#Hotels in Clifden Connemara
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dolphinbeach-house · 18 days ago
How To Choose The Best Hotels In Clifden For Your Connemara Adventure
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A journey into breathtaking landscapes, rich culture, and warm hospitality makes a trip planning to the enchanting region of Connemara in Ireland. Selecting the right hotels in Clifden Ireland will take your experience to another level as they can act as an ideal base to explore this wild and untamed corner of Ireland. Choosing from many hotels in Clifden Connemara requires much scrutiny on one's needs, budget, and itinerary. Here's how to make the best choice for your stay, and why Dolphin Beach House stands out as the top choice for discerning travelers.
1. Location Matters
Your Hotels In Clifden Connemara location will significantly determine your experience. Clifden is referred to as the "Capital of Connemara," representing the gateway to the exploration of the Wild Atlantic Way.
Choose hotels in Clifden Ireland that offer easy access to town facilities and also access to natural attractions in the surrounding area. Our beach house is ideally situated on Sky Road, within a 10-minute drive of Clifden town. Its position is very convenient but at the same time offers views of the Atlantic Ocean that will not disappoint either those seeking rest or adventure.
2. Suit Your Accommodation to Your Group
Whether you go solo or with a friend, we have the perfect accommodations waiting for you. We present two absolutely different options.
Beach House: This six-bedroom house features luxurious en-suite rooms in spacious living areas, coupled with 14 acres of private landscape for the full family or their friends - it can be an accompaniment of up to 12 guests.
Beach Lodge: It's a boutique three-bedroom house that can accommodate six guests. It offers the same breath-taking views, and is a more intimate alternative for smaller groups or for those who want some peaceful time.
Both have excellent high-end amenities like underfloor heating, modern bathrooms, and panoramic windows that let you indulge in the beauty of Connemara.
3. Evaluate Your Budget
Understanding your budget is key when choosing Hotels In Clifden Connemara. Whether you’re seeking luxury or affordability, ensure the property offers value for your money. Our beach house, with nightly rates starting at €430 for the lodge and €850 for the main house, provides unparalleled luxury at a competitive price. The high-end finishes, stunning views, and exclusive location ensure a memorable stay worth every euro.
4. Look for On-Site Amenities
The right amenities can turn a good stay into an exceptional one. We boast a range of amenities designed for comfort and convenience, including:
Wi-Fi for staying connected.
A barbecue area for outdoor dining.
A fully equipped kitchen for self-catering.
Direct access to a sandy cove for swimming.
Free parking for guests.
These thoughtful features make us more than just a place to sleep—it’s a destination in itself.
5. Proximity to Activities and Attractions
Clifden is a hub for exploring the Wild Atlantic Way and Connemara’s many attractions. Consider Hotels In Clifden Ireland that place you near the activities you’re excited about. Our beach house is ideally located for:
Hiking in Connemara National Park.
Cycling the Sky Road Loop.
Golfing at Connemara Golf Club.
Water sports like kayaking, surfing, and deep-sea fishing.
From your doorstep, you’ll have access to some of Ireland’s most stunning beaches, mountain trails, and adventure experiences.
6. Dining and Local Flavor
Part of the joy of visiting Connemara is indulging in its exceptional food. From fine dining to traditional Irish pubs, Clifden has it all. Our beach house is just a short drive from the town’s vibrant dining scene, making it easy to explore local specialties like fresh seafood and farm-to-table cuisine. After a day of adventure, you can relax with a meal at one of Clifden’s renowned restaurants or enjoy a home-cooked dinner with Atlantic views.
Why Dolphin Beach House Is the Best Choice
Our beach house isn’t just a place to stay; it’s an experience that immerses you in the magic of Connemara. Its prime location on Sky Road offers panoramic ocean views and easy access to the region’s top attractions. Whether you’re seeking adventure, relaxation, or a mix of both, we provide a luxurious, welcoming retreat.
From the thoughtfully designed interiors to the private sandy cove just steps away, every detail of our beach house has been curated to offer an exceptional stay. With options for both small and large groups, it’s the ultimate choice for anyone seeking the best Hotels In Clifden Ireland.
Book Your Stay Today
Ready to embark on your Connemara adventure? With year-round availability and a range of options to suit your needs, Dolphin Beach House is one of the best Hotels In Clifden Connemara and your gateway to an unforgettable experience in Clifden.
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carstenz · 4 months ago
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27. September
Clifden +12 - Doolin
Ich habe meinen Aufbruch am Ruhetag gestern gut vorbereitet, damit ich heute schnell los komme. Die Zeit für zwei Tassen Kaffee nehme ich mir trotzdem. Als ich um acht Uhr auf der Straße bin, kämpft die Sonne noch mit einer schwarzen Wolke. Das gibt immer wieder ein spektakuläres Licht über der wilden Landschaft. Es gibt mächtige Berge aber auch große Flächen mit flachem Moorland.
Nach einer Stunde setzt die Sonne sich endgültig durch und scheint mir genau ins Gesicht. Dieses Connemara ist bislang eindeutig die schönste und wildeste Ecke, die ich von Irland gesehen habe. Es würde einen nicht wundern, wenn hier Herden von Gnus oder B��ffeln durch die Ebene ziehen würden. Das Zeichen für den Wild Atlantic Way, sieht für mich eh so aus, als hätte ein indianischer Medizinman ein Symbol für großes Wasser gemalt. Teilweise folge ich dem WAW heute wieder, teilweise finde ich aber auch noch kleinere Straßen mit noch weniger Verkehr.
Straßen sind etwas tolles, denke ich mir während ich durch die Landschaft gleite. Die vier belgischen Wanderer mit denen ich gestern Abend gesprochen habe, haben ungefähr eine Woche für meine Tagesetappe durch Connemara gebraucht. Natürlich hatten sie dabei auch noch mehr Wildnis und weniger mit Verkehr zu tun. Das Hostel im Nirgendwo war ihre letzte Station. Wahrscheinlich gibt es das Hostel auch dort, weil es ein guter Start- und Endpunkt für eine Wanderung durch die Berge von Connemara ist.
Je dichter ich an Galway komme um so normaler wird die Landschaft und um so dichter der Verkehr. Als ich die Stadt gegen 12 Uhr erreiche, habe ich schon 80 km geschafft. Ich vertrödele einige Zeit in der Stadt. Kaufe ein Souvenir für meine Frau, trinke einen Kaffee und schlendere durch die Straßen. Bevor es weiter geht, stärke ich mich noch mit Fish n Chips n Stout. Der Fisch und das Bier sind gut, aber der Berg Pommes liegt mir danach ganz schön schwer im Magen. Ich beschließe beim nächsten Mal besser darauf zu verzichten. Beim Weg aus der Stadt gibt es viel Stau an dem man auch mit Fahrrad schlecht vorbei kommt. „Burn fat, not oil“ steht auf einem Schild mit großem Fahrradsymbol. Macht hier nur keiner.
Hinter dem Ort lichtet sich der Verkehr aber endlich und nach einem doppelten Espresso ist auch der Pommes-Stau im Verdauungstrakt aufgelöst. Ich bin unschlüssig über die weitere Strecke. Eigentlich wollte ich nach den Cliffs of Moher Richtung Fähre fahren, aber nach dem schönen Connemara bin ich versucht doch noch bis zu den Highlights im Süden, Ring of Kerry und Dingle-Halbinsel weiter zu fahren. Außerdem ist für übermorgen ein Tag mit reichlich Regen für ganz Irland gemeldet, den ich lieber nicht auf dem Rad oder im Zelt erleben möchte. Weil das Wochenende naht sind Hotels für den Tag auch rar und teuer.
Ich bin genervt, von der Entscheidung die ich treffen muss. Wie meistens läuft Nachmittags sowieso alles zäher als am Vormittag. Das Wetter ist jetzt auch durchwachsen. In der Sonne ist es angenehm, aber wenn die Sonne sich hinter einer Wolke oder später am Nachmittag hinter einem Berg versteckt, macht der Wind alles sofort kalt und unangenehm. Ich möchte heute gerne noch Doolin erreichen. Dort gibt es Campingplätze und es ist ein guter Ausgangspunkt um die Cliffs of Moher zu besuchen. Außerdem hat Tim mir das kleine Dorf sehr schmackhaft gemacht. Dort würde es mehr Pubs als Häuser geben. Vielleicht waren es auch mehr Pubs als Einwohner. Ich bin mir nicht mehr ganz sicher.
Die letzten 30 km sind dann nochmal sehr anstrengend. Der Körper ist müde und die Straße ist auch nicht die Beste, aber es geht auch nochmal wunderschön direkt am Atlantic entlang. Es gibt wenig Autos und wenig Häuser, aber viele Felsen, die vom anbrausenden Ozean über Jahrmillionen rund geschliffen wurden und Kühe mit zerzaustem Fell, die hier ganzjährig im Wind stehen und das Gras kurz halten.
Als ich Doolin endlich erreiche bin ich erschöpft, aber das kleine Dorf gefällt mir gut. Der Campingplatz hat einen schönen Aufenthaltsraum. Ich beschließe den Regentag hier auszusitzen. Dann habe ich auch genug Zeit die Klippen ausgiebig zu erkunden und mich vom Atlantic endgültig zu verabschieden. Auf die gute Entscheidung gönne ich mir einen Burger und ein Pint im Pub. Freudig stelle ich fest, dass der Pub eine gut sortierte Auswahl an Craft-Beer hat.
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findamericanrentals · 5 years ago
Ballyshannon Vacation Home Rentals by Owner , This is the ideal family holiday location. Connemara's longest established hotel, situated in the picturesque town of Clifden, has been owned and managed by the Foyle family for nearly a century.
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doldriest · 6 years ago
Deel 2 van het reisverslag van onze vakantie in het wonderschone Ierland.
Zondag 22 juli 2018
Wat worden we toch verwend door de B&B hostess. in Shannonbridge. Ze heeft zelfs lactosevrije boter, melk en roomkaas voor me gehaald, zo lief! Na een dankbare hug laden we de koffers in de auto en rijden naar de kloosterruïnes van Clonmacnoise. Victor heeft deze vakantie –zoals alle vakanties– weer uitmuntend voorbereid. De routes die we willen rijden zijn grotendeels al in de Garmin voorgeprogrammeerd, zodat hij zich op de weg kan concentreren en ik waar nodig aanwijzingen geef. Wat een man! ❤
Het klooster van Clonmacnoise ligt aan rivier de Shannon en stamt uit 545 en bestaat uit zeven kerken, een ronde toren, high crosses (rijkelijk gedecoreerde stenen kruizen) en een kathedraal met een fluisterdeur.  Melaatsen konden zo buiten blijven staan en werden toch gehoord bij het biechten… met de priester op veilige afstand. In de 11e eeuw leefden en werkten maar liefst 1.500 tot 2.000 monniken en ambachtslieden bij Cluain Mhic Nóis.
Onze volgende stop is Roscommon Castle, gesticht in 1269. Vroeger een belangrijke plek, maar de vele belegeringen en aanvallen hebben hun sporen achtergelaten: alleen de buitenmuren staan nog overeind. Aan de binnenkant is er alleen een groot goed onderhouden grasveld. Het is een aangename plek om tot rust te komen en te luisteren naar stemmen uit het verleden. Ook kun je een bezoek brengen aan het Loughnaneane Park en Playground, een 14 hectare groot recreatiegebied.
De Garmin brengt ons feilloos naar onze volgende bestemming: Galway. Ja precies, waar het meisje van Ed Sheran woont. 😉 Maar wat een avontuur om de accommodatie te vinden! We volgen de aanwijzingen van verhuurder Pat op, eerst per e-mail en dan per WhatsApp. Pat stuurt ons twee foto’s van de parkeergarage waar we moeten zijn en na een kwartier onverrichter zake rondrijden, stap ik uit en loop met Victor’s gms in de hand, zoekend naar de poort van de foto. Ernaast zou een brievenbus moeten zijn met daarin de sleutels van het appartement. Ook hebben we een toegangscode.
De parkeergarage blijkt om de hoek te liggen, een eindje van de drukke straat af. Hij is afgesloten met een zwaar hek, geflankeerd door een kleinere poort. Ik loop terug naar onze auto en dirigeer Victor erheen. Intussen speur ik de omgeving af naar de brievenbus. Ik kijk in poortjes, steek mijn hand tussen tralies door en tast in het rond, trek aan het hek, rammel aan deuren en probeer een metalen luik te openen. Tevergeefs. Terwijl Victor wacht, loop ik terug naar de straat en steek daar mijn hand lukraak in alle brievenbussen die ik tegenkom, maar dat levert niets op, behalve zwarte handen en gedachten aan spinnen. Ik voel me aardig voor gek lopen. Bij een deur met het juiste huisnummer bel ik aan. Niets. Ik toets de code in het paneel in. Ook niets. Gefrustreerd loop ik terug naar de afgesloten parkeergarage.
Daar komt net een knul door het zijpoortje naar buiten! Ik been langs hem heen naar binnen en vraag of hij weet waar we naar toe moeten. Hij vertelt dat ik waarschijnlijk de trap van de parkeergarage op moet. Op het zelfde moment komt een auto door de poort naar buiten, en ik fluit en gebaar naar Victor. Hup, gauw naar binnen, rijden met die hap!
Inmiddels heeft mijn vriend de onzichtbare Pat aan de telefoon en we worden naar de juiste parkeerplek geloodst. Een interne lift brengt ons naar een hogere verdieping, en daar vinden we dan eindelijk ons appartement. Het blijkt een flat aan een galerij aan een binnenplaats te zijn. Dat had onze Pat helemaal niet verteld, dit hadden we nooit kunnen vinden! Ik steek wederom mijn hand door de brievenbus en kijk, eindelijk vind ik een zakje met sleutels erin, vastgebonden aan de klep. Gelukt!
De kamer heeft een bed, twee ramen aan de kant van de Galway haven, een kleine douchekamer en een huiskamer beneden. Plus een wasmachine in de keuken! Daar maken we dankbaar gebruik van.
Maandag 23 juli 2018
De volgende ochtend ontbijten we in een knus zaakje: warme maispannenkoek, een kleine vegan burger en een spiegelei, met groene jasmijnthee erbij. Victor bestelt een Spaanse omelet met pepermuntthee. Er hangen kunstwerken aan de muur, en met name die van Marilyn Monroe en Nelson Mandela vind ik prachtig!
Galway is een heerlijke plaats. Levendig, toeristisch, druk, gezellig. Lekkere wijn. We slenteren door de stad en drinken een biertje in een pub. Ik knoop een gesprek met mijn buurman aan en vraag hem hoe ik moet proosten in het Iers. Keine Ahnung, zegt hij, ich komme aus Deutschland. Proest, nou ja zeg. Pat, die inmiddels in zijn huis gearriveerd is, vertelt dat het ‘Sláinte’ is, oftewel gezondheid. Victor en ik genieten vooral van de muziek op straat, waar het gezellig druk is.
  Dinsdag 24 juli 2018
Een bezoek aan Ross Errilly Abbey levert de volgende sfeervolle beelden op:
De desolate sfeer binnen de abdij en de vele verlaten doorgangen, binnenplaatjes, kamers en bogen werken op me in. Het is stil, en de wolken werpen schaduwen in hoeken en nissen. Ik roep Victor en blijf aan zijn zijde. Straks verdwaal ik immers nog! V-man schudt lachend zijn hoofd en begeleidt me veilig terug naar de auto.
Het is een prachtige dag vandaag, behalve op eetgebied. We gaan lunchen in een resort langs de kant van de weg. Het café kan me geen geschikte maaltijd garanderen, maar in het restaurant moet dat zeker lukken. We beklimmen de trap en komen in een zeer chique hotel terecht. Het menu draagt dan ook een fiks prijskaartje. Soep dan maar, met zelfgemaakt brood. De ober gaat persoonlijk naar de keuken om te vragen of ik de soep kan eten en komt terug met de verheugende mededeling dat de soep absoluut lactosevrij is. We gaan zitten, en al snel krijg ik brood aangeboden. Met roomboter. Teruggestuurd, alleen brood please. Even later arriveert de soep, en het blijkt een overheerlijke pompoensoep te zijn. Ook het brood smaakt fantastisch, en ik vraag nieuwsgierig naar het recept. Nou, begint ze enthousiast te vertellen, we gebruiken geen gist maar karnemelk. Ik onderbreek haar. ‘Excuse me, did you say buttermilk?!’ En ja hoor. Ik trek bleek weg, grijp mijn tas en gooi er drie capsules in. Sjesusmina zeg. De schade blijkt mee te vallen en we kunnen zonder veel ongemak verder.
We rijden door het adembenemende en wonderschone landschap van Connemara, het mooiste tot nu toe. Fantastisch! Ik weet niet waar ik moet kijken en zuig alles als een spons in me op. Groen, groener, groenst. Heuvels en meren, witte wollige schapen met zwarte koppen. Man man man, wat is het hier mooi. We stoppen aan de kant van de weg en ik dwaal door het landschap in een groene cocon van Ierse schoonheid. ❤
Bijzonder mooi is het uitzicht vanuit de Doo Lough pas — helaas een schril contrast met de tragedie die in deze vallei plaatsvond tijdens de grote hongersnood in 1849. Honderden verzwakte en uitgehongerde mensen moesten zich wegens een fout van twee functionarissen van de Poor Law Union 19 kilometer ten zuiden van hun woonplaats Louisburgh melden om te verfiëren dat ze nog steeds voedselhulp nodig hadden. Ze liepen een groot deel van de nacht en de dag daarop in barre weersomstandigheden. Later werden de lichamen van zeven mensen, waaronder vrouwen en kinderen, op de weg tussen Delphi en Louisburgh ontdekt met uitzicht op de oevers van het Doolough-meer. Nog negen kwamen nooit meer thuis. De plaatselijke folklore beweert dat het totale aantal dat omkwam veel groter was. Heel triest.
Niet lang voor sluitingstijd komen we aan bij de Kylemore Abbey & Victorian Walled Garden bij Clifden, sinds 1920 thuisbasis van de benedictijnse nonnen. Het grote landgoed omvat een abdij met gerestaureerde kamers, een Victoriaanse ommuurde tuin met prachtig gerestaureerde tuingebouwen, een gotische kerk en wandelpaden die door de bossen en langs het meer leiden.
Om half zeven ‘s avonds komen we bij Heather’s Lodge aan. De ontvangst is enthousiast en de kamer is goed, met een prachtig uitzicht over het Connemara groen. We hebben een lekker ontbijt in het vooruitzicht (buffet en scrambled eggs with salmon).
Wat later lopen we naar het centrum van het dorp; 200 meter langs een smalle drukke weg zonder trottoir is altijd spannend. Regelmatig stappen we in de berm om de auo’s te laten passeren. Dan een zijpad in en in volle vaart bergaf naar een pub met live music.
Zoals gewoonlijk neem ik het menu door met de ober/barman, en mijn keus valt op kipfilet met frietjes en salade. Nog een keer nagevraagd of er geen boter wordt gebruikt, maar dat is niet het geval. Het gevogelte is sappig en lekker. Met argusogen bekijk ik het spul waarin het gebakken is. Olie, hoera. Na nog een paar happen proef ik echter roomboter. Voorzichtig snijd ik verder en ja hoor: de kipfilet is gevuld met kruidenboter. Teleurgesteld smijt ik mijn vork neer. Eten is hopeloos vandaag. De barman komt kijken en haalt de kokkin erbij. Helaas is er niks meer aan te doen, maar ze gaan vanavond nog de allerenenkaart aanpassen. Gelaten eet ik de Ierse ‘chips’ op en luister met veel plezier naar de live muziek. Een man van 82 op gitaar, een van 67 op de banjo en fluit, en later ook nog een knul van een jaar of 16 op de accordeon. Wat maken ze gave muziek!
Twee kleine meisjes gaan Riverdance-style dansen, en vlak voordat we weggaan springt een jonge vrouw op en doet ook spontaan mee. Haar blote voeten stampen op de grond, iedereen klapt en heeft de grootste lol. Een oude man staat ook enthousiast op, danst en zingt een nummer. Dit is Ierland. Dit is LEUK!
Helaas kan ik de filmpjes niet bewerken, anders had ik ze ingekort.
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Impressie van Ierland – deel 1
de reisblog van mijn partner:  Volg mijn reis, Ierland 2018.
Impressies van #Ierland - deel 2 van mijn #reisverslag, met veel foto's van dit prachtige land. | #foto #fotografie #reizen Deel 2 van het reisverslag van onze vakantie in het wonderschone Ierland.
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jennblogsbooks · 4 years ago
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Another day, another new cozy mystery! MURDER IN CONNEMARA by Carlene O’Connor is the newest book in the Home to Ireland series. I love cozies! Especially ones set in Ireland or Scotland ❤️ . 🍀 . Thank you to @kensingtonbooks and @tlcbooktours for sending me a free copy! . 🍀 . In Galway County, a chance at redemption is denied by an unforgiving killer . . . Former New Yorker and interior designer Tara Meehan is eagerly anticipating the grand opening of her architectural salvage shop Renewals in her newly adopted home of Galway. She's in the midst of preparations when heiress Veronica O'Farrell bursts in to announce she’s ready for some renewal of her own. To celebrate one year of sobriety, she’s invited seven people she wronged in her drinking days to historic Ballynahinch Castle Hotel in neighboring Connemara to make amends in style. But perhaps one among them is not so eager to pardon her past misdeeds. Veronica is found lying in the ruins of manor house Clifden Castle with an antique Tara Brooch buried in her heart—the same brooch Tara Meehan admired in her shop the day before, posting a photo with the caption: #Killerbrooch. Now she’s a prime suspect, along with Veronica’s guests, all of whom had motives to stab the heiress. It’s up to Tara to pin down the guilty party . . . . 🍀 . #murderinconnemara #carleneoconnor #kensingtonbooks #tlcbooktours #AHometoirelandseries #cozymystery #cozies #BNexclusive #coverlove #jennblogsbooks #bookstagram #Bibliophile #unitedbookstagram #bookobsessed #booksbooksbooks #lovetoread #allthebooks #bookphoto #booktography #bookflatlay https://www.instagram.com/p/CDcmpGzl2-n/?igshid=1qn5i65m12i5i
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grantmkemp · 5 years ago
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The green marble from the Emerald isle, and the boys from the quarry who followed it to the other side of the world ....
130 years ago these quarry boys were captured by Joshua H. Hargrave, a railway engineer for the Great Northern Railway. A keen amateur photographer, Mr Hargrave recorded the everyday life he saw while surveying new railway lines. This project took him to Connemara, which is a region in county Galway, Ireland’s western seaboard. The word Connemara comes from the Gaelic meaning “Inlets for the Sea”. When you go there you cannot help but be bowled over by it’s awe-inspiring beauty. Oscar Wilde described it best when he spoke of the region possessing a “savage beauty”.
These young boys dressed in their padded smocks helped in the processing of Connemara Marble, which is a rare form of marble found in the region. It is typically greenish in colour. It is one of the rarest forms of marble in the world. Deposits date back some 600 million years! The marble forms when limestone is heated under pressure. While the colour is predominately green there are often shades of grey and brown seen throughout. 4000 year old axes made from Connemara Marble in the Stone Age can be seen in The National Museum of Ireland. One of the finest examples of Connemara Marble in Ireland forms the stunning floor of Galway Cathedral. Other examples can be found in Westminster Cathedral, London’s General Post Office and the Natural History Museum in Oxford.
In 1895, New York marble merchant Robert C Fisher imported large quantities to the States. It adorns many buildings, especially churches and cathedrals. The most famous examples in America can be seen in the Senate Chamber and Senate Post Office of the State Capital Building, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. It was also in 1895 that the work of Mr Hargrave came to an end with the completion of The Connemara Railway. The total length of the line was forty-eight miles 550 feet. It was a single line with a broad gauge, and opened on New Year's Day 1895.
The government hoped that the construction of the line would help develop the fisheries and other local industry. However, the railway company believed that it would take years for the line to pay and that its principal trade would be tourism. To this end the company set about promoting Connemara. Tourist handbooks regularly appeared carrying picturesque descriptions of the many attractions Connemara had to offer the angler and tourist. Accommodation and prices were listed, with maps and suggested routes through the mountain passes provided. In 1903 the company laid on a special tourist train which ran daily from Dublin to Clifden during the summer months. It had a dining car, and stopped at Mullingar, Athlone, Athenry, Galway and Oughterard. To facilitate the tourist traffic, touring cars linked Clifden station with Westport station, taking the traveller through the Connemara mountains and along Killery Harbour en route. The company built a hotel at Recess, where King Edward VII and his party lunched in July 1903, during his tour of the congested districts of the West. Over the years the company advertising paid off, and the rich and famous came to Connemara to shoot and fish. Fishing lodges were built by English and Irish gentlemen, and Connemara developed a reputation as a popular holiday destination for the upper classes.
However, for most of the people of Connemara the railway was simply the first stage in that long emigrant trail which would carry them halfway across the world. It is entirely possible that these young boys had handled the green marble, that would adorn the Senate buildings in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, and several years later as young men they took the train from Connemara, and followed the marble to a new life.
It is an interesting thought that when celebrating the not too distant Saint Patrick's Day (17th March) in the US, if anyone really wanted to get close to an actual piece of Ireland they only need to go to Pennsylvania, and they can be surrounded by the green marble of Connemara. I suspect that a vist to the nearest Irish bar, and several pints of Guinness will be the preferred method of celebration.
This is my colourised version of a magic lantern slide produced in 1891
Restoring Your Past  … Website Restoring Your Past … on Facebook
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finchweddinginfo-blog · 7 years ago
Hi everyone!
So, we’ve decided to get married in Galway, on the west coast of Ireland. The venue is called Cloonacauneen Castle. Here’s a link so you can take a look at the venue and also follow up on the location using Google Maps: https://g.co/kgs/2MM6mb The venue is about a 15 minute drive from Galway City.
The day after the wedding, we will be having Sunday lunch at the castle, which is very reasonably priced at €12-€15. Then, we will go for a session in Galway City. We will be staying at the Claregalway Hotel from Wednesday 4th April, checking out on Saturday 7th April. We will be based at the Salthill Hotel, Galway from Sunday until Tuesday 10th April. Then, we hope to travel to Clifden, Connemara for a few days. You are all welcome to join us. :)
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aranislands · 6 years ago
10 Things to do in Connemara
New Post has been published on https://www.irelandglamping.ie/2019/?p=31286
10 Things to do in Connemara
Food + Drink
The Aran Islands
Main Attractions
Dun Aonghasa World Heritage Site
How to get around
About Inis Mor
Getting Here
Ireland Glamping » 
Connemara is Ireland at its most majestic, wild, and beautiful. An essential stop along the Wild Atlantic Way, spend a few days, a week or even a month here. You might never want to leave!
  Easy sunday stroll to Diamond Hill with @lolkav87 😜 #connemara #connemaranationalpark #diamondhill #wildatlanticway #sunday #hiking
A post shared by Emma Horan (@050emma050) on May 13, 2018 at 1:28pm PDT
The very name Connemara means” inlets of the sea”. This gives some indication as to just how stunning and rugged the countryside is. The Irish have been coming here for years for “holiday” and it is an outdoor adventurer’s paradise.The famous bogs and fields, gorgeous lakes, and rocky shores make it Ireland at its most quintessential. It is a beautiful place to not only drive through, but also to spend some time. There’s plenty to see and do here, and these are just 10 of the top things to do in Connemara during your next vacation.
1. Visit Connemara National Park
  Aí você entende que Deus não demora, ele Capricha! Entenda que sempre depois da tempestade vem o arco íris e que as coisas que você passa estão te preparando para um futuro INCRÍVEL!!! #connemara #connemaranationalpark #irlanda #ireland #vidadeintercambista #intercambio #intercambionairlanda #galway #galwaygirl
A post shared by Priscila Yumi Fujimoto (@priyumifujimoto) on May 15, 2018 at 12:13am PDT
Connemara National Park has an area of some 2,957 hectares, within which are mountains, bogs, heaths, grasslands and woodlands. Opened to the public as a park in 1980, admission is free, and an interpretive centre explains some of the things to see and do there. Hiking is of course a popular activity in the Park, and there are great views of the ‘Twelve Bens’, a series of peaks over 1500 feet. The park is open daily between 9.00am and 5.30pm all year through.
2. Galway City at the Weekend
  summer daze
A post shared by Galway Street Club (@galwaystreetclubmusic) on Jul 24, 2017 at 4:21am PDT
During the weekends a visit to Galway city is highly recommended. The medieval cobblestone streets seem to fill with life, and there is a mix of entertainers, music and markets. Highlights of a visit to Galway city include visiting the Spanish Arch and of course tasting the local cuisine, especially the traditional Irish cheeses. Don’t forget to have a pint of the local beers either. Galway Hooker is a favourite in the city.
3. Explore Kylemore Abbey
  A magnificent Benedictine monastery founded in 1920 on the grounds of a former castle. The abbey was founded for Benedictine Nuns who fled Belgium in World War I. It is one of Ireland’s best loved tourist attractions @kylemoreabbey #KylemoreAbbey #Connemara #Ireland #castles #castlesworld
A post shared by World of Castles (@castlesworld) on Apr 17, 2018 at 9:00am PDT
The Benedictine Monastery of Kylemore was founded by Nuns fleeing the First World War in 1920, and built on the grounds of Kylemore Castle. The estate has an almost fairytale feel to it, and the castle is iconic. Take a tour here through the grounds and gardens, and learn about the bats in the belfry, as well as the somewhat tragic story of the families involved with the castle leading up to when it became an Abbey.
4. Visit Clifden
  The churches of Clifden. Thank you @galwayviewfinder for this image #clifden #churhes #galway #wildatlanticway #landscape #ireland #clifdenartsfestival
A post shared by Clifden Arts Festival (@clifdenartsfest) on Apr 10, 2018 at 12:34pm PDT
The charming coastal town of Clifton is the largest town in the region, and some people often refer to it as the capital of Connemara. There are plenty of boutique shops as well as authentic pubs for food and live music. Find yourself a cozy pub and listen to some traditional music whilst joining in the craic!
5. Visit the Aran Islands
  @kiwi_exploring_the_world ・・・ ======> Panoramic image!! Please swipe to see Dún Aonghasa and Inismór. • #ireland #aranislands #dunaonghasa #inishmore #ireland_gram #inismor #galway #instaireland #dúnaonghasa #ig_ireland #visitireland #discoverireland #cliffs #loveireland #photography #inismór #insta_ireland #igersireland #atlanticocean #wanderireland #loves_ireland #wildatlanticway #landscape #explore #travelireland #irelandtravel #countygalway #cliff #huaweicreatives
A post shared by Aran Islands (@aranislands.ie) on Mar 24, 2018 at 1:19am PDT
Many people choose to visit the nearby Aran Islands on a day trip, but we would recommend visiting for a few days or longer. Despite the daytrippers there is a feeling of stepping back in the past when you land. The locals are relaxed yet welcoming, and happy to give you directions if you need some when exploring the island. As no cars can be taken over on the ferries, it is best to get around the island either by hiking or bicycling. The Aran islands are a great destination for anyone that enjoys the outdoors life, and some excellent accommodation can be found at Aran Islands Camping and Glamping. The unique glamping pods based on the old stone hut design, offer comfortable lodging in an outdoor setting all the year around.
6. Ride a Connemara Pony
  Chillin’ with Sparkle 🍀🐎🌊☀️💚
A post shared by Kristen Murray🎙🎶 (@treblemaker33) on Jul 26, 2017 at 3:06pm PDT
The hardy breed of pony known as the Connemara Pony has really adapted to the tough and varied terrain of the Connemara region. As beautiful to watch in the fields as they are to ride, pony riding sessions are available at a number of equestrian centers in Connemara, offering a unique way to explore the rugged landscape.
7. Enjoy time on the beach in the sun… No promises!
  🌊👌 #whitesandbeach #whitesand #beach #ireland #irishbeach #connemara #connemarabeach #bluesea #cloudysky #clouds #beautifulday #bluelagoonbeach #paradise #perfect
A post shared by Xavier-D (@xav_dlm) on Aug 20, 2014 at 1:53pm PDT
If you are lucky enough to be visiting Connemara on a nice warm sunny day, you should spend some time on one of the beaches! There are some very pretty sand beaches nestled between the rocky coastline if you know where to look. Ballyconneely’s Coral Strand, Dog’s Bay and Gurteen beaches are all great examples. Even if the weather isn’t ideally suited for soaking up the sun, they are still worth visiting, as they are certainly very photogenic.
8. Whilst you are at the seaside…
  No words needed…. #roundstone #odowds #odowdsbar #connemara #wildatlanticway #galway #galwayfood #locationlocationlocation #ireland
A post shared by O’Dowds of Roundstone (@odowdsseafood) on Mar 25, 2018 at 8:34am PDT
Ireland has some pretty seaside villages and Roundstone is amongst the prettiest. It has been the location of many different films due to its brightly painted pubs and incredible coastal views. There’s no better place in Ireland to enjoy a pint and some seafood such as mussels or seafood chowder, and you can also visit some craft shops, particularly inside the Franciscan Monastery.
9. High tea in a castle
  Thank you to Maria McCormick for sending in this wonderful photograph taken during her stay last week #Connemara #scenery #Ballynahinch #countygalway #ireland #ballynahinchcastle
A post shared by Ballynahinch Castle Hotel (@ballynahinchcastle) on Nov 12, 2017 at 7:21am PST
The fairytale Ballnyahinch Castle has been converted into a remarkable four-star hotel. You can either choose to stay the night, or simply pop in for high tea or a drink by the fireplace. Set in grounds of over 450 acres, you can stroll along the paths from the Lake and Owenmore River. The 12 Bens mentioned earlier can be viewed from here, with Ben Lettery being the most prominent.
10. Killary Fjord
  This view rocks. Like Ireland. You’re looking at the Killary Fjord famous for its shellfish and Killary Sheep Farm (somewhere on the left), where we were. . “Perfect Harmony” . “All things exist here In perfect harmony. People, things, elements — You don’t see this normally. You just stare at it, Your heart slowly skips a beat. Your mind has no other choice, But to admit defeat. There is such a beauty That one cannot comprehend, Not every day you find it Just around the bend.” (own) . “Tökéletes egység” . “Itt mindennek rendje van: Egy tökéletes egység. Ember, dolog s az elemek — Ilyet soha nem látsz, tessék! Ámulsz csak mélán, S a szíved is kihagy. Elmédnek nincs esélye, Azt sem tudod, ki vagy. Van ám olyan szépség, melyet meg nem érthetünk. De mindig ott, ahol az életterünk.” (saját) . . . . . . . #travelinspiration #inspiringplaces #instapoem #igpoets #perfectharmony #thisviewtho #natureart #panoramic #killaryfjord #countygalway #connemara #bestdestinations #loveireland #visitireland #irelandroadtrip #alwaysonthego #ontheroadagain #roadtrippers #travelholic #travelphotographer #landscape_lover #landscapephotography #cloudysky #topirelandphoto #ireland_gram #mountainsarecalling #sonyalpha6000
A post shared by Marton (@martonthespot) on Apr 19, 2018 at 12:42pm PDT
At 16 kilometers in length, and a depth of 45 metres in places, Killary fjord is in fact Ireland’s only fjord. It is best seen on a Fjord boat tour which reveals the dramatic landscape at its finest. The boat tour takes about 90 minutes, and is an enjoyable way to soak up the beauty of the surrounding Connemara countryside. Another option is to follow it via road, stopping off in the small towns and villages along the way.
More information
For more information on what to see and do in Connemara, as well as how to get to the Aran Islands, contact Aran Camping and Glamping. We will be happy to share our knowledge of the local area, and of course encourage you to visit Inis Mor, the largest and most beautiful of the magnificent Aran Islands!
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lornahillphotography · 6 years ago
A little bit of peace and solitude on the Owenmore River up in Ballynahinch. 💚 The @clifdenartsfest is happening at this very moment all over Clifden, Connemara. So much beautiful art, music, poetry and exhibiting taking place... since 1977! 💛 Do take some time to visit the exhibitions and see the beautiful array of visual arts happening all around the gorgeous town of Clifden! 💙 #peace #solitude #love #arts #ireland #connemara #visualarts #arts #lornahillphotography #irish #photographer #videographer #river #ballynahinch @lornahillphotography 🧡 (at Ballynahinch Castle Hotel) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bn3qBZkBD34/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1ay1jylhzkrmw
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renvylehousehotel · 7 years ago
To celebrate County Galway’s designation as a European Region of Gastronomy “The Bay Coast Wild Atlantic Way Food Festival” presented a week-long festival of gastronomy and culture on the Renvyle Peninsula and Killary Fjord in Connemara, Co. Galway organised by Mr. Ronnie Counihan, CEO of Renvyle House Hotel.  It ran from Monday10th to Sunday 15th April 2018.   “The experiences reflected our local natural resources, our culture and our people and included special Guests John and Sally McKenna and Aisling Rock, European Young Chef of the Year 2017”.
It was a great success and received great support from GMIT, Galway Bay FM and RTE’s Nationwide Programme.
The Festival Outline included:
Monday 9th April
A Cookery Demonstration featuring local fish and Connemara Lamb with executive chef, author and Eurotoques Commissioner, Tim O’Sullivan. Preparing and filleting of fish will be presented by fishmonger.
A guided walk with renowned archaeologist, Michael Gibbons, “Along the Wild Atlantic Way”.  Michael will tell us about the way of life of different past generations and eras – pointing out some interesting and significant landmarks along the way.
Tuesday 10th April
Travel to Letterfrack for an organised tour of the local Oyster Farm DK Connemara Oysters at Dawros Beg, Letterfrack with owner David Keane.
Head Chef Tim O’Sullivan and oyster farmer, John Ward from Dooncastle Oysters will demonstrate the opening and shucking of oysters. Eating Oysters: Cooked & raw with tastings.
Wednesday 11th April
A visit to Marty’s Mussel farm on Killary Fjord (Ireland’s only fjord) followed by a cruise on the fjord, with Killary Cruises on the “Connemara Lady”. Gastro lunch will be served during this spectacular sea journey – duration is approximately 1½ hours.
Wednesday 11th April
master with Brewery Tour and sampling at the The Bridewell Brewery, Clifden
A gastronomique matching of whiskey and food. Presented by Seamus Lowry, gourmand and whiskey tastings of some of Bushmills’ Premium Whiskeys.  Sponsored by Bushmills Distillery.
Thursday 12th April
Cookery Demonstration and talk With Tim O’Sullivan and Catherine Nee, local Mussel farmer. “10 Ways to cook Mussels”
Cookery Demonstration with Aisling Rock, “European Young Chef of the Year, 2017”.  Aisling is a Culinary Arts student at Galway’s International Hotel School and she will demonstrate her winning dish.
Cephalopod* Cookery – Presented by Sadie Davoren and Anne O’Leary, Culinary Art Lecturers at the Galway International Hotel School. *Cephalopods include squid, octopus, cuttlefish and nautilus.
  Friday 13th April
A day of gastronomy at Kylemore Abbey with food writers John & Sally McKenna and executive chef John O’Toole.  Celebrating foods of past and present as part of County Galway’s title of European Region of Gastronomy 2018. Learn all about our unique food heritage with jam making, chocolate tasting, garden tours, bee keeping, fish smoking, Connemara Lamb on a spit and lots more. We will also host some of County Galway’s best food producers with an open air food market featuring Goat’s cheese, honey, mussels, fresh fish, oysters and more.
A tour of the Victorian Walled Garden with Head Gardener, Anja Gohlke who will be accompanied by John & Sally McKenna.
  Saturday 14th April at Renvyle Beach, Shoreline and Renvyle House.
“A day with John & Sally McKenna” Foraging the Sea Shore with Sally McKenna.
“The Bronze Age Cook In” (an fulacht fia).  A full re-enactment of cooking during the Bronze Age on the grounds of Renvyle House.  Enjoy food tastings from the pre-historic era. If weather is inclement Michael will give a talk.
  Good news!  We’re planning on running a week long festival in 2019, dates will be announced soon.
The Bay Coast Wild Atlantic Way Food Festival – a Success! To celebrate County Galway’s designation as a European Region of Gastronomy “The Bay Coast Wild Atlantic Way Food Festival” presented a week-long festival of gastronomy and culture on the Renvyle Peninsula and Killary Fjord in Connemara, Co.
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esepress-com · 7 years ago
Una buena manera de recorrer los verdes y hermosos paisajes de Irlanda es alquilar un coche. Primero debes ver qué parte del país te gustaría recorrer y entonces seguro aparecen muchos lugares atractivos y hoy en día, además, muchas rutas turísticas que se ajustan a distintos intereses de los visitantes.
Así, Irlanda nos ofrece conocer penínsulas, surfear en sus playas, recorrer acantilados, zonas remotas con construcciones megalíticas, bahías y las bendiciones de su maravillosa costa atlántica. De eso se trata el Wild Atlantic Way.
Wild Atlantic Way
Es una ruta que recorre 2600 kilómetros así que es una de las rutas costeras más extensas del mundo. Recorre la costa oeste de Irlanda arrancando en la Península Inishowen en el norte hasta bajar a la ciudad de Kinsale, en el histórico condado de Cork, en el sur.
Se trata de un recorrido absolutamente especial para los amantes de la naturaleza y sus paisajes. Tierra y océano se conjugan a lo largo de todos estos kilómetros mostrando su diversidad (producto del encuentro constante entre el agua y la tierra, entre el viento y las playas), tallando acantilados, recortando bahías, erosionando playas, uniendo aldeas, monumentos antiguos y otras maravillas.
Puntualmente la Wild Atlantic Way comienza en la Península Inishowen, en el condado de Donegal, pasa por los condados de Leitrim, Sligo, Mayo, Galway, Clare, Limerick y Kerry hasta terminar en Cork. Puedes dividirla en 14 puntos o etapas a lo largo de esos 2600 kilómetros. Apunta estos sitios emblemáticos de cada una de ellas:
De Derry a Letterkenny: la Península Inishowen.
De Letterkenny a Bunbeg: Fanad Head.
De Bunbeg a la ciudad de Donegal: la Slieve League Coast.
de Donegal a BNallina: la Bahía Donegal y Sligo.
De Ballina a Belmullet: Erris.
De Belmullet a Westport: la Isla Achill y la Bahía de Clew.
De Westport a Clifden: el Puerto de Killary.
De Clifden a Galway: Connemara.
De Galway a Kilkee: El Burren y West Clare.
De Kelkee a Tralee: el estuario del Shannon.
De Tralee a Castlemaine: la Península Dingle.
De Castlemaine a Kenmare: El Anillo de Kerry.
De Kenmare a Durrus: Beara y Sheep’s Head.
De Durrus a Kinsale: West Cork.
Bahías, montañas, aldeas costeras, promontorios rocosos, acantilados vertiginosos, faros, islas, parques nacionales, playas, ballenas, delfines, festivales culturales y verdes bosques. Un poco de todo. A lo largo de esta ruta tendrás sitios la mar de pacíficos y otros, ruidosos, imponentes. Para sacarle mejor provecho la oficina de turismo de Irlanda te ofrece el Wild Atlantic Way Passport, un souvenir único para completar el recorrido.
  El pasaporte cuesta solo 10 euros y lo compras en ciertas oficinas de correo a lo largo de la ruta. Es un librito azul con el dibujo de Irlanda en la cubierta en el que vas pegando las estampillas que recibes al momento de la compra  y que corresponden a varios lugares o Discovery Points (como se llaman), a lo largo de la ruta. Vas sellando los lugares que visitas y lo ideal es completar los 188 sitios con 118 estampillas.
Cuando llegas a las primeras 20 te puedes comunicar con la Oficina de Turismo y se te entrega un regalo.  El pasaporte es la prueba de que has recorrido esta parte de Irlanda, de que has recorrido 2500 kilómetros costeros y has obtenido así el Wild Atlantic Way Certificate, bien oficial. Además, contiene información útil sobre la ruta y sus atractivos.
Cada uno de los pasaportes que se venden tiene un número específico y lo ideal es registrarlo en su sitio web porque al final puedes participar de un concurso para ganarse vacaciones de por vida en la Wild Atlantic Way.
Castillos a lo largo del Wild Atlantic Way
Hasta aquí hemos visto que la ruta costera se concentra más en la Naturaleza pero lo cierto es que verás también castillos. Hay muchos, pero siete son los más sobresalientes. Por ejemplo, en Donegal puedes incluso alojarte o pasar a comer por un castillo devenido en hotel, el Solis Lough Eske Hotel. Es un alojamiento de cinco estrellas que data del siglo XV y que alguna vez perteneció al clan O’Donnell, los padres de Donegal.
En Galway está a su vez el Castillo de Ballynahinch, también convertido en hotel. Descansa a orillas del río Owenmore, en tierras que alguna vez pertenecieron al clan O’Flaherty. En Clare, otro castillo hotel es el Castillo Gregan. Es un buen hotel para alojarse en el Burren, un paisaje de piedra caliza e inhóspito que supo inspirar a J.R.R Tolkien para escribir El Señor de los Anillos.
En Kerry está el Castillo Ballyseede, en Tralee. Es un sitio elegante, hotel de cuatro estrellas, antigua casa de los condes de Desmond y según dicen, ¡con fantasmas! Siguiendo, en Cork está el Castillo Desmond, abierto a los visitantes solamente con guía. Fue construido por un Conde de Desmond en el siglo XVI pero hoy es el Museo Internacional del Vino. El Castillo Dunguaire, en Galway, es una clásica casa-torre construida en 1520 por el clan O’ Hynes. Supo ser punto de encuentro de WB Yeats y lady Gregory, en pleno auge del revival celta.
Finalmente, en Leitrim está el Castillo Parke, justo a orillas del Lough Gill. Se trata de un castillo de la época de la Plantación (la época en la que los ingleses llevaron colonos ingleses y galeses a vivir a Irlanda, confiscando para eso tierras a familias irlandesas). De hecho, el dueño de estas tierras en particular fue llevado a Londres y ejecutado en 1591.
Alojamientos a lo largo de la Wild Atlantic Way
A lo largo de esta ruta podrás alojarte en cómodos y pintorescos Bed & Breakfast, alquilar casas particulares que se ofrecen a turistas u hoteles. En la propia página web de la ruta costera tienes una selección de estas tres opciones.
Recuerda que si no llevas tu coche a Irlanda siempre puedes alquilar uno o incluso una caravana, ara hacerlo más aventurero o pintoresco. La empresa West Coast Camper Van tiene una flota de caravanas y ofrece la posibilidad de recoger el vehículo en varios puntos a lo largo de la ruta costera. Con respecto a los coches tienes en Irlanda muchas compañías (Avis, Sixt, Europcar, etcétera).
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dolphinbeach-house · 4 months ago
Why Should You Consider Pre-Booking Rooms In The Best Hotels?
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Clifden is a beautiful town to spend time in any season. It, after all, is the capital of Connemara, one of Ireland's best and prettiest destinations. With such landscapes, history, and seaside attraction, there is no wonder why so many tourists visit this part of Ireland for an ultimate break.  If you're planning a trip to this enchanting part of Ireland, securing accommodation in advance should be high on your list. Pre-booking a stay in one of the best hotels in Clifden Connemara comes with numerous benefits that can elevate your entire travel experience. Here's why it’s a smart move.
1. Avoid Peak Season Unavailability
Clifden Connemara is a popular destination year-round, especially during the summer months when the town is bustling with tourists. Major events draw large crowds, leading to higher demand for accommodation. Pre-booking a room in one of the top hotels in Clifden Connemara like the Dolphin Beach House guarantees you’ll have a place to stay during these busy times, allowing you to enjoy the town without the stress of last-minute searching.
2. Reserve the Finest Rooms with Views
Many of the best hotels in Clifden Connemara offer rooms with spectacular views of the Atlantic Ocean, Twelve Bens mountain range, or the scenic countryside. Pre-booking your room ensures that you get access to these coveted rooms, enhancing your stay with picturesque views from the comfort of your hotel. Whether you're traveling for a romantic getaway or a relaxing solo retreat, the right room with the best view can make all the difference.
3. Securing Better Rates
Accommodation prices fluctuate based on demand, especially in popular tourist areas like Clifden Connemara. By pre-booking your room, you often have the advantage of locking in lower rates compared to booking last minute when prices tend to surge. Many hotels also offer early booking discounts, making pre-booking an even more economical choice. With the saved money, you can explore more activities or indulge in local cuisine and experiences.
4. Peace of Mind
Traveling is all about enjoying new experiences and relaxing, but without a pre-booked room, you may find yourself anxious about finding quality accommodation upon arrival. Pre-booking a stay in one of the finest hotels in Clifden Connemara eliminates this worry. You can rest easy knowing that everything is arranged and focus entirely on the journey and adventures ahead.
5. Tailor Your Stay
And at the end, pre-booking ensures that it is possible to tailor your experience precisely according to your preferences. Be it special accommodations, special diet requirements or whether you want some particular setting of a room, you would always find the team members of the management providing enough time for all those needs while booking ahead. The best hotels in Clifden pride themselves with personalized service, ensuring their guests get what they want through pre-booking.
Pre-booking a room in one of the best hotels in Clifden Connemara will be the smart thing to do for anyone looking forward to enjoying the charm and beauty of this stunning region without stress. Actually, from ensuring that there is a room available and confirming a better rate for you to accessing premium rooms as well as enjoying special perks, most of these are the numerous benefits of pre-booking that will improve your stay. So, if Clifden Connemara is on your travel list, take the time to plan ahead and book your accommodation at Dolphin Beach House early. You’ll be rewarded with an unforgettable experience.
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klmo-photos · 7 years ago
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* O F F • T H E • R O A D * * Ziemlich oft lohnt sich in Irland ein kleiner Abstecher weg von den Hauptstraßen... die meisten Touristen werden solche Anblicke niemals sehen, wenn sie mit 80 Sachen an den kleinen Stichstraßen vorbeidonnern, oder nur einmal kurz am Straßenrand anhalten um aus dem Fenster mit dem iPad zu fotografieren... Diesen kleinen Spot findet man auf dem Weg von der N59 zwischen Galway und Clifden nach Roundstone, wenn man nach dem Ballinahinch Castle Hotel kurz anhält und die Stichstraße 100m reinläuft... rechter Hand erschließt sich dieser zauberhafte Ausblick, der direkt auf eine Postkarte gedruckt werden könnte... das Bild ist nahezu out of cam, nur Bildausschnitt korrigiert und etwas nachgeschärft... * * Nikon D800, Nikkor 14-24mm 2,8 ED, NDG 0,6 * * #art #ireland #irland #eire #tourismireland #connemara #connemaranationalpark #galway #landscape #landscapephotography #landschaft #landschaftsfotografie #scenery #romantic #cloudporn #worldporn #amazing #stunning #gravel #reise #travelphotography #reisefotografie #nikond800 #nikkor1424 #leefilters #holiday #urlaub #secretspot (hier: Ballinahinch Castle)
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mcclenneyireland · 7 years ago
Kylemore Abbey & Letter Hill & Sky Road & Massage
Busy day on final full day in Connemara... We all headed to Kylemore Abbey to see the gardens and the actual Abbey...what a great garden setup...very informative and beautiful... A few of us decided to break off early and do a climb...Ben & Jack were not on the Diamond Hill climb...so I decided to take them up there...when we got there the rain started coming down fairly hard...so we jumped back in the car and decided to head back up to the pub from the previous night to practice our pool skills...and hopefully run into the 7 yr old and teach her a lesson...well...she wasn't there...but we ran into the owner of the pub and were talking to him about wanting to make a climb...he convinced us to climb Letter Hill...which was one of the climbs we had discussed because it didn't have a defined path...you basically have to find your way up there...but he told us it had the best views on peninsula... We headed out there...jumped fence...and proceeded to get our shoes soaking wet...we all have a much greater appreciation for bogs now...but we made the climb...and he was right...what a great 360 view of the surrounding area...after we came back down...we decided to head back to the pub to have some lunch...and the pub owner showed us some pictures he took from the outside of the pub of us reaching the summit...such nice people... While this was going on...Kay / Aline / Todd headed to Clifden for a spa day...Byron was designated driver...and Mark took the Sky Road Loop walk and saw the scenery that the bikers saw the previous day... Plans were scrapped to drive back to Clifden for dinner...so we had the last family dinner at the hotel...followed by an elimination Skip Bo tournament...I should remember who won...but since it wasn't me...and I am the author...I will take the liberty not to remember... We all needed to get to bed early because we were back to an early breakfast meeting...7:45a in Room 6a...Byron got breakfast pastries so we could all say goodbye...there were headed to Shannon for noon flight to London the next day...so we all needed to be awake and ready...
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nachtische · 8 years ago
Clifden would be the main town in the Connemara region of Ireland. It has some of the best restaurants - great hotels and is an excellent base point to explore the wonders in the countryside around it. Some of the best locations around Ireland / Northern Ireland and further afield. A travel blog/vlog of the hidden treasures that are on our doorstep. Clifden Co. Galway - Connemara.The Capital of Connemara - on the Owenglin River -Drone-Ireland https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jrNh2d768tM https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8HYClRmtKDo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LtU0Kp8CrFk https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kfnHiuGHEnE https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ef8B99c2W2k https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SaCImxQre0g https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rgOXJocSLSg https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jr2xy7xEC3E https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1uVpkf4EYIM https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qdTqJPL-i5Y https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=izfYckbUiKE https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KYjxG2zZEu0 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bmHKEb2npe4
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dolphinbeach-house · 3 months ago
Why Stay In An Airbnb Clifden? 5 Reasons To Book Your Stay Here
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Clifden is one of Ireland's hidden gems along the lovely coast of Connemara, offering breathtaking landscapes, strong local culture, and memorable experiences. With so many travelers who are interested in authentic Irish adventures, selecting the right accommodation will make all the difference for an unforgettable trip. There's a big difference, after all, between deciding on an Airbnb Clifden versus a traditional hotel: Staying in an Airbnb offers unique, homey atmosphere. And here are five reasons why choosing an Accommodation Clifden, such as the Dolphin Beach's House or Lodge is an excellent decision.
1. A Home Away from Home Feel
Choosing an Airbnb Clifden will bring you closer to having that home away from home experience. Whereas the normal hotel rooms may feel impersonal, an Airbnb is welcoming. You get to feel the private residence instead of just a place to sleep. Our Beach House, for instance, is a spacious property that accommodates up to 12 guests, ideal for family gatherings or trips with friends. The house has cozy common areas, including a beautiful living room with a fireplace, providing an inviting ambiance for relaxation after a day of exploring Clifden’s attractions.
Similarly, our Lodge offers a more intimate setting with luxurious rooms that allow guests to unwind in style. Each room in these properties has been thoughtfully designed to blend modern comfort with local charm, featuring plush furniture, and stylish decor that truly feels like home.
2. Enjoy Personalized Services and Amenities
Airbnbs in Clifden often emphasize personalized service, catering to individual preferences that make each guest feel valued. Our Beach Lodge and House hosts are recognized for the warm hospitality offered to all our guests. Our host offers insider tips on what to visit, eat, and explore if you need some knowledge of the locals to set your travels apart from a traditional hotels' services.
Our properties are well-equipped with a barbeque area, microwave, and a dishwasher. So guests can cook as well as dine at will. This could be extremely useful for travelers with a particular diet, or perhaps for families where flexibility for meals is sometimes required. Most travelers would prefer that the Airbnb had a self-catering aspect where they have control over their schedules and feel like it's truly a personal get-away. Plus, accommodation Clifden with added amenities like laundry and private parking facilities gives a good feel of what you will need for flexible stay times.
3. Stunning Locations with Easy Access to Nature
Airbnb Clifden, particularly our beach house and lodge, offer much more than just a place to rest. They perfectly place you in a breath-taking view as well as provide easy access to natural beauty in Clifden. Situated along the famous Sky Road, it enjoys a spectacular position overlooking the Atlantic Ocean amidst highly dramatic landscapes and coastlines. Its position helps guests engage in countless outdoor pursuits such as hiking, kayaking, and touring along the Wild Atlantic Way.
Our beach lodge, on the other hand, is set on a private stretch of beach, allowing guests the luxury of stepping right onto the sand without having to travel. The rooms also offer spectacular views making every sunrise and sunset a memorable event. Staying at an Airbnb Clifden brings one close to nature, offering a bed and a front-row seat to Ireland's coastline. The properties are designed for serenity, perfect for those who want to be away from the world and take some quiet time in Clifden.
4. Perfect for Group Stays and Family Gatherings
One of the distinct advantages of booking an Airbnb Clifden is the space and versatility it offers, especially when compared to the limitations of traditional hotels. Our beach house, with its spacious layout, can accommodate up to 12 guests, making it ideal for family reunions, group trips, or even small retreats. Its open-plan kitchen and dining area are perfect for communal gatherings, while the multiple bedrooms and bathrooms ensure privacy for everyone.
Our beach lodge, while smaller, is equally suited for families or couples looking for a more private retreat. With its beachfront location, guests can enjoy quality time together in a beautiful, private setting. The flexibility of these Airbnbs allows guests to create their own schedules, from late check-ins to extended breakfasts, without feeling constrained by hotel timings. This can be particularly advantageous for larger groups or families who may have varied routines and preferences.
5. Authentic Local Experience with Hosts' Expertise
Staying at an Accommodation Clifden offers guests a chance to live like a local, with hosts who are passionate about sharing their love for Clifden and Connemara. Our beach house and lodge provide guests with unique insights into the area, offering recommendations that go beyond tourist hotspots. From hidden walking trails and the best local eateries to cultural festivals and music sessions, the hosts’ knowledge of the region ensures a more authentic travel experience.
The charm of Clifden is its mix of scenic beauty and vibrant local culture, which is best experienced through personal recommendations from knowledgeable hosts. By choosing an Airbnb Clifden, guests not only support local hosts but also gain access to a personalized itinerary that highlights the best of what the area has to offer. This level of local expertise can significantly enhance the quality of your stay and create lasting memories.
When looking for Accommodation Clifden, opting for an Airbnb provides a unique and immersive experience that hotels often lack. From the home-away-from-home ambiance to personalized services, these stays offer a distinct blend of comfort and authenticity. Properties like our beach house and lodge encapsulate the charm of Clifden’s landscape while providing modern amenities tailored to the needs of travelers.
Choosing an Accommodation Clifden over a hotel grants travelers flexibility, privacy, and the chance to make their stay as relaxed or adventurous as they wish. With the added benefit of stunning locations and hosts who share their local knowledge, staying at an Airbnb like Dolphin Beach is more than just accommodation—it’s an opportunity to dive into the spirit of Ireland’s west coast. So, whether you’re planning a family vacation, a romantic getaway, or an adventure with friends, booking an Airbnb Clifden could be the start of an unforgettable journey along Ireland’s enchanting shores.
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