#Hmmmm im split im split
aghostwithablog · 2 years
Babylon is such a weird movie
It's about rags to riches and about times changing but you staying the same it's about betrayal to yourself about betrayal to others about how the 20s were better than the 30s and about how we should do more drugs
It makes me feel like I should be watching silent movies for moral reasons and have an orgy. I loved it and am not convinced by it at the same time. After seeing the trailer you'll never guess where it's going and I'm not sure if I mean that in a good way it has the most disgusting sounding lesbian kiss I can remember seeing but a bomb soundtrack.
It's a party and then it isn't and then it asks you hey remember other movies? Hey remember the party? That was fun huh oh well we don't have fun anymore also have you ever wondered if you're sensitive to flashing images? But it was a good time yk what I mean?
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singeart · 5 months
As a fellow x files / voyager enjoyer, I would 8 million percent read a cross over fic and have thought many times about how when voyager showed up in 1996 that ABSOLUTELY fox Mulder would have known about it and found a way to sneak his butt on board.
Plus Scully and Janeway would have so much respect for each other. Please if you ever need a discussion buddy I am free
Yes he would haha! I wonder if him being a canon trek fan kind of breaks things 🤔 or makes them more interesting...like imagine Janeway being suspicious of him because he knows so much about their technology and the Federation 👀
Scully and Janeway teaming up would be an unstoppable force I want to see it! I am head empty but now I know who to go to hehe thank you for offering!! <3
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i just broke my nail far below the white. fuuuuuuuuck
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summerof336bc · 2 years
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[id: a post banner that reads "i'm not christian (just mentally ill)". the background is Leonardo Di Vinci's "The Last Supper". end id]
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planet4546b · 1 year
one half of one room packed. house of leaves time :thumbsup:
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khrysos-karnifex · 2 years
kinda shocked at how dead the Arknights Ao3 page is. I think I saw somewhere that a good chunk of players mostly play for the story/characters, so you’d think there’d be way more fanfic.
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littlebluentebook · 7 months
Alastor x Reader pt.6
A/N Oh my goodness! I didn't expect the story to get this much attention! Im going to do some sort of second story where Alastor and the reader are in hell. If theres no objections I'll also feature some helluva boss characters (just to advance the plot!)
I am very sorry for not updating! I went out of town, nearly broke my hip, got sick, and started a new job all in the last 2 weeks. I should be able to post once every three days now :)
Thank you to everyone reading the story! I love sharing my ideas and feel free to reach out if there are any stories you want to see!
TW-Animal Blood(?)
Chapter 7
You woke up in Alastor's arms. It wasn't on purpose! You both had agreed to split the bed, pride getting in the others way. Apparently, somewhere in the night you each reached for the other. Not minding the extra warmth, you fell back asleep. There was no point in moving away; you liked him, he was comfy, and kept you warm. The second time you woke up, the sun was bright and the bed was empty. Worried you checked the clock to make sure you hadn't overslept to open the shop. You had forty five minutes to get the store open. Not as much time as you would have liked, but also not anything too out of your range.
"Ah! My sleeping beauty, glad you're now awake!" a voice said from the doorway. Alastor? You thought he had left. "Come now! I have made us breakfast."
Alastor could cook. Breakfast tasted like it was picked up from a five star restaurant on the more expensive side of town. Over breakfast he told you that he was unable to leave such a beautiful person alone and you needed the rest from the previous night. He actually didn't leave you at all that day.
He sat talking with you in your shop keeping well mannered company. Alastor would never admit it, but he absolutely loved listening to you talk. He spent so much time talking on the radio it was nice to finally be listening to others. He never really cared for sewing but asked you questions about how you did certain things and complimenting your stitch work. He also would assist you while you worked; measuring, flipping things right side outing grabbing fabric as needed. He liked feeling useful to you and watching you work on something you were passionate about.
:Thank you so much for your help today Allie."
"Allie?" He tilted his head like a puppy hearing 'no' for the first time.
"Yeah! Like a nickname," you beamed at him. Alastor mulled the name over in his head before deciding it was okay when it rolled off your tongue and into his ears. No one else could ever be allowed to call him Allie aside from you.
"Hmmmm. Alright" He was at a loss for a nickname truly just wanting to call you his. "Why don't we go and fetch ourselves dinner. I know the most exquisite place!"
"that would be lovely!" Your demeanor was much calmer than your racing thoughts. First, Alastor had stayed the night and made breakfast. Secondly he spent the entire day with you. And now he wanted to take you to dinner! You felt like a romance character from the books you had read and heard stories of.
He had helped you close the shop, took your arm in his (it was the only way you two ever walked together) and he led the way to the restaurant.
It was a nice place with candles and flowers on the table. There was a live band playing softly to entertain guests as they dined.
Alastor was sweet and kind with you, he made excellent recommendations about what drinks to try and meals to order. You both split a cake together for dessert. The night was wonderful, absolutely perfect! The only thing that there you off was the way in which Alastor ordered his steak.
"Alastor!" you had whisper-yelled "that cow is so undercooked I can still hear it moo-ing in the fields. Do we need to have the waiter take it back for just a moment longer?"
"Haha oh no darling! I just enjoy my cut of meat like this. It holds so much more flavor!" You gave him a quizzical look swearing you had just seen blood dark as your wine pool on the plate.
When your night had come to an end, Alastor had walked you home and kissed your cheek. It had left you red and blushing thinking about it as you slept.
The next morning you had awoken ready to start your chores. You folded the blanket and pajamas that Alastor had borrowed and cleared a drawer for the items to reside in. Today you had a new activity you hadn't done in years.
You walked down the stairs leading to your shop and to the circular display table at the center of your shop. Grabbing the wilted flowers and vase you got to work and put them in your oven to dry them out. You loved keeping gifts, flowers were beautiful but difficult to keep but you made it work.
The entire day you were all that was on Alastor mind. He simply could not get enough of you despite spending the entire day together before. He was talking to his mother about the feeling and how he had never experienced it, unsure of what to do he was searching for advice. His mother was not helping the situation, she merely laughed at him. "Oh Al, why don't'cha go onna date together and court the poor thing!" What if you didn't like him back? What if he made a total fool of himself. His mother could sense his worries, "well whoever can put up with ya for a full day definelty doesn't not like you." She pinched his cheeks and went back to cooking for the both of them
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roseamongroses · 1 year
something about the history of spider-byte's name (and intial lack therefore of a last name) is calling to me. like even now that margo has a last name, ppl still don't recognize her civilian identity bc of how little screentime she had and the brevity of the comic appearance.
hmmmm ok i've marinated. idk much about tech so take the terms with a grain of salt and just focus on the emotional story. think i have some headcanons:
margo lives in a society where it's common to use virtual reality to escape/ experience life but margo is actually one of the more extreme cases of this escapism
she's friendly with others, something doesn't seem to be wrong, but her peersknow she's always connected to the vr/always online. they don't notice how little they know about her home life or about her, despite her being familiar with everyone else.
and this disconnect only becomes worst once she takes on the mask of spider-byte. helping people in the way she's always desired to be helped is fufilling, but it doesn't take long for margo to become lost in her online persona.
the longer she spends as spider-byte, the more the two worlds blur. and once she gains the ability to physically manifest her avatar, her spider abilities begin to transfer into her irl body
at first margo was excited about this change. she could finally be the hero she wanted to be inside and outside of her vr- headset, but she quickly discovers that her bodily automony is being manipulated.
sometimes her skin glitches, changing into a rainbow of colors without her say-so (she'd have to fake sick to avoid questions from her peers/parents) . sometimes when she splits her avatar her body doesn't immediately return and if it does it never feels the same. as if data is missing.
but most obvious is that her understanding of humanity--of herself changes. not in a cruel way, but she feels an alienation from human connection that she'd never experienced before. she saves the day, not because of her childhood desire to do good, to be saved and save others, but because it is her avatar. it is her purpose as spider-byte, not the dream of margo kess.
it's when margo catches herself refering to herself spider-byte, even when she was outside of vr relaxing that she begins to investagate further.
she begins to question her relationship with the cyber crime police department and how easily they accepted her" "vigilatism"/ eventually she tracks down conversations between the department and an unknown scientist/ leading cyber security company. i'm thinking of this being her "doc oc" connection, but im open to other villian parallels tbh
the thing is this "doc oc" knows that margo has been tracking them . they think its funny. they're facinated with their experiement and are very willing to play along with the investagation as long as they get to observe their subject.
the fact that margo got "bit" was part coincidence. the program/ bug was sent out to find a suitable host. someone isolated, someone online for long hours to properly conduct the experiement, someone who had the need to escape and become something more.
it could've been anyone. they were meant to be corrupted entirely by the program, only leaving behind a husk irl as they accepted their new reality. but margo was different her need to do good was so great that it redirected the prgrams goals entirely. allowing for her persona of a hero to infliratrate her real life and vice versua in a way "doc oc" had never seen before
doc oc at first wanted to let margo live as a hero . but her changing the bug--resisting its intended purpose intrigued them more. it wasn't enough to collect data on the experiement spider-byte anymore. now doc oc needed to break her. to rebuild her and understand what makes her so special
and this back and forth does mean margo loses a lot. some days she doesn't even remember her last name. but she's motivated now to reclaim her life, her heroism, and make sure no one else is taken advantaged ;like this again
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sebsgirl71479 · 2 years
Shoot Your Shot  The Sequel
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Sebastian Stan X Curvy Actress Reader
A/N Yup im baaaack with a little sequel that i didn't think would happen but here we are. Let see how our beautiful celebrity couple are up to in this story at the Golden Globes. Again reblogs always appreciated and loved. 
Word Count :2006k
Warnings: Fluffy AF, Sexual content, smut 18+ only No Minors 
It had been 4 months since the emmy awards, where you not so subtly asked out Sebastian Stan on live tv. After your wonderful night together just talking and kissing, you both were head of heels for each other. When December rolled around, Sebastian was nominated again for Pam and Tommy, first a Golden Globe then a Critics Choice Award. You were so happy for him, a day after you went with him to his agent's office and what waited for him was a massive bouquet of flowers from the Hollywood foreign press for his nomination. 
“Sebastian, are you sure you're okay walking all the way back home carrying those? We could get a cab if you want.”  “Printesa, I’ll be fine, besides I want to see peoples faces as I walk with this monstrosity in pink.” He giggles a little bit while you picture the streets of New York City watching a 6ft tall man in pink himself no-less carrying a bouquet of pink flowers. 
When you both got back to Sebs’s apartment full of laughter, you started planning your trip to LA next month. You were still on hiatus from ted lasso and Sebastian was in between films at the moment so it was perfect timing. “Baby are we staying at my place or yours when we get to LA?” While you're in Sebastian's closet picking out clothes for him to take to California he comes up behind you to wrap you up in his arms. Placing gentle kisses on your shoulder and neck, humming in content you look over your shoulder into his eyes and just drink them in. He's rocking you back and forth in the closet like there is music playing in both your heads. 
“How about we split our time between both? We can stay at my place just before the golden globes, then after we can go to your place and be ready for the other awards show and beyond.” You turn around to face him and place your hands in his hair to comb through it, Looking deep into his eyes. “I think it’s a great idea, but I have one question? How big is your bathtub?” “Hmmmm, big enough to fit both of us with plenty of room to spare, what do you have planned printesa?” Still swaying back and forth with him just taking him in. “ I was thinking when we land we leave our luggage by the door and spend an hour in a hot, steamy bath to relax and maybe a little something extra?” Wiggling your eyebrows and giving him a sly smile. “I think you have one of the best ideas ever. Now how about we celebrate a little bit tonight with some take out, wine and some dessert?” He winks at you, that's your cue that when he does that you know what he has in mind.
Before you knew it it was new year's day and you both were all packed and ready to head to LA a week before the Golden Globes. You decided to have a lazy night in for new years eve considering you had a 6 am flight the next day. Just the 2 of you, a few glasses of wine and a home cooked meal made by you. When the clock strikes midnight you stood out on Sebastian's balcony and watched the fireworks go off around the city, and a midnight kiss that lasted 2 mins. The perfect way to start 2023 in your opinion. Because of the time change you got to LA around 9am, plenty of time to have that relaxing bath you promised Sebastian. The bathroom was filled with the scent of roses from the bath soaps and candles. Sebastian dimmed the lights to make it more romantic. You sat in front of him while he took a loofa and caressed your body, getting the smell of the airplane off. He abandoned it for his own hands not 5 mins into the bath. You didn't mind it, you preferred it. He started at your shoulders rubbing them and kissing the area afterwards, his new beard he was sporting was tickling you a little bit making you giggle. 
Next he grabbed your chin to have you look at him giving you a strong passionate kiss. Midway you fully turned around and straddled his waist holding on to the back of his head to ground you. You both moan into each other's mouths getting more needy for one another. You rocked your hips back and forth on Sebastian's already hardened cock with how wet you were for him already. “Angel, baby I need you so bad, I need to be inside you right now.”  “Seb, oh baby, make me feel good.” He lifted you up a little bit and you sank down on his cock so easily. Sebastian threw his head back with how good you felt. You melted into him, staying still for a bit to get used to his size. No matter how many times you've had sex with him it takes a min to get used to him. Sebastian lifts his head and rests his forehead against yours. You started to move your hips up and down just enough to not let any water out of the tub.
"Draga, you feel so good, keep it up and we will be done sooner than I expected."  You throw your head back in ecstasy as your organism washes over you in now time. "Oh Sebastian cum for me baby, fill me up." “I’m cumming baby oh god you feel so fucking good. AHHHHH!” You both came together basking in your highs resting your foreheads together. You began to comb your hands through his hair to sooth him, he rubbed your back at the same time. You opened your eyes after your breathing came back to normal, Sebastian was already looking at you. Both of you having a silent conversation looking deep into each other's eyes, Sebastian lifted you up slightly with a little hiss and had you sit sideways in his lap. It was another 10 mins before the water really started to get cold and decided to get out of the tub. 
The rest of the week leading up to the golden globes was spent arranging the makeup artist for you and making sure you and Seb had the right outfits. You also spent days being lazy in his house but also taking in LA by hiking Runyun Canyon a few days and grocery shopping as well. It felt so domestic at times you wondered what it would be like to spend the rest of your life with Sebastian but you put that in the back of your head for another time. Little did you know Sebastian had packed a beautiful diamond engagement ring in his luggage and left it under his bed for the right time. 
The day of the golden globes came and it was super busy at Sebastian's house, even his longtime manager came by to check up on you two to make sure things were running smoothly. By 4pm you both were ready to go to the Beverly Hilton. It would take almost an hour to get there with how LA traffic was. Walking the red carpet with Sebastian as a couple was a huge deal and everyone took the opportunity to tell you and show you when the camera went absolutely crazy when you showed up. You both took pictures together and individually. You entered the ballroom just in time to have dinner served with plenty of champagne for the table. By the time all the plates were taken away the show was beginning to start. While the show was being broadcast you both sat holding each other's hand and never letting go. When they broke for commercials, that's when you both would stand and start talking to a few other actors. Paul Walter Hauser came over and introduced himself to you since he was at the table next to you. Sebastian looked over at you talking to Paul, one of best friends and his heart swelled. You looked like you were having an animated conversation with him and it made him happy.
Paul finally saw Sebastian looking over at you two and smiled. That was his way of saying ‘you have a good one here’ He came over to say hi to Paul and congratulate each other just before the broadcast came back. It was finally time for Sebastians category, you held his hand tight in yours your nerves were so high for him that your leg was bouncing so much he let go of your hand and started rubbing your thigh to calm you. You looked over at him and gave a small smile mouthing him a ‘thank you’. When they announced Evan had won the award you were more disappointed for Sebastian than he was for himself. He felt your body slack after that after being wound tight for the last 5 mins. He took your hand and kissed the back of it. “It's ok baby, it won't be the last one.” “I know sweetheart but I really wanted this for you, but understand I’m just happy you got nominated and are finally getting recognized for the hard work you have been doing.” “Thank you draga, I love you.” I love you too Sebastian.”
The night had been wonderful, at some point during the show you and Sebastian got to speak to Billy Porter you were in heaven. You both went to an after party at the chateau marmot and talked to more celebrities. By the time 1am rolled around you both were tired and ready to head home. Sebastian helped you out of your dress and shoes and you went to steal one of his t-shirts for the dresser. “Baby you looked wonderful tonight but seeing you in my shirt makes me love you even more.” “I only do it because it smells like you and helps me sleep better.” He is only in his dress pants at this moment, you're just taking him all in. Then he starts coming towards you and in no time he has you weak in the knees with a body numbing kiss. After the thought of breathing comes to you both you part with chests heaving staring into each others eyes. Its at this moment that Sebastian has his perfect moment to propose. “Draga, wait right here I have something for you.” Before you have the chance to say anything he is on the other side of the bed taking his luggage out. He comes back with his hands behind his back as he stands less than a foot away from you. 
“Sebastian baby, what is it?” With a big smile on his face he begins to get down slowly on one knee. Your lip is quivering at this moment ready to just ball your eyes out. “Y/N when you asked me out on live tv 5 months ago i knew that when i met you i would never regret it. Tonight I may not have won an award but you won my heart. Y/N Y/L/N  draga will you stand by me for every awards show, every premiere and every other milestone in our lives forever? MARRY ME BABY.”  You look at the beautiful sapphire engagement ring in the black box. Vision blurry which most likely you still have mascara running down your face. You look him in the eye and place your hand on his face with a water smile. “Yes Sebastian, I'll marry you. With all my heart.” He slipped the ring on your finger and you both just held each other for the next 10 mins just basking in the other's warmth and love. Finally parting he held your face in his hands and kissed you so softly and sweetly. 
“I love you y/n so much I can't wait to marry you.” “I love you too Sebastian forever and always.” 
Tag list: @christycurlswrites @buckyalpine @frostironfudge @allandoflimbo @peaches1958​ @altagraye 
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Vega Latest Audio Thoughts
Im going to put in under the cut for those who can't listen yet and don't want spoilers. (Ik that feeling.)
MY HUSBAND IS BACK FINALLY I MISSED HIM SO MUCH!!! I love him and i want him to step on me im so fucking glad hes here im sobbing
I feel like Warden is settling more into their personality now. At first they kinda gave off a timid vibe since they were trying to fit in with humans and not appear as a threat. Then there was that moment they snapped at him. When they get frustrated, they lash out. And here we see it again. Vega is shooting down their ideas, so they call him stubborn instead of considering why he's shooting them down. It's his fault.
He calls them Darling when he's not upset with them or something. Then it turns into "My Warden" I'll be your anything.
Vega my poor baby had to go through so much. I'll kiss his boots to make him feel better.
Vega had to fight in the cocophany and he emerged before then. And he was one of the voices that spoke out. He's definitely old. Also does that mean that he was one of the first rebelling demons? (Wouldn't it be daemons then since everyone was a daemon until the sovereigns split and then the serenity and empathy kept the term daemon in rememberance of the sacrifice?)
What cost did daemons have to pay to feed? O.o
So the meridian didnt exist until the sovereigns formed it? But before then, they were running experiments on humans... so wouldnt aria have eclipsed or whatever with elegy?
He severed a Sovereign's spellsong? O.o (hmmm wonder where we heard that term before... HMMMM)
What stronger power? The sovereigns im guessing. Or what if this is where Hush comes into play? We know he's prolly strong as long as there's a conduit.
Plot twist, Blake's listener's death is going to be at the hands of Vega somehow. Blake did say their death was coming and he was out of time. First listener death owo? (/hj)
Vega baby, im like a face hugger. You can't get rid of me. Stop fucking trying. Morals dont exist in our love. Lets murder children idc. JUST LET ME LOVE YOU
Wait... we weren't in Dahlia this entire time? WHERE TF ARE WE?
Outside of simping... I wanna talk about the manipulations
The whole complicit thing? It's a subtle urging them to stay. He's told them everything that he plans to do. Even if they choose to leave, they're still incriminated. They're tied to him and his actions.
Firsthand accounts are difficult to give without making the other party feel a sense of guilt. Kind of survivor guilt type of things. Did you feel like you needed to apologize as if you were at fault? Not just from sympathy? Well there you go.
There's more but im too feral to remember.
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crushedsweets · 1 year
In my world the operator and slenderman are two separate entities. The operators goal is simply to cause madness. It feeds on fear and anger so it only wants to invoke such emotions. The slenderman wants control over the humans and to study them as a whole because it finds them fascinating. It will try to mimic the behaviours of those it watches. In my lore they are similar in design. The operator has a tree like texture to its skin and is much taller than the slenderman. While the slenderman has indents in its face area to sort of mimic where eyes and a mouth would go. They are of the same species but because of their different goals, they evolved differently with how they affect those around them. I could keep going but I think this is more than enough of a ramble. I'm gonna start signing off with something since I keep dropping lore to you, if that's okay. -🎃 or 🍂 (whichever you prefer)
HIII I got ur second message too don’t stress abt spamming me I love getting asks and stuff !!! I I just forget to reply and get busy (give me roughly 1-2 business days unless it’s an art req)LOL ALSO IM GONNA CHIOSE 🍂CUZ ITSCUTE OK ok now I will reply properly
I super like the idea of them being the same species and just kinda fucking around w their own ideas n wants etc etc. it kind of reminds me of 2015 era zalgo vs slenderman stories LOL which I didn’t care for much back then …
My main cursioity now is probably the logistics of like… if they’re a species as a whole instead of just one entity, are there more ??! Why isn’t the operator capable of just tearing things down etc etc… why r these dudes IN SUITS ⁉️⁉️⁉️ jk but srsly LOL
I think I wanna lean more into those ideas of like one being or deity or something.. maybe creating them or splitting off into two and then slendy and operator r “born” seperstely but from the same roots hmmmm… sort of (?) like some sibling rivalry ranging back thousands of years. IDK my shift starts in 4 mins LMFAOOA but seriously I’m into this idea . Maybe just stick w them both wanting to keep paranormal stuff at bay from the public eye but slenderman has no ulterior motive while operator wants that whole control thing hmmmmmmm
I’ll admit I feel quite cringe in this moment but I just love little like world building things. So much fun. I need to get on a google doc soon. LOL OK I NEED TO CLOKC IN NOW BYE THANK U FOR ASK ILL HOPEFULLY EXPAND ON THIS MORE LATER BYEEE
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tunabesimpin · 1 year
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Thank you everyone who joined the event! Feel free to make your own inspired pieces still if you'd like! However, the RSVPs are now closed! ^o^ Asks will be closed until I've finished the current reqs [28]! Feel free to DM me if you have any concerns!
I'm so glad so many people enjoyed this event >V< tho now i gotta figure out how to squeeze 58 people in one photo- LMAOOOOO Either gonna be a tight fit, or i may split things into two separate pieces (OCs & Canon)
Im ngl im super glad yall were able to enjoy and take part!!! YALL ARE SO KIND AND LOVELY!!!
Also i will now reveal a HINT at what the surprise Tuna has in store: It has to do with the canon attendees and specific themed outfits! What outfits? Hmmmm I wonder~? >v6
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vigilskeep · 10 months
Hey. What did you mean about Alistair falling for an Orlesian? I did not catch that in the most recent blur of posts.
hi sorry LMAO i split half the breakdown into vee’s dms so it may have been confusing on the dash
i am talking about ultimate sacrificing minerva and therefore creating an orlesian warden for awakening, who i am cautiously calling rené caron and by the way, i would love that to be a place of origin and not a straight surname, even though caron is a straight surname and means beloved which is cute. but i’m TRYING to create a human commoner origin here. i might pretend caron is a place and call him rené of caron. rené du caron? i like the sound of that but is that good french i’ve been putting considerable effort into actively forgetting the language. du or de. whichever. caron could also be the name of the warden who recruited him or something, that he took to honour them. i’d still like him to be rené caron of somewhere, in that case. i’ll examine the map. hmmmm.
ANYWAY. i haven’t totally decided on him being a man even we’re not really there yet im just building a little guy in my mind rn. kader is also still on the table technically, including starring-yrsa-aeducan-as-kader, but my point is that the orlesian warden-commander would be as the kids say single and ready to mingle, so i can really pair them with anyone i want. which is more power than i should ever have. alistair better get in here quick if he even wants a shot theres all these cute awakening wardens
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storiesoflilies · 2 months
ik you just fed us w gladiators… but which other men do u see in the AU? im actually taking a roman history class rn and we just talked about gladiators so im feeling invigorated
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hihihihi nonie!!!! what a juicy question :3
i think reiner braun from aot would be a good candidate!!! there would be an interesting parallel between the anime and the au with his split personality. so like he’s this absolutely overconfident show off in the eyes of the arena, but then behind closed doors when the thrill is all over, the reality settles in that he is not a free man and he goes down a sinkhole of despair.
ohhh i also think sanemi from demon slayer is a good option too. i can see him becoming a gladiator to protect his brother from the same fate somehow, and he’s completely angry at everyone and everything, and hates the system above all else, but inadvertently he puts on a good show in the arena without meaning to!!!
lol i can totally see aoi todo from jjk too. he’d be the gladiator with a wife/lover on the outside, and he’s fighting his hardest to earn his freedom to get back to her.
nonie you mustttttt tell me what you think!!! has anybody else got any other suggestions ehehe :3 i love me some gladiators!!
Lily xoxo
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wsteria-rain · 2 months
ok now im slightly tempted to split the big masterpost for the next batch of requests but HMMMM ok poll time which would you prefer
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gemsofthegalaxy · 1 year
hmmmm i wrote a fic that is 2/3 parts Greg/Matsson/Ebba and then 1/3 Tomgreg and i feel like, as it often does with my canon divergence tomgreg rn, it takes a very different turn into heavy emotions whereas the first part is just... sex.
so im like,. maybe i split them up into 2 parts of a series and have the gregsson/ebba on its own for people who want the smut and then the people who want angsty tomgreg only can have that? any suggestions?
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