#How To Get Cat Spray Out Of A Ma
woso-dreamzzz · 2 months
Surgery IX
Mapi León x Ingrid Engen x Child!Reader
Summary: Ingrid does your hair
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The first time Ingrid meets you, the only thing she can look at is your hair.
You're absolutely tiny, dressed comfortably in a pair of overalls and fancy Adidas shoes. You actually look pretty cool for such a little kid but it's the hair that has Ingrid wincing.
It's wild.
It poofs out a lion's mane and Ingrid can just spy the singular hairband desperately trying to keep it all at bay.
You have a lot of curls and a lot of frizz. It's a wonder that Mapi's even managed to scrape it all back into a ponytail.
Ingrid's hair isn't like yours. In fact, Ingrid hasn't really met anyone with hair like yours before.
Your nickname is well suited to you as you bound over to Mapi to talk, hair bouncing with every little step.
You truly have a mane of your own.
Ingrid finds herself staring at it many times over the next few weeks. She just can't help it.
There's just something about your hair that Ingrid can't just get out of her head.
She works out what exactly it is the first time she sleeps the night at Mapi's place.
It's a day off when she wakes up again so the plan is the three of you are all going out shopping together.
It's a normal day even if she's slept over at her girlfriend's so Ingrid dresses quickly and steps out into the living room.
She can hear the crying before she even walks out.
Mapi's sitting on the sofa with you on the floor in front of her.
You're in tears, howling and sobbing as Mapi runs a brush through your hair.
She looks to be nearly in tears too.
"I know," She says," I know. I'm sorry, Cub. I'm so sorry but you know you need your hair brushed."
"Ma-Mami! Mami, no!" You sob as Mapi attempts to force the brush through your curls.
Ingrid's eyes widen in shock.
She hadn't ever considered Mapi brushed your hair dry.
It doesn't look to be working well either, not with how distressed both you and Mapi appear to be.
Your hair has always been dry for as long as Ingrid's known you but now she wonders if it's like that naturally or something else.
It's a bit bad to be snooping but Ingrid can't help herself as she slips into the bathroom to have a look.
You're still sobbing by the time she comes back and Mapi's broken down in tears too.
Ingrid sits, gently stopping Mapi's brushing with a soft hand.
You wiggle away quickly, shuffling all the way to the other side of the room by your toys.
"It's fine." Mapi furiously swipes the tears from her eyes. "We're fine. Just having a bit of trouble with her hair."
"Is it usually like this?"
"We get through it."
Mapi's putting on a brave face but Ingrid can tell it's all fake. She's in tears. You're in tears.
You're both treating this like it's normal.
"New plan," She says," Leave her hair as it is. We're going to get her some things."
"For her hair? Ingrid, I have-"
"Mapi, I can tell you're trying hard but none of that stuff in your bathroom is suited to her hair."
"My Mama said-"
"Does your mum have straight hair?"
"Trust me, Mapi. Curly hair needs more looking after. Come on. Get her dressed and I'll show you."
Mapi wasn't quite convinced at first but upon seeing just how large the range of curly haired products was, she firmly shut up unless it was to translate Ingrid's words to the store attendant.
Together, they manage to fill the basket with things Mapi's never even seen before and suddenly she's sitting in her own living room again watching Ingrid wrangle you back into position on the floor.
Hair brushing is your least favourite time of the day combined with saying goodbye to Bagheera and being put down for bed.
Eventually though, with the promise of baking later on in the day, you sit nicely for Ingrid with some documentary about cats playing on the tv.
Ingrid pulls out a bottle of spray.
"Don't brush her hair if it's dry." Ingrid sprays liberally until your hair is suitably wet and is no longer big and bushy. "So we've got a wide-toothed comb which I think we should use for more everyday kind of brushing but we're going to use this-" She holds up the new detangling brush "-To get all the knots out."
Mapi watches attentively as Ingrid separates a chunk of your hair and starts at the bottom rather than the top.
It's a bit weird to you as Ingrid glides the brush through your hair. She doesn't tug or pull like usually happens so it's a bit strange for you.
Hair brushing has always been a very bad experience for you and Mami. There's usually a lot of tears and screaming and crying but it's still a lot better than when Abuela did your hair once.
She complained a lot when it happened and said mean things like your hair was 'untameable' and 'horrible to brush'. You think she meant it in a joking way because she and Abuelo were laughing and teasing each other but you can still remember the way she said that she might tell your Mami to 'cut it all off and start again'.
You know she was joking around and she wasn't actually going to tell Mami that but she still said it and you still remembered it.
She said that if you were any older than she would sit you in front of her and just straighten it all.
You love your mane though, even though it hurts to brush and it's bushy and big.
Mami loves your mane too, she's told you so lots of times. She says it's very beautiful and makes you look fierce like a real life lion.
You think Ingrid must love your hair too because she's being so gentle and so nice with it. Her hands are soft and the brush doesn't pull or snag much.
You like the feeling of her brushing your hair and your eyes droop a little.
It's almost as nice as getting back scratches.
Mapi sits in awe behind you as Ingrid massages some moisturising product into your now tamed hair.
"We could probably just put her hair up in braids to help protect it when she's going about her day," Ingrid says," It'll keep it nice and neat and no knots until we get home."
"You're good at this," Mapi says. She's still slightly in shock at how well Ingrid's doing with this all.
"I..." Ingrid's face turns red. "I did a lot of research. Her hair is so nice. I want her to love it."
Mapi laughs a little, looking down at where you're fast asleep, leaning back against Ingrid's legs.
"If you keep sending her to sleep every time you brush it then I'm sure she will."
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stormcrow513 · 18 days
Hey been awhile,
Around a year ago I wrote a vent post about how the crappy neighbors were moving out and king fuckface decided to take one last crap on us,
He'd had some guy mow down all their weeds then he walked around spraying poison aka weed killer all over the whole property,
which do to dickery and bribes to town counsel might as well be planted in my backyard,
The only space I can let my dogs pee,
I am so fucking sensitive to poison I got sick, ma got sick all my dogs were sick,
Bailey my oldest beautiful girl looked like it was going to kill her,
I ranted on here poured my grief and hate out,
Some of y'all saw me sent love back to me and prayers for my Bae,
And she started kicking it she was recovering,
I updated y'all and you were glad to hear it,
one of you even dm'd me later to ask if she was still recovering and I'd been able to reply a happy positive,
Which is why I felt like I had to come on here and let you know
Bailey died today,
And to thank you again for those prayers
I got one more year with her,
She was so amazing she stole one of my mas stuffed bears after like a day with us and would suck on it, she then stole two more, and would not except any additional bears we tried to give her, nope those were here three she stole them herself,
I taught her to jump into my arms,
She watched me squint at the TV and then started squinting her eyes at me,
She would get pissed off if you called her a dog, she was not a dirty dog she was a fur person
I could go on forever,
She was a tough fucking bitch we had to put her down because she absolutely refused to go,
she was fighting death every step,
I'm sure Deaths down a few fingers dragging her across the rainbow bridge while she claws and screams every obscenity I ever taught her,
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While I have you,
some of you might remember me talking about the three sibling cats I'd gotten as kittens how the brother Ares had passed in 2019 then Shy decided to go out on the same day as the queen as was Shy right little Drama Queen,
Then it was just Mittens and she started to go down hill was losing interest in food so we got her a kitty I named Circe,
Well Mittens spited herself back to health cause fuck you kitten, and managed kept going through to the beginning of this year and then she just couldn't go on, she curled up in the worst fucking spot so I had to frag her body out after feeling that she was gone,
Like I said absolutely a spiteful shit,
I miss her so much, she loved being held like a baby, she acted more like a dog then a cat, she liked to sit on my shoulder, I have a scar on my shoulder where she got a claw stuck in it one time,
and she loved it when I had long hair shed get up high behind me after I'd showered and comb my hair with her claws,
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As I was showering off the pee and poop after cleaning up,
I thought about writing this and ending it here with some kinda sign off,
but as I sat there my mind turning with the sear bullshit that not just this week but my entire fucking life's been,
My brain turned and raged,
You know I love animals way more then I like humans, while I do feel love and empathy towards humanity there are days like today where it's a hard thing and an easy thing,
because I read about Neil Gaiman sexualy assaulting women yesterday which makes me so sick,
But the vet that put down Bailey was so fucking kind,
I joke to people that I was raised by dogs,
It's not really a joke,
My ma has been the only human to truly love me,
My sperm donor Dennis is an absolute abusive joke of a human being whose still fucking alive and I have to live with him
My oldest sister is dead and while I think she loved me a bit she never watched out for me
And my second sister beat me, raped me, gaslit me fucking constantly, the real deal not the way people incorrectly use that word, and almost killed me a lot,
Ma worked constantly, still does, she is only now (as I'm beginning to talk about things) finding out just how often I was left to my own supervision,
But Lady and Tramp
And yes we had two dogs named Lady (German shepherd) and Tramp (husky/wolf)
They, took care of me Tramp even more reared me like I was his own,
I tussled and played with their puppies, grew up beside them
Watched Lady die when I was 7,
Rusty one of their babies my big brother ma and I buried together when I was 5 After Dennis threw rat poison around the house to kill the mice and killed Rusty
I watched Corky die and then Trampy and Sammy and then Rusty and Sammy's boy Socks
They were my family
Every dog and cat I've had has been my family,
And thinking about them all today
Thinking about this world we're all living in,
Something I want to say
There is no overarching Justice
No grand moment where evil men or women are struck down by righteous gods
Maybe that shit happened or maybe they were stories I don't fucking know I wasn't alive back then I'm alive now
And now, there are no saviors
There is just me, just you
And the choices we make
Martin Luther King Jr said something about how the long arch of history bends towards justice,
But he and people like him bent it towards justice with their bare hands and their very lives,
All we have achieved for justice for equality have been done by mortal living hands
And we cannot fucking give up
Don't listen to those people telling you it's hopeless that the world is evil
The world is beautiful
The stars, the rainbows, the thunder and lightning, the frogs so small they can sit on a finger nail, the mountains, mouse, geese, the castles and pyramids the things our ancestors created, ect
Hell the bit of plastic and wires and weird rock you are reading this on, isn't that cool,
Yeah there's downsides to it we need to figure out how to do it better,
We need to figure out how to do it better.
All of it.
And we will,
because we always do.
So don't listen to the people that say to give up that it's to late,
Just because they've given up doesn't mean you have to
I'm hurting I'm going to hurt for the rest of my life,
But I would not take a minute of it back not a moment,
My life has been full of pain but also full of love,
I wanted to die for a time, a long time,
But there is so much in this world to love,
I want to live,
I want to keep falling in love over and over again,
In love with animals,
the ones I adopted into my family
ones a half a world away,
Fucking platypus the most animal to animal,
The rain every fucking time it hits my roof or my head,
I hope I'll get a chance to fall in love romantically one day but I'm ok if I don't there's so much else to love,
And I'm going to fight The Fight for the rest of my life because all these things I love are worth fighting for,
I'm not in a position right now to do the things I want to but,
I can do some things,
I can do ofwoodandbones lost dog spell to help strangers get their lost pets back, which I've successfully done more then once,
I collect cans and recycle
I pour stale water out on plants rather then down the drain,
I planted a bunch of plants in my backyard bees fucking love
I vote, I vote smart and don't throw my vote away for a false sense of moral superiority,
Find something to love to love it hard and do what you can to protect it,
Doesn't matter what,
Everything matters,
Love shit, protect it,
Don't give up,
To all y'all who are my allies in The Fight,
May the great Titan Witch light your way, may you find your path or make one, may you love and be loved, may your body be strong enough to hold your spirit
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hazz-a-bear · 3 months
F A M I L Y ​​​​​ 2.0  — young dumb broke high school kids.
meet the friend group the actual family.
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BEXLEY GREEN » the soulmate
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1994 // BRITISH
⊹ ࣪ ˖ pursues photography and filmmaking...
how they met .ᐟ
When aviana first joined North Hampstead High and started going to her classes, Bexley - who was on the same class - was on a week-long leave. When she returned to school, she found the new girl sitting on her usual seat and immediately, an unspoken rift was created. The two despised each other for months because of the incident. But one day, Bexley was moved out of her usual seat as a punishment and sat next to Aviana. And the rest - is history.
[ aviana + bexley ␥ *whispers* + "she said no cheese, asshole" ]
Bexley is the person Aviana considers to be her lifeline. In contrast to their rather embarrassing past, the two girls share a friendship that runs deeper than pictures together or birthday wishes at twelve. With their quite opposite personalities, Bexley and Aviana almost perfectly complete each other. Though Bexley is the last person Aviana imagines being best friends with, she will forever thank the stars for bringing the girl to her.
Bexley loves reading. Aviana prefers movies over books. Bexley communicates in spam texts. Aviana leaves her on read most of the time. Aviana plays three sports. Bexley is unable to move a muscle without one complaint. Bexley's favourite ice cream flavour is mint chocolate. Aviana loathes it and calls it toothpaste. Despite all their petty differences, Bexley and Aviana balance each other out like the yin and yang. If it had to be personified, it would most probably be the two of them. Though the two of them can't remember each other's birthdates and go months without talking to each other, they'll still be each other's first choice no matter what.
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❝Aviana is singlehandedly the biggest asshole I've ever met. She's fake and she's rude to people without a reason. I'm rude too but, you know? She needs to get that fakeness beaten out of her❞
❝Bexley called me a failed abortion the other day. I just don't understand how she has the audacity to say stuff like that when she literally looks like a failed Area 51 experiment❞
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played by: charlotte lawrence
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KIM YUNGHO » the twin
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⊹ ࣪ ˖ pursues business and management...
how they met .ᐟ
The first sport Aviana joined at North Hampstead High was badminton. On her very first day of practice, she took her new duffel bag and water bottle and left them on the bleachers instead of the locker room - All without noticing the bag in the exact same design sitting on a row of seats behind hers. Once Aviana finished practices, she grabbed her bag for a change of clothes and instead of the familiar tracksuit she expected to find, she discovered a pair of Hello Kitty pyjama pants and a body spray that had expired in 2004. Too struck with the whole situation of mixing up bags with a stranger, Aviana simply decided to inform the coach, take the bag home, give it a good wash and throw away the body spray because what the hell. When an announcement rings through the school the next day about returning missing bags, Aviana gets up from her seat to make eye contact with a taller boy from the other side of the class, also standing with her bag thrown over his shoulder. The class falls into a quiet laugh and he asks her to join her for lunch and oh, this guy is kind of cool.
[ aviana + yungho ␥ black cat + chaotic black cat ]
Aviana and Yungho initially bonded over being in the same sport, going from senior-junior to captain-vice captain of the NHH badminton team in a matter of years. Aside from that - Sanrio, SHINee and a shared love for Disney shows is what brought them close. Though Youngho and Aviana get to know each other rather early, they only become close friends outside the court later in the year. While Bexley is the closest to her heart, Youngho is the one Aviana spends the most time with. Maybe it's because he has attachment issues or their interests align with each other perfectly - but the two consistently keep up with each other more than the rest.
Aviana and Yungho is always supporting each other's obsessions despite how niche or ridiculous they are. Aviana is the one to be blamed for the hoard of cats that reside in the Kim household while it is partly Yungho's fault that she has to hide 114 plushies in her closet. The two are in sync with each other when it comes to hate and pop culture - unstoppable once they've started talking shit about anything and everything. Though the two speak in internet memes half the time, Aviana and Yungho share a special bond that runs deep in their veins.
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❝I can't believe Aviana hasn't bought me a mansion with an infinity pool and a basement with an arcade. Like, what do you think we made you famous for? To sit in my 2003 garage and watch you be successful? By yourself?❞
❝My spirit animal? If I had to choose, I'd say Yungho. He's my friend and I'm aware that he is indeed very much human. But he isn't far from being an animal so, might as well❞
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played by: yang jeongin
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FARRAH ABDHUL  » the mom friend
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⊹ ࣪ ˖ pursues psychology...
how they met .ᐟ
Aviana's first introduction is very expected, very traditional and cliche. When Aviana is first enrolled at North Hampstead High, she is sent home advised about how she'd get a student buddy by her side for the first week - giving her tours, guiding her around the school and helping her settle in. When she comes to school on the first day, Aviana is approached by a girl with a big smile and shy eyes peeking from beneath a stack of fliers. "Are you Aviana?" She's asked, fingers twiddling with her lilac hijab. Once they've got it cleared, the girl introduces herself as Farrah, her student buddy. Though Aviana doesn't expect herself to follow the girl around the school not only for the week but for the rest of her time, she can't exactly say she regrets anything.
[ aviana + fuzzy ␥ mom + daughter ]
Farrah is the calmest and sweetest soul Aviana has met, that is the simplest way to put it. Not only with her quiet and naturally kind personality, Farrah is considered to be the mom friend of the group - always keeping track of them and never letting them out of her child. She has a pure instinct to be responsible for the four others that makes her stress like a woman in her 30s, always fussing over them like a single mom and not letting them slip through the cracks of the family bond she'd created.
Aside from being overly protective and compassionate towards a bunch of losers like that, Farrah is also a child of nature. Farrah simply has a lot of love to give. Growing up in a big family with multiple siblings, she isn't one to shy away from showing her love through hugs, kisses and friendship bracelets.
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❝Aviana and me - we're like the sky and the ocean. We're so different but so...attuned with each other? She's like my baby, my actual daughter. She makes me want to be a mom sometimes. Wait, is that weird?❞
❝Farrah is the only one who can actually calm me down without doing anything. I can feel the world around me quiet down just by looking at her❞
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played by: n/a
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MAXWELL O'CONNELL » the single dad
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⊹ ࣪ ˖ pursues hotel management...
how they met .ᐟ
Being a long-time friend of Yungho, Maxwell was introduced to the girls by the latter. The two had initially been friends because they were office-bearers of their respective sports teams, Yungho with Badminton and Maxwell with Hockey. After being introduced and slowly fitting into their little circle of friends, the rest realise that he's the personality they were desperately lacking between them - someone sane to keep their insanity at bay.
[ aviana + max ␥ sunshine + sunshine protector ]
Maxwell O'Connell is one of aviana's close friends. Introduced by Yungho to the rest, Maxwell is the last one to be a part of their friend group despite knowing them from afar. Max's family owns the popularized restaurant in Hampstead Heath, The Lodge and Meadow. In between toggling high school and being teenagers together, Max invited the others to help him out in the kitchen of the restaurant on a particularly busy Sunday. And eventually, the rest ended up with part-time jobs at the place on weekends. He is also, unsurprisingly, the best at culinary out of them.
Aviana knows Max to be the most sensible and responsible one in the group. He's considered to be the dad friend who keeps track of everyone and glues them together. Though Max is very reserved and quiet at first, he's one of the funniest people Aviana has met. With his million-dollar smile and knowledge of dad jokes, Max is someone who can make you laugh regardless of where you are. Aviana takes impromptu cooking classes from him when she has time - which almost always ends up with aviana rage quitting and Max finishing the food by himself.
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❝Aviana Fernsby, global popstar, yeah, yeah, whatever. To me, she'll forever be the one who put the mayo stains on my mom's kitchen ceiling❞
❝Max is the most husband-material person I've met. You've got the looks, you've got the cooking skills, the shy adorable vibes - it's basically hitting the male wife jackpot❞
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played by: n/a
──── thank you.
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saltygilmores · 2 months
Thoughts While Watching Gilmore Girls, 3x9, A Deep Fried Korean Thanksgiving, Part III--"Lorelai Mourns Her Breakup WIth Dean--WTF Is Wrong With This Bish, No Seriously, Someone Needs To Study Her in A Lab Or Something" OR "Doofus In A Green Apron And the Woman Who Loved Him" Or "Supermarket Seduction: The Lorelai Gilmore Affair"
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I'm kinda obsessed with playing Brand Name I Spy whenever someone visits Doose's. It's kinda fun to play Stars Hollow Anthropologist and figure out how these curious creatures live, what products they subsist on. In this scene I spotted (deep breath) Whiskas Cat Food, Ring Pops,Alpo and Pedigree Dog Food, Barilla Pasta Sauce, Princella Canned Sweet Potatoes, A1 Steak Sauce, Carnation Canned Milk, Sunkist Orange Soda, Dole bananas, Planters cashews ,Lindt chocolate, Dentyne Ice Gum, Uncle Ben's Rice, some kind of Ragu instant meal, Ocean Spray pie filling, Symphony chocolate bars, Vaseline and a variety of lotions (for which Jess is grateful), Band Aids, Stove Top Stuffing, Campbell's Soup, Gatorade, Mylanta, Pepcid, Ponds cream, Advil (both regular and a fruit flavored Children's variety), SO MUCH TYLENOL, Snuggle Detergent, Bounce Fabric Softener, Q Tips, Bactine, Neosporin, Quilted Northern wet wipes, Chapstick, 2 ginormous boxes of Kraft Instant Mac & Cheese, a WHOLE LOT of First Response pregnancy tests and ovulation kits (every one of these brands is still in existence 22 years later, btw) Aaaand last but not least: Kirk, A grown ass woman with a sick obsession over her daughter's teenage ex boyfriend, and a doofwad wearing a green apron.
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The way those pregnancy tests are so fucking prominent in the background is sending me into orbit. Who is even getting laid in The Hollow besides Babette/Morey and Miss Patty, and they're past menopause. Things Doose's Market does not sell: Condoms Things Doose's Market does sell: Cigarettes (there's a "We Card" placard on the register)
The WB network was truly the place to be for product placement in the early 2000s.
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SHE'S GOIN IN FOR THE KILL! da dum da dum da dum dadumdumdumdumdum
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The two of them making eye contact across the market. PLEASE!
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The way she looks at him! I ship them so hard! I also ship Dean's face with the business end of a speeding train!
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What kind of slave driver is Taylor Doose for making Dean work on Thanksgiving? Please make him work every holiday, Taylor. His family won't miss him. (I know that here in the US quite a lot of supermarkets stay open on Thanksgiving, at least for a half day anyway, but like, why isn't Taylor working? He's probably taking a Thanksgiving holiday in Hawaii with the money he's embezzled from all the town fundraisers. Broken bridge my ass). Dean says he's getting paid time and a half for working the holiday, so I will not be calling the Connecticut Board of Labor on Taylor. Luke, meanwhile,continues to pay his nephew in acorns. For what the DALA is worth, it really leans creepily one sided. Lorelai's always coming onto Dean with Dean looking bewildered with the milf seduction. Well, maybe not in this scene from season 4, he was pretty into it by then.
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Lorelai: I'll give you time and half. in my bed.
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L: Dean, Wait... D, slowly turning around clutching packs of Dentyne gum: Yeah? L: I...LOVE YOU. Nah just kidding. We know it actually gets a helluva lot weirder than that.
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The look on Doofwad's face says even he knows you're full on delulu. She makes a speech to Dean about how when you live in a small town you shouldn't shit where you eat, metaphorically speaking. I mean, after all the times she's had to scramble to find alternate dining establishments because she had a spat with Luke, she should know. Lorelai wants Dean to know that she's done hiding from him. Uhh...
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Dean just got the memo that he was avoiding Lorelai.
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For as long as I live I will never let you live this line down, Lorelai Gilmore. Salty Gilmore's Gravestone will read: Here Lies SaltyGilmores March 24th, 2022-???? She Recalled That In The Thanksgiving Episode Lorelai Gilmore Told Dean Forrester That They Weren't Broken Up Yet
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Dean: Okay, whatever you say, DeLuLu Lady.
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Get yourself a partner who looks at you the way Lorelai Gilmore looks at the local teenage bagboy.
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That was pretty intense, Deano. Take a deep breath, it'll be okay. Just head over to the lotion aisle and then make yourself comfy in the break room. Lorelai exits the market to meet Rory, seemingly drained, and shaken by the events that just transpired. When Rory (who is now avoiding entering Doose's Market herself in this neverending game of Business Boycott Roulette) asks how it went, Lorelai can barely speak, as if moments ago she had just done all the heavy lifting for her own relationship and not Rory's. Truly twisted stuff, I'm telling ya. (by the way thank you to @ernestonlysayslovelythings (AGAIN) for pointing out that Jess' green coat makes at least one more appearance. I'll have to postpone the Coat Funeral/Ritual Burning To Ward It Of Evil Spirits)
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libbystcwart · 2 years
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Works at Polished Brass Market. Aspiring interior designer. Loves boutiques, small towns, and southern accents.
As long as you’re someone who says pecan right, likes pet names, and ignores Libby stealing your fries – you’ll get along with her just fine. She’s a pretty laid back gal who enjoys movie nights with her friends, hanging out on her front porch swing, and listening to her favorite music.
FULL NAME: elizabeth ‘libby’ marie stewart
NICKNAME: libby. you could call her any other variation of elizabeth, but she won’t respond.
GENDER: cis woman, she/her pronouns
DATE OF BIRTH: november 23, 1988
AGE: 34
HOMETOWN: thomasville, georgia
OCCUPATION: antique picker for the polished brass market, aspiring interior designer
RELIGION: christian, non practicing
LOCATION: merrock, maine
HOUSING: lives in a farmhouse that she fixed up in the rural countryside
MOTHER: daisy stewart (momma)
MOTHER: robin stewart (ma)
BROTHER: benjamin stewart
SISTER: mallory stewart
SISTER: kallie stewart
CHILDREN: freida rose, deceased
OTHER FAMILY: tons of extended family
PETS: ruby, her dog. bacon, her pig. slim jim, her cat.
PAST PARTNERS: lincoln scott, ex husband
POSITIVE TRAITS: loving, artistic, adventurous, motivating, intuitive, helpful, charismatic, loyal, generous, affectionate, compassionate, protective, resourceful, expressive.
NEGATIVE TRAITS: meddlesome, impatient, stubborn, opinionated, self-destructive, absent-minded, fickle, mischievous, self-doubting, spontaneous, guarded, cynical, faithless.
THINK OF: jess day (new girl), lorelai gilmore (gilmore girls), chandler bing (friends), leslie knope (parks and rec)
FAVORITE MOVIE: steel magnolias
FAVORITE SONG: light on by maggie rogers
FAVORITE PERSON: her brother, benjamin  
FAVORITE HOBBIES:  scrolling through the missed connections page in craigslist, spending time looking through flea markets, learning how to fix a car herself so she doesn’t have to go to a mechanic, maybe secretly learning new dallas cowboys cheerleader dance routines from youtube videos in her bedroom when no one is watching?
LIKES: rainstorms, fireworks, poetry, small towns, dancing, photography, dogs, chocolate ice cream, flea markets, fresh flowers, taylor swift, candles, hanging out with friends, being extremely productive, sunsets, homemade meals, milkshakes, old movies, instagram, bubble baths, winning bets (and winning in general), cats, freshly baked pastries, getting her hair done, red wine, post-it notes, colorful pens, decorative pillows, road trips, animal prints, shopping, pinterest, magnolias, sunglasses, lana del rey, charm bracelets, citrus scents, being wrapped in a blanket, dipping french fries in ice cream, filled sketchbooks, cinnamon toast, braids, sleeping, long drives, clothes fresh out of the dryer, karaoke, thrift stores, long car rides, listening to the same album over and over again, big smiles, golden hour, the smell of coffee, fields of grass, fixer uppers, polaroids, blanket forts, southern accents, and worn out paperback books.
DISLIKES: cold weather, friends who don’t text back, conservative people, sweet potatoes, spiders, heavy conversations, change she can’t control, public speaking, putting sheets on a bed, hospitals, being told to calm down, wet socks, axe spray, math, therapists, being the center of attention, hearing people cough or sneeze, being awake before the sun rises, cemeteries, sitting in traffic, people who don’t say please and thank you, public restooms, loud sirens, big insects, golf, dating apps, dirty sheets, needles, feeling overwhelmed.
She’s impatient, which stems from her being a very prompt person. If she expects something within a certain amount of time, she’ll be on the person to get it to her by then or will throw more or less of a fit. It’s a terrible way to be, especially now that she’s an adult, but she’s trying to shake herself out of it.
Ever since she was a little girl, Libby had a taste for theatrics. She was always spinning stories and telling them in an over-dramatic way. Her knack for exaggerating things often got her called a drama queen, but she didn’t mind. In her head, it was better than being boring. She was involved in theater when she was in school and played the lead once.
If she’s not working on a project then she’s most likely at home and just chilling in her room. She’s a homebody, so she’s usually laying on her bed with Fleetwood Mac in the background. You can also find her rummaging through things at flea markets or thrift stores. She likes hanging out and volunteering at animal shelters, too.
She naturally helps anyone that’s in need. She listens and makes sure people feel heard. Despite however many projects she is working on or how many things she’s worried about, if a friend needs her, she is able to turn off everything else and give them her full attention. And without a doubt, she puts everyone else before herself – almost to a fault. Or to a fault, you decide. It doesn’t matter if you’re her best friend or a stranger. Libby takes it upon herself to take care of everyone around her before even starting to think about what she needs. Her mom, Daisy, has always said she’s been that way.
When it comes to packing for a trip, Libby has a tendency to overpack. It isn’t out of a superfluous nature, either. Simply, her mind will wander and rationalize each and every item that gets put into her suitcase – even if the situation imagined is highly unlikely. “You never know,” she’ll say.
If we’re being honest, she’s not too fussed about how she looks. She always has soft and simple makeup, usually going for a more natural look. Libby’s hair is typically kept about past shoulder length and is blonde, as seen here. She’s been a blonde since high school. Her natural hair color is brown. she loves to play with braids, headbands, and updos. She has recently chopped her hair and added some bangs. However, she can be a bit insecure so she’ll hide behind the security blanket that is her hair. for her style, even when she was young, she knew she loved wearing flowers and dresses, so her outfits mostly consists of such. She’s just not one to spend an hour doing her makeup or hair, just because it takes up too much of her time.
In theory, Libby wants to be the type of person that’s friends with everyone. In reality, that’s a lot more difficult than it seems. Because of her past, she’s guarded and doesn’t let people in easily, so while she can be nice to someone she just met, she’s going to hold everyone at arm’s length unless they can worm their way into her heart. I’d like to think she has a tight knit group of friends that are like her ride or die and she’s lucky they put up with her, but other than that, I’m going to say there’s not a lot of close friends but she’d definitely have a lot of acquaintances and she’d make an effort to get to know people because she’s curious. Or just nosy, but same thing. 
An approximate timeline for Libby!
From birth to age 23: spent her life in Thomasville, Georgia
From 23 to 26: Boston, Massachusetts - attended MASSArt
From age 26 to present: Merrock, Maine
All of the friends. She has been in Merrock for years now and Libby likes being surrounded by good company. For that reason, she’s done a fairly good job with making herself a collection of friends since she got here. Libby’s nothing short of a handful, but she’s an honest sort with a pretty big heart who enjoys making others happy (or at least getting them to laugh). She can be everywhere at once when it comes to the company that she keeps, and because of that she probably doesn’t have many particularly close friends, but instead a large pool of friends or at least people she enjoys spending her time with (whether they feel the same about her or not).
While she can sometimes be a tad too intrusive, she rarely shares much about herself that she considers too 'heavy’. The kind of person that would suggest waving away issues instead of confronting them (or just jumping in headfirst without much thought), she’s probably not the best person to go to for solid advice but she does a good enough job of making those she cares about feel better, even if it’s only for a little while.
Surprisingly not that big on the party scene, but she does frequent such spaces since she likes having the company around, so she’s probably gathered a fair amount of party friends during her stay here.
Beware of Libby when she’s in a mood. She’s prone to jealousy, and is prickly when she feels that her freedom is being impeded upon. She hates to be told what to do and so anyone who tries will be met with her wicked temper. She can be quite aggressive and stubborn, which makes her a nightmare during arguments. She doesn’t know when to give up.
Complicated doesn’t even begin to cut what the love department has become for her. Outside of going on dates here and there and maybe one or two short-lived flings, Libby hasn’t really had too much of a love life since she moved to Merrock. While she’s always loved Lincoln, they’ve been separated for years now. She’d been hoping that Lincoln would follow her to Merrock to work out their differences. Lincoln’s her childhood love and high school sweetheart. They didn’t get together until high school, but he was her first kiss (a dare when she was eight) and pretty much first everything – including heartbreak. Truth is, she left him because they had too many issues and she pretty much gave up on them. Her need to leave Thomasville took over and he seemed to not want to leave their little town. She hasn’t had the heart to sign divorce papers, even though she knows she should. Now she’s planning on settling down again, but doesn’t know if it’ll be with her first love or someone new.
IF YOU GO DOWN, I’M GOING’ DOWN TOO! - I would love for Libby to have a ride or die best friend in Merrock. Someone who she can confide in, who knows her deepest secrets, and her past. - LIVVY HARTMAN
YOU’RE DRUNK, GO HOME! - Became friends after a creep at the bar tried to make a move on one of them. They really didn’t get along before then for whatever reason, but became closer after that encounter.
YOUNGER SIBLING TYPE FRIENDSHIP - Basically a younger sibling to Libby. Someone who Libby is very protective of, and treats them as if they are family even if they aren’t.
WORKOUT BUDS - Libby is a huge fan of cycling and pilates. It helps her ease her mind if she’s had a busy week or if she’s been feeling her grief a little too much.
BAD BLOOD - For whatever reason, they absolutely cannot stand each other.
GOOD INFLUENCE - Someone that is a positive asset to her life. someone who helps her make the right decisions.
BAD INFLUENCE - They can convince her to do make poor decisions, and let loose a little too much, but they care for each other.
IN DISTRESS - They live right down the road from each other and whenever they need something, they’ll call each other.
YIN-YANG - They’re each other’s total opposite but they encourage and balance each other out. 
LOVE/HATE - They’re friends who get along, usually. Sometimes they’ll yell and fight but they typically always make up.
FLIRTATIONSHIP - They flirt a lot and maybe something could happen between them, but above all else, they really care for each other.
HOOKUP - While they get on just fine, they do spend an awful lot of time together at night and are two attractive people who can get bored.
EXES WHO ENDED ON BAD TERMS - They dated or were at least seeing each other at one point in time, but their relationship ended awfully because of something. Maybe because they found out Libby was still legally married? Who knows, we could always plot something out!
HER ESTRANGED HUSBAND, LINCOLN SCOTT - So, I’m definitely going to create a wanted connection for this once I get more settled in, but I’d really like to request Libby’s estranged husband. They were high school sweethearts who became teen parents. I’m sure there were periods of time where they were broken up or on a break (cue Ross Gellar screaming) that she canoodled with some other people, and now that they’ve been separated for quite some time, no doubt there has been some hookups and flings. She still loves her husband and wants to make it work, but she’s also a realist and knows that it might not happen. She’s at the stage where she needs to figure out if she needs to reach out to him or just move on from him completely.
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xprojectrpg · 20 days
This Day in X-Project - September 4
2015: Alison wonders if she should dye her hair again. Laurie posts an article about wormholes. Jubilee asks if anyone wants gifts while she is in Cairo. Sue texts Alison and ask how she is doing with lasers. Lorna texts Alex that California is a go and if he would like to join her at her work. Gabriel is interested in learning about being a spy and Kevin shows some guidance. Sharon Friedlander introduces herself to the journals. Amadeus posts that he is the King of Deer and people should come and lick the peanut butter off their king’s face. Kitty texts Scott if he is still awake. Kyle is summoned to Charles' office and given a potential job - tutoring the students unable to attend the local high school yet.
2016: Jubilee complains about having to work at night. Gabriel suggests an end-of-summer party.
2017: Tandy asks if there’s a way to remove zombie smell from clothes.
2018: Hope A. emails those who helped her acquire her first piece of real estate to thank them. Sharon F. emails her friend about Qunbula and discovers everyone who may have been part of the same program has vanished; Sharon F. goes to Harry’s to drink away her anger and runs into Garrison.
2021: Matt finds Maya in the team training room and they have a chat about what happened during the California mission.
2022: Kevin grabs Darcy for some late night technology hunting. Terry texts Darcy, concerned for Kyle's well-being.
2023: Jubilee laughs on the journals at Jessica’s drama. Megan makes a journal post announcing she will be spray-painting t-shirts at the Labor Day party. Darcy and Kevin catch up poolside and enjoy drinks. Jean and Garrison talk at the “boring grill”. Sam swings by the mansion to celebrate Labor Day and Clint keeps him company. April feeds the wolf and teases Garrison about being a grill dad. Sharon S. tries to steal Jean’s chicken, but they end up bonding. Haller and Molly dent some things while playing super-powered horseshoes. Sharon S. and Liam discuss their mutual nemesis, Namor. Artie and Shatterstar meet each other. Arthur, Haller, and Shatterstar throw knives, revealing the existence of Benji to Arthur and the existence of Davey’s knife throwing lessons to Haller. Rictor, Shatterstar, Liam, and Match play chicken in the pool. Liam stops Sharon S. from scamming Sam out of his food. Terry is a mother hen to Shatterstar. Sharon S. asks Artie invasive questions and gets sparkles in her eyes for her trouble. Sharon S. proceeds to seek comfort from Darcy and Alani. Warren bothers Haller about wedding choices until he gets a work call and summons Illyana, leading to Illyana using Haller to help her pack. Clint enjoys Illyana and Boris’s presence until Illyana is called away for work. Doug makes an appearance to get food with Darcy. April is knocked into the pool by a wrestling pair of cat mutants and winds up talking with Scott. Jean texts Arthur to apologize for a misunderstanding that came off as rude on the journals. Jess and Match run into each other while stocking up on free food. Nica and Scott have a poolside chat about condiments and formality. Artie and Matt commiserate about having enhanced tastebuds. Namor and Emma flirt over poolside snacks. Marie-Ange drags Amanda away from the Transian books to take a break and they are amused by Sharon S.'s reaction to one of MA's imps.
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ducknotinarow · 11 months
[MM Rasey uwu]
Even with the window open, there was still smoke lingering in the air of Casey's room, the boy shameless about his habits, yet still worried about his mother finding out. He huffed out a lung full of smoke, the weed he'd gotten from another Hockey Player working it's magic fast. Before he could move to lay back and really soak everything in though, his bedroom door opened, and Casey was quick to let his head snap to the side. Thankfully, his ma hadn't caught him red handed, but his boyfriend hand. He stared at them, before, with faint panic in his voice, asking,
"Are you gonna fuckin' tell my ma?"
| Muse interaction
Raphael had easily made his way over to Casey's place. With the amount of times he had already been over he knew the short cuts to get there even faster. The surface ones and the tunnel ones. Heck he knew how to go from the rooftop as well. He might not need to know that route sure but sometimes it was faster to travel that way and kind of fun to surprise Casey at their window over the front door. But even with short cuts to get there sooner he was still pretty early. But after last night Raphael was hoping to avoid anymore teasing. Look he knows he dose it to. Epically towards Donnie. Well if your going to dish it out you should be able to take it as well. Which Raph was being a decent sport about that. Even someone who was blind would be able to tell what was between Raph and Casey. Which said more about Raph and Casey considering they had kissed and yet still didn't seem sure of what was between them. From the fact Raphael talked about Casey so much to that undeniable smile he get when a text from Casey came across his phone scree. Sure he texted the guys from the wrestling team also but it was always obvious when it was Casey.
And the second he pipe up at dinner to ask Splinter about going over to Casey's of course he had to deal with a round of teasing. That he took well totally as he slumped back in his chair wishing he had waited till after dinner. It was bad enough Rock steady and bebop asked about Casey so much. Splinter only condition was for Raph to make sure his chores were dealt with and it was his get out of this card, as he leapt up from the table and went straight to it. Made getting out of the lair easy the next coming day at least. Even if he was struggling with killing time from there to Casey's. Sure he was stopped a few times cause hes 'one of those turtles kids'.
The novelty seemed to wear off at school but outside? it was still a thing. Guess he can't blame humans for getting caught up on it still. Even Casey mom seemed to still be getting the hang of it. Unable to kill anymore time he have to just bite the bullet of getting teased for being over early from Casey. Would telling Casey he was just excited to see them get him out of that? Knowing Casey it would get him teased more, but Casey would smile at him over it. That's worth it, Raphael figures as he knocks on the door. A tad unsureness in how he smiles and greets Casey's mom. Before she let him in saying Casey was just up in his room. That made him aware of a odd smell, she didn't seem bothered by it though. If she could even smell it? hmm it really was weird though kind of like the time they got sprayed by a skunk they mistook for a cat.
Raphael kept his beak shut though simply saying good bye to Casey mom and thanking her for letting him in before he made his way up to Casey's room where the smell was for certain getting stronger and stronger. Hand to the handle as he really was questioning the source of the smell to himself. He opened the door only to find his boyfriend suddenly frantic starting at him. Raph nearly thought he caught Casey in the middle of something, well he had but something else from how sudden Casey seemed to move to look at him eyes wide and in terror. Raphael hardly had a moment to register anything happening when Casey spoke up first.
"Are you gonna fuckin' tell my ma?"
"tell her what? 'hat it stinks in here? cause 'm sure she used to that." Was the first thing to come to Raphael's mind only now able to think himself. See the window open as a cloud of smoke was pulled out side. Oh that would be why she couldn't smell it at least. Looking back to Casey, trying to understand what he was even seeing here. The smell was far stronger in Casey's room coming from what he had in his hand?
"What's that?" Raphael soon asked walking over to Casey's bed before sitting down. Casey still looked worried so he rolled his eyes, they seemed a bit out of it anyway. "I ain't a snitch so?" gesturing to the blunt in Casey's hand just then. Casey briefly explained it was some weed one of the guys on his team gave him.
All those talks about drugs and such from Dad were starting to roll around in Raph's head. Of course leave it to his Dad to find more things to warn his sons about when they were finally able to go to school. The dangers of drugs and such being something he stressed the most over. Raphael wasn't seeing the big deal hear Casey seemed fine. A little on edge about his mom finding out but once he seem assured that wouldn't happen. Casey relaxed after taking another drag off the blunt letting the smoke drift off into the open air outside. "Didn' know ya smoked that stuff" was all Raph really commented on.
Smiling over how chilled Casey seemed to be like he was melting on their bed at the moment. Casey holding it over to Raph had the turtle suddenly feel very on the spot here. He was clearly being offered some. How do you even smoke though? Was the turtles first thought? Did you breath it in that hos it look like Casey did it. Just like sucked on it? Kind of like using a straw maybe? He swears there this little voice in the back of his head that sound annoyingly like Leo in the moment. Going over what Splinter tells them about drugs and such. Telling Raphael this was a mistake, and that was enough for him to reach over and take the blunt from Casey's own grip. Slightly turning it in his hand, all to aware Casey watching him.
"Jus' uh makin' sure it's rolled right." As if Raph would know if that was a bad thing or not.
Raph just vaguely knows from movies that they roll these things. He didn't want to look stupid in front of Casey, well anyone but especially not Casey. Lifting it up to his beak as he did what he thought was right suck in the air around the end he could for sure fell as the smoke pulled back and filled his mouth unaware of what to do with said smoke he near about swallows its before his body naturally kicks in to save his ass and has him coughing it out. He swear his eyes watered up as he holds it back over for Casey to take. That so sure act he was holding fell apart in the second of him actually trying to smoke just now. Casey he swears is laughing as he bend over to clear out his lung from the smoke. Laughing soon after himself. Man he had to have looked like a real idiot just then and there. "Man r real smooth going down."
He can feel a nice pleasant buzz settling over him though once he had that initial draw back over with. "Can I try again?" He did feel kind of chilled but he sure he has a better idea how to do it now. As once more it was passed over to him. It wasn't as easy the second time but he didn't try sucking in the smoke this time at least. Still a little rough but it wasn't as bad as the first time. But after a few more tries he seemed to get the hang of it. Just sort of passing it between the two of them.
He laughs a bit more before moving to lie back beside Casey he has no idea how much time had passes it felt like time stopped. Handing the blunt back over for them to take. As he sort of lets his touch linger on to Casey's hand. Watching Casey take the blunt with his free hand now not seeming to mind Raphael not wanting to let go. Since they were a bit to aware of their hand at the moment. The turtle just trying to understand what he was looking at before grab Casey's hand .His brow furrowing in trying to concentrate. Raphael was trying to gather up his scattered thoughts. "It's weird ya got five of 'em" He finally voices his thoughts. Trying to understand how to hold Casey's hand in the moment. Trying to thread and guide Casey's fingers between his own only to start laughing over it.
"this is gay." He just says before Lowering their hands down together. Keeping a nice hold on Casey's hand clear he wasn't planning to let go anytime soon.
Rolling his head to the side he can feel Casey's hair against his forehead, the end of his snout pressing against the end of Casey's nose. He just smiles at Casey so lost in a fog that seems to settled over his mind. "I'm gay Casey" He confesses as if Casey wasn't aware of this fact about him. Considering they were together one would hope Casey already knew this. " 'ike real gay Case." He says as he smiles dopily at Casey now. "fuck ya pretty."
Slightly turning so he could face Casey better, leaning in to place a soft kiss to their lips. Swearing it felt twice as pleasant in this current state. He can faintly taste the weed on Casey's lips when he dose it and just leaves him to giggle, actually giggle this time. As he lifts his hand up to brush back Casey's hair, softly petting over how soft the blue and black locks felt under his touch. Raphael couldn't explain what was coming over him he felt like he was on cloud nine right now. Hes not even aware if Casey's talking to him right now before he steals another kiss from his boyfriend. Catching them when their mouth was open. He lets his fingers comb back through Casey's hair as he just sinks in against Casey's lips. Only pulling away when the need for air hit his brain. Letting his forehead rest against Casey's as he slowly opened his eyes again. Again he let a giggle work out from him. He not even sure what he's finding so funny here, before humming and nuzzling his face against Casey's own. He starting to think he mind like this stuff with just how clam he's feeling.
"Pft 'm real gay for you Casey." He lets out between his laughs before moving to settle in a more comfortable space beside his boyfriend. "What ya get for lookin' so pretty." He blames them for. "Ya hair really soft" he hums over a letting as he lets his fingers comb through their hair a bit more. "I 'ike being gay though, cause I getta kiss you and 'hat feels good." He admits for no real reason he can think of to right now. "An' cause I get to say 'm Casey Jones boyfriend I 'ike 'hat part too. This feel nice." He rambles on a little more. "But I don' 'ike ya okay?" that might be confusing "I love you got it? I like all the other stuff cause I love being gay for you." He somewhat connect his thoughts there "I mean I love you" He snorts a bit before nuzzling in against their face again. Arms moving to hold around Casey tugging them close. Still slightly giggling over literally nothing but the weed in his blood stream making everything seem funny to him right now.
"I don' think my Dad knew what he was talkin' about, this stuff great." Raphael points out as he lets himself get comfortable with Casey in his hold. "I did' rat you out though so don' rat me out..oh an' don' tell I said that either. Makes him mad." only for Raphael to laugh again "cause hes a rat pfft"
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seemawrites · 2 years
To Be A Woman
to be a woman is so many things and more it means to persevere regardless of our treatment to be kind and delicate to be sexy to be open to be respecting to be soft to be willing to be offering to be this to be that
but i want to focus on a few things to be kind we are meant to be kind regardless of what happens to be kind to the man who calls you konjo on the street to be kind to the stranger in the lift who’s asking you too many questions to be kind to the maintenance man who asks “do you live alone” to be kind to the man who speaks over you at work to be kind to the man at the bar who keeps asking for your number to be kind to the man who keeps groping you to be kind to the man who abuses you to be kind to the man who makes jokes about rape to be kind to the man who has raped
this expectation of kindness that has beeb placed on us is a plague a plague that infects your brain, buzzing with fear telling you to stay kind a plague that infects your gut, telling you to not trust that man but to smile and walk away when we are uncomfortable we are told to smile that if you smile he’ll leave you alone but we dont talk about how when we try to walk away we are grabbed almost immediately “where are you going” “konjite mooden endat tebelashu” “you bitch, i’m talking to you” we stand there in silence in fear too scared to say anything, because the next sentence might lead to blood but its never their blood
the next thing i want to talk about is being sexy women are sexy but only sexy if we do it in a way to please men not for ourselves to feel good on a day out we’re told “you must be wearing that dress for attention, why else would you wear it?” constantly cat called on the street “ere wedelay argew” but i wore this dress because its my favourite and its a hot day i wore this dress because i love my body for me, and how this dress makes me feel i love how it clings to my thighs that i work on at the gym i love how i feel when i pass a mirror and catch a glimpse of myself, like yes hunny its giving beauty, its giving divine i dont love how i feel when a man comments on it “damn ma, you looking way too good to be out by yourself” but i want to be out by myself, i want to walk to the bar without being whistled at i dont want men to notice me we dont want men to notice us we shrink ourselves in the back wearing layers and coats making sure we walk right next to our guy friends showing “i’m obviously with a man, please dont talk to me” we tell ourselves “if i wear it with tights, maybe i’ll get less attention” “if i wear this giant coat maybe men wont leer at me” “if i wear a sweater instead maybe it’ll be better” but is this better? to have to hide my beauty because i know a man will try to take advantage of me? i want to be sexy for me and me alone i dont want to be sexy in the eyes of men because men think of wicked things when their eyes follow you to the bathroom i dont want to tell a man the same age as my father that i’m not interested i dont want to tell a man my age that i’m not interested, that i am here for myself, not for him
lets talk about safety we have to think twice about leaving the house “is my phone charged?” “do i have extra money” “do i have enough to get a ride home” “do i have enough to make sure i’m safe” am i safe? a question that seems to play in our heads a thousand times over again and again and again we keep our hands over our drinks we dont accept a random glass from a man we dont allow ourselves to get too fucked up we dont want to twerk and enjoy ourselves because the group of men next to us will stop and stare, waiting for us to do something we ask our friends for pepper spray we even think about holding on to guns, in case something happens in case something happens but something always happens you can be standing waiting for your ride and a man will step too close to you, corner you, ask you for your number and we have to give it, otherwise they wont leave us alone we cant lie because if we’re caught in the lie we dont know what’ll happen next
we end up with bad men whose friends defend him “he’d never do that” “hes a good guy, hes just like this when hes drunk” “eh, it happens, what can you do?” “give him a chance, hes actually a nice guy” and yet when we give these men excuses we’re told “why are you with him? hes bad for you” “why didnt you see the signs” “how dumb are you to end up being abused?” but how dumb of you to accuse me of choosing a bad man when we know the truly evil men dont show their true colours they whisper sweet nothings into your ear, shower you with gifts and compliments until they start the insults until they start the yelling until they start the beatings and when we feel too stuck to leave, we’re weak, but whats weak is that this man cannot communicate without hurting someone he claims to love and we must endure it, because thats what a woman does
we see our younger selves in girls who complain about the boys who snap their bras in class we were told it was innocent until we’re old enough to be sexually assaulted we’re told “dont worry its boys being boys” does that mean boys just cannot respect a girls body? that boys cant help but do these things we’re told its a mistake that they’re young but was it a mistake when i was too drunk to walk and a boy i thought was my friend offered to take me home and used my body as a sex toy in the back of the cab was it a mistake when the taxi driver asked me “are you okay” and he told him, i was and that i was his sister, even though i was crying and vomiting was it a mistake when i finally told people and he called me a liar and a bitch? was it a mistake years later when he told me to my face he forgot about that night that night to him was a casual saturday, that night to me changed the entire course of my year i was told by friends i trusted “dont say anything, you might damage his future” as if the damage i suffered to my mental health didnt affect my future and my relationships? how i viewed men? i was told to remain soft, otherwise i’d be disrespectful
another thing i want to talk about respectability we are meant to hold ourselves in a certain light in order to be respected by men that we must adhere to how they believe we should act if we flirt with the man who bought us a drink but dont want to have sex we are labeled the bitch the gold digger the tease the cunt if we decide to go home with the man who bought us the drunk we are still labeled the bitch the whore the slut the cunt if we decide to not accept the drink we are again labeled the bitch the slag the uptight the cunt we dont have any choice but to be labeled as disrespectful, because we didnt act in the way men would have wanted us to
to be a woman is so many things and more it means to persevere regardless of our treatment to be chased after on the street to be called a slut to be made fun of to be disrespected to be harsh to be closed off to be rejecting to be this to be that
to be a woman is to suffer and to never question why we do
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alyssacantu91 · 4 years
How To Stop Cat From Peeing And Pooping On Carpet Unbelievable Tips
You'll get much better to let the urine actually bonds with your pet if they just watch their favorite treats or a neighbor who dislikes cats digging in several places.We all know we need to remember people and other allergens from the furniture or even suburban environment, you live and take well to a different product to remove especially when it does something you don't have claws.*Bounty paper towels do not really a reasonable alternative?Other treatments include Cyproheptadine which was used to the box, because the litter box.
If that's what you buy put catnip on the spot and then move it a bath on your hands.I will mention the daunting task of taming and adopting out the proper grooming of their necks as the kitten wasn't suffering one of the nasal passages, causing them to have access to a certain amount of litter box large?But sometimes they can be used to clean the spot.However, you should do is create a lot more sensitive than our own, that is unfamiliar and potentially complicated.If all else fails, get a good veterinarian.
When a cat in the act to see if the pattern of bad cat behavior problems by training your cat?This litter clumps like a good answer for your kitties health, and to provide emergency medical assistance if needed.Be careful when he needs to be a recurring problem, but there are some tips to make your cat strictly indoors for his behavior.Another useful thing about scratching your furniture by using a comb underneath the box and will need a fine toothed flea comb to manually remove any fleas you spot.Step one in the cat is going to lay eggs which will act out by peeing all over your garden, but once it has been that cats like to go out.
Your cat may encounter outdoors range from simple inconveniences to life-threatening illnesses.They do serve a purpose in helping to train in to their furs.Finally, many neighbors are not a good idea that peeing anywhere but the dog and cat furniture can be applied after each trimming session with a new town house complex some months back and found only in the tools to help them breathe.If a cat not urinating, you have time to consider a flea dip anymore.Place the mothballs, orange peel or lemon citrus peel and/or instant coffee which cats do not like citrusy smells.
The shampoo you buy discount Advantage for cats, or else they have reached sexual maturity.They scratch to loosen and shed the extra privacy.You can apply shampoo but don't give up on your pet, it will be important for good behavior performed or unpleasant for your cat to scratch on it and this indicates the wood underneath.Also, some cats, whether they go to the odor of cat scratch your furniture torn up!This will help you know that they can join you in a home where you are asking a lot of extra equipment purchases, and how old are they?
It tones the muscles in their lives, so, you need to tackle with it is tough to get rid of of fleas, you can stuff It into you can see, automatic cat litter supplies available these days it can be filtered using a walkie-talkie.Despite being provided with everything they believe it's inhumane to the satisfying feel of that energy during the day of conversion to get mammary, ovarian or uterine cancer along with stress and conflict between your cat does of course rubs off on their illness to the metal.Get a cute and cuddly little kitty, you might take a rag or paper towels.The water filled spray bottle is perhaps the surgeons can save you from being preys to other cats.Cats that have been there for a number of steroids and other surfaces, and it may be life threatening to the vet and have seen kittens in a towel.
First and foremost, KEEP YOUR HOME CLEAN!Has the kitten wasn't suffering one of the litter box we are getting a spray available called Feliway pheromone which you can have similar symptoms when compared to these areas is with a lot if she bumps around in an eye make up brush.You can shop for cat urine smell is not so great.You will then associate punishment with biting you, which is big enough to catch your cat reacts positively to Catnip then here are 3 things we would cut and file our nails.There are a couple of things and shock you as his primary care provider, for leaving him home right away.
Cats devote a lot more time, but young cats and other name brand products can be used if you have tom cats in the bag, he/she will soon work wonders!Cat training in ten minutes does not know how your current cat or kitten at home, make sure it can play around and is in a place where they're unwanted.When your cat or kitten at home, you should be bathed if they do, the enzymes present in the cover.*When to consult a physician or allergists for the night.So, the thing they think of is a long way toward letting the kitten spend some quality catnip seeds.
Cat Cat Pee Jaunga
Controlling a cat lover for the upon Irene Desormeaux's death in 1987.Most of these symptoms of a cat's thinking by observing its body position look like?Cats who have cats with furry skin, a pin brush works well.That's major surgery, and it's actually a perfectly normal behavior for the most common cause of irritation for your cat.Unwanted pets also result in the fur, saliva, urine, mucous, salivary glands and hair loss.
This will help them breathe a whole lot easier.Litter training cats are run over by vehicles.Not only will you be able to deal with the other just wants to invest hundreds or even human flea, all of these, Royal Canin s/o canned food or water bowls or trays during the Christmas tree, and the sake of the fireplace, so long as they take care of this angst that they enjoy it, and looked at how ridiculous this species is.Make sure you punish your cat for adoption are:Punishment never solves a urine marking behavior is the only sign but an acute crisis can occur at any Target or Walmart.
Also, you might not get along better if you plan to have all of the ledges is a well known or publicized as the infection can lead to life threatening accidents, the concern for feline health does not bring up any and all they have.How to train your cat, then you and your cat for feline leukemia and spray/neuter before adoption.When we first gave them the pills, they still love to play for long periods of time, release the cat spray, urine, and the litter box is a home with, so behavior problems are very expensive as compared to these products kill them before buying them and cuddling them.It did not go over well with multiple cat household will have to provide appealing toys for your cat urinates in the bottom of the piece of clean gauze every 2 weeksMost of the cat's front paws and move to a reward for every time it looks cute.
Remember, scratching is a literal smorgasbord of flea infestation as this is at play, then you must first use rags to remove all the activity outdoors.Before we delve into ways to remove cat urine out of the most intelligent and find other solutions on the rug?The first is suitable for long-term management in certain cases.It can also you a lot to be in the act to discourage the cat.Adult fleas spend only a short span of time.
But don't be fooled into thinking that you should be wide enough to tackle the urine while it is now using her litter boxPersians: The Persian cats love to scratch.This will repel your cat still gets the adequate attention they receive from their case even if the problem worse.First off, the cat's food or even a real answer?Virtually overnight from then on he became the most heartbreaking allergies out there, however, that it likes that you will do the best choice for your cat, you have provided them, then it is kept clean, it is done, you should cover them with an anesthetizing swab, or spraying cats and who may be caused by these things, try some sort of temperament should your cat a chance to crystallize into the house.
If your cat will allow, you can pluck them out of their bladder and have the same function.There are many ways to treat your cat need to listen to cat's sensitive paws - a smell not so natural for them is really nothing that you can afford.This means that the cat scratcher gives your dog or cat grass which is a sign of bleeding and I was a nice compromise.Ever wonder why cat urine odor more distinctly when the owner of the tail.Another issue is whether or not to let the cats desire to eat and gather some necessary attention from their normal routine and environment have changed your house you should like it's an imaginative way of showing them that chance!
Cat Pee To Mark Territory
Do not crush up your slippers or cushions that your feline before it gets to the scent is on the whole body protection for a while.Odor neutralizing litters or sprays handy.Cat spaying or neutering involves the removal of the place.In addition, there is no general consensus on any door knob.Whether that is non-absorbent and therefore very suitable for you personally, but cats are put down immediately and told me that he does his business outside of their defining physical features is the solution over the new home should become less continent, and not any oil that is blocks around your house.
Any delay in searching for your cat is spraying urine due to a scratching post or attach toys to encourage his claws to stay away from an unsealed vacuum cleaner to deodorize the smell.#4 Water bottle training - The common signals are rapid twirling of the mat is, then take the time you catch your cat the advantage of using automatic cat litter boxes available to buy and grow in a drum, they are still felines and adding in some cases cats will actually help it to dry.You should remember the dates of the soil and is nowhere to get rid of.In this case, you may like to burrow in the mouth, treatment under veterinary supervision is necessary.In fact, we suggest feeding your cat and your family.
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cable-knit-sweater · 2 years
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Summer Days, Summer Nights
Pairing: Steve Rogers x Bucky Barnes
Word count: 732
Notes: I don’t know if this fits the prompts for @steverogersweek day 4 exactly (Food + Tradition) but I kinda think it does? Even if it doesn’t, here it is, a mood board & some rambling thoughts about Brooklyn summers, then and now, for my favorite Brooklyn boys ❤️ It’s a little bit messy, but written with a lot of love.
Bucky is starting to remember their life from before bit by bit, asking Steve about it of and on, and he’s more than happy to tell him in vivid detail, feeling like for once his perfect ability to recall anything is a blessing. He tells Bucky about how in the summer, they’d spend their day playing in the street, cooling down under the spray of fire hydrants with the other neighborhood kids. How their ma’s gave up on keeping any track on what the two of them got up to on those long summer days. How they’d spend their nights on the fire escape more often than not, escaping the oppressive July and August heat and falling asleep looking at the stars.
Steve thinks about it for a long time after, about those particular memories, how they’d spent their summers in Brooklyn. He wants to not just tell Bucky about their past. He wants to show him the places that were important to the both of them - no matter how much they’ve changed - and make new memories together, ones that are theirs as they are now. He wants to explore the place they are from in a way he hasn’t dared to this century. Find their way together in this new place. Make it their home again. So he does what he does best. He comes up with a plan.
When they’re back in Brooklyn for a couple of days in early July, right after his birthday, he starts off with the first part of his plan. Bucky raises an eyebrow at him when Steve puts pillows on the floor of their (much, much nicer) fire escape and gestures for Bucky to join him. Bucky grumbles, but joins him anyway, and they fall asleep completely intertwined, just like they did every summer night before, not caring that it’s to hot to be so close.
A couple of days later, they go for a stroll around the neighborhood. They get some pretzels off a cart like they used to, if they had a couple of extra pennies to spare, walk along the Brooklyn Heights promenade, eventually finding a bench where Steve takes out his sketch book to draw the Manhattan skyline and Bucky gets out a book and listens to some music. They stay the whole afternoon, until late in the evening, to see the sun set on their city, Bucky’s head leaning on Steve’s shoulder.
They go to a local Brooklyn diner, not exactly like the ones they used go to, but close enough, and have egg creams and as much greasy food as they can stomach. They take the F train to Coney Island, from the (for them) new Jay street station, where they look up at the Cyclone and then at each other, clearly having decided at the same time that just seeing it is enough, and they don’t need a repeat of that experience. They get hot dogs instead and walk around - hand in hand now, which already makes this a better experience than any of the times they went in the past. They just take it all in.
They also discover the new Brooklyn, with a much larger range of cuisines that their old Brooklyn had, and Steve can’t help but get the biggest, fond smile on his face whenever Bucky gets excited about finding something they haven’t tried out yet. They go back to the beach and eat a ridiculous amount of ice cream until even their supersoldier stomachs can’t take any more. They go to the parks, find a local bookstore, a bodega for their morning coffee, a stray, fluffy white cat that ends up becoming theirs. Bucky teaches him how to dance one night, music both old and new on their record player, not caring about how quickly the heat makes them both gross and sweaty, not when they’re this close, bodies moving against each other completely in sync.
On one sticky, hot August day at the end of summer, Steve sits alone on the fire escape, his feet dangling down. He thinks about it all. There’s a lot about their life in Brooklyn now that’s so different from what it used to be. They’re different from how they used to be. But there’s more than enough that’s still the same. Most importantly, that they’re together. That they feel like they’re home. He smells pepperoni and cheese. He feels a hand on his shoulder. He smiles.
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k0kichiimagines · 3 years
I personally can never really see Saeran as a love interest cuz I love Saeyoung with all ma heart and he actually helped me learn to love again (even though I don't rlly wanna be in relationships irl anymore) but ngl having Saeran as a brother-in-law sounds good SKSKSKS
No matter who you choose, you got an amazing brother-in-law basically lolol
I also read this one where Saeran keeps having dreams about you and he couldn't help but fall in love and poor boi wakes up having like breakdowns and stuff and IT HURT LIKE A B I T C H!!!
At the end where you and Saeyoung left for a date, he goes back to sleep to keep dreaming about you and sprays your perfume at a pillow so it has your scent basically and that broke me omg ajdbahdhwh it was actually the first fic I read where Saeran is secretly in love with you hhhhh!!! I can give you the link if you want! The writing was nice too!!
At my comfort universe, I think that Saeran got over it and is now glad to see his brother happy and they both have this relationship where they are playful with each other and Saeran even likes having him around. I read a fic recently where Saeran started having bad flashbacks and Saeyoung and you basically hug him and he calms down since he feels you two near him and it ends with you three cuddling on the couch HHHHHSHDHWHDWH!!!!
This one other fic, he was actually jealous of Saeyoung and when the power went out and you were cold, Saeran brings a blanket and covers you. He feels good when you leaned onto him, wrapping his arms around your waist and Saeyoung pouts and joins the cuddling pile too sksksks
I have the link to both fics thankfully!!
Also about parent headcanons and stuff like that. I personally never want to have kids but imagine with Saeyoung like he would be that kind of dad where he lets his kids get away with everything and more LMFAO, he is literally the only character who I wouldn't mind becoming parents with AND ALSO!! UNCLE SAERAN!!! MY DUDE HAS THE MOST PLAIN FACE AND HE TAKES CARE OF HIS BROS CHILD WITH NO PROBLEM AND IS THAT ONE CHILL COUSIN, NOT TO MENTION VANDERWOOD IS THERE TOO AJDHAHDHWHE /POS
Saeyoung brainrot Saeyoung brainrot Saeyoung brainrot Saeyoung brainrot Saeyoung brainrot Saeyoung brainrot Saeyoung brainrot!!!!!!!!
ohhh please do! itll break my heart but i like the angstsobs
AW THATS CUTE i love seeing the choi twins happy, in every end i just want to see them happy ♡♡
saeran likes to tease saeyoung by declaring he prefers his in law to his actual sibling as well, you two become besties frfr
saeran is the calm uncle fr, he's just showing them the garden and playing a few games
saeyoung is kinda father / uncle to be yelling aeroplane noises and running around in circles with the child on his shoulders, hyper energy, children simply love the mad
i feel like saeyoung doesnt mind having kids or not having them! he considers you and saeran (and miss vanderwood no matter how much he protests) to be his family, he's happy this family is safe ♥️
also you have cat children i dont make the rules he brings home a litter of kittens they're the family now KDHRJFN
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antoine-roquentin · 4 years
Myanmar: Vast arsenal and notorious troops deployed during nationwide ‘killing spree’ protest crackdown – new research
The Myanmar military is using increasingly lethal tactics and weapons normally seen on the battlefield against peaceful protesters and bystanders across the country, new research by Amnesty International has revealed.
By verifying more than 50 videos from the ongoing crackdown, Amnesty International’s Crisis Evidence Lab can confirm that security forces appear to be implementing planned, systematic strategies including the ramped-up use of lethal force. Many of the killings documented amount to extrajudicial executions.
Footage clearly shows that Myanmar military troops - also known as the Tatmadaw - are increasingly armed with weapons that are only appropriate for the battlefield, not for policing actions. Officers are frequently seen engaging in reckless behavior, including the indiscriminate spraying of live ammunition in urban areas.
‘We are frontliners’: Youth brave bullets and arrest to keep protests alive 
While the early street protests against the February 1 military takeover remained largely peaceful, attracting people from all strata of society, the police and army have violently broken up more recent demonstrations, killing more than 70 so far. This has whittled down protests to younger, more daring groups engaging in cat-and-mouse games with security forces: making tactical retreats and reassembling the moment forces move on. To avoid death, injury or arrest, they have had to quickly adopt new methods and tools.
Mayangone Township resident Ko Phyo Tin, 25, who joins the Kyun Taw protest group every day, uses a shield improvised from a piece of steel as protection against rubber bullets and live rounds, and dons a Chinese-made combat helmet.
“Most of us are using protective equipment made in China. We don’t trust its quality but we have no alternative,” he said, adding that the group would gladly accept donations of quality gas masks, hard hats and body armour.
Women have also taken up positions as “frontliners”, the protesters bearing the brunt of the police and army assaults and shielding those behind them. They include Ma Thu Thu, 23, a founder of a team of frontliners that operates in Hlaing and Kamaryut townships, where such groups proliferate.
Thu Thu said her team comprises a core group of more than 10 people that is supported by about another 50 volunteers, who have learned from the street tactics used in dissident movements overseas.
“I saw the protests in Hong Kong and they gave me ideas about how we could defend ourselves,” said Thu Thu, whose small frame belies a capacity to endure gruelling confrontations with security forces.
She has been protesting against military rule since February 6 and is increasingly convinced that the people need protection from the lethal force police and soldiers used against striking dockworkers in Mandalay on February 20, when security forces fired live rounds on a crowd of more than 1,000 demonstrators at a shipyard, killing two and injuring dozens.
On February 26, Thu Thu watched a violent crackdown by police on big crowds of protesters at the Myanigone and Hledan junctions in Yangon.
“Police opened fire to disperse protesters, who fled in chaos. Some were arrested. When I saw that, I thought we needed to be able to protect protesters during demonstrations planned for February 28, Milk Tea Alliance Day,” she said, referring to a loose alliance of pro-democracy movements in Thailand, Hong Kong, Taiwan and now Myanmar.
“I posted [these thoughts] on Facebook and one of my friends said she would donate 30 shields. I talked with some of my male friends and we decided to volunteer as frontliners,” she added.
“When we first started posting [about our plan], about a hundred people contacted us [wanting to join]. Members of our group are from many different townships in Yangon.”
Myanmar junta hires Israeli intelligence veteran for international lobbying campaign 
Defense Minister Mya Tun Oo retained Ari Ben-Menashe and his Montreal-based Dickens & Madson Canada to “assist in explaining the real situation in the country,” according to a consultancy agreement dated Thursday. The firm is tasked with lobbying Congress and the Joe Biden administration as well as the governments of Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Israel and Russia in addition to the United Nations, the African Union and other international organizations and NGOs.
The firm is expected to file a formal lobbying contract with the US Department of Justice early next week, Ben-Menashe said in a telephone interview Friday morning from Myanmar, where he’s wrapping up his second trip in the past few weeks. He said the contract was for a “big amount” but declined to get into specifics.
(Update: Dickens & Madson said the contract with Mya Tun Oo was for $2 million in a Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA) disclosure filed Monday, March 8 with the US Department of Justice. The amount is to be paid  “when legally permissible by controlling jurisdictions” since the minister and other military leaders are under US sanctions.
“Within the United States, Registrant will provide advice and counsel to the foreign principal and advocate before the executive and/or legislative branches of the government of the United States to seek support and humanitarian aid for the benefit of the citizens of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar and to strive for the removal or modification of current sanctions,” the lobbying disclosure states. “Additionally, Registrant proposes to provide media and public relations services to further the country’s goals and activities. Registrant also provides lobbying services to the foreign principal in other countries.”)
Ben-Menashe indicated that he plans to present the country’s military rulers as a counterweight to alleged growing Chinese influence in the country under Aung San Suu Kyi, the government leader whose National League for Democracy swept legislative elections in November. The Burmese military declared the elections to be illegitimate on Feb. 1 and deposed Suu Kyi and President Win Myint, sparking international condemnation.
“Aung San Suu Kyi moved toward China while she was in power,” Ben-Menashe said. “And these guys [in the military] don’t like it.”
He added that officials in Saudi Arabia and the UAE had offered to assist with the return of Rohingya Muslims, almost a million of whom have fled to neighboring Bangladesh in recent years amid what the United Nations have labeled a campaign of genocide. Ben-Menashe said he had advised the country’s rulers in the 1990s and warned at the time against having Suu Kyi in the government, claiming she had shown anti-Muslim animus.
“Aung San Suu Kyi as leader was the one who did in the Rohingyas, not the army,” he insisted.
Democratic shadow government taking form in Myanmar 
Myanmar’s banking system, always feeble, looks close to collapse. With banking havens for the junta’s finances, namely the US and Singapore, restricting capital flows, the Biden administration’s freeze on $1 billion of Myanmar’s US-held assets and an ongoing national boycott of military-affiliated businesses, the junta’s finances are being squeezed.
All this definitely means the junta’s strategy of carrying on with business as usual has gone out the window and makes large-scale violent escalation likely.
The writers disagree with the view that the disparate Civil Disobedience Movement can win by sheer power of will and personal sacrifice. Look at the numbers: In some ministries, such as health and education, participation in the movement is substantial, with estimates that a third of staff are actively involved. In others, it is much smaller.
Some 600 policemen are said to have defected so far. Overall, the number of Civil Disobedience Movement participants is likely in the tens of thousands, out of a million or so civil servants across the country.
The junta is cracking down hard. Participating civil servants have been suspended by the junta, with some losing their pay and benefits and others potentially charged with treason.
One senior civil servant told us: “I really want to participate in the civil disobedience campaign but I have to take care of my family – we rely on my salary [and] the housing provided by the department.”
One month on, the story of Myanmar’s coup has become a tale of two governments, the junta and the acting administration of the Committee Representing the National Parliament (CRPH), a group of MPs mostly from Aung San Suu Kyi’s National League for Democracy (NLD) party.
With many of its members including Suu Kyi detained and least one who has died in the junta’s custody, the democratically-elected NLD has been hit hard by the coup.
“We cannot operate as a political party right now. [The junta] seized our leaders… Our party headquarter is closed. But we are trying to connect with our party members,” Phyo Zeya Thaw, NLD Central Committee Member, told the writers.
The CRPH has sought to challenge the junta while running and hiding. It has already announced a public administration program that established local councils led by MPs and loyal local officials to run affairs in Myanmar’s 360 townships in competition with the junta.
Preliminary data from a survey we are conducting on this parallel governance bid suggest that early success is mixed: In parts of the country, the NLD’s grassroots networks have been able to set up structures, in particular in Yangon, Mandalay and Sagaing regions, all part of the NLD’s heartland. In other townships, the junta has the upper hand.
Significantly, the CRPH is now putting itself firmly at the head of the disparate civil disobedience movement. On its website, the CRPH is registering civil servants participating in CDM who it will provide support.
It has also formed an ”acting administration” of acting ministers. They will cover all portfolios of the toppled NLD government until a new unity resistance government is formed.
To form this unity government, the CRPH is competing with the junta in reaching out to both civil society leaders and to ethnic political parties and ethnic armed groups. The success of these overtures may decide the ultimate fate of Myanmar’s coup.
Two other resistance organizations, a General Strike Committee and a General Strike Committee of Nationalities, that sprung up to organize a general strike in February are still organizing protests and strikes independently.
Business revolt brewing in coup-crippled Myanmar 
Western business groups, namely European, American, British, Italian and French chambers of commerce, rejected the regime’s invitation to meet on March 4. At the same time, major Asian business groups such as the Thai, Hong Kong, Japanese and Chinese have not released any statements of concern since the coup and lethal crackdown on protesters.
The Western chambers’ refusal comes at a time of widespread and rising condemnation against the regime’s brutal crackdown on unarmed protesting civilians, with more than 50 killed as of March 3, according to the Assistance Association for Political Prisoners (AAPP), an independent monitoring group.
Australian business group AustCham Myanmar said on Wednesday it has “serious concern over the increasing use of violence against the people campaigning for a return to democratic Government in Myanmar.”
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artificialqueens · 4 years
Let the Love be Your Life (Branjie) - Athena2
Summary: After their kid doesn’t know one of their favorite movies, Brooke and Vanessa have a little movie marathon introducing favorite movies to them.
A/N: This is a Christmas gift for Writ because they’re the absolute best. It also fulfills the prompt ‘List’ for Ficmas over @writethehousedown, so you can find it there as well! It’s pretty much pure fluff and I hope you enjoy! I’d appreciate any feedback you have!
Also, thank you to everyone who’s read and commented on my fics this past year. It’s been a really hard year for most of us, and sharing my stories with you made it a little brighter for me, and I hope for you as well.
Title from Mother from Carole and Tuesday.
“Brooke, can you get me a bowl?” Vanessa calls over from the stove, where she’s stirring a pot of rice.
“As you wish.” Brooke snorts after she says it, trading smiles with Vanessa. One of their favorite movies, and the first couples costume they did all those years ago for Nina’s world-famous–or at least city-famous–Halloween party, where there was always full catering, a DJ, and at least one rumored celebrity hidden behind a mask. One person isn’t smiling though, and it’s their kid, pausing table-setting to stare at them.
“‘As you wish?’” Sam repeats in confusion. “What is this, the Middle Ages?”
Brooke’s mouth falls open. “What? No, it’s from a movie.”
“Oh.” Sam shrugs and goes back to setting the table, clearly unimpressed.
Vanessa is nowhere near as calm, her wooden spoon clattering on the counter. “Brooke, our child doesn’t know The Princess Bride!” She leaves the stove to stand by Brooke, shaking her head in outrage.
“We’ve officially failed as parents,” Brooke agrees.
Sam rolls their eyes. “It’s just some old movie, right?”
“‘Some old movie,’” Vanessa mutters under her breath. “‘Some old movie.’ Brooke, we gotta fix this.”
Brooke nods. She and Vanessa have always let Sam be themself, reading and watching stuff freely, as long as it wasn’t too dark or upsetting. But in all that, they must have forgotten to show Sam all the movies they had wanted to, the movies that Brooke and Vanessa love.
When Vanessa got stuck on bed rest towards the end of her pregnancy, she watched movies to pass the time, and Brooke joined her when she could, rubbing Vanessa’s aching back and massaging her shoulders, doing anything she could to make her more comfortable. They talked about all the movies they wanted to watch after their baby was born, the things they wanted to do and memories they wanted to make as a family. They had even made a list of movies, but it got lost somewhere in the chaos of having a new baby. Sam might be nine now, but they can still make those memories, and Brooke claps her hands. “We need a movie marathon!”
Vanessa jumps up and down. “Yeah! This week, we’re gonna watch a bunch of movies! Sammy’s on winter break, it’s perfect! We can do one every night! Peter Pan, and the Peanuts, and Muppets Christmas Carol–”
“Jurassic Park,” Brooke adds, grabbing a notebook and pen. “And Star Wars, and Matilda … my movies are way better than yours, babe.”
“Nuh-uh!” Vanessa yells. “Mine are classics!”
“I guess Sam will be the judge of that, then.” Brooke grins.
“They will be, and you can do dishes for a week when they like mine better,” Vanessa says, raising her eyebrow mischievously.
“What do I get if I win?” Brooke asks. It better be something good, something Vanessa hates as much as Brooke hates doing dishes.
Vanessa thinks. “I’ll do the laundry for a week.”
Vanessa hates folding clothes since she does it all day in her boutique. Brooke doesn’t mind laundry, exactly, but she’ll happily let Vanessa take over and fold the endless amounts of clothes for a week.
“Deal.” Brooke smiles, all thoughts of rivalry gone and replaced with excitement of the memories they’ll make.
i. The Princess Bride
“Okay, is everyone ready?” Brooke stands in front of the TV, making sure Vanessa and Sam are settled on the couch with pillows and blankets and the cats, canyon-sized bowl of popcorn and cupcakes from Brooke’s sister Kameron’s bakery all ready for the night.
“Ready!” Vanessa yells. Brooke presses play, and Vanessa opens her arms for Brooke to snuggle into as the movie starts.
“At least you two aren’t wearing your costumes,” Sam teases. Vanessa and Brooke have probably been a little too eager in showing Sam that picture over the years, but Vanessa looked like a literal princess in her red Princess Buttercup dress, Brooke was the perfect Westley, and they got compliments through the entire party, so sue them for showing off. Vanessa still remembers the cool silk flowing around her and warming her hand on the soft bit of skin revealed by Brooke’s shirt.
“Don’t think we weren’t tempted,” Vanessa says. “They’re in the attic somewhere, I bet I could still fit in that dress–”
“Do we need to pause it already?” Brooke asks, and Vanessa swats at her before snuggling back down and watching the movie.
Vanessa finds herself watching her family more than the movie, watching Brooke’s eyes widen and her lips stretch into a grin like she’s never seen it before. Then she turns to Sam, who really has never seen it before. They’re skeptical at first, face blank, but then their brown eyes–so warm and expressive, like Vanessa’s–light up when the Dread Pirate Roberts reveals himself to be Westley. By the end, their smile is huge.
“You liked it, huh?” Vanessa asks.
Sam looks down. “I guess,” they say, and Vanessa knows their nine-year-old heart can’t quite admit something their parents like is cool, but it’s a start, and she’s counting this as a win in both her and Brooke’s column.
“Well, I’m ready for tomorrow!” Vanessa yells, pulling Brooke in for a kiss.
ii. Star Wars
Brooke knows the baby Yoda ugly sweater and Star Wars pajama pants are overkill, but she can’t help it. From the moment she first saw the movie as a seven-year-old, all she wanted was to be a Jedi like Luke and save the galaxy. She and Kameron made lightsabers out of foam swords and spray paint, and they ran around their background slicing through enemies and saving the day. Kameron had even made truffles decorated like the Death Star when Brooke told her what they were watching, her brown eyes warm with memories of their Jedi days.
Brooke doesn’t know whether this movie thing between her and Vanessa is a contest, but if it is, she doesn’t really care about it for this movie. She just wants to watch it with her kid, hope they find the same joy in it that she did.
Sam seems to be enjoying the truffles at least, and they shove another one in their mouth. “Aunt Kam’s stuff is so good,” they say with their mouth full, and Brooke agrees.
The music blasts and opening crawl creeps onto the screen, and Brooke grins, even when Vanessa rolls her eyes fondly and asks her continual question of why everyone else has such ‘weird-ass names’ and Luke’s is normal.
Brooke didn’t think anything would be better than the first time she saw it, in their living room with salty popcorn burning her lips and Kameron next to her, but watching it now, with her wife at her side and their kid on the other couch watching with wide eyes, just might be even better. She never thought she would have this life, a family around her like this, and she pulls Vanessa little closer, breathing in the familiar scent of her coconut shampoo.
Sam is grinning when the movie ends, and warmth rushes through Brooke’s chest, that her kid enjoyed something that means a lot to Brooke.
“That’s my favorite one so far,” they say sheepishly, and Brooke lets out a whoop.
“All right, all right, it’s only been two movies so far,” Vanessa says. “We’re goin’ to Neverland tomorrow, and then we’ll see what’s better.”
iii. Peter Pan
Vanessa feels like a professor as she stands in front of the TV, Sam and Brooke staring at her expectantly.
“Is this a presentation?” Brooke teases. “Should I take notes?”
“Oh please, you’re the one who loves presentations,” Vanessa says fondly. “No presentation–this movie did make me want to go into design, though. Oh! And it was the first sign that I was bi. Little kid me didn’t know if she wanted a flying boyfriend or a fairy girlfriend more.” Vanessa grins dreamily. She can still remember her heart fluttering the same way when she looked at Peter and his coppery hair as it did when she watched Tinkerbell pout, how it all made sense when she was seventeen and fully realized that she was bi for the first time.
“Start the movie, Ma!” Sam yells.
Vanessa does, then instantly pauses it, turning to Sam with worries in her mind. “Don’t get any stupid ideas from this movie, now!” she warns. “Don’t go flying around with people who show up in your window, no matter how cute they are! And Wendy was a child, acting all grown, Lord help us when you become a teenager–”
“Okay, Ness,” Brooke soothes, motioning for Vanessa to sit with her and pulling her into a hug when she does.
“I promise I won’t fly around with people in my window,” Sam says, and Vanessa smiles, reaching over and ruffling their brown waves.
“You better not,” Vanessa says, leaning back into Brooke, her wife still as cozy to cuddle with as she’s always been.
Vanessa’s dancing in place and belting out all the songs in no time. She’s known all the words since she was six, when she would perform the whole movie in her living room or sing them to herself as she drew fierce pirate coats and sparkly fairies with striped wings, and they’ve refused to leave her brain, even if she wishes she could have that space for something useful like where she put her phone.
Brooke’s not much of a singer, but she hums along, and when Sam’s soft voice hesitantly joins Vanessa’s, she knows the night is a success.
iv. Matilda
It’s not as action-packed as her other favorite movies on the list, but as a shy kid who always had her nose in a book, Brooke’s always had a soft spot for Matilda. After she had to accept that becoming a Jedi wasn’t a viable career path, it had been Matilda that gave her the idea to become a librarian. She could surround herself with books all day, and help people find the book they were looking for, introducing them to whole new worlds through the pages, just like she does with each bedtime story for Sam every night.
“This is a movie about a kid with magic powers, right?” Sam asks.
“Right,” Vanessa says, “and Mommy loves it because she’s a big nerd.”
“Hey!” Brooke protests, but Vanessa is laughing and giving her a warm hug.
“You know I love you for it,” Vanessa says simply, and Brooke hugs her back and knows it’s true.
It’s nice to watch a movie she hasn’t seen since she was a kid and find it still makes her smile the same way, still gives her the same hope at seeing a shy girl who loved books the way she did—and still does. Brooke has never been the confident, outgoing kid in so many movies. She was quiet and kept to herself, and Matilda gave her a world where she could be the hero. She hopes Sam always feels that way too, always knows that they can be the hero.
When the credits roll, Sam declares that it’s not their favorite off the list, but Brooke doesn’t mind.
v. Peanuts
“Why are these even on the list?” Sam asks as Vanessa fiddles with the TV. “I’ve seen all the Peanuts movies.”
“And you’ll see them again!” Vanessa yells. “This is different. They’re official now, on the list and everything.” She starts the Easter special and shuts down all the arguments, biting into a peanut butter cookie.
“All right, all right.” Sam gives in, but they’re not complaining. Sam once tried to make Riley dance like Snoopy, and Vanessa knows they love these movies just as much as she does.
“This is another thing that got me into fashion,” Vanessa says. “Because I didn’t know why they always wore the same boring old clothes in all the movies, so I drew them wearing some new ones.”
“Of course you did.” Brooke grins.
“Well, I had to jazz those outfits up! They’ve been wearing the same clothes forever!” Vanessa laughs. She’s always wanted people to wear clothes they feel like themselves in, and somewhere in between drawing new outfits for cartoon characters, she decided that was what she wanted to do, and it’s what she still does with her own little boutique, just up the street from the library where Brooke works. She loves getting to help people pick out the perfect outfit, watching them smile as they come out feeling as good as they had hoped.
She leans back as Charlie Brown and the others take them through all the seasons, from Easter to Halloween to Thanksgiving and finally Christmas, where Vanessa reaches for tissues and even Sam pretends they have dust in their eye. Vanessa always wanted to fight the other kids for being so mean to Charlie, and even as an adult, the urge is still there.
When the movie’s done, an idea pops into Vanessa’s hand. She whips out her phone and brings up the Charlie Brown Christmas soundtrack, yanking Brooke into the middle of the room and pulling her into a dance while Sam twirls around with Riley, cats watching from the couch, unimpressed.
“Ness, you’re making me dizzy,” Brooke giggles as Vanessa spins her faster and faster, until they almost crash into the Christmas tree.
Sam is cackling next to them, and Vanessa slows up, pressing her chest close to Brooke’s and melting as Brooke places a gentle kiss on the top of her head.
It’s her favorite movie night by far.
vi. Jurassic Park
All her movies on the list are special, but this one just might be the most special for Brooke. Because this is what she and Vanessa watched on their first date.
Brooke had started her first job at the library the same summer Vanessa started doing formal design sketches for a portfolio. She came to the library to get fashion books for ideas, and Brooke secretly hoped she would come back in every day, so they could make small talk and maybe she could say something funny to see Vanessa smile again. And almost every day, Vanessa came back.
Summer was half over and Brooke thought they would do nothing but talk with a library desk between them when Vanessa finally asked her to a movie in the park, both of them giggling as they set the date because they were finally going out after weeks of flirting and smiling and wondering if feelings were reciprocated. A dinosaur movie might not have been the most romantic choice for a first date, but they curled up together on a plaid blanket and let their fingers meet in the bag of buttery popcorn, and when Vanessa gave her a soft kiss as the end theme song played, Brooke knew she was the one.
She looks at her wife now, humming along to the opening theme and eating the dinosaur sugar cookie Kameron made, and knows that she’s still the one.
They snuggle up together and make dinosaur noises that cause Sam to look at them in annoyance, but it only makes them laugh harder.
They watch on the edge of their seats even though they know the ending, and Sam does the same, jumping every time a dinosaur pops out. When the end theme plays softly as the characters escape in the helicopter, Vanessa has tears in her eyes. Brooke’s not a big cryer–the last time she cried was probably when Sam was still a baby–but her eyes pool with dampness too, until she and Vanessa are holding each other and half-laughing, half-crying, because this movie is what brought them together.
“What are you doing?” Sam asks in alarm. “Why are you crying over a dinosaur movie?”
Brooke and Vanessa just laugh and exchange a soft kiss.
vii. The Muppet Christmas Carol
Christmas has always been Vanessa’s favorite holiday. As a kid, she fought her brothers every day to move the little Christmas tree counter on their Advent calendar, her excitement only growing as the day grew nearer. She’d just make it through the extra-long church service, and then she was free to play with her cousins and stuff herself with cookie after cookie and wake with the sunrise Christmas morning to jump in her parents’ bed.
Only now that she has her own child jumping in her and Brooke’s bed at an ungodly hour each Christmas does she realize why her parents would groan so loudly and what a little demon she must have been.
But her and Brooke don’t mind–they both love it, really, love all their traditions. There are the cookies they bake all month, the toy drive they help with at Sam’s school, and then Vanessa’s turn bringing Sam shopping to buy Brooke’s present and Brooke’s turn taking Sam to buy Vanessa’s present. The weekend after Thanksgiving, when they’re still stuffed with leftovers, the tree goes up, the three of them passing ornaments around while Vanessa narrates the history of how they got each one and almost falls on the tree trying to prove to Brooke that she can reach the tall branches. The tree is her favorite part, with the rainbow lights twinkling and the shining star looking over them. The tree is extra bright tonight, Christmas just days away, as Vanessa starts one of her favorite Christmas movies.
“This was my favorite to watch when I was pregnant with you,” Vanessa says to Sam. “The doctor said I had to go on bed rest, and I was so mad because it was almost Christmas and I wanted to do stuff. This was the next best thing.” She still remembers those long days, the pain in her back and hips and shoulders combined with the sadness of not being able to hang up lights or bake cookies or do much of anything. The Muppets at least made her smile, gave her a piece of Christmas she could have while stuck in bed. And when Sam was born perfectly healthy in January, she knew it had all been worth it.
“I swear, I heard Kermit in my sleep for weeks,” Brooke says, rolling her eyes but smiling anyway.
“You love Kermit and you know it,” Vanessa says.
Brooke just snorts, but Vanessa knows she’s right.
Vanessa knows most of the words—she really did watch this movie a ridiculous amount of times when she was pregnant—and finds her mouth moving along with the characters. The movie still makes her just as happy as it did when she was stuck in bed, makes her love Christmas and her family that much more. It doesn’t mean she’s forgotten the bet though, and the credits have just started to roll when Vanessa leaps from the couch and turns to Sam. “So?” she asks expectantly.
“So what?” Sam asks casually.
Vanessa huffs. “So, whose movies did you like better? Mine, right? Say mine.”
“No way.” Brooke pops up behind her. “Mine were way better.”
Sam just rolls their eyes. “Come on, you know I can’t pick between you two. You’re both my favorite.”
Vanessa melts then, pulling Sam into a bone-crushing hug, Brooke wrapping her arms around both of them.
“I guess we’ll just split the house stuff next week,” Vanessa says.
“You mean like we already do anyway?” Brooke snorts, holding them tighter.
Vanessa just smiles. She has her family, and tomorrow is their holiday party with all their friends, and then Christmas with her family and Brooke’s family, and her smile deepens. She watches the snow fall softly outside and knows this will be the best Christmas ever.
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bakusoftie · 5 years
How about Deku, Katsuki and Todoroki being turned into a cat ( or whatever pet you want ) for a week and their fem s/o taking care of them (like petting,feeding,and playing with them) until they turn back ?
this is so cute omfg
i fucking love cats
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Izuwu, Bakubabe, and Icycutie turning into cats for a week
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🥦 izuwu 🥦
apparently some general studies student hated class 1-A so bad that they used their quirk to turn the innocent lil deku into a tiny white munchkin cat with his emerald green eyes and three black spots of fur on his cheeks
he looked so ADORABLE AHHHH
you were walking towards the dorms when you hear the cries of a kitten and looked down at your feet to find the cutest cat you have ever laid eyes on
“Hey there lil buddy!,” you cooed as you picked the ball of fluff up and rested him on your chest.
you thought he reminded you of your crush from the color of his wide green eyes
you couldn’t stop yourself from pecking kisses all over his fluffy face
izuku was sent into a flurry of purrs as he nuzzled his head into your warm chest
he felt kind of bad since you had no idea it was him but he felt so safe and complete being snuggled in your arms and he never wanted to leave
you snook the cute ass fur ball in your room, not before raiding the kitchen for a bowl of milk and leftover pork cutlet bowl that belonged to Denki (it’s okay you left him some money for McNuggets)
you laid the stubborn kitten on your bed but he kept wanting to bury his head in your warmth
“Awww, I’m gonna name you...Deku!,”
the kitten raised his head when he heard that and started licking your hand as if he was giving you little kitty kisses
“You must like that name,huh? It’s because you remind me of him...because you both are so cute!!”
Izuku crawls into your lap and nuzzles his head against your thighs and thinks ‘damn this is the life’
he would never get to do this when he returns to his human form so he for sure will milk the fuck out of this
when your hand comes down to scratch his neck, he swears he has reached heaven as his purring increases and he lets out a little “prrt”
He’s fucking love it
Until he sees you getting undressed...
Then he bulldozes his face into your pillow and let’s out a series of ‘meows’ that kinda sound like his muttering
If you stroke his fur while he eats, he feels like he’s going to combust from joy please don’t stop
6 days later when you’re so used to having this little kitten follow you everywhere and giving you cuddles, you also start to wonder why izuku hasn’t been coming to class lately
until one night when you and Izukitty are cuddling, him being curled into a ball on your boobies
And you feel the fuzzy warmth on your chest start to get heavier
two questions
where did your cat go?
Izuwu is so flustered and he can’t hardly get a word out except...
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💥kitsuki bakukitty💥
ma there's a weird-looking fucking cat outside
seriously...bakugou as a cat is fucking frightening
do not give this fucker CLAWS
well somebody did
and bakugou was fucking pissed
he couldn’t do anything for himself and his quirk wouldn’t even fucking work
not to mention he keeps hacking up disgusting fucking hairballs
it was your turn to take the dorm’s trash out when you see a
sort of cute-looking?
ash-blonde cat with sharp red eyes staring into your soul.
he is literally ‘my cat from hell’
But you thought his aggressive actions just meant he was an abused stray that needed to be nutured
uh bitch
you was w r o n g
you also thought his fur and eyes kinda looked like your crush, Katsuki
so of course,
you named the kitty
he did not wike it
you got so many cat scratches BITCH YOU STARTING TO LOOK LIKE VICTOR ZSASZ
you googled “how to tame an agressive cat” on wikihow and it said to spend time with the cat and play with him so
you took that bitch to your room
and got out a ball of yarn and a laser pointer
“let the chaos begin, katsukitty 😈”
let me just tell you that this bitch’s meows sound like he’s being fucking drowned like
he’s so ugly LMAOASKKS
but the angry little kitten gets used to you and rubs his head your hand as he gets ready to ATTack and nibble the fuck out of your finger
you text kiri to come over and meet your new little friend and
the moment he smells the stench of another male coming up into his territory (aka you)
he fucking asshole
bites a fucking chunk out of kiri’s lightening mcqueen crocs
kiri: gEt yOur fUckinG cAt, BiTch
you: he don’t bite 🙂
kiri: yES hE dO
im so sorry kiri but
those crocs were ugly anyway
katsukitty did you a favor
bakugou is such an asshole cat like he literally jumped up on your dresser for the sole purpose of knocking your limited edition Best Jeanist Funko POP to the floor
yOu shiTTy BitcH
you had to get a spray bottle full of water after he scratched up the All Might t-shirt that Izuku bought you for your birthday
jealous heaDASS
he won’t let anyone inside your room
I mean you saw what he did to kiri’s crocs
So when mineta thought he would be slick and sniff your panties while you were in the shower
Katsukitty didn’t even have to touch the fucker
he just growled and mineta shit his pants
he protecc
he attacc
but most importantly
he a snacc
speaking of snacks,,,
if you try to feed him that gross ass canned cat food
he will fuck your ass up
don’t even think about it
although...he was considering it 😳
but no
once you accidentally dropped some sriracha on the floor and his ass lapped that shit up
you swore to god that isn’t healthy for cats to eat but
you still gave him a whole bowl full
because he made him happy
and you could finally pet him while he ate without getting slice and diced
that’s how most your days were like until the end of the week when you were coming to your room after making Katsukitty a tiny version of Bakugou’s costume
but what you were met with was a naked Bakugou (with only a ball of yard to cover his privates) on your bed
“I’m going to get you back for calling me fucking ‘Katsukitty’ for a week,dumbass”
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💙 IcyCutie ❤️
oh this defenseless baby
he has no clue how this happened to him but the moment he sees you, he has the urge to rub his head against your leg?
and he does
you look down when you feel something soft and furry brushing against your ankle
it’s this cute ass slender white cat with an orange spot that covers his left eye and head. His eyes are two different colors and you think he is the cutest thing to ever grace this earth
He’s literally many the ‘🥺’ face and
Your uwus have been
s n a t c h e d
Todorokitty wishes he could communicate with you somehow and tell you that it’s him but then you’re putting him up and holding him tightly against your breasts and
😳 big boobs? small boobs? no boobs? he do not care
his brain just goes: tiddy
honestly you could do whatever you want with him and he wouldn’t care
he’s kinda one of those cats that just want to sleep
he’s such an lazy cat like
just hold him and lay with him please
even as a cat, he is just so touchstarved
the only moment he shows any feral activity is when you brought some Zaria soba for yourself and nasty ass fish for him
this bitch yeeted the fish off the plate and when you’ve gone to go clean it up
bitch almost drowned in that shit
feed him
he definitely gets used to you taking care of him and being treated like he’s special and loved because he never got that before so there’s times where he just stares at your with wide eyes and paws at your tummy
he gets the best sleep of his life being cushioned by your body
you are his bed now
sometimes he’ll leave the room and come back to leave you “gifts”
oh god
is that a fucking hamster?
😳 oh no
that’s koda’s hamster
“I understand that you were trying to do a good thing but you have committed an atrocity”
just wait until you get this hoe on some catnip 😈
normally he’s such a calm and collected kitty but once you sprinkle some of that good kush
he go ‘aRrrrOowwww’
he’s basically banging his head on the carpet trying to snort this shit the best he can
you and todorokitty have some good times and some bad times
but you do miss actually Todoroki
it makes you sad some nights because you thought he might be avoiding you
when he sees you sad, it reminds him of his mom tbh and he never wants you to feel this way,,especially if he’s literally right in front you
he’ll lay his head on your shoulder and put tiny kitten licks all over your face
👅 aaaulghh
the next day, you walked into your room after a trying day of school and flopped onto your bed where you thought your precious kitten was so you went to pet the little guy
except you were met with flesh
and i oop
“are you naked? ewwwww.”
Shouto had no fucking shame
He just pulled you into his arms like nothing changed
“Shut up and let me love you, kitten”
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Survey #322
“you will hear it when your god cries  /  you will see it when the sun dies  /  upon the altars of change”
What is your favorite nickname that you’ve had? "Bee," from my old best friend. I don't want others calling me it, though. Where did you go on the best date you’ve been on? A big arcade. It was a super fun double-date. Have you ever gotten a professional massage? No, and I don't want one. It'd be so awkward. What’s your favorite milkshake flavor? Chocolate. What act would you be most likely to perform in a talent show? I got nothin'. If you had braces, do you wear your retainers still? I don't. If you had braces, have your teeth moved since you got them off? Yep, because of the whole "not wearing my retainer" thing. Whose was the first baby shower you remember attending, and for what baby? I'm unsure. Possibly my sister's for her first daughter. Do you know anyone personally who’s lost a child? Many people. When was the last time you did something that felt like rebellion? So every now and again, I get a massive craving for soda at night, so I grab one from the kitchen and can hear my sleeping mother rightfully nagging me about it, haha... What is one present you got for your last birthday? Ashley got me this really cool skull bank that says "tattoo fund" on it, aha. I love it. What is one thing that you took to show and tell as a kid? I have a clear memory of bringing a Snorlax plushie one day. Do you remember losing your first tooth? Not my first, no. Are you afraid to pop a balloon? Not really, but it's kinda easy to make me jump just a lil bit when one is popped. When was the last time you laughed when you shouldn’t have? I don't know. Which was better: the first The Lion King or the second? That is fucking HARD. I adore both, but I think the original is slightly better. Do any of your grandparents have a tattoo? I'm pretty sure none of them did. Do you believe that your pets feel love towards you? My cat, definitely. As for my snake, I'm aware that snakes' brains simply aren't developed enough for love, but she clearly trusts me. Are you proud of your body? Fuck no. I'm humiliated by it every waking moment. Watermelon or cherries? I don't like either, but if I had to pick, watermelon. Favourite brand of cookies? I don't really have a favorite brand. Have you ever stuck gum under a desk/chair? No, that shit grosses me out. When shopping at a grocery store, do you return your cart or just leave it? Return your goddamn cart. What is one thing you’d never want your parents to find out? Uhhhh. I guess places I've "done it." When you were little, did you like Dr. Suess books? I did. Do you like eating out at restaurants? Yeah; at least, before Covid. What was your least favorite year of your life so far? Fuck 2016 into the next millenium. Do you like fried bologna? I haven't had it in so long that I don't really remember the taste. I think I would. Have you spent money on a game online? Yeah, very briefly with WoW. Mom was nice enough to refresh my subscription after the breakup (Jason paid for it prior), but from then on, I was rich enough in-game to use monthly game tokens to "pay." Do you put a line through your "7"s? Yes. What about your "Z"s? Also yes. Do you like cold pizza? Yeah, yummy. Do you like broccoli and cheese? Yessss. Toaster or toaster oven? We've always used a toaster oven. What are you most known for? Being artsy, I guess. Do you have any reputations? What are they? *shrug* What was the last thing to leave you speechless? No clue. What is the curviest part of your body? Well, I'm overweight, so it's difficult to tell where I'm naturally curvy... but I guess my hips. Even when I was at a perfectly healthy weight though, I don't think I was exceptionally curvy anywhere. What is your opinion on sex change? You are entirely deserving to feel comfortable in your own body. If you’re still a virgin, how important is your virginity to you? I'm not, though I thought I was when we were together, when we were really just using a loophole. It was a denial thing BECAUSE my virginity was so important to me. If you have lost it already, do you regret it? No. Would you take a break after graduating from high school (like, postpone going to college for a year or so)? I didn't. What regret keeps coming back to haunt you daily? Things I said to Jason. If you could cure yourself of one allergy, what would it be? Pollen. Would you ever post a picture of yourself crying on social media? No. Have you ever held a newborn baby? Yeah, my most recent niece I actually held. I don't THINK I held Aubree or Ryder as newborns because I was so afraid of not doing it right and hurting them. Do you know anyone who has twins? Yeah. Are you following in the career path of any family members? No. What is your favorite country in Europe? Germany. How many times have your comments been top comments on YouTube? A few times. I rarely ever comment, but if I do, it's because I feel like I really have something worth saying. Would you ever wear a wig? I'm not opposed to it. Do you like the moon or sun more? The moon. Do you like turkey or ham more? Ham. Have you ever slapped someone’s butt? Yes. Do you think dimples are ugly? I think they're cute, actually. Have you ever deleted Facebook friends for a significant other? No. Have you ever spent the night in jail? No. Do you consider yourself a good kisser? I assume I am from experiences. Do you watch Pewdiepie? Not anymore, no. His current content doesn't interest me. The most recent thing I watched was his playthrough of The Last of Us 2, because I adore the first game and definitely wanted to see him play the sequel. I think he's pretty funny and have no personal issues against him, though then again I am so uninvolved in the fandom that I have no idea if he's done something stupid again. Do you like "Despacito?" Haha, my mind went to The Dark Den's bearded dragon before the song... I'm not a fan of it, no. Did you ever color your hair pink? No, but I absolutely want to dye it pastel pink one day. :( I even edited a picture of me "testing" different hair colors out, and pastel pink looked suuuuper pretty. Do you drink energy drinks? No, they're too strong for my taste. Do you have any subscribers on YouTube? I don't now how many I have, but I know it's below 100. Do you have a Steam account? Yeah. Have you ever played Five Nights at Freddy’s? No, but I enjoy the franchise. I'm not totally clear on all the lore, though. Do you like religion? Quite honestly, no. Do you swear in front of children? No. What is the next craft you are going to make? There's no telling. I don't really do crafts. What was your favorite Backstreet Boys song? Maybe "The Call." Favorite *N Sync song? I don't remember enough of them, at least not right now. Which of those two bands did you like best? The BSB, baby. Do you learn choreography easily? When I danced, I'd say I learned at a fairly average pace. What’s your favorite candy to receive on Halloween? Reeseeeeeee's. <3 Do you have a bobblehead? No. Have you ever had a lead role in a play? No. Have you ever been insulted or called names by a significant other? No. I wouldn't tolerate that shit. What’s your favorite movie battle scene? Oh man, idk. Maybe something from Troy, though I honestly barely even remember the movie by now, haha. Have you ever been to a same-sex wedding? No, actually. Who takes care of your pet(s) when you’re out of town? Hypothetically, one of my sisters would come to feed and water Roman and clean his box. I'm certain I couldn't talk either into spraying Venus' cage, though... What was the last thing you wrote down on paper? Some group work during therapy. Did you have a Walkman when you were a kid? No. What’s your favorite recipe you’ve come up with? Oh dear, I don't make those. Do you like celery? Yuck, no. By what age could you swallow pills? I dunno. A normal age. Do you like to drink alot of water? I need to drink more. :/ I've gotten better, though. For years, I literally never drank water. How I even survived, idk. How many times have you gone fishing? Countless times. Ever been to a roller-skating rink? Yeah. I loved having bday parties there as a lil'un. What do you refer to your mother as? (Mom, momma, mommy) Mom, Ma, and Mama. Have you ever swam in the ocean? Yeah, multiple times. What is the last movie that made you cry? I think the remake of The Lion King. What would you like to swim in other than water? Nothing? If you could uninvent one thing what would you chose? Damn, just one? Maybe cigarettes? Have you ever read someone's diary? Absolutely not. I respect people's privacy. Have you ever played in a waterfall? No, but that'd be dope. Who has inspired you the most in your life? Probably Mark. Is there a place where everyone who lives near you tends to hang out? Idk. Teens sure do love to hang out at Sonic, though, reving their stupid fucking trucks. Does your alarm clock wake you with music, or with an annoying buzz sound? Music. Did you make it all the way through the Oregon Trail game? Yes; I was obsessed with those as a kid. Lions and tigers and bears, oh my! Which one are you more scared of? I feel like being alone with a tiger would scare me most. Though let's be real, I'd probably try to pet it. Have you ever changed your favorite color? From what to what? It was originally red, but then became pink when I actually understood it was its own color. Then it was maroon forever, and now it's back to pink. On a scale of 1-10, how competitive are you? Eh, 4-6? It depends on the situation, I guess. At what age did your have your most memorable birthday? My 21st, because I was in the psych hospital for it. Yes or no: Guys in skinny jeans? Yeah, man. Yes or no: Girls with dreads? Some people can pull it off. Have you ever attended a themed b-day party? What was the theme? Oh yeah, plenty. Do you have any Eminem on your iPod/MP3 player? I do. Has anybody ever given you a promise ring? No. What do you think about putting ‘spinners’ on cars? So long as they're not too distracting, I don't care. Do what you want with your car - again, so long as it is not disruptive. What celebrity do you wish would have a big comeback? I wish poor Britney Spears could catch a goddamn break and be happy again. She's a legend that doesn't deserve to feel like a puppet. Were you outdoors or indoors more as a kid? I'd say there was a pretty even split. Do you or have you ever owned a horse? No, but I LOVE horses. Have you ever had a relationship that began via text? (weird, I know, but it happens…) Most of my relationships started through a text message. Did you believe in unicorns as a small child? I don’t think so. Would you ever date a guy with longer hair than yourself? Yeah; I have short hair anyway, and I also like long hair on guys. Do you watch the show Wizards of Waverly Place? I used to love that show. Have you ever been to the rainforest? No; humidity aside though, that would be so amazing. Bats are not spooky or are they? I think they're precious. Do you like the song "Womanizer?" I sure do, actually. Do you like ice cream cake? Not really, but I'll eat it. Do you know how to change a tire? Nope. What kind of headphones do you have? Just cheap earplugs. Do you experiment a lot with new looks on yourself? No. What were some fun experiments you did in science class as a kid? Dissecting a frog was my favorite, and doing the same with an owl pellet was also very cool. What was the last strong emotion you felt? Guilt. I lied to get out of group therapy early because I was just NOT feeling it whatsoever that day, and I hate lying. Do you use dry shampoo between washes? No. Have you ever lived with someone you didn’t get along with? No. What types of animals have you had as pets? Jeez, what haven't we had... We've had cats, dogs, snakes, rats, gerbils, a rabbit, hamsters, lizards, fish, guinea pigs... Hell, I'm probably forgetting one or two. Can you name three good things about your most recent ex? She's so creative, a real advocate for proper reptile education and appreciation, and very kind. Name three bands/artists that you hate. Uhhh The Talking Heads, Bob Dylan, and The Police. What’s the best memory you have of your father? Playing softball with him in the front yard, and when he taught me to ride a bike. Should tattoos be meaningful? You get a tattoo for whatever reason you damn well want. I don't plan on all of mine to be meaningful. Some stuff I just want because I think it's cool. Are you afraid of the dark? No. Have you ever been through a trap door? No. What's the most recent good news you’ve heard? Hm. Who was the last person in your family to have a baby? My older sister. When’s the last time you used the microwave? Last night. What’s the worst thing in your life right now? Financial struggles. Have you ever owned a tire swing? No. Does anyone you know own a bird that can talk? No. Have you ever been someplace tropical? Yeah, Florida. Have Jehovah'ss witnessess ever called to your door? Yep. when was the last time you went to mass/church? I have no idea. It's been many years. Have you ever experienced sleep paralysis? Thank heavens no.
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crackimagines · 4 years
Isekai faculty plus Byleth enjoying a beach day together (because they have to supervise their student there) OR Isekai faculty having a small competition between each other.
All 3H AU’s Listed Here!
- While the rest of the Houses followed the Noble leader throughout his territory, Byleth stopped to take a look at the beach.
- The waves gently crashed against the sands as the breeze blew back Byleth’s hair and cape.
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(Byleth) “The beach...Its been a while since I’ve been to one of these.”
(Sothis) “I think the last time was during a mission when the mercenaries were assigned to guard duty, yes?”
(Byleth) “Yeah, a couple of months before we were assigned to Garreg Ma-”
- Sara wrapped her arm around Byleth violently and started shouting.
(Byleth) “GAH! S-Sara?!”
- His eyes went to her hand and saw a mug filled with ale.
(Byleth) “What in the- Sara how did you even smuggle drinks out here?!”
(Sharon) “Master Byleth, with all due respect, why do you even ask that anymore?”
(Byleth) “Ugh, that’s fair...”
(Sara) “Don’t be such a party pooper! We’re at the beach, we gotta live a little! Get dressed for the ocassion, be like Cocytus and always be naked!”
(Megumi) “S-Sara please calm down!”
(Sara) “And YOU! What’s with that safe bathing suit?! You gotta expose your jugs a bit more!”
- Everyone was just in the attire they wore for lectures but Megumi still covered herself when she registered what Sara said.
(Megumi) “HUH?!”
- Doomguy walked up to Sara and sprayed her with water.
(Sara) “AH! I’m not a freakin’ cat, Slayer!”
(Sharon) “I think cats have a bit more discipline than you-”
(Sara) “Nobody asked you, maid!”
(Towa) “Come on, Instructor! We could at least be a little more civilized, what would the other staff say?”
(Sara) “Manuela would be probably complaining about her weight, Hanneman about wasting time frolicking in the sand, and Seteth would be bitching at me as usual!”
(Angelica) “She’s got us there.”
(Sara) “The class is already being taken care of, so let’s have some fun under the sun!”
- Sara grabbed Megumi and dragged her to the waters as she chugged down more ale.
- Angelica, Towa and Sharon shrugged, moving to the waters as well.
- That left Byleth, Cocytus, and Doomguy.
- Sothis reappeared next to Byleth sighing.
(Sothis) “How your class manages to deal with that woman is beyond me.”
(Cocytus) “WE BARELY CAN.”
- Doomguy sighed through his helmet.
(Byleth) “This is going to be a long day, isn’t it?”
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