#How To Grow Grape Tomato Plants
gardeningforfun0714 · 3 months
Hi everyone I’m sorry I haven’t updated as much as I planned, but I thought I’d share pics of how everything’s going in my garden (6/23/24)
The tomatoes have exploded and there’s lots of flowers. I’m hoping it’s not too hot and we actually get fruit this year (last year got so hot our tomatoes didn’t even flower during the normal growing season).
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Next is the corn, which are also doing really well. It’s the sweet corn variety. Funny story, I planted the corn seeds without knowing you kind of need a lot to get a good crop because it’s wind pollinated. However, we have about 10 mature stalks and I’m hoping to get at least a small harvest. A few of the stalks are taller than me (5’3”/160cm) and one of the ears growing already has silk growing out of the ear.
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Next are the cucumbers. One of the plants has a few eggs on the bottoms of the leaves so I used some Sevin dust. I’m hesitant to use neem oil because I’ve noticed lots of ladybugs in the garden and don’t wanna kill them.
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The carrots are doing well after being transplanted. Unfortunately I don’t remember when I started the seeds so I’m not sure if they should be farther along by now (I believe I planted around late April/early May—late for seeds I know but I’ve got a long growing season and few frosts).
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The various fruit trees/bushes/shrubs are doing well. Pictured are a thorny blackberry vine, an olive tree, a papaya tree, and a babcock peach tree. Everything is doing amazing. The blackberry is producing, the 4 peaches are growing and changing color while the olive, fig and papaya have been putting in some major growth/establishing.
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Last is the melon patch. It’s also exploded and there are so many watermelons throughout the whole patch of varying sizes from bb-sized to the one pictured with my hand. I didn’t see any cantaloupe yet, but there’s lots of flowers. I haven’t actually gone into the patch due to how crowded it is (I’m hoping if we do get some we’d be able to see them when they get big enough). I’m estimating we have between 12-15 watermelon at least so far.
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However, not everything is doing so well. The rabbits have been so destructive, they killed my producing pole bean, the peppers I transplanted into the ground and most of the radishes, leaving 2 left for us (I did start new seeds though because radishes are some of the quickest vegetables you can grow from seed to harvest).
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For things I didn’t cover like the grapes, blueberries, raspberries, guava trees, the apple tree, the lemon tree, various flowers, onions, potatoes, and pineapples, they are all doing good as well. I also wanna add that I did start new bush beans/pole beans as well as various kinds of peppers (jalapeños, hot salsa blend peppers, golden bell peppers) in containers to make up for the ones that got chewed. Hopefully those will make a nice fall harvest. The potatoes are almost ready to be harvested and the blueberries and raspberries have had berries ripen one at a time due to how small they are (this is the first year for berries).
As for other things I have planned, I have a few art pieces I’d like to post if that’s something y’all are interested in. I also would love to talk about my experience with gardening and mental health but any and all posts related to that will be labeled with appropriate trigger warnings.
Thanks for all the support with likes/reblogs. Feel free to come lurk, talk, vent, ask, whatever. I just wanna inspire others that think they cannot grow things that they can. If you’d like to talk I mostly would like to talk about gardening/plants/mental health and how it impacts us as humans.
Happy growing🌱🌿💙
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caelwynn · 3 months
Caelwynn's Mod List for Stardew 1.6 - Gameplay/Quality of Life (pg 2)
Page 1. Page 2. Page 3.
No Fence Decay Redux — never worry about needing to fix fences ever again.
NPC Map Locations — another must-have mod. Shows you the locations of NPC in real time on your map.
Part of the Community — gives small friendship bonuses based on your relationships with NPCs' friends/families, times they've witnessed you talking to/giving gifts to others, and whether you're buying at their shops.
Platonic Partners and Friendships — for if you wish you could have an NPC room with you without the all that icky marriage stuff
Polyamory Sweet — for if you wish to keep a harem and/or have a roommate in addition to your spouse and/or have a commune of nothing but friends.
Quest Time Limits - Continued — a configurable mod that allows you to extend the amount of time that quests last for.
UI Info Suite 2 — overhauls the game's user interface.
Wear More Rings — lets you wear more than two rings. I'm greedy.
Little Red School House — adds a quest line to restore a school house so that Penny no longer teaches in the library.
Yet Another (Balanced) Quality Goods Mod — adjusts the quality of artisan goods based on the quality of ingredients as well as adjusting the profit accordingly.
Blue Eggs and Golden Mayo — allows you to make blue eggs/blue mayo from blue chickens, and golden mayo and ostrich mayo.
Ferngill Fashion Festival for 1.6 — adds in a series of heart events for Emily and a new festival.
Farmhouse Visits — allows you to set a configurable chance for NPCs to decide to visit your farmer.
Nondestructive NPCS (Unofficial update) — prevents NPCs from destroying your decor/items if they're blocking the NPC's path.
Brown Cows Give Chocolate Milk — Exactly what it says. Also allows you to make chocolate bars from chocolate milk.
Mako's Spam Mail — adds in a plethora of spam mail/advertisements/chain mail that you can receive each day. It makes me cackle at least once each play sessions.
Better Junimos — allows Junimos to automatically plant crops, fertilize, water plants, harvest forage, clear dead crops, and NOT harvest your flowers.
Starfruits Will Regrow — turns starfruits into a plant that produces throughout the season ala tomatoes or grapes.
No Soil Decay — prevents tilled soil from reverting if it doesn't have a plant in it overnight.
Self Serve for 1.6 — allows you to buy from shops even when their owner is away at aerobics or otherwise unavailable.
Waterproof Items — items that fall from trees float in the water instead of sinking, allowing you to collect them.
Lovely Digspot — changes the appearance of digspots to make them easier to see. I'm blind as a bat and this is INCREDIBLY helpful.
Greenhouse Sprinklers — allows you to eventually purchase overhead sprinklers from Robin so that you can maximize your growing space.
Better Crafting — an extensive overhaul of the crafting system. I mostly use it for the ability to bulk craft.
Magic Workbench — gives your workbench a much farther reach with regards to your chests.
Better Chests — allows for better organization and search/filtering capabilities for your chests.
Bigger Backpack — allows you to purchase an additional row of storage space in your backpack.
Event Limiter — limits the number of events you can see in a day, plus how many you can see back-to-back. Configurable.
Relocate Farm Animals — allows you to easily reassign what barn/coop/hutch animals are in.
Colored Seeds for 1.6 — changes the color of seed packets to reflect what season(s) they grow in.
Social Page Order Redux — gives a filter function to the social page so you can see them divided out in different ways.
Schedule Viewer — pulls from game files to show you where NPCs are going throughout the day and at what time.
It's Still You — the mirror in the bathhouse quotes an iconic line from Undertale.
What Do You Want — provides in-game lists of requirements to complete different parts of the game, excluding what you've already completed. Lists include the community center, Grandpa's evaluation, golden walnuts, and various achievements.
Mail Services Mod — gives you the capability to mail gifts to NPCs, as well as mail off your tools for upgrade and receive them from Clint once they're done.
The Masterpost for all of the mods is located here.
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smile-files · 1 year
okey dokey!!! my little object (?) world is still in development but i really should share it with you all... (especially @mumpsetc so i'm tagging you!!) here's a little blurb on botanica!!!!
so this is a peaceful planet filled with sentient fruit! yay!! if you'd like to learn more, read below :D
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in botanica, as fruit ripen on their plants, the plant material grows inside of the fruit, as if a miniature version of the plant has grown into it - botanican fruit possess a circulatory system of xylem and phloem within their flesh, with stems and vines growing out to form appendages (fig 1). all botanicans have leaves on at least one appendage, which they use to photosynthesize. aside from this energy from the sun, botanicans also drink water, which is taken in with a root tongue, and consume soil, from which nutrients and moisture are absorbed in a stomach-like organ. in doing so, botanicans effectively keep themselves "fresh" and/or "ripe", meaning that the life of a botanican fruit off of the parent plant is longer than that of a corresponding fruit in our world. all botanicans do eventually pass, and when they do, their bodies decompose and the seeds within them have the chance of growing into plants that will create more botanicans.
botanicans, like our fruit, come in different species, but those species are grouped into four categories: roaming botanicans, which are vine fruits (melons, tomatoes, squash, grapes), coasting botanicans, which are tropical fruits (bananas, papayas, pineapples, starfruit), floating botanicans, which are berries (raspberries, strawberries, blueberries, blackberries), and soaring botanicans, which are tree fruit (apples, pears, peaches, cherries). citrus fruits are in a subcategory between coasting and soaring botanicans. (all of these category names are subject to change though!!)
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roaming botanicans are quadrupedal (four vine legs) with a prehensile vine-and-leaf tail (fig 2a); they live in sibling herds (usually small, but can vary in size) and roam around the landscape, without any designated leader among them. most roaming botanican species follow the sun year-round, and so avoid winter; in their constant migration they periodically stop to rest at hills, under which they burrow to make a nest. after making a nest under a hill, a herd will stick a branch at its peak so, after they leave, other herds will know that that hill can be used as a nesting site (fig 2b). some roaming botanicans have evolved to have particularly thick rinds, and so are more cold-resistant, and so opt not to constantly migrate, instead living more sedentary lives with occasional migration.
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coasting botanicans have a stem-and-leaf tail and two leaf fins (fig 3); they grow on land but live the majority of their lives in the water, where they spend their time in groups. these groups are more based on friendship ties than familial ties, considering how vast a domain these botanicans have (basically the entire aquatic realm). more so than others, coasting botanicans connect with botanicans of other species and categories, and spend most of their lives just exploring and meeting others. while usually surrounded by others, a coasting botanican might on a rare chance find themselves alone in the ocean, in which case the loneliness will cause them to act in a way abnormal for most of their category - they will become antisocial and will lose their desire to explore. there are few cases of this occurring, however, given how populated and lively most corners of botanica's waters are.
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floating botanicans have four large leafy wings and six tiny stem feet (fig 4a); they are the most solitary of the four categories, being very individualized. they have a very strong connection to flowers, which they in fact pollinate - many cultivate their own gardens and end up specializing in a specific type of flower. floating botanicans can be very social at times, and often come together to form collaborative gardens and even breed flowers, but they do not live in groups. these botanicans, being so much smaller than the others, can often not safely drink out of rivers or lakes without falling in, and so have evolved a long root tongue to drink with (fig 4b).
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soaring botanicans have two large, leafy wings and two stem talons (fig 5a); they tend to live in very large familial flocks, as fruit trees often produce mass amounts of botanicans. the first to ripen is usually the leader of the flock. these botanicans build nests in their family tree (get it?) using fallen sticks, branches, and other plant materials, which becomes the center of life (fig 5b). within a flock of soaring botanicans, many individuals are designated to explore the surrounding area for interesting additions to the nests (such as a foreign flower or a pretty rock). due to the large size of these groups, most individuals within a flock form a "twin" bond with another individual, which they spend more time with than others.
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i don't think i ever came up with a name for the soaring-coasting subcategory, but in any event, these botanicans have a single broad leaf tail and two stem talons (fig 6). these botanicans are more closely related to soaring botanicans than coasting botanicans, but as they tend to live in more watery areas, they have many similarities to coasting botanicans and do not have the capability of flight. botanicans of this category live in large flocks in ponds, lakes, and rivers; many build small dams. unlike those of the typical flock of soaring botanicans, individuals within flocks of these botanicans tend to intermix more; they often make friends between flocks and so there seems to be some kind of broad botanican network from pond to pond, river to river, lake to lake. these botanicans, like coasting botanicans, are very friendly and carefree.
botanica is a peaceful, happy planet; basically every resource needed for survival is in abundance and there is no opportunity for greed and selfishness to even arise, so individuals are more often than not cooperative, kind, and generous. of course, as loss and loneliness are truths of life, no botanican life is free of all suffering altogether, and issues can arise - but given the warm, compassionate nature of the surrounding physical and social environments, individuals end up living happy, loving lives overall.
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something interesting about botanican life is the complete disconnect between reproduction and relationhips - seeds are only spread after a botanican passes away, and those seeds grow into plants otherwise entirely disconnected from the botanican in question; then those plants are pollinated and new botanicans grow from them. in this way, botanicans have no real concept of sex, and often fall in love with and befriend members of different species (as there is no reason why this would be an issue; they wouldn't be reproducing with them anyway) (fig 7). while plant individuals sometimes have parts of a specific sex, most have parts of both sexes, and either way this has no impact on the mindset or behavior of the botanican as a whole creature (they technically have biological sex but they have no gender).
...so yeah, here's my silly fruit world!!! there's a lot of stuff left to talk about (with the gods of the world and everything) but this is good to start with :) i hope you like it!!!!
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yuri-is-online · 1 hour
Imagine RolloYuu taking care of a baby goat. 9/10 very cute but loses a point cause it keeps trying to eat the grape vines and tomato plants
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I read this as you being so hormonal about Rollo I am so sorry Confused. Either way same I am so hormal about Rollo too (ᵕ—ᴗ—)
Honestly Rollo could use a bit of farm work. He hates being dirty so it would take a lot of exposure therapy for him to get used to a whole ass farm, but rolloyuu with a little garden where they grow stuff to cook with is so cute. It loses that point for eating the tomatoes and grapes but how happy you are around it is what makes up those 9 points because it's so damn cute. It's nice to see you peaceful compared to how stressed you were when you met, he hopes he can preserve that.
And continue ignoring any role he played in causing that stress lol
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heyitsellebell · 10 months
elle’s diary - Page 21 - 06/12/23 @ 7:51pm
heya! Hope you’re well. Woke up around 12:30pm today and had some oats with frozen mango, grapes, and pineapple (and honey). ‘Twas delicious haha. After getting ready I went with my mum to our local community garden. There’s so much growing y’all - tomatoes, peas, zucchinis, spring onions, all the herbs, peppers, you name it - it’s all there. We watered our plot of crops as it was a hot day and we just planted some cauliflower seedlings.
After harvesting a few crops we packed up and went to our Bunnings. It’s my name day today so I got to pick out a lil plant as my gift from my mum. I ended up going with a ‘Duffii’ fern (I forgot its botanical name oops). It has these loosely curled fronds with heaps of leaflets on them. It looks straight out of a fairy land, so naturally I had to have it. I’ll attach a pic to this post :) We were also looking for a bunch of other things but couldn’t find them, no biggie tho the plant was secured.
We came home and I did a bunch of watering, mainly the shade garden. My mum and I also did some transplanting of a few plants, which went well. Ok onto production - I worked on ‘18’ for a while last night after last checking in. Did some fine-tuning of the timing of a bunch of synths. There’s no percussion in the song so anything that’s slightly rhythmic needs to be really on beat. I did that until late (3am ooops) and did the mastering. I’m gonna listen to it after I’ve finished writing this post and see how it sounds, hopefully all good!!! Alrighty, that’s gonna be all for now. Thank you for reading! All the best <3
lots of love,
elle xoxo
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As a resident brown thumb, and beginner gardener I cannot emphasize enough how important it is to invest in perennials.
Yes it takes longer for a perennial plant to mature, (about 2 to 3 years if it's in a pot) but you can definitely grow annuals while you wait and won't even notice, I am TELLING you it is so so worth it guys trust me.
You'll have Fruits/nuts/berries/herbs/leafy greens for years to come after one install and very minimal upkeep.
Perennials also tend to be hardier and more forgiving when it comes to beginner gardener's in my experience as well.
My method is to always purchase 1-2 perennial plants On Sale for every 5-8 annuals i plan on growing that year. It may be a little expensive if ur just starting out, so 1 perennial + 3-ish annuals would suffice.
Plants do well when they're companion planted so it saves u time, energy, and pesticides to get recommended combinations.
My first year didnt count, I only planted a solid block of irish potatoes of the same variety. It was a plague of bugs and disease. Don't do that, always get Companion Plant combos.
So let's go over a 4 year garden plan to get an idea, when you know what you're doing.
The 1st year I started with: a blackberry bush kit. The kit had 2 blackberry plants in it, I got it from Sams Club. I planted them in cheap plastic pots.
-a grapevine kit (Red seedless and Concord pair I also from the same Sams club). I didn't know what a mycellium network was so I thought the roots molded and threw them away, I still feel the sting from that waste but i was able to buy a Disease resistant grape variety online and plant it in the same pot. But dont be like me.
-And for my annuals that year I went with a salsa garden combo kit (peppers, cilantro, tomatoes, basil) that I got from Lowes. I harvested the salsa ingredients that whole summer.
-The second year
i bought an Italian plum tree, and for my annuals, I planted a Salad kit.
By that time, the Blackberries were mature and I was able to harvest blackberries for the first time.
This year, the 3rd year I've expanded my kitchen garden to include a salsa garden, and the 3 sisters combo (squash, beans and corn planted in the same place).
The grapevine I planted is now mature and will give me grapes in the late summer.
I'm on my second year of blackberries.
The Plum tree will be ready next year. And I haven't decided on what to plant yet.
The fourth year It will probably be a greek salad combo kit (tomatoes, red onion, basil, parsley, garlic) with a tea garden kit (rosemary, lemon balm, chamomile, lavender, mint). By this time My plum tree will be mature and I will harvest my first year of plums, my third year of blackberries, and my second year of grapes. And for my two new perennials, I will go with two apple trees for $10 each online.
By That Time I will harvest my 3rd year of blackberries, my 2nd year of grapes and my 1st year of italian plums.
So that's how it works!
Grapes, blueberries, raspberries and blackberries are cheap and widely available from big box stores during planting season, whereas fruit trees are cheaper and healthier when ordered online outside of planting season but pre-ordered for the next year, in my experience.
(this could be berry bushes, a fruit tree, a nut tree, a fruit vine, or a perennial herb you just have to shop around) They mature faster when you plant it in a pot, and you grow however many annuals you want that growing season.
I'm so focused on the routine spring radishes and summer tomatoes, that two adhd business days (seasons) later and boom
"now I have fresh blackberries this season too."
"Oh what's this? Now I have grapes to go along with this year's harvest"
COCAINE can't beat that high, check your growing zone and buy that f*cking dwarf tree.
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thestudentfarmer · 6 months
Hello hello~
I've got some garden pic updates :)
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New sunflower patch, I'm only doing a small patch here as It's to tide over till I get some more scaping/zoning planned up. These are from 4th gen mix seeds (I got them from some friends and classmates)
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Same row, I purchased some jalapeno starts as the peppers I seed started are still super small currently.
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Same tows, some super late starting spinach. I'm letting it grow to see if I can see what seeding for spinach is like and share that with you all :)
In the white line/square is a wild seeded chamomile plant. I pulled it and gave it to the chickens as a treat.
Further up is the remaining carrots and some tomato starts we purchased, now interplanted with them. There's 2 slicer types and a grape variety. I don't remember offhand if they are determinate or indeterminate. Unfortunately the ones I seed started died off once they were returned outside.
:( thankfully we've all agreed to go light on tomatoes this year due to that.
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In ground some direct seeded squash, these are a patty pan/Starburst variety and a couple zuchinni. With luck this year we avoid the squash bugs!
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The direct seeded nasturtium in the back and front is careless wildseeded chamomile (I swear it's the best way to grow it and will be sowing another patch like this)
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The few eggplants I've left for now have flowers, pointed to by the white arrows.
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And the broccoli currently, the seeds aren't ready quite yet, but I pulled a pod the birds got to to check them, still pretty green but the seeds are of good size. Still lots of lovely flowers for the various pollinators of the area. Unlike carrot flowers, broccoli seems to attract mostly bees (the honeybees) I haven't seen too many butterflies, moths, flies or otherwise.
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Just a bee enjoying some broccoli pollen~
For pest report,
So far I've seen flies and stink bugs.
No ants, aphids and thankfully no squash bugs so far.
Beneficial bug report,
I did see some ladybird gators while doing maintenence cleanup. Some small soil roachs in a few of the beds earthworms while trimming off roots to old sunflower stems.
Mixed bugs:
What I believe to be praying mantis egg cases, I don't know how old or how new they are though.
Pillbugs in some of the beds.
Our parrot visitors have stopped coming by, unfortunatly we no longer have any sunflower heads available for them. When more sunflowers come in I hope they will visit again, or perhaps even when the hollyhocks start seeding. Plenty of the smaller birds of the area still visiting though. I find the thought they might get broccoli seed and wild seed it elsewhere very funny.
This week I plan to work on getting a water line in and some more deep beds set up for growing more sweet potato vines/spuds. As well as getting some melon seeds direct seeded if I can (I may need more soil first to refill the bed).
Started some new spuds to vine for the sweet potato's and ordered some sunchoke tubers and seeds to start out some new herbs/spices and teas.
That's it for today's post and update 😊
🌱🌻Happy homesteading and Urban Farming🌻🌱
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but-is-it-vegan · 10 months
5, 9, 13?
Thank you for the ask!
5) What is the cheapest meal that you prepare?
That's a good question... I don't know exactly how much my meals cost since I'm not living alone and therefore meals and groceries are shared. But I'd guess borscht as you just need some potatoes, tofu, beetroot, cabbage, onions, beans, soy sauce and a big spoon of vegan sour cream/non-sweet yogurt as topping. Can be made in a big pot that will fit several servings.
9) Do you eat more vegetables and fruits now that you're vegan?
Oh yes. I still struggle with fruits because I can only enjoy them when they're really fresh so if like, an apple, grapes or a kaki is starting to get softer I have a hard time eating it. Also they mold so quickly and I prefer taste-wise exotic fruit a lot over local fruit but they are quite expensive here. Other fruits I really like are so much effort to peel and messy, like grapefruit and pomegranate. I'm trying to substitute my lack of fruits through smoothies and vitamin drinks lol
I eat so much more vegetables now and I'm very happy about that. My diet consisted mostly of spagetti, frozen pizza and sandwiches (made in a sandwich maker with salami and cheese) before I went vegan. Vegetables are so tasty.
13) Do you grow any of your own food? If so, what? If not, what are you planning to grow?
Unfortunately I don't really have the space or skills to grow something myself but I and my roommates are planning to try a tomato plant, leek and some berry. We do not have green thumbs but I'm positive that we will manage to get something with the right preparation.
40 Vegan Question Ask Meme
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lighterlaughter · 1 year
I think I’m going to add some chocolate vine and grapevine to my balcony garden. It’s potted, so the chocolate vine won’t be able to spread by roots and since I’ll be harvesting the seed pods it won’t spread.
So what I want to start with
Chocolate Vine
Various herbs
Various flowers
Green beans
Sweet peppers
Summer squash
A few flower vines
Eventually I plan to include
Goji berry
Pawpaw (there’s a compact variety that I found. We’ll se how it grows)
Dwarf lemon
Dwarf orange
Container apple
Kidney beans
Hot peppers
Other squash types
Dwarf cherry
Dwarf pomegranate
Ground cherry
Other stuff as I find it
But I’m not even starting on the other stuff til after I move next year. Cause there’s only so many plants I have a desire to move and my current apartment is a grump about having anything but chairs on the balcony and get upset with the two potted bushes I got. And I don’t want to deal with them
If you know of something particularly pretty of edible that can withstand hot summers or low light indoors that I haven’t heard of let me know. I only recently discovered chocolate vine and I love the appearance and I’m excited to try the seed pods. They supposedly smell of chocolate and taste like tapioca pudding.
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owlespresso · 2 years
rococo. ferdinand and sylvain.
spice below the cut! I really liked the atmosphere of this one. It's pretty. I've really wanted to write a piece with both Ferdinand and Sylvain literally because they're both redheads and that satisfies the weird part of my brain that wants similar things to be sorted together?? Autumn Leaf Boys. Belong Together. Do Not Separate. prompt was threesome.
The greenhouse is rows of abundant foliage run down a narrow stretch of cleared land between the tall spruces and pines and firs of southern Faerghus. Its coved ceilings are composed of frosted glass, the cold kept out kind and careful by rows of runes inscribed onto the building’s foundations. Tomatoes and onions and chives grow in full abundance. Short apple trees dot its four corners. The small fountain at the center bubbles with clean water, small droplets flying over the granite lip and onto the strands of emerald green below. A silver watering can lay on its side next to it.
“These things just keep growing and growing,” you grumble. Today’s work isn’t particularly grueling. It’s just picking tomatoes, which have begun to grow in shocking abundance. You’ll make some red sauce tonight, you decide, gently plopping each round fruit into your deep wicker basket.
“Is that a problem?” Ferdinand pipes up, looking over your shoulder, down at the mass of unkempt greens and reds. 
“And can it wait until after lunch?” Sylvain calls from further down the way, splayed across a thick picnic blanket. Its threads of red and black stand out stark against the resplendent greenery. A bottle of wine, still corked, sits on the dirt path beside. You huff at his impatience, but you uncurl yourself from looming over the tomato plants, wincing as the muscles and vertebrae crack and twitch. Your dark green gardening gloves flop to the ground, one after the other. 
“Fine, fine,” you acquiesce, rolling your shoulders as you trot over. The wicker basket, halfway full, is nestled in the grass beside the blanket. “What’dya bring?”
“I brought,” Ferdinand chimes, managing to retain his elegant countenance as he sinks to his knees. A few weeks ago he had balked at the idea of sitting on the ground of all places, but he looks like a spring prince settled amongst the flowers and foliage, a fae that’s decided to step out of the wood to deign them with his company. His hair falls around his shoulders in grand waves of pale ginger. You don’t even pay attention to the list of inevitably bougie foods he’s brought.
“And I brought my delightful company,” Sylvain drawls, plunging neckline of his shirt exposing wide planes of his broad chest. He’s just as eyesome as your other companion. He blinks slowly, like a cat, underneath those warm rays of sun. His eyelashes fan against his pale cheeks. The vibrant, natural light casts him in a vivid glow, like he’s just stepped from a watercolor painting.
He catches you staring and winks. You huff and promptly look at the mass of food Ferdinand is piling onto the blanket, firmly foisting your assistance upon him, leaving no room for rejection.
The food is delicious. An array of wrapped sandwiches served alongside a charcuterie board. There’s rich cheeses and freshly sliced meats, accompanied by sweet strawberries and grapes and blueberries. Glasses of fruity summer wine accompany the incredible splay of food, flavor sweet and dry on your tongue. It burns ever so slightly as it trickles down your throat. It’s pure indulgence, from the wine to even the blanket you’re settled upon. It’s made of thick, fine fabric imported from the north. You nearly feel guilty, lounging in this place of splendors whilst so many  languish in poverty on the outside. 
But how many on this fragile continent would kill to be in your place? How long will you get to enjoy this before some other political schism or otherwise disaster occurs? Surely you have earned this quiet little corner of land to rest in after the horrors the war put you through.
Commitment to enjoying the meal aside, it’s far too much food for three people. Ferdinand is bullied easily enough into packing it away for later when the three of you have had your fill. Wasting food is an unforgivable crime, no matter who commits it. 
The sun’s muted rays dapple through the frosted glass and thin branches of the nearby apple tree to warm your skin. Your body is warm and your muscles have gone loose, a pleasant haze slipping over your prone form as you lay on your beck, eyes fluttering shut.
The next few moments pass in several, blinking still frames. The bodies beside you shift and the quiet murmur of their voices sends a pleasant thrum through you. You reach your hands above your head and hum contentedly as your shoulders stretch and your vertebrae crackle, before you crumple into a jello-like heap.
“Thank you for taking the time to see me, today,” Ferdinand murmurs, suddenly much closer than you remember him being. The blanket wrinkles and shifts to contort around him as he lays on his side, cheek perched on the palm of his hand. There’s an inescapable warmth in his eyes as he regards you, as he presses his lips to the round of your shoulder.
“You keep trying to make me the third wheel,” Sylvain posits, challenging. “It’s not gonna work.”
Hot hands press up against your skin, and fine fabric presses up against your palms and fingers as the three of you grasp at each other’s clothes. It’s a slow, relaxed process, the slowest tumblr amongst the sheets you’ve ever endured. Rich, fine fabric slips off of freckles skin, revealing their battle-hardened bodies to your greedy gaze. Sylvain’s pecs are plush and round. The curve of Ferdinand’s ass is more abundant than you realized. You run your fingertips up his thigh, only to find your hand pressed next to your head, his fingers interwoven with your own.
One of them kisses you. Soft lips are gentled and tempered against your own. The touches evolve from there, tumble down the hill until all three of you are bare and sweating. Their lips dance up and down your face and torso, Sylvain running kisses from the crook of your neck to the swell of your chest, squeezing your breast appreciatively. 
Ferdinand is slower and more genteel in his approach. He plants pecks over the round of your shoulder.
“I used to get the two of you confused, you know,” you murmur, carding your fingers through Ferdinand’s billowing locks. He chokes, sounding most aggrieved even as he plants kisses up and down the stretch of your forearm.
“I did not take etiquette classes for ten years prior to the academy only to be confused with that philanderer.” He’s pouting, you think, as his teeth gently grate the tender skin at the crook of your neck. “Wait… Is that why you threw a dagger at my head that day on the training grounds?”
“‘That philanderer’ is right here,” Sylvain drawls. “All those etiquette classes and you still don’t know it’s rude to talk about people like they’re not there? Sounds like you should go back and get a refresher. Like right now, maybe?” There’s a mote of sardonic hope in his voice, lips curling into a smug grin as he presses his cheek to your other shoulder. He draws a roughened palm over the top of your thigh. His thumb and forefinger spread apart as his touch ventures dangerously close to your cunt, burying in the crease of your leg and thigh. 
Watery sunlight filters in through the frosted glass. It gleams off their hair, casts Sylvain’s red hair in brilliant crimson, the freckles which dot his shoulders peeking out from underneath the undone collar of his crisp white button-up.
“My apologies,” Ferdinand apologies, cheeks flushing pink. You hardly hear him. Sylvain presses you open with his fingers and tongue, delicate touch dancing over your clit. The pleasure arcs through you in sharp, inescapable bolts. You pant as you arch your back, gaze unfocused and aimless. 
There’s no one else besides the three of you, wrapped in each other’s company in this veritable garden of Eden. No one but the parsnips and the marigolds bears witness to your beautiful undoing. Ferdinand’s hair falls around you like a curtain and Sylvain’s voice rolls up your spine and caresses your ears like a physical weight. The taste of them is sweet and heady on your tongue, slick as it burns down your throat and eases you over your peak again, and again, and again.
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Also, what kind of hobbies does everyone have?
Thank you for the ask!
Obviously, the standard papyri & snes like cooking,
But i feel like everyone in the skeleton family likes cooking
And a funny thought in my head…
Cobalt decided to make some good ol’ homemade pizza one night, and was about to take it out of the oven, when the intrusive thoughts got a hold of him for a second.
Y’know how all the skeletons have plated/spaded tails?
Well, he figured since he couldn’t really feel anything in that part of his tail, he could use it like one of those pizza peelers/paddles and take it out.
Which would have worked, if it didn’t absorb the heat so quick and burn the part of his tail he could feel.
Hadés really likes to knit, and sew stuff
Fun Fact about this; the fur on Stitcher’s jacket wasn’t on there originally!
Or the fur on the inside
He bought some material and sewed it on, so it would give better protection in the snow
Teddy likes to garden/grow food
Sweets/Ochre, too!
They’re both pretty good at it, and always have some sort of plant in any room of their house
Potatoes, pumpkin, grapes, tomatoes, oranges, and peaches are what they have the most of, produce-wise in their back yard
A truly beautiful sight, their garden
Sweets/Ochre is definitely better with flowers, though
Wasp knows how to plays the bass
He swears up and down he’s only a beginner
But he’s written a few tunes and been at it since he got to the surface (2-3 years *cough cough*)
So who’s to say?
And speaking of instruments,
Everest (obviously) knows how to play the trombone and drums
And So does Stitcher
But recently Stitch’ has also been practicing electric guitar
And Badger knows how to play acoustic
We really have a lot of talented skellies in this house, huh?
Gaster actually goes out quite a bit!
Can’t say i’m too surprised, though
Being in the void’ll definitely make you lonely
He goes running early in the morning, being joined by Frosty/Paladin or Cobalt every now and again
He also really likes taking long walks around the park, or at the beach at night
He sets up a spot sometimes, with a blanket or two and stargazes
A simple man with simple tastes
(Can you tell he’s a favourite)
Suns/Taurus and Nova/Leo really like swimming
I guess the weightlessness reminds them of space???
Either way they’re a lot more lean that their counterparts
Cobalt, Gauntlet, Hadés, and Paladin/Frosty work out together
Cobalt & Gauntlet are a lot bulkier/bigger boned than the other two, as standard for sanses
Not to say that Hadés & Paladin/Frosty aren’t big boned-
They have bigger/wider shoulders
They all go around 2 or 3 times a week
Undyne and/or Alphys will join them, occasionally
Toriel/Ember does archery
Much like Asgore/Hot-cross has his Trident
Toriels/Ember has her Bow & Arrow
I might draw it later, but she has a specific outfit that she wears when she goes to a proper field to shoot in
I might update this later, but that’s all i can think of off the top of my head!
Once again, thank you for asking!
I love being able to share my thoughts and ideas
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prep4tomoro · 2 years
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Edible Landscaping - What Is It, How to Design It and What Plants to Choose:
Edible landscaping refers to mixing food plants in with your ornamental ones, to create a setting that is not only visually appealing, but productive as well. This post will provide suggestions for How to Design It and What Plants to Choose. Edible landscapes are nothing new, with the Ancient Egyptians being one of the first to create gardens featuring flowers, grape vines, and fruit trees, mixed with seating areas where one could enjoy the scenery. In the 10th century, the rose gardens that were sprinkled with fragrant herbs became a signature creation of Benedictine monks. Examples include:
Using different types of loose-leaf lettuce as border plants
Creating a hedge from blueberries or currants, rather than unproductive shrubs
Replacing non-edible trees with fruit trees
Using tomato plants or grape vines, instead of conventional climbing vines to cascade over a trellis
Having pots and baskets of colorful, fragrant herbs, rather than non-edible flowers
Incorporating striking vegetables, such as Swiss chard and pak choi, into flower beds
Using strawberries, thyme and mint as ground cover
Resources: Design Suggestions and What Plants to Choose YouTube Videos Edible Landscaping by Rosalind Creasy 20 Plants to Grow for Calcium [Reference Link]
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ihenvs3000w23 · 2 years
Nature Interpretation & Science
This week we focused on nature interpretation through science. Now, this is something I am more familiar with as I am a student studying both biology and psychology. To be more specific, I have studied nature in ecological contexts throughout my time as a Gryphon. There are many ways that we interpret nature through science, whether that be the process that take place in nature or the patterns and relationships that take place. For example, gardening can be seen as a specific science known as botany which focuses on plants and their genetics and environment. Gardening is something I myself do not take part in, but my grandpa as I have stated before is consumed by gardening and crops. Since I was a little girl our home in Bosnia is surrounded by grape vines, cherry trees, figs, tomatoes, watermelon, etc. When I get there, all the hard work is already over and it is just harvest season. I did not witness the extensive work that was put into the proper growth of a crop. For example, in order for a fig to grow properly, the company of female bee’s is significant as they lay eggs inside the fruit in order for the fig to ripen. Sometimes, we have a habit of just looking at our surroundings in nature, but not understanding how these things come to be. Whether it be from a continental drift, a seed that grew into a tree, or a burrow that is a home to a groundhog. Another example that I would like to touch on is a waterfall that is right outside of my home in Bosnia. The waterfall/water is called Duman and according to my family it has always been there. It is one of the main water sources in Livno and is the best drinking water.
Even though Duman was not manmade, it is up to the people who visit and native people to the town who choose to keep it clean and take care of it. In other words, science is the explanation for the waterfall or magic as some may believe. Almost everything that exists has a reason for existing and can be explained through science, whether that be people or the reason for the weeds growing on your grass. Sometimes this can be evident when looking at a tree in a forest, it may have a spotted or moldy texture to it as it was affected by a fungus or disease. That can happen to things in nature just as it happens to us. Lastly, I want to make mention the relationship that humans and nature have with one another. When you look at a numerical scale of the human and of a plant, there are many similarities that we share. Whether it be the need for oxygen or the similar epidermal layer under a microscope, we would be unable to exist without nature. Thankfully, us humans are able to understand some of these similarities, differences, benefits, and precautions
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rainset · 2 years
Story Practice (10/22/22)— DOG Part X
Main street winds down in grooves and sanded down glass shards making for a gradient raindow that dances in sunlight. Looking like something out of an illustration.
They’re walking by the village people sharing it’s simple splendor, taking a detour to the right where little houses bloom up.
Rosalina’s home is a garden and from bottom nail to the highest point of her home, is covered in ivy. Plants have reclaimed her abode, and she welcomes it.
Flowers bloom to the left, grapes and tomatos tangle to the right. Even more of her garden is bellowing over her gates, and sprouting the other side.
The entire home is shaded by a massive tree, that grows oranges instead of apples from their backyard.
Shiro pries open the gate. “H-here we- are!” She tugs it open and signals Jeremy in.
He looks around at every budding green vine and tangle, brushing against his face as he steps through the front.
Large stepping stones lead to a dark green door. The ivy slipping under its frame.
Jeremy quietly steps up to it and after a moment, knocks. By the third, it opens.
A dark haired woman stands near to even level height to the land, only looking down by an inch or two.
She nearly has a heart attack when she sees him. “OH MY GA-“ she grips her chest. “-WHO ARE YOU?!”
“Mama- mama wait!” Shiro raises up her spindlely arms from her jacket, pushing Jeremy out the way.
Rosalina sighs in relief and hugs her girl. “Thank heavens, oh- it’s just a friend, right?” She squeezes her tighter. “You have a friend?”
Shiro smiles hard and nods. “Yeah!!” She backs away and points to him. “That’s Jeremy Hoth-“ her mom grabs her hand and yanks it down. “Shi-shi don’t point, it’s rude!”
Shiro ignores her and looks back up “he’s super cool and doesn’t hang out with anyone except for me!”
Rosalina raises a brow. “Is that right..?” She looks to the boy, turning her head slightly so her dark hair goes behind her shoulder. “Is there something you do with my daughter?”
Jeremy’s face gets pale. He tries to speak but couldn’t. Her eyes bore into him.
Shiro tugs on her mom’s chest. “NO he’s just special, he’s different, okay?”
Her mama looks at him further. Then realizes. Her squinting eases away. “You’re the Hoth kid aren’t you?”
He nods.
“Aye yea we know about you.. how you been?”
He shrugs.
Rosalina gets a tug at her throat. She pushes on her front door to creak it back open, waving him in. “Com’on in, I’ll fix you two some tea.” She looks down to her baby. “Hungry?”
Shiro shrugs. “Tsk- did you get ice cream again?” Shiro grins and nods. “You know that ruins your appetite! Com’on.” Shiro goes inside, waving Jeremy in.
He slowly comes inside to see a home made entirely of antiques. From the chairs to the oven, but all is in working order. There’s an upstairs too. It’s geometric, it has shape and form. There’s a beauty to that.. Jeremy wanted to draw.
Rosalina pulls out a seat for him and he quietly sits— but it groans as he does. He feels a bit emberassed, looking up to her.
Rosalina waves it off as she puts a teapot to the stove. “They like that. Not you.”
“Do you.. have any paper? And charcoal?”
Rosalina thinks a moment. “I got pencil. You wanna draw?” He nods and in a moment she digs through her office and places a wide sheet in front of him, with a broken pencil. “No eraser, I can get you one?” Jeremy nods a ‘no’ and he proceeds to draw out what is inspiring him, his mind flowing down his arm, and all things that worry him washes away to lines and shapes, something coming into being out of an empty page.
Shiro watches him as he does his process. Nobody said a word to let him work.
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suntodayseeds-blog · 2 months
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pearlmroach · 2 months
Vertical Vegetable Gardens: Growing Up For More Produce
In urban and suburban settings where space is limited, vertical vegetable gardens offer a practical and efficient solution to grow fresh produce.
These innovative gardens not only maximize growing space but also add aesthetic value to balconies, patios, rooftops, and even indoor areas. Here’s a comprehensive guide on vertical vegetable gardens, including benefits, suitable vegetables, types of structures, and how to set up your own vertical garden.
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Benefits of Vertical Vegetable Gardens
1. Space Maximization
Vertical gardens utilize vertical space, making them ideal for small areas such as urban balconies or compact yards. By growing upwards, you can significantly increase your growing area without expanding horizontally.
2. Higher Yields
Vertical gardening allows for denser planting and better air circulation, which can lead to higher yields compared to traditional gardening methods. Plants receive more sunlight and are less prone to diseases and pests that thrive in crowded conditions.
3. Aesthetic Appeal
Vertical gardens can serve as decorative features, transforming walls or unused spaces into vibrant green areas. They enhance the visual appeal of outdoor spaces and contribute to a healthier environment.
4. Accessibility and Maintenance
With plants at eye level or higher, vertical gardens are easier to access for watering, pruning, and harvesting. This accessibility reduces strain on the back and knees, making gardening more enjoyable and accessible to people of all ages.
5. Sustainable Gardening
Vertical gardens promote sustainability by maximizing resources such as water and sunlight. They can also incorporate eco-friendly practices such as composting and using organic fertilizers, contributing to environmental conservation.
Choosing Suitable Vegetables for Vertical Gardens
Not all vegetables are suitable for vertical gardening. Here are some that thrive in this setup:
Climbing Plants: Beans, peas, cucumbers, and squash are excellent choices as they naturally climb and benefit from vertical support.
Vining Plants: Tomatoes, grapes, and certain varieties of melons can be trained to grow vertically with proper support.
Leafy Greens: Lettuce, spinach, kale, and Swiss chard grow well in vertical planters and hanging baskets.
Herbs: Basil, parsley, cilantro, and mint are ideal for smaller pots or pocket planters attached to vertical structures.
Types of Vertical Garden Structures
1. Trellises and Arbors
Trellises and arbors provide sturdy support for climbing and vining plants. They can be made of wood, metal, or recycled materials and are available in various sizes and designs.
2. Wall-mounted Planters
Wall-mounted planters are perfect for herbs, small vegetables, and flowers. They can be installed directly onto walls or fences, creating a vertical garden without occupying floor space.
3. Tower Gardens
Tower gardens consist of stacked pots or planters, allowing you to grow multiple plants in a compact footprint. They are versatile and can be used indoors or outdoors.
4. Hanging Baskets and Pots
Hanging baskets and pots are suitable for trailing plants like strawberries, cherry tomatoes, and cascading herbs. They add visual interest and can be easily moved or rearranged.
5. Vertical Hydroponic Systems
Hydroponic vertical gardens use nutrient-rich water instead of soil, making them suitable for indoor environments and maximizing space efficiency.
Setting Up Your Vertical Vegetable Garden
1. Location Selection
Choose a location that receives adequate sunlight, typically 6-8 hours per day for most vegetables. Consider factors such as wind exposure and accessibility for watering and maintenance.
2. Preparation of Soil or Growing Medium
Use a lightweight, well-draining potting mix for container plants. Ensure the soil is fertile and enriched with compost or organic matter to provide essential nutrients.
3. Planting and Maintenance
Planting: Place taller plants or climbers near the back or center of the vertical structure to prevent shading of smaller plants.
Watering: Install a drip irrigation system or water plants regularly to ensure even moisture levels. Vertical gardens may require more frequent watering due to faster drainage.
Fertilizing: Use organic fertilizers or compost tea to nourish plants throughout the growing season. Follow specific guidelines for each type of vegetable.
4. Support and Training
Provide adequate support for climbing and vining plants using trellises, stakes, or cages. Regularly train plants to grow upwards and secure them as they grow to prevent damage.
5. Pest and Disease Management
Monitor plants for pests and diseases regularly. Use natural methods such as companion planting, beneficial insects, and organic pesticides to control pests and promote plant health.
Maintenance Tips for Vertical Gardens
Pruning and Thinning: Regularly prune plants to encourage air circulation and prevent overcrowding. Thin out excess growth to maintain plant health and maximize productivity.
Mulching: Apply mulch around plants to retain moisture, suppress weeds, and regulate soil temperature. Use organic materials such as straw, shredded leaves, or compost.
Seasonal Care: Adjust planting and maintenance practices according to seasonal changes. Protect plants from frost or extreme heat and provide additional support during heavy rainfall or strong winds.
Vertical vegetable gardens offer a practical and aesthetically pleasing way to grow fresh produce in limited spaces. By utilizing vertical space effectively, you can enjoy higher yields, easier maintenance, and a greener environment.
Whether you're a city dweller with a small balcony or a suburban homeowner looking to maximize garden space, vertical gardening provides a versatile solution for cultivating a variety of vegetables and herbs.
Start planning and creating your vertical vegetable garden today to reap the rewards of homegrown goodness year-round.
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