#Holt Scotto
nancydrewpcpolls · 1 month
Aside from Nancy
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stopitmeg · 7 months
albums that remind me of nancy drew characters
tagging my pal @elliotchen-apologist because these albums are fire (trust)
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abby sideris as a day without rain by enya
for the mystical vibes
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mel corbalis as fallen by evanescence
the alternative girls know what’s up
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holt scotto as permanent waves by rush
he even looks like the album cover
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lillian weiss as jagged little pill by alanis morissette
men suck
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connie watson as salute by little mix
girl power!
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Holt: Why should we help you? Katie: Because we're friends. Jenna: When's my birthday? Katie: Unfair. When's my birthday? Jenna: I don't know because we're not friends.
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drewlyyours · 1 year
ND #9
Katie Firestone - Rose McIver
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Jenna Deblin - Ritu Arya
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Andy Jason - Ben Platt
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Holt Scotto - Richard Dreyfuss
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"Fishermen never retire, young lady. After all, what would we do? Go fishing?"
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tfg5 · 11 months
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thankyouforholding · 6 months
Holt Scotto sounds like a name tumblr users would invent for a particular type of character.
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stillhavetodothat · 2 years
Replaying Nancy Drew without Cheating - Part 8: Danger on Deception Island
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I’m going to go ahead and argue that this game, this charming, riveting, addictive game, is the start of a series of 3-5 games that are universally beloved by the Nancy Drew community. I don’t know many people who don’t genuinely have a nostaglic love for this game, me included. In fact, I would have considered this my second favorite for many many years, right after Treasure in a Royal Tower, which can never be replaced in my heart.
I’m also going to go ahead and tell you: this was the first game that I didn’t feel like I needed to cheat even once. The only thing I slightly struggled with was the anagram puzzle from Hilda (BTW, I have a bone to pick with Nancy’s “handy dandy Anagram Buster.” How is this thing handy dandy? I can do what it does using a sheet of paper. It doesn’t bust anagrams at all. Who would have made such a useless piece of software?) Overall though, I don’t think the puzzles are particularly hard, and there’s always something to do next, so there is very little aimless meandering about in confusion. I’ve also played this a fair number of times, so there’s that too.
This is a classic and will always be one of my absolute favorites. It has some of the coolest, most unique elements out of any game, not to mention a top notch soundtrack, and I can guarantee that I will be replaying this game for many years to come.
Some of my thoughts:
1. I think one thing I like about this game is that it is a lot of looking around/snooping/figuring things out by yourself; the game does not rely on having a bunch of conversations with the suspects. In fact, in this play-through, I was surprised at how little Nancy actually does chat with other characters. There were times I was CRAVING some human interaction, but all I could say to people was “It was nice talking to you,” despite the fact that I hadn’t been TALKING to anyone at all.
2. Weird that the first thing Nancy does in this game is get obsessed with a random piece of driftwood that she finds in the water. Who even is she. I relate less and less to Nancy with each passing game.
3. Once again, fuck Nancy’s anagram buster. I hate anagrams, and I hate false advertising.
4. Katie Firestone will never not be a knock-off, more boring Joanna Riggs to me. She is so whiny and boring that giving her food poisoning actually gives me a goddamn dopamine rush (also, WHY does she have some much expired shit in her fridge anyway? The woman JUST went grocery shopping). Despite the fact that you never actually see her do anything wrong, I don’t blame the town for disliking her. I’d love nothing more than to grab my torch and pitchfork and run her out of Snake Horse Harbor alongside clam chowder queen Jenna Deblin and dungeness crab daddy Holt Scotto.
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5. Speaking of Holt Scotto, someone go and check that man’s cholesterol levels. He must be slowly eating every male dungeness crab within 10 miles of Snake Horse Harbor, based on how he takes all the crabs visitors bring him and cryptically says that he’ll “take care of that crab” for you. 
6. The whole storyline of the tunnels under the town and the history of shanghaiing was the best part of this game. Wandering around underground, actually figuring out on your own (without having to be explicitely told) that the burglars had to have been using the tunnels to rob all the local businesses, finding your way into the sea caves - all very fun gameplay.
7. As cool as finding the orca in the sea caves is, I can’t imagine how scared shitless I would be in real life.
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8. Why is Dr. Predoviciu casually the most beautiful person I’ve ever seen? Girl, TELL ME YOUR HAIR CARE ROUTINE!!
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9. After winning a whale watching tour with Andy Jason and taking a bunch of photos, Nancy thanks Andy for letting her use his camera. Uh, is she getting these pictures at any point? Is he going to send her a USB flash drive or some shit? Why didn’t Nancy have her own camera (as a supposedly semi-famous and always prepared amateur detective)?? This makes absolutely no sense to me.
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10. Why do we then basically have to force Andy to give us a keychain after the tour, when the keychain probably costs about 50 cents? The sign says the keychain is free to “everyone who takes our whale watching tour,” NOT to “everyone who PAYS for our whale watching tour.” What a crock of bullshit. For some reason, I had a crush on Andy Jason as a kid (that curly hair! that weirdly buff body!) but this playthrough made me realize that I actually loathe him to my very core.
11. Therefore, there is nothing more satisfying than this moment (not even making Katie Firestone throw up over the side of her boat):
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12. Speaking of the ending, this game may have the best (or at least one of the best) ending sequences of any game. The fact that Nancy goes up to a RANDOM ASS FREIGHT BOAT, in the MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT, CLIMBS ABOARD, has to STEALTHILY HIDE ON DECK TO NOT GET CAUGHT BY POTENTIALLY DANGEROUS SMUGGLERS, and then FIND KATIE TIED UP BELOW DECK??? Fucking genius. Amazing. It might be the stupidest thing Nancy ever does (the only person she tells her plan to is ANDY FUCKING JASON, after all, so there is no one who would know where to look should she go missing), but it leads to a high-stakes, adrenaline-pumping last several minutes.
13. Hilda. Hilda MF Swenson. The fact that she calls Nancy the millisecond that Nancy finds whatever she was looking for is absolutely hilarious. Hilda is literally spending her life just watching Nancy’s every move through her binoculars, and giving her convoluted, long-winded puzzles to solve for absolutely no reason. Hilda is a more entertaining character than all the others put together.
Ugh, what a fantastic game. The only thing that is keeping me going after finishing is the knowledge that the next few games are equally as brilliant, so I know that I have much to look forward to. On my way to get screamed at by Shorty for picking a slightly underripe green bean. <3
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puzzles-are-fun · 2 years
Holt & the lighthouse
I thought I had commented about this on a different Nancy Drew tumblr already but I cannot find it on my own tumblr. 
Why doesn’t Holt have the chain link fence surrounding the lighthouse locked if it is “off limits to civilians”? Why only have the door to the actual lighthouse locked?
I’ve never understood that part. I can sort of guess that he knows the building is falling apart and he wants to protect people (including non-locals like Nancy) but why have it accessible if it’s not safe? I know we (the player) need to go in there to solve the case but Holt could have given us another task (one harder than the seamanship quiz, which you can easily find the answers to in the town) to make sure we would be careful and safe inside the building, like Sherriff Hernandez about the lock on Cappy’s door in SHA
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nigelspookerjee · 3 years
What happens when I, Christine, the insomniac can’t sleep at all once the clock turns to 12am and it’s officially my 29th birthday? This is what happens:
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Hope you enjoy em as much as I do!
🎶It’s my birthday and I’ll cry make memes if I want to🎶
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dykevandyke · 2 years
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this nancy drew character is named “holt scotto”
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4okra · 3 years
im visiting my grandma and she has an electrician over to fix something and this guy’s voice sounds EXACTLY like holt scotto
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nancydrewpcpolls · 3 months
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Holt: This lighthouse is off-limits to civilians.
Nancy: I'm terribly sorry, I didn't know. If I see one, I shall inform you immediately.
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Holt Scotto, Danger on Deception Island
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kokomokringle · 4 years
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If you’re talking about your penis I’m not interested, pal.
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hotchkiss-and-tell · 4 years
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Danger on Deception Island
Katie Firestone
Holt Scotto
Jenna Deblin
Andy Jason
The Orca (not named but a major plot point)
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