Music is a very musical thing, you know? Just look at the horny people. They do very great things when meeting other horny people. Here's to you, Hornline! CHEERS!
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strid3rofthen0rth · 5 months
Sure, I'll click on myself and the boys in the youtube suggestions for my coffee break. What the hell. A Mis Abuelos and Malagueña might be my favorite charts I ever got to play
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bobbyblogs14 · 1 year
God's Hornline: The Legacy of Carolina Crown Brass
In the realm of DCI, the term "God's Hornline" is often used with awe and reverence, and it's a phrase that has become synonymous with Carolina Crown. But why is Carolina Crown's brass section dubbed "God's Hornline"?
In a previous post I talked about Carolina Crown's show this year and how they won the Jim Ott Best Brass Performance Award. Well, they have also won it in the years 2009, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2016, 2017, and 2019. This level of achievement really goes to show how dominant they have been in the realm of brass performance.
In fact in the year 2013, they received a score of 20/20 or a perfect score for brass. This is something that few drum corps have ever achieved in the history of DCI. They went on to win that year, but that's a story for another day.
To conclude this post, I want to say that hearing this hornline in person compared to other corps, you can feel the sheer magnitude of sound and talent they produce. I'm going to link a video of them warming up that went viral below (if you want to get to the good part skip to 2:00). They truly are "God's Hornline!"
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birchbeer · 3 months
they split the corps into two buses for the parades today and im on the bus almost exclusively filled with the battery perc.... hell is real. they have been padding since 7am and i dont have headphones :(
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torranceee13 · 2 years
just ordered myself a zildjian crewneck
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geodethecrow · 8 months
hey girl are you the sound of a top twelve dci hornline. cuz youre beautiful and i want to eat uou
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sherlockisademigod · 1 year
Marching band/Concert band demigods at CHB (Part one)
-Yes, most of them are Apollo or Hermes children, but a fair number of them are also children of Ares, Aphrodite, Hephaestus, etc
-The ones from Oklahoma are all from Broken Arrow. It's a like a demigod hotspot
-There's about one person in/was in marching band for every 15 campers
-At one point, the Hephaestus cabin was commissioned to make instruments for them because to Hades were they going to spend 6 weeks at camp and not touch a single key
-There are extras stored in the basement of the Apollo Cabin, as well as multiple copies of popular sheet music
-There's also instrument storage in the arts and crafts pavilion as well, mostly for the children of Hermes who don't trust their instrument around their siblings. There's also a stand rack for them, although eventually, they start bringing foldable stands with them to camp
-Some of the more experienced campers think they're the newbies when they come back to camp
-It's because even in summer you rarely see them, the majority are away at concerts, shows, competitions, etc
-They rarely have quests. The one time a quest clashed with a performance the poor dude had a nervous breakdown and spent the quest yelling at monsters to hurry up so he could get to his show
-You'll normally find them taking their stands and going to practice by the beach, but only for parade and concert music
-Chiron lets them practice show music in the counselor's meeting room, the only soundproof room in the camp. If it's full (because usually the ones from Broken Arrow are hogging it during show season) and you ask nicely the nymphs let you practice in the woods
-There's also a surplus of percussion instruments in the Apollo cabin
-During Covid, when they were all stuck at camp, they held an informal concert during the winter. Dionysus let in just a drizzle of snow, all of the brass and winds stood on the cabin roofs (with all of the percussion instruments on the ground following the square pattern of the cabins), and they played. They had someone from God's Hornline in there. The dude was ecstatic
-They've also held impromptu parades and show before at camp
-It's not truly a CHB experience unless you've woken up several times to the discordant sounds of someone being severely out of tune
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So we had a band competition yesterday that was over 12 hours and here's everything that happened from like 10:30 when we left the host school to when we got to go home:
1. Me and two friends played Mario Kart. We learned that one of my friends is apparently really agressive at mario Kart. She was treating to burn the other kids family because he was beating her. Also "Jesus I hate you guys." "Just kidding I love you guys" -her
2. Our band directors were staying foe critique with the judges after the show and left the parents with a key fob. The fob doesn't work after 8 pm. We got back to the school at like 11:45 or smth. We were stuck. People left the school to go potty because we were stranded for about 30 mineuts because that's how far out the director was
3. About a quarter? Of our hornline decided to do a sing run where we marched our dots and sang the show. The drum majors were part of the potty squad so we made a percussionist do the tempos with drum sticks
4. Like 6 of the sing through people decided to wait with hoods up in an ominous line for the band director and we forgot that he didn't go through the main entrance to the high school and instead went through the middle school so we went sprinting to surround his car and one of my friends landed on her ankle and died
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strawberrynova · 1 year
hornline and percussion already got their makeup and hair plans 😔😔😔😔😔
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kalopses-sonderes · 2 years
Just rambling but its about my day at school but its not in order
I put 10 bracelets and 3 necklaces on this morning, im about to annoy the hell out of my teachers 🏃🏽‍♀️
My belt chain broke 🥲 it was my favorite
I fixed it ✨
showed my friends some of my tik toks from main acc cause they asked
The chain broke again..
anyways, me any friend was shaking our bracelets :D
Almost tripped in the hallway🥲
These guys were throwing things at my head, like tubber bands cause i felt the sting. They were laughing but I chose to ignore them.
I worked on a project that I get draw on✨
I took an online test and I was the only one to get 100%🤭
pet the schools dog☺️
I guy asked for help with his homework a while ago, but today he acted like a total dick😒
i have to go outside and walk to another building for one of my classes, it was cold as hell😭😭
I talked to one of the color guard in the locker room and they dont have to go the practice tonight but hornline does😔
Who’s gonna tell white people its not a compliment to call me the n word….😭
saw a few fight happen, that one girl crying at lunch, 8 girls smoking in the bathroom during lunch
another girl lied about dating another girl blah blah
my friends called me “no memory (my real name)” per usual💀😂
I keep forgetting to clean my shoes🤷🏽‍♀️
One of my close friends said “I dont like y ou r new hairstyle” i jokingly said “Is that racially motivated?” He said “yes it was”😀
A different close friend always waits for me after 6th period so we could walk together to 7th period💗
Im no band kid, im just a kid in band
I accidentally hit a trombone with my bass clarinet, i apologized and he was ok with it. That was one of the first chill brass players ive ever met <3
Some guy spit on me😐
I talked to some people, and got my friend to play her dream instrument! Im still trying to get to play mine. But im not aloud :(
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hopeless-ticklegeek · 1 month
Drum Corps/Marching Arts Tickle Scenarios
(Because there aren't enough of them)
-Someone in the hornline is working on their posture and oh look, what a nice exposed upper body. I wonder what happens if I tickle you?
"Ah, ah, ah, keep those elbows out! I don't care if it tickles, nice and open triangle, world class posture! You want box five posture don't you?"
-Tickling someone in the sleeping area during lights out.
"Shhhh, don't laugh! You'll wake the whole corps up. You wouldn't want to get caught would you?"
-Snuggling with your tour bae on the bus and you decide to finger through technical show chunks on their body and they get all giggly.
"Hm, I don't remember my horn being this ticklish... I should bump up the tempo and see what happens..."
-Sneaking back to the sleeping area during a meal break for an impromptu tickle sesh.
-Giving your tour bae a tickly foot massage after a long rehearsal day.
-Tickling someone while they're taking a rep involving holding a pose for a long time.
"Keep still! Finish the rep!~"
I think that's it. I might make more if I think of any but I hope those that are as far gone into this music thing and also the tickling thing enjoy this as much as I have!
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angrenwen · 1 month
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hellonpluto · 9 months
Omg ugh. The hornline. In Hollaback Girl. Is so fucking good. Banger song just bc of the wonderful brass. This is like one of the only songs I'd actually reccommend headphones or on really louder speakers so you can HEAR the instruments in this song. Because the hornline is NOT b-a-n-a-n-a-s. It's so fire diabsjajsna pleaseeee I want sheet music so I can blast Hollaback Girl either from my trumpet or french horn or mellophone idc I just wanna be part of that goddamn song.
The slurs/ties? Immaculate. The fucking, idk what its called, but the part with more notes and its the "ooo this my shit" part idk how to explain it but its a BOP. Is it the bridge? The inbetween bit? I love it. So much
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bobbyblogs14 · 1 year
My Favorite Closer Of All Time
Out of all of the shows' closers I've seen, there is one that holds a special place in my heart. The closer of Phantom Regiment's 2011 show, "Juliet."
This closer features source music from 'Elsa's Procession to the Cathedral' by Richard Wagner, a piece that is both haunting and beautiful. At the climax of the closer, we can see a recreation of Romeo dying in Juliet's hands, then a big hit from the hornline to really drive home the emotional intensity of the scene.
The haunting beauty of the music, combined with the corps' dramatic portrayal, left the audience holding onto every note. For the last hit, Phantom Regiment does its classic kick-halt to finish off their show with a bang.
All of these things combined make it the best closer I have ever heard in DCI. If you have a little time out of your day, I recommend giving it a watch!
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birchbeer · 18 days
i watch a lot of 70s/80s/90s dci videos on youtube and i keep stumbling into these comment sections full of such bitter boomer fans. like its one thing to be nostalgic about the shows you saw live when you were younger, but acting as if NO modern corps has ever matched that same power in a hornline without g bugles, or that modern corps simply cant play as well because they use mics on the solos (the opposite is actually the case, i think, but whatever), or literally stating that choreo/GE is gay.... come on. go to a show and enjoy the performances in the activity you love! its truly just so offputting to see someone hating on modern corps because they prefer old style and just reflexively shit on anything that isnt what they grew up with
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amediocregay · 1 year
DCI semifinals
Colombians (missed Cascades)
I've never seen them before this weekend but a great way to start the night. Sounded strong for the most part, only real noticeable issue was mellos on the move in the closer. Clearly communicated theme
Jersey Surf
Maybe the best sounding hornline I've heard from them, just wish they had more horns to field. Guard had some good moments but again wish there were more people. Visual was on par with what is expect from them and for some reason i didn't care for the percussion book. Real clear delivery of theme
Great energy just needs a little more control. Big fan of the costuming and love to hear some Gershwin. I think the members could've handled more to do in this one.
I wish the voice-over stuff stuck to just the pre show. Loved the ballad and Mackey. Closer felt kinda low energy tonight to me. Drum feature was a lot of fun musically and visually.
Don't know guard but definitely seemed the strongest so far. Plot got lost on me, wish there was more of the marionette-ing. I feel genesis gave more energy.
Hate the music ensembles uniform, pretty ugly and emphasizes any issues in technique. Hornline seemed to have less presence than other corps tonight. The eyeball section to the end was a lot stronger than the beginning.
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