#Household: Una
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Another quick round with Natasha Una. Again this premade had zero chemistry with any other premade. I rolled her gender preference and it ended up bring straight so I settled with this cute rocker type townie. After day 3 I was getting seriously tired of all the grilled cheese wants. So I used the machine and she's now a Family/Popularity sim.
Next up is Riverblossom Hills with the Greenman family. Now just a disclaimer if it isn't obvious but I don't care for supernatural's. I love aliens but they're pretty much normal sims apart form their skin/eyes. I've tried to play the Greenman family on numerous occasions and I don't vibe with it. I found them boring and I gave up so to not drop the family, the neighbourhood or go back on hiatus I'm going to make them a 'boring' family. I'll try to spice them up in my own way. Sorry to any Plantsim lovers out there who were looking forward to them.
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Natasha Una enjoying life as a cougar with her lover, Jacob Martin. Is that Jacob Martin? Wait, is that Gabriel Green? What the hell, Natty?
Gabriel would befriend a wolf. He's so weird.
Forgetting all about that, she invites her friend, John Mole, over for some grilled cheese. Her cousin(?), Luis, stops by as well!
I know for a fact that they didn't break up. I'm honestly not sure why Jacob was in disagreement with Natty here. Hmm.
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Illustration from "Tell me a sto.." by Una Hart. The book follows the evolution of most famous fairy-tales through time and how many fun, bizarre and dark versions there are.
One of my favorites: wrongfully forgotten tale of a Cat King. He lives as an ordinary cat in ordinary household until something upsets His Highness. Complete accuracy aside — I love it for getting to mix XV cent. manuscript with...
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Evergreen Harbor
These are the no CC lots I use in my save ;)
1 - "Miner Mansion" owned by Harris family (30x20) ~ Millstone Cottage ~ lot by @96langerlui99
2 - "Rockridge Springs" owned by Purdue family (30x20) Harbor Apartments lot by @agathea-k
3 - "Stonestreet Apartments" #3 owned by DiAggro family #4 empty
4 - "The Quarry Building" Community Space 40x30 The Quarry Building lot by Plumbobkingdom at TSR
You can see the lots *here*
5 - "The Caboose" (30x20) Bar The Caboose Reno lot by LisePacifique on the gallery
6 - "The Old Mill" owned by Sterling Rico family (30x20) The old Mill Renovation lot by jorelie1992 on the gallery
7 - "The Shipping Views " Café (30x20) Container Cafe lot by kokotask on the gallery
8 - "The Waterfront" Community Space (40x30) The Stacks lot by Simproved on the gallery (YT video)
9 - "The Portmouth Promenade" owned by Greenburg family (30x20) I kept EA's lot, I know, shocking!
10 - "Sprucewood Square" (40x30) The Waterfront - Market lot by fruiitcupp on the gallery
11 - "Canal Corner" owned by Una family (20x15) sadly, I have no idea where this one is from :(
12 - "Pinecrest Apartments" #402 Mesa Gallery household #404 Pidgin family
13 - "Pigulock Manor" owned by Tinker family (30x20) Pigulock factory eco loft lot by panianiolowa on the gallery
Default Map by 20th Century Plumbob
No Map Lot Outline Mod by MizoreYukii
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Ideas for Legacy-players
So, I'm a game play legacy-player. Meaning that I play legacies and let the game decide what will happen. Therefor I don't have a set plan for my Sims or make them into certain people. However, I have learnt over the years to at least set up certain things. I'm going to make this post to give ideas and tricks to others who play in the same style.
For me, playing a legacy is also about the family, it's history and the context for each generation. It's totally fine to play in other ways, but these are my thoughts on legacies - as a way to tell a whole family's history.
More under the cut because this got long!
Setting up the world
MC Command Center is your friend (here's a good tutorial)! Yes, we have neighborhood stories now, but with MCCC I find that more things happen, but also - you get pop-ups! I have pop-ups for everything that happens, which is important since I also care about my Sims' friends and extended family. (And I love gossip.)
MCCC also let's you control the amount of children your NPC are allowed to have. Since I forgot to fix those settings, I have some Sims with way too many siblings (lesson learned)!
MCCC is also just awesome for the quick "edit household in cas" which is very handy if your Sim is talking to someone with no sense of style. Or wearing broken CC.
When setting up your world, give yourself a moment to think about if you want an empty world or have the premade families in it.
Also, reflect on whether the neighborhoods are close or if they are far apart. The classic "just a loading screen away" or actual travel. For traveling this might be a good mod (I haven't tried it).
I like to keep my NPC in their homeworlds. I use kuttoe's Home Region and Townie Democraphic-mod.
Your generation - and the generation before
I have let generations just be gameplay. Gen 0 of my current one is very much so (and the Vasas was very much that). That's fun to play, but eventually might get.. a bit same same. Now, I try to create more of a story for the Gen that I play. Usually this starts to happen when the heir becomes a teenager. I start to understand who they are and what they might want to do in their 20s. For Una, that was The Strangerville Mystery - which I actually find to be a very good thing to play for a legacy player. So I drop things about their dreams and personality already through their teen years that then lead to their generation.
Take photos! Use the game's cameras and have your Sims photograph each other. I often forget this and I always regret it. Give the heir photos for them to keep, so they can eventually put them up on their walls. This ties them to their heritage - and this is important for me.
Also, think about how to weave in their heritage into their story. Was their parent famous? Has that affected them? Will others talk about their parents or grandparents? No one exists in a vacuum, and neither does your Sims.
I have learned to always move the heir out. I have kept them with their parents before, but it does "muddy" the line between generations and very soon I have too many Sims to focus on - and the heir gets lost. However - if executed well the differences between generations can be highlighted by having them close and interacting. Just take a moment to at least reflect on it.
Inheritance. Sure, monetary. Reflect on how much you want your heir to get help starting out their own life. But also - we all inherit something from our parents. We all take something with us from the generation before. Did they have a happy marriage? Divorce? Single-parent? What fears does your heir's parents have and how do they try to keep your heir safe? This can mean love-advice ("don't date werewolves!") or careers, to lifestyle choices in general. Do they approve? Disapprove? Neutral? Let your heir reflect on these things, at least a little.
Create a community
Already when your Sims are young - give them friends! Sojus guide to clubs is a great tutorial for this. Have these friends follow them through life. I always have my kids get to know children in the neighborhood by having them visit and just ask them to join. Or I add them manually if that's easier.
Then use this mod to add at least some of those kids to your Sims High School-class. (read the instructions!)
Depending on your Sims' story as they become YA/start their gen they might still meet these old friends. Or if they go on their own adventure they might reconnect later in life.
As your Sim starts their own family, add their friends as adults their child will now get to know. Have them over at birthday parties! Make them a part of your Sim child's life too. I always grew up with my mum's friends over for dinner and at my birthday parties. If your Sim's children are at odds with your Sim, these are the adults they could turn to instead.
If you chose to have a Sim who doesn't have a "community" have them reflect on it. If it stands out from your other generations, it should be addressed.
Your Sim
Who are they? How much do you make them into what you want, and how much is their own? This will always be a balance, but usually you'll have an idea about them and who they are as a teen and then I'll try to follow their wants and fears. To follow their lead is usually the best for me - it becomes more fun to follow their whims. Some wants - like breaking up or similar I try to build a story around.
Connect with your Sim. For me, this is done by writing dialogue for them. Some are not comfortable at all with this, but for me it has helped. You do you, but do try different things if you find it hard to connect with them.
For this, I have often found that it's the best if I play a Sim week and then edit. When I edit post I often figure things out about my sims, and how I frame their story.
Age spans. I have changed my age settings so many times (MCCC again!). You can find the ones I have now over here (will be seen fully once Gen 2 starts). Look at other Simmers that you like and see if you can find their age settings. In my game 1 year = 4,2 days and then I just do math and round the numbers.
Falling in love (or not) and family life
Does your Sim already in their teens start dating? Or are they slower to start? This is also depending on how much you play your Sims as teens, or if you still focus more on their parents (probably your current gen). But try to give it a thought, make a conscious choice. A shy Sim might not even dare to make a move while an outgoing might dare more - so use their personalities to help you.
Some marry their childhood best friend. This means you won't have a million dates with different Sims, but you still might want to think on how they keep the spark going. Do they share interests? Can they do more of this?
Some go on multiple dates. Think about how much time and effort you want to put into documenting their trial and errors. Too many posts about different dates that don't lead to anything might not be the funniest to read (or for you to create) (more on this later).
Some get pregnant in their early 20s. Once again, think about how that affects them. Do they want children? (check out this mod!) And having a child while young might affect their other dreams. Have them reflect on this!
And vice versa.
Sometimes, your heir just doesn't seem to be... very legacy oriented. Or maybe this Gen's story is about the tragic death of your heir! Enter - the spare and it’s descendants! Or, if found family is completely fine for you and genetics don't matter, maybe the torch is handed over to a friend's child instead!
And who to choose? I have previously simply chosen my fav. Now I force myself to chose the firstborn. Some use polls to help them!
For legacy players, family is the center of it. But how much? I find this to be a bit difficult to balance. If I have family-oriented Sims they will have many posts about their children but also their parents and siblings. I try to think more when my Sims are not family-oriented and avoid that many posts about every family-member. Because that would change the "feel" or "setting" for my generation. At the same time, I want to get to know my future heir, so their childhood and teen years matter. But maybe let them reflect more on their childhood as they become YA and finish playing your current Generation while you still have them?
Becoming an elder
Very rarely do I play elders. This is a shame, because I do think it's an important life-stage. But since the heir moves out, the previous generation often gets to tend for themselves.
I think playing elders somehow can still be done. I'm planning on having the kind of parents who don't stop meddling in their kid's life, or the heir who just enjoys using their parents money/house/claim to fame for themselves.
I have this mod, and am looking forward to using it more.
If your heir is family oriented, they will most probably want to visit their parents now and then, or have them over for holidays.
Your simblr
So, I guess you're here because you want to post your story. Most of us won't get many followers, so my guide is mostly to make sure I enjoy my own simblr.
Reshade/gshade. It's not the easiest to understand initially, but yes - I strongly recommend it. This can also help distinguish between generations, if you wish for example to give a more "dreamy look" to one gen, a "darker and harsher" to another etc. Do look around and nerd away with this! (1, 2)
When editing: SHARPEN! Resize and sharpen. Look at others, figure out a good picture size and edit. This will help.
Photograph using tab-mode and reshade. And, think about angles! Close ups? Further away? What kind of emotions do different angles create?
Keep the originals, if possible. This has often helped me when I need to make obituaries or for some reason "go back in time". I can then edit the original screenshots, not my edits.
Tag your posts! The amount of time I have forgotten a kid's name but managed to find it because I remember one of their parent's are... plenty. It's also a fun way to see when your Sim met another Sim the last time (especially if it's childhood friends!) Once again - this helps create context and community.
Also tag generations.
Set up some kind of page for your legacy. Have short recaps of each gen, help your readers (and yourself!) to remember what has happened before.
What to post and what to skip: I mentioned it before but multiple dates can get a bit same same. Also homework or running the treadmill (my sims always end up fitness freaks 😅). I usually try to post more the highlights or bigger events, and then use those "everyday"-posts in between. They still add something, and everyday life is still everyday life and a part of your Sim's story.
Poses. Posing might feel very stiff and usually if you have a gameplay-legacy posing Sims will stand out. I mainly use poses for photos that the Sims themselves take. I take posed photos every Winterfest and also at weddings.
In conclusion
Play for you. Play the stories you want. My ideas are mainly a way to remind myself on how to make that happen.
I am a storyteller. When not playing sims or on my day-job, I write. Original fiction, fanfiction, you name it. I love stories and I love characters. I want my Sims to reflect that.
I also do other things to keep me in my current heirs "world". I create pinboards and I follow instagram-accounts that remind me of them. I listen to music that I find capture "their" vibe. This is something I also do when writing, so it makes sense to me.
Not all of your thoughts and ideas or backstory is going to make it into the posts. That's fine. You know, and that's what should matter to you.
And finally: re-read your legacies. You wrote them for you, enjoy them!
And I think that was it! I do use many more mods than I have posted here. I have a resource page, a cc-finds -blog and I also try to link in my posts to any mods that heavily influence something that happens in the story.
Hopefully this was helpful for someone, or at least fun to read!
#sims 4 legacy#ts4 legacy#ts4 gameplay#the sims 4#tutorial#ts4 tutorial#ts4 resource#resources#behind the scenes
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The Lightwood-Bane household is made up of immigrants, so they'll probably forget the 4th of July exists until Clary reminds them that they'll meet at Luke's farm to celebrate
But August 16 and July 9 in that house has to be una cosa maravillosa🤩
And the reason why Rafael is prohibited from purchasing fireworks in 3 different countries
#August 16 Independence Day in Indonesia#July 9 Independence Day of Argentina#shadowhunters#the shadowhunter chronicles#cassandra clare#cazadores de sombras#incorrect shadowhunters quotes#alec lightwood#magnus bane#max lightwood bane#malec#alec lightwood bane#magnus lightwood bane#maxwell lightwood bane#rafa lightwood bane#rafael santiago lightwood bane#rafael lightwood bane#lightwood bane headcanons#lightwood bane#lightwood bane family
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Time spent on languages in 2024
It's time for my classic summary of the previous year.
2024 was my first full year free of uni, just working, doing household chores and my hobbies. Which you can see in my stats, I spent a lot of time on languages and I'm very happy with how much time I dedicated to them this year. Of course, time doesn't mean I've learned much or advanced in them, most of it is just me watching something or reading. But tracking the time motivates me.
In 2024 I spent (around):
181 hours on Swedish
54 hours on Spanish
126 hours on German
361 hours in total, more than in the last two years.
This graph shows how much hours I spent on each language during the year. The spike in German in July-September is me watching Maxton Hall, getting obsessed with it and reading the trilogy. The spikes in Spanish, I suppose, are me watching the series Ni una más and re-watching Gran hotel. And the Swedish spikes are, again, reading books.
My most productive months were August and December (both with around 46 hours) and the least productive was October (with around 10 hours). October was the month I broke my ankle and spent 3 weeks on sick leave. I thought I would spend loads of time on languages, but I was just too exhausted and in pain to do anything that required energy.
Watching series was always an important part of my language learning. I watched Julkalender, as always, the series Sjukt oklar and I guess some Swedish documentaries. But my absolute favourite thing I saw this year was a documentary series called Född 2010. Except for Maxton Hall, for German I watched the second season of Die Keiserin and Gestern waren wir noch Kinder.
Just like last year, I managed to read 5 Swedish and 3 German books, both of which I'm proud of.
I've continued listening to Easy German Podcast couple of times a week on my way to/from work, it's been my most listened podcast. Aside from that, I've also listened to Zehn Minuten Alltags-Wissen and a couple of episodes of Intermediate Spanish Podcast.
In spring I started the habit of going for a walk during my lunch break, talking to myself in my languages and recording myself. I think I did it mostly in Swedish because I thought nobody would understand me that way. I also had one Swedish iTalki lesson (because I was scared of speaking in Sweden), a call in German with a @tolstayas and talked to my German friend once. I also started exchanging voice messages with a fellow German learner once in a while.
Concerning writing, my only form of writing somewhat longer texts is my posts here on tumblr, but I write them mostly in Swedish. I don't think I've written something in Spanish in years. This year I found someone to practice Swedish and German with and message them once in a while, which has been nice so far.
This is time spent on individual languages compared to other years. I'm pretty satisfied. I'm glad I managed to keep my German and Swedish up, but it's my third year in a row neglecting Spanish. I want to change that, beginning with setting a goal of reading at least one Spanish book in 2025 (I haven't read a book in Spanish in years).
How do you feel about your language learning in 2024? Is there something you're proud of? Something new you found and liked? Something you wish you'd done differently or something you wish for 2025?
Time spent on languages in 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 and 2023.
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NAME: Una Smit-Vatore (she/her) AGE: Young Adult (mid 20s) LIFE STATE: Human. Her father, Caleb Vatore, is a vampire, but Una didn't get the trait. And unlike spellcasters and werewolves, non-vampires don't inherit anything genetic (weak bloodline, dormant wolf etc) from parents, so she shouldn't be flagged as anything in your game. HOME WORLD: Windenburg, currently residing in Mt. Komorebi TRAITS: Bookworm, Overachiever, Dog Lover, Werewolf Ally - plus a few others from the satisfaction points redemption store. ASPIRATION: Renaissance Sim CAREER: Florist
Una is a homebody, in a kind of outdoorsy way. She loves a good book, sure, but she's equally likely to be found pottering in her garden or fishing in a nearby pond (I have no idea why Mt. Komorebi has so few fishing spots) as she is curled up with one. It isn't so much some capitalist dogma to make the most of her 'leisure' time as that Una genuinely finds these things relaxing and fun.
Growing up as the eldest of such a busy household, Una nevertheless felt that her caregivers had plenty of time for her and they tried to avoid the unfortunate trope where the eldest sibling ended up as a third parent for the youngest (Caleb with his super speed and not needing to sleep was particularly good for this). However she also had to make her own entertainment a lot of the time. The television was often broken thanks to her werewolf stepfather, Lou Howell, but there were plenty of toys and books, a piano in the living room - and a garden with bees (and Patchy!).
Thus she came to enjoy her own company - and while she tends to keep the friends that she makes, her naturally reserved nature and the reality of adulting post college means that family aside, her social circle is rather small.
She's a favourite of the four legged denizens of the world, however.
Una signed up for the challenge to... challenge herself, and to try something new. While she's curious about Ian and would love to meet him (and Razzle!), she's realistic about her chances and is not expecting true love to come of it. If she makes some new friends (both of the two and four legged variety), then Una would count this as a win.
Which isn't to say that she's adverse to something else budding, however...
Has a reasonable amount of maxis match cc, mostly from @ice-creamforbreakfast as I wanted a vaguely retro vibe that wasn't really supported by the packs.
No defaults apart from her feet, which I still haven't figured out how to get rid of. She has cc eyelashes that clash with rings - I couldn't find a version that I liked which didn't.
I added "genius" and "neat" to her traits but realised that without Growing Together, you may be restricted to only three. So if you have mods that allow more, feel free to readd them.
I've been playing her since infancy and am largely not pack restricted, so if the game tells you that you don't have necessary packs installed, it's likely just a childhood trait or skill and shouldn't impact her playability.
And yup, once again I am pooling from my 100 baby challenge spawn lololol.
(If people are interested in having a cc free version of Una to download, I can eventually work on that ^^)
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More parts here

Emma Sano "Kurokawa"
She is the fourth child of the Sano family, known for being the most outgoing and sweet of the four siblings.
Her life was very complicated. She was born in a house of courtesans as the daughter of one of them, Karen, who cared for her and her older sister Izana until she passed away.
Shortly after, when she was just three years old, an old man came for them, claiming to be their grandfather and taking them to live with their family.
Emma quickly adapted to the life of a noble lady, though cruel remarks sometimes intimidated her. Nevertheless, she always pushed forward, striving to improve herself as if to prove she deserved to be there.
She developed a close relationship with her siblings, who often protect and overprotect her, though she complains about it.
She is very attentive to everything, always considering what her family needs to ensure their well-being.
One of her closest friends is Hinata Tachibana, the eldest daughter of another noble family. They met at a ball when Hinata defended her from other nobles trying to make her feel bad about her adoption. This friendship has become one of the most important things in Emma's life, as despite being very outgoing, she struggles to maintain and form deep friendships.
She is completely in love with a guard in her household, Draken, a close friend of her sister Manjiro. She often uses Mikey as bait to get closer to Draken. She knows that, at some point, Mikey will interrogate her about it, although given how Emma behaves, she doubts he'll even need to ask.
Es la cuarta hija de la casa Sano, conocida por ser la más extrovertida y dulce de los cuatros hermanos.
Su vida fue muy complicada, nació en una casa de cortesanas como hija de una de ellas, Karen, quién cuidó de ella y de Izana, su hermana mayor, hasta que murió.
Al poco tiempo, cuando apenas tenía tres años, un anciano se las llevó diciendo que era su abuelo y que había ido a buscarlas para que vivieran con su familia.
Emma no tardó en adaptarse a la vida de una señorita noble, aunque los malos comentarios la amedrentaban a veces, ella siempre salía adelante e intentaba superarse a sí misma, como si quisiera demostrar que merecía vivir allí.
Forjó una gran relación con sus hermanos, quienes la cuidan y sobreprotegen muchas veces, aunque ella se queja de esa sobreprotección.
Es muy cuidadosa con todo, siempre teniendo en cuenta lo que necesitan sus familiares para que estén bien.
Una de sus grandes amigas es Hinata Tachibana, la hija mayor de otra familia noble, se conocieron en un baile cuando Hinata la defendió de otras nobles que intentaban hacerla sentir mal por su adopción. Está amistad se ha convertido en una de las cosas más importantes en la vida de Emma, ya que aunque es muy extrovertida, le cuesta mantener y formar una buena amistad.
Está completamente enamorada de un guardia de su casa, Draken, un gran amigo de su hermana Manjiro, a quien usa muchas veces de cebo para acercarse a Draken. Sabe que en algún momento Mikey la interrogará, aunque por como se comporta Emma no cree necesitar interrogarla realmente.
- Aesthetic Visual: Mars 💚
- Headcanons Writing: Helia 🩷
#anime#manga#game#emma sano#tokyo revengers emma#tokrev emma#tokrev#tokyo revengers#tokyo revengers aesthetic#tokrev chinese empire au
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Uberhood (77) - Mole
Mole Summary: - John and Natasha Mole (née Una) got married and had two kids, Ivan & Anastasia. - They moved to Riverblossom Hills, since their former home in Desiderata Valley had become too small for them. - I still had the Critturs in the family bin and since it's not recommended to delete them, I chose to let them move in with the Moles. Let me just say that I will never do this shit again.. I didn't know what I was getting myself into. Not only are the dogs extremely ill-mannered, no, one of them was pregnant and got 3 !!! puppies. Now I play this household with two kids, who were both toddlers at the same time and 5 dogs.. without cheats. This family is a pain in the.. I mean they are nice people. Always a joy. 10/10. Experience. 👍🏼😂
#sims 2#ts2#the sims 2#sims 2 uberhood#ts2 uberhood#riverblossom hills#john mole#natasha mole#natasha una#sarah crittur#danny crittur#unborn crittur puppies#kevinvoncrastenburg#uberhood#sims 2 gameplay#anastasia mole#chippy crittur#chubbles crittur#chuppy crittur
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Diaz Household 🍫 [Life is strange 2]
↓ Descarga ↓
Créditos a los autores del cc que utilice.
Referencia a una construcción de @drewdsims
DESCARGA // [alt] 💖
Habitación de Daniel 🧟→ X
Habitación de Sean 🐺→ X
Más fotos:
#ts4 custom content#ts4customcontent#ts4cc#ts4#ts4 maxis match#thesims4 life is strange#life is strange fanart#sims 4 life is strange#life is strange#sims 4 cc#sims4cc#sims4#sims4cc download#ts4liscc#lifeisstrange#thesims4#sims 4 build#sean diaz#daniel diaz#wolf brothers#life is strange 2#lis2#lis2 sean#Seristh#superwolf#LiS2Finds#Lifeisstrangefinds#LiSFind#lisccfind#Ts4 custom content
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Scottish actor Russell Hunter was born 18th February 1925 in Glasgow.
Born Russel Ellis in Glasgow, Hunter's childhood was spent with his maternal grandparents in Lanarkshire, until returning to his unemployed father and cleaner mother when he was 12. He went from school to an apprenticeship in a Clydebank shipyard. During this time, he did some amateur acting for the Young Communist League before turning professional in 1946.
He was with the left wing Unity theatre, and due to appear in The Plough And The Stars at the first Edinburgh Festival in 1947. At the last moment, the Arts Council withdrew funding - but the show had to go on. It therefore became part of the inaugural Edinburgh Festival Fringe, and the posters were altered from "Sponsored by the Scottish committee of the Arts Council" to read "Eliminated by ... "
Hunter worked in repertory theatre and Scottish variety before making his film debut in Lilli Marlene (1950). He appeared with Archie Duncan in The Gorbals Story, which was a major London success the same year. Rarely without work, he was particularly thrilled to join Peter Hall's Royal Shakespeare Company, and loved working with Peggy Ashcroft and Dame Edith Evans. Particularly suited to clown roles, he treasured a review by the Sunday Times's Harold Hobson, who wrote that he had "never seen such a lovely little Bottom".
Of course with his comic style Russell was well suited to the Panto circuit and appeared in numerous performances, many with his wife, the Scottish actress Una MacLean, herself a great actor and comedian.
The role of Lonely - the dirty, unkempt character in Callan made Hunter a household name, and he would remain recognised by the public for that part for the rest of his life, but his bread and butter was Scottish Theatre and he was rarely without work.
Although in the advanced stages of cancer, Hunter's last theatrical stint was in the Reginald Rose play 12 Angry Men back where it all started at The Edinburgh Fringe in 2003, he also appeared in the romantic comedy, American Cousins that year, playing an Italian grandfather in a Glasgow chip shop.
Russell Hunter passed away in Edinburgh's Western General Hospital on February 26th 2004.
A wee bit trivia to wrap up this post up, Peter Jackson is said to have remembered the series Callan from his youth and used Hunter's portrayal of Lonely as the model for the look of Gollum, with the bug eyes, the thin wavering lips, and the sniveling personality, I don't know how much credence to give this but they do look a wee bit similar!
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Junko Enoshima, la nueva empleada domestica de este hogar
Hará todo como se lo indicaron, sin saber que también estará detrás de muchas escenas de crimen en casa. Nadie podrá sospechar de todo lo sucedido en una cara tan adorable como la de Junko, eso parece.
Junko Enoshima, the new maid in this household
She will do everything as instructed, not knowing that she will also be behind many crime scenes at home. No one will be able to suspect everything that happened on a face as adorable as Junko's, it seems.
Créditos por la imagen | Credits for the image: regi2713
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who do you think out of the twst boy tops is the meanest to their bottoms? (ok it’s probably the leech twins combined but i’d love to know how you think the tops would bully their bottoms for pleasure of course)
Sorry for the late reply, Anon!
First and foremost, I think you’re right, the Leech twins are the meanest, but that would be quite an easy and short answer. And now that I think about it… a lot of these boys are pretty mean lol but I guess they are villains so it’s natural for them to be not-so-wholesome, especially considering my own bias towards this kind of dynamic. So uuhh, let’s examine all of them! And rate their level of meanness from 0 to 10 while we’re at it, we love scaling stuff in this household…
Ace – around 6-7, he is pretty mean. His default option is to tease his Deuce (or Riddle, if this is a AceRid situation) and to bully him a little bit, mostly by touching him in a way he doesn’t expect and commenting about just how much he likes it. It’s always a game of never-ending bickering with him and Deuce, and Ace always wants to get the last laugh… He also loves to tease Deuce for being loud and talk about how they’re going to get noticed.
Trey – if he was true to himself, up to 8. But he has to be in a very comfortable place in his relationship to actually stop holding back lol He knows that his desires are unhinged and is very afraid of scaring Riddle away. He is not mean at all when he is with him, as if he’s going to break him if he does anything remotely uncomfortable. With other potential bottoms (Idia? Vil?) he allows himself to be a liiiitle meaner, mainly because they are more aware of his “true colours” and wouldn’t be as shocked by the contrast. If he didn’t hold back at all though, I feel like he could be pretty intense: verbal degradation, spanking, forcing his bottom to eat or drink semen…
Cater – normally around 3, but could go up to 6; it depends on a situation, but I can picture him getting meaner than one would expect him to be because the arousal partially shuts off the part of his brain that forces him to be friendly and cute all the time. Especially if both of them are into it to some degree, Cater could get carried away sometimes. I guess taking pictures/videos and forcing his bottom to act for them and then look at them later or asking if he should post it would be on brand for him lol
Ruggie – he usually minds his own business and doesn’t do any of the mean stuff, but honestly around 4?? There are moments when Leona gets on his nerves, so if he has an opportunity to be a bit more mean, he always uses it lol Mostly in a physical way though, like tugging on Leona’s hair and tail, biting his ears, even smacking his butt if Ruggie is lucky. And Ruggie enjoys these moments tremendously… but it’s not like he is naturally inclined to be mean by default.
Jack – good boy, not a meanie :( But he is also a tsundere who could say mean stuff every now and then, so I guess that’s a 1. It’s not like he doesn’t have potential to be a bully, it’s just way too embarrassing and feels weird and unnecessary for him. That being said, despite being such a gentle giant, he loves being physically rough and can’t control his own strength well, so if we’re judging by the level of “damage”, he is higher than a 1 lol
Azul – horrible. Definitely around 7-8, and on a good day could even jump up to 9.5. Azul thrives on dominating his partner, this is one thing he loves the most about having sex. Being better that everybody around you academically and a successful young entrepreneur is one thing, but overstimulating your partner to the point when you can see his body aching for your attention and his brains get all foggy? This is priceless, Azul’s ego is orgasming. So yeah, be it Idia or Jamil, Azul loves overstimulating them and then preventing them from reaching an orgasm, and he ALWAYS accompanies it with verbal bullying. Because he knows that Idia is going to grind his teeth and sigh in arousal and annoyance unable to talk back (finally!). And he knows that Jamil is going to get snappy at him because he doesn’t have all the time in the world to play Azul’s stupid games (how impatient~).
Jade – like we already agreed, the tweels are the meanest, so 10. And in some sense Jade is the worst out of all of them? There is no point in having sex to him if there isn’t any bullying involved; I think to Jade sex is just a pretext lol Otherwise he isn’t all that into it. And to him the bullying part starts before sex and continues after sex… so a lot of mental mind games, confusing his bottom about whether he wants to have sex with him or not, gaslighting him before AND after about what actually happened between the two. But other than that, he also teases a lot, degrades verbally a lot, and threatens a lot, but always in such a sleazy way as if he is slowly putting himself under his bottom’s skin. He also does a bunch of physical stuff too, like feeding funny mushrooms, playing with needles and choking. He also made Idia feel like he is going to kill him during sex once, and Idia genuinely believed him and almost died due to being scared. Of course, that made the orgasm stronger for both of them.
Floyd – also a 10, obviously. In a way, he is better than Jade because he actually does enjoy having sex, and sometimes he just wants to have a good banging session, and he might even be somewhat passionate and sensual (not gentle though lol). But when he wants to bully, he is much less premeditated than Jade?? He just does the first thing that comes to mind. So sometimes he just tugs on Riddle’s underwear and playfully blows on his sensitive ear in public, making him moan in surprise… but sometimes he threatens to do horrible irreversible things to him while he fucks him, licks his tears off and steals his phone to make it seem like he’s calling his mom. And then throws away his clothes so he has to come back to his dorm naked.
Kalim – barely a 1, he isn’t mean at all. Even when he gets playful or capricious, it’s never really a desire to bully or be even mildly sadistic. All the mean stuff that he does is kind of unintentional?? I think to some degree Jamil would prefer him to actually be mean and degrading than to do whatever the fuck he does when he suddenly decided that they need to change the position once every minute or so.
Rook – another weird one. He isn’t malicious and wouldn’t consider himself a bully, so it feels like he would have a very low number… but similarly to Kalim, he does stuff unintentionally, and he is kind of much worse than Kalim. The thing with Rook is that he enjoys the thrill and enjoys his partner feeling all kinds of complex emotions while having sex with him, it’s like seasoning a good meal to make it into a great meal. So while he wouldn’t call Vil (or any other of his partners) a pathetic slut, he would ask weird and invasive questions, hint at things, make his lover’s mind go straight to conclusions about Rook being unfair and cruel. If Rook can make his partner hate him with passion while also fiercely, actively and desperately enjoying his dick even for a minute or two of confusion, Rook is happy~ Also, does chasing someone in a forest count as bullying?
Ortho – in general he is around 4-6, you know, more playful and mischievous than mean, but he has the potential to be a lot meaner. Especially when he gets carried away… He gets a lot of ideas from the internet and gets experimental, especially with Idia. The more sex they have, the meaner Ortho gets because bullying provides new reactions, new sensations and new data. And it could be both verbal and physical… well, we have an entire post about just how mean Ortho could potentially get lol
Lilia – 8-10, he is one of the meanest ones for sure. And if he was his younger self, he would definitely be the meanest. We talked about him being sadistic a lot of times, in this reply for example, but these days he mostly teases his bottoms verbally, pranks them, makes them do embarrassing kinky stuff that could easily get them caught and overstimulates them. You know, like asking Silver not to wear underwear, forcing Idia to meow while he is being fucked or even saying that Malleus seemed way too happy about getting attention and therefore should show how much he wants him to continue fucking him (although the last one is very dangerous; Lilia is very careful with Malleus lol). Similarly to Rook, he thinks it’s just him being playful~
Sebek – as things always are with Sebek, it depends on who he is with. Because if it’s Malleus, he wouldn’t dare to be mean to him, at least intentionally, so that would make him a 0… but with Silver or Idia or anyone else I can see him getting very cocky. Despite how physical Sebek always is, he is surprisingly into verbal degradation, so Silver is going to hear a lot of comments about him not being able to handle Sebek and his legs being shaky because of them having sex, and Idia is going to hear a lot of... all kinds of mean stuff about how pathetic he is to be honest lol But Sebek also gets overstimulated easily, so he’ll either start spouting nonsense or will proceed with physical bullying – hair pulling, smacking and stuff. So either 0 or 8 for him lol
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Cómo rezarle u orar a nuestra Señora Hécate
¡Buenas, y bienvenido a esta publicación! Hoy hablaremos sobre y veremos como rezar, orar, o hacer pedidos a nuestra Señora Hécate.
Veremos la diferencia entre himnos y pedidos/rezos, y cómo podemos componer ambos. Además, estaré tomando referencia de algunas publicaciones aquí y de un libro en específico sobre la veneración doméstica de los dioses, el cual dejaré al final de esta publicación. (Aviso que está en ingles, así que lo que cite de este estará traducido al español.)
¡Sin más que decir, agarra una taza de té o tu bebida favorita y empecemos!
¿Cómo hago un pedido a la Señora Hécate?
Una oración de pedido tiene cuatro partes clave:
Vamos a ir por cada una de ellas, explicando como se formula cada una y daré un ejemplo de pedido al final.
1. Invocación
Primero debemos llamar a nuestra Señora Hécate para que escuche nuestro pedido. Esto podemos hacerlo por medio de su nombre y los epítetos que correspondan a nuestro pedido, aparte de citar otras características suyas como su ascendencia (padres) y sus dominios.
En este caso haré un pedido a la Señora Hécate para que guíe a las almas de mis abuelos al otro lado en paz, aunque este estilo de estructura sirve para cualquier tipo de pedido.
"Oh, Señora Hécate Tymvídios, acompañante de Perséfone en el Inframundo, guía de aquellos que ya no están con nosotros, hija de Perses y Asteria..."
2. Justificación
El siguiente paso es decir quienes somos, es decir, quien la está invocando. Puede ser que ya estés trabajando con ella, y seas su seguidor/devoto, o que recién este sea tu primer acercamiento hacia ella. En ambos casos puedes hablar de tí, en el sentido de tu relación con ella, y, por ejemplo, el lugar desde el cual te le acercas (sea físico o espiritual).
Siguiendo el ejemplo anterior, hablaré sobre mi como devoto y desde dónde me acerco hacia ella.
"...Yo, Theo, humilde seguidor y devoto de usted, me acerco desde un lugar de devoción y respeto..."
3. Pedido
Ahora sí, expresamos nuestro pedido a la Señora Hécate, sea cuál sea, siguiendo la formalidad con la que venimos escribiendo nuestra oración.
"...Pues le pido por favor sepa guiar a mis abuelos, (Nombre) y (Nombre), a un lugar mejor, o si así se da, a su próxima vida, en paz, pues ellos no son merecedores de ningún sufrimiento en esta próxima etapa para sus almas..."
4. Retribución
Finalmente, ofrecemos o prometemos algo a cambio de este pedido, usualmente una acción u ofrenda específica de agrado de la Señora Hécate.
En mi caso ofreceré ofendas compuestas por leche y pan, pues en mi contexto no puedo ofrecer mucho.
Oración Final
"Oh, Señora Hécate Tymvídios, acompañante de Perséfone en el Inframundo, guía de aquellos que ya no están con nosotros, hija de Perses y Asteria. Yo, Theo, humilde seguidor de y devoto de usted, me acerco desde un lugar de devoción y respeto, pues le pido por favor sepa guíar a mis abuelos, (Nombre) y (Nombre), a un lugar mejor, pues ellos no son merecedores de ningún sufrimiento en esta próxima etapa para sus almas. A cambio, prometo dejar ofrendas de leche y pan en su altar. ¡Salve, Señora Hécate!"
Diferencias entre Himnos y Oraciones
La gran diferencia entre los Himnos y las Oraciones regulares es que uno no pide nada a la deidad (en este caso, Hécate) y en el otro sí. ¿Cómo es esto? Pues, en el himno se suele resaltar la grandeza de la deidad o enfocarse en algún hito de esta, aparte de que pueden servir como ofrendas en sí.
¡Y eso es todo por hoy! En una futura publicación cubriré las bases de escribir un himno devocional a nuestra Señora Hécate, así que estén atentos a eso.
The Significance of Prayer to the Gods de @atheneum-of-you
Hellenic Polytheism : Household Worship de Christos Pandion Panopoulos
¡Khaire Hécate, triple diosa de las encrucijadas, madre de brujas y fantasmas, quien carga las antorchas en la noche! A tí dedico esta publicación, destinada a informar y guiar a quienes quieren seguir tu camino, quienes quieren ser ayudados por tu presencia y energía.
#español#hellenic deities#hellenic pagan#hellenic polytheism#spanish#greek deities#hecate#hellenic worship#hellenism
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En esta publicación hablaremos sobre el Túmulo funerario de Hirata Umeyama, localizado en el pueblo de Asuka, distrito de Takaichi, prefectura de Nara, mide 140 m y se cree que fue construido a finales del período Kofun VI d.c, fue la tumba de un gran rey durante el período final de la soberanía de Yamato. - Está administrado por la Agencia de la Casa Imperial, que estableció un lugar de culto en el mausoleo Hinokuma-zakaago del emperador Kinmei, cabe destacar que el 90% de los kofun son sagrados. El túmulo funerario de Maruyama localizado en la ciudad de Kashihara, es el túmulo funerario más grande de la prefectura de Nara y el 6º en Japón y tiene una longitud de 318 m, se trata de la tumba del emperador Kinmei. - Cabe destacar que hasta que no se realicen estudios es difícil saberlo, pero como he dicho antes, al ser sitios sacros los estudios son dificultosos. "Konjaku Monogatari Shu" (Colección de cuentos de tiempos pasados), que se completó al final del período Heian, contiene una anotación que sugiere que el túmulo Hirata Umeyama fue la tumba del emperador Kinmei, por lo que ya se pensaba ser la tumba del emperador Kinmei en la Edad Media” - Durante el período Edo, el montículo y sus alrededores se vieron modificados en gran medida, en lo que respecta a su posición original, el túmulo de Hirata Umeyama tiene unas características del período Asuka. Debido a su relación con el túmulo funerario de Maruyama localizado en la ciudad de Kashihara, está a tan solo a unos 700 m de distancia. - Espero que os haya gustado y nos vemos en próximas publicaciones. - In this publication we will talk about the Hirata Umeyama Burial Mound, located in the town of Asuka, Takaichi district, Nara prefecture, it measures 140 m and is believed to have been built at the end of the Kofun VI period AD, it was the tomb of a great king during the final period of Yamato's sovereignty. - It is administered by the Imperial Household Agency, which established a place of worship in the Hinokuma-zakaago mausoleum of Emperor Kinmei, it should be noted that 90% of the kofun are sacred. The Maruyama Burial Mound, located in the city of Kashihara, is the largest burial mound in Nara Prefecture and the 6th in Japan and has a length of 318 m. It is the tomb of Emperor Kinmei. - It should be noted that until studies are carried out it is difficult to know, but as I said before, since they are sacred sites, studies are difficult. "Konjaku Monogatari Shu" (Collection of Tales of Bygone Times), which was completed at the end of the Heian period, contains an annotation suggesting that the Hirata Umeyama mound was the tomb of Emperor Kinmei, so it was already thought to be the tomb of the Emperor Kinmei in the Middle Ages - During the Edo period, the mound and its surroundings were greatly modified. Regarding its original position, the Hirata Umeyama mound has characteristics of the Asuka period. Due to its relationship with the Maruyama burial mound located in the city of Kashihara, it is only about 700 m away. - I hope you liked it and see you in future posts. - 今回は、奈良県高市郡明日香町にある平田梅山古墳について紹介します。古墳第六期末期に築造されたと考えられている全長140メートルの古墳です。ヤマト王権末期の大王の墓。 - 欽明天皇の檜隈坂合御陵に拝所を設置した宮内庁が管理しており、古���の9割が神聖であることに注目すべきである。 橿原市にある丸山古墳は、全長318mで奈良県最大、全国6番目の古墳です。 - なお、研究してみないとわかりませんが、先ほども言いましたが、聖地であるため研究は困難です。 平安時代末期に成立した『今昔物語集』には、平田梅山古墳を欽明天皇陵とする注記があり、すでに欽明天皇陵であると考えられていた。中世の欽明天皇の - 平田梅山古墳は、江戸時代に墳丘とその周囲が大きく改変されましたが、その原位置は飛鳥時代の特徴を持っています。橿原市にある丸山古墳との関係で700mほどしか離れていない。 - 気に入っていただければ幸いです。今後の投稿でお会いしましょう
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