#His feelings of being a ''monster'' due to his Jotunness...
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tori-artemis · 2 months ago
Oh this is a great question to think about! Tbh I had a lot of hopes back when the series was premiering (and before when it was just announced), so to go off of those... well first off, I really really wanted an exploration of Loki's trauma, his past and even his psyche. Like I know a psychological thriller/horror probably wouldn't have been in the cards for a Disney+ show, but tbf I feel like the creators of Wandavision touched on aspects found in those types of genres (if in a PG 13 kind of way) so I don't think I was too off base for hoping to see something like that for Loki. (Not to mention the ridiculous comparisons to films like Se7en and The Silence of the Lambs that Mike Waldron kept making... but I'm not gonna get into that rant again.)
I think I would've put a lot of focus on what the hell actually happened to Loki when he fell into the Void and disappeared for an entire year or so, and how he ended up encountering Thanos and the Black Order, how that all went down, etc. Either through flashbacks, or (possibly altered) memories, or Loki recounting those events interview/interrogation-style (and being an extremely unreliable narrator in doing so, like for instance saying something like "I made a deal with Thanos and worked with him willingly" and then at some point you see into his head through flashbacks/night terrors and realize that clearly wasn't the case, just stuff like that). The possibilities were endless tbh, like there's just so many creative opportunities to explore that one aspect of Loki's backstory. And since that's such a burning question to me (and many other fans tbh) still to this day, I feel like that'd be the first thing I'd want to tackle.
Another important thing I'd want to include would be Loki's gender fluidity and his bi identity. Like I don't think it necessarily has to go with Loki referring to himself as bi, like I don't think he has to say the actual word "bi" in order to give any meaningful kind of rep?? Especially now that Agatha All Along has come out, I feel like I'd want to approach Loki's identity in a similar type of way, just unapologetic, and as authentic as possible to his comic book counter part. Like hell, he can have hang ups with those parts of his identity (which would actually make sense, being from Asgard and since he already has a lot of self-loathing issues in general due to being Jotun).
I wouldn't mind that, especially if it was done in a non-typical way, like maybe it's not being sexually intimate with men/males that's looked down upon on Asgard, but - similar to the Norse apparently - it's on what role they play, or basically who's the "bottom" - that gets shamed, or maybe same sex relationships aren't looked down upon at all on Asgard, but giving birth/getting pregnant while being/presenting as male is, bc it's seen as unnatural, and then let Loki go through an experience where he develops deep rooted insecurities about those aspects of his identity due to Asgard's cultural prejudices. And like this doesn't even have to be explicit (tho after the birth scenes in both Wandavision and especially Agatha All Along I can't help but roll my eyes at ppl having a hang up with Loki going thru something like this, especially if they were totally okay with Wanda and Agatha having birthing scenes, but anyways). It can be something as simple and as subtle as Loki finding out he's pregnant (maybe he can magically feel the fetus growing inside him, or he can hear the heartbeat/etc, or maybe it's as simple as having morning sickness and/or a change of diet). And it just ends up with him drinking tea/potion (due to pressure from Odin/Frigga/society, or maybe he's not ready and seeks it out himself) which gets rid of the baby, but again it's done in a very non graphic way. Of course the whole mpreg thing is just an example, and doesn't have to be in a series about Loki (that's what fanfic is for!) but basically: let Loki be queer, he can have hang ups about being queer, and tbh I'd want the hang ups to be kind of different from the usual discussions/portrayals of queerness in media mainly bc Asgard's an alien/fantasy society so I'd want their cultural norms to be pretty different from ours (human society in general), but overall just let Loki be queer, goddamnit!
Furthermore, I'd want to explore Loki's self loathing in particular, and see his view of himself change as he develops and grows throughout the series. If he encounters other versions of himself then I'd want to see what that would look like... and preferably done differently from how the show approached it (regarding Sylvie). Like I don't want him to just, I don't know, praise his other self up the way he ends up doing in the series (I know he also fought with Sylvie at the beginning but tbh I couldn't really take their rivalry seriously, it felt very sibling-like - which I actually enjoyed at the time, mind you, but a reflection of one's internal self-hatred it certainly is NOT, and like overall the whole dynamic just didn't work for me bc I find those two characters so undeniably different from each other and therefore it doesn't really work as a metaphor for self hatred/self love, but that's neither here nor there).
Like - let it be messy! Let it actually be vitriolic and hateful if that's what the series is trying to convey. Let Loki be angry, let him rage, let him lash out - at versions of himself and at other characters, like c'mon! This is a character that has a lot of inner darkness and has suffered through a lot of trauma and has difficulty trusting others due to said trauma (especially if we're going with Avengers era Loki) so how about we Show That.
Tbh I wouldn't have minded for Loki's main villain (both in the series overall and wrt the lead character) to be a version of himself. (As long as it was portrayed in a thoughtful way, like don't just make him evil please, in fact he doesn't even have to be evil at all - he doesn't have to destroy or conquer other worlds, he could literally just be out there destroying all versions of Loki, which would force our protagonist to fight/confront this person hunting him down). Like I think there would be so many possibilities for all of the ways a protagonist could deal with a "villain" - or rather, an antagonist like that. Some far more darker than others, depending on how you want your story to go. Like it could end similarly to the Agent of Asgard comics (where I believe Loki ends up forgiving and embracing his "evil" self... tho I've not read the comics so please feel free to correct me if I've gotten something wrong). Or if I were writing this series, I would've just had Loki forced into a position where, after being worn down to reaching his emotional breaking point, and in a fit of sheer rage, he'd end up brutally murdering the antagonistic version of himself, in the ultimate form of self destruction, and then I'd have him reeling from the internal consequences of such an extreme form of violence done against himself - but that's just my ridiculously morbid psychological-horror-loving ass for you. I'd just want to completely unravel him ngl, before having him overcome the impossible by rebuilding himself once more (w/ a little help from his newfound friends)...
If the TVA had to be involved in some way, I'd want to approach them as an ominous totalitarian organization, and if Loki were to be tortured by said organization, it most certainly would NOT be portrayed as some throw-away-attempt-at-comedy-type-of-scene (AHEM). I'd go for a darker tone overall, and Loki's torture at the TVA would be portrayed with all of the horror demanded by those types of scenes dealing with that kind of subject matter.
Tbh I have so many ideas for a Loki-centric show, some that involve the TVA and some that don't, but there's just so many threads and I don't want to make this any more convoluted than it already is, so to put it simply: I'd want the focus to be on Loki first and foremost. If it's called Loki, then it should be about the main lead, similar to how Agatha All Along was about Agatha, and Wandavision was about Wanda. (Which means, if the TVA has to be involved, then they would be secondary to the series' main focus - which would be on Loki and his relationship with himself.) Secondly, I'd want to see his trauma not only brought up, but fully explored. Which includes his traumatic upbringing (Odin's A++ Parenting, Frigga's enabling, family dysfunction, Asgard's toxic social/cultural norms) as well as the horror he experienced in the Void and on Sanctuary, maybe even some events in the first Avengers film, but seen through Loki's eyes this time. And I'd just want Loki to be queer, so if he's bi then let him have previous (or current!) relationships (or flirtations) with men (or attraction towards men) as well as women, if he's gender fluid then Show. That. Whether he physically transforms into a woman at times, or through his inner monologue where he refers to himself with different pronouns even if his gender presentation hasn't changed, or even his ambivalence towards being trapped/labeled in a one-gender-ticked-box, but Show. It. That part of his identity deserves to be shown, especially in a series where Loki's the central character.
If you yourself could’ve directed/wrote the Loki series, what would you have done differently? What would you have wanted to see in a series about Loki? What would you have focused on? Would the series take place somewhere other than the TVA? Which characters would you include? What would be the end goal? What aspects of his character would be explored?
#Loki#Loki Series AU#MCU Loki#So this was... A Lot.#I guess I had a lot of thoughts on the matter lol...#Also with regards to Thor: while I think his relationship with Loki is very important to Loki's character overall -#- I wouldn't want to place too much focus on their relationship mainly bc Thor already has his own film series...#(Which is meant to focus on Thor and on his relationship with his brother... )#(Now whether the films actually do a good job on conveying those things are a whole other matter... )#But yeah. Basically I'd want the Loki show to be about LOKI.#(Tho further exploration of Loki's love for his family and memories of his brother would definitely fall into this... )#Anyways this was long enough!#Loki Series Criticism#Just in case bc I didn't remain as neutral in tone as I initially wanted to be...#Also also: with regards to morality and redemption arcs... tbh when it comes to Loki I'm more interested in a character study approach...#Tho I wouldn't mind if he reflected on some of the destructive actions he's taken - from the invasion of Earth -#- to the attempted annihilation of Jotunheim...#As well as seemingly ''smaller'' destructive moments... such as when he'd nearly killed a human Thor back in the first film...#His denial of Frigga being his mother right before her death...#As well as his perceived guilt over Frigga's death...#(Assuming he somehow managed to see how his life would've played out had he not taken the Tesseract.)#More than anything I'd want to explore Loki's self destructive tendencies - and ultimately end it on Loki reconciling with himself...#Including the aspects of himself that he hates... whether it's as something as blameless as being born the ''wrong'' race...#Or being so very unlike the Asgardian ideal...#His feelings of being a ''monster'' due to his Jotunness...#As well as due to the destructive actions he'd taken during previous films...#''Deep down Loki wants to be Worthy''#(A paraphrased quote from the Thor: The Dark World BTS that I can't help but think about from time to time... )#If Loki were to have a redemption arc... I'd want it to play out in a way where it's completely intertwined with his self-healing arc...#Basically: You can't have one without the other.
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theefloraknight · 4 months ago
You know, I personally like to hc that Loki was always trying to veer Thor off the path of reckless war and genocide. I mean, I doubt he cared about the Jotun (you know, before he found out he was one and went on a journey to find out they are in fact, you know, people in a universe where the fact he was Jotun was actually explored, as it should've been) but more of a "there's no need for unnecessary war that's going to affect the Asgardians or the other realms." Like I've mentioned before, I don't think Loki's immune to caring about other people dying. I think he's sympathetic, but also desensitized because he grew up on Asgard, where people presumably died from war often. I mean, even in Avengers, when Thor tells him to look at what he's done, he's crying. He clearly cares that he wrecked these people's homes and lives. However, in the event that he did go on a journey to heal from his internalized racism, the fact that he's not the emotionless, cruel person a lot of people seem to think he is would make the moment all the more impactful when he realizes he wasn't killing monsters(including the monster in himself) but actual, real life people. I also think there's one of two ways the aftermath to this event could play out.
1. Loki realizes the "monsters" aren't actually monsters but people, and realizes that there's a possibility being Jotun doesn't automatically mean he's a monster.
2. Loki realizes that he wasn't killing monsters but people, and instead doubles down on the fact that he believes that he's the real monster.
I think it would mostly be number 2 though, considering his hatred of himself and incredibly low self esteem. But either way, the moment would probably have to come from a period between 2013-2018, because he'd be ruling as Odin and would have time to come to this conclusion. Maybe someone from one of the other realms comes to him in attempts to educate on how the fact the Jotun aren't monsters but people( because I feel like just because Asgard believes it, doesn't mean the other realms do. Maybe having imperial rule imposed on you for over a thousand years causes you to doubt anything the colonizer says). Maybe he decides to give back the Casket. But however he reaches this conclusion, I feel like this would be an actual progression from his original character arc because in reality, Loki wasn't always the cruel conqueror that he was in Avengers(that was due more to Thanos' torture and the influence of the Mind Stone) nor was he always the genocidal king he was in Thor 1(the actual genocide attempt was only tried after he was having what very clearly appeared to be a psychotic break and identity crisis and when he realized that it might be the only way to get Odins love by destroying their biggest enemy). For the most part, before the aforementioned events above, he was mostly just the prince trying to survive in a society that was not made for someone like him, as well as a prince who never outright punished people who demeaned him. Having him "redeemed" by helping the Avengers or something wouldn't really do much for his arc when Jotunheim, a very big plot point, is the only place Loki's apologies are really needed, because that was something he himself was responsible for. Those actions, no matter how they came to be, were his own. Besides, it would make for a very interesting story to have Loki actually explore and learn about all of himself, especially considering the fact it was something that was robbed of him by Odin since he kidnapped him and brought him to Asgard.
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iamnmbr3 · 3 years ago
I just watched Thor and I have so many questions. Like what was Loki's main motivation into doing the things he did? Did he want the throne or not? Why did he lie to Thor about Odin being dead? Did he hate Thor being king that much that he let the frost giants in? (I want to know what was going on in Loki's mind during the whole movie) I'm sorry for asking so many questions but I'd be super grateful if you answered these.
hi! it’s such a fun movie isn’t it? Wish I could watch it for the first time. Loki’s motivation changes throughout the movie due to some of the events and revelations. But basically his initial motivation was to demonstrate to Odin that Thor was too reckless and warlike to take the throne and to get Odin to delay the coronation. It’s basically exactly what he tells Sif & the Warriors 3 when he raises his concerns about Thor (which they dismiss). He lets the frost giants in hoping that Odin will see from Thor’s reaction that Thor isn’t ready to be king yet. 
Loki’s plans go wrong though because rather than preventing a war between Jotunheim and Asgard, a war gets precipitated when Heimdall lets them pass (which Loki didn’t expect) and the servant Loki sent to warn Odin (as a backup plan) gets delayed and then Loki isn’t able to defuse the situation between Thor and Laufey’s soldiers. 
We know it’s true that Loki didn’t expect Thor to be banished because he seems quite shocked at Odin’s reaction and even tries to intercede (but gets silenced). Also if his plans had gone right Thor would never have actually had a confrontation with any of the Jotnar. Since he never planned for Thor to be banished or for Odin to fall into the Odinsleep we know that he’s telling the truth when he says in the end that he never wanted the throne. Loki’s key motivation is his desire for love, acceptance and validation from those around him. 
Things also go off the rails even more when Loki gets touched by a Jotun and discovers his true heritage. Since he’s been indoctrinated since birth with bigoted imperialist Asgardian ideas that frost giants are inferior evil monsters this obviously is an extremely upsetting realization for him. Especially since he already feels that he is unfairly looked down on and disliked and not favored (and of course this also partly explains why he never got the validation from Odin that he always craved). This leads to his suicidal mental breakdown at the end of the movie.
He lies to Thor for 3 reasons. 1)  he’s feeling hurt and angry because his whole world has collapsed at that point and he basically wants Thor to feel what Loki is feeling. Thor is not the one who is unloved by his family and who everyone has turned against. Loki is. So he basically projects that outwards. 2) Loki assumes that since Thor wanted to kill all frost giants that Thor would not accept him and thus cannot tell him the truth. 3) even if he kept the frost giant thing a secret he assumes that Thor like everyone else would not accept his rule. That’s actually not true as we see later in the conversation. Ironically if Thor had returned he would’ve supported Loki and that would’ve probably prevented everyone else turning against him so quickly. Tragically Loki doesn’t discover this till after he's already lied to Thor and is thus stuck. 
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silenceinternalmonologue · 4 years ago
A Review of Loki (2021)
[The following is an exact transcription of Twitter user @/diolesbian ‘s thread linked here . They gave me permission to cross-post their thread on my Tumblr. Keep in mind that this review is fairly long and quite critical of the series. I agree with this review wholeheartedly, and would be welcome to discuss it with anyone else.] 
Loki is a character who has died many times, but his own series may be his most brutal character assassination yet.
1.  Loki’s role in the series. Instead of tackling Loki's most villainous state of mind in Avengers 1, the series literally speedran through his development in the subsequent films, after which they almost entirely halted his character progression.
Because this series was set right after Avengers 1 it had the responsibility of developing Loki further in place of The Dark World and Ragnarok. In Episode 1, this development was kicked off by having Loki watch a reel of some of his defining moments in the MCU, allowing him to see his future all the way up to his death in Infinity War. Sadly, this scene ended up being the most development he received in the entire series. And arguably, this isn’t even true development but more like a speedrun of his character up until that point, serving as a simple tactic to explain why he wouldn’t be acting all dictatorial and murderous during his own series. As soon as he had been made “good” (read: docile) enough to follow along with the plot, his agency was completely thrown out. From that point on, the series wasn’t about Loki making things happen but about things happening to Loki.
Loki was supposed to be the main character, but he wasn't the protagonist in this story. In fact, he was more of a side character than we’ve ever seen him be in the MCU before, perhaps excepting IW and Endgame.
A protagonist is by definition someone whose important decisions affect the plot, whose development is followed most closely by the audience, and who is opposed by an antagonist. Loki exhibited none of these traits in this series. Especially the latter half of the story, he was reduced to simply reacting to the revelations around him, such as the reveal that the TVA members were all variants and that Kang was the true mastermind behind everything. He never truly involved himself or acted based on any of these plot points, and hardly played a key role in what was supposed to be his own story. Even in the films, where Loki is a side character, he makes choices which impact the plot to a larger extent. He almost seems more like a background character in the role of protagonist than in the parts he plays in the films.
2. The antagonist. The TVA could have worked as the perfect setting for Loki to have a new arc. It’s a thematic antithesis to who we know Loki to be. But when this Loki turns out to not be who the audience thought he was the TVA’s thematic significance falls apart as well.
In Episode 1, the TVA’s Agent Mobius enlists the help of Loki the Variant to pin down a greater foe who we are told is another, more malicious version of Loki. Order and chaos meeting in the middle, teaming up to take down an enemy, who even happens to be the protagonists’ literal evil self: that works, it sounds promising. But this dynamic is soon undermined when Loki leaves with Sylvie. Still, the benefit of the doubt is easy to grant here: a story about tricksters is bound to contain twists. But by Episode 3 the series is halfway done and the TVA has been appointed as the main antagonist again: we’ve now established villains three different times. And then the Cloud Monster At The End Of Time is introduced, and finally Kang. In other words, the Loki series has no consistent antagonist, no one to pit its main character against. And this is where we once again miss out on an enormous aspect of Loki’s potential characterization.
Protagonists are always defined by an antagonist, whether a purple Titan, a flat tire, or themself. Loki is not given anything to define his morals, motivations, or development in opposition to and this is a huge oversight. Especially given the fact that Loki has taken on the villain’s role in the past: how is the audience supposed to know that the “bad guy” is now a “good guy” if there’s no “even worse guy” to stand up against?
3. The plot. A plot should show off its MC’s strengths and match their personality. The Loki plot hardly relied on his presence at all, he didn't play a key role. The story had so little to do with Loki that it seemed as though he has barely any impact on “his” narrative.
One of the most central conflicts in the Loki series doesn’t involve him at all: it’s between Sylvie and the TVA. This plotline was a good concept overall, but its main problem is that it’s practically the only conflict in the series. Loki himself, as mentioned before, isn’t set in opposition to anything or anyone. And thanks to his relationships with Sylvie and Mobius being weakened by conflicting storytelling devices, he appears to be in a bubble by himself away from the rest of the cast for much of the story. First he follows Mobius around, then Sylvie, then he wanders aimlessly in the void before following Sylvie once again and learning that Kang is a Really Bad Guy who he should be opposed to even though by this point he has interacted so little with the story unfolding around him that the audience doesn’t even understand why he should be choosing to play the hero.
The plot and the characters both suffer by being so incredibly unrelated to each other. A series, especially an MCU one, should tell an overarching narrative through the perspective of its main character.
In the beginning of the series, when Loki was still getting his bearings in the TVA, this lack of decision-making was more understandable, especially since some of his skills were still being shown-- he discovered Sylvie was hiding in nexus events, and he made the choice to leave Mobius and follow her. But by the latter half of the series he still hasn’t had much impact on the story or taken any actions of his own, and simply allows plot points to happen to him. Just because the Loki series had to introduce the TVA and Kang didn’t mean it had to forgo telling a story about its protagonist. If Loki’s story had been intrinsically tied to the overarching plot points, if his choices had been some of the primary factors determining how events ended up taking place, the series would have succeeded in every aspect. But instead Loki is pushed aside by the plot of his own series, a plot which subsequently ends up coming across as largely hollow and pointless due to its lack of character drive.
4. Loki’s arc. One of the main reasons MCU Loki is loved is for his excellent character development across his films. TVA Loki was extremely lacking in that aspect and chances to take his character in interesting new self-aware directions were thrown away without much thought.
Throughout the MCU, Loki is on a journey with many highs and lows. He goes from a bitter and disheartened prince standing in the shadow of his brother, to a self-loathing Jotun bent on destroying his own people in a desperate attempt to win his father’s love, to a half-mad partially mind-controlled dictator with delusions of grandeur fueled by his own insecurity, to a prisoner wondering what there is left for him to lose, to a savior of Asgard’s people finally coming to accept his place in what is left of his family, to a tragic sacrificial victim who knew he had to die so the true hero might live on. That’s a hell of a journey, incidentally shown in less than TWO HOURS of screen time, and the prospect of TVA Loki embarking on an equally stimulating one, this time told over the course of over four hours and shown from his own perspective the entire way through, was exciting. But as it turned out, this relatively simple expectation went completely unmet.
For a story trying to say so much about individuality and self-acceptance, the Loki series seemed to pass by every obvious opportunity to tackle those questions.
Sylvie’s introduction seemed like a good idea at first: Loki would be able to literally bond with himself and learn to accept who he is that way, and forays could be made to explore what Loki’s personality could have been like if he grew up under different circumstances! But aside from a scene or two in Episode 3, this was not how things ended up going. Loki didn’t come to any grand or important conclusions about his identity, he didn’t choose to act differently, all that happened was a vaguely-worded confession of pseudo-romantic feelings which was cut off in the middle, made no sense, and weakened the narrative in a whole host of other ways explained elsewhere. Loki’s encounter with other versions of themself in the Void was similarly meaningless: Loki didn’t end up expressing or demonstrating a single thing he learned from meeting all of those alternate selves, despite the fact that there was potential for massive self-discovery there.
Less than 2 hours of MCU screen time portrayed Loki more coherently than this entire series. Loki is loved because of how much he changes, and it felt like he didn’t in this series. He started off lost and stayed that way throughout the entire plot.
By the end of the series, it was impossible to identify who Loki had become. He said he didn’t want a throne, but it was not obvious why not. He looked sad to be betrayed by Sylvie, but never expressed what that meant to him. He seemed afraid once Kang was unleashed, but why? Why did he care about the Sacred Timeline? What were his motivations? Throughout the series the answers to these questions became less and less obvious, culminating in the final episode which ended without a single moment of reflection or explanation as to who Loki had become. He wasn’t a villain, but only because he wasn’t murdering people. He was in some capacity a hero, for… being against Kang, probably, but once again with no explanation as to why Loki had decided to feel that way. He never seemed self-assured in his heroism, as if he hadn’t chosen the role for himself. Again, making one’s own choices that shape the narrative are what differentiates a protagonist from a side character, but Loki did not do that in this series.
5. Loki and Sylvie’s relationship. Loki and Sylvie had the potential to be a powerful duo representing the process of self-acceptance but instead they were reduced to a strange pseudo-romance.
Despite Loki’s many developments in the films, he never truly liked himself. He has been known to act extremely confident and self-righteous at times, but this is merely the opposite side of the coin containing his self-loathing and insecurity. Having him literally meet and subsequently befriend himself in Episode 3 was a move towards developing this aspect of him and potentially teaching him to finally accept himself as he truly is, but this buildup was all shattered in Episode 4 when the relationship is portrayed to have romantic undertones. Instead of a powerful struggle to accept oneself, the relationship between Loki and Sylvie becomes a twisted thing which is memeable at best (selfcest LOL amirite?) and outright damaging to both characters and the very concept of loving oneself at worst.
Ultimately, Loki and Sylvie's relationship didn’t add anything to either character’s development and actively detracted from what could have been a touching story.
Romantic love is extremely different from self love; romantic love has connotations including dating conventions and sexuality which are impossible to ignore and in this case serve as a distraction. And on top of ruining a potentially powerful storyline, this strange relationship makes both Loki and Sylvie seem out of character. Loki is once again one thousand years old and he has never even had a true friend, so why would he possibly fall for someone after knowing them for only two days? Meanwhile in Sylvie’s case, Loki’s “feelings” for her cause the audience to pay more attention to her romantic life and gestures rather than her actual character and motivations.
6. Loki’s Sexuality and Gender Fluidity. Loki’s sexuality and gender has been shown in several comic runs, and the series was advertised as featuring this representation as well. But due to several fundamental errors and problematic storytelling this also fell flat.
Sylvie’s introduction filled many fans with hope regarding the portrayal of Loki’s identity. In the MCU neither of their LGBT identities had ever been touched upon, while the series introduced a female variant of Loki and explicitly stated their sexuality. But this portrayal soon unraveled, most notably in Episode 5, in which many other Loki variants were shown but not a single one besides Sylvie was non-male. On top of that, when TVA Loki mentioned Sylvie and referred to her as “a woman Variant of us”, the other Lokis agreed that that sounded “terrifying”. Why should a genderfluid being be afraid of a version of themselves presenting as a different gender? It read as both fluidphobic not to mention strangely sexist.
The pseudo-romance between Loki and Sylvie only aggravated the situation. Not only did the nature of the “relationship” seem to follow heteronormative storytelling tropes (falling in love after a couple days of knowing each other, one party being reduced to a love interest, valuing romantic love above any other type, etc) but it also seemed distressing and offensive to many genderfluid people. A romance between a male and a female Loki, one of which doesn’t even call herself by that name, seems to be implying that an individual becomes someone else when merely presenting as a different gender, which of course isn’t at all the case. The writing wasn’t necessarily malicious here, but it was certainly ignorant and potentially even harmful. The opportunity was there to translate Loki’s powerful comic representation into the framework of the MCU, but this attempt did not succeed.
7. Loki’s characterization. Loki is a chameleon, but there are certain traits fundamental to his character. These traits were either ignored or actively mocked in the series. The audience already knew “what makes a Loki a Loki", but the series threw that knowledge away.
Episode 1’s premise of stripping Loki of everything he is used to was an intriguing setup to ensure the discovery of the core of who Loki truly is. The only problem was that this truth didn’t end up being found at all. Mobius made fun of Loki’s most defining traits, such as his habits of lying to manipulate people and acting out of a place of insecurity, which seemed to be a signal for the narrative to forbid Loki from exhibiting any of those traits from that point on in any way. This reduction in Loki’s character was reflected in everything, from his lack of humor (in the films he’s even funny while he’s taking over the world!), the underpowered way in which he fought against Sylvie (he’ll use magic to dry his clothes, but fight with a damn vacuum cleaner?) to the way that he wore the same boring outfit in every single episode-- it may sound shallow, but clothes are important when presenting a character. Every one of Loki’s looks in the films said something about him and his state of mind, and sadly that bland TVA outfit seemed to convey that Loki really was nothing more than a subservient pawn in what was supposed to be his own story. Ironically, the writing stripped Loki of everything that made him Loki, and left us with nothing but a Jotun-shaped void to be swayed by the whims and wills of the characters and plot devices surrounding him.
8. Loki’s past and abilities. This series could have elaborated on aspects of his character which had been teased at in the films and theorized about by fans, but ended up being a disappointment in this aspect as well.
Aside from Loki’s characterization and development, something else the series ignores is much of his canon story in the films. Since Thor 1, a truth that always overshadowed Loki was his Jotun heritage. He struggled with it up until the time of his death, clearly visible in his relationship with his foster family. It’s understandable that Loki was supposed to be independent from Thor in his series, but that’s no excuse for completely ignoring this central part of who Loki is. It doesn’t matter how much he goes through or how much his circumstances change, this feeling of unbelonging sits deep in Loki’s core and should have been both explored and explicitly discussed in the series. A series all about Loki was the perfect opportunity for him to finally confront and explain his relationship with his heritage, and potentially come to terms with it as well. And this isn’t even to say how cool some more insight on Loki’s Jotun inheritance could have been-- hypotheticals aren’t the point of this review, but it would have been fascinating to see Loki reacting adversely to heat like he has been hinted to in the past or even using his ice powers like he did in Thor 1.
Loki's magic was tragically underused. It felt like he was stripped of all of his magical powers even after his TVA chains had been removed, and this was never explained.
A second huge oversight is his magic. His powers are all over the place in this series. They were always a bit vague in the films, but this series was the opportunity to set that right and explain exactly what Loki was capable of as a sorcerer, especially now that the MCU has embraced magic more than it had ten years ago. But instead, Loki showcased an inexplicable lack of magic use-- again, the vacuum cleaner fight can be presented as evidence. There is a single scene in which Loki says that he learned his magic from Frigga, but no information is given as to how much he learned or why he doesn’t always favor spells. His power levels are incredibly inconsistent (he forgoes using magic when first confronted by the TVA, but is later shown using telekinesis to save himself from being literally crushed to death). And, strangest of all, there is a scene in which he tells Sylvie that he “can’t” enchant living beings. Loki, the millennium year old Trickster sorcerer god, who can hold an Infinity Stone with his bare hands, reanimate Surtur in the Eternal Flame, and trick the average person using illusions with ease, can’t cast a little enchantment? And if so, why not? The series offered precious few explanations concerning Loki’s magical abilities and instead only raised more questions. And in this way, Loki is once again relegated into the background and left with not a single shred of any new characterization or development. 
Loki contains multitudes, but the series reduced him to two dimensions.
This isn’t to mention every other facet of Loki’s story that could have potentially been explored to great success in this series-- his torture and subsequent partial mental influence at the hands of Thanos just before the events of Avengers 1 is one obvious example, as is his youth on Asgard, as are his suicidal tendencies (people don’t tend to survive falling off the Bifrost, and he knew that when he threw himself off of it), plus infinite other facets of him. Of course, it was both necessary and more interesting for this series to be its own story rather than one which lingered on past films-- but that’s not to say that none of these plot points should have come back, at least subtly, to play a role in this story. Plot points exist to be brought back later, not completely ignored. Otherwise a story may as well be written about a completely original character.
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of-house-atreides · 4 years ago
This article is breaking my brain
Have you read this article ?
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TW: mentions of suicide and also I’m an angry petty bitch
Yes I know this article is from like three weeks ago but I just found it... and I have things to say.
I swear I can’t handle this anymore...
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“But today, Loki steps out of his brother’s shadow”... to step in another one. It be the TVA or Sylvie, just... take your pick.
“resuming his role as the God of Mischief” um where? when?
The comedy part is debatable but fine, whatever... I must have missed the noir crime-thriller bit maybe it was between two scenes of Loki getting his ass kicked by literally everyone in this show.
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Yeah you forgot that end-credit scene showing Loki alive and well in IW/Endgame.
And no, alternate/variant Loki doesn’t count, he’s not the same person/character.
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Because of course when you think of Loki you instantly think his story should take place in a “bureaucratic nightmare” -
And why not hire competent experienced people for Multiverse of Madness and Loki? Is this Marvel’s way of telling us they don’t really care about these projects?
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Kevin really said “no experienced writers on this project, let’s just hire whoever” - or maybe it’s a budget thing? Less experience means less zeros on the pay checks?
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Wow, ok.
So not a fan of the movies nor a fan of the character, just a fan of the genre, that explains a lot...
“what was really important to me was stripping away all the fantastical elements” ... ?? I’m sorry?? What?? So removing all the fantastical elements from a show titled after who is supposed to be the main character who is a GOD and a prince from another realm/planet was what was important?? The Trickster God of Mischief, magic wielder, master of illusions NEEDED to be stripped from his FANTASTICAL ELEMENTS???
“find the heart of this story” - is the heart of this story Loki becoming best friends with his (mental and physical) torturer after what? 2 days? Was it falling in love with the ‘superior’ version of himself after only 13 hours together? I’m still looking for the heart of this story.
“what is the relatable message at the center?” - well apparently it’s ‘you can be a God and a warrior with magical powers but still get your ass kicked by literally everyone all the time and never use your strength and skills to fight back’. Or it’s the power of love, idk -
Oh wait, is it falling in love with the female version of himself? For a weird ‘love yourself’ metaphor? That must be it.
Or maybe it’s jet skis.
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Ah yes, the ‘you can be good, actually’ message of this series that is so subtly presented to us...
They really missed the whole fucking point of Loki.
They missed it so bad they made him call himself a narcissist (which he isn’t btw).
For the record, Loki is a prince of Asgard who learnt one day he was adopted and in fact taken from one of Asgard’s worst enemies, the King of the Jotuns, aka Frost Giants “the monsters parents tell their children about at night”. He found out he was not only adopted but also abducted and not out of love. He feels not only betrayed but he thinks he understands now why Odin always favoured Thor and why he’d never have the same love from Odin that Thor has had his whole life. He thinks of himself as a monster and wants to be worthy of Odin’s love. So he tries to get it. And sure, he doesn’t do it in the best way, and yes, he is the villain of that story. But Loki isn’t a villain. He doesn’t like to make people suffer, he did it out of pain, out of hurt. The events in Avengers was after he was thoroughly tortured and coerced by Thanos to invade Earth. There is even a moment in the end when Thor asks him if he thinks this ‘madness would stop under his rule’ (or something along those lines) and he looks unsure and regretful. But due to the fear of Thanos and insecurity about himself (love is weakness or whatever) he keeps going. He redeems himself in Dark World, again in Ragnarok and yet again in IW and he was thrown in the trash for it.
Yes, Loki’s story is complex, but it really isn’t that complex... So maybe Loki is a “scared little boy” but his way of acting out makes sense and there’s a legitimate reason for it that was not explored in the show. And his backstory is probably what she called the “bells and the whistles”... 
“we literally delete his universe” - and apparently you deleted his personality too
“it’s a story of reinvention ... can Loki find goodness in himself?” - again, you’re missing the point. Loki is insecure, but not about his ability to do what’s right, but about whether or not he is worthy of love! Finding goodness within himself comes AFTER!
“Loki’s journey, to me, is really about acceptance of himself” - several questions here, um, first, what about himself does he need to accept? That he’s a Jotun? The show never mentions it. That he’s done bad shit and should forgive himself for it? Give him a reason to. Self-love doesn’t come after being mentally and physically tortured by some guy who acts like he’s your best friend after 2 days of working together and being yelled out that “he can be anyone he wants, even something good”.
Show, don’t tell, isn’t that the point of your job?? The job you begged for??
Loki’s journey should have been about self-love and no, falling in love with the female version of yourself (who keeps saying they have nothing in common (because they don’t!)) doesn’t count!
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“a more mature and darker path” ...
well this is interesting... was making Loki a clown and the butt of every joke part of making the show mature and dark? Were the terrible attempts at humour? Him being beaten up every two seconds? Having him say lines he’d never say in a million years just to be funny but since it’s out of character for him it fails completely? Was making him incompetent and a complete idiot part of that attempt of making the show mature and dark?
Is that why there’s no magic? You cut off the magician so your show would be more “mature and dark”?
Having him cry every episode doesn’t make your show mature and dark.
Loki from Thor, Avengers, the Dark World and even IW is mature and dark. Your Loki from your series is just a pathetic clown.
“don’t give viewers the story they are expecting” - I personally wasn’t expecting any story, I just wanted Loki, you know, in this Loki series, supposedly all about Loki, and you guys couldn’t even do that.
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So this is the author of the article speaking here, I’m guessing, and I think they’re giving a summary of the show so far, so let’s break this down:
“This is Loki as we’ve never seen him before” - I 100% agree -
“Stripped of his self-proclaimed majesty” - ok, first of all, Loki is a prince, that’s a fact, he didn’t make that up, and for the few years he was King of Asgard disguised as Odin, he seemingly did a great job, so...
“but with his ego still intact” - ah, yes, his ego, you know, because he’s such a narcissist... oh wait -
yes he has an ego, but he has a regal one, not misplaced entirely either - his ego in the show is basically him underestimating the TVA and Mobius (as well as the Time Keepers) - his ego is him getting offended by the variant: the ‘superior Loki’ - his ego in the show is used as a weapon to humiliate and belittle him.
“he faces consequences he never thought could happen to such a supreme being as himself” - he literally tried to k*ll himself in the first Thor - literally a result of his own actions - when he returned to Asgard in Dark World, he didn’t try to pretend he hadn’t fucked up. He didn’t try to hide what he had done (he tries to deny to Mobius in episode 2 that he was manipulating them at the fair) - he sacrifices himself in IW... but sure, Loki from the series is indeed surprised that he is powerless (even when he doesn’t need to/shouldn’t be)
“there is a lot of humour ... he is taken down a few pegs by the TVA” ... he is humiliated by the TVA - definitely not what we were expecting, I’ll give you that.
“sentenced to a lifetime of bureaucracy” - definitely did not expect that either
and here comes my favorite quote: “it’s a sad Loki without any mischief”
yes - yes - yes
that is a good summary of this goddamn show, a sad, pathetic, powerless Loki without any personality 
“fallen God” - yeah that’s definitely not what I was expecting either from the Loki series so good job on subverting expectations I guess...
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“who is going to win out in this match between them?”
there is no match - Loki is powerless - he’s been turned into a pathetic docile harmless wet dog - Mobius literally mentally (episode 1 and 4) and physically (episode 4) tortures him, both time in an attempt to have Loki do his bidding - Loki is the dog and Mobius is the master - even when Loki ‘tries’ to manipulate him it fails because he’s underestimating them (by overestimating himself) - he uses obvious techniques to manipulate the TVA (episode 2) and nobody buys it because it’s not subtle at all! Loki is smarter than that, he is a TRICKSTER GOD FFS!
“there is an interesting dynamic between them that maybe you haven’t seen with Loki in the Marvel movies” - yeah, maybe there’s a reason for that... like... he wouldn’t... submit so easily... he’d be wary, cautious, cunning... he’d be... himself...
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Sans déconner ?
It’s like whoever wrote the series didn’t actually know shit about Loki... like that wasn’t fucking obvious...
And those lectures were apparently done after the script was written so... again, no surprise there... we can see that
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“we wanted the show to be imbued with mischief” vs “sad Loki without any mischief” choose your fighter
“Loki has this very sensitive, damaged, broken heart with an enormous capacity to feel emotion on the biggest scale.”
Are surprised that only Tom so far has portrayed and talked about Loki accurately?
“loneliness, sadness, anger and grief and loss”
I love this man.
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I do wonder what Mr. Branagh thinks of the show...
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I’m of the people who see a vulnerability beneath those layers of charm and playfulness. I love Loki because he’s smart and cunning and regal, and elegant and sophisticated. I love him cause at the end of the day, he just wants to be loved, and he deserves to be loved.
And in the end, the only Loki I can’t stand is the one from the series.
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sigyn-obsessed · 4 years ago
Narvi and Vali Headcanons
they are born after Thanos defeat, in a world where Loki survived Thanos and didn’t die when Thanos snapped his fragile neck
born in the springtime, born early due to their heritage of being Vanir/dwarfish/Jotun, they are small babies, probably runts like Loki
Vali from a young age shows more Jotun abilities, but both are Jotun 
Narvi looks like Sigyn, with her blonde hair but Loki’s green eyes, Sigyn’s freckles and Loki’s pale skin
Vali has Loki’s dark hair with Sigyn’s eyes (I’m debating between blue or brown), Loki’s pale skin and Sigyn’s freckles, they’re lighter than Narvi’s though 
Narvi’s name means active and inattentive while Vali’s name means powerful and strong (their names fit them very well)
Narvi is super energetic, loves the outdoors, loves gardening with Sigyn
Narvi has the purest heart, he’s so sweet, will do anything for his brother
The boy gets dirty constantly, Loki and Sigyn are like “You haven’t been outside, how?” 
He’s selfless and again will do anything for his brother, Loki is thankful they aren’t like Thor and him
The family rule is no fighting, violence is not the answer, Loki and Sigyn teach them young to talk out their feelings 
Vali loves his brother though, and he’s his best friend
even as babies the two were inseparable, they’re double trouble, package deal 
Vali usually comes up with the prank, Narvi executes the prank 
the prank usually ends up in disaster because, they’re Loki’s kids 
 Vali is a lot like his father, and collects books 
he learns to read young, thanks to his father’s bedtime stories every night, Loki has never missed a night, even as babies
He hoards books, has so many bookshelves, there’s a new shelf every year 
Vali is so intelligent it gets him in trouble sometimes, loves to correct adults 
Vali is very cautious, meanwhile Narvi gets hurt so much he’s a hazard
Vali is Narvi’s voice of reason, however if Narvi is going somewhere dangerous, Vali isn’t letting him go alone
Vali has a way with animals, he can get the most ferocious animals to just calm down, has befriended wolves in their backyard 
Narvi has a way with the outdoors, and the deadest flowers can be revived by his hand
Loki values the boys opinions, always asks how they feel about certain situations
They have been open with the boys about their heritage since day one
It has helped Loki accept himself with seeing how beautiful his children are 
“If I’m a monster, they are too, but they aren’t. They’re the opposite of monsters! They’re the kindest, sweetest children anyone would ever meet.”  
Sigyn is very protective of her boys, and if anyone wants to mess with them, they have Sigyn to go through first 
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marveliciousloki · 3 years ago
Marvel Analysis: Odin Borson | Was he a bad father?
I've been consuming all the MCU!Loki content since they announced his series, from the movies, the show, interviews, fan analysis, etc. And I feel like there's a characther that gets a lot of hate that personally I feel is undeserved. That is no other than the All-Father himself, Odin Borson (Idk why I make a dramatic intro if it's the post's title). Odin is always portrayed as a shit abusive dad. Which... as much as he is pretty bad, specially in Thor: Dark World, I feel like most of this gets expontentially worse or turned to his only character trait in the fannon.
Now let's start from the beginning... the war with the Jotuns, it is said it was gory, lot of death and suffering, just like any war, but Odin fought in it, leading his army like not only a warrior, but as a king and a leader; fighting in the battlefront regardless of the damage he suffered (losing his eye) and all to defend a race that was merely part of the 9 Realms he had sworn defend. A phrase I've seen used against him is Loki's dialogue "you were knee deep in Jotun blood" well... yeah, but c'mon, he did so to protect Midgard since Jotuns broke peace, he didn't just casually waltz in to Jotunheim to kill random Frost Giants like... Ahem, 2011!Thor...
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But I'm getting ahead of myself, let's skip forward to Loki's adoption and early years, shall we? We know he goes to the Jotun temple (probably to pay his respect Jotuns which shows that despite the war, he respected them and didn't fight due to bloodlust), and that's where he fights Loki. Now, it is openly said he had two reasons to adopt Loki that ARE NOT MUTUALLY EXCLUSIVE:
In a wave of mercy because Loki was just a baby that just because he was different he was left to die. Idk about you but I would have done the same, Loki was segregated because he had been seen as not enough from his birth and Odin chose to show not just mercy, but love and kindess to him.
Loki runt or not, is the rightful heir to the throne, he was, as Odin claimed "born to be king", just not Asgard's. Adopting and raising Loki to be a good king gave him the chance to, when the time came, Loki could reclaim his throne and since he grew up in a home that taught him a way of mercy and respect (I know that wasn't always the case, but I'll get to it soon) to the other realms and also having a good relationship with Asgard's royalty would not only lead to reforming the Jotuns but also bring in a peaceful and natural alliance.
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Notice how throughout the first movie (where Jotuns are mentioned beyond Loki's inheritage) the only 2 characters that don't speak trash about the Frost Giants are Odin and Frigga, because Jotuns aren't monsters, Jotuns are a very important part of their family. Loki had become a spark of hope that peace was achivable...
But not yet.
They needed the people to love Loki first, so that the true color of his skin was no more than that, a color. And meanwhile, they didn't want Loki to feel like the black sheep, as much as I'm not in favor of him not being told the truth, I understand why they did that. Loki would have been in the spotlight but in a very negative way, preventing prejudice is not as simple as saying "just be nice guys".
So they raised Loki, not in the spotlight but not hated, not feared. Certainly he was not going to live up to Thor who had to be trained to become king of Asgard way sooner (considering he's 1500 in IW and Loki about 1050 something, so AT LEAST 450 years before Loki), of course Loki would feel left out for a good bunch of years.
Loki would be on the shadows for a while, since they probably had to prepare Thor to be king, probably under the excuse that he was the older son or Thor being some warrior prodigy (since it's always been mentioned that Thor outshadowed Loki, most likely not only to Odin's eyes... eye) so it was Frigga who looked after Loki and teaching him magic. This maybe isn't ideal but as someone who lives in a similar household structure as the Odinsons (both parents and 2 children) I know it's a normal solution that parents divide their attention prioritizing the son they're more similar, Thor being a warrior hero like Odin, Loki being a witty sorcerer like Frigga. Not good... but I can see their reasoning.
But then, the events of Thor (2011) happen. Thor is an arrogant warrior who wants to be feared by the frost giants, and disobeying Odin's direct commands he goes to Jotunheim and commits literal war crimes. Blah blah blah, Odin intervenes.
Odin's reaction may be out of place but... c'mon, it's not like he casted Thor out for sneaking in the kitchen and breaking an old vase wanting to steal cookies. Thor did a major fucksie whupsie and not only killed living creatures but he got his friends involved and in danger (remember Volstagg got a frostbite burn and Frandal was impaled) all because of Thor's pride. He had all the right to be furious and sent him grounded to reflect on his actions.
We learn throughout the movie that Odin designed a plan to sent him to earth for a while to bring Thor down a notch... and the fact that to Loki he just had to RAAAWWWR to control reminds me of my early childhood. My mom just had to warn me to prepare for consequences (not even having to think about possible punishment because) I'd just stay still and stop misbehaving, while my sister had to be cast out to a corner for a few minutes so she learned her lesson... So Midgard was Thor's corner of punishment.
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Okay, back to the reveal scene:
Loki has all the right to feel betrayed, being told you're adopted is not an easy thing to process, so for Loki who's not only adopted but he is of a race considered monstrous... Of course Loki feels horrible. But he's talking out of shock, fear and pain. Odin himself says he's twisting his words, it makes sense why, but his feelings are what belittle him, not Odin, reality is far from that. Wether it was from the beggining or it developed through the years, Odin loved Loki as his son and wanted him to feel loved. Odin raised his voice once through that whole scene when he tells him to stop, and his voice is more full of worry rather than anger or threat.
He's too late.
He was probably going to tell him his true nature after the years so Loki would become King of Jotunheim... which was Odin's plan from minute one so Loki had to find out at some point. But Loki found out prematurely, in a dangerous enviroment in the middle of the battlefield. Odin and Frigga never had the time to tell him in a calm and safe enviroment. Probably not long after Thor's coronation since, with their older son already governing, both former king and queen would have time to help Loki both accept his heritage and learn how to become a king himself.
But... things don't go as planned, Thor goes apeshit in Jotunheim, Loki finds out about his true heritage prematurely and CLEARLY doesn't handle it well, and... Odin falls into the Odinsleep for most of the movie. And while Loki spirals down into madness, Thor is in fact, finding his way. BUT THIS IS NOT ABOUT THAT, so we're skipping to the rainbow bridge collapse when Odin awakens.
Loki attacked his brother, attacked his friends, and an innocent town, but fuled by fear of not being enough rather than rage, Odin knows this, and his response is fitting he's calm, just saying "no Loki". Knowing his sons aren't evil he tried to save them both, and could forgive them, even recognizing proudly, that Thor had grown up.
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But then Loki join's Thanos troupes, and becomes an absolutely maniac trying to conquer Earth mostly to spite Thor in exchange of the Tesseract that he's intending to give to the Mad Titan who, IS TRYING TO WIPE OUT 50% OF LIFE ON THE UNIVERSE.
Tortured or not, negative emotions fueled by the Scepter or not, this was not the first time Loki had done something questionable like this, a movie earlier he caused severe damaged to Jotunheim killing god knows how many Frost Giants in the process and Odin wasn't angry. The real problem is this:
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Does he look sorry to you? He doesn't regret a thing, and if he does, he doesn't show it. Compare it to:
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Both times Loki did a horrid thing, but after Avengers (2012)... Loki doesn't seem sorry, he even seems to have somewhat enjoyed it (not that he actually did but gives off that vibe to others trying to look tough). And Odin's treatment to him becomes a lot worse as well, instead of "No, Loki..." he give the lamentable "Your birthright was to DIE! As a child, cast out on a frozen rock. If I had not taken you in, you would not be here now, to hate me", which... Odin please, I'm trying to defend you, help me out.
But to be fair, rewatch that scene, Odin speaks rather calmly (firmly but calmly) at first until Loki spats out the phrase "it is my birthright", Loki is not listening, Loki acts like a psycho, what can Odin do to contain it? Be worse. And lock him up to keep everyone else safe. His son is gone. Because he doesn't want to be his son anymore.
Odin blows up like this only 3 times in the saga. With Thor's banishment, Loki's imprisonment, and the argument he has with Thor about the Dark Elves only a few days after his wife's death. So we have two times where his son did major fuck ups and a mourning blindness.
After Frigga's death Odin loses it, he probably misses his wife like hell and is suffering and can only think of avenging her.
And we don't really see him again until Ragnarok but one scene, when they report Loki's "death" and still looks crushed, after all and regardless of how Loki felt, that's his little boy they're telling him was found dead.
Now let's speed this up because I'm rambling: Hela's banishment probably will sound repetitive at this point, right? Because it is. The reason to it was that he couldn't stop her desire for bloodshed. And despite that once he may have been like that... he wanted to change, he wanted to become someone better and peaceful. Hela didn't, and seeing the pattern she probably did commited practically genocide and so Odin couldn't do anything but banish her.
Summing up, poor Odin, all 3 of his children have murder tendencies, at least the younger two came to know better.
Was Odin a bad man? Not... intentionally. He did a lot of things wrong, for sure, and clearly had no idea how to deliver proper punishment for his children, but... that's a whole different story than to call him the real villain or evil. He was a complex character who did bad things out of not knowing how to keep his murderous children in line. But he loved them, he didn't know how to express it until like... his final moments, but he loved them nonetheless. He had a past he regretted and proably spent years trying to make up for (like Thor did between his movies).
In conclusion, Odin Borson is a complex character that just has layers and layers of complexity and depth and shouldn't be reduced to "shit dad™".
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thekisforkeats · 4 years ago
Hi I hope you don't mind but I have no tma friends so like
One of my theories a while was that Martin would become Avatar of the Extinction. The idea was that alot of different powers have either marked him the same way they did Jon or directly said he would be a good fit for them (like that post you reblogged talking about Lonely and Web)
So I thought it would be cool if, in parallel to the Watcher's Crown only succeeding because Jon was touched by all powers, Martin would be the one to end him and all of the powers, in what would essentially be their extinction event. Therefore, avatar of the Extinction.
Which yknow, I feel like debatably still holds some water post finale. I'll always be a lil disappointed that it kinda feels thst the extinction subplot got dropped, or at least was just a red herring
Yeah I think the Extinction subplot was mostly a red herring. I mean, Peter Lukas wasn’t lying insofar as he really was trying to stop the world ending, but it was Elias/Jonah he was trying to stop, not the Extinction.
And there’s pretty good hints of this all the way through, like, I just re-listened to MAG 138: The Architecture of Fear, and I’m struck by the fact that Smirke was having a vision of the Eyepocalypse.
From the statement:
“I stop, and look up at the sky, that empty black nothing, and I see the edges of the horizon becoming a dull white. I cannot understand what I am looking at.
And then the sky blinks.”
This fits with later statements after MAG 160 that “the sky is looking back at us” and so on. So my feeling here is that the Extinction as a storytelling device was sort of preparing us for the Eyepocalypse, for “hey the world’s going to end and it’ll be our fault.”
It’s a shame though, because as my URL might suggest... I’m really, really into apocalyptic and post-apocalyptic fiction. I have whole complex ideas for a TMA/Mass Effect crossover in which Shepard winds up being a future avatar of the Extinction, or the Reapers are a byproduct of an attempt to summon the Extinction, or both. (The Illusive Man usually ends up an avatar of the Eye, because weird eyes and also surveillance.)
But that’s crossover and fic, it’s not remotely canon. And in canon, well... yeah. I’m grateful the Extinction, as my favorite Fear, wound up getting its own domain and is on the merch--my Magnus Archives tea mug is a Fifteen Fears one, even! But I feel like it doesn’t get its due.
Seriously the Extinction is my favorite Fear and by favorite I mean “I am terrified of you and yet I also get you send help” in that Manuela Dominguez sort of way. Maybe it’s because I’m a descendant of an actual Corruption-driven apocalyptic event (I’m part Native American and my ancestors survived the smallpox waves that swept through), and maybe because I live in the shadow of volcanoes and earthquakes out here in Washington State and they feel a lot more Extinction than Buried, to me. Maybe it’s because the god I worship is supposed to lead the Jotuns at Ragnarok and all. (>.>) I dunno. But it resonates, and I’ve long been like “Awww c’mon just the one Domain?? How many Lonely Domains are we getting?!?!” So I feel you, on the disappointment.
As for Martin being an Extinction avatar! I love this idea! Insofar as he’s really an avatar of anything. And it does track in the sense that really what they did just continues the cycle, passes the Fears on to other worlds, and thus both ends them and changes them.
My theory is adjacent: in the same way Jon became the next Gertrude (narrowly missing being the next Elias, evidently), Martin became the next Adelard Dekker. I feel like, if the Change hadn’t happened, Martin could definitely have been the kind of guy who’d have run around studying this stuff without falling to it, would have been binding monsters to Web Tables and saving people without becoming a Hunter, and so on. And in the end, as Dekker gave up his life to save a town despite his life’s work (the Exctinction theory) maybe not holding water, Martin gives up what matters most to him to save the world.
Basically I want an AU where Martin gets to be his always-prepared monster-fighting self without the filter that makes half the fandom think he’s some kind of soft boy. (He’s really not. He’s the one encouraging Jon to smite things, guys.)
Also more Extinction yesgood.
And you have a TMA friend now! :D :D :D
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tarithenurse · 5 years ago
Stolen - 27
Pairing: Loki Laufeyson x fem!gifted!reader Content: All the smut. Be smart about it and use protection unlike some idiots in this story. A/N: Yeah, I’m not posting regularly yet. We got told this week at work that we are in fact NOT returning to our old place (which we had left “temporarily” due to better use of resources during COVID19 wave 1). That sucks. A lot. So I’m still stressed and semi-depressed and now also sad that we won’t have the surroundings needed to complete our job which is to train/rehabilitate people with apoplexia. Anyways...ask or re-blog for tag.
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27. Eat Me, Drink Me
...   Reader   ...
The swooping rush in your belly is extended as soon as the blue cloud dumps the two of you on solid ground by Loki pushing you backward. Your back against cold metal, you manage a peek at the surroundings despite the grip the god has in your hair. There’s only a hint of distant light coming through the windows because there’s very little room between the hull and the cave wall, but it is enough to reveal sharp lines in a familiar design.
“The ship.” Is he taking you away from Asgard?
“Yes,” he chuckles darkly, body suddenly flush against you and his other hand digging into your waist just shy of painful, “I intend to have you screaming my name, begging for more as I ravish you.”
Heh. “Words.” Your sneer makes his brows arch beautifully. “Empty words.”
“Have care, [Y/N] -” he begins with a deep growl.
“Or what? You’re all noise, like a mosquito buzzing in the night but just like an insect all you’ve done is leave an anno-”
Snarling at your taunt, he latches on to the tender spot on your neck just below the ear. Teeth graze over your skin, leaving a sting that he soothes right away by kissing his way along your jaw before he claims your mouth. Claim. There’s no better word for it as his tongue dances along your lips and tangles with yours, nearly distracting from the new occupation of Loki’s hands that roughly are untying knots and bows in your clothes before pulling the dress down around your waist. Immediately, he busies himself with your breasts. Long fingers massaging them, pinching your nipples as his mouth draws the first moans from you by sucking, kissing, licking, biting.
Half-dazed, you begin to fumble with Loki’s clothes, enjoying the simplicity of the tunic and leather trousers he has been wearing under the disguise, and it takes little time before his torso is bared to you and your hands skim the smooth skin of his ass (trousers abandoned mid-thigh).
“Impatient, pet?”
You love the smirk on his lips as he teases. Clearly, you’re not the only one wanting more because his erection is pressing against your pelvis, long and hard with the promise of filling the emptiness within. Managing to squeeze a hand between your bodies, you grab his cock and deliver a slow stroke from balls to crown. Fuck, he looks good. The thought makes you smile at the god who’s eyes have closed in bliss at the sensation...but then the trance breaks and he steps out of reach, yanking the dress so it pools around your feet before literally lifting you over his shoulder as though you weigh nothing.
“Enough of your taunts,” he growls against your hip, allowing his teeth to dig in as he carries you to his cabin where he tosses you on the bed. “I’ll ruin you for all other men. I’m a god. You’d do well to remember that.”
“There you go with the talking again.”
Moving up in the bed, you’re hyper aware of the state of undress Loki is seeing you in. The only scrap of fabric clinging to your body is the underwear – a flimsy scrap of silk barely covering you pussy and held on to your body with some lace – and, oh, does he like what he sees! Following you on hands and knees (trousers now discarded), the raven-haired man is upon you mouth first, kissing his way up your legs while paying extra attention to your inner thighs after noticing the sighs it elicits.
The only problem is, every time you reach for him, the god bats away your hands. It’s annoying. I’ve not gotten him this far only to be denied touching. Cool, smooth skin that screams for caresses of fingertips. Ropy muscles, bunching and rolling with each movement as a testament to the strength he possesses even if he isn’t bulky like his brother. No. The god’s body is made for endurance and flexibility. For fucking you into tomorrow in positions you’ve probably not even dreamed of. And you want it.
You’re just about to do something about it when the tip of his tongue delves between the folds, dragging the pooling wetness to your clit where he pauses, adds pressure, and then flicks it with a satisfied chuckle.
“You will get more...if you behave,” Loki smirks.
The taste of pleasure is still buzzing along your spine and you’re almost willing to do anything as long as it gets you more. Wait...You had had a plan before getting swooped up and dropped onto the bed. Push him.
“Of course,” your mocking tone makes him arch a brow, “throwing in some distraction rather than act. I should have known.” You’re aware that he’s allowing you to push him back with a foot against his chest, permitting you to get onto your knees and hover over him. “If I wanted a talker, I’d go to Fandral.”
The sound of the blond man’s name ignites something in Loki. You can see it instantaneously because his eyes flood with the colour of blood and the teeth revealed as he snarls looks more like those of a predator. Large hands grab you by your hips and drag you on top of him, expertly positioning your soaked cunt against the tip of his cock.
“Never...” he pulls you down, the slow drag against your inner walls delicious - “...compare me...” with a last tug and thrust, Loki bottoms out - “...to him.” In a heartbeat, he’s got you back against the wall, lips growling against your mouth. “I’m a god.”
Holding you up, he pulls back almost completely before rutting into you at a pace that has your back arching and eyes rolling. The sheer force pushes you to the very edge because you know that a part of him is still trying to rein in some of the power in an unspoken wish not to hurt you.
... Loki   ...
His breath had been stolen and each attempt to regain it is shattered by the magnificent tightness of [Y/N] and her reaction to every thrust. Warm heat undulates around the Jotun’s cock in an attempt to draw him over the each prematurely while the gorgeous woman arches, presents her bosom for Loki to prey on greedily. Who am I to deny her?
Eagerly, he licks and bites at the nipples but barely manages to coax more than a half-swallowed moan from her lips. Loki grabs her by the jaw, forcing her to meet his eyes. I see. The challenge is blazing like a fire in her gaze.
A squelch fills the dim cabin as he withdraws, tossing the insolent woman onto the bunk again. This time, however, he leaves no time for her to taunt but embraces the straight legs against his own chest before leaning over her. For a split second, the male lingers with the tip of his cock at the entrance to heaven as he looks for the moment realization dawns upon her...all he gets is a wicked smile, empowering the thrust of his hips as he slams in.
Ravishing. Open mouthed, yet silent. Perfection. Hands clawing at his shoulders, nails leaving angry trails. Mine. Tight, wet, already quivering with the need for release.
But Loki keeps the speed controlled this time as he sheds the last layer of disguise and reveals the real him. The Jotun. The monster. Ridges rise, flooding his skin with the wintry colour and for once...he embraces it rather than hate it as his claws on one hand curl around her wrists, stretching [Y/N], exposing her even now as she willingly succumbs to the mercy of the beast within. A whimper breaks the relative silence as the Jötun markings have decorated his erection.
“Look at me,” he growls.
She obliges. Had he expected fear? Confusion? What Loki is treated to is an appreciative smirk.
“I see you.” Slowly bottoming earns him a gasp. “Finally.”
Cock punching out a steady speed – fast enough to make the woman breathless and slow enough for her to feel each inch and ridge – Loki fucks her steadily further up the bed until the each roll of his hips elicits drawn-out moans and ragged praises that never could have sounded sweeter than they do coming from the mortal’s lips. Balls tight, abdomen clenched, he drags her to the very edge and keeps her there until...
“Please! Loki!” [Y/N] begs with lust-blown eyes locked on him.
Claws scrape lightly towards her pelvis, drag through the short curls to where their bodies meet and he finds her clit with the pad of a finger. He has to fight himself to keep the pressure steady as the new stimulation sends a shudder through her perfect body. Almost. Aaalmost.
Then it happens. The epicentre of an earthquake buried inside [Y/N] sends the shock waves into Loki too, causing him to thrust deep and hard as she clenches around his cock.
The moan transforms into a scream, “Loki! Yeah!”
The tremors sends the Jotun tumbling after the human over the edge of bliss.
... Reader   ...
Gasping for air, you don’t even feel close to being in a real world. Fuck...that was amazing. Slumped on top of you, resting with his hips between your thighs lies a god whose appearance fades back to the pale person you first met in your own apartment. You had hated him then. Now I love him.
“Mmmm, my dear,” Loki mumbles against your neck, “your scream was sweet music.”
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maladaptive-ninja-returns · 5 years ago
Infinity War (6)
Loki & The Avengers
Summary: A work inspired by @queencfthestarsdrfoster ‘s post of the universe where Loki is alive and Thor is avenged.
Series: Will contain all- and more- that we saw in Infinity War. Will not contain smut and fluff for obvious reasons. Might contain weird humor though.
Chapter content: story time. emotions time. new science bros time?
Warnings: talk about the past
Word count: So my cousin wanted to make sure I knew how to smoke before I wasted his precious joint. I wasted good five drags of his cigarette because I kept ‘mouth-fagging’ (heard that for the first time) but when it came to the joint, I kinda (in my sister-in-law’s words) aced it. Now, this in no way means any of you little ones reading this are encouraged to do this. I am a twenty-five year old idiot who does not know how to breathe right. You guys are better than me. And I kinda impressed my cousin by showing them Tari’s little pet. Hehe.
MASTERLIST & Taglist in bio, my love
“We’ll be landing in ten minutes. You better have something up your sleeve for these people.”
Loki smirks at Rhodey. “Is our beloved Captain going to be there?” The curiosity is laced with pure mischief. So much that even Tony can smell it from the cockpit.
Rhodey crosses his arms across his chest and tilts his head at the God. “What is it with you and Steve? You have a crush on him or something?”
Loki shrugs and leaves the silence to be taken as whatever answer they please. Giving up, Rhodey walks and seats himself down in the cockpit next to Tony, who does not seem as welcoming to the company. “What are you doing here? Go in sit the back with the Grinch.”
“Relax, he’ll be fine,” Rhodey reassures, lying back into the seat.
“I didn’t mean-”
“I know who you mean. The wizard is back there too.”
“That guy is on some meditative high floating about like-”
Loki looks in the direction before easing himself into his seat. The soft streak of light coming in from ahead falls on his dehydrated and wounded skin. For a simple moment, the warmth on his face feels beautiful. It feels free. This star always had a different effect on him; to the point that Loki closes his eyes for a brief moment and soaks up as much of that warmth as it can. His Jotun form feels a different comfort for those minute specs of time and all the memories of the day he has had, float in the space of his mind. No noise. Just the inaudible pictures running at a slow pace, every grain of colour remembered just as it was. Every fire, every explosion, every tear down the eyes, every tear in the enemy’s skin, every drop of blood lost, every drop of blood avenged. The space shows it all till it brings him back on earth, in this jet, under the sun rays falling on him till he starts to feel a chill on his neck.
Loki opens his eyes and sighs, tired as he is. He knows what is the cause of his discomfort- nothing harmless. It’s just that he is still not used to the little human looking at him with the curiosity of a child with those huge dark eyes and surprisingly not scared of him or judging him unlike his father. Scratch that; from his mentor.
“I know you are curious,” Loki utters, his head still resting on the headrest of the seat, tired of life in general, “just ask what you want.”
Peter’s eyes light up, his body adjusting itself in the seat next to Loki on its own. “Oh, okay,” he begins, making Loki wonder in slight surprise how long has this kid been holding himself back, “why did Thanos use you in Battle of New York? How did he get to you? Like did he leave you a text or something or was a like a proper meeting where he called you in his dungeon? Or did he booby trap you to get there? And once you said no, did he like put some spell on you? And why didn’t you tell your brother about it? Thor would’ve helped you, right? And I heard he’d taken you back to Asgard once the battle ended. So, like, you guys must have talked then. Thor must know about Thanos too. Did you make a plan on how to take him down? Are there more necklaces out there like Doctor Strange has? What do they do? Are they here? On earth? Will Thanos be coming to earth to get them? Do we make up a battle plan to stop him? Will we be able to stop him? If we don’t stop him what’s gonna happen?”
Peter finally breathes, something Loki is surprised to witness. Such concern weighing down those young bright eyes. And to think he once had the same fervour. Once. The pocket dimension is accessed to bring out a green packet. Peter eyes it as pale fingers tear it apart from one side to reveal little violet spheres inside, their smell reaching those inquisitive little nostrils.
“Here,” Loki offers them to him.
“Kids don’t take things from strangers here,” Tony announces from the cockpit. Rhodey looks back while Strange opens one eye to observe whatever it is Loki holds.
“It’s chocolate, Stark. Calm down and fly your toy. Take one while you’re at it. It will help get rid of your anxiety for a while,” the God declares.
 “It’s fine, Stark,” Strange adds, going back into his meditative pose, “it’s harmless.”
Peter has already popped one in his mouth, the expression on his face reflecting- without any filters- how good it must be. “It’s better than any I’ve ever tasted before!”
Loki smiles at him, feeling one softly crunch under his teeth. With a content sigh, he begins.
“Before the battle of New York, the last time I saw my family was when I tried to take over Asgard. I had a falling out with my...with the Allfather. And Thor. He was to be announced the king by Odin but I felt it was not the right thing to do because he was not ready to take over that role yet. So, I did what I thought the best. I conspired with the Jotuns. They are...were at one time a species bent on dominating the world, monsters in the eyes of all. I did so to delay Thor’s kingship and destroy the Jotuns once and for all. What I did not know at that time was that I...was one of them.”
“The Jotuns?”
“Yes. I was a Jotun who, when an infant, had been taken away by Odin to be raised as his own. I had been abandoned by my father because unlike those frost giants, I was weak and small and hence a disgrace to the king to whom I was born as a son. So, I was left at the alters of forgotten temples where Odin decided my fate after he won the battle against the Jotuns. I was raised just like my brother to look at the frost giants as monsters; the greatest evil of the world. Once I realised what I was, and tried to do right by...Odin, I killed my father, the Jotuns and when that did not suffice...I killed myself.”
Loki can see the emotions brewing in Peter’s eyes. He notices the silence going further than just these puppy eyes, at the foreign ears pretending to be in a world of their own but paying full attention to whatever history is unfurling around them.
“Then?” Peter is almost too afraid to ask.
“Then the universe decided to intervene,” he continues, “I was supposed to die once sucked into a wormhole. But somehow I survived. I figured it was the accelerated healing due to the Jotun blood that flows through me. Or maybe it was a magic that had long protected me from the world. Either way, I found myself on a barren moon, half alive, waiting to die till it felt much arduous than living itself. I gathered whatever strength I had to walk. And walk I did till I found the lowest of life living in the dark corners. I mixed within, to survive before I found resources to move to other planets and lay low. It was an easy task once I regained my strength. I was able to shapeshift into what people wanted to see. The underbelly of certain galaxies found my talents with magic quite useful, which got them objects nowhere within the reach of normal aliens and I got to live on the highest price paid for my efforts. They did not go unnoticed by the assassins who were looking for someone like me to do their bidding. The only downside was they belonged to Thanos and I was going to be paid in kind.”
“In kind?”
“In kind.”
“I don’t ge-oh...Oh...I’m so sorry.”
“Their kindness came with the price of my sanity. Not that I was a completely balanced being before. But Thanos made sure I was moulded into a weapon he could use to wage war on Earth to get him the stone he desired. The space stone. It was-”
“In the tesseract that SHIELD discovered with Captain Rogers,” Peter quips in enthusiastically before he absorbs the hint of amusement lining Loki’s face. “I uh...went through some of their files,” he whispers.
“Illegally?” Loki asks in a whisper himself, bending a little in the little one’s direction.
“...maybe,” Peter shrugs, making Loki chuckle. “Good boy.” The praise takes him by surprise, but it makes his eyes lighter nonetheless.
“Now, Thanos would have invaded earth ages ago if he wanted to. But he did not do it because the last time his henchmen tried to, someone had sent them running back with their tails between their legs. Some say it was a witch that glowed. Others said it was a demon. And the ones with brittle egos announced that the earth had sent a God in the shape of a woman to throw them off their guard. Of course, I thought they were making excuses until I saw it for myself.”
“It’s a whole story for another day, child. But to be brief, Barton helped me understand a lot of this planet’s history when he was under the influence of the mind stone. And Nicholas Fury has been one busy man.”
“Son of a bitch,” curses come flying from the front of the jet, “I knew it.”
“So, I was a mere pawn in Thanos’ plan to invade earth. I was controlled and forced to bend to his wishes of procuring the stone in exchange for my life. He was inside my head the entire time I was here on earth. Except for all the moments the sceptre was separated from me. That was the only time I was able to keep a part of my conscience alive and sane enough to think of ways to survive while making sure the stones never got into Thanos’ hands again.”
The blue ocean gives way to African lands beneath them, deserts and grasslands stretching for miles. The sun directly above them makes the inside of the flying machine glow brighter, striking off every reflective surface it can find once it finds its way through the glass. And in that brightness, a thought washes away those long-forgotten anxious bugs sitting in some dark corners of Tony’s mind. The bugs that had sucked on his own rationality ever since the battle of New York. The questions he wanted to ask the God himself but never had the time or resources for it.
“It was you,” Tony declares as his dark honey eyes looked at some void in the distance outside, “you built the failsafe in the portal.”
“Of course, I built the failsafe in the portal. What am I, a monster?” Loki scoffs in Tony’s direction, clearly being bothered by the fact that it only dawned the genius now. “Doctor Selvig helped me with the restricted technology you people had and I made sure there was a way to stop the attack. And a way to stop me. And not to mention I could not have let the earth be destroyed or I would not have heard the end of it from Thor or his girlfriend.”
“Oh tone it down, Maleficent, you killed Phil,” Tony fumes.
“Oh relax, he is alive!” Loki sings back, annoyed.
The jet feels a turbulent jerk before finding its balance but throwing Strange off his. Turning on autopilot, Tony gets up and walks in the back to face Loki. “What did you just say?”
Loki can see all the shades slowly crawling over Tony’s face- anger, denial, resentment, shock, more denial, fury…
“Go ahead,” Loki challenges, “ask Fury.”
“...you killed eighty people.”
“Collateral damage. I’m not a saint either.”
Only the hum of the engine makes up for this deafening silence between these two that makes Rhodey, Peter and Strange uncomfortable. Soon enough, Tony sits down opposite Loki, taking all three of them by surprise.
“Ignoring that statement for now,” Tony narrowed his eyes at Loki, “after Thor took you back-”
“I was imprisoned, Thor’s girlfriend discovered the aether and my mother was killed, the dark elves were destroyed and Thor was given the freedom to go back to the love of his life.”
“That was you too, wasn’t it?” Tony added without a pause. “You sent Thor away. And if I’ve seen the pattern correctly, you sent the aether away and kept the Tesseract on Asgard.”
Loki lets the smirk play on his lips. He is impressed by Stark’s deductions and the same time is internally a little envious of not having met this man during a better time. The things we could have achieved together.
“Yeah,” Tony nods only slightly, giving that two-second smirk that vanishes as quickly as it had appeared, “smart move. Sending your family away. Keeping the stones apart. Thor told me his father made peace treaties when he left. So, adding to the previous list you increased Asgard’s defences in case Thanos ever came looking for you or the stones there.”
“Stop before you start sounding impressed, Stark,” Loki mentions with a gentle smile, “this colour does not suit you.”
“Rest it, daddy issues,” Tony chimes, “I’m only appreciating your strategies. Not really a fan of this persona. Never have been.”
Loki does not miss the tick in Tony’s beard as his fingers move in some calculative thought. “What has been bothering me is you had it all- every piece of information on that bastard and never once did you bother to warn anyone. Not even your brother. Do you have any idea how much lives could have been saved had you kept your fucking ego aside and tried to make amends for all the crap you put people through.”
It isn’t much but the reflection of the warm glow from the sun outside touches Loki’s eyes enough to reflect a veiled pain behind those few fast blinks and the movement of his fingers on his other palm. If hadn’t been for his own experience, Tony would have missed reading Loki’s shallow breaths, the urge to fight off the tears building in those tired edges, the sweat collecting on his neck.
“Tell me honestly, Anthony Stark,” Loki states, catching Tony off guard for a fraction of second, “Why, for the love of all things alive, did you not tell your family about the threat you saw coming earlier? And when you did, what exactly did they do?”
Tony opens his mouth just to shut it back up, a thing out of the usual for the people who know this man all too well. He stands up, turns around, only to turn back at Loki and point his finger at him, to try and speak again. And again, he fails. Hands on his hips, he clinches his jaw. “That doesn’t make us the same.”
“Oh, no, it does not,” Loki agrees, “it only shows our shortcomings. Battles on the field are much easier to run into than the battles in our minds.”
There is much disbelief internally but a part of him cannot help but look at Loki in a new light. And Tony curses this part again and again for no reason but the imminent truth that comes out of that Silvertongue.
“We’re here,” Rhodey announces from the cockpit, trying to get Tony to come back and breathe.
“Don’t listen to any advice he gives you,” Tony warns Peter, making the boy nod in uncertainty and the God chuckle in delight. Tony goes back but not before he has taken those exotic chocolates from Peter’s grasp. “First rule of stranges, kid!”
“Those are chocolates, Mr Stark,” Peter whines as he watches Tony walk to the cockpit and take a seat.
He pops one in his mouth, feeling the silken magic work in his mouth.
“You ready?” Rhodey asks his friend, “you’re going in a completely foreign country with a criminal, a magician and a whole lot of unresolved emotions with Cap.”
“Yeah yeah yeah, we’ll cross that bridge when we get to it,” Tony remarks, popping another one in his mouth.
“Dammit, why are they so good!” He whispers in surprise, making his best friend roll his eyes and pray for whatever was about to come.
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marvelgbt-posts · 6 years ago
Nothing To Be Ashamed Of
{Loki x Male! Reader}
Warnings: loki in his jotun form
Request: So requests for Loki are open, right? Tall(er) boyfriend just marveling and complementing Loki's beautiful self? I'd just love a fluff with Loki where he's appreciated and stuff. Thanks if you write something
Summary: Loki changes to his Jotun form, staying in it for a while until you come home to see him cuddling into your blankets. You didn’t know he had another version of himself, and your quick to affirm him that his past and heritage are Nothing To Be Ashamed Of. 
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*not edited*
Loki looked at himself in the mirror. It had been a year since he tried to take over New York, and he was doing pretty okay. He had found you, and after much ice-breaking, you two had gotten pretty comfortable. You had offered Tony to take care of Loki. It took a lot to coax him into agreeing, and that’s just briefing it. Now he lived with you- happily, much to Loki’s surprise. You were patient with him- if he ever gave you sass or sarcasm, you’d let it go and continue your conversation.
Loki was happy to have you. You were like an open book to him, and he slowly began to share his darkest fears and secrets with you as well. However, there was one he hadn’t told you yet. The one about his true form. He was afraid of what you’d say or how you’d react. Would you throw him out? Send him back to Stark so he could throw him in another boring cell? He had been getting therapy sessions with Bruce, so he felt (and hoped) he was getting better.
Loki watched as his skin turned blue slowly, starting from his hands and slowly crawling up his arms. It continued until his entire face was the bright ocean blue he had grown somewhat used to. He felt as if the blood red eyes he saw in his reflection were that of a strangers. It wasn’t him. It never will be. 
Of course, the jotun heritage was in his blood. He couldn’t deny that. But he could never fully accept it. No, he was Asgardian. Raised by Odin, alongside the god of thunder. A true Odinson by heart.
Loki moved out of the bathroom to the living room, still in his form, and turned on the TV. You weren’t set to come home for another two hours or so, so Loki would be fine for a while. He didn’t need to change his form; in fact he was quite fine with his chosen looks. But Dr. Banner informed him it would be best to accept who he was. Something about it being the first step to being a better person or something…
After watching some Midgardian entertainment like Criminal Minds and The Office.
What? Could he not have class as well as a humorous side?
Loki ended up making himself a sandwich and getting a blanket from your shared room and sat on the couch cuddled into it, eating away. He watched Criminal Minds for a bit until he found himself tired. Yawning, he put the plate in the sink and took the blanket to the bedroom.
It should be mentioned that the two of you have individual blankets to sleep with. Loki did not feel like you two should share because you always stole the blankets in the middle of the night. However, today he took a blanket from your pile. He put the blanket in the dryer to warm it up as well so it would smell and feel like you were there embracing him. He felt he needed your hugs especially now during a time he felt so vulnerable. After wrapping himself in a human burrito and flopping onto the bed, Loki fell asleep.
When Loki woke up again, you were supposed to be due home 10 minutes ago. He worried, but figured you must have been held up with something. He rolled around on the sheets for a bit until he heard the front door open, he frantically tried to turn his skin back to its previous color. “Loki! I’m home!” You called out. Shit! Your voice was coming closer. “Loki?” You were in the hallway now, his legs were still yet to change. Curses! Why did he wear shorts?!
“Lo-“ you opened the bedroom door to see Loki on the bed, spread messily across it while looking at his legs. You gazed downward to find his skin slowly changing color. You froze, waiting a moment in silence as the male you grew to love scattered of the bed and on the floor, just staring at his legs. 
“Loki…” You sighed, running a hand down your face, “I thought I told you to tell me everything. No secrets, remember?”
“I know, I know, I just…” Loki shut his eyes tightly, breath quickening. He began to shake rather violently, body tensing as he gripped onto whatever he could, like the carpet floor. His hands balled into fists and Loki loosed his grip to bring to his face. “It’s just, I’ve been hiding this form for so long and… a-and I felt like I couldn’t show you… this form. I feared you would hate me or kick me out…” he spoke in between his rapid breathing. He had been having these episodes recently, and no one could understand why. Bruce said it was just him under stress and that Loki needed to calm himself for a bit. But something always seemed to bother him every second of the day. 
Now you knew why. 
You walked up to him, taking his hands into yours and speaking calmly. “Loki,” you said softly, “Loki, look at me.” Loki peered at you through his eyelashes. 
“This is a very important conversation we need to have. I don’t know why you thought hiding something this big would be a good thing. But right now we need to focus on getting you relaxed, okay? Just breathe. Focus on me and nothing else. I’m not mad, I won’t throw you out or hate you. I love you, and no ‘form’ can change that. So let’s get you in bed first, okay? I’ll boil some tea for us; sound good?”
Loki nodded. That did sound pretty nice. You helped him up and helped Loki to back on the bed. Once Loki laid back down on the bedsheets, he curled into himself and picked at the fabric beneath him. You moved to the kitchen to boil some hot water in the kettle, moving back to the bedroom once the action was done. 
“Now,” You began, sitting at the edge of the bed. You brushed a few strands of the jet black hair out of Loki’s beautiful green eyes, “Care to explain?” Loki moved to lay his head in your lap, letting himself relax against the soft touches of you fingertips along his hairline and running through his scalp. 
“I’m not fully Asgardian,” he began. You let out a small hum noise, even though it wasn’t a big surprise to you. After all, Loki had done some pretty surprising things, but this wasn’t the biggest of them, “I was raised by Asgardian parents, lived an Asgardian life, but for some reason, Father never treated me and Thor the same.
“I always just assumed that it was because I was the youngest. But even then, I couldn’t help but feel jealous of the other children who’s parents doted on both them and their siblings. Eventually, I found out the true reasons behind Father’s biased actions. 
“When I found out about my true heritage, I was furious. I tried to kill him because of my anger. I ended up finding out I was a part of a race of monsters called ‘Jotuns’. My father, Laufey, had abandoned me because I was small and some sort of disgrace. Father used me as a peace treaty and I became this form. The more… humane… looking form. I had been taught to hate these creatures, yet I am one. I was so confused.”
By the time Loki had finished, you had braided a small section of the males hair. “Thank you for telling me, Loki,” you smiled down at him, “I understand it must be hard for you to get something so big off your chest…”
The kettle began to scream as heat emitted from it. You looked towards the door, “My love, shall we get our tea now?” You asked softly, undoing the braid gently. Loki nodded, removing his head from your lap and watching you leave. You came back two minutes later with a cup in each hand filled almost to the brim with hot tea. 
Loki took his and set it to the side, letting it cool down. You did the same, and began to lay down. Loki followed your actions, wrapping his arms around your waist and pulling himself towards you, burying his face in your neck. 
“You know I love you, right?” You asked, arms resting on Loki’s hips as you traced patterns into his bare back, shirt lifted just enough to expose his skin. Loki nodded, although he couldn’t believe that was true. What was that saying in the Disney movie? ‘For who could ever love a beast?’ Yeah. Exactly. 
“But you must know that this ‘jotun’ form of yours is a part of you. You shouldn’t hide or forsaken it- rather, embrace and overcome it. I know that sounds stupid. But it’s better to accept yourself than hate what you are; does that make sense?” Loki hummed, a bit satisfied with the answer.
“You sound just like Bruce…”
“Do I, now?” Loki nodded, eyes closing as you continued to softly touch him here and there. “Well, he is your doctor, so you should listen to him,” you said, resting your chin on the top of his head.
After a few minutes of silence, you spoke up, “Loki, can I perhaps see this ‘jotun’ form of yours?” Loki opened his eyes, and you hoped you hadn’t upset him somehow. Loki sat up, and you, too, began to move with him. “Would you...” he said softly, almost as if he were a shy child talking to a stranger, “Would you really be interested?”
“Loki, i would ask if i wasn’t somewhat interested,” you quipped, smiling a bit to try and calm him down. Loki nodded, running his hand through his hair once to smoothen it out as he closed his eyes. 
After a few moments, Loki’s skin began to change colors. Slowly, from his hands, climbing up his arms, and going in two different directions from his shoulders- up his neck and down his torso- until his feet were covered. Loki turned to you, eyes opened to reveal his red eyes. You stared at him in awe, mouth agape slightly as you sat up straight.
“What?” Loki said, eyes widening slightly at your silence, “It doesn’t suit your interest, does it?” He began to feel insecure now, trying to cover his face with his blue hands, “I look hideous, dot I?” His hands began to change to the pale color Loki had become accustomed to since birth, until another, warmer hand placed itself on top of his, and a gentle, “don’t” was hear throughout the now silent room.
Loki moved his hands so you could see his eyes. God, you thought they were the most beautiful shade of red you have ever seen. Loki looked up at you, and you moved yourself closer to him. “My love, you are absolutely stunning in this form,” you said, meaning every word. Gently, you took a hand and stroked a strand f hair behind Loki’s ear, barely grazing his skin. It was cold to the touch. Like ice, you noted.
“You don’t mean that,” Loki said. He thought with his whole heart that he looked repulsive. He repeated, “You don’t mean that…” since he really could not believe you could ever love him when he looked so… despicable.
“My dear, I mean every ounce of it…” you spoke, pushing Loki down onto the bed so you could roll halfway on top of him, “You are gorgeous. This skin is the softest, yet most intricate shade of blue I have ever seen. Not to mention your eyes; they shine like rubies… you are absolutely gorgeous. In whatever form you choose…”
Loki felt his lip quiver, and he immediately hugged you after he finished processing your words. Wrapping his legs around your waist, he pulled you down onto him, locking his arms together behind your neck. He let himself smile, and you swore it was the softness you’ve ever seen him. “You…” he started, “You really think so?”
“Loki,” you smiled, taking a hand up to his chin. You stroked your thumb over his bottom- now blue- lip and dragged it along until it reached the end of his smile, then moving your thumb downward to his chin, “You truly are the most beautiful thing that has ever graced this universe… and you know I would never lie to you.” Tilting his head up a bit, you softly kissed him, Loki closing his eyes at this. You pulled away a few seconds after- which Loki was not having. He dragged his head while you tried to pull away, and ended up biting your lower lip as he pulled away. His eyes were lidded and he lazily looked up at you.
The both of you were exhausted; you could tell from Loki’s eyes and he could tell from yours. He didnt have to tell you, you knew he wanted nothing more than to rest in your embrace. Loki was first to lay down, turning to his side so he could face you. You were now laying beside him, beginning to wrap your arms around his slim waist. Loki placed a few kisses to your neck, a place he could easily and lazily reach from his position next to you. “You’re body seems colder in this form,” you voiced out, and Loki smiled, “My dear, I am a frost giant… it makes sense that my body is cold…” He gave a light chuckle.
You stared into his eyes, admiring the glow they seemed to have. Along with the intricate details he seemed to posses across his face. You took a hand and stroked Loki’s hair off his forehead, placing a kiss to it. And with that, you both fell asleep.
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ladybalem · 5 years ago
"Queen of Jotunheim" - a Confession about Jotun Loki - part 2 of 2
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(Continued...)          - Show me, (***) - Loki said under a breath, cupping her beautiful face and admiring her. And closing her eyes (***) moaned under the cold touch of his slender fingers before to search for them with her lips, taking one of them and sucking on it before opening her eyes and smile at Loki in a happy and roguish way, and he smiled back at her.          Taking one of his hands (***) observed to each one of his fingernails, that were by now all black and opaque, feeling fascinated by them, before once again taking one of his fingers between her lips and suck on it, then leaving it with a lip pop. And smiling she went down through his chest, kissing it for whole and following to each trail of marks with  her avid lips, descending then through his lean and defined stomach. And when (***) reached his loins, Loki was already stiffened and she smiled in a malicious way, looking up at him as she said:          - I like the way you're more hairy around here in this form - and biting her lip (***) smiled - and I also like the way it's bigger and thicker.          - The sex of a monster - Loki said, but already not yet very much displeased with himself, and (***) smiled, massaging his blue thighs in an insistent way.          - I love it - and lowering her glance to the blue penis she added -  And I want it - and grabbing it firmly by its basis with her right hand (***) looked at Loki into his eyes before opening her mouth and, stretching out her tongue, she licked it from the bottom to the top through its whole extension, closing her eyes in pleasure as she reached its tip. It was exactly the same member to which she was already used to, but cold and in a more stout size, and it was a fantastic feeling. And desiring more than anything at that moment to have that into her mouth, (***) opened her mouth to the max and, having a moan of satisfaction, she descended over it, starting to suck on it bobbing willingly, one of Loki's hands clasping in her hair as he moaned in pleasure:          - (***)...          Starting slowly and little by little increasing the speed to which she was bobbing, (***) forget about anything that it wasn't what she was doing that right moment, and Loki just loved the way she always did that with so many passion and desire. And (***) only stopped as he asked her such, slightly pulling her by her hair:          - Little one... Easy... Slow - Loki smirked at her in a roguish way  as (***) raised her glance to his face - Come - and still bringing her by her hair he made her to come closer, kissing her and making them to flip, getting this way atop her - I well know how much this delicious little mouth is always avid for more and more, but now I want you a little at my disposition - Loki whispered against her face, feeling more and more secure due to the way she was looking him for whole with fascinated eyes and sliding both hands through him all the time in an attitude of reverence - Soon you'll may kneel before me and finish what you've started, but right now your ice prince wants to feel the heat of the insides of your delicate and mortal body - Loki said, with a hint of wickedness in his voice, as he was sliding one of his hands along her body, and (***) whispered:          - Yes, Loki... Please! Take me for whole - she said with a seductive voice, raising her legs high to rub her thighs along his, slowly and teasingly - I want you so... Do with me what you want.          - Whatever I want? - Loki had a roguish smirk as he slid his hand between her thighs, causing her a shiver as he touched her intimately, smiling of the way (***) contorted herself and closed her eyes. And arranging her for himself Loki spread her legs apart lifting them into her chest, and she had a sigh of apprehension and desire for what was about to come.          - Everything you may want - she stated - I am yours.          And letting a small scream of pleasure to come out of her lips when Loki penetrated her at once, shoving himself inside her until his godhood to disappear completely inside her, (***) grabbed herself to him, burying her nails into his strong and blue back, whining out loud when Loki started to move above and into her while still holding her legs lifted up and apart.          - Loki!          - Little one - he smiled and covered her lips giving her a deep kiss, his cold tongue slipping to inside (***)'s mouth and rubbing to hers in a sensual way, and she was moaning while kissing him due to the way Loki was pulling her womb up at each turn he got deep inside her, the feeling of his cold godhood sliding through the warm humidity of her core and the way it made her walls to stretch at each thrust  making her to rave.          - Loki... My prince... Oh, yeah, this way, my love - she begged with a smile, closing her eyes for a moment.          - My princess - Loki whispered sucking on her neck and bruising it, increasing his rhythm little by little, the wet sound of their bodies meeting between fulfilling the air around along with their sighs and moans. And putting a thumb into (***)'s mouth for her to suck on it  and with pleasure looking her doing that, Loki increased the rhythm even more, making (***) almost to scream - This way, my princess, show your god how much I drive you crazy!          - Loki! Dear god! - and leading both hands to his rear (***) pulled him even more inside her, inclining her hips up, unconsciously searching for the sudden satisfaction of her body. And noticing that, Loki smiled in a wicked way.          - You're really hunger to reach your orgasm, isn't it, my little one? - he whispered against her lips while grabbing at her chin, she barely being able to breath. And panting (***) whined out loud, Loki nibbling at one of her earlobes before to simply stop and get out of her without warning, denying her the pleasure that it was so close now, making her to flip and turn her back at him placing her dog style, as (***) managed to smile:          - Loki...          - (***)... - he smiled back.          - It... It wasn't fair... to simply stop when I was so close! - (***) was panting while smiling, slightly swallowing in the wrong way as she felt he was sliding the tip of his sex through her wetness, but still not yet penetrating her but only teasing, until that finally doing it Loki plucked out from her a loud sigh, as he once again entered inside her to the hilt, then making her to raise her torso up as he gripped at her neck, whispering into (***)'s ear:          - I'm the god of mischief, don't expect me to fair play, little one - and grabbing one of her thighs and lifting it up Loki restarted to thrust, making (***) to scream in pleasure this time, while keeping her closely held by her neck and thigh, sucking on her neck passionately. And holding herself to both of his arms in a delirious (***) abandoned herself to whine in an almost uncontrolled way, letting her head to tilt back.          And it was then, putting the tip of his skilled and cold tongue into (***)'s ear while still vigorously thrusting inside her, Loki made use of his magic, and while (***) was assaulted that way by him she was able to feel in another place to every single movement his tongue was doing to her ear, most precisely in her most sensitive spot between her thighs, and panting heavily (***) moaned:          - Loki... Are... Are you using your tricks on me? - she asked incredulously, by now almost getting choke by her own moans, and just smiling against her ear Loki didn't say no word, just inserting his tongue deeper and sliding it all along the shell of her ear this time, (***) contorting herself as she felt perfectly his tongue doing exactly the same through her sex.          - Loki! - she trembled under the power of his magic - Loki, don't use your tricks on me!          - I promise I won't do it again - he laughed, but this time his member just like grew inside her, and contorting herself with a loud whining (***) tilted her head to his right shoulder, squeezing his both wrists with strength between her fingers:          - Loki!!          - God of lies? - he laughed, this time closing his lips around her ear, making (***) to scream as she finally reached her orgasm, the god sustaining  her as he stopped for a second so she could enjoy her moment, quaking and tightening her eyes shut. And only when she got appeased it was that Loki restarted to move against and inside her again; and feeling herself to burn (***) whispered:          - Loki... Oh my dear... - and panting she was holding to the strong blue arms that were still holding her, the cold body at her back causing her delicious goosebumps. And raising both of her arms up (***) grabbed at his hair, her breasts raising up and shaking at each thrust of him against her, and leaning her head onto his shoulder (***) turned her face to look at his, as she asked:          - Loki... Your cum...          - What's about? - he grunted against her skin, panting heavily.          - What's the feeling?          Having a roguish smirk he looked at her by the corner of his red eyes, still thrusting on her vigorously:          - Do you want to feel it now?          - That's what I want the most - (***) smiled back, and stretching her neck in order to offer him her lips for a kiss, what Loki soon conceded her, she was suddenly flooded by a stream of ice-like cum that caused her to contort her spine and have a shiver that went up along her back, and that one it was just the first of a series. And soon (***) was so fulfilled that his sperm was draining along the inner thigh of her stay leg in form of long lazy drops, until that quite at a pace Loki started to diminish the rhythm, diminishing it, diminishing it, until to finally stop. And just breathing, both kept mutually holding on to each other, until the emotions and the bodies to get appeased.          And it took some time until one of them finally to speak, and it was (***), who having eyes closed turned her face to kiss Loki's jaw as she whispered his name, having a smile on her lips.          - Did you enjoy it? - Loki asked, rubbing his face against hers slowly, eyes closed as well as he was still inside her and holding her by thigh and neck.          - Any doubt, really? I want more!          And both opened their eyes and looked between, soon falling into laughs, Loki sliding his hands along (***)'s body to left her and finally getting out, and she sighed as she felt herself empty of him, lazily laying down and stretching as she beamed at her lover, that was still on his knees and looking her from above, until (***) to stretch offering Loki a hand and asking him to lay at her side. Doing as she had asked, Loki laid on his side to look into her eyes, and brushing his black hair behind his ears (***) asked, speaking under a breath, looking into his red eyes:          - Do you mind if we stay here in bed a little more before to get up and stay like this a little while?          - Like this in jotun form, do you mean? - also brushing her hair behind her ears now Loki asked her, but already knowing the answer. And just smiling and nodding, (***) approached herself to him, laying her head in his chest - Aren't you hungry?          She shook her head no slightly, gluing herself to him the most as she crossed both arms  across the blue back of her prince of Jotunheim, and they kept there like this, for a long time, until (***) to whisper:          - I would love to be a jotun, to be just as like you are now.          Loki thought for some long minutes while stroking her head, until finally whisper back at her:          - I think you'd be stunning wearing a fur coat. Who knows, some day - Loki whispered, kissing at her forehead fondly - you'll be the queen of Jotunheim. * * *************************** * MY CONFESSION TO LOKI: Yes! Today I'm going to confess directly to the God, without intermediaries. Prior Philip, you're dispensed for today, you may go now to your cell and do what the monks like to do: Drinking bock beer and reading in Latin. I'll confess myself in the altar today. *kiss at his bald* *kneel down at the altar before Loki's statue, which is more than three meters high taking in the count the horns of  his helmet* Loki, have no prejudice against your jotun form. You're wonderful in any form you may assume, and us, the obedient servants and members of your army, we love you in any and all ways. We desire you, we want you and we receive you even if blue from head to toes. Yes it is. Without a single doubt. Come to me all blue, cause blue is the color of the sky and it is in the sky that I'll feel. Come to me all blue, cause blue is the warmest color, and even being this body of yours, all of it, cold, I grant you that we gonna sweat and it won't be just a little. :3 AMEN JOTUN LOKI!
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lokibug · 6 years ago
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Pairing: Loki x Blind!Reader
Summary: Beauty and the Beast AU in which Loki is forced to stay in his Jotun form until another human loves him. He becomes a caretaker for You due to be recently permanently blind.
Warnings: Angst
Song: Quit (Acoustic) By Ariana Grande
A/N: We’re nearing the end guys, I’m glad to hear all of your guys’ feedback and support. It’s been lovely.
Part 1| Part 2| Part 3| Part 4| Part 5| Part 6| Part 7| Part 8| Part 9| Part 10
The sight of the night sky and the sound of y/n’s panicked voice was the last events Loki had remembered before slipping unconscious. It all fell at once, Y/N felt herself crumbling in a wave of mixed emotions. She yearned for nothing more to hate the man who blinded her but, there was no possible way for her to feel such a way. He had done too much for her, even though he was the reason she needed the help. Stephanie arrived not too long after and brought along a friend of hers to carry Loki back into the apartment before he completely bled out. With their medical background they were able to stabilize Loki without needing to take him to the hospital. He had his genetics to thank for that. A day had passed...then another day had passed, it was the evening and Y/N was beginning to think that Loki’s fate would mimic that of her father’s.
Y/N stood in the living room as she exhaustingly rubbed her hands over her face. “...I’ll sleep when I know he’s going to wake up.”
Stephanie gently grabbed y/n’s hands into hers, “Okay y/n, at least take a nap. Please? He’s going to be okay.”
Y/N took a deep breath and nodded. She tucked a strand of her h/c hair behind her right ear. “Okay, come here.” Stephanie pulled y/n into a tight hug.
“Thank you Steph, really. For everything...for understanding.” Y/N mumbled into the hug.
“Hey, that’s what friends are for...” she pulled away and smiled, “alright, call me if he wakes and I’ll be over if you need anything.” Y/N wrapped her arms around herself as she heard the front door open and close. She slowly walked back over to the bedroom.
While they brought him back to the house, she made sure that they lied him down in her room. She knew how tidy and clean Loki was, disturbing that in his room wasn’t something she wanted. It still irked her how much she still worried for his well being. All she had wanted was for him to just wake up so she could scold him again, have another petty argument with him...hear him read her another story.
She sat upon the bed he was lying on. Y/N delicately trailed her fingertips across his cold cheek and to the hair that covered the side of his face. Gently removing it from his face she sighed. The feeling of his skin, the cold and smoothness...it was something she knew no one could ever know. Yes she lost her sight, but she gained far more. An experience only very few knew. Appreciation for what she hadn’t before.
Y/N sat up fully and held her book in her hands. She trailed her fingertips along the cover. She shakily spoke, “Since you’re not reading to me...I thought I could read...for you. The world knows how you couldn’t go a day without such a desire..” she chuckled a tad to herself and cleared her throat. “Here we go...Beauty and the beast. Stephanie bought this for me, it was my favorite as a child.” She smirked and began.
After a half an hour of reading steadily y/n heard a noise, “...and he growled...what was that?...” she voiced her thoughts out loud. Suddenly a faint groan was heard. “Loki?” Y/N tossed the book aside and moved quickly.
Loki peeled his eyes open slowly but surely. Adjusting he groaned and cleared his throat, “Y/N?...” he whispered.
“Yes. Yes, I’m here.” She moved so she was fully facing him and held onto his arm. Loki began slowly remembering the events before his deep slumber. The guilt returned. Y/N cleared her throat, “How do you feel? Do you remember what happened?” She asked softly. She tried to dial down her relief that he was awake, but she was glad one of the most frequent people in her life was okay.
“...I do, y/n...I’m sorry. You had every right...you have every right to be rid of me for all the pain I’ve caused you...if I’m completely honest, I don’t deserve the kindness of even being in your presence.” The words flowed form his dry lips into the warm bed room.
“You might be right...but Loki, I don’t want to talk about that. I want answers. I want the 100% truth from your mouth...but as of now, I’m just glad you’re alive.” She felt a tear roll down her cheek as she leaned over the bed ridden man. He slowly reached up and stroked the tear away allowing his eyes to adjust to the lighting.
“The truth you shall receive...well for one, Im okay. I’m not human as you’ve been told and my healing factor is in a faster pace than yours...so please don’t fret.” He moved up on his elbows slowly.
“Let me help you up..” y/n walked from her bed and around to his side. Slowly she felt around for his arm and pulled him up. He wore clothing he had not been in the night of the incident.
“Did you change my clothing ?...” He perches an eyebrow up.
“No, it was Stephanie’s friend Gerard...he said you had a nice chest.” Y/N stepped back allowing Loki to rise to his feet.
His eyes widened a bit as he realized another human had seen his identity. “Did he um...did he speak of anything else?” He asked cautiously.
“I can get you his number if you’d like,” she teased, “but no...he just said that I could trust him—we could trust him. He said something about working in a certain field with unique patients so for you not to worry. I assumed it was from the lighting condition.”
“...about that.” Loki trailed on as she helped him towards the bathroom.
With the help of Y/N Loki had peacefully been brought back to the room. He spoke of all the gruesome details, the mistakes he had made. His thirst for the thrown as well as where the thirst had developed. He spoke of Odin and his mother as well as Thor and the frost giants. Y/N hated to hear the truth, she couldn’t believe it. She had no choice but to do so. Hearing the stories made her shed a tear for Loki. He hadn’t wanted her to pity him, he even prepared for her to hate him more. However y/n was far more enticed than anything. They sat in the bedroom for a few hours speaking of the experiences he had. He answered every single question she had. It was now time for the hardest one...
“So...if you attacked New York...then why are you here again? Also why hasn’t your brother come to check up on you?..” Y/N held her knees close to her chest. She had taken in such a rash amount of information that hearing more would only change her perspective on things even more. She knew what she didn’t want to hear, but she couldn’t guarantee it would be what was going to be told to her.
Loki sighed a bit, “When I tried to rule earth, my fath—Odin...felt a punishment was in order. Frigga, who taught me magic all my life was the power in this. She stripped away my comforting form by his request...I may have lived on Asgard, but I am of Jotun blood. I was casted down here without my magic and without anyone remembering me...so I would live life as the people who I once looked down upon.” Loki held a cold hand over his bandages, “There’s only one hard thing...mortals make acquaintances but I do not appear mortal. Y/N...”
Y/N noticed the struggle in his voice, he was nervous. It was as if he tongue was caught. “...What is it?...”
“I am a monster. Ugly. No one could love a monster...how could a mortal be around a creature as myself?..” The words of his father echoed in his mind. The cruel words only added onto the self hate he kept buried within himself.
“Hey,” Y/N inched forward and laid her hand on his, “you know I never knew what this would feel like, my father told me all my life. As a child, I was bullied. I was told I was ugly...a horrid sight to look at,” she scoffed, the emotion audible in her voice, “but you know what my father told me?...he told me that our beauty does not come from the exterior. The body is merely a vessel, our spirits are what shine. Kindness and love...that’s what matters. Even if you’re this so called monster Loki...you’ve shown me a kindness that I didn’t know you were capable of when I first encountered you. That’s more than a pretty face.” Loki looked from her hand to her soft features. Her sincereness comforted him. It only made him adore her more.
“I wish you could see what I am...I’m so sorry...I took that from you..”
“Oh Loki, I’m healed...don’t worry about my eyes. I don’t need them to see the real world...I have my heart. My heart is overbearing my mind right now but I’m okay with that. I don’t see you as the man you were that day.”
“Darling...I could say my feelings have changed remarkably. You could never be inferior to me...I see you even more superior in various ways. I could never regret meeting you, with the way you’ve made me feel...despite the consequences.” Loki placed his lips to the back of her hand before he hesitantly moved closer to her.
“...you need some rest. This must be all over whelming you as it has been to me..” she said quietly.
“Will you stay?..” he responded.
Loki nodded, “I can go to my room but...I’d feel better if you allow me the warmth.” He admitted.
Y/N crawled towards the headboard and beneath the blankets. She reached over to feel Loki’s body position and laid her head on his slightly cold arm. The mixture of her warmth and his chill relaxed him greatly.
“Thank you love...” he whispered gazing out of the window at the night sky.
“You’re welcome..” she yawned and began to slowly drift.
Loki didn’t move much, he hadn’t wanted to disturb her slumber as he was no where near sleep. He could only think of Y/N and her father. Eyeing the photograph of them posing together on the wall, he knew that if y/n was able to see...it would be a great gift to her. Knowing that even if her father hadn’t pulled through, she could see him one last time like she yearned to through this whole tragic experience. He mentally cursed himself for his mistakes. He never regretted his decision in the destruction of New York that fated day until he realized the effects it carried upon the mortal he’d come to love. All he wanted was to erase it, yearned for it to all disappear. If only he had his magic. That was it...it all clicked together.
Suddenly Loki carefully slipped from the bed Y/N had fallen asleep in two hours ago. He walked fast paced over to the hallway then living room, he seen the hourglass and the shards of sand that had fallen slowly. It wasn’t too late for his wish. He walked over to the balcony on the other side of the sliding glass door. The cold wind blew eagerly through his black hair and he looked up towards the moon and stars. His red eyes searched as he painted from the racing in his heart.
“Mother,” He panted and looked down, “I pray unto thee...please. Please allow me the wish. I’m desperate for what follows, I beg of you...” Silence. Loki breathed heavily as it was now visible in the night. He gripped onto the railing causing his knuckles to turn a light shade of Blue. “This isn’t for me...for once...I don’t need mercy from you both, I just need it for her...” he hung his head. He focused on the sound of his heartbeat that he could now hear.
“...Is this what you’re certain of?..” a soft voice spoke behind Loki inside the apartment.
Loki turned towards the voice quickly and shocked. The golden aura surrounding his mother was before him. Frigga stood there studying Loki in his eager stance. Her hands were folded in front of her and her golden hair draped along her shoulders. Loki missed the sight of Frigga, as she was the closest to him...in giving him the love a mother should.
“I’m positive...” he walked back inside and faced her with a serious look, “...I want the wish you’ve given me as part of my deal in all of this.”
“Once you use this wish you can not trick your way into getting it back now Loki, you know that.” She reassured.
Loki cleared his throat and closed his eyes before reopening them to meet those of his mother, “I can promise you, I will ask nothing of you or Odin ever again...if you give her what I ask of you.”
“And what is it you ask my son?..” Those words warmed Loki a tad and gave him the courage to proceed.
“Her sight. I want her to be able to have the luxury of her sight again. I know you and Odin watch from above...I care for her. She deserves this more than any other....I-I took her sight away when-“
“I know...”
“You do?” Loki looked up from the carpeted floor.
“Of course, Loki meeting this woman was no accident. Part of this banishment was for you to understand the effect of your crimes. I now see that...you have...Do you love her?” She stepped closer to her youngest child, wishing she could touch him.
“...Yes. I love her. I want her to have all the world’s pleasures and more. She’s warm in more ways than one...and I love her..” he breathed out his confession.
Frigga’s heart was warmed by this. “If her sight is regained...you do know the chance of her not returning this affection is possible?...”
“It’s a chance I’m willing to take...I’d rather spend the rest of my days as this, than know that I could’ve done something to restore her and didn’t.”
Frigga nodded and walked gently and silently to the bedroom. She eyed the sleeping body of y/n on the queen sized bed. The scars were obvious around her eyelids and she was amazed with the woman that her son had fallen in love with. She hadn’t known he would be capable of such things.
Gold cascaded from her finger tips surrounding the body of y/n. She uttered a few words with her eyes closed and furrowed her eyebrows. This went on for two more minutes as Loki waited impatiently.
Turning towards Loki she spoke, “I can not guarantee my magic will work for this mortal injury...but I’ve done my best...all you could do is wait till she wakes.”
Loki stood in front of Frigga and with a sincere look on his face he said, “Thank you...mother.”
She gave him a sad smile and placed a hand on his arm, “Until next time my son,” she began fading away, “I love you...”
As she faded from view Loki took a deep breathe, “I love you too...” He touched his arm in the area she had and looked down sorrowful. He wished he could feel her once more, even just a hug from her.
For now, he turned towards y/n and stroked a strand of hair from her face...hoping the next time he did it, she would be able to watch as he did so.
Loki taglist: @drakesfiance @sunflqweroses @bambamwolf87 @pandaqua @bonelessbarnes @dorkybryan @hunter-demigod-timelord @thatmemequeen @powerstrangerdacre @barnes-infinity-bucky @kcd15 @evanicoya @yuukiiiiasuna
Story Taglist: @mrssangsterstylesxavier @awkward-silence-turtle @vxidnik @fandoms-allovertheplace @limedane21 @yourpotatotwiceremooved @crazyweirdgeekthatneedstochill @ajduurikscjsja @kiwigrease @fireismysaftey @nhievyenne @bambi-loki @bilesxbilinskixlahey @jessiejunebug @imarockstar45 @fuckthatfeeling @the-deity-ofthe-cosmos @chibiyanai @zarizha @mell-bell @blueskiesbleakeyes @always-kneel-to-loki @graveyardchild @some-person-somewhere @aljadams369 @marvelc00kie35 @harleykittykat @lokis-little-kitten @sparkling-liability @youveseen--thebutcher @wickedscorpio22 @zeddlocket
Permanent Taglist: @marvelismylifffe @libbymouse @keithseabrook27 @maladaptive-ninja-returns
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skylights422 · 6 years ago
Thor 1 Rewatch Commentary
Having recently seen Avengers: Endgame, I was feeling the need to reminisce and revisit the beginning of my mcu obsession, which started and was most prominent with the first Thor film. The thing that stood out to me most during this rewatch was something I’ve always been fairly aware of, and that is the frankly excess ambiguity surrounding many of the character and world building elements of the film, most notably everything around Asgard and Loki’s character arc, so that will be the focus of this review. Before I dig into it though, I want to briefly go over my other reactions to seeing the film again:
- I forgot how fun Jane and co. were. They were all plenty likable, their actions made sense, Jane was a real go-getter and Darcy and Selvig both filled their roll well, and Jane’s scenes with Thor were actually pretty nice! Sure the pacing and generally confused focus of the film meant that their plot and development sometimes felt a little... jarring or slow? But that is more of an issue with the film’s structure in general and not so much an issue of how the characters were used/portrayed.
- THE MUSIC WAS SO EMOTIONAL AND GOOD OMG. It really made the atmosphere strong, and added a distinct kind of feeling to a lot of the scenes that seemed more...emotionally charged than the stuff that came later? At least from memory, I still need to rewatch the other stuff they’ve been in.
- My goodness have I ever missed how Thor was written in this film, I forgot how much I loved the more old-fashioned speech style that was kind of dropped Ragnarok onwards, and how much I enjoyed Thor as the well-meaning but arrogant prince who learned like, so much in a very short amount of time (maybe too much for 3 days lol but in fairness they were some fairly extreme days from Thor’s perspective and it can be read as being evidence of how much inherent goodness Thor actually had as well how spoiled he must have been for a few days of normal expectations and consequences to bring out such a difference)
- I missed Sif and the Warriors 3 being characters that were like! Acknowledged! 
- I already knew this but this film really is more focused on character drama than action, but like it’s all scrunched up and/or alluded to character drama a lot of the time due to the short run time and aforementioned ambiguity so it really gives a kind of weird tone/feel to the film where a lot of the time you’re kind of just like, “huh????”. Or at least that’s how it was for me.
Okay! General thoughts out of the way, now on to the analysis, which I will put under a read more because the general thoughts got longer than I expected.
Alright. So from the beginning, a few basic things are made known. Jotunheim exists, Jotunheim once invaded Earth for Reasons Not Given, and Asgard exists as a realm that observes/protects the other realms (or at least Midgard) from the Jotuns/other threats but really the jotuns because at this point they are the only threat discussed as being a Thing. Then we obviously see Thor and Loki as kids; they themselves don’t really interact with each other in the scene, but they interact with Odin and a few generalizations can be made. Thor was more confident and aggressive/assertive while Loki was more nervous/insecure and more observant (he asks for more info about the Jotuns, Thor makes a quick decision about what to do about the Jotuns). 
So far so good as far as intros go - but then things first start to dabble in ambiguity, both from a ‘first time watching’ perspective and ‘in hindsight’ perspective. First off, the first time viewing perspective: Odin says Thor and Loki were ‘both born to be kings’; is this...metaphorical, and supposed to be comforting to Loki as the second born that he can be a king in spirit? Is it supposed to be a world-building element to show Asgardian monarchies have their children compete for the throne instead of automatically assigning it to the first born? It’s unclear, but which it is definitely influences how you perceive the later parts of the film (did Loki have a real chance at the throne in theory but Thor was still always talked about in a ‘when he is king’ way, making the supposed favoritism seem more blatant?  Or did he know from the get go he wasn’t meant for the throne due to tradition and only really ever competed for Odin’s approval, which leaves more room for the favoritism to be more perceived/due to miscommunication)
Now the ‘in hindsight’ part of the scene that is kind of ‘???’. First off, Odin nowhere corrects Thor on the Jotuns being monsters (he wouldn’t have had to get angry or anything, it would have been easy to fit in a correction with his general ‘don’t seek war’ message), which when you first watch it is like ‘okay these are the Generic Bad Guys of the film so we aren’t supposed to feel anything for them, suspension of disbelief sure they’re evil ice monsters got it’ but when you know that Loki is a Jotun and that his trying to kill the Jotuns is supposed to be the big thing Thor stops him from doing at the end of the film it just seems weird. 
On the character building front it doesn’t make Odin look great and shows that Loki didn’t get his later anti-jotun sentiment from thin air I guess, but from the narrative perspective why the heck would you introduce a group of people as ‘evil cuz evil’, have one of the main characters learn he was born one, and then have said main character’s primary villainous act be getting rid of the ‘evil cuz evil’ group of people without doing anything in the film at any point to humanize the supposedly evil group or prove to the viewers that Odin and Asgard was actually wrong in their view of them. Like, it is a no-brainer that genocide is an atrocity, full stop, but despite that being Loki’s worst crime in the film objectively it’s the one that evokes the least amount of feeling and the one that almost no one in the film gets mad at him about or betrays him for. Thor tries to stop it in the end, but this like a Fresh Hot Take for him and apparently the rest of Asgard too, because when Thor was banished it wasn’t for killing dozens of Jotuns for no reason, it was for bringing war to Asgard - because then Asgardians would suffer. Only that’s not really addressed and no one in Asgard is ever called out for thinking of the Jotuns as monsters, and when 80% of the good-guys are on board something and nothing contradicts them, it’s kind of hard to get mad at the villain for doing the same thing even if you know by all means you should. (Also another reason the film needed to be longer, we see Thor learn humility and it is done very well, but there’s no real conversation about seeing other species as lesser unless we assume it was covered with the blanket statement of ‘I had everything backwards’)
The next point of ambiguity I want to bring up in keeping with a loose chronology of the film is ‘Loki in part 1 of the film, also, Sif and the W3′. The first real scene we see adult Loki speaking is when he talks to Thor after the coronation is ruined - before that he just observes all of Thor’s conversations with Odin. Here it is pretty much impossible to say with any Real Certainty if Loki was trying to edge Thor on into making an extra stupid decision or if he was just trying to be placating and actually get things to calm down afterwards, because there’s loose evidence to support both interpretations. On one hand, we do eventually find out Loki let the Jotuns in in the first place, so it isn’t far-fetched to assume this was part 2 of Proving Thor Needs To Not Be King Right Now. But on the other hand, at this point Loki had already basically achieved his goal - the coronation was postponed, and Odin told off Thor for poor ruling decisions which kind implied Odin was reconsidering the idea of crowning him so soon - and we know Loki wants to be validated by his family so it also makes sense to assume he was trying to just stay on Thor’s good side (this is, admittedly, a more likely assumption to make with the extended version of the scene where Loki much more obviously reacts to being included by Thor and then stands to voice his support of him, but it can still be drawn from the scene as is in the film as well).
On the subject of the W3 and Sif, since we see almost no other Asgardians outside of the royal family and Heimdall, I assume they are supposed to represent a bit of what the average or majority of Asgardians think/how they view things. This is important mostly because they make a few view-points clear in regard to how they (and so presumably People) see Thor and Loki. First off, they do tease/belittle Loki a number of times, and again due to lack of context it’s wildly unclear on if this is well-intentioned teasing that Loki takes too personally (since the W3, esp in deleted scenes, do rib each other quite a bit) or if it comes from genuine disrespect/malice (Loki IS a prince and most of the other ribbing doesn’t end in the teased one falling silent, so it is possible but again, unconfirmed). Secondly, they clearly worship Thor a bit and don’t see anything wrong with his arrogant and violent behavior (they don’t really see anything wrong with Thor starting a war other than inconvenience, and they want Thor back from Earth right away even though that would fix pretty much nothing, maybe they thought they needed their best fighter for the war but that is never brought up so it comes off more as them just being unhappy with the sentence in general). They also blatantly distrust Loki - they assume he is a traitor because he has magic and because... he’s Loki, I guess, but especially as a first time viewer it just seems like total paranoia since we haven’t seen anything to support their view.
Which leads me to a specific line of theirs: ‘Loki’s always been one for mischief’. Most writing advice says to ‘show, not tell’, and while there are obviously moments where telling is fine or even better than showing, this is an instance that would have been infinitely better to show rather than just tell. Mischievous how? To what extent? Since when? Kid Loki seemed obedient and quiet. Everything about Adult Loki we see in the film is either reserved or desperate, not mischievous (deceitful absolutely, but that isn’t the same thing). In fact unless you include the deleted scene where Loki makes wine into snakes to spook a servant that was laughing at him (which, is a pretty minor, albeit petty, instance of mischief), Loki doesn’t actually do anything for the sake of mischief at all in the movie. It just seems like a really weird decision to write a character known broadly for being mischievous, have him not act out of mischief once in the film, but still include a single line telling us that actually is mischievous, really, so suspecting him of treason makes sense, yeah?
Like, Sif and the W3 literally betray Loki, who was supposedly their friend(-ish) and currently their rightful king not because they have any proof of misdeeds (they only suspect him about the Jotun thing, they don’t know about Loki lying to Thor, and this is BEFORE the Destroyer was sent or Jotunheim was being destroyed, which we don’t even have hard evidence that would have bothered them) but because...they don’t like Loki and Really Don’t Like that Loki won’t bring Thor back, I guess? The way it’s framed they might also be assuming he did something to Odin and/or Frigga to get the throne but like...where the heck would that assumption even come from??? There’s nothing on-screen to back that up other than the ominous camera-work (and again, the deleted scene provides possible textual evidence that Loki was given the throne by Frigga after Odin fell asleep and did not expect to gain anything throne-related to de-crowning Thor). Also I am really unclear on if Heimdall deciding to behead his current king for tricking him/messing with inter-realm defenses is culturally appropriate or not, but from an uninformed viewer’s perspective it seems like a wild overreaction, which is another thing that could have been built on (in general Asgard’s culture could have been explored more like, a lot).
As for the second half the film/the final battle, my main question in hindsight was ‘what...exactly was Loki OR Thor expecting to gain from their confrontation???’ because Thor entered the arena basically just going “What the heck? What the heck!?!?!?!?!?” and Loki was in full-scale mental breakdown mode so I kind of don’t think he was planning anything coherently at this point, aside from maaaaybe stalling Thor long enough to let Jotunheim be destroyed (except, he didn’t really see that as something that could even be done and was visibly shocked to see Thor trying to break the Bifrost, so probably not even that). It just makes, narrative-wise, for a really weird final fight where neither combatant has any real Desired Outcome (Thor is kind of trying to talk Loki out of his freak out while also wanting to talk/argue about the whole Destroyer thing, but is too out of the loop and hot-headed to do a very good job at this and Loki I think just wants to vent/panic/finish his plan). And I mean part of that does play into the tragedy element of the story, but it also plays into the overarching ambiguity of the entire film.
I think...those are the main points I wanted to cover? More or less. Conclusion: I love the film to pieces but it is a structural dumpster fire that leaves way too many major character and world-building elements up to interpretation. And yet also this was the golden days and I miss them and have too many thoughts about these characters. But still, narrative anarchy at least half the time. SO THAT’S THAT.
If I missed anything or you want join the discussion or ask me anything regarding Thor, Loki, and their arcs absolutely feel free to do so!  
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lokikingofasgardslover713 · 6 years ago
Asena {Oneshot}
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Thor Odinson x Plus Size Jotun OFC x Loki Odinson
Warnings: Blood, gore, kinda
A/N: This is my brain storm of a fic. It is more or less an AU, in which both Thor & Loki are blood related and share the same parentage, true brothers in other words. Laufey has a daughter that is a runt so to say that is traded to Odin to wed both his sons as a peace treaty so the Alfather wouldn’t destroy Jotunheim after finding they were plotting to attack Asgard the day after Laufey’s daughter was to be given the throne. She, Asena (I named this one, name means Wolf Mother) is wed to both Loki & Thor & is to bare them children but Thor first, but she goes to both in efforts to make them jealous though it backfires on her. This is a teaser due to the fact I may or may not continue it.
Words: +2,100
The loose tunic did very little to shield curvaceous body from the cold of the throne room, but that was a thing Asena was accustom to, it actually felt boiling hot at the moment, glad the fight had shredded the sleeves of the tunic to expose soft arms. The pants hadn’t faired to well either, cut up, body aching due the extra strain the additional weight had put on the large framed giantess who was trying to hold the pain & fatigue at bay long enough to exact revenge then she could rest. Noting tremors in powder blue arms littered with heritage lines as crimson orbs glared into the ones before her both baring fangs with a vicious snarl as well.
Heart rate elevated to the point it roared through powder blue ears, it was burning hot in this hell of ice, breathing was shallow but not due to any wounds the giantess had received in the fight, the old leather skinned Jotun at fur covered feet with throat barred to the small females blade had to receive her full attention. A grin plastered wickedly plastered across azure blood splattered face, blood of her own people she slaughtered to get to him, her father, the king, to make him pay for trading her to the Aesir like a piece of fucking meat.
Always scowled at for being a runt, a weed, a thorn in the side of her people & father, the great king of the Jotunheim, Laufey. The useless old giant brought to his knees by his own daughter for the trade off to the Aesir king Odin to the princes, Thor & Loki, as breeding stock to unite this shit hole of a kingdom with the Asgardians. Fodder, all Asena was, fodder the instant her mother bore her, a small squeaking creature as they called her, now great with child, twins, seeming the princes were all too happy to make sure the giantess bore their seed sooner than later.
The life in her womb close to being brought forth as the blade dug deeper into Laufey’ throat to draw cerulean blood, using all her seidr to keep the old bastard on his knees, showing more than just heritage lines but shimmering black ink tattooed all over thick body. The intricate knots interwoven with various beast & ruins, all with a delicate female quality & flowed beautifully with the woman’s voluptuous curves. They were meant to mark Asena as an accomplished sage, the life in her womb kicking hard, swearing they were getting ready though she had longer or thought she had.
“I told you, you would pay! You traded me like livestock! Like a fucking slave to save your own leathery hide,” Asena snarled, hiding the twitch in lower abdomen, digging the blade deeper, it was a gift from Frigga after the marriages.
“Hum, my precious seed, now it seems your husbands will see you for the monster you truly are, only after the crown, the throne, willing to slaughter your own blood to do so,” Laufey snarled at the small giantess with a devilish smirk of his own, catching movement out of his peripheral that she hadn’t yet, the old giant seeing the pain in her eyes & body as Asena tried so desperately to hide it.
“Shut up you piece of shit! I will spill your blood & take what is mine! You were to relinquish the Jotunheim to me that day, had you not gotten wind of the forces Odin mustered to take down our growing numbers! Coward!,” the giantess snarled, still too focused on the giant before her to realize they had gathered an audience, one to awe struck by what they seen to make a move at the moment.
“Coward? Oh no dear one, I am not the coward, I feel you had spread your legs in fear as well. Your belly in tainted with their seed now. There is no way you will be allowed near the throne of Jotunheim,” the older giant sneered with a quick glance down to extended belly that was barely covered by the tunic he realized had to have belonged to Thor, giving Asena all undue attention, the old giant wanted to see his daughter break. “I should have culled you the day you were born Asena... but then again, the ruthless slaughter & chaos you created may have the Jotunheim fearing what may happen if they do not bow to the runtling spawn of her predecessor,” he sneered, this time squinting his eyes at the pain as the blade dug deeper/
“You killed my mother, you deserve this, I told…,” Asena hesitated in her soliloquy as a pain passed through the giantesses lower stomach, this time the creatures in distended womb stilling, a pain following to lower back forcing focus on the giant before her making sure he stayed on his knees.
“You're close. Do you have time to finish what you stared or will you hide behind your weakness as a runt, a female burdened with the seed of the enemy & let your princes take care of the problem, you're nothing without…,” Laufey tried to finish, the blade biting more, seidr burning cold.
Rage consumed Asena more than the pain, keen hearing picking up them, heard… a sound besides the blade ripping through flesh, severing bone, only taking little more effort as crimson orbs bore into her own in disbelief that this was truly & finally happening. Becoming hard to breath, a sinister smile making the giantesses face ache, blood splattering as Laufey’ head fell to the cold stone to roll down the dais body dropping with it.
The giantess, no, the queens crimson gaze following it's roll to the foot of the steps, eyes falling on the very princes that had been spoken of, covered in blue blood themselves but obviously in shock of their wife before them. They knew of her heritage, that was why it was arranged, the woman always refusing to hide powder blue skin even in court but the sparkling tattoo that marked Asena as a sage, seeress, a more highly valued member of Jotun society than just the one & only daughter of King Laufey.
They’re lips moved but she truly couldn’t hear them over the rumble in her ears, the pain burning white hot in lower abdomen, had her full attention now as it came in waves. The stunned giantess looking away to take a stumbling step back to the tall seat the dead giant once occupied, drawing the sword up to keep the two at the base of the steps while floundering to lift aching, ailing body to the seat with a mad man’s smile plastered across her face as she finally seated.
The two gods at the base noting what looked to be Loki’ tunic & a pair of Thor’ cotton pants along with furs wrapping bare feet where all their wife wore. Crimson orbs glaring at the two as she continued to smile wickedly, the feeling of another contraction crossing blue features, that’s what the pain was, contractions she realized as a trickle of wetness beginning to saturate the pants, feeling it warm underneath her.
It was obvious by the warmth the children were taking after their Aesir fathers, they would be here soon, mind clouding over with pain as another hit, the clang of a sword falling to the stone having lost her grip on it. Crimson orbs falling on the very two fathers as they hurried up the steps, talking, always talking but this time Asena truly couldn’t hear them as another hit, thick form doubling over this time baring fangs at the pain & letting out a primal grunt.
Shivering with dread this time as a hand laced into blood soaked ebony locks to help Asena through the contraction as it began to burn, the fingers feeling like Loki’ as it appeared Thor was to terrified to touch his wife. Never realizing one of them was reaching to lift their wife into their arms, the startled giantess letting out a yelp a the sudden motion of being jerked into strong arms to be swallowed in golden light before placed onto a soft bed in the healers chambers.
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It was a rush, though the two princes were sure to stay close to Asena despite the orders being barked by the guard that had entered, only for it to end in heartbreak the instant the two infants, both boys, not small by any stretch of the imagination where handed off to the princes to be pushed out of the room while the healer tended to the mother.
The powder blue, almost bare giantess struggling to get to the children before one of the healers gave her a sedative to make her calm, falling into a dreamless sleep. Though not long Asena woke in her chambers that were only accessible by stepping through either Loki or Thor’, no other way in or out & what attributed to the attempt to play one against the other but from her lonely deflated state looked to have back fired.
Sore body stretching out to realize she was completely alone forcing weak self to sit-up, food on a table next to the lonely king size bed, dressed in a loose gown & in a silent room. No crying, no cooing, no little squeaking babes that once had her stomach distended but now a deflated shell left in their wake. This was it, breeding stock, it was fitting, heartbroken body sliding back onto the mattress gingerly, well maybe she should get what rest she could before being summoned to breed with the two again.
Asena choosing to never stir unless she felt it, like she had to, forcing weak body to get to numb feet to hide in the small bath any time any one came into the room, having tried to leave the chamber but it was always locked to her now. Well it was… it was to much, finally refusing to force herself to live, to do anything but to lay in the bed unmoving, the maids left to tend to the giantess in attempts at getting Asena to function.
The third day of the princesses refusal to react, found the chamber door opening after the last meal had been brought & sat on the table while she laid in bed. Asena letting out a sight that the maids where back to get her to eat, but the presence that sat at her back was heavier, moved differently & there was a small squeak coming from them as well.
“Asena, wife, why don’t you turn to look at our son,” came Loki’ quiet voice, a light calloused hand rubbing gingerly along curvy side as she cautiously did as asked, afraid of repercussions since it was possible.
The god flinching at the stone-cold look in crimson orbs, meeting emerald gaze before looking over the bundled creature the god held, Asena finally sitting up to prop on the pillows with the aid of Loki. Carefully the god helped the giantess settle before placing the small black-haired boy into powder blue arms to look down in to emerald eyes that sparkled as they looked up his mother.
“What did you name him,” Asena asked trying to keep emotion in check, heartbreaking as she pushed the little boy back into his father’s arms to cross hers over her stomach to look off into space.
“You named him love, Bjorn,” Loki confirmed watching the giantess shake her head in acknowledgment but not wanting to look away from the foot of the bed.
“Is he growing like he should? No ailments,” she spoke coldly the god placing the bundle into the woman’s lap, moving around carefully to sit next to thick form to pull in close, Loki feeling her trying to be cold to hide all emotion to protect herself from heartbreak.
“Look at him wife, he is fine,” Loki continued to speak kindly, pulling the fur away from the little bundle to reveal a ball of linen that still refused to uncurl at the moment, Asena still not touching the little boy but at least she was looking the squeaking bundle over.
“The other, what did Thor name him,” she spoke, looking over the little boy to cover him but not touching him.
“You named him as well, Talon,” Loki spoke calmly, knowing Asena was broken beyond what originally believed, the giantess shutting crimson orbs as the chamber door opened for Thor to step in with his own bundle looking surprised Loki was there but continuing in.
Without a word Thor sat on the opposite side, placing the twin next to his brother for the two to curl around each other as if still in the womb. The two gods could see how desperately Asena ached to touch the two but didn’t dare as she began to feel tired. Looking to the two fathers with tired crimson orbs, begging them silently to take the boys from her lap & leave, but they only sat closer as she fell asleep against the head board, the twins in her lap.
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glimmerglanger · 6 years ago
bthb: tortured for information
I almost forgot, one segment of ‘in the lands of gods and monsters’ (sequel to ‘as if death itself was undone,’ post-infinity war thorki fixit) was written for @badthingshappenbingo, to fill in my spot for ‘Tortured for Information:’
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(I’m not doing a great job filling in five spaces in a row.)
Since the entire fic is almost 40k, and the applicable segment only close to 3k, I’m posting it separately. It pretty much stands alone as the after effects of a capture by the enemy gone very, very wrong, anyway, but further context is available on ao3! Anyway. Without further explanation:
And Monsters
Thor should have known not to trust to happiness, not even for a second.
Life had been nothing but one nightmare after another for so long. But he had thought it was past, that with his work and Loki’s they had moved beyond the tribulations of their tormented history, into a new world with their renewed people.
But everything had gone wrong once more, starting with dark whispers of warning delivered by Agent Romanoff regarding developments on Earth, so many days ago. He should have listened to her more carefully. He wished he had.
It was too late to go back and change things, to take seriously the threat the folk of Midgard might be. They had not dared attack New Asgard - not yet, Thor thought, in a wash of sick clarity, but now that he was gone they might do anything - instead luring them away, to a place where they were unprepared to defend themselves.
He did not recall all that had happened. He remembered pain, a sick, overwhelming sense of it, and crushing weight forcing him to the ground as his thoughts turned to Loki and Frigga.
He had not been able to reach them. The thought dragged a strangled cry from his throat. He could only imagine what was being done to them, what had already been done to them. Had he not sworn on his very life he would allow no more harm to come to his family? The words tasted of ash in his mouth, echoing in his head to remind him of his failure.
He had not been able to reach his child. He had left Loki to face whatever horrors awaited alone, and now they left him in the dark, chained at his neck and wrists with some strange, burning metal that he could not break, no matter how he strained against it.
His eyes had long grown used to the dark, but there was nothing to see but more dark. He could not turn his head to either side. The thick collar around his neck prevented it and bit into his jaw and shoulders. The muscles in his chest and back, all down his arms, burned with the strain of pulling against the shackles that kept his arms cruelly extended.
His knees ached, resting against the floor. They wouldn’t even allow him the pride of standing to await whatever foul fate they’d planned for him. He knew he deserved whatever they did. His failures had to be answered. But he hoped he would be able to kill some of them first.
He hoped they would not merely leave him to rot here, starving in his own filth.
He hoped--
Light flooded shocking into the room, derailing his thoughts and burning his eyes. He squinted against it, hissing, refusing to close his eyes all the way. The white brightness of it stung like fire; he snarled into it, “I’m going to--”
“There’s something we wanted to show you,” the voice came from behind him. Thor tried to twist automatically, unsure how anyone had gotten there, and caught on the chains. He could not identify the speaker. Their voice was strange and rasping, unpleasant to listen to. Nothing here was pleasant.
“The only thing I want to see is your broken body at my feet,” he snapped, holding onto the anger in his chest for all it was worth.
The unseen man chuckled, an almost clucking sound. “Then this will be a disappointing day for you,” he said. Thor could feel the stranger, standing directly behind his shoulder. They’d stripped Thor’s armor away, left him with nothing but his skin and sweat. “Before we begin,” he said, “there are a few things you should know. First of all, you can call me… Agent White”
“Where is Loki?” Thor asked, misliking intensely the direction this conversation seemed determined to head. “Where is my daughter?”
White tsked at him, as though he were a wayward pupil. “In due time,” he said. “We have questions for you.”
“If you’ve hurt them--”
White hurt him, then. He did not know how. The pain came from everywhere, from the air around him and the air in his lungs. When it passed, he hung limp for a moment, panting for breath and resisting the urge to scream.
“Listen,” White said, patient. “We have questions for you. You can answer us and make this easy.”
Thor spat on the ground. “I won’t tell you anything,” he said, and laughed, the sound breaking to pieces inside his chest.
He felt White move and strove ever harder to catch a glimpse of him out of the corner of his eyes. White stayed just beyond his vision. “We thought you might say that,” White said. “So we set up an alternative approach, just to see if anyone else might be more interested in sharing.”
Thor’s breath caught at the words. “Loki,” he said, panting it. “He lives? You will--”
“For now,” White said. “But he’s not answering us, either.”
Thor reached for the force of the storm with all of his might and got nothing in return. It was like beating upon a closed door. He growled, “If you’ve hurt--”
There was pain, again. Eventually it stopped, leaving his head ringing and the taste of blood in his mouth. “I think,” White said, “that you are suffering under some misapprehensions. You’re in no position to threaten or issue orders. You will answer our questions, or we will hurt you until you do.”
“You will all die,” Thor told White, blinking sweat out of his eyes, barely feeling the sting of it.
White sighed. “Perhaps,” he said, “what you need is a demonstration.” Thor opened his mouth again and felt the words die on his tongue. The blinding white light in front of him changed, shifting to something that allowed him to see what was going on in the space before him.
He cried out as realization grounded itself down through his bones. Loki waited before him in a room, dark and organic. All of his armor had been stripped away, his scars dark in the greenish light. He lay on a curved table that bent him backwards, exposing his stomach and chest, the lone lines of his thighs. There were marks across his skin, purple, black, and angry red. Smears of blood spread like ugly shadows over his body. His hands were bound above his head, his hair in disorder, and his expression was terrible and distant. And he was not alone. There were two other figures in the room.
One figure circled him, impossible and terrible and familiar. Thor knew the face as well as his own, the fall of dark hair, the sharp smile, the flashing eyes. The creature looked as Loki had, once, years ago, in his mad service to the Titan Thanos. He looked corpse pale, with reddened skin around his blue eyes, his mouth pulled constantly into a snarling smile.
The second figure Thor recognized even better. He saw the features each time he looked into a mirror. But there was something wrong with his double, beyond the fact that he wore full armor and moved like a predator. It’s hands, he realized after a moment, were bloody red.
Thor yelled, crying out, and was ignored. “They can’t hear you,” White said, sounding pleased. “You may only listen, and watch. And when you are ready to stop it, you can answer my questions.”
Thor could find no reply to that, no reply as his double drew to a stop, close to Loki’s side. Loki flinched, noticeable in the tightening of the skin around his eyes and the shift in his hair. The thing wearing Loki’s face bent closer, its mouth pulled into a sharp, cruel smile as it said, “I can see that you need a break. Why don’t we just return to our previous topic of discussion for a while? Let the questions rest?”
Loki said nothing. His gaze did not shift from the middle-distance. He looked… terribly used to what was happening to him. The thought soured Thor’s gut yet further, adding to the horror of the fact that he could not see Frigga.
He startled when the doppelganger began to speak once more. “He’s just using you, as the Asgardians have always wished to use you. You know that. You’re useful now. You brought back the dead for him. You gave him an heir. He doesn’t love you.”
It was not the tact Thor would have imagined that these creatures take. They had only inflicted pain on him, after all, and surely they had to know that Loki would not---
Loki, the true Loki, jerked once, violently. He looked stricken, as though someone had reached into his chest and sunk fingers into his heart. He kept his lips pressed into a thin line, but he curled his fingers - stretched so far above his head - into claws.
“How could he?” The doppelganger continued in a slow, even voice. “Don’t you remember everything you’ve done? Everything you are? He’s a king and you’re an unwanted bastard child, left for the cold, for your enemies to do with what they wanted. You betrayed him. So many times. You know you’re nothing but a useful beast. A pliant body. How could you ever be anything more than that?”
Thor struggled against the bonds holding him, roaring in a fury that did not seem to reach Loki, where he stared at nothing, his eyes grown terribly bright, wet, as the thing with his face leaned close to his ear.
“The Aesir only tolerate you because you brought them back. And they’ll forget that soon enough. You’ll only remain useful while you keep the Jotun placated. And they don’t need you for that, really. Not with Frigga.”
Loki’s eyes widened. He seemed not to be breathing. “They’ll take her away from you,” the thing said, sounding almost apologetic. “Or he’ll get another on you and take that one. Give her to me, instead. Give her to me, before he can take her. I will make sure she never experiences pain. Or loss.”
The thing that looked like Loki reached out, brushing Loki’s face, and Thor bellowed, the sound torn directly out of his gut at the sight of that cold, vicious smile.
Loki twisted his face away and panted, “No.” His voice sounded strange and shredded. Broken. The thing with his face recoiled at the sound of it, a flash of confusion crossing its stolen features.
“No,” Loki panted again. “You… lie. He loves me.”
The thing threw its head back and laughed, mockery in each echo of sound. Thor’s double joined it a moment later, and Loki jerked bodily against the bonds holding him down. “No one loves you,” it said. “You know that. You are forever unwanted, unloved, un—”
“He does,” Loki insisted, shaking his head, blinking his eyes for the first time in an age. “I gave him an heir. Brought back his people.” Something in Thor’s chest ached, even then, in the middle of this mad nightmare, to hear such reasons given for his affections, as though they would not have been there anyway, as though they had not endured through so many ages of their lives, as though he had not loved Loki even standing on Stark’s hideous tower, feeling the blade of a knife slide between his ribs.
“And you think that’s enough?” the thing with Thor’s face sneered. “Such a paltry offering—” Thor yelled once more, the agony of being unable to do anything to stop these lies, these lies delivered with his own mouth, too much to bear. He surged and struggled against the bonds holding him back, and got nowhere and nothing.
“It is for him,” Loki said, his quiet voice cutting across Thor’s ragged cries. He blinked rapidly, as though trying to clear something from his eyes. The skin around his eyes began to stain blue.
“You are lying to yourself,” the thing with Loki’s face hissed, grabbing his hair and wrenching his head to the side, the first time it had demonstrated violence. “Like the foolish child you are. You are only loved as long as you are useful. When your use wears out he will set you aside. You will be left alone again in the cold, while he picks some small, soft woman to warm his bed. Do not be a fool. Act now. Hurt him before he hurts you.”
Loki’s fingers shook, for a moment the blue faded, and then he took a wet, hitching breath and steadied. “No,” he said, his voice wrecked and broken. The blue spread, back towards his temples and something rose from his skin, something dark and shimmering, a fog bleeding out of his eyes.
“Stop!” the creature snarled, twisting its fingers tighter into Loki’s hair, shaking him viciously. It gestured at the thing with Thor’s face, and Thor had the fresh horror of watching himself fit his fingers around Loki’s neck. He ignored the pain, the agony he bought by struggling against the bonds unto the point that he thought he might break his own bones, tear muscle from tendon. And it was not enough. “You know I am right. You are a broken thing. Ruined. He will turn against you, you—”
“Doesn’t matter,” Loki gasped. The darkness hovered around his face, tendrils creeping down, moving towards his ears, his nose, his mouth. And Loki moved one of his arms, right through the bonds that held it, jerking lighting fast to close his fingers around the dark, shimmering thing, closing it into a cage, where it writhed, caught in a jail of skin and bone. “I love him.” He wept, still, but the anguish had left his face as he rolled his eyes up towards his double, and said, cold and sharp, “And now you will leave me go.”
The thing stumbled a step back, it’s form wavering, wearing a terror on its face that it hurt Thor to gaze upon, even knowing it was not really Loki. “Stop that,” it said, it’s voice changing in pitch, “Make him stop that. You don’t--”
“Did you think those words would stop me?” Loki asked, tilting his head to the side, ignoring the hand around his throat, almost curious as he watched the thing in his hand struggle desperately.
“They hurt you!” the doppelganger cried out. “We saw it, you believe them.”
Loki shrugged, something terrible in his easy acceptable. He pulled his legs up and reached out with his other hand, gripping the arm of Thor’s double and squeezing. “Hurt has never stopped me. And I know what you are, now,” Loki said, and his smile cut across his face like a knife. The Thor he held struggled. Some blackness spread up his arm, beneath the skin. Thor yelled himself hoarse, mad with relief and the fresh fear of not knowing for certain that whatever was going on would work.
“You should have never dared enter my head,” Loki said, and closed his hand, then, crushing the shadows in his fingers, and the creature with his face screamed, terribly and brutally, and--
And Thor’s cell went blinding white once more. “No!” he cried out. “Show me him once more, I--”
Pain flooded back, brutal and overwhelming, but Thor set his teeth against it. They had been in Loki’s head, doing something to him. He wondered if he did not have unwelcome visitors in his own mind. He tried to turn his thoughts inward, but the pain edged out all reason and he did not know what to look for, what to fight against.
He could hear things, in the bright light. The sounds of a battle. Loki crying out, screaming. Laughter. He tried to tell himself it could not be real. They were in Loki’s mind. In his mind, probably, but--
He cried out, the sound ragged in his throat, and then the world shifted, turning abruptly on its axis, the bright light fading, replaced by a shadow leaning over him. Hands pressed to either side of his head, cool and familiar.
He blinked upward, gazed into Loki’s face, pale and drawn but not wracked with agony. Loki said, “It’s not real. Whatever they’re making you see, it isn’t real, Thor, can you hear me?”
Behind him - through him - Thor heard terrible, wet sounds. But they were fading away, more and more as he searched Loki’s expression. “Yes,” he rasped, “what--”
And then Loki grunted, his fingertips pressing in tight to Thor’s head, and Thor sagged, the bonds around his arms just gone, leaving him to drop. Loki caught at him on the way down, holding him upright as Thor panted against his shoulder, rasping, “I saw--”
“Lies,” Loki said, “everything you saw was a lie.”
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