#Home Repairs
Have you met Mercury Stardust, the trans handy ma'am?
Her tiktok account is full of home maintenance tutorials, and positive messages. And she just wrote a book, which made the New York Times bestseller list.
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It's getting rave reviews and I just ordered one for myself and another for a Christmas gift for my niece. It's designed for beginners and seems chock full of good stuff. It's even got tips on renter friendly home repairs. At $25, it could make a great gift.
Buy here or here or give Jeff bezos some more money here 😂
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blehbet-arts · 1 month
A friend needs help with bathroom repairs and their account is currently in the negatives. posting here for the sake of spreading. please help if you're able to
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breelandwalker · 11 months
Bookcase Repair
So I've got a question for my handy friends in the tumblrsphere.
One of my bookcases came with a weirdly split back panel when I originally got it. At the time, I was able to patch the panel and the bookcase held together for several years despite a slight sideways lean. (It's odd to me that the back panel was so shoddy to begin with, considering how expensive the bookcase, but it was a gift and at the time I didn't have the inclination or the wherewithal to fix it properly.)
Welp, the stupid panel finally split and the bookcase is now leaning so far to one side that the top two shelves popped off their supports. I've had to remove a good portion of my library to my desk while I figure out how to fix this.
The frame itself is solid and there's no damage to the rest of the piece, but I'm unsure how to go about repairing it. My initial thought is to measure the back panel, then hit up a hardware store and see if they'll cut me a piece of hardboard or several wide panels of appropriate length. Then I'd glue the back panel and hardboard or wood panels together, let it all dry, and nail the reinforced backboard to the bookcase to give it proper stability.
The only reason I'd be taking the extra step to glue the pieces together first is that the bookcase has a very pretty cherrywood stain and I'd like to preserve the cohesive look.
I tried looking for replacement back panels for bookcases, but they seem to be difficult to find, and I don't have the facilities to stain boards myself without them being damaged by rain or humidity.
Any suggestions? Am I on the right track here?
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thoughtportal · 1 year
Booster Fan register
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Action idea:
This is a big one, so bear with me. There are houses and buildings that need quite a bit of work. There are also women who need housing temporarily or permanently due to homelessness, fleeing abuse, or other factors. By repairing abandoned and gutted properties, an org could beautify the community while also providing affordable housing for women in need.
This is an admittedly expensive project, so let’s start with where you can find funding:
Grants can make a big difference. The city, county, or state may be willing to write a grant for community improvement. You can also get grants for making buildings more environmentally friendly.
Talk to local businesses. Some of them may be willing to offer their survives for free or at discounted cost for a service project. This would be good publicity for them and show that they are dedicated to their community, not just the people’s money
Talk to clubs and societies. Your town almost certainly has a group of amateur historians dedicated to keeping the city beautiful. They may have fund or be willing to fundraise with you.
Fundraisers. You have the usual bake sales and craft sales or more elaborate parties. Asking people for money is surprisingly effective.
Asking for donations. This can be monetary or with items. For example, instead of buying furniture you could ask for furniture donations. Even the furniture you don’t use on this house could be stored, repurposed, or sold to cover other costs.
By converting houses and maybe even larger buildings like abandoned chapels, you can create a halfway house for women in financial distress. You keep them off the streets and give them an address so they can start putting their lives back together.
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infographicjournal · 9 months
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7 Common Home Repairs You Can Do Yourself
Having trouble reading infographic here?
Check out the full size infographic at - https://builderszone.com/7-common-home-repairs-you-can-do-yourself/
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chaptertwo-thepacnw · 2 years
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Trench dug as work continues on the repiping of the whole house and new water main connection.
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itzvaakoh · 2 years
Window leakage can occur at any moment and from virtually any source. But, water can be a great deal more of a problem while having stormy seasons. If truth be told, it is not uncommon for windows to leak when it is pouring down rain highly. The main reason for this can be found in the design and style of windows. The majority of windows have sashes with a rut or route along their length called weep holes. When rainwater has contact with these slots, it can cause the sash to leak. How frequently does your residence suffer leaking windows? Do you be familiar with the contributors and solutions? The following various helpful secrets and techniques on strategies to deter house windows from dripping as soon as it rains: Verify if your own Windows are leaky The primary thing to do is to uncover if your windows are genuinely seeping. To do this, you will want to utilize a flashlight and have a friend with you who can open and close the window when required. You'll be able to make use of a tiny piece of paper and tape it to the window framework. When it is pouring down rain intensely, you will observe that the paper becomes damp after two or three seconds. If the paper keeps completely dry, then your windows are not leaking. If they are dripping, you need to uncover the places from where water is going in your home. You can certainly do this by with a mop to clean the points in the vicinity of the window and looking for moist places. The next thing to do is to see the seals of the windows. You can try this by cracking open a door and looking at the other rooms where you can see the seals of the windows with the flashlight. If you see some fluid pooling in these bedrooms, then they are leaking. The seals of windows can be checked by putting your fingers through the seals. If water is released of the seals, then they are leaking. Modify your Window’s Clouding Reduction Strategy Rainwater delivers mist, which can bring on fogging on your windows. Clouding comes about when condensation collects on the outside of the glass and on the inside the house of the glass. This causes your eye sight to film over and obscure the view of the outside. You can protect against this from happening by shutting the curtains and the use of a humidifier. You can even try opening the windows when it is not at all pouring so that the mist evaporates. source Be certain that the Sash and Frame are snug Still another worthwhile step is to make sure that the sash and frame are tight. You can do this by utilizing any pliers or installing the “snug” functionality on a screwdriver. If the sash is insecure, it will be capable to close properly thanks to the water pressure and will therefore drip from the weep holes. If the sash and frame are not appropriately secured, then they will become loose with time as they get damp. Due to this fact, the sash won't perfectly close, and the water pressure will fall on the frame, causing it to leak out. Add a Weather-Resistant Membrane to Windows Frames One way to prevent windows from seeping is by making use of weather-resistant or watertight window frames. You could apply a layer that resists water such as for example silicone or plastic finish. You will get both these merchandise at any sort of remodeling store.
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brokenmusicboxwolfe · 2 years
I am having such a day of it.
My plumbing is STILL not draining. Everything I did yesterday did nothing, and if anything it is worse. The problem must be localized where I can’t get to it. Yet. I have to figure this out!
I was supposed to do the shopping, but my monthly hasn’t been deposited yet. Fingers crossed the cat food holds out until then, since I only have one bag left.
But weirdly, there was a mystery deposit in my checking account. I figured out examining it that it involved checks for Mom (refunds and such) that my sister-in-law had deposited into my account. It must have been a mistake, but now I have to deal with that too.
Why is that tricky? Relationships. Emotions. The dynamics of everyone involved. Ask about the money and every possibility involves someone getting upset, even the best possible option of it being a deliberate gift to me. People are tricky. I just want to know if the money was meant to be there, so either the error could be fixed or I could use the money and do the shopping tomorrow.
So my brain is divided. I’m trying to figure out what to try next with the plumbing, ‘cause a toilet you can flush is kinda crucial. ** I’m also trying to figure how to phase asking about the money just right, so I don’t stir things up.
No wonder I have a headache.
** I have used a thing to ream out the sewer line twice the length of the house and I have dug up where the pipe emerges from the house. It looks like the most collapsed floor with no crawl space, all rotted wood, mold, a leaking toilet seal, a fiberglass section I can’t rip out, and a cage of pipes is what needs dealing with. UGH!
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Good news - my water heater is still doing fine after all and the sink that was getting no hot water just needed an aerator replaced to get it working correctly again.
Bad news - my plumber doesn't know where to find the part for my shower, which is similarly broken to the sink. And if the part can't be found then the shower kit will need replacing which will mean cutting through the tile wall around that area to access it. Which means I'll need that area retiled afterward.
So that sucks.
the bright side if I need to retile the wall is that I have plenty of left over tile to do that. I would hope it wouldn't break any of the pretty accent tile, just the white subway tile. but i think i've got enough leftover accent tile in case that needs repair too
For now I've contacted the place where I bought the shower kit in hopes that they've got the info I'm looking for and once I know the exact brand of the shower kit then I can tell my plumber who can then source the part and I won't need to worry about retiling anything at all.
Fingers crossed that they'll call me back later with the info I'm looking for. The bathroom remodel was back in 2017 and the system used to track customer data has changed since then, so I have to hope that one of their managers can get into the old system. It's a long shot, so if I don't hear back from them relatively soon I'll just be buying a new shower kit I guess. I'll make sure it's a Delta or other easily recognizable brand this time.
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wisedreamerreview · 6 days
Teacher, Guide, Presence
All part of being a homeowner. I was sitting here watching something on television yesterday when I saw my son carry his laundry across the backyard. My washer and drier is on the closed in back porch. He started his laundry to washing, grabbed a Gatorade from the fridge and headed back across the yard. Not a thing out of the ordinary. A little while later he came back through the house and then…
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btenant · 2 months
The Importance of Smoke and Carbon Monoxide Detectors in a Home
Ensuring the safety and well-being of your family is of utmost importance, and one of the most effective ways to achieve this is by installing smoke and carbon monoxide detectors in your home. These essential devices serve as early warning systems for two significant threats: fire and carbon monoxide poisoning. In this blog post, we’ll delve into the importance of these life-saving devices,…
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bos-handyman-services · 2 months
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handymaninsydney · 2 months
Transforming Homes: Sydney's Premier Home Renovation Builders
In the vibrant city of Sydney, where historic charm meets modern sophistication, the demand for skilled home renovation builders is on the rise. As homeowners seek to breathe new life into their living spaces, these talented professionals are at the forefront of transforming ordinary houses into extraordinary havens tailored to the unique needs and styles of their clients. Sydney's home renovation builders are a diverse group of experts, each bringing their own unique blend of creativity, craftsmanship, and attention to detail. From heritage properties steeped in history to contemporary dwellings that embrace cutting-edge design, these professionals have the skills and experience to tackle projects of any scale and complexity. One of the defining characteristics of home repairs is their ability to seamlessly blend the old with the new. Whether it's preserving the character of a traditional Victorian terrace or integrating modern elements into an existing structure, they possess a deep understanding of architectural styles and construction techniques. This allows them to create spaces that are not only functional and aesthetically pleasing but also respectful of the property's roots. In a city where space is often at a premium, many homeowners turn to home renovation builders to maximize the potential of their living areas. From open-concept layouts that create a sense of flow and light to ingenious storage solutions and multi-purpose rooms, these experts excel at optimizing every square inch of space. Their innovative designs and meticulous execution ensure that no inch of valuable real estate is wasted, resulting in homes that are both comfortable and efficient. Sydney's home renovation builders are also at the forefront of incorporating sustainable and eco-friendly practices into their projects. From utilizing recycled materials and energy-efficient systems to implementing green building techniques, they prioritize creating homes that are not only beautiful but also environmentally responsible. This commitment to sustainability not only reduces the environmental impact of construction but also contributes to long-term cost savings for homeowners. Perhaps one of the most valuable assets of Sydney's home renovation builders is their ability to navigate the complex web of local building codes, regulations, and permit requirements. With their in-depth knowledge and experience, they can guide clients through the process, ensuring that every project is completed in compliance with all necessary guidelines, minimizing potential delays and headaches. Whether you're seeking to expand your living space, update your home's aesthetic, or enhance its functionality, Sydney's home renovation builders are uniquely positioned to bring your vision to life. With their exceptional craftsmanship, innovative designs, and unwavering commitment to customer satisfaction, they are the key to unlocking the full potential of your home, creating a space that truly reflects your individual style and needs. https://www.handymaninsydney.com.au/
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davidl2001 · 3 months
7 Ways to Future-Proof Your Forever Home + Expert Tips
Owning a home is a monumental investment that typically spans decades. As we grow and our lifestyles evolve, so do the needs of our humble abodes. The idea of “future-proofing” your home might sound like a fancy term reserved for tech companies, but it is a crucial pursuit for homeowners to ensure their space remains functional and up-to-date with the times. Whether you’ve just moved in or have…
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kimmiliah · 4 months
7 Problems In Your Home’s Walls To Look Out For
It’s important to keep an eye on your home’s walls. There are all kinds of issues that can occur within your walls that can be easily ignored. Below are some of the problems that you don’t want to ignore, as well as some of the warning signs worth looking out for.  source Cracks Cracks in walls can become a danger if they become deep, wide or seemingly keep growing. Not only can cracks let in…
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