beanswithbones · 3 months
#vent#putting this here on main where less ppl involved will see bcs i just don't want that attention#(dots to hidr if ppl don't want to see this)#...........................................................................................................................................#.............................#..............#just stop. please im begging everyone to just stop. im begging everyone to just stop.#i get im not at all part if the people that ate effected by this im not at all but god please this is such a big game of#bad telephone and lack of one on one communication that didn't need to be made public#please i dont want to be unfollowing so many people please#are we going to enter an era of be careful whos posts you like or reblog bcs its part of 'the erong side'?#its selfish of me i know its so fucking selfish of me to be begging for this to stop but please#please the person has made an apology. the frustrations of everyone has been made and heard#im just begging everyone please just please don't make this something thats going to haunt this#fandom and community for weeks or months or forever#please goddamit please i enjoy so many people that have been just a part of this or been rebloging things about this and#i get it i get that this is upsetting that shit didn't go how anyone wanted but please i dont want go unfollow some of you#why is everything going to shit#why is everything falling apart#its so selfish of me to be this upset about this. its so messy on both sides everything about thos is so messy but god damnit why WHY#are we making this something so big#its selfish of me to say but please god please i come here to escape. i come here to have fun. im in these discords to have fun.#i have so much fun here and now everyone is just angry#i just wanted to reblog some cute art that came on my dash. i just wanted to eish someone well after seeing they needed space#i don't want to be so on edge about who i “should and shouldn't” interact with#everything went to shit for me. yhen it got better. then back to shit. and finally it was getting better and now its all went to shit again#but this time its everyone everywhere and in escapable#the only awnser is to just log on. disappear for s while. but god i just vame bsck i JUST came back and god i just want yhis all to stop.
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girlactionfigure · 1 year
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tatatatatara · 1 year
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I think I'll get cancelled if I make Ume anothrr daughter of HouTata, like Tomoe's twin or sth. But do you guys see my vision?
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sludgeguzzler · 2 years
i figured it out i cracked the code
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thisismyworldyeah · 1 year
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we asked 100 tumblr mutuals. "Qre you mad at me". and 100% of then said... YES!!!
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arcadequeerz · 2 years
I think.I need to go back 2 therapy.
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lauralot89 · 1 year
Named Angels
Fallen angels are not included. Neither are gnostic angels because I'm tired.
Aker: Named in the Greek Apocalypse of Ezra as one of the nine angels who will govern at the end of the world.
Al-Khidr: Also known as al-Khadir, Khader, Khidr, Hidr, Khizr, Kathir, Khazer, Khadr, Khedher, Khizir, Khizar, or Khilr. The Servant of God whom Moses accompanies in the Quran is identified as Al-Khidr by Islamic scholars.
Ambriel: Ambriel is an angel associated with the month of May.
Arariel: Described in the Talmud as the angel in charge of the waters of the Earth.
Ariel: An angel in Jewish and Christian mysticism. Ariel has dominion over beasts, creative forces, the North, and elemental spirits.
Arphugitonos: Named in the Greek Apocalypse of Ezra as one of the nine angels who will govern at the end of the world.
Artiya'il: An angel appearing in the hadith. Artiya'il removes grief and anxiety from humans.
Atid: One of two angels in Islamic tradition who records a person's actions. This record is used to confront each person on the Day of Judgment.
Azrael: The angel of death. Azrael is one of the four archangels in Islam.
Beburos: Named in the Greek Apocalypse of Ezra as one of the nine angels who will govern at the end of the world.
Camael: Also known as Chamuel, Khamuel, Camiel, Cameel and Camniel. One of the twelve Kabbalah angels, Camael is assigned to the fifth sephirah in the tree of life.
Cassiel: Also known as Qafsiel or Qaspiel. In Jewish and Christian mysticism, Cassiel is described by various roles, such as the angel of Saturn the angel of the moon, the angel of tears, and the angel of temperance. Cassiel is sometimes said to preside over the death of young men.
Dobiel: Also known as Dubbiel. Dobiel is the guardian angel of Ancient Persia.
Gabriel: An angel who announces God's will to men. Gabriel is considered in archangel in Jewish, Christian, and Islamic traditions. Gabriel appears to Daniel to explain his prophetic visions. Gabriel foretold the birth of John the Baptist to Zechariah and the Annunciation of Jesus to Mary. Gabriel appeared twice to Muhammad. In the church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, Gabriel lived a mortal life as the prophet Noah. Gabriel was named in the Greek Apocalypse of Ezra as one of the nine angels who will govern at the end of the world.
Gabuthelon: Named in the Greek Apocalypse of Ezra as one of the nine angels who will govern at the end of the world.
Haniel: Also known as Hananel, Anael, Hanael or Aniel. Haniel is sometimes listed as one of the seven archangels. In Kabbalah, Haniel is associated with the seventh sephirah.
Jegudiel: Also known as Iehudiel. Jegudiel is one of the seven archangels of the Eastern Orthodox Church tradition. Jegudiel is the patron saint of hard work and leadership and is often depicted holding a whip (as a punishment for sinners) and a crown (as a gift for the righteous).
Jerahmeel: Also known as Jeremiel, Eremiel, or Ieremihel. Jerahmeel is recognized as an archangel in Lutheran, Angelican, and Orthodox traditions. Jerahmeel is said to comfort the righteous dead in the Bosom of Abraham, or to guard heaven with St. Peter.
Jophiel: Also known as Dina, Iophiel, Iofiel, Jofiel, Yofiel, Youfiel, Zophiel, or Zuriel. In Anglican tradition, Jophiel is an archangel and in Kabbalah, Jophiel is associated with the sephirah chokmah. Some sources list Jophiel as the angel who guards the garden of Eden with a flaming sword.
Kalqa'il: Kalqa'il is an Islamic angel who guards the entrance of the fifth heaven.
Lailah: An angel appearing in the Talmud. Lailah is associated with conception, pregnancy, and the night.
Maalik: An Islamic angel of hell. Maalik carries out God's punishment on wrongdoers.
Metatron: Described in the Talmud as the heavenly scribe, Metatron is allowed to sit in the presence of God to record the deeds of Israel. Metatron was mistaken by Elisha ben Abuyah for a deity, and was subsequently lashed 60 times with a fiery rod to demonstrate that the Metatron was an angel and could be punished, unlike a god. In mystic writings, Metatron is the form Enoch took after his ascension. In Islam, Metatron is the angel of the veil and alone knows what lies beyond it.
Michael: Also known as Mika'il or Mikal. The prince of Israel and prince of the Heavenly Host. Michael is regarded as an archangel in Jewish, Christian, and Islamic tradition, and is the only angel explicitly identified as an archangel in the Christian Bible. In the book of Daniel, Michael fought the prince of Persia. In Revelation, Michael fought Satan and cast him out of heaven. Michael and Gabriel are the angels said to have shown Muhammad paradise and hell. In Jewish tradition, Michael prevented the sacrifice of Isaac by providing a ram. Seventh Day Adventists and Jehovah's Witnesses believe Michael is another name for Jesus in heaven. In the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day saints, Michael is the same person as Adam. Michael is named in the Greek Apocalypse of Ezra as one of the nine angels who will govern at the end of the world.
Moroni: In angel in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Moroni was the guardian of the golden plates from which Joseph Smith wrote the Book of Mormon, and appeared to Smith numerous times.
Muriel: Muriel is a Domination, a class of angel in the second angelic sphere. Muriel is associated with the month of June.
Nuriel: Regarded in some traditions as the same being as the angel Uriel. Nuriel is the angel of hailstorms and commands an army of 500,000 angels made of water and fire.
Pahaliah: Pahaliah is the angel of Redemption. Pahaliah is a throne, an class of angel in the first angelic sphere.
Puriel: Puriel accompanied Abraham on a journey to heaven. Puriel is tasked with examining the souls of those brought to heaven.
Raphael: Known in Islam as Israfel or Israfil. Raphael is regarded as an archangel in Jewish, Christian, and Islamic traditions. It is believed that Raphael is the angel in the Gospel of John who stirs the pool of Bethesda. In Islam, Raphael will blow the trumpet which signals the Day of Judgment, and the hadith lists him as the angel closest to God. Named in the Greek Apocalypse of Ezra as one of the nine angels who will govern at the end of the world.
Raqib: One of two angels in Islamic tradition who records a person's actions. This record is used to confront each person on the Day of Judgment.
Raziel: Also known as Gallitsur. Raziel is the angel of secrets and mysteries, and the keeper of all magic. In Kabbalah, Raziel is associated with the sepirah chokmak.
Riḍwan: Also known as Riswan. Riḍwan is an Islamic angel who guards the gates of heaven.
Sabrael: Sabrael is an angel appearing in the apocryphal works the Testament of Solomon and 3 Enoch.
Sachiel: Also known as Sariel, Suriel, Suriyel, Sikhael, Sixael, Satquel, Satquiel, Saquiel, Seriel, Sauriel, Saraqael, Sarakiel, Suruel, Surufel, Souriel, or Sachquiel. Sachiel is a cherub who is associated with charity and wealth.
Sahaquiel: Listed as one of the archangels in the Third Book of Enoch. Sahaquiel is attended by "496,000 myriads of ministering angels."
Samkhiel: An angel of Gehenna, Samkhiel is the angel of destruction. Samkhiel torments the wicked to cleanse their souls and eventually reuinte them with God.
Sandalphon: An archangel in mystical traditions of Judaism and early Christianity. Sandalphon is said to gather prayers and bring them to God. Some sources regard Sandalphon as an angelic ascension of Elijah.
Sarathiel: Also known as Serathiel. Sarathiel is an archangel in the Oriental Orthodox tradition.
Selaphiel: Also known as Sealtiel, Selatiel, or Selathiel. Selaphiel is regarded as an archangel in the Byzantine Catholic and Greek Orthodox traditions. Selaphiel is sometimes viewed as the angel in Revelation who offers people's prayers to God.
Uriel: Also known as Phanuel. Uriel is often depicted as a cherub and is the angel of repentance. Uriel is regarded as an archangel in Russian Orthodox, Eastern Orthodox, Ethiopian Orthodox, and Anglican traditions, as well as in Kabbalhah. Named in the Greek Apocalypse of Ezra as one of the nine angels who will govern at the end of the world.
Uziel: Also known as Usiel. Uziel is an archangel in 3 Enoch.
Yahoel: Also known as Jahoel, Jehoel, or Yaoel. Yahoel is charged with destroying idolators and restraining the Leviathian. Some sources list Yahoel as the chief angel of the Seraphim. Another lists Yahoel as one of the names of Metatron.
Zadkiel: Also known as Hasdiel. In Kabbalah, Zadkiel is an archangel associated with the fourth sephirah.
Zaphkiel: Also known as Tzaphqiel, Tzaphkiel, Zaphchial, Zaphiel, or Zelel. Zaphkiel is the chief angel of the thrones and is regarded in some traditions as the same angel as Raphael.
Zebuleon: Named in the Greek Apocalypse of Ezra as one of the nine angels who will govern at the end of the world.
Zephaniel: Zephaniel is the chief angel of the Ishim in Kabbalah.
Zerachiel: Also known as Zachariel, Zakhariel or Saraqael. An angel who leads souls to judgment and is set over those who "sin in the spirit."
Zotiel: Zotiel is an angel mentioned in the Book of Enoch.
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boombox-fuckboy · 2 years
Skyjacks - Some Birds
Some lionbirds in Skyjacks might be familiar (I imagine most people know what Lucas looks like) but others maybe less so, depending on where you're from. I like birds, so here's a few noteworthy and cool features:
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Red-tailed hawk (Buteo jamaicensis)
Metatron, flown by Gable of The Uhuru
Wildfire, Yellow Audron general bird for the Swiftwell Courier Service
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Grey-headed albatross (Thalassarche chrysostoma)
Flea, flown by Jonnit Kessler and Gable of The Uhuru
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Red-breasted merganser (Mergus serrator)
Ferdinand, flown by Travis Matagot of The Uhuru
Banner, flown by Coriander Swiftwell of the Swiftwell Courier Service
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Harpy Eagle (Harpia harpyja)
Aristocracy, showbird and jousting bird flown by Tiberius Youngblood of the Youngblood Family
Bountiful, Winter Stables warbird of The Swiftwell Courier Service
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Saker falcon (Falco cherrug)
Augury, flown by June Hymnall, apprentice aboard the Swiftwell Courier Service's Red Audron
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White-bellied go-away-bird (Crinifer leucogaster)
Obstinacy, flown by Fredrick Hawthorne, master all-courier to the Swiftwell Courier Service
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Peregrine falcon (Falco peregrinus)
Victory, flown by Hidred Gastaur, pro jouster
Ghost, Autumn Stables warbird for the Swiftwell Courier Service
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Great Horned Owl (Bubo Virginianus)
Agamemnon, flown by Fthina Vronti, Post Master General of the Swiftwell Courier Service
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Choco toucan (Ramphastos brevis)
Royal, Red Audron general bird for the Swiftwell Courier Service
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Pied kingfisher (Ceryle rudis)
Squall, flown by Braith Ashworth, all-courier for the Swiftwell Courier Service
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burnedwriter · 2 years
"Stay with me"
warnings:none,angst to fluff,mention of hand injury,!gender neutral reader
backstory:this fic takes place after the events of the hotel
A/n:this man has been living in my head rent free and sadly there werent any fics of him so i took matters into my own hands
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It’s been 4 month since Charlie’s sudden disappearance,the last time you two met was when he told you about the offer he got from mister Du’met and how it was the best opportunity he has ever gotten for his docu-series but after that you never saw him again.You made countless calls but Charlie never seemed to pick up the phone nor call you back,you even called his neighbours to ask if they have seen him at all but they all end up saying the same thing ‘’the last time we seen him was 4 months ago’’.
‘‘What happened to you charlie?’‘you whispered to yourself before calling his number for the hundreth time hoping that he will pick it up eventually.
You were his closest friend,his best friend even,why would he ignore your calls without a solid reason,you wandered maybe he has a big project coming up that he needed to finish,you knew Charlie was a workaholic and how he cared about his projects,how he wanted them to be as perfect as possible but even then he would invite you to his appartment for some tea and talk hours upon hours on end.The thing that striked you the most when he talked to you was the passion he showed about his series,his eyes would glow like a child in a candy store,when he shared his ideas with you.
That bad feeling in your stomach growing each day it passed,what if the whole thing was just a huge trap and he got kidnapped or even worst.......killed.Warning him wasnt enough,it would go one ear out the other,telling you thats this is an opportunity once in a lifetime,trying to convice you that he knew what he was doing
‘‘come on Charlie pick it up’‘shaking your leg in frustration as another call went unanwsered.
You had enough,you were going to visit his appartment and try to get to the buttom of this,grabbing your car keys quickly,you head straight to your car and on your way to his appartment.
Finally arriving to his appartment,your finger pressed on the doorbell and to no suprise,the door didnt open but you werent going to give up so easily so you rang his neighbours doorbell praying they answer.
‘‘hello who is this’‘a voice of a woman spoke from the other side
‘‘hello!,im one of charlie’s friends,i came here to visit him but he didnt open the dooor,can you open the door please’‘
‘’of course!’‘ the woman exclaimed opening the door for you
‘‘thank you so much’‘you thanked the kind lady before you pushed the door
 Getting in the elevator,you pressed the button for charlies floor before the doors of the elevator closed taking you up
Upon arriving at the correct floor,you stepped out the elevator and got greeted by the familiar hallway and at the end of it there it was charlie’s appartment.You felt a knot n your stomach as anxiety and worry started to take over your body not knowing what to expect
knocking on the door,there was no answer from the other side
‘‘Charlie please,its me open the door’‘ you said with desperation in your voice to hear just a sign of life from him as you continued to knock on the door again and again but to no avail
‘‘and i really thought that this was going to work,im going to home’‘exhaling the breath that you didnt know you were holding,you started to walk back to the elevator feeling defeated by the whole situation,when all of a sudden you hear the door slowly open catching you off guard
‘‘Charlie?’‘you questioned
‘‘yes’‘you hear a voice that was trying to hidr behind the half opened door
‘‘What happen to you?,where have you been?,i was worried sick about you,i thought you died’‘you felt relieved seeing him again,however there was something wrong with him,he had dark circles under his eyes,indicating he hasnt slept well in a long time,his ingrown facial hair showed unlike the clean shaven look he always had,these were signs that he wasnt in good shape.
‘‘Can i come in?’‘you asked him,opening the door for you to step in the house and closing the door behind you.
You could barely see where you were going from how dark the whole house was due to the curtains being fully closed which was very strange since it was brought daylight outside.
‘‘What is going on??’‘
‘‘i dont want to talk about it’‘he said relactant to answer the question
Dragging him to the couche you capped his hands squeezing the as a sign of reasurance to get him to talk only to realize one of them was injured
‘‘its nothing i promise’‘
‘‘Charlie im your friend of how many years you can trust me with whatever is happening’‘you reasured him
‘‘i know and im sorry i kept you in the dark its just that...’‘his voice started to crack half way through the sentence
‘‘Charlie are you crying!?’‘you asked concerned,soon after Charlie collapsed on your chest as he wrapped his arms around your shoulders to a tight hug while you wrapped your own around his body.
‘‘Hes going to kill all of us,i put my crew in danger and its all my fault’‘his voice shaking and full of fear
‘‘it’s going to be ok Charlie,i am here’‘ you muttered stroking his hair softly trying to calm him down,capping his face with your hands,you wiped his tears that escaped with your thumbs before standing up.
‘‘how about i make us some tea and explain to me what is hppening’‘you said walking to the kitchen.
‘‘Can i ask you somehing?’‘Charlie asked hesitant
‘‘Can you stay here for the night?’‘.
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swevene · 2 months
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so i've had some idea for verses floating through my mind... i thought i would post them here to see if anyone might be interested! and/or i might just make them we'll see!
for amoret i might do a darker verse for her. her default verse she's more of a good guy willing to help out trying not to scare people with her abilities but... i could see the opposite happening too. where she isn't worried about others or scaring them. leading her undead army wherever she wants. not out there trying to cause havoc but it just seems to happen quite often to her. maybe she starts desiring that power that corrupts after a time. wanting to take over a kingdom just because she has the power to do just that. or so many other possibilities honestly.
for hildr an older verse would be interesting. i always thought if she never found love before she was forced into arranged marriage she probably wouldn't find it. and if she did find love it would have to convince her father and mother to approve or run away from the kingdom leaving behind her title and everything for love. and on the chance she was in an arranged marriage it would probably be a very much loveless marriage and probably married to a prince or a king. she would have children but be unhappy in life. a lot of her freedom and rebellious nature having to be subdued quite a bit the older and more mature she becomes. there would still be a chance for love for her but it would be forbidden and scandalous. and a great risk for her and possibly any children she has. but there is also a chance an arranged marriage could form love so it could go either way. i just feel like whatever direction hidr's life goes there is so many possibilities and it's fun to think about especially since i write her so young she's of age but still young and learning. whereas in these settings she would be older, wiser, more mature.
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unknownarmageddon · 2 months
One of the most fun things about hosting rps is when Chair doesn't wanna join the rp , it helps Moth and I host by chasing off trolls and assholes - as well as helping keep things together when we host hidr and seek and stuff --
Chair if you're seeing this THANK YOU you're amazing you're a lifesaver brother 🤝🤝🤝
i would definitely say this is more so a thing to just send to chair and not me but that is very rad dude
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leportraitducadavre · 10 months
I have an idea for Uzumaki dojutsu. First of all it’s always active and consume %0.000001 of their chakra reserves. It copies jutsu (even kekkei genkai), sees chakra points, you can manipulate gravity, summon animals, you don’t even look at opponents eyes to cast 2nd strongest genjutsu in the world, the strongest belonging to solo king Itachi-sama. Also it gives you the power to teleport, use clones that are not visible to eye, regeneration, master of all chakra natures. You know it is better than overpowered and yucky Sharingan anyway. Even though all this power, the user can’t defeat Orochimaru in the FoD because they hidr their true power. Also it comes with a sword, better sword than Sasuke’s and even though user never trained in kenjutsu or if it doesn’t mesh with their fighting style, they are better than Sasuke.
(this is satire btw)
Yes anon, I sort of realized lmao.
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lale-i-knjige · 1 year
Neki tumači Kur'ana kažu kako nije slučajno da se sura s najtajnovitijim kazivanjima naziva „Pećina”. U njoj, poput pećinskih ponornica, izviru i gube se tajnovite pripovijesti: o „stanovnicima pećine”, dvojici ljudi i njihova dva vrta, Musau, mladiću i jednom mudrom Božijem robu, o Zulkarnejnu, Je'džudžu, Me'džudžu. Promoviranje ukidanja tajni, kao parola svih prosvjetiteljskih varijacija, vodi ka apsolutnom raščaravanju svijeta i njegovom određenju kao mehanizma i kauzaliteta. Pećine i postoje da nas podsjećaju da je svijet prožet tajnama.
Samedin Kadić, Musa i Hidr
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guiabelezasaudavel · 8 months
Olá pessoal! Eu sou a Marcella Oliveira, e nesse vídeo de hoje eu vou contar tudo pra vocês sobre o Sérum Facial Hidra Pele. Então fique comigo até o final pra você não perder nenhuma informação importante. O Hidra Pele está fazendo muito sucesso, e vem ganhando cada vez mais reconhecimento, por trazer inúmeros benefícios para nossa pele, sendo o único no mercado que traz o efeito botox sem agulhas e é clareador de manchas.
O Hidra Pele ainda elimina o pé de galinha, reduz manchas, flacidez e rugas, hidrata intensivamente a pele, impede os hormônios do envelhecimento, e tudo isso em um só produto. E por todo esse sucesso do Hidra Pele, eu resolvi trazer este vídeo para responder as principais dúvidas sobre ele: o Hidra Pele funciona? O Hidra Pele vale a pena? O Hidra Pele confiável? O Hidra Pele é bom? O Hidra Pele é aprovado pela anvisa?
✅ Hidra Pele funciona?
Sim, o Hidra Pele funciona e traz os melhores resultados para nossa pele. Ele atua como preenchedor, antissinais, hidratante, clareador e antioxidante. Com o Sérum Hidra Pele você terá firmeza e elasticidade garantidas, hidratação profunda, com aspecto saudável da pele imediato, reduz 91,2% das manchas, retarda o envelhecimento e reduz a aparência das rugas já nos primeiros dias de uso. O Hidra Pele funciona e é eficaz para todos os tipos de pele.
Veja nesse vídeo:
Apresentação do Hidra Pele
Onde Comprar o Hidra Pele?
Hidra Pele Site Oficial
Hidra Pele Original
Sérum Facial Hidra Pele
O que é o Hidra Pele?
Hidra Pele fórmula
Para o que serve o Sérum Facial Hidra Pele?
Hidra Pele é confiável? Hidra Pele é Seguro?
Hidra Pele é aprovado pela Anvisa?
Qual o kit mais recomendado do Hidra Pele?
Hidra Pele é bom?
Vale a pena comprar o Hidra pele?
Hidra Pele Funciona
Hidra Pele Depoimentos Reais
Como usar o Hidra Pele
Hidra Pele Funciona para todos os tipos de Pele?
Hidra Pele Ingredientes
Benefícios do Hidra Pele
Qual o Prazo de entrega do Hidra Pele?
✅ Hidra Pele Alerta!
Como o Hidra Pele está fazendo muito sucesso, infelizmente já tem pessoas dando golpe, e vendendo o produto falsificado. Então fiquem muito atentos para vocês não caírem em golpe. O Hidra Pele original só é vendido no site oficial do fabricante. Para acessar o site oficial do Hidra Pele é só clicar no link abaixo.
✅ Hidra Pele – Benefícios e Vantagens
Elimina o pé de galinha Clareia e uniformiza a pele Reduz as manchas Hidratação profunda Retarda o envelhecimento Traz firmeza, elasticidade e brilho para a pele Reconstrói as camadas da pele
✅ Hidra Pele vale a pena?
Hidra Pele funciona mesmo? Sim, o tratamento com o Hidra Pele vale muito a pena! Sua poderosa fórmula americana, única e exclusiva, contém uma combinação de ativos hidratantes, antioxidantes, reguladores de PH e ingredientes de limpeza que ajudam a manter a pele saudável, equilibrada e protegida. O Hidra Pele funciona mesmo!
✅ Hidra Pele Anvisa
Outro fator importante sobre o Hidra Pele, ele é um produto testado e aprovado pela Anvisa. Sua eficácia é comprovada, é um produto 100% seguro, e por isso o Hidra Pele é liberado pela Anvisa para o uso e consumo da população. Hidra Pele funciona. Hidra Pele é bom.
tags: #hidrapele #hidrapelefunciona #hidrapeleebom
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angelinachiodo · 2 years
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Berit Hidre ❤️
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