rapidhighway · 6 days
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zaphmann · 2 years
In Memory of John Peel Show 221118 Podcast & Playlist
In Memory of John Peel Show 221118 Podcast & Playlist
New releases and first albums by artists who haven’t sold out, including Leicester’s finest… >> the best new music, independent of the industry system – back this show on patreon Paypal to [email protected] heard in over 90 countries via independent stations (RSS)Pod-Subscribe for free here or Embed/listen at podomatic – itunes Apple, Audacity, Google Podcasts, Gaana, Boomplay, Amazon Music.…
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ninoxwof · 4 months
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Tsunami the Seawing (Revisited)
Been over a year since I started this blog and there are some designs I want to freshen up a little bit so here's a bit of a new design for Tsunami!
[Image Description: A digital drawing depicting Tsunami from Wings of Fire. She is a blue slightly muscular seawing dragon with a light sky blue underbelly and a deep blue neck, nose bridge and forehead. She has swept back curled lighter blue webby fin that goes from her forehead to her tail, they resemble slightly like tidal waves. She has similar webby fins on her chest, a tail fin, and ears that are similar to fish fins. Her offwhite bioluminescent scales are shaped like wave markings and teardrops and they're notably on her shoulders knees tummy, tail and brow. She also has swirl bioluminescent markings on her fin like wings to signify she is of seawing royalty. On her chin, she has two long barbels similar to her father's and then two more barbels that are similar to a shark's pectoral fin. She also have shark like fins on her elbows and on the bottom part of her tail. She has a little bit of yellow on the side of her belly, on her upper eyelids and on her esca. Her horns are a deep dark blue that resemble the tip of a conch shell. Her left eyebrow has a scar that runs vertically through it and her eyes are green. She is standing giving a toothy smile. In the second image she's shown to be wearing a purple pearl necklace, and two fin rings on her tail fin. /.End ID]
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steel-peach · 2 years
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Warlock & Wizard gfs - how it's going
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kkkkkkkitty · 1 year
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freehideoutpuppy · 6 months
Ok so I've briefly touched on this, and I've done some reblogging of some other people's posts about it but I've decided it's time I add my own thoughts on Midoriya using Deku as his hero name.
Personally, I think it's one of Horikoshi's biggest failures in the early part of the series. We get glimpses of Midoriya's mental health being shit throughout the series, and the name Deku and his mistreatment by his peers and even his teachers pre OFA is pretty damn bad.
So, while I do understand what Horikoshi was going for with having Midoriya claim the name Deku as something different, it still feels wrong. Especially when adding in the context of how Uraraka just bulldozed over it being an insult that his freaking bully called him to be awful. And maybe if Bakugo had actually gotten REAL consequences for his actions or moved to 1-B or something, I wouldn't have as big an issue with it. But damn Bakugo has treated Midoriya like crap in every flash back we see. And has been a constant negative presence in Midoriya's life the entire time. And that, along with Bakugo being the one to give him that awful nickname in the first place, drives me crazy. Horikoshi has had so many missed opportunities and made a lot of choices with character development that leave me scratching my head in confusion. And about 90% of those decisions have something to do with Bakugo.
But I'm getting off topic a bit. During the war arc we really see Midoriya spiral and a big part of me actually enjoyed it in some ways because it was the first time we really get to see Midoriya behave in the way that's indicative of how he and heroes have treated by society as a whole. He believes wholeheartedly that he needs to hunt down AFO and Shigaraki alone because that's how All Might has been presented, and he has to live up to that pressure. He fully believes that his life is worthless and that he's only useful if he's doing everything he can to protect others even at the cost of himself. Which all comes back to Deku. I fully believe that Midoriya still feels like as a person he's worthless, and that's why he really chose Deku. Maybe he hoped that he could change the meaning of it now that he has OFA, but I think deep down he believes otherwise. We've seen that throughout the manga and anime. He consistently broke himself when he realized someone more powerful than him or who had a quirk from childhood was in danger. At the USJ, when he tried to attack Shigaraki, who was trying to dust Tsu. When he attacked the Zero pointer during the entrance exam so it wouldn't crush Uraraka. When he launched himself at Shigaraki to protect All Might. When he and Todoroki fought in the sports festival and he irreparably damaged his hand. There are so many instances of this kid letting himself be hurt by others to protect someone else, and he has zero regard for his own life. It's pretty heartbreaking, honestly. It's a big contributor to why I stopped reading the manga at this point. Well, that and Bakugo's deus ex machina, but well, it's bakugo, and I hate him, so that shouldn't surprise anyone who has seen my rants or knows me irl.
But yeah, I both loathe and understand why Midoriya went with Deku as his hero name. That doesn't mean I agree with the decision, but I understand it.
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acornmaybe · 7 months
librarian: got some straight gas 🔥😛 this one is called "the book of clearsight" 😳 you'll be zonked out of your gourd 💯
cricket: yeah whatever. I don't feel shit.
five minutes later: dude i swear the predictions ended over 1000 years ago
her buddy blue pacing: queen wasp is lying to us
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moistvonlipwig · 11 months
OUAT Week Day 1: Favorite arc
Let me tell you a story.
Once upon a time, there was an enchanted forest filled with all the classic characters we know. Or think we know.
But they were never trapped in a place where all their happy endings were stolen. They were never trapped in our world. They just kept living in the enchanted forest forever, same as they always had been.
And they were so much worse off for it.
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Snow White and Prince Charming never had to confront the worst parts of themselves or their society. They never had to learn to accept and love a daughter who wasn't exactly how they'd imagined her. They never had to reflect on their past actions or learn to forgive the past actions of others. They built a kingdom that, much like their own selves, looked like a fairytale but crumbled like sand the moment it was challenged.
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Emma grew up with her parents, but they coddled her and taught her only to look pretty and pick flowers and sing. She never learned to believe in her own ability to solve problems, never learned the importance of fighting back against wrongdoing, never learned how to do anything but surrender in the face of a challenge.
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Henry, like his Storybrooke counterpart, wanted to be a hero. But he never had to learn empathy or compassion for villains. He never had to face the fact that people are more complex than their fairytale labels make them out to be. He never saw the consequences of black-and-white thinking. He became a knight and then a king who prized violence over kindness, vengeance over forgiveness.
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Regina never cast her curse, and thus never learned what a hollow victory it truly was. She never adopted a child or learned that there were more valuable things in life than her quest for vengeance. Indeed, that is how we leave her: on the deck of the Jolly Roger, forever in that moment of pure confusion at the idea that anything could be more important than revenge.
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Captain Hook, on the other hand, left the Wish Realm and did learn there were more important things in life than revenge. He had a child, and he gave up everything for her. But when he made a mistake and lost her, he had no support system to fall back on, no one to catch him when he fell. He returned to the Wish Realm, slid into depression and desperate schemes, and only clawed his way back to a better life once he joined up with the characters from Storybrooke.
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Robin Hood lost Maid Marian early and never had a child with her. He kept stealing for himself and never chose to put his skills towards helping others. He lived a lonely and selfish life, without purpose or fulfillment, until he stepped outside the Wish Realm and was forced to consider what kind of person he really wanted to be.
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Rumpelstiltskin lost both his son and the woman he loved. In fact, it's not clear that he was ever even reunited with his son at all. Thus, he never came to appreciate the value of making oneself vulnerable to love or the importance of doing the right thing even if it comes at a cost. Instead, he sought only power over others. He lost the humanity he once had and gave every part of himself over to the anger and fear within him. He became the ultimate Dark One.
The Wish Realm is fundamentally unchallenging. No one is forced to change or to reckon with their past. No one learns to empathize with their enemies. Everyone stays the way they were prior to the first episode of OUAT in perpetuity, calcifying into caricatured versions of themselves. It is a fairytale without depth, a fantasy world without humanity to ground it in reality. The only way to grow past its stagnation is to escape.
There are some strange and inconsistent wordbuilding choices in how the Wish Realm was written, to be sure. But thematically, the Wish Realm arc is coherent and powerful. It is a celebration of the journey these characters have taken with each other. An acknowledgment that the things you go through in life, good and bad, matter to who you are; that sometimes things we think are curses can be blessings in disguise; that, as Regina will put it in 7.20 "Is This Henry Mills?", "scratches are a part of life." The ultimate thesis of the Wish Realm storyline is that the characters of Once Upon a Time are better for having been a part of each other's imperfect, messy lives. I'd like to think that all of us are better off with these imperfect, messy fictional people in our lives, too.
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braisedhoney · 11 months
[Booting Message…]
[Booting Successful.]
Is this thing working?
Finally! Hello again Captain.
Crewmember #2486 Reporting!
Apologies for the absence, had to stop Nova from eating the intercom…
{Distant blobbing noises}
Get off-!
Sorry, they’re a bit energetic.
Speaking of which, Doc managed to get them off me. That was nice.
(I also owe #0505 lunch for helping me, but that comes later.)
Though they continue to follow me around… oh dear.
I’m afraid I have to ask for permission to keep them on board according to Rule 50999. Again, apologies.
It is nice to see so many other people enjoying the ship… though I have to admit the impromptu show of “Space Suits” scared me a tad.
Also, someone added a new log to the database… suppose that explains the more Eldridch aspects of it all.
(Why wouldn’t a ship be alive if it’s a literal extension of the captain?)
Either way, wishing you well!
Crewmate #2486 (ft. Nova)
#2486! it's great to hear from you (and nova?) again, it's been a while since your last check in.
glad to hear the doc could sort that out for you. also, consider your permission granted. it's the least we can do for you after all the trouble you went through just because of a few pranks, even if it seems like it worked out in the end.
it really has been amazing to see how many people have hopped aboard the ship lately, even if i do have a lot of reports i really should get to catching up on now—including this one! sorry for the long wait ;;
hope you and nova are doing well and settling in again!
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taryn40k · 3 days
It would be some time after Haertloch’s confrontation that the dark skinned psyker would enter his room, a somber, thoughtful look in his eyes. He notes the particularly intact state of the room, and the bowl of incense and finds himself more concerned.
“Hello Taryn, I…hope you are recovering well.” He murmurs gently, pointedly avoiding his usual friendly utterance of ‘sibling’ for the wounded man’s sake. “…I do not know what he said, as he has pointedly refused to speak with us while performing his duties, but…I want to apologize…” he pauses “…no. I cannot speak for him, only myself.” He corrects, shaking his head as he draws closer, taking the chair that was used to barricade the door and instead coming to take a place by his bed. “Haertloch has a good heart. He is a steadfast man that…cares deeply for us. We were together in chains, and in the shit.” He explains softly “…but that also means that his tolerance for outsiders is….not.” He finally settles, head bowed. “I hope he was not…too hurtful, with his words believing he was protecting. But I want to reiterate that I have no regrets aiding you, even if we find ourselves on the end of inquisitorial scrutiny. I consider you a fast friend, and an amazing example of humanity.” He affirms, a hand tentatively coming to his shoulder.
“No one decides whom I choose to save but me, and The Emperor.”
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"I'm a mediocre soldier, a poor strategist, and now a cripple.... Amongst other things. Honestly I'd be surprised if they even took the time to slap a prosthetic onto me at all. I like to think that I have... potential, maybe. Sometimes Harken seems to think so too. But the world will not wait for me to grow before it tries to crush me. The device didn't get me, thank to you and Meli, but something else will. I'm like a guardsman, saving me is pointless, I will immediately be sent into some other hell to die over there instead. That's just the fate of regular people, isn't it? But your group actually does some good, you survive things, you make things move forward. So I understand Haertloch's anger, at you all putting yourselves in danger for me. Nevermind that I would never have let anything happen to you all. None of you were ever in danger with me. And... I'm stupid and stubborn, so I'm going to keep living as long as the world fails to crush me. But I'm probably running out of gas after this one. I was a convinient soldier, now I'm probably not gonna be much. Hey don't cry for me if you come across me as a servitor in the halls one day, ok? Just keep Ock away..."
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brontios-helm · 3 months
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Destiny 2: Seizing Fate
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ninoxwof · 6 months
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Qibli the Sandwing
[Image Description: A digital drawing depicting Qibli from Wings of Fire. He is small wiry with a sail that flows downward to the side like it is hair, and a zig zag scar on his nose bridge. He is a dandelion yellow, with an off-white under belly that starts at his chin. Freckles are featured all over his body on his face, legs and tail. He also has tear duct markings that are similar to a cheetah. His sail and rattle is colored brown, with his eyes and tail barb being colored an even darker brown. He has orange yellow on his paws, snout, as a dorsal stripe marking and on the arms and fingers of his wings. The webs of his wings are a duller orange color. His horns and claws are an off-white that is lighter than his underbelly. He is standing with a grin on his face, with one eye winking, and an arm lifted to show the inner side of his claw, as though he is accentuating himself. In a second image, he is wearing a cowboy hat with his horns poking out that has a piece of sky fire embedded in, a neckerchief and a golden earring with a teardrop on his left ear. /.End ID]
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More Hive Troopers <3
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More bee troopers! ... Boopers.... BEE-PERS (all of my file names that feature these boys so far have referred the them as "the beepers" lol)
Anyhow, I figured I'd add some more information on how the hive troopers operate below, so keep on reading!
At the start of the war, the venators were outfitted with barracks for the troopers that were fully furnished with bunks and such things
The troopers.... didn't really like the bunks... like at all
The would take the bunks and push them all over to one side, and use the rest of the room as a building space for a huge wall of honeycomb!
Eventually the Jedi caught on, and helped the troopers remove all of the unused bunks
The troopers build huge, ceiling to floor, winding walls of honeycomb to act as the hive's living quarters
The honeycomb compartments come in a variety of sizes!
The biggest compartments are longer than a trooper is tall, and about 2x a trooper's width (wings and secondary abdomen included) in diameter, so these compartments are the ones for sleeping in!
Some are even wider, for those who like to share :)!
The sleeping compartments are filled with comfy pillows and blankets left from the bunks
Various smaller compartments are perfectly sized for storing extra pillows and blankets, datapads, personal items, and all sorts of things!
The gear lockers, which came with the original furnishing of the room, are built into the thicker walls of the honeycomb
The troopers will only very begrudgingly admit that the gear lockers are more suited for storing their kit than the honeycomb (they're very salty that the locker is not an optimal shape to fit in with the rest of the honeycomb)
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Gear lockers are not honeycomb optimized
Troopers are capable of creating beeswax just like any bee, albeit for much longer during their much longer lifespan, and in much larger quantities
Hence why in the doodle above, Wooley, who is off duty and helping to build up the honeycomb, is not wearing upper armor.
Bees produce wax from the underside of their abdomen, and trying to reach around to collect that while in full upper armor is... less than comfortable lol
Speaking of anatomy, despite being clones, all troopers' wings are entirely unique!
Well, almost entirely- twins have identical wings!
(this may or may not be a Secret of the Wings reference that movie is so good)
Clone trooper twins are grown in the same tube, and have a special connection
Twins are also SUPER rare
The iconic @cacodaemonia invented this concept for me, and as far as I'm concerned their OC Kom'mrk is 10000% canon and has matching wings to Boil!
(please for fucks sake yall go read Open Skies I stg my life has not been the same since)
Cadets have very weak wings when they're first decanted
It takes until they're about 3.5-4 standard for their wings to fully develop and strengthen enough for them to fly
Until then, they practice by buzzing a whole lot to strengthen the muscles in their torso
On another anatomical topic, the way that troopers communicate in the "hive mind" is via pheromones!
Just like bees, they have extremely sophisticated and complex pheromone signals that can only be detected by other troopers via their antennae
During the night cycle/sleep hours, troopers will try and keep quiet and communicate primarily via pheromones
If you're not a trooper (or a Jedi lol), the only way you'd be able to figure out their silent communication is with super complex and specialized equipment
On the other hand, troopers have to watch out for weapons from the Separatists that involve pheromone-mimicking gases
The gases could cause them to lose their sense of direction, get cut off from the rest of the hive, or other disorienting things
Speaking of directions!
(fuck i have so many ideas to get out lol)
While the idea of the troopers doing a proper bee waggle dance is absolutely hilarious and so cute to me, I think that in reality it'd be a bit more calm
Instead of lots of crazy shaking back and forth, it's more of a purposeful sway!
This.... does make dancing at 79's significantly more confusing when they first start learning to dance for fun
Echo: "are you telling me that there's something I need to go find 400 klicks away at 32 degrees??"
Fives: "what no I'm just having fun"
Unlike bees, who only use the sun, troopers can also use the moon to calculate their maps!
On planets with multiple moons and/or suns, the commander will choose one sun/moon to be used as the reference for all maps
When on a moon for a campaign, the moon's planet can also be used
In rare and difficult situations, troopers can also use particularly bright stars! Usually only the ARFs are skilled enough for that, though
I think for my next doodle I'll either do wolffe, fox, thorn, tup, and dogma OR the bad batch + omega... haven't decided yet! let me know if you have a preference lol
anyway thank you all for giving so many lovely comments on my previous post about these boys! i love yall so much <33333
<3 I do not give my consent or my permission for my art to be re-posted or reuploaded on this or any other website <3
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Just some random thoughts on the 3rd Arc (Spoilers Below, Swearing)
Honestly, I think the 3rd Arc would have been better if it was a self-contained story.
No traveling to Pyrrhia, no characters from the 2nd or 1st Arc. Animus magic wouldn't be taken away (Boa might still have done that, but since we never travel back to Pyrrhia, we never know).
I mean, it feels like the main characters of the 1st and 2nd Arc had their time to shine, and with their addition to the 3rd Arc... I can't help but think that they take precious time away from the characters we're supposed to follow. Sure, it's nice to see them again, but personally, I'm just here for the Pantalan dragons.
There were so many things that were set up and NEVER resolved or utilized.
The Chrysalis? Just a couple chapters in a book, then NOTHING. Where's the big uprising? Where's the part where SilkWing slaves gain the courage to fight off their masters? "Oh, SilkWings are so helpless they need help from Pyrrhia dragons to save them!" I call bullshit.
Flamesilks in the cavern? Forgotten.
Queen Wasp? Surprise! She got kicked out of the big baddie role for fucking scavenger, and then she just got a slap on the wrist for all the shit she did. We don't even have the satisfaction of watching her be defeated, we were told. She was an amazing villain, and it's such a shame she was swept under the rug.
Don't get me started on scavengers suddenly becoming a big part of the story for... some reason? Honestly, they should have just stayed unintelligible rats, IMO. Humans are always a big part of basically every dragon book in existence, and it grinds my gears SO MUCH that WoF did the same. I'm here for the DRAGONS, I don't want to read about humans! I thought you were different 😩!
The ending of TFoH was so goddamn rushed, I kept looking at the pages, thinking, "What? That's the end of the book???? Where's the rest of it?"
It's just... the canon story is a clusterfuck. I love The Lost Continent, The Hive Queen, and The Poison Jungle (mostly), but the lackluster ending really soured my experience. I don't know if I could ever read it again because the ending is just so disappointing.
It's such a shame. Because I really do LOVE the dragons of Pantala. HiveWings, SilkWings, and LeafWings. The designs of Pantalan dragons are so interesting and fun! I can't help myself but keep drawing them. That won't ever change.
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Amber could probably take over the hive.
She’s incredibly intelligent but acts deceptively average like not even on purpose. She has an insane telepathic range and can feel people’s emotions which means she knows all their wants and desires. If she wanted to she could quite literally manipulate them into doing whatever she wanted but not in Keith’s brute force way. No she’d make them think it was their idea all. Along. Her entire unit hero worships her and would trust her without question as long as she didn’t outright say ‘we’re taking over the hive’. The only person who could POSSIBLY stop her is Lucas and he’d follow her to the end of the earth. sure other telepaths would try. But they’re limited by not being able to meet in person and to most of the hive Amber is still a young telepath trying her best to succeed. She’s naive to them and they misjudge her again and again. I mean think about it. She successfully ‘manipulated’ Morton into trusting her with the Hive’s biggest secret and ressured him completely with a few sentences. She has blackmail on some of the highest members of the hive, should she choose to use it. And the hive could never trade her away, she’s too powerful (and idk about this one but didn’t she already use her transfer to request hive Genex before cancelling it? Idk if that would count because it was not under her will. But the hive might’ve said it did because they Really don’t want her to leave). She now has connections outside her hive too. And they’ll owe her a favor (maybe one she can use to get them not to look too close. plus she’s a much better lair than she lets on. Think about all the times she’s lied, I’m pretty sure only Lucas has ever seen through them. (Also she has connections to the newscaster world as well, Shanna might not be her friend anymore but when bribed with a luxurious lifestyle she definitely could be.
in conclusion Amber would be a badass villain and I kinda want that fanfic
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