#Holmes Straight
dekoratornia · 2 years
Klasyka w Twoim domu - nowa lampa podłogowa Holmes Straight
Oświetlenie to ważny element wystroju wnętrz. Ostatnio wśród designów mebli i oświetlenia dużym powodzeniem cieszą się aranżacje w stylu klasycznym. Obecnie propozycji jest wiele i każdy znajdzie coś dla siebie. Z myślą o wszystkich, którzy szukają eleganckiego i stylowego oświetlenia, chcielibyśmy przedstawić nową lampę podłogową Holmes Straight od producenta znanego z tworzenia produktów o najwyższej jakości. Lampa ta wyróżnia się nie tylko wyglądem, ale również trwałością. Została wykonana w całości ze stali węglowej w złotym kolorze, a klosz z czarnego płótna satynowego usztywnionego laminatem i ozdobiony lamówką. Źródłem światła jest 1 x E27 maksymalnie do 60W, które jednak nie jest dołączone do lampy. Jej wymiary to średnica 36 - 38 cm, a wysokość 52 cm. Opakowanie zawiera tylko 1 sztukę, a dostawa odbywa się w formie paczki. Producent Holmes Straight jest wiodącym producentem mebli i oświetlenia, który od lat tworzy produkty o najwyższej jakości. Firma została założona w 2008 roku przez trzech braci, których pasją jest tworzenie artykułów wyposażenia wnętrz najwyższej jakości. W ofercie firmy znajdują się meble o klasycznym designie, oświetlenie, zasłony, dekoracje i akcesoria do wykończeń wnętrz. Ich produkty pochodzą z Europy i Azji, a szczególny nacisk kładzie się na zastosowanie tradycyjnych technik i materiałów. Są one projektowane i tworzone zgodnie z najwyższymi standardami, aby zapewnić wysoką jakość i trwałość. Produkty firmy są dostępne w wielu sklepach na całym świecie.
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tremendously-crazy · 2 months
"You can't hate on an entire Sherlock Holmes adaptation just because of how they interpret Irene Norton (nee Adler)-" SHUT UP.
I will hate on an adaptation if it does the following:
makes Irene a love interest for Sherlock Holmes (whether realized or not).
First of all, Holmes is NOT attracted to women, and never experiences a smidgen of attraction towards them in the original stories. ACD could have very easily written him a love interest, but CHOSE NOT TO because it went against the idea of his character. He was never attracted towards women.
Second of all, Irene Adler isn't even Irene Adler. Her name is Irene NORTON. Do you want to know why? Because she's LITERALLY MARRIED. TO A LAWYER NAMED GODFREY NORTON. She already has a husband who she loves very much! She does not love Holmes!
Thirdly, a man can feel admiration for a woman without being attracted to her. Watson literally says in the first part of A Scandal in Bohemia that he didn't feel any emotion akin to love for Irene Adler!!
2. makes Irene into some sort of femme fatalle/sexually appealing
This implies that women can only be smarter than men if they are attractive/hot. That, in order for a woman to be successful, she has to provide something for a man.
Edit: this doesn't mean that she ISNT attractive. She is beautiful and enthralling, which is what makes the king fall for her in the first place. What I mean is when Irene becomes a SEXUALIZED character.
Doing this means she can't just be a smart woman, but that she has to be sexually attractive and mysterious, too! DOING THIS REDUCES HER INTO AN OBJECT OF DESIRE!!!
3. makes her weak/makes her get outsmarted by Holmes
Im not sure if any adaptations have actually done this. But if so. Absolutely not. She challenges Holmes's misogynistic ideals and to reform his views. Because Holmes views women as softer, weaker, and less intelligent (when they are NOT!!) And Irene helps to teach him this. Her lesson is effective!! Because Holmes stops making fun of women. And he changes his ways. Why would you make her weaker? She's SUPPOSED to beat Holmes.
If it does this or anything else I will NOT view the adaptation. You can tell a lot about the adaptors, their respect and accuracy while depicting the original stories, and how they view women, through their interpretation of Irene Norton. She is the most famous female character in the series, after all. Do her RIGHT! READ A SCANDAL IN BOHEMIA BEFORE YOU ADAPT! And if you still make these amateur mistakes, you shouldn't be adapting Sherlock Holmes at all.
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liselkart · 1 year
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im in SUCH a doodley mood lately and they lend themselves so well to a cartoonish design........
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ssaseaprince · 1 year
I hate when there's a queer ship, and people will fight tooth and nail with you because they insist that those characters are definitely not queer, even though there is no proof that they aren't. Their only "proof" is that they see straight as the default and can't imagine a character being queer without it being specifically stated, but have no problem assuming a character is straight even though it's never talked about. "Well, they only dated people of the opposite gender!" Okay? You know how many queer people have only dated people of the opposite gender? It doesn't mean they're not queer or that they would never date someone of the same gender. It's just all kinds of mental gymnastics to justify homophobia, let's be real here.
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spooksicl-e · 5 months
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uni is going great guys.
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crazydaymycrazyway · 5 months
William: Why is Louis mad at you?
Sherlock: He said I was being 'uncultured', 'mannerless' and 'Sherlock'
Sherlock: The last one was my name, but you should've heard his voice
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le-fandom-prince · 3 months
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retroautomaton · 1 month
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Ok my dearest listen please i need to talk to you so put the test tube down and eye up here- i said eyes up HERE Holmes. ok i'm going out to attend to a patient and i want the flat tidy by the time i get back - put the test tube DOWN - because remember just how mad Mrs Hudson was last time when she came up and saw your mess? yes my love i know it is organised mess but - do NOT touch that beaker - your papers are all over the floor and i know how you dont like people walking on them but i swear to god i will if they're not off the floor by the time i get back and PUT THE FUCKING ACID DOWN HOLMES
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blistering-typhoons · 8 months
"Thank you, my dear."
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julienbakerstreet · 2 months
Certain Sherlockians: Sherlock Holmes isn’t queer stop saying he’s queer he’s totally heterosexual he just hates women!!!!
Also certain Sherlockians:
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The Sherlock Holmes Gazette - Issue #3 -November 1991 to February 1992 - x
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21-roses-a-day · 11 months
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John: It's how you get your kicks, isn't it? Risking your life to prove you're clever. Sherlock: Why would I do that? John: 'Cause you're an idiot.
Sherlock looks at him for a moment, affronted. And then … smiles. And if it begins anywhere, it begins here - the two best friends ever.
SHERLOCK: Unaired Pilot (+ A Study in Pink Shooting Script)
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baker-streets-violin · 4 months
i'm sorry can i be such a hater for a second here. if i had a nickel for every time discussions about homophobia in holmesian circles regarding gay readings of the Sherlock Holmes canon get derailed with "but what about asexual Holmes! what about queerplatonic Holmes and Watson!" comments i'd be rich enough to self-finance my very own adaptation where everything is the same but Holmes and Watson suck each other off at the end of each story
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jay-wasreblogging · 6 months
Everyone: *laughing*
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vanyafresita · 7 months
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practicing how to draw holm... he is sooooo cute.....
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