#Housamo Oz
carlosyt14 · 1 year
Start dash pack and uhhh???
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summocrap · 2 months
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emichii-the-mc · 2 months
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One coward, one bold, and yet both sharing the same body. What they're also sharing is a fascination with the stars, ever reaching for them. Such is how Oz & Zo work in the form they're given.
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kairunatic · 1 year
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ryuhikaru263 · 1 year
"Um, hey Ryu. W-would you like to be my friend?" 💘✨️
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pof203 · 1 year
A Summoner Birthday
Here is the link to the prologue:
NOTE: Some relationships have changed a bit. Shiro and Kengo are still together, that goes double for Roji and Hogen, Ryota is now in a three-way relationship with Krampus and Choji though Maria sometimes comes with them, Moritaka is no longer in a relationship with Shino, now, he's in a relationship with Kenta, Boogeyman is now in relationship with Itzamna, Oniwaka is with Cu Sith, Hakumen with Xolotl, Alp with Kuniyoshi, Zabaniyya with Arslan (thought Arslan doesn't appear in this story, only mentioned), and Hecate with Hermes.
FUN FACT: In some versions in Greek Mythology, Hecate and Hermes are married.
Story (Chapter 1 Part 1)
Your birthday has arrived...
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Kamata Tech, home of the Kamata Crafters. You arrived here for a special gift from Alp for you for your birthday. Also wanting to come with you are some members of your Guild and some friends outside of the Guild.
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Here we are! Kamata Tech!
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We haven't be back here in a while. Thank you for inviting us to come.
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Well, it looked like things were goin' slow for you guys, so we thought you could tag along... Besides, I wanna have another round with Oniwaka and Zabaniyya.
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Ha! Good luck with that. I've been training a lot. I think I can beat you easily.
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And I'll be there to support Master all the way.
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All right, settle down, you three. The last thing we need is for you to make another exception. Besides, you're forgetting this day is suppose to be about Lupin.
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He is right. We should not forget that this is Lupin's birthday. And I am sure he wishes to spend it without any problems... Though, to tell the truth, I am a little excited to see this virtual fantasy world. Lupin, you have been to that world over Valentine's Day. What is it like?
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If I had to guess... It was fantastic.
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It felt like being in a living dream. I think you might like it.
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Then c'mon, what are we waiting for?
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Whoa, Krampus. Lupin said there are still a few people to wait for.
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Who is it? I'm a bit scared to find out.
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This is Lupin we're talking about, so I have a pretty good idea. It's hardly something you need to worry about.
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I wonder who it could be.
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You're about to find out. Here he comes.
No doubt, a portal opens in the sky and someone floats down from it... And you are happy.
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Heyoka. I am here now.
Lupin: (happy) Yes, you are.
You try to embrace Wakan Tanka Infinity, but his powers are too much for you to handle. So you back off.
Wakan Tanka Infinity: I am sorry. Touching each other in reality is far different than in a dream.
Lupin: That's okay. I'm just happy you could be here.
Wakan Tanka Infinity: Yes... But I fear it will not be easy because of what happened on the way here.
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What happened?
Wakan Tanka Infinity: I have some good news, bad news, and... not so bad news. The good news is I am here.
Lupin: We know.
Zabaniyya: And the bad news?
Wakan Tanka Infinity: ... The other Invaders found out I was coming here and forbade me from doing so alone. They have had two other accompany me here.
Lupin: And the "not so bad" news?
Wakan Tanka Infinity: ... Is who they sent me with.
As if on que, two more came down from the portal which closed after them.
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Hi, everyone. Long time, no see.
Maria: Hello, Shinya. It has been a while. You, too, Cupid.
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Hey, don't forget about us. We're here, too.
Jormungandr: (glaring) Do you really have to remind us? But, if Wakan Tanka says you won't be much trouble, especially on his mate's birthday, I have to take his word for it.
Smoky God: I'm glad you see it that way.
Jormungandr: (still glaring) Don't push it.
Maria: Well, it's good to know this will be a lively visit.
Zabaniyya: Just as long as no fists will be thrown.
Shiro: Well, if we're all here, shall we go in now?
Lupin: Yes, let's.
Just as you were going in, time suddenly stopped... You know what that means as you take your phone out.
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Happy Birthday, Master! As your butler, I hope to make today the best day you ever had. You can count on me.
Lupin: (thankful) Thanks you, Lil' Salomon... And I'll reward you with tummy rubs.
Lil' Salomon: (gushing with happiness) Oh Master, you know how to get me!
With that, Lil' Solomon returns to my phone and we make our way into the building.
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Health and Sports Day- Finish Line
The Finale is here~ Tho the race is won, the rest of the story has yet to be told
First Chapter- https://archiveofourown.org/works/37996750/chapters/94900849
Last Chapter- https://archiveofourown.org/works/37996750/chapters/130236343
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boundlesshousamo · 2 years
Valentine Snow Fight HDQ - The Season has begun! Snowball Fight between the Guilds
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crimaster777-art · 2 years
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justlarkin · 1 year
I was seeing the comment of an anonymous person and I would like to ask some questions, by the way, thank you very much for the translations, I love the lilac special quest and the other Valentine's quests and the new event!!
1) how do urban legends work?, how do they exist in their home world but not in tokyo?, where did oz come from if zo is the nemean lion itself?
2) how do you see the characters of live a hero? you said they were slightly different from housamo in what way, and what makes the game more serious than the above?
Welcwelc! 💕✨
-I'm honestly not sure how the the urban legends work beyond Oscar having something to do with their existences. In the case of Oz and Zo, their research file says that they're both from Olympus, but were two separate entities (Oz likely being another lion slain by Heracles). I think the Wizard of Oz theming only came after Oscar assigned that role to him. Zo did mention in the Twilight Pool event that he and Oz were combined because their status as an urban legend made it difficult to exist as a lone entity or something like that?
-It's weird to explain. I guess in comparison to Housamo's current events, it feels like you get more time to delve into a character because there's not as many opportunities to distract from it. Everyone isn't as MC obsessed or hornby (for now) as they are in Housamo, so it just feels like most of these characters have normal relationships with MC with no other implications. There's also the fact that LAH MC gets treated differently than the Housamo MC by the other characters because they're an adult. Once again, weird to explain. There's just something different to me.
I don't know if LAH is more serious than Housamo since they cover similar things, but I guess LAH is more blatant about certain things. At least in the Japanese version, they might decide to be vague about or remove things in the English version later on (RIP Balor's support of underaged drinking 😔).
LWs being weird about Astaroth's gender identity since they're implied to be transfem, but they still call them a guy in-game while they're blatant about Sui being mtf and dealing with transphobia. Not even addressing that Nüwa started the war over misogyny and being sexually harassed while being blatant about Crowne dealing with misogynists in her field and almost being sexually assaulted.
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molebradry · 2 years
Playlist: https://bit.ly/3yu7XE1 5* Jormungandr 4* (Pool) Oz/Zo 4* Temujin Ally - 5* Fuxi /Perferred/, 5* (Summer) Shennong, 5* (Fashionista) Wakan Tanka Moving Oz/Zo to position the other 2 units in front and behind him. Someone else sits next Jormungandr. Pool Oz/Zo has the ability to change weapon type of allies to "All" 5* Jormungandr is pretty OP hits hard and incredibly tanky. Temujin with Skill Evo hits hard and his Skill Charge changes to All on miss. Ally Fuxi - Obstruct to anyone in his range. Def Down to anyone not in his obstruct range. (Summer) Shennong - Poison and Deadly Poison. Helps Temujin who has Poison Advantage (Fashionista) Wakan Tanka - Hits hard and extra healing. Not to mention can add Crit to allies. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Support Me On Ko-Fi: https://ift.tt/U6xGFmv Subscribe to Me: https://goo.gl/Jb4xtm Most Recent Upload: https://goo.gl/CcnPeH Most Popular Upload: https://goo.gl/id51qE Twitter: http://goo.gl/GjHNP -------------------------------------------------------------------- #Housamo #GamingMole #jormungandr
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cicos-macos · 2 years
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My baby boy. My little baby he's my little baby my little pumpkin he's my precious little sweetheart he's my little boy my flesh and blood. I am his mother spiritually and I am so proud of my baby
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summocrap · 20 days
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housamo cra(p)ck
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Aw, you’re so cute Oz *pets his mane*
Oh, uh, you too Zo
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"Y-you think I'm c-cute? thank you"
Your compliment doesn't seem to be the source of his embarrassment, it's most likely the loud purring noise he started to make when you began petting him.
"U-um also Zo wants me to tell you that he isn't cute he's handsome"
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bedrock-brock · 2 years
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Oz looking at the Housamo skill balance, asking "is anyone gonna fuck this?" and not waiting for an answer
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