#His magic focus is enchantments + poisons :)
tsuutarr · 4 days
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You almost scream when something falls into your basket, certain that you'll have to deal with a large bug. 
You soon calm down when you realize that your sudden visitor isn't a bug, but a tired garden fairy. He leans against your basket, looking worn out, causing sympathy to well up inside you. You push some of the berries inside your basket his way, causing his eyes to brighten.
After that, you've had a little fairy stalker following you around everywhere. But you don't mind – he's cute and harmless, after all. He fits into all your dollhouses and gets full eating just a few berries, so there's no way he's anything dangerous. 
In fact, he helps you out a lot! He makes you tea and helps you clean despite being so tiny. And it's really cute when he sits on your shoulder or gives you little cheek kisses or little gifts! You're still wearing that necklace with an adorable acorn charm he made you.
So of course you appreciate his company. Besides, you've been feeling a little lonely as of late, what with so many of your friends getting sick lately. You're not sure how you avoided the weird stomach bug that's been going around, but you don't really question it.
Because really, why would you ever question it? It's not like you're aware that your new little fairy friend enchanted that necklace of yours to make your friends sick whenever they talk to you, nor are you aware that he's been feeding you enchanted tea to make you more fae than human, hoping to whisk you away to the fairy realm.
Because really, why would you ever doubt him?
He's so cute and harmless, after all.
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masterqwertster · 1 year
54-kidnapping. For the guy in a situation prompts. With a focus on Ashton. Could you please continue on from the presumed dead prompt you recently did? I really liked that one. Bells Hells would never let someone take their punk rock.
Continuing this prompt answer
Ashton is tending a field, a garden. Small animal-shaped eidolons gambol along in his wake, occasionally helping at his direction. Everything is green and growing and beautiful. He breathes in fresh air, appreciating the place he's carved out for himself in the world.
It’s so fucking peaceful.
–e u– –hton.
There's a sound on the breeze. Words they can’t quite make out.
Wa– up, –on.
Ashton quiets his small companions, trying to make out the message on the wind.
Ashton gasps awake.
Fucking fuck. He hates it when his stupid vivid dreams show him the nice shit he can never have.
Not that there’s really time to be upset about the random shit his brain throws at him. Imogen wouldn't poke into his head like that without a good reason.
Which is about the time it registers that this is not where they remember going to sleep. Because they sure as fuck hadn’t been chained up in a crate before they went to sleep.
So Ashton does the obvious thing: he rages and does his best to break the chains. Or crate. Whichever comes first.
The chains, unfortunately, are well-done. Even their raging strength isn't enough to make up for the lack of leverage from having their arms thoroughly pinned to their sides and legs bound together.
They are not, however, enough to restrain Ashton’s thrashing to a level that won’t break the crate. And wood splinters as Ashton’s feet and head slam into the planks.
The thing is, Ashton hadn’t really thought this through. Breaking the crate can get him out of it, but it doesn’t change that his ability to move is restricted to inchworming around because of the chains. Which means running or fighting is–
“Fucking hell! That should have been enough to keep a half-giant out for a whole day!”
–near impossible. Especially when his captors are still around.
Magic wraps around their body, stopping even what struggles Ashton can make chained up as they are. Someone opens the crate, though Ashton can only catch their silhouette from the corner of their bad eye thanks to the position they’ve been locked into.
“Right. Back to sleep with you,” the figure says. 
And something pierces into Ashton’s neck. He can feel whatever poison or drug is on it– in it?– seeping through his system. Ashton does his best to hold onto consciousness, but that shit is still being put into him. More and more, until he loses the fight to remain awake.
Ashton has the helm. 
Most need a compass, an enchanted one at that, in the Shattered Teeth, lest they get lost among the fog and shifting islands. But he is of Ka’Mort’s power, and the Empress of Earth’s power suffuses these isles. Ashton knows where the islands are, can feel them in his blood. Not to mention the eidolons here are the most eager and obedient to their requests over any other place they’ve sailed.
He breathes in the salty air. Blows out a whistle to the air and water eidolons to speed The Hellion along its course.
“There you are, Ashton. I’ve been searchin’ all over for you.”
“I don’t know why, Captain. It’s my shift at the helm,” Ashton says, leaning against the wheel as they eye the sorceress. Odd. She’s not wearing her captain’s coat. Imogen loves that thing, mostly because Laudna made it for her.
“The fuck are you talkin’ about, Ashton? This is a dream,” Imogen insists.
Everything freezes. Everything except him and Imogen.
“Ow,” Ashton says, hand going to their head as it sparks wildly. Realizing that this shit is a dream is a first. As is having Imogen poking in like this.
“Sorry about that,” Imogen apologizes. “Considering how wakin’ up didn’t go so great for you last time, we decided me jumpin’ into your dream to talk with you would be easier. I didn’t realize how much you got caught up in these dreams.”
“You’ve seen my dreams before?” Which probably isn’t the part they should be locking onto, but fuck it, this is, apparently, their dream.
“I go pokin’ around sometimes when I can’t sleep,” Imogen explains with a shrug. “And that’s besides the point. We’re comin’ to rescue you. We’re not gonna to leave you behind. So just hang on, alright? I promise, we’re comin’.
Her words echo through Ashton’s head, loosening a tension he hadn’t even realized was there. He’s alone, but not alone. Bells Hells isn’t going to abandon him to whoever fucking kidnapped him. And Ashton is kind of thankful he’s the only one these fuckers took. A rescue is probably more manageable than breaking out, and they’ll only be short him going in.
“Okay. But you better move fast, or I might get out on my own,” Ashton replies, challenging her, challenging them to come faster. 
“...And thanks.” for coming at all, they don’t say. But they think she can catch that anyways.
“We’re comin’. Promise.”
Had some fun playing with Ashton's alternate life dreams and how the Grim Verity/Omen Archives study of Exaltants said that they could enter others' dreams.
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thefoxlady · 6 months
I want to talk about a Don't Starve x Skyrim thing because I've been playing Skyrim and I had fun with my Dwarven Warrior build.
(I am going to anger both the DST and Skyrim fandoms am I?)
Here's a few Don't Starve characters, their builds, races, what type of armor they would wear and what type of weapons they would use (one handed, two handed, one handed + shield, etc.)
Wilson: Wilson would most likely be a mage, he would enchant his armor and weapons and make his own potions. He would wear light armor and have a sword, he would use some destruction magic if needed and uses alteration magic. As for his race, he would either be a Nord, Breton, or a High Elf (maybe even a Dark Elf).
Willow: Willow would obviously be a fire mage. Willow specializes in destruction magic, specifically fire magic, she would also conjure a flame atronach. The enchantments she would use is fire damage on her sword, fortify one handed, and fortify destruction and magicka regeneration. Willow would wear light armor and is one handed, she would use a sword. Her race would either be a Nord, Dark Elf, Redguard or a Imperial. And to make things interesting, she would be a werebear.
Winona: Winona would be a blacksmith, she would make her own weapons and armor (nothing like some hard work), she would also enchant her own armor and weapons. The enchantments she'll use is fortify block, fortify one handed, fortify smithing, and health/stamina absorb on her mace. Winona would wear heavy armor and use a mace and shield. Her race would either be a Redguard, Imperial, or a Orc.
Wes: Wes would be an assassin, he would make poisons to make killing targets easier, he would be sneaky (silent but deadly). Wes would wear light armor, use a dagger and bow and arrows, the enchantments he'll use would be fortify archery, fortify sneak/muffled, and frost resistance due to his race. His race would be a Argonian.
Wolfgang: Wolfgang is a strongman so he would wear heavy armor and use two handed weapons, most likely a warhammer, he would also use a bow for far away enemies. The enchantments he'll use are fortify two handed, fortify archery, stamina regeneration, and health regeneration. His race would be a Orc.
Wigfrid: Wigfrid would be a warrior, she would wear light armor and use a war axe and shield, she would also have a bow for far away enemies. The enchantments she'll use is fortify block, fortify one handed, fortify archery, stamina regeneration, and health absorb on her war axe. Her race would either be a Nord, Redguard, or a Orc.
Wendy: Wendy would be a necromancer mage because of Abigail and her fascination with death. She would use restoration, conjuration, alteration, and destruction magic. She would carry around a dagger just in case, her enchantments would centered be around magic. She would wear light armor for some protection. Her race with either be a Dark Elf or a High Elf.
WX-78 would be a Dwemer robot, he would use destruction magic that's focused around shock magic. I really don't know what else to say other than that.
Wickerbottom: Wickerbottom would be a conjuration mage. Wickerbottom would specialize in conjuration, alteration, and restoration magic. She would carry around a dagger just in case. Her enchantments would focus around conjuration, alteration, and restoration with magicka regeneration. Wickerbottom would wear light armor. Her race would be a High Elf.
(I realized most of the characters I talked about here are mages, lol.)
What do you guys think about the other Don't Starve characters' builds and races? Do you agree on what I thought up here?
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baelavelaryon · 8 months
House Maevret and Ithlinne Backstory
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House Maevret is barely considered a noble house at all, most nobles consider them only a few rungs above laborers, and yet they have carved out a niche for themselves that has made them powerful in their own way. The Maevrets have cultivated as much arcane knowledge as any other house, and their abjuration magic is second to none. The noblewomen spend their days weaving cloth enchanted with their protection magic, and their robes are sometimes exchanged for gold but they primarily trade in favor.
Ithlinne was born to Shiadhal Maevret, a particularly powerful sorcerer who couldn't have been more disappointed in her first daughter. After mothering two sons, both who turned out to be talented despite their sex, she had high hopes for her youngest... hopes that were dashed when Ithlinne revealed that she had none of her family's natural inclination for magic.
By age ten, she had been put aside by her mother; Ithlinne wasn't a sorcerer, nor was she strong, quick, or particularly clever, she was devout in her rituals but Lolth showed her no particular favor. Truly there was nothing her mother hoped for more than a second, more promising daughter. Ithlinne took to hiding in the compound's library, studying history and anatomy, which was when she learned the interesting history of her father's house, House Freth.
Many years ago, House Freth had been destroyed, and returned only through striking strange deals with the Cult of the Dragon, a society dedicated to serving undead dragon masters. This was the first time Ithlinne learned of the concept of a lich, an idea that would fascinate her for many years to come.
Having learnt this history, she began doing the strangest thing, seeking out and speaking to her father. Ithlinne's father was one of the three sons of the matron Erelal Freth, and a wizard of middling skill, he began to teach his daughter his manner of channeling the weave. And so at sixteen, she began to learn a form of magic.
To say that she excelled with this new teaching would be an overstatement, Ithlinne was a slow learner and always would be, but when she had a true passion for something she would put her entire focus on it, wearing it down like a wave against a cliff. She learned basic conjuration, some evocation... and finally convinced her father to teach her the simplest necromancy he knew.
As she grew older, her true passions remained with the concept of undeath, but Ithlinne had a role to fulfill, and eventually knew enough through study to replicate the complex glyphs her mother could weave with her eyes shut since she was a child. She also took over leading their chapel in service to Lolth, which both pleased her mother and herself.
After all, there were no rules on what must happen to the bodies once they had been killed in Lolth's name. No one else seemed to notice if a few went missing to further her studies in the passing of the soul and reanimation of the flesh.
A few decades passed like that, as calm as Menzoberranzan could be. Until her mother gave birth to another daughter. Nimue was everything Ithlinne wasn't, a perfect magical prodigy to further the line, with a sparkling personality and an easy air to her that Ithlinne had never had.
It was in Ithlinne's ninetieth year, and Nimue's fifth that her mother started trying to kill her.
The assassins caught her in the bath, her mother had clearly told them what she knew of her schedule and abilities, and they had come well-prepared. One had stabbed her between the shoulders with a poisoned blade before she could react, striking the other with lightning.
She wanted to master the ability to animate dead before informing anyone, the last thing she wanted was another failing for her mother to add to her list. This secret was probably the only thing that saved her. Having killed the first assassin, she was able to raise him as a zombie and set him on the second who did not expect it at all, keeping them away from her as she took the antidote that she always kept in a locket around her neck.
With the assassins dealt with, Ithlinne was faced with the knowledge that her mother wouldn't stop until she had either proven herself as heir, or gotten her out of the way so that her favored child could rule. Ithlinne was no fool, she knew her best option would be to leave, allow her mother to believe that she had succumbed to her wounds.
Taking only her spellbook and the few items she could carry, she left the cold comfort of her home.
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babyblueetbaemonster · 8 months
Wip Wednesday
Tagged by @hannahcbrown <3
Continue of the last part, it's still kinda bloody and messy.
After the Oblivion Crisis (part 5)
The bleeding has stopped.
They keep giving him more spells. One focus on his arm, and one on his heart. It appears that they've put double the effort it usually requires. Half of their spells are absorbed by the Atronach's power. They both look exhausting.
Baurus stands behind them. Watching. Helpless.
There's nothing he can do.
There's nothing he can do but trust them. He reminds himself to be patient. Baurus hears them talking to each other, before they switch places. He doesn't catch what they're saying, but his heart starts to sink. They're worried.
After a while, the healer goes to fetch remedies. The priestess cuts Acelta's sleeve off, and starts to clean his wounds. Baurus sees Acelta's arm is covered in scars old and new. He doesn't want to question their skills, but the wounds don't look healed at all. The new scar did stop bleeding, but it's red and open. Shouldn't it grow new skin? Baurus was healed by Acelta's magic before. There's no scar left, not even a trace. Shouldn't all healing spells work the same?
When the healer comes back, patches his wounds, but still doesn't heal him with magic, Baurus can't hold himself back any longer.
"Why don't you heal him completely?"
They quickly glance at each other.
"We tried, but somehow it can't be healed.” The healer hesitantly replies.
It has never happened before. Something is stopping the wounds from healing."
"It would be better if we know what's affecting his wounds. Maybe it's caused by the knife’s enchantment, poison, or curse. Do you happen to know what caused his wounds?"
That random dagger he picked up down the basement.
“I think I know.”
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coeluvr · 1 year
Part 2 of the au, please, prepare tissues:
The commotion of the maids and butlers arguing about the color of your gown wakes you from your restless sleep. (Helios was gone.) They never bother to ask for your opinion, yet no one protests when you choose a red dress with a silver hem.
"Hunter is waiting for you behind the castle doors," Soarine says as she takes your hands in hers. "Do not worry, MC, you'll find freedom. And please, don't ever forget about me when you soar across the sky."
Everything goes according to plan. The nearby walls crumble suddenly, and the mist obscures everyone's vision.
Hunter extends her arm, waiting for you to hold on so she can swiftly lead you to her uncle, while Lancelot will guide you to Vincent.
And soon, you'll be free.
You are nowhere to be found when Hunter searches for you. Your sudden disappearance forces her to rush to Helios and the others, including Luceris and the other nobles, to announce that you are gone.
Unbeknownst to the chaos, you ascend the highest tower in the castle. It stands empty, providing the perfect setting for your purpose.
You retrieve the necklace that embodies your essence and whisper a heartfelt enchantment into it—a promise meant for your beloved. It is an ancient magic, one that Fariya once taught you, allowing you to enchant anything with words meant solely for your loved one.
Enchanting those words, which you never thought you'd utter, you speak into the necklace's ethereal essence.
"Helios," you murmur, your voice heavy with pain.
Gazing up at the sky, you know that your freedom is imminent. Thoughts of your parents welcoming you into their loving embrace fill your mind, as well as the hope that your siblings will once again hold you dear.
Closing your eyes, you jump off the wall.
"I love you," you declare, surrender to gravity. I'm sorry.
The sound of Lancelot's anguished screams reaches your ears, and guilt grips your heart. You feel remorse for burdening him, for being such an ungrateful daughter. You yearn to share another meal with Qasim, Sadira, and the others, to once again feel accepted and loved in their presence. You long to roam the bustling market and encounter Soarine, to witness Vincent's different side.
You feel yourself being pulled into someone's arms, gently, softly, delicately, as if you are a fragile glass. But the glass has shattered, and your heart cannot be repaired anymore.
Though your vision fades, your eyes bleeding from the poison you've ingested daily for the past fortnight, you reach out with your bloody hands to touch his face. In this final moment, you want to remember him completely— remember the contours of his face, the touch of his bones. You want to imprint his presence forever in your memory.
You wipe away his tears, bloody hands still, unable to prevent yourself from asking him, even as your own breath escapes you, "I-if w-we... we meet again, in the next life...! P-promise me... that you will be the one... to find me first. Will... you?"
Helios says something, but his words are lost to you as you release your final breath. He beseeches you to rest, and so you do, closing your eyes as he cradles you.
You are no longer breathing. Instead, you find yourself in a meadow of golden fields. And... and...
Running toward your parents, your twin brother, and your siblings, you are once again within the sanctuary of your home. The flames have vanished, leaving only love and warmth.
"MC..." Helios chokes out, suffocated with grief, as his arms still holding you tightly amidst the chaos. Amidst it all, his focus remains solely on your smile.
I promise you, my love. I will come to you first in our next life.
So, wait for me. Wait for me until forever brings us together once again.
The end.
(Really hope I did the characters justice, but I'm bad at this stuff usually, so I'm prepared for any criticism)
This was really sad and I hope the anon who first sent me that scene is rejoicing right now 😭😭 Now someone write a modern day au where they are happy, thanks.
I know you wanted my feedback but I'm terrible at this (you will never catch me beta testing for people), I really did like it though! I do have to say you wrote Helios so gently 🥹 he's so soft and 💗💗💗 The part with MC reuniting with their family made me so sad, I know chapter 2 MC would want that above all else.
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misc-obeyme · 2 months
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Oh. The chibi is huge….. ANYWAY!!! OC Info dump part 2!!!
Jazz!!! He’s giggling his signature giggle ((Kekeke)) which is the best I can get for a fox’s laugh.
So, Twisted Wonderland is basically “What if Disney Villains weren’t as bad as the films made them out to be? MC gets pulled into this magical Twisted Wonderland and has to deal with these powerful and talented yet dysfunctional boys while they search for a way to get back home” it’s a rhythm/RPG battle visual novel. It’s made by the same author as Black Butler, if you know that anime.
The outfit in the chibi is what Jazz wears as his ‘casual’ outfit in the Devildom. It also has a matching jacket and many pockets! He keeps his magic-pen, which is a fancy ballpoint pen that has an enchanted emerald on the clip and a stylus at the end, ((basically his magic focus)) in the breast pocket of the vest or the jacket depending on if he has the jacket or not. In Nightbringer he adds a pair of black and white gloves, which are like artist drawing gloves for screen drawing tablets. So pinky and ring finger and that half of the palm are black while the rest is white.
He LOVES to make clothes, so much that was what he chose to make a sustainable business out of as the requirement to get access to his family’s wealth. ((5 times great grandma started a brewery that has become world famous, Grandma Takara is also the reason he’s not human, more on that later)) Will absolutely make stuff for Asmo and Levi if they ask him. his favorite fabric to work with is canvas and so he’s really strong for his small size. He can pick up demon form!Diavolo if he wants. He also really wants to make the dress from that one sticker for Dia, as he thinks Dia would absolutely rock it. ((Don’t ask Jazz to wear that dress as the frills to non-frills ratio is too high for Jazz’s tastes))
Speaking of Diavolo: won’t act on his crushes because his brain is mean >:( thinks that this prince and future king can do better than a humble tailor. And thinks that he’d fuck up the friendship they have by trying to romance him. Also thinks that being romantically involved with a literal prince would be too much of a spotlight ((ignoring the fact that dating the brothers and Solomon already puts a huge spotlight on him….)) ((same reasoning why he would not act on his crush on Barbatos)) But he really admires Dia. It will take somebody noticing the wistful stares and sighs and forcing them talk ((person: hey, Jasper, Diavolo, come to this dinner with me. Oh wait, I actually have plans but I don’t want the reservation to go to waste, so have fun you two!! ☺️))
So, the ‘human enough’. Grandma Takara wasn’t human at all. She was a fox fae from Twisted Wonderland that found herself on Earth and couldn’t get back home. She was basically a kitsune from Japanese mythology. And at the start of Jazz’s adventures he was 98% human, 2% fox fae. Then during Twisted the human and fox fae flipped, so he’s now 98% fox fae, 2% human. Which is just enough human for pacts and Earth sorcery to work.
Because of the kitsune stuff: he’s allergic to tomatoes. If he has them, then he’s in the bathroom for the next hour. Is a shapeshifter, but prefers to keep the form he had to begin with ((except for the female bits, those got shifted away to being male ASAFP)) but will change for pranks or safety.
Loves pranks, lives by the ‘confuse, don’t abuse’ motto ((has used a vodka bottle for a water bottle, has use chocolate syrup bottle for a water bottle, eaten vanilla pudding out of a mayo jar etc.))
HATES being underwater without a viable source of air, be that potions, spells, scuba gear, or just straight up shapeshifting himself some gills. So when in the Aquarium Event they all swam to the source of the poison, he was internally going “I hate this. I hate this. I am so glad for magic.”
Ending on a positive note: is poly lingual. Can speak native Japanese, English, German and French. And can add to that with a bit of magic, just straight up copies what the person knows about the language. So, he copied Celestial from Beel.
OMG so much loooore!!
Okay I'm so into the fox fae situation a;sldkfjdf.
He's just a mischievous little guy with a big ole crush on a demon prince!! I would be their wingperson. Let me be the one who's like oh oops I planned plans on top of my plans have fun see ya!!! LOL that's so cute though. I get why he would feel that way.
I love that he's a tailor and makes stuff for Asmo and Levi too!
I too am allergic to tomatoes alsdklfjf no not really but the only food I don't like is raw tomatoes. I don't know why 😭
Anyway, I love him he sounds so cute~ Thank you for sharing him with me!!
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Ft x TW: NRC boys' type of fairy tail magic
Ohohoho what a can of worms to open! I have considered the FT in TW au far more than the TW in FT au, but this changes now lol.
Obviously both sources are fairly soft with their magic, but it's true that FT specializes far more, either by choice or by affinity. Soooo time to spitball around a bit. (As I try really hard not to get too deep into backstories and make this more complicated than it has to be.)
Riddle: Some sort of nullification/wave magic—essentially like his signature spell. Riddle probably tries to be an all-around mage nonetheless, but it comes back around to nullification nonetheless.
Trey: Enchantment. He'll claim up and down that it's just minor tricks and little buffs, but this dude can probably rewrite a human being if he wants to. Though he would be fantastic support. Full mom mode, for sure.
Deuce: Full Counter. Yes I am aware this is not an explicit Fairy Tail magic. But I call him my Full Counter child way too often for me to get it out of my head.
Ace: How far he goes with it is up for debate, but card magic. It starts with some simple tricks, and then his Quick Learning kicks in and Ace can do a variety of things given he has access to the card for it.
Cater: Solid script magic. Maybe some other script magic too, though Cater would downplay how much he could do with it, but dude has a way with words alright.
Leona: He would be the type to know a variety of magic, enough to keep people guessing about his limits, but his main developed magic would be crush magic, much to the consternation of everyone. (Himself included sometimes.)
Ruggie: He could totally have something funky like Figure Eyes or some sort of straight forward puppeteer magic, but I think his overall magic would be speed. Ruggie go noom.
Jack: Transformation magic, so he can turn into a wolf and whatever other animal he desires. Not necessarily seith magic, but I do think he would focus on animals because he's just like that.
Azul: Dude would totally be a celestial spirit mage. It's all about collecting minions and getting them to do the heavy lifting, after all. That said he's definitely a Contract Guy so he would be fair about things. (And he would get heckled by the spirits sometimes too; a true give and take relationship right there.)
Jade: Telepathy magic that is definitely just used for good ol consensual communication. Yep. Not like Jade can eavesdrop on people's minds or anything. :)
Floyd: Reflector magic of some sort. Can't hit him because your magic goes wonky. Oh no, you gotta fist fight instead. What a nightmare. (For you.)
Kalim: I honestly can't decide if he'll be a water mage, because of his UM, or if he'll do something completely left-field, like dancer magic, because he is a fun guy and a good bean like that.
Jamil: He would certainly be a jack-of-all-trades type, but mostly an air/wind mage. Within that sphere, Jamil has a lot going on: healing magic, some purification, transportation, ripping the air out of your lungs, enhanced hearing, invisibility—all the useful stuff. He probably knows some charm magic on the side, too, but that's a surprise tool for later.
Vil: Poison magic because I think it would be hilarious. He's equally very proud of his very potent poison and also distressed because it's such a volatile magic and everyone looks at him *like that.* Vil would be great at making elixirs and antidotes too though.
Rook: If anyone would have some sort of take-over magic, it would be Rook. It's the ultimate appreciation of life if you ask him—as well as the ultimate hunt. He would probably deal mostly with beasts, but with just enough other types of transformations that it makes people wonder. How exactly Rook acquires these take-overs is up to the imagination.
Epel: Make-magic. I'm not 100% sure on the type—I think some sort of glass/crystal, maybe—but his amazing carving skills definitely strike me as good make-magic material. Plus he's a creative little fella that would definitely whack people with a comically large hammer given the chance.
Idia: He'd be the guy to naturally develop seith magic against his explicit will, but that's okay because he never really uses it. (Except, perhaps, for Ortho...) Idia would focus on magic tech and developing items, but if his extremely sentient constructs happen to house some souls because he's a bleeding heart after all, then nobody really has to know.
Ortho: Archive magic. Because it's the internet. Tbh I don't really get archive magic in the context of FT's world all that well, but nonetheless, I think Ortho would be able to do it. It's all about running analysis and being the bestest support. (That said, Ortho would probably be casually good at some sort of light/energy magic on the side; for the tactical nuke.) Provided Ortho is not, you know, a soul in a construct.
Malleus: He's gotta be a dragon slayer. Them's the facts. That said, I am somewhat undecided on the type. I lean towards lightning, because the lightning motif is pretty prevalent, but Malleus is also very fond of his fire breath. A green fire dragon slayer, perhaps? Or he would be something super Extra and Edgy, like "tempest dragon slayer" or something, that is mad OP and can do large scale atmospheric stuff and weather. Dude's a beast, after all.
Lilia: Something spatial focused—like teleporting or territory. Well, he would probably use it mostly for teleporting but he can actually do some super insane stuff if things get serious.
Silver: Like his dad, he's also a spatial mage, but for requip magic. Silver would totally play the Erza-card and focus on weapons and armor and such.
Sebek: He would have the type of sound magic that makes your eardrums burst, and Sebek would be sooo effective with it. Maybe he could be a speed type on the side too, as a treat.
Grim: My dude would be an Exceed that stubborns his way into learning fire magic, even if it's super basic.
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unlikelysaintdelele · 10 months
I wanna talk about my warden, so I'm gonna do that. Meet Adalia Amell.
Loyal to the Circle and her friends. Finds some piece of mind by following the Chantry, but wouldn't go so far as to call herself an Andrastian. She likes pretty dresses and reading books, from history to fiction. It's her only way to experience the outside world. She's rather studious and crafty, so she excelled in herbalism and poison-making. Her spell focus was in Elements (ice and electricity) and Spirit (death and telekinesis). But she was also restless, so she developed a silver tongue that allowed her to sneak around as she pleased and get her hands on whatever she desperately wanted in the moment. She completely lacks survival skills and has no real skill in fighting, only the theoretical sort. From all those books, of course. And she's kind. She loves doing things for other people. You could say her love language is acts of service.
She finds Cullen's crush on her endearing and likes pretending to be oblivious about it because of how he stutters. Is something wrong? Why are you so flushed, Cullen? Are you feeling sick? Here, let me check. However, she gets easily embarrassed if Jowan pokes fun at her about it. As a true child of the Circle, she never once attempts to pursue anything and simply leaves it as a small fancy. This overall leaves many under the impression that she has no feelings for Cullen and is barely aware of his affections got her. Her devastation to hearing what he said during their reunion, when the Circle was overtaken by demons, ran deep. She never loved him, but she always adored him. He would forever be her first Maybe.
When Jowan approaches her about destroying his Phylactery, she runs straight to the First Enchanter. She wants to help her best friend, but she simply cannot go against everything she knows as right. When she hears whispers of him practicing blood magic, she's naturally in denial. Doesn't believe up until he uses it to escape. When she reunites with him at Redcliffe, it's messy and hurt. He's apologetic but trust has been broken so she leaves him in the cell. After healing Arl Eamon, she has him sent back to the Circle. He is a Circle mage and he will be dealt with as such.
She was awestruck by Duncan pretty much the moment she met him. A Grey Warden! When she was chosen by him, she was excited and nervous but oh so eager to get out of the Circle because she would finally see the outside world. She was also annoyed because Greagoir wasn't listening to anything she or the First Enchanter were saying. She wouldn't dare betray the Circle. So it was either leave and see the world or stay and face unjust punishment. That's not the kindest situation to being pushed out of your own home. He low-key became a bit of a father figure. The First Enchanter was more like a Grandpa.
She's wary of Alistair when they first meet because of his Templar background but quickly warms up to him because of his humor. Jokes are good. She also likes the other recruits, even flirts with one of them, but doesn't bother to get to know anyone in detail because she assumes there will be time for that later... which was false. She definitely felt fear during the joining. Blinding, sickening fear. She did not want to die after barely stepping outside of the Circle. It was her desire to experience the world that overpowered her fear of death. She did not want to die, so she simply refused to accept that as an option. So she drank. And she survived.
She loves Morrigan. She finds her bitchy practicality amusing, and her bizarre childhood sad but also... kinda cool? What do you mean you shapeshifted to swipe a pretty mirror? Can you show me how to do that? She also finds her style fascinating as it's so different from the conservative Circle robes. It's almost definitely a one-sided friendship in the beginning, but the small twinge of sadness when they speak before going after the Archdemon... it's enough for Adalia to never hate her. She would never search for Morrigan after that.
Leliana is a completely different story. It's like she stumbled upon a long lost best friend she never knew she had. They bonded so quickly no one would've known they had just met a week ago. Adalia loved to hear the stories of Leliana's travels, and they would even gossip about Adalia's trysts with...
Alistair! How he wormed his way into her heart. They relied on each other when they were left to fight off the demons in the tower in Ostagar. It only deepened when they became the only Grey Wardens left in Ferelden, the only ones left who could understand what the other was going through. The nightmares. The being hunted down. Loghain's betrayal that resulted in Duncan's death. They found comfort in each other. Comfort that became clumsy flirting (from Alistair) and amused teasing (from Adalia) to frantic kisses stolen in the night that became complete trust and what little happiness they could find during the Blight. She comforted him after Goldana because he was kind and deserved to know his kindess was not a waste.
She supported Anora's bid for the throne because Alistair didn't want to be King and she never quite understood the need for maintaining bloodline within nobility. She was a Circle mage, where the children of nobility were stripped of their title and all birthrights the moment they walked in. To her, blood wasn't what mattered but rather capability and willingness. She had no doubt that Alistair would eventually grow into his role of he became King, but she didn't think it right to force him into a role he didn't even want. That was until Morrigan's ritual. For the first time, she would break away from everything that she had been taught. Not because she wasn't ready to sacrifice her life for all of Ferelden. But because she knew Alistair would follow her anywhere and would die protecting her. He would sacrifice himself so she could live. Not wanting to imagine a life without him, she selfishly clung to their love. Because of their trust in each other, Alistair reluctantly went through with the ritual.
Back to her friends! She found it rather upsetting that Sten didn't seem to like her. She found him hard to understand at first. She kept giving him paintings and prodding him about why he was caged. They eventually formed a deep respect for each other and their differences. Adalia finding him his sword definitely helped a bit. She also liked hearing his stories about the Qunari.
Zevran! Hmm.. annoying but funny. She thought it was hilarious how eager he was to switch sides if it meant he lived. She also loved hearing his wild stories as a Crow, especially with his Antivan accent. Her party thought she was foolish for trusting him, but Zevran was her most loyal friend at the end of the day. It probably helped that they shared the same sense of dry humor.
Oghren.. was too stupid and bizarre to hate. There was also some respect because, though he was a horn dog who would wander out of the marriage bed, he had a loyal heart. They weren't the closest, but they were friendly and would often chat at camp.
Wynne! Lovely Wynne! She became a grandma figure to Adalia. She took Wynne's advice to heart, even when she disagreed. She was particularly hurt by Wynne's first opinion about her relationship with Alistair. She knew there was some truth to Wynne's words, but she also thought Wynne was wrong about this. Of all things, what she had with Alistair was not wrong, was not bad. She also adores Wynne's naughtier side. Like how she would tease Alistair.
Some last details! She could not be bribed into evil acts and always sought compromise when she could. The Dalish lived and the werewolf curse was broken. She shut down the slave trade and saved the elder. She persuaded the demon in Connor to leave forever. She named her Mabari Firulais, making it ironic when someone would claim the dog was full of fleas. She was an Arcane Warrior and Shapeshifter. and she ran off into the sunset with the love of her life (and zevran, because he wanted to come along).
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maneaterwithtail · 2 years
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Visual Journey of Ronaldo as Companion on Jumpchain with an SI helping him reach new heights.
Most of these can be credited to months of work by the talents, economical service, and patience with the inarticulate (me) even across foreign language @rickleone
Who could always use more patrons this holiday season or just cash/Euro.
The last was a take from pixiv by Guillermo Principle or ぐちゅりむ原理主義 and then DALL-E prompt derived from an adult story with creeepy but fascinating visuals.
Starts mostly as per canon albeit 7 years older than last saw. Firmed up, and loaded weapons master style
References and Weapons
Shiva edge, Masamune, A Lange Messer, measures things and makes theremin music, cuts out 'invaders' ala Tenseiga or horse talisman,
His green sword gains Kodama like abilities and is called Soruimaru
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Combined crescent apogee, a crescent blade that flies in or out of hand to attack, making up for initial poor swordsmanship or blade to tank situation.
Forgets to charge as to phone- though both from internal energies, primarily magic but can convert any to power held or touched device.
Klaive has a drop bear warspirit and wielding it can grant koala features plus muting and enhancing personal weight using it.
Combined with The Chinese WJQ-308 military shovel which can shikai into Ningishzida, a long braided ficus growing out leaves, that can be blades or as so inclined. either form heals and enhances mind and body with Hamon, Viva-Glitter, potato bola/meteor hammers that grow a sling out snares, calories or other things, can darken and gnarl emitting ,fatigue-poison inducing bioluminescence or leech energy making the darkest, savoriest apples of earth swell with the savor of life.
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Shovel's Blade is removable to become infinitely foldable stand devices, that is chairs, music stands, and onward. The shovel is also a dowsing rod and with focus it enhances earth vibe senses
Pair of axes from house of the dead via a gate of imagination, unable to chop or cut things but amazing range of throw. They don't wear or suffer damage and block all firearms fire. Ralph blessed them so they do work in gaming and electronic spaces and can be sent in and out or even on any surface, such as Ronaldo’s skin as a crossed pair tattoo.
Ronaldo is tasked with making them real enough to do damage in real world or more than, in game, has expanded their applicability and effect in digital spaces and can call and send from them to and from such thanks to advancing practice.
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Ronaldo has some of Coop's jotnar blood of chaos to solidify the phantom tools but needs to learn how. Collabs with Dr. Marco and Dumbledore to do it.
Wears anklets charms with spurs as much a part of his shoes or other foot wear with silver and black metal orbs-in-a- discus. they can help control friction, changing size and enchanting his soles to be comfortable and refreshed- even rejuvenate and heal - as stand in light not of world on (moonlight, starlight, sunlight, and satellite beams, but not spotlights or firelight or radioactive light unless from meteor)
Has complimentary charms on the wrist, one looking like a fancy man's watch which gives scope readings as adjusted with smartphone but does not tell time, he has a phone for that.
His white to yellowish latex belt with intervening raised pattern of weeping and other ficus leaves throughout with gall-makers prong in a ficus blossom that hitches into the belts tail to make a fig fruit cover buckle worthy of Sam Merlotte's own collection. He did provide for it, as his orphic self, as Ficus Belt, or Dryad Girdle Humbaba, at granting Ronaldo the title of their Cedalion. His role meant to sit on the shoulder of giants to guide, spot, and direct in glee to revelation.
His glasses are polarized and enhanced to protect eyes and highlight living or radiant energy in dark conditions or shield from glare conditions or flare or vision attacks. And he can do cool anime shots and poses too. Which he does.
He can even reshape the frames, hinges, temples, and lenses as if molding putty with his hands. A tap to the nosepiece can zoom and enhance, filter, and take pictures by making noises with his back teeth that appear on a phone or personal data storage he intends. If resizes his glasses to another’s face and places them on their face the item will adjust so the person can see-in-beyond-perfect vision, even rectifying any light eye ailments or conditions2.
The Humbaba Girdle. Can grow out to primarily ficus based growths but can integrate or become other plants related or sampled, along with producing critical pollinating animals, like fig wasps. He can command and communicate to these life forms, though needs to learn to understand their pov to perfect his leadership.
When the belt’s dryadic power is active, while surrounded by greenery, his own Hamon, awareness, reflexes, instincts, and agility are enhanced as if entering a state of unagi wa gichi-gami3.
He wears circles of fine silver charms, including discretes ones about forehead or in roots of his locks and cleft of shoulders and neck. With a secret magic phrase they can transform and connect like a silver scale shibari bind for similar enhancement of precision and agility
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This can then grow into a silvery vaguely simian maille suit with a twinned ficus vine tail, making him resemble an arboreal beast, with elements of all creatures he likes.
He often wears a utility harness or kilt with limb enhancer’s extensions, also called digit-tools, tucked in
He can enter high gear mode when excited. His hair widens and grows out, teeth thicken, and his skin flushes red and his frame becomes stouter and primal. His hand feet-form. This mode is called akajagaimo. His body appears more akin to an orangutan or ape with a tuber tail with a stinger-end through which he inflicts or shares his state, though victims are usually more emotionally manic or desperate.
If tail takes root can grow tuber and "Ronaldo fruit4" in target.
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Aside from ape body appearance, more swells and fills with special organs his body needs to work for the presentation he chooses. He can grow forms of potato meteor hammers, bola, etc from his joints. May produce vines/roots from his body. He can pop potato eyes that can ocularly function but often grow to tubers about as sensitive as fingers and with all senses in one. Each acts as a buffer or workaround if a sense is overwhelmed, though it is harder to see with 'eyes' extended.
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Middle development on chain; he gains a variant of Kevin Greene's Primal powers. He can grant a use of them to living or organic not petrified in full subjects with touch but needs tune them and focus and pour out the slime produced by himself into the target
Stand: Secret Agent Man.
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Resembles a camera that upgrades off other cameras and recording devices. Semi independent and bonded. Global range but object, so cannot be dismissed or completely unseen and increased suffering, if it is hurt, he is hurt. If SAM is active and seen by a person he or she will connect them with Ronaldo or at least recognize and think of one with the other.
No obfuscation deceives or blocks the glare of his camera. But when keep secret what so obtained cannot be deceived or misrepresented
Can psychically record events without bias or projection into memory, even reexamine the flash of time as if there. Eventually can share experiences and include non-visual senses. Though Ronaldo knew how to read lips and guess temperature and other such before being initiated into jumpchain.
End state:
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Master of Gantz and Adventors tech by himself apart from Jumper's own developments in Gantz
Has a large mecha that with ficus wood "bones" with leaf headhelm, and one eye behind facial opening, with streamers, flags, banners of his flame shirt in the creases of the vehicle's bells and plates. It has Saturn balls for feet,unless standing still, to roll about any ( even a tar, wall, or water) surface, skating as easily as birds sing.
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His Masterpiece is the
Arboretum of Primal Essence. A metal clothing tree1. (This Design is borrowed from drone visuals and ideas.) Made to produce biobooster Armor and living latex and Gantz tech or suits and similar devices.
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He can design in a personal digital/conceptual space and then quantum fax a platonic or at least ideal weapon to Real World with Gantz and other tech he’s made from personal study and learning and tinkering.
1 Meant to evoke imagination. What is Ronaldo fruit? What means to be injected with it or have grown in you?
1 He moves with the sleekness and awareness and speed and restrictions of an eel in Lake Michigan.
2 Mind he will want them back as he still needs them
3 He and link and guy in the middle are examples of "weapons master style"
4 Canonically we don't know what or where Ronaldo's tattoo is, while pictures to end have possible takes this is where you may get creative!
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endofherwildsideau · 1 year
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His Voice by Prince Naveen
| Animal Mode | Bioluminescent | Royal | Arrival | Old-Self | His Weapons | Voodoo Priest |
Deadname: Kelan Olson
Name: King Kellen the Marsh Alpha
Name Meaning: swamp; Slender Or Slim. Descendant Of The Brightheaded One. Swampy Area.
Nicknames: kell, key, and kelli.
Birthday: July 23
Cause of Death: Alligator attacks
Age: 180 (die in the age of 15)
Species: American alligator
Race: Mexican 🇲🇽 & African-American.
Gender: Male ♂
Relationship status: Single
Sexuality: Bisexual
Home World: Earth (Formley) Miracle Region (Currently)
Kingdom: Hidden Marsh; Orleans City, Great Foggale, Black River, and Nyssa town.
Role or Job: Alligator Alpha. God of Swamp/Marsh & Voodoo. Holder of Crown Jewel pieces. Master of taming the Swamp/Marsh animals. Ruler of Hidden Marsh; Orleans City, Great Foggale, Black River, Nyssa town & Marsh Alphas. Voodooist. Fortune Teller. Voodoo priest.
Facts: his eye color changes based on expression or emotion; Cardinal Red: Aggressive, alert, dominant, and disagreeable. Sweet Orange: proud, cautious, strange, distrustful, and untrusting. Yellow Iris: playful, challenging, hopeful, and logical. Swamp Green: neutral or Calm, and disgusted. Iris Blue: sad, honest, Trusting, accepting friendly, noticeable, and close ally. Plum: focus, studying, creative, and wise. Thunder Gray: Confused and surprised. Pink Lady: embarrassed, sweet, in love, kindness, and kind.
Companion Pet:
Yara the Lily-Pad Otter
Spirit Animals:
Shadow animal-spirits
Unnamed parents
Alpha Physiology
Human Physiology
Hybrid Physiology
Reptilian Physiology
Ally Empowerment
Animal Companionship
Animal Creation - only on Swamp/Marsh animals.
Animal Training Mastery - only on Swamp/Marsh animals.
Animalistic Vocalization
Aquatic Breathing
Avian Companionship
Cane Proficiency
Claw Retraction
Companion Allegiance
Contaminant Immunity
Creature Studies Mastery - only on Swamp/Marsh animals
Decelerated Aging
Dermal Armor
Enhanced Durability
Enhanced Lung Capacity
Enhanced Senses
Enhanced Smell
Enhanced Strength
Eye Color Shifting - based on emotion or expressions.
Glowing Eyes - only when the power is active or glows in the dark.
Hair Growth
Hat Proficiency
Infinite Digestive System
Mind Control - to control other Marsh alphas
Mind Link - to control other Marsh alphas
Mode Switching - Companion Form & Animal Mode
Night Vision
Pointed Ears
Poison Immunity
Powerful Bite
Prehensile Tail
Regeneration Healer Factor
Scale Manifestation
Smoke Bomb Proficiency
Speed Swimming
Tail Manifestation
Taming - only on Swamp/Marsh animals
Unique Eye Coloration
Unique Hair Coloration
Vertical Pupils
Weapon Summoning
Zoological Mastery
Blessing Inducement
Card Magic
Curse Inducement
Dimensional Storage
Environmental Field Projection
Magic Hat
Magic Object
Magical Telekinesis - via with crane
Precognition - by using the cards.
Retrocognition - by using the cards.
Sleight of Hand Mastery
Trick Hats
Voodoo Combat
Voodoo Doll Creation
Wetland Adaptation
Wetland Creation
Wetland Magic
Wetland Manipulation
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that-angry-noldo · 2 years
Don't you want to be alone?
[Tol-in-Gaurhot snippet; Sauron and Finrod in the same room, goes as well as you'd expect. CW torture, torture mention.]
Finrod was alone.
It was exhausting: being chained in the small room (why would he even design a room this small, what was wrong with him), alone, away from his companions. Chains gritted into his skin, leaving ugly marks and scars; Finrod trashed uselessly, without the hope of breaking them - just to feel something.
He stilled, trying to steady his breath. The torch flickered again.
He was sure the room was swarmed with enchantments; there was no other explanation why the torch burned but didn't light the darkness around, why would the shadows start moving and whispering whenever he would try to focus on it. He was sure about it, even though the poison he was given made it painful to even think about magic, much more use it (he discovered it quickly after trying to tend to Edrahil's many wounds - the fire burning from inside out, leaving him curled on the ground from the pain).
He threw himself out of the memories, focusing on the torch again, shadows looming in his peripherial vision.
"I know you're here," he growled, tensing immediately, his eyes becoming sharp, trying to catch the sight of a fallen maia.
He didn't fear Sauron. (He did. His mind would betray him, would left him trashing against his restraints at the mere memory of the fire burns and wips and knives soaked in poison whenever the loneliness would become too much, and Finrod bit his lip - he felt he might've drowen blood).
Sauron laughed quietly, hidden in the darkness of a cell. "Of course you do. I'd be disappointed if you didn't."
The torch flickered one last time. The light vanished.
Finrod felt his breath catching in his throat, panic building in his chest. Two orange eyes sparked in the darkness, looking at him with a cold curiosity. "Are you enjoying your stay, Noldo?"
Finrod pursed his lips, invoking every bit of pain, hatred, rage, trying to surpress the fear he felt barely looking at his captor. Sauron tilted his head, his eyes gleaming dangerously.
"I asked a question, dog."
Finrod clenched his teeth.
Sauron hummed.
The eyes disappeared.
"Is this really the hill you want to die on, Noldo?" Sauron whispered, looking him sraight in the eye, standing right before him and Finrod flinched because there was pain and he was screaming and his throat hurt but so did his chest and his spine and-
He growled, snapping from the illusion, baring his teeth and clutching his chains. Sauron laughed.
"Look at you, so unwilling to obey. There's just me and you in this room, Noldo, but I can change that. You sure would use some company, wouldn't you?"
Finrod freezed. Sauron's eyes sparked with satisfaction.
(Finrod didn't move when the maia placed his fingers on his shoulder, when they started to grow impossibly hot, not quite hurting him but keeping him on edge nonetheless).
"They're quite stubborn, eleven of them. So settled on not giving out who you are. What did an elf, as great as he might be, do to deserve such faithfulness?"
Finrod tried to close his mind, but Sauron's whisper was already inside; he saw Hilie sitting in the corner, hugging herself, her body bruised and wounded, trembling and sobbing quietly; Yurro and Tyalmo, tied up, eyes trained on eachother, feeling the other's pain more than their own; Nyardo, scowling as another whip landed on his spine-
Beren, spitting blood on the floor-
Edrahil, Edrahil, full of rage and of anger, screaming and shouting and trashing against his chains, and Sauron smiled.
"So he's the dearest to you, then," he crooned, stepping back, and Finrod gasped for air, his mind going no, no, no over and over again. "That was so easy, Noldo. I expected more of you."
"Don't," he whispered, the first words leaving his lips in who knows how long. "Don't."
Sauron stopped. "Ah, so you do talk."
"Don't," Finrod repeated. "He's not-"
"You're right," Sauron said, his eyes gleaming, satisfied. "Maybe, I should take care of you first. Let you have a taste of everything he will go through. Maybe you wouldn't be so selfish i you knew what he would endure, don't you think?"
Finrod thinks of Edrahil, and of Beren, and of everyone else, and lowers his head.
He lies on the ground, body trembling, blood splattered all over the floor, tears streaming down his face.
Sauron takes his chin with his fingers, forces Finrod to look at him.
"Now, what do you think? Will your precious friends be so devoted to you to endure this?"
Finrod is silent, the only sound being his higged breath.
Sauron smirks, and turns around.
"Get the angry one ready," he orders, and Finrod feels his heart drop. "This Noldo over here is very eager to see his friend."
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rainywerewolfmoon · 9 months
Tales Of Fairyland
Ao3 link here Tales Of Fairyland - Chapter 3 - Princessmh9 - Original Work [Archive of Our Own]
Chapter 3: A Starry Surprise
{As Nocturnia observed the heartwarming scene of Genevieve brushing her daughter's hair with the hairbrush she had provided, her delight knew no bounds. Her sinister plans were coming to fruition, and her dark satisfaction was palpable. Sablethorn, her devoted partner in their nefarious scheme, entered the room, sharing in her wicked joy. He was eager to understand the progress of their devious plot.}
{Sablethorn with a sense of anticipation.} Did you give her the poisoned hairbrush, my Queen?
{Nocturnia's eyes glittered with a malevolent gleam.}
{Nocturnia her voice dripping with sinister intent} Yes, and Genevieve has already begun to brush her hair. The foolish girl doesn't realize that by using the hairbrush, it will confuse and poison Starlessia's mind into thinking we are her parents at last.
{Sablethorn nodded in agreement, his own ambitions fueling their dark aspirations.}
{Sablethorn} And then we can take her away from Fairyland to the realm of shadows. At long last, we will have the opportunity to groom her and train her to become Queen.
{Nocturnia's lips curled into a wicked smile.}
{Nocturnia} And then, together, we shall emerge from the shadows to rule Fairyland at last.
{Their wicked plan was set in motion, with the promise of darkness and chaos looming over the realm they sought to conquer. Fairyland's fate hung in the balance, and the stage was set for a harrowing battle between the forces of evil and the magic of love and family.}
A couple of suns later
{Princess Elara gazed out of the window in the royal library, her thoughts wandering to distant places. The world beyond the castle walls called to her, and her young mind was filled with dreams and questions about the enchanting realms of Fairyland. Outside, the vibrant colors of the magical gardens and the soft rustling of leaves in the breeze captured her attention. Elara's tutor watched her with a mixture of exasperation and understanding. He had seen this far-off look in her eyes before, a sign that her mind was wandering beyond the lessons and the confines of the library}
{Roland clearing his throat} Princess Elara, it's important to focus on your studies. The knowledge within these walls is a gift, and it's meant to be cherished and learned from.
{Elara turned her gaze towards her tutor, her eyes bright with curiosity and a touch of mischief.}
{Elara her voice filled with a spark of enthusiasm.} I know, Master Roland. But sometimes, I can't help but wonder about all the places and adventures waiting for me out there.
{Master Roland couldn't help but smile at her youthful spirit. He recognized the fire of curiosity that burned within her, a trait that she shared with her mother.}
{Roland his tone softening} Indeed, Princess. But remember, the knowledge you gain here will serve as a foundation for your future adventures. It will guide you, keep you safe, and help you make the right decisions. Now do you remember what I was teaching you before you drifted off?
{Elara nodding} Yes, Master Roland. You were teaching me about the history of the Ancient Forest and its significance in the balance of nature in Fairyland.
{Master Roland's smile widened, pleased with her response.} Very good, Princess. Let us continue then, for in the history of our realm lies the wisdom and lessons that will shape your future as a ruler.
{Elara leaned in, ready to delve back into her studies, her mind alive with the possibilities of the knowledge she would gain.}
{Ash sighed as the last Fae left the throne room. It was nonstop problems in the Kingdom of Enchanted Forest and even with Genevieve and King Oberon and Queen Titania on the thrones as well it felt like forever until court was over. He glanced at the King and the Queen the looked at Genevieve who was frowning.}
{Ash} Genevieve love I know that look, what's wrong?
{Genevieve looking at Ash} Does Elara seem any different to you?
{Ash furrowed his brow, contemplating her question.}
{Ash cautiously} I haven't noticed anything unusual. But why do you ask? Is there something specific that's bothering you about Elara?
{Genevieve} It's just... she seems more distant lately. Normally, she's so full of energy and laughter, but lately, it's like she's lost in her thoughts. I've tried talking to her, but she assures me that everything is fine.
{Ash} Perhaps it's just a phase, my love. Children go through many changes as they grow. Elara is no exception.
{Genevieve} I know, but... I can't shake this feeling that something is amiss. Maybe I'm just being an overly worried mother.
{Queen Titania, with a warm and understanding smile, leaned in closer to Genevieve, offering her comfort and camaraderie.}
{Titania} Genevieve, dear, you're not alone in this. I can empathize completely with how you feel, especially with Willow and Aurora. Children can be quite mysterious at times. Remember, they are growing and discovering the world around them. It's only natural for them to have moments of introspection and curiosity. But we are their guiding stars, and they'll always find their way back to us.
{Genevieve} Thankyou Queen Titania.
{The moment was interrupted by the grand entrance of King Lindir and Queen Albina, Ash's parents, into the room. Ash greeted them with a smile, and the atmosphere in the room brightened with their presence.}
{Ash in delight} Mother, Father.
{They walk up and embrace him with smiles.}
{Lindir} How have you been son?
{Ash} I have been good. Courts have been very busy today.
{Albina smiling} That’s good and how have you been Genevieve?
{Genevieve} I been good. I'm a little tired but I think it's from the summer heat we have been having.
{The Kings and Queens and Ash look at each other with curiosity in their eyes and Genevieve chuckles at this as she playfully rolls her eyes.}
{Genevieve} I promise I am not pregnant again.
{Oberon chuckling} Well if you say so. But if you are remember you always have our support Genevieve.
{Genevieve gratfully} Thankyou King Oberon.
{Lindir} Speaking of children where is my granddaughter?
{Ash} She should be finishing her studies for the day.
{Titania} Will you be staying for dinner?
{Albina} Yes if you will allow us.
{Oberon} Of course we will. You are family after all.
{Genevieve stands up as the sounds of laughter racing past the throne room alerted the adults.
{Titania with a fond smile} Looks like the twins are done for the day Oberon.
{Oberon} Yes so it does. I just hope Willow doesn't find another frog to terrize his sister again.
{They laugh at this remembering the twins telling them about the frog chase at Whispering Streams.
{As Elara got up from her desk, Willow and Aurora burst into the room with excitement.}
{Aurora} Come on, Elara. We're going to sneak into the kitchen.
{Elara, wearing a smile} Right behind you, Aurora.
{The twins raced out of the room, leaving Elara to put her books away. Just then, King Lindir and Queen Albina walked into the room, catching Elara's attention.}
{Elara} Grandma, Grandpa.
{She rushes up to them as Lindir picks her up and spins her around as she burst into laughter. Lindir, with a twinkle in his eye, continued to spin Elara until she couldn't help but giggle uncontrollably.}
{Albina, watching the joyful interaction with affection} Lindir, you'll make her dizzy!
{Lindir gently set Elara down, and she steadied herself, still wearing a wide grin.}
{Lindir, chuckling} Just giving her a taste of the magic in the family, Albina.
{Albina smiled and ruffled Elara's hair} You certainly are."
{Elara, her eyes filled with adoration, looked from one grandparent to the other, feeling surrounded by love and warmth.}
{Elara, softly,} I missed you both
{Albina} We have missed you as well, Little Star.
{Elara pulled her into a hug as they hold her close.}
{Elara} Are you two staying for dinner?
{Lindir} Yes Elara we are. And we have a gift for you as well.
{Elara in delight} A surprise for me? What is it?
{Albina with a mischievous twinkle in her eye} It's something special, just for you.
{Lindir} But you'll have to wait until after dinner to find out.
{Elara} Awwww. Do I?
{Lindir laughing} Yes you have to Little Star.
{Albina putting Elara on the ground.}
{Albina} Now you run off and have some fun.
{Elara} Yes Grandma. Bye Grandpa. bye Grandma
{They watch her run out of the room with a smile as Albina rests her head on Lindir’s shoulder. As Elara raced through the halls, her heart filled with anticipation and excitement. The promise of a surprise gift from her grandparents had added an extra spark to her day, and she couldn't wait to see what they had prepared for her.She nearly ran into Willow as they wait for her near the door.}
{Willow} Ready to sneak in Elara?
{Elara} Can I ask you two something?
{Aurora} What is it Elara?
{Elara} The amulet and elixir that the hooded figure gave you two? Have you two been feeling different ever since or something?
{Elara's sudden question caught Willow and Aurora by surprise as they prepared to sneak into the kitchen.}
{Willow and Aurora exchanged a glance before Willow spoke up,} Well, now that you mention it, there have been a few strange moments.
{Aurora} Yeah, like vivid dreams that felt real.
{Willow} And sometimes, it's like my thoughts are... not just mine.
{They both looked at Elara with a mix of curiosity and concern, wondering if she had experienced anything similar or if her question had a particular reason behind it.}
{Aurora} Have you been experiencing anything Elara?
{Elara} "No, not really, I was just curious because you two seemed different since that encounter with the hooded figure. Maybe it's just the amulet and elixir affecting you in some way. We should be careful, though, and keep an eye on things.
{Willow looks at his sister as he looks at Elara with worried.}
{Willow} Different how?
{Elara} I guess I was seeing things.
{Aurora} Are you feeling ok Elara?
{Elara} Yeah. I am fine. Now come on who wants to have dessert before dinner?
{Willow and Aurora exchanged another puzzled look but decided not to press Elara further for now.}
{Willow} "Dessert before dinner? Well, that sounds like a great idea!"
{Aurora} "Lead the way, Elara!"
{The three friends put aside their concerns for the moment and followed Elara toward the kitchen, eager to enjoy a sweet treat together before the evening meal.}
{In the dinner hall the Kings and Queens with the twins and Genevieve and Ash with Elara were sitting at the table with Elara picking at her food.}
{Lindir, noticing Elara's lack of appetite, leaned over and asked with concern.}
{Lindir} Is something on your mind, Little Star? You seem a bit distant.
{Elara looked up, offering a small smile.}
{Elara} I'm fine, Grandpa. Just a little tired, I guess.
{Albina} Well, you'll need your strength for the surprise we have for you after dinner.
{Elara's eyes lit up with curiosity and excitement.}
{Elara} Really? What is it?
{Lindir} "Ah, that's a secret for now, Little Star. You'll find out soon enough."
{Elara's curiosity only grew, but she nodded and tried to focus on her meal. As the conversation continued around the table, she couldn't help but steal glances at the Kings and Queens, wondering what the surprise could be.}
{Genevieve noticed Elara's distracted state and leaned over to whisper in her ear.}
{Genevieve} Is something bothering you, my dear? You seem a bit preoccupied.
{Elara whispered back, her voice filled with curiosity.}
{Elara} It's just that Grandma and Grandpa mentioned a surprise after dinner, and I can't stop wondering what it is.
{Genevieve smiled warmly.}
{Genevieve} I'm sure it will be something wonderful, dear. Try not to worry too much about it and enjoy your meal.
{Oberon} Now I have something to announces to you all
{The table fell silent as everyone turned their attention to King Oberon, their curiosity piqued.}
{Oberon} We will be heading to the ocean for a meeting with King Tritian and Queen Cora. You kids can play on the beach while we have our meeting.
{Willow and Aroura and Elara looked at each other in delight.}
{Willow} Yes, we get to go without Kendra.
{Titania sipping her Meed} We are bringing Kendra with us.
{Willow} Awwwww.
{Elara, Willow, and Aurora exchanged disappointed glances. The prospect of spending time with Kendra during their beach visit seemed to dampen their excitement.}
{Genevieve} "Kendra is coming with us to ensure your safety, my dears. It's important that you have a guardian with you."
{Elara sighed but understood the necessity of Kendra's presence.}
{Elara} "Alright, Mama. We'll be careful."
{Oberon} "Good. We will leave in seven suns so have good night sleeps for the next couple of nights.
{With the beach visit on the horizon and the new alliance to protect Fairyland, the atmosphere at the dinner table shifted to one of determination and resolve. Elara, too, felt a growing sense of responsibility as she finished her meal. Elara then quickly drinks her meed and then quickly finishes her dinner then looks at Lindir with wide eyes.}
{Lindir raised an eyebrow in response to Elara's eager expression.}
{Lindir} "What is it, Little Star? You seem quite excited."
{Elara} Can I have my surprise now Grandpa?
{Lindir chuckled at Elara's impatience, understanding her excitement.}
{Lindir} Yes Elara you can have your surprise.
{Elara's eyes lit up with joy at her grandfather's words. She couldn't contain her excitement as she eagerly finished her meal, her curiosity growing with every passing second.}
{Elara} Thank you, Grandpa! I can't wait!
{Lindir smiled warmly at her enthusiasm. After they had all finished eating, he motioned for Elara to follow him. Together, they left the dining hall and headed to her bedroom where her surprise waited. Elara followed Lindir eagerly, her heart pounding with anticipation. She couldn't help but wonder what the surprise could be. As they entered her bedroom, her eyes lit up with excitement, and she eagerly waited for Lindir to reveal the surprise.}
{Lindir, with a smile} Close your eyes, Little Star.
{Elara obeyed, shutting her eyes tight as she waited in suspense. She could hear Lindir moving around the room, and then she felt something gentle placed in her hands.}
{Lindir} Okay, you can open your eyes now.
{Elara slowly opened her eyes and gasped in delight when she saw the beautifully wrapped box in her hands.}
{Elara, her voice filled with excitement} Is this my surprise, Grandpa?
{Lindir nodded, his eyes twinkling with joy.}
{Lindir} "Yes, Elara. I thought it was time for you to have something special."
{Elara carefully untied the bow and unwrapped the gift with great care. When she opened the box, she found a stunning necklace with a pendant shaped like a sparkling star. It was delicate and elegant, and it seemed to shine with an inner light.}
{Elara, in awe} It's so beautiful, Grandpa!
{Lindir, pleased} I'm glad you like it, Little Star. This necklace has been in our family for generations, and it's said to bring good luck and protection to its wearer. I thought it was the perfect gift for you.
{Elara picked up the necklace, and Lindir helped her put it on. The pendant rested gently against her chest, and she felt a warm and comforting sensation wash over her.}
{Elara touched} Thank you, Grandpa. I'll treasure it always.
{Lindir hugged his granddaughter, his heart filled with love and pride.}
{Lindir} You're very welcome, Elara.
{Genevieve, Ash with Oberon, Titania and Willow and Aurora entered the room smiling as they see the scene. Elara beamed with delight as she rushes to Genevieve who picks her up in delight.}
{Elara excitedly} Look Mama, I have a necklace just like you Mama.
{Genevieve smiles brightly as her necklace that her great grandfather Merlin gave her starts to glow with warmth and light.}
{Genevieve} Yes, you do, Little Star. And you must take care of it.
{Elara} I will I promise Mama.
{Genevieve puts Elara down as she then races over to her dresser and picks up her new hairbrush and the races back to Genevieve. Albina, Titania, Oberon, and Lindir admired the new hairbrush with genuine interest, their curiosity piqued.}
{Albina} That is a unique hairbrush, dear.
{Titania} It's quite exquisite, Elara.
{Oberon} Indeed, I've never seen one quite like it.
{Lindir} Were did it you get Little Star?
{Ash} She got it from someone when she and Willow and Aurora went to Whispering Streams.
{The Kings and Queens looked at each other in worry as Elara hands the hairbrush over to Genevieve as she sits down and brush Elara’s hair.}
{Genevieve} It's a beautiful hairbrush, but we should be cautious. Gifts from unknown sources can sometimes carry unexpected consequences. We'll need to keep an eye on Elara, just in case.
{Titania} I agree, Genevieve. It's important to be vigilant, especially in a land as magical as Fairyland.
{Oberon} We'll make sure to monitor the situation closely and ensure Elara's safety.
{Lindir} Indeed, we should always be cautious when it comes to our children.
{Elara, oblivious to their concerns, continued to enjoy her new hairbrush and the attention from her mother. The beach and their meeting with King Tritian and Queen Cora were on the horizon, but for now, they focused on this moment of family and unity.}
{Titania} Come on Willow and Aurora time for bed.
{Aurora} Awwwww. Do we have to?
{Oberon chuckling} Yes. Now come along you two.
{With reluctance, the twins Willow and Aurora followed their parents' lead, knowing that a good night's sleep would prepare them for the adventures that awaited them on the beach in seven suns.}
{Albina and Lindir start to help Ash get Elara ready for bed as Genevieve brushes her hair.}
{Elara} Papa?
{Ash} Yes Little Star?
{Elara} Why don’t I have your ears, Papa?
{Ash looking confused as he looks at his parents then back to his daughter.}
{Ash} You do have my ears Elara. Like you have your Mama’s hair and eyes. Little Star, you are a wonderful mix of both your mama and me. You have the best of both worlds in you. Don't you ever forget that.
{Elara with a distance voice} I am not your daughter.
{Genevieve's heart sank as she heard her daughter's words. She turned Elara around to face her, her eyes filled with a mix of concern and confusion.}
{Genevieve, her voice trembling} What do you mean, Elara? Of course, you're our daughter. You're our Little Star.
{Ash and his parents exchanged worried glances, unsure of how to respond to this sudden revelation from Elara. Elara, her expression unreadable, continued to gaze at her mother.}
{Elara} I'm not your daughter. I don't belong here.
{The room fell silent as the weight of Elara's words hung in the air. Genevieve's heart raced, and she felt a mixture of fear, confusion, and concern for her daughter. Ash, Lindir, and Albina exchanged even more worried glances, unsure of how to handle this unexpected declaration from Elara. Ash kneeled down in front of Elara as he holds her hands.}
{Ash} Elara are you ok?
{Genevieve brushes her hand on Elara’s forehead} She doesn't have a fever.
{Elara's expression softened as she looked at her father, her eyes welling up with tears.}
{Elara, her voice shaky} I don't know, Papa. I just...I don't remember things the way I used to. Something feels...different.
{Genevieve continued to stroke Elara's forehead, her own expression reflecting deep concern. Albina and Lindir watched with furrowed brows, exchanging concerned glances as they tried to make sense of the situation. Albina steps forward and picks Elara up in her arms and puts her in bed and tucks her in. Albina's touch was gentle and reassuring, the warmth of a Grandmother's love wrapping around Elara. As she tucked her in, Albina's eyes held a mixture of concern and tenderness.}
{Albina} You rest Little Star. You just tired and need sleep. All the excitement of the day has made you tired. {She kisses her on the head} Sweet dreams Little Star.
{Elara, still looking bewildered, managed a faint smile at her grandmother's comforting words. She nestled into the covers, her eyes heavy with exhaustion, but her mind filled with questions.}
{Elara} Goodnight, Grandma. Goodnight Grandpa. Goodnight Mama and Papa. Thank you...
{With that, Elara closed her eyes, and as the room grew darker, she drifted off into an uneasy sleep, hoping that the mysteries of the day would unravel themselves in the light of a new dawn. As they step out of the bedroom Genevieve looks at Albina with worry.}
{Genevieve} Will she be ok Albina?
{Albina, with a reassuring smile, placed a comforting hand on Genevieve's shoulder.}
{Albina} She'll be fine, my dear. Children can have strange thoughts and feelings at times. A good night's rest will likely do wonders for her. Let's not worry too much. If there are any lingering concerns, we can address them in the morning.
{Genevieve relieved} Thankyou Albina.
{Albina} You're welcome, Genevieve. Don't hesitate to reach out if you need anything. We're here for you and your family. Good night now, dear.
{She walks away with Lindir as Ash holds Genevieve close.}
{Ash} Come on love let's get some sleep.
{Genevieve} Do you think she be ok Ash?
{Ash} I hope so, my love. It might just be a child's imagination or a dream. We'll keep an eye on her and see how she's feeling in the morning. For now, let's get some rest. We'll face whatever comes our way together.
{Genevieve} You are right love. Let's get some sleep.
{Together they walk to their chamber their thoughts worried about Elara.}
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music-reels · 1 year
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Monday, 29 May 2023
Artist Name: Alejandro Santoyo
Album Title: Boleros Intimos
Location: Indiana, USA
Release Date: May, 2023
"A Symphony Of Passion And Creativity: Alejandro Santoyo Album, Boleros Intimos Redefines Musical Artistry! Get ready to feel the harmony of a romantic album that preaches the essence of love"
A Captivating Journey of Love and Passion
Indiana, 29th May 2023 – Composer and Pianist, Alejandro Santoyo invites listeners on an enchanting voyage through the realms of love and tenderness with his latest musical masterpiece, "Boleros Íntimos." This soul-stirring album promises to captivate hearts and evoke a myriad of emotions, enveloping audiences in a world of soothing melodies and heartfelt musical tones.
"Boleros Íntimos" is a testament to Santoyo's remarkable artistry, effortlessly combining his velvety-smooth piano keynotes with rich musical arrangements that transcend time and space. Drawing inspiration from classic bolero traditions while infusing a contemporary twist, Santoyo creates a sonic landscape that celebrates the essence of romance.
Listeners will be entranced by the album's carefully curated selection of heartfelt ballads and intimate serenades. Santoyo's passionate and emotive performances resonate with a profound sense of authenticity, allowing audiences to immerse themselves in the stories full of love, longing, and desire that unfold with each melodious note.
With "Boleros Íntimos," Santoyo pays homage to the golden era of romantic music while infusing it with his own unique style and interpretation. His velvety instrumental sounds effortlessly weave through each composition, breathing life into every melody, and leaving an indelible mark on the listener's soul.
This album is a testament to the power of music to touch the deepest corners of the human heart and ignite a passion that transcends language and cultural boundaries.
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Alejandro Santoyo is a World-Class musician. Alejandro has lived in Latin America, the US and Europe.
Santoyo was a member of the well-known boy-band Microchips. He has toured widely and appeared on Spanish-language television broadcasts throughout North and Central America. He went on to play in a popular rock band in Mexico City, where he jammed with bands like Guns N Roses and Poison.
Santoyo opted to focus on his lyrical creative side after getting his Masters degree in the United States and began producing his own music.
His musical influences include classical composers such as Beethoven, Bach, Mozart, and Rachmaninoff, as well as cinema composers such as Hans Zimmer, Michel Legrand, and Ennio Morricone. Santoyo, a natural improviser, draws influence from jazz pianists such as Keith Jarrett and Chick Corea, as well as pop artists and musicians.
Quote from Artist
"...My compositions are stories told through music, music that evokes memories, desires, emotions, embedded in our minds, in our hearts, in our souls…" - Alejandro Santoyo
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Boleros Intimos is Santoyo's 7th album, which signifies the consistency, hard work and brilliance of this musician. Boleros Intimos is a powerful combination of 15 musical piano masterpieces which give a relaxing, soothing, and healing sound. The message passed in this wholesome project is that of love, kindness, respect, acceptance and tolerance to the world. Santoyo aims to use this medium to remind us as humans that we are all brothers and sisters regardless of our race, tribe and ethnicity. "We have to all love each other, be kind to each other, be tolerant with each other, help each other, work together to build a better world, and forgive and accept each other. Love, love, love........"
Listening to these magical sounds, you can feel the love behind every note of the piano being played, with a gentle touch of love and passion. Boleros Intimos is a sound which will continue to heal souls.....
"Boleros Íntimos" is be available on all major music streaming platforms and digital stores.
Apple Music
YouTube Music
For more information about Alejandro Santoyo and his upcoming projects, please visit his official website and social platforms below:
Website: https://alejandrosantoyo.com/
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/6HNjFLp8k2jlPqaxvRrBDE
YouTube Music: https://music.you tube.com/channel/UCCi2wFu0K89CWvt8d-9udJQ
Apple Music: https://music.apple.com/ng/artist/alejandro-santoyo/412544548
Instagram: https://instagram.com/alesantoyopiano/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/AleSantoyoMusic
YouTube: https://youtube.com/@AleSantoyoMusic
0 notes
Uh oh, what could have happened to them? Did whatever happen to them at the party stick with the reset?? At least you all are mostly safe for now though, right? -♾️
(Open in new tab for readable quality! tumblr hates rn me for some reason)
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“Well, good news; They're certainly alive!”
Roman stretches his back for a moment, relieved to finally drop his arms after holding one pose for so long. His eyes still glow with the effects of the divine ritual, but keeping the spell active is not nearly as energy-draining as the initial casting.
Roman looks around the room, eyes still glowing red, and stops on Annie before he can focus on Logan and Remus. She fell asleep about four minutes into the ritual, clearly exhausted from the previous day’s (future day’s?) party. No trace of poison or disease on her, thankfully, though Roman doubts a water nymph could even be poisoned or catch ill.
She was so excited to help, Roman didn’t have the heart to tell her that she couldn’t really cast anything with him. Her sheer delight and determination were so hopelessly endearing, his heart could burst!
(In a way, Roman supposes she did end up contributing to the spell; It’s much easier for a Suneite to draw from Sune’s affection-based divine power when a loved one is being absolutely, heart-stoppingly adorable nearby.)
After taking a moment to make sure she’s still sleeping soundly, Roman finally hones in on Logan and Remus.
He's not sure what he wants to find. If they are poisoned, he can definitely cure at least one of them — Logan, he decides quite easily — but that leaves the issue of who poisoned them, and the more existential question about poisons and time travel that he will leave to his resident magic expert (also Logan). If they aren't poisoned, he doesn't have to worry so much about one of them being in pain, but...how exactly are they going to wake them up?
He trains his enchanted eyes on the two nonetheless, and detects no poison or disease on them. Roman can’t sense the meddling of any fae or demon, either; They’re just exhausted.
…There is a concentration of some sort of pain in their heads, but Roman doesn’t need to tell anyone that. He can’t know for sure if it was psychic damage that took them out, and he’d rather not give Virgil the excuse to blame himself. Not that he ever seems to need one.
He turns to the elf in question to explain his findings. Funnily enough, all three of his waking party members are glowing with the presence of poison; the blades and vials in Virgil’s quiver, the dagger in Patton’s bag, and… what appears to be several venom glands in Dee’s head, throat, and hands?
...That’s odd. A question for another time, though.
“They’re just very tired, basically. I doubt they'll wake until tomorrow, but they’re not hurt.”
“But they will wake up?” Dee asks pointedly, still gently brushing through Virgil’s hair. Virgil seems to have withdrawn into himself, looking and acting much like he had that one night he went ‘sleepwalking.’ His eyes don’t even seem to be focused. But, his ears twitch at Dee’s voice, and Roman has found them to be a much better indicator of Virgil’s attention. He eagerly awaits the answer.
“Oh, you betcha,” Patton smiles first, ever the optimist, “Just give it some time. I’m sure they’ll be good as new!”
Patton directed his answer more towards Virgil than Dee. He clearly wants to comfort their newest friend with a hug, also having noticed the difference in his mood, but he hesitates;
For the last ten minutes, every time either of them has so much as twitched in Virgil’s direction, Dee has fixed them with the most unnerving stare. 
Roman just assumes Dee knows something he doesn’t, and is helping Virgil through whatever emotional turmoil has him looking like he’s seen a ghost. They are old friends and ex-lovers, after all, so he must have some experience with these things.
Patton doesn’t seem to agree. In fact, he looks to be getting more and more annoyed with Dee’s tone.
Roman desperately wants to be rid of the tension in the room.
“There is magic powerful enough to ‘heal’ their exhaustion,” Roman muses, “But unfortunately, I haven’t been trained in it. I don’t actually think I could, at my level. My Mamá can, but… Well, there should be someone here who knows the spell. This is a country of clerics, isn’t it?” 
Dee smiles sweetly, something unnameable in his eyes as he speaks,
“You could ask around in the central temple. I’m sure there are plenty of priestesses here with that sort of knowledge. In fact, you four should go see to that right now.”
Dee brushes his hand against Virgil’s forehead one more time, then stands and brushes off his pants. As he reaches for his cane, Roman frowns,
“And where are you going?”
“Don't worry your handsome little head about me, Roman,” He grins, “I am just going to have a little chat with our unwanted guest.”
“What??” Roman and Patton shout in unison, and Virgil is already on his feet, 
“No! No way—” He hisses so sharply that Roman winces, “Dee, you don't know what she's capable of.”
“Yes I do. You've told me many stories over the years.”
“I'm not letting you face her alone. Besides, she's not the threat here!” Virgil whines, looking borderline desperate,
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“She could hear my thoughts just as well as yours. She only went along with my plan because she doesn’t give a damn about the lives or deaths of mortals!”
“What are you saying?” Dee huffs, sounding more annoyed than deterred. Virgil’s back sets straight with an audible crack before he speaks,
“Illia is not here of her own free will! She's being watched and controlled by my M—”
Suddenly, one of Dee’s hands is clasped over Virgil’s mouth. Dee is visibly, furiously livid, and Virgil’s expression has turned something fragile and miserable.
“What are you doing?!” Patton barks in alarm, as though Dee had just slapped Virgil across the face. And, really, he had. Patton is ready to knock Dee flat for it, hopping upright with clenched fists, while Roman has been stunned silent.
Dee’s expression stays vicious, pointed away from anyone else in the room, but his shoulders and hands relax.
“Matron Dhaunarra.” Dee explains in a smooth voice that doesn’t match his snarl at all, “A cruel woman from the colony Virgil was raised in. Nothing more.”
“That’s not what I—“
“I will take care of it.”
Ignoring Patton, Dee releases Virgil, who’s still staring at him like he’s just dropped dead at Virgil’s feet. He opens his mouth to argue, but Dee interrupts him with a raised hand, 
“You are not going anywhere near her. I forbid it.”
“No!” Virgil pushes his hand away, a spark of anger returning to his own voice, “I'm not going to just stand back and let her kill you! You're not strong enough to take her on!”
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“And neither are you, remember?” Dee rolls his eyes, “Besides, she won't even get the chance to touch me. I am going to the Empress. I will tell her what we know, and we will get rid of her.”
“She…She could stop her, probably…” Virgil nods to himself, over and over again, until it looks more like he’s shaking,
“But what if something goes wrong? What if she remembers like we do, and gets to you first??”
“She doesn’t know where we are. And if she finds out, then I will call you and let you know the same way I called Remus to the ballroom.” Dee sighs. He seems settled back into his skin now, smiling calmly and reaching up to pat Virgil’s cheek, almost in apology.
“Trust me, darling. I can handle this just fine.”
“Uhh. It seems I may be missing some context here,” A lot of context, Roman mutters to himself, still a bit shaken by whatever just possessed Janus to silence Virgil like that, “But I also don't like the idea of you going alone. If you're just going to warn the Empress, why can't we all go together?”
“Because I am the only one here with the charisma to convince Her Luminous Imperial Majesty to act against someone who hasn't technically committed a crime yet.” Janus rolls his eyes, repeating the royal title with just a hint of sarcasm. Before Roman can protest to that particular claim, Dee turns his easy smile on him,
“Besides, someone has to take care of Remus. And to protect Virgil, who is in more pain than he’s currently pretending.”
Virgil hisses at him for a moment, not pleased to be called out.
“I need you two to trust me, and Virgil needs you to be there for him right now. Can you do that for me, sweetheart?” Dee pleads, and if that doesn’t just tug at Roman’s chest like a guitar string.
He’s honestly not completely sold on letting Dee go fight this alone, especially considering the revenge Roman needs to take on whatever evil-doer would dare to snatch Annie away. But, Roman does agree that Logan and Remus should get medical treatment (or at least some real beds) as soon as possible. And, of course, he definitely doesn’t want to leave Virgil alone when he’s being hunted, and acting so…odd.
“Well, of course,” Roman bows slightly, “If it's in service of protecting someone I care about, I don't need to be asked twice.”
“Promise you'll come back.” Virgil demands instead of asks, angry-red eyes trained directly on Dee. The sorcerer smirks in return,
“A promise to the fae? Here? I don't know if that's a good idea.”
The soft, shaky whisper cut through the barn like shattering glass. Dee even seems more winded by it than Roman, if that were possible. Roman’s never heard him sound this upset.
“You're breaking my heart here, darling,” Dee sighs, then reaches up to plant a quick peck on his cheek,
“Of course I will. I promise.”
“We both will,” Patton huffs, a fake smile plastered on his face as he’s clearly still not pleased with Dee at all. Everyone else in the room balks at him — Everyone but Roman, of course, who has known Patton quite a long time. 
“No, no, no—” Virgil chants, panicked, but Patton just walks up and takes his hand,
“Don’t you worry about me, Virgil! Dee said before that this Illia lady waited until she could find you to do anything, right? Then why would she attack two random folks out of the blue?” He reasons, patting Virgil’s hand softly, “And now Dee has someone to protect him if necessary.”
“I don’t want either of you to have to face her! This is my fight!”
“We’re just going to talk to the Empress. Right?” Patton levels Dee with a smile that can be described only as devious. Now it is Dee’s turn to look terribly annoyed.
“Right.” His voice is as dry as bone, “But are you certain you want to leave Virgil and Roman defenseless, with your unconscious boyfriend no less?”
“I trust Roman to take care of them,” Patton answers easily, (setting a little butterfly in Roman’s chest fluttering,) ”And they aren’t going anywhere dangerous. Besides, I think the Empress quite likes me!”
“I still don’t see why we can’t all go, but I do feel better knowing that Patton will be there to help you. Now I’ll know if either of you are put in danger, so I can bring the cavalry in your defense!” Roman boasts, hiding away the part of him that really doesn’t want Patton to go without him. 
“Pat, you have to stop using people’s first names.” Virgil sighs, then kneels down to wrap him up in a hug, dropping his head heavily onto Patton’s shoulder.
Patton is startled at first, but recovers quickly, squeezing him so tight Roman could hear his back pop. Virgil doesn’t mind at all, soaking it in for a few moments before pushing himself back upright, expression closed-off and distant again. He really is acting off this morning.
“If she finds you, tell me right away. I...” Virgil shakes his head, “I don’t know how I’ve been doing this shit, but I’ll take us so far back this time that we can avoid this damn place altogether and never have to deal with this.”
Dee grumbles something under his breath, but no one hears him. He clears his throat and repeats,
“That won’t be necessary.”
Ask 129     (( @rylaenvol , @justsomecatsinatrenchcoat ​, @lovelivingmydreams ​ ))
Game Start
Most Recent Recap, in case you feel like you missed something!
Available for questions: Patton, Roman, Virgil, Janus, and Annie!
The boys make some plans on how to deal with Remus, Logan, and Illia'Jhaerza!
Virgil and Janus both seem to be acting strangely since the adrenaline wore off, Janus hiding it better than Virgil. Virgil was much more emotionally (psychologically?) affected by the encounter than he let on, but neither they nor Annie seem to have lasting injuries, except for some lingering exhaustion...
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ardyn-the-dunmer · 2 years
A List of Gameplay Build Ideas for Lazy Players
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Drem Yol Lok.
Are you an avid Elder Scrolls player who has played through almost all of the main games and almost all of the builds that it has to offer? Are you not ready to give up these games because TES has regulated your unstable moods since you were a child and letting go means resorting to healthier, yet more expensive options, like therapy? Well you're in luck! Here is a list of Unique builds you can try to spice up your game.
Arsonist Assassin- Assassin builds are fun to play as. You level up your sneak, you go behind a bad guy, then you stab them... then you do the same with the next one. It gets boring after a while, huh? Well that is 1000% ok. There are other ways you can serve the Night Mother. Loudly. Fire Magic, Fire enchantments, sneak, and choosing the most insane/violent options can help spice your game up. (Chaotic Evil)
Daedric Scholar- Create a lavish library at Lakeview manor, and fill them to the brim with tales of those who didn't join Lorkhan in his creation of Nirn. Use only Daedric weapons, and specialize in conjuration. Depending on which of the mysterious deities you decide to focus your study on revolve your combat and playthrough style on them. If you're into Sanguine, incorporate alcohol and skooma into your playthrough. Mehrunes Dagon, destruction. Molag Bal, vampirism. Nocturnal, sneaking. Namira, poison spells. And so on. (Alignment is based off of which Daedric Lord you choose)
Nymph - Take on a nature worship based playthrough. Wear either light armor or clothing. Avoid killing natural creatures unless pushed to do so. Invest in Illusion to help calm or fiercen the herd. Depending on the race of your character, become a worshipper of a deity that honors nature (Kynareth/Kyne, Hircine, The All-Maker, Y'ffre). Become a werewolf and protect the forests from poachers. (Lawful Good/Chaotic good, depending on how you play)
The Useless Noble- Don't do anything. Literally. Invest in the most beautiful clothing and armors and houses, collect loyal followers (using a mod that will allow multiple followers), invest in conjuration, persuation, and restoration. If you come across a threat, send your body guards and summoned creatures to deal with it. (This is very hard considering there are some places, like Skuldafn, that wont allow non-summoned followers, and it will take a while, but trust in your own imagination and it'll be fun). Don't even open doors for youself. Ask your followers to retrieve things for you or stand in certain places. (Lawful)
Sheogorath's Curse- This is something you can add into any evil-aligned playthrough. You have a nagging desire to kill. One you have been trying to keep at bay for years, but every single time you see someone it becomes excruciating. Everytime you enter a town, city, or village, you have to kill someone at night and get away with it. Invest in mods that add more nonessential NPCs to the game so you won't run out of people to kill/miss out on good quests. (Chaotic Evil)
Beastmaster- Similar to the Nymph, but a bit more fun. Adopt a dog follower, master illusion and conjuration. Become a werewolf. Control other creatures and become Nature's master. You see nature's creatures as more of a tool, whereas Nymphs see them as a creation. (Neutral)
Play As You- I never really thought to play as myself in a game until I was like "...I wonder how I would respond to every situation in Fallout 4." Now its fun. Base literally everything off of you and what you would pick. Are you good at lifting heavy things? Become a two handed wielder. Do you like going down internet rabbit holes at 4 am to fill the gaping hole in your sole? Become a devotee of Hermaeus Mora. Do you like not getting bitches? Become a sneak archer! (I'm joking.)
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Ardynias The Adventurer
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