#Hidden World 🌎
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xtruss · 2 years ago
There Was an Underground Magazine for Transgender Women in the 1960s! Transvestia's Archives Provide a Window onto a Hidden World
— June 22, 2023 | Kirstin Butler & Casa Susanna | Article | American Experience
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The cover of the August 1966 issue of Transvestia magazine.
In the first month of a new decade, a Los Angeles chemist named Virginia Prince mailed out the inaugural issue of a magazine. It was, as the title page of the January 1960 edition of Transvestia states, a privately printed journal “with three objectives: to provide EXPRESSION for those interested in the subjects of exotic and unusual dress and fashion; to provide INFORMATION to those who, through ignorance, condemn that which they do not understand,” and, finally, “to provide EDUCATION for those who see evil where none exists.” With these oblique statements, Prince launched what would become the first long-running periodical for male-to-female crossdressers and transgender women in the United States.
Over its 25-year print run, Transvestia grew from 25 initial subscribers to several hundred distributed across the U.S. Most readers received their bi-monthly issues through the mail, though after 1963 the magazine could also be found in alternative and adult bookstores and newsstands in major American cities. Prince was the magazine’s driving force and served as editor until 1979, but Transvestia’s contents were as much by its readers as for them. Subscribers submitted life histories, letters, editorials, book reviews and photographs of themselves. They had their own jargon: “TV” for transvestite, “GG” for “genetic girls,” “brother” for their male identities and the “girl-within,” to refer to their feminine selves; some readers also used “femmepersonator” or “FP” for short. Prince also reprinted medical papers on topics such as gender identity and the psychology of cross-dressing.
Each issue typically ran around 80 pages, with several dedicated to advertisements for various goods—self-published books, custom undergarments and wigs—and services such as electrolysis and makeup consultation. “Perhaps there are no good stores in your town. Perhaps you are too well known,” offered one advertisement for a personal shopper. “Perhaps you need an unusual size and would be embarrassed to ask for it. Whatever the reason, I can help.” Every issue also contained a “Person to Person” section where subscribers could connect with one another. “Lifelong TV, married, 34, scientist, welcomes all correspondence with all TV’s foreign or domestic,” reads a listing by Barbara, a reader from southern New England, in the December 1965 issue.
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An optician’s ad in Transvestia’s October 1969 Issue.
Transvestia was an outlet for creative writing as well. A piece of fiction in the magazine’s first issue told the story of a married couple enjoying a night out, both husband and wife dressed in traditionally feminine attire: “The sound of my high heels matching hers, the sight of my frock swirling beside hers, made us feel as one…sensing the fragrance of the real woman so close to me, the distinction between ‘man’ and ‘woman’ vanished like smoke in a high wind.” Prince herself contributed a poem to that issue, composing on a theme that would recur in many other editions of the magazine—the relief experienced upon transforming from masculine to feminine archetypal expectations and presentation.
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Poems in the January 1960 and March 1961 issues of Transvestia.
In fact, several subjects appeared with a great deal of regularity throughout Transvestia’s pages. Dr. R.S. Hill, a professor at Concordia University, authored a seminal study of the magazine as his dissertation. Reflecting on Transvestia’s most oft-recurring content, Dr. Hill wrote, “The letters and histories endlessly elaborated on the same themes and topics: theorizing the causes of their condition; crossdressing for the first time; overcoming obstacles to free expression; dealing with guilt, fear, or loneliness; disclosing to or hiding from parents, wives, and children; venturing out in public; passing successfully as women without public detection; describing articles of clothing, wardrobes, and bodily measurements; and sharing fashion and make-up advice.”
Through the magazine, Transvestia readers forged a group consciousness, united not just by mutual interests but also for their common demography: The majority of subscribers were white, middle-to-professional-class, and considered themselves heterosexual. Most were married and had children. Some spoke of cross-dressing as just a relaxing “hobby” they occasionally enjoyed. But a substantial number would come to identify as women over the course of the journal’s publication, including Prince herself as well as contributing editor Susanna Valenti. Prince wrote about that decision in her final issue as editor in 1979, saying, “I figured that since I had learned pretty much all I needed to know about being a man in this world, that I might just as well devote the rest of my life to exploring the other side of my own humanity…That was in June of 1968 and I have lived as Virginia ever since.”
All of the magazine’s readers agreed that the practice of cross-dressing allowed them to access their most vibrant selves. “I have been married, have fathered five children, and am about to become a Grandpa any day now,” said the magazine’s 1962 covergirl Eileen in an accompanying personal history. “The men I work with are all hairy chested so-and-so types, and have accepted me into their ranks without question. Yet, when I rush home from the office and enter my own world of delight, that is when I truly live.”
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Transvestia subscriber Eileen graced the cover of the magazine's August 1962 Issue.
The Publisher
Having been through a great deal of pain, fear, guilt, loneliness and frustration in my life I wanted to help others to avoid or conquer these feelings. My tool for doing this has been Transvestia.” — Virginia Prince, Transvestia, Vol. 3 No. 16, August 1962
Born in 1912, Virginia Prince was the highly opinionated, often irascible godmother of Transvestia’s print pages and its extended real-life network. After launching the magazine, she also founded a national sorority for other crossdressers in 1962 called Phi Pi Epsilon—or FPE, which also stood for Full Personality Expression. This later became Tri-Ess, or the Society for the Second Self, an international crossdressing organization that still exists to this day. Prince frequently gave interviews to American and international media and liaised with medical professionals about the practice of cross-dressing.
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The magazine’s “Person to Person” section was restricted to FPE sorority members to ensure correspondents’ safety.
Prince’s primary goal was to destigmatize cross-dressing; and she utilized the magazine as well as FPE to create a conservative bulwark against other, competing forms of transgender life and community in the United States in the 1960s. “Prince wanted to socialize individual ‘deviance,’” said Dr. Hill, “to place transvestism within a group context, domesticate it, and normalize it by promoting the radical idea that transvestites were not immoral, sexual deviants but rather normal, respectable citizens with only a harmless gender variation.” Even the name of Prince’s regular column in the magazine, “Virgin Views,” was part of her plan to de-eroticize a lifestyle that included cross-dressing by linking it to connotations of purity.
Already within a year of Transvestia’s genesis, Prince had assumed the role of self-appointed moral arbiter. “We must keep our own house clean and above reproach,” she asserted in the magazine’s March 1961 issue. In a repressive Cold War context where heteronormative standards reigned, that meant distancing cross-dressing from other gender and sexual subcultures: “We all know that the world confuses transvestism and homosexuality and when there is a campaign against the latter we are caught in the crossfire.” Prince asked readers to police themselves and each other, saying, “you come into the future of the magazine, not just by way of financial support and contributions of material, but by being a watchdog too.”
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Prince’s column in the December 1965 issue included her portrait.
As part of her desire to domesticate transvestism, Prince also sought out and published writings by transvestites’ female partners. Some were tender—thus supporting Prince’s respectability campaign—as in an account from a wife about her husband’s transformation to “Betty Lynn, the Blonde Bombshell.” “I can’t understand why anyone wouldn’t want another dimension to their love,” wrote Fran. Still, the majority of Transvestia readers spoke of fraught negotiations around their cross-dressing, sometimes ending in the dissolution of marriage.
The narrative Prince espoused through Transvestia initially held that the goal of transvestism should be an exercised balance of masculine and feminine identities, with each having its own separate opportunity for expression. “[T]ry to employ perspective in seeing FemmePersonation as an adjunct to your masculine personality, not a substitute for it,” she suggested in her August 1962 “Virgin Views” column. “Transvestia does not exist for the purpose of impairing or destroying the masculine but rather to allow those who are aware of their feminine side to extract the full benefits from it. We can experience some of the feminine side of life, express part of our personality that way, and be better persons and citizens for it IF we…keep the whole matter in balance and under control.”
She advised against medical interventions such as hormone therapy and what was then known as sex reassignment surgery, saying, in 1965, “I realized that surgery would be a form of suicide not only for my masculine self but for Virginia too since it would cut the ground (as well as other things) out from under her…being a woman some of the time is wonderful, having to be one all the time would not be half as great as it seems to be from a distance.” As Dr. Hill writes, “‘transsexuality’ is everywhere in Transvestia as a category against which the ‘true transvestites’ defined themselves.”
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Transvestia’s October 1962 cover featured photos of its first two years of cover models—“The composite cover of 12 livin’ dolls.” Prince’s is the largest photo in the center.
Over the coming years, however, Prince’s position would shift from this earlier dichotomous gender model to an identity where one’s masculine and feminine selves were merged into an integrated whole. “[V]ery little in life is tied up hard and fast with the fact that one is male or female,” she wrote in the August 1966 issue, adding “that the ideas of man and woman and masculine and feminine are cultural inventions for all their as­sumed usefulness.” Her views on gender had gradually become more flexible.
By June 1968, Prince had come to a decision to live full-time as a woman. Assembling the magazine, she said later, was what had allowed her to arrive at that turning point. “In trying to help you, my readers, I have learned and grown myself,” she wrote in the magazine’s 100th anniversary issue in 1979, which was largely dedicated to “The Life and Times of Virginia,” her personal history. “I am now a whole person, completely self accepting and at ease…[M]y best hopes and good wishes to all of you—may you, too, find the acceptance and the internal peace that we all need, and with that I say farewell.”
Susanna Says
“But Enough of Philosophising…Let's Gossip!” — “Susanna Says,” Transvestia, Vol. 7 No. 40, August 1966
Where Virginia Prince was Transvestia’s reigning West Coast intellectual, Susanna Valenti, the magazine’s contributing editor, was its East Coast bon vivant. Her regular column, “Susanna Says,” contained social news, fashion tips and advice, all served up with attitude and pointed humor. “I most certainly have particular people in mind whenever I unsheath a journalistic claw,” she wrote in February 1963, in response to what some readers deemed her “cattish remarks.” “Where would the fun be,” she protested, “if people could not see themselves mirrored in the printed page?”
For Valenti, criticism also had a noble purpose. She offered cosmetic and comportment tips—informing her readers about the right ways to walk, how to soften their voices and what pressed powders to wear—because those elements would allow them to more safely present to a world threatening arrest and violence. “Sorry, my friends, to sound so mean,” she demurred in that same column. “[S]omebody has to pour out a bucketful of cold, merciless realism, just to remind ourselves that the world is not entirely made of pretty clouds and blue skies. There’s also mud and hard pavement under our feet.” If being “read”—common community parlance for being discovered while dressed—was the greatest danger, and “passing”successfully as female would ensure their protection, then Valenti would scold Transvestia subscribers into shape.
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Virginia included this image of herself and Susanna in Tranvestia’s 100th anniversary Issue.
“[P]resent as smooth an image as possible,” “Susanna Says” advised in 1965. “In some areas there's nothing we can do about—height, skeletal frame, feet, hands, muscles, etc—but in those areas where something can be done, there's just no excuse if we don't at least make an effort.” Valenti spoke at length about her own efforts: wardrobe alterations, dance classes and diets. For her, moral improvement could be achieved by means of aesthetic perfection—and why not enjoy oneself doing it? “The real fun about being a TV,” she proclaimed, “is in the CONSTANT IMPROVING.”
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The April 1965 issue continued a feature that spanned several editions called “What Should I Wear?” and contained tutorials on wardrobe color, shape and style, including guides to neckline types and hem lengths.
Like Prince, Valenti had a significant community presence both on and off the page. In the very first issue of Transvestia, she announced that she and her wife Marie were opening a private retreat at their property in the Catskill Mountains catering specifically to Transvestia’s audience; the “Chevalier d’Eon Resort” was named after an 18th-century French crossdressing spy. “Change clothes as many times as you want, stay inside or go out—in short, do as you please and ‘LIVE.’ Even hairdressing help will be available,” promised the announcement. “What more can you ask? This sounds more like fiction than a lot of fiction, but it's real!” Indeed, over the next decade, Marie and Susanna would run what eventually became the eponymous “Casa Susanna,” which became the East Coast hub for crossdressers and a burgeoning transgender community.
Valenti, who had adopted Prince’s script against transitioning, also came to change her position with the changing times. She announced her own decision to live full-time as a woman in Tranvestia’s October 1969 issue. “I’ve ceased feeling that fabulous thrill of the change itself,” Valenti said of her part-time transitions back and forth from Susanna to her male identity. “It’s only fabulous in one direction: from HIM to HER. But the reverse from HER to HIM, is becoming more and more painful. It actually depresses me… To be ‘her’ is quite different. Energy seems to flow into me from all directions, and no matter what activity I engage in, I never seem to tire…I cannot speak of thrills, but of a peace and contentment that I find nowhere else.”
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Susanna Valenti announced a momentous personal decision in her column for the October 1969 Issue.
Still, her final words in the magazine were more equivocal. A decade later, in 1979, Valenti reprised her column once more at Prince’s request for the centennial issue. “One hundred years! Or is it one hundred issues of TVia?” Valenti mused. “It really seems like a century ago we started groping in the confusion of our lives for a truth and a self-definition. We followed the same pattern that modern youth seems to have found, the eternal question of ‘who am I’?” Then she took stock of the gains Transvestia had won for her community, saying, “We seem to have moved forward to a certain extent. A good number of people, many more than there were one hundred issues ago, know about us. The moral ‘liberation’ of our times seems to have helped somewhat, too.
“But,” she concluded, “we ask ourselves, have we really become liberated? Have we really become understood? Accepted?”
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loveforthefeminineenergy · 26 days ago
What To Expect In Your Life Next? 🛫🚏🧭 - PAC
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Welcome to the Love For The Feminine 🦋
Thank you for the likes, sharing, comments and following!🤗
...............Love For The Feminine 🦋 .................
So my Lovelies this pick a card will be about the next phase of your life which can be anything and everything and it can come anytime soon from now on!
Let's dive in!⤵️
...............Love For The Feminine 🦋 .................
🛫Pile 1:
So this is very obvious for me that you about to travel my lovely. This can be somewhere far, like overseas or you will just cross the ocean soon. Interesting because your reading can go two ways. It's like you will have two options regarding to this travel. One way will be a much more smoother and enjoyable and the other will be the same old same old and the best part in it that you can decide how you would like it.❤️ Which is always a win a win.
Hmm. I am hearing that the how is not even important. The what will be important here which is what will be the catalyst for you to do this change, because my lovely you will be the one who will initiate it from the start or you are already manifesting it.👏🏻
I am feeling, it can be that you are specifically will receive a very interesting insights or some kind of hidden information or even download from above and while you might do not have a clue what I am talking about, the universe is plotting everything in behind the scenes. This information can come through a person who will be sent by your spiritual team too.🧭
Very interesting and mysterious for you my lovely.😉
How can you align with this is, in a simple way: just going within. Meditation or even just having a good rest can elevate your energy and this will help you and the universe to work together, so you will be more interested the present moment to actually see it, hear it or even sense it. 🙏🏻
Your intuition might going to heighten up before this change happening or you will feel much more sensitive than usual. If you are a lady here than my lovely this can be during the time of your period even.
This is a big shift for you which will effect your 3D world. 🌎
It can be moving, changing location, travelling from one place to another and staying there forever because it will be more aligned with your soul.❤️
You are not just elevating in the 3D but in the 5D as well and let me tell you a secret, the energy always arrives at first and then the change is happening around you as well.
So before this shift happening you might will feel very uncomfortable because you are growing out your own self, the old skin. Like a beautiful snake 🐍 shredding what they don't need anymore.
This is how I can imagine this for you.🔥
Something which will effect your physical body and environment. ✨
Like Kundalini Awakening!👏🏻
The Phoenix Rising From The Ashes!🌠
Thank you for reading it!
Bye bye
...............Love For The Feminine 🦋 .................
🚏Pile 2:
This is how I can describe what is coming next for you. Inner peace, baby! ❤️
Your life will be about just you with someone special or specials depends on your preferences, I am feeling it. 😊😋
If you are already in a connection, it can be that you might going in separate ways because your inner peace will be much more important for you, as it should be!🍷
Only take this info if you are dealing with someone who is unhealthy for you! 🙏🏻
So back to the singles.
By the way if you are in a connection and you are happy you are going to be blessed even more.😉 Even with a baby 🍼 if you want to. 😉 S*x definitely will be good, just let me tell you. ✌🏻
Okay, so singles! 😎 Are you ready to fall in love? No? Yes? You can choose baby, because you will have options.
I am sensing a vey seductive energy from you and what will be unleashed here because you will be that tiger or lion or the female version of it who will be on the spotlight and on the dating market.
Cupid will come at your door step! Wow 😳 this is very specific here....
I am not going to lie but it can literally it will knock on your door🚪... Spooky😂
If you are not looking for love, I am feeling, it will find you anyway. 👻
There will be opportunities in front of you which you might do not want to miss, if you know what I mean 😋😜💋
You will be glowing baby🍒
So it can be that Goddess Aphrodite will be around you from now on or the energy of romance, love and passion and beauty! 💞
It can be that you are already doing some kind of change on you regarding to your appearance or you will. Going to the gym or just working out at home. Eating much more better even if it looks unhealthy for other people. I am going to be honest. You will put food and drink in your body which will make you feel good even if it's a cheeseburger 🍔 with fries🍟, your body will get what your body needs. And how you are eating it will be very s*xy even if you look like a mess.
The special someone will love it definitely. I have feeling people will love to feed you or someone has a kink here. 😘
Something with your cooking skills will be outstanding, I am hearing it. 🏆
People and especially the gender what you are attracted to will be very eager to get your numbers, ask you out or shower you with love!😘
You will be a wife or a husband material for people so if this is what you want you will get no matter what! 💗😉
Even if you specifically will not do anything on you regarding to your appearance, it will be your energy which will be very magnetic to people.🔥
So my lovely just think it as if you have a genie lamp 🪔 and it will make your wishes come true.
Alright then, that was for you.
Thank you for reading it!
PS: It can be that someone will be in your DM soon as well 😜✌🏻
I have still a little note for that you will feel like a Femme Fatale or Don Juan, dark feminine arise. Boom Shakalaka😋
Have fun with it, it's going to be safe for you. S*xual interaction, love, passion, flirting, exploring, dating even when it comes to just being with yourself!❤️😊
Bye Bye
...............Love For The Feminine 🦋 .................
🧭Pile 3:
Interesting, already I am feeling that you are entering a winning phase of your life.
If you are playing lottery, 😁 it can be that you will win or you will feel that you are winning everytime no matter what you are doing.
Midas touch!🏆
More positivity my lovely this is what's coming for you. More laughter, more joy, happiness and freedom.
So take what will applies for you.🤗
We have here someone who will be about to get married, so congratulations if this for you.🎊🎉
Everything will be okay!👍🏻
If you are not the one who will get married soon that my lovely you might going to attend to one just to support your friend or your relatives.
Because somehow I am feeling that you will buy a very nice outfit for you to attend somewhere which can be a little bit of a formal event.
The lifestyle what will change for you I can see that. Somehow in some way you will get more access to financial abundance through some kind of work what you are doing or you about to do and it will help you to elevate your life.
So If your money is looks good in the bank right now 🏧 than for you it's much more about how you are seeing yourself and what you are allowing.
Very self-love oriented your reading which is very good. You will feel more that you would like to treat yourself more and also your pets. I don't know maybe you have a pet already or you will adopt one because you will prefer a fur baby more than being in a connection or having a human baby.
It's like you might going to even decide that you don't want children or you just want to enjoy your single, independent life even forever if this is what you whish for.🥳
It's like you will adjust your own life to your soul and what is aligning with you.
You might going to set more boundaries towards other people and towards yourself even more.😎
It can be that you will be more selfish in a way which can be the: if my cup is full that I might going to share it or not.
Honestly your beautiful energy feels like Samantha from Sex and the City 🌆, if you know you know😉
Also it's genderless. You can be still Samantha even if you are a man, because I am reading the energies!���✌🏻
This can be that a specific friend group will be significant here for you.😳
So, I think you will be in your A game no matter what and people will see it as well.
Your confidence will be up to the roof in the best possible way.
And if you are considering yourself a very confident person, I am feeling you might going to invest your money into education or upgrading your skills even. Of course you can do it after you gained back your confidence if this way applies for you better.
You might entering into a course to learn something which you always wanted or go back to school to finish what you started. 👏🏻
Something about being very organized in a way how you are spending your time, money and energy and also with who and how much time you are allowing for it.
This will be the time for you when you will create long lasting friendships and meeting with your true soul tribe.🤠 Just like in the Sex and City 🌆. To be honest New York can be significant or that series or the movies.👍🏻
You might want to watch it again or you will do it the first time.
First time can be significant too. It can be you are going to feel that you are so powerful the first time or you will do something which will be that.
Expanding the comfort zone.👀
If you are the type of person who has a hard time to focus, in this chapter of your life it will be very easy for you.
I am going to be honest it's like energetically you are a fresh, new born baby and the world is your oyster, so enjoy it😍🥰
Okay my lovely that was for you!
Thank you for reading it!
Peace!✌🏻 Out! 😎
Bye bye
PS: Check out my other posts as well if you did not see them yet!💋
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stupittmoran · 1 year ago
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Top 10 headlines the media didn't tell you this week, Repost & FoIIow for more
Idaho House passes bill to give pedophiIes the death penalty.
Tucker Putin Interview breaks 200 Million views in just one week on 𝕏.
Epstein victims sue U.S. government, accusing the FBI of allowing and enabling his s*x traffıcking for two decades.
Impeachment clause to be used against Trump found hidden in Ukraine Funding Bill.
Kanye West's latest #1 album removed from Apple music store.
New report finds Obama CIA had foreign allies spy on Trump Team, triggering Russia Collusion Hoax.
France passes law that could punish anti-vaxxers with 3 years in prison and a fine of 45,000 euros.
Biden Homeland Security Secretary Mayorkas impeached for border failure.
FBI whistleblower who exposed Biden Ukraine corruption now being charged by Hunter Biden 'investigator.'
Biden refuses cognitive test, first president in history to do so. Is Biden's incompetence a national security threat?
If you appreciate this Top 10 recap, remember to Repost and FoIIow me for another week in a clown world 🤡🌎
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jintaka-hane · 6 months ago
It's my birthday!!!! 🎉🥳
Yesssss! Another turn of the globe! 🌎 And I want to celebrate it with you all. 🪩 I want to gift everyone here (and myself 🙆🏻) a fic with my three favorite things in the world:
bratty reader ✅
enemies to lovers ✅
and Eustass fucking Captain Kid ✅
Life hasn’t let me finish it in time for today, but at least I can share the beginning because, honestly, I can’t keep it to myself!! 🦾❤️
Summary: You are a prisoner aboard the Victoria Punk. You have found and hidden a treasure that Kid's pirates were searching for, and with the intention of interrogating you, they keep you chained in the ship's brig until you confess its location. Poor Kid. He has no idea who he’s playing with. And he’s going to end up getting burned, obsessed with a very different treasure. Notes: very much NSFW (not now, but will), bratty reader, Kid does not what to do with you, Kid is obsessed, you have experience manipulating men, cocky Kid, even cockier reader, provocation, seduction, poor self control, short tempered Kid, the tables turn, he is wrapped around your finger.
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Your eyes snap open and you blink a few times, trying to make sense of your surroundings.
In one corner, a lantern casts a soft glow on the wooden floor and walls. The smell of brandy is strong, probably coming from a nearby wine cellar, and mixes with the salty, humid atmosphere. And there's a soft wood creaking with each gentle, rhythmic sway of the room.
You’re on a ship. 
A metallic clink cuts through the quiet as you try to move your hands, and your gaze drops down to your dirty forearms, following the length of a heavy chain secured around your sore wrists. The chain crisscrosses, ending in iron rings anchored firmly to the wall.
Yes. You are in the ship’s brig.
You chuckle wryly, shaking your head in amusement. This again, huh? What debt had you racked up this time? Or who’d you try to swipe from that actually managed to catch you? You’ve been in plenty of cells before, but not this one. 
The bitter, metallic taste of blood lingers in your mouth, and you flick your tongue to wipe away a small trickle the corner of your lip. Smirking, you recall flashes of what went down a few hours ago. That blonde brute in the mask, pinning you to the ground with that burnt-up tree trunk of an arm. The tall idiot dressed like a cockroach in fishnets, kicking you square in the face.
Amateurs. You grin to yourself, thinking about how they held back. Clearly, they had no idea what you’d been through before. These rookies didn’t even come close to the worst of it.
The iron lock of the cell door creaks open and the silhouette of an imposing man is outlined against the light. You squint, trying to make out your captor’s identity beneath the dim lantern glow. The hulking figure looms at the entrance, arms and chest bulging with intimidating muscles straining against an unbuttoned black shirt. His wild red hair spikes upward like a flame, and beneath a pair of studded leather goggles, sharp orange eyes glint over a crooked, broken nose.
Eustass Captain Kid, you think immediately.
Alright, so maybe your captor isn’t the idiot you were expecting... but still, you don’t flinch an inch. Your survival instinct kicks in, and your brain starts working to assess the level of threat you’re facing. With a single glance, you study his attitude, stance and outfit, and it doesn’t take long for you to reach your verdict. Arrogant and cocky. With those ridiculous yellow pants with purple frills screaming overconfidence.
Nothing you can’t handle.
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Taglist: @fanaticsnail @armiliadawn @pandora-writes-one-piece @i-am-vita @eustasscapitankid <3
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cosmic-ghost-hermit · 10 months ago
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Take what resonates and leave all that doesn't behind. Don’t forget to be open to new experiences and perspectives.
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Crystal Combo: Jasper+Flower Agate
Astrology: Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn
Vibes: 🤎🤍🐻📺🍪⚰️🧺🦅⛸️🪰🥔💀🐌⏳🦗🧸☕️🦘👻🕰️🌰🪜🦫🚪🏈🏹🍺🪵☁️🎻🥥🌪️🧆���🧋🥜🕰️
Hey there! Welcome to your reading pile 1. Your soul family will enter your life when you begin to accept yourself as you are. Your true nature is hidden from the world out of a sense of fear of rejection and disappointment in yourself. Your soul family wouldn’t be able to recognise you if they met you right now. Be kind to your true form. Accept them with open arms and love them for who they are. It doesn’t matter if they are weird or abrasive. You need to stop watering yourself down for people who don’t love you for who you are. Why would you water down something so sweet? I understand where you are coming from by treating yourself the way you do and it is absolutely going to take hard work for you to change your mindset about yourself. You are capable. Hard things are worth doing but right now the hard stuff you are attempting is to seek acceptance from people who will never want you to be yourself. Do not let them control you. Do not let them quiet your voice. Talk as loud as you want and talk about the stuff you love! Your voice is fascinating and beautiful. If you don’t embrace yourself your soul family will take it’s sweet time getting to you. Aphrodite wants to practice self-love and is willing to help you figure it out. Good luck on your self acceptance, my friend!
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Crystal Combo: Moss Agate+Yellow Calcite
Astrology: Gemini, Libra, Aquarius
Vibes: 🩵💛🥶😱🦋🐯❄️💫🌊🌙🫐🍋💦🍯🥏🥞🎭💎🔑💠⚜️✈️🚕🥣🎾🛋️🧽📘📒🖲️💡🪼🐠🐟🐱🐳🐤🌎⛈️
Hi, pile 2! You have your full attention on finding your soul family and it’s really all you think about. I see you frantically searching for love on dating apps and joining clubs for things you don’t really care about just for the sake of making those connections with soul family members that you crave so deeply. I love your ambition and the universe recognises your hard work. Spirit suggests a different approach to your goal. You have so much passion in your heart and spirit asks you to aim it at things that you truly care about. Spend your time getting to know your values and interests! Learn all you can about yourself and maybe pick up reading. If you don’t like to read then maybe try some audiobooks instead. The people you are spending so much energy and time on are not going to be able to spend the same amount of energy on you. I see that if you spend time on activism of any kind that you truly really care about you will find the soul family you desire so fervently. You will meet people who care about the same stuff you care for with just as much as you give. They will be able to match your intensely vibrant energy and they will be able to satisfy your voracious hunger for admiration and love. I believe in you, my friend. Go after what YOU care about. You will find what you want. Hermes will guide you on this journey.
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Crystal Combo: Rose Quartz+Carnelian
Astrology: Aries, Leo, Sagittarius
Vibes: ❤️‍🔥🧡🍀🚨💚🔥🍏🍊🥢🧃🍓🌵🌶️🌹🐉🐡🐞🎒🥻💋👺🏓🪀⛳️🫕🍣🥗🥒🥑🪴🌿🐸🐍🦊🤬🧑🏼‍🎤🍄
Welcome pile 3! You have a very quick mind and a very energetic spirit, my friend. I see that you have been begging the universe to give you your soul family. I see how much you have cried over this. How much you have felt about this. I am so sorry you feel so lonely, pile 3. I know how lonely it feels to want people to understand you and they just don’t get it. Have no fear your soul family is on their way. However, spirit really asks you to be patient with your soul tribe. You have worked on yourself with such intensity you sped through most of your growth faster than the universe had anticipated. You should really give yourself the credit your deserve about that by the way. You really left your guides speechless with how you learned so quickly. However, you tribe isn’t ready yet. If you met them right now they would not be ready for you. They need time to grow into the person you need them to be. They are still amidst their lessons. Allow the universe to guide them at whatever pace they need. Not everyone is going to learn as quickly as you did. While you are waiting they ask you to spend time in the astral realm or the dream realm. I hear Hecate reaching out to you and wanting to help you in your desires. Put time into your passions and have some good wholesome fun. If you really are lonely just remember your guides are always with you and you can talk with them. I know it isn’t quite the same as human interaction and I really do understand how much it hurts to feel so lonely. Your soul family is coming your way I promise you. I see at least 2 people and at most 5 that will enter your life in the next few years. I see even more down the line. Perhaps you might find a lover in your soul family and have children with them! Allow yourself to dream, my dear. You are not alone.
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Crystal Combo: Rhodonite+Kiwi Jasper
Astrology: Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces
Vibes: 🖤💣🎱🍙🦨🕷️🫖🐚🪽🏁🕸️🐼☠️🕶️♟️🎹🎼🤍✒️🛒🗝️🚽🩹⛸️🍽️🩼💻📞🎥🪮🩺🔭🎵👁️‍🗨️🔳♠️💬♣️🕐🏴‍☠️🩶
Hey there, pile 4. Your soul family is waiting for you. There are things you are learning right now that are very tough. I see you are working on becoming emotionally and financially stable. I see you looking inward to find your inner light. I am so proud of you for working so hard on this. The universe is teaching and guiding you along the way. Your guides are watching over you and taking such good care of you. I see how thankful to them you are but I also see how sad your past has been. You probably grew up in a very intense household. You only recently have left that situation. You could have left it behind physically but I think it’s more accurate to say your mind has been stuck in the past. Look at how far you have come. Look at where you are now! I know it isn’t perfect yet but wow you have done so good. Especially because of where you came from. Honestly, it is absolutely amazing to see someone with such a quality heart remain kind after what you have been through. You could have turned into the people who hurt you and you didn’t. That is worth celebrating. You are worth celebrating. Your soul family is ready to love you when you are ready to love yourself. You must do right by you, my dear friend. Do the right thing for you. So many people have wronged you and for a while, you followed close behind them to do exactly the same to yourself. You. Deserve. Better. And you know it. I am so proud of you for finally seeing that. What everyone in the past said about you and how they treated you was wrong. They are factually incorrect. They just got butt-hurt because you weren’t as easy to control as they thought you would be. You showed strength and they were jealous. Let yourself shine. Stop holding back. Love yourself the way you love others so deeply. The universe loves you. I love you. I wish you all the luck in the world. Remember you are protected. I see Apollo looking after you.
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kilov3books · 1 month ago
Canada's Super Bowl LIX commercial Warning to Americans:
Lights Out, Jobs Gone, and how Canada can easily Cripple America Overnight
By: Ki Lov3 Feb 10, 2025 (c)
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During Super Bowl LIX, millions of Americans sat glued to their screens, expecting to see the usual mix of beer commercials and blockbuster movie trailers. Instead, they were met with a chilling message from Canada.
The ad, titled "Your Ally to the North," wasn’t selling a product. It wasn’t promoting tourism. It was a not-so-subtle reminder that Canada holds the keys to something Americans take for granted every single day—electricity and jobs.
Canada’s Hidden Power Over the U.S. Grid
Most Americans don’t realize just how dependent their country is on Canada for electricity and employment. Right now, 37 major transmission lines connect the U.S. and Canada, forming an integrated power grid that allows electricity to flow freely across the border. From New England to the Midwest, millions of homes, businesses, and even critical infrastructure rely on Canadian power.
And if Canada flipped the switch? Major cities would go dark. Hospitals, factories, airports—crippled. The economy? Devastated.
But the real disaster wouldn’t just be in blackouts—it would be in job losses. The American manufacturing industry is powered by cheap, reliable Canadian electricity, allowing factories to stay open and millions of workers to stay employed. Without that power, those jobs vanish overnight.
Why Would Canada Drop This Bombshell Now?
It’s no coincidence that Ontario spent a staggering $8 million on a 30-second spot during America’s biggest game of the year. The timing is crucial.
Recent U.S. policies are exerting pressure on Canada as tensions over trade disputes, tariffs, and political instability increase. The target audience for this advertisement was not Washington politicians. It was a stark warning to the American people that if trade ties worsen further, it would be common Americans who suffer, not politicians.
The subtext was crystal clear: "If you want to keep the lights on and keep your jobs, you better treat us right."
Who Is Actually Stealing American Jobs?
Trump's Hypocrisy. President Trump has been telling Americans for years that jobs are being taken by unauthorized immigrants. He isn't telling you, though, that his own policies are endangering millions of American jobs. Trump is doing precisely what he claims immigrants do: taking employment from Americans, by undermining a century-old U.S.-Canada power agreement that has sustained the American economy.
There will be more than simply higher electricity costs if Canada reduces its power exports. It means American manufacturers will come to a standstill, workers will be laid off, and entire industries would close.
There will be millions of job losses. So, consider this: Who is the true danger to American employment? Is Trump blaming the immigrants or himself?
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What If the U.S. Tries to Take Control? 🪖🇺🇲
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What if the U.S. government, under pressure from blackouts and public outrage, forcibly seized Canadian power stations?
It sounds like a dystopian nightmare, but in a world where economic warfare is becoming more common, it’s not unthinkable. If an administration were to take such an extreme measure, it would lead to:
🌎International Chaos – A blatant act of aggression against a longtime ally, sparking diplomatic crises, economic retaliation, and possibly even military consequences.
🔌Grid Collapse – The U.S. power grid isn’t designed to suddenly replace massive amounts of lost electricity. A Canadian energy embargo could take years to fix, leaving parts of America in permanent energy shortages.
💲Skyrocketing Prices – Even a brief disruption in power imports could send electricity costs through the roof, crippling industries and draining Americans’ wallets.
This Wasn’t Just an Ad—It Was a warning ⚠️
Canada’s "Your Ally to the North" campaign was anything but friendly. It was a strategic reminder of a truth most Americans don’t think about: our lights, our jobs, and our way of life are more dependent on Canada than we ever realized.
With tensions rising, it’s time for Americans to ask a hard question:
What happens if the north decides we’re no longer worth helping?
The answer?
You might want to:
✅start buying candles🕯️
✅looking for a new job 💼
✅Shop for new country &/or president 🇺🇲
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tiertravels · 12 days ago
🌿 Off-the-Grid Experiences in Portland, Oregon! 🌲✨
Looking to unplug and reconnect with nature? Portland offers incredible off-the-grid adventures for those craving a break from the digital world! 🌎💚
🏕️ Escape the Hustle: 🌲 Forest Bathing in Hoyt Arboretum – Immerse yourself in the serenity of towering redwoods. 🏞️ Wild Camping at Mount Hood – Sleep under the stars with nothing but nature around you. 🚣‍♂️ Kayaking on the Willamette River – Paddle your way to peaceful, hidden coves. 🔥 Soaking at Bagby Hot Springs – A rustic, natural hot spring retreat deep in the woods. 🚶‍♂️ Hiking Eagle Creek Trail – Breathtaking waterfalls and lush greenery await!
Disconnect from the grid and reconnect with adventure! Which experience would you try first? 🌿✨
#PortlandAdventures #OffTheGrid #NatureEscape #ExplorePNW #UnplugAndRecharge
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mysticinsightstarot · 3 months ago
🐻🐥Taehyung & Jimin Current Friendship Dynamic Tarot 🐥🐻
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What’s Going On Between Taehyung & Jimin? A Detailed Friendship Vibe Check 💫💛
Alright, ARMY! Let’s spill the tea ☕ and dive deep into the current friendship dynamics between Taehyung and Jimin. This spread is giving me ALL the drama, growth, and soulful vibes. Are you ready for this rollercoaster of emotions? 🎢✨
Card 1: Current Energy of the Friendship
Wheel of Fortune + Justice The vibe between them is a cosmic blend of fate and karma! 🌌⚖️ Their friendship is going through a pivotal shift, like the universe spinning its wheel and saying, "Time to level up!" While the Wheel of Fortune brings cycles and unpredictable moments, Justice ensures balance and accountability. It’s like they’re working through some past energies (good or bad), finding harmony, and stepping into a new chapter. Things might feel destined right now—like they’re exactly where they’re meant to be, for better or worse.
Card 2: Taehyung’s Perspective
6 of Wands Taehyung feels proud of their bond. 🏆💖 He sees Jimin as someone worth celebrating—a ride-or-die who’s always there to cheer him on. Taehyung might also feel a bit validated or boosted by their friendship, like Jimin’s energy pushes him toward success. But don’t get it twisted; it’s not just about the hype. There’s genuine admiration here, and Taehyung feels like their connection is something to be seen and appreciated by others.
Card 3: Jimin’s Perspective
Devil + 3 of Wands Oh, Jimin… 🐍🔥 This one’s deep. The Devil suggests that Jimin might feel a little trapped or bound in some way by this friendship. There’s a sense of underlying tension—maybe expectations, misunderstandings, or even envy? But then the 3 of Wands brings in some hope. 🌅 Jimin’s looking ahead, wanting their bond to grow and expand. It’s like he’s torn between feeling stuck in old patterns and dreaming of what this friendship could become. Complex much?
Card 4: Strengths of the Friendship
World They complete each other. 🌀🌎 The World is the ultimate “we’ve been through it all” card. Their friendship is strong because they’ve grown together, overcome challenges, and created a sense of wholeness. It’s like when they’re together, things just feel right. They balance each other’s energy perfectly, and there’s a deep sense of unity and mutual understanding that’s hard to break.
Card 5: Challenges or Tensions
Sun + 7 of Wands + Moon Oof, here’s where things get spicy. 🌞🌚 The Sun and Moon together show some serious duality—light vs. shadow, clarity vs. confusion. While there’s a lot of warmth and positivity in their bond (Sun), there’s also defensiveness and guarded energy (7 of Wands) as well as hidden emotions or misunderstandings (Moon). They may have moments where they struggle to truly see and hear each other. It’s like, “Are we on the same page, or nah?”
Card 6: Hidden Dynamics
Page of Swords + 4 of Cups There’s some subtle overthinking and discontent under the surface. 🧐💭 One (or both) of them might be keeping tabs on the other—watching their actions, analyzing words, or even low-key stalking their vibes. 👀 Meanwhile, the 4 of Cups shows a bit of emotional detachment. Someone might feel like they’re not getting enough from the other or that something is missing, but they’re not speaking up about it.
Card 7: Potential for Growth
Empress Their friendship has the potential to grow into something so nurturing and abundant! 🌸✨ The Empress says they can build a bond full of creativity, comfort, and unconditional love. This is the type of dynamic that could be a safe space for both of them to flourish and thrive. It’s all about leaning into that softer, more caring energy.
Card 8: Advice for Taehyung
Judgment Taehyung needs to reflect on the past and own his role in their friendship. 💡🎺 Judgment is all about self-awareness and making peace with what’s been. He’s being called to rise above petty misunderstandings and approach Jimin with honesty and a clear heart.
Card 9: Advice for Jimin
4 of Wands Jimin, celebrate the wins in your friendship! 🏡🎉 The 4 of Wands encourages you to focus on the good times and create moments of joy with Taehyung. Let go of any lingering tension and lean into the stability and happiness you both bring to each other.
Bottom of the Deck: Queen of Pentacles
At its core, this friendship is about grounded support and care. 💎🌿 They’ve got a strong foundation, and no matter the ups and downs, there’s an underlying sense of loyalty and stability. The Queen of Pentacles reminds us that their bond is valuable and worth nurturing.
Friendship Vibes Wrapped Up in a Song 🎶
"Fix You" by Coldplay – This song perfectly captures their current dynamic: the ups, downs, and ultimate desire to bring light to each other’s lives. It’s tender, emotional, and full of hope—just like their friendship.
And that’s the tea, my loves! 🍵💫 Taehyung and Jimin’s friendship is a blend of cosmic highs, emotional complexity, and a deep bond that’s constantly evolving. Their connection might be tested, but it’s clear they’re meant to grow together. 💛
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voyeur2voyager69 · 4 months ago
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A fantastic world 🌎 of colour and fantasy awaits the hungry heart 💜 the lust that dwells deep inside needs to take center stage now .. there is no time for holding back , the time has come to move forward with my hidden desires and agendas ☺️😋
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growwithmeastrology · 1 year ago
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Thursday, April 11th 2024 Sun in Aries♈️🔥Moon in Taurus ♉️🌎 and Gemini ♊️💨
Hey, did you know that La La land is a real place? Yep, it’s called Neptune. Did you wake up with your imagination on overdrive? Well, try not to let it get the best of you, it’s just the Moon in Taurus sextile Neptune in Pisces. Instead of overthinking the worst, try a creative project today. If you’re stuck in the daily grind, maybe think of your favorite song and let that fill your brain. The point here is to indulge in the high road of Neptunian creativity, not the low road because today, reality might try to play a trick on you.
The Moon will then be void of course for a couple of hours before she enters Gemini. Our emotional body enters the world of curiosity and communication. Gemini is ruled by Mercury and we all know he’s in a backwards dance. You can still take on your world, just be conscious and thorough when going about your day.
The Gemini Moon goes on to trine Pluto in Aquarius that could bring on intense feels and maybe even some encounters with destiny. This transit tends to uncover deep hidden truths and bring them up. Embrace your journey of self discovery.
Later tonight, Mercury backs up right into the Sun in Aries creating a Cazimi or basically, a Mercurial eclipse. Tackle those mental acrobats in a positive way because when you do, the creative genius might just come out. Epiphanies everywhere! Watch for signs or synchronicities to help you along the way.
The Gemini Moon will also sextile Venus in Aries. This will help us wrap up the day with some extra love and laughter. Stay in and cuddle or hit the town with your bestie. Either way, this is about spreading the love!
It’s an interesting and mind bending kind of day. Stay the course with love in your heart for yourself and for others and all will be well!
If you enjoy my daily forecasts please like, comment, share and consider a gratitude tip in support. 🅿️ PayPal, Venmo or CashApp - @NaliniFlor
Learn more about your personal energies and how the daily forecast affects you! Comment below⬇️ or DM me for a consultation.
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rukia-writes · 4 months ago
Me when I discover hidden gem, old, forgotten and unknown animes (I'm their only biggest fan now) :
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The best feeling in the world 🌎
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heavenboy09 · 4 months ago
1 YEAR AGO, ON NOVEMBER 17TH, 2023 🐉🦍👹👾☠
Apple 🍎 TV 📺 Presents The World 🌎
With The Next Chapter Of The MONSTER 👹 VERSE 🐉🦍
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#MonarchLegacyOfMonsters #Godzilla #Kaiju #MonsterVerse #Legendary #Toho #AppleTVPlus
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marinemajesty1 · 4 months ago
Did you know the ocean floor is more than just sand and silence? It's a mysterious realm filled with towering ridges, deep trenches, and unimaginable life! 🐠
🔹 Layers of Discovery From the shallow continental shelves to the deepest ocean trenches, every layer tells a story.
🔹 Life in the Abyss Meet the strange and glowing creatures thriving in darkness—nature's wonders! ✨
🔹 Hidden Riches Beneath the Waves The ocean floor holds treasures like rare minerals and even the veins of the internet! 🌐
🔹 The Importance of Conservation Protecting this unseen world is vital for our planet’s future. 🌎
Dive deeper into this fascinating topic by reading the full post here 👉 [https://marinemajesty.blogspot.com/2024/11/bed-of-ocean-world-beyond-imagination.html]
💬 Share your thoughts or your favorite fact about the ocean floor in the comments below! 🌊
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novastaar · 8 months ago
Haven't done this in a while, so...
Nay 🖤 - Where were they during your least favorite episode?
Globe 🌎 - What’s their favorite place in the world?
Veggies 🌶- Favorite Vegimal?
Bonus: Just any random facts about your OCs that just haven't come up.
🖤: I guess I'd have to choose the "hidden lake" episode for my least favorite. Trixie and Frog were both back at the octopod during that episode. For Trixie, it was too cold to go. She also wasn't really needed there. Frog had gotten some pretty serious damage from being chewed on by a shark and was in too unstable condition to risk going out and freezing
🌎: Trixie's favorite place in the world is back in her territory in the Sahara (specifically between Libya and Egypt). Frog's favorite place is on the Octopod, as that's really the only home she knows. But Frog's favorite place that she's visited is the great barrier reef
🌶: agh, it's so hard to chooose! Trixie's favorite is probably Tomminow because they're a lot alike. Frog would choose Grouber, as he's usually the one to stick around and keep them company when she's alone in the Octopod
Bonus: so glad you asked! For Trixie:
• she's mostly fluent in English, but she also knows a bit of Arabic because her parents speak both (I do not speak Arabic, so if I ever use any in drawings or stories, it will be translated and probably not correct)
• she can pick locks REALLY well
• she can't speak vegimalese, but she can translate it after hanging out with the vegimals and Shellington for a while
• her footsteps are nearly silent, so she has to wear shoes and brush up against things for someone to hear her coming
And for Frog:
• their main role on missions is as a distraction since she can tank a lot of damage before breaking
• she just always sits on the floor. Never on a chair
• they are surprisingly flexible for being made of metal
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17-noodlebird · 5 months ago
🌎 Turquoise 🌎
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The Turquoise, harnessing the elemental power of Gravity, is the third of the initial twenty-six jewels collected by the members of The Amazing Digital Circus, upon completing their objective at The Craniumville Academical School For The Fairly Gifted But Still Not Good Enough Children.
Scintillating a brilliant greenish-blue teal color, the Turquoise, a hydrous phosphate consisting of copper and aluminum, has the ability to alter the gravity of their surroundings and objects, as well as make people become weightless and regulate the speed of the ascension and descension of their landing.
It is one of the twenty-six designated crystals that were scattered all over the digital world, and serves as a reward for a job well done by The Amazing Digital Circus members after completing an objective, mission, or just in general saving the day in certain locations.
It is hidden in The Craniumville Academical School For The Fairly Gifted But Still Not Good Enough Children (shortened to Craniumville U), a notoriously rigorous educational facility with strict and harsh teachers, ruthless students and classes with impossibly high standards, specifically inside the school's acceptance letter envelope given to Gangle during the graduation party.
Here it is, folks! The next jewel of the Amazing Digital Road Trip! After I think like three or four months of writing, Episode 5 has been completed, with episode 4 having already been jotted down in its entirety and ready to go for quite a while now! Now I'm in the process of jotting down Episode 6, and it's one I've been anticipating for a while because that means a digital diplomat (an OC of mine I plan to release sooner or later) will get the most spotlight and serve as a helpful guide to our AU's protagonists!
I might jot down the first portion of Episode 6 first and THEN upload episode 4 to you guys, just like I did with Episode 5 when I was in the process of releasing Episode 3 after finishing up Episode 4 — I know, it's confusing, but it's what's helping me at the moment. No definitive release date yet, I'll let you know when! Until then, peace out and take care!
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hughrlgrosvenor11 · 9 months ago
I sincerely congratulate all the winners of my #art #giveaways for winning free NFTs from the #BonusCollection! 🥳🥳🥳✨🎊🎉🎉🎉(Don't worry - gradually after 4 months -even if noone buys anything from main collection- I will start sending NFTs from giveaways to you all on a first come, first serve basis. Please be patient and respectful) 😁😊🥰🤩🙂💟
I hope that the #possession of these NFTs will bring brightness, harmony, health, success, reliability and warmth into your life! 🙂🌝🌞🌍🌏🌎🎨🖼🐖🐽🐷🐌🧠🫀💳💸🌃🌌🛸🚀 May the God of Fate helps each of you to be in the right place at the right time! 😇🙏🥰
On this #artnote, I am finishing this #SOUL #ART #CHANNEL! I thank you all (my subscribers and secret guests) for your interest in me as an artist (whose #nickname will never appear in this #artSPACE again) and in the MAN with whom I was in love for 3 years from the beginning of maintaining this art blog… Each of my posts was filled with a piece of my soul and #MYheart…
One of the artists once said that every painting is a window into the artist’s soul… Well, my NFT collection and this art blog is my Dubai Skyscraper of my soul…
… During the time of running this art channel, I realized that I am grateful to have each of you, because even in moments of your anger and misunderstanding me, you all were honest with me and said openly everything that was in your hearts.. With this you motivated me to analyze my behavior and improve myself for the better :) I saw that each of you has many hidden and obvious advantages, tact, manners and specific humor :)
I really like you all and I sincerely hope that each of you will have your dreams come true - and may your #HEART shows you the true direction to your dreams!
Dear subscribers and secret guests, PLEASE BE OPEN AND COURAGEOUS in the pursuit of “your dream” - after all, even if you receive “NO” as an answer, it will be a million times better for you than STAYING WITH THE PHRASE ALL YOUR LIFE: “WHAT IF” . WHICH WILL CONSTANTLY KNOCK IN YOUR HEAD AND ECHO ENDLESSLY IN YOUR HEART…. WHAT IF!?!… WHAT!?!… IF… WHAT IF….
PS. I dedicated this #SONG to all My Dear followers and Secret guests :) Guys, each of you all, are worthy for me and for this #WORLD! :) Have a nice day to you all and may God bless you all and your Families 🌞 Good bye :) Love you all :)
Link on NFT collection: https://rarible.com/hughrlgrosvenor11/sale
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