#Hofbräuhaus München
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batnomadblog · 2 months ago
Munich / München Day 1 part 2
Munich / München Day 1 part 2
Frauenkirche, Odeonplatz, Feldherrhalle and more form part of Day 1 part two in Munich/ München. Much like Munich Day 1 Part 1, it’s a bit of a jumble. With most sites in the city only a short walk from each other, many places were passed multiple times each day. Meaning some pictures taken on day three for part of day 1 etc. Both part 1 & part 2 can easily be done in one day (and more).…
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bayerische-sudmanufaktur · 2 years ago
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caprano · 1 month ago
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Der Legende nach betreten nie echte Münchner das Hofbräuhaus, sondern immer nur Touristen. Das ist aber Unsinn. Echte Münchner können sich nur nicht mehr daran erinnern, dass sie am Vorabend im Hofbräuhaus waren.
(SZ) München hat drei bedeutende Pinakotheken, eine Oper und etliche Theater von Rang, dazu die Staatskanzlei, in der ein sonderbarer Herrscher aus Franken residiert, sowie eindrucksvolle Bauruinen aus der Hinterlassenschaft des Jahrhundertinvestors René Benko. Aber das alles ist nicht der Rede wert im Vergleich zur größten Attraktion der Stadt, dem ultimativen place to be, von dem es heißt: Wer hier nicht gewesen ist, hat die Welt nicht gesehen. Spätestens an dieser Stelle weiß jeder, dass vom Hofbräuhaus die Rede ist, jenem legendären Wirtshaus, das im Gegensatz zu anderen legendären Orten wie Atlantis oder Bielefeld tatsächlich existiert. Legendenumwoben ist das einst königliche Brauhaus, dessen Adresse „Platzl 9“ schon phonetisch eine Megadosis Gemütlichkeit verspricht, aber gleichwohl. Einer der populärsten Legenden zufolge hat noch nie ein echter Münchner das Hofbräuhaus betreten, sondern dies taten immer nur Touristen. Das aber ist Unsinn. Echte Münchner können sich nur nicht mehr daran erinnern, dass sie am Vorabend im Hofbräuhaus waren.
Zu den schönsten Vergnügungen, die München zu bieten hat, gehört der Brauch, Touristen, die nach dem Hofbräuhaus fragen, in die falsche Richtung zu schicken. Auf diese Weise bekommen die Pinakotheken auch ein paar Besucher. Dank GPS oder verräterischen Einheimischen gelingt es dennoch vielen Auswärtigen, das magische Haus am Platzl zu finden und im Selbstversuch die altbairische Daseinsmaxime zu erproben, wonach es im Wirtshaus schöner ist als auf der Welt. Dies zu vermitteln gelingt dem Hofbräuhaus, obwohl es ein Staatsbetrieb ist, so überzeugend, dass es die Gourmetwebseite „Taste Atlas“ soeben auf Platz drei ihrer Liste der „100 legendärsten Restaurants“ gesetzt hat. Noch legendärer sind nur der Wiener Schnitzelvirtuose „Figlmüller“ und die „L’Antica Pizzeria da Michele“ in Neapel.
Ist das nicht eine Nachricht, die uns allen wieder Mut machen könnte, ein Hallo-wach-Ruf wie aus dem Munde von Kanzler Scholz? Wenn ein deutsches, ja sogar ein bayerisches Unternehmen einen Spitzenplatz erreichen kann, dann sind Hopfen und Malz noch nicht verloren. Der Dank gebührt zuvorderst dem bayerischen Herzog Wilhelm V., der das Hofbräuhaus gegründet hat, zunächst nur für den Eigenbedarf, weil seinem streng katholischen Hof das aus Norddeutschland importierte, womöglich lutherische Bier nicht länger zuzumuten war. Später kamen alle Untertanen in den Genuss des Staatsbieres, welches den Rausch zu einem Erlebnis macht, das Trinker und Finanzminister gleichermaßen erfreut. Längst ist Bier das bayerische Leitgetränk, das Geist und Körper formt und selbst Wahlergebnisse prägt. Hätte Herzog Wilhelm seinerzeit eine Cannabis-Plantage gegründet, wäre die CSU vielleicht nicht an der Macht. Eigentlich gar nicht so …
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adriaticpulse · 4 months ago
Top 10: Najjezivija mjesta i mračna povijest u Münchenu i okolici
Ako tražite izlet prepun adrenalina, mistike i jezivih priča, München i njegova okolica skrivaju neka od najstrašnijih mjesta koja će vas zasigurno natjerati da se naježite. Kroz povijest, ovaj grad nije bio samo simbol bavarskog šarma, već i poprište mnogih mračnih događaja, urbanih legendi i paranormalnih aktivnosti. Stoga, pripremite se na izlet koji vodi kroz najjezivija mjesta u Münchenu –…
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hospody · 1 year ago
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Hofbräuhaus am Platzl, München
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rwnash · 3 months ago
Hofbräu Oktoberfestbier - Hofbräuhaus München - 6.3% ABV. B++ and a touch, excellent. Balanced, malty, fruity, bready with a pleasing lingering bitter finish #ale #beer #bier
3.6/5. Somewhat wonderful with incoming tech via DPD. Yes, it’s November.
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momagirl-cosmicstatic · 9 months ago
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Staatliches Hofbräuhaus in München Teddy Bear Plush Toy 12" Oktoberfest Germany.
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Sehenswürdigkeiten München
Willkommen in München, der Stadt der bayerischen Gemütlichkeit und der faszinierenden Sehenswürdigkeiten! Erlebe das prachtvolle Schloss Nymphenburg und tauche ein in die glanzvolle Geschichte der bayerischen Könige. Flaniere durch den malerischen Englischen Garten und genieße die idyllische Atmosphäre unter alten Bäumen und entlang plätschernder Bäche. Besuche das berühmte Hofbräuhaus und erlebe bayerische Gastfreundschaft in ihrer reinsten Form. Bewundere das imposante Neue Rathaus am Marienplatz und bestaune das Glockenspiel, das täglich tausende Besucher in seinen Bann zieht. München begeistert mit einer einzigartigen Mischung aus Tradition und Moderne und lädt Dich ein, die bayerische Lebensart in all ihren Facetten zu entdecken. Tauche ein in das Herz Bayerns und erlebe unvergessliche Momente in einer Stadt voller Charme und Geschichte!
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garyjugert · 1 year ago
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1 Just for kicks, they landed for reals at Devil's Tower, Wyoming.
2 Service offered by those who like the crust.
3 What happens to a smash-and-grabber with sticky fingers.
4 Lid at Hofbräuhaus München.
5 How Beethoven put soooo many dots on the scores.
6 Grounds around the ice castle.
7 Cheer from one stone.
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korrektheiten · 1 year ago
Die Stadt der Heuchler
Manova: »„Minga, du machst mi fertig!“ („München, du machst mich fertig“). Das raunte der missmutige Münchner aus dem Kult-Werbespot für das Hofbräuhaus-Bier. Die bayerische Landeshauptstadt treibt ihre Bewohner immer weiter an ihre Grenzen. Dekadenz, Korruption, Misswirtschaft, Freiheitseinschränkungen und die nach außen getragene moralische Überheblichkeit nehmen immer weiter überhand. Es ist eine Stadt, die mehr in den Schein als in das Sein investiert. Während sich die Qualität und sogar die bloße Verfügbarkeit der Grundversorgung immer weiter verringert, werden sechsstellige Beträge dafür ausgegeben, den behördlichen Schriftverkehr genderneutral zu gestalten. In Sachen des wie auch immer gearteten Klimaschutzes versenkt die Stadt München Unmengen an Ressourcen in sinnlosen Aktionismus. Die Nichtigkeit all dieses Treibens offenbart sich in Momenten „ernsthafter“ Probleme. Etwa dann, wenn in dem angeblich heißesten Jahr seit Menschengedenken etwas mehr Schnee vom Himmel fällt. Ein Wetterphänomen, das bei einer Voralpenstadt durchaus in der Natur der Sache liegt. Sollte man meinen. Doch ein halber Meter Schnee vermögen es im Jahr 2023, die Stadt lahm zu legen. ÖPNV und Flugverkehr kommen zum Erliegen. Es ist das Armutszeugnis für eine Stadt, die sich gerne als Vorzeigemetropole Deutschlands geriert. http://dlvr.it/SzkDcX «
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mrsbarbiex3 · 1 year ago
Hofbräuhaus München |CC
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greenbagjosh · 1 year ago
Tuesday 12 August 2003 - last full day in Munich - surfing along the Isar - BMW Museum and Olympia Tower - CD with the "Katzenklo" song - Schnitzel at the Hofbräuhaus and also a full liter of the Original pilsener - last night before flying home
Tuesday 12 August 2003
Good morning! Today I will take a tram ride to the Praterinsel inside the Isar River close to the Maximilaneum (state assembly house), walk back to Marienplatz and see people surfing on the river, take the U3 to Olympiapark, go up the tower and admire the view, hear Louis Armstrong's voice at an ice cream vending machine, walk to Georg Brauchle Ring station and take the U1 to Sendlinger Tor, do shopping along the Kaufinger Straße including a CD by Helge Schneider, and supper at the Hofbräuhaus am Platzl, to end the vacation in Summer 2003. We fly home the next day. Hope you will enjoy's adventure in Munich, Germany!
Guten Morgen! Heute werde ich mit der Straßenbahn zur Praterinsel in der Isar in der Nähe des Maximilaneums fahren, zurück zum Marienplatz laufen und die Leute auf dem Fluss surfen sehen, mit der U3 zum Olympiapark fahren, auf den Turm steigen und die Aussicht bewundern , die Stimme von Louis Armstrong an einem Eisautomaten hören, zur Station Georg Brauchle Ring laufen und mit der U1 zum Sendlinger Tor fahren, entlang der Kaufinger Straße einkaufen, inklusive einer CD von Helge Schneider, und zum Abschluss Abendessen im Hofbräuhaus am Platzl Urlaub im Sommer 2003. Am nächsten Tag fliegen wir nach Hause. Ich hoffe, Sie werden das Abenteuer in München genießen!
Bonjour! Aujourd'hui, je vais faire un tour en tram jusqu'au Praterinsel à l'intérieur de la rivière Isar près du Maximilaneum (maison d'assemblée de l'État), revenir à pied sur la Marienplatz et voir des gens surfer sur la rivière, prendre le U3 jusqu'à Olympiapark, monter dans la tour et admirer la vue , écoutez la voix de Louis Armstrong à un distributeur automatique de glaces, marchez jusqu'à la station Georg Brauchle Ring et prenez le U1 jusqu'à Sendlinger Tor, faites du shopping le long de la Kaufinger Straße, y compris un CD de Helge Schneider, et dînez au Hofbräuhaus am Platzl, pour terminer le vacances à l'été 2003. Nous rentrons chez nous le lendemain. J'espère que vous apprécierez l'aventure à Munich, en Allemagne!
Dobro jutro! Danes se bom peljal s tramvajem do Praterinsel znotraj reke Isar blizu Maximilaneuma (državne skupščine), se sprehodil nazaj do Marienplatza in opazoval ljudi, ki deskajo na reki, se odpeljal z U3 do Olympiaparka, se povzpel na stolp in občudoval razgled , slišati glas Louisa Armstronga pri avtomatu za sladoled, se sprehoditi do postaje Georg Brauchle Ring in se povzpeti na U1 do Sendlinger Tor, nakupovati ob Kaufinger Straße, vključno s CD-jem Helge Schneider, in večerjati v Hofbräuhaus am Platzl, da zaključite počitnice poleti 2003. Naslednji dan odletimo domov. Upam, da boste uživali v pustolovščini v Münchnu v Nemčiji!
Dobro jutro! Danas ću se voziti tramvajem do Praterinsela unutar rijeke Isar blizu Maximilaneuma (državne skupštine), prošetati natrag do Marienplatza i vidjeti ljude kako surfaju na rijeci, uzeti U3 do Olympiaparka, popeti se na toranj i diviti se pogledu , čuti glas Louisa Armstronga na automatu za prodaju sladoleda, prošetati do postaje Georg Brauchle Ring i ići na U1 do Sendlinger Tor, obaviti kupovinu duž Kaufinger Straße uključujući CD Helge Schneider i večerati u Hofbräuhaus am Platzl, za kraj odmor u ljeto 2003. Sljedeći dan letimo kući. Nadamo se da ćete uživati u avanturi u Münchenu, Njemačka!
Buongiorno! Oggi farò un giro in tram fino al Praterinsel all'interno del fiume Isar vicino al Maximilaneum (casa dell'assemblea statale), tornerò a piedi a Marienplatz e vedrò gente che fa surf sul fiume, prenderò la U3 per l'Olympiapark, salirò sulla torre e ammirerò il panorama , ascoltare la voce di Louis Armstrong a un distributore automatico di gelati, camminare fino alla stazione Georg Brauchle Ring e prendere la U1 fino a Sendlinger Tor, fare shopping lungo la Kaufinger Straße con incluso un CD di Helge Schneider, e cenare all'Hofbräuhaus am Platzl, per concludere la vacanza nell'estate 2003. Voliamo a casa il giorno dopo. Spero che apprezzerai l'avventura a Monaco di Baviera, in Germania!
About 7 AM I woke up, took a shower, and went downstairs to breakfast. The breakfast had many fresh fruits and vegetables. Also they had soft pretzels. I had my bag with me, so I did not have to go back upstairs to get it. Hauptbahnhof had at least three tram stops, most lines using two at the most. The tram I needed stopped on the south side of the Hbf, namely, line 19 towards Berg am Laim past Max Weber Platz. The tram went past Karlsplatz-Stachus in a northeastern direction before turning right at Lenbachplatz. I remember in January 2002 going to the BMW dealership across the street from Lenbachplatz and sitting in one of the newest 7 Series BMW sedans, of E65 and E66 series.
The tram passed by the Bayerischer Hof and stopped at the north end of Marienplatz and went on to the Opera House, called the Nationaltheater tram stop. The train stopped at Maxmonument, but I wanted to go farther to Maximilaneum across the Praterinsel. In the middle of Max Planck Straße is the state parliament building. This is where the laws of the Freistaat Bayern are written and passed (or die on the floor due to a down vote). For those who have watched the "Aloysius - ein Münchner im Himmel" cartoon, this is where Aloysius was supposed to deliver a message from heaven, but instead Aloysius went back to the Hofbräuhaus to have a few Wies'n liters.
While crossing the Maximilanbrücke, I saw some people surfing on the river. The weather was good enough for that. At Maxmonument, I took a line 16 tram to the S Bahn station Isartor. From there, I rode that to Marienplatz, transferred to the U3 and went north to Olympiazentrum. In 2003, the extension to Moosach had not yet been built, though there was a U1 that went to the newly opened Georg-Brauchle-Ring. At Olympiazentrum, there was a small shopping center, completely different from the Olympia Einkaufszentrum farther west. I had visited the Olympiapark back in 1997 and 1998, and in particular, I wanted to see the tower and go up to the top. I thought about visiting the BMW Museum, so I thought, it is hot outside, so I think a visit would be fine. I think the admission fee was around € 6 or so. The cars that I remembered from 1998 were still there, particularly the Isetta, the 2002 with racing stripes, a cutout of a Series E38 7 Series, and films on the newer models with safety features. I spent about an hour there, before going to the Edeka grocery store for items to make lunch. I bought some grapefruit soda and Mezzo Mix, then a bread roll, Allgäuer toast cheese, Lyoner with pistachios and mustard. I walked to the tower and found a shaded bench to eat my sandwiches.
The Olympia Tower cost about € 7,50 to take the elevator up to the top. The tower is 191 meters high above the ground, and 291 with the satellites. The Rheinturm in Düsseldorf is about the same height. The elevator went 3 or 4 meters per second. I stayed mostly in the air conditioned lounge and enjoyed the view of downtown from afar, as well as the foothills of the Bavarian Alps. I would not be able to see the Brecherspitz unfortunately. On Friday 26 June 1998, I went with work colleagues up the Brecherspitz, and what a climb it was. There was an extra deck upstairs, not air conditioned, so I went upstairs and was able to see a little bit more. I did not spend much time there, so I came back down. Eventually I took the elevator back down and left the tower.
Before walking to the Georg-Brauchle-Ring station, I decided to have an ice cream cone from a vending machine. I think it cost € 2,00. I had to place a cone in the holder, paid my € 2,00, and while the machine was pouring the soft serve ice cream, I heard the voice of Louis Armstrong singing "Everybody loves ice cream!". It was too bad that I did not have a video camera to capture the moment. I would not have a video camera until March 2004.
I walked to the BMW Museum and boarded the line 180 bus to Georg-Brauchle-Ring. At Georg-Brauchle-Ring, I changed to the U1. I went seven stations to Sendlinger Tor, and went upstairs to take a U3 or U6 to Marienplatz. I spent maybe fifteen minutes outside the city hall. Soon I walked along Kaufingerstraße to Galeria München Marienplatz, and they had a music department. I managed to find a couple of CDs, one being "Diwodaso" from the Frankfurt duo Badesalz, the other being a semi-serious music CD by Helge Schneider, "Es gibt Reis, Baby" which included "Katzenklo". In 1993, that song was controversial. I already had Diwodaso on cassette, but the CD had more content than the cassette. I could not wait to listen to it back in the USA.
With my CDs, I took those back to the hotel. I went up to my room to have a short nap. After about 7 PM, I woke up, and I left the hotel, and walked to the Hbf tram stop to take the line 19 tram to Nationaltheater. I wanted to eat supper at the Hofbräuhaus. I had to walk along the Hofgraben, then Pfisterstraße past the restaurant owned at the time by Hans Schubeck, and right there was the Hofbräuhaus. I had asked about seating, and asked to be seated in the Biergarten. It's the one that has a fountain in the courtyard. The staff advised me to find an empty table. There was one next to the tree closest to the stairway. A waiter found my table, took my order, and soon he gave me a full liter of Hofbräu Original. It was really good. It tasted a little better than Spaten Helles and Paulaner Pils. I ordered a Schnitzel, I think it was a cream Schnitzel with seasonal grilled vegetables and Spätzle. It was really enjoyable. Inside the restaurant, there was a band playing traditional songs, similar to the ones I remember from late May 1998 just before I started working for the summer. One of the songs was "In München steht 'n Hofbräuhaus, oas, zwoa, G'Suffa!". At some stage everyone shouted "Zicka Zacka Zicka Zacka Hoi Hoi Hoi!". After supper, I paid my bill, it was about € 25,00 with tip.
I walked to the location of Schneider Bräuhaus München along Maderbräustraße, past the Stadtsparkasse München Marienplatz branch, went down to the S Bahn station and rode the S Bahn two stops to Hbf. I walked to the hotel, went up the stairs, and into my room. I had quite an experience the last two weeks, and I was prepared to go back home. About 10 or 11 PM I went to sleep.
Please join me tomorrow for almost the conclusion of Europe Summer 2003. I fly from the Franz Josef Strauß Airport to the Rhein-Main Airport, buy a bottle of Äppler and almost miss my direct flight to San Francisco, and take a Super Shuttle ride back home to my apartment in Foster City, San Mateo County, California. Good night!
Seien Sie morgen dabei, um den Europa-Sommer 2003 fast zum Abschluss zu bringen. Ich fliege vom Franz-Josef-Strauß-Flughafen zum Rhein-Main-Flughafen, kaufe mir eine Flasche Äppler und verpasse fast meinen Direktflug nach San Francisco und fahre mit dem Super Shuttle zurück Zuhause in meiner Wohnung in Foster City, San Mateo County, Kalifornien. Gute Nacht!
S'il vous plaît, rejoignez-moi demain pour presque la conclusion de l'été 2003 en Europe. Je vole de l'aéroport Franz Josef Strauß à l'aéroport Rhein-Main, j'achète une bouteille d'Äppler et j'ai failli rater mon vol direct vers San Francisco, et je prends un retour en Super Shuttle chez moi dans mon appartement à Foster City, dans le comté de San Mateo, en Californie. Bonne nuit!
Prosim, pridružite se mi jutri ob skorajšnjem zaključku evropskega poletja 2003. Letim z letališča Franz Josef Strauß na letališče Rhein-Main, kupim steklenico Äpplerja in skoraj zamudim svoj direktni let v San Francisco ter se vrnem z avtobusom Super Shuttle doma v mojem stanovanju v Foster Cityju v okrožju San Mateo v Kaliforniji. Lahko noč!
Molim vas, pridružite mi se sutra na skorom završetku Europskog ljeta 2003. Letim od zračne luke Franz Josef Strauß do zračne luke Rhein-Main, kupujem bocu Äpplera i skoro propustim svoj izravni let za San Francisco, i vozim se Super Shuttleom natrag kući u mom stanu u Foster Cityju, okrug San Mateo, Kalifornija. Laku noć!
Per favore, unisciti a me domani per quasi la conclusione dell'Europa Estate 2003. Volo dall'aeroporto Franz Josef Strauß all'aeroporto Rhein-Main, compro una bottiglia di Äppler e quasi perdo il mio volo diretto per San Francisco, e ritorno con il Super Shuttle a casa nel mio appartamento a Foster City, nella contea di San Mateo, in California. Buona notte!
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primadonnastudio · 2 years ago
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Hofbräuhaus München Sweatshirt.
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borvooven · 2 years ago
I’m singing in münchen steht ein hofbräuhaus to myself. Just thought you should know
btw i use german slang from the 80s on the regular
the other day i said “was ist das denn geiles?” and got laughed at
I wouldn't laugh at you, i think youre cool for talking like that
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rooms24-erfahrungen · 2 years ago
Die besten Sehenswürdigkeiten und Hotels in München | 2023 | Rooms24
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München ist die Hauptstadt und größte Stadt des deutschen Bundeslandes Bayern. Es liegt an der Isar nördlich der bayerischen Alpen. Sie ist nach Berlin und Hamburg die drittgrößte Stadt Deutschlands. Die Stadt beherbergt viele nationale und internationale Behörden, große Universitäten, Theater und Museen. Seine zahlreichen architektonischen Wahrzeichen, darunter gotische Kirchen, die Münchner Frauenkirche, das Neue Rathaus mit seinem Glockenspiel und das Hofbräuhaus, spiegeln die Geschichte und Kultur der Stadt wider. Es ist auch ein beliebtes Touristenziel mit über 6 Millionen Übernachtungsgästen pro Jahr. Die Stadt bietet eine Vielzahl von Sehenswürdigkeiten und Aktivitäten für Besucher jeden Alters.
Wenn Sie eine Reise nach München planen, informieren Sie sich weiter über die besten Sehenswürdigkeiten und Hotels der Stadt... Weiterlesen
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veetravelblog · 2 years ago
Munich, Germany
When deciding how to travel throughout Europe there are many options; you can ride buses, rent a car, take trains or book flights. My husband wanted to fly but after after researching through various blogs, YouTube, TripAdvisor etc. I convinced him that booking trains would be the way to go! I booked First Class tickets on Czech Railways, it was a five hour train ride leaving early in the morning from Prague which would be the perfect way to travel to Munich, Germany…or so I thought. Long story short I should’ve listened to my husband…what was supposed to be a five hour straight shot, became a nine hour journey with two unforeseen train changes. I’ll spare you all the details, but this particular part, if I could do over, I would’ve flown…
Upon arriving to HBF Munich Station our hotel the Maritim Hotel Munich was luckily only a block away. Desperately needing a drink and some food, we checked in, dropped our bags and took an Uber to the famous Hofbräuhaus Brewery. This famous beer hall was originally constructed in 1589, known for it’s live music, great food, elaborate traditional decor and LITER STEINS :) The hall consists of seating for over 1000 people and it is a “get in where you fit in” seat yourself type place. It’s perfectly normal to sit with strangers and this is where we spent the next six hours! During this time we met so many nice people from all over Europe. There was a Father and Daughter from Holland who were in Munich to watch the Bayern Munich FC game, a European soccer match has been on our bucket list and we could not pass up the opportunity to attend. We returned to the hotel and I researched availability through vividseats.com which is a website I’ve used in the past to purchase sold out concert tickets, to my surprise there were great seats available which I purchased for the match taking place the following day! 
Our second day in Munich started with brunch in an Old Town restaurant called Donisl.  We got a late start and since there was a big match all restaurants and cafes were very busy.  We got lucky to walk into this beautiful beer hall and find a table rather quickly. Again, the seating style at all places in Germany so far, are get in where you fit in and wave your server down when you’re ready! We each ordered traditional white sausage and pretzels with a 0,5L of their seasonal beer. I had the misconception that the beer would be very bitter or “hoppy” like an IPA but it was quite opposite and I was pleasantly surprised. Here in Germany the currency is the Euro which at the time of our travels was just about 1:1 with USD. Beer was 5,30€ for 0,5L our bill for this brunch was about 35€. 
After brunch and walking around Old Town and visiting Biergarten Viktualienmarkt. We made our way to the train station where we saw the sea of red FC Bayern München jerseys, we had a good idea of where to go but if all else failed we would follow the crowd to the Allianz Arena. The ride was quite an experience, everyone piled in to capacity and once the doors closed the fun began. There were several fans from the opposing team, Mönchengladbach, who wore green, black and white, they all banged on the roof of the train while chanting and took turns as the rivals chimed in with their team’s songs. Everyone laughed and smiled at each other during the ride even if some abrupt stops made us bump into each other.  Once at our destination everyone flooded out of the station to a bridge that crossed over to an open field where you could see the Allianz Area in the distance. The energy once inside was like nothing I have ever experienced before, we quickly found a fan shop to buy some Bayern FC gear and made our way to the beer and bratwurst stand before finding our seats just in time for the whistle of the start of the game. The match ended in a tie 1-1, although a win would’ve been ideal I was happy we got to experience the eruption of the crowd after a goal at least once, it’s a moment we will never forget.
On our last day in Munich we visited Mauerer Cafe which was walking distance from the hotel, this place had delicious coffee and croissant sandwiches. After breakfast we decided to rent a Bird scooter and explore Munich. Bird scooters were readily available throughout the city, the only rule is that you had to leave and pick them up them in designated areas. We explored different plazas, churches and buildings throughout the city. Marienplatz is Munich’s main square since 1158, here we grabbed two patio seats at Wildmosers Restaurant with an amazing view of Rathaus-Glockenspiel which is a tourist attraction clock dating back to 1908. Everyday at 11am and 12pm the clock chimes and a show begins, between March and October there is also a 5pm addition which we were lucky enough to be sitting across the way to see.  The Munich Glockenspiel recounts a royal wedding, jousting tournament and ritualistic dance, different tunes are played on the clocks 43 bells and lasts about 15 minutes. Hundreds of people gather in the square for this so if you find yourself in Marienplatz, grab a seat if you can and enjoy with some great food, drinks and you’ll even make new friends. PROST! (That’s German for cheers!)
Munich was a very charming city, beautiful architecture, delicious food, great beer and friendly people. We missed Oktoberfest by just a few weeks but felt like Biergartens and bustling tourism is a norm for this welcoming city. We had an overnight train to catch in the evening to our next destination MILAN, ITALY, be sure to keep an eye out for next month’s post to see how it went…
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