#Hope Wood & Professor Trelawney
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Divination was one of those subjects Hope hadn’t really wanted to take, but she’d taken it in the hopes that it might just be interesting. The fact she might just get to take the lesson with Cedric was the icing on the cake though. After years of being shoved into lessons with Slytherins - as if some strange attempt to make them all get along - she was grateful that this one might just be a little more mixed.
‘We gotta fly to the class?’ George asked, leaning across her shoulders as if he might get a better view of the trapdoor above them by peering over her head.
'Climb the walls,’ Fred countered as Hope shrugged his twin off and moved to the opposite wall. Any comment she might have made, any comments that Lee might have made, were lost as she spotted the ever familiar figure of her oldest friend.
'Well, look who finally decided to join us,’ she greeted Cedric, cutting through his conversation with his friends. She offered him a mild shrug of apology, but they were more than used to this. The little comments of distraction that came from her; they didn’t even dip in their conversation, just acknowledged her words with brief nods or rolls of their eyes.
'We’ve lost her,’ snivelled Lee, drawing her attention back to her housemates. He was leaning an elbow on Fred’s shoulder, hand to his face as if hiding tears. 'Hope Wood, I knew her well.’
'Get screwed, Jordan,’ she sneered, moving to push his shoulder gently. Her movement, however, was stopped by a ladder coming down from the trapdoor. Hope took a few steps away, bumping into George as she did so.
'I wondered when you’d swoon,’ he teased.
She rolled her eyes and motioned towards the ladder with a sweeping gesture. 'Guys before girls,’ she said.
George mocked a bow and started up the ladder quickly, Fred hot on his heels. He shot a wink over his shoulder, and Hope heard a few of the girls giggling.
'Never thought you’d back down from a ladder into the unknown, H,’ Cedric said, voice soft.
She smirked and turned to look at him. He stood a little behind her, and it was still taking some adjusting to him being that couple of inches taller than her. The summer had seemed to stretch him and most of the other boys out; something Lee enjoyed reminding her of. 'I know guys and their brittle egos, didn’t want to dent them.’
Cedric chuckled before motioning towards the ladder.
She shrugged dismissively. 'Forever the Hufflepuff,’ she told him fondly.
'Forever,’ he echoed, causing her to smile as she started up the ladder.
Hope hadn’t given the Divination room much thought, but she certainly hadn’t been expecting a classroom that looked more like some old cloying teashop than an actual room for learning. The air was heavy with a sweet - and somehow oddly tangy - smell; small circular tables were dotted around the space, surrounded by old looking armchairs. The windows themselves looked as though they’d give no real air, or natural light, from behind curtains made of silks that cast the room in an almost ethereal light.
'Well this is going to a great hour spent,’ George greeted her, voice low as he nodded to the back of the room. Fred had already made himself comfortable in an armchair, was lounging in it despite the fact their teacher - who looked something like a scarab beetle made human - stood at the front of the room with a serine smile on her face.
'Think I could say incense inhalation is the reason I’ve gotta pass on Potions?’ she whispered, only half joking.
George chuckled but followed her to the table. She didn’t take up the spare seat with the twins, instead left if free for Lee. The table next to them was just as good, and part of her hoped Cedric might just join her. Not that she minded either way.
'This seat taken?’ he asked, breaking into her thoughts.
'Oh yeah,’ she teased as he dropped into the seat beside her, 'my imaginary friends are having a party in them.’
'Didn’t expect anything less of you,’ Sami teased, dropping into the other spare seat. A look of apology flash across her face. 'Whose lap did I just sit in?’
'Rumpelstiltskin’s,’ Hope assured her, completely deadpan.
The Muggle reference wasn’t lost on her fellow half-blood, and she merely shook her head. A smirk tugged at the Ravenclaw’s lips nonetheless.
'Welcome,’ came a soft voice, miraculously cutting through the noise of the room. Every head turned to the front, even of those still trying to pick their way towards seats, 'to your first Divination class.’
Hope settled back in her chair. She had a feeling this might be an information dump she wasn’t truly prepared for. The late night that she and some of her classmates had had the previous evening, trying desperately to catch up with each other, suddenly felt as though it had been a terrible idea.
'My dear,’ Professor Trelawney said, coming to a stop in front of Hope’s table. Shocked back to the moment, Hope’s attention skittered around the room. All eyes were their way, and she realised that she must have fallen asleep for a couple of minutes. The smirk that lit Fred’s face told her just as much. Not that she cared, her gaze was drawn back to their teacher, who was looking solemnly towards Cedric. 'Oh, my dear.’
'What is it, Professor?’ Kenneth’s voice was almost reverently soft from the other side of the room.
Professor Trelawney shook her head, pity overcame her expression, but never once did her gaze move from Cedric’s face.
'Professor?’ he encouraged gently. There was a sure calmness about his voice that eased a little of Hope’s concerns. It was just her lack of sleep playing tricks on her, there was no -
'Some of our number,’ Trelawney said, voice trembling ever so slightly as she turned, as she picked her way back to the front of the class, 'will not finish Hogwarts.’
'Ten Galleons it’s yous,’ joked Lee, voice carrying through the tense air in the room. The twins chuckled, but they were in their own little bubble of humour.
All attention remained locked on their teacher, who was shaking her head ever so slightly. When she was finally back at the front of the classroom she glanced at all of them. Her lips seemed to tremble before she announced, 'One of you bears death on them.’
The room was ominously silent for a moment, each one of them trying to take in those words. Hope wanted to disregard the comment, to put it down to superstition or even only one possible timeline. But something about the reaction from their professor had her wondering, had her questioning it all. Perhaps she just really believed it all, and that’s what made it feel so threatening.
'It… it is you, my dear,’ Trelawney continued, eyes slightly glazed as she pointed directly to Cedric.
Cedric, for his part, wore a small smile. His usual air of cheerfulness, of optimism, appeared undented by the big reveal, even as all eyes turned to him.
Trelawney held his gaze for a moment before she went on talking about tea leaves, or whatever it was they were about to learn. All of it was a din of background noise to Hope, her attention remained resolutely on Cedric.
Slowly, he turned towards her. 'What?’ he asked in a low voice.
'How do you look so calm?’ she retorted, a mild annoyance bubbling up inside her. It was easier to cope with than the fear, the possibility that their teacher was right: he wasn’t going to finish his schooling because he was going to die.
'Did you not hear her warn Angelina about the chair that broke not a second later?’ hissed Sami, her own face almost grey.
Cedric offered them a shrug, a small smile, but he glanced briefly towards Hope. 'Didn’t you listen to your brother?’
She scoffed. 'I make it my mission to ignore Ollie.’
The smile shifted into something of a smirk, amusement bright behind his eyes. 'She predicted that Julia in his year was going to die,’ he said, and Hope felt the old memory clawing its way to the fore of her thoughts. 'Said something about before the winter solstice of their fourth year. And she’s still walking around the common room - alive - as far as I know.’
A little of the tense knot that had formed in Hope’s chest loosened ever so slightly. She tried for an easy smile, but wouldn’t have been surprised if it looked something more like a grimace. 'Good, because you’ve gotta finish this place with me, Ced. We started it together.’
'So we’ll finish it together,’ he vowed, their old shared promise, one that she repeated in her head a couple of times like a mantra, as if that might just make it true.
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holdupjack · 9 months
Forgetting You Pt.2
Part One
Pairing: Hermione Granger x Fem!Reader
Third Person P.O.V:
Two Years Later
Hermione sat comfortably on her plush sofa, a warm blanket draped over her legs, as she gazed intently at the dancing flames in the fireplace. The fire crackled and popped, casting a soft orange glow across the room.
Every once in a while, a piece of wood shifted, sending a shower of sparks up the chimney. The sound and warmth of the fire were soothing, and Hermione found herself lost in thought as she watched the flickering flames.
It's hard to believe that almost a decade has passed since she last saw Y/n. It feels like just yesterday that they were laughing and joking together, planning their future adventures. But time has a way of slipping by, and before she knew it, Y/n was gone.
Two years ago, she made the difficult decision to leave Ron. It wasn't an easy choice, but she knew it was for the best. She needed to find herself again, to figure out who she was and what she wanted in life.
And so, one year ago, she bought this small home in Hogsmeade. It's not much, but it's hers, and it's a place where she can start anew. She's slowly been making it her own, adding her own personal touches and creating a space that feels warm and welcoming.
As time went on, she couldn't help but notice the open spaces and empty shelves that were waiting to be filled around her. Despite the lack of clutter, the home felt incomplete, as if something was missing.
She realized that what was missing was Y/n's belongings. Hermione had always held out hope that Y/n would come back and start to make this place a true home. It was a silly dream, but it made her smile every time she thought about it. As she reflected on the memories of Y/n, a small chuckle escaped her lips.
She remembered the time when Y/n had run to her dorm with the biggest grin on her face. It had to be in their fifth year because she had this certain haircut that Hermione still adored in her memory. The thought of Y/n's joy and excitement filled Hermione's heart with warmth, and she couldn't help but feel a sense of longing for her return.
"Guess what!" Y/n had said panting as she walked over and sat down on Hermione's bed.
"What is it, my love?" she asked with a small smile as she pushed back her books and gave her lover her full attention.
"Lee Jordan is going to let me announce with him at the next Quidditch game! McGonagall gave the 'go ahead' too!" Y/n said with such excitement that she was almost buzzing. Hermione chuckled and walked over to her, sitting beside her and giving a big kiss on her cheek.
"That's wonderful! But no dirty humor, I don't want to spend my Saturday night studying outside detention" Hermione warned with a soft smile as she kissed her girlfriend's cheek again, earning a chuckle in return.
"I promise"
During the game, Y/n had kept the promise that she made, but as the game progressed, she suddenly announced how much she loved her girlfriend. The girls around Hermione were all in awe, while she was blushing furiously, turning as red as a beet.
"Merlin, how I wish I could feel the love you gave me, once again," she says, looking away from the fire with a wistful expression.
She had taken every lead she could from people around the region, even McGonagall had been sending her any tips she could find, hoping to put an end to the mystery of what happened to one of her favorite students.
Hermione had spent countless hours following every lead she could find, scouring every nook and cranny in search of Y/n. But no matter where she went or who she talked to, every trail seemed to lead to a dead end or put her in a never-ending circle.
Frustrated and desperate, she even sought out the help of Professor Trelawney, who delivered a cryptic message that Y/n was somewhere dark, cold, and underground.
Which just sounded like a grave.
Hermione had almost backhanded her.
The sound of a soft sigh escaped her lips as she slowly rose from the comfortable couch, causing the warm blanket that was draped over her legs to slip and fall to the ground. With a sense of purpose, she made her way towards the small kitchen, taking measured steps with her bare feet gently padding against the cool wooden floor.
As she opened the fridge, a rush of cool air hit her face, providing a momentary respite from the warmth of the room. She reached for the bottle of water, feeling the coolness of the condensation on her fingertips, and unscrewed the cap with a satisfying twist before taking a long, refreshing sip.
As the sun began to set, its rays filtered through the nearby window, illuminating her face. She took a deep breath and exhaled slowly, running her fingers through her curly hair.
In front of her on the counter was a half-empty bottle, which she had been drinking from earlier. The silence in the room was only broken by the sound of her breathing and the occasional creak of the floorboards beneath her feet.
She heard a sudden and loud pounding on her front door. Startled, Hermione jumped slightly and turned her head towards the entrance, her heart pounding in her chest. She hesitated for a moment, then took a deep breath and quickly stepped towards the door, her hand trembling as she reached for the doorknob.
As she opened the door, she was surprised to see Professor McGonagall standing there, looking rather excited and nervous. Hermione felt a mix of emotions - surprise, confusion, and curiosity - as she greeted her former professor.
"Professor? Hello. What's the matter?" Hermione asks with furrowed brows as the older woman just summoned the coat that was lying over the kitchen chair, and her shoes skidded over to the former Gryffindor.
"Follow me. We need to speak... privately" McGonagall said quietly as she looked over her shoulder, then back at the younger girl.
Hermione furrowed her brows, but nodded at the Headmistress, soon slipping on her coat and shoes. Her front door locked behind her as she followed McGonagall into the busy cobblestone streets of Hogsmeade, students of different ages ran past them with laughter echoing off the buildings.
"What is the matter?" Hermione asks as she follows her closely, but gets no response as they zigzag between alleyways. It seemed as though McGonagall was trying to lose someone that Hermione couldn't see.
After a few more lefts and rights, she was ushered down into The Hogs Head Inn Cellar, where one single light flickered and the floorboards above them creaked with muffled laughter.
"Professor, what is the matter?" Hermione whispered with so much confusion behind her voice, that she was surprised she hadn't asked more questions on the walk there.
"I have gotten a lead from one of my friends in the Law Department of the Ministry" The older woman replies in a hushed tone, making Hermione's eyes widen.
This had to be more than a word-of-mouth rumor if they were hiding away from any unwanted ears or eyes.
"A lead? What is it? Is she alive? Did they find her body..."
Hermione couldn't bring herself to say the rest, she took a deep breath as her heart began to pump rapidly, shuddering in her chest like a jackhammer.
"She told me about how Y/n's case had been brought out of its filing cabinet again. There had been a rumor going around for years about dark wizards who had gone rogue during the battle." McGonagall starts, clearing her throat slightly as some dust falls from the floor above them.
"Many did. Why does that matter now?" Hermione replies, confused again by this information. It wasn't a secret that many of Voldemort's fighters had left his side once their numbers began to dwindle.
"No. The ones that had taken a different course of... beneficial security, during the war," she says, a nervous look in her eyes as she scanned the cellar around them.
Beneficial security?
"What are you talking about?" Hermione demands, anger showing itself as she seems to be tiptoeing around the topic, instead of just telling her where her Y/n was.
"They believe Y/n was taken during the chaos"
That statement alone snatched the air out of Hermione's lungs, she took a step back from the headmistress and looked at her in disbelief.
"T...Taken? You mean-"
Hermione felt her knees go weak as she stumbled toward a dust-covered chair, her mind reeling as she realized something.
Everyone had thought she had just run away.
Hermione had looked for her, before trying to settle her pain away with Ron, and she had come to terms with the same thing. She was hiding out and didn't want Hermione with her.
That wasn't the case at all.
"Oh god," Hermione whispered as tears filled her eyes, before immediately locking back with McGonagalls, who had a look of pity on her face.
"How? How could that have happened?" she whispered harshly as she gritted her teeth. She wasn't mad at Minerva but at herself for ever letting Y/n slip from her grasp.
"Have you ever heard parents cautioning their children about the dangers of predators lurking in crowded places, waiting for an opportunity to snatch them away without anyone noticing?" she asked, her voice laced with gentleness.
Y/n might have been taken in the middle of a fucking battlefield, and no one ever noticed.
"Yes" Her response was barely audible, as she whispered back softly. She avoided making any eye contact and her gaze shifted downwards towards her feet.
As she spoke, she felt a sudden discomfort in her stomach, almost as if it was being squeezed tightly. The overwhelming emotion she was experiencing made it difficult for her to maintain composure.
McGonagall didn't know what to say or do but knew she had to give the last bit of information to the distraught lovebird.
"They found the location of an underground den for a trafficking operation" she finally reveals, making Hermione leap to her feet with pure adrenaline.
"Trafficking? There's human trafficking in our world?" Hermione asks angrily, now fueled with so many intense emotions, that she thought she was about to explode.
How could she not know this? Why wasn't this more known? How the hell-
"A Magic Trafficking Ring" McGonagall whispers sadly as she clears her throat again, fighting back her own anger from the mere thought of one of her old students being held there.
"What does that mean?" Hermione asks as more dust falls from the floors, landing between them on the cement.
"It's been rumored that many people that have gone missing over the years have been put to auction by this group...sold to wealthy Muggles as a sick form of entertainment" the older woman states with disgust as she tries to shake off the feeling from her body.
Hermione felt as though her world was crumbling. Where was Y/n? Who has her now?
Was she even alive still?
Six Months Later
Hermione felt the familiar sensation of apparition wash over her as she closed her eyes and focused on her destination. When she opened her eyes again, she found herself standing on a narrow trail that snaked through the dense forest of South China.
She took a deep breath of the humid air and looked around, taking in the lush greenery and the sounds of birds and other creatures rustling in the trees. She could see colorful butterflies flitting around, and she could hear the distant roar of a waterfall. Hermione dusted off her clothes and adjusted her backpack, taking a moment to orient herself and get her bearings before setting off down the trail.
As the moment of truth arrived, she felt a mix of emotions that were hard to contain. She knew that the next few hours could make or break everything. It all came down to this one decision that could change everything.
She had to bring Y/n home, but the stakes were high. Either Y/n would come back home alive, or she would have to lay her to rest. It was a difficult and emotional choice that would impact Hermione’s life more than it already had.
She took a deep breath as she pulled out an enchanted compass. It spun a few times before finally landing in front of her. Within the metal was a chip of Y/n's wand, showing her where its owner lay waiting.
To construct the specific device, Hermione needed access to it, but it was being held in the evidence locker.
Fortunately, Professor McGonagall was able to help out - she managed to pull some strings and secure the necessary item for Hermione. With the assistance of Hagrid, Hermione was then able to successfully the compass.
She had told no one that she had left. Not even her parents. Afraid to put them in danger, or worse.
Who knows what she was walking into?
As she stood at the beginning of the forest, she felt a shiver run down her spine. The dense foliage seemed to be hiding something ominous, something that she couldn't quite put her finger on.
Was there a den full of criminals and killers, lurking within the shadows of the trees? Or perhaps it was a mass grave, hidden deep beneath the earth? Her heart raced as she contemplated the various possibilities
Hermione's voice was barely above a whisper as she stared intently at the compass in her hand.
"Oh, Y/n... where are you?" she murmured, her brow furrowed with concern. She took a deep breath and continued to follow the compass, her steps quickening as she grew more and more anxious. Despite her exhaustion, she refused to give up until she found the love of her life.
With each passing moment, her huffs grew more audible, a sign of the physical strain she was putting herself through.
As the day progressed, Hermione continued to walk through the dense forest. She soon reached the edge of a huge sinkhole that seemed to have no end. Peering down, she could see even more trees and vegetation below.
Casting her eyes around the horizon, she spotted a small tent in the distance. It seemed to be in a man-made clearing in the middle of the sinkhole. She could even see a campfire burning brightly in front of the tent.
She brought up the compass and knew deep down in her soul that Y/n had to be there. She could even feel her past lover's wand almost shuddering with excitement from within her backpack.
Hermione's heart was pounding as she looked down at the gaping sinkhole in front of her. She knew that she had to be careful, but she also knew that time was of the essence. She took a deep breath and pulled out her own wand, slowly making her way down the steep incline towards the base of the sinkhole. Her hands were shaking slightly, but she tried to remain calm and focused.
The journey down was treacherous and slow-going, with loose rocks and dirt threatening to give way at any moment. But Hermione was determined to reach the bottom, no matter what. It took another hour of cautious descent before she finally felt her feet hit level ground. She let out a sigh of relief and took a moment to catch her breath, surveying her surroundings.
Despite the danger and the difficulty of the journey, Hermione knew that she had to keep moving forward. She had a mission to accomplish, and she wasn't going to let anything stand in her way.
The sun was gone now, but she had a clear shot of the roaring campfire that was just a small orange dot in the distance at that moment.
This was it.
Her exhaustion had disappeared, and she began to jog toward the single-form light. Her mind started to fill with nothing but Y/n.
When she finally got the the edge of the clearing, she kneeled down and stared at the one person that sat near the fire. It was a small, lanky, middle-aged man.
Hermione looked down at the compass and it shook tightly as the tent. She was there. Y/n was a stone's throw away.
Passion and determination surged through her chest as she stuffed the compass back into her pocket and slowly began to sneak up behind the man. Every step was calculated, stepping over twigs and leaves as her eyes burned a hole into the back of the blissfully unaware man's head.
When she was fully behind him, she pressed the tip of the want to his neck and he tensed immediately.
“Where is she?” Hermione whispered harshly as her other hand gripped his shoulder with a warning. She wasn't in the mood for questions.
“W-Who?” he replied, which just made her even more angry, so he pressed her wand more against his skin.
“Y/n Y/l/n. The student who disappeared from Hogwarts,” she states as her grip became harder against his shoulder, making him sink down slightly to ease the pain.
“Basement! Please don't-”
Hermione cautiously approached the tent's flaps after the man collapsed on the ground. She nimbly stepped over his body and entered the tent, only to find that the interior was much more spacious than she had anticipated. However, to her surprise, the place appeared to be completely deserted.
She treaded lightly towards a set of stairs that descended further down, each creaking floorboard making her inwardly curse. Despite her efforts to stay quiet, the sound of her footsteps echoed through the empty tent, making her feel increasingly uneasy.
As she descended the stairs to the basement, she felt an eerie chill run down her spine. The musty smell of damp concrete mixed with something else, something that made her want to gag. And that's when she saw them - cages, lining the walls, one after another. She approached the first one, her heart pounding in her chest, but it was empty.
She moved on to the next and the next, but they were all the same - empty. Her stomach sank as she realized that whatever had been held in these cages was long gone. The silence was deafening, broken only by the sound of her own breathing. And then she smelled it - the unmistakable stench of death. It grew stronger the further she walked until it was almost suffocating.
“Y/n!” Hermione called out, not caring if she was caught. Yet, she heard nothing in return. Her head turned from left to right as she continued to hope that she would see Y/n.
When she reached the end of the hall, the smell was overwhelming, and she soon noticed a makeshift sign that read ‘Morgue’. Hermione took a step back and shook her head.
“No…no, please” she begged out loud as tears filled her eyes. Was she too late?
Hermione then pulled out the compass again, but when she looked at it, it was pointing behind her. Y/n wasn't in there.
As Hermione walked down the dimly lit row of cells, her heart was racing with anticipation. She had to find the right one before it was too late. With each passing second, her sense of urgency grew stronger. She picked up her pace and started walking even faster than before. The sound of her footsteps echoed through the narrow corridor, making her feel even more anxious.
Suddenly, she noticed that the compass in her hand had started to turn to the left. Hermione's eyes flickered up and down, scanning the cages on either side of her. She was looking for something specific, something that would help her achieve her goal. The arrow on the compass was pointing straight ahead, but then, it made a sharp turn backward when she passed a certain cage.
Hermione stopped in her tracks and took a step back. She peered through the bars of the cage and saw what she had been looking for: her Y/n.
“Y/n!” she called out in a sigh of relief as the curled-up figure sat in the shadowed corner of the cell, Hermione had completely missed her the first time she had looked into it.
“I did what I was told, you promised to stop with the hallucinations” Y/n’s raspy voice replied as Hermione quickly unlocked the door and opened it. When she stepped in, she kept her distance. Hermione had no idea what kind of mental state Y/n was in, and she didn't want to scare her.
“Love, it's me. I've come to bring you home” she whispered back with tears in her eyes as she sank down to the floor on her knees, and fought back every urge to jump into Y/n’s arms.
Y/n slowly looked up, and her eyes began to widen like she had seen a dementor. In her entire time here, never once had she been shown an older Hermione in her forced hallucinations. She didn't know what that would look like, until now.
“Mione?” she called out softly as she slowly leaned forward and reached out to touch her. Hermione smiled as tears fell down her cheeks, feeling as Y/n’s fingertips traced her jaw.
Then she just flung herself into Hermione's arms, which the other girl quickly accepted with more happiness than she had felt in years.
“You're real! You found me!” Y/n cried out happily as she sobbed into Hermione’s shoulder, who was also fighting back an onslaught of tears.
“Of course” Hermione whispered back as she gave into her needs and kissed the side of Y/n’s head, but soon they parted as they looked into each other's eyes.
“We have to get out of here before they return”
Two Weeks Later
Hermione lay in bed as Y/n slept beside her, her fingers running through the girl's hair as the clock struck midnight.
They both gave the exact location of the operation to the authorities as soon as Hermione got them to the nearest Wizarding Hospital.
They don't know if the authorities were able to stop the monsters from moving locations, but Hermione prayed hopefully.
Y/n had explained that she had been left behind by the sellers because she was getting too old. She was going to be killed that night once they got back. Which only made Hermione thank every higher power for her timing once she was told this information.
Hermione never pushed for any more information as time went on, only gaining the knowledge when Y/n would randomly spew it out.
All the little stories made her stomach turn.
Y/n was doing better, slowly starting to gain weight and relearning some basic things that had been lost to her over the years.
Hermione had taken her in immediately, watching Y/n like a hawk when old friends came by for a reunion, or if Rita Skeeter was trying to corner her for an interview when they sat outside.
She slowly pulled Y/n closer to her chest, running a comforting hand up and down her spine as she thought about everything.
“I'm sorry I didn't find you sooner” Hermione whispered as she kissed the top of Y/n’s head, and took in the smell of the new shampoo that Y/n had picked out when they went shopping the other day.
“But, I'll never let you go again” she promised softly as she let her eyes shut, and her lips kissed Y/n’s head a few more times.
“And I'll never forget you”
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casurlaub · 28 days
A Harry Potter quote / extract / exchange that makes you giggle?
I would ask you which you find the funniest, but let's be honest there are too many to pick from, I think I'd panic at the question. But that's the thing. There are so many small moments that makes us laugh, so it's always fun to be reminded of some <3
Okay how am I supposed to answer this in under 500,000 characters??
There are so many... Harry in general ('Roonald Wazlip'/'Yeah I wonder what it'd be like to have a difficult life'/'I didn't realize it had to be so wet'/'Yeah, Quirrell was a great teacher. There was just that minor drawback of him having Lord Voldemort sticking out of the back of his head!'), Ron during Divination and especially his O.W.L.s, Tonks and Mad-Eye ('wand safety' and how he sort of softens around her?), Luna's opinion on aurors, her commentary during that quidditch match (Zacharias Smith!), Wood's completely wonky priorities, the article on Sirius aka Stubby Boardman, Ernie Macmillan's revision schedule, Lockhart's quiz and the reanactment of his glory days he forces Harry into, him dropping his wand during dueling club, Dumbledore's cheek directed at Phineas Nigellus, Fred and George, GINNY...
But these are two (forgive me) of my favorite extracts (I copied them, I hope there's no mistakes):
Professor Trelawney ignored her. Eyes open again, she looked around once more and said, “But where is dear Professor Lupin? 'I'm afraid the poor fellow is ill again,' said Dumbledore, indicating that everybody should start serving themselves. 'Most unfortunate that it should happen on Christmas Day.' 'But surely you already knew that, Sybill?' said Professor McGonagall, her eyebrows raised. Professor Trelawney gave Professor McGonagall a very cold look. 'Certainly I knew, Minerva,' she said quietly. 'But one does not parade the fact that one is All-Knowing. I frequently act as though I am not possessed of the Inner Eye, so as not to make others nervous.' 'That explains a great deal,' said Professor McGonagall tartly. Professor Trelawney’s voice suddenly became a good deal less misty. 'If you must know, Minerva, I have seen that poor Professor Lupin will not be with us for very long. He seems aware, himself, that his time is short. He positively fled when I offered to crystal-gaze for him –' 'Imagine that,' said Professor McGonagall drily. [...] Harry and Ron got up first from the table and she shrieked loudly.' My dears! Which of you left his seat first? Which?' 'Dunno,' said Ron, looking uneasily at Harry. 'I doubt it will make much difference,' said Professor McGonagall coldly, 'unless a mad axe-man is waiting outside the doors to slaughter the first into the Entrance Hall.'
And - because I think Harry deserves much more appreciation,
'Why were you lurking under our window?' 'Yes - yes, good point, Petunia! What were you doing under our windows, boy?' 'Listening to the news,' said Harry in a resigned voice. His aunt and uncle exchanged looks of outrage. 'Listening to the news! Again?' 'Well, it changes every day, you see,' said Harry.
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thekinghazzastyles · 4 years
How Could You? // Oliver Wood Part 1
Pairings: Oliver Wood x Slytherin!Reader Warnings: angst Word Count: 992 Time Period: Golden Era Authors Note: i think this might be a series lol
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Everyone was surprised when you and Oliver announced you both were dating. Mainly the Gryffindor's, as they never would have thought that Oliver Wood would date a Slytherin. More so, a Slytherin on the quidditch team. You had both been dating for almost a year and you still had not been in a serious argument.
You were also quidditch captain and were in charge of writing the plays. You were about to start editing them but you just couldn’t seem to find them. You looked for them everywhere and you knew that they were last in your bag and they haven’t been misplaced. For the time being you gave up looking for it, just hoping they weren’t in the wrong hands.
Meanwhile, Oliver was sitting in a far corner of a library studying the plays you had created. He knew he shouldn’t have been doing this but he was too far to stop now. He genuinely cared for you but he really didn't want to lose the quidditch cup to Slytherin, again. Fred Weasley had stumbled upon him and startled Oliver in the process.
“What are you doing Wood?” Fred asked, suspicious of the way he was sitting. Hiding the paper, even though no one was near him.
“Nothing, just reading,” he responded, going back to the plays. Fred took this time to snatch the parchment from Oliver’s grasp causing him to slightly shout and stand up. Thankfully, Madam Pince had been far enough away to not hear the raise of his voice. “Where did you get the Slytherin plays from?”
“They were lended to me,” he mumbled. Oliver already felt guilty enough as it is lying to you. He didn’t need Fred to make him feel worse. The glare he was receiving from him felt like enough to burn a hole through one side of his head and out the other. Oliver didn’t dare to make eye contact with the Weasley as he had no idea what to expect.
“You better give these back to her before she finds out. And for someone who so adamant about following the rules, this is pathetic,” he sneered. Fred didn't waste anytime throwing the parchment at Oliver’s face before walking away in a rush.
Oliver stood in the same place staring at the fallen parchment, wondering what had become of him. He was severely disappointed in himself. Realizing his mistake he quickly picks up the parchment and shoves them in his bag. He makes his way to his dorm and finds you waiting for him at the entrance; you were pacing.
You were so nervous about not being able to find your plays. Especially, since you worked so hard on them. They were the plays that would take your team to victory, and now they were gone. Ironically, they magically disappeared. You stopped pacing once you realized Oliver was walking towards you. Walking up to him, you immediately held his hand which was something that always calmed you down.
“What’s wrong lass?” he asked worriedly. You let him walk you into the Gryffindor common room and sit you down on the couch before you began to speak. You told him all about how you couldn’t find your plays and how you had worked so hard on them. Mainly how you were proud of them because it was your first year as captain and your first year writing the plays on your own, so they meant a lot to you. You also failed to notice the anxious look that remained on his face as you spoke. “Maybe you’ve just misplaced them?” he reasoned.
“I’ve looked for them everywhere. Salazar, I’ve even checked the Divination classroom and I don’t even have Professor Trelawney,” you rested your head in your hands. He didn’t like seeing you so stressed so he made a plan to return your plays without being noticed. A plan he had thought to be flawless.
—Before Dinner—
You had told Oliver the password to your common room at the start of term and he had done the same for you. He was pacing in your dorm with your plays in hand wondering where he wanted to place them. You had been returning to your dorm as you wanted to retrieve a book you had borrowed from a friend. You didn’t know you would be walking in on a pacing Oliver. You also didn’t expect to see something in his hand.
“Ollie? What are you doing in here, love?” you asked softly. He quickly turned around, not expecting to see you in here. “Y/N? What are you doing here?” he questioned. Hiding the parchment behind his back, as you surprised him. You smiled at him as you couldn’t believe the question, “Ollie, you’re in my dorm, did you know?” you joked, but he didn’t seem to laugh. You finally noticed he was hiding something behind his back so you walked closer to him. “What’s that?” you reached for it but he pulled it away. You finally held the parchments in your hands after attempting to grab them for five minutes.
“Please tell this isn’t what it looks like, Oliver?” you seethed as you never called him Oliver. You couldn’t bear to look at him as he whispered a ‘no’ under his breath. “How could you? Was this all a lie? Were you just using me?” You wanted to shout but you couldn’t. You were being vulnerable to someone who hurt. “Please just tell me if you even wanted to be with me in the first place?” you asked after taking a deep breath.
“In the beginning, no. I’m sorry.” That was all it took for you to throw the parchment back in his face and storm out of your own dorm, heading to the Great Hall. You left Oliver there, standing in the middle of your dorm not knowing what he had just done, but all he knows is that it ruined his life.
Part 2
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professorrw · 3 years
All I Want, Remus Lupin Fanfiction
Chapter Sixteen
Warnings: fluff, eventual smut, death, violence, swearing, age gap, slight angst, major spoilers for Deathly Hallows
A/N: The last part and the next few ones will be about the Battle of Hogwarts so there will be fighting and killing. I hope you guys enjoyed this! If you did, like, comment, and reblog! If you would like to be added to my taglist (permanent or for this series) tell me and I’ll put you on there!
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The Great Hall was anything but calm. All of the students had been ushered to the House tables and were listening to Professor McGonagall, who was giving orders left and right. She was explaining that all the students that weren't of age were going to be evacuated for their safety.
When McGonagall had finished speaking multiple students started asking questions. You didn't pay them any mind and instead noticed Harry wandering around the edges of the room. While you were watching Harry a cold and piercing voice seemed to be speaking from all directions.
"I know that you are preparing to fight. Your efforts are futile. You cannot fight me. I do not want to kill you. I have great respect for the teachers of Hogwarts. I do not want to spill magical blood," the voice boomed out, pausing for a second. At first many had screamed but now the Great Hall was silent. "Give me Harry Potter, and none shall be harmed. Give me Harry Potter, and I shall leave the school untouched. Give me Harry Potter, and you will be rewarded. You have until midnight."
The voice ceased. Everyone's gazes turned to Harry. He turned pale and unmoving. The only voice that spoke was Pansy Parkinson, who was seated at the Slytherin table, "There he is! He's right there! Take him!"
You never liked Pansy. She was always talking ill of others and draped herself across anyone willing to listen to her. You had no pleasant memories of Pansy from when you were a student at Hogwarts. "Bloody hell! Just shut it Pansy!" you yelled back. "We are not handing him over!"
She turned to you with a glare but sat back down as all the other tables stood up and pulled their wands towards her. It was a sight to behold. All the houses other than Slytherin had come to Harry's defense.
McGonagall smiled at you and the rest of the Hall and addressed Pansy, "Thank you Miss Parkinson. You and the rest of your house can do the honors of leaving first. Please follow Mr. Filch."
Remus, Kingsley, and the rest of the professors began to devise a plan of attack, dividing themselves up to different areas of the castle and grounds. Remus would be going to the grounds with students and you would be going with him. You were prepared to fight. You could feel Voldemort's defeat coming. You had confidence in everyone around you. Together, you would rid the world of the Dark Lord.
"Are you alright?" Remus asked from beside you.
"Yes. I'm just ready to fight. This has gone on for far too long. I'm ready for him to be gone."
"As I am. Y/N?"
"I'm going to be with you the whole time. I won't let anything happen to you. I love you," he said. He leaned over and kissed your forehead, lips lingering for a while.
"I love you too Remus. I won't let anything happen to you either. I promise that we're both going to make it out of this."
"I admire your confidence, love."
After all the houses had been evacuated, a few Hufflepuff and Ravenclaws stayed behind, and half the Gryffindors. McGonagall had to pick out the underage Gryffindors that stayed behind and send them away. You had to hand it to them though, they were dedicated to the cause.
Kingsley rose to the front and began to speak, "We've got half an hour until midnight so we must act fast. A battle plan has been made between the Hogwarts teachers and the Order of the Phoenix. McGonagall, Flitwick, and Sprout are going to take fighters up to Ravenclaw, Astronomy, and Gryffindor towers for a good vantage point to do spells. Remus, Arthur, and I will be taking groups to the grounds. We need somebody to set up defense for the entrances of the passageways-"
"That's a job for us!" Fred said, indicating to himself and George. Of course the twins would want to do that. They knew every passageway like it was the back of their hands. When you were at Hogwarts you would sneak around with them and never get caught thanks to the secret passages.
Kingsley nodded and resumed talking, "Leaders up here and we'll divide troops!"
You followed Remus to stand next to Kingsley. The other professors lined up as well. You couldn't help but notice how determined everyone looked. Even Professor Flitwick looked menacing.
Kingsley began to divide the students, sending them to the different groups of adults. You noticed that Neville had been sent to Professor Sprout and Lee Jordan was sent with Fred and George.
Arthur, Kingsley, and Remus had a mixed group made up of mostly Gryffindors. You knew most of them and they acknowledged you as a leader as well, being two or three years their senior. One of the people in your group was Seamus Finnigan, who had been instructed to create explosions, which apparently he did often.
You and the rest of the group began to make your way through the castle, down to the grounds where Death Eaters were trying to get in. Students were following their group leaders throughout the castle as you walked by, getting into their positions. Remus was holding your hand as he led the group and walked briskly down the stairs. He had a determined stride and his eyebrows were furrowed.
Outside, the ground group began to split up, readying themselves for the incoming Death Eaters. Not only were there Death Eaters, there were gigantic spiders coming from the forest as well. You and the rest of the ground troops began to move forward, meeting Voldemort's followers in the middle. People on brooms swooped by overhead, and started to drop bombs on the groups of Death Eaters. You couldn't mistake the leader of the people on brooms, Oliver Wood.
Streaks of light began to pierce and color the air around you. Shouting came from all sides. You were shooting spell after spell at the incoming Death Eaters and spiders. Remus stayed by your side, also shooting out spells faster than you imagined possible. You stayed focused, watching your surroundings. The casualties had already started to rise on both sides. Bodies dropped and the Death Eaters began to converge onto the grounds. You and the others were trying your hardest to keep them at bay, but they wouldn't be held for much longer.
You kept sending out spells as fast as you could, hitting Death Eaters in any spot possible. Shouts of "Expelliarmus! Stupefy!" and "Avada Kedavra!" rang out in the night air. When you looked over you saw Remus dueling a Death Eater that you recognized, Dolohov. No Death Eaters were coming your way, most occupied with fighting others. Dolohov hadn't noticed you so you took the chance to shout out "Expelliarmus!" giving Remus the chance to stun him.
He nodded at you and breathed heavily, moving his eyesight to more incoming enemies. A man was headed straight for you, wand pointed at your chest. You lunged out of the way, the spell shattering a window behind you. Moving in on him, you yelled "Stupefy!" It missed him by inches, which he seemed to find amusing. He cackled and screamed "Avada Kedavra!"
You jumped out of the way just in time, the spell whizzing by your head. You got back to your feet, sending out another spell. That one hit him and he landed on the ground with a thud. As you ran towards the castle, where the Death Eaters were now getting inside, you whipped your head back and forth looking for Remus.
He was engaged in a tight battle. He overpowered his opponent and sent her flying into the wall. An explosion sounded somewhere to your left and rubble flew everywhere. Large pieces of cement fell on top of a few of Voldemort's followers and spiders. The remaining students took a breath, relieved from the hoard of Death Eaters that they were dueling.
The battle had mostly moved inside, Death Eaters working through the crowds of students and teachers alike. They were all a blur as you ran past, followed by Remus, who was panting.
You ran through the doors with him close at your side. Flitwick and Kingsley were already in the halls, each fighting furiously. Neville came into your line of sight, holding an armful of Venomous Tentacula.
You and Remus ran to the Great Hall, seeing a grey werewolf in your path. You had no doubt it was Fenrir Greyback and the sight infuriated you. He saw you and Remus at the same time you saw him. Picking between the two of you he lunged at Remus, sending him to the floor.
It was so sudden you didn't know it had happened. He was on top of Remus, rearing his head back to bite him when he was hit by a spell. His animal form went flying into the wall. He was getting back to his feet when you rushed at him screaming "AVADA KEDAVRA!" You were so filled with rage you felt no remorse seeing his limp, grey, werewolf body. After all, he deserved it for all he had done. He had killed and harmed many people, including your parents.
Overhead you heard Professor Trelawney shout, "Well done! That bastard deserved it!" She hurried away, holding crystal balls in her arms. She threw them with incredible force and then used her wand to direct them through the windows.
You ran over to Remus, who hadn't moved from the floor. You fell to your knees beside him. He didn't move when you shook him. Tears began to fill your eyes, "Remus? Remus! Remus wake up! WAKE UP!"
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Taglist: @bellamy1998 @sxsalvatore @ottjord @lina1945
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bellshells · 4 years
Splitting Hairs ch.2
Yo yo yo, chapter two of Splitting Hairs. Thank you for taking time to read this, I really do hope you enjoy it. So, I don’t know if I need to do any tw or just warnings in general but, there’s mention of blood and a bit of mild smut at the end. 
Previous Chapter Next Chapter 
Word Count: 2703  Summary: Severus is full of all the feelings about Valentine. But can he look past her resemblance to Lily? Especially when she tries to deepen their relationship?
Severus was ready just after seven. He had bathed and eaten alone in his chambers and watched the slow ticking of the clock intently. His mind had raced all afternoon with thoughts of Valentine and memories of Lily. He had spent the last few years punishing himself for allowing the pressures of his youth to destroy his relationship with Lily. What might’ve happened if he had been honest with Lily about his feelings? Would it have changed anything? Would it have been his body James Potter would have discarded on a windy night in Godric’s Hollow?
He was baffled by his initial reaction to Valentine. Having not seen her face in a few hours his heart had slowed in its pounding. Severus rationalised that it must have been the shock in simply being attracted to a woman for the first time since Lily- it was obvious he had a type. Severus was staring to annoy himself, why was he so affected by this woman? She was just that, a woman. A woman for whom Severus has put on his best dress shirt. A woman who had caused Severus to drink the best part of a bottle of dragon-whisky to soothe his nerves. He had tried to read, he had tried to plan his lessons, he tried practically anything to occupy himself other than being fixated on the clock. It was useless.
At ten to eight he rose and left his rooms. He made the short journey to Valentine’s quarters, stopping just short of the door to take a deep breath. Just before he raised his hand to the wood to knock; he heard a calamitous crash and an exclaimed “Fuck!” from within. “Professor Valentine?” he called out. “Severus? Come in, would you?” Severus turned the handle of the big wooden door and saw her; a mirror was smashed into pieces on the floor. Her dress unzipped at the back hung unceremoniously around her shoulders and finally a steady stream of blood dripped form her hand and onto the floor. Her lurched towards her, grasping her injured hand in his and examined her wound. “What on earth?” he said, bewildered. “I tried to move my mirror and it slipped out of my hands.” She moaned. His eyes hurried over her; her hair was perfectly curled and swept half away from her face. She wore dark make up on her eyes a brilliant red on her lips. He dress, still unzipped fell forward as she squirmed in his grasp and granted Severus a glance at her breasts. He blushed and instantly averted his gaze, returning his attention to her wound. “Jesus, I’m so sorry,” Valentine began, “What a mess.” “Just stay still, let me see how bad it is.” Severus muttered. He moved his wand slowly over her hand and one by one the pieces of glass that were stuck in there fell to the floor. “You should go to the infirmary.” He said. “No need!” Valentine countered, “I have a first aid kit in my wardrobe-” Severus looked at her dumbly as she gestured to the other side of the room. Instructing her to keep pressure on the worst affected area; he hurried over to the wardrobe. “Top shelf.” Valentine called out. Severus peered into her wardrobe, an array of colourful dresses, shirts and all sort greeted him. He pushed them to the side, revealing a shelf at the back. He picked up an item to move it out of the way and instantly recognised them to be Valentine’s delicates. Choosing to ignore the embarrassment he felt, he continued his search finally retrieving a little green bag with a white cross on it. He brought it over to her and opened it. “Just get the gauze and a bandage, I’ve got wipes here.” She instructed. Severus produced the desired materials from inside the bag as Valentine wiped blood from her wrist and forearm. She took the gauze from him and struggled one-handed to keep it in his place. Severus rolled his eyes and snatched it back. “Just- let me.” He placed the gauze on her hand and started wrapping the bandage around it tightly. “You’ll have to let me know if that’s tight enough for you.” “I bet you’ve said that before.” Valentine said with a sly smile, Severus could feel his cheeks warm as he tied the end of the bandage. “Please tell me why I’m wasting time doing this by hand?” he asked her, she looked up at him from under her lashes. He thought he might burst. “Because there nothing quite like the satisfaction of a job well done. Especially when it’s done with your own two hands.” She countered. “That’s one for you to remember when you’re alone.” Severus dropped her hand instinctively as she chuckled. Valentine lifted her bandaged hand up to the light to examine it. “Thank you.” She said earnestly. “Shall we be off?” he asked and gestured towards the open door. “Just one more thing.” Valentine turned her back and asked over her shoulder; “Would you mind?” She pointed to the zip of her dress still open at the back. Her pale skin illuminated by the dying light caressing the window. His breath caught in his throat as he made his way to her, hands ready. Severus touched the soft fabric of her dress and pulled it taut at her shoulders. He couldn’t help himself; his hands trailed down the corners of the fabric until he reached the bottom of the zip right at the base of her back. He could see Valentine’s skin raise under his touch as he moved closer to her. He pulled up the zip torturously slow, the same stirring he had felt in the pit of his stomach returned fiercely. Valentine turned slowly, their faces only inches apart, and flashed him a grin. “See?” she whispered, “Wasn’t that fun to do with your hands?”
Severus cleared his throat and took a step back. He extended his arm to her as she threw her cloak around her shoulders. Valentine produced her wand from her cloak and waved it over the mess on the floor. The pieces of mirror scattered all over found each other like magnets and realigned before whizzing back into the frame and mounting itself on the wall. She admired her handywork and pulled her cloak tight over her chest; the tight black dress Severus had become intimately acquainted with, now obscured from view. It took him a moment to remember his purpose. “Ready?” He asked. “After you, Professor Snape.”
They arrived at the passageway up to Dumbledore’s office in less time than Severus would have liked. He said the password and watched as Valentines face lit up as the commanding eagle gave way to a staircase that wrapped itself around the walls. “That’s quite cool.” She said wasting no time. She started to climb the steps and wobbled as she missed her footing, Severus offered his hand behind her and she took it with a smile. They continued up to the headmaster’s office together, the door already open. He could hear voices and the occasional peal of laughter as they rounded the corner. The thin sound of a vinyl player somewhere hidden played a sweet melody as he guided her into the room. Minerva was on her in an instant.
“Elizabeth my dear, we were starting to think you lost your way. How kind of Severus to escort you.” She said as she whisked Valentine further into the room and handed her a tall drink from a table nearby. Champagne. Either Dumbledore really wanted to impress the new professor the staff gatherings had altered dramatically since the last time he had attended one. He stood awkwardly on the outskirts of the party, he nursed a tumbler of whisky in one hand and pretended to listen to Trelawney as she waffled on about needing a particular potion to give to her third years. He nodded in all the right places and consented to make it for her, but his eyes were always on Valentine.
She seemed to dazzle everyone around her, it seemed his colleagues gravitated towards her like she was the sun in their orbit. He watched as Minerva, then Pomona, Filius and even Hagrid made their way to engage her in conversation. She was as polite and warm to each of them as one by one they descended onto her. He barely noticed as Dumbledore sidled up beside him and quietly said under his breath; “She’s definitely making an impression, wouldn’t you say, Severus?” “Hmm.” “I dare say she must have some Veela in her. She’s exceptionally beautiful.” Albus continued. “Her hair’s too red to be part Veela.” Muttered Severus. He watched as she threw her head back in laughter in something Hagrid had said. He saw a blush creep onto Hagrid’s cheeks and the groundskeeper grinned sheepishly. “Must be good breeding then. Is it just me, or does she bear a striking resemblance to Lily Potter?” Albus whispered. Severus froze, he could feel the elder wizards gaze on him as he thought how best to answer. “I suppose you might be able to draw similarities between them. Lily was much shorter than Professor Valentine though.” Dumbledore murmured in agreement as Minerva raised her hands in the air for quiet. “I would like to take this opportunity on behalf of the headmaster to welcome Professor Valentine to our ranks. With just a few short days before our students return to Hogwarts, let us raise a glass to Elizabeth, may your year be met with ease and very few challenges,” she raised her champagne flute and toasted; “Elizabeth.” Everyone followed suit, Elizabeth’s name sang through Dumbledore’s office as they drank. Severus put his glass to his lips and drank, but not before Valentine raised her own glass in his direction and winked. Severus couldn’t supress the smile that arrived on his lips. Maybe it was the atmosphere of the party, or the sheer amount of alcohol he had consumed, but he began to relax. The conversation flowed freely between Severus and his colleagues, he even started to find their inane jokes funny. Severus allowed himself to enjoy the company he was in and for once he felt like he belonged, not like he was there at Dumbledore’s behest. He meandered over to where a game of muggle chess was being played between Professors Binns and Burbage. He whispered in Charity’s ear the best way to take Cuthbert’s knight, but she laughed him off, preparing to use her own skill. Severus laughed with her.
It was another few hours before Valentine made her way over to Severus. She had not spoken to him since they arrived and she clocked him finally, sat in a chair by the fireplace. He was deep in conversation with Professor Kettleburn, until he caught a glimpse of her out of the corner of his eye. Severus could see her eyes glistened from across the room, she obviously had had a bit to drink. Valentine moved with such sensuality it was impossible to keep his eyes from her. He wondered what Lily would have looked like if she wore what Valentine was wearing. The calf length, tight figure-hugging dress; cut high around the shoulders yet low at the back. Lily would have looked sublime; he was sure of that. And, as Valentine continued her slow progress over to him, finally sitting on the arm of Severus’ chair; and he found his hand making its way to sit on her hip, his mind wandered once again to Lily. He imagined it was Lily putting her hand on his chest and leaning in to whisper in his ear, not Valentine. He felt a chill run through him as her breath tickled his face. “It’s quite late,” she stated, Severus raised an eyebrow. “Shall we go?” “I wasn’t aware you needed my permission to leave, Professor Valentine.” “Elizabeth,” she corrected, and traced the curve of a button on Severus’ shirt with her finger. “If you’re asking if I would accompany you back to your rooms, you need only ask; Elizabeth.”
A slow smile crept to her lips, her green eyes darkened, and she stood, Valentine stalked across the room and fetched her cloak. Severus rose slowly, his stomach in knots. What on earth was he doing? Was he flirting? Was she expecting him to go into her rooms and-? He shook his head and followed her to the door. They bid farewell to the few still left in Dumbledore’s office, the party well and truly winding down. Only a few stragglers remained, slurred tales and vacant looks abound. Severus held her hand as they descended the staircase, remembering how unsteady she was on the way up. He offered her his arm at the bottom, and she took it, and pulled her body close to his as they walked through the deserted castle.
They walked mostly in silence, like they had done only a few hours before. Only this time, he could feel the heat from her body singing to him as he couldn’t resist it. Valentine clung to his arm as they walked and Severus allowed her, turning his head to take in the scent of her. She smelled divine. In the scarce light of the corridor he could barely make out her features and he could fill in the blanks with his memories of Lily. If he turned his head away it was Lily clutching his arm, Lily tugging on his shirt and Lily pulling him into an alcove and pressing her soft lips to his.
She kissed him furiously, her hands wandered up his back and pulled him even closer. Severus returned the kiss and pushed her hard against the castle wall. His hands finding her rump and squeezing it, that same stirring he had felt all day returned with a vengeance. He felt his arousal pressed hard against his trousers, and she pushed hard against it. It was then when he felt the friction against his groin that Severus realised, he wasn’t kissing Lily and pulled away with a small “No…” Valentine stood slightly awkwardly as Severus stared at her, not quite meeting his gaze. “Sorry-” “Come.” Was all that he said. He started back towards her quarters, only giving her a cursory nod as he opened the door to her chambers. He didn’t give her a chance to respond before he closed it again and stalked towards his own rooms.
He was appalled with himself. He had been seduced by this Lily-lookalike and he was sad. Sad because he felt like it upset the memory of Lily and sad because he enjoyed it. Severus entered his bed chamber hot and confused, he needed to rid himself from the smell of her. It was everywhere on him. He stripped down to his underwear and got into bed and stared up at the dark cloth of his canopy. His mind was a tempest of thought. His skin electrified. His hand wandered down his torso to his crotch, his member hard in his hand. He began to move his hand up and down his shaft in swift pace, his breaths became short and shallow as he sunk his head into his pillow. His pleasure was overwhelming as he guided his hand over the tip of his cock. Severus was not one for self-gratification, the mood very rarely took him. But tonight, it was all he could think about. The kiss. His first kiss. He bit his lip as his brow furrowed, he could still taste her on his lips. His hands still smelled her perfume and if he closed his eyes tight, he could imagine her body pressed close against his. He moaned softly. His movements were desperate now, he was so close to the edge. His fingers of his free hand grappled with his sheets as he pumped himself to completion.
When he came it was guttural, his hips bucked upwards and he let out a deep, long moan. He had never done that before. Severus opened his eyes slowly, before he closed them again to sleep. All he could see was red hair and green eyes.
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bush-viper-cutie · 4 years
“The Final Match” || YEAR 3 – Ch.32 (HP au)
                              Chapter List
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Day posted: 12/1/2020
Word count: 4, 201
Relationship: EVENTUAL severus X oc (slow burn)
Rating: E for everyone
Warnings: none
A/N: This is my first fan fic I’m writing mainly as a way to practice. This is a retelling of the hp books with an inserted character. Although most every character will be written about, this is mostly for the pro snape fandom. Please do not fear, although this is a severus x oc story, it is an incredibly slow burn as I do not intend for them to get together at all until after the final book events. Chapters will be posted twice a week.
This derivative work follows the events of the Harry Potter books by Jk Rowling and is intended as a fun way to practice my writing. Thank you for reading :D
 Hello! Sorry I didn’t post for a few weeks! I needed to take a break and deal with some mental health stuff but I feel much better :D I hope everyone’s been ok! Also I will be going back to the normal twice a week schedule so yay :D enjoy the chapter!
~~~ * ~~~ * ~~~ * ~~~ * ~~~
Easter break had been the most tiring holiday Heather had ever experienced. Practice twice a day, essay after essay, having to pay attention to Ron and Harry and not seem exhausted by their presence, and even help Neville avoid a nervous collapse. As absolutely worn out as Heather felt, it was nothing compared to Hermione.
Mid break she had stopped responding to them all together, focusing only on her essays and studying. She was so off her usual self she didn’t even want them wandering around the library when they needed to look up books. ‘I need to stretch my legs anyways,’ she claimed and would go fetch whatever book they needed so long as they stayed put.
Hermione was so stressed she was constantly on the verge of tears, especially after coming back empty handed, unable to find the book Ron wanted.
“It’s alright, Hermione, Really.” Ron looked around uncomfortably. “I’ll just… read Harry’s book upside down. I’ve gotten good after three years of potions exams.”
While Hermione studied and during any time either Harry or Heather was at Quidditch practice, Ron read and gathered as much as he could for Buckbeak’s appeal. He took out books like ‘Fowl or Foul? A Study on Hippogriff Brutality’ and ‘The Handbook of Hippogriff Psychology’ and was so engrossed in it that Heather wondered why he didn’t put that much energy and effort into their normal essays. Ron seemed as hardworking as Hermione in those instances, except he was much more willing to call it quits when he’d had enough.
By the end of the Holidays, several of the Slytherins had done exactly what Marcus had told them to do and gone out and earned points any ways they could. Slytherin was ahead of Gryffindor for the House Cup by two-hundred points. Now if Gryffindor won the match, they’d either tie bare minimum or would have to work as hard as possible to earn over fifty points to beat Slytherin in the House Cup.
The Quidditch Cup however, was much more difficult. Marcus had sat the whole team down in the locker rooms and explained how tricky this match would be with Harry’s advantage. If no one scored any points at all and Harry caught the snitch within seconds, then Slytherin would lose the match but tie with Gryffindor and no one would earn the Quidditch Cup.
“So Bletchley, don’t let them score at ANY cost.” Marcus turned his intense eyes on Heather and Graham. “Potter, Montague. We’re plan b. By the end of the match we NEED to have scored at least one-hundred-and-fifty points to stay in the lead for House Cup. We’ll each aim for five scores each.”
Heather nodded and looked at Draco who was leaning against the lockers, sulking. All break long he’d tasked Crabbe and Goyle with getting into a fight with Harry but they hadn’t succeeded yet. Harry was constantly surrounded by his Quidditch team as often as possible ever since he’d told Wood what she had said.
“’Cept we won’t need that when I catch the Snitch.” Draco crossed his arms.
Marcus nodded. “Potter won’t be attempting to catch the Snitch until the Gryffindors have earned enough points if they’re smart. All you’ll have to do is catch it before he does – and I’ve no doubt he’ll do his best to stop you, though the Gryffindors aren’t the physical type so that’ll be easy.”
Draco kept his brows furrowed and glared at the nearest bench. There was more than just the Cups riding on this match. Heather knew Draco was still upset over the mud-throwing incident and Harry was even more furious with him after the fact of Buckbeak’s trial. Their rivalry was at its peak for the year, and it had even bled into her and Draco’s friendship.
It was weird to call it a friendship, considering she was supposed to hate him but there were the odd conversations with him that she enjoyed, and he never left her out like Pansy did, glad to talk to her about himself and how great his family is all the time. Now that he felt he was losing to Harry though, he could hardly look at her for very long without scowling at her. She was a Potter after all.
As the week went on, all Professors seemed to be assigning less and less homework on account of the match Saturday. It seemed like the whole school was anticipating the match and Slytherins and Gryffindors most of all. Scuffles broke out in the corridors, hexes and jinx were thrown during breakfast and lunch, and all the Gryffindors gathered around Harry constantly to keep him safe while all the Slytherins seemed to want to be tripping and elbowing him.
It was Friday night and Heather paced the dungeon corridors trying to keep her anxiety under control. She braided and re-braided her hair as she walked, holding her breath, counting to five, and letting it out. Five goals. That was all she needed to score. Just five. It seemed like a lot suddenly. All of Slytherin would be angry and Marcus would be furious if she didn’t do her part.
She headed back to the common room and sat on a cushion by the door and observed everyone talking about the match tomorrow. Marcus, Miles, and Graham were talking to a few girls and on the other side of the room Peregrine and Lucian were smacking hexed curtain puffs they’d ripped out. Draco was of course surrounded by his usual crowd by his favorite desk. Pansy was talking on and on to the group of third years but Draco just sat there, shaking his leg.
The common room door opened and she looked up to see it was Snape. He stepped inside and closed the door. He was searching the room and quickly spotted Marcus. “Flint.” His voice was low and yet everyone in the room seemed to recognize it immediately. Everyone hushed and turned to look at their Head of House. “I suggest you get your team to bed at once. I don’t intend on giving up the Quidditch Cup over a bunch of drowsy brats with no sense for time.” It seemed even Snape could sense how difficult the match would be.
Heather could smell the tangy scent of pickled tree oysters coming off his black trousers and the unmistakable smell of the penetratingly sweet base liquid used for almost all potions they brewed. She stayed seated in her spot as her team gathered their things and went into the dormitories. She wasn’t ready to go to bed with her anxious thoughts, and certainly not by Snape’s command.
She pulled her legs up to her chest and cursed to herself. Her movement had caught Snape’s attention out of the corner of his eyes. He glared down at her but she refused to look into his cold black eyes. She could feel her hair stand on end and finally gave in, standing up and marching to the girl’s dormitory, slamming the door hard before huffing and marching to her dorm.
She changed and fell back on her pillow, wishing she could have stayed downstairs and just ignored Snape. It would’ve been at least a small victory for her against him. Her eyelids began to close and she let them. If she were Harry, she’d just make potions incredibly annoying for him to get him back for bad mouthing her father. She could ask about the difference between Horn of Plenty and Trumpet of the Dead and whether they were less or more reactive than Black Chanterelle – which are of course all the same mushroom which would annoy him extra.
She fell asleep thinking about making her toad even more mossy on purpose next lesson instead of finally de-mossifying him and woke from a dream about replacing all of Snape’s Bladder Campions in jars with actual tiny bladders. Heather sat up and looked at the clock, seeing it was the perfect time to get up and shower before heading down for breakfast.
She got dressed in her Quidditch robes and headed out of the common room towards the Great Hall.
Heather turned around and searched for Harry as he whispered her name again. She spotted his red robes hiding behind a column and walked down to him.
“Harry? What is it?”
He crossed his arms and bit his finger. He shook his head and sighed. “Alright. I know it’ll sound crazy… I think I saw Crookshanks walking with the Grim last night.”
Heather frowned.
“Listen!” Harry looked around and sighed again. “I woke up from a nightmare about the match and got up to get some water and I looked out the window and saw Crookshanks followed by the Grim and he was leading the Grim around the side of the castle!”
Heather tilted her head. “So… Hermione’s cat is friends with your Grim? Harry, the Grim isn’t an actual animal. It’s a sign. I saw the Grim in the clouds and Professor Trelawney sees it in leaves and mist and floating dust clumps… Are you sure you really saw it?”
Harry rubbed his neck and shook his head. “I tried getting Ron to see it too but he fell back asleep too fast.”
Heather placed her hand on Harry’s shoulder. “It’s just the match nerves. Or maybe you know deep down Slytherin’s going to win,” she teased.
“You wish.” Harry smiled and pushed away from the wall, stepping out from the column. “Maybe it was just a dog or something from Hogsmeade.”
Wood came out from the Great Hall and called Harry down to him.
“Good luck,” Harry said and quickly punched her arm before jogging over to Wood.
Harry entered the Great Hall to enormous applause, leaving her standing alone in the empty Entrance Hall. She really hoped she was right about it not being the Grim. She took a deep breath and entered after him.
She could see three out of the four tables were wearing as much red as possible. Hufflepuffs had on red hats and small twirling red signs while Ravenclaws held scarfs in their hands ready to swing in the air. Gryffindors were all wearing red shirts, red sweaters, red trousers, red socks, and red hair clips – it was a sea of red that looked to bleed onto the other tables.
She sat at the center of her Slytherin table with the team and picked up some toast and a few small links of sausage. Was she hungry? Was she starving? It felt like the butterflies in her stomach turned to rocks every so often. It was the hardest meal she’d ever had, having to watch the stone cold face of her captain as he glared at the rest of the school behind her, and even Draco looked sickly pale next to him.
Heather kicked Draco under the table making him jump. “We’re going to win and you’re going to catch the Snitch, alright? Harry’s not even going to try until they earn enough points and Bletchley won’t let them score any. You’ll have enough time.”
Draco nodded and took a bite of his toast, getting jam on the corners of his mouth. “I’m catching the Snitch first thing.” He nodded again as if cementing the idea in his head.
Heather relaxed a bit after some color returned to Draco’s face. The cheering had gotten too loud to ignore now and Pansy started cheering for the team, looking around at others and glaring at them until they joined in with her. Soon the Slytherin tables were thumping their fists on the table, filling the air with bangs and the slight clatter of metal forks bouncing off glass plates. It did a good job of drowning out the cheers for Gryffindor.
It was time for both teams to head out and Heather stood with her team and walked down, high fiving every stuck out hand from the Slytherin tables. She looked left and saw the Gryffindors were doing the same. Harry was walking down the other side of the Gryffindor table closest to the Ravenclaws when he stopped momentarily next to the Ravenclaw Seeker, Cho Chang, and went red. As they left the Great Hall Heather tried catching Harry’s eyes but it was no use, Wood was talking his ear off.
Heather grabbed her broom with Draco and they both entered the locker rooms, ready for whatever talk Marcus had in store for them.
Marcus paced the small space between the walls and stopped as they joined the rest of the team. “Win,” he said firmly. “Just win. By any means.”
“And just like that our nerves are gone,” Miles scoffed.
Marcus pulled him up by the collar and shook him. “What nerves? We’re Slytherins. We’ve been winning the Quidditch Cup for almost a decade. And no Potter will ruin that.”
Heather swallowed, feeling like he was also kind of talking about her.
Draco lifted his broom handle towards the team and yelled “No Potter can ruin that!”
The team smacked their broom handles against Draco’s and Heather had no choice but to join. She supposed she could consider this motivational somehow?
Marcus led them out onto the field where they took their spots. The whole school was cheering and making noise on the stands and although there were waves and waves of red, the Slytherins did their best to cover as much space with deep green and bright silver. In the front row behind the Slytherin goal post sat Snape wearing green like everyone else around him. He had on a grim smile and looked to Professor McGonagall who laughed and gestured to the stands of students waving ‘LIONS FOR THE CUP’ and ‘GO GRYFFINDOR’ flags.
His comments were drowned out by ‘boos’ from the Slytherins sitting not too far from him.
Even Heather booed with the Slytherins at that. She and Draco were the smallest on the team for certain, but at least Graham and Miles had some skill too, even if they were enormous. Marcus, Lucian, and Peregrine however, they could do with less aggressive plays.
Heather looked over at Draco to see him close his mouth and hide his look of shock. He glanced at her briefly and scowled, making her hold in a laugh.
The morning was fairly bright and there were no winds at all, making it perfect conditions for an intense final match. The Gryffindors mirrored their positions on the other side of the half-line and she gave Harry a tiny thumbs up which he matched for a split second. Madam Hooch came out with the ball-chest under her arm and set it down, ready to unlock on her whistle.
Heather gripped her broom hard, feeling her palms already sweaty and kicked off hard at the loud shrill of the whistle blow. Fourteen brooms rose in the air and darted into positions as Marcus and Wood fought for the Quaffle.
The Gryffindor fans filled the field with whistles and cheers as they waved red flags and scarfs in the air. Miles avoided looking towards Marcus but Heather gave him a thumbs up, he nodded his head as the Quaffle was recovered.
Heather gasped as Marcus smashed into Angelina Johnson, nearly knocking her off her broom.
“Didn’t see her!” Marcus yelled to the booing crowd of scarlet below. “Sorry!”
Heather rolled her eyes at him and gasped again as Fred’s Beater’s club flew through the air and smacked Marcus on the back of his head, making him smash his nose on his broom handle causing a nose bleed.
Madam Hooch flew up between them and blew her whistle. “Penalty shot to Gryffindor for an unprovoked attack on their Chaser! Penalty shot to Slytherin for deliberate damage to THEIR Chaser!” Before they could argue Madam Hooch blew her whistle again and Johnson flew forward to take penalty, eyeing Marcus with immense loathing.
Marcus flew forward with the Quaffle under his arm and aimed at the Gryffindor goalposts where Wood sat ready on his broom.
Heather groaned and felt the little butterflies in her stomach all drop dead and turn to boulders. The Gryffindors were much closer to getting the necessary points they needed to win both cups and allow for Harry to catch the Snitch. Draco flew by quickly, desperately searching for the Snitch as Harry trailed him meters behind – a distance afforded to him by the firebolt.
Heather nodded at Marcus and took her position again as the Quaffle was recovered and put back into play.
Graham had swooped down and grabbed hold of Katie Bell’s head instead of the Quaffle, making her drop it in an attempt to dislodge her head from under his arm.
Madam Hooch flew back up and yelled at him before awarding Gryffindor another penalty which Katie gladly took.
While the game was stalled on Lee Jordan and Professor McGonagall’s arguments, Heather flew over to Marcus and Graham. “Drop the whole ‘win by any means’! We’re losing! Stick to the plays!”
Marcus glared at her but nodded. “We’ll take those points back. Stick to the plays.”
Graham nodded and they split up, taking their positions around Marcus like they normally did. The game was back on and as they wrestled with Gryffindor for the possession of the Quaffle, Heather spotted Derrick and Bole closing in on a speeding Harry just as he pulled up out of the way and they collided against each other.
Graham had barely grazed the Quaffle when Johnson intercepted.
The Slytherins behind the Slytherin goalposts erupted with cheers. Lee Jordan swore and Professor McGonagall tried tugging the magical megaphone away.
The tide was turning now that they were more focused on plays and not cheating. Heather followed close beneath Flint and on cue caught his dropped Quaffle and scored the second points for Slytherin. Wood pounded on his handle and the Slytherins cheered again.
Four of five goals down, she just needed five goals total to reach her own goal. That was the plan. She zoomed forward and cut off Spinnet, sending her diving down to avoid collision, freeing up space for Marcus to throw to Graham. Graham shot forward with the Quaffle in hot pursuit by Bell and Johnson and just as he aimed to throw into the goalposts, Bell snatched it from his hand and made her way across the field. Gryffindor scored freely for the last time that match.
It was forty-twenty and now even Heather felt the same angry fire behind Marcus and Graham’s eyes. Marcus scored, and then Graham, and just after Heather had rammed into Johnson to stop her from cutting between Marcus’s throw, Heather caught the Quaffle and scored for Slytherin once again.
Forty-fifty and Slytherins were in the lead now. Bell was on Heather’s tail from then on as she shadowed Marcus to his right. A Bludger nearly knocked him off his broom but Graham saved it and scored again. Fred and George were now focusing their efforts on Marcus as Lucian and Peregrine aimed for them.
Heather looped on her broom to lose Bell momentarily to help pass the Quaffle to Graham again as Marcus dodged two Bludgers, and he scored again. On and on it went cleanly until the score was forty to one-hundred and Heather had scored her five goals. Then Lucian hit Alicia Spinnet with his club, stopping her from taking possession and George elbowed him in the face.
Madam Hooch gave each team a penalty shot and Miles finally blocked it. Wood didn’t let Marcus score. Bell attempted to score and while Fred and George were distracted trying to help block Graham and Heather from closing in on her, Peregrine and Lucian aimed the Bludgers at Wood, giving Gryffindor two more penalty shots. Miles saved one and the score became fifty to one-hundred. Wood climbed back over his broom and clutched his stomach.
Slytherin quickly took the points back. Heather scored twice more after Flint scored twice and Graham scored once.
The game was dragging on and Harry and Draco were now searching the skies and ground for the Snitch. Draco kept on Harry’s tail as best he could as they circled the Quiditch pitch once, twice – Harry dashed forward and reached out for the golden speck twenty feet in front.
Draco sped after him, managing to cut the distance on a quick turn as the Snitch flew away from them. Harry had the Snitch inches from his fingers when Draco jumped forward and caught the tail of Harry’s broom in his hands, dragging him back.
Harry swung a fist at Draco’s face but couldn’t reach. Harry turned back and slowed, realizing the Snitch had disappeared from view.
“CHEATER! CHEATING! YOU FILTHY CHEATING SLYTHERIN – !” Lee was dancing out of McGonagall’s grasp.
“Penalty!” Madam Hooch yelled.
Spinnet took the shot and was blocked by Miles who was still laughing at Draco’s penalty. Heather felt her team was newly invigorated by Draco’s desperate ‘by any means’ tactics.
The game was back on and Johnson had the Quaffle. Heather and the other Chasers flew after her, closing in at once when Harry cut through them like a red bullet, making them all scatter to avoid falling off their brooms and allowing her to score.
“Harry!” Heather yelled and quickly noticed Draco across the field streaking up towards a tiny shiny speck.
Harry noticed and tore after Draco, closing the field-wide distance within seconds. Heather watched, frozen in place, as Draco closed in on the Snitch. Marcus took this chance to score once more as everyone’s attention was on the Seekers.
Draco’s fingers were stretched, arm fully extended as he leaned forward on his broom. His blond hair whipping back as he cut through the air.
Harry had reached Draco and was now urging his broom to go faster as he stretched out his arm towards the Snitch.
They were both inches away from it, closing in – Harry threw himself forward, knocking Draco’s arm out of the way and caught the Snitch in one cupped swoop of his hand.
The crowd erupted with cheers and the field below filled with red and gold as everyone touched down. Heather walked up to Marcus who was fuming but surprisingly remained calm. He clenched his fist and looked at all of them as they gathered around him quietly.
“We won the cup. That’s all that matters. They needed at least a fifty-point lead before Potter caught the Snitch.” Marcus looked at Draco and nodded. “Good try, Malfoy.”
Draco looked like he could murder anyone who looked at him the wrong way. He nodded and headed towards the broom shed, shoving and pushing any and all Gryffindors in his way.
The Gryffindor crowd was lifting Harry on their shoulders, satisfied with the win and victory over Slytherins and Draco. Heather trailed behind the crowd not wanting to bump into Ron or Hermione. Although the cup was still and would remain in the safety of Snape’s office, the loss against Gryffindor was felt among all Slytherins.
Draco almost had it, inches away, seconds away, but was doomed to lose against Harry’s firebolt.
Was everyone doomed to lose against Harry?
~~~ * ~~~ * ~~~ * ~~~ * ~~~
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betterbe-ravenclaw · 4 years
A HPHM character profile - Naomi Kinnley
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Naomi has been being developed for a good while now, and I know that my version of events will clash with that of others (over love interest, profession, interests, family etc) so I really hope that won't be a problem. It's taken a long time for me to post this because I'm extremely nervous but hopefully Naomi and I can fit into the community!
(This wonderful profile template is by @hogwartsmysterystory and made introducing Naomi so much easier than it could have been, so thank you!)
Also the artwork is by me. Still practicing humans.
Name: Naomi Justine kinnley
Gender: Female
Age: 15 (in game currently, I guess her age technically changes with each scenario as necessary)
Date of Birth: 27th April 1973
Species: Human
Blood Status: Half-Blood
Sexuality: straight (or heterosexual, they both mean the same thing right?)
Ethnicity: English, Welsh, French
Nationality: English
Residence: The Kinnley Household, #.17 Turley Avenue, Norwich, Norfolk, England
MBPT: ISFP - the adventurer
The Mage:
1st wand: cedar, dragon heartstring core, slightly springy, 11 ½ inches
“...‘you will never fool the cedar carrier,’ and I agree: the cedar wand finds its perfect home where there is perspicacity and perception. I would go further than my father, however, in saying that I have never yet met the owner of a cedar wand whom I would care to cross, especially if harm is done to those of whom they are fond. The witch or wizard who is well-matched with cedar carries the potential to be a frightening adversary, which often comes as a shock to those who have thoughtlessly challenged them”
“As a rule, dragon heartstrings produce wands with the most power, and which are capable of the most flamboyant spells. Dragon wands tend to learn more quickly than other types. While they can change allegiance if won from their original master, they always bond strongly with the current owner.”
2nd wand: willow, phoenix feather core, reasonably supple, 12 ¼ inch
“Willow is an uncommon wand wood with healing power, and I have noted that the ideal owner for a willow wand often has some (usually unwarranted) insecurity, however well they may try and hide it. While many confident customers insist on trying a willow wand (attracted by their handsome appearance and well-founded reputation for enabling advanced, non-verbal magic) my willow wands have consistently selected those of greatest potential, rather than those who feel they have little to learn...”
“This is the rarest core type. Phoenix feathers are capable of the greatest range of magic, though they may take longer than either unicorn or dragon cores to reveal this. They show the most initiative, sometimes acting of their own accord, a quality that many witches and wizards dislike.”
Animagus: N/A
Misc magical abilities: Apparition and Disapparition
Boggart form: missing a chance to save somebody special to her (usually Rowan, her brother or Murphy) because she was preoccupied with something novel and insignificant. Knowing she should have and could have been there and would have been able to help - but wasn’t. (Shows up as herself with her back to the incident, not noticing when her loved one calls out for help)
Riddikulus form: in being preoccupied with said novel activity, she misses her loved one(s) not being murdered, but instead making silly faces 0r acting clownish behind her back, a bit like in a pantomime.
Amortentia (their smell): home baked bread, a wildflower field, crisp new parchment, baled hay, plums from her grandparents’ orchard and vanilla.
Amortentia (what they smell): mown grass, cinnamon, old books, home baked cookies, polished leather, lavender laundry detergent and the sea.
Patronus: leopardess
Patronus memory: sitting at the attic window with her brother early on christmas morning as a child, drinking hot chocolate with those tiny muggle marshmallows and munching on their mother’s cookies that they weren't supposed to have until the afternoon. Talking and playing wizards chess, exploding snap and their dad's old Muggle board games, watching the sunrise and being together.
Mirror of erised:
during hogwarts - reliving her patronus memory every christmas as tradition goes. Still having Jacob shake her awake at ridiculous o’clock and take her upstairs to the window where he’d set up their blanket instead of waking up of her own accord and sitting alone until the sunrise.
As an adult - hosting dinner at the house she shares with her husband and children for all her close friends and family. All of them. Those who are gone would be there too for a night of good food and good company where the children would run around playing and Naomi would get a warm feeling of belonging in her heart.
specialized/favourite spell:
Pretego - she never wants anyone she loves to come to harm, especially after rowans passing.
Expecto Patronum - beautiful, peaceful and protective. Useful and stunning all at the same time. A thing of comfort and joy.
Avis - she’s calmed around animals and birds. Just for fun.
Ferula & episkey - similar to protego, to help those who come to harm and keep them from pain as much as possible.
Lumos - simple and useful. It was one of the first things she learnt at Hogwarts and feels nostalgic.
Faceclaim: Willa Holland (just imagine she has freckles.)
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Game appearance:
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Height: 5’6” (170.7cm)
Weight: 151lbs (68.5kg)
Physique: Slim
Eye colour: hazel, quite green in places
Hair colour: dark brown, looks ginger in the sun, loosely curly
Skin tone: medium, somewhere in between olive and pale.
Body modifications: she has one piercing in each earlobe that she got aged 10. She mainly just wears studs.
Scarring: nothing major, she has a few little scars from mundane accidents like cutting her knee on a rock but that's about it.
Inventory: wand, quill, ink, chapstick, hair ties, a hairbrush, prefect badge, scrap parchment, glasses, glasses case, half finished bag of sherbet lemons, unopened packet of every flavour beans and a leather notebook with unlimited pages for notes on everything
Fashion: Naomi likes to pair denim bottoms (jeans or shorts or sometimes a skirt if she's in the mood) with a t-shirt - she likes the ones with different coloured sleeves and also ones with words on the front. She'll also wear denim jackets and leggings and knitted sweaters and sometimes summer dresses and skirts. She mostly likes comfortable stuff. If it feels good on her body and she's comfortable in it she'll wear it.
Hogwarts house: Ravenclaw
Affiliations / organisations: the circle of Khanna, the order of the phoenix, the ministry of magic, the department of magical law enforcement - auror division
Age 11-18 : Hogwarts student
Age 18-21 : Trainee Auror, part of the ministry of magic's department of magical law enforcement Auror training programme
Age 21-25 : Junior Auror, department of magical law enforcement - Auror devison
Age 25 - 28 : unemployed, having taken a break from work to focus on the family after the war
Age 28 - 40 : Senior Auror, department of Magical law enforcement - Auror devison
Age 40 - 46 : Head Auror, department of Magical law enforcement - Auror devison
Age 46 - 48 : Assistant manager at Cathy's Bakes (her mother in law's bakery)
Age 48 - Retirement : manager at Cathy's Bakes
Hogwarts info:
Class proficiencies:
Astronomy - E
Charms - O
Defence against the dark arts - O
Flying - O
Herbology - A
History of magic - E
Potions - O
Transfiguration - O
Care of Magical Creatures - O
Arithmancy - E
Divination - A
Quidditch: Chaser from 2nd year onwards
Extra curricular: Quidditch, Dueling Club, prefect
Favourite professors: Flitwick, McGonagall, Kettleburn
Least favourite professors: Binns, Trelawney, Rakepick
Brother: Jacob William Kinnley
born 5th October, 1964
Goes by J
About 8 years older than Naomi
Curly brown hair, green eyes, really tall, stubble
Kind-hearted, witty, humorous and strong, though short tempered and more reserved after his disappearance
Was always Naomi's favourite sibling Because he was similar to her and actually had time for her. They were very close growing up, pushing Naomi to try and find him. She wanted that back.
Misc siblings: Cynthia Eleanor Kinnley
Born 16th January 1968
Goes by Cindy
About 5 years older than Naomi
Straight black hair, hazel eyes, tall, attractive
Outgoing, kind, reckless and charming. She and Naomi fought more and weren't as close as Naomi and Jacob.
Ran off to study magical creatures in Africa after Jacob's disappearance to escape her troubles.
Independent magizoologist, works with a small team on less explored species
Father: Anthony Kinnley
Born 7th March 1942
Curly dark brown hair, green eyes, tall, stubble
Kind-hearted, protective, quiet, calm and stronger than he looks. Was able to keep himself together following Jacobs disappearance, if only for the sake of his wife and daughters.
Works for the ministry of magic, department of international magical cooperation
Mother: Eleanor Kinnley née Campbell
Born 18th May 1942
Straight black hair, hazel eyes, short, curvy, beautiful
Used to be jolly, humorous and charming, though is mentally unstable after Jacob disappeared. Depressed and not like she used to be, particularly around holidays.
Currently unemployed, hardly leaves the house. Previously a nurse at St. Mungo's hospital for magical maladies and injuries
Grandparents: Marigold Kinnley (née West), William Kinnley, Justine Campbell (née Bordeaux), Henry Campbelll (Deceased)
Misc family members: Simon Kinnley (Uncle), Timothy Kinnley (uncle), Flora Kinnley (née Brown, Aunt), Laura Peters (née Kinnley, Aunt), Robert Peters (Uncle), Geraldine Campbell (Great Aunt), Delia Peters (Cousin), Felicity Peters (Cousin), Liam Peters (cousin) , Marcus Kinnley (cousin), Cathleen McNully (Mother-in-law)
Love interest:
Barnaby Lee (Briefly - 4th year)
Attended the celestial ball together
Barnaby broke it off after a few weeks wanting to be just friends
Naomi had much the same feelings
Murphy McNully (Briefly -5th year)
Dated in secret for about a month and a half
Broke it off because they didn't see eye to eye in their relationship.
Ended with an argument
Charlie Weasley (Briefly - 5th year)
Flirted shameless for weeks
Went on about four dates before Naomi realised she didn't feel right with him and stopped the relationship before too much happened
Murphy McNully (5th year onwards - Spouse)
Got back together in undisclosed circumstances after Naomi and Charlie agreed to be just friends
Spent a year doing long distance after Murphy graduated (him being in the year above her)
Moved in together after Naomi graduated
Eventually Married before having five children.
Marigold Rowan McNully,
born 28th June, 1993
Goes by Goldie
Golden child
Lives up to her namesakes dream of becoming hogwarts' youngest ever professor (Transfiguration)
Cathleen Penelope McNully,
born 1st February, 1995
Likes to be called Kitty or Kit
Bit of a troublemaker
Professional beater and quidditch star before taking over at the bakery for a 3rd generation
Anthony Jacob McNully,
born 2nd December 1998
Has the nickname Tony
Qualified healer working with underprivileged wizarding communities
Eleanor Nymphadora McNully,
born 13th August 2002
Everyone calls her Nelly
Daddy's girl through and through
Follows in her father's footsteps becoming a professional quidditch commentator
Henry Charles McNully,
born 30th April 2006
Bit of a mummy's boy
A surprise baby
An Auror like his mother
Best friends:
Rival: Merula Snyde, Erika Rath
(school) - Rowan Kahnna, Nymphadora Tonks, Tulip Karasu, Charlie Weasley, Skye Parkin, Penny Haywood, Murphy McNully.
Enemy: Patricia Rakepick
Dormmates: Rowan Kahnna, Tulip Karasu, Badeea Ali
Chocolate brown cocker spaniel
Lives at her home with her parents
Birman Cat
Accompanies Naomi to Hogwarts
Black horse with a balze (white mark on face)
Lives at her grandparents farm
Closest canon friends: Rowan, Penny, Murphy, Skye, Charlie, Tonks, Tulip, Bill, Andre, Barnaby, Orion, Badeea
Closest MC friends:
Ravenna Glynn (@chronic-clinomania )
Calista Slater (@i-am-not-cursed )
Naomi's always willing to make new friends, even if it takes her a while to pluck up the courage to approach somebody. Maybe message me if you want your MC to be friends?
Background / history:
Naomi was born at 7:13am on the 27th of April 1973 (a week late) as the third and youngest child to Eleanor and Anthony Kinnley.
Her childhood is happy. She gets along with both parents and both siblings (though she and Cindy clash more than her and Jacob) and has a pretty normal home life - save for the magic part.
Jacob began attending Hogwarts when Naomi was only 3 years old, And Cynthia when she was 6, making for a good amount of quiet time which Naomi was very fond of.
As soon as Naomi was able to read and write fluently - about aged 6 - she would exchange letters with both her siblings. She and Jacob wrote to each other more often, as they were the closest of the siblings.
She attended a Muggle primary school like her siblings, though only ever made a couple of friends and wasn't too upset to lose contact with them when she left for hogwarts.
Though the first wizarding war was taking place throughout her childhood, Naomi's family had never been a large target or very involved in the war effort - her parents had decided to put safety above all else, therefore neglecting to join the order of the phoenix and keeping themselves to themselves as much as possible.
Naomi was 8, nearing 9, when Jacob went missing in 1981. Old enough to understand and make her own judgements of the situation. She was immediately distraught though found it hard to accept that her beloved big brother would just leave her and spent over a year writing to him to find out where he had gone, without a single reply. In the end, just before she left for Hogwarts, Naomi decided that she'd do whatever it took to find her brother, her stubbornness taking over.
In Hogwarts:
Of course, the events of Hogwarts mystery happen during this time, though other points include the following
After being sorted into Ravenclaw house, Naomi quickly becomes very close friends with Rowan Khanna. After their initial meeting in Diagon alley, Naomi feels comfortable enough to talk freely with the girl and by the time Christmas rolls around she can firmly say that Rowan is her best friend.
Naomi is obviously a competent and talented student in many areas. A lot of teachers take a shine to her as she's focused and a hard worker. Therefore, she's often asked to perform demonstrations and to assist other students.
In her second year, Naomi became the newest chaser on the Ravenclaw quidditch team. To this day, she is grateful to Penny for pushing her to try out because quidditch helped her become the person she is today and introduced her to some of her closest friends and, of course, her now-husband.
Naomi spends a lot of time at the quidditch pitch, In the quidditch stands, in the three broomsticks, by the black lake and, after accidentally stumbling upon it in her 6th year with Tonks, Tulip and Charlie, the room of requirement. After Christmas of 5th year, Naomi also spends a good amount of time in the kitchens, practicing her new hobby of baking.
She and her dorm-mates often stock up on sweets from honeydukes and chose a night to stay up talking and eating until the morning. At some point, they started inviting other girl friends into the dorm for the night (starting after tonks unsuccessfully tried to sneak in behind tulip.)
Post Hogwarts:
Having been unsure about what her career would be all throughout school, Naomi decided to join Tonks in the auror training programme. She deduces that this job would be a good fit for her, and ends up really enjoying it.
Murphy proposes to her 3 years after the initial start of their relationship
They're married not long after, with Penny as Maid of Honour and Orion as best man. Naomi had both her father and brother give her away.
She and Murphy end up living near his mother in a previously abandoned house just outside his home town. It's pretty secluded so they can practice magic without worrying.
By 1995, Naomi and Murphy had had their first two children - Marigold and Cathleen - just as the second wizarding war was beginning.
The second wizarding war:
Both Naomi and Murphy join the order of the phoenix, her auror training coming in handy and him being focused on strategies (what else?). She has many missions, including surveillance and combat.
In joining the order of the phoenix, Naomi gets a chance to meet the golden trio. Harry, Ron and Hermione immediately seem more than capable, and Naomi makes sure she takes the time to let them know she's willing to help them out however she can.
In early 1998, Naomi falls pregnant for a third time, though decides that she won't tell anyone until she has to, trying not to add stress to the already scary times.
During the battle of Hogwarts, Naomi had very close encounters with Bellatrix LeStrange and Augustus Rookwood - both of whom came rather close to finishing her off. Fortunately, her auror training, dueling club experience and protect-don't-harm nature came through, and she managed to stun both death eaters before they took her life.
Naomi was there to witness Tonks' death. That moment was haunting and still shows up in her nightmares from time to time. She was also in the vicinity when Fred Weasley was killed.
Throughout the entire war, Naomi did not use an unforgivable curse once - something she's proud of as she often wanted to murder those death eaters who took her friends.
Post second wizarding war:
Murphy and Naomi both Survive the war, and Naomi took a break from work after the war to recover from the trauma and focus on herself and her family.
When she finally goes back to work, she is able to get to know Harry Potter and Ron Weasley a lot better and they end up becoming good family friends (along with the rest of the weasley family.)
She remains an Auror until the age of 46 (become head auror during this time) before resigning and taking over from her mother in law at the bakery. It's a very much welcomed change of pace (although Naomi is always willing to lend a hand on the odd auror mission at the request of Harry.)
Naomi often invites a large gathering of friends and family over for celebrations - notable occasions include New year's, her children's birthdays and the anniversary of both Rowan's death and the battle of Hogwarts. There's always a lot of food (usually prepared with the help of Cathy and Molly Weasley) and good times.
Home life is wonderful, She and Murphy have a very happy marriage and spend their lives together with their children, and then later their grandchildren.
Protective - Naomi is very keen on the defensive way of doing things. She doesn't like to cause harm to anybody unless she can't see any alternative way out of a situation. Along with this, although she is usually pretty quiet and reserved, Naomi will never stand by whilst somebody (especially a friend) is struggling or in trouble. It's one of the few circumstances where Naomi will actually put herself into the action voluntarily.
Creative - Naomi is good at thinking on the spot. She can come up with solutions to a problem when all other possible solutions fall through by thinking outside the box.
Loyal - Naomi hasn't always found it easy to make friends, she's shy and gets very nervous talking to new people, but once she's made friends with somebody Naomi is always going to be there. She's always willing to take on their problems and help in whatever way she can, and makes sure that her friends know how grateful she is to have them and that she's always there when they need her.
Empathetic - Naomi is very good at understanding the feelings of others and knowing exactly what to say to make people calm down and feel better. She can put herself in people's shoes and also acts as the peacekeeper in many arguments as she can .
Easily Stressed - Naomi is an overthinker, she starts to panic when things start to go wrong and gets very stressed. The smallest thing can make her frustrated or worried, and though she can usually hide these feelings in the day, they always come out at night or at any time if they're strong enough. She finds it very hard to let go and let bad things happen.
Stubborn - Naomi isn't likely to back down from many things without a fight. She doesn't like to be wrong, accept too much help or admit she's made a mistake, just as she hates to lose an argument. She always makes sure to be as calm and polite as possible if she has different feelings, but sometimes she can't help but raise her voice.
Naomi is also pretty patient, indecisive, quiet, a good listener, generous and naturally intelligent among other things.
As a baby, Naomi has thick, long, curly hair and was rather chubby, though by the time she reached 7, her curls loosened and her baby fat was no longer a problem. She still had very long hair though.
She goes by Mia to her friends, and Nomi, love and Mia to Murphy. She's also the only person other than his mother who's allowed to call Murphy by his first name or Murph, and also calls him darling, McNully and button (the nickname button has a backstory that I may or may not disclose at some point. She only calls him that when she's teasing him though.)
She was very nearly a hatstall between Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff - and she ended up dictating the final decision. Naomi knows she would have been fine in either house now, but at the time, Ravenclaw seemed like the only option because Rowan had just been sorted into it, and it had been the house of her brother.
Although Naomi has glasses, she can usually see just fine without them, and doesn't bother wearing them outside of class.
She's a fiddler a doodler and a nail biter. All happen when she's nervous and/or bored. She'll work her nails down as much as she can and will pick up and play around with just about anything. She's also very prone to drawing and writinh all over her wrists - lists, memos, ideas, harmless pictures of golden snitches and nifflers and Murphy.
Naomi can both ride and drive horses and enjoys it rather a lot. She learnt on her Muggle grandparents' farm where she spent most of her summer holidays as a child and Hogwarts student.
Naomi and Murphy's mother Cathleen, or Cathy, are very good friends. They get along incredibly well and Naomi now comes to Cathy more than her own mother for advice. They spend a lot of time discussing Murphy and other things - often baking in the meantime (Cathy introduced her to baking and Naomi even ends up taking over her bakery business.)
Naomi was one of the few people allowed to attend Tonks and Remus' Wedding, and likes to keep in touch with Teddy Lupin after his parents death (relatively easy as he's good friends with her son Anthony and her Daughter Eleanor.)
She can't decide if her favourite colour is Yellow or blue. They've been her top two since forever but she's never been quite sure which is better.
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danceworshipper · 4 years
Tessa Chiva HPHM - Profile [Redone]
(information is as of sixth year - same universe as Gracie and River)
Name: Tessa Gracie Chiva
Gender: Female
Age: 16
Birthday: August 17th, 1973 at 3:37 am (leo)
Species: Human/Witch
Blood Status: Pureblood
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Alignment: Lawful Good
Ethnicity: White - German, English
Nationality: British
Residence: Chiva Manor, a heavily warded house in the wizarding part of the English countryside
Personality Type: ISFP-T (the adventurer - that's ironic)
The Mage
Wand: 13 1/4 inches of cherry wood encasing a dragon heartstring, flexible. The wand is dark red and slightly thicker than the average wand, with a smooth handle molded precisely to her hand
Animagus: Sparrow Hawk
Misc. Magical Abilities: Legilimens, moderate strength, with weak Occlumency
Boggart Form: Gracie, angry and coldly saying that she'll never love Tessa because Tessa is weak and beneath her
Riddikulus Form: Gracie deaged to a toddler, saying the same words but meaning them less
Amortentia (how she smells): Tessa would smell like sugar, strong deodorant, and salt water
Amortentia (what she smells): Tessa smells metal, strawberry kiwi drinks, and nail polish (River)
Patronus: Lioness
Patronus Memory: the first time she and Gracie were ever allowed to go wandering in the woods on their own. They found a creek and spent the afternoon barefoot, eating berries and splashing each other
Mirror of Erised: Her family together and happy as if nothing ever happened
Specialized/Favorite Spells:
- Aguamenti
- Vermillious
- Orchideous
- Visus Aqua (a spell for Quidditch to see in the rain)
- Revelio
(picture made using the zepeto app)
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Height: 5'6"
Weight: 124 lbs
Physique: Skinny, slightly wider hips than Gracie. More physically muscular than her sister as well
Eye Color: Army green
Hair Color: Dark brown
Skin Tone: Pale but human looking. Has spattered freckles around her nose
Body Modifications: Two piercings in each earlobe and a cartilage piercing in her left ear
Scarring: Various small scars on knees from childhood, nothing major (yet), will end up with faint scars all over from the final fight with R
- Her wand
- Her father's old watch, not worn but kept in her purse
- Around twenty Galleons
- A poem about her from River folded in her pocket
Fashion: Tessa is willing to sacrifice comfort for fashion. When not in her uniform, Tessa is usually in a skirt of some kind with a cute fitted top and possibly a stylish jacket. She wears either flats or wedged shoes. Her hair is kept in two braids or low pigtails. When she's being athletic, she wears black fitted tracksuit pants and either a loose tank top or a Slytherin sweatshirt, with her hair in a tight messy bun. She wears small gold hoop earrings and a gold cartilage stud, and in later school years a peridot ring that was a gift from River. For makeup, she only wears lip gloss and mascara.
Hogwarts House: Slytherin
- Chiva Family
- Black Family
- Current student and Slytherin Quidditch Captain
- Future Quidditch Player for the Montrose Magpies
- Future advocate for creature rights
Hogwarts Information
Class Grades:
- Astronomy: O
- Care of Magical Creatures: O
- Charms: O
- Defense Against the Dark Arts: E
- Divination: E
- Flying: O
- Herbology: E
- History of Magic: O
- Potions: O
- Transfiguration: O
Quidditch: Chaser, team captain from fifth year on
Extra Curriculars:
- Dueling Club
- Assistant for Kettleburn
- Weekly Legilimency lessons from Snape
Favorite Professors:
- Professor Kettleburn: Tessa adores his wacko personality and enthusiasm for creatures. He's encouraged her whenever she feels hopeless and is a surprisingly good listener
- Professor Flitwick: The number of times Tessa has nearly cried in his class is insane. She used to be worried about being too unskilled at magic and her nerves made her fail a spell at first, but Flitwick was gentle and talked her through it until she was one of the best in the class. Her bad nerves left in third year, but he's still more gentle with her
Least Favorite Professors:
- Professor Trelawney: Tessa is good at Divination. She enjoys Divination. What she does not enjoy is Trelawney acting like a freak and driving people out of the class. Tessa learns much more from her textbook than from the professor
- Professor Snape: Yes, he's her head of house, but he's an asshole. He's insulting to her and many others and makes her feel more worthless than she already does. If she didn't have Gracie and Penny to help her learn outside of class, she would have failed his O.W.L. Her Legilimency lessons are the worst part of her week
Twin Sister: Gracie Tessa Chiva
- Gracie is only eight and a half minutes older than her, but Tessa sometimes feels like Gracie is years older
- She regrets quitting the vaults because she feels like she and Gracie are different people now
- Tessa still blames herself for Gracie's curse. She can't remember the incident, but her wand was two inches from her hand when she woke up and she had no injuries besides the concussion that she thinks is just from falling, so she believes she failed her sister
- Tessa desperately wants her sister's approval and doesn't realize just how much her sister loves her
- She wishes she could do something to protect Gracie for a change
- They were super close as kids and grew apart in the later school years
- All Tessa wants to do most of the time is latch onto Gracie and never let her go into danger again
Older Brother: Vance Riley Chiva
- This bastard
- Vance always favored Gracie
- Tessa still loved him, but she would sometimes feel excluded
- Vance did in fact leave her a few memories, but they were locked in the same box with Gracie's and when Tessa saw how many more Gracie got, she refused to watch hers
- When Vance is freed in fifth year but leaves again without seeing her first, Tessa shatters the picture of him, her and Gracie. It's repaired the next morning, and stays fixed until the end of sixth year when Gracie shatters it too
- Tessa hates Vance
- When he dies in place of her, she realizes she never hated him. She loved him and just wanted him to love her
Younger Cousin: Aiden Carter Darkling
- Aiden is the son of Rachel Chiva, Jason's sister. Rachel and Aiden's father divorced while he was still young, but it was relatively amicable and he comes around for holidays
- Tessa never payed the kid much attention when they were younger, but after he started Hogwarts she took him under her wing a lot
- Aiden comes to her for advice when he has his first crush, when he's nervous about a test, or simply needs a hug. Tessa gets to be a big sister and she loves it
- She's way closer to Aiden than Gracie is, and Aiden isn't hesitant to tell Tessa that he likes her far better. It makes her feel good
Mother: Clarissa Vanessa Black
- Tessa loves her mother, but she doesn't agree with her on a lot of things
- She tries her hardest to make her mother proud, because she knows she's the only "decent" child Clarissa has left
- She actually suggested a contract marriage in hopes of making her mother happy. She was really confused when Clarissa forcefully shut the idea down, not realizing all that her mother went through in her own past
- When Tessa is in her coma in seventh year, she hears her mother go insane (it's what wakes her up) and realizes just how much Clarissa loves her
- Tessa takes much longer to figure out Clarissa and Margaret than Gracie does
- She keeps better in contact with her mother throughout her adulthood than Gracie
- Family dinners are awkward but hey, they're still family
Father: Jason Harvey Chiva
- Tessa, like Gracie, admired Jason a lot as a child
- She only visited his Auror office a few times, because while she thought it was cool she wasn't interested in it as a career
- Tessa didn't see him murder their family friend and didn't believe it when Jason's partner Thomas came to tell her and Clarissa
- She still can't quite believe it, and she misses him a lot, which is why she carries his watch with her *cough cough daddy issues cough*
- The day Gracie has to kill Jason, Tessa destroys the watch
- He tries to kill Margaret in front of Tessa's young daughter Octavia, and that's when Tessa fully believes that Jason lost his mind
Ex Boyfriend: Barnaby Lee
- They met in first year (obviously, they're in the same house), but Tessa never paid him any attention
- It was only in second year when she and Liz were allowed to start getting early lessons from Kettleburn that she started noticing him
- Barnaby was a character during these early lessons
- He hadn't actually signed up for them, but he heard Liz talk about them and just assumed they were open to anyone
- Kettleburn didn't care obviously, he's a bit unstable anyway
- Barnaby would always carry the heavy stuff and Tessa's raging puberty hormones took one look at the muscles and said "heyyyyyyyyy"
- Then of course she actually started talking to him, and dear fucking god was he dumb. But then she talked to him more and he actually wasn't? He was kinda smart in a weird way? And really really nice?
- She never told him she liked him, and by the end of the year he was starting to slip under Merula's control
- Tessa was the one to try and get him to think for himself in year three. She's also the one who dueled him, and she lost miserably, but she stood back up whenever he knocked her down and he admired that. A few weeks later, he asked her out to Hogsmeade
- Gracie was pissed but Tessa didn't care that much
- They were a super cute couple and all of Slytherin (besides her dorm mates) shipped them so hard
- They ended up growing apart in fourth year and deciding they're better off as friends
Love Interest: River Mund
- As of sixth year, they are not together, though it's pretty obvious they both fancy each other
- River is an exchange student from Ilvermorny who arrives the same day as Alanza. Tessa is made to be their tour guide, and while showing them around she can't help but notice that this (very handsome) new boy seems really stressed out. She assumes it's from being so far from home and tries to be encouraging, but he doesn't say a single word the entire time
- River ends up staying in the Slytherin dorms, and Tessa watches him all the time (just out of curiosity of course). He almost never talks to anyone, and is very jumpy when someone gets too close
- After about a month of this, Tessa decides to sit down at the same table as him while doing homework. He seems almost scared of her, but after a week it becomes normal, and she hears his voice for the first time when he asks her for help on his CoMC essay. Another week, and when River packs up his things to go to the dorms, he leaves her a folded up piece of parchment containing a poem he wrote about her
- Tessa starts noticing how often River sneaks into the Forbidden Forest, and gets curious enough to follow him. This is how she discovers he's a vampire - a rarer subspecies theorized to be stemmed from partial vampire breeding together
- River is horrified and thinks she'll hate him since he hates himself. He wasn't born a vampire. His family illegally paid a vampire to break into the hospital and change him to save him from cancer without any input from him. It's why he wanted to come to Hogwarts, to get away from them
- Tessa is scared, obviously, but she tries her best not to show it because he had just started to open up and she didn't want to lose the progress they had been making. When she tells him she's not scared of him River doesn't look like he believes her, but he's so relieved she's trying that he hugs her
- They very quickly become much closer after that, and Tessa realizes that she might be in too deep when she shoves her wrist in his face for him to drink from when he weakly confesses he hasn't had any blood in two weeks without a second thought
- He buys her the ring during January. He claims it's for being such a good friend, but Tessa hopes it's because he likes her (they're both so oblivious)
- They'll get together in seventh year over Christmas break. They both stay behind at the school, and end up confessing while sitting in front of the fire in the Slytheirn common room
Best Friend: Liz Tuttle
- Tessa and Liz met in first year, the first night in the dorms
- Liz, being her awkward self, asked slightly too loudly if anyone wanted to discuss the Fwooper
- Tessa did indeed want to discuss the Fwooper
- Boom, best friends
- Tessa tries being vegan like Liz but can't take it, and reverts to being vegetarian. She's not exactly good at that either, but she never eats meat in front of Liz (at home is fair game)
- She and Liz spend a lot of their free time outside, sneaking into the forest even
- On an assignment from Kettleburn, they accidentally discover the Room of Requirement and now spend free time during bad weather in there
- Liz constantly reassures her that she's not a bad sister for stepping back from the vaults
Rival: Skye Parkin
- They may have been teammates, but Tessa and Skye HATED each other. It really threw off the team dynamics for a while
- Tessa almost quit because Skye made practices miserable for her, and this is when she and Erika ended up friends. Erika convinced her to stay on the team and make Quidditch miserable for Skye instead, and even helped train her
- Orion picking Tessa as his successor and not Skye (who was a year older and more experienced) made Skye so mad she broke her broom and quit. Tessa couldn't help being happy about that. Skye brings out her inner pettiness
Enemy: Vance Riley Chiva
- Tessa is just so sure he's lost all humanity
- She's mad at him for getting them into this mess in the first place
- She swears the next time she sees him, she's going to smack him
- She doesn't get the chance, nor does she get to say anything at all
- Gracie Chiva
- Liz Tuttle
- Rowan Khanna: they're friends, but very casually, as Rowan is Gracie's best friend
- Merula Snyde: they're not friends, nor will they ever be, but they try very hard not to argue for Gracie's sake
- Ismelda Murk: they too are not friends, but they study History of Magic together because they have similar studying styles and both find the subject interesting
- Colette Belrose: see below
- Ruby, the family Crup
- Clara, Vance's toad (she's more Gracie's pet)
- Elaura, a shared owl
- Lemmy, a moke
- various creatures in the reserve that Tessa and Liz coparent
Closest Canon Friends
- Chiara Lobosca: the werewolf quest? Tessa did that. She adores Chiara's kindness and resilience, and frequently uses her Animagus to accompany her on full moons
- Diego Caplan: he helps train Tessa's magical strength. He was totally into her at first, but he calmed down and now they hang out a lot in and out of the Dueling Club
- Erika Rath: Training buddies with a healthy Quidditch rivalry. Tessa has even gotten Erika to come over to her house so they could hang out over the summer
Closest Noncanon Friends
- Gracie Chiva (Jacob's sibling canonically has no other siblings)
- Rosalie Sonnenschein: A German model one year older than her who attends Durmstrang. A first generation part Veela with a very strong natural allure that has men (and women) swooning
- Kyle Orchan: the Squib son of one of the shopkeepers at the clothing store Tessa frequents. He's the best listener Tessa has ever met and loves hearing about her magical adventures. He does sometimes get very sad hearing about this world he'll never be a part of, but he's too nice to ever mention it
- Colette Belrose (@gcldensnitch): Tessa met Colette their first night in the Slytherin dorms. Granted, Tessa spent most of that night talking to Liz, but she went to bed relatively early so Tessa struck up a conversation with Colette. They're super similar and plan to go on a tour of Europe one day. Colette helps Tessa step back and remember to breathe, and she loves her for it
(Storyline has to be in a different post because of tumblr's dumb text limit)
Marriage and Children: Tessa and River get married at the age of twenty one, and almost immediately Tessa gets pregnant with her oldest daughter, Octavia. Her body reacts very negatively and she almost dies while giving birth, so she and River agree to not have any more children. Six years later, Tessa accidentally gets pregnant with twins, Meredith and Alexander. It's a terrifying experience, but all three of them live and the twins are healthy
Career: At the age of twenty two, Tessa is recruited for the Montrose Magpies after one of their scouts watches her casual group's practice. She takes a short break years later to have the twins, and they welcome her back when she joins back up. Her replacement was shit. Tessa gets better at International Apparation so that she and River can spend time in America, England, and Germany without interrupting their work schedules. After she eventually resigns from the team, she uses her "fame" to bring more attention to the petitions for creature rights
The Second Wizarding War:
- Tessa isn't in the country for the most part when the war starts up, though she stops bringing the kids when visiting her mother after it starts getting bad
- After Bill's attack she and River temporarily stay in England for their friends, having her kids stay with Merula and her and Gracie's kids
- She doesn't fight in the Battle of Hogwarts. She's too scared for both herself and Gracie, as if Tessa went to fight Gracie would follow
- Tessa finally discovers all of what happened when Gracie joined R, and how much she truly was one of them for a little while when Olivia Green suddenly enters the picture. That takes her a while to get over, but she's able to
Old Age and Death: Tessa dies at the age of 120 of natural causes, after Gracie, River, Liz, and basically all of her friends. When she gets too lonely, her soul gives up
- ambivert
- horribly insecure, not so much about her looks but her strength, both magical and physical
- a wee bit of a masochist, constantly pushes herself too hard
- has a good memory
- is good at strategy
- very very kind, even sometimes when someone doesn't deserve it
Misc Information
- Tessa is bilingual, fluent in both English and German
- From all her practicing, Tessa is an amazing cook/baker - River's drinking buddies absolutely love her for it
- She can sing beautifully, and can play simple songs on the piano
- Tessa's depression never quite goes away, but it never gets very bad
- She has pretty bad misophonia, which developed around age nine and got worse with the anxiety and depression
- She ends up with a doll collection that River is terrified of, so much so that she has to put charms around each one so he can't see them unless he focuses
- Tessa is a massive pasta hound
- She hates any drink that fizzes. It's very inconvenient considering she frequently attends parties with things like sparkling water and champagne
- Tessa likes pineapple pizza
- Her favorite color is green
- She's left handed like her siblings and her mother
- She loves thunderstorms
- Her favorite season is winter
- She loves going stargazing
- She has a weird obsession with water. If she's upset, the best thing to do is draw her a bath, and sometimes she'll fill a bowl and stick her hand in it while studying or reading
- She sweats a lot, both from being active and from unlucky genetics (hence why she smells like strong deodorant)
- Tessa doesn't exactly believe in aliens, but she's pretty sure we're not alone in the universe
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Name: Hecate Maran Ames
Gender: Female
Age: 16
Birth Date: October 31, 1972
Species: (Human, Lycanthrope, Metamorphmagus, Vampire, ect): Human
Blood Status: (Pureblood, Half-Blood, Muggleborn): Pureblood
Sexuality: Straight
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Ethnicity: English/Irish
Nationality: English
Residence: North Devon, England. Was born in County Kerry, Ireland and lived there until she was ten years old.
Myer Briggs Personality Type: ISFJ- The Defender
1st Wand: Acacia Wood
A very unusual wand wood, which I have found creates tricky wands that often refuse to produce magic for any but their owner, and also withhold their best effects from all but those most gifted. This sensitivity renders them difficult to place, and I keep only a small stock for those witches or wizards of sufficient subtlety, for acacia is not suited to what is commonly known as ‘bangs-and-smells’ magic. When well-matched, an acacia wand matches any for power, though it is often underrated due to the peculiarity of its temperament.
2nd Wand: Silver Lime
The reasons for these wands’ desirability lay not only in their unusually handsome appearance, but also because they had a reputation for performing best for Seers and those skilled in Legilimency, mysterious arts both, which consequently gave the possessor of a silver lime wand considerable status. When demand was at its height, wandmaker Arturo Cephalopos claimed that the association between silver lime and clairvoyance was ‘a falsehood circulated by merchants like Gerbold Ollivander (my own grandfather), who have overstocked their workshops with silver lime and hope to shift their surplus’. But Cephalopos was a slipshod wandmaker and an ignoramus, and nobody, Seer or not, was surprised when he went out of business.
Animagus: Black and White cat.
Misc Magical Abilities: (Legilimen, Seer, Parselmouth, Obscurial, ect): Seer. Somehow linked with inherited Legilimens abilities but its not certain how or why.
Boggart Form:  
Pre-Hogwarts- 1st year: The Hidebehind.
2nd-4th year:The Dullahan. She saw him once before her grandad died.
5th year- onward: The Dullahan as Rakepick standing over her friends dead bodies
Riddikulus Form: The Hidebend turns into a monkey symbol toy. The Dullahan flees as her friends bodies turn into bars of gold.
Amortentia: (What do they smell like?) Pumpkins, Hot Chocolate, and the seaside.
Amortentia: (What do they smell?): Old books, Tea, and broom wood (Andre).
Patronus:  Dapple Grey Stallion.
Patronus Memory: Her older sisters taking her, Sean, Bryn, and Jacob to feed the ducks.
Mirror of Erised: Depends. As a child and 1-5th year its her family together again. Later its herself, secure in her relationships with those that love her and not needing the ones that don't.
Specialized/Favourite Spells:
Incendio: Hecate likes fire more than she should.
Bombarda: See above explanation.
Alhmohora: Hecate is like a cat. If a door is closed, she wants in.
Adult/Teen- Molly Quinn
Voiceclaim: Christen Mooney
Game Appearance:
Height: 4 ft 10
Weight: 94 pounds
Physique: Wiry build.
Eye Colour: Brown
Hair Colour: Copper Red
Skin Tone: Light
Body Modifications: Gets her ears pierced and that's it.
Long Thin Scar on her hand from devil's snare in her first year.
Claw scar on her shoulder from her duel with Chiara.
Scars on her arms from where the Giant  Spider grabbed her.
Deep ugly scars on the back of both her legs from the Horntail.
Inventory: (what do they carry on them?): Wiggenweld Potion, Epilambanein Potion (a potion meant to treat Seizures),  an Adder stone she got from her sister Fiadah, creature treats, and a photograph of her and her friends.
Fashion: Really loves robes. When she has to wear Muggle clothing its usually either boring and practical or overly girly.
Hogwarts House: Hufflepuff
Affiliations/Organizations: Circle of Khanna, Hogwarts, and her family
-  Becomes a Quidditch Commentator alongside Murphy McNulty after graduation.
- Teaches Herbology after Retirement.
Class Proficiencies:  Flying, Charms, and Transfiguration.
Astronomy: T
Charms: E
Flying: O
Herbology: E
History of Magic: P
Potions: A
Transfiguration: E
Divination: T.
Quidditch: Chaser alongside Skye Parkin. Later becomes a commentator alongside Murphy McNulty.
Extra Curricular: Quidditch, Sphinx Club, and Frog Choir
Favourite Professors:
Professor Flitwick: Hecate really looks up to and respects him. Cares a lot about his opinion, maybe even more than McGonagall's, and is afraid to let him down. One of three adults she trusts at Hogwarts.
Professor McGonagall: Respects and fears the woman, has never lied when asked a direct question. The second of three adults she trusts at Hogwarts.
Professor Kettleburn: The man is, without a doubt, barking mad but he is sincere in his love for animals and for teaching. Hecate respects that.
Professor Trelawney: Doesn’t like her much at first. However she does help Hecate learn to manage her seizures and understands how hard Seeing can be. She reminds Hecate of her Great-Grandma.
Least Favourite Professors:
Professor Binns: He's so boring. Hecate learned more from Rowan, The House Ghosts, and the entirety of Ravenclaw House than from Binns.
Professor Rakepick: Distrusts her instantly. Hecate only does what she says so she can keep an eye on the woman.
Brother: Jacob ‘Danny’ Ames.
Misc Siblings: Sean Ames (Twin), Rubin Orn, Wren Ames, and Fiadah O’Faud.
Father: Henry Ames
Mother: Saoirse Ames (Maiden Name: O’Malley)
Love Interest:
Murphy McNully: Dates briefly for a month before breaking it off- Mutual loss of interest. They stay friends.
Andre Egwu: They both admire each other mutually and become good friends. They go on TWO DATES but don’t really realize they’re in love until Duncan Ashe is forced to explain it them, much to his chagrin.
Best Friends:
Rowan Khanna
-Ben Copper
-Liz Tuttle: They knew each other before Hogwarts. Liz was Rubin’s neighbor and they used to play gobstones together through a gap in the fence and they would explore both of their gardens together. Became much closer over their mutual love of animals. 
-Skye Parkin: 
-Murphy McNully: 
-Bill Weasley and Orion Amari
-Charlie Weasley: 
-Tulip and Tonks
Merula Snyde: Mostly at the Slytherin’s insistence. Hecate is over competing with her and just wants Merula to be better.
Diego Caplan: He will Not Leave Hecate Alone Ever. 
Enemy: Rakepick and R.
Dormmates: (Who’s in your MC’s dorm with them?):
Rowan Khanna/ Skye Parkin after Rowan's death.
Chiara Lobosca.
Pets: A tabby named Freddie, a Europeon Horned Owl name Persephone, and a crup named Pagur Ban.
Closest Canon Friends: Yes.
Closest MC Friends: Robbie Donavan @amerrymystery
- Loves Animals. 
- Good at thinking on her feet but is generally bad at planning. Better in the moment.
- Stubborn and overly blunt.
- Good at putting herself in others shoes, even if she doesn’t like them.
- Gets frustrated with her physical inability very easily. 
- Is a bit of a smart aleck and is very sarcastic.
- Blames herself for everything that happens after the first vault is opened.
- Teaches herself new things all the time and learns by doing.
- A hard worker and tends to be a workaholic. Like so:
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- Well aware of her limits. Can and will ignore them.
- Brave. Isn’t afraid of anyone or anything even when she should be.
- Is closest to her older sisters and Bryn
- Originally wanted to be a Herbologist (Since Magizoologist and Keeper for the Holyhead Harpies were both out of reach due to her epilepsy) but fell in love with Commentating. Decided to do Herbology after she either retired from commentating or got sick of it, whichever came first.
- Jacob calls her Pip or Mouth depending on his mood. Fiadah calls her half pint. Rubin and Wren call her Redbird. 
- Wasn’t allowed to have her own pet growing up. Her Grandma (who lived with them up until her death in Hecate’s Seventh Year) had a pet spider named Shelob that HATED children and would often terrorize Danny, Sean, and Hecate.
- Adopted as many pets as she could when she got to Hogwarts, because her mother made the mistake of telling her she could have as many animals as she wanted once she got to school.
- Hecate’s great-grandmother invented the Epilambanein Potion specifically for the Ames family, as seizures after waking visions had been quite common for centuries.
- Hecate’s waking visions are terrifying and usually end in an epileptic  fit. Additionally, she often has nightmares. Fortunately, those do not end in a seizure.
- Pangur Ban can sense when Hecate is about to seize/have a vision and alerts her so she can take the potion.
- Joined Frog Choir because she thought there would be frogs. Merula teases her about it mercilessly.
Credit for the profile goes to @hogwartsmysterystory​
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dharc16 · 5 years
Hey witches! It’s been a while, I am back with this post for all you beginners out there! Hope you like this
Divination is one of the most-practiced branches of magick. Even non-magickal folks will sometimes flip a coin to make a decision, or crack open a fortune cookie with more than idle curiosity. As a student of the magickal arts, it's likely that you dabbled in divination as one of your first forays into the Mysteries. Skillful divination puts you in touch with both your inner knowing and external wisdom that will help you along your path.
But many beginners ask the question, Where do I start? How do I navigate the maze of stones and bones and cards and tea leaves and other options confronting me? In this article, I'll discuss five common methods of divination: Pendulums, scrying, Runes, Tarot, and freestyle reading. I'll then put on my Professor Trelawney glasses and peer into your soul to recommend the best method for you. Each recommendation is based on your skills and proclivities--and just for fun, your star sign.
Keep in mind that no single method is necessarily better than another. (Also remember, it's okay to practice more than one method!) I don't buy into the myth that says that a reader who uses Tarot cards is somehow less talented than a reader who doesn't. The goal is to find the best expression for your natural psychic gifts. Starting with the right tool(s) will accelerate learning and cut down on frustration.
Pendulum Dowsing
A pendulum is basically a weighted string that is held in one hand. The user (or dowser) observes the subtle movements of the pendulum to gain information about a question, object, or environment. Put another way, dowsing uses your physical body to express phenomena that are detected by the psychic senses. (For an easy introduction to pendulums, see this article.)
One of the advantages of pendulum dowsing is that it requires very little investment of time or money to get started. There's nothing to memorize. You don't need a book, chart, or specialized equipment. You can dowse with a necklace, a fishing bob, even a teabag! What you do need is unwavering concentration and a good dose of body-based intuition.
Swing into dowsing if you:
Favor a simple, "yes or no" answer to your questions
Can usually trust your gut feelings
Excel at grounding and centering your personal energy
Want a tool that's compact and convenient
Identify as a kinetic learner/thinker (more than verbal or visual)
Pendulum powerhouses: Virgo, Cancer, Aquarius, Taurus
The Runes are both an archaic Norse alphabet and a set of powerful magickal symbols. The 24 letters of the Elder Futhark are the most common form of runic divination. They are inscribed on tiles of bone, stone, or wood and shuffled by the Rune reader. They are traditionally a masculine tool associated with the deity Odin. Each Rune has at least three meanings: A phonetic sound, a literal meaning, and a figurative or abstract meaning. From narrowest to broadest interpretation, the Rune called Berkana could stand for the letter "B", the Birch tree, birth, creativity, or the feminine principle.
Despite this apparent complexity, the Runes are famous for giving it straight. They have their own personality, and are never hesitant to point out folly or disaster. Modern readers often try to moderate the voice of the Runes by employing multi-tile, Tarot-style readings. But the purest way to consult the Runes is by drawing just one Rune stone--a "take it or leave it" proposition that doesn't leave any room for waffling.
One more thing: The Runes are a special treasure of Odin--legend has it that He hung on the World Tree for nine days and nights to receive the secret alphabet. The Runes reward devoted study and shy away from dilettantes. To truly unlock their secrets, be prepared to make some sacrifice reminiscent of (though not necessarily equal to) the God's own.
Take up the Runes if you:
Don't mind receiving answers that are harsh or blunt
Are willing to study or meditate on the symbols to receive their wisdom
Rune-meisters: Scorpio, Aries, Capricorn, Sagittarius
Scrying encompasses such time-honored practices as gazing into crystals, water, or fire. Along with dream interpretation, it is one of the oldest forms of divination. The term comes from the archaic word "descry," meaning "to make out dimly."
The scryer goes into a relaxed, meditative state and gazes into a bright or reflective object. (A popular choice is a bowl filled with water or a crystal ball illuminated by candlelight.) The resulting information is usually in the form of imagery, but some scryers may also hear sounds or feel sensations during a session. With any luck, the scryer's visions will shed some light on the question or situation at hand.
Successful scrying does require a certain amount of natural ability. Some beginners gaze for long hours and experience only frustration. But anyone who is able to have visions will find their skills developing with practice. Focus improves, images intensify, and interpreting the visions becomes easier for the practiced scryer.
Try scrying if you:
Are a visual thinker (artist, designer, daydreamer)
Have experienced psychic dreams or spontaneous visions
Are drawn to sparkly or reflective objects
Enjoy trance and meditative states
Have knowledge of dream lore and symbols
Super scryers: Pisces, Gemini, Scorpio, Cancer
It's no secret that I judge the Tarot to be (probably) the finest divination method ever created. It bridges the gap between intuition and knowledge. As a consummate narrative tool, Tarot dovetails with our human tendency to tell stories about ourselves. A few random cards can illustrate the past, present, and future of any drama, along with its stars and its supporting cast.
Still, Tarot's not for everyone. It's a complex method (or can be) and often throws hippie-dippy, purely-intuitive types a curveball with its 78 cards and nearly infinite permutations.
Here's a secret: Invest as much or as little study time as you want. Unstudied beginners can still get satisfactory-to-great results by responding to the imagery on the cards. People with a head for facts and correspondences are great at teasing out additional meaning from a spread. But readers who can integrate both their left- and right-brain functions are predisposed to become Tarot adepts.
Tend toward Tarot if you:
Are drawn to art, literature, history and mythology
Have a good memory and make connections easily
Are a natural storyteller
Welcome complex or ambiguous answers
Are both creative and analytical, and able to balance these traits
Tarot superstars: Gemini, Sagittarius, Libra, Virgo
Nothing at All
Some readers don't use any tools at all. Instead, they rely on some combination of gut instincts, energetic perception. They listen carefully for psychic signals from their body and
inner voice. Empty-handed readings can be done for yourself or others.
The potential pitfalls are obvious: If you come up blank, there's no real starting place for the reading. (Struggling readers often resort to cold reading tactics or self-help cliches rather than real information.) Then there's the problem of bias: Without external tools guiding you, you're more likely to let your personal opinions and preconceptions color the reading. Good communication skills are essential to this type of reading. Many talented readers fall flat because they can't articulate what they're seeing or feeling.
Kick it freestyle if you:
Are very sensitive to energy (and good at putting your feelings into words)
Can easily put aside your biases during a session.
Find divination tools distracting
Are a natural healer who holds others' best interests at heart
Have the confidence to deliver a reading without tools for backup
adapted from Grove and Grotto
Unencumbered wonders: Aquarius, Aries, Pisces, Taurus
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obsidianossuary · 5 years
HPHM Profile: Alex Aurelius
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Name: Alex Livia Aurelius
Gender: Female
Age: 11 (Debut--start of first year); 16 (Current--start of sixth year)
Birth Date: August 31, 1973
Species: Human
Blood Status: Half-Blood
Sexuality: Straight
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Ethnicity: Caucasion 
Nationality: British
Residence: Oxford, England
Myer Briggs Personality Type: INTP--the Logician
The Mage
1st Wand: Blackthorn Wood; Unicorn Hair Core; 11 3/4 Inches
“Blackthorn wands, which is a very unusual wand wood, has the reputation, in Garrick Ollivander's well-merited opinion, of being best suited to a warrior. These wands appear to need to pass through danger or hardship with their owners to become truly bonded. Given this condition, the blackthorn wand will become as loyal and faithful a servant as one could wish.” 
2nd Wand: Ebony Wood; Dragon Heart String Core; 11 1/4 Inches
“Ebony wands have an impressive appearance and reputation, being highly suited to all manner of combative magic, and to Transfiguration. Ebony is happiest in the hand of those with the courage to be themselves. Frequently non-conformist, highly individual or comfortable with the status of outsider. In the experience of Garrick Ollivander, the ebony wand’s perfect match is one who will hold fast to his or her beliefs, no matter what the external pressure, and will not be swayed lightly from their purpose.”
Animagus: N/A
Misc. Magical Abilities: 
Legilimency--Alex, like most of her family, was born a legilimens. She is horrendously talented--she subconsciously reads the thoughts of those around her without meaning to, unable to control her ability. 
Occlumency--She was taught how to use occlumency and hone her control over legilimency by Professor Snape in her fifth year. 
Spell Invention--Her fluency in Latin gives her an innate ability to create spells. 
Boggart Form: Jacob as a Death Eater
Riddikulus Form: Jacob dressed-up in a clown costume, make-up included.
(What does she smell like?): Vanilla and coconut
(What does she smell?): Grass and honeysuckle (Charlie Weasley); new books; earth right after rain; peppermint toads
Patronus: Crow
“The crow is a very well-known bird that some believe is an omen of dark magic. But if this is your Patronus, don’t fret! The crow is very resourceful, ambitious, and cunning. Once they set a goal, they always seem to get what they’re after. Crows are also fearless. Regardless of what sort of creature they find in the way of their goal, they will do anything they can to overpower it. They are also very smart and have been observed using tools to achieve their means. This is a Patronus anyone should be proud of having!”
Patronus Memory: Jacob coming home for the summer after completing his first year at Hogwarts; Charlie Weasley kissing her for the first time. 
Mirror of Erised: Her and Jacob reunited; she is a successful curse-breaker working at Gringotts along side Bill; she is married and has a family with Charlie. 
Specialized/Favourite Spells:
Expecto Patronum
Faceclaim: Alexandra Daddario
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Game Appearance:
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Height: 5ft 3in 
Weight: 100 lbs
Physique: Petite
Eye Colour: Icy Blue
Hair Color: Dark Brown
Hair Style: Long, messy, and curly
Skin Tone: Light Brown
Body Modifications: Pierced Ears (x2)
Small silver hoop earring with small opal balls attached to the center--a gift from her family for her tenth birthday. 
Opal studs--pierced by Tulip and Badeea in her fifth year. 
A large slash mark on her right forearm from the Ice Knight (Year 2)
Small cut on her left eyebrow from Rakepick in the portrait vault (Year 5)
Skirts, sweaters, and jeans; overall very modest dress (because she’s insecure about her small frame); starts to wear a lot of make-up in her sixth year to compensate for her insecurity; generally keeps her look natural and comfy when Andre isn’t there to interfere.
Wrist watch (gift from McGonagall in her second year)
Dragon necklace (made and given to her by Charlie Weasley for Christmas in her fourth year)
Jacob’s journal (which she now also uses to document her search for the cursed vaults and as a personal diary)
The key to Jacob’s room (one of a pair that she shares with Tulip)
Her father’s initialed fountain pen (enchanted with infinite ink)
A Tale of Two Cities by Charlie Dickens
Photographs of her friends and family 
Garroting Gas (from Snape in Year 4).
Miniature hairbrush (from Andre)
Make-up compact (Year 6)
Invisibility Cloak (Year 6)
Hogwarts House: Ravenclaw
Ilvermorny House: N/A
Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
Gringotts Bank
Order of the Phoenix 
Order of the Phoenix Leader
Hogwarts Information
Class Proficiencies: 
Astronomy ★★★★★★★☆☆☆(E)
Charms: ★★★★★★★★★☆ (O)
DADA: ★★★★★★★★★★(O)
Flying: ★★★★★★★★★★
Herbology: ★★★☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ (A)
History of Magic: ★★★★★★★★★☆ (O)
Potions: ★★★★★★★★★☆(O)
Transfiguration: ★★★★★★★★★★(O)
Arithmancy ★★★★★★★☆☆☆(E)
Care of Magical Creatures ★★★★★☆☆☆☆☆(E)
Divination ★★☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆(A)
Study of Ancient Runes ★★★★★★★★☆☆(O)
Favorite Class: Transfiguration--Alex is extremely gifted at transfiguration. It’s her favorite subject because she finds it both fascinating and practical and because it it taught be her favorite professor
Least Favorite Class: Herbology--Alex can't take care of a plant to save her soul
Quidditch: Chaser (Starting in year 2) 
Extra Curricular:
Duelling Club--She’s not a full-time member, but she often joins Bill and Diego at the dueling club when they ask her to come
Frog Choir--Her mother used to sing to her as a child; she loves singing to herself in the halls or when she’s bored. 
Favorite Professors:
Professor McGonagall--Basically her role model. She admires McGonagall’s intelligence, strong morals, and no nonsense attitude. 
Professor Snape--She doesn't actually like him as a teacher, but she enjoys messing with him. 
Professor Kettleburn--She loves that he’s an absolute wack-job and that will let the class get away with pretty much anything. 
Least Favorite Professors:
Professor Trelawney--She’s a wack-job, but not in a fun way like Kettleburn. Because of her involvement with the cursed vaults, Alex became that one kid in every year that Trelawney foresaw would die a heinous death by the end of the year (but she never does, so the cycle repeats at the beginning of each year, much to Alex’s displeasure). 
Marcus Tiberius Aurelius: 
Born: August 12, 1945
Hogwarts House: Slytherin
The Aurelius family is an ancient and noble pure-blood family that was said to be descended from Roman wizards who migrated to Britain in the first century BC.
Strangely, every male born into the family is gifted with legilimency. Every male... and Marcus’s daughter, Alex.
The Aurelius’ weren’t originally blood prejudiced, often marrying half-bloods and muggle-borns. But after they were excluded from the Sacred Twenty-Eight, that all changed. The Aurelius family began to arrange marriages to traditionally pure-blooded families in hopes of restoring their reputation as a noble and prestigious pureblood family.
Marcus Aurelius, Alex and Jacob’s father, was the oldest of three boys and grew up to be extremely prejudiced against muggles and muggle-borns.
When Marcus was twelve, his youngest brother, Jacob, died in an accident involving a muggle motor vehicle which only reaffirmed Marcus’s prejudice against muggles.
Marcus’ middle brother, William, married a muggle-born witch in 1968. This would put a huge strain on the relationship between the two brothers to the point where they would become estranged. William, his wife, and his children would be killed by Death Eaters during the first wizarding war in 1980.
Marcus was the very definition of “tall, dark, and handsome.” He had shaggy dark hair and deep set brown eyes. He is described as ambitious, handsome, and charismatic.
At Hogwarts, he was a member of the Slug Club and was a chaser and captain of the Slytherin quidditch team.
There he met his future wife, Helena Blackthorn, the only daughter of a prestigious pureblood family from America.
Marcus was the strongest and most talented legilimens to be born into the Aurelius family in centuries.
This gift got him a job at the Ministry of Magic working as an interrogator. It was during his work at the ministry that Marcus developed his ultimate technique.
Marcus was an extremely gifted legilimens--proabably the greatest behind only You-Know-Who himself. He could not only see into a person’s mind without the use of a wand, but he could sense the thoughts of all those around him up to a one-mile radius. Marcus subconsciously sees into the minds of those around him without even trying. His legilimency is so strong that he often finds it harder to NOT use his ability. He is extremely proud of his power and used his job as a way to further develop his abilities beyond the average legilimens.
“Yeah, but you were so preoccupied with whether or not you could, you didn't stop to think if you should.”
While working as an interrogator, Marcus discovered that he could use his legilimency to send his own thoughts or visions into another person’s mind, driving them insane. From there, Marcus was able to deduce that if he was able to create and relay his thoughts into another person’s mind, he could force his will onto another person and control their body.
Marcus kept his technique a secret from the world. Any one who ever had the misfortune of being controlled by Marcus Aurelius never lived to tell the tale.
During the war, Marcus used his new abilities to not only interrogate Death Eaters, but to kill them as well. He developed a reputation as “The Inquisitor” for his ruthlessness.
When his son Jacob turned six, Jacob showed signs of being a legilimens. This made Marcus incredibly happy that he would have an heir to continue not only the Aurelius name, but his work as a legilimens as well. 
When his daughter Alex turned three, she also showed signs of being a legilimens. This was a great shock to Marcus not only because up until that point, only the men of his family were born legilimens, but that she was able to use legilimency even earlier (and better) then his son.
Marcus started to train her along side Jacob. Marcus, overall, favored his son as his one true heir and secretly hoped that his power as a legilimens would continue to grow, but found that it was actually his daughter who had a true talent for legilimency, easily outclassing her older brother even at her young age.
However, after a certain incident when Alex was four and Jacob was eleven, Marcus stopped teaching his kids, fearing that they were growing more powerful then him. 
Towards the end of the war, Claudius Aurelius, Marcus’s father and a known Death Eater, tried to recruit his son for Voldemort’s army.
Marcus idealized his father, but he refused to join on account that his wife was secretly a muggle-born and his own children were half-bloods.
Enraged, Claudius attacked Marcus. Marcus, using his mind control technique, killed his own father in self-defense.
After his son was expelled and went missing, he became extremely over protective and controlling over Alex because she the only remaining heir to the Aurelius family name. 
Helena Rose Aurelius (née Blackthorn)--Mother
Born: April 2, 1947
Hogwarts House: Ravenclaw
The Blackthorn family is prestigious pureblood family from the United States of America.
Helena Blackthorn was orphaned as an infant after both of her biological parents died from pneumonia. She was adopted by the Blackthorns when she was six years old after she accidentally used magic to defend herself against the abusive matron of the orphanage.
Helena has thin blonde hair and bright, icy blue eyes. Helena is very smart and compassionate and carries a strong love of muggle literature which she then passed on to her own children. However, she is also very insecure and needy--mostly due to her abusive experience at the muggle orphanage.
She met Marcus Aurelius (a seventh year) in her fifth year at Hogwarts and fell madly in love with him. However, when she discovered that Marcus was blood prejudiced, she couldn’t bring herself to tell him the truth about her blood status in fear of losing him. She continued to let Marcus believe that she was a pureblood and the two of them got married after Helena graduated from Hogwarts in 1965.
Jacob, their first child, was born a year later in 1966.
Alex was born in 1973, seven years after her older brother Jacob.
Ten years into their marriage, Marcus discovered that Helena was adopted and a muggle-born, not a pureblood as he had originally thought.
Marcus was furious with Helena for lying to him, but Britain was in the midst of the first wizarding war and Marcus feared that if word got out that his wife was actually a muggle-born and not a pureblood, she not only would be killed by Death Eaters (not that he would care, knowing the truth of her heritage), but their children as well.
Marcus couldn’t afford to lose his children. After the death of his brother and his children, Alex and Jacob were the last of Aurelius family line. The discovery that both Jacob and Alex were legilimens only made Marcus even more protective of his two children, and so he kept quiet about his wife’s blood statues and joined the Order of the Phoenix to fight against You-Know-Who in order to ensure the survival of his children.
Helena’s relationship with her husband deteriorated, but they were both horrendously protective of their children (especially during the war).
After the the truth came out, she fell into a deep depression and became very distant from her children.
When Jacob disappeared, that seemed to be the breaking point in her sanity. 
Jacob Julius Aurelius--Brother
Born: September 30, 1966
Hogwarts House: Ravenclaw
Jacob was a boisterous child but often preferred to keep his own company rather then socialize with others, often adventuring on his own around town.
He is described as clever, mischievous, charming, and rebellious. His fatal character flaws are his narcissism and selfishness.
When Jacob turned six years old, he began to show signs of being a legilimens like his father. Jacob trained relentlessly with his father every day to hone his skills and practice his father’s special mind-control technique. By the age of seven, Jacob could successfully control and create realistic visions in another person’s mind.
While learning to control people, he found that the process was horredously painful on the recieving end (they often practiced on muggles and then obliviated them afterwards). Jacob found that he didn’t really care about the pain he inflicted on his victims and even took pleasure in knowing it was he who had the power to create such pain.
This was only one the earlier signs of Jacob’s sociopathic tendencies.
After his sister was born, he had no intention at first of becoming the “big brother” type. But as Alex got older and started to idealize him as her hero, he had a change of heart.
Alex became the most important person in his life... and the only person in the world he could truly love.
Between his parents tense relationship and his mother’s growing depression, Jacob took it upon himself to be Alex’s protector, mentor, and role-model.
When Alex turned three, she started to train along side him in legilimency. 
Right before Jacob went off to Hogwarts (when he was eleven and Alex was three), during one of their training sessions, Marcus forced his children to use their legilimency to control one another.
Jacob went first. He stopped once Alex started to scream.
Marcus then ordered Alex to do the same to Jacob but she refused because she didn’t want to hurt Jacob.
Angered by his daughter’s insolence, Marcus attempted to hit Alex as punishment. But before he could, Jacob steps up to his sister’s defense and uses mind-control to stop his father from hurting Alex. 
Jacob then threatens his father that if he ever tried to hit Alex again, he would use the training his father gave him to drive Marcus insane. 
Jacob left for Hogwarts one tense month later. 
Jacob, similarly to his father, became fascinated with furthering his magical abilities which led to his search for the cursed vaults and his involvement with R. 
Claudius Nero Aurelius--Paternal Grandfather
Born: November 12, 1921
Died: October 1, 1981
Hogwarts House: Slytherin
Claudius was a beater for the Slytherin quidditch team.
Claudius was apart of an arranged marriage with the respected Carrow family. He married Elizabeth Carrow in 1944.
Claudius became a Death Eater at the beginning of the first wizarding war in 1970.
He disowned his second son, Antoninus, when he married a muggle-born. In 1980, Claudius ordered Death Eaters to murder Antoninus and is family.
Claudius attempted to recruit his eldest son to Voldemort’s army, but when Tiberius refused and told his father the truth about his wife’s wizarding heritage, Claudius tried to kill his own son and threaded to do the same to his “filthy half-breed” children.
Claudius was killed by his own son.
Elizabeth Mary Aurelius (née Carrow)--Paternal Grandmother
Born: June 6, 1926
Died: September 15, 1950
Hogwarts House: Slytherin
Pureblood--Member of the Sacred Twenty-Eight
Died giving childbirth to her third son.
Antoninus Octavian Aurelius--Paternal Uncle
Born: October 30, 1947
Died: December 24, 1980
Hogwarts House: Slytherin
At Hogwarts he met and fell in love with Catherine Smith, a muggle-born witch.
They married right after they graduated and started a family.
Antoninus and his family were murdered by Death Eaters on Christmas Eve, 1980.
 Maximinius Gaius Aurelius--Paternal Uncle
Born: September 15, 1950
Died: July 3, 1963
Hogwarts House: Slytherin
Run over and killed by a muggle motor vehicle at age twelve.
Jonathon Henry Blackthorn--Maternal Grandfather
Born: July 4, 1924
Ilvermorny House: Horned Serpent
Jonathon was born into a wealthy and prestigious pure blood family in New York City. He became the sole heir to his family’s fortune when his older brother died from Dragon Pox.
Jonathon met his wife Catherine at Ilvermorny and married her shortly after they both graduated from school.
Unable to have children of there own, the two of them decided to adopt a child.
After hearing rumors about an incident at an orphanage where a little girl miraculously flung the head matron across the room, the couple suspected that the little girl in question was actually a muggle-born witch.
They met and adopted Helena in 1953.
A few months later, Jonathon is offered an editor’s position at the Daily Prophet and they moved to London.
Inadvertently tells his son-in-law that Helena was actually adopted.
After the end of the first wizarding war, he and his wife move back to New York and retire.
Catherine Marie Blackthorn (née Solomon)--Maternal Grandmother  
Born: March 5, 1923
Ilvermorny House: Pukwudgie
After she adopted Helena, she encouraged her daughter to embrace her muggle culture. This sparked the entire family’s love for muggle literature and Catherine’s love of muggle music.
Love Interest:
Charlie Weasley
Best Friends (Canon):
Bill Weasley (Alex’s best friend period)
Penny Haywood
Nymphadora Tonks
Tulip Karasu
Rowan Khanna (Best Friend for Years 1-2)
Ben Copper
Barnaby Lee
Andre Egwu
Jae Kim
Badeea Ali
Liz Tuttle
Diego Caplan
Tablott Winger
Chiara Lobosca
Merula Snyde
Ismelda Murk
Patrica Rakepick
Rowan Khanna
Tulip Karasu
Skye Parkin
Badeea Ali
Quidditch Teammates: 
Skye Parkin
Orion Amari
Murphy McNully (kind of)
Andre Egwu
Talbott Winger 
Commodus--Jacob’s eagle owl; Alex inherited him after Jacob went missing
George--Orange tabby cat; Hagrid gave George to Alex as a kitten as a Christmas gift in her first year
Closest MC Friends:
 None yet ;)
Alex was born on August 31st, 1973. 
Her parents were very distant for most of her childhood so grew a strong attachment to her older brother, Jacob. 
When she was three years old, she used legilimency for the first time to read her brothers mind to see where he hid her stuffed toy. 
She began to train with her brother and father to hone her abilities. At the time, she thought of it as more or a game then training. 
After the incident where her father tried to make her use mind-control on her brother, her father stops her lessons, fearing that one day she could grow even more powerful then Jacob, and forbids her from ever using legilimency again. 
Alex tries to obey her father’s wishes, but finds that she can’t suppress her ability no matter how hard she tries. 
She kept her ability a secret from everyone until her fifth year when Dumbledore figured out what she was and arranged for Professor Snape to teach her how to control her ability. 
When her brother goes missing, she was devastated. Jacob was her hero. And because of that, she always tries to make sure that he portrayed in the best light, often ignoring the parts of him that are less then ideal. Alex’s mind is very fixed when it comes to Jacob. She often refuses to believe or talk about anything that doesn’t correspond to the hero image she has of her big brother. 
Her relationship only got more tense with her parents after Jacob’s disappearance. Her father became extremely controlling and over protective of her. 
Her parents became very concerned when she started searching for the cursed-vaults (they even try to keep her from returning to Hogwarts in her third year) but secretly hope that her search will find answers about Jacob. 
After graduating from Hogwarts, Alex joins Bill at Gringotts as a curse-breaker. With her experience with the cursed vaults, she easily becomes the best in her field and rises quickly among the ranks. 
When the second wizarding war breaks out, Alex joins the Order of the Phoenix. She becomes one of the order’s top leaders, leading the rebellion along side other leaders such as Kingsley Shacklebolt and Aberforth Dumbledore. 
After the war, she finally marries Charlie Weasley after dating since their fifth year and moves to Romania. 
Intelligent, witty, and clever. Alex prefers using her brain rather then her wand to solve her problems. She’s very cool headed for the most part, but if she’s pushed beyond a breaking point, her emotions will get the better of her. Witty comebacks and sarcastic remarks are a must with this girl. 
Compassionate. She loves her friends and family deeply and will do anything to help and protect them. She’s very empathetic so she's often the person her friends come to when they need advice or comfort. 
Ambitious. Nothing will stand in her way once she sets her mind to something. That being said, she has a tendency to become self-absorbed and obsessed with her task, often neglecting herself and others. 
Mischievous and cunning. Alex enjoys messing with people (especially one certain potions master) and gets a huge kick out of all the trouble she can get up to with Tulip and Tonks. 
Brave. Alex is especially courageous and brave in the face of danger. She never backs down from a fight and will always stand up for what she believes is right. 
Guarded. Alex guards her hearts like a Dragon guards its egg: ferociously. She fears letting anyone get too close her after her brother disappeared. However, if you can get through her defense mechanisms (usually some snarky comment), she is a true friend till the bitter end. 
Her favorite book is a Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens. Alex and Jacob used to read together before bed time. Their favorite bed time stories included Dickens, Dumas, and the Bronte Sisters. 
She and her brother learned how to read and write Latin from their father. 
Special thanks to @hogwartsmysterystory​ for the template and for inspiring me to do my own Hogwarts Mystery re-write. I used to think that doing a re-write would be stupid, but after seeing so many people having fun writing for their amazing MCs, I decided that I might as well join in on the fun. 
I already have a draft done for year one, but I have some editing and minor planning to do before I move on. Hopefully I’ll be able to post the first chapter soon. 
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alindakb · 5 years
Letters to my Parents - Wednesday 19 January 1994 - by Alinda
Wednesday 19 January 1994
Dear mom and dad,
Marcus was beside himself when he heard I had gotten a Firebolt for Christmas, but that Professor Snape had confiscated it to make sure it is safe. I think he went to see Professor Snape to explain to him how important it was that I would have the broom back before or next match against Ravenclaw.
When we told Hermione about the Firebolt she agreed with Professor Snape, saying my safety was more important than a broom. Draco called her a heathen after that. He’s angry at her because of it, so we are spending a little less time with her. She’s still in our little study group, but I haven’t spent time with her outside of that. Daphne told me to stop being stupid, that she’s my best friend and that she’s just looking out for me and that I would do the same for her. I know she’s right, so I send Hermione a message to ask her if she wants to hang out this coming Sunday, just the two of us, to catch up and hear about her Christmas holiday with her parents.
Lessons have started again, and Hagrid seems to be in a better mood. He taught us about Salamanders and we spend the entire lesson collecting dry wood and leaves to keep a fire blazing. Divination is crap as always. We are now busy with palmistry and Professor Trelawney told me I have the shortest lifeline she has ever seen. She also wasn’t happy with the length of Draco’s lifeline, but at least it’s longer than mine.
We also started our lessons with Professor Lupin. He still looks ill and Draco said it wasn’t that strange. He didn’t want to tell me why, but I know he and Hermione figured something out that I haven’t. It’s really annoying. But Draco says it’s not for him to tell and that I can figure it out for myself if I would just think about it some more.
Professor Lupin was a bit surprised when he saw that Draco was with me during this lesson. He chuckled a little and mumbled something about it being a miracle that Snape was right for once. And then we got down to business. Professor Lupin had brought a Boggart, sure it would turn in a Dementor because that is what I fear the most. He told Draco to stay behind me at all times, that there is no need for the Boggart to turn into his biggest fear again. And I completely agree with that, it’s no fun to see your own dead body on the floor. I still haven’t forgotten the last time and how upset Draco was for days after.
We are learning to use the Patronus Charm. It’s very highly advanced magic and he wasn’t sure if we could manage it. A Patronus is a positive force, a projection of the very things that the Dementor feeds upon, like hope, happiness and the desire to survive. To conjure a Patronus you need to concentrate on a single, very happy memory. Draco nodded and I knew he had thought of a happy memory for him. I had some struggles to find one. I was happy when I flew a broom for the first time, but I don’t think that will be a happy enough memory. And then I just looked at Draco and I knew I had a massive amount of happy memories with him. Christmas afternoon came to mind and I knew I was happy then, but I didn’t want to get a hard-on while Professor Lupin was there, so I searched for another happy memory with Draco. We had some good times flying together this summer and during Quidditch practise so I decided to focus on one of those memories.
It was hard to focus on my happy memory when Professor Lupin opened the crate that held the Boggart that would turn into a Dementor. When I was waiting I kept thinking that I could hear mom again in a second. The Dementor came out of the box and I tried to focus and shouted Expecto Patronum, but it didn’t work. The classroom and Dementor dissolved and I fell through a thick white fog. Mom’s voice was louder than before, screaming ‘not Harry, please I’ll do anything’.
The next thing I know is waking up, lying flat on the floor, Draco and Professor Lupin squatted next to me. They wanted to know if I was okay and Professor Lupin made me eat chocolate. I told Draco that it was getting worse, that I could here mom louder this time. Draco said it was okay if I didn’t want to continue, but I told them both that I was fine. Professor Lupin suggested to focus on a stronger memory, so I focused on the time Draco told me for the first time that he loves me.
But before I could another try, Draco was going to try to cast a Patronus. He would stand behind me so that the Boggart would turn into a Dementor. I felt cold and the white fog was surrounding me again when I heard Draco’s voice, so steady and certain. And then a beautiful Tiger leapt out of his wand and chased away the Dementor. Professor Lupin was speechless and I just looked at Draco and felt my heart almost burst out of my chest. Draco had done it on his first try! I kissed him then and Professor Lupin had to scrape his throat to get us to focus again. He was very impressed and told us a female Tiger was a beautiful Patronus to have. That it represents patient and protectiveness.
After seeing Draco do it so successfully, I was sure I could do it too. So I tried again. Only I fainted again. This time I could hear dad shouting: ‘lily, take Harry and go! It’s him! Go! Run! I’ll hold him off.’ When I woke up again I said that I heard dad and Draco hugged me close. I was crying and Professor Lupin suggested now might be a good time to stop. Only I wanted to try again. And the third time still wasn’t perfect, I only made a huge, silver shadow come out of my wand, but it stopped me from fainting, so that was a good thing. Draco said he was proud of me and Professor Lupin gave us a large bar of Honeydukes’ best chocolate to eat.
Later that evening I told Draco that even though it was horrible to hear the last moments of my parents replayed inside my head, that it was also the only time I had heard your voices since I was a very small child. Draco kissed me and told me I shouldn’t chase their echoes, that it won’t bring them back. And I know he’s right, but I kind of want to hear you both again.
I also asked Draco what memory he had used when he had conjured his Tigress Patronus. He told me he was thinking of the day I woke up in the hospital after my suicide attempt, that it was the first time I had told him I love him and that he had been so happy to get another chance with me. That even though it was a really hard day for both of us, it also was one of the happiest moment of his life. And then he said that he didn’t dare to think about Christmas afternoon and I told him I felt the same. We both laughed and kissed some more before we fell asleep that night.
Apart from the Patronus lessons, I also have a lot of Quidditch practice. Gryffindor has won their game against Ravenclaw and Marcus has scheduled in even more practice. We now train four nights a week. And I also still have my therapy sessions with Ms Davis. It’s hard to find time to do my homework. I have no time at all to help Draco with his research for Buckbeak’s trial. I ask Ms Davis how long I still need to go to therapy, that I was doing great and wasn’t sad anymore and all. But she still thinks I need to come by, to talk about everything that has happened to me in my short life. Draco says I should talk to Professor Snape about it, see what he thinks. And I think I will do that soon. I hate having so little free time.
Draco has been researching for Buckbeak’s trial all alone. Hermione also seems to have no spare time to help him. She has an immense workload. Fred and George said she sits in the corner of the common room every night, with loads of books and file upon file of extensive notes around her. She barely speaks to anyone and snaps when she’s interrupted. Draco says Hermione is insane for taking so many classes. I just wonder how she gets to all her classes. Some of them seem to be at the same time as the classes she shares with us, only she never misses any of those. So how can she go to the other classes at the same time?
And this afternoon Marcus walked up to us while we were working on our potions essay to tell me that Professor Snape almost expelled him when he came to ask about my Firebolt. Just because he had said that he didn’t care if I would get thrown off my broom, as long as I caught the Snitch first. He suggested that it maybe was time to order another Nimbus Two Thousand and One if I had the money. But I don’t think I will, I still hope I’ll get my Firebolt back before the next match. I plan to ask Professor Snape about it after every Potions lesson. I’m sure he’ll get sick of me soon enough and give it back.
I have to go now and get ready for another Quidditch practice.
Love you,
Harry James Potter.
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maraudersbish · 5 years
Snitch (Oliver Wood x OC)
Pairing(s): Oliver Wood x Slytherin!OC Warning(s): Slow burn words:1313 Note: This is a filler chapter, but I hope you’d still enjoy it
Phoenix’ POV
After practise we headed back to the castle for breakfast.
Because of what happened before practise, practise didn’t endded up as I want it to be, my head was not in the game and it was a mess.
People went to their seprate ways, some went back to the common room, some are still in the shower and some went to the great hall for breakfast. When the door to the great hall was opened, Laughter was all I could hear.
“What happened here? what do I missed?” I asked Levana, my friend who’s laughing her head off as soon as I get to my seat. Lev wasn’t on the Quidditc team, so she always went to the Great Hall first and saved a seat for me.
“Weasel, turned into a skunk” she said between laughter pointing to the Gryffindor table.
“What?” I look at the Gryffindor table and notice one of the twins’s hair Is green, and the longer I stand in the great hall, the stronger the smell hit my nose.
“Disgusting! This smell is also coming from him?” Lev nod
I turn back my eyes to the gryffindor’s table and noticed Wood’s talking with the other twin who’s laughing so hard, his face look like tomato.
But the laughter died down and everybody start to eat peacefully. I tried to focus to the joke that Levana made, but my eyes are already focused to the boy on the opposite table, and I remember why I used to have a crush on him.
He is beautiful, passionate, kind, talented. He is good. And that’s the reason I couldn’t be seen with him. It will only damage his reputation.
The first week I distanced myself from him had been hard, he was my first friend, my first believer, my first crush, and my first heart break.
I didn’t have anyone to tell my problems to, so I keep it to myself, everything was going smoothly until my first quidditch match.
He did something small that left a huge impact on me. He smiled. And at that moment, my walls crumbles down, it was ridiculous. I didn’t know what to do with myself. But then, I came to the  decision that if I keep on annoying him, he will not shatter my walls.
It was hard, I felt so bad about it, because he has been nothing but good to me, and I treated him like shit. No one notice what I actually feeling. No one but professor Snape.  
He become one of my closest family, he listens to my rant, my cries, and my stories. At first, I didn’t expect him to treated me the way he did since I know what my dad did to him.
he told me could relate to my stories, he knows what I’m feeling, since we kind of had a same love story where our crush ‘hate’ us because of something that we did, and base from snape’s story, it didn’t end well.
I didn’t want mine to ended up like his.
I should stop staring at him before he caught me stari– too late. He cought me. I didn’t know what to do– he has beautiful eyes, wait what?
He raised an eyebrow at me and I quickly turn my attention back to my food.
Stupid he is going to think that I like him or something, gosh.
I flash my gaze to his seat and found him staring at me. Why was he staring at me? I know I’m blushing like crazy I hope he didn’t notice, when I looked at his direction, he was talking to his friends. Thank merlin.
After breakfast I rush to the dungeon to get to the common room and prepare for the classes. I meet my roommates Janet, Peggy, and Edith .
“Phoenix! This is for you” Janet said as she hand me a piece of paper.
“Who’s this from?” I ask, a bit sceptical.
“Dunno.. there’s no name on it” she shrugged.
My roommates and I aren’t really close, no one ever seen us actually talking to eachother outside my room, so who the fuck knows who to deliver a letter to give to me.
“Okay…Who gave it to you?” I asked, more sceptical than before.
“It was inside my potions book” she replied.
“Huh? Thank you, Janet” She nod and left the room along with the others.
I slip the letter into my robe pocket before rushing to the North Tower for divination with professor Trelawney because if I’m not, I’m going to be late, Half way to the north tower, I bump into a wall and landed on my butt.
“Merlin’s beard! watch your steps!” said a familiar Scottish accent.
Nope, not a wall.
“Bloody hell! I’m on the floor in pain and you don’t want to say sorry to me?”
“Why would I? you’re the one who bumped into me” he raised his voice. “Geez, now thanks to you, I’m late for Trelawney’s class” he sigh before walking away.
That filthy little asswipe! I thought in my head. I tried to get up but my back hurt so bad, I tried to stand again and ot only make it worse.
“What are you doing?” I know that voice, its Fred or George.
“Oh, you know. Just chillin, see, I just, I got bored so here I’m sitting in the middle of the corridor…” I said trailed nonchalantly.
The twins raised they eyebrow, one of them try to say something but I cut him off “your evil friend make me fall to the ground and then walks away without saying sorry!”
“Do we have an evil friend?” said George, I think.
“No, I don’t think so, Georgie” said, well if the first one is George then its Fred.
I give them a death stare. Arse.
“Wood fucking made me fell” I hiss
“Do you not hear what I said?” I snapped.
“Well, we new that, we just want to hear you say it” said George.
“Dicks” I mutter
“Whoa, whoa. Watch your mouth there little missy” Fred scolded.
“I never thought this day will come, the day you’ll admit your feelings for our Ollie” George smirked.
“Excuse me?”
“You fell for him” George said, playing dumb.
“She literally fell for him” Fred added.
“He made me fall to this bloody hard floor, and now my arse hurts and I cant bloody walk, not even get up, and now I’m bloody late for Trelawney’s class” I spat at the twins who’s grinning like a maniac.
“Ooohhhh…. why don’t you tell us earlier ? here let me help you” Fred said helping me up.
I roll my eyes and told them that its no use to go to the class so I ask them to just bring me to the hospital wing and they willingly obeys.
“Thanks guys” I said to them as they help me to get on the bed.
They looked surprised at first, but then they smile and say “You’re welcome” in unison and not gonna lie, its kinda creepy when they do that.
“Wait, aren’t you guys are supposed to be in class?” I ask them. and they just look at each other and inhale deeply.
“Don’t tell anyone okay? Its our biggest secret” they said with a serious face. I just nodded “we’re on the free period..” they whisper to my ear before giving me a huge grin.
I gave them the look and roll my eyes and closing them
They let out a chuckle before high-fiving each other.
“Shhhh, out boys!! I can’t do my work when you’re still here!” said madam Pomfrey.
“See you Black! bye Poppy!” they said at the same time, again.
“Wait.. could you tell Trelawny that I can’t attend her class” I asked them.
They gave me a thumbs up and left the hospital wing.
Part one
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aidanchaser · 5 years
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban: Everyone Lives AU
Table of Contents beta’d by @ageofzero
Chapter Fifteen The Quidditch Final
Dear Mum and Dad,
I can’t wait to see you at the Quidditch final. I’m nervous we won’t be able to win the cup, but it should be a good match. It’ll be nice to actually finish the season for once, though I suppose I shouldn’t jinx it.
I’ve never had so much school work, though! Electives are hard, and Quidditch practice nearly every night, and Remus is still helping me with the patronus charm, but we’ve had to take a break over the Easter holidays. Mostly I’m just glad that we don’t have to sit through class with Snape again, and Remus can get better without worrying about his classes.
Still, it hardly feels like a break. Teachers have us cramming for exams like crazy. Hermione’s just about to crack under the pressure, or she already has. She slapped Malfoy the other day. It was great, and he deserved it, but it was just surprising from her. Then she missed Charms class — said she just forgot to go — then she stormed out of Divination and I don’t think she’s ever going back to that class. I almost wish I’d quit with her, but I heard we do star charts next year, and I really want to learn about that. As long as Trelawney gets over predicting my death every class.
Do you guys have any influence in the Committee for the Disposal of Dangerous Creatures? Hagrid seems really sure they’re going to decide to execute Buckbeak at the appeal, but Buckbeak didn’t actually do anything wrong. Malfoy was the one who provoked him. You guys know people at the Ministry, right? Can you fix it?
See you soon!
Love, Harry
—————————— ✶✶✶——————————
The morning of the Qudditch match arrived, and Harry woke up with his stomach in more knots than a captive hydra. He almost couldn’t believe he was actually going to be playing in the Quidditch final. His first year, he’d been hospitalized from his fight with Voldemort. His second year, Quidditch had been canceled because Hermione and Penelope Clearwater had been attacked by the school’s resident basilisk.
Harry desperately prayed nothing would interrupt this year’s Quidditch final. He was afraid Oliver Wood might die of heartbreak if Gryffindor didn’t win the Quidditch cup.
It was still early, and Harry found himself unable to go back to sleep, so he got up for a drink of water. He glanced out the window to check the weather, and was pleased to find a clear, sunny day. The trees weren’t moving at all. A perfect day for a Quidditch game.
Then, just on the edge of the Forbidden Forest, Harry saw a large black dog. He frowned. What was Sirius doing out here? He had assumed Sirius would arrive with his parents, and there was no reason for them to be here this early. Was Sirius alright, running around the Hogwarts grounds with the dementors so close?
Then Harry saw Crookshanks and Llewellyn walk up beside Sirius. Were Llewellyn and Crookshanks friends now? What was Sirius doing with Ginny and Hermione’s cats? Harry briefly wondered if maybe that dog wasn’t Sirius at all, but a real over-sized black dog. Or maybe it was the actual Grim. But would either of those options be out for a morning stroll with some cats?
Harry watched the animals disappear over the hill near the Shrieking Shack. But Remus wouldn’t be there. The full moon wasn’t until Wednesday.
Harry took another drink of water and spent the rest of the morning puzzling over Sirius. Even when he went down to breakfast, he couldn’t get it off his mind. He nibbled on his toast half-heartedly. Wood arrived, looking almost as nervous as he had on the game the first day of the year. He repeated to Harry, as he had been all week, “Fifty points, remember. Don’t catch the Snitch unless —”
“Unless we’re up at least fifty points,” Harry said. “I remember.”
Ron sat next to him and clapped him on the shoulder, just after he took a sip of juice. Harry nearly spit it out on the table. He choked it down and wiped his chin.
“You’ll do fine, mate,” Ron said. “You can relax.”
Harry coughed and grinned at Ron. “Thanks.”
He wished he could tell Ron what he’d seen this morning, and what he was really concerned about, but that would mean explaining about Sirius, and then he’d have to explain why he hadn’t told Ron the truth about the Grim the other night.
Harry still wasn’t sure he could tell Ron about Remus. And besides, it wasn’t Harry’s secret to tell. It was Remus’s.
Lily and James arrived shortly after Harry and Ron had finished eating. James was just polishing off a chocolate bar as Harry ran to greet them.
“Good day for flying, eh?” James said as he pulled Harry into a hug.
“Should be,” Harry agreed. “Where’s Sirius at?”
“Came in with us from Hogsmeade,” James said, “but went to get Remus. I’m sure they’ll be along.”
“And how’s Ron?” Lily asked. “Molly asked us to be sure we checked in on him and Ginny, after that scare with Regulus Black.”
“I’m fine, Mrs. Potter,” Ron said, coming up behind Harry. “And Ginny’s fine, too. Flying and everything.”
“Flying?” Lily said with a raised eyebrow.
“Just an expression,” Harry quickly said. “Y’know, for doing well.”
Lily didn’t look convinced, and James looked impressed. It was obvious their lie hadn’t convinced anyone of anything.
Harry groped quickly for another line of conversation, but then he felt a light hand on his shoulder that sent a sort of electric shock down his spine.
“Good luck, Harry,” Cho Chang said, as she passed him, and smiled.
“You too,” Harry managed to stammer out. His tongue felt like lead and his stomach felt like he’d swallowed a doxy.
“Who’s that?” James asked with a twinkle in his eye, as they started towards the Entrance Hall.
“The Ravenclaw Seeker,” Harry managed to say.
Lily hummed thoughtfully and James laughed, but quickly turned it into a cough. Harry didn’t know why, but he was embarrassed.
As soon as they were outside, he said, “I’m going to go change,” and ran for the locker room.
Lily linked her hand with James. “You know you used to look at me that way, in fifth year.”
“I believe at one point I told you your hair was red, because I couldn’t think of anything else to say,” James laughed.
Lily glanced over her shoulder at Ron, who had fallen in step with Neville, Ginny, Hermione, and a blonde girl Lily hadn’t met yet. She wondered where Dean and Seamus were, then she saw the boys coming up over the hill, carrying a large, rolled up banner.
Harry had good friends, she thought, and she was glad to know he was happy here at school. Even if she did have to worry, constantly, that he was in danger, she didn’t have to worry about how happy he was. There was a wonderful relief in that, and she leaned her head affectionately on James’s shoulder.
He didn’t ask where her contented sigh came from, but wrapped an arm around her shoulder and squeezed.
They found Hagrid in the stands, and Lily told him they had spoken to everyone they knew at the Ministry, but she wasn’t sure what they could do for his hippogriff case. James offered his condolences.
Remus and Sirius arrived shortly. Remus looked wan, but they were just a few days from the full moon. Lily hoped the stress of teaching wasn’t making Remus’s condition any worse.
“Remus,” James said, and leaned around Lily to ask quietly, “do you know who the Ravenclaw Seeker is?”
Remus had to think for a moment. “I believe it’s Cho Chang. She’s in fourth year. Struggles with Defense, but she’s come a long way this year, and Professor Flitwick praises her Charms, but I can’t tell you how good at Quidditch she is.”
“She rides a Comet 260,” Sirius laughed, gesturing to the field as the players came out of the locker rooms. “Harry will fly loops around her.”
But that didn’t seem to interest James, and Lily playfully nudged him with her elbow. “Let him be. If he likes, her he likes her.”
“I just wanted to know if we should get an extra ticket to the Quidditch World Cup this summer,” James said, as the Gryffindor and Ravenclaw captains shook hands.
“Harry has three tickets he can share with whomever he likes.”
This did not seem to ease James’s agitation any further, which amused Lily. She hadn’t expected James to get so involved in Harry’s first crush, and from Lily’s perspective, it didn’t even seem serious. Maybe James, who had been obsessed with one girl for seven years, didn’t understand the concept of passing fancies.
She pinched the underside of his arm gently. “Worry about the game, and let Harry worry about who he likes.”
“Ravenclaw’s currently in the lead by two hundred points,” Remus said, recognizing Lily’s effort to distract James. “So if they want to win the Cup as well as the game, Harry will have to wait to catch the Snitch.”
As soon as the words were out of his mouth, Harry shot straight towards the Slytherin goal posts. Cho followed immediately, and Sirius laughed.
Lily didn’t understand until Harry looped back around, then up, and then Cho drifted off of his heels. “He feinted,” she said with a laugh.
“They were only twenty points up,” James said. “He couldn’t catch the Snitch and he couldn’t let her catch it. It was a smart move.”
Lily was glad James’s mind was turned to the game, and she cheered loudly as Angelina Johnson scored.
It was nice to watch a game where Harry’s broom wasn’t jinxed, and the threat of dementors seemed minimal on such a lovely day. Still, she kept a hand on her wand inside her coat pocket, just in case, and the other one in James’s hand.
The score was seventy to twenty, Gryffindor leading, when Harry suddenly bolted upwards. Sirius and James jumped to their feet, Lily pulled with him, but Cho was suddenly between Harry and the Snitch and Harry swerved quickly to avoid hitting her.
Lily heard Oliver Wood yell something at Harry, but she couldn’t make out his words over all the cheering on the Ravenclaw side of the stadium.
She sat back down, but James and Sirius stayed standing, focused entirely on the game.
She took the quiet moment with Remus to ask how his classes were going.
“Well,” he said. “They’re remarkable students, really. Yesterday, Christian and Anne were silent dueling and it was really incredible. They’ve come such a long way. Just a few months ago, Anne could barely cast a silent Leviosa. Now she can compete against the seventh years with ease.”
“The Thelborne siblings? Good for them,” Lily said with a smile. “I hope they didn’t get too wild with each other. Christian can be rough with his sister.”
“Not at all. He has the makings of a professional dueler, really. And the first years are wonderful,” Remus continued. “Still so eager to learn. They’ve nearly caught up to where I started the second years. They’ll be able to get ahead for next year, which will be good for them, I think. The other students have had such a struggle with the scattered curriculum, but the first years are entirely unaffected.”
Lily listened to Remus and it almost made her miss teaching. Almost. She was happier at home with James than anywhere else, and she couldn’t imagine how she’d be doing with all this Regulus Black business if she was stuck at school, but she was glad to hear that Remus had taken so well to teaching. She’d always known he’d be good at it.
“I’m glad you’re enjoying it,” she finally said, as Remus finished telling her about the third years’ vampire essays.
“I really am,” he said, his cheeks a little pink. “I always thought, well — Dumbledore was desperate for a teacher. If the parents knew —”
“If the parents knew how much the teacher cared for their children, they’d be happy to have you there.”
Suddenly, the entire crowd was on their feet, and Lily and Remus stood too. Harry was on Cho Chang’s tail, both diving for the Snitch, just barely visible to the audience as a glimmer of gold in the grass.
Lily screamed encouragement to Harry until her throat hurt. His broom just barely eclipsed Cho’s as they approached the Snitch, then Harry turned up sharply, holding the Snitch in his hand over his head. Cho, broom unable to make such a sharp turn, skidded into the grass.
The crowds swamped the pitch. Lily, James, Remus, and Sirius all joined in, pushing their way through the crowd to congratulate Harry.
Oliver Wood was there, holding the Quidditch Cup, and with cheeks streaked with tears of joy, passed the cup to Harry.
Harry couldn’t stop smiling. He held the cup as high as he’d held the Snitch while Gryffindor cheered. He hugged each of his parents, and Sirius and Uncle Remus, and couldn’t think of a happier moment in his life.
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presuninoc-blog · 5 years
Harry potter dating quiz long results
What's Your Reputation at Hogwarts? Quiz I was looking for a book and asked him if he knew where I could find it.  He loves how you play hard to get because he's sick of one night stands with girls he doesn't even like.  } Seamus Finnigan: Tries to impress you so that you'll like him.  Always wanted to know who your Harry Potter Boyfriend would be? Slytherin Bitch: House: Slytherin But I wish I was a Gryffindor Best Friend s :Draco, Pansy, and Blaise.  Parvati Patil: Doesn't like you, but doesn't hate you either.  Hermione: Hates that you get all of the attention and that you have no flaws at all.  Cooking Walking Looking pretty Reading Hunting Getting into Trouble Nothing Fun! I'm gonna have to put my comments between stars Everyone's Friend: House: Gryffindor Best Friend s : Hermione, Fred, George, Blaise, and Cedric.
Your Hogwarts Life, Long Results At least she's not seeing the Grim in my tea cups :D Professor Snape: Isn't nice to you, but he isn't particularly cruel either.  Teachers Dumbledore: Always suggests that you should join the Order of the Pheonix.  } Professor McGonagall: Likes you a tad bit more than she does Hermione, which is saying something.  haha can this mean i play quidditch? Gryffindors Harry: Doesn't hate you, but doesn't like you that much either.   Fred and George Weasley: Asked you to work as a third member at their shop because they love your sense of humor.
Who's Your Harry Potter Boyfriend? (Girls Only, Obviously) lol Hufflepuffs Cedric Diggory: Is a close friend of yours and wouldn't be anything near where he is today or isn't? Filch: Envies you for having so much fun at school.  Parvati Patil: Wishes you were nicer to her so that you could be friends.  Professor Trelawney: Asks you for your opinion on everything she does.  He doesn't love you, but thinks you two would be the perfect couple.  Dean Thomas: Always compares his girlfriends to you.  Aww damn Filch: Found a love note written to you and keeps it underneath his pillow.  Kind Slytherin Trapped In The Right House For The Wrong Reasons House: Slytherin Best Friends: Draco, Blaise, and Cedric.
Who's your Perfect Harry Potter Boyfriend? Seamus Finnigan: Likes that you wear different colored clothes and don't bother to always match but somehow manage to look great.  You're a First Year, and the sorting hat is on your head.  Crabbe: Drools when you walk by.  I'm the sister Harry never had! } Crabbe: Only knows who you are because of Draco's rantings.  Hermione: Judges you by your friends.  Sure, at least I won't be murdered by my friend Teachers Dumbledore: Hopes that you won't take the wrong path in your life.  Professor McGonagall: Sometimes lets you come to class late because she knows you can pick up on the missed material easily.
Results: Who would be your Harry Potter boyfriend? Hey, Blaise, Do you want to go to Hogsmeade with me? Everyone's Friend: House: Gryffindor Best Friend s : Hermione, Fred, George, Blaise, and Cedric.  Neville Longbottom: Is too busy dreaming about Ginny.  I'm a nerd, what can I say : Professor Trelawney: Secretly hates that you are more liked than she is.  Predictable Goyle: Same as Crabbe.  This is a quiz to find out how your life would look like if you would be at Hogwarts.  Creepy Padma Patil: Thinks her sister is stupid to be exactly like you, even though tries to shop at the same stores as you.  However, he refuses to ask you on a date, for fear of rejection.
Who's your Perfect Harry Potter Boyfriend? Huh that's nice of him Professor McGonagall: Sometimes lets you come to class late because she knows you can pick up on the missed material easily.  Cool Professor Flitwick: Wants you to stop using your levitation skills to throw things at other students.  Professor Snape: Adores you, even though you aren't cruel and evil.  Quiet Nerd: House: Ravenclaw Best Friend: Hermione.   Best Friend s : Harry, Ron, and Hermione.  } Professor Flitwick: Admires your skills in his subject.  In the event, this is actually true! Or maybe it would be Ilvermorny for you? Are you brave enough to face it, or is it impossible to run away fast enough? No thanks Padma Patil: Wishes you weren't nicer to her sister because she wants to be your friend.
Quiz: Which Harry Potter Boyfriend Are You Destined To Be With? I walk on, not knowing what I would say to them.  There are so many to choose from, and you can paste them to your blog or share on social networks.  Nor do I understand why it says I rejected Draco.  Is your family line one of the Sacred Twenty-Eight who still have blood that's purer than pure and who have all-magical family behind you, or are there muggles and muggle-borns in your family tree? haha Pansy Parkinson: Hates you.  Neville said I got natural beauty.  There's nothing I can do if they don't tell me, right? Question 29 Pick one of the Deathly Hallows.  } Neville Longbottom: Is nervous around you even though he doesn't like you as more than a friend.
Who's Your Harry Potter Boyfriend? (Girls Only, Obviously) Yes No 10 Most Popular Quizzes Today 1 2 Friends © 2019 Zertical, Inc.  Too bad the fates and your answers to these 12 questions stand in your way.  At least he's still my friend Neville Longbottom: Is nervous around you even though he doesn't like you as more than a friend.  Looking for a test in your favorite fandom? } Professor McGonagall: Doesn't know you very well, but sees past the stereotype of your house and treats you kindly.  Padma Patil: Wishes you weren't nicer to her sister because she wants to be your friend.  Filch: Is too busy taking care of his cat.  No comment Parvati Patil: Wishes you were nicer to her so that you could be friends.
Quiz: How Long Would You Last In Harry Potter? He once wrote you a love note, but decided it wasn't worth his friendship with Harry and threw it out. Mostly, but there are some muggle marriages in the family.  I'm Sophie Thomas, head of the Hogwarts Matchmaking Service for Witches.  Oliver Wood: Feels like his knees buckle every time you walk by.  Do you have a huge beast or something smaller that simply makes you happy? Green Orange Pink Scarlet Blue- Grey Silver Gold Red Yellow Black 2 What is your hobbie? } Ginny Weasley: Is slightly jealous of the chemistry you hold with Harry, but can't deny that she looks up to you.  Best Friend s : Blaise, Fred, George, and yourself.
Harry Potter Life (GIRLS ONLY!) Ginny Weasley: Is slightly jealous of the chemistry you hold with Harry, but can't deny that she looks up to you.  Ron: Has wet dreams about you.  Fred and George Weasley: Like to play pranks on you because everyone thinks so highly of you.  If you grew up in the wizarding world, which family would you be born into? Question 31 What do you see in the Mirror of Erised? As much as he denies it, you are one of his brightest students.  Flitwicks too cool :D Professor Trelawney: Always predicts a bright future for you.
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