Al’s fingers, he suddenly felt Alex’s tongue steadily licking his tip, then all the way down to his shaft.
“Stop..fuckin teasin me like tha..“ Miles managed to groan in a shiver and as he spoke Alex’s mouth was all around him. He never experienced that much pleasure from getting his dick sucked. Miles threw his head back against the wall and gripped into Alex’s hair which lead Alex to moan against his dick. He wanted to arch his hips but Alex held him down in place with a firm grip.
The sensation ended abruptly “Ye’re so impatient when ye’re horny Kane, did ya ever notice that?” “Alex..please..” Miles groaned “Wha?” Alex looked up “We..can talk later please..just keep going..” “hmm yes beg for me” Alex groaned out laughingly as he dedicaded his gaze back down again.
Miles didn’t know how to properly breathe by now. Never could he have imagined Alex talking to him like this and never was he more turned on by his long time platonic love.
Alex’s rough fingers slowly paced from Miles’s hip over his ass to his balls which he started to massage steady to his sucking. “I..fuck..Al I’m..so fuckin close“ Alex looked up to see the now even more sweaty and heavy breathing appearance of Mi as he started to swirl his tongue around Miles’s tip and stroking again.
Miles thrusted into Alex’s hand which drove him over the edge with unsteady moans “Al..ohh..fuck Alex ye’re so good..hmmh“ Alex took all his load to swallow it and Miles slowly let go of his firm grip in Alex’s hair as he tried to steady his breath again.
“Is tha’ what ye were thinking about you ‘n me?” Miles reached out to cup the side of Alex’s face as he got on his feet again. Al looked him in the eyes with a cheeky grin. “There’s so much more than just tha’ about you ‘n me in me thoughts.” Miles pulled Alex close for another quick kiss before getting himself somewhat properly dressed again.
“Time for a smoke innit?” He handed Alex his pack of cigarettes after lighting himself one. They stood side by side smoking and looking into the night as Miles noticed Alex’s arm around his waist, pulling him closer. He never expected this evening to go down like this.
“Where’d you learn to suck like tha’?” Miles said with a laugh, laying his arm around the smaller mans shoulders. Alex exhaled the smoke off his last drag and turned to Miles. “I’ve done some things I shouldn’t have done and learned some stuff ya know” Miles smirked to himself and kissed Al’s cheek before letting loose of him.
“Guess we shall go inside it’s getting a bit cold out ere” He took Alex’s hand as he opened the balcony door and inside everything seemed as normal as always and exactly the same as before, except the record finished playing by now.
Miles placed his hand on Alex’s thigh as they sat down on the couch again, which made Al twitch. He knew Alex hadn’t got as much satisfaction as himself by now. Miles licked his lips and before he could think Alex kissed him again. Not as slow and passionate as before, wilder and fuller of desire.
Miles broke the kiss to look Alex in the eyes. “Ya staying the night?” “Of course” Miles grinned. “Well then lets see what the rest of the night has to offer us” With that said Alex straddled him and kissed him with even more passion than before.
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alfred-braginsky · 4 years
Prompt request from an ask that was sent sosososo long ago, I apologize for the delay, but I filled both of them! 
"The food looks great but.. There’s something much more delicious i’d like to eat right now. ” & “Shut up and kiss me already. ” It took a long time to finish this up, but with the quarantine I have a lot more time since my job is having me work from home. I reblogged a series of prompts , pls feel free to shoot me an ask!
Summary: [N] // [s] // [F] // [w]  
Prompt request from tumblr. Takes place during the Yalta Conference and Alfred can't help but think about how good Ivan looks in his uniform.
|| Ao3 Link ||
The meeting dragged. It was all formality, well, for the nations at least. Arthur, Alfred, and Ivan were standing behind their seated bosses on an elevated stage with simple chairs. The world had their eyes on them. Victors of the second World War was no simple feat. The nations present on stage were dressed in their complete uniform and standing more as representatives of their nation than to have any say of what happens now.
Churchill was on the far left with Arthur standing stiff and upright behind him. Alfred resisted the urge to roll his eyes, the guy always took this shit too seriously.
‘You’d think after a few centuries he’d stop giving a shit.’
Alfred was in the middle behind Eisenhower, and to the right Stalin with Ivan towering from behind. He always liked Ivan. The man was difficult to get along with, but the two have found a mutual respect for one another. The sun was setting on the former empires that formerly ran the world; Arthur was losing his speed along with Francis and Antonio. Their legacy was starting to become overshadowed by the superpowers Alfred and Ivan were growing into.
Alfred tried so hard not to fall asleep at all the questions and discussions. He looked for anything that could possibly entertain and distract him.
"Pstt, hey, Artie."
"Piss off, Alfred. We're at a very important conference and I will not let you drag me into whatever embarrassing antics you have planned." Arthur had gritted out at him quietly beside him. Alfred huffed. Gentleman his ass, this guy has always been a prick with a stick up his ass.
Fuck, he was so bored. His eyes roamed over the audience. Boring diplomats and hungry journalist. Whatever. His eyes land on the other nation on the stage with him. Ivan. Specifically, his uniform. The way it clung to his body, those strong thighs and broad shoulders. Ivan had his eyes closed with the typical off-putting smile on his lips. He was sure that he could stare witho-
"Is there something wrong with your eyes or do you need me to help you fix them?"
Hot damn and that attitude. Ivan was practically one of the few people who could stand up to him and actually have the brawn to go toe-to-toe with him. Probably pin him against the wall, gloved hand pressed tightly against his throat. Literally breathtaking.
"Nah, just looking is all."
Almost immediately, Ivan replies.
"Looking for what?"  
Alfred wonders how far he could push the taller man. He wants to know what makes him tick, what pisses him off, what brings him to the breaking point. He wants to see those gorgeous violet eyes lit with rage.
"None of your business." there's a sly grin that curls onto his lips.
Ivan's eyes crack open his smile never faltering, his stance perfectly still as if nothing was wrong. Alfred felt the chill down his spine and the twitch of his dick. Holy shit. Excitement bubbling in his stomach. The flash of the cameras brought him back to reality, his grin dying down to a neutral expression.
Ivan added nothing more to the conversation, and once again Alfred was bored and left to his own thoughts.
“The food looks great but.. there’s something much more delicious I’d like to eat right now.” Alfred grinned deviously at the man next to him his voice low enough so that only the two of them could hear the lewd comments he made.
"People often forget Francis had a hand in your development, but at moments like these it's hard to miss." Ivan stopped mid bite at Alfred's statement.
"He speaks." cracking a satisfied grin at finally being able to catch Ivan's attention.
"Merely responding to your childish methods of seduction."
"I think you find it amusing, otherwise you wouldn't have said anything."
Their conversation was once again cut short as they remembered they are in the public eye, and their conversations were being closely monitored by anyone sitting nearby. However, that's what made this little game fun. Danger was part of their foreplay. The thought of someone finding them made their release that much sweeter.
Dinner had ended on a positive note and they were free to enjoy the band playing. People got up to dance and socialize in the same boring fashion Alfred’s seen them do it for centuries. Alfred's eyes always ended up back on Ivan. Their eyes lock through the crowd. That was it. They didn't need any other indication of what it is they both wanted in that moment.
Alfred got up from his seat, politely excusing himself to the others at the table. He headed into the crowd of people mingling with one another and dipped into a hallway, away from the noise of people with more power than they know what to do with. He's been in this building before, if he recalls correctly, he knew exactly which room Ivan took him to last time.
He waited about 20 minutes before he heard a knock on the door. Alfred continued to lean against the windows towards the end of the room. This room is a meeting hall, with a large wooden table, windows that spanned half the wall, and paintings of people he's only ever met once.
Ivan entered the dimly lit room and spotted Alfred leaning against the windowsill. Ivan’s breath caught in his throat as he saw the moonlight hit Alfred’s skin.  
"I did not think you were capable of simply sitting here and doing nothing."
"I wasn't just doing nothing; my imagination was running pretty wild."
"I won't ask about what because I truly do not wish to know."
"I wasn't gonna tell you anyways."
"Childish response, as always."
"If you're so annoyed, the door is right there."
"Do you ever stop talking?" Ivan had a hint of annoyance in his voice. The man irritated him so, but he adored that about him. He wasn’t afraid of Ivan even when the rest of the world coward. With each step he could see more and more of his features. It’s been so long. He didn’t bother to lock the door.
"Nope. But you know how to shut me up for awhile."
Ivan rolled his eyes; he and Alfred were practically inches away from one another. The moonlight shined against his eyes making them appear like those stars they used to gaze at so many years ago.
"Why must I always take initiative?"
Alfred simply stared at him.
"This an unfair amount of power imbalanc---
"Shut up and kiss me already!" Alfred cut Ivan off yanking him closer by the lapels of his coat. Alfred becoming more and more impatient, a firm look taking hold in his eyes.
Ivan held Alfred’s face in his gloved hands and roughly pulled him to an aggressive kiss as he slammed him against the wall behind them. Alfred let out a growl that released from the back of his throat and quickly ran his hand through Ivan’s silver locks, gripping tight.
Their kisses were not tender or soft, they held a roughness they knew either could endure. Their grunts, teeth, harsh sucking and shuffling of their uniforms were the only sounds in the large room. They couldn't take their time, and so Alfred made quick work of their belts as their mouths locked together. Alfred was fully erect, while Ivan semi-hard against his thigh. Ivan’s uniform really did things to him.
"Been wanting you to touch me since this thing started."  Alfred panted out breathlessly between each harsh kiss.
Ivan broke their series of kisses as he took both of their exposed cocks and pressed them together, causing them both to let out a noise of pleasure.
"You need to do better to hide your desires."
Alfred bucked his hips as Ivan stroked their slicked cocks. Alfred's breath hitched as he heard Ivan's sharp intake of air. The man was trying hard to be quiet because of where they were, but he was clearly having trouble doing so.
The shorter of the two was also having trouble keeping quiet with each firm stroke to his cock. He bit down into Ivan's shoulder and let out muffled moans into the fabric of his dark blue uniform. The fingers of his free hand dug into Ivan’s scalp while rolling his hips to the movements of the other man’s hand.
Ivan thumbs Alfred's slick slit making the other man shudder. White teeth bit into the tip of Ivan's glove as Alfred slid it off his hand. Blue eyes never let the violet ones across from him. Nothing but the sounds of pants and slick squelches. Nothing but hot breath dancing on their sensitive skin.
Alfred was the first to cum and finished Ivan off with his mouth. Sliding onto his knees and between Ivan’s thighs, Alfred licked the precum off the other man’s cock taking him completely into his mouth. The tip of his cock hit the back of his throat as he breathed in the familiar scent through his nostrils. Bobbing his head back and forth Ivan held tight onto Alfred’s hair to keep himself from bucking into his mouth.
Alfred pulled Ivan’s cock from his warm mouth, flicking his eyes up at Ivan, who looked flushed and like he was in utter bliss.
“Fuck my mouth.” His tone dropping to show the seriousness of his request. Ivan didn’t argue. He knew what the other man could take. Taking him back in Ivan slammed into Alfred’s mouth and down his throat. Alfred gurgled out a moan as Ivan sighed in pleasure. He moved Alfred head up and down and meeting them halfway with thrusts of his hips. Tears welled in Alfred’s eyes as with each thrust but the way he grabbed hold of Ivan’s ass meant he was having a good time. His thrusts sped up as the want to cum increased. Letting out a low growl, Ivan arched his back as he came deep inside Alfred’s throat. He pulled out once he caught his breath and joined Alfred on the floor.
“Are you alright?” concern lacing his voice as he brought out a handkerchief to wipe up Alfred’s mouth.
“Yeah.” His voice hoarse, but the slight smile on his lips convinced Ivan of his words taking the small gesture and wiping his lips.
“You go out first, I’ll see you there.”
“Of course.”
Both went their separate ways, and Alfred was smiling like a cat who got the cream. He’ll been feeling Ivan’s cock in the back of his throat for a while, just enough to satisfy him for the next meeting.
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tc-obsessed · 4 years
july tc challenge
this blog is most likely just for me to talk about him because i really can’t talk about this with nobody else, so i am actually doing all the question at once cause I don’t have that much time to do it once a day
this challenge is made by @baeby-tc
1. describe your tc’s physical appearance.
He is taller tan me, has a curly hair he lets it grow to his ears and a little long so he can handle it, I have always seen him with it thrown to the back, he has brown hair and brown eyes, he is a bit full but I think it makes him cute
2. what was the first thing you’ve ever said to your tc?
He said my name to know if I was in the class and I think I said like, “That’s me” and he proceed to smile like always.
3. is your tc single or taken? Or are you unsure? And are you single or taken?
So far as I know he is single, we met after I broke up with a toxic ex, and now I actually am in a relationship, which its kind of hard because its not a serious one and he also knows I am in love with H.
4. is your tc more of the athletic type, the nerdy type or the artsy type?
Super duper artsy, he is my teacher at an art college, and also super nerdy he is like such a geek for like games and stuff I really don’t have a clue.
5. if you and your tc were in high school together, do you think you’d be friends?
Not really, I don’t think he would be able to handle or want to even be near me, I was really depressed and was super mean, and he is an easy going guy who doesn’t barge in somebody else’s problems, also he is super into cute girls and I am totally the opposite
6. name one song that reminds you of your tc and explain why that song reminds you of them.
The song is one that I love, and H kind of didn’t like much but since we heard it together he always pops into my head when I listen to it, its Graduation by Hyukoh. I think its one the moment I appreciate of him cause we were just naming random songs we liked and he literally grabbed his computer and started showing his songs as I said which ones I liked, we started with like two more classmates then just the two of us, until he left.
7. is your tc fashionable or are they more of the simple type? what is one outfit you’d love to see them wear?
Fuck no, like he is such a bad dresser, I am so interested in fashion and he always wears this ugly orange jacket, I swear to god I would kill to see him in something more for his age, like I think it’s really nice how he likes but he has such a bad style, I think if we ever come to be together I would go out to shop for him and try to find other color that its definitely NOT orange.
8. would you be willing to become a teacher and teach your tc’s subject if it meant you two could be together?
Not really like a teacher, but I would be so down to be his assistant, though he already has one.
9. does your tc drink or smoke?
No, I have seen photos of him drinking but now he always avoids it. And he doesn’t like the smell of cigarettes.
10. name one item that is always on your tc’s desk.
It used to be like a mug with coffee or a coke, now its just water. And I like to think it was because of me, but that’s an story I’ll leave for another update.
11. has your tc ever done anything that has either thrown you off, annoyed you, angered you or bothered you in any way? if so, what did they do?
Its unfair cause he is really nice, he has never said or done anything, I just get plain angry or sad when I cant see him, and that isn’t his fault.
12. does your tc have any past jobs that you know of, before becoming a teacher?
None that I know of.
13. does your tc have kids or siblings? if so, how many?
I am sure he has a few brothes.
14. are you taking your tc’s class next year?
Unfortunately I cant, he only teaches first and second years, and I am already a third year, if I could I totally would do it.
15. has your tc ever met your parents? if you were there, what was the meeting like?
Thank god no.
16. has your tc ever given you detention? if so, what was it like?
Nope, we don’t have it at college.
17. has your tc ever failed you? if so, how did you react? if not, how would you react?
No, and I think I would just accept it, like he is a teacher for a reason, if he thinks I didn’t understand and I need another year learning, so be it.
18. what are your tc’s hobbies/interests? are they similar to yours?
He is into like a really nerdy rp podcat/talk show? I am so into tv shows, he draws characters form the rp, and I just focus on drawing homework and ocs. So not really, but we both enjoyed game of thrones.
19. have you ever spoken on the phone with your tc? what did you talk about?
I have texted him before, never called, and mostly is for my new animated project or things for the student council, once or twice we talked about something not related to college, but that’s also a thing I plan on explain into detail later.
20. if you had your tc’s class during quarantine, what were your zoom calls like? if not, have you spoken to your tc since quarantine?
No, and I don’t know if its good or bad, because I definitely want to see him, but its not like its private so I guess I would be really sad for not having his attention. And yes, we have talked, I asked him for advices in my new proyect, he is really sharp and has a good, and then he responded two of my ig stories, so I am happy he actually talked to me first.
21. if you had the chance to go anywhere in the world with your tc, where would you go? what would you do?
So, I know he has gone to japan a few times, and I would actually enjoy to go with him there, like, imagine him saying his experiences and helping me with things he had to learn.
22. does your tc have any nicknames for you?
Sadly no, he is really professional, so if he ever gave me a nickname it would be kinda wrong, tho he calls me by my name when he is talking about work and by my nick name (everybody at my uni calls me by that), when we ran into each other at the u. sometimes he switches it up.
23. have you ever cried in front of your tc? why? how did they react?
I been close to it, but he actually passed by and I turned around so he wouldn’t see me.
24. have you ever walked/drove to/from school with your tc?
No, sadly. I am always early and he is always late. But we have bumped into each other on the stairs.
25. do you know which teachers your tc is friends with at school? if so, do you like those teachers?
Yes, I mean most of them know each other, and they are all so friendly.
26. why does your tc’s voice sound like?
Hard to describe, he has like a confident lowish voice.
27. do you like your tc as a teacher? are they a good teacher?
He super professional and like strict, and soo picky, like he can give you so many advices and at the same time try to make room fot you to think about it and have a solution yourself, he is great.
28. does your tc prefer books, shows or movies?
Shows I think, he likes how a character grows from his past mistakes, but he likes reading too.
29. is your tc stern or easy going, in class?
Kinda both, like he is really nice and easygoing until he needs to be stern.
30. how would you describe you and your tc’s relationship?
Weird, like we are friendly, but he has always this way to push me away, but at the same time we always makes things that caught my attention or he talks to me like nothing.
31. do you address your tc by their first or last name?
Yes, its actually normal, everybody calls him by his name or a nickname, i personally call him his name with a rhyme
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