#Horropedia x You
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I'm late but happy bday Horropedia 🥺🫶🏻
Tw: SFW, written with a fem reader in mind, a smol amount of angst followed by much fluff.
Pairing: Horropedia (Joshua) x reader.
May this year witness the freedom of Palestine 🇵🇸🇵🇸

Work in the Foundation was usually fine, the fact you were a Supervising Field Agent usually meant you got assigned, well, interesting field work. But sometimes the higher ups would demand evidence to backup your mission report "Claims", be it for a trial, or an open investigation, and you would need to spend all nighters sifting through both your and your subordinates' files, as well as archived news articles, archived books, archived tapes, or really anything that could be of use.
To say all that left you mentally exhausted would be an understatement.
More than anything, it makes you yearn to finish up work quickly and go home for a hot bath and indulge in your guilty pleasure: Romance Stories.
You're pretty sure anyone of your colleagues hearing about that hobby would be more likely to think they're being pranked than actually believe it.
You, who worked hard and rose quickly within the ranks of the foundation, despite your young age.
You, who thanks to your constant networking and relentless hard work, was the youngest to be awarded with the title of Field Supervisor, bar Vertin of course as she's the Timekeeper.
Exactly why, when asked, you would usually give the far more acceptable "Tennis" as an answer. Really at this point only very few people have any clue about your obsession, and only because they were your classmates back in your more innocent and naive school days. People like this fool who came unannounced, sitting uninvited on your office couch, thoroughly distracting you from your urgent task.
"And then, we're thinking the main character would be revealed to have actually been the real villain all along! Like the serial killer will still remain a separate person, but the way Blonney's thinking of doing it is making Jessica turn out to be even more terrifying!! We'll drop hints throughout the film and-"
And so he goes, on and on. He even stands up and starts pacing as he bothers you further.
You want to groan. This annoying, silly, helpless, cute, sweet, adorkable fool.
"Aren't you supposed to be grounded?" You say deadpan, "What are you even doing here?"
Horropedia stops and turns, facing you properly, "So you can talk!" He practically cries out with mock shock, his face a mask of "disbelief". "Here I thought you'd gone mute, turns out you were just ignoring me." He says as he walks over and plops down on a chair facing your desk.
You roll your eyes refusing to play along. "Some of us have work to get done, Joshua. We're not children anymore, it's high time you start acting like an adult and quit those silly, childish stories."
"Oh?" He says smugly, but you can tell you've definitely hit a nerve by calling him Joshua instead of his preferred nickname. He then proceeds to take a long look around your office, craning his neck this way and that.
You're not sure what he's planning but it can't be anything good.
"Bingo." He says just under his breath as he stands back up and heads for the cupboard you use as a make shift file cabinet. You tense slightly but remind yourself to keep a cool and aloof facade.
He places one hand against a compartment's door and asks: "So then, there isn't a hidden stash of silly, childish romance novels right in here?" He asks, tapping a finger against it.
Go big or go home. "Please, I outgrew that nonsensical hobby ages ago, do you honestly think I have the time to-"
Horropedia then grabs the door handle without permission and proceeds to yank it open-
Or he would have if the door wasn't locked shut. It doesn't even budge.
You smile smugly. "Did no one teach you going through people's belongings is bad manners?"
"Coming from the person who used to steal from my candy stash? I don't wanna hear it." He says dismissively, now focused on intently staring down your cupboard's lock.
You blush, because he's bringing back embarrassing childhood memories of your's, definitely not because he looks really hot when he stops being a lovable goof, or because of the way the light hits his side profile just right and he looks so serious in a rare picturesque way-
You snap yourself out of your reverie just as he brings something out of his utility belt, you blanch when you realize what it is.
"Seriously? Lockpicks? Who goes around carrying those?! Wait- is that how you got out of confinement?!"
Horropedia ignores you and gets immediately to work.
You spring up and rush towards him, only to arrive a second too late as he opens the cupboard with a dramatic flourish, revealing far too many books with cutesy artworks for covers, some with even more tantalizing titles. In fact, their were so many that they proceeded to slide down and out of the compartment, forming a sizeable pile on the floor.
Your stash now exposed, you do the next best thing and head straight for the open office door instead to shut it. This however is far from ideal.
You turn around slowly and as expected, the dork is giving you and adora- Infuriating smirk.
"How. How did you know they were in there-"
"Relax Short-Stuff, I just know you too well." He says, almost preening with pride at his "accomplishment".
You frown, "Don't call me that."
"Don't call me Joshua." He fires back.
You don't reply, and instead take a silent step towards him, then another.
Alarm starts bleeding into his expression, as he himself takes a step back while throwing a glance at the closed door behind you, no doubt gauging the distance in case you decide to attack.
Instead you ignore him and bend down to start gathering your precious but embarrassing treasures.
"What was that about knowing me so well?" You say offhandedly.
"Well- you used to tackle people who pissed you off so- I mean- Forget it."
Now with you both feeling defeated, he bends down to help you gather the books and says: "When do you even find time to read all of these? Everytime I see you you're either writing a report, heading to a mission or coming back from one."
"The car rides are usually pretty quiet, I can read them in peace as long as I hide the covers." You say without looking up.
After a moment of Horropedia not saying anything back or moving to help you, you look up.
"What?" You snap. You know that look, he's judging you. "If you have something to say say it."
"No, no, it's not like that I just... Do you ever get any rest? I'm pretty sure you even work weekends, and I heard you do volunteer work too. This isn't healthy is all I'm thinking."
You blink. Well yes, he does have a compassionate and sweet side too, it's usually hidden by his general tomfoolery though so you tend to forget about it. You also didn't expect him to be keeping an ear out for news about you, it's not like the two of you chat all that often either. You're caught sufficiently off guard that you now have your mouth hanging slightly open with no sounds coming out.
"Earth to (Y/N), you there?" He snaps his fingers a couple of times, and when you're still silent he sighs and continues gathering your babies- your books, and springs back up to stuff them in your cupboard, then dusts his hands off.
You're looking up at his standing form and damn, he actually looks really good from this angle, really accentuates his already impressive height-
This time he forgoes trying to talk to you and just grabs your from the waist and lifts you back to your feet, giving you a quick pat on the shoulder for good measure before letting you go.
Then he seems to think something over and places a hand on your forehead.
"You're not running a fever, but your zoning out is really out of character for ya. Good thing it's 6 already, you can clock out now." He says with a gentle smile.
The smile isn't exactly rare for him, but it also isn't something he usually gives you.
Ever since you set your sights on climbing the corporate ladder... You have been pushing everyone away, even those most precious to you. You've been taking on more and more, piling the tasks and duties up to the point where, sometimes, you just want to do something crazy and impulsive, to get the load off your shoulders even for a short while.
He's still gazing at you, but his smile is wavering. He's still waiting for an answer though.
You consider what would happen if you say yes to clocking out now, if you even gather some additional courage and ask him to hang out? As friends of course! For old times sake! But then again, if you're already that far, what if you ask him out for real? Maybe just for today, you can ignore the far too many responsibilities piled high on top of you and just-
You shake your head. "No sorry, I'm actually spending the night here, I have a lot of work to get done. I know you want to leave though, so you go on ahead, don't worry I won't rat you out so no one should come to drag you back to the school." You say with a chuckle, and wait for him to get going.
But he doesn't move. You can't read his expression, and the way the light hits his glasses isn't helping. Finally what he says is: "I guess you haven't changed that much after all."
Saying you're bewildered would be an understatement. "Huh?"
He loudly sighs, throwing his head back for added effect as he massages the bridge of his nose.
When he's looking back at you his glasses are now sitting crookedly on the space and you have to hold back the urge to reach up and fix them.
Two hands are now on your shoulders, as if to stop you from escaping the truth. "Listen." He says very seriously, all traces of his usually cheery voice gone. "I'm going to say this as plainly as possible. You're working yourself to the bone. I get it, you have some bigger picture in mind, some larger goal that I probably can't see and you're throwing everything trying to reach it but consider this. Maybe it's just not worth it. Not if you'll die long before you get to it within whatever crazy time limit you've set for yourself. Come on (Y/N), you're a field agent for God's sake, how lame would it be if you bite the dust from overworking on reports?!"
He's panting slightly, that speech was clearly coming from the heart and you really appreciate it, you really do, but ever since he first came in today you've had a nagging suspicion you've been trying to stamp down, but it was time to address the elephant in the room.
"Joshua. Why do you care so much? Because honestly the way you're talking right now..." You take a deep breath, "The way you sought me out today, the way you say all of this... I don't want to sound arrogant, but am I correct to assume that- that-"
You can't do this, if you're wrong what's left of your already dwindling friendship with him might be the price.
You back away from him. "I'm sorry never mind, forget I said anything, I'll keep your advice in mind so please just-" just go! I don't want you here when I cry!
But he must see something on your face because he's pulling you in for a hug. It feels so familiar so right that you can't help but melt into it. The exhaustion finally seems to catch up to you and you can't imagine having to trek the walk back to the dorms, much less get any more work done tonight.
You almost miss it, but you just barely make out the words "Yes, you are correct."
And that wakes you right back up.
You push back and straighten up, and he's immediately startling with you. "W-what?" He asks, looking absolutely adorable. This time, you do reach over and right his glasses.
"What did you just say? You whispered something just now, did I hear it right?" You stare at him intently, your gaze unwavering and determined.
He looks to the side, "Don't look at me like thaaaat." He quite literally whines.
"Like what?" You ask, finding yourself genuinely curious as to what he sees in your expression.
He looks back, "Like I'm one of your high priority missions. Don't give me hope if you don't mean it (Y/N)."
You're tired from a long, mentally exhausting day. Your brain to mouth filter is gone, but then again it usually is around Horropedia. You are not thinking straight but you kinda never are around this man.
You grab his necktie and snatch it down, dragging him with it. Your lips are on his in a second, he's reciprocating (thank goodness) the kiss in the next.
When the two of you break it off for air he has the widest grin he has ever given you. No not ever, but in a long time. The intense nostalgia is the last addition to the melange of feelings churning inside of you and the tears finally fall freely.
Predictably, Horropedia panics.
You quickly cover his mouth before he broadcasts any more private information to the whole office floor.
"Shhhh! Calm down! I just... I just needed a good cry I guess..." You end meekly, wiping your tears away.
Horropedia stares at you wide eyed. In another situation this would be the perfect teasing material, (Y/N) actually knows how to cry?! Or something along those lines, but evidently even he has better sense than to do that, so he instead silently hugs you again, and doesn't tighten his hold until you hug him back.
You could stay in his arms forever, which sounds cliche but isn't that amazing? That you could get to think of something so silly and cliche instead of the probability of success of your next mission strategy? You take a small step back without letting go, just to look at the wall clock and debate what to do next. You can tell Horropedia is eagerly waiting for your decision with bated breath. Finally you pull yourself out of the hug.
Only to grab your purse and keys, then quickly come back to his side.
"Alright. You win, what's the plan now?" You ask, twisting a scarf high around your neck to hide your excitement.
He frowns slightly, and hesitantly asks. "Do you still suffer from insomnia?"
Of course he remembers. "It's better now but yes." Is your answer.
"Then we go on the most anti-insomnia date to help you sleep!" He announces, opening the door for you.
You chuckle and head out, waiting for him to follow so you can lock your office.
"And where are we going?" You fiddle with your keys, slipping one in the lock.
"To your dorm room?" He asks more then answers.
You freeze. "Moving a little fast there don't you think?" You turn to face him.
He flushes bright red. "Noooo!! I knew you would misunderstand!!! I meant because your bed is there and you could go straight to sleep once you feel like it!!!"
You giggle. "Oh I know, just teasing." You say wiggling your eyebrows.
He gasps "You! I! Why you! Hmph!" He turns and walks on ahead, but there's a spring in his step and he's headed towards your dorm, so you know he's not actually mad. You jog to catch up to him.
"Geez Joshua, not all of us have long legs wait up!"
And he does slow down, but he also throws you a question. "Why do you keep calling me Joshua? At first I thought it was to annoy me, but that can't be right. So what's your reason?"
You consider this carefully. After everything that just happened, admitting this truth hardly feels like such a hard challenge. You talk as you walk.
"More than one reason I guess... For starters it's what I've always known you as... Despite what I said before, you actually have changed in a lot of ways, heck you used to be shorter than me." You laugh a bit, "The name feels like all I have left from back then." You say with a sigh.
He keeps silent, probably guessing there's more, so you continue, "Also... Well, this is a bit embarrassing but everyone calls you Horropedia... I guess I kinda felt special by being the only one calling you Joshua. It's silly I know."
Horropedia stops walking and grabs your hand, halting you too. He's silent for a moment before he croaks out, voice clearly emotional "You can call me whatever you want." Then he goes back to walking while still holding onto your hand, pulling you along. And that's that.
He walks you all the way to your dorm room then stops.
"You're not coming in? You didn't change your mind already did you?" You ask half jokingly but also kinda worried.
"Nope! I'll go bring my tv and some supplies, I'll be back in an hour or so, that way you'll have time to freshen up and maybe relax for a bit?" He says with a small smile, and ruffles your hair lightly.
You blink, then processing the first part of his sentence you ask: "Why are you bringing your TV? I have a TV."
"You do?" He sounds surprised.
"Of course, how else would I be able to play my romance film tapes?"
His mouth forms an "o" shape. "That actually makes sense, I don't know why I didn't think of that. Well there's still other stuff to be brought but this definitely helps save time, alright see you soon." He gives you a quick hug before parting ways.
Now home, you proceed to tidy up the dorm room and hop in the shower, then get dressed in a comfortable but cute outfit and style your hair into something more relaxed and comfy.
You head to your wardrobe and start opening the large bottom drawers you use to store blankets and pillows, and start constructing a pillow fort on the rug, facing the television.
It's not long until you hear a knock at your door, and with less restraint then you would usually allow, you rush towards it and swing it wide open to reveal a-
A pile of shopping bags and a plushie?
"A lil help here? Actually can you let me in?" You hear Horropedia's voice as he tries to right one of the bags sliding down with his knee.
"Ohhhh!" You intone, mesmerized, "A talking pile of bags and a plushie!"
"Haha, very funny." Horropedia's head pops up and despite his words he's definitely amused.
You quickly begin grabbing the bags closest to you and realize they're pretty much all filled with snacks and fizzy drinks... All of which you know for sure are nothing like those issued by the foundation.
"Where did you even get these?" You ask, as the both of you drag the bags inside. From the corner of your eyes you notice him taking extra care not to drop the relatively large plushie.
"Oh you know, I have my ways~" He replies, going for a mysterious tone.
Do his "ways" include Vertin's suitcase? Probably. But you don't say anything, let him have his moment.
When everything is set up nicely around your pillow fort, you turn to ask him what you're watching when you find him on one knee, dramatically presenting you with the stuffed toy.
"Will you do me the great honor, of accepting my humble offering?" He asks solemnly.
You burst out laughing "Wha- what are you doing..?" You wheeze.
You bend down to grab the plushie and admire it, it's a nice medium size, aka the perfect hugging size.
"I thought you might need a little friend to keep you company as we watch-" He takes out a film tape with a flourish "This movie!"
You blanch. "Is this one of your horror films? Are you serious? I thought we were trying to put me to sleep not keep me up all night." You say with an exasperated shake of your head.
"No no listen, you're used to romance movies, they're no good to help you sleep anymore or they would've worked by now right? Maybe what you need is something to wring out all the nervous energy from you so you can relax!"
Somehow that both makes some sense and no sense at once. But then you have a realization.
You pretend to think it over. "I don't know, even if what you say could hypothetically work, and while your gift is cute, I just don't feel like it's huggable enough, you know?"
His face falls slightly. "Oh? You don't like it do you? I knew I should've brought a bigger one-"
"No, what I'm saying is, it's not the same as cuddling with a warm human being."
You wait for the mostly genius yet sometimes dumb dumb young man in front of you to connect the dots. You can tell he did when his face is the shade of a ripe strawberry.
"OH! Ohhhh!! Oh. Yeah, yeah we can definitely uh- cuddle. As much as you want. Of course."
You laugh "Dude we were just hugging and kissing in my office! Why are you getting all shy on me now?" You tug him along by the arm to set up the film.
"I knoooow," he whines, "it's just this is a step further ok? And that was an I'm-really-worried-about-her hug, and the kiss was a very emotional moment my brain just wasn't braining!"
"Whatever you say." You reply as you poke his right cheek. "You're cute though so it's fine." You giggle.
You wait for him to berate you about calling him, the horror genre enthusiast and connoisseur "cute", but all he does is stare at you with a dopey smile, just making you melt.
"Are you sure we can't just watch a romance movie?" You ask softly.
"Nah, we're being our own romance movie right now." He says as he grabs your hand and hoists you up with him, leading you back to the pillow fort. "You'll pick the movie next time."
The screen turns on, displaying the title of the horror movie you settled on. “It’s a classic!” Horropedia says, clearly excited to share the movie with you.
As you both sink into the pillows, the opening title sequence of the film begins playing.
As the horror style music plays, you notice Horropedia lean in his body closer to yours, careful to not make it seem like he was trying to get nearer.
"You can come closer I don't bite," you say jokingly, "and if I was uncomfortable with having you here I wouldn't have mentioned cuddling in the first place."
Horropedia's face turns fully red as he realizes he was not being subtle.
"Yeah... sorry."
His body shifts, and he slides one arm around your shoulders. He then speaks, barely above a whisper, "Can I get a hug now...?"
"I didn't know you were the clingy type Joshua," you start to tease, "and before even the first jumpscare hap-" but you immediately get interrupted by a joke jumpscare, a character that is not the antagonist innocently scaring their friends as a prank, yet embarrassingly managing to startle you "Eeep-" your hands instinctively grab onto the nearest object, which of course has to be his torso.
Oh dear lord. You sigh internally.
You look up at his face, finding he at least has the decency to try and stifle his laughter, though he wasn't succeeding much. But his droopy eyes were crinkling at the sides, and his smile was just too beautiful so you couldn't get mad.
Horropedia chuckles at your expression, probably finding the irony amusing, and the fact it was a fake jumpscare that did you in.
He then quickly pulls you closer to give you that hug you were just teasing him about not a moment ago.
You feel your head lean against his shoulder as he pulls you in, wrapping his arms around you as you both settle further into your cozy pillow fort setup.
"This doesn't count you hear? I wasn't scared or anything, I'm just a bit jumpy." You say, trying to preserve your dignity. The last thing you need is the no.1 horror enthusiast to misunderstand and think you're a scaredy cat, you would never hear the end of the teasing.
You could feel his chest vibrating with laughter underneath you, and he reaches up with the opposite hand and ruffles your hair.
"Uh-huh." Is all he says.
By the time the movie ends, you're already sound asleep. Horropedia carefully untangles your limbs and carries you off to bed. The day did not go as he'd expected, he'd go as far to say it went more like his fantasies then actual reality.
He tucks you in carefully, being mindful to jostle you as little as possible. He's fairly certain if you go on a second date (you probably will right? This date went great right?!?!) you won't settle for anything other than one of your romance movies.
Not that he minds, really. After today he doesn't think he'll be looking at the characters on the screen with jealousy or disgruntlement. He also thinks he'll enjoy whatever you pick.
He glances at your alarm clock. Oh it was late. He'd better get moving, while he has more freedom under Vertin's supervision now he still shouldn't push his luck. He decides he'll tell you tomorrow about his new, more flexible work arrangement.
He heads for the dorm room entrance, opening and closing the door softly behind him. His last thought before leaving is he'll have to ask what you thought of his movie pick tomorrow.
From the river to the sea PALESTINE WILL BE FREE ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ 🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸.
If you pray, please pray for Gaza and the Westbank 🙏🏻🙏🏻
#r1999#reverse 1999#gacha games#fanfic#horropedia#joshua#horropedia x reader#Horropedia x y/n#Horropedia x You
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clinginess .
incl . medpoc , x , pavia , zima , horropedia , 6 (six)
synopsis . how do they deal with clinginess, how compatible are they with a clingy s/o?
content . romance , headcanons , ooc (??) , gn!reader

MEDICINE POCKET is very clear about their boundaries; they do not take crossing them lightly. while you are their lover and significant other, they still make a line that you should not cross.
. though, a contrary belief is that medicine pocket would reciprocate your manner. i believe that either way, medicine pocket would find your behavior endearing.
. medicine pocket would often let you work alongside them - that is, if you don't mind. they would let you take notes for them, telling you to 'do as i say,' or 'write down what i say'.
;; OVERALL medicine pocket would be ( somewhat ) compatible with a clingy partner. just as long as you don't bother them as they're working, they would enjoy being in your presence and having you cling onto them.
X is rather indifferent to this. unlike medicine pocket, he does not necessarily have a sense of boundaries; he does not mind whether you cling onto him or not, he acts just the same.
. x is used to charming people with his personality and looks, so he did not seem to take notice of it at the start of your relationship. he found it amusing, and would oftentimes return your gestures.
. there is a chance of x taking advantage of this scenario to make you test his inventions for him ( of course, he makes sure they're safe to try first ) but otherwise, nothing serious.
;; OVERALL i find x to be a sort of 50/50 in this case. he could be considered more compatible, but there are some contradictions in my head. he is pretty questionable, really ...
PAVIA doesn't want anyone digging into his business. he doesn't want you asking him questions about his work knowing you wont get any answers, he would be happier with someone understanding of his boundaries and line of work.
. i have a headcanon that his wolves get clingy whenever they're hungry - so pavia is quite used to clinginess already. in general, he wouldn't mind if you were touchy with him. you could just lay your hands on his chest, sit on his lap randomly, and he wouldn't care all that much.
. the only problem that pavia has with this is the countless questions you ask him. about his past, about his work - he dislikes having someone pry into his personal life. other than that, he really just doesn't care.
;; OVERALL i don't exactly believe he's all that compatible with a clingy s/o. yes, he likes your touches and affection, but he does not need you smothering him! he needs to do his work as a mercenary, and prefers keeping you out of it.
ZIMA would have to take time to warm up to your clinginess at first. he appears awkward and gruff at first, but eventually would be willing to engage in it.
. he was but a lonely poet before he met you, with nothing but wild animals to keep him company - he considers himself lucky to have you in his life. about your clinginess, he does not mind it much.
. physical affection isn't something he's used to, and it's something that you introduce to him. he has no trouble in showering you with words of affirmation and small gifts, but he's quite iffy with other love languages.
;; OVERALL zima enjoys bathing in the warmth of his lover, a deep contrast to his life in the cold. i believe that zima is one of, if not the most, compatible with a clingy s/o.
HORROPEDIA is completely inexperienced, but that doesn't stop him from reciprocating your affection.
. he'd get caught off guard each time you touch him - he just doesn't strike me as the guy that's really used to physical touch. sure, eventually he wouldn't start to mind it much, but at the start of the relationship he's a bit sheepish with it.
. when he starts to get used to it, he likes to return your affections. he'll often have you by his side, but there are still times where he needs some time alone. if you can respect that, the relationship will be long-lasting.
;; OVERALL compatible! he enjoys your presence, and you enjoy his too. horropedia does not have any objections to your clinginess, and likes being showered with your affection.
SIX does not know how to deal with your clinginess. is he supposed to entertain you? he was more used to blending in with the background, he is unfamiliar with your touches and affection.
. six is curious by nature, and he starts to wonder why? he could understand it from a medical standpoint, and it's not like he would really mind your clinginess - perhaps you have some emotional wound that you would like him to heal?
. unless it bothers you, six wouldn't be as affectionate. he's been so closed-off and distant from his friends, learning how to love and be affectionate towards somebody again must be hard for him.
;; OVERALL makes a decent couple. while six takes a lot of time and space to get used to it, he likes your affectionate gestures, despite not returning them as much.

before you ask ' wheres diggers !? ' DONT. HES TOO UGLY I JHATE HIM !!!! ( /j i don't understand his character and am too lazy to write for him ) i will be posting another part of this !! the next part will be including the girlies next :33
likely going to be editing this soon ... this has got to be my worst work broa 😭
#𖹭 ࣪ zaira's works#medicine pocket x reader#medpoc x reader#x x reader#pavia x reader#horropedia x reader#6 x reader#six x reader#reverse 1999 x reader#r1999 x reader#zima x reader#winter x reader#Зима x reader#x you
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☆ Medicine pocket relationship headcanons
☆ Medicine pocket x rival!reader
☆ Medicine Pocket x Victorian doctor!reader
☆ Horropedia x laplace!reader
☆ Horropedia xreader who's super into bugs, headcanons
☆ Getian x reader handfeeding headcanons and mini drabble
☆ Pavia x diabetic reader
☆ Boothill x mechanic!reader
☆ Sunday x reader headcanons
#reverse 1999#boothill#hsr#honkai star rail#horropedia#medicine pocket#medpoc#medpoc x reader#horropedia x reader#boothill x reader#boothill x you#medicine pocket x reader#hsr boothill#Horropedia#r1999 getian#getian#r1999#getian x reader#sunday hsr#sunday hsr x reader#hsr sunday#honkai star rail sunday#penacony#sunday honkai star rail#sunday x reader fluff#sunday x reader#hsr x you#hsr x reader#Pavia#pavia x reader
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it's always me in the end
synopsis - how are they with someone who has DID?
includes - horropedia, pavia
warnings - gn!reader, reader has DID, fluff, slight angst, wc - 338
a/n: this is a extension of yesterday's post for @holycannibal!
horrorpedia ★↷
↪he would probably have very basic knowledge on the subject but after meeting you would be very determined to know everything about it.
↪and he'd retain that information just to help you out in anyway and make it slightly easier if he can.
↪and in similar fashion, he probably knows every single one of your identities and could tell from a glance which one it was.
↪ additionally he treats them all the same. at the end of the day it's still you and therefore he will treat any identity as he would treat you.
↪he is very good at clearing away amnesia and conflicting memories to ensure that you experience as little confusion as possible.
↪he knows it may bea long shot, but he wants you to just be yourself and not let it get in the way of everyday activities and he will do everything to ensure that happens.
pavia ★↷
↪he isn't that well equipped to deal with your disorder. he probably hadn't even heard of it until he met you but he was immediately set on learning as much as he could.
↪he quickly realises how difficult this probably was for you in your everyday life but you probably didn't even know as evey identity seemed to have it's own outlook.
↪he understood that, if you did have amnesia, it was very difficult to keep memories and therefore he would always help you retain them for as long as possible.
↪ probably took him a while to get used your different identities especially because they all seemed to have different ways of thinking. but he got there eventually.
↪he always made sure to take his time to understand whoch identity he was dealing with and to make sure that he still treated the identity as he would do you.
↪never said anything out loud, but he was always relieved when you're'host identity' returned and he could be with the true you again.
#x reader#x gender neutral reader#reverse 1999 x reader#reverse 1999 x you#re1999 x reader#re1999#r1999 x reader#r1999#reverse 1999 horropedia#reverse 1999 pavia#horropedia x reader#pavia x reader
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have been playing R1999 pretty much all day because I Love the current event . but also my bisexual endeavors play a huge part in it because I saw Tooth Fairy's design and started twirling my hair and then started reading the event story and started kicking my feet ... she is calming she is responsible she is caring but mysterious AHHH ...... she doesn't need fixing because she is perfect but also I could be her assistant . I will become a dental assistant just give me ONE chance please please please please !!!!!
but also I am both apalled and shocked to announce that I have it BAD for Horropedia he is such a fucking loser . the shock comes from the fact that I usually don't even like designs like his but the fact that he just keeps TALKING despite people being visibly annoyed or just telling him to shut up is soooo *twirls hair* +++++ his whole THING is that he's crazy about horror . I want to go out with him and terrorize people with random facts they absolutely do not care about . I feel like I'm going crazy . bisexualism strikes once again
#r1999#diary#where are the x reader ficsWHO SAID THAT#ALSO Horropedia literally gave himself a nickname . he Tells you to call him Horropedia#also it's unfortunate that they're both from a gacha game cause why does every character have a weird name#it's cool until you post about them and have to say their names on your tumblr dot com blog .
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Rip Blonney you would have loved writing creepypasta
Rip Horropedia you would have loved resident evil
Rip An an lee you would have loved The Magnus Archive
Rip Tooth Fairy you would have loved dark academia outfit
Rip Medicine Pocket you would have loved saying “we are so cooked”
Rip 37 you would have loved wordle
Rip Click you would have loved Nikon D850
Rip Kakania you would have loved using twitter
Rip Isolde you would have loved modern therapy
Rip X you would have loved The Mystery of the Druids
Rip Melania you would have loved Persona
#reverse 1999#re1999#rev1999#r1999#blonney#horropedia#an an lee#tooth fairy#medicine pocket#37#click#kakania#isolde#x#melania
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Disabled Characters in Reverse: 1999 - Part 3
Welcome to the final installment of this list of the game's disabled characters (for now), and we are ending it with the most interesting of them: the neurodivergent characters!

These characters are particularly special since a lot of them are mainly speculated, but they draw heavy parallels to their respective conditions that they had to be taken note of.
Now because there are so many characters, they became an entire category of their own instead of being lumped with the previous post, and this became undoubtedly one of the longest texts I've written down among most of the analysis posts I've made for this game.
I hope that you enjoy reading this final piece, let's get started.
Autism: 37, Horropedia, Melania, Balloon Party, Avgust

All of these characters are incredibly similar to each other, and yet they all have their share differences. For example, both Horropedia and 37 are characters that embody one of the main stereotypes about autism: Incredibly intelligent characters who fixate on specific subjects. 37’s focus is on mathematics, while Horropedia’s is the horror genre. Even their personalities are quite similar: arrogant yet kind and understanding people.
They lace their speech with associations to their topic of interest, and will infodump about it unprompted. The two of them also struggle to pick up social cues, nor can tell if the information they’re sharing is unsolicited because the information is normal to themselves.
However, the difference between them in this is that Horropedia is more carefree about it, whilst 37 is more self-aware about the fact that she can’t come to a mutual understanding with others.
The rest of the characters here also share these traits, but they all stand out in their own ways:
Melania’s intricate way of making plans tends to be in the form of academic exams. These tend to be her greatest motivator when it comes to doing work, and gets easily frustrated when having to change them. She also has a set routine that she gets easily surprised by sudden interruptions.
Balloon Party’s speech is found to be unconventional (i.e. the speech impediment from earlier, the tone of her voice is found to be naturally flat) and is paired with word association and echolalia.
Avgust has a unique understanding of the world around him, with him associating everything and everyone with more innocent concepts. (e.g. his father’s death is often referred to as him “sleeping in the mines”) None of these mean that he doesn’t understand things like death as what they are, only that he’s very young among the cast and has been raised in a healthy environment that allows him to continue thinking this way for a bit longer.
ADHD: Regulus & Eagle

With Regulus, it’s more of a headcanon than it is backed by evidence, but the main points that can be found for her are her restlessness, lacking attention span, and her impulsivity. They’re common aspects (hyperactive) in ADHD, and thus they aren’t exactly conclusive.
But I also found that Regulus also tends to bring her interests to light when navigating through conversations, and this with the reasons mentioned above makes me personally believe that Regulus does not just strictly have ADHD, but still overall neurodivergent.
Eagle seems to have the inattentive type of ADHD. A more established indicator of her likely having it is through her anecdote, where she was said to have had some sort of attention-deficit. In that anecdote, Eagle mainly acts on her own impulses such as jumping to try to find the missing boy scout, and even helping X if it meant that it progressed her mission.
She struggles to take rejection and constantly tries to prove herself to be able to gain the acceptance she’s looking for. It made me believe that she has Rejection Sensitivity Dysphoria. (RSD)
While these alone aren’t conclusive either, they still give me enough reason to believe that Eagle could be implied to be neurodivergent too.
AuDHD (Autism + ADHD): Vertin, Marcus, AliEn T

From the earlier points, we find that some of the mixed traits that make for auDHD are found in Vertin, Marcus, and AliEn T. All three of them are quite emotional (even Vertin in spite of her stoicism) and impulsive people, where they tend to jump into action when they have a rough plan set in mind. They also have their own interests (wildlife, reading, Earth) and tend to get absorbed into their own thoughts quite often. Because of the latter, they tend to lead themselves into executive dysfunction. Some things about them differ, however.
Starting with Vertin, most of the “obvious” signs are present in her childhood, where she was restless and curious of the world beyond SPDM, making it difficult for her to focus in school. Yet, she still kept up with topics that interested her, going as far as skipping classes to learn in her own way.
She has gotten punished often for her “defiance,” and ended up being radicalized by it and by the trauma she faced in Chapter 3. Currently, she masks quite heavily to a degree, leaving her main indicators to be her tactile tendencies (i.e. touching things and others out of curiosity) and her becoming absorbed to her own thoughts.
Meanwhile, Marcus is an incredibly anxious person. She often relied on someone like Hofmann to socialize with others and make decisions for her since she struggled greatly in that aspect. She can be easily upset by things and even by her own overthinking, taking rejection quite poorly before resorting to immediately coming up with ways to resolve it.
She often retreats back to reading to be able to ground herself from any stress. But now with everything that’s happened, Marcus has begun working on herself and mustering the courage to be able to push her limits independently.
We’re not entirely sure about how AliEn T’s home society is structured, but it can be argued that his and our societies tend to parallel each other. For example, AliEn T is seen as a bit eccentric to his kind like the regional manager and co-workers because of him being emotionally prone and being very fixated on the Earth. (which his society collectively avoids)
A lot of his notes about his home in the anecdote imply that in his home society, they have their equivalent of some of the struggles found in the neurodivergent experience, which is why he and Officer Williams in the anecdote could empathize with each other.
Others / Related but non-diagnostic: Mesmer Jr., Isolde, Pickles, Kaalaa Baunaa, Tooth Fairy, Blonney

As I explained in the previous post, Mesmer Jr. and Isolde both greatly suffer from conditions that particularly stem from their trauma and subsequent C-PTSD.
Again, Mesmer Jr. is heavily hinted to have OCD, while Isolde has many disorders linked to C-PTSD. (formerly named as "hysteria") Due to the nature of their respective conditions, they both deserve a place here in this list.
It can be assumed that Pickles is neurodivergent due to him being nicknamed as an “indigo pup.” While this might be related to his arcane skill, the nickname is also intriguing because it's like the term “indigo children.”
“Indigo children” are classified as those who are incredibly intelligent and possess special talents or powers according to the New Age concept. However, this classification is closely associated with neurodivergence due to the similar descriptions.
Meanwhile, Kaalaa Baunaa, Tooth Fairy, and Blonney have shared stories in which they've had to maintain some form of distance towards their arcanist identities due to the hostile nature of their environments. They embraced it as part of themselves in the end, though.
Kaalaa Baunaa has been an avid researcher ever since she was young, and enjoys maintaining punctuality through routines. However, she had been often discriminated against in her initial workplace, where her arcanist identity had been picked out first before taking her research in consideration; even her research had been disregarded due to the “unconventional” methods that she applied to conduct them.
It can be considered a familiar feeling among neurodivergent people and it is incredibly frustrating when it happens. For KB, it had gotten bad to the point of her (and Kumar) getting kicked out of their institution, but it never stopped either of them from continuing to do their work.
Tooth Fairy and Blonney both grew up in mixed societies, where they had to force themselves to conform to be able to be accepted in both human and arcanist social spaces.
Tooth Fairy, while achieving this balance in her college years, had never been treated as an equal by either side due to both her arcanist identity and frequency to interact with humans. She was bullied for it and was even taken advantage of when she made the medicine in her character story. These experiences led her to accept her own identity and eventually stop overtly conforming to both societies.
Blonney meanwhile moved to a predominantly human society, where she greatly conformed to human ideals and trends to “fit in” with the humans. But she was still off-handedly discriminated against due to simply just being an arcanist. She tried really hard to suppress herself, to the point that she dimmed her own “light” and was unable to use her personalized arcane skill. But when she came back to Green Lake, her mask slowly fell apart, and then it reignited her passion, which allowed her to begin accepting herself again.
Honorable Mentions
Sonetto, Matilda, Sotheby, Ezra, Jessica - Autism (mainly credited from: @/H0LOdm on twt)
While these are mainly headcanon, some of these characters here do display neurodivergent traits in their own ways, most especially the latter 3 of these characters here. They all struggle to pick up social cues and tend to struggle in (conventionally) socializing/empathizing with others.
Sotheby and Jessica in particular both lace their language using their interests and the environment they grew up in. Ezra also uses his interests in fungi as a conversation starter with others, eager to see any mushrooms that might be potentially found anywhere.
Final Notes and Thanks
When I started writing these down I didn't really think much of it outside of the fact that there were so many characters who were particularly neurodivergent, which then further extended to the rest of the disabled characters as well. I tried my best to word these as respectfully as I can, and that I hope people could find fun in reading these as much as I did writing them.
I give my acknowledgements to these people for their help and support for the creation of list in entirety: Jager, Lupjo, Reg, Bee ( @e-0timely ) , Abyss ( @abyss-idiot ), and Tokki
Considering the nature of this list, I want to say that are non-conclusive and can be interpreted in any way you want. As I said in my previous version of this post, "...Every experience is different, and I think these characters here openly show that."
Feel free to add your own insights, corrections, and even your own headcanons here. Thanks for reading, and have the two links to the first two lists down here.
Physically Disabled Characters Psychologically Disabled Characters
#reverse 1999#character analysis#horropedia#avgust#vertin#balloon party#kaalaa baunaa#tooth fairy#37 reverse 1999#melania reverse 1999#regulus reverse 1999#eagle reverse 1999#alien t reverse 1999#marcus reverse 1999#pickles reverse 1999#blonney reverse 1999
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;R1999 - "this suitcase, livelier than it ever was"
Timekeeper Team x Reader 1.4k words fluff, comfort, found family Day or night. In the morning, in the evening, in the afternoon. Inside, where it's warm, or outside, where it's cold. Home is wherever your newfound, little family is.
this is something that started on the r1999 roleplay server, a little collaborative writing moment we had. I wanted to expand on it with this slightly new format because it makes me. so deranged to think about the domesticity of living in vertin's suitcase with everyone else, all of your friends <3
this is just the early morning version! but we also talked about the afternoon and night time hehehoho. shoutout to everyone who was there for the nuclear bombs that were dropped that day, we did it we survived!!!
It's early in the morning, and you smell the scent of warm food before the sun hits your eyes.
Despite the voices, you know who is in the kitchen just by smell alone; this is Bunny Bunny's special pancake recipe, the one she learned from her grandmother. Those are the two, maybe three pots of coffee being brewed at once for Horropedia, Bette, Kaalaa Baunaa and more. There are footsteps echoing all over the building, they come from above on the up and down, from left and right.
You don't feel the need to get dressed and be presentable before leaving your room, your pajamas work just as well. Right away, you see Blonney, her long, blonde hair tangled up in knots, ushering Jessica into one of the bathrooms, the cleanest one in this floor; they do this all the time, this is their routine. You know it'll be an hour or two before they finish, but if you're nice, they will let you join them. Jessica notices you right away and waves with an endearingly big smile across her face. She tells you that Blonney is going to groom her fur today, since they have a photoshoot for one of her projects.
Blonney follows her gaze, she gestures for you to "hurry and get your ass in here with them if you want her to do your hair" in a way that a stranger would perceive as hostile. But you're no stranger, you know of the hidden, sisterly affection in her words. And you also know better than to intrude whenever one of her movie projects is involved. The door shuts behind them after you politely decline. The last thing you hear is Jessica's muffled voice bidding you goodbye.
It's early in the morning, and your hair is a mess. There's another bathroom down the hall, but that's usually where the children of the suitcase go to see who is the fastest at brushing their teeth and washing their face--you'd rather not come out of there, wet and covered in toothpaste. Your other option is an even bigger gamble; there is a mirror in Pavia's room, but catching him in a good mood is the tricky part. For all you know, he's not even there, and he's one of the very few people who still lock their doors. Even so, he has no issue barging into your room unannounced every so often.
Regulus it is, then. You know she's awake because of the shrill sound of her music, a permanent vibration in the walls that all of her neighbors have grown used to. The smile on her face is big and welcoming once she opens the door to greet you, she says you look like shit and lends you her hair brush. Mr APPLe is not with her this time, but you know that he's the one making sure that Regulus wakes up in time for breakfast--a pirate needs to be quick to eat, he would say, and she would then repeat this to you.
You walk with Regulus towards the kitchen. You have to step over many of the forgotten toys scattered throughout the hallways. You nod in greeting to Zima, who always walks nearest to the wall, as if to avoid being in anyone's personal space. In his hands, he holds a small plate of pastries and a cup, his companion Zima--the bird-- pecks away at the small crumbs. It chirps at you and the two return to their room.
It's early in the morning, and you sit down with all the friends from all over the world that you've made ever since Vertin took you in. The Timekeeper herself sits across from your spot, discussing the puzzles in today's newspaper with Sonetto. A plate of pancakes is set down on the table, just for you, with the toppings that you love and the perfect amount that you usually eat. When you look up, you see Tooth Fairy smiling down at you; today, she's the one helping Bunny Bunny, tomorrow it will be someone else as the schedule pinned on the fridge indicates. Your turn won't come in a while, but you know that tonight you're in charge of doing the dishes with Leilani.
Something touches your leg, and you lean down to see the twins, Luisa and Louise, attempting to feed gummy bears to Pickles, who solemnly looks away each and every time the sweet candy nears his mouth. Eventually, he trots off and they chase after him, surprising and almost knocking Oliver out of his chair. Some laugh, some call out to the kids, some point out the sudden flushed look on the boy's face.
Regulus asks for seconds, and she fights with Centurion over the biggest, tastiest looking pancake in the batch; this is a contest Regulus knows she can't win, yet she tries anyway. The pancake ends on Centurion's plate before anyone can even understand how, luck always on the gambler's side--but she still goes out of her way to cut it in half and share with the pirate. When she catches your eye, she offers you some, she even suggests that you add hot sauce to enhance the flavor. If you didn't know any better, you'd assume she was joking, but she isn't.
You decline, and someone else takes your place. Shamane rests a hand on the back of your chair, leaning forward from behind you to reach out and take a small piece of hot sauce covered pancake from Centurion's plate. His voice is booming, happy and energetic, and it remains so even after the combination renders his taste buds useless. You quickly offer your own glass of water and he takes it gladly as another round of laughter begins around the table.
Now that Shamane has indulged in the shenanigans, the children follow suit; Kanjira stands on her chair, offering to try the food as well, but Matilda pulls her down by the arm, shaking her head in both disappointment and genuine concern. Erick is next, then Eagle. It's only when Bunny Bunny threatens to hold off dessert that the table calms down.
On your left, Druvis III sits quietly, enjoying the atmosphere. When you first met her, you assumed her to be the solitary type, preferring the comfort of her trees than a room full of people. But now you understand her a little better. She notices you glancing her way and asks if you slept well, falling into a pleasant conversation with you. She mentions an outing with Sotheby, a small excursion to the wilderness to search for ingredients; if you'd like, you're welcome to join them. This is a genuine sentiment, not an invitation that she extends out of politeness, having been raised among other nobles and aristocrats, an environment in which every little detail came with hidden, ulterior motives. You tell her that you will, if you have time--Spathodea has asked you to spot her while she trains, since Desert Flannel is too busy with her many, many jobs today.
Right! And after that, you might have a mission with Charlie and The Fool! And then, after that, you want to rest before Baby Blue's tea party. Druvis III listens attentively, praising you for having the energy to do so much in so little time. A small voice jumps in, Cristallo informs you that Baby Blue's tea party has been moved--it will happen in two days from now on, after an accident involving Diggers and his bubbles rendered greenhouse unusable, covered in foam and his special bubble solution.
Tooth Fairy gasps ever so gently, like she just remembered something small, like her keys on the table; but she comments on how her instructions, paired with Horropedia's ideas, might have pushed Diggers down the wrong path. Gossip runs fast, and everyone quickly wants to know what sort of shenanigans Tooth Fairy would even entertain in the first place.
There is much on your mind, so many things to notice and look forward to, that you don't notice Erick stealing a strawberry from your plate. When you look out the window, you see the silhouettes of your other friends in the fields or perched by the trees.
A pair of curious eyes land on you.
You look healthier, happier even--a strong contrast to the state you were in when she found you. Vertin smiles, she knows exactly how you feel. It's the same for her, after all.
#reverse 1999#reverse: 1999#reverse 1999 x reader#reverse 1999 fanfic#im not tagging everyone mentioned
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Arcanists Masking
A list of arcanists in the game sorted into categories of how much they mask as human/follow human etiquette in society.
Blatantly Inhuman
37 - If you told someone in the Foundation that she was an alien like Voyager they’d believe you
Avgust - Same situation as 37, acts like they’ve never been on earth
Baby Blue - The vibe is wandering spirit over human
Balloon Party
Druvis iii
Eternity - Nice try ethereal entity, we can tell
Isolde - Famous arcanist and stopped masking as a human outside of shows. The world is her stage now
Kaalaa Baunaa - Nice try ethereal entity, we can tell
Jessica - Tried masking out for a while, didn’t work
La Source
Voyager - Visibly masks but you can tell cause the vibes are off
People Assume they’re an Arcanist
An-an Lee - If you assume she’s human and not an arcanist that’s on you kinda attitude
Centurion - Acting like she wasn’t an arcanist wouldn’t do well for her job + she’s proud of it
Diggers - He could but he’s not trying to hide it
Leilani - No effort in hiding it
Lilya - Brags about her arcanum a lot
Marcus - Actively bad at masking
Matilda - Makes conscious effort to present as an Arcanist
Medicine Pocket - Reject masking, accept ur own feral nature
Mondlict - Reject masking, accept ur own feral nature
Ms NewBabel - Makes conscious effort to present as an Arcanist
Necrologist - Not trying to mask
Nick Bottom
Oliver Fog - Not trying to mask + would tell someone he is so they go away faster
Pavia - Brags about his arcanum to much to mask
Regulus - Proud of being an arcanist but will rarely mask for her own benefit
Sotheby - Has never in her life masked
Spathodea- Proud of being an arcanist + she’s a celebrity now
The Fool
Tooth Fairy - Nice try ethereal entity, we can tell
Twins sleep - Never in their lives have they masked
X - Makes no effort to mask
Yenisei - Makes no effort to mask
Failed at Acting Human
Charlie - She’s in a known arcanist group + an Arcanist celebrity, if she was in a disguise though she’d be fine
Click - He probably acted human to get around when he was alive
Erick - At first sight you’d think she’s human but she’s very proud that she’s an arcanist
Jiu - Successfully masked as human for a long time before failing so badly she swore off it
John Titor - Second you hear em talk
Kakania - You can kinda tell on looks and she isn’t hiding it anyways
Kanjira - Can probably mask as a human to strangers for a while but quickly slips up
TTT - If you didn’t see her you’d think she’s just a girl
Acts Human
6 - Just a guy
Bette - Acting is their whole job
Blonney - She’s accepted she’s an arcanist but it’s habit
Bkornblume - Generally wouldn't tell strangers anything + acts innocuous in public
Bunny Bunny - Customer service persona
Desert Flannel - She used to be a celebrity but not many people recognize her anymore + she can’t hustle as well if she was a known Arcanist
Horropedia - Proud of being an arcanist but if it didn’t come up you wouldn’t know
Melania - Makes a conscious effort to mask as human in public
Mesmer Jr - Outside of work she actively dislikes being an arcanist
Ms Moissan - Proud of being an arcanist but if it didn’t come up you wouldn’t know
Sonetto - She’s the Foundation’s pride for her masking but one of these days she’s gonna lose it
Sweetheart - Acting is her whole job
Tennant - Regularly masks with success to her benefit
Object Class
A Knight - If it weren’t for his appearance ppl would know he’s just a jolly ghost
aliEn T - Also an appearance based loss
APPle - Same thing
Door - Visibly nonhuman with a nonhuman personality
Ms Radio - Visibly nonhuman with a nonhuman personality
#yapping#reverse 1999#honeystar#reverse: 1999#re1999#r1999#r99#ezra gets their own little thing cause I didn't wanna leave him out#reverse 1999 headcanons
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Hihi, would I be able to request a fem!Reader X Pavia? Maybe the reader colouring in his tattoos and doodling even more on him, but he doesn't mind at all because his lover drew all that? Maybe even bragging about how talented the reader is at drawing? Just an idea ^^
— 📻
🎀 PAIRING: pavia x reader
🎀 CONTENT: fem!reader, fluff, mentions of blood/violence (but nothing happens), pavia calls reader bella (pretty)
🎀 WORD COUNT: 0.5k+
🎀 NOTE: this would've come out earlier but i got sick... :') sorry it came out shorter than expected, motivation fell down after i got ill. i hope you enjoy it though !! pavia's my favorite character (besides horropedia) so i liked writing this
There were few domestic days like this between you and Pavia. Oftentimes, he'd come home late in the night with mysterious blood stains tainting his skin and clothing, only to find you already sleeping in bed. You'd both have to get ready for bed early in the morning anyway, so he'd usually just watch you sleep. He would murmur things about how he finds it strange that you can sleep so easily.
Today is a bit special. You had just gotten a promotion, and you decided to take the day off with Pavia to spend time together in celebration. Although Pavia would've thoroughly enjoyed something extravagant – maybe with a little bit of bloodshed – he wanted to spend time with you much more, no matter if it's a quiet moment like this or a more flamboyant one.
Pavia was sitting on your bed, back against the headboard. You sat right beside him, head leaning on his shoulder. A set of washable markers was set on your lap, and you held a yellow marker in hand. You colored in the blank spots of the tattoo on his right hand, a focused glint in your eyes. Pavia would laugh at how determined you seemed over such a minor activity, but he might end up distracting you, so he remained silent. It was odd to see him so quiet, just watching you. You knew he watched you sleep sometimes after catching him staring deeply into your eyes when you had woken up from your slumber, therefore you knew that he would be mute like this occasionally, but that didn't mean it wasn't a strange sight to see.
"You draw well," he murmured. You tilted your head up to him, cocking your head to the side. A soft chuckle left your lips.
"I'm just coloring your tattoos," you replied in the same hushed tone. He huffed in response.
"Still," he said, voice sarcastically upset. There was another short moment of silence before he spoke again. "Draw on me."
"I said draw on me."
You blinked, processing his sudden command. A cheeky smile made its way to your face, earning a scoff from him. You took the black marker from the set, putting away the yellow marker. You uncapped the dark covering, tongue darting out to lick your bottom lip. Then, you went to work.
By the time that you were done, Pavia was littered with doodles all over his skin. Depictions of cute kittens, tiny nature sceneries…but the thing that caught his attention the most was the drawing on his forearm. It depicted his wolves, and despite being very poorly drawn with exaggerated features, he couldn't help but smirk at the sight.
"I coulda sworn you hated my wolves. Said that you were scared of them," he commented, looking at the doodle.
"Just because I was scared of them doesn't mean I hated them," you responded, placing the set of markers away. Pavia remained strangely quiet for another moment. Just then, he took your wrist and pulled you closer until your faces were inches away from each other. A wolfish grin took over his features before he placed a kiss on your lips.
"You're great at drawing, bella," he chuckled. "…love you."
You could only smile back at him, a giggle leaving your lips. "I love you too."
#reverse 1999#reverse 1999 x reader#pavia#reverse 1999 pavia#pavia reverse 1999#pavia x reader#mayumi's works !
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Injuries is what I am used to
Game: Reverse 1999 x Reader Characters: Vertin, Sonetto, & Horropedia x Injured! Reader Genre: Hurt/Comfort, mentions of blood, non-spoiler territory, Fluff Disclaimer: This is made for fun, be aware of oocs and mistypings.
-- {Can you write about the pavlov foundation gang (like horropedia, vertin, sonetto) reacting to their s/o coming back injured from their mission against manus vindictae 👉👈 [lmao just something to feed the horropedia brainrot] - anon} (This is requested that was from the inbox of @sleepy-meep) --
Summary: You had finished your mission, as the toughest unit in the St. Pavlov Foundation. You came in one piece but at what cost? Being injured from the Manus Vindictae, how will they react to that is...
She is stoic, but deep down...
Vertin is pissed.
She had NO idea that you will get injured from the fight and swore to herself to NEVER make the same mistake ever again. Vertin immediately tends to your wounds calmly and asks you to rest or sleep by her side.
I dont think Vertin would not allow you to be alone for even a second, as a result Vertin would be a doting lover.
Plus you might want to get used to Vertin being clingy, she too deserves your attention even more.
Also Vertin might cry silently when she confess that she just needs your company and hopes that it was not greedy.
Let's just say that Vertin had a pleasant time with you.
If there is a meter of panic out of 10, it would be a 1000 when Sonetto sees you in that state.
She is EXTREMELY worried about you and immediately tries her best to tend to your wounds, constantly worried that she would leave or worse yet lost you when you are away from her.
She can't afford to leave you alone.
If anything she would LOVE to ask permission to be with you till you recovered from your wounds.
If you do need any help or any of her service Sonetto will arrive no hesitation.
But if its a kiss, she would give you kisses, no questions asks.
Cut to Matilda sobbing/j
The happy go lucky man will turn to concern and worry with a blink of an eye.
Goes to you and wonders if you are alive or a ghost, but when you reassure him that you are fine and just injured. He brushes off like nothing happened.
That is the ONLY thing he can fool you.
But deep down, he deeply cares for you.
In his own way Horropedia loves to bother you even if you are recovering from your injuries. But this is LITERALLY his opportunity to be with you so he is on the winning side.
Plus he won't hesitate to give you kisses when he tried to take care of your wounds, cheesy I know. But he would also lure you to watch horror movies with him and chill.
The only thing that YOU alone is not aware is that, Horropedia kept you close to him while he was either watching or reading not letting you go until you are fully healed.
#reverse 1999#r1999#reverse 1999 x reader#r1999 x reader#vertin#sonetto#horropedia#joshua#vertin x reader#sonetto x reader#horropedia x reader
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Me when yumes/ocxcc.. I love shipping characters with ocs...
Here's a template!!
Ocxcc ships below: Chilchuck x oc(Rosie),Ja Nein x oc(Rosie),Twisting Tiger x oc(Kaino),HayM (or Yellow 1010) x oc (Kaelin)(heh..an oc named after me),Estonia x oc(Rosie),Horropedia x oc(Kaino)
(Most of these are oc inserts x canon! So do wtv you want with the template as long as it's not downright weird and disgusting !!)
#art#small artist#artists on tumblr#oc#original character#oc art#oc x canon#oc x cc#supa strikas#supablr#ja nein#supa strikas twisting tiger#supa strikas ocs#supa strikas oc#dungeon meshi oc#dunmeshi#dungeon meshi#delicious in dungeon#chilsie#chilchuck#reverse 1999#r1999#aph estonia#hetalia oc#hetalia#nsr 1010#no straight roads oc#nsr oc#no straight roads 1010#horropedia
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Horropedia // Hubby Headcanons
Note// I really got this idea from the moment I watched the corpse bride movie/ih. There are two kinds of marriage hcs,,, like real marriage and 'marriage', you know lol
I was about to post this before- until my friend beat me up to it...;;; so it got delayed weeks later. Her headcanons are pretty good tho! <333
// 'Official Marriage' HCs //
This kind of love story is... strange, in a good way at least.
Life with him is pretty much like a slow burn bonding from acquaintances, to companions, to friends, to lovers... And to spouses.
Horropedia views marriage as something far from dating or being engaged... it's a big step, being a boyfriend can be counted as a commitment if he contributes to the relationship as well, fiancé likewise but waiting for something even bigger to be executed.
But marriage... being a husband is supposed to be a sealed agreement and having commitment, intimacy, and passion between two people. He wonders if you both can ever will confirm if your love for each other is consummate. He is aware very few people achieved this. As others tend to get through struggles and even get through divorce.
Horropedia would cherish his time a lot to enjoy every bit of his moments with you, and he lets you take your time to move onto the next level with him.
I like to imagine that the engagement proposal just technically is during a pretty random timing-
Like something similar from a spy x family scene. While you and Horropedia were getting chased by the killer at a masquerade ballroom, he suddenly proposed to you in the lounge room you were hiding in. Using the ring of a stunt grenade before throwing it towards the killer that entered, along with the trap that was already set by him. Obliterating them in the process.;;😭
Idk, is just my scenario idea. Something more dramatic would most likely happen because of him. You know how he tends to bend the logic of physics with his gun many, MANY times before--
Of course, he has a real engagement ring! He just decided to keep it in his room, just in case something happens. His proposal may be sudden, but it was probably the only moment where he feels sure that he wants to go through the thrills and obstacles. Even if it's with you.
I feel like Horropedia would confess after like, 4-6 years of dating. Bonus if you guys were ever high school sweethearts before...- that concept would be so cute.
I swear, Horropedia is a bit uneasy about Honeymoons- he feels overwhelmed by the idea even if it just means some kind of quality time together but more ✨️extra✨️. but you later convince him that you both can just go on horror myth explorations as your honeymoon so he quickly went very passionate about that lol;;;;
At this point your whole marriage life has buzzfeed unsolved vibes throughout your scrapbooks.
Your wedding ceremony is actually quicker than a normal one- you just both took pictures and have some cake before going straight out for the horror by rented van or something dnfnfnn---
It's funny to imagine that things haven’t changed since the time you both started dating- As if your relationship has been always been this young and pretty carefree... It just feels like you're still dating but now you are using the spouse titles, a wedding album of your honeymoon adventure, a ring on your finger, and marriage papers-
Okay, some things are added, but doesn’t mean things have changed lol.
I feel like Horropedia is the type to rarely wear his ring- I mean, he would sweat bullets if he ever loses it!!! Not that it's expensive, but because losing things have always being something he gets nervous about,,, especially stuff that match with you and they are objects that remind him of you. So he either wears it like a necklace or keeps it stored in a bag or a cabinet at times.
Being married is a thing, sometimes living together may be another. I imagine scenarios either it takes a few weeks for one of you to move in to the other’s place or you both already lived in the same house when you were dating hhh-
Horropedia is not normal with relationships, he is aware of that. So the steps of intimacy may be seen as something you wouldn't expect and probably far from what you would usually imagine in a married life.
He is an easy-paced guy while being surprisingly faithful as if your whole marriage is part of his lifetime hyperfixation in some ways. He is pretty lowkey about it too during work, like he is not bashful when talking about you if his coworkers ever ask about you. Yet, doesn't mean he'll just spoil everything about you. He lowkey likes to keep you for himself before any proper introductions with the certain people at work- So at times, he just gives them the grin or changest the topic with another horror anecdotes session before they ask more questions abour his married life. /ih
He doesn't seem to be the type to mind if his spouse is not a great cook. He either just finds it okay if you both cook some decent food or order takeout-
Having a vegan spouse can be also challenging to him at first, but he can handle eating veggies once in a while for the budget-
Not pretty? Look at him, he is not even a star idol from a magazine! He already fell in love with your dreamy eyes and your smile, enough to lure him in and get him wrapped around your finger. A "beautiful monstrosity." As he would probably describe you./j <333
Not smart? I mean, he is a nerd. He pays attention to geometry, then he likes doing the math himself. He probably would tend to tease you for not knowing how to do the counting while calculating the taxes and bills... /ih
No matter what or where, there will be always someone who at some point would ask you two when will you have little ones running around the household-
If you’re perfect? You're perfect. He cherishes every second of your company,,, and that's enough for him.
"Oh...?" (^-^;
To be fair, Horropedia doesn't seem to like the idea at first. I mean, to fix the words- He's just, still considering... is not like there is much rush to do that. He tends to have his doubts too. Especially if that means there is the opportunity his future kids encounter those creepy twins that were used to be his next door neighbors....- that's the last thing he wants that to happen.
"I. Isn't that too soon??? I-I'm sure there is more we can do together other than worrying about our future kid's tuition...--"
I'm sure that time may come when Horropedia feels that he is that ready to have a family with you...- Is just, not in this stage of life I suppose;;;😅🥺
// On an established relationship, yet calling wife/husband as a silly nickname //
While there are no firm rules, I consider established relationship in my dictionary as a "dating after at least 6 months" kind of stage. So it would be interesting to imagine how Horropedia would feel if the titles of spouses are used intentionally as a joke once the bond notably seems to be pretty close and intimate enough to be casual about it.
Staying indoors is one of the ideal ways to go on a date for you two,,, horror movies while wearing cozy pjs, going through the recaps while sharing his armchair are one of the best parts of you spending time together.
At first, he felt weird when he hears you calling him your "husband" even if it was in a playful intent. It felt foreign, but it didn't feel wrong in his opinion either.
It took a while to get used to it as he also took time to hear it often. Becoming more aware of being called by cheesy, and sometimes affectionate nicknames since you started dating.
"Nerdipedia", "Dorkopedia", "Bob", "Silly Pants", "Babyboy";;;
Gosh, don't even mention about "Joshie"! He starts to blush hundreds of shades of red. Lucky there are times you both weren't in a huge crowd. Otherwise he'll die in the spot...;;;/j
But after that, he probably can't stop staring at you like the dork he is, whenever you address him as something more through your phone calls with a friend--;;;
"So,,, yes, Sonetto- I'm with my husband right now."
"..." (...what-)
"Yes, he is right next to me, holding My hand as we're watching the FNAF movie-"
"....?" (Huh- but I'm right next to y- I'm the one holding your hand, hello???)
"Mmm... Yes, any problem with that? Well, Matilda. Respect my love of my life when he's supposedly your co-worker- okay? Things will run smooth that way if you and Horropedia wouldn't act this stubborn;;;"."
"....!!!!" (I'M???? THEY'RE REFERRING TO ME OMG...)
"Alright, see you later- gotta resume the movie-"
"..." (I love this human-)
He really tried to pretend he was still watching the movie but failed because his eyes were trembling, fingers fidgeting, and you could notice his cheeks radiating with a blush as his lips are trembling. Fighting back this huge grin;;; lol...-
Over time, he would slowly get used to it to the point he'll call you wifey/hubby in return, you both being sillies and all;;;
Horropedia probably didn't catch the domestic vibes crossing on his mind earlier, he didn't even pay a single mind about what the others say whenever they see you two bickering like a married couple too!
Of course, the moment he was put in a position, that's when his mind was completely blown.
Where peace was residing for a bit, you guys were just chilling on the living room during a day off. Him reading a horror novel wearing his funny slippers and all on the couch while you're napping, using his lap as a pillow.
The second he took a glance of your sleeping face, he slowly notices how strangely cozy this seems- a very domestic one....
'...Oh sh*t.'
That's it, I dare you to try and change my mind- but it will never be the same without Horropedia proposing you as a joke with a ringpop...
I guess like a boyfriend/girlfriend proposal. All with the planning and silly braining, for the memes!!!/lh
If Discord exists for him, he might even suggest if you two can get married on Discord using the wedding bot;;; 💀 Oh god.
Overall, a silly Horropedia liking the fact being called "hubby" is good in my heart. Hehe <33
#horropedia x reader#horropedia#r1999 horropedia#r1999 x reader#r1999#reverse: 1999#reverse 1999#reverse: 1999 x reader
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Hello! Could I get some Horropedia headcanons about him with an s/o that’s super into bugs?
Of course anon :D Thanks for the ask by the way ^^ its kinda obvious that I'm not as active into writing rn... But I think I'll write some things here and there...
warnings - none! - mention of bugs, x reader, headcanons, horror mentions (ofc its horropedia)
☆ ---------------------------------------------------- ☆
☆ - general headcanons -
☆ I'm one to think that horro would also really like bugs, not to the extent of his horror obsession, but more like a simple like, so you being super into bugs wouldnt be a problem or whatever
☆ infact, he would always call them, especially the ones you own, cool (sick, awesome... in that category)!
☆ now horror movie nights are the mix between both of your likes, scary movies that feature bugs? Yup XD
☆ both of yall would also go through your little bug collection here and there (or just some book that has alot of them in it) and pick out your favorites and gives them names, a whole personality and whatever (and guess guess, he mainly names them off horror movie characters)
☆ You admire his dedication to his horror collection and he admires your bug collection ! You both are dedicated XD
☆ also personally, i think his favorite bug would either be a praying mantis orrrr some sort of beetle!
☆ ---------------------------------------------------- ☆
I dont know if these were good or not to satisfy youuuuu but these are what I thought of! And personally, i love them <333 Joshua is such a silly guy
#reverse 1999#r1999#reverse 1999 x reader#horropedia x reader#horropedia#rev1999#i love you horropedia#x reader#headcanons#Horropedia headcanons#Reverse 1999 x reader#idk how to tag this#idk#Horropedia is so silly
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Hello fellow Timekeepers, if this caught your attention then you have found a desperate call from a straight, simpy lil gal:
PLEASE if anyone can write or knows any good writing blog I wanna either request or read Zima/Click/Ge Tian/Diggers/Horropedia/6 (Six)/Shamane x reader with fluff, suggestive, or hurt/comfort genre (one-shots, headcanons, a whole fanfic, YOU NAME IT!!! I'm specifically looking for fem!reader ones) because GOD I only found so few posts about them that caught my attention *sobs incoherently*
Specifically looking for Shamane x reader because im a sucker for older men cough cough 🐐🙏
No pressure, but the help would be much appreciated!!! *slowly deteriorating in the background*
#reverse: 1999#reverse 1999#r1999#r1999 horropedia#r1999 diggers#r1999 zima#r1999 click#r1999 getian#r1999 6#r1999 shamane#x reader
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yaoi please . idc who just yaoi please
Well allow me to preface this by clarifying that this is a x reader blog, and due to you not caring who, this is perfect real estate for me to write about Horropedia. I just got him to insight 2 and I am very happy with his alternate appearance.
So join me now, dear readers, in a sweet dream of our favorite Nerdy nerd.

Spending a night in with Horropedia
He invited you to a "horror movie watch party", and by party he meant you and him and the others that he invited that wouldn't show.
He never really did mind the others not showing, horror movies were not everyones cup of tea, but you showed up?
Oh, hes over the moon. "Wow! you even brought snacks for us" he would invite you in with a big doofy smile, taking the bag of snacks you brought in so that he could lay them out in a nice container with different sections so none of the flavors or seasonings mixed. Instead of a grand party, there lay a pillow fort on the floor in front of his T.V with a stack of classics queued up for the marathon.
He is collected to the naked eye, calm and polite, but inside? Shaking with pure joy, especially if you listen to his open plot dissections of the movies he laid out.
He wanted you to choose, even if he's watched all of them already, and of course he'd give a recommendation of what to watch.
If you had a favorite? Hes more than happy to watch it with you, but be ready for discourse on scenes he was either impressed by or not impressed with.
He would never discourage you for liking a movie that was not of his tastes, he knows better than anyone what that feels like and would never wish that upon you let alone be the cause of it.
Engage him in polite discourse or rant about the lore of a horror franchise you like and he'll listen and join in, overjoyed to have found a conversation partner that actually enjoys horror too.
Now dear readers, for a sweeter dream, Romance with our beloved nerd.
He is not really a physical touch person to begin, preferring quality time over touch to build trust and comfort.
Laughing with you and sharing snacks with you in the pillow fort over the course of a few movie nights had made him warm up to the idea.
He would be the first to ask if he could initiate physical touch first, wanting to initiate it for his own comfort but allowing it to be a choice.
"Can you give me your hand for a moment?" he would ask, and if you gave him your hand he'd smile and hold it gently in his.
The type of person to draw gentle patterns into your palm, non-repetitive motions to avoid discomfort. He never let his fingers linger on the same spot of your palm for too long.
If you wish to initiate physical touch first, please spare him the same courtesy of asking, allow him to prepare himself to be touched even if it is for a moment.
Holding hands beneath the blanket, reaching over to play with his hair, just small touches and soft laughter; hushed voices whispering "shh! its my favorite part.."
You wondered for a moment how he thought he could fit more than two people in the pillow forts he made.
In reality, he only counted on you coming, hoping that you always did. He would never admit it though <3.

Yet another soft end to a sweet dream, dear readers. Now it is time to close your eyes, breathe in deep, and relish the feeling of freedom in the time that you find rest. I will wait till you find me once more, and then again we shall dream.
Until then, signed yours truly
#reverse 1999#reverse 1999 x reader#horropedia#r1999 x reader#r1999#rev1999#horropedia x reader#gn reader#x reader#r1999 horropedia
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