#Hospital for Paralysis in Gurgaon
shricharakveda-blog · 8 months
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manipalhospital1 · 1 year
Spinal Deformities You Should Know About And Their Treatment
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Any abnormal bending of the spine is termed scoliosis. Our spine plays essential functions in the body: it supports the body weight, offers flexibility to move and protects the spinal cord and nerve roots. The spine contains 100 joints, 120 muscles, and 220 ligaments, and the spinal cord protected by the spine is part of the central nervous system. The long and short of it is that it is a complex body part and any damage, deformity or disease can cause immobility, paralysis and many serious consequences. 
This article features detailed documentation of types of spine deformities and their treatment. Continue reading to gather accurate medical information on various aspects related to spine deformities.
Consult our spine care Hospital in Gurgaon for treatment, if you have spine deformities discussed below. 
Types of Spinal Deformities 
Scoliosis is categorised into three groups depending on the age group it affects:
Any abnormal curve in the spine is termed scoliosis. It is a deformity that occurs in the side-to-side curvature. It can occur in people of any age group from infants to adults. The symptoms can vary depending on the severity and could be the following: breathing difficulty, sitting or standing imbalance, a rib hump, back pain, sciatica, or numbness in the legs. Scoliosis can be further divided into 3 sub-categories:
Infantile Scoliosis
This type of spine deformity is often associated with congenital defects or neurodegenerative disorders and occurs in children less than 3 years. 
Juvenile Scoliosis
Deformities in children between 3 to 10 years fall into this category. Surgery is not usually performed and bracing is recommended in this age group.  
Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis
This is a commonly reported type of scoliosis among the 10 to 17 years of age group. There are no known causes and also the symptoms vary depending upon the severity. The pain occurs mainly in the thoracic spine, below the neck or the lower back.  
Adult Degenerative Scoliosis
This type occurs when an adult is suffering from degenerative arthritis. This worsens with age and causes severe pain. 
When the spine bends forward and is unable to carry the body weight effectively is known as Kyphosis. Weak bones are a common cause of this deformity in older people. If this is diagnosed in infants or children then the main cause of this deformity could be malformation of the spine. Poor posture, injury, or fracture due to osteoporosis, or arthritis can also cause kyphosis. 
In this deformity, the lower back of the spine has a deep curve that pushes out the abdomen. The causes could be genetics, bad posture, injury or illness. 
Treatment Options for Spinal Deformities 
Thorough evaluation of the medical reports that involve the risks in the surgery, curvature, severity, patient’s age and lifestyle, etc determines the best course of treatment. The following are the common treatments offered for spinal deformities:
This is done in very young patients with the objective to encourage the straight growth of the spine. When the patient is a young adult it might not be recommended as it will only offer some relief and not correct the deformity. 
Physical Therapy
Physiotherapy can offer relief in mild cases of deformity. It can improve flexibility and strength and may also correct certain motions, and postures. You may be advised to perform certain exercises regularly to manage the condition and prevent it from worsening. 
Surgical Correction
The last resort to restore functions and mobility is surgical correction. There are two types of surgeries that are performed in cases of spinal deformity: 
Posterior Fusion
Medical-grade metal rods are inserted in the vertebra to keep the spine straight and in place. This helps in keeping the spine in its normal orientation, offers relief from pain and restores mobility.  Anterior spinal fusions: This is another corrective procedure done through the abdomen as assessing the spine from the front causes less damage to the surrounding spine muscles. This procedure is done in highly severe cases.     
Pain Management Injections
Injections can offer temporary relief from mild nerve compression or joint arthritis. The frequency of injections and the dosage depends on the type of symptoms and severity. 
Consult our spine doctors in Gurgaon if you require treatment and care for spinal deformities. 
Spinal surgeries may involve certain risks, which increase in cases of comorbidities, hence the decision to go for spine surgery is taken after thorough analysis of the medical reports. At Manipal Hospitals, we have the best spine surgeons in Gurugram who have successfully performed multiple spine surgeries in the past. Connect with our spine surgeons and experienced orthopaedic doctors in Gurgaon to know whether spine surgery is for you or not. We have a well-equipped facility featuring two dedicated departments for spine care and orthopaedics with high-end machines to perform numerous diagnostic and curative procedures. 
Save our blog page to read more interesting articles and to gather accurate information about diseases and their treatment.  
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parkhospitalsblog · 2 years
Everything You Need to Know About Becoming a Neurosurgeon
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We at the Park Hospital run one of the most successful neurology departments across the country. We are proud to have the best neurology hospital in Palam Vihar. At Park Hospital we are proud to have the best neurologist in Panipat and the best neurologist in Ambala. We also run specialised areas like paralysis treatment in Gurgaon as well as brain stroke surgery treatment in Gurgaon.  For read more blog, click here link below:- https://bit.ly/3xiFukj
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hbot-india · 2 years
HBOT-India Launches One of the First Medical Grade Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy in Gurugram, Delhi NCR, India
In 2020, according to the International Diabetes Federation (IDF), 463 million people have diabetes in the world, 88 million people in the South Asia region, of this 88 million people, 77 million belong to India. Approximately 25% develop Diabetic Foot Ulcers (DFU), of which 50% become infected, requiring hospitalization while 20% need amputation. Adding Hyperbaric oxygen therapy to Standard of care reduces the risk of major amputation by approx. 20–30% and increases wound healing rate by 9–10 times. Further benefits of Hyperbaric Oxygen are not just limited to Diabetic Foot Ulcer treatment but stretch wider into many diseases and conditions.
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HBOT (Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy) Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy, or many times known by its acronym HBOT involves breathing oxygen at pressure higher than atmospheric pressure. It is administered in specially designed chambers which helps create ambient pressure 2–3 times higher than that found at sea level to help dissolve oxygen into blood. According to Henry’s law, with rise in pressure the amount of gas dissolved in liquid increases. Henceforth inhaling oxygen in pressurized chamber increases the amount of oxygen dissolved in blood plasma apart from the oxygen bound to Hemoglobin. This substantial increase in plasma oxygen concentration increases oxygen delivery to tissues by 10 to 15 times as compared to the amount received through normal breathing and as a result, this increased oxygen into the system provides many benefits.
Dr. Mandeep Singh Malhotra, Surgical Oncologist (Clinical Lead & Mentor — Art of Healing Cancer- AOHC) suggests as per research that in a single hour of HBOT treatment, the body takes in approximately about 2.4 pounds of oxygen into the tissue and this increased oxygen benefits by
Increase oxygen delivery to tissues with compromised blood flow such as diabetic foot ulcers, stroke, trauma, flaps, necrotic tissue in cancer, etc.
Decreases swelling and inflammation by deactivation of toxins; Increases the ability of body’s immune cells to fight off infections.
Stimulates new blood vessels and capillary growth that aid in wound healing and also removal of toxins and waste products.
Increases the active firing of nerve cells thus help in neural recovery.
Thus, Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy has documented benefits in many diseases like:
Diabetic Foot Ulcers
Wound Healing
Severe Anaemia
Delayed Radiation Injury or Radiation Necrosis
Traumatic Brain Injury
Compromised Grafts & Flaps
Vision loss or sudden hearing loss
Brain Abscess
There are certain other conditions in which HBOT is likely to benefit:
Brain Stroke
Brain Related Disorders like Alzheimer, Paralysis, Parkinson’s, Brain Fog, etc
Refractory Cancers which do not respond to chemotherapy
“We are pleased to share that, through the initiative of HBOT India (www.hbot-india.com), the first 3 ATA Medical Grade Hyperbaric Oxygen Machine is installed in Gurgaon, Delhi-NCR, in collaboration with HCAH (Health Care at Home, www.hcah.in), Guru Harikrishn Foundation (A Non-Profit Charitable Institution, www.harikrishn.org) & Art of Healing Cancer (an Advanced Stage Cancer Institution, www.artofhealingcancer.com),” says Arpan Talwar, Co-Founder HBOT India.
“As Hyperbaric oxygen therapy is supportive in various medical conditions and is the first of its kind in the city, we believe that this infrastructure can help patients not just reaching out directly to HBOT India but also to patients of various hospitals in the vicinity in the city. We plan to become a Nodal Centre of hyperbaric in Delhi-NCR,” says Mr. Manjit Singh, Founding Director at Guru Harikrishn Foundation.
About HBOT India
For more information, please visit: www.HBOT-India.com
Press Release:https://www.businesswireindia.com/hbot-india-launches-one-of-the-first-medical-grade-hyperbaric-oxygen-therapy-in-gurugram-delhi-ncr-india-80264.html?fbclid=IwAR3gu2KleHx06zW5si-lKjyML8fIFz6kuv0xGyFXNU5Y13fnyr7IemRPWHM
For further assistance, reach out to us at:
Website - www.hbot-india.com
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spineandbrain · 3 years
Brain Tumor Causes, symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment by the best neurosurgeon in Gurgaon
Brain tumors are thought to develop when particular genes on a cell's chromosomes are impaired and no longer function properly. These genes usually control the rate at which the cell divides (if it divides at all), as well as repair genes that repair defects in other genes and genes that should cause the cell to self-destruct if the damage is beyond repair. A person may be born with partial defects in one or more of these genes in some cases. Environmental factors can then cause additional damage. In other cases, environmental disruption to the genes may be the primary cause. It is unclear why certain people in a given "environment" grow brain tumors and others do not. For the brain, tumor queries get an appointment with a neurosurgeon in Gurgaon.
When a cell divides rapidly and the internal mechanisms that control its growth are disrupted, the cell may eventually develop into a tumor. Another line of protection may be the body's immune system, which would optimally identify and destroy the abnormal cell. Tumors may produce substances that prevent the immune system from recognizing the abnormal tumor cells, allowing the tumor to eventually overcome all internal and external barriers to development.
A rapidly growing tumor may need more oxygen and nutrients than the local blood supply intended for normal tissue can provide. Tumors may generate angiogenesis factors, which encourage the development of blood vessels. The new vessels that form increase the supply of nutrients to the tumor and the tumor eventually becomes dependent on them. This field is being researched, but more thorough research is needed to translate this information into possible therapies. Schedule your appointment with a neurosurgeon in max Gurgaon.
The following symptoms can accompany different types of brain tumors, depending on where the tumor is located:
Headaches that might be more intense in the morning or cause the patient to wake up in the middle of the night
Convulsions or seizures
Problems thought, listening, or articulating
Personality changes
Weakness or paralysis in one hand or part of the body
Dizziness or loss of control
Vision changes
Hearing alterations
Numbness or tingling in the face
Nausea or vomiting, as well as swallowing problems
Perplexity and disorientation
Brain tumors can be detected using sophisticated imaging techniques. Computed tomography (CT or CAT scan) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) are two diagnostic instruments (MRI). Other MRI sequences will help the surgeon schedule the resection of the tumor based on the location of the brain's normal nerve pathways. Intraoperative MRI is also used during surgery to guide tissue biopsies and tumor removal. Magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) is used to analyze the chemical profile of the tumor and assess the extent of the lesions seen on the MRI. Positron emission tomography (PET scan) may assist in the identification of recurrent brain tumors. For brain, tumor queries get an appointment with a neurosurgeon in Gurgaon.
A biopsy is sometimes the only way to make a conclusive diagnosis of a brain tumor. The biopsy is performed by the neurosurgeon, and the pathologist makes the final diagnosis, deciding if the tumor is benign or malignant and grading it accordingly.
Brain Tumor Treatment
Brain tumors, whether primary or metastatic, benign or malignant, are typically treated with surgery, radiation, and/or chemotherapy, either alone or in different combinations. While radiation and chemotherapy are most widely used for malignant, residual, or recurring tumors, treatment decisions are taken on a case-by-case basis and rely on a variety of factors. Each form of therapy comes with its own set of risks and side effects.
It is commonly recognized that surgically removing a brain tumor completely or almost completely is beneficial to the patient. The neurosurgeon's challenge is to extract as much tumor as possible while preventing damage to brain tissue critical to the patient's neurological function (such as the ability to speak, walk, etc.). Neurosurgeons have traditionally opened the skull with a craniotomy to gain access to the tumor and remove as much of it as possible. During surgery, an extracorporeal drain (EVD) can be placed in the brain fluid cavities to drain normal brain fluid as the brain recovers from the surgery.
A stereotactic biopsy is another technique that is widely done, often before a craniotomy. This less invasive procedure enables doctors to collect tissue to make an accurate diagnosis. A frame is usually connected to the patient's head, a scan is obtained, and the patient is then taken to the operating room, where a small hole in the skull is drilled to allow access to the irregular area. Some hospitals can perform this procedure without the use of a frame, depending on the position of the lesion. A small sample is collected for microscopic analysis.
Surgical navigation systems, which are computerized instruments, were introduced in the early 1990s. These devices helped the neurosurgeon in tumor direction, localization, and orientation. This experience decreased the risks and increased the extent of tumor removal. Surgical navigation systems allowed previously inoperable tumors to be excised with appropriate risks in many cases. Some of these devices can also be used for biopsies without the need for a frame to be attached to the skull. One drawback of these systems is that they rely on a pre-surgery scan (CT or MRI) to direct the neurosurgeon. As a result, they are unable to account for intraoperative brain movements.
Some consider intraoperative language mapping to be a vital technique for patients with tumors that impair language function, such as massive, dominant-hemisphere gliomas. During the operation, a conscious patient is operated on and the anatomy of their language system is mapped. The doctor then determines which parts of the tumor can be safely removed. According to a recent study, cortical language mapping may be used as a secure and effective adjunct to improve glioma resection while maintaining critical language sites.
Some patients with brain tumors can need ventriculoperitoneal shunting. Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) is continuously flowing inside the brain and spine of all. If this flow is blocked, the sacs that hold the fluid (the ventricles) will swell, causing increased pressure inside the head and resulting in hydrocephalus. Hydrocephalus, if left untreated, can cause brain damage and even death. The neurosurgeon may decide to use a shunt to redirect spinal fluid away from the brain, lowering pressure.
The peritoneal cavity is the most common body cavity into which CSF is redirected (the area surrounding the abdominal organs). The shunt is usually permanent. If it becomes blocked, the symptoms are close to those of hydrocephalus, which can include headaches, vomiting, vision issues, and/or depression or lethargy, among other things. An Endoscopic Third Ventriculostomy is another technique that can be used to monitor obstruction of the brain fluid pathways. This allows brain fluid to be diverted around the obstruction without the use of a shunt.
Radiation therapy employs high-energy X-rays to destroy cancer cells as well as irregular brain cells and shrink tumors. If the tumor cannot be adequately treated with surgery, radiation therapy may be an option.
Standard External Beam Radiotherapy employs several radiation beams to provide conformal coverage of the tumor while limiting the exposure to normal structures in the surrounding area. With advanced delivery systems, the likelihood of long-term radiation injury is extremely low. In addition to 3-dimensional conformal radiotherapy (3DCRT), newer delivery methods include intensity-modulated radiotherapy (IMRT) (IMRT).
Proton Beam Therapy is a form of radiation in which protons, a type of radioactivity, are directly guided to the tumor. The benefit is that less of the tissue surrounding the tumor is damaged.
Stereotactic radiosurgery (such as Gamma Knife, Novalis, and Cybercide) is a procedure that focuses radiation on the target tissue using several beams. This procedure does less damage to the tissues surrounding the tumor. There is currently no proof that one delivery system is superior to another in terms of clinical results, and each has advantages and disadvantages.
Chemotherapy is usually thought to be efficient in treating some pediatric tumors, lymphomas, and certain oligodendrogliomas. Although chemotherapy has been shown to increase overall survival in patients with the most malignant primary brain tumors, it only benefits about 20% of all patients, and doctors are unable to predict which patients will benefit before treatment. As a result of the possible side effects, some doctors opt not to use chemotherapy (lung scarring, suppression of the immune system, nausea, etc.).
Chemotherapy works by causing cell damage than normal tissue can heal faster than tumor tissue. Resistance to chemotherapy can include the survival of tumor tissue that is unable to respond to the drug or the drug's inability to move from the bloodstream into the brain. The blood-brain barrier is a special barrier that exists between the bloodstream and brain tissue. Schedule your appointment with the best brain tumor surgeon in Gurgaon.
Laser Thermal Ablation is a newer technique being used by some centers to treat smaller tumors, especially in areas that were historically difficult to reach using open surgery procedures. This includes inserting a tiny catheter into the lesion, possibly conducting a biopsy, and then using a laser to thermally ablate the lesion. Since this procedure has only recently been used in the treatment of brain tumors, its long-term effectiveness has yet to be determined.
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drvikaskathuria · 3 years
Neurological Conditions And How To Opt Best Neurologist In Gurgaon?
Neurological conditions may be progressive, degenerating, and life-threatening. It is important to diagnose this condition at an early stage. Look for the best neurologist of a neurosurgeon in India if you suffer from any neurological condition.
Neurological Conditions  
Various neurological conditions require consultation with experienced neurologists and neurosurgeon. Some of them are:
Stroke: The brain requires an uninterrupted supply of blood. In some cases, there is complete blockage or reduction in blood supply. It results in damage to brain tissues. The condition is known as the stroke.
Parkinson’s Disease: It is a progressive neurological condition that significantly affects the quality of life. In this disease, the person does not have control over body functions. Patients with Parkinson’s disease experience symptoms such as tremor, muscle rigidity, fatigue, constipation, and poor coordination.
Alzheimer’s Disease: Like Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease is also a progressive neurological degenerative condition. The patients with this condition have poor memory and cannot perform simple activities (in an advanced form of the disease).
Dementia: Dementia is a type of cognitive disorders. Not only the person with this condition has a poor memory, but there is also a reduction in thinking and reasoning skills.  The extent of the quality of life of the person affected depends upon the severity of the condition.
Epilepsy: Epilepsy is a condition that involves abnormal activity inside the brain. It may be restricted to one part or may cover the whole of the brain. Symptoms of epilepsy include confusion, uncontrolled movement of limb muscles, and loss of awareness and consciousness.
Brain tumours: An abnormal mass of cells inside the brain is a brain tumour. The tumour may be benign or malignant. The symptoms of a brain tumour depend upon the site of growth. The tumour may be primary i.e., initiates inside the brain or metastatic, i.e., spread to the brain from another body part.
Bell’s Palsy: Bell’s Palsy is the temporary paralysis of facial muscles. It may be due to the compression, swelling, or inflammation of the nerves that control these muscles. The cause of this condition is not known. The symptoms usually persist for a few weeks before completely disappearing.
Brain infection: Brain tissues may also develop infections. An infection may occur in the meninges surrounding the brain and is known as meningitis. It may also occur in the brain tissues and is known as encephalitis. When both conditions are present simultaneously, it is known as meningoencephalitis.
Migraine: Migraine involves severe headache generally in one side of the head. Patients also have nausea, vomiting, and increased sensitivity to sound and light. There is no complete information about the cause of migraine. The triggers of migraine include stress, sleep changes, hormonal changes, and several medications.
Cerebral aneurysm: There are several blood vessels present in the brain. The wall of some blood vessels becomes weak, causing dilation or ballooning. The blood vessels have the risk of rupturing suddenly without any warning.
Multiple Sclerosis: Multiple Sclerosis is believed to be an autoimmune disease. The condition affects the brain stem, cerebellum, optic nerve, and spinal cord. Myelin sheath is present on the nerves and helps in conducting the nerve signals. In multiple sclerosis, the immune system attacks the myelin sheath and damages it.
Opting For Best Neurologist In India
A neurological condition, in several cases, is complex. The symptoms of various conditions overlap, making the diagnosis difficult. The neurological condition requires both physical examination and psychological evaluation for diagnosis. Thus, opt for the best, experienced, and expert neurologist or neurosurgeon for diagnosis and treatment.
Following are some of the tips to consider before opting for a neurologist:
Experience: As neurological conditions are complex and surgery of the brain and spinal cord is risky. Thus, before opting for your consultant, you should review the profile and get information about his experience, such as in years or number of surgeries performed.
Education and training: Neurosurgery requires the use of advanced techniques such as minimally invasive techniques. You should google about the doctor and search for education and training. The advanced education in neurosurgery includes MS (neurosurgery) and M.Ch.
Success rate: The success rate of brain and spinal cord surgery is also vital both for the doctor and the hospital.
Association with hospitals: Diagnosis and surgery of brain diseases require advanced infrastructure, modern ICU facilities, and state-of-the-art neurorehabilitation facilities. Reputed and large hospitals provide these facilities. Get information about the hospitals to which neuro-consultant is associated.
Reference: Get information about the doctors from your relatives, friends, or colleagues who had undergone the treatment of the same or similar diseases.
Second opinion: If you are not satisfied with the treatment or want to make sure about your treatment, you always have the option of seeking a second opinion.
Tag =  best neurologist in gurgaon, Neurosurgeon Doctor In Gurgaon, Best Neurologist in Gurgaon
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nomanaliseo · 4 years
ENT Treatment in Gurgaon | Objectives, Specialties and other Services
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ENT Treatment in Gurgaon : Otolaryngology or ENT is that the branch of drugs and surgery that focuses on the diagnosis and treatment of ear, nose, and throat. However, it also deals with certain associated illnesses at the bottom of the skull and neck also, which could include benign and malignant tumors in these regions.
Origin Clinic runs the foremost advanced ENT Treatment in Gurgaon supported by highly qualified Consultants and well-trained Medical Professionals. The state-of-the-art facilities available here make it possible to hold out Microsurgery, Endoscopic Surgery of ENT with a minimal invasive approach and minimum hospital occupy the foremost reasonable cost.
ENT Treatment in Gurgaon physicians also referred to as Otolaryngologists are physicians trained within the medical and surgical management and treatment of patients with diseases and disorders of the ear, nose, throat (ENT), and related structures of the top and neck.
Their special skills include diagnosing and managing diseases of the sinuses, larynx (voice box), mouth , and upper pharynx (mouth and throat), also as structures of the neck and face.
The Origin Clinic for ENT Treatment in Gurgaon offers comprehensive services. The Department is provided with modern and innovative technology to treat patients with all kinds of straightforward and sophisticated Ear, Nose, Throat, Head & Neck, and Skull Base problems. The ENT Treatment in Gurgaon addresses all facets of the medical and surgical care of the ear, nose and throat region including: Pediatric ear, nose and throat care; Facial plastic and cosmetic surgery; Head and neck cancer surgery; Treatment for thyroid and parathyroid disorders and sinus disease, and Treatment of major trauma and injuries of the top and neck.
The ENT Treatment in Gurgaon is provided with the simplest technology and therefore the best manpower to supply the best possible facilities for the patients.
It has state-of-the-art facilities for voice and laryngological disorders and is one among the few exclusive centers within the country.
The ENT Treatment in Gurgaon performs both basic and advanced endoscopic sinus surgeries, micro ear/micro laryngeal surgeries, esophageal endoscopes and surgery for deafness.
The hospital provides the newest and leading edge technology for treatment of Juvenile papillomas, Bilateral abductor cord paralysis, vascular lesions, premalignant lesions, cancer of larynx, mouth , oropharynx and hypopharynx, and Laryngotracheal stenosis.
Endoscopic sinus and nasal surgery for diseases of the nose and paranasal sinuses, chronic dacrocystitis, malignant exophthalmoses and nervus opticus decompression also are carried out.
The ENT Treatment in Gurgaon is well-equipped to require care of all ear, nose and throat emergencies and has teams available around the clock.
The Department also provides audiology, voice and therapy as allied services. The patients are made to feel comfortable and are put comfortable because the delivery of care starts with the proper diagnosis and customised treatment plan.
The ENT Treatment in Gurgaon provides accurate, tailored treatments with attention on improving the health of each patient
To provide the simplest standard quality of care practices to patients with simple also as complicated ear, nose, and throat disorders
To provide corporate care at affordable prices to all or any belonging to different socio-economic strata of life
Laryngeal and Voice Disorders
Rhinology and Allergy
Sinus and Headache
Skull Base Surgery
Snoring and Sleep Disorders
Other Services
Ear Discharge
Loss of Smell
Severe Headache
Tumours of Nose & Sinuses
Tumours of Food Pipe and larynx
Voice Disorders
Hearing Loss
Congenital Deafness
Deaf Mutism
Nasal & Sinus Allergies
Nasal Polyps
Nose Bleeds
Snoring & Sleep Disorders
Swallowing Disorders
Hearing evaluation for Adults
Hearing evaluation for youngsters
Surgical Services
Reconstructive tympanic cavity Surgery
Surgery of the facial
Congenital Ear Anomalies
Surgery for Snoring and Sleep Apnoea
Septoplasty and Septorhinoplasty
Secondary Voice Prosthesis (TEP) Insertion
Trans Laryngeal Injection Laryngoplasty for vocal fold Palsy
Cochlear Implant
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caprispine · 5 years
What Are The Things To Look For While Choosing A Physiotherapy Clinic?
Most of us out here living the urban life have fallen prey to bone problems at some point in our life. The different movements and functions need some repairing at some point in our life. The busy daily schedule and improper diet makes our body weak and leaves us with aches, pains, disorders and much more.
Bone ailments have been one of the major health ailments that 6 out of 10 people are suffering from today and problem such as spondylitis and arthritis is one of the most common among them. Be it for the long hours we spend sitting at the computer or a lack of fitness routine, and the list reasons are endless.
Most of the time, bone ailments don’t need medicine to get cured but plenty of exercise and routine physical therapy which helps the bones to bring back its health. One such treatment is the best physiotherapist in Delhi which has been helping hundreds of people every day to get back their proper bone functioning.
The demand for physiotherapists has attracted the attention of hundreds of clinics which are now providing physiotherapy solutions. But being a matter of bones, there are multiple factors that one needs to look forward while choosing one such as:
1. Cost
Cost yet remains one of the most important factors that you need to look for while choosing the best physiotherapist in Gurgaon. The rate of a physiotherapist gets high with his or her experience as well as factors such as success etc. In some cases, the clinics matter too. So, while choosing one, make sure that they are worth the price that you are paying.
2. Registration and License
There is plenty of elderly care in Gurgaon that is available in your area who are claiming themselves as one of the best physiotherapy service providers, but the best part about them is the majority of them are neither licensed nor insured. So, if you suffer from an injury while going through the therapy, you can even charge someone for the mistake. So, when you are choosing a physiotherapy clinic, it is essential to make sure that the clinic is licensed as well as insured.
The demand for physiotherapy clinic is rising with every passing day. The main reason behind this is the sudden increase in bone ailments in which people have been suffering due to their casual lifestyle. One of the best ways to solve bone problems is to undergo physical therapy. Physical therapy a.k.a. Physiotherapy is one of the best methods to solve multiple bone problems through exercises.
But, the demand for physiotherapy for solving bone ailments has also lead to the foundation of physiotherapy clinic which can be these days at every turn. But when it comes to choosing one, you need to be careful who you are choosing as one wrong decision can leave you with lifelong remorse.
3. Privacy
One of the most important factors while choosing physiotherapy is its privacy. Some may find it uncomfortable to get physical therapy in a common room. So, if you are looking for privacy, make sure that the clinic has a private room where you can vividly discuss your problems with the physiotherapist. Moreover, a decent clinic must have private rooms.
There is endless physiotherapy which comes under the naturopathic medicine sector. Naturopathic medicine is a type of medicine that is meant to heal the body naturally. It is mainly recommended for people who are suffering from paralysis and other neuron-problems.
Original Content Source : What Are The Things To Look For While Choosing A Physiotherapy Clinic?
Capri Spine Clinic — Best Spine Treatment Center
Contact Details: Capri Spine Clinic Sant Parmanand Hospital 18, Sham Nath Marg, Civil Lines, Delhi India, Pin 110054
Contact No. : 9063121212
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mayomhospital12 · 5 years
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Hoarseness of voice The Voice Clinic mission is to provide comprehensive, state-of-the-art evaluation and management of voice disorders. It is a unique, clinic for all diseases affecting the voice. It treats a wide variety of conditions utilizing the latest surgical, nonsurgical and in-office treatment techniques.
The Voice Clinic treats patients suffering from: Laryngitis, Vocal Cord Immobility (Vocal Cord Paralysis), Chronic Cough, Phonotrauma (Cysts, Polyps and Nodules), Laryngotracheal Stenosis, Muscle tension dysphonia, Presbylaryngis (Vocal Cord Atrophy), Recurrent respiratory papillomatosis, Vocal cord cancer, Vocal cord dysfunction, Voice Impact from Neurologic Disorders
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Hoarseness of voice The Voice Clinic mission is to provide comprehensive, state-of-the-art evaluation and management of voice disorders. It is a unique, clinic for all diseases affecting the voice. It treats a wide variety of conditions utilizing the latest surgical, nonsurgical and in-office treatment techniques.
The Voice Clinic treats patients suffering from: Laryngitis, Vocal Cord Immobility (Vocal Cord Paralysis), Chronic Cough, Phonotrauma (Cysts, Polyps and Nodules), Laryngotracheal Stenosis, Muscle tension dysphonia, Presbylaryngis (Vocal Cord Atrophy), Recurrent respiratory papillomatosis, Vocal cord cancer, Vocal cord dysfunction, Voice Impact from Neurologic Disorders
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medharbour01-blog · 6 years
Got a Fractured Spine? Know The Right Kind of Treatment For a Fractured Spine
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A spinal fracture is the condition when one or more bones of the spinal cord fractures or collapses. The condition is also known as vertebral compression fracture. Spinal injuries may lead to severe pain, difficulty in walking or may even lead to paralysis. If you are looking for the right kind of treatment for spinal fracture in Gurgaon, then visit Medharbour, the finest spine hospital in gurgaon.
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Dr. Vikas Sharma is a Consultant Neurologist in Sector 56 Gurgaon. He is currently practicing at multiple locations i.e. Fortis Memorial Research Institute in Sector 44, Gurgaon, Miracles Mediclinic in Sector 56, Gurgaon and Star Hospital in U.I.T, Bhiwadi. The doctor is having more than 6 years of experience. Dr. Vikas Sharma is a well qualified Neurologist in Sector 56 Gurgaon. As a Neurologist, his area of expertise includes Epilepsy, Stroke, Blink Reflex, Brain Mapping, Dementia, Disease of Brain, Hypertension, Migraine Treatment, Nerve & Muscle Disorders, Nervous System Epilepsy, Neurology, Neuropathy, Paralysis, Parkinson’s disease, Spondylosis and Vertigo.
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parashealthcare · 6 years
Paras Hospitals Gurgaon is one of the few hospitals in Delhi NCR known for its exceptional Neurosurgical expertise worldwide. It is the first hospital to have brain tumor navigation technology for 100% surgical precision and 0% error. Paras Hospitals Gurgaon is also one of the few centres in the country to have Deep Brain Stimulation Technology to treat paralysis, epilepsy, etc.
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satyam7252 · 7 years
Intraoperative Neuromonitoring Market with Industry Size, Market landscape and Forecast 2017-2025 Credence Research
In latest report published by Credence Research, Inc. “Intraoperative Neuromonitoring Market - Growth, Future Prospects and Competitive Analysis, 2017-2025,” the global intraoperative neuromonitoring market was valued at US$ 4.01 Bn in 2016, and is expected to reach US$ 6.12 Bn by 2025, expanding at a CAGR of 4.7% from 2017 to 2025.
Market Insights
The intraoperative neuromonitor has enormous value in medical industry in terms of patient safety. With the changing perspective of medical technology, the adoption of such devices is increasing and assumed to see substantial growth in future. The assessment of neuronal function during surgical intervention is of higher importance to avoid the further complications caused by damage or injury of nervous system. Prevention of permanent damage of neuronal system is vital to circumvent the paralysis, muscle weakness, hearing loss or further serious complications.
Browse the full report Intraoperative Neuromonitoring (IONM) Market - Growth, Future Prospects and Competitive Analysis, 2017–2025 report at http://www.credenceresearch.com/report/intraoperative-neuromonitoring-market
Increasing prevalence of neurological disorder, rising awareness of patient safety, growing neurological centers are the major drivers of the intraoperative neuromonitoring market. The increasing adoption of technologically advanced procedures, healthcare expenditure for R&D to manufacture newer and innovative technologies, favorable reimbursement policies boost up the growth of intraoperative neuromonitor market. However, the lack of appropriate skilled health professional and lack of awareness in developing countries are few major challenges associated with the intraoperative neuromonitoring market.
The intraoperative neuromonitoring market is segmented on the basis of type of source such as insourced IONM and outsourced IONM. Although the insourced IONM is estimated to dominate the intraoperative neuromonitoring market, but in upcoming years the outsourced IONM is expected to witness major growth.
The intraoperative neuromonitoring market is further classified on the basis of application type and the sub-segments are as follows:
·         Spinal surgery
·         Neurological Surgery
·         Cardiovascular Surgery
·         Orthopedic Surgery
·         ENT Surgery
·         Others
The spinal surgery and neurosurgery hold the major market share and anticipated to face significant growth in forecasting periods driven.
Geographically, in the year 2016, North America is expected to have the major share of intraoperative neuromonitoring market followed by Europe. The well-developed healthcare infrastructure, increasing demand for neurologic care, rising patient safety, presence of major players of intraoperative neuromonitoring devices attribute to the dominance of North American region.  The huge number of population suffering from neurologic disorders, emerging medical tourism and developing healthcare infrastructure fuel the growth of the intraoperative neuromonitoring market in Asia-Pacific region and it is expected to face substantial growth in upcoming periods due to the growing trend of health awareness.
Market Competition Assessment:
The intraoperative neuromonitoring market currently contains multiple companies having their products marketed. The manufacturers are developing new innovative products and the market is growing due to high adoption and accessibilities of these products. The companies include Medtronic plc., Computational Diagnostics, Inc., NuVasive, Inc., Inomed Medizintechnik GmbH, Accurate Monitoring LLC, Nihon Kohden Corporation, Moberg Research, Inc. and others.
By Products & Services
·         Accessories
·         Services
·         Systems
By Source Type
·         Outsourced Monitoring
·         Insourced Monitoring
By Application
·         Other Surgeries
·         Spinal Surgery
·         Neurosurgery
·         ENT Surgery
·         Orthopedic Surgery
·         Vascular Surgery
By Modality
·         Electromyography (EMG)
·         Brainstem Auditory Evoked Potentials (BAEPs)
·         Motor Evoked Potentials (MEPs)
·         Somatosensory Evoked Potentials (SSEPs)
·         Electroencephalography (EEG)
·         Visual Evoked Potentials (VEPs)
By End User
·         Ambulatory Surgical Centers (ASCs)
·         Hospitals
Key Market Movements:
Ø  The rising prevalence of neurological disorder, increasing awareness of patient safety, growing neurological centers, increasing adoption of technologically advanced procedures, healthcare expenditure for R&D to manufacture newer and innovative technologies, favorable reimbursement policies boost up the growth of intraoperative neuromonitor market.
Ø  Insufficiency of skilled healthcare professional is one of the restraining factor of the intraoperative neuromonitor market.
Browse the full report Intraoperative Neuromonitoring (IONM) Market - Growth, Future Prospects and Competitive Analysis, 2017–2025 report at http://www.credenceresearch.com/report/intraoperative-neuromonitoring-market
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drvikaskathuria · 3 years
Neurological Conditions And How To Opt Spine Surgeon in Gurgaon?
Neurological conditions may be progressive, degenerating, and life-threatening. It is important to diagnose this condition at an early stage. Look for the best neurologist of a neurosurgeon in India if you suffer from any neurological condition.
Neurological Conditions  
Various neurological conditions require consultation with experienced neurologists and neurosurgeon. Some of them are:
Stroke: The brain requires an uninterrupted supply of blood. In some cases, there is complete blockage or reduction in blood supply. It results in damage to brain tissues. The condition is known as the stroke.
Parkinson’s Disease: It is a progressive neurological condition that significantly affects the quality of life. In this disease, the person does not have control over body functions. Patients with Parkinson’s disease experience symptoms such as tremor, muscle rigidity, fatigue, constipation, and poor coordination.
Alzheimer’s Disease: Like Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease is also a progressive neurological degenerative condition. The patients with this condition have poor memory and cannot perform simple activities (in an advanced form of the disease).
Dementia: Dementia is a type of cognitive disorders. Not only the person with this condition has a poor memory, but there is also a reduction in thinking and reasoning skills.  The extent of the quality of life of the person affected depends upon the severity of the condition.
Epilepsy: Epilepsy is a condition that involves abnormal activity inside the brain. It may be restricted to one part or may cover the whole of the brain. Symptoms of epilepsy include confusion, uncontrolled movement of limb muscles, and loss of awareness and consciousness.
Brain tumours: An abnormal mass of cells inside the brain is a brain tumour. The tumour may be benign or malignant. The symptoms of a brain tumour depend upon the site of growth. The tumour may be primary i.e., initiates inside the brain or metastatic, i.e., spread to the brain from another body part.
Bell’s Palsy: Bell’s Palsy is the temporary paralysis of facial muscles. It may be due to the compression, swelling, or inflammation of the nerves that control these muscles. The cause of this condition is not known. The symptoms usually persist for a few weeks before completely disappearing.
Brain infection: Brain tissues may also develop infections. An infection may occur in the meninges surrounding the brain and is known as meningitis. It may also occur in the brain tissues and is known as encephalitis. When both conditions are present simultaneously, it is known as meningoencephalitis.
Migraine: Migraine involves severe headache generally in one side of the head. Patients also have nausea, vomiting, and increased sensitivity to sound and light. There is no complete information about the cause of migraine. The triggers of migraine include stress, sleep changes, hormonal changes, and several medications.
Cerebral aneurysm: There are several blood vessels present in the brain. The wall of some blood vessels becomes weak, causing dilation or ballooning. The blood vessels have the risk of rupturing suddenly without any warning.
Multiple Sclerosis: Multiple Sclerosis is believed to be an autoimmune disease. The condition affects the brain stem, cerebellum, optic nerve, and spinal cord. Myelin sheath is present on the nerves and helps in conducting the nerve signals. In multiple sclerosis, the immune system attacks the myelin sheath and damages it.
Opting For Best Neurologist In India
A neurological condition, in several cases, is complex. The symptoms of various conditions overlap, making the diagnosis difficult. The neurological condition requires both physical examination and psychological evaluation for diagnosis. Thus, opt for the best, experienced, and expert neurologist or neurosurgeon for diagnosis and treatment.
Following are some of the tips to consider before opting for a neurologist:
Experience: As neurological conditions are complex and surgery of the brain and spinal cord is risky. Thus, before opting for your consultant, you should review the profile and get information about his experience, such as in years or number of surgeries performed.
Education and training: Neurosurgery requires the use of advanced techniques such as minimally invasive techniques. You should google about the doctor and search for education and training. The advanced education in neurosurgery includes MS (neurosurgery) and M.Ch.
Success rate: The success rate of brain and spinal cord surgery is also vital both for the doctor and the hospital.
Association with hospitals: Diagnosis and surgery of brain diseases require advanced infrastructure, modern ICU facilities, and state-of-the-art neurorehabilitation facilities. Reputed and large hospitals provide these facilities. Get information about the hospitals to which neuro-consultant is associated.
Reference: Get information about the doctors from your relatives, friends, or colleagues who had undergone the treatment of the same or similar diseases.
Second opinion: If you are not satisfied with the treatment or want to make sure about your treatment, you always have the option of seeking a second opinion.
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Cervical Myelopathy
Causes Of Cervical Myelopathy
cervical myelopathy
Spine surgeon in Gurgaon
Symptoms Of Cervical Myelopathy
Treatment Options For Cervical Myelopathy
Cervical myelopathy is the compression of the spinal cord in the neck region. Because of the compression, the upper extremities like hands and arms have weakness and numbness along with neck pain and stiffness. Diagnosis is through physical examination and imaging techniques. Surgery is often the treatment for cervical myelopathy.
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What Is Cervical Myelopathy?
The spinal cord starts from the brain and passes through the spinal canal. The spinal cord forms a network of nerves throughout the body. The fluid surrounds the spinal cord to protect it from trauma and other injuries.
The area of the neck is the cervical region. Myelopathy is the compression of the spinal cord. Cervical myelopathy is, thus, defined as the condition in which there is a spinal cord compression in the cervical region. It is a degenerative and progressive condition. In the absence of treatment, the patient may have a loss of function and paralysis.
What Are The Signs And Symptoms Of Cervical Myelopathy?
The cervical myelopathy generally affects the patient’s upper extremity. The lower extremity may also be affected, which is characterized by weakness and wide gait. Following are the signs and symptoms of cervical myelopathy:
Radiating pain in the neck
Limited motion of the neck
Neck stiffness
Limited motor tasks including combing hair or buttoning shirt
Weakness in hands and arms
Numbness in the upper extremities
Hand clumsiness
Poor hand coordination
Not able to walk normally
What Are The Risk Factors Of Cervical Myelopathy?
Following are some of the factors that increase the risk of cervical myelopathy:
Age: Elderly are more likely to get cervical myelopathy.
Smoking and alcohol: People who are obese and indulge in drinking alcohol and smoke are at increased risk for cervical myelopathy.
High impact sports: People who are involved in high-impact sports such as football are at risk for developing cervical myelopathy.
Profession: People who are into a work that requires putting a heavy burden on the back for a considerable period are at risk of having cervical myelopathy.
Underlying medical conditions: Underlying medical conditions such as infection, ischemia, and autoimmune diseases may increase the risk of cervical myelopathy.
What Are The Causes Of Cervical Myelopathy?
Following are the various causes of cervical myelopathy:
Slip disc
Neck dislocation
Neck fracture
Bone spurs
Spinal infection
Tumor of the spine
Cervical Spondylolisthesis
Traumatic injury
Autoimmune disease such as multiple sclerosis
Normal wear and tear of bone and spine
How Cervical Myelopathy Is Diagnosed?
The techniques used for diagnosing cervical myelopathy are:
Physical examination: The doctors perform a thorough physical examination to determine the presence of cervical myelopathy. The doctor performs Lhermitte sign, Hoffman sign, Finger escape sign, hyperreflexia examination, crossed radial reflex, balance and spasticity issue examination, and Inverted radial reflex.
Imaging technique: The imaging techniques used for diagnosing cervical myelopathy include X-rays, Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Computed Tomography Myelogram, and determination of the Tog ratio.
Other tests: The other tests used for diagnosis include Somatosensory evoked potentials, Electromyography (EMG), and Visual evoked potential test (VEP)
What Are The Treatment Options For Cervical Myelopathy?
Cervical myelopathy is a progressive condition. Surgery is usually the option to avoid further deterioration. In case of structural pressure on the spinal cord, neurologists recommend immediate surgery. There are various types of surgery for cervical myelopathy including Laminoplasty that is performed to expand the spinal canal, Cervical decompression surgery, vertebral fusion surgery, and Laminectomy.
About Doctor
Dr. Vikas Kathuria is a dynamic Neurotherapist or Neurosurgeon specializing in brain and spine related surgical and Non-surgical Procedures. He Did graduation and post graduation from PGI Rohtak, Haryana, India and further did super specialization in Neurosurgery from Sheth Vadilal Sarabhai General Hospital and Medical College, Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India.
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