#Horropedia x y/n
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the-forbidden-pookie · 1 year ago
I'm late but happy bday Horropedia 🥺🫶🏻
Tw: SFW, written with a fem reader in mind, a smol amount of angst followed by much fluff.
Pairing: Horropedia (Joshua) x reader.
May this year witness the freedom of Palestine 🇵🇸🇵🇸
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Work in the Foundation was usually fine, the fact you were a Supervising Field Agent usually meant you got assigned, well, interesting field work. But sometimes the higher ups would demand evidence to backup your mission report "Claims", be it for a trial, or an open investigation, and you would need to spend all nighters sifting through both your and your subordinates' files, as well as archived news articles, archived books, archived tapes, or really anything that could be of use.
To say all that left you mentally exhausted would be an understatement.
More than anything, it makes you yearn to finish up work quickly and go home for a hot bath and indulge in your guilty pleasure: Romance Stories.
You're pretty sure anyone of your colleagues hearing about that hobby would be more likely to think they're being pranked than actually believe it.
You, who worked hard and rose quickly within the ranks of the foundation, despite your young age.
You, who thanks to your constant networking and relentless hard work, was the youngest to be awarded with the title of Field Supervisor, bar Vertin of course as she's the Timekeeper.
Exactly why, when asked, you would usually give the far more acceptable "Tennis" as an answer. Really at this point only very few people have any clue about your obsession, and only because they were your classmates back in your more innocent and naive school days. People like this fool who came unannounced, sitting uninvited on your office couch, thoroughly distracting you from your urgent task.
"And then, we're thinking the main character would be revealed to have actually been the real villain all along! Like the serial killer will still remain a separate person, but the way Blonney's thinking of doing it is making Jessica turn out to be even more terrifying!! We'll drop hints throughout the film and-"
And so he goes, on and on. He even stands up and starts pacing as he bothers you further.
You want to groan. This annoying, silly, helpless, cute, sweet, adorkable fool.
"Aren't you supposed to be grounded?" You say deadpan, "What are you even doing here?"
Horropedia stops and turns, facing you properly, "So you can talk!" He practically cries out with mock shock, his face a mask of "disbelief". "Here I thought you'd gone mute, turns out you were just ignoring me." He says as he walks over and plops down on a chair facing your desk.
You roll your eyes refusing to play along. "Some of us have work to get done, Joshua. We're not children anymore, it's high time you start acting like an adult and quit those silly, childish stories."
"Oh?" He says smugly, but you can tell you've definitely hit a nerve by calling him Joshua instead of his preferred nickname. He then proceeds to take a long look around your office, craning his neck this way and that.
You're not sure what he's planning but it can't be anything good.
"Bingo." He says just under his breath as he stands back up and heads for the cupboard you use as a make shift file cabinet. You tense slightly but remind yourself to keep a cool and aloof facade.
He places one hand against a compartment's door and asks: "So then, there isn't a hidden stash of silly, childish romance novels right in here?" He asks, tapping a finger against it.
Go big or go home. "Please, I outgrew that nonsensical hobby ages ago, do you honestly think I have the time to-"
Horropedia then grabs the door handle without permission and proceeds to yank it open-
Or he would have if the door wasn't locked shut. It doesn't even budge.
You smile smugly. "Did no one teach you going through people's belongings is bad manners?"
"Coming from the person who used to steal from my candy stash? I don't wanna hear it." He says dismissively, now focused on intently staring down your cupboard's lock.
You blush, because he's bringing back embarrassing childhood memories of your's, definitely not because he looks really hot when he stops being a lovable goof, or because of the way the light hits his side profile just right and he looks so serious in a rare picturesque way-
You snap yourself out of your reverie just as he brings something out of his utility belt, you blanch when you realize what it is.
"Seriously? Lockpicks? Who goes around carrying those?! Wait- is that how you got out of confinement?!"
Horropedia ignores you and gets immediately to work.
You spring up and rush towards him, only to arrive a second too late as he opens the cupboard with a dramatic flourish, revealing far too many books with cutesy artworks for covers, some with even more tantalizing titles. In fact, their were so many that they proceeded to slide down and out of the compartment, forming a sizeable pile on the floor.
Your stash now exposed, you do the next best thing and head straight for the open office door instead to shut it. This however is far from ideal.
You turn around slowly and as expected, the dork is giving you and adora- Infuriating smirk.
"How. How did you know they were in there-"
"Relax Short-Stuff, I just know you too well." He says, almost preening with pride at his "accomplishment".
You frown, "Don't call me that."
"Don't call me Joshua." He fires back.
You don't reply, and instead take a silent step towards him, then another.
Alarm starts bleeding into his expression, as he himself takes a step back while throwing a glance at the closed door behind you, no doubt gauging the distance in case you decide to attack.
Instead you ignore him and bend down to start gathering your precious but embarrassing treasures.
"What was that about knowing me so well?" You say offhandedly.
"Well- you used to tackle people who pissed you off so- I mean- Forget it."
Now with you both feeling defeated, he bends down to help you gather the books and says: "When do you even find time to read all of these? Everytime I see you you're either writing a report, heading to a mission or coming back from one."
"The car rides are usually pretty quiet, I can read them in peace as long as I hide the covers." You say without looking up.
After a moment of Horropedia not saying anything back or moving to help you, you look up.
"What?" You snap. You know that look, he's judging you. "If you have something to say say it."
"No, no, it's not like that I just... Do you ever get any rest? I'm pretty sure you even work weekends, and I heard you do volunteer work too. This isn't healthy is all I'm thinking."
You blink. Well yes, he does have a compassionate and sweet side too, it's usually hidden by his general tomfoolery though so you tend to forget about it. You also didn't expect him to be keeping an ear out for news about you, it's not like the two of you chat all that often either. You're caught sufficiently off guard that you now have your mouth hanging slightly open with no sounds coming out.
"Earth to (Y/N), you there?" He snaps his fingers a couple of times, and when you're still silent he sighs and continues gathering your babies- your books, and springs back up to stuff them in your cupboard, then dusts his hands off.
You're looking up at his standing form and damn, he actually looks really good from this angle, really accentuates his already impressive height-
This time he forgoes trying to talk to you and just grabs your from the waist and lifts you back to your feet, giving you a quick pat on the shoulder for good measure before letting you go.
Then he seems to think something over and places a hand on your forehead.
"You're not running a fever, but your zoning out is really out of character for ya. Good thing it's 6 already, you can clock out now." He says with a gentle smile.
The smile isn't exactly rare for him, but it also isn't something he usually gives you.
Ever since you set your sights on climbing the corporate ladder... You have been pushing everyone away, even those most precious to you. You've been taking on more and more, piling the tasks and duties up to the point where, sometimes, you just want to do something crazy and impulsive, to get the load off your shoulders even for a short while.
He's still gazing at you, but his smile is wavering. He's still waiting for an answer though.
You consider what would happen if you say yes to clocking out now, if you even gather some additional courage and ask him to hang out? As friends of course! For old times sake! But then again, if you're already that far, what if you ask him out for real? Maybe just for today, you can ignore the far too many responsibilities piled high on top of you and just-
You shake your head. "No sorry, I'm actually spending the night here, I have a lot of work to get done. I know you want to leave though, so you go on ahead, don't worry I won't rat you out so no one should come to drag you back to the school." You say with a chuckle, and wait for him to get going.
But he doesn't move. You can't read his expression, and the way the light hits his glasses isn't helping. Finally what he says is: "I guess you haven't changed that much after all."
Saying you're bewildered would be an understatement. "Huh?"
He loudly sighs, throwing his head back for added effect as he massages the bridge of his nose.
When he's looking back at you his glasses are now sitting crookedly on the space and you have to hold back the urge to reach up and fix them.
Two hands are now on your shoulders, as if to stop you from escaping the truth. "Listen." He says very seriously, all traces of his usually cheery voice gone. "I'm going to say this as plainly as possible. You're working yourself to the bone. I get it, you have some bigger picture in mind, some larger goal that I probably can't see and you're throwing everything trying to reach it but consider this. Maybe it's just not worth it. Not if you'll die long before you get to it within whatever crazy time limit you've set for yourself. Come on (Y/N), you're a field agent for God's sake, how lame would it be if you bite the dust from overworking on reports?!"
He's panting slightly, that speech was clearly coming from the heart and you really appreciate it, you really do, but ever since he first came in today you've had a nagging suspicion you've been trying to stamp down, but it was time to address the elephant in the room.
"Joshua. Why do you care so much? Because honestly the way you're talking right now..." You take a deep breath, "The way you sought me out today, the way you say all of this... I don't want to sound arrogant, but am I correct to assume that- that-"
You can't do this, if you're wrong what's left of your already dwindling friendship with him might be the price.
You back away from him. "I'm sorry never mind, forget I said anything, I'll keep your advice in mind so please just-" just go! I don't want you here when I cry!
But he must see something on your face because he's pulling you in for a hug. It feels so familiar so right that you can't help but melt into it. The exhaustion finally seems to catch up to you and you can't imagine having to trek the walk back to the dorms, much less get any more work done tonight.
You almost miss it, but you just barely make out the words "Yes, you are correct."
And that wakes you right back up.
You push back and straighten up, and he's immediately startling with you. "W-what?" He asks, looking absolutely adorable. This time, you do reach over and right his glasses.
"What did you just say? You whispered something just now, did I hear it right?" You stare at him intently, your gaze unwavering and determined.
He looks to the side, "Don't look at me like thaaaat." He quite literally whines.
"Like what?" You ask, finding yourself genuinely curious as to what he sees in your expression.
He looks back, "Like I'm one of your high priority missions. Don't give me hope if you don't mean it (Y/N)."
You're tired from a long, mentally exhausting day. Your brain to mouth filter is gone, but then again it usually is around Horropedia. You are not thinking straight but you kinda never are around this man.
You grab his necktie and snatch it down, dragging him with it. Your lips are on his in a second, he's reciprocating (thank goodness) the kiss in the next.
When the two of you break it off for air he has the widest grin he has ever given you. No not ever, but in a long time. The intense nostalgia is the last addition to the melange of feelings churning inside of you and the tears finally fall freely.
Predictably, Horropedia panics.
You quickly cover his mouth before he broadcasts any more private information to the whole office floor.
"Shhhh! Calm down! I just... I just needed a good cry I guess..." You end meekly, wiping your tears away.
Horropedia stares at you wide eyed. In another situation this would be the perfect teasing material, (Y/N) actually knows how to cry?! Or something along those lines, but evidently even he has better sense than to do that, so he instead silently hugs you again, and doesn't tighten his hold until you hug him back.
You could stay in his arms forever, which sounds cliche but isn't that amazing? That you could get to think of something so silly and cliche instead of the probability of success of your next mission strategy? You take a small step back without letting go, just to look at the wall clock and debate what to do next. You can tell Horropedia is eagerly waiting for your decision with bated breath. Finally you pull yourself out of the hug.
Only to grab your purse and keys, then quickly come back to his side.
"Alright. You win, what's the plan now?" You ask, twisting a scarf high around your neck to hide your excitement.
He frowns slightly, and hesitantly asks. "Do you still suffer from insomnia?"
Of course he remembers. "It's better now but yes." Is your answer.
"Then we go on the most anti-insomnia date to help you sleep!" He announces, opening the door for you.
You chuckle and head out, waiting for him to follow so you can lock your office.
"And where are we going?" You fiddle with your keys, slipping one in the lock.
"To your dorm room?" He asks more then answers.
You freeze. "Moving a little fast there don't you think?" You turn to face him.
He flushes bright red. "Noooo!! I knew you would misunderstand!!! I meant because your bed is there and you could go straight to sleep once you feel like it!!!"
You giggle. "Oh I know, just teasing." You say wiggling your eyebrows.
He gasps "You! I! Why you! Hmph!" He turns and walks on ahead, but there's a spring in his step and he's headed towards your dorm, so you know he's not actually mad. You jog to catch up to him.
"Geez Joshua, not all of us have long legs wait up!"
And he does slow down, but he also throws you a question. "Why do you keep calling me Joshua? At first I thought it was to annoy me, but that can't be right. So what's your reason?"
You consider this carefully. After everything that just happened, admitting this truth hardly feels like such a hard challenge. You talk as you walk.
"More than one reason I guess... For starters it's what I've always known you as... Despite what I said before, you actually have changed in a lot of ways, heck you used to be shorter than me." You laugh a bit, "The name feels like all I have left from back then." You say with a sigh.
He keeps silent, probably guessing there's more, so you continue, "Also... Well, this is a bit embarrassing but everyone calls you Horropedia... I guess I kinda felt special by being the only one calling you Joshua. It's silly I know."
Horropedia stops walking and grabs your hand, halting you too. He's silent for a moment before he croaks out, voice clearly emotional "You can call me whatever you want." Then he goes back to walking while still holding onto your hand, pulling you along. And that's that.
He walks you all the way to your dorm room then stops.
"You're not coming in? You didn't change your mind already did you?" You ask half jokingly but also kinda worried.
"Nope! I'll go bring my tv and some supplies, I'll be back in an hour or so, that way you'll have time to freshen up and maybe relax for a bit?" He says with a small smile, and ruffles your hair lightly.
You blink, then processing the first part of his sentence you ask: "Why are you bringing your TV? I have a TV."
"You do?" He sounds surprised.
"Of course, how else would I be able to play my romance film tapes?"
His mouth forms an "o" shape. "That actually makes sense, I don't know why I didn't think of that. Well there's still other stuff to be brought but this definitely helps save time, alright see you soon." He gives you a quick hug before parting ways.
Now home, you proceed to tidy up the dorm room and hop in the shower, then get dressed in a comfortable but cute outfit and style your hair into something more relaxed and comfy.
You head to your wardrobe and start opening the large bottom drawers you use to store blankets and pillows, and start constructing a pillow fort on the rug, facing the television.
It's not long until you hear a knock at your door, and with less restraint then you would usually allow, you rush towards it and swing it wide open to reveal a-
A pile of shopping bags and a plushie?
"A lil help here? Actually can you let me in?" You hear Horropedia's voice as he tries to right one of the bags sliding down with his knee.
"Ohhhh!" You intone, mesmerized, "A talking pile of bags and a plushie!"
"Haha, very funny." Horropedia's head pops up and despite his words he's definitely amused.
You quickly begin grabbing the bags closest to you and realize they're pretty much all filled with snacks and fizzy drinks... All of which you know for sure are nothing like those issued by the foundation.
"Where did you even get these?" You ask, as the both of you drag the bags inside. From the corner of your eyes you notice him taking extra care not to drop the relatively large plushie.
"Oh you know, I have my ways~" He replies, going for a mysterious tone.
Do his "ways" include Vertin's suitcase? Probably. But you don't say anything, let him have his moment.
When everything is set up nicely around your pillow fort, you turn to ask him what you're watching when you find him on one knee, dramatically presenting you with the stuffed toy.
"Will you do me the great honor, of accepting my humble offering?" He asks solemnly.
You burst out laughing "Wha- what are you doing..?" You wheeze.
You bend down to grab the plushie and admire it, it's a nice medium size, aka the perfect hugging size.
"I thought you might need a little friend to keep you company as we watch-" He takes out a film tape with a flourish "This movie!"
You blanch. "Is this one of your horror films? Are you serious? I thought we were trying to put me to sleep not keep me up all night." You say with an exasperated shake of your head.
"No no listen, you're used to romance movies, they're no good to help you sleep anymore or they would've worked by now right? Maybe what you need is something to wring out all the nervous energy from you so you can relax!"
Somehow that both makes some sense and no sense at once. But then you have a realization.
You pretend to think it over. "I don't know, even if what you say could hypothetically work, and while your gift is cute, I just don't feel like it's huggable enough, you know?"
His face falls slightly. "Oh? You don't like it do you? I knew I should've brought a bigger one-"
"No, what I'm saying is, it's not the same as cuddling with a warm human being."
You wait for the mostly genius yet sometimes dumb dumb young man in front of you to connect the dots. You can tell he did when his face is the shade of a ripe strawberry.
"OH! Ohhhh!! Oh. Yeah, yeah we can definitely uh- cuddle. As much as you want. Of course."
You laugh "Dude we were just hugging and kissing in my office! Why are you getting all shy on me now?" You tug him along by the arm to set up the film.
"I knoooow," he whines, "it's just this is a step further ok? And that was an I'm-really-worried-about-her hug, and the kiss was a very emotional moment my brain just wasn't braining!"
"Whatever you say." You reply as you poke his right cheek. "You're cute though so it's fine." You giggle.
You wait for him to berate you about calling him, the horror genre enthusiast and connoisseur "cute", but all he does is stare at you with a dopey smile, just making you melt.
"Are you sure we can't just watch a romance movie?" You ask softly.
"Nah, we're being our own romance movie right now." He says as he grabs your hand and hoists you up with him, leading you back to the pillow fort. "You'll pick the movie next time."
The screen turns on, displaying the title of the horror movie you settled on. “It’s a classic!” Horropedia says, clearly excited to share the movie with you.
As you both sink into the pillows, the opening title sequence of the film begins playing.
As the horror style music plays, you notice Horropedia lean in his body closer to yours, careful to not make it seem like he was trying to get nearer.
"You can come closer I don't bite," you say jokingly, "and if I was uncomfortable with having you here I wouldn't have mentioned cuddling in the first place."
Horropedia's face turns fully red as he realizes he was not being subtle.
"Yeah... sorry."
His body shifts, and he slides one arm around your shoulders. He then speaks, barely above a whisper, "Can I get a hug now...?"
"I didn't know you were the clingy type Joshua," you start to tease, "and before even the first jumpscare hap-" but you immediately get interrupted by a joke jumpscare, a character that is not the antagonist innocently scaring their friends as a prank, yet embarrassingly managing to startle you "Eeep-" your hands instinctively grab onto the nearest object, which of course has to be his torso.
Oh dear lord. You sigh internally.
You look up at his face, finding he at least has the decency to try and stifle his laughter, though he wasn't succeeding much. But his droopy eyes were crinkling at the sides, and his smile was just too beautiful so you couldn't get mad.
Horropedia chuckles at your expression, probably finding the irony amusing, and the fact it was a fake jumpscare that did you in.
He then quickly pulls you closer to give you that hug you were just teasing him about not a moment ago.
You feel your head lean against his shoulder as he pulls you in, wrapping his arms around you as you both settle further into your cozy pillow fort setup.
"This doesn't count you hear? I wasn't scared or anything, I'm just a bit jumpy." You say, trying to preserve your dignity. The last thing you need is the no.1 horror enthusiast to misunderstand and think you're a scaredy cat, you would never hear the end of the teasing.
You could feel his chest vibrating with laughter underneath you, and he reaches up with the opposite hand and ruffles your hair.
"Uh-huh." Is all he says.
By the time the movie ends, you're already sound asleep. Horropedia carefully untangles your limbs and carries you off to bed. The day did not go as he'd expected, he'd go as far to say it went more like his fantasies then actual reality.
He tucks you in carefully, being mindful to jostle you as little as possible. He's fairly certain if you go on a second date (you probably will right? This date went great right?!?!) you won't settle for anything other than one of your romance movies.
Not that he minds, really. After today he doesn't think he'll be looking at the characters on the screen with jealousy or disgruntlement. He also thinks he'll enjoy whatever you pick.
He glances at your alarm clock. Oh it was late. He'd better get moving, while he has more freedom under Vertin's supervision now he still shouldn't push his luck. He decides he'll tell you tomorrow about his new, more flexible work arrangement.
He heads for the dorm room entrance, opening and closing the door softly behind him. His last thought before leaving is he'll have to ask what you thought of his movie pick tomorrow.
From the river to the sea PALESTINE WILL BE FREE ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ 🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸.
If you pray, please pray for Gaza and the Westbank 🙏🏻🙏🏻
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sleepingcup · 3 months ago
heey, i've been reading your works for a while and i'm overly fond with the way you write horropedia *cue for a massive inhale*
can u write about where he managed to make reader laugh and them saying that he's so precious and whatever 🤧.
(I am so sorry that it took too long since at that time I lost interest in R1999, and plus writing the same thing all over again would not make much of a different. But finally I found an idea for this.)
(fun fact, I'll be using my oc Moon as the Reader reference for this)
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Horropedia x G/N! Reader
Game: Reverse 1999 Character: Horropedia (Joshua) x G/N! Reader Genre: Fluff & Hurt/Comfort
Summary: You were one of the unfortunate arcanists who got involved to "The Dream Recorder" as a test subject. But despite all of the nightmares you often have, that becomes your primary goal to control the nightmares to your advantage.
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You known Joshua ever since you were tagged with him for an group assignment. Despite that you are him are the same age he has more knowledge than you, but your own talents as a programmer and engineer you manage to assist him easily in the project.
Because of you, Joshua got the reward but you insist on letting him take the credit for himself without him replying. At the end of the day, you went to a comatose state to re-continue your dream recorder project thanks to the group assignment. Heck you were secretly the reason to mention the word philia he got his new nickname.
Months or a year has passed and you were still comatose trapped in the dream, and you just happen to find Vertin who was lost, but you who knows the way and just refused to wake up just to observe the dream for research guided Vertin to wake up safely. Because of that Vertin invited you and assign you to her team, unbeknownst to you, Horropedia is also in the team.
Sooner enough you and Horropedia were reunited.
He was happy to see you alive and well while you were surprised and pet him to find out that its never a dream. Because of Vertin reuniting you and Horropedia to each other, the two of you decided to cooperate in the dream recording project. Horropedia as the observe and viewer to your nightmares while you alone do the nightmare exploring. But that can only happen during the days while chaos was happening outside of the case.
But since you were still awake, you slowly getting burned out from the project, your body did get the sleep but the brain didn't get the proper rest. Because of that your mind is utterly exhausted, and with having no other options aside from the medicine refusal the "other" method of medicine is to go to a different company for a different healing aka going to your best friend Horropedia, the same person who helped and supported you just like what you did back then to him.
He was grateful to you and did manage to get your attention to him.
When he sees that you are not feeling well to do the project, Horropedia took notice of that and decided to invite you to watch horror movies with him. Of course you were confused as to why did he go so far as to pull you away from the project, and yet your thankful for him.
During the horror movie, you and Horropedia were watching one of the baddest horror movies, Horropedia made the funniest joke in a scene that was so obvious but funny. You were stunned and yet.
You were laughing as Horropedia laughs with you, what you lost for a very long time feels great to have it. And yet you face him smiling, "You really are precious, you know that?" Not knowing that you said it out loud, Horropedia stares at you stunned and yet he felt his face flush red.
"Thank you Joshua-I mean... Horropedia."
Before he had a chance to reply, leaning closer to kiss him on the cheek before getting up. And yet Horropedia pulled you closer to him for a tight hug.
"No....I should be thanking you, (y/n)."
It was awkward but you don't mind it, embracing him back feels like part of you is healing. Nightmares continues to follow you but at the end of the dream is relief, comfort of harsh life, and human connections.
At the end of that day, you unknowingly took a nap in his arms as he cuddles you during the continuation of the movie. Feeling a small nuzzle on your head during your sleep, it made you feel very thankful for him.
You had no horrible dreams or nightmares ever since that cuddled sleep.
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iri-desky · 1 year ago
Oooooh I saw your reblog on my post and I'm intrigued to see what you can do! >:D
If you have the time, I would like to request for a Horropedia x fem!reader for a headstart... Maybe specifically with the reader also wearing glasses? It would be funny if he asked if the design is from any movie and stuff XP
No rush and good luck! 🙌
Thank you so much for the ask, yay! I tried my best. And sorry for the wait! I had school finals ;-; Didn't really have much time nor energy to write--nonetheless, I enjoyed this!
♡ Horropedia x Fem!Bespectacled! Reader
♡ Type: Narrative, One-Shot-- Reader Self Insert (denoted by (y/n))
♡ Genre: Romantic Fluff
♡ Content Warnings: None!
"I'll admit, I can absolutely say the first X-Ray Monkeyman movie is fantastic, although the second film is compartively sub par..."
It was a quiet evening, sunlight flowing through the windows and painting the room in scarlet and tangerine. Within the pallid walls of the foundation, you were assigned the blandest of paperwork.
Well, it would've been a quiet evening if it weren't for Horropedia's--your best friend and current coworker-- perpetual chatter.
His voice tends to carry, Horropedia's, although nonetheless you didn't quite have the heart to silence his persistent jibber-jabbering. The absolute glow on his face whenever he discussed one of his favorite horror movies or was asked about the latest horror debate was incomparable to anyone you've ever seen, a gleaming grin on his face as his glasses shimmered with a tiny, piquant starlight in the evening sun. Eyes like honey, delicate and sweet, and an intellect, serrated, sharp.
Indeed, he had not a tint malevolence of in his jabbering or gaze, just passion.
"Hey! ... (y/n)? Earth to Miss (y/n)! You alright there?...It looked like you're looking straight into the void. Careful, the void stares back should you gaze too long," He chuckled heartily, taking a swig of his coffee.
"What? Oh, nothing." You muttered, shaking your head-- you blinked rapidly in the light of the sun, attempting to reorient yourself. "Lost in my thoughts. But, anyway, I still think the second movie's better than the first." You chuckled.
He smirked as he processed your counterclaim. "Actually, while I can respect your point, the first film is definitely better than the first. Scares are higher quality, the actors give a more believable performance..."
"Well, didn't the second film have better marketing?"
"Not quite. While the second film had a more active marketing campaign, the first one was more successful. In fact, in one of their first screenings, they sold limited edition glasses similar to the pivotal artifacts from the movie. It was only sold at the premiere, it was a huge success... in fact, these glasses aren't ordinary spectacles," He stated, proudly, pushing up his own glasses. "They were in fact the glasses sold at its premiere!"
"Oh, wait," He said excitedly, rushing over to you, "Those glasses look familiar... did you get them from the film's premiere? I did, myself--" He slipped off his glasses and stepped in front of you, proudly presenting the inner pattern of the frames to you, bumping shoulders with you. He was so absorbed in his ramblings, he didn't notice the streak of pink dashing across your face. "They may not look like much, but see here? This inner pattern--it's highly distinctive!"
Your face brightened at his enthusiasm. "I don't think so, but I guess you can look sometime."
He turned up to you, and slipped on his glasses again. "Wait, lemme see here for a second-"
Before you had a moment to object, he stepped right in front of your face and was peering to the side, in an attempt to see the inner rims--in doing so, he bumped noses with you as you gasped in surprise. It took him about three seconds to realize what he was doing.
One -- he touched noses with you, brilliant eyes amber in the dying sunlight, enthralled by his passions.
Two -- he peered to the side, searching for that telltale pattern in pure, analytical fascination.
Three -- he pulled a strand of hair out of your face, behind your ear, his movements, delicate.
It was to get a better view.
After that final moment ticked by, there was a beat as Horropedia stared at your face. Then his cheeks flooded with fuschia, his eyes growing wide as saucers. His hands began to shake.
"Oh." That's all he could stutter out.
For once, he had nothing to say.
"...I guess I'll...I'll...um..."
He slowly slipped off your glasses, taking a step back--just one.
He then, shakily, slipped off his own.
He stared down at the two pairs in his hands.
"...nope...haha...yours aren't the souvenirs..."
You couldn't speak.
His head tilted up again into your direction, glancing up at you as he continued to awkwardly fumble with both your glasses in his hands.
"...Have I ever told you...uh...you look...look...I love the way you look...with...uh...your eyes with...your eyes are really gor--gorgeous with no glasses and your glasse-"
He didn't have a chance to finish his sentence. You had cut him off when your lips touched his.
It was a gentle, saccharine kiss, his supple lips meeting yours with adoring pressure and fast succession. His kiss was zealous, albeit pure--and clearly, he didn't mind it at all.
He was so absorbed into the kiss that, several moments later, both of your glasses clattered to the floor from his hands.
He dragged himself away, his visage frazzled and--to say it plainly, an absolute blushing mess.
"...Whoops," He chuckled, reluctantly bending down to scoop up both of your spectacles. He handed yours over, hands still shivering. "I--I believe these are yours." He said with an awkward grin as he shoved on his own glasses, brushing stray hairs out of his face.
You grappled your own glasses in your hands, an involuntary smile tugging at your lips.
"...(y/n)?" He asks.
"... thanks for listening to my stupid questions."
You step back up closer to him, his flustered expression a badge of his affection.
"It's my pleasure," You smile. "And, Horropedia?"
"... would you like to take your glasses off again for a second?"
I had a great time writing this, but just FYI that this is my first request anywhere! So definitely feel free to give me some feedback. Hope you enjoyed!!
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sleepingcup · 1 year ago
"I care for you!"
Game: Reverse 1999 x Reader
Characters: Horropedia x Reader
Genre: Hurt/Comfort, Platonic Fluff, Crushing on you, signs of Depression
Disclaimer: This is purely made for fun, be well aware of ooc and mistypings.
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Summary: You just woke up from a harsh nightmare that you can't recover. Finding yourself to his arms for comfort.
The world is cruel in so many ways.
And so is dreams and nightmares.
Both are brutally cruel and it can be hard to breathe, you wonder why how does people deal with this bullshit everyday. It is like a cycle of repeat that has been replayed over and over again.
Finding yourself wandering in the halls, you check the place one by one not caring about what happens next you went to do your usual job in your own office adjusting paperwork and reports so it can put the others at ease.
Getting yourself a cup of hot water/coffee/tea you need to refresh yourself from the pain it can't fully help you thanks to the brain re-remembering the nightmare. Everything hurts but you think you got used to it.
While you are doing your early morning tasks you soon got a visitor that appear to your office quietly. Facing to the person it was your best friend, Joshua who just got himself some freshly cooked hashbrowns.
"Hey (y/n)! Surprised to see you here! Can't sleep is what you are going to reply?"
You were a bit confused as to why he was here all of a sudden, seeing as he closed the door right behind him before going straight to you. He still kept that goofy smile that you so admired.
"Want a hashbrown?"
"... Sure, thanks..."
Horropedia gave you a share of the hashbrown before sitting across from you and watching you take a bite. You stare at him wondering what he was about to say, and yet you paused yourself before you open your mouth.
Soon it was his cue to share his ramblings to you about the horror movies he watched as you listened to him, you do secretly admit that Horropedia is pretty much the best person to talk about anything else to distract your mind. Before you are a bit annoyed at him, but he does grow on you one by one.
Compared to him and his joyful personality, the rest of the people in the ST. Pavlov Foundation are extremely strict.
If you are in two sides of the story, Horropedia and a few others secretly disobey the foundation in a different scenario, the foundation on the other hand had to be strict and check things one at a time. 'Treat them right' is what they provide, and yet you envy the people who secretly disobey the foundation sometimes.
But that is not about the foundation itself no, the situation is right in front of you.
Your own best friend or crush so to say loves to bother you.
You are in a massive distress.
Two choices in mind and yet you knew the answer.
It did not affect the strictness of the foundation, after all. Love, Familiarity, Affection, and Health care are important. Being left alone to deal with the heaviest thoughts could lead to serious incidents.
"Hey, hello~? Earth to (y/n)?"
You snap out of your thoughts to see Horropedia right in front of you, but you noticed that his happy-go-lucky smiling face was turned to real worry.
"...I can tell.... You got a nightmare again aren't you?"
You were to stunned to speak, as he sighs gently pinching the bridge of his nose.
"(y/n)... We have been best friends ever since we are both from the orphanage, I am no stranger to know that you had nightmare quite often, and THIS is the face you are showing?"
The tone he say was very serious, you were about to say something more but you felt his warm embrace, "I am worried about you (y/n)! Please remember that! I had to check up on you no matter if they take me away from you, sure it does sound very cheesy but I am making it as simple as possible..."
Your eyes met his before he made a gentle smile, "I care for you, (y/n)! Even if I don't see or show like it but I am telling the truth I just need to let you know that I need you here with me!"
It took moments and yet, your vision gets blurred.
Knowing what it was, you gently wipe your face, tears are falling from your eyes. Soon you found yourself near Joshua, your lips gently touching his chest as you feel his arms hugging you closer to him. Shaking in his arms you found yourself weak as he gently squeeze you tighter.
You can't help but to tell him what nightmare you encounter as he just listens to you not even bothered to interrupt you.
"You know, you getting those nightmares are purely concerning... Oh! I know! Lets go to my room and I will help you go to sleep by watching horror movies with me!"
"... But...won't tha-"
"Relax I can just let them know that you need a rest, its only fair considering you often overwork yourself to the bone!"
Hating to admit that he is right, you had no choice but to lean to his chest with a nuzzle, he soon gets your intention and gently takes care of you and your office before carrying you to his room. He soon puts you to your room to change and grab a blanket and you did what you were told, as a result you two were now in his room. Horropedia wraps you like a burrito and snuggles you the second he opens another horror movies. You watched with him cozied up with him, and yet you found yourself leaning on him more often till you closed your eyes.
All Horropedia can do was keep an eye on you, but he isn't planning on letting you go.
He does admit to himself that he had a crush on you ever since you saved him from being caught by the foundation and plus spending time with him.
Without you knowing he feels happy knowing that he gave you a kiss on the head hoping that your nightmares are gone.
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sleepingcup · 1 year ago
Shut up and kiss me
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Game: Reverse 1999 Character: Horropedia x Reader Genre: Fluff and a little bit of spice Disclaimer: This is made for fun.
You arrived to Horropedia who was patiently waiting for you, completely exhausted from your shift.
"Oh hey, (y/n)! W-?!"
All of a sudden you pulled Horropedia to his room with you, closing the door right behind the both of you, gently pinning him against the wall he stares at you in shock.
"(y-y/n)? Are you okay? I know you had just arrived from work an all bu-?!"
"Shut up and kiss me."
Horropedia looked at you with a surprised look on his face before he chuckled at your behavior, "I do had to admit that you seem needy for kisses! So-?!"
You manage to cut him off for the gentle kiss but he pulled away for a sec, "Woah woah! Hey, you didn't let me finish and here we are about to kiss each other-Wait..." And yet Horropedia leaned closer to you gently wiping your tears that was falling so suddenly.
"I see..." Horropedia stared at you with concern before leaning closer, "Work got it hard... Alright! Let the mighty Horropedia take good care of you!"
"What do you mean by th-?!"
Horropedia gently pins you on the wall, gently cupping your cheeks before leaning to your face. You noticed that his face was blushing red before leaning closer to your lips, gently kissing you. Closing your eyes you wrap your arms around his neck, feeling his lips touching your one by one, it felt emotional but sweet.
He shifted his head just to deepen the kiss with you before you feel more secure with his hold, Horropedia was pulling you closer to him for more kisses, and at some point it lures him to give you even more.
Each kisses drives you crazy, melting to his touch, you open your eyes as your wiped tears were now being kisses by Horropedia.
"Thanks for the kisses dear~ What will your best lover Horropedia do?"
"Like watch another horror movie or-"
"We can do both...please?"
He felt his heart beating so fast, when you say that. He does admit that he does love kissing you, he moved his glasses a bit and soon gives you more kisses. Not letting you go you were shocked of his sudden bold movement.
"You had no idea how much I love you."
"Love you. Love you. Love you~"
He said humming in delight before giving you many more kisses, you can't help but melt to his touch.
"I...love you too, Joshua."
"Mhm~ That's more like it! And now its time to watch horror movies!"
And soon after he gently drags you to the couch with him, he was preparing the next horror movie to watch with you and yet. You smiled at him lovingly, he soon noticed before he find himself blushing as his glasses is a mess. He did look like he was stunned when he got a glance at you.
"I love you Joshua~ and thanks for making me feel better."
He was speechless and yet, he make his signature goofy smile that you always love.
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