#Hotel Management Consultants
ssahospitality · 2 months
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siarahotels · 1 year
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fazalkhan2914 · 1 month
Aracome | Industrial Building Consultants Abu Dhabi Aracome is basically known as the best Engineering Consulting Company Dubai. We have completed projects like multi-story residential towers and villas, commercial buildings, hospitality projects, and industrial developments. Contact us for construction needs. https://www.aracome.com/services/industrial-building-consultant
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nilehospitalityco · 1 month
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Radisson Hotel Group has announced the signing of a strategic partnership with NILE Hospitality for growing its mid-scale brand Park Inn & Suites by Radisson in Rajasthan and Gujarat. This move comes as part of the Group’s robust expansion strategy, driven by the growing demand for quality hospitality experiences in tier 2 to tier 5 cities of India.
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beaconskyhospitality1 · 3 months
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Are you ready to elevate your hospitality business to new heights? Look no further than Beaconskyhospitality.com, your trusted partner for all your advisory needs in Thailand. Our team of industry experts is equipped with unparalleled knowledge and experience to help you navigate the complex world of hospitality. Whether you need assistance with strategic planning, revenue management, or enhancing guest experiences, we've got you covered. With BeaconSkyHospitality.com by your side, success is just a click away. Don't wait, unlock the full potential of your business today!
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careeratnileblogs · 5 months
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Success of a hotel depends on efficient operations. Nile Hospitality ensures smooth management, prioritizing guest safety, satisfaction, and regulatory compliance. Contact us for complete hotel management services.
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yarivconsulting · 6 months
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keybuzzdigital · 8 months
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hsdigitalmedia · 8 months
Elevating Excellence: Luxury Hospitality Consulting
In the world of hospitality, excellence is not just an option; it's the standard. Whether you're running a high-end hotel, a gourmet restaurant, or an exclusive resort, the experience you provide must be nothing short of exceptional. That's where luxury hospitality consulting comes into play.
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Unleashing the Potential of Luxury Hospitality
Imagine having a team of seasoned experts by your side, guiding you on a journey to redefine the hospitality experience. That's precisely what luxury hospitality consulting offers. Let's explore how this specialized service can elevate your establishment to new heights of opulence and guest satisfaction.
1. Tailored Strategies for Success
Luxury hospitality consultants understand that one-size-fits-all solutions won't cut it in the world of exclusivity. They'll work closely with you to craft strategies that align with your brand's unique identity and aspirations. From exquisite menu design to personalized guest experiences, every detail is meticulously planned to create an unforgettable atmosphere.
2. Attention to Detail
The devil is in the details, they say, and luxury hospitality is no exception. From impeccable room design to the smallest nuances in service, consultants leave no stone unturned. You'll learn the art of anticipation, ensuring every guest's needs are met, often before they're even voiced.
3. Service Excellence
At the core of luxury hospitality is service excellence. Consultants will train your staff to provide a level of service that goes beyond the ordinary. It's about creating moments that linger in your guests' memories, fostering loyalty and return visits.
4. Innovation and Technology
Staying at the forefront of hospitality trends and technology is essential. Luxury hospitality consultants are well-versed in the latest innovations, ensuring your establishment is not just up to par but ahead of the curve.
5. Brand Building
Your brand is your promise to your guests. Consultants will help you build and reinforce this promise, ensuring it shines through every aspect of your establishment. From your online presence to your in-person interactions, consistency is key.
6. Sustainable Luxury
Sustainability and luxury can go hand in hand. Consultants can guide you in implementing eco-friendly practices that resonate with modern, conscientious travelers while maintaining the essence of luxury.
Luxury hospitality consulting is the secret ingredient to making your establishment a destination of distinction. It's a journey toward perfection, where each guest feels like royalty, every detail is exquisite, and your brand stands as a beacon of excellence.
Are you ready to embark on this journey to elevate your hospitality experience to new levels of luxury? Contact Hotel Solutions today, and let's craft an experience that guests will treasure forever.
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ssahospitality · 3 months
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siarahotels · 1 year
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fazalkhan2914 · 3 months
Industrial Engineering Consultants UAE:- Araco is a top-tier consultancy firm in the UAE that specializes in project management, and the design industry. Our portfolio is full of successful developments like multi-story residential towers and villas, commercial buildings, hospitality projects, architectural firms, etc. Contact us for your project development. https://www.aracome.com/industrial-engineering-consultant.aspx
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nilehospitalityco · 1 month
Differences Between Hotel Franchising and Hiring a Hotel Management Company.
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The hospitality industry offers various operational models for hotel owners, each with its unique benefits and challenges. Two popular options are hotel franchising and hiring a hotel management company. Understanding the differences between these models is crucial for making an informed decision that aligns with your hotel's goals. This guide will explore the fine distinction between both approaches, their advantages and disadvantages, and provide insights to help you choose the best model for your property.
1) Types of Hotel Management Models
In the hotel industry, management models can be broadly classified into two categories: franchising and management agreements. Each model represents a unique approach to hotel operation and management, impacting everything from daily operations to brand identity and financial returns.
2) Understanding Hotel Franchise Operators
A hotel franchise involves a contractual agreement between the hotel owner (franchisee) and a well-established hotel brand (franchisor). This arrangement allows the franchisee to operate under the franchisor’s brand name, leveraging its reputation, marketing strategies, and operational systems.
  Key Features of Hotel Franchising:
Brand Recognition: Franchisees benefit from the established brand identity and loyalty of the franchisor.
Operational Guidelines: The franchisor provides a comprehensive set of operational standards and procedures.
Support Services: Franchisors often offer training, marketing support, and access to their reservation systems.
Fees: Franchisees typically pay an initial franchise fee and ongoing royalties based on revenue.
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4) Insights on Hotel Management Agreements
A hotel management agreement involves the hotel owner hiring a third-party management company to handle day-to-day operations. The owner retains ownership while the management company brings expertise and industry knowledge to optimize the hotel's performance.
    Key Features of Hotel Management Agreements:
Operational Control: The management company takes full responsibility for running the hotel, from staffing to financial management.
Flexibility: Owners can tailor the agreement to fit their specific needs and preferences.
Fees: Management companies usually charge a base fee plus an incentive fee based on the hotel's performance.
Expertise: Access to seasoned professionals with extensive experience in hotel management.
5) Pros and Cons of Each Model
i) Hotel Franchising:
Brand Power: Immediate recognition and trust associated with a well-known brand.
Proven Systems: Access to established operational procedures and marketing strategies.
Training and Support: Continuous support from the franchisor in various operational aspects.
Fees and Royalties: Ongoing financial commitments that can be substantial.
Operational Restrictions: Limited flexibility due to strict brand standards and guidelines.
Initial Costs: Significant initial investment is required for branding and compliance with franchisor standards.
ii) Hotel Management Agreements:
Operational Expertise: Professional management enhances operational efficiency and profitability.
Flexibility: Customizable agreements tailored to the owner’s specific needs.
Focus on Core Business: Owners can focus on strategic decisions while the management company handles daily operations.
Control: Owners may feel a loss of direct control over day-to-day operations.
Cost: Management fees can add up, especially if incentive fees are high.
Dependence: Reliance on the management company’s expertise and performance.
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6) Choosing: Franchise vs. Management Agreement
The choice between a franchise and a management agreement depends on several factors, including the owner’s goals, experience, and resources. Here are some considerations to help you decide:
Brand Importance: If brand recognition and loyalty are critical to your market, franchising might be the better option.
Operational Control: If you prefer to retain more control over daily operations, a management company offers greater flexibility.
Financial Considerations: Analyze the cost structures of both models, including initial investments, ongoing fees, and potential returns.
Expertise Needs: Assess your expertise and whether you need the operational support that a management company provides.
7) Next Steps for Your Hotel
Making the right choice between franchising and hiring a hotel management company requires careful consideration of your hotel’s unique needs and goals. Evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of each model, and consider conducting a thorough market analysis to understand what will work best for your property.
For hotels seeking expert guidance in navigating these options, partnering with a reputable hotel management company like NILE Hospitality can provide the comprehensive support needed to thrive. NILE Hospitality offers complete hotel management services, including digital marketing, branding, finance, accounting, technical services, and revenue management. Their expertise ensures that your hotel not only operates efficiently but also stands out in a competitive market.
Choosing the right operational model is a critical step toward achieving long-term success in the hospitality industry. Whether you opt for franchising or a management agreement, ensure that your decision aligns with your strategic vision and business goals.
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beaconskyhospitality1 · 3 months
Restructuring Hospitality: A New Reality
6 steps to adapt to the new reality in Hospitality.
As we now are seeing the light at the end of the Covid 19 tunnel it’s time to refocus. Even if you or your family are fortunate enough not to have been affected, we certainly must adjust our thinking regularly. This applies at a personnel level and as importantly at a business level.
This article has the purpose to list the necessary steps that each owner of a hospitality asset, be it hotels or resorts should consider to undertake.
It serves as a hands-on checklist and helpful tool for owners to use. The way we have been managing our assets prior to the crisis, is for most properties and owners no longer a viable way moving forward.
NEED FOR CHANGE……. The world is forever changing; however, this pandemic has hastened the need to accept change and adapt much quicker particularly in the business of hospitality. We are to accept that we need to modify how we operate our businesses, and take a fresh look at what exactly do we need to do in order to remain profitable.
Almost all hotel and resorts will be simply forced due to lower revenue streams and slow recovery, to change the business model and the way we have been doing business.
So here is a guideline of where to start and which actions to consider…………
In our view with the current crisis the main areas of the business where we see a need for change are: A. Human resources B. Operations C. Finance D. Marketing
So, lets briefly tackle them and break them down in steps for action:
One of the highest costs in hospitality is clearly payroll and we can and should approach to manage this expense differently and in a new fashion.
In the new reality a solution in payroll is to “outsource” some main management functions and overhead departments to third parties and outside experts.
This with the clear objective to overall reduce the cost of managing and execute these responsibilities in a professional manner. Here are some real outsource solutions for you to consider directly: - Interim Management - outsource your main executive management with Interim Management. Instead of having a permanent full time Manager(s), hire an Interim Manager and have at the same the operation supervised by an outside asset management company. This will give you the benefit of getting more expertise, more out of the box thinking in management, introducing new practices and clearly saving a lot of executive payroll.
- Sales – focus on direct sales Instead of having a full team of sales managers, you should consider to outsource these functions of direct sales to a sales company that has good contacts in contracting and distribution channels. Allow specialists and experienced sales persons to execute direct sales on your behalf. We have seen this successfully being done at a much lower staff cost and with more efficiency and a higher sales productivity.
- Marketing, including marketing communications & Social Media management.
This important responsibility can and should be outsourced to a specialized marketing company and for them to manage the content and communications methodology. Clearly this can be done on part time basis instead with a full-time team in house. The advantage is that a more focused and more experienced team is fulfilling these responsibilities at a lower monthly cost.
- Accounting & Finance It has for long been very interesting phenomena that the accounting and finance teams in Asia are so much larger than in EU or USA. On an average they can easily be double in Asia. Regardless outsourcing the main accounting responsibilities to an outside accounting firm can make a lot of sense and be quite efficient and economical. Areas to outsource would include accts payable, accts receivables, payroll admin, P&L reporting. Areas like General cashiering, purchasing may be kept inhouse. It is important to note that this does not imply loss of control as long as objectives and reporting methods are clear and disciplined. We are to change how we use of our resources and shift to make use of outsourcing and use specialists who are compensated by their achievements, measured by the deliverables.
This is to be combined with pro-active senior management whereby all heads of departments are to hold an extra key responsibility other than their more general role. They are to take on sales approach, drive revenue and all be out “knocking on client’s doors” – thus becoming an active hands manager. We are to look at our teams and review the deliverables and set more clear objectives of what we expect from your management team and indeed also evaluate our team in this regard.
Operations clearly have to change and of course the first and foremost required area of change is in HYGIENE & SAFETY “Clean Management” is to be a new discipline in our operations ! Hygiene practices are already being modified and more emphasis on training and understanding of the importance of hygiene is required, from the moment a guest arrives at check-in till they depart, while visiting and using, guest rooms, public areas, outlets, recreational facilities.
Clean Management is and will be a new standard in hospitality and this means executing an extensive checklist including: screening of guests, disinfecting public areas and guest rooms, personal protective gear for staff members, reduction of guest & staff contacts both personal and through tools, equipment & amenities. Options are using Ultra violet air & light sterilizers and anti-microbial coating on public surfaces.
This extensive checklist is available.
The focus on Food & Beverage has changed, as guests now expect more healthy menu options. It once was an option, but now it has become a mandatory inclusion. The manner in which F & B is served and the now infamous breakfast buffet is a format of the past and replaced with controlled “pods” being preferred and expected. In-room food & beverage is also to change. Minibars should have been made extinct a long time ago and replaced with a grab and go counter in the lobby. Room service will be more important and will grow but with a limited and more compact menu to be offered while reducing staff interventions with guests.
In operations we now can and we are to utilize more technology. Today we are in a much more sophisticated business environment and the technology is working in our favour. This we should embrace and we are to keep abreast of these changes in the most affordable way possible, by seeking regular technical upgrade guidance. Clear examples forcing faster change are key-less registration, self-check-in and check-out kiosks, plus screening and disinfectant tunnels, UV air and light sterilizer cleaning methods.
Guest expectations in the tourism world are changing as we speak. The deeper and longer the crisis will last, the more the consumer will be changing their expectations. Tourism is most certainly not going to be the same as before and we will be faced with a transformation in tourism in general. The consumer is already adapting and they are acknowledging that we no longer have to travel all around the world. Guests will opt for more domestic or short haul travel opposed to have to travel to other side of the world to an idyllic island. Consumer will opt to take a holiday in a RV and explore the nature in or around his own country or neighboring country without having to fly. Guests will want to spend “to do good” and request to engage in more responsible tourism.
The expectations will change, as the COVID crisis has a combined impact on topics like climate change, circle economy and sustainability. All this implies that the guest now more and more will request more sustainable solutions in hotels & resorts, more organic food, more vegetarian options, experience more waste reduction, witness more plastic free operations. The consumer will want to explore more local experiences and enjoy local sourced produce and supplies.
As mentioned, expectations will also include the post Covid hygiene and distances practices while maintaining a people interaction element but with a more practical approach. We can preserve the environment whereby human contact is evident but introduce reduced direct contact.
Resorts where space allows can offer a greater feel good factor, touching nature through exploratory walks, creating flora and fauna interaction, have herbal gardens, select locavore styled suppliers with local primary producers delivering a farm to table product with less chemical interference. The cultural experiences are to include not only the culinary aspects but also the medical and the spiritual will be sought. We are to differentiate with sub regional cultures and cuisines, specialise and create holistic experiences.
Another important aspect of the changing guest expectations is answering to the request for Wellness facilities and services. The term Wellness is all encompassing versus the feel-good Spa concept. We are to add in the Health component and then see where these two terms can be introduced as part of the daily operations. It will soon be expected by all guests, explore it and then introduce it throughout your business to include both staff and guests.
In the first phase of a new marketing the emphasis is clearly going to be: “Going Domestic”.
In all countries and regions domestic tourism is going to the key to most instant recovery. Most attention is to given to individual travel and stimulating and selling individual tourism.
Group travel and meeting business is still long and far away and should be targeted merely in a second phase.
Secondly it will be important after opening up again, that revenue management is given highest priority. Correct pricing is going to crucial, while closely monitoring supply and demand patterns. Those with a revised and strong strategy will be able to pick up business the fastest.
Thirdly the importance of distribution channels is ever so increasing and one needs to engage heavily with the main players. At the same time there is an opportunity to engage more local distribution channels, with offering local and domestic packages, pre-sale offers and communicate such through local media. Social media will only have increased power, as the traditional wholesalers will in first phase not be your feeder markets You are to create more local packages both for local leisure and for local small business get-together.
Finally a new given is that one will have to strengthen to communicate to all potential customers in a different way and giving the consumers the comfort and trust that the destination and facilities are truly safe and trustworthy.
Communicating and instilling confidence will be a new thing and of great importance. This delivery of confidence and safety will distinct the winners for the losers.
One of the most important factors going forward is that owning company will have to take a much closer look at their asset management: how to they manage their investment and cash flows. In order to continue a healthy business model, you as owning companies will have to closely monitor the cash flow in mid and long term. Measures you can take and are to consider include restructure the finances, with newly negotiated loan agreements with new interest and principal schedules. Negotiate with the banks and lenders revised grace periods and deferred payment schedules.
Secondly is to review and negotiate management terms, (in the case that you have an operator) including deferred payment schedules, softening of cluster fees or change of such.
Thirdly is to review the reserves for capital expenditures and if these clauses can be deferred or altered.
Fourth is to review local tax relief measures, including reduced withholding tax, deferred or lowered corporate taxes imposed by government and revised land/ estate taxes.
In summary the Covid 19 crisis can be seen as a positive game changer and we should take advantage of such opportunity. It has given us time to reflect on ourselves our families and more importantly on others. Now it the time to embrace the opportunity for change and to become leaner and more efficient. Hands on change in management is the answer. You are to seek and challenge change, consolidate your particular concepts and specialise by using the best resources available. You are not to be intimidated by change: review, restructure and restore your business.
Bangkok, July 1, 2020 By Mark van Ogtrop Beacon Sky Hospitality
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atzassets · 9 months
Unlocking Culinary Success: Maximum Salary of a Chef in India
When it comes to pursuing a career in the culinary world, many aspiring chefs wonder about the earning potential in India. "What is the salary of a chef in India?" or "Chef salary in India" are common questions. In this article, we'll delve into the culinary landscape and explore the maximum salary a chef can expect to earn in India, all while keeping the figures in Indian Rupees (INR) in focus.
Understanding the Culinary Industry in India
Before we dive into the numbers, it's crucial to understand the diverse culinary industry in India. From bustling street food stalls to high-end restaurants, the spectrum is vast. Consequently, the salary of a chef can vary significantly based on factors such as experience, location, specialization, and establishment type.
Average Chef Salaries in India
On average, a chef in India can earn anywhere between INR 2.5 lakh to INR 10 lakh per annum. However, these figures represent a broad range, and the actual salary can be both higher and lower depending on various factors.
Factors Influencing Chef Salaries
Experience: The most significant factor influencing a chef's salary is their experience. Entry-level chefs typically earn less, while those with several years of experience can command significantly higher salaries.
Location: The city or region in which a chef works plays a crucial role in determining their salary. Metro cities like Delhi, Mumbai, and Bangalore often offer higher salaries due to the higher cost of living and increased demand for skilled chefs.
Specialization: Chefs who specialize in specific cuisines or techniques may earn more due to their unique skills and expertise. For example, chefs trained in international cuisines or pastry arts may command higher salaries.
Type of Establishment: The type of culinary establishment matters. Luxury hotels, fine-dining restaurants, and five-star resorts generally pay higher salaries compared to smaller restaurants or cafes.
Maximum Salary of a Chef in India
Now, let's explore the upper echelon of chef salaries in India. The maximum salary a chef can expect in India can range from INR 20 lakh to INR 30 lakh or even higher. However, these figures are usually reserved for executive chefs, head chefs, or culinary directors in renowned establishments.
These top-tier chefs are not only responsible for creating exquisite menus but also for managing entire kitchens and culinary teams. Their extensive experience, leadership skills, and the reputation of the establishment they work for contribute to their high earning potential.
In Conclusion
While the salary of a chef in India can vary widely, depending on multiple factors, it's essential to note that the culinary industry offers ample opportunities for growth and success. With dedication, passion, and continuous skill development, chefs can climb the ladder to higher earning brackets.
Whether you're just starting your culinary journey or looking to advance your career, keep in mind that the culinary world in India is dynamic and full of possibilities. The key is to stay committed to your craft, gain valuable experience, and explore opportunities that align with your culinary aspirations.
So, to answer the questions "What is the salary of a chef in India?" or "Chef salary in India," it's clear that the culinary world offers a wide range of earning potentials, with the maximum salary reaching impressive figures for those who reach the pinnacle of their profession.
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