#High-quality Lead Flashing Roll
jjkamochoso · 5 months
Pretty as a Picture
Levi Ackerman x gn!reader
When you’re exploring Marley with Levi and co., you find yourself enthralled with some new technology…
Warnings: slight cussing
When you and the others left for Marley, you had no idea what you were getting yourselves into. You were terrified that the outside world was going to be a vision of disaster and leave your high expectations completely unmet. However, when the boat began to dock at the port and you got a glimpse of the bustling city, you practically had stars in your eyes.
“Hange! This is so exciting! Look at all the new developments!” you gushed, taking in the foreign sights. They agreed wholeheartedly, rambling about certain things they had read about over the years that were going to be investigated today. Levi wanted to roll his eyes at your over the top excitement, but he had to admit he was very curious about life in Marley as well. As the boat started letting people off, you nervously ran your fingers over your outfit, desperately trying to straighten out the high quality fabric of your disguise.
“Are you trying to impress these people or something? Stop fussing. You look fine,” Levi said, leading the way off the boat without giving you a second glance. You looked at Hange, who just shrugged their shoulders and ran after Levi. You and the Survey Corps captain were in the newer stages of a relationship. You had known him for years, rising up the ranks together, and had shared a close bond for most of that time. Not too long ago, you both realized your relationship held the element of attraction for one another and after an awkward confession from the both of you, your deep companionship turned into a budding romance. It was all new territory for both parties, neither of you having much experience in the dating department, and the two of you were trying to figure out the right balance between your old selves and new title as lovers. You tried not to worry too much; Levi didn’t seem the type to break up with someone. If he chose to be with you in a romantic way after being your friend for so long, you’d most likely be together long after your bodies were consumed by the soil of your shared grave.
You hurried off the boat, your party waiting for you with anxiousness to get the trip started. On solid ground once more, Levi took his usual spot next to you. You smiled internally at the gesture. This relationship would have no hand holding (for the foreseeable future), but his closeness, akin to a guard dog, was better than that. Out of the corner of your eye came a flash and both of your heads whipped around to see what it was.
“Hange!” You pointed to the area from which it came, “What is that?”
“That’s a camera! It makes photographs like the one we saw in Eren’s basement,” they explained.
“So cool,” you breathed out. “What I wouldn’t give to have one.”
You suddenly found yourself being dragged over to the camera, Levi having an iron grip on the extra fabric of your sleeve.
“My partner wants one photograph, please,” he told the man working the contraption.
The man laughed a little, clearly figuring out you weren’t from the area. “One photograph, huh? That’s quite alright.” He turned to address you. “You can sit right here and pose.”
You nodded, slightly nervous but trembling with excitement as Levi handed the man the money.
“I’m going to count to three and when the flash is over, you’ll be good to go.”
You weren’t quite sure exactly what to do with your body as the man started his count but when you saw Levi watching you intently, you relaxed and broke out into the biggest smile. The flash went off and you were told to wait a few minutes for the photograph to be ready.
“Oh! Sir? May I please have one more? I would like one of my boyfriend,” you said, looking at Levi expectantly.
His eyes went wide, shaking his head. “No way. Your memory isn’t that shitty to where you’ll need one of these to remember what I look like, is it?”
You gave him the biggest puppy eyes and poutiest face you could muster. “Please, Levi? For me?”
He sighed, giving the cameraman more money. “Fine. But you have to be in it with me, brat.”
You cheered when he stood next to you, you on the seat once more, and you could tell he was nervous.
“Just relax and look at the circle in front of you. You don’t have to smile or anything if you don’t want, just think of a positive memory or place. That way it’ll look natural.”
As the man did his countdown, Levi frantically tried his best to look comfortable and right before the flash went off, he knew exactly what to do.
During your wait for the photos you heard commotion from the group about “ice cream” so of course you bounded over, Levi trailing behind you. When you got your hands on the treat, you took a big bite of it which was a huge mistake.
“It’s so cold! My teeth! Ouch!” you exclaimed, your mouth open as you tried to fan it out. Levi watched you complain to the teens that they didn’t give you a fair warning that it was freezing, a small smile on his face.
“Tch, give me that. You’re going to drop it,” he said, taking the cone from you. Learning from you the wrong way to eat it, he snuck a taste using just the tip of his tongue. It was cold, sweet, and a total waste of money—but if you liked it, he would gladly bring home the entire cart and the recipe. With plans to meet back up with everybody after you got your photographs, you and Levi headed over to the cameraman.
“That was very kind of you to let me get those taken,” you told him. “And I love that you did one with me. That means a lot, you know.”
“It’s no problem,” he muttered, eyeing every passerby so that they didn’t get any ideas of messing with you. His time in the Underground made it so that he hated being in large groups of people, crooks and crime always lurking about in those environments. He certainly didn’t want you to be swept up in any of it either, so his senses had been on high alert the entire trip. Thankfully that was the case or else right now you’d be splayed on the ground, grievously injured. Not from a criminal, but from some machine called a “car.” You two had to cross the street to get back to the cameraman but in your haste, you had forgotten there were technological advances you weren’t used to roaming around the city. You stepped off the sidewalk, chatting about something called a “balloon,” when a car came careening down the road, going much too fast for a busy pedestrian area. Levi had noticed it in the nick of time, grabbing you by your waist and pulling you out of harm’s way. He couldn’t even find it within himself to yell at the driver, too concerned for your well being.
“Are you okay?” he asked, hurriedly looking you over for injuries.
“Yeah, I’m fine, but,” you pointed sadly to the ground where your ice cream lost its life, “my ice cream isn’t.”
That earned a Levi eye roll. “Forget the food. If you keep up this carelessness, the photograph is the only thing I’ll have left of you after this trip.”
You sighed since he was right, as always. “I’m sorry.”
“Just pay attention. I’d hate for you to survive everything we’ve been through just to get taken out by some horse wannabe.”
You burst out laughing, Levi unintentionally lifting the mood. He never thought of himself as an overly funny guy but the way he had you gasping for breath after a hard hitting sarcastic remark would’ve made anyone certain he was a comedian.
The man with the camera handed you the finished products and you excitedly examined your solo one.
“Levi! Look! It’s my face!” You shoved the photograph toward him and he looked it over.
“It is, isn’t it?” he said, his voice laced with a hint of amusement and wonder. He tucked it into his hat for safekeeping (and he kept it on his person every day after that so you were always together; it had miraculously survived the blast from Zeke). When you saw the photograph of the both of you, you were at a loss for words.
“We look so… pretty. Happy. Normal.”
Levi caught a glance and hummed in agreement. He was ecstatic that his actions translated well through the camera.
Before the flash had gone off, he had put his hand on your shoulder.
“What?” you had asked him, turning away from the camera to look at him, thinking he had a question. Instead, you were greeted with steel blue eyes that were gazing lovingly at you, while Levi’s lips were curled into a soft smile. He was the epitome of handsome and you had practically melted, lovesickness etched all over your features and the camera flashed, capturing it forever.
“I’m keeping this one since you have the other one,” you said, tucking it in your chest pocket. “Me and my shitty memory want to make sure we remember this forever.”
You nudged Levi in a teasing manner and he just shook his head. Finding your way back to Hange, you felt a sense of peace wash over you that you didn’t think would be possible in foreign lands, and that was all thanks to Levi. Even if you didn’t always express your love in the most conventional ways, he proved his loyalty and trust in you time and time again. You hoped your photographs would be preserved and serve as proof that the so called island devils weren’t evil after all—they were people, too. People who could laugh and smile.
People who could love.
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tsunami-of-tears · 11 months
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Cassian x Reader
Reader has the best wingman
No warnings, just fluff
Wordcount: <550
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Cassian was feeling very happy to be home in Velaris with his family. He had just returned from a mission that had gone much longer than initially planned. With a free afternoon, he was spending some quality time with Rhys, Feyre, and Nyx at a quaint cafe by the Sidra. 
The drinks had just been delivered to the table. Nyx clapped his hands together clumsily as Feyre held up a milkshake for him to try, while Rhys watched the interaction lovingly. The little babe always brought so much joy to their family. 
With all eyes on Nyx, no one noticed the golden blur bounding down the street. The dog came to a stop in front of the group and jumped up at Cassian, knocking the table and causing the drinks to spill. 
Nyx points at the dog and starts babbling, “Pup pup pup.”
It’s a big dog with long, well-groomed, golden hair. It’s on a lead though there is no owner in sight. The dog parts its mouth, appearing to smile, and wags its tail as it tries to lick Cassian’s face. 
“Hey buddy,” Cassian says, giving the dog a pat on its head. “Where’s your owner?” 
On cue, a gorgeous High Fae female bolts down the path, coming to a halt before the table. 
“Sunny, you bad boy!” She exclaims. The dog, Sunny, cocks his head in response before giving Cassian’s cheek a lick. 
Cassian lets out a deep laugh, both at the happy dog’s affection and his name, which is not very fitting for the Night Court. 
“I’m so sorry,” The female says to the group. “He pulled out of my grip and took off. I chased him all the way down the street. Can I please replace everything he knocked over?” 
“No real harm done, darling,” Rhys responds, before giving Cassian a pointed look.
“Are you sure?” The female questions, grabbing Sunny’s lead. “Sit boy.” Sunny obeys, still wagging his tail. 
Nyx interrupts with more babbling, “Pup!”
Laughing, the female asks, “Do you want to see him do a trick? Sunny, roll over.” The dog obeys again, rolling onto his back. Nyx lets out an elated squeal and claps his hands together. 
The female beams at the toddler, before turning her attention back to the rest of the group. “I’m so sorry, I’m forgetting all my manners. My name is Y/N.” 
Hearing her name is music to Cassian’s ears, it sounds so lovely that he forgets to respond. 
“I’m Rhys, this is my mate, Feyre, and our son, Nyx. That’s Cassian.” 
Rhys saying his name draws Cassian’s attention from the female, he notices Feyre wiggling her eyebrows at him and smiling cheekily. Rhys coughs, a blatant push to get Cassian to speak. 
Finding his voice, he turns to Y/N, “Actually Rhys, this has been quite inconvenient.” He flashes a smile that he hopes is charming enough, “I know how you can make it up to me though.” 
Y/N’s cheeks flush and she tucks a stray strand of hair behind her ear, “Oh, how?”
“Dinner. With me. Tonight.”
Y/N bites her lip, not breaking eye contact, “It’s a date.” 
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djarins-cyare · 4 months
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Hi, thanks for checking out my writing!
I write purely for Din Djarin (though I read and rec other Pedro Pascal characters and other Star Wars media). Whilst not all my stories include smut, they usually contain adult themes and language, so are suitable for over-18s only 🔞
My writing is extremely detailed and character-oriented, and I research and proofread/edit thoroughly. I never start publishing something until it’s fully written. As a result, it takes me a while to produce content, but I hope this ensures that my completed works are high-quality immersive experiences for my readers.
Please feel free to join my tag list.
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**The emojis assigned to each fic below indicate moods rather than specific genres and are open to interpretation**
🔷 Be-All And Endor [406,560 words]
My magnum opus; this is a novel-length slow burn set after season 2. Din has a bounty on Endor and gets more than he bargained for when Reader accidentally nearly runs him down with her speeder in the forest. Over 1.5k kudos on AO3. [😍+🥰+🥵]
🔷 Never Look Down [13,160 words]
Two-part mini-series set on Nevarro after season 3, wherein Din falls for Grogu’s babysitter but resolves not to tell her… until a drunken misunderstanding results in some revelations. [😍+🫣 and a hint of 🥵]
🔷 Din Djarin: The Contractor [1,001 words]
An imagine-turned-one-shot that evolved from pics of Din holding a toolbox and the memory of Joel telling Ellie he used to be a contractor. Reader needs a repairman, and guess who shows up… [😡->😈]
🔷 The Long Goodbye [45 words]
Flash fiction in 280 characters or less. An examination of the reason Ahsoka came looking for Din in ‘Chapter 13: The Jedi’ rather than waiting for him in Calodan like he asked. [🥺]
🔷 Hush
[snippet] I was assigned the genre ‘secret relationship’ in a roll-a-trope writing challenge, so this fic follows Din and Reader as they embark on a clandestine liaison that they have to keep hidden from Karga… because Reader is our favourite High Magistrate’s niece. Features sneaking around, flimsy excuses, near misses, and furtive smut. [😏🤫🥵]
🔷 Held Is The Seed
[snippet] A four-part smutty series. When a guy in a cantina claims Mandos make poor lovers, Reader leaps to Din’s defence and lists several ways in which he could in fact be exceptionally talented in bed. Din overhears and later offers to prove her assumptions true one by one. [😍->🥵]
🔷 To See A Thousand Things
[details & snippet] [snippet - 1st one down] An extremely smutty, angsty piece based on five firsts and one last. Din has something casual with a gun shop owner over the years, but they both discover that something long-term will inevitably transform into something that runs deep. [🥵+😭]
🔷 Aruetiise
[snippet - 2nd one down] One-shot based on the idea of Din and Reader both coming up with reasons they can’t be together, none of which are the same and all of which are idiotic. An argument finally leads to a conversation about it. [🥺…🥹🥰]
🔷 Final Sanctuary
[snippet - 3rd one down] [snippet] Smutty one-shot (will be lengthy) based on a fantasy Din has when his shipmate spills white dip on her chin, and how he manages to figure out flirting and make his fantasy a reality. [🥵->🥰]
🔷 Din Djarin In Jarringly Domestic Situations
[details & snippet] Space romcom involving a series of encounters in which Din meets the woman of his dreams, but each time, it’s in an embarrassing or awkward location or situation. [😍😳🥴]
I’m very open to requests because having a deadline and someone waiting on me often helps motivate me to finish!
I’m flexible in terms of content, but please bear in mind that smut takes me a lot longer to write, and I lean towards fluff rather than angst (though I’m not opposed to the darker end of the scale). I’m also not a fan of breeding kink (sorry, I firmly believe Din is a reluctant father who loves Grogu but would have to be brought around to the idea of one day having his own) or daddy kink. Otherwise, please feel free to suggest anything that takes your fancy!
Ideally, short prompts or ideas for one-shots are best because I’m the girl who got over 400k words out of “slow burn set on Endor”, so the more complex your request, the bigger the undertaking, the longer it’ll take me to research and write (and the longer you’ll be waiting).
If you’ve enjoyed my writing, please consider heading over to AO3 and adding some kudos to my fics there. Also, please consider reblogging any of my fics/series masterlists here on Tumblr. Both these actions increase visibility and help new readers to find my work long after publication. I don’t have a Ko-fi because I value online encouragement and marketing assistance more than cold hard cash.
I also see spinoff media as the highest form of flattery, so if you feel like doing anything creative based around the universes I write, rest assured I’ll be here cheering you on and crying over how much I love you! It’s my dream for my writing to inspire others, whether it’s playing in my sandbox with me or crafting something of your own.
Thanks for your support; it means the galaxy to me! 💙🩵
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firerose18991 · 1 year
Thinking about rich!boyfriend Gojo who is intent on having the strongest female jujutsu Sorcerer as his girl.
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Minors DNI
Info: Jujutsu Kaisen, rich shenanigans, cunniligus, smut, thick reader, written with black readers in mind
A/N: unedited😘
Wrd cnt: 1,876
You were brought up in the Kyoto branch. After you graduated you were hardly ever around the school as you are always selected for their highest profile missions or representing the branch.
Naturally this would lead to you and Gojo crossing paths numerous times. You respected his work but not his ethics. Chatting up the women at every meeting like he was some prize. But you could tell it was all talk. High ranking clan men rarely wanted their equal when they married, otherwise the old clans would have been overturned decades ago. No, you could tell her was the type that was raised to marry an obedient housewife when the time came.
So when the two of you met at the latest meeting you weren't fazed at being his target for the evening. He claimed the seat next to you during the proceedings, chatted you up as the group moved to the dining hall, and sat overly close as late night drinks were served.
"Gojo this has been great but I need to head to bed." You spoke flatly, pushing him off your arm.
"This has been great" he held his head in his hand. The silver strands of his hair reflected the light into your eyes. "Let's hang out before the meeting tomorrow evening."
"Make it worth my while." You got up from your floor seat and headed towards the women's shared room.
The next day you hadn't expected much. You'd already been waiting for him for 20 mins. Why would you expect him to be on time?
He rolled up in front of the meeting hall in a maserati blaring his horn as if there were anyone else there.
"Hop in." he rolled up to you, flashing that same arrogant smile seemingly etched into his features.
"Where are we going?"
"Shopping district."
"For what? We have meetings about the state of the Jujutsu world and you want me to find a cute dress." You bent down to peek at him in the car.
"Can't be worse than the standard issue Jujutsu garb." He flung the passenger door open.
"Are you saying I look bad?" You glared as you stepped down into the car.
"Oh no honey, you make those uniforms work." He lowered his glasses to wink.
God you'd strangle him if you weren’t so busy feeling the heat swirl to your face. So the two of you headed to the city. Where you end up in front of this golden tower-like store that you didn't recognize the name(though to be fair you wouldn't know the names of most stores as you weren't a shopper, but you could tell this one was high class.) Instead of wasting your breath you let Gojo run his big mouth.
"Quality and style wrapped in one store. Figured we'd get something to wear for our date yeah?"
"Gojo?!" You stopped walking but he swooped behind and ushered you along.
"trust me it'll be 'worth your while'" god you were regretting that now.
He tugged you into the store under his arm. You were a bit embarrassed being dressed in traditional clothes while the rest of the store(staff included) looked red carpet ready.
"The sapphire suite." He said to the woman who greeted you at the door.
The two of you were brought to a giant space filled with clothing racks. The massive window at the end of the golden room looked out at the entire city and bathed the room in light. You were caught doe eyed at the sights.
"Would you care for champagne? "Another host said from the small bar in the room.
He nudged your shoulders and the two of you stepped further in. "Would you?"
"Oh! Okay…" The bartender presented your drinks and the bottle before excusing himself.
The manager had informed you that they have already filled your room with their latest pieces on the racks for men's and women but if you had any specific requests or styles you'd like to try they could have that brought to the up as well. When the shock had worn off and you took the time to examine the room it resembled a bridal outfit presentation stand.
"Where are the mirrors?"
Gojo fiddled with the remote from his place on the couch. Slowly portions of the massive glass showed your reflection.
"You can watch shows on it too but I think we'll have all the entertainment we need. " He got up and started sorting through the women's clothing. "How 'bout we start with this." He whistled holding up a strappy (like all straps) dress.
You walked down from the stage to look through the men's rack. You pulled out a bright pink pimp suit. "And of course you'll follow with this."
There were dressing rooms hidden in the corners of the room by crimson red curtains to compliment the gold. You stepped into one and tried to work out if you could even cover the most essential areas with the small pieces of fabric. In the end you stepped out with one arm braced to your chest and shorts beneath the piece.
"Hm I see what you're going with, leave a little to the imagination." Gojo was already sitting on the couch again, studying your look.
He was wearing the flamboyant suit like it was second skin, even popping the collar for excess asshole effect. You tiptoed over to where he was sitting.
"Looks great. Dress is nice too."
"Gojo, I feel like my time is being wasted." You rolled your eyes at him.
"Alright fine" he walked over to the rack. "You gonna pick something out or do I get the honor."
After the two of you sifted through the rack you'd found some options and went back to the changing room. Each time you'd come out and look at yourself in the now full screen mirror.
"Can I see the last one again?" Gojo laughed, he'd been watching try on each outfit as if you didn't look great in all.
"Gojo this isn't a fashion show.". You were checking yourself I'm the mirror once again. "I like this one but I don't know, what's this date you were talking about?"
"Just a lunch date" he shrugged.
"Gojo I'm not stupid don't walk me into some hair brained scenario." You picked out the last dress. "I don't like surprises." You called as you walked back.
He watched the gentle curve of your ass as you walked back through the mirror.
"Hey (Y/N) I think that one is good for where we're going." He leaned his head on the couch back board and sighed.
"You sure?" You peeked out from the curtain.
"Yeah, and whatever else caught your eye." He got up to finally pick out his own outfit which had been selected before the two of you came to shop in person.
You wore the dress out and gathered your clothing. From all the outfits there was only one other you couldn't bear to part with and took that one. As a jujutsu sorcerer you didn't have many casual clothes because you hardly needed them.
Gojo paid for everything to your surprise, you could never tell when to believe in him. So when he took you to a regular (for his standards) enjoyable lunch date you had started to go easier on him. He even managed to get the two of you back on time for the evening meetings. You thought after this debacle he'd be done though, he was never known to stay interested in others for long.
So imagine your surprise when you are transferred to the tokyo branch for "backup". As if Gojo wasn't the whole army.
But this is getting too long:
After a few months Gojo had pulled every favor to get as close to you as possible and you'd grown comfortable around him now (what choice did you have).
So after exsorcing a particularly tuff curse the two of you spend the night at a rejuvenating hot spring in the mountains. Each suite had a private hot spring to themselves so the two of you decked out in complimentary robes and the crisp wines provided, made use of it.
You rested your head on the edge of the tub feeling the night breeze compliment the steaming waters. Gojo had taken the chance to run his hands over your back as you rested. Of course he wasn't too drained by the mission.
Soon tender touches turned to the frost of his breath on your neck. You were willing to go as long as his little game would last.
"(Y/N)..." His hands firmly gripped your hips bringing them back to his erection.
You reached back to bring his lips closer to your flesh. He sucked on your neck, softly at first but growing more passionate and bold each second. You turned to face him, finally to claim his lips for yourself.
As you reached up the cold air perked your nipples causing them to make contact with Gojo's toned chest before the rest of you. He lifted your legs in a butterfly hold keeping your folds spread and stimulated by the heated water.
The kiss was sloppy as you were now relying on him to keep you in position. But the man wouldn't keep his hand still. He'd find a new hand hold on your butt or thighs each second and switch.
He pushed himself flush against you, steadying your bodies and allowing his dick to make perfect contact with your puffy clit. His hips began to hump against you to which you reciprocated. You soft mewls were drowned out by his heavy breathing.
As the two of you worked a good rhythm he snuck his thumb between the two of you to apply more pressure to your clit. You tightened your legs around him.
"We should get out." You whispered trying to compose yourself.
He climbed out on all fours with you clinging to him like a joey. He laid you out on the adjoined wooden deck to properly devour you. He pushed your thick thighs up giving them tentative squeezes. The mix of the cool air and the steam from his breath had your clit twitching for attention. Gojo had been taking his time letting you stew but you were having none of it. You grabbed his snow white locks and pulled his lips into contact with your pussy. He got to work, peeking up at you with his eyes. Watching you hump against the flat of his tongue before he moved to relish your core. You caged his head as he doted on your pussy. He'd switch from pumping his tongue to teasing your slit all the while rubbing your clit with his thumb.
He wouldn't deny himself much longer and mounted you. He's spent all this time breaking you down sufficiently and now you were his for the taking.
He thrusted so the two of you are flush at the hips, grinding down sensually on your sweet spot before he began fucking you proper. Your sweet nectar and voice made harmonies in his ears as the two of you went on.
"Fuck sweetheart, this was worth the wait."
~Fire Rose
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aph-america · 3 months
Inevitable Temptation: Chapter 2- A Step Closer
After years of bullying due to a disorder that leaves him infertile, Ivan swears to never marry an Alpha. But living in a society that leaves him with few freedoms, his father marries him off. His Alpha fiancé, Alfred F. Jones, is a charming fellow who seems to not have a reason to marry an omega like Ivan- or does he?
Knock Knock
“Hey! Ivan. Gotta surprise for you, meet me in the backyard.”
Ivan’s ears perked up to the statement. A whiff of sage hit his nose, stronger than yesterday. He shook his head to ignore it before he pondered. Still in his sleepwear, he changed into a simple pair of jeans and a turtleneck. Heading down the stairs of his new ‘home’, he went to the backdoor, leading him to the yard.
Looking ahead, he spotted a shirtless Alfred with a shovel, next to several rows of potted flowers. He pulled his scarf over his face as he came closer, entranced by the flowers.
“You like ‘em? I got them rushed over once you told me what you wanted yesterday. Was hoping that we could plant them today.” He flashed his bright smile.
Ivan blinked and grinned, overjoyed by the gift. Nevertheless, he didn’t want to appear too happy for the Alpha, so he held back his delight. Taking a deep breath, he stood up straight and looked around the yard. He pointed to an area that had plenty of sun. “I think a garden there would look nice, yes?” He told more so than asked.
Alfred nodded, an enthusiastic smile on his face. He pushed up his black sunglasses and started digging up the grass, without pause. Ivan kneeled next to the rows of flowers, inspecting their color and quality. Gentle fingers stroked the delicate petals. Ivan’s eyes traveled back to Alfred, watching him dig out the dirt. His gaze unable to pull away, he couldn’t help but take notice of his body. A built alpha, nothing new or surprising. However, the omega found himself watching the sweat drip down his chest and between his muscles. Almost in a daze, he snapped out of it by Alfred’s voice.
“I’m really glad ya’ like 'em!” He shouted in a happy tone, a proud grin on his face. He hadn’t noticed Ivan staring at him since he’d been hard at work pulling out grass for his crush's garden.
Ivan flinched, taking himself out of his daze. The hot sun covered up the flush that went to his cheeks. “Yes…Thank you…” He politely responded, attempting to not sound too impressed. His eyes flickered back to Alfred again. “I’m surprised an alpha like yourself is out here doing hard labor…I’d assume you would hire someone…”
Alfred snorted at the assumption. “What? You think ‘cause I got money I can’t get my hands dirty? I’m a country boy at heart. Pop’s always said an alpha who can’t handle shovels and some tools is an embarrassment…” He returned to digging.
"So you weren't spoiled as a child?" Ivan teased, prying to know more about Alfred's life.
"Nah. I'm what they call 'new money' is all. The cash didn't start rolling in until I was in high school. I wasn't raised to be a prissy alpha, who doesn't even know the basics of mounting." He snickered, wiping the sweat forming on his forehead.
“Prissy is not a trait I would associate with you.” Ivan replied, nodding. To Alfred’s defense, he appeared to not be completely helpless in terms of work, inside and outside the house. He had cooked for Ivan several times already. A kindness the omega had returned by making Alfred breakfast this morning.
Alfred boasted, offering a thumbs up, “Good! The traits I want you to associate with me are strong, handsome, an’ charming!”
Ivan could only roll his eyes. “More so, arrogant is a better word…”
Alfred pouted, bending down to clear out more grass. “You really think I’m arrogant? It’s something I’ve tried to work on about myself…” He confessed. Not feeling the need to hide his past with Ivan, he desired an emotional closeness that could only be achieved if he opened up as well.
Ivan could hear the sincerity in the alpha’s voice, a twinge of guilt settling in his mind. He didn’t like that this alpha had the ability to trigger such emotions. “... Maybe arrogant is a strong word. You are very confident, proud…Perhaps such confidence is a foreign concept to me.” Reeling back the criticism, Ivan glanced to the side.
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random-mailbox · 2 years
Random-Mailbox's Favorite Sailor Moon Fics - Week 21 - Huddle for Warmth
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This week’s post has a very loose interpretation of the theme of “Huddle for Warmth”, in actuality this is more of a “It is cold, there is snow, so this counts!” type of collection of stories - both multi-chapters and one-shots. Since it is the last week of January and it is below freezing where I am, this seemed fitting.
As always, my apologies in advance for spoiling some of these for you (Fic Titles are linked to either FFN or AO3 entries).
Icebreaker - @linlamont
Minako, being Minako, decides to “help” and sends Usagi and Mamoru to a secluded cabin in the mountains by themselves to try and figure out what they mean to each other, now that they have recovered their memories of the past life. As they work together to cook and keep warm, they try to find a new precarious balance, while dealing with their anxieties and insecurities. 
Chills - Secrets10
Serena can’t seem to warm up after getting hit with a Youma attack. This is compounded by her leaving her keys at home while her family is out. Darien finds her bawling outside the arcade and offers to take her to his place to help warm up.
Quality Time in the Cold - Prince_Endymion (Star_Bun)
In this cute one-shot, Usagi and Mamoru enjoy a walk in the first snow of the season in companionable silence.
Snow Bunny - @shnuggletea
In this non-senshi AU short story, a trip out to a ski resort orchestrated by Minako and Motoki forces Mamoru to confront his feelings for Usagi, with Seyia and Beryl acting as foils.
A Magical Boy in Maine - @caelenath
Disclaimer - this story is not complete (but a new chapter went up last week!) and I am making an exception in including it in the series for two reasons: the "huddle together for warmth" part is already published and the way @caelenath writes psychometry is probably one of my favorite interpretations across the fandom.
Mamoru gets invited to spend American Thanksgiving with his friend's family up in Maine. This leads to a weekend of food, cultural immersion, and letting people see glimpses of his alter-ego by being way too good at snowball fights. Except he keeps getting flashes of something, and he can't figure out if they are premonitions or visions of his past life. 
This is the last post for January, and when it came time to decide on themes for February, trying to sort it out by committee did not work as well as I had hoped. There are too many cute possible posts that could be done for the "month of love". After narrowing down the 2 weeks I wanted to do for sure, @caelenath suggested I put the rest of the possibilities that were discussed into a top hat and draw them at random (which I thought was super fitting for a Sailor Moon related fic rec list!). The only snag? I did not own a top hat. Cue googling, searching Amazon to see if I can get it delivered in time, going to multiple party / costume stores and making employees check the warehouse and tops of racks because the system said they have 23! (with my husband rolling his eyes at me the entire time but fully supporting my endeavor). Without further ado, here is what we are doing in February:
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Here are the links to the previous Tumblr posts in these series to explore more amazing works based on different themes - make sure to check them out if you haven't had a chance! (Click on title name to go to the post) - I will keep updating the list every week as new posts come up:
Week 1 - Groundhog Day
Week 2 - Established Relationships
Week 3 - Sex Positivity
Week 4 - Unfinished Stories
Week 5 - Darker Stories
Week 6 - Potions 🧪
Week 7 - Reveals
Week 8 - 👻Halloween🎃
Week 9 - Wrong Perceptions
Week 10 - Non-Senshi AU
Week 11 - In-Progress Fics
Week 12 - Mutual Pining
Week 13 - Enemies to Lovers
Week 14 - Slow Burn
Week 15 - Christmas Part 1 - Ugly Christmas Sweaters and Santa!
Week 16 - Christmas Part 2
Week 17 - New Years
Week 18 - High School AU
Week 19 - Slice of Life
Week 20 - Coffeeshop AU
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drainageteam01 · 10 months
What is Waterproofing?
Waterproofing is a process that forms a barrier over surfaces like foundations, roofs, and walls to curb the penetration of water into building structures. It also protects against rusting and rotting.
Waterproofing also helps reduce the risk of mold spores and mildew entering a structure. This ultimately protects the building’s structural integrity, decreases property insurance claims, and enhances the aesthetic of a space.
Roof waterproofing services protect the structure of your home from water damage. Leaks and dampness can cause wood rot and decay, as well as lead to other problems inside your home, such as mould and mildew growth. These fungal organisms are unhealthy to live with, can lead to asthma and other respiratory conditions, and can also affect the quality of air you breathe. Roof waterproofing services can prevent these issues, resulting in a healthier living environment for you and your family.
There are several different roof waterproofing services available for homeowners, depending on their needs and budget. The most common solution is a liquid membrane that can be applied to the surface of your roof. This solution is very cost-effective, and it provides a complete waterproofing barrier for your roof. It is best suited for new construction, but it can also be used to repair existing roofs.
Before applying any roof waterproofing product, it is important to troubleshoot your roof and check it for leaks or damage. This will ensure that you are getting the most value from your waterproofing service. In addition, you should inspect the flashing, which is the metal seals that connect the roof to chimneys, vents, skylights, and other structural elements on your roof. These should be free of cracks and gaps, and you should replace them if needed.
Liquid membranes are easy to apply and can be used for both new and old roofs. They are also cost-effective and adhere well to most surfaces. They can be rolled or sprayed onto the roof, and they have a high tensile strength to resist tearing. They can also be cured to produce a rubbery coating that provides excellent protection against water.
A sheet membrane waterproofing system is another popular option for roofs. These sheets are laid over the roof and wedged between the rafters or planking, and they are then covered with shingles or other roofing material. These membranes are often made of polymer bitumen, and they have good abrasion resistance and flexibility. They are also able to withstand the weathering effects of UV rays, heat, and ozone.
Some roof waterproofing solutions, such as reflective coatings, can improve energy efficiency in a home by minimising heat transfer. This can help to reduce cooling costs and lead to savings on your utility bills. Waterproofing can also be used to create a more comfortable indoor climate by preventing condensation. This is especially useful for older buildings with insulation that has become saturated and ineffective.
Many homeowners hire waterproofing professionals to address problems in the basement. Depending on where the water is coming from, the solution may be as simple as a drainage system or it could include other preventative measures such as foundation grading and French drains, soil amendment, or interior basement waterproofing. The cost of these solutions can be a fraction of the price of repairing damage caused by water and moisture, or even replacing flooring and drywall.
One of the most common methods for waterproofing a basement is to install a vapor barrier. A vapor barrier is a plastic sheet that a professional installs on the walls and floor of your basement. This prevents any moisture from escaping through the concrete, reducing mold growth, mildew, and other issues related to condensation.
Another method that a professional can use is to seal hairline cracks in your concrete foundation using waterproof cement. This isn’t a standalone solution, however, since it doesn’t protect against hydrostatic pressure or deep moisture that can cause major structural damage to your foundation. For these reasons, a vapor barrier should be used in conjunction with crack sealant for complete protection against moisture.
Basement seepage is a common problem that can lead to serious and costly structural damage. It usually occurs through small cracks in your basement concrete foundation or extremely porous concrete blocks. When water seepage enters your basement, it can lead to flooding, mold and mildew, and other moisture-related problems. A professional can reduce the risk of seepage by installing a basement drain or a sump pump.
A professional can also help you reduce the amount of water entering your basement by changing the landscaping in your yard to improve runoff. A well-designed and properly maintained landscape can significantly decrease the amount of water that reaches your foundation.
Sodium bentonite is a clay-like natural sealant that can be applied to your basement exterior walls. This prevents water from absorbing into the walls, and it costs about $2 per square foot, including labor. Another option is a liquid membrane waterproofing that’s applied to your basement walls. This option costs about $4 per square foot, including labor and materials.
Unlike waterproofing, damp proofing is a preventative measure that keeps soil moisture or dampness out of a structure. This is done by modifying the construction of a building or home, such as by adding drainage systems, sealing cracks, or putting in a vapor barrier. This can be an expensive option, especially when it involves excavation work. However, this is a more permanent solution than simply sealing cracks or using a dehumidifier. Most contractors use damp proofing in combination with a vapor barrier for a complete basement waterproofing solution.
0 notes
batteryagentaus · 1 year
How to choose your car Battery
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Let's say you and your friends are out having a good time and you all decide to stop for a photo op while you're driving the cool car you've always wanted. After shooting many selfies, you return to your car only to find that it won't start and the dashboard warning light is flashing. You recall the moment a few days ago when you went out to get a new car battery. Remember you need to choose car battery replacement in brisbane wisely.
Body: You can't simply go out and purchase any old battery and hope it will keep your car running smoothly since the battery is an integral part of a complex system designed and built to provide energy to your wheels. If you want to get the right battery for your car, you need to know the basics of battery terminology. There are four primary metrics: ampere-hour (Ah) rating, craning amps (CA), cold craning amps (CCA), and reserve capacity (RC). While 12V is the standard for cars' electrical systems, motorcycles' electrical systems aren't required to conform to this standard. Although 9V systems are still available for vintage motorcycles, 12V is now the standard. For that you can choose the best battery supplier in brisbane there.
You can find out how long the battery can provide a certain current by looking at its ampere-hour rating. The more ampere-hours (Ah) a battery has, the more energy it can store. In order to overcome the inertia of the stationary engine and get it rolling and firing while being rotated by hand, a quick input of high-amperage current is needed for a limited period of time.
Now that we have a working knowledge of the lingo, we can go on to picking out the right battery for your device.
Every car comes with an Owner's Manual that details how to do basic upkeep tasks like changing the oil and rotating the tyres. You may learn the battery's size, CA and CCA ratings, and ampere-hour capacity there. In the absence of the Owner's Manual, the existing battery's top or body may be used to ascertain all of the relevant ratings. As you choose the car battery Brisbane service you can expect the right quality there.
Never settle for a battery with a lower Ah rating than the one you're replacing it with or the one recommended in the handbook. Particularly if you try to start it when it's cold, you'll have a tough time. The battery life will also decrease because of this.
A battery with a higher Ah rating will function, but going with an even higher rating may slow down the charging process and put additional pressure on the alternator.
Pick a battery with a higher CCA rating if you reside in an area where the temperature may drop quite a bit.
If your car's alternator ever stops working, a large Reserve Capacity battery will come in handy for keeping the lights and car running for a while longer.
Make sure you check the battery dimensions twice. Despite the fact that the great majority of battery mounts and battery boxes are standardised, you need still make sure that the mount or box you choose is the right size for your car.
A battery with built-in grips or loops is the better option if you plan on doing your own vehicle maintenance.
Lead acid and dry cell batteries are the most easily available forms of batteries. Lead acid batteries are more expensive and have a shorter lifetime than their dry cell counterparts. In India, a car battery usually lasts between three and four years. If you buy a battery within the first six months after it was made, you may be certain that it is in good condition. Store the Warranty Card safely so that you can easily get a new battery if the original one fails to perform adequately during the warranty term.
Author Bio: For the battery suppliers in brisbane David is a professional writer having the specific ideas for the same.
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hgroogingsupplies · 9 months
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HG Roofing Supplies are a leading supplier of roof insulation materials in the UK. Quality products for energy efficiency and comfort. Get a quote today!
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watch your mouth
Headache. Chunks like glass edges split my head and all I haze is the bright neon of last night, almost heaving my head. Phone buzzing like an alarm. I glance at the faint light peeping thru the curtains then at the digits on the watch by the bedside. 
10:00 am, Sunday 
102 messages
“Fuck something happened”
I open the first dash 
“dude she’s crazy”
And it hits me like the red cup of beer from manicured long fingers.
“Do you really think that I care and cry about your new job, your new hair?” she’s yelling.
“I never said that” I didn’t. “You’re the one who got your new friends and your new guy”.
“You’re just jealous cuz you can’t keep a guy for more than two weeks”
“WHAT!?” She slides the drink in her hand across the table and I watch it fall onto the ground creating a mess that the host of the party will have to clean up later, not like we’re already doing a great job keeping up the hype.
Leah snatches a cup of beer from a scared-looking freshman, downs it half down and throws it at me, the cup hitting me straight in the nose and pouring all over.
“Bitch you’ve been hurt worse” she scoffs.
“What the-“
He’s in front of me, holding me back. 
“Oh look, the only guy that’s lasted and you won’t even fuck him.” Eye rolls followed.
“Beth, don’t. You know how she’s like drunk.” Oh the hero, god he’s too good to be true.
“Leah you’re being a bitch” I counter unmovingly.
She throws a beer bottle on the ground, shattering it. Great, more shards. The crowd formed and moves back.
Andrew now his back facing me is hovering in front of me “Keep your distance, she’s unstable”
Black nails threatening to dig my eyes out “Watch your tone and watch your mouth”
And then I black out, pieces of me getting in And’s car and him leaving me at my place, that's all I remember.
10:00 am, Sunday 
“Dude she’s crazy”
I slide down the earlier comments. All I see are introverts talking shit. 
Someone posted a hazy bad quality video of the whereabouts of yesterday night on Instagram.
“This is bad, like BAD bad”
I slide up again and search for the likes - no.
Open my DMS and Leah’s account’s on the top. “Last online 10 hours ago”
Good, she’s not seen this. Yet.
I hurry and jump in the air forces left upturned on the carpet and see the mud stains leading to the gloss heels.
Well fuck.
I grab my keys and race down the flat, locking it in a frenzy.
Hop in my car and drive to Leah's apartment stopping at the local cafe to get two high-caffeine-level coffees. Sipping one I reach the third floor. 
The flats locked.
“Where the hell….?”
I slide open my phone and- yes there's a story on the private acc.
But she doesn’t keep records anymore.
Last year Leah fought with her parents and got an apartment in the legals out of it.
Her mother slapped her in the face and in a rebelling moment, Leah left all the records at her mother's place.
After 4 months they realised that Leah living away was actually a better thing and it worked for all of them. Better check your facts before you flip the page. The clan’s on good terms now but still rarely meets.
Leah’s at her mom's place.
“At least your Instagram is up to date”
Back in the car, driving east. Half an hour later, the city late morning breaks into town sunup. 
In the driveway flashes the blue Nissan.
Knew it.
Coffee precipitates all mossing the cup, I knock on the door. Brown cardigan wrapped around milky sheet-like skin.
“I didn’t mean it”
“So you saw it” I hand her the cup. 
“I didn’t mean it”, she repeats. “You know how I am after some in”
“You’re telling me? I'm the one who brought you the coffee.” I settle on the couch. Davy doesn’t seem to be home, no shit Leah came here.
“you’re never gonna be alone, ill always be there”
“I know Leah, I know” After 15 years of this, you get used to it. 
“Casy!!!” The beagle’s already scratching its back with my hand. “All you do is scratch and bite” I rub her belly. “I bet you never take the time to take her for a walk” I eye the owner.
“Well I’m never here” she makes a helpless face. “Doesn’t ease the fact of the adorableness” I scratch the dog's ears.
“Beth listen I’m not a waste of time ok,”
“No listen, I’m sorry for all of it. I can never not care for you. You’re everything I have and I’m so so grateful. Please, I’m sorry. Throw all of it out. Take my love.”
It’s silent. That's all I hear after it. Pure. Bliss. Silence.
“So you really care?”
“I do”
And it never ever felt that good to have a cup dash into your face.
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bestseostes · 2 years
How to Start a Software Company Online
There's a time in everyone's life when they simply want to take effects to an upper position and, as a programmer, you upper position is starting your best software company in bangladesh. As for any other business, you can take an offline approach or hit the online medium, but either way you need to be prepared, as each approach has its ups and campo. An online company can be a little trickier to start, but if you suppose doubly and act formerly, everything should go smooth.  
The plan  
The first thing you need is a good plan. You are entering a veritably competitive request, why should a customer choose your company over others? If you can easily answer this question and bring valid arguments, you are on the good path. Try to be realistic as to what you can do and what you can not do. It's better to offer smaller services but a advanced quality standard rather than have a huge services portfolio and not be suitable to satisfy your customer's conditions.  
The people behind the scene  
A one- man company isn't a good company, especially if you aim high. Find some professed programmers to have by your side to make sure you can successfully complete your systems in a timely manner and as per the customer's conditions.  
A good idea would be to work with freelancers in the morning to avoid having to pay someone a full- time payment when there are little or no systems. Once effects start to get rolling, you can switch to full- time workers and expand your platoon if demanded.  
The guests  
This is where it gets tricky. Chancing guests and persuading them to buy from you'll be veritably hard at first, but good communication chops will break this problem. communicate your implicit guests and offer to give them a donation of your products and services. Familiarize yourself with the business of your implicit customer before reaching him so you can get right to the spot and present him with products that are applicable to his business. Pay high attention to details and explain everything your customer might be interested in multiple times if necessary. Keep in mind that an online donation isn't as trusting as a face- to- face one so make sure you do your stylish to earn your customer's trust. The approach you use should be a fact- grounded approach rather than a marketing one aimed only to make a trade. Offering to give a free sample might be a big plus for you as well.  
The systems  
Once you take up a design, devote yourself and your platoon entirely to satisfying your customer. Start with one design at a time to insure maximum effectiveness, indeed though that might restate into a lower profit at first. Flash back that good airman- systems will lead to positive feedback from your guests and perhaps indeed farther recommendations, which are more precious than plutocrat. Successfully completed systems and happy guests will most likely lead to recreating systems so suppose of your first systems as investments.
0 notes
timeofbd · 2 years
How to Start a Software Company Online
There's a time in everyone's life when they simply want to take effects to an upper position and, as a programmer, you upper position is starting your best software company in bangladesh. As for any other business, you can take an offline approach or hit the online medium, but either way you need to be prepared, as each approach has its ups and campo. An online company can be a little trickier to start, but if you suppose doubly and act formerly, everything should go smooth.  
The plan  
The first thing you need is a good plan. You are entering a veritably competitive request, why should a customer choose your company over others? If you can easily answer this question and bring valid arguments, you are on the good path. Try to be realistic as to what you can do and what you can not do. It's better to offer smaller services but a advanced quality standard rather than have a huge services portfolio and not be suitable to satisfy your customer's conditions.  
The people behind the scene  
A one- man company isn't a good company, especially if you aim high. Find some professed programmers to have by your side to make sure you can successfully complete your systems in a timely manner and as per the customer's conditions.  
A good idea would be to work with freelancers in the morning to avoid having to pay someone a full- time payment when there are little or no systems. Once effects start to get rolling, you can switch to full- time workers and expand your platoon if demanded.  
The guests  
This is where it gets tricky. Chancing guests and persuading them to buy from you'll be veritably hard at first, but good communication chops will break this problem. communicate your implicit guests and offer to give them a donation of your products and services. Familiarize yourself with the business of your implicit customer before reaching him so you can get right to the spot and present him with products that are applicable to his business. Pay high attention to details and explain everything your customer might be interested in multiple times if necessary. Keep in mind that an online donation isn't as trusting as a face- to- face one so make sure you do your stylish to earn your customer's trust. The approach you use should be a fact- grounded approach rather than a marketing one aimed only to make a trade. Offering to give a free sample might be a big plus for you as well.  
The systems  
Once you take up a design, devote yourself and your platoon entirely to satisfying your customer. Start with one design at a time to insure maximum effectiveness, indeed though that might restate into a lower profit at first. Flash back that good airman- systems will lead to positive feedback from your guests and perhaps indeed farther recommendations, which are more precious than plutocrat. Successfully completed systems and happy guests will most likely lead to recreating systems so suppose of your first systems as investments.
0 notes
superhour07 · 2 years
How to Start a Software Company Online
There's a time in everyone's life when they simply want to take effects to an upper position and, as a programmer, you upper position is starting your best software company in bangladesh. As for any other business, you can take an offline approach or hit the online medium, but either way you need to be prepared, as each approach has its ups and campo. An online company can be a little trickier to start, but if you suppose doubly and act formerly, everything should go smooth.  
The plan  
The first thing you need is a good plan. You are entering a veritably competitive request, why should a customer choose your company over others? If you can easily answer this question and bring valid arguments, you are on the good path. Try to be realistic as to what you can do and what you can not do. It's better to offer smaller services but a advanced quality standard rather than have a huge services portfolio and not be suitable to satisfy your customer's conditions.  
The people behind the scene  
A one- man company isn't a good company, especially if you aim high. Find some professed programmers to have by your side to make sure you can successfully complete your systems in a timely manner and as per the customer's conditions.  
A good idea would be to work with freelancers in the morning to avoid having to pay someone a full- time payment when there are little or no systems. Once effects start to get rolling, you can switch to full- time workers and expand your platoon if demanded.  
The guests  
This is where it gets tricky. Chancing guests and persuading them to buy from you'll be veritably hard at first, but good communication chops will break this problem. communicate your implicit guests and offer to give them a donation of your products and services. Familiarize yourself with the business of your implicit customer before reaching him so you can get right to the spot and present him with products that are applicable to his business. Pay high attention to details and explain everything your customer might be interested in multiple times if necessary. Keep in mind that an online donation isn't as trusting as a face- to- face one so make sure you do your stylish to earn your customer's trust. The approach you use should be a fact- grounded approach rather than a marketing one aimed only to make a trade. Offering to give a free sample might be a big plus for you as well.  
The systems  
Once you take up a design, devote yourself and your platoon entirely to satisfying your customer. Start with one design at a time to insure maximum effectiveness, indeed though that might restate into a lower profit at first. Flash back that good airman- systems will lead to positive feedback from your guests and perhaps indeed farther recommendations, which are more precious than plutocrat. Successfully completed systems and happy guests will most likely lead to recreating systems so suppose of your first systems as investments.
0 notes
rdbbd · 2 years
How to Start a Software Company Online
There's a time in everyone's life when they simply want to take effects to an upper position and, as a programmer, you upper position is starting your best software company in bangladesh. As for any other business, you can take an offline approach or hit the online medium, but either way you need to be prepared, as each approach has its ups and campo. An online company can be a little trickier to start, but if you suppose doubly and act formerly, everything should go smooth.  
The plan  
The first thing you need is a good plan. You are entering a veritably competitive request, why should a customer choose your company over others? If you can easily answer this question and bring valid arguments, you are on the good path. Try to be realistic as to what you can do and what you can not do. It's better to offer smaller services but a advanced quality standard rather than have a huge services portfolio and not be suitable to satisfy your customer's conditions.  
The people behind the scene  
A one- man company isn't a good company, especially if you aim high. Find some professed programmers to have by your side to make sure you can successfully complete your systems in a timely manner and as per the customer's conditions.  
A good idea would be to work with freelancers in the morning to avoid having to pay someone a full- time payment when there are little or no systems. Once effects start to get rolling, you can switch to full- time workers and expand your platoon if demanded.  
The guests  
This is where it gets tricky. Chancing guests and persuading them to buy from you'll be veritably hard at first, but good communication chops will break this problem. communicate your implicit guests and offer to give them a donation of your products and services. Familiarize yourself with the business of your implicit customer before reaching him so you can get right to the spot and present him with products that are applicable to his business. Pay high attention to details and explain everything your customer might be interested in multiple times if necessary. Keep in mind that an online donation isn't as trusting as a face- to- face one so make sure you do your stylish to earn your customer's trust. The approach you use should be a fact- grounded approach rather than a marketing one aimed only to make a trade. Offering to give a free sample might be a big plus for you as well.  
The systems  
Once you take up a design, devote yourself and your platoon entirely to satisfying your customer. Start with one design at a time to insure maximum effectiveness, indeed though that might restate into a lower profit at first. Flash back that good airman- systems will lead to positive feedback from your guests and perhaps indeed farther recommendations, which are more precious than plutocrat. Successfully completed systems and happy guests will most likely lead to recreating systems so suppose of your first systems as investments.
0 notes
relinkbinfo001 · 2 years
How to Start a Software Company Online
There's a time in everyone's life when they simply want to take effects to an upper position and, as a programmer, you upper position is starting your best software company in bangladesh. As for any other business, you can take an offline approach or hit the online medium, but either way you need to be prepared, as each approach has its ups and campo. An online company can be a little trickier to start, but if you suppose doubly and act formerly, everything should go smooth.  
The plan  
The first thing you need is a good plan. You are entering a veritably competitive request, why should a customer choose your company over others? If you can easily answer this question and bring valid arguments, you are on the good path. Try to be realistic as to what you can do and what you can not do. It's better to offer smaller services but a advanced quality standard rather than have a huge services portfolio and not be suitable to satisfy your customer's conditions.  
The people behind the scene  
A one- man company isn't a good company, especially if you aim high. Find some professed programmers to have by your side to make sure you can successfully complete your systems in a timely manner and as per the customer's conditions.  
A good idea would be to work with freelancers in the morning to avoid having to pay someone a full- time payment when there are little or no systems. Once effects start to get rolling, you can switch to full- time workers and expand your platoon if demanded.  
The guests  
This is where it gets tricky. Chancing guests and persuading them to buy from you'll be veritably hard at first, but good communication chops will break this problem. communicate your implicit guests and offer to give them a donation of your products and services. Familiarize yourself with the business of your implicit customer before reaching him so you can get right to the spot and present him with products that are applicable to his business. Pay high attention to details and explain everything your customer might be interested in multiple times if necessary. Keep in mind that an online donation isn't as trusting as a face- to- face one so make sure you do your stylish to earn your customer's trust. The approach you use should be a fact- grounded approach rather than a marketing one aimed only to make a trade. Offering to give a free sample might be a big plus for you as well.  
The systems  
Once you take up a design, devote yourself and your platoon entirely to satisfying your customer. Start with one design at a time to insure maximum effectiveness, indeed though that might restate into a lower profit at first. Flash back that good airman- systems will lead to positive feedback from your guests and perhaps indeed farther recommendations, which are more precious than plutocrat. Successfully completed systems and happy guests will most likely lead to recreating systems so suppose of your first systems as investments.
0 notes
redllwo · 2 years
How to Start a Software Company Online
There's a time in everyone's life when they simply want to take effects to an upper position and, as a programmer, you upper position is starting your best software company in bangladesh. As for any other business, you can take an offline approach or hit the online medium, but either way you need to be prepared, as each approach has its ups and campo. An online company can be a little trickier to start, but if you suppose doubly and act formerly, everything should go smooth.  
The plan  
The first thing you need is a good plan. You are entering a veritably competitive request, why should a customer choose your company over others? If you can easily answer this question and bring valid arguments, you are on the good path. Try to be realistic as to what you can do and what you can not do. It's better to offer smaller services but a advanced quality standard rather than have a huge services portfolio and not be suitable to satisfy your customer's conditions.  
The people behind the scene  
A one- man company isn't a good company, especially if you aim high. Find some professed programmers to have by your side to make sure you can successfully complete your systems in a timely manner and as per the customer's conditions.  
A good idea would be to work with freelancers in the morning to avoid having to pay someone a full- time payment when there are little or no systems. Once effects start to get rolling, you can switch to full- time workers and expand your platoon if demanded.  
The guests  
This is where it gets tricky. Chancing guests and persuading them to buy from you'll be veritably hard at first, but good communication chops will break this problem. communicate your implicit guests and offer to give them a donation of your products and services. Familiarize yourself with the business of your implicit customer before reaching him so you can get right to the spot and present him with products that are applicable to his business. Pay high attention to details and explain everything your customer might be interested in multiple times if necessary. Keep in mind that an online donation isn't as trusting as a face- to- face one so make sure you do your stylish to earn your customer's trust. The approach you use should be a fact- grounded approach rather than a marketing one aimed only to make a trade. Offering to give a free sample might be a big plus for you as well.  
The systems  
Once you take up a design, devote yourself and your platoon entirely to satisfying your customer. Start with one design at a time to insure maximum effectiveness, indeed though that might restate into a lower profit at first. Flash back that good airman- systems will lead to positive feedback from your guests and perhaps indeed farther recommendations, which are more precious than plutocrat. Successfully completed systems and happy guests will most likely lead to recreating systems so suppose of your first systems as investments.
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