#Hidden Truth
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blabbershere · 5 months ago
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awesomecooperlove · 1 year ago
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thesorcererpoet · 8 months ago
A meditation on the nature of miracles
Hello friends. Lately I have been deeply considering the nature of miracles. As a practicing magician, I have seen and been a part of many things I do consider to be miraculous but I am a rational person with both a creative and analytical mind. I need to know what makes a miracle, what constitutes a miracle, and how a miracle can be performed. I want to understand this in a rational and useful sense.
The first thing that always comes to my attention, as a person living in the 21st century, is the scientific method. How can something be understood? The greatest tool we can leverage for our understanding is Occam's Razor: The simplest explanation is usually the best one.
To give context to what I am about to reveal, I need to first explain what brought this discussion to the forefront of my mind. At the moment I am working on researching The Queen of Cups tarot card to come to an understanding of something I am going through. This card talks about the nature of illusions (although in a very specific way). I am also undergoing some financial hardship, and I have been hoping and praying for something to come through for me to make things better.
Among the many events that have led up to this writing, I also had a dream about being on a tropical island, which turned out to be a real island that I have never even conceived of visiting because I am far from wealthy enough to spend my money like that. I had a dream which followed where a Goddess spoke to me and told me to make offerings to her. I later discovered a large region of this island was named after her. As a result of this dream, I came to believe that it might be possible for me to come into a fortune when I need it most. The rational part of me however, needs to work out the real world method of digging myself out of this hole. Nevertheless, I made the offerings and I bought a lottery ticket just in case.
In lieu of actually being able to perform a miracle, I have gone in search of answers which will help towards solving my problems. The answer pointed to the parable of Jesus turning water into wine.
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To understand this we need to look at the source of this idea, however I do not speak Aramaic or Coptic Greek so I cannot review the material at it's source checking for mistranslations, if such a thing is even available but I do have access to the Holy Bible, which is the first English translation of the bible.
So what does the bible say about this miracle? For this we need to look to John, Chapter 2, verses 1-12.
"And the third day there was a marriage in Cana of Galilee; and the mother of Jesus was there: 2 And both Jesus was called, and his disciples, to the marriage. 3 And when they wanted wine, the mother of Jesus saith unto him, They have no wine. 4 Jesus saith unto her, Woman, what have I to do with thee? mine hour is not yet come. 5 His mother saith unto the servants, Whatsoever he saith unto you, do it. 6 And there were set there six waterpots of stone, after the manner of the purifying of the Jews, containing two or three firkins apiece. 7 Jesus saith unto them, Fill the waterpots with water. And they filled them up to the brim. 8 And he saith unto them, Draw out now, and bear unto the governor of the feast. And they bare it. 9 When the ruler of the feast had tasted the water that was made wine, and knew not whence it was: (but the servants which drew the water knew;) the governor of the feast called the bridegroom, 10 And saith unto him, Every man at the beginning doth set forth good wine; and when men have well drunk, then that which is worse: but thou hast kept the good wine until now. 11 This beginning of miracles did Jesus in Cana of Galilee, and manifested forth his glory; and his disciples believed on him. 12 After this he went down to Capernaum, he, and his mother, and his brethren, and his disciples: and they continued there not many days."
To begin with, we have a pressing need. Jesus was told there was no wine. He expressed in verse 4, "Jesus saith unto her, Woman, what have I to do with thee? mine hour is not yet come". This looks a lot like him saying, "what am I going to do with you?", and "mine hour is not yet come" as in, this is not the time.
In a pinch, Jesus had the servants bring him water vessels that were for bathing, specifically for spiritual purification. He sent the servants out with water in these spiritual vessels and sent them first to the governor of the feast. Two things here are apparent to me, firstly, the governor is influential, people usually fall in line when they see what their leader is doing; the second thing is that these are spiritual vessels.
Since the governor of the feast didn't know who sent them, it could perhaps be implied that these vessels were a reminder not to overindulge, of a religious nature. The water then being superior to wine, would suggest that they valued spiritual purity over indulgence, especially since most people there had clearly partaken of plenty of wine already. The water may even have come as a relief, as it would help the guests at the wedding feast to sober up and thus not have to tackle the next day with a headache.
In my opinion, the miracle here was that Jesus took a leap of faith. He did hide that it was he who did it, which suggests he feared a harsh rebuke, but equally implies that whoever sent the wine anonymously could have potentially been a spiritual leader who wanted to be spared embarrassment at outright stating what he wanted of the governor and of the guests. A spiritual leader would have been someone that no one would have dared to rebuke. The miracle then was a leap of faith that Jesus would pull this off.
So how does this apply to me?
One of the things I can actually do about my difficulties is to stop indulging. I smoke and I do occasionally (but not problematically) drink. Simply put, I must stop doing these things, I have to give up smoking altogether and I have to try to make cuts to the comforts in my life and take a leap of faith that doing so will help me manage things better.
With this in mind, if you have enjoyed my work and you wish to help me out, any donations made will help me out dramatically at this stage. If you want to help out, please donate to paypal.me/thesorcererpoet
All proceeds will go towards clearing my debts.
A giant thank you to everybody who has spent the time to read.
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nightmare3614 · 11 months ago
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honestlyghostlyfestival · 11 months ago
Problem Now Days
I understand that we gotta do what we gotta do for ourselves and ours. But c'mon. No where in that process do you have to lose your humanity. You can still do you and take care of yours while treating others with the respect they deserve. Or show that you still value human life. Some people struggle, others just watch. The ones that can make a big difference, only do minimal. The ones who are giving their all to make that change, are the ones who struggle as well. The struggle is real. Make a change. Be a part of the solution instead of increasing the problem or being a watcher. Like what are you doing standing around and just watch? A tree can't grow from you staring at the seed. You gotta do your part and take care of it. Tend to it.
C'mon people. You can do better. Children are the future. They deserve better. Cause right now, it looks like they got nothing to look forward to. They will end up being stuck in a world of chaos that no one wants to make a difference or a change in.
Keep it real ya'll and do better. If not for yourselves, then for the future generation
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spiritualtia · 1 year ago
Christmas Holiday
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A time to be in the present moment. Which is good any day as time is an illusion there is only now, all is happening now.
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howifeltabouthim · 2 years ago
. . . sometimes the camera extracts from the faces and bodies of its subjects what they do not say aloud.
Siri Hustvedt, from The Blazing World
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theblehthatbloos · 2 years ago
Me being Hella serious and then doing somthing silly when only one person is watching, only they'll know, no one else will belive them, that gives me power
i liked that video of a pig blowing bubbles but i thought i'd like it more if it played the amen break during it
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naijagospel · 9 hours ago
[MOVIE] "Hidden Truth" - Stephanie Otobo
The highly anticipated movie “Hidden Truth”, sheds light on the hidden manipulations within religious institutions. Featuring a stellar cast led by “Stephanie Otobo”, with supporting roles from “Danny Blaq” and “Mercy Daniels”, this gripping drama unearths the untold stories of deceit, cover-ups, and moral failures among certain pastors who misuse their influence. Directed with a compelling…
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tevlan · 2 days ago
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11 Communication experts were called in who sent messages to these 0THERWORLDLY POWERS! Having sent the message expressing WILLINGNESS TO SURRENDER,both groups waited a few more days! The Otherworldly Powers responded with An acceptance Fixture of Place of meeting and Date-Time of meeting. With this an agreement was reached  on
Preparation towards surrender
Number of delegates to represent BLUE Earth
Individuals to represent BLUE Earth. This meeting was concluded. And both groups returned to their estates. 😈 Hour of Surrender 😈 When the HOUR OF SURRENDER approached, Diplomatic Cosmic Planes were sent forth. As they approached BLUE Earth, Official  Astronomers discovered them as  Large Objects moving toward BLUE Earth. As they traveled toward our Earth, the Communications Experts "Project Sigma" began to receive radio communications from these incoming Cosmic Planes. When the Diplomatic Visitors reached BLUE Earth,       they took up a very high     geosynchronous orbit around the    Equator. There were several huge Cosmic    Planes and their actual mission was unknown    to Official Astronomers but known to The   JOINT EARTH COUNCIL (politico-military). Via Project Sigma and Project Plato by Radio communications, using the computer binary language, COMMUNICATORS kept The Visitors in Communication Contact with JOINT EARTH COUNCIL. As the day drew near EARTH ENVOYS prepared towards The Surrender. 😧 on that fateful day "The Day of Judas," selected men "EARTH DELEGATES" including President Eisenhower met with the ENVOYS of The Haunting Otherworldly Reality. These Diplomatic Cosmic Envoys are a COLOURLESS Humanlike Race. Markedly different from homo sapiens physically,they have higher mental powers. This "Day of Judas" was February 20 1954 in the which Leaders of The Soviet Union The USA Europe The Brookings institution The Central Metaphysical Council High ranking Vatican representative met the Cosmic Envoys. While Illumined Delegates rejoiced for this event, The Non-Illuminated Delegates were in a state of complete collapse and confusion. As one of the Junior Cadre Delegates wrote in a letter " I had the distinct                
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burning-beneath · 3 days ago
The Truth Exposed
A knock at the door startled her. She stiffened, her hand instinctively clenching into a fist, concealing the mark. The pulsing warmth remained, a quiet reminder of what had changed. “Sam?” It was Mia’s voice. “You okay?” Sam hesitated. The instinct to say I’m fine was automatic. Familiar. But the second she thought it, the mark burned—a silent protest against the lie. Before she could stop…
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awesomecooperlove · 11 months ago
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orgasmictomato · 2 months ago
4089247110_6f8df0337f_o  #J c1 desat(1)rsz
4089247110_6f8df0337f_o #J c1 desat(1)rsz by Jim Via Flickr: Opportunity SOL 2059 NASA Image. The usual masked, blurred altered image from NASA before doing a little cleaning and contrasting etc. To show some of what they hide from you controlled fence sitters that are living the lie. It's time to wake up and see reality.
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christisilluminati · 3 months ago
Revealing The Truth: The Light Behind The Veil
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The Shining Face of Moses
According to the book of Exodus, when Moses descended from the mountain bearing the tablets of the covenant, his face glowed with a Glorious Light. The people trembled before this celestial radiance, for it was a reflection of God’s presence. Moses then veiled his face to shield them from the overwhelming glory - a representation of his fellowship with "THE WORD OF GOD" (Exodus 34:29-35). 
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What we need to take notice of in this story is the location of the Glorious Light. - BEHIND THE VEIL.
The Holy of Holies 
In the book of Exodus, we see God give a very descriptive blueprint for building the Tabernacle. Inside of the Tabernacle was a room called the Holy of Holies or The Most Holy Place. It was a room representing the presence of God. Inside the room was The Ark of The Covenant, God told Moses He would speak to Him from on top of The Ark between the two cherubims. This room was separated from the rest of the tent by a curtain also known as a veil. (Exodus 26:33-34. Exodus 25:22)
In this story what needs to be noticed is that God did not really have to speak to Moses inside that room on top of The Ark, but rather He chose to do so that we could recognize His presence inside of The room of The Holy of Holies. - BEHIND THE VEIL.
The Glorious Light Was Captured
In 1 Samuel we are told that The Spirit of God was enthroned between the two cherubim (1 Samuel 4:4) similar to His location described to us inside the room of The Holy of Holies. (Exodus 25:22) The Philistines once they realized The Ark had been brough to the Israelite camp, called The Ark: God. They knew that this God, that was sitting on top of The Ark was the same God that sent the 10 plaques on the Egyptians. (1 Samuel 4:7-8) However in the time of the Israelites being freed from Egypt, The Ark was not in existence and God still spoke to Moses, without sitting on top of The Ark. These Philistines when they saw The Ark were afraid. They were afraid of God, and they still captured HIM. They captured The Ark. (1 Samuel 4:10-11) At the very end of chapter 4 we are told that THE GLORY OF GOD had been captured: The Glorious light. (1 Samuel 4:22) And in chapter 5 we see the heavy hand of God upon the Philistines with a plague, (1 Samule 5:6) understood to be the Bubonic Plague in order to free The Ark/God from the Philistines. "Let My Son Go!" (COVID-19?)
So, we can conclude with this story, The Ark that resided within the Holy of Holies inside the Tabernacle with the Glorius Light between the two cherubim was BEHIND THE VEIL.
The Mount of Transfiguration
On The Mount of Transfiguration, we see something spectacular. Something that is not fully understood within our religious organizations today. It is here that we are told WHO this Glorious Light is and gain a full understanding of the exact location of The Kingdom of God.
When Jesus takes Pater, James and John up to the top of a high mountain, we see Jesus' transfigure into a Glorious Light.  The bible describes this Glorious light by stating that Jesus' face shone like the sun. (Matthew 17:1-2) This is the same thing we see happen to Moses when he came down from the top of Mount Sinai. (Exodus 34:29)
We need pay attention here, because this is where The Father ties all of His subliminal/symbolic tokens together. He uses Jesus as our last clue. When Jesus transfigured, we see Moses and Elijah appear, holding a conversation with Jesus. (Matthew 17:3-4) These men had been dead a long time. There was no way for Jesus disciples to know who these two men were other than the words that they spoke giving them away. They were dead men, who had died and passed on into another realm. Still very much conscious men in a place that is not in the realm of the flesh. They have joined a Kingdom. A Kingdom not of this world. 
What really happened when Jesus transfigured into the Glorious light that we recognize to be Christ is: the curtain/veil was rolled back and we get a glimpse of The Kingdom of God. And inside of this Kingdom we see two of THE MANY MEMBERS (1 Corinthians 12:12) that make up Christ's body. Again, this is not something we are discussing in our religious organizations today with all of their FALSE DOCTORINES. 
So how do we know these two men make up the body of Christ? Well, it was not before the Veil of Jesus' flesh was rolled back, nor after the Veil of His flesh was rolled back that The Father tells us, "This is my Son." But it was during the moments that the Veil of Jesus flesh was rolled back that He tells us, "This is my Son." - THIS BODY OF MEMBERS found BEHIND THE VEIL of Jesus face. (Matthew 17:5) Just as the Glorious Light was found BEHIND THE VEIL of Moses flesh. (Exodus 34:29)
Luke 17:21 neither they shall say, Lo! here, or lo there; for lo! the realm of God is within you.
John 1:9 There was a very light,which lighteneth each man that cometh into this world(AS YOU ARE BORN) WYC 1382
John 1:9 has been altered to say "WAS COMING" so that our understanding of scripture would not be TRUE.
When Jesus died on the cross the earth quaked and the Temple split in two tearing the VEIL separating the room of The Holy of Holies. (Matthew 27:50-51) We are the Temple of God, and that room dwells inside of our Flesh. (1 Corinthians 3:16) The Tabernacle, The Temple, and that room, as well as all the tokens He left us are subliminal messages/Illuminati. When the Veil split in two He was telling us that we now have access to the TRUTH through what Jesus showed us. And if we can grasp it, we may enter in. Enter into His Kingdom. - SUBLIMINAL MESSAGE
Jesus showed us where The Kingdom of God is. - HE LIVES INSIDE OUR FLESH. He showed us His fellowship with THE WORD - Who is Christ. This Glorious Light behind the Veil of His human flesh. The Glorious Light behind the Veil of Moses flesh. Fellowship with the light. A TRUE LIGHT. He is the ember light that Ezekiel saw inside the wheel, the Spirit of life. We are the wheels. 
Ezekiel 1:15-21 As I looked at the living creatures, I saw a wheel on the ground beside each creature with its four faces.  This was the appearance and structure of the wheels: They sparkled like topaz, and all four looked alike. Each appeared to be made like a wheel intersecting a wheel.  As they moved, they would go in any one of the four directions the creatures faced; the wheels did not change direction as the creatures went.  Their rims were high and awesome, and all four rims were full of eyes all around. When the living creatures moved, the wheels beside them moved; and when the living creatures rose from the ground, the wheels also rose.  Wherever the spirit would go, they would go, and the wheels would rise along with them, because the spirit of the living creatures was in the wheels.  When the creatures moved, they also moved; when the creatures stood still, they also stood still; and when the creatures rose from the ground, the wheels rose along with them, because the spirit of the living creatures was in the wheels.
Who Is The Light? - Illuminati!
Many will have a hard time grasping this TRUTH. - Christ who is the TRUE LIGHT, that lives in every single human and animal: IS ILLUMINATI. He illuminates us with a light and should be the one to enlighten our minds.
The 17th century first Illuminati members believed they were in communication with A LIGHT. According to adherents, the source of the “light” was viewed as being directly communicated from a higher source or due to a clarified and exalted condition of the human intelligence.
They spoke to the LIGHT. The True Light, who is THE WORD. He is the audible WORD of GOD. He is CHRIST!
Isaiah 5: 20Woe to you who say that evil is good, and that good is evil; and turn darkness into light, and light into darkness; and make a bitter thing sweet, and a sweet thing bitter.
Satan is not a LIGHT at all. He is DARKNESS! Satan is not Illuminati. STOP GIVING HIM THE TITLE THAT BELONGS TO OUR KING. 
Luke 11:35 Therefore see thou, lest the light which is in thee, be darknesses.
2 Corinthians 3:18 And all we that with unveiled face see the glory of the Lord, be transformed into the same image, from clearness into clearness, as of the Spirit of the Lord.
Hebrews 6:4-6 But it is impossible, that them that once be illumined, and have tasted also an heavenly gift, and be made partners of the Holy Ghost, and nevertheless have tasted the good word of God, and the virtues of the world to coming, and be slid far away, that they be renewed again to penance. Which again crucify to themselves the Son of God, and have him to scorn.
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honestlyghostlyfestival · 1 year ago
My heart always betrays my mind. I already know what I should do. Yet, I continue to fall in the same trap over and over. I allow my feelings to lead me to my downfall.
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theversevoyager · 3 months ago
Upon the moonlit tower's peak, two factions clash in dark embrace. The alchemist and the werewolf, their fates entwined in twisted dance. They fought for the elixir, source of power divine, but nature intervened, revealing a hidden truth. A secret long forgotten, an ancient curse, unleashed chaos and despair. As the tower crumbled, they found common ground, united by fate, forever changed.
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