#Holidays Villas Crete
Holiday Villas — Family Holidays in Chania Crete
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Sunbeds, Parasols
Barbeque, Veranta
Free WiFi
Washing machine
Garden, Outdoor Furniture
Air conditioning
Sunbathing Area
Garden Table & Chairs
Tennis court
Sea access
Outside Dining Table
Running machine
Exercise Bicycle
Exercise weights
Grass lawns
Fire Extinguisher
Baby cot
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Holiday Villas — Family Holidays in Chania Crete
This luxury designer villa is positioned next to the sea, located near the popular and wonderful city of Chania on the island of Crete.
The villa is located in Akrotiri just minutes away from many sandy beaches and coves in the area including Tersanas and Stavros. Set on a hill, Kronos overlooks the crystal blue waters of the bay of Chania and boasts stunning and unforgettable sunsets. The 3-floor property, surrounded by olive trees and a beautiful garden, offers you a great deal of privacy, allowing you to relax and unwind undisturbed.
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It was built in 2009, and since then provides a significant, well-established holiday, having gained an excellent reputation for its luxury and amenities.
The total living space is 200sqms set on three levels and includes four bedrooms and four bathrooms, spacious and bright living and dining areas, and a fully equipped kitchen, with high-quality electrical appliances.
Kronos is of a unique and modern design built and furnished to a very high quality.
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Villas Chania Crete
Family Holidays In Crete
Villas In Crete
Holidays Villas Crete
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zentrumholidays · 1 day
Crete Beach Villa
Experience the epitome of luxury at Crete Beach Villa. Situated right on the pristine shores of Crete, this stunning villa offers unparalleled views of the crystal-clear waters of the Mediterranean. With spacious living areas, modern amenities, and private beach access, Crete Beach Villa is the perfect retreat for those looking to indulge in ultimate relaxation and luxury.
Visit us - https://zentrumholidays.com/Home/single_listing/Villa_Peristeria_4_with_private_pool/8
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stayholidayrentals · 1 year
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Situated in the small village of Gouves, this 4-BR upscale and private #HeraclionCreteHolidayVillaRentals is equipped with heated pool, private pool, mini gym, HDTV, Wi-Fi, kids playroom, and comforting amenities and services. https://bit.ly/3CmD9XT
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starlingflight · 3 months
A/N this is too long to count as a drabble but I have no self control.
Prompt: I20 — She went to the toilet and on her way back, opened the wrong door.
AO3 or read below:
“Did I mention it's infused with the natural rejuvenating properties of the spring?” Hermione asked for what must have been the fourth time since they'd begun the uncomfortably hot walk back from the ancient Grecian temple.
“Yes,” Fleur replied shortly. “You did.”
If Hermione heard her, she did an excellent job of not showing it as she continued. “It's said to have exceptionally powerful healing capabilities…”
Ginny stopped listening, letting Hermione's voice become a distant buzz which melded with the far-off rush of the sea sounding from the bottom of the cliff. Not for the first time, she wondered how exactly Ron and Harry had managed to get out of this particular excursion.
She kept her eyes focused on the villa, which finally came slowly into view ahead of her as Ginny tried very hard not to think about her dry throat, or the sticky sweat running down her back, or just how bloody warm it was.
It really shouldn't have been called a villa at all, in Ginny's opinion. The house – mansion – was huge, rising up against the dramatic backdrop of foliage-covered hills that lay behind it, shimmering like a brilliant white jewel in the blazing Greek sun as the three of them approached it.
Finally, they reached the whitewashed front steps. Ginny retained just enough self control to stop herself moaning in relief as they stepped through the rustic front door and into the blissfully cool air of the villa's lavish interior.
“I'm going to the bathroom,” she announced, cutting off Hermione's seemingly never ending lecture on the magical properties of ancient Greek amulets.
“I will get some wine,” Fleur said, her tone more like a command than a suggestion, but not one that Ginny currently felt inclined to argue with. “We will meet you by the pool.”
“I'm just going to put this in our room,” Hermione said, holding up the offending bronze amulet, which flashed eye-catchingly in the sunlight coming through the villa's many windows.
The three of them went their separate ways; Fleur headed straight ahead, towards the ridiculously opulent kitchen; Hermione turned left towards the wing – wing– that housed her and Ron's room for the week, and Ginny went right, hoping she could remember the route to the bathroom.
Upon locating it, Ginny went directly to the marble sink, set beneath a mirror which covered the whole wall, giving an excellent view of her red, and blotchy skin, and the way her hair, now damp with sweat, clung to her neck, hanging limply around her shoulders.
Desperately, she turned the shining golden tap, sighing in relief as a gush of cold water met the bare skin of her arm. She cupped her hands together, gathering pools of water and splashing it over her hot, irritated skin.
The relief, however, was fleeting, lasting mere seconds before the water evaporated and Ginny felt the closeness of the mid-afternoon heat surrounding her oppressively once more. Longingly, her mind filled with tempting images of the azure pool awaiting her outside.
She turned the tap again, ending the stream of cool water, before spinning on her heel intent on her new destination.
Her mind wasn't fully on the route to the bedroom that had been claimed by herself and Harry; Ginny was much too preoccupied fantasising about her plans to change into the smallest bikini that could still be considered acceptable for a family holiday, before sinking into the pool's inviting water for the rest of the afternoon.
It didn't become clear she'd chosen the wrong door until she'd already pushed it open and her lips had parted slightly in surprise at the scene that greeted her.
The room she’d entered was not their bedroom at all, but rather the small, richly decorated, library beside it, which she'd only bothered to enter once so far in the two days since they'd arrived in Crete, intent on finding a book for beside the pool. It was not, however, the shelves lined with books that captured Ginny's attention now, but rather the sight of Ron, who was balanced on one knee, holding a sparkling diamond ring aloft to Harry who was standing in front of him, one hand clasped in Ron's.
They both turned, evidently alerted to Ginny's presence by the creak of the door, identical looks of horror on their faces.
“Oh,” Ginny heard herself say.
“Ginny!” Ron hissed, dropping Harry's hand as though it was as burning hot as the sun outside.
“It's not what it looks like,” Harry added, nervously running his now-free hand through his hair.
The corners of Ginny's mouth twitched, her shock giving way to a great deal of amusement as she battled to keep her expression blank. “I'm so sorry to intrude.”
Harry shook his head vehemently. “You're not – obviously you're not – we were just –”
Ron shoved the delicate looking ring roughly back into his pocket as he stood, turning to her with panic in his eyes. “You weren't supposed to see–”
“It's alright,” Ginny assured, unable to stop her smirk from spreading across her face as they both rushed to give an explanation. “All I ever wanted was for the two of you to be happy – I'd assumed it would be with me and Hermione, but the heart wants what the heart wants, I suppose.”
“My heart doesn't–” Harry started.
“Don't be ridiculous!” Ron proclaimed at the same time.
“I'm not being ridiculous,” Ginny said through a laugh. “You know, Ron, when Mum taught us to share, I'm not sure spouses were what she had in mind.”
Ron surged forward, grabbing Ginny by the arm and pulling her into the room before kicking the door shut behind them. “Don't be so loud!”
Ginny rolled her eyes. “I don't think there’s much chance of Hermione hearing me from the other side of this ridiculously large house.”
Ron turned sharply to look at her. “Who said anything about Hermione?”
“Well, I'm assuming the ring’s for her,” Ginny countered reasonably. “...Unless you actually are planning on stealing my fiance, which would make the rest of this holiday very awkward.”
“Obviously it's for Hermione,” Harry confirmed quickly, shooting Ron a look that quite clearly said, 'help me out here.’
“Don't tell her,” Ron begged Ginny, ignoring Harry altogether. “I haven't figured out how to do it yet – Harry was helping me.”
Usually, having Ron at her mercy in such a manner would give Ginny an immense sense of satisfaction, on this occasion, however, she felt only a warm rush of affection for her brother and an uncharacteristic willingness to help, not that she would say as much to his face.
She crossed her arms, leaning back against the nearest bookshelf as she looked expectantly between Harry and Ron. “And what have you two Masters of Romance come up with so far?”
Harry frowned indignantly at her dry tone. “I got you to say yes, didn't I?”
Ginny shushed him with a wave of her hand, which incidentally bore the evidence of the truth of his argument in the form of a ruby and diamond engagement ring. “This isn't about us.”
She returned her attention to Ron, her eyebrows rising in silent question.
“Well,” he said weakly, the tips of his ears turning magnificently crimson. “I thought I could do it here – the island is nice – and I have the ring so the time seems right –”
“I told him not to overthink it,” Harry cut in, obviously pained by Ron's stuttered attempts at an explanation.
Ginny caught his eye and suddenly they were both grinning. “Was that before or after he got down on one knee for you?”
“Before,” Harry confirmed, unabashed now that the shock of being caught had worn off. “You interrupted the actual proposal… Ron's still waiting on my answer.”
Ginny shrugged unapologetically, her shoulder bumping against the leather-bound books behind her. “I can't say I'm sorry to have come in between the two of you.”
Harry sighed wistfully. “You never are.”
“You never want me to be.”
“Can you stop flirting for five minutes!” Ron snapped. “I'm trying to do something life changing here!”
Ginny dragged her eyes away from Harry's and back to Ron who was now leaning heavily against the antique sofa beside the window. “Harry's right, you're overthinking it. She was very charmed by the temple this morning– take her there at sunset and ask her.”
“Today?” Despite being on a Mediterranean island in the height of summer, Ron suddenly turned so pale it was hard to believe he'd ever seen the sun in his life. “You think I should ask her today?”
“Yes,” Ginny and Harry said in unison.
“You said yourself the time seems right,” Harry reminded him.
“Really, there's no time like the present,” Ginny concurred.
“But I don't know what to say,” Ron croaked, looking desperately between Ginny and Harry.
“‘Will you marry me?’ Is usually a good starting point,” Harry suggested.
Ginny hummed in agreement. “Yeah, that bit's quite key, I'd say.”
‘Will you marry me?’ Ron mouthed the words as though they were completely foreign to him. He suddenly bore a striking resemblance to his teenaged self in the run up to a Hogwarts Quidditch match, and for the first time since she'd entered the small library, Ginny felt as though she was intruding.
“I'm going to go,” she said gently, taking pity on Ron in the face of the enormous task ahead of him. “You two can keep practising.”
“You could stay?” Harry suggested. “We could probably use the help.”
Ginny shook her head, her part in this mission becoming clearer to her by the second. “I'm going to go and let Hermione talk my ear off about ancient Greek magic customs for the rest of the afternoon so she doesn't notice you're both missing.”
She and Harry shared a look of equal parts amusement and exasperation as Ginny took a step towards the door, both no doubt wondering which of them had the more challenging task ahead of them.
“I'll come and rescue you soon,” Harry assured her.
Ginny smirked at him as her hand found the door handle behind her. “Just promise me you'll try to resist Ron's charms.”
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starfriday · 1 month
Indian buyers encouraged to Invest in Greece in a Mediterranean Home and obtain Permanent Residency in Europe, at an affordable INR 2. 5 Cr before the regulations change on August 31
The much vied-for Greece Golden Visa, (Permanent Residency) is currently one of the most affordable residency programmes in Europe and across the world, that provides global high-net worth individuals (with family) and investors a permanent home in Europe along with ‘ visa-free travel across Europe’. Free health and education as well as the freedom to set up a business in the county are among other benefits of the PR
This entry price investment is set to double in cost to a minimum of €400,000 from the current €250,000 starting September.
Indians, who’ve always dreamt of buying a holiday home in Greece, can avoid the impending price increase by taking prompt action and advancing their property purchases with Leptos Estates before August 31 in exotic locations such as Paros, Crete, and Santorini
Mumbai: May 30, 2024: Owning a dream holiday home in Greece as well as a Golden Visa with Permanent Residency, is set to become more expensive for all from August 31, 2024. In September, the Greek government will implement new laws that will double the minimum investment required for global citizens to own real estate in Greece.
Leptos Estates, a prominent real estate and property development firm specializing in residential, commercial and holiday residences including premium apartments and luxury villas in Greece and Cyprus, invites high-net worth individuals and investors from India to act swiftly and make their property investments in Greece before the rules change later this year.
Over the last few years, the popularity and demand for Greece’s Golden Visa Programme launched in 2013, has surged leading the Greek government to reconsider the entry points for real estate investment and Permanent Residency.
As per the new rule regarding Greece’s Golden Visa Program that is expected to be effective on August 31, 2024, there will be two minimum investment slabs for real estate transactions in the country. In Tier I, which comprises popular areas like Attica, Thessaloniki, Mykonos, Santorini, and the islands, the minimum investment is expected to go up to €800,000 from the current €500,000; and in Tier II that covers all other regions of Greece, the entry point will go up to €400,000 from the current €250,000.
“As the deadline approaches, prices are expected to surge, potentially making the dream of owning a Greek home less attainable for Indian investors. We urge high net-worth individuals and investors to grab this unique once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to secure Permanent Residency in Greece while enjoying the chance to make promising returns on their investment at a minimum cost of an affordable €250,000. Once the new rules come into effect, the cost will double, and it will be a great chance missed. We have some aesthetically and sustainably designed, fully functional apartments and villas across Greece and in regions like Paros Crete, and Santorini that would make great homes for global citizens,” said Sanjay Sachdev, Group Marketing Director, Leptos Estates.
Investors can still apply under the current €250,000 minimum threshold if they pay a 10% deposit by Aug 31, 2024, and finalise the investment by December 31, 2024.
Among the several benefits of owning both a home and a Permanent Residency in one of the world's oldest civilisations is visa-free travel within Europe’s Schengen area, high returns from Greece’s booming real estate market, perfect weather through the year and a chance to experience the charming, idyllic Mediterranean culture.
The Residency is applicable to the whole family (married spouse, children under 21 years old, and parents of the main applicant and spouse) with eligibility to apply for citizenship also
Foreign homeowners in Greece are not required to reside in Greece and residence permits can be acquired within 6 months. Owners also have the option to rent out their investment property.
To raise awareness about the new rules coming into effect in September 2024, the Leptos Estates team, led by Sanjay Sachdev, Group Marketing Director, is conducting a series of roadshows in India. The team will be in Mumbai at Trident Hotel, BKC on 1st June, 2024.
About Leptos Estates:
Leptos Estates is a six-decade, family-run, real estate and property development firm that specializes in property sales from residential, commercial and holiday residences including premium apartments and luxury villas in Cyprus and Greece. It is a ‘one-stop-shop’ to handle all your PR needs from start to finish
With verticals like travel/Insurance/Rental/Resales/Maintenance etc
The group has an extensive land bank, owning prime locations in Cyprus and Greece (Athens, Paros, Santorini, and Crete).
Leptos Estates is part of the Leptos Group headquartered in Paphos, Cyprus, that operates businesses in the hospitality, education and healthcare sectors.
The organisation has achieved its success through an international network of sales service in 75 countries, its vast investment in land purchasing and an effective after-sales service support.
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zaxseaviewvillas · 3 months
The Best Villas in Crete, Greece | Zax Sea View Villas
Greetings from our quaint little complex of four two-bedroom Holiday Villas in Crete, located on the stunning island of Crete. Every villa can easily fit four to five people, making them the perfect choice for families or two couples looking for a tranquil getaway. Alternatively, the entire complex can be rented out, providing eight bedrooms in total to suit large families, get-togethers with up to twenty people, and large parties. In our comfortable vacation villas, take in the beauty of Crete and make treasured memories.
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jaydeemedia · 9 months
[ad_1] From the silky soft sands of Crete to the volcanic black beaches of Santorini, the number of idyllic Greek holiday destinations are as endless as they are enchanting. But while limiting yourself to just one island (or city) on a vacation to Greece might be tempting for topping up your tan, planning a multi-centre Greece holiday is almost as easy as booking an all-inclusive. The biggest challenge? Whittling down which of the 200-plus inhabited islands to visit on a multi-destination Greece holiday. The easiest way to see as many of these beautiful beach destinations is to hop on a sailing tour or cruise. However, with decent train links on the mainland, and plenty of local ferries to choose from, you don’t necessarily have to sleep onboard to visit more than one sultry shoreline. Whether you’re seeking feta-filled days and citrusy-wine nights paired with myths and legends, or ancient archaeological finds combined with blue-and-white panoramas, these Greece holiday destinations can all seamlessly be turned into a multi-centre trip. Pair Kefalonia’s wines with Ithaca’s myths The blissful Ionian Islands offer some of Greece’s easiest to access beaches, with the airports on Corfu, Kefalonia, and Zakynthos all receiving international flights. But there’s also no shortage of ferry routes between this cluster of islands, making a multi-destination Greece holiday to Kefalonia and airport-free Ithaca – linked by ferry in less than an hour – a breeze. On Kefalonia, you’ll find plenty of gorgeous beaches such as Skala, Myrtos, Avithos and Foki Fiskardo to sun yourself on, spectacular boat trips along the coast (and into the Melissani Cave), and panoramic hikes through the dense forests of the Ainos National Park. The vineyards of Kefalonia, known for their Robola whites, are also well worth visiting if you can tear yourself away from the shoreline. As the larger of the two islands, there’s no shortage of high-end villas in Kefalonia, making it a better base – with daytime temperatures over 20°C from May until October, seeking out shoulder-season deals is a solid idea. The second Greece holiday destination of this trip is the smaller and more peaceful isle of Ithaca, best known for the myth of Odysseus. The Greek legend of this more than lives on, with regular readings of Homer’s Odyssey famous poem presented in the island’s cultural spaces. Beyond, it’s just as mystical, with turquoise-fringed bays and secluded sands offering a slightly more offbeat Greek experience. Kardamaina is a popular seaside town in Kos Contrast Kos’ beaches with Nisyros’ volcano These two Dodecanese Islands aren’t geographically far apart, but they can feel a world away from each other when you’re on them. Kos, a long loved beach holiday island is a great getaway from the UK thanks to the abundance of seasonal flights and package deals. Meanwhile, to visit volcanic Nisyros Island on this multi-centre Greece vacation you need only plan a day trip –however, I’d suggest scheduling a couple of nights to enjoy the serenity of this unique island. For the most part though, I’d suggest basing yourself on Kos. For a little more culture, stay in Kos Town, where the Roman open-air theatre, archeological museum and mosaics, and sea-facing fortress bring some history to an otherwise beach-focused break. Other more typical beach resort towns include laid-back Kefalos or more lively Kardamena, where the ferry to Nisyros departs. The second Greece holiday destination of this trip, Nisyros, is less about golden sands and more about the sulphur-spewing Stefanos Crater – one of the largest in the world. On the ferry approach, you’ll see the expected whitewashed downs that decorate the edge of this fiery island, but once you’ve taken the bus or hiked up to the crater – which you can actually walk inside of – it’s a different world. One of my favourite offbeat European destinations, I adored my time in Nisyros, and once the day-trippers have gone by sunset, it becomes even more serene.
Inside the crater of Nisyros Island Island-hopping around the cinematic Cyclades The Cyclades are one of Greece’s most famous and visited island groups. Although, it’s the Santorini’s azure-domed roofs and black sand beaches that have become the household name. Yet with crowds ever-growing on this overtouristed island, it’s never been a better time to consider one of the other islands in the gorgeous group. With more than 200 islands in the Cyclades group, seeing them all would be a mammoth undertaking. Some of the other most popular destinations include gay-friendly Mykonos, known for its nightlife, the idyllic and lesser-visited Milos where sandstone cliffs plunge into bath-like waters, charming Paros, and the largest island, Naxos. If you can’t decide which of the Cyclades to visit, why not bundle a handful together into an island-hopping trip. You’re not just limited to the giant floating-city-style cruises that ply the Mediterranean in summer either, there are plenty of small ship cruises of Greece to choose from, and the sailing season usually runs from spring until autumn. With all the legwork done for you, you can enjoy a few of the most beautiful Greek holiday destinations hassle free. Pin it! Top: Milos, Cyclades | Bottom: Thessaloniki Cathedral (Credit/Canva) All aboard from Athens to Thessaloniki  If you’re travelling to Europe in winter, or would prefer to focus on Greece’s mainland rather than islands, you can’t go wrong spending at least a few days in Athens, the country’s timeless and ethereal capital city. Laden with legends, landmarks and luxury offerings, there’s plenty more to see beyond the world-famous UNESCO-listed Acropolis. But why limit yourself to just one Greek holiday destination when Thessaloniki can easily be reached by train? My biggest tip when it comes to Athens is don’t rush; I made this mistake on my first whirlwind trip to the city and then subsequently had to return a couple of years later to see everything I missed. Of course, you’ve got the major highlights such as the Parthenon atop the Acropolis, the linked museum, and the Odeon of Herodes Atticus Roman amphitheatre. But then there is so much more, such as the half-day worthy National Archaeological Museum, the Byzantine and Christian Museum with its standout mosaics, and the all-marble Panathenaic Stadium. Making a trip to Athens into a multi-centre Greece vacation is also straightforward, with the train linking the capital to the underrated second city of Thessaloniki in less than six hours. While not quite as rich in history as Athens, there’s more than enough ancient ruins and archaeological sights, such as the Roman Forum, Archeological Museum and Arch of Galerius to fill a day or two. The Museum of Byzantine Culture is also a good shout if you missed the one in Athens, while the waterfront is ideal for a stroll and to visit the White Tower. You’ll want to spend the majority of your time in Athens, of course, but a night or two in Thessaloniki will allow you to see a little more of the country, especially on the train ride. Explore the history of Athens, Greece, Combine cultured Corfu with the Albanian Riviera  For me, Corfu is one of the best islands to visit in Greece. I’ve been three times, and it never disappoints. You have got everything you could want from a Greek holiday here, with dramatic-yet-blissful beaches and bays – Paleokastritsa and Rovinia are two of my favourites – enough history and cultural attractions in the capital to fill a day or two, and first-class nightlife no matter if you want classy cocktails, a beachside bar, or an all night party – plus, it’s a great place to learn to scuba dive. But this is a Greece multi-destination holiday with a twist, as instead of taking a ferry to another Greek island, you’ll instead board to head to a different country: Albania. Corfu’s Venetian Fortress is a jewel in the island’s culture capital I honestly didn’t realise how close
the two countries were before we were driving along the coast of the Albanian Riviera and I checked to see what island was on the horizon. Needless to say, we took the two-hour ferry across to make the most of the opportunity. Albania itself also seems to be having a minute, yet with not too many flights yet, reaching the country’s south coast from Corfu can sometimes be easier, quicker and more affordable. I wouldn’t suggest doing this as a day trip, but splitting your time evenly between exploring Corfu and visiting some of the spectacular beaches along the Albanian coastline – the stretch around Ksamil being the most dreamy. Ksamil, on the Albanian Riviera [ad_2] Source link
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transferplan-crete · 1 year
Makri Gialos "The Long Beach", a real hidden treasure for tourists
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Starting as a humble harbour disconnected by any road network until the 50s, Makrigialos has faced such development that it now stands as one of the largest and most popular destinations of Southeast Crete. Numerous businesses operate in the village, so visitors can choose from an array variety of hotels, taverns, restaurants, bars, cafes, supermarkets and bakeries. Also, ATMs are widely available.
The key asset that drove up Makrigilos' popularity is the beautiful and shallow beaches in and around the surrounding area and the magnificent mountain range of Thripti that ascends on the horizon north of the village. The main beach of Makrigialos lies in front of Analipsi and it's 1km long. The official name of the beach is 'Makrigialos' but some locals refer to it as 'Hani' or simply 'Long Beach'. The beach is adorned by thick layers of golden sand and is well-organized. Here you can find a selection of cafes and restaurants, umbrellas and sunbeds, shower facilities, water sports and shady tamarisk trees. The temperature of the water is quite high even in winter times and the waters are shallow and calm, thus making the beach of Analipsi ideal for families with children.
West of the village and behind the harbour, lies a little-known beach named Kalamokanias, paved with coarse sand. North of the port, in Katovigli, you can find a small sandy beach, which is considered the extension of Makrigialos beach. Katovigli is also well organized and free umbrellas and sunbeds are installed for beach-goers.
Apart from the gorgeous coastline, visitors should not miss the ancient ruins of the Roman villa, dating back to the 2nd century. This site is quite unique from an architectural perspective and visitors can admire the remnants of some elaborate Roman baths and mosaics.
The village location is also exquisite as it faces an impressive mountain backdrop. Visitors can visit some of the local gorges which are equally as rewarding as the more famous Samaria Gorge. After a hike, visitors can enjoy time at the village harbour, sit in a cafe and just watch the world go by. Makry Gialos is an ideal place for relaxing holidays away from mass tourism.
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greecevillas · 4 years
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Villa Marinas Phaedra in Heraklion
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Air-conditioning in all the bedrooms
Alarm security
Full kitchen equipment
Washing Machine
First-aid kit
Exclusive stylist decoration
Fine cotton satin linen
Spacious wardrobes
Soft towels
Baby cot
Hair dryer
Quality bed mattress and pillows
Safety Box
Welcoming gift which includes Raki
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Phaedra” is one of the 3 Marinas Villas, a small complex. Each villa is 2bd 2bath and a mutual pool for all three properties! You can have one house or all full 3 villas if you are a big group! Up till 16 guests.
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Excellent location in the small town of Gazi, with super markets, bakeries, cafes and little tavernas in a distance of 500 meters.
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Outdoors, there is a 35m2 pool.
Registration Number: 1112446 Are you an owner? Contact us today for your property management.
Heraklion Villa Rentals
Villas For Rent Heraklion
Luxury Heraklion Villas
Crete Villas For Rent
Holidays In Heraklion
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zentrumholidays · 3 days
Discover a Haven of Sophistication and Style at Our Luxurious Villa in Crete
Are you dreaming of a luxurious escape where you can relax in style and comfort? Look no further than our exclusive villa in Crete. Nestled in the stunning Greek island of Crete, our villa offers a haven of sophistication and style for discerning travelers seeking a truly memorable stay.
Immerse Yourself in Luxury
From the moment you step foot into our luxurious villa in Crete, you'll be surrounded by top-of-the-line amenities and impeccable decor. The spacious living areas are elegantly furnished with plush sofas and chic furnishings, creating a cozy and inviting atmosphere. The bedrooms are exquisitely designed, with sumptuous linens and luxurious touches to ensure a restful night's sleep.
Personalized Services for Your Every Need
At our villa in Crete, we understand that every guest is unique, which is why we offer personalized services to cater to your every need. Whether you're craving a gourmet meal prepared by a private chef, in-room spa services, or recommendations for the best local attractions, our dedicated staff is here to make your stay unforgettable.
Indulge in Outdoor Luxury
Step outside and discover a private oasis of relaxation at our villa Crete. Lounge by the sparkling private pool, sipping on a refreshing cocktail as you soak up the Mediterranean sun. Dine al fresco on the terrace, surrounded by stunning views of the azure sea and lush landscapes. Our villa offers the perfect setting for outdoor gatherings and intimate moments with loved ones.
Discover the Nearby Attractions
While our villa in Crete offers a luxurious escape like no other, there are also plenty of nearby attractions to explore. From ancient ruins and historic sites to charming villages and pristine beaches, Crete has something for everyone. Embark on a guided tour of the island, sample local cuisine at traditional tavernas, or simply wander the streets and soak in the vibrant culture.
In conclusion, our luxurious villa in Crete is the perfect destination for travelers seeking sophistication, style, and unparalleled luxury. With top-of-the-line amenities, immaculate decor, and personalized services, our exclusive retreat promises a truly memorable stay. Whether you're lounging by the private pool, dining al fresco on the terrace, or exploring the nearby attractions, our villa in Crete offers a luxurious escape like no other. Book your stay with us today and experience the ultimate in luxury and relaxation.
Visit us - https://zentrumholidays.com/Home/single_listing/Villa_Peristeria_1_With_private_pool/6
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amazingcrete · 3 years
Find the revitalizing luxury holidays in Crete only from the renowned Danish travel company of Amazing Crete Holidays. We offer luxury seafront villas for travelers and a relaxing clean atmosphere. The magical location of such villas provides peerless comfort and intimate space for the holidaymakers, wherein they can surrender their senses to the refreshing Aegean Sea, magnificent White Mountains, and virgin beaches of soft golden sands. Our luxury villas come with one to seven-bedroom options, with attached bathrooms, private pools, and gardens. Explore us at www.amazingcrete.com to know more. Call us directly at +30 28310 83101
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villaannaskiathos · 5 years
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Offering you a little bit of summer in advance...
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holidaysgreece-blog · 6 years
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Crete, Greece
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Family Traveller, your family travel guide
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property-in-greece · 5 years
Rent Villas Greece
offer you the best Villas in Crete, Luxury Chania Villas, Beachfront Villas in Crete, Holiday Villas in Elounda and more. –
Crete’s striking geography spans mountain ranges, plunging gorges, sandy beaches and grape-heavy vineyards. Known as the Cradle of Civilisation, you’ll certainly find our choice of luxury villas in Crete offer the epitome of civilised living. Choose between elegantly designed villas amid thick olive groves and modern architectural marvels promising the most glamorous of getaways. One thing’s for sure: the unending Mediterranean views will capture your eyes and your heart.
    In each Villa description you will find all the information you need:  facilities, availability, rates, capacity and more. Also, you will find plenty of pictures that give you a full idea of the interior and surroundings. Most Important in each Villa Description you will find an up to date Availability Calendar.
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