#Hiyashi chūka
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Hiyashi chūka
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Ieri sono andata di nuovo dalla mia amica giapponese.
Sono arrivata da lei nel pomeriggio di sabato e siamo andate insieme al 銭湯 (sentō), ossia i bagni pubblici giapponesi. Questa volta mi ha fatto meno effetto ma è sempre in qualche modo liberatorio essere letteralmente nuda assieme a tanta altra gente nella tua condizione. Ci si guarda però non c'è troppo giudizio, perché ci sono così tanti corpi diversi che il giudizio sembra perdere di senso.
Dopo essere stata a rilassarmi nella vasca super calda con le turbe idromassaggio (che relax madonna), la mia amica mi ha proposto di immergermi nella vasca fredda:"Vedrai che bella sensazione!". Io inizialmente le dicevo che avrei voluto evitare perché non mi sembrava troppo sensato far fare uno sbalzo di temperatura così forte al corpo; in più conosco la mia polla (ossia me stessa). Alla fine però mi sono lasciata convincere e l'ho fatto: Mix perfetto per un cazzo di capogiro che così forte penso di non averlo mai avuto nella mia vita. Fortuna che è passato dopo qualche minuto e quindi vabbè tutto a posto.
Poi mi chiede del lavoro e del perché ho cambiato: le spiego che ho il doppio delle ferie di prima e mi fa:"Vabbe ma 20 giorni di ferie sono normali no?". È la seconda volta che me lo ha detto e io ogni volta le dico, no, la normalità in Giappone è 10 e mi stupisce sempre che lei, giapponese, anche se anziana, viva così fuori dal mondo e mi rendo conto che chi lavora nella scuola pubblica è privilegiato non solo in Italia, ma pure qui.
A cena abbiamo mangiato 冷やし中華 (hiyashi chūka - foto 1) ovvero noodles freddi cinesi con verdure e carne e una salsa fatta di salsa di soia, aceto, zenzero e sesamo. Poi aveva preso anche dei salamini francesi: buoni, ma peccato fossero letteralmente dolci - poco sale e pochissimo pepe rispetto ai nostri. Da bere una lattina di birra e del vino bianco (scarso).
La notte un inferno: mi sono svegliata forse alle 4/5 con una nausea e un mal di testa fortissimo. Ho temporeggiato girandomi da un lato all'altro per ore e ore, svegliandomi e riaddormentandomi di continuo, finché non ho sentito la mia amica sveglia. Mi sono alzata e le ho detto:"Yuki che guaio, mi viene da vomitare...", mentre lei mi suggeriva di tornare a dormire, ho preso un sorso di acqua... tempo 2 sec e sono corsa al bagno a vomitare. La causa penso sia stata il fatto che sono stata troppo indulgente col vino, che secondo me era pure di scarsa qualità.
Sono tornata a dormire finché non era ora di pranzo, intorno alle 12.
Questa volta però non siamo andate a pranzo dai suoi genitori, ma la mia amica ha organizzato un pranzo a casa sua in cui ha invitato: la sua insegnante di italiano (che è di Salerno e io, quando l'ho saputo, le ho chiesto di presentarmela), suo marito giapponese, un suo compagno di classe (che frequenta la stessa insegnante), la moglie e una sua collega molto giovane che insegna inglese nella stessa scuola media dove insegna anche lei.
L'insegnante di italiano è simpatica, però è la tipica signora italiana con un carattere forte che sta sempre in mezzo a fare le cose al posto degli altri, un po' ignorante e banale (che cazzo mi vieni a dire a fare: che palle D'Annunzio, che palle Manzoni, che palle tutti - dì che non ti piace la letteratura senza fare sceneggiate, no?), insomma, tipica signora italiana. Però ha preparato la parmigiana di melanzane quindi un po' la perdono ahahah.
Il marito invece super tranquillo e straeuridito: prima della pensione era un professore di storia romana e ha vissuto in Italia per svariati anni. Conosce un sacco di aneddoti italiani che manco io sapevo (tipo sul palio di Siena, su Matera etc) ed è il tipo che una volta che parte non lo fermi più. Non ricordo come se n'è uscito con questo argomento, ma dopo aver detto che c'era stato un momento in cui era senza lavoro e senza soldi e che non poteva nemmeno tornare in Giappone, ha detto anche che mentre stava facendo un lavoro prendeva uno stipendio sia in Italia che dal Giappone, nello stesso momento. Io sempre più convinta che chi ha vissuto in quegli anni ha avuto un culo della Madonna perché i soldi si buttavano come non è mai più successo (esempio plateale: mio nonno baby pensionato che ha vissuto metà della sua vita in pensione... METÀ).
Detto questo, fortunatamente sono riuscita a godermi il pranzo nonostante la vomitata.

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OCs Favorite Foods
I'm just gonna share some of my ocs' favorite foods. Just because I'm feeling a little bored.
Black Clover
-Josele: lemon baked salmon -Helia: slow cooked pork ribs and veggies -Selen: trail mix with lots of dried fruit -Lorelei: baked lobster tail and pasta with white sauce -Lexi: half-baked mixed berry muffins
Demon Slayer
-Shizuka: breakfast platter (there's lots of variation but her ideal breakfast consists of steamed rice, miso soup, sweet tamagoyaki, spinach with sesame dressing, pickled vegetables, and grilled mackerel) -Yumiko: yakitori -Ayami: steamed potatoes with butter -Masatsugu: pork soup with extra daikon -Norifumi: egg fried rice
My Hero Academia
-Haruka: extra spicy curry with sweet potatoes -Ryouko: gyūdon -Kyouhei: creamy potato stew -Terumi: hiyashi chūka -Okami: tempura (specifically onion and carrot tempura) -Fukue: korokke
#soda's ocs#black clover oc#demon slayer oc#hero aca oc#soda asides#black clover#demon slayer#my hero academia
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冷やし中華, or hiyashi chūka, from Yama, in Downtown Morgantown, West Virginia.
Hiyashi chūka translates to “chilled Chinese,” in reference to the dish’s origins as a fusion of Chinese and Japanese cuisine and culinary preferences.
In English, many refer to the dish simply as cold ramen or cold noodles. It is a popular summertime meal. The chilled soy and vinegar based sauce imbues itself within every bite, sating the palate’s need for savory stimulation while cooling the body temperature in a humid climate. The addition of Japanese mustard contributes a pleasant olfactory sensation and the slightest numbing of the tongue.
Morgantown, West Virginia—May 15, 2024
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Not a request, but a random bonding idea I came up with for my one-shots, so enjoy!! @assanmaharielsreblogs
Michelangelo was making dinner like he always did. While the brothers frequently indulged themselves in pizza and other fast food, that was usually a lunch thing for them. Breakfast and dinner always fell to Michelangelo, just how he liked it. On the odd occasional Michelangelo was hurt or sick or exhausted from a long night out on a mission— too exhausted to get up early or too tired to make dinner— Splinter or Leonardo always substituted (though Leonardo’s substitution was almost always takeout he tried to pass as his own cooking, even when Donatello’s cash count said otherwise. Leonardo always left a generous tip.) Splinter’s cooking wasn’t bad, but it was always some obscure, vaguely familiar dish from his heritage, such as unagi or tempura, that they almost never had all the right ingredients for. Splinter’s supplementation for the missing supplies never really turned out right, though he insisted it tasted just like the real thing. Still, if finances allowed, Donatello always made sure to splurge on supplies at the end of the month so that their father could make the dishes properly and bring some joy to his life. Something to hold onto from his human days.
One time, he remembered, Leonardo had a complaint about the dish Splinter had presented (hiyashi chūka, if Michelangelo was remembering right) and Splinter just about blew a gasket.
“You will eat what I served you..” the old, angry rat had said to his then twelve year old son, “...or you will eat nothing at all!”
Michelangelo carried a similar mentality into his cooking, though he’d always switch to Doctor Feelings before dinner to get everyone’s recommendations, and if they still complained even after the alterations were made, then Doctor Delicate would come out to play.
“Not all of us have your iron stomach, dad.” Twelve year old Leonardo had argued back to his father, to which Donatello had added:
“Only one of us did, actually.”
Then all eyes had turned to thirteen year old Raphael, who was onto his third bowl and was absolutely demolishing it with a savage, starving ferocity.
“RAPH STILL HUNGRY!” The teen had spat before throwing one of their good bowls at the wall, which earned him a time out (and also more soup to keep him content).
But that was then, and this was now. Michelangelo was cooking a new recipe— a four cheese ravioli with marinara sauce and pepperonis. He remembered the New Brothers asking about something called Pizza Gyoza and he wanted to try it out for himself. It didn’t take him long to realize he was being watched. Still with a smile on his face, he turned to meet the spy.
Mikey gave a yelp and tried to shrink back out of view around the corner. Michelangelo frowned and tilted his head as he left the ingredients to go investigate.
“Hey.” He repeated again, holding a patient hand out to his counterpart, “didja wanna help?”
Mikey seemed surprised by the offer. “I’m not a good cook.”
Michelangelo shrugged. “And I don’t know how to play the tuba— doesn’t stop me from practicing every Sunday night! Just ask Donnie.”
Mikey laughed, and it made Michelangelo smile to see the other him not so scared anymore. Through the laughter, Mikey sputtered out words that Michelangelo couldn’t quite make out, but it seemed to bring the speaker joy so he didn’t mind.
“So?” Michelangelo prompted after the giggle fest had run its course.
Mikey gave a few last giggles before he was still and sad once more. “Are you sure...? You don’t think I’ll ruin it?”
Michangelo took the older turtle around the shell and began to guide him to the counter.
“There’s no wrong way to mess up a recipe you’re making up! Besides, even if it’s bad, raph’ll eat it like it’s five star lobster! I don’t even think he can taste anymore.”
“Really?” Mikey gave a look that showed he didn’t quite believe, “my Raph’s really particular about what he’ll eat....”
Michelangelo snapped. “Ah, a picky eater! I got one of those! That’s why I gotta make Donnie’s portion separate on most nights. Splinter tried to use the ‘can’t leave the table until you eat it’ technique and Donnie say there for almost two days refusing to touch it before splinter gave in.”
Mikey whistled. “I don’t think I could go two hours without food...” he clutched at his stomach, “let alone two days...”
Michelangelo gave a patient smile and patted Mikey’s shell to urge him closer to the counter. Mikey looked out over the perfectly laid out supplies, and then back nervously at the other.
“W... what are you making?”
“What do you think?” Michelangelo motioned to the ingredients. “Take a guess!”
Mikey narrowed his eyes as he took a second look. Several jars of Marinara, four different cheeses laid out... pepperonis and meat-cutting scissors... flour, salt, eggs, olive oil...
“Are... you making pizza gyoza?” Mikey could feel his stump of a tail beginning to wag excitedly at the thought of the soft, cheesy goodness of the treats his friend murikami often made for them.
Michelangelo tisked his tongue and bopped his other on the nose. “Close~ I’m making my own version! The best chef can improvise with what he has in his kitchen! The gyoza you described would be put in a dumpling, but this one will be improvised to fit in a ravioli! I could have done the traditional gyoza, but I like putting my own spin on things! It’s gonna be a four cheese ravioli with pepperonis mixed in and topped with marinara sauce! I call it Mikey’s Masterpiece!”
Mikey could feel his mouth running at the thought and swiped his tongue across his lips. “Sounds tasty...”
Michelangelo nodded, almost about to open his mouth to offer more praise before he saw that the poor mutant was still looking nervous and unsure.
“Here,” Michelangelo slid over several cups of flour and a measured amount of salt. “Mound them on the the counter and Make a well.”
Mikey poured the ingredients in the table and stared at them for a few seconds before Michelangelo recognized his mistake.
“Oh! Mm. We’re gonna make... a lake! See, the flour and salt will be our sand and the wet ingredients...?”
“Will... be our water?” Mikey offered tentatively.
“Exactly! So make the sand, but leave space in the middle so we can put in our water!”
“Oh!” Mikey giggled as he began to make a surprisingly well-crafted well, “this is fun!”
Michelangelo let the turtle have his fun before bringing over his egg mixture and offering it.
“Your ‘Water’ my liege~”
Mikey took the bowl and, after an encouraging nod from his other, carefully poured the mixture into the center.
Michelangelo cleared his throat. “OH NO! The tides coming in!”
Mikey gasped.
“And it’s taking a bunch of sand back with it!” He knew lakes didn’t really have a tide, but it worked for the euphemism. He took his hand and swiped some of the flour into the liquidy center. “Do you know how tides work, Mike?”
Mikey shook his head, his eyes in awe as he imagined the water cutting across the Sandy shores and taking them away into the cold depths.
“Well, tides come in a little at a time, so they can only take a little sand at a time.” Michelangelo explained, “and then!” He began to mix the liquid around with his hand, “the waves all get crazy in the middle and have a party! Now the tides gonna take even more sand! You try!”
Mikey knocked some of the sand into the mixture and, when he wasn’t scolded for doing something wrong, he began to carefully mix it. Michelangelo guided him through the rest of the steps until the ingredients were all mixed into a soft, doughy ball.
“What now?” Mikey giggled— his face and hands were now coated in flour to add to his genuine enjoyment of the activity.
“Now: feel how it’s all gooey-ooey?”
“Ya!” Mikey poked the dough.
“That’s like mud!”
“After it rained all day and the earth got soft! But it’s January! What happens when night comes?”
Mikey scratched his head. “It gets all cold...”
“And the mud freezes!”
“Exactly!” Michelangelo folded the dough safely in plastic wrap and put it in the fridge. “So now it’s night!”
“So we go to sleep?”
“No silly! We’re ninja! We stalk the nights!”
“We own the night!”
“Exactly! So let’s own the night and keep busy while the dough freezes!” Michelangelo hummed as he looked over the cheeses. He took a handful and showed it to Mikey. “See these?”
“Cheese?” Mikey took a piece and ate it happily.
“No! It’s not cheese its... mystic crystals! Do you have those in your world?”
“No.” Mikey gaped, “Well, there was this one time that April got an evil Crystal from an alien planet. Does that count?”
“No. These are mystic crystals! They take on the properties of whatever they’re added to!”
“It just looks like cheddar to me...”
“That’s exactly what it wants you to think.” Michelangelo winked. “Now, we’re gonna make a magic potion with our mystic crystals!”
“What does the potion do?”
“It’s a... warmth potion! For when you’re cold! So we gotta add a lot of heat for it to form proper!”
Michangelo put a skillet on the stove and added olive oil, half a fan of marinara, and garlic. He offered a cup of heavy cream to Mikey, who promptly took a sip before pouring the rest of it into the concoction— it was going to get boiled anyway, so it shouldn’t matter. After a few minutes of standing over the heat, Michelangelo offered his friend the cheese.
“Now is the time to add the crystals— slowly!” He quickly added as Mikey went to pour the whole thing, “we don’t want the crystals to be on top of each other! They need to melt for the potion to work!”
Mikey nodded and obeyed, and while he did, Michelangelo started to warm up the rest of the marinara on a separate pan and preheat the oven. He checked in quickly on the brewing potion and removed it from the heat once it was ready, taking a wooden spoon to scoop up a small bit and taste before offering the rest to Mikey. The box turtle practically melted as the heat overtook his body in a pleasant mix of sauce and cheese.
“Mmmmm...” he moaned softly, “that’s really good!”
Michelangelo grinned, and began to sprinkle some pepperonis in and begin to mix it around. “Oh good other of mine~! I think it’s daaaaawn!”
Mikey gasped and hurried over to the fridge and pull out the flattened dough, giving it a poke. “It wooooorked...”
“Now! Roll it on the table, quick!” He tossed Mikey a rolling pin, “before the dough worms come out!”
Mikey’s jaw fell open. “The whaaaaat?”
“THE DOUGH WORMS! They live in cold dough and steal all the flavor! Now hurry and smoosh them before they can escape with the taste!”
“OH NO!” Mikey slammed the dough on the table and began to roll it out.
“No thicker than a nickel— the worms are really small and can survive otherwise!”
Mikey did an excellent job of flattening out the dough into a large, thin sheet. After reassuring him he had gotten all the ‘dough worms’, Michelangelo carefully cut the sheet in half and began to lay his cheese mixture.
“See these?” He held up the spoonful of the mystic potion, “when mystic potion is added to dough and boiled, it’s affects increase tenfold!”
“So put them in piles like so...” Michelangelo began to lay out spoonfuls an inch apart, “so we can make a bunch and share it!”
“Good idea! We all need to stay warm and toasty!” Mikey grabbed another spoon and began to help.
With the playful assistance of Mikey, they had finished making the ravioli within two hours and Michelangelo let Mikey serve to to the hungry brothers.
“Mmm...” Leonardo moaned almost sensually at the explosive taste in his mouth. “This is really good.”
Leo had been hesitant at first when he found out it had been Michelangelo preparing the dinner, but a quick sight test showed nothing awry. A smell test yielded only a warm fragrance, and lastly a taste test...
Leo’s eyes shot open and he was sure they had fallen from his sockets in his surprise. One small nibble had turned into swallowing the chopstick-ful whole and almost purring in delight as the warm, perfect mix of sauce and cheese and dough rolled down his throat. Once their brother had taken the dive, Raph and Donnie exchanged shocked glances and began to scarf down their shares as if they hadn’t eaten in days.
Mikey didn’t open his mouth, except to eat his extra tasty dinner of course. Just seeing his brothers happily scarfing down something that he’d made was more than enough.
#tmnt#teenage mutant ninja turtles#rottmnt#tmnt au#donatello#donnie#leo#leonardo#Mikey#Michelangelo#raph#raphael#one shots
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Autumn Bridge
AKA the “Jacqui Briggs/Takahashi Takeda marriage proposal in the Fire Garden” fic that took me forever to finish, but yay, it’s done! Ever since I first saw the Shirai Ryu Fire Garden stage, I’ve envisioned Tacky popping the question here, so this is the result.
Note: This takes place a year after Shinnok’s defeat, and a year before the events of MK11, so Jacqui’s still a specialist (and Takeda still exists). Also, that Fire Garden stage is utterly gorgeous and needs to make a comeback in a future game (along with Takeda, obviously). Includes brief mentions of a terminal illness.
Hope you enjoy this little offering, fellow Jakeda-lovers! ^3^
Hot and cool. That was the best way to describe the air.
At this time of the day, when the late afternoon sun barely hovered above the horizon, the air – draped over this piece of forest land like a blanket – was warm, but not uncomfortably so. Light winds pierced through this mild layer, their coolness intermingling with the humidity.
These winds made their way through the well-maintained grounds, brushing against the bells that hung from a nearby wooden structure; the bells tilted to and fro, their notes obliging on the ears of those within hearing distance. Catching the pleasant rings, the winds carried them away as they made for the trees.
Much like a group of freezing, elderly men who yearned for the warm embrace of youth, the crooked trees appeared to be stretching towards the sky; their gnarled limbs – lined with an array of rich red, orange and yellow leaves – were extended high, as if to grasp the last rays of the setting sun. However, for the leaves that broke away and were quickly gathered into the invisible arms of the passing breezes, the effort seemed entirely in vain.
With a carefree flourish, the winds danced through the trees, the folding leaves almost like castanets in their hold. The crinkling sounds were enough to startle the nesting birds and send them flying into the sky, only to return when the stars would take their place in the heavens.
Changing course, the winds swept over the cobblestone path before descending upon a small bridge that cut across a stream. A man and a woman wearing light clothing stood upon its deck, their hands resting upon the rails. The winds surrounded the pair at once, their accumulated leaves falling upon their forms like confetti – one breeze cupped the woman’s face in an almost flirtatious manner, cooling her hot skin while softly intoning the bells’ peals in her ears.
At precisely the same moment that a smile appeared on her face, the winds moved on, spreading themselves swiftly and merrily throughout the rest of the grounds.
Sighing softly, Specialist Jacqueline Briggs canted her head at her companion.
“I needed that,” she murmured. “It was getting to be like a sauna out here. Then again, I don’t expect it be Sub-Zero levels of cold in a place that’s called the Fire Garden.”
Takahashi Takeda chuckled, tugging at one of his rolled-up shirt sleeves.
“It gets pretty cold in the evening at this time of the year,” he said, “so be glad you brought your sweater. Wouldn’t want you to become an ice sculpture, do we?”
“If I did, I’ll be counting on you to warm me back up,” was the coy reply.
Ignoring the heat that spread from his cheeks to the tips of his ears, the Shirai Ryu cleared his throat, saying: “So, apart from the hot weather, what do you think of the Fire Garden, Jacqui? You like it?”
Jacqui nodded, her smile widening at his eager tone. She leaned forward, casting her eyes on the leaves that had fallen upon the water, piggybacking on the swells that carried them downstream. A sweet scent mixed with an earthy aroma made the specialist’s nose tingle as she breathed in.
“It’s incredible, Takeda,” she answered, exhaling. “I thought that nothing could top our moonlight walk in that forest in Lampang, but geez, this place is in a class all of its own. If Cassie were here, she’d be posting snaps of it all over the ‘Gram and on her Friendships profile.”
Takeda’s cheeks were akin to red apples as he grinned.
“I’m glad you like it here. It’s cool to be able to show you where I trained with the Shirai Ryu … aaaand I thought this would be the perfect place to spend our anniversary together.”
His girlfriend appreciated both facts. A year ago, the pair not only walked away from Shinnok’s failed invasion with their lives intact – they also came away with a relationship that went beyond a mere six-week association between a Special Forces member and a Shirai Ryu chujin. While recuperating from their battle at the Sky Temple (which included a week-long getaway to Venice Beach and plenty of umbrella drinks by the poolside, thanks to the one and only Johnny Cage), they knew that they wanted to give what they felt for each other a shot.
Soon afterwards, it became common knowledge among their close colleagues in S-F and comrades of the Shirai Ryu clan that Jacqui and Takeda were officially dating. Between then and now, the couple learned all that they could about each other: their childhoods, their training, their dreams and their fears. For the specialist, her life on the farm was a relatively happy one, save for the ghosts of her father’s revenant past that haunted him – and by extension, the rest of his family – in his darkest hours. The lack of hugs, cuddles and hair tousles was overcompensated with overprotection against enemies that young Jacqui knew little or nothing about … except for the Outworld ghost that regularly starred in her father’s nightmares.
As for Takeda, his mother’s death, coupled with his father’s absence, made for many a difficult discussion, but he could only thank the Elder Gods for Jacqui’s patience and understanding as he slowly opened himself up to her. Fortunately, talking about training under Master Hanzo Hasashi at the Shirai Ryu Temple – and sharing tidbits about his quiet life in Lampang before it was permanently disrupted – came more easily to the telepath. From moonlight strolls to drills at dawn (and the occasional training screw-ups), he shared them all with her. He even took it one step further and brought her to Lampang three months after they began dating, showing her the forest that was near to where he and his mother used to live. Their evening walk there was one filled with breathless kisses and countless caresses, witnessed only by the moon and the stars.
And now here we are, at another one of Takeda’s stomping grounds for a romantic rendezvous. He sure has an eye for pretty places.
Jacqui resisted the urge to smile as she thought: Just like I’ve got an eye for pretty asses.
Out loud, she said, “It’s beyond perfect. I also enjoyed the spread that Master Hasashi prepared for us. What was the food called again?”
“Hiyashi chūka and mizu yōkan – cold ramen noodles and jellied red bean paste. Of course, Master Hasashi only ever prepares fancy food like that when we have important visitors, which is like, almost never. So yeah, I should bring you here more often.”
The specialist playfully swatted her boyfriend. “If this is a glimpse into how you might cook, then you should’ve brought me here a lot sooner.”
Turning on the spot and leaning back with the points of her elbows resting on the rails, Jacqui let her quartz-coloured eyes wander over the entirety of the Fire Garden. The reds, oranges and yellows of the autumnal foliage glowed like embers in the dimming sunlight. “You really trained here?”
Takeda nodded, mimicking her movements. His left forearm brushed against her right, the hairs tickling her exposed skin.
“Sometimes, but not a lot,” he replied. “Master Hasashi prefers the Fire Garden to be an area of contemplation. It was built – well, rebuilt – to honour past Shirai Ryu members and our loved ones. Still, Master Hasashi did hold training sessions here so that we could learn how to use the environment to our advantage.”
“In case of attacks?”
“Yeah. For the older guys who pulled pranks on the younger recruits, they milked it for all it was worth.”
“You Shirai Ryu were actually allowed to prank each other?”
“Ha, hell no. But the glory you got from pulling one off without Master Hasashi ever finding out that it was you was too good to pass up.”
Not that I ever tried, Takeda thought, grimacing at the memories of those who failed, and paid dearly for their pranking misfires.
Jacqui rolled her eyes to the heavens. “If they tried to pull that s*** on the farm, Dad would’ve skinned them alive and used their bodies as scarecrows.”
A nervous expression bloomed on Takeda’s countenance. “And you wonder why I don’t visit your place often.”
Jacqui smirked. “Dunno why you’re still scared of my dad. He’s warmed up to you now. Took him a long while, but he’s definitely more accepting of our relationship.”
“With or without my dad’s, uh, prodding,” the Shirai Ryu muttered. “Dear Elder Gods, every time he opened his mouth, I thought it was the end of me for sure. He might as well have asked Mr Briggs to kill me on the spot.”
“At least Mom had our backs, and …”
Jacqui’s voice trailed off. Takeda turned to look at her, concern etched into his features as he sensed the sombre air that enveloped her.
“Your mother … how is she?” he asked softly.
Jacqui let out a dry bark of hollow laughter.
“Why not just read my mind?” she asked in kind. A slight bitterness underlined her tone.
The telepath shook his head. He had his boundaries when it came to his mind-reading abilities.
I learned that the hard way after S-F’s last inter-realm conference with Outworld. Jin still hasn’t forgiven me after I told him I knew where he was during the half-hour break. As if the hickey on his neck didn’t give me a clue the first time.
When it came to Jacqui, however, there was just some things that had to be vocalised rather than telepathically mined out.
“Speaking about it out loud to somebody does help, Jacqui,” Takeda quietly responded. “It’s painful, but it’s worse if you keep it bottled up. Same thing happens when I talk about my mother …”
He did not need to say anything more. Jacqui’s top teeth dug painfully into her bottom lip as she wrapped her arms around herself. The nearby trees rustled, letting loose some of their fiery fronds.
“It’s not … it’s not looking good,” she said, a little shaky. “She’s going to treatments like she’s supposed to, but the doctors say that her chances of recovery … are not happening.”
Takeda touched her shoulder, tracing a pattern with his thumb. “Aren’t the meds helping, either?”
Jacqui’s feet came into view as she shook her tilted head. “Oh, she hates them. The doctors have increased the dosage, but it’s not doing anything. She’s too far gone, they say. They’re talking about three months from now …”
She sniffed, then swallowed.
“It’s so weird, Takeda,” she practically mumbled. “All her life, Mom never had to carry around boxes or little containers of medication, besides the ones for Dad when he had his bad spells. Now all of a sudden, she can’t even leave the damn house without carrying a tote bag full of ‘em. It’s just … oh God, just so …”
Takeda’s arms were around his girlfriend in mere milliseconds. Up and down, his hands rubbed along the grooves and ridges that lined the length of her back as she shuddered in his hold. One side of her face rested against his chest, while her fingers clutched at the material against his shoulders.
For a minute or so, the couple’s combined warmth was incomparable.
Pulling away, Takeda gazed upon Jacqui’s face – surprisingly, there were no tears in her eyes, nor were there any streaking down her cheeks. Tinged only by the orange and pink hues of twilight, her features were simultaneously smooth and firm.
I wish I could be that strong.
I can’t imagine how her father must be taking all of this …
It was as if Jacqui read his thoughts, for she cleared her throat and murmured: “Dad’s not handling it well. He took it harder than me when he found out. But he’s being strong for Mom’s sake. For mine, too.”
A pause. “He’s trying hard to be like that … like how she used to be when he was in recovery.”
Takeda gulped, holding her gaze steady.
“I’m so sorry, Jacqui,” he whispered. “I … I wish I knew what I could say to make it all better. I really wish I knew.”
Jacqui said nothing, offering him a small smile.
Her boyfriend continued: “Might I be able to see her, please? If she’s allowed visitors, that is.”
Here, Jacqui gave a heartfelt laugh.
“Of course you can,” she replied, her smile bigger. “It’s not like she’s in prison or anything. I bet she’d love to see you. She thinks you’re adorable, you know.”
The tips of Takeda’s ears were as red as the leaves.
“I’ll drop in as soon as possible,” he promised. “I was planning to see your folks soon, anyway.”
The specialist cocked her head, a few braids coming to rest against her cheek.
“Both of them? On the farm? Willingly? That’s a first.”
It was the Shirai Ryu’s turn to roll his eyes, but he could not help but grin as he took her hands into his own, giving them a gentle squeeze.
“I want to share something with them.”
“What is it?”
“Something that I want to share with you.”
Jacqui’s brows furrowed. “Do I have to repeat the previous question?”
“Be gentle with me, it’s our one-year anniversary.”
A smart-aleck remark that Cassie Cage would have approved of was on the tip of Jacqui’s tongue, but the lovable expression on Takeda’s face stopped it short.
Goddamn, Mom was right: he is adorable …
Letting go of her hands, Takeda took half a step back. His eyes, dark as black moonstones, met hers – he breathed in sharply, feeling a flicker of anxiety. The sound of the steady stream beneath the bridge soothed his nerves only a little.
Breathe out, Takeda. Breathe out.
“Takeda, are you okay?” Jacqui asked, her brows furrowing further. “You look kinda pale. You want me to fetch Master Hasashi or something?”
The telepath hastily exhaled, saying, “No, no, don’t. I’m fine.”
“Boy, if you’re lying –”
“Like I would do that to you. Master Hasashi raised me better than that.”
“Bet your dad would totally agree.” The sarcasm was not quite Kung Jin-levels of high, but still high enough.
Chuckling under his breath, Takeda drew his arms behind his back. He canted his head, looking at the military woman through half-lidded eyes. Beneath his breastbone, his heart fluttered like a hummingbird; every nervous beat was akin to frantic wings beating against his ribcage.
Breathe … just breathe …
Inhaling deeply, a caramel fragrance carried by a gust of wind shot up Takeda’s nostrils, relieving his senses. His unease left with the puff of air that he breathed out.
“I’d never want to lie to you, Jacqui,” he began to say. “I want to be honest with you always – to be able to share all of my truths with you. Even when they seem unpleasant to hear, or … or to talk about, it makes me so incredibly happy to know that you accept them as is. For that, I just want to give you the rest of me. Everything.”
Jacqui stared, her face bearing a mixture of bemusement and captivation in response to this remarkable speech.
Takeda went on, his confidence climbing to new heights.
“When our fight with the revenants was over … when we walked through the woods in Lampang that night … whenever we’re together … all those times, I just wanted to keep holding onto you and never let go. I wanted to have like – you know, like what your parents have. What Master Hasashi and his wife had … what my parents could have had.”
The lump that suddenly rose in Jacqui’s throat was as hard as a rock.
“Takeda,” was all she could say.
The Shirai Ryu shifted his weight from left to right. His eyes shone.
“But above everything else, I want you to be happy. The Elder Gods know you deserve it, and so much more. The thought of seeing you smile and hearing you laugh each and every day fills me with joy like you won’t believe. It’s a little selfish to say, but I want – I need – to be that person who gets to see and hear you like this before anyone else. I want to be one of those reasons that you do … like you already do for me.”
Jacqui’s chest rose and fell with each tremulous breath. Her mouth parted, but no words came.
But just this one time, the telepath allowed himself to delve into the confines of her mind, finding the words that she could not voice:
What else do you want, Takeda?
His grin spreading bit by bit, Takeda brought his arms forward. He raised his hands, which were clasped around a small, square object.
Jacqui’s eyes widened.
A box.
Indeed, it was a box, its surface a smooth and polished maple wood. In Takeda’s hands, it looked very fine and small.
A box that’s big enough to hold a … a …
The specialist’s eyes were now as wide as china plates.
Oh my God …
“Jacqueline Sonya Briggs,” Takeda’s voice was full of hope and adoration, “please may I have the honour of marrying you?”
Grasping the lid, he pulled it open. Cushioned in the foamy black insert was a gold band – flawless, solid, and expertly fashioned in its shape. Atop the unblemished metal was an Asscher-cut white diamond; in the glow of the descending dusk, it glimmered like a bright yellow spark.
Jacqui gawped at the ring in astonishment, which morphed into disbelief, before finally transforming into …
She raised her head – quartz met moonstone, reflecting the brightness that swirled in them. For a moment, she could see the future in them: a home as high as two storeys; a comfortable living room with lofty bookshelves and a fire burning in the grate; a kitchen that was filled with the mouth-watering scents of khao soi simmering away in a large pot; late afternoon chats with friends in a lush garden and with drinks at the elbows; late nights that saw heat overcoming two entwined bodies; early mornings that saw the frigid dawn driving them into each other’s arms once more in search of warmth; a smile, a laugh and a kiss from one that the other mimicked in kind; a future filled with …
“Jacqui, please say something.”
In this man’s eyes, the specialist could see it reflected clearly …
… happiness.
Hers. His. Theirs.
Takeda nearly dropped down in a dead faint. “You’ll really marry me?”
Jacqui nodded, her vision becoming misty. “Yes, Takeda, I will marry you. Yes, yes!”
Other than Takahashi Takeda – who, in teary elation, slipped the ring on her finger before scooping her into his arms, holding onto her body for as long as that bridge could hold them – only the winds could have heard Jacqui Briggs’ reply.
Rolling around their balmy forms with their leafy instruments, the winds carried away her words down the cobblestone path, past the trees, against the bells that tolled one last time, above the wooden structure and into the night sky above the Fire Garden, where the returning birds circled among the clouds.
Tomorrow, their song would bear the winds’ message loud and clear, regardless of the heat or the cold that it would bring.
#Jacqui Briggs#Takeda Takahashi#Jakeda#Jacqui Briggs/Takeda Takahashi#Scorpion#Hanzo Hasashi#Jax Briggs#Vera Briggs#Suchin#Kenshi#Ermac#Shinnok#Johnny Cage#Cassie Cage#Kung Jin#Sub-Zero#Kuai Liang#Erron Black#Probably one of my fave fics to write#The Fire Garden is feckin' beautiful#Poor Vera and Jax#Three guesses as to who gave Jin that hickey X'3#MKX#MK11#Mortal Kombat#Mortal Kombat X#Mortal Kombat 11#Mortal Kombat fanfiction#fanfiction#Autumn Bridge
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Kayoko-san's cold sōmen noodles

Cold noodles is a refreshing and delicious summer meal! Would you like to try Tominaga family’s rendition of Hiyashi Sōmen?
Japanese sōmen (also known as 素麺 or そうめん) are very thin noodles made of wheat flour, commonly eaten cold during hot weather days. Hiyashi Sōmen (written 冷やしそうめん in Japanese – meaning ‘cold sōmen noodles’) feels a little bit lighter in the stomach than the famous cold dish hiyashi chūka because of the different type of noodles – making it a good choice for a light meal.
This recipe is super easy to make: besides assembling the ingredients on the dish, it is only necessary to boil water to cook the noodles. You can add or remove whatever ingredient available – for instance, we did not add cucumbers when doing this at home (@och4zuke's request).
You might be thinking now – but who is Mrs Kayoko? Well, we were watching the drama adaptation of Fumi Yoshinaga’s What did you eat yesterday? (きのう何食べた?) on TV the other day and Kayoko Tominaga is the character that introduces her version of the dish to the series. Today’s post is inspired by her quick and fresh recipe!

Recipe (one serving)
150g of sōmen noodles
25g of canned tuna
1tsp of mayonnaise
25g of cucumber
Ripe cherry tomatoes (or half of a regular tomato)
25g of shiso leaves
25g of myōga
1/2 cup of cold mentsuyu mix
Sesame seeds
First, cut the cucumber, the myoga and the shiso leaves into thin strips.
Dice the tomatoes in bite size pieces.
Next, mix the tuna with the mayonnaise.
Boil the portion of sōmen noodles, later rinse it in cold water when it finishes cooking and set it aside.
Assemble the dish by placing the sōmen at the bottom, followed by the tuna mayo mix, then finally covering the dish with the remaining ingredients.
Pour the mentsuyu over the ingredients then serve the noodles.
If you want to be creative and use different ingredients, I suggest adding fresh and juicy options.
In Kayoko-san’s recipe, she usually starts assembling the dish by pouring the mentsuyu after plating the noodles and the diced tomatoes, instead of leaving it as the last touch – I personally like leaving it as the last step to let all ingredients absorb some of its flavors and also to leave more time before the noodles get soaked.
I haven't tried doing it yet, but in the official drama guide & recipe book, Kayoko-san suggests keeping the oil from the canned tuna to the mayonnaise mix instead of discarding it - you may try it and tell us the results!
#kino nani tabeta?#what did you eat yesterday#somen#noodles#cold noodles#hiyashi somen#kayoko tominaga#dekitateyo recipes#easy recipes#quick recipes#summer dish
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Goma Hiyashi Chūka (Sesame Ramen Salad)
#Salad#Ramen Salad#Ramen#Sesame Seed#Tahini#Rice Vinegar#Sesame Oil#Chilli Sesame Oil#Cucumber#Japanese Cucumber#Crab Stick#Tomato#norecipes
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Another linguistically confusing food: Grilled Cold Noodles (烤冷麵). As you can tell from the name, they're not cold, and as will become clear, it's kind of a stretch to even call them noodles at this point.
Lots of places have cold noodle dishes. E.g., Japanese hiyashi chūka (冷やし中華), Korean naengmyeon (냉면 / 冷麵), or the many varieties of Chinese liángmiàn (凉麵 -- note that it's 凉 and not 冷, different from the Korean and Japanese character choice). Obviously they're called cold noodle dishes because they're served cold.
Anyhow, the Korean one uses a pretty distinctive kind of starch noodles (buckwheat?). So Chinese folks in the northeast started referring to the Korean noodle dish and by extension that particular kind of noodle as lěngmiàn (冷麵).
And then they started coming up with other stuff to do with those noodles. For example, slapping down a big bundle of them on a griddle and steaming / frying them into a cohesive slab, then topping them with an egg, a spicy and sour sauce, and various toppings, then rolling them up. This is the seemingly contradictory "grilled cold noodles" (烤冷麵). At this point, it's popular enough that you can buy premade noodle slabs for griddling rather than having to do this yourself on the grill, so their noodliness is even more tenuous.

Another funny food / language phenomenon.
I think everybody already knows the "chicken-fried chicken" thing, right?
You start out with fried chicken as a concept. Then you want "that, but with steak". As a matter of practicality, you need to pound the steak flat (to tenderize and to allow it to cook through before the batter is at risk of burning). By convention, this comes to be served with gravy. What you have now is "chicken-fried steak". Now, suppose you want "that but with chicken". The result is not the regular fried chicken you began with but rather gravy smothered fried chicken cutlets. Hence, "chicken-fried chicken".
Anyhow, Hunan has something called "chile-fried chiles".
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I can’t figure out whether to leave the ingredients list in chapter 2 for cooking Hiyashi Chūka (Cold Ramen Salad)? I mean, it’s not exactly relevant and I could just leave it at “they’re gonna eat [this]”, but I thought it was a nice tid bit of information to include and give more depth and understanding of what they’re cooking if the reader doesn’t know what it is. Plus, I suppose people can just skip the list if they don’t want to read through? Hmm, I don’t know. It doesn’t matter to me if it’s skipped, as long as it wouldn’t totally derail someone from reading past it is what I’m getting at.
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New songs\(^^)/ (2018-5-24)
A little bit of the music video for A gonna has been made publicーーー!!!
Have you already checked it out??\(^^)/
Definitely watch it okayー!!
And、our Are you Happy? costumes artist photos have also been made public!
My last artist photo!!
With things like the music video and artist photos being made public、
It really feels like the new single release is coming closer\(^^)/
6/13 release!
Please watch over us warmly!!!

We’re HaaChel\(^^)/
Ah! Today I ate Hiyashi chūka [chilled Chinese noodles]ーーー
My first Hiyashi chūkaーーー
It’ll already be summer soonーーー

Nonaka got dragged into it、that’s what she’s doing。笑笑
Original - https://ameblo.jp/mm-12ki/entry-12378426747.html
#ogata haruna#haruna ogata#blog translations#morning musume#morning musume 18#haachin#haachintranslations#haachel#nonaka miki#miki nonaka#chel#12ki#haga akane#hagaoga#akanechin#a gonna#japanese#japanese idol#j-idol
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Summertime cold noodling. Typically it's called hiyashi-chūka in most places around Japan, but a lot of places locally around Hiroshima use the term chūka-reimen, which is a slightly more accurate way to say Chinese style cold noodles. Either way, it's the thing I crave when the temperature gets extreme. #hiyashichuka #chukareimen #eathiroshima #gastronogram #foodbeast #whatjapanesepeopleeat #forkyeah #chowhoundjapan #instayum #instafood #foodstagram #explorejapan #japaneats #japanfoodie #japanesefood #japanesefoodculture #yahoofood #yougottaeatthis #eater #eatthis #culinaryjapan #lefooding #jpfood #jpfoodies #foodporn #foodpics #eattheworld #food #foodforthought (at 利萍) https://www.instagram.com/p/B1otKAVhGWg/?igshid=1sssl0n34iopl
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2018/7/23 Hiyashi chūka : More information here
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All-Purpose Stir-Fry Sauce
Despite its name, my All-Purpose Stir-Fry Sauce isn’t just for stir-fries. Try it, and you’ll see that it’s amazing on EVERYTHING.
I’ll admit, though, that I came up with this recipe for our second cookbook, Ready or Not!, after struggling to find an easy, consistent way to whip up quick weeknight stir-fries. Having grown up in my mom’s kitchen, I’m well aware that Asian stir-fries are among the fastest and easiest meals one can prepare in a pinch. But while my mom can sense by sight and feel how to season her stir-fries, I’m not my mother. As a mere mortal, I had to come up with a pre-mixed stir-fry sauce to make spur-of-the-moment cooking as easy as possible.
It took weeks of testing and tweaking before I came up with this delicious concoction: A perfect liquid blend of savory, sweet, and tangy that instantly flavors up your stir-fries.
Best of all, this sauce can be made lickety-split.
But that’s not all! It turns out that my All-Purpose Stir-Fry Sauce is amazingly versatile, too: It works as a crazy-good salad dressing (did you see how I used it for my Paleo Hiyashi Chūka?), a marinade for meats and veggies, a braising liquid for all sorts of Instant Pot stews, and even a dipping sauce for skewers, roasted vegetables, or my famous Wonton Meatballs!
For a while, I debated whether to post this recipe on my blog—after all, it’s one of my super-secret cookbook recipes, and one of my hands-down favorites in my new book. But hey: IT’S THE SEASON FOR GIVING, right? I decided to share this recipe as a holiday gift, and as an early kick-off present to support your New Year’s resolutions! Plus, I figure you’ll still want more nomtastic recipes like this one, right? If so, don’t forget to grab my cookbook, Ready or Not!
Makes 2 cups
½ cup fresh orange juice
1 cup coconut aminos
2 tablespoons rice vinegar
¼ cup Red Boat fish sauce
2 teaspoons garlic powder
2 teaspoons ginger powder
1 teaspoon sesame oil (optional)
Measuring cups
Measuring spoons
Pint-sized mason jar
Painter’s tape + Sharpie (for labelling purposes)
Combine all of the ingredients in a small jar.
Cover it tightly with a lid, and shake well to incorporate before using.
This sauce keeps in the refrigerator for up to 2 weeks. Don’t forget to shake well again before using it!
As I mentioned, All-Purpose Stir-Fry Sauce can be used to liven up just about any meal of protein and veggies, including some of my best recipes in Ready or Not!, like Paper-Wrapped Chicken and Asparagus Beef. But even if you don’t have a copy of our new cookbook (yet!), you can follow me on Instagram to see how I use this incredible flavor booster to whip up all types of quick and easy dishes.
Oh, and one more thing: This January, to support those of you on a Paleo or Whole30 reset, I’ll be posting recipe inspirations EVERY SINGLE DAY OF THE MONTH, and if you keep your eyes peeled, you just might see some new ways to use this All-Purpose Stir-Fry Sauce!
Looking for more recipe ideas? Head on over to my Recipe Index. You’ll also find exclusive recipes on my iPhone and iPad app, and in my cookbooks, Nom Nom Paleo: Food for Humans (Andrews McMeel Publishing 2013) and Ready or Not! (Andrews McMeel Publishing 2017)!
All-Purpose Stir-Fry Sauce
Cook 5 mins
Total 5 mins
Author Michelle Tam
Yield 2 cups
Despite its name, my All-Purpose Stir-Fry Sauce isn’t just for stir-fries. You can use this Whole30 sauce as a marinade, dressing, and to make stews!
½ cup fresh orange juice
1 cup coconut aminos
2 tablespoons rice vinegar
¼ cup Red Boat fish sauce
2 teaspoons garlic powder
2 teaspoons ginger powder
1 teaspoon sesame oil (optional)
Combine all of the ingredients in a small jar. Cover it tightly with a lid, and shake well to incorporate before using.
This sauce keeps in the refrigerator for up to 2 weeks. Don’t forget to shake well again before using it!
Label your jars with Painter’s tape + Sharpie and that way you’ll know what’s inside and when you you should use it by!
Courses Condiment
Cuisine Sauce, Paleo, Primal, Whole30, Chinese, Asian, Gluten-free
The post All-Purpose Stir-Fry Sauce appeared first on Nom Nom Paleo®.
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Yuzu shio hiyashi chūka ramen / 冷やし柚子塩麺
Restaurant: Afuri
Location: Azabu-Juban, Tokyo
Website: http://afuri.com/
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