#Hope I understood your question
dunmeshistash · 5 months
Do you have anything on the aristocracy of the DM world?
Sorry took me a while to get to this ask.
I don't think there's anything definitive about how the aristocracy works in general there? My vague understanding is that it varies depending on region. The elves seem to be the ones with the biggest monarchy since they seem to be united for the most part (perhaps because there is less of them than of the others?)
From the Adventurer's Bible page about Elves.
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"The majority live on the Northern Central and Southern Central continents. Their largest nation, an absolute monarchy governed by a 372-year-old queen, is located on the Northern Central Continent. There are also primitive villages deep in the woods and underground, in some regions cannibalism is still practiced."
Meanwhile the dwarves seem to be more loyal to tribes rather than nations.
From the Adventurer's Bible page on dwarves
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"Despite this, dwarfs have no group that's equivalent to the elves' Canaries. This may be because dwarfs' ties to their blood relatives run deep, and they're skeptical of national organizations; since they have no concept of coming together as a nation, putting together an investigative organization would be difficult."
Gnomes seem to have a similar way of living to dwarves so I imagine it might not be so different?
We do get a glimpse of important people from both races but it isnt clear what they are or I missed something.
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Perhaps they do have a nation like the elves but just don't have as much control over their people?
Tallmen on the other hand seem to be as varied as real life, Laios comes from a Village where his father was a chief, Melini was a kingdom, The Island has a Governor (althought that was given to him by the long lived races as I understand they're in dwarf territory? Or was it elf?), Shuro's family is said to work for a "local lord" and I imagine things were different in Kabru's home continent too. Unfortunately I don't know enough about history to comment on that...
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puppyeared · 3 months
i feel like im not making any sense but does anyone else feel like there are stories that let u run with them and ones that spell everything out for you
#im reading that post that says artists are directors of audience reaction and not its dictator:#'you cannot guarantee that everyone viewing your work will react as you are trying t make them react. a good artist knows that this is what#allows work to breath. by definition you cannot have art where the viewer brings nothing to the table ... this is why you have to let go of#the urge to plainly state in text exactly how you think the work should be interpreted ... its better to be misinterpreted sometimes than#to talk down to your audience. you wont even gain any control that way; people will still develop their opinions no matter what you do#im thinking abt this again cuz i was thinking maybe the thing that lets adventure time work so well the way it does is cuz it doesnt#take itself too seriously that it gives the audience enough room to fuck with subtext and then fuck with them back yknow. i think it was#mentioned somewhere that they werent even planning to run with the postapocalyptic elements that are hinted in the show but changed their#mind after the one off with the frozen businessmen and dominoed into marcy and simons backstory. on the other side there are stories that#explain too much to let the story speak for itself and i think it ends up having to do more with the crew trying to lead ppl in a certain#direction than expand on what they have and i see a lot of this with miraculous. like when interviews and tweets are used as word of god in#arguments and it becomes a little stifling to play around with it knowing the creator can just interject. u can say its the crews effort to#engage with its audience but it feels more like micromanaging. and none of this is to say there ISNT room for stories that spell things out#theyre just suited for different things. if sesame street tried abstract approaches to themes and nuance itd be counterproductive#a lot of things fly over my head so i need help picking things apart to get it- but it doesnt have to be from the story itself. ive picked#picked up or built on my own interpretations listening to other ppl share their thoughts which creates conversation around the same thing#sometimes stories will spell things out for you without being so obvious abt it that it feels like its woven into the text. my fav example#for this might be ATLA using younger characters as its main cast but instead of feeling like its dumbed down for kids to understand why war#is bad its framed from a childs point of view so younger audiences can pick up on it by relating to the characters. maybe an 8 year old#wont get how geopolitics works but at least they get 'hey the world is a little more complicated than everyone vs. fire nation'. same for#steven universe bc its like theyre trying to describe and put feelings into words that kids might not have so they have smth to start with#especially with the metaphors around relationships bc even if it looks unfamiliar as a kid now maybe the hope is for it to be smth you can#look back to. thats why it feels like these shows grew up with me.. instead of saving difficult topics for 'when im ready for it'#as if its preparing me for high school it gave me smth to turn in my hands and revisit again and again as i grow. stories that never#treated u as dumb all along. just someone who could learn and come back to it as many times as u need to. i loved SU for the longest time#but i felt guilty for enjoying it hearing the way ppl bash it. bc i was a kid and thought other ppl understood it better than me and made#feel bad for leaning into the message of paying forward kindness and not questioning why steven didnt punish the diamonds or hold them#accountable. but im rewatching it now and going oh. i still love this show and what it was trying to teach me#yapping#diary
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lucienarcheron · 9 months
Hi. It's been a while since I read ACOWAR. Is there an untold conversation between Elain and Lucien? I don't remember that.
Hello darling! Outside of the scenes in the library, when they sit for tea after the healer sees Elain, and when he finds her and Feyre after the battle, we don’t see them having a conversation alone.
There are two instances where they were left to chat alone: before he goes to find Vassa and after the war when they go to wash up. Whatever was said, we obviously didn’t get to be there for it SADLY.
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buginacup · 6 months
do you think games that are made for a niche appeal still have a future?
I think they have as much of a future as they have a present.
I think capital is always going to put financial and social pressure on artists to make things for mass appeal. No matter what circle you're in you will find a group of (probably well-meaning people) who think that making art for a select audience is a kind of moral or artistic failing.
But as new as it seems it's the same obstacle that every inspired artist has wrestled with under a capitalist system. For every weirdo niche game that gets streamed by some Twitch boy and sells gangbusters there are thousands that go unnoticed by the larger culture perhaps forever.
That being said, I have to believe that the audience one finds by being raw and honest and specific is stronger and more artistically fulfilling than the bigger audience that moves from game to game turning everything into a fandom machine. Being able to share art with people you know will give it a fair chance, and will think with it in new and interesting ways is the greatest joy of artmaking to me.
So if your idea of "a future" is big fandom and financial riches, probably not - but I don't think they've ever consistently had that. The internet may wash away into something unrecognizable, but for better or for worse there will be people sharing their weird art with each other online for as long as there are computers.*
(Footnote below)
*It's worth noting that since games are so expensive to make and often financially unrequited the only people who can typically afford to take the L and keep making their own weird games are those with a degree of privilege or comfort. That plus the material reality (cost) of computer technology means that a lot of even the more niche art is rather singular in terms of perspective.
As much as I like what the internet can do for people who struggle to have a place elsewhere there's always a degree to which it's infinitely more accessible to white people in the United States than anywhere else. I think there are a lot of voices who'd have a lot more trouble building an audience even if they had the resources - anyone who waxes poetic about the power of the web has an obligation to at least be aware of that.
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mikodrawnnarratives · 3 months
viste que sacaran el 4 cuarto libro de los Renegados!
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I'm gonna guess that you are referring to the announcement that we'll be getting a fourth book for the Renegades Trilogy and, yes I did! :D
I can't wait to read it when it comes out
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dearweirdme · 6 months
What do you think the reason why JK and Tae spend more time 2022/2023 as in every month their hanging together.
Hi @tinyrabbit23 !
I don’t actually think this is a new thing. I think Tae and Jk were always together a lot. The reason why it’s been more obvious last year is because we are seeing them in solo era.
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white-cat-of-doom · 6 months
Odd question, but do you think the cats wear clothes?
Apologies for the delay, Anon!
This is not a weird question at all! Throughout the show we see many Cats wearing song costumes or changing between their chorus character and song character designs and some of them can definitely be assumed to be wearing clothing, even if never explicitly stated. This is, of course, not mentioning collars as I do not consider that clothing.
As with basically everything in the show, it is up for interpretation whether the Cats wear clothes as we see them in the show, or would wear clothing at any point outside of the context of the musical. Depending on how fantastical you want to be also plays a role in this thought. If you want them to be more like an actual cats, it becomes a very narrow field of characters, but adding more of the magic of the Jellicle world can increase that number.
For me at least, I think only a small portion of the characters actually wear clothing at any point. Most of the context in the musical related to clothing seems more to accentuate the theme of the song or appearance of a character more than the fact that they are dressed a certain way. You can see this most prominently in how the Cats dress up as Pollicles or Beetles, where the costumes are more thrown together and silly than actual articles of clothing.
From a canon standpoint, Skimbleshanks is the only Cat that I think routinely wears clothing, more specifically a fun train conductor uniform that was made for him as an 'employee' of the Midnight Mail. This is further shown in his 2019 design, where he is always shown wearing clothes.
From here, it becomes a bit more unclear of who might be wearing clothing, but I will focus one those who change costumes during the show.
We see Jennyanydots go through two costume changes in her song, but I do not think she wears clothing often, more donning the Gumbie Cat and Tap costumes for special occasions, if viewed from a Jellicle standpoint. From an actual cat standpoint, she has never actually worn any costume and those song costumes are only meant as fun additions to how she is viewed as a lazy cat during the day, but then zooms around the house at night.
Gus has the appearance of wearing clothing to an extent, but I view it more as an older cat wrapped in a nice blanket that he has owned for many years and is embedded with his familiar scent, and which acts as a point of comfort as he begins to be effected by a decline in physical and cognitive health. This works in either a realistic or fantasy point of view.
For Mungojerrie and Rumpleteazer, I do not think they actually wear clothing, outside of the pearls that Rumpleteazer has and wears infrequently, either given to her by her owners or obtained another way. Their respective song costumes are strictly to poke fun at the fact they look very similar, and, like Jennyanydots, only for a few minutes of fun in the Jellicle world.
I do not think Rum Tum Tugger actually wears a belt or has bandanas, and that this is meant more as a design choice to show him off as a 'rockstar'. In a Jellicle view, he would be more inclined to dress like that all the time, as opposed to those mentioned above who only wear things on occasion.
Bustopher Jones is a chubby tuxedo cat, and does not wear any clothing as a normal cat. Even in the Jellicle world, I do not think he actually wears a special suit with spats, and it is only his rich coat that is emphasized in context of the costume. Saying that, he does have a monocle because he is a fancy cat with some poor eyesight.
Mistoffelees is a normal black cat in my opinion that is just cheeky. He does not really light up or sparkle extraordinarily as a normal, and even in a Jellicle setting I do not think he would have a separate jacket like they show. He can do the above more as an illusion rather than magic to alter his appearance. (Depending on your interpretation, he may be able to shape shift, and it is implied that he is magical in some way, but that requires more explanation than here).
Grizabella is tricky in the sense that she is very obviously dressed up in a form of clothing, but I do not think she actually wears anything, again coming down to it more showing her as a past Glamour Cat in a design context rather than her in costume. The revised design make this point harder to separate, but viewing the older design, or what is currently used in Japan, and you can understand more what I am getting at. She is/was a glamorous cat that in my view was a show winner, being well groomed and taken care of until something happened and (depending on what you think) she was abandoned/left the Tribe/was exiled or whatever reason for her to fall into disarray. The tattered clothing in her design is meant to empathize that transition into despondency from fame rather than her actually wearing a dress.
I view Growltiger and Griddlebone as a seperate characters who look like their costumes, so Gus or Jellylorum dressing up is not actually meant to be themselves in costume from a certain standpoint, but they are portraying the two is the context of the musical, as a homage to past theatrical performances. Outside of that (perhaps confusing) circumstance, I already mentioned Gus above and Jellylorum would not wear anything.
For everyone else, I cannot see them wearing clothing at really any time other than maybe a one time thing for fun, but not as actual cats.
I view everyone more as actual cats that gather together and see themselves in these more grandiose situations as seen in the musical itself, rather than say having special cat sized clothing that they can or will wear.
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heroesspirit · 7 months
Sorry if this sounds confusing but, any reason why you chose the way to make the character designs in your Loz comic? Was it just art style or was it based of someone else’s? I just love the way they look it’s so adorable!
Thank you, I think I'm understanding correctly! A lot of it was just the vibes, or I took inspiration from things in the games. Sailor's look is meant to compliment Tetra's, Twilight is in his Ordon outfit but more cowboy, and Eras I wanted to invoke almost a Roman General sort of vibe. And so on! I didn't really have much prior inspiration since I hadn't heard of Linked Universe, though I did read the comic while I was in the process of making mine so I could make sure none of my designs didn't look too much like LU.
As far as the actual artstyle, that's just how I draw! I'm sure I've drawn inspiration from elsewhere, but there's nothing really specific I can think of? A staple for me as long as I can remember is big noses and fluffy hair. I use a pretty obscure art program (art studio pro) and have default brushes that aren't really in the popular programs from what I can tell? So I think that also helps give my art a certain look to it.
Thanks again! <3
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mischiefmanifold · 1 year
How can u identify amnesia between switching or if it’s general amnesia or normal amnesia?
amnesia has multiple types including anterograde, retrograde, dissociative, infantile, and transient; in this post we will focus on dissociative amnesia which has its own subtypes (localized, selective, and generalized)
localized amnesia is the failure to recall events during a specific period of time
selective amnesia is when some but not all events can be remembered during a specific period of time
generalized amnesia is complete amnesia for one’s whole life history, may forget their identity (sudden onset; rare)
localized amnesia is what you will most likely see with switches between alters with high dissociative walls between them and little to no communication
selective amnesia is more likely to be seen in switches between alters that are at least somewhat familiar with each other and can communicate somewhat
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teratart · 1 year
to @fossilprep :
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At first, hello to paleo enthusiasts from the other side of the planet!
In October, we are waiting for the arrival of experienced paleontologists – Pavel Skutschas and Alexander Averyanov. I'm sure they'll be able to say more about who it dino was. And yes, we are going to make one or two sections from this specimen for histological analysis.
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cult-of-the-eye · 47 minutes
nothing like five phone calls in a day with your father to remind you that there's something intrinsically wrong with the way you were brought up
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bekkomi · 8 months
His corazon tattoo art was BEAUTIFUL, I felt like biting and tattooing myself with the same tattoo as him!!! Your art in general is beautiful and I'm sorry if this sounds like one of those clueless questions... but about the corazon tattoo, I really considered tattooing because it's an art that touched me in a way I didn't expect to be possible (I miss him so much omg). If the makes you uncomfortable, feel free to delete it! but what do you think about? I'm sorry for the bad English!!
It honestly wouldn't be the first time a tattoo design I drew up was used as reference, I don't mind at all, just send pics if you do get them!
Thank you for appreciating my art too!!<3
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etchif · 3 months
Your art style is so fantastic!! I’ve been posting about you in my circles a lot lately but I figured I should actually tell you directly also that I really love your art.
Do you have original characters you keep coming back to?
Thank you so much that's so nice of you to say! :)
I find it kinda hard to get attached to ocs I make up myself esp if they're fandom ocs so I've never really been hugely into making ocs
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majorbaby · 1 year
I don’t actually know if this is an “unpopular” opinion tbh but. I’ve seen several posts over my time in mash fandom about teaching Jamie Farr about Klinger’s gender identity/trans and nonbinary identity in general and they always rub me the wrong way.
It’s possible I’m mistaken (I’ve heard it said that Jamie Farr was the one that asked for Klinger to stop cross-dressing, but I’ve not found a source for this, and he’s not ever mentioned it in the multiple interviews he’s given since mash ended, at least to my knowledge).
But yeah basically none of the mash cast members are Unproblematic (they’re!! people!!) and I think Farr has a reputation as like, homophobic or transphobic or something when I think that’s really undeserved.
lol, i agree, that's kind of corny. i'm sure i've rb'd posts like that because i think they're silly and fun and i would never seriously consider explaining to an actor what they 'didn't get' about a character they played unless i was being paid to direct them.
i tend not to seek out the political views of creators unless i feel it could help me understand their work a bit more, and even then it's not something i rely on heavily. if you're saying that his asking to not wear dresses anymore is what people are going on when they say he's transphobic like, that's a huge leap imo.
my discomfort comes more from the idea that we're giving credit where it isn't due by claiming farr 'doesn't get' that klinger is a canonically trans icon (which i don't think i've seen anyone claim but tbh, and i've complained about this a lot recently, i have no fucking clue when people are talking about their headcanons and when they're talking about a narrative read).
the unspoken part of my 'klinger is canonically a rebel' post was that i wanted to point out that that's a real thing, and sometimes i think we're looking very hard for things to project onto our favourite characters that actually already exist, but in a different or less specific way. other times you're simply patting someone on the back who didn't ask for it, and doesn't deserve to be congratulated for whatever is being claimed they've done. i got no problem with gender and sexuality headcanons, but that's just one way to engage with a text, i'm providing alternatives that give me what i want in the realm of canon, which is less work than making up my own stuff and also acknowledges the efforts of the creators :)
i've also read he asked to stop wearing dresses because he didn't want his kids being made fun of - and that's fair. that might even be a legitimate concern for an actor to have today. it's important we still acknowledge that he was the 'man in a dress' - they knew that would get laughs they played into that, even if part of it was about his rebellion against the army. being willing to 'act crazy' by wearing a dress was a bankable character beat, few people were likely saying to themselves at the time 'hey, why is it crazy for a man to wear skirts?' - there's intent, and then there's impact. nowadays here on the insular tumblr dot com, people are calling klinger beautiful and attractive and inspiring because of his dresses, and i'm sure some people did back then too, but that's not what the creators were counting on happening.
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no-naem · 1 year
Like another anonymous person I also have ideas about kayano all the time and there was a scenario that came to mind, if Koro-sensei had not saved on one of the two occasions he died, Aguri would have given something for Akari to return to. past? and how would it be? When would you return?
I think depending on when Akari dies would affect her decision on which point of the past she'd return to.
If Akari died during her rampage battle against Korosensei, she'd want to return to weeks before Aguri dies so she can save her. Akari would have to give up all the time she spent with E-Class but with her current mindset, I think she wouldn't care. But since her mind is clearer without the tentacles, she'll start to doubt her decision and maybe even regret it a little bit when she realizes how much she cares about the class...and misses them. Was it worth it to try and save her sister? Yes! But it wasn't without sacrifice. Months of buildling relationships with her classmates and teachers instantly gone. They don't know her anymore. She could try to befriend them again but would she need to go back to 3-E if she does end up saving Aguri? There's no need to, right? And who knows if Akari will actually succeed to save her sister? She know what to do this time so all will end well...right? (Spoiler alert: yes because I love happy endings.)
(Also, if Akari can talk to Aguri before she returns to the past, I think Aguri would try to calm her down and convince her to go back a few days, cancel her assassination, and tell Korosensei the truth so he could tell his story to her. And get the tentacles out of her neck of course.)
If Akari died when she got impaled by 2.0 and couldn't be revived, then she'd know what to do: go back a week or two before the Shield of Earth and Spear of Heaven activates, telling Korosensei about everything that happens and to ask him to escape and hide. ...but I have a feeling it's not going to be that simple. It's possible that if the world's assassination plan doesn't work, they'll still publicly release false information on Korosensei, and then ask Yanagisawa and 2.0 to take Korosensei down which could turn out to be disastrous since there would be no barrier to keep all of their fighting in one place.
I can also imagine a scenario where Akari would go back several months rather than a few weeks. That way, she would have more time to plan and come up with a way to sabotage the government, Yanagisawa, and 2.0's plans before it's too late. But it could cause more problems with her class since if she goes back to Novemeber of last year for example, that would mean her true identity wouldn't be revealed, the class still wouldn't know about Korosensei's identity, and the civil war then class union wouldn't happen yet, so nobody would be decided on saving Korosensei. So, I can see Akari being uncertain about telling the truth to the whole class...not to mention she'd still have her tentacles. Despite the pain and their constant murderous intent nearly overwhelming her, I think her desire to save Korosensei and the class can keep them at bay. She has a stronger will now. And she'll keep her tentacles just in case things go terribly wrong again. Maybe this time, she can do better.
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beej-machinations · 5 months
i'd like to know: morning, afternoon or night? and moreover, what is it about the atmosphere that makes you think it is the time?
soft asks
night! especially if the stars are clearly visible :) sometimes there's a particular sweet and fresh smell in the night air too
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