7 Foods to Eat During Pregnancy
Are you pregnant and super hungry? Are you looking for a snack that will your tummy and your little baby happy inside? You would probably be listening about the importance of nutritious food during the pregnancy period. Isn’t it?
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When you start to build a healthy eating plan for your pregnancy, obviously you’ll focus on the foods that will provide you with higher amounts of nutrition that you would definitely be needing during pregnancy.
In this blog, we are going to talk about some of the foods suggested by the best gynaecologist in Bhopal that you should include in your diet to hit those nutrition goals.
·    Dairy products: During the pregnancy period, it is vital that you consume extra amounts of proteins and calcium so that it meets the needs of growing baby inside you. Some of the dairy products like milk, cheese and yogurt should be on the top of your list during this time.
·    Legumes: Legumes are plant-based sources of fibre, protein, iron, folate and calcium which a body needs during the pregnancy period. It includes lentils, peas, beans, chickpeas, soybeans, and peanuts. Try to include legumes in your diet.
·    Whole grains: You must be knowing that whole grains are fully packed with fibre, vitamins and plant compounds. Instead of white bread, pasta and white rice, try to consume oats, brown rice, wheat berries and barley. These contain a fair amount of protein.
·    Dried fruit: Well, dried fruits are full of calories, fibre, vitamins and minerals. You will shocked after hearing that just one piece of dried fruit contains the same amount of nutrients as fresh fruit. So, try to consume enough quantity of dried fruit in your diet.
·    Fish liver oil: It is high in omega-3 fatty acids like EPA and DHA. These are extremely vital for the development of eye and brain. It will also help you in protecting against preterm delivery.
·    Eggs: Eggs contain a little bit of almost every nutrient that a pregnant woman needs. If we talk about a large egg particularly, then it contains 80 calories, high-quality protein, fat, vitamins and minerals. These are also considered as a great source of choline which is extremely important nutrient for pregnancy time.
·    Berries: Berries are full of like water, healthy carbs, vitamin C, fibre and antioxidants. These are considered as one of the great snacks that you can eat in between the meals. The best gynaecologist in Bhopal often suggest their patients to go for blueberries, raspberries, goji berries, strawberries or acai berries. These provide a lot of flavour and nutrition with great ease.
Dr. Deepti Gupta is trusted and one of the best lady doctors offering cost-effective & advanced laparoscopic hysterectomy in Bhopal, ectopic pregnancy treatment, treatment for menstrual problems, high risk pregnancy treatment for women.
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Why one needs to undergo hysterectomy?
Sometimes, hysterectomy is performed so as to remove one or both of the ovaries and fallopian tubes depending upon the condition of a woman, this is referred to as total hysterectomy. This surgery can also be performed through an incision in the vagina or through a laparoscopic approach which involves using of long and thin instruments that can be passed through small abdominal incisions. The abdominal hysterectomy may be recommended to you over other different types of hysterectomy only because of the following conditions:
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·  You would be having a large uterus
·   Your health provider wants to check the pelvic organs because there is a doubt about any particular disease
·   Lastly, your doctor would know that it would be best to have an abdominal hysterectomy done to you depending upon your condition
There are a number of reasons so as to why a woman needs to undergo hysterectomy. Here, we are going to discuss some of the reasons explained by Dr. Deepti Gupta about why a woman needs to undergo hysterectomy surgery.
So the reasons are as follows:
·  Gynecologic Cancer: If you have been noticing some of the signs or symptoms related to gynecologic cancer, that means cancer of the uterus or cervix, then you need to undergo hysterectomy. Depending upon the growth or spread of the cancer, some of the other options like radiation or chemotherapy could also be recommended but last option would be undergoing hysterectomy surgery.
·  Fibroids: Hysterectomy is the only permanent solution for removal of fibroids that could be causing an individual with bleeding, anemia, pelvic pain and bladder pressure. For removal of fibroids through non-surgical treatments but that depends upon the size of the tumor. Most of the women who have fibroids have little symptoms related to it and they don't even require treatment.
·   Endometriosis: In this condition, tissue lines on the inside of the uterus or grows outside the uterus on the ovaries and fallopian tubes are on the other abdominal organs. This causes extreme pain during the menstrual cycles. When medications don’t improve this condition, then one needs to undergo hysterectomy.
·   Uterine prolapsed: This condition can occur when uterus lips into the vagina because the supporting ligaments and tissues weaken due to wear and tear. Because of this condition, an individual can with bowel movements and pelvic pressure. The hysterectomy surgery is the only way which can treat these underlying conditions.
·  Abdominal vaginal bleeding: If you are experiencing heavy, irregular or prolonged periods, then chances are that you would have to undergo laparoscopic hysterectomy in Bhopal so as to bring a relief to the menstrual cycle.
If you are looking for the advanced & safe laparoscopic hysterectomy in Bhopal, Visit Dr. Deepti Gupta, at the Bansal Multispecialty Hospital Bhopal.
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5 Simple Tips for Healthy Pregnancy
Pregnancy is just the starting of parenthood. Most of us think that we become parent only after giving birth to a child, but it literally starts at conception. During the whole phase of pregnancy, each and everything that we eat, breathe, say or even think, becomes important in a new way altogether. You would already know the basics of how you need to take care of yourself and your little one. There are do's and don'ts for each and everything. But let's not follow a set rulebook of pregnancy but instead we should keep in mind the healthy compromises of simple efforts that are important for our baby. In this blog, we will talk about some of the best tips given by the best gynecologist in Bhopal that can help you in ensuring a safe and healthy pregnancy.
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·   Go for enough fruits: If you are the caffeine person in the morning, then cutting down could be tough. For a quick boost, you can start by eating some of the fruits. The natural sugars that are present in the fruits can help you in lifting your energy levels.
·   Know when to call your doctor: If it is your first time of being in a pregnancy, then it could be tough for you to know when you need to call the doctor. If you experience any kind of pain, strong cramps, bleeding, dizziness, constant nausea and vomiting, trouble in walking, shortness of breath or heart palpitations, then you must call your doctor as soon as possible.
·    Take prenatal vitamins as advised by the doctors: Even if you are still trying to pregnant, you must start to take the prenatal vitamins. This is because your baby’s brain and spinal cord starts to develop in the first month itself. Thus, it is literally very important that you start to take the required nutrients like folic acid, calcium and iron.
·   Track your weight gain: One of the common notions that are commonly said to the pregnant women to eat for the two. But if you eat too much, then it would make difficult for you to lose later. On the other hand, if you aren’t able to gain much weight, then it can make your baby weak.
·    Plan for your exercise: It is vital for the to-be-moms to stay active all the time. Therefore, you can stay active by exercising regularly which can also help you in controlling your weight, improving the blood circulation, boosting your mood and also helps in sleeping better. But ensure the fact that you consult your gynecologist in Bansal Hospital Bhopal before starting any exercise program.
Dr Deepti Gupta is one of the leading & best gynecologist who is famous for best laparoscopic hysterectomy in Bhopal. You can contact her on 080179 99666.  
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How to Reduce Period Cramps?
When a girl reaches at her age of puberty, they start to experience menstruation and along with that come period pain every month. Well, period pain can be headache or discomfort as well but the pain is typically caused by the menstrual cramps. The main cause why menstrual cramps occur is that when your uterus contract with the said of the uterine lining, which causes a lot of pain in the stomach, lower back and upper thighs. If the pain increases over the time, then it is vital that you see the best gynecologist in Bhopal so as to check out if it isn't due to some other issue. In addition to this, you need to also follow some of the tips that can help you in reducing the menstrual cramps that you experience every month.
So in this article, we are going to talk about some of the helpful tips that would help you in reducing the period cramps.
·     Drink a lot of water: Bloating that occurs due to periods, can result in discomfort and which makes the cramps even more badly. Therefore, if you drink a lot of water, then it can reduce the bloating and will also reduce some of the pain that it causes. In addition to this, if you drink hot water, then it can increase the blood flow in your body and will relax down your muscles. It will also reduce the cramps that are caused by uterine lining contractions.
·     Take herbal teas: Herbal teas said to have anti inflammatory properties which can reduce the muscle contraction in the uterus. You can drink chamomile, ginger or fennel tea which can relieve menstrual cramps in a natural way. Also, herbal teas have some of the other advantages like stress relief and helping with insomnia.
·    Apply heat: If you apply a little heat above your abdominal area, then it can help you in improving the blood flow and releasing the tension. You can sit with a Heating pad, take a hot shower or relax in a hot bath.
·    Exercise: If you are experiencing too much of pain during your Menstruation cycle, then exercise would be the last thing in your mind. But if you do gentle exercises, then it will release endorphins which will make you feel happy, relax down your muscles and reduce the pain. You can go for yoga, light stretching or walking too.
These are some of the tips that you can do during your menstruation time and yes it will help you in reducing the pain to certain extent. But if you are still experiencing pain, then you must definitely go for consulting the best gynecologist in Bhopal as soon as possible.
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