#Horror sans headcanon
mikimakiboo · 1 month
Little headcanon time with Horror
Since Horror lived through a litteral famine he knows what hunger feels like and what damage malnourishment can cause, so when he started to get attached to his teammates after starting to work for Nightmare he made it his mission to make sure no one would ever be hungry ! It's a tough job as all four of Nightmare, Cross, Killer and Dust have VERY bad eating habits (Nightmare eating anything without any regard as to if it's edible since he lived outside all his childhood, Cross having a very strict diet and excessive training sessions, Killer forgetting to eat because depending on the stage he's on he can't feel when he's hungry, Dust straight up refusing to eat as a form of self punishment for his sins, ... )
So he makes sure they eat regularly and in good quantity
Now, that's cute, but as you know I love adding a little angst, SO
Horror having aphasia, he has trouble finding the right words, and often messes up by saying something that comes off as mean when really he was being nice
The one he watches the most is Dust as he is the most difficult to get to eat, and he would sometimes look at him and go "you gained weight", which Dust doesn't appreciate because he is already having a hard time appreciating himself, and these commentaries actually make him want to eat less, so it's an infinite spiral of eating, gaining weight, not eat anymore, losing weight, eating, ... etc
But the thing is
Horror didn't say it to be rude, he said it because he is genuinely happy that Dust gained weight, because to him weight means that he has a healthy eating habit, that he is not hungry and doesn't restrain himself from eating when hungry like he used to do
But now Dust is sad and he won't eat anymore and Horror doesn't know what went wrong because he was doing so good ! But it's okay, he'll take care of him and help him gain a little more weight, just like he does for everyone
Horror's dream is really seeing everyone being a little chubby, not obese as he knows obesity isn't good either, but he wants to see them gain a little weight, as a proof they aren't hungry, as a reminder that the famine is over and everyone is alright
Because he loves them so much
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dustalive · 2 months
Headcanon on Horror (cw biting?)
I kinda head canon Horror nibbling and chewing on his own finger bones and joints subconsciously. Like a habit that he developed over the years with no food in the underground, and the nibbling kinda helps reduce the feeling of starvation.
And even after being out of his own au (for example in nightmares casle) he still has this habit and does it kinda involuntarily, or when he is bored or stressed.
It doesn't really hurt him either, it's more relaxing for him tbh no matter if its just nibbling or straight up biting his own fingers. But he does have a lot of marks on his fingers from all of that.
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comiverse · 5 months
An extremely random Horror headcanon:
He pronounces sandwich as 'sammich'. You cannot change my mind.
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swiftmitsu · 3 months
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i dunno about you guys,
but I don’t think they like Ink sneaking into their kitchen in the middle of the night
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sandeewithtwoe · 3 months
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I’m not good at drawing cows please forgive me
Horror belongs to sour-apple-studios
Farm belongs to GuinongTale_AU
Horror: Alright, that’s enough work for today
Horror: Hey, Farm! Are you almost done with- uh…
Farm: Ah! There you are!
Farm: Please excuse my gaster blaster, I take my eyes off her for 5 seconds and she goes off doing her own thing
Horror: THAT’S your gaster blaster?
Farm: Uh yeah? Doesn’t yours look like this too?
Horror: …Heh, no, not at all
Farm: (He really seems to like her. Are cows his favourite animal?)
Horror: <- Is planning so many pranks on Cross right now
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toffeebrew · 3 months
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I have this hc that when error gets emotional and glitches, sometimes it stretches like those stretch glitches you see in video games.
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bicho-kromer · 10 months
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The boys are getting ready
Nightmare is a Christmas hater but even he falls for the little shiny lights
The sweaters are inspired by @xpau-official Christmas comic
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therubberducklad · 7 months
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zu-is-here · 1 year
This made me think of Dust and Swap leaving their respective theaters at the same time, halfway through the movie, to buy an extra refill of popcorn.
My mind has nothing concrete but something tells me it could be an interesting conversation ╮⁠(⁠.⁠ ⁠❛⁠ ⁠ᴗ⁠ ⁠❛⁠.⁠)⁠╭ (maybe also a little awkward?)
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Chaotic duo ♡
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lover-of-skellies · 7 months
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POV you were given a notepad and decided to go around and get a bunch of autographs
The Sans edition of this, in a sense. There are a few oddball out characters (Undyne and the two OCs of mine up by the top right), but eh. I haven’t made a Papyrus edition yet, but maybe I will eventually, who knows
All font names under the cut, if anyone’s interested in that :P
Major and Dream: dear Joe 5 casual
Minor: CakorAyam
Undyne and Killer: Quikhand
Nightmare: Antro Vectra
Error: Mind Antiks
Axe: Lighthouse
Dust: Dadhand
Blueberry: Rock Salt
Red: Domestic Manners
Sans: LDF Comic Sans
Lust: Talking to the Moon
Fresh: Fresh Cocktails
Ink: Good Day
Sci: Daniel
Outer: Hate Your Writing
Nox: Otto
Cross: alanis hand
Epic: We Mano Negra Bta
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stellocchia · 1 month
Random headcanons for Nightmare's gang:
Nightmare sometimes forgets Dust's, Horror's, and Cross' names. In those situations, he either calls them 'you' or just gives the order to Killer so he can pass it on
His forgetfulness isn't because his memory is bad, it's just because he doesn't care enough
Nightmare spends most of his time at the castle locked away in his office. The others think he's gotta be working, but he's mostly napping in there because the corruption expends a lot of his energies
Dust is a nerd. He's got excellent memory, so he's great at card games where you have to count cards or things like Memory. The others don't get to find this out for a while, but, when they do, Killer steals some games that they stash away where Nightmare won't check
Horror would prefer to be a vegetarian, but they don't have enough resources at the castle to get a choice
Horror's most prized possession is a picture of him and his brother that he luckily had on him when he got kidnapped
Horror and Dust are not the first versions of themselves that worked for Nightmare. Every version had a different nickname, (Murder, Axe, Skull, whatever you can think of) which does partially contribute to Nightmare's forgetfulness because to him they were all interchangeable
Killer would start using he/they/it pronouns if he had enough free time to figure itself out. Unfortunately, that will have to wait until after their escape
Killer's most prized possession is an onyx knife Horror, Dust, and Cross made for him a day they selected as his birthday since he couldn't remember when that was
Cross hides XChara's existence for a good while at first because he's afraid of the others' reaction to him since he looks so similar to one of the beings that tormented them. The introduction ends up still with just as much yelling as he feared, but at least no weapons were summoned
Cross is the strongest among the henchmen and has the best technique. But because he's so rigidly set on fighting like he was taught, he often ends up losing to the other three who have never fought fair a day in their lives
As Nightmare perceives affection and comfort as weaknesses, Cross, Killer, Horror, and Dust aren't really allowed to cuddle or hug in the castle. So they tend to get whatever affection they can sneak in with each other while on missions
Cross is actually the best cook among them. He knows how to make filling rations that don't taste exceedingly bland
Conversely, Killer is the worst cook, because it's really hard to keep his goop from dripping into the food while cooking. And it tastes absolutely horrid
Dust's most prized possession, after his scarf, it's a small collection of funnily shaped rocks that Killer and Horror keep picking up in various AUs and gifting to him
Cross' most prized possession, after the heart pendant, it's an apron that the others embroidered for the day he chose as his birthday (since he also couldn't remember when that was) that says: 'This chef is a real grate guy!"
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mikimakiboo · 4 months
Ya'll heard of disabled!Nightmare but may I interest you with some mute!Horror (And additionnal headcanons) ?
@unknownchoatic if you want to take a look into my interpretation of the disabled AU 👀👉🏻👈🏻
Horror isn't totally mute, it's more like aphasia than mutism, which means he has trouble speaking and finding the right words and is practically incapable of forming a full sentence, he also has trouble reading and, by extent, writing.
He became aphasic after Undyne's spear impaled his skull, which obviously caused a lot of brain damage and particularly in the area in charge of the speech, reading and all.
When he joined the bad sanses nobody noticed his struggles at first, they already had Dust who didn't talk much (he isn't mute, just doesn't talk a lot) so they thought he was just the silent type like him. But it soon became clear there was a broblem when he started mixing up words whenever he tried to speak, couldn't decipher written instructions or struggled to write his reports.
However they first thought that maybe he didn't know how to read/write, but it wasn't logical as he was still a Sans, so that meant he was a scientific in his youth, that he must have known how to read and write, so the problem might have been something else entirely.
Surprisingly it was Killer who came up with the first hypothesis, one of which was that Horror was dyslexic, which was close, but not quite that. After some time and researches they eventually managed to find out he was aphasic.
At that point Dust took the responsibility to teach everyone sign language, since he was the only one knowing it at the time, so that Horror could communicate easier and the others would understand him. He still has troubles sometimes with hand placement but he can now communicate !
As for the instructions, Nightmare gave him a magnetophone so he can hear them rather than read them. For the reports it's usually Killer or Dust who write them for him, he signs what he wants them to write and they translate.
On the fluffy side, they sometimes read him stories since he cannot read them himself.
Now for the additionnal headcanons that have nothing to do with disability:
- he likes woodcarving, he often sculpts little animals and give them to each member of the gang (including Nightmare) to show his affection towards them, they are very pretty !
- he cannot see pictures in his mind, I don't know how to describe it but like when he thinks about an apple, for exemple, he doesn't see an apple in his mind, he has the concept, the word, he knows what it looks like and can describe it but he just doesn't visualize it. Same when he sleeps, his dreams are made of sounds and sometimes shades of lights, but no images (aphantasia)
- his pupil will round up like a cat when he sees something or someone he likes
- he's very strong physically but very weak when it comes to magic because his magic had to adapt in his world in order to keep him alive, he has a strong immune system due to that but struggles a lot with magic attacks such as creating bones, blasters or simply teleporting, that is why he mainly uses his axe. Also due to his weak magic he needs to have a balance between food and sleep, if he doesn't sleep or eat properly he will pass out and won't wake up until his body regained enough energy, sometimes it's only a few hours but if he pushed his limits too far it can last a few days
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howlsofbloodhounds · 1 month
thinking about how nightmare doesn’t pay killer and likely doesnt have any food in the castle, and killer can’t travel multiverses on his own, so his only options are to steal and rob food from his victims while out on missions or starve.
and he decides to starve because he doesnt care about himself until the cats start lingering around and holy shit. those tiny creatures need substance, they need little treats, and they need the high quality stuff and also vet care. so now he takes to stealing cat food and equipment and threatening vets to give the strays a look over
and then nightmare brings in horror and murder and now holy shit. more responsibility. they need foods, they need substance, they need sweet treats. horror is barely any bone at all man’s so malnourished.
and if they bite the dust then its on killers head so how hes robbing stores and Walmarts to get them food while out on missions and also threatening doctors to tell him everything about malnutrition and starvation on humans and monsters.
and meanwhile he still hasnt touched a single crumb of food for himself. maybe cause the boss hasnt given him any so he wasn’t supposed to have any.
and like maybe theres no animals or even humans to hunt for food but horror knows how to make a fire and properly take care of meat so long as he has the meat, and murder and killer are both intelligent and observant enough to learn by watching him.
and all this assumes that nightmare’s castle doesn’t really have a working fridge, stove, microwave, or oven because why would he really? He doesn’t need food and any of the gang that starves to death can be replaced.
and then maybe this is one of the things that color’s influence and presence ends up changing somehow. like he calls that old man out and points out that his ‘tools’ are mortals with mortal needs and unless he wants to deal with the hassle of having to constantly replace them, then take better care of them maybe??
Or make it possible for them to take care of themselves (not that many of them really would). And if you don’t want them to constantly try and leave then maybe give them actual reasons to want to stay??
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madbard · 8 days
Headcanon that Dust absolutely resents how much he resembles Classic. There are elements of this back in Dusttale, with how Dust prefers to hide his face and identity while building his LV, but this is more out of practicality (and even shame) than anything else. He doesn’t want his victims to recognize him because it’ll make it harder for him to sneak up on people, and a part of him really doesn’t want them to know that he was the one who killed him. The longer this goes on, the more his disguise transforms from a way of hiding his shame to a way of distancing himself from who he used to be. Sans would never kill all those people, but he isn’t Sans anymore. He’s not really a person anymore, he is the act of murder itself. He is Dust.
I think this would get way worse when Dust leaves his AU and enters the multiverse though, because right off the bat he encounters murderers, just like him… who don’t look innocent. Horror, Killer and even Cross are set completely apart from who they used to be. They are scarred and twisted and nightmarish. Looking at them doesn’t trigger memories of a happier, innocent past. They have renamed themselves, taken on a new identity - but for them, this change was physical as well. No one will ever mistake them for Sans.
So Dust wears his hood. He hides his face. He keeps his magic burning constantly, because if he stops his eyes will darken and there will be nothing setting him apart from the monster who died, years ago, the first time a knife ripped through his chest. The others realize it, too… Horror probably wouldn’t care either way. Cross would understand the desire to distance oneself from an old identity, but would ultimately be in a similar boat as Horror. Killer would bring this up to taunt Dust once he realized it bothered him - and would quickly get bored with it. Ultimately, the others would just accept Dust’s refusal to show his face, his hatred of his own voice and reflection, as part of who he is.
I like to imagine that one day, the gang get into a serious combat. It’s vicious and close; both sides are bloody and exhausted by the time it’s over. If one side wins, it’s by a hair, and not much of a victory. In the dazed silence following the battle, Nightmare slowly assesses each of his acolytes, ensuring that they are still alive and intact. When he reaches Dust, he pauses. The assassin is bloodied, slumped over. His HP is steady but low; he’s taken a lot of hits - more than most monsters would have been able to survive. His hand vanishes beneath his hood, carefully inspecting his face. That night, back at the castle, Dust steps in front of a mirror. He takes a deep breath and, for the first time in years, removes his hood to look his reflection in the eye. The combat left deep wounds across his face, injuries that would never heal completely, that would leave him permanently scarred.
Dust looks at his battered reflection and smiles.
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lucidia-sys · 27 days
Waves my hand. Yo Undertale fandom. I'm making a hot take real fast bc I'm realizing something. Let's STOP saying Horror would have a food based job. Let's STOP saying the guy with the very obvious eating disorder and manic behavior would be able to work with humans. This includes cooking when under Nightmare's control. Horror very obviously has an eating disorder. He'd NOT be able to handle a job like that, even with years of therapy and help. He's greatly unstable around food and, ESPECIALLY humans. He would not be able to handle the smells and temptations. He fits more specifically for a job like a night guard, more specifically something like a museum. Most often they are empty and quiet. Not much happens, so very unlikely for him to be triggered by anything. He'd LOVE to look around at the exhibits as he makes rounds, learning new things he can go back to the others babbling about in the morning when he leaves. Following this, I'm going to go at the others of the MTT (+ Nightmare) because frankly the fandom sucks nards at deciding jobs. I believe Killer would work at Ccino's cafe, introducing cats to it. Ccino would handle the cafe in general, while Killer handles the cats as they are his cats. Plus a bonus, he brings extras from the cafe back for everyone at Nightmare's castle. If a customer gets all up in Ccino's face, Killer would get their ass to back down. He's the cat care, AND customer support. Dust is unemployed. Not only because of depression, mania, and the whole schitzo-ghost brother thing. Well actually because of that. He'd not be able to work because of it. Getting work with severe mental issues like that, and the fact Dust probably has bad mobility because of the overbearing amount of power in his body, is near impossible. Nightmare is a tricky case, what with many jumping to mafia boss of some sort. But that is INCREDIBLY DANGEROUS to ALL of his subordinates. He'd fit more to be dabbling in black market products, or just illegal things in general rather than mafia shit. I'm not including Cross here bc I don't like Cross and he's not rlly one of Nightmare's subordinates tbh. Keep in mind, these are all my opinions. My headcanons. You are allowed to think what you will, this is somewhat me venting outish my own thoughts and what I think they'd do.
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wolfbeestudio · 1 month
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When Axe was first adopted, he had severe food aggression and would eat too fast
His owners would start training him first by just being near him while he eats. Just letting him know that no one is stealing his food. This was all on a VERY strict routine.
Over time, he would be okay with others being around, and start easing up on eating too aggressively. Once that behavior was eased, his owners got him specific bowls to help him eat slower and help with his digestion. Of course, he only gets the best home-made cat food~
Now he's a little purr machine who neither overeats or eats too fast, and is completely okay with eating around the other cats
He is also pretty impossible to not give a treat ♥
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Horror never was too feisty with people touching him, but for a long time was the kind of cat that may just hang out in the same room with you
After a few months of living with his owners, he found his favorite, and let down his walls enough to learn the enjoyment of cuddles and napping together. The other owners can be a little jealous of his favorite, but melt when they see just how happy he is
He's also the best little space heater on a cold night. He's large, full of purrs, and very chill to hang out with his favorite for a long time
At the very beginning, he needed to be separated from the other cats during mealtimes. He would absolutely break out fighting if other cats were near his food.
Otherwise, he was very okay and accepting of the others when he first arrived. Other cats could never beat him before, being such a big boi and having survived so many fights. In time, he learned pretty quickly the joys of being a housecat with the guidance of the other kitties, especially Nightmare and Dust.
He's not keen on play fighting like Killer and Dust. He'll watch from the sidelines and stand up when they start getting too rough. He's much more happy to take sunny naps, hang with his favorite owner, and play with his mousey toys
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