#House Market
animentality · 4 months
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writing-n-memes · 4 months
I need to stop looking at houses on Zillow. I’m planning on buying a house in the next year but I’m not ready yet. Every really nice house in my price range is pending/under contract within a few days. Stop buying those houses. That’s my emotional support house I’m trying to save money for
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sweetlog · 8 months
The Housing Conundrum: Millennials and the Struggle for Homeownership in a Priced-Out Market 🏡💔
The Dream of Homeownership
Owning a home has long been considered a cornerstone of the American dream. However, for many millennials and younger individuals, this dream is slipping through their fingers due to skyrocketing housing prices.
Financial Barriers
The housing market has become a formidable financial hurdle, with prices far outpacing income growth. This disparity creates a significant barrier, making it increasingly challenging for young people to save for a down payment.
Student Debt Impact
Many millennials carry the weight of student debt, further limiting their ability to save for a home. Balancing loan repayments with the cost of living leaves little room for building the necessary funds to enter the housing market.
Changing Priorities
Younger generations are reevaluating traditional paths to success. Some delay or forgo homeownership, opting for flexibility and experiences over the financial commitment of a mortgage.
The Rise of Renting
Renting has become the norm for many millennials and younger individuals. While it offers flexibility, it also means that a significant portion of their income goes toward housing without building equity.
The Urbanization Dilemma
Urban areas often boast job opportunities, but the cost of living, especially housing, is higher. This dilemma forces many to choose between career prospects and affordable living.
Policy Challenges
Addressing the housing crisis requires policy changes that promote affordable housing, consider the impact of student debt, and provide support for those navigating the challenging path to homeownership.
Community Advocacy
Communities can play a role in advocating for affordable housing solutions, supporting initiatives that address the needs of younger generations and working together to create a more inclusive housing market.
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Canterbury Appraisals is a FREE online service that provides FREE House Market Appraisal by connecting homeowners with local real estate experts.
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alwaysbewoke · 2 months
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themetalhiro · 1 month
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Budgeting for a move has my brain hitting all new levels
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gideonsgirldick · 4 months
I just realized that The Locked Tomb series would be waaaay more popular than it is right now if one or both of the leads were male cause people go nuts for hogwarts esc houses, enemy's to lovers romance, and lore as deep as my fingers in your mom.
Someone please talk to me about this I am genuinely out raged.
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waywardsunlight · 1 year
Dead End Paranormal Park got cancelled.
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starflungwaddledee · 2 months
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running a little late, but someone's finally arriving at the @kirbyoctournament !
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sent in to the tourney by her well meaning friends, starstruck is a Totally Normal adult waddle dee from king dedede's kingdom of dream land! she's here to try and meet new people, and maaaybe get out of her anxious shell a little bit!
equipped with her customary cheerful attitude, she's also sporting a brand new backpack full of lovingly packed goodies to help her through the event.
if you'd like to get to know her a little better, you can check out her tag on my blog, or these three important comics from previously! lastly, you can find the masterpost for her interactive tournament adventure here! this is an ongoing chronological story (separate to her canon story, but referencing it) that will last for as long as she's in the tournament!
a few notes for any interactions
🌸 despite being a waddle dee, other waddle dees typically don't like being around her, and folks who already know what a waddle dee should be like also tend to get a weird vibe off her. 🌸 she is quite friendly and approachable, but prone to extreme anxiety if she perceives she might have done something wrong or inappropriate. tiny wanya takes criticism the way a handful of hay takes a flame. 🌸 if you have wings and you take her flying she'll never leave your side. she's only palm sized, so if you are big and have wings or can fly, please pick her up and go flying with her please please pleeaase she wants to go go flying and fawn over your wings so so bad 🌸 for the purposes of the tourney, which by merit of its existence is something of an au timeline, consider this event to completely predate her ability to summon these.
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puppygirldick · 3 months
If housing were free so many people would never be seen as bad people for having mental illness/disabilities "hotheads" "lazy" "people who stink" "messy" would never be a problem nobody would ever be able to say "no couples, no pets, no smoking" and it would only cost landlords their passive incomes
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uncanny-tranny · 1 year
Good news! You aren't required to make your hobbies and passions "marketable." In fact, your crafts, hobbies, and passions don't even need to be public if you so choose. You don't have to spend all of your energy becoming perfect if you aren't enjoying the process. You are not a product, you are a person, a creative, and your work also does not need to be a product.
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animentality · 3 months
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hoofpeet · 2 months
Are you safe?
yah 👍 tl;dr our NOW-ex landlord harassed us for 7 months after trying and failing to run a rental scam. We had an eviction hearing this morning and literally 5 minutes after leaving the courthouse our now-CURRENT landlord sent us a lease to sign and agreed to let us move in this weekend. So yeah a lot of shit happened but 👍
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What up, Toronto?
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Those looking for a mortgage to buy a home got a bit of a break earlier this week when the Bank of Canada cut its key interest rate down by a slight margin. But no such luck for renters as a new report from Rentals.ca and Urbanation shows that the average asking price on rents have hit an all-time high in the month of May and Nova Scotia is seeing higher than average price increases.  According to the study, data gathered show the average rental asking price in Nova Scotia jumped by 17.1 per cent, year over year, nearly doubling the national average that increased by 9.3 percent In Halifax, one bedroom apartments are seeing an average asking price sit around $1,925, that’s up 3.8 per cent while two bedrooms saw the biggest jump at 16.3 percent to $2,489. [...]
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Tagging: @newsfromstolenland
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generic-whumperz · 10 months
Babe, stop bothering me, can’t you see that I’m busy daydreaming about putting pretty fictional men though hell?
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