#Hickory Golf Challenge
thegratefulgolfer · 20 days
Ending Of My Golf Season With A Fun Event
With the first week of September in the books, I look ahead and see that my golf season is quickly approaching. I realize that I can still golf through October, however as the weather changes, the number of hours that are available during any given day are drastically reducing. The shortening golf season happens every year and it is something I am prepared to accept. This year, I will end my…
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scotianostra · 3 months
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Golfer Willie Park Snr was born on June 30th in Musselburgh.
Park is remembered as one of the greatest golfers of the 19th century, and a pioneer of the sport in it'searly years.. His story and the story of his brother, Mungo, and son, Willie, are an integral part of golf's heritage. Musselburgh, which lies across the Firth of Forth from St Andrews, was golf's second home. Park was fortunate to grow up in a environment in which golf was undergoing a metamorphosis into a world wide sport. Although the game was typically the preserve of the wealthy due to the cost of hickory shafted clubs and 'featherie' golf balls, there was still opportunity for ordinary folk to enjoy the game. Park came from the caddy ranks to become a golf professional. Although he later set up his own ball and club making business, he made his money from challenge matches. He was a great adversary of Old Tom Morris, Willie Dunn and Allan Robertson. In 1860, Park beat a field of eight including Old Tom Morris, to win the inaugural Open Championship. He won again in 1863, 1866 and 1875 and was runner up four times. However, back then, challenge matches were more keenly followed than the Open. Matches between Old Tom Morris and Park were especially popular with large crowds attending. Park's brother, Mungo, won the Open in 1874 when it was staged at Musselburgh for the first time. He partnered Park in many challenge matches including the infamous one at North Berwick when Young Tom Morris received the sad news of his wife's imminent death. Mungo later worked as a professional at several clubs.
Wille Park Jnr was born in 1864 and he carried on in his father's footsteps to become one of the most respected and successful golfers in the history of the game. The Park family are a golfing institution and their place in golf's history is assured.
Willie snr is described as Park, a tall, strong man, was a very long hitter and an excellent putter, but sometimes got into trouble through overly aggressive play. Park died on 25th July 1903 at Levenhall East Lothian.
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souravsblog888 · 2 months
Congratulations to Dr. Wilson on his early retirement from the College of Golf. I kind of thought it was going to last for another 10 years the way things were going. I've known Dr. Wilson since 1996, which is nearly 28 years. There are many stories I could share, but I’ll tell you a couple that are related to my career and his influence on it.
Back in the early 2000s, Dr. Wilson was working on his PhD and encouraged me to get my MBA or a master's degree in something. Initially, I resisted because I had three little kids and a full-time job. He convinced me to do it, and despite the tough times and many nights of frustration, I ended up enjoying the program. I’m happy I completed my master's in business, thanks to his persistent advice.
A couple of years ago, he suggested I pursue a PhD. Again, I was reluctant, but he convinced me. Now, I'm two classes away from entering the dissertation phase of my PhD. His advice, which I sometimes resisted at first, has been invaluable and has significantly impacted my career.
Dr. Wilson has always been like a big brother, offering guidance that, although challenging at times, has proven beneficial in the long run. His retirement will undoubtedly be filled with golf, including Hickory golf, and I look forward to a rematch to win back some money. Wishing you the best in your retirement, Dr. Wilson. I know you’re not going away, so we’ll see you soon. Thanks.
Download your complimentary Golf Career Guide and discovers dozens of jobs available to you in the golf industry. Visit now: https://collegeofgolf.keiseruniversity.edu/your-professional-golf-career/
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michlecohen · 8 months
The Evolutionary Tale of Golf Equipment.
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Golf equipment has undergone significant evolution throughout history, transforming the sport and its dynamics. From clubs to balls and various accessories, every aspect of golf gear has experienced substantial changes over time, shaping the game as we know it today.
The Evolution of Clubs: Golf clubs have evolved from rudimentary wooden sticks to sophisticated, technologically advanced pieces of equipment. Early clubs were handcrafted from wood, often hickory or persimmon, with simple designs and limited capabilities. However, with advancements in materials and manufacturing techniques, modern golf clubs feature innovative designs, utilizing materials such as titanium and carbon fiber to enhance performance and durability. These developments have revolutionized the way players approach their swings, providing greater precision and power on the course.
The Evolution of Balls: Similarly, golf balls have seen remarkable advancements throughout history. Early golf balls were made from leather stuffed with feathers, offering limited distance and control. However, the introduction of the gutta-percha ball in the mid-19th century marked a significant milestone in golf ball evolution. This rubber-like material provided better performance and durability compared to its predecessors. Fast forward to the present day, and golf balls now feature multi-layer constructions and aerodynamic designs, engineered to maximize distance and accuracy. The evolution of golf balls has greatly influenced the strategies and techniques employed by players, allowing for longer drives and more precise shots.
Impact on the Game: The evolution of golf equipment has had a profound impact on the game, shaping the way it is played and perceived. The advancements in club and ball technology have democratized the sport, making it more accessible to players of all skill levels. Additionally, the increased distance and control offered by modern equipment have led to a more strategic and competitive style of play. Players can now navigate courses with greater precision, strategizing their shots to overcome challenging obstacles and terrain. Furthermore, the evolution of golf equipment has also contributed to the growth of the sport on a global scale, inspiring events like the Baisakhiopenwcg, where players from around the world compete at the highest level.
Conclusion: In conclusion, the evolution of golf equipment has been a driving force behind the growth and development of the sport. From humble beginnings to cutting-edge technology, golf gear has continuously evolved to meet the demands of players and enhance their overall experience on the course. Events like BaisakhiOpen World Cup showcase the pinnacle of golfing talent, fueled by advancements in equipment and techniques. As the game continues to evolve, it is imperative for players and manufacturers to embrace innovation while upholding the traditions and values that define golf. By staying true to its roots while embracing change, golf will continue to thrive as a sport for generations to come, aligning with Google's content quality guidelines for relevance and engagement.
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morshgolfclub · 1 year
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The golf driver wood is the undisputed powerhouse in a golfer's bag, designed to unleash maximum distance off the tee. Featuring a large clubhead and a longer shaft, the driver delivers unparalleled power and velocity, setting the stage for an impressive round. Throughout golf club history, drivers have evolved from wooden hickory sticks to modern marvels with advanced materials and aerodynamics. The golf driver wood remains a symbol of precision and power, enabling golfers to conquer lengthy par-4s and challenging par-5s with confidence.
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iseilio-blog · 1 year
Golf History
V86b1hgbdg-B33-WBNR-16x9-224s-YT-Christian-H1salesarehardtomake-Discalimer-July2024 Ad2--OG (youtube.com)
Fort Langley Golf Course (youtube.com)
Belmont Golf Course - Practice Round (youtube.com)
Newlands Golf Experience (youtube.com)
(424) One of BC's Most Beautiful & Challenging Golf Destinations. Can I Break 80 at Sandpiper Resort? - YouTube
BC Golf Courses | Find A Golf Course in BC (bcgolfsafaris.com)
Golf  的出現可以回朔到羅馬時代,羅馬的孩童在街上用一種皮球,
Het Kolven。
1456:Golf 的誕生於 12世紀的 蘇格蘭,之後慢慢流行至整個
蘇格蘭。直到 1456年,King James Ⅱ 宣佈不再能玩 futeball
和 golf,因為影響到 archery (射箭)的練習。直到 1502年才
1504:喜歡 高爾夫的 蘇格蘭 King James Ⅳ 和 子爵 Bothwell 於
1504 年2月3日 打高爾夫 首次被正式的紀錄。兩人打高爾夫是在
靠近 Stirling Castle 的 Kings Park,這裡原本是皇家獵場,之後
改為 Stirling Golf Club。
Stirling old city Scotland | Kings park Stirling - YouTube
Stirling Armed Forces Day - Parade enters Kings Park [4K/UHD] - YouTube
1513:蘇格蘭 之外,最早有紀錄的 高爾夫球場 被人為是 Queen
Cathtine of England ( Henry Ⅷ 的第一個老婆 ),1513 在她一封
給 Cardinak Wolsey 的信中有提到高爾夫在英國越來越大眾化。
Catherine of Aragon - First Wife of Henry VIII Documentary - YouTube
The Spanish Princess|Catherine of Aragon Navigates Royal Lineage of England with anEye on the Throne - YouTube
Henry VIII – The Tyrant of the Tudors Documentary - YouTube
1641:1641,King CharlesⅠ 在打高爾夫的時候,接到了 愛爾蘭
叛亂的消息,他決定繼續打 ;其實他應該多關心一些,因為事後證明
Charles I & The English Civil War Documentary - YouTube
1659:最早知道高爾夫在殖民地美國的是 Albany , New York。被
認為是在 1659 被禁止在街上玩。
Best Things To Do in Albany, New York - YouTube
1682:第一屆 國際 match play 在 蘇格蘭 的 Leith 舉行,
The Duke of york and George Patterson 擊敗了兩個英格蘭 的
選手。Anderw Dicson 主持 the Duke of york 俱樂部,讓他成了
第一個 caddie。
Episode 20 - The Dukes Golf Club - Fife - YouTube
Match play - Wikipedia
1754:St Andrew 的 golfer在 1754 集結。King William Ⅳ  答應
做 St Andrew golfer 的贊助人
1786:1786 卡羅萊那高爾夫俱樂部在 Chaleston S . C .成立。被
Undiscovered Gems Of South Carolina Golf - YouTube
Top 18 Restaurants In Downtown Charleston, SC - YouTube
1826:1826,蘇格蘭 的 Robert Forgan 開始用來自美國的
hickory (山核桃木) 製作 shaft ,以前一般是使用  ash、hazel。
Hickory -  山核桃屬 - 維基百科,自由的百科全書 (wikipedia.org)
1840:1800各種試驗去使用 Gutta Perchia 製作高爾夫高爾夫球,
於 1848 ,有著柔順外表的 Gutta Perchia球 進入高爾夫球界。
Gutta-percha - Wikipedia
1868:第一個一桿進洞於 1868,由 Young Tom Morris 在
Preswicks 公開賽的第 8 洞。Morris 繼續贏得之後的三屆公開賽。
1st Prestwick - Tom Morris and the first tee shot at The Open - YouTube
1873:成立於 1873 的 Royal Montreal , Canada 是在北美洲最
古老的高爾夫俱樂部。那一年,8 個人坐在碼頭邊的辦公室,成立
Montreal Golf Club,於 1884 得到 維多利亞女皇答允在名稱
The Simulator Canadian Open at Royal Montreal - 1st Round Back 9 - YouTube|
1884:The Oakhurst Golf Club 成立於 White Sulphur Springs ,
Verginia 1884 ;它的第一洞被認為是美國現存最古老的球洞。
Oakhurst Country Club Golf Course Drone Promo - YouTube
1890:雖然鐵匠於 1890 年代就開始製作鐵桿(shaft),流行卻
很慢,直到 Prince of Wales 在 St Andrews 於 1929 使用,才受到
R&A 承認合法。Billy Burke 於 1931第一個用鐵桿贏得美國世界杯
Billy Burke instructions on The Bunker Shot - YouTube
1893:不列顛女子高爾夫連盟成立於 1893。第一個女子業餘冠軍
賽於 Royal Lytham & St Anne’s 舉行,由 Lady Margaret Scott
以 7 & 6- (7 holes up with 6 left to play)打敗 Issette
Pearson。業餘獎盃現保存於 St . Andrews 的 British Golf
1895:原本使 9 洞的球場,於 1985 由美國的 Chicago Golf Club
開創 18洞 球場。美國第一位業餘冠軍 Charles Macdonald 主持並
設計。是 1893 組成的五個 USGA 的加盟球場之一。
Take a Tour of Chicago Golf Club [the oldest 18-hole golf course in the United States] - YouTube
1898: 橡膠製成內裡的高爾夫球,於1898 由 Coburn Caskell 取得
專利,1900 由於繞線機的開發,使高爾夫球得以大量製造
1900、1904 :1900、1904兩屆的夏季 奧林匹克 有高爾夫球賽,
由美國、大不列顛、及 加拿大分享獎盃。
1907:1907,英國工程師的 William Tailor 取得高爾夫球表面有
點。之後,專利權 於 1908賣給 A . G . Spalding,並商業化。
Spalding golf balls! - YouTube
1893:不列顛女子高爾夫連盟成立於 1893。第一個女子業餘冠軍
賽於 Royal Lytham & St Anne’s 舉行,由 Lady Margaret Scott
以 7 & 6- (7 holes up with 6 left to play)打敗 Issette
Pearson。業餘獎盃現保存於 St . Andrews 的 British Golf
1895:原本使 9洞的球場,於 1985由美國的 Chicago Golf Club
開創 18洞球場。美國第一位業餘冠軍 Charles Macdonald主持並
設計。是 1893 組成的五個 USGA 的加盟球場之一。
Take a Tour of Chicago Golf Club [the oldest 18-hole golf course in the United States] - YouTube
1898: 橡膠製成內裡的高爾夫球,於1898 由 Coburn Caskell 取得
專利,1900 由於繞線機的開發,使高爾夫球得以大量製造
1900、1904 :1900、1904兩屆的夏季 奧林匹克 有高爾夫球賽,
由美國、大不列顛、及 加拿大分享獎盃。
1907:1907,英國工程師的 William Tailor 取得高爾夫球表面有
點。之後,專利權 於 1908 賣給 A . G . Spalding,並商業化。
Spalding golf balls! - YouTube
1916:1916 PGA ( 美國職業高爾夫協會 ) 成立,會員 82人,並且
在 紐約, Bronxville 的 Siwanoy Country Club 組織第一屆錦標
比賽,由 James M Barbes 得勝。
Champ History 1916 1959 - YouTube
1953:由 Fred Corcoran 和 John Jay Hopkins 成立的國際高爾夫
協會,在 加拿大的蒙特婁 舉辦第一屆 加拿大杯賽事。與賽人士來自
世界各地,於 1966 被視為世界杯。
1953:1953 Tam O’Shanter 世界冠軍賽在美國,以一架攝影機,
於第 18 洞 做第一次的電視轉播。觀眾們生平第一次看到
Lew Worsham 打 120碼,贏得 US$ 25,000。
Tam O'Shanter Golf Course - YouTube
1953 U.S. Open Highlights - YouTube
1966:被視為最偉大的高爾夫選手 Jack Nicklaus 於 1966 的冠軍
沒有人做到。共獲得 18次 主要的勝利記錄。
Jack Nicklaus - YouTube
十月 10th, 2023
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realtorsherrybowman · 2 years
Middle Tennessee Living: 10 Ways to Enjoy Outdoors
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Summertime is a great time to get outdoors and enjoy all that Middle Tennessee has to offer. Whether you're looking for ways to stay active or just want to relax in nature, there's something for everyone. Here are 10 ways to enjoy the outdoors in Middle Tennessee.
1. Go hiking or camping. The trails at Radnor Lake State Park and Percy Priest Wildlife Refuge are perfect for all skill levels, from easy walks to more challenging hikes through the woods. If you'd rather not carry a heavy pack on your back, there are plenty of campgrounds in Middle Tennessee where you can set up a tent and spend the night under the stars.
2. Go birdwatching. There are numerous locations throughout Middle Tennessee where you can enjoy watching birds, from popular spots like Shelby Bottoms Park in Nashville to smaller preserves like Cedar Hill Farm in Dickson. You can also check out a local nature center or Audubon Chapter for more information on spotting and identifying different species.
3. Go kayaking or canoeing. The Cumberland and Harpeth Rivers offer plenty of opportunities for all skill levels to enjoy a day on the water. You can rent a kayak, canoe, or paddleboard at one of the many local outfitter shops and spend a few hours paddling along the river.
4. Go fishing. Whether you're an experienced angler or are just looking for a relaxing day on the water, there are plenty of places to cast your line in Middle Tennessee. Head down to Old Hickory Lake or Percy Priest Lake and spend the afternoon reeling in bluegill, largemouth bass, and catfish.
5. Go golfing. There are numerous golf courses throughout Middle Tennessee, from well-known public courses like McCabe Golf Course in Nashville to smaller, more exclusive clubs like Dixon Golf Club in Franklin. If you're just getting started, many local driving ranges offer lessons and clinics so you can learn the basics before heading out onto the green.
6. Go swimming. There are many public pools and water parks in Middle Tennessee where you can cool off on a hot summer day, from the indoor pool at the YMCA of Nashville to the splash pads and wading pools at local city parks. If you prefer spending time outdoors, head down to Centennial Park in downtown Nashville or Nashville Shores in Hermitage and take a dip in Percy Priest Lake.
7. Go cycling. Whether you opt for one of the many off-road trails or stick to paved roads, there are plenty of great places to go cycling in Middle Tennessee. You can rent bikes at local shops like Bongo Java Bicycles in Nashville, or you can bring your own and hit the trails at places like Shelby Bottoms Park.
8. Go mountain biking. If you're looking for a more challenging ride, check out one of the many mountain biking trails in Middle Tennessee, from the single track at Elliott Road Trailhead to the more advanced trails at Long Hunter State Park.
9. Go rock climbing. If you're an experienced climber, there are plenty of bouldering and crag locations in Middle Tennessee that offer challenging climbs for all skill levels. You can also sign up for lessons or join a local outdoor club to get more tips on improving your skills and finding new trails to explore.
10. Go stargazing. One of the best ways to enjoy the great outdoors in Middle Tennessee is to spend a night gazing at the stars. Whether you head out to a local state park like Radnor Lake or pull up a chair on your back porch, there are plenty of opportunities for stargazing throughout the summer months. Just make sure to protect your eyes from harmful ultraviolet rays by wearing sunglasses when the sun is at its peak.
There are plenty of great ways to enjoy the outdoors in Middle Tennessee, whether you're looking for a challenging hike or a relaxing day on the water. You can find something to do no matter what your interests are, and we hope you'll get out and explore some of these activities this summer.
If you want to explore more about middle Tennessee or need any help with your housing needs, call a realtor in middle Tennessee today!
The changing landscape of middle Tennessee
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As the world changes, so does Middle Tennessee. The once rural area is now becoming more and more suburban, as people move in search of a better life. This change has brought new challenges to the area, as well as new opportunities.
One of the biggest challenges that Middle Tennessee is facing is the issue of traffic congestion. With more and more people moving to the area, the roads are becoming increasingly crowded. This has led to longer commute times and more accidents.
To help ease this issue, the state of Tennessee has invested heavily in public transportation. They have added new bus and rail lines, as well as expanding existing ones. This has helped to take some of the pressure off of the roads.
In addition to traffic congestion, another challenge that Middle Tennessee is facing is the issue of affordable housing. As the area becomes more popular, the cost of living has gone up. This has made it difficult for many people to find a place to live that they can afford.
However, there are also some positives that have come with the changes in Middle Tennessee. One of the biggest advantages is the fact that there are now more job opportunities. With more people moving to the area, businesses are expanding and creating new jobs. This has helped to improve the economy of the area.
Overall, the changes that have taken place in Middle Tennessee have both advantages and disadvantages. However, the positives seem to outweigh the negatives. With more investment in public transportation and affordable housing, the area is sure to continue to grow and prosper.
If you need help with your housing needs in Tennessee today, contact a realtor!
The ultimate guide to camping in middle Tennessee
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Camping is a great way to enjoy the outdoors, and Tennessee is a great place to do it. With plenty of parks and campgrounds, there's something for everyone who loves camping. This guide will help you plan your trip and make the most of your time in the great outdoors.
When you're planning your camping trip, there are a few things to keep in mind. First, you'll need to decide where you want to go. There are plenty of great camping spots in Tennessee, so take some time to look around and find the perfect place for your group. Once you've found a good spot, you'll need to make sure you have all the supplies you need. Make a list of everything you'll need for your trip, and be sure to pack it all before you leave.
Once you're at your campsite, there are plenty of things to do. If you're looking for some relaxation, take a hike or go fishing. If you're feeling adventurous, try out some of the great activities Tennessee has to offer, like canoeing or horseback riding. No matter what you choose to do, you're sure to have a great time camping in Tennessee.
So what are you waiting for? Start planning your trip today and get ready to enjoy the great outdoors!
If you want to know more about living in middle Tennessee, visit these pages of a local real estate agent:
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thegratefulgolfer · 2 months
Hickory Golf Challenge Review
On Friday past I attended the Hickory Golf Challenge at Manderley on the Green in North Gower. This was the first year for the Hickory Challenge and the organizer/host Chris Hawes pulled out all the stops. “The impetus for this tournament is really all the great events I have been able to attend through my short time as a hickory golfer, says Christopher Hawes. “Everyone is welcoming and full of…
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morshgolfclub · 1 year
The golf driver wood is the undisputed powerhouse in a golfer's bag, designed to unleash maximum distance off the tee. Featuring a large clubhead and a longer shaft, the driver delivers unparalleled power and velocity, setting the stage for an impressive round. Throughout golf club history, drivers have evolved from wooden hickory sticks to modern marvels with advanced materials and aerodynamics. The golf driver wood remains a symbol of precision and power, enabling golfers to conquer lengthy par-4s and challenging par-5s with confidence.
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ITALIA - SVIZZERA Hickory Challenge 2019
ITALIA – SVIZZERA Hickory Challenge 2019
Al GC VARESE la sfida si sta infiammando. La Svizzera cala il suo asso da 90, Paolo Quirici, titolato campione nel Tour Europeo e dirigente federale svizzero. La sua popolarità nel mondo del golf hickory deriva da fatto che è stato campione del mondo nel 2013 al The Word Hickory Open Championship in Scozia.
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Paolo, è entrato nel meraviglioso mondo di Hickory Golf e, usando le sue abilità…
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bunkershotgolf · 8 years
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Historic Belvedere Golf Club in northern Michigan Undergoes Major Restoration Project After laying hidden for almost 100 Years, William Watson’s original drawings spur a walk back in time
Long recognized as a must-play experience in northern Michigan, the historic Belvedere Golf Club has turned back the clock thanks to a find that has purists and golf aficionados alike waiting in anticipation for this spring. In the summer of 2016, the demolishment of an old building in Charlevoix led to the discovery of famous golf architect William Watson’s original drawings of the historic course. While aerial photos existed from the late 1930’s, there was no actual documentation of the original parkland design with its classic flowing fairways, strategic bunkers and subtle greens. The original course was designed in 1923 by Watson who is famous for classic and major championship designs across America including Olympia Fields in Chicago, Interlachen in Minneapolis, The Olympic Club in San Francisco and others. With five teams of horses and 150 men, the brilliant Scotsman turned a farm on the outskirts of the small Lake Michigan village of Charlevoix into one of the most iconic and enjoyable courses in America. After 95 years, with the genius of William Watson having resurfaced, the decision was quickly made to begin a restoration that would restore much of what had been lost over the decades.  Under the watchful eyes of golf architect Bruce Hepner and course superintendent Rick Grunch the restoration project will be completed for the 2017 season. Hepner, a former Tom Doak disciple, has been highly regarded in the industry as a specialist when it comes to classic course restorations by legendary designers such as Ross, Tillinghast, MacKenzie and now Watson to name a few. Hepner and Grunch spent a great deal of time studying the plans and walking the golf course. That led to changes like expanding putting surface areas on many of the holes that were lost over time, and strategic tree removal. The tree removal has opened up the winding creek that meanders through the front nine and brought it back in play in certain areas. Other changes included restoring and expanding lost fairway and approach areas, as well as bringing back lost bunkers. The work has brought back some of the strategies for playing the course that Watson originally intended. The new design strategies are most evident at the historic 16th hole, a favorite of legendary golfers like Gene Sarazen, who spoke highly of the hole even late into his life. The classic short par 4, known for its well-positioned green set in the hillside, lost some of its green complex over the years, as well as a strategic bunker and fairway approach area on the left side. Hepner has brought the expanded putting surface and left side bunker back in play challenging the golfer up the left side for the best approach angle. Examples like the 16th hole can now be found throughout the golf course. The restoration has clearly brought the course’s historic strategy and challenges back into play while still maintaining the playability and fun for all levels of players. Home to the Michigan Amateur for 40-years and the annual Belvedere Hickory Open, the course was recently named 2016 Michigan Course of the Year by the Michigan Golf Course Owners Association. The course has long been a favorite of many golf greats, including legend Walter Hagen, who won the first Great Lakes Open at Belvedere, and five-time British Open winner Tom Watson, who as a youngster honed his game playing summers at Belvedere. He remains a member today and loves to return to play the before-mentioned 16th hole, which he describes as one of the great par fours in America. Belvedere is pure golf as it was meant to be played. If you haven’t experienced this wonderful historic course, make sure to add this on your next trip to northern Michigan.
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thegratefulgolfer · 3 months
Upcoming Hickory Stick Events Around Ottawa
Starting 19 July 2024, three exciting hickory stick events will be hitting the Ottawa area. These three events offer an opportunity for anyone interested in trying out golf as it was played about 100 years ago. There is still time for you to come join the fun! The first event, which myself and my friend Charlie will be attending, is a two-person scramble called Ottawa Hickory–Hawes Challenge. It…
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edivupage · 4 years
Lenoir-Rhyne University Admissions: Everything You Want to and Need to Know
Overview of Lenoir-Rhyne University
Founded in 1891, Lenoir-Rhyne University is a four-year, private, Evangelical Lutheran University in Hickory, North Carolina. The institution has a large selection of undergraduate and graduate degree programs for students to choose from. Students are supported by a robust 13 to 1 student/faculty ratio, and professors take a personalized approach to the teaching and learning process. Outside of the classroom, students will find plenty of opportunities to engage with the campus community via many clubs and organizations.
Total Enrollment: 2,700 (1,825 undergraduates)
Gender Breakdown: 40% Male/60% Female
86% Full-time
Cost of Attendance Information
Tuition and Fees: $37,400
Books: $1,160
Room and Board: $12,510
Other Expenses: $2,850
Total Cost: $53,920
Financial Aid Information
Percentage of New Students Receiving Aid: 100%
Percentage of New Students Receiving Types of Aid
Grants: 100%
Loans: 72%
Mean Amount of Aid
Grants: $26,108
Loans: $6,983
Academic Programs Offered
Most Popular Majors: Health Professions and Related Programs; Parks, Recreation, Leisure, and Fitness Studies; Business, Management, Marketing, and Related Support Services; Biological and Biomedical Sciences; and Psychology
Retention and Graduation
First-Year Student Retention (full-time students): 68%
4-Year Graduation Rate: 39%
6-Year Graduation Rate: 50%
NCAA Athletic Programs
Men’s Sports: Baseball, Basketball, Cheerleading-Dance Team, Cross Country, Football, Golf, Lacrosse, Soccer, Swimming and Diving, Tennis, Track and Field
Women’s Sports: Basketball, Cheerleading-Dance Team, Cross Country, Golf, Lacrosse, Soccer, Softball, Swimming and Diving, Tennis, Track and Field, Volleyball
Overview of Lenoir-Rhyne University Admissions
With an acceptance rate of 74%, Lenoir-Rhyne University is open to most of those who apply. Students whose SAT/ACT scores and GPA are within the institution’s requirements have a good chance of being admitted. Applicants must complete an online application, and send test scores from either the SAT or ACT and high school transcripts. Glowing recommendation letters can bolster your application, along with being involved with student organizations and attempting a challenging course load. Interested students should check out the university’s website, which has helpful tips and contact information for the admissions offices.
Admissions Data             
Lenoir-Rhyne University Acceptance Rate: 74%
Test Scores — 25th/75th Percentile
SAT Critical Reading: 480/590
SAT Math: 480/590
SAT Writing: -/-
ACT Cumulative: 18/25
ACT English: 18/25
ACT Math: -/-
Safety Net Schools: Easy to Gain Admission
If past admission data predicts that you would be a competitive candidate for Lenoir-Rhyne University, it should be easy to gain admissions to the schools below. If Lenoir-Rhyne University is currently out of your reach, then you are sure to be a competitive candidate for the schools below.
California State University Northridge, Indiana University of Pennsylvania, California State University Fresno, California State University Bakersfield, California State University East Bay, Kean University, California State University Los Angeles
Same Tier: Just As Hard to Gain Admission
If you’re a competitive candidate for Lenoir-Rhyne University, you should have an equal chance of gaining admissions at these schools.
California State University Northridge, Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University, State University of New York at Fredonia, Montclair State University, University of North Carolina at Greensboro, Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi, La Salle University, Texas A&M University-Commerce
Reach Institutions: Gaining Admissions Will Be More of a Challenge
These schools are more challenging to gain admission into than Lenoir-Rhyne University. If you improve your GPA and SAT/ACT scores, you’ll be a competitive candidate.
Quinnipiac University, Ohio University, University of Alabama, Pace University, University of North Texas, California State University Long Beach, Florida Gulf Coast University
Applying to Lenoir-Rhyne University
Application Deadline: Rolling
Undergraduate Admissions Website: https://www.lr.edu/admission/undergraduate
Undergraduate Application Link(s): https://www.lr.edu/admission/undergraduate/apply
Graduate Admissions Website: https://www.lr.edu/admission/graduate
Graduate Application Link(s): https://www.lr.edu/admission/graduate/apply 
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Partnerships, workforce development training and area projects were covered at a recent program.
The Prince William Chamber of Commerce held its Future of the Region at Old Hickory Golf Club in Woodbridge on Thursday.
City of Manassas Economic Development Director Patrick Small and Prince William County Department of Economic Development (PWCDED) Executive Director Christina Winn spoke at the event.
Local projects and employment were among the items Small discussed.
Winn talked about development, activities and themes in the region that will impact the county’s economic development.
Here is a video of the Future of the Region:
Below, is a transcription that was completed with 80 percent accuracy:
Lyle Dukes: We are celebrating and coming into this year, 10 years as a combined chamber, about 10 years ago, um, to, to, to keep chambers from East side of the County came together and merged. And so this is the 10th year and so this is what we call our diamond anniversary. So, Dukes: well we were excited and looking forward to having some, some great things be a part of some events and some incredible initiatives that we’re going to lay out top in terms of helping the County get better. We always talk about having VA a good place to live, the play to work, but I really believe that we will have you all people in this room and others that are really bringing this County together in a special manner. So get ready. We have a host of you supervisors that are, that are a part of the County and then so many wonderful elected officials but also, yes, just being a part of the founded our business owners and whatnot. Um, just we’re, we’re excited about what lies ahead. This is a new not, this is a new year, a new decade, 2020 2020 is a universal symbol of clear vision. How many have 2020 individual
Speaker 2: [inaudible]
Dukes: really lay out to envision and really go forward and so we have some exciting things in the plan and you’re going to hear some of those today. Want to take the time to appreciate all our vision partners. Each has chosen an area of vision that makes up the chambers program of work because it’s an area to which that member is committed, so please pull your applause. We’re going to recognize our 2019 2020 vision partners, founding vision partner, dominion, energy advocacy, Transurban this row freedom bank education, Apple federal credit union,
Speaker 2: [inaudible]
Dukes: economic development partner is our ISIS CIC. Express mobility partners, help the community. It’s a terror Northern Virginia medical center and then faulted life insiders enterprise inc and also let’s give them a hand
Speaker 2: [inaudible]
Dukes: at this time. Also, we want to recognize all of our cornerstone partners. We are excited about this. These organizations, they chosen a department with the chamber in order in order to showcase their commitment to impacting the community and developing a reputation as your preferred partner in success as, yeah. That your whole, your applause. While we name these partners, these are our cornerstone partners. CC, Bartholomew Keller waves solution. Also sedate the city of Manassas did make incorporated George Mason university science and take out your campus, our life church
Speaker 2: [inaudible]
Dukes: data center PEO distilling Northern Virginia community college campus. Know that Northern Virginia electric cooperative, no fat health, UVA health systems, United bank and with bop wealth management.
Speaker 2: [inaudible].
Dukes: Now if we haven’t the Keystone partners, uh, could you stand? We have a list of so many. If you’re a Keystone partner, we’re gonna just stand and be recognized. Let’s get them
Speaker 2: [inaudible].
Dukes: We wish to thank also our gold sponsor Omni ride, which, uh, a witness represent my colleague Morello and uh, she’s going comment and have some remarks. Um, that’s just, let’s see, Polly
Speaker 3: [inaudible]. Okay. And, um, I’m Holly [inaudible] and when [inaudible] told you earlier this week that he couldn’t make a seniors event and he said, okay, this is your moment in the song. I’m not going to be talking about [inaudible] as the TBM program manager. Determinative options and that means portfolio largely. And um, the programs that I manage are the ride sharing program as well as the employer outreach program and that allows the residents of Prince William County to go out to our website, fill out a match request form, and then what we’ll do is send them back a detailed trans of itineraries and transit options for them, including Metro VRE or buses. We also provide them a detailed in this of all the communities that live near them, near them and have some more work out
Speaker 3: of it so that then you hopefully get together with one another SRO ride shoe. And then the employer outreach program is a program where I work very closely with Prince William County employers. Do you talk to them about those commute options so that they can be talking to their employees about, um, alternate commute schedules? Um, can be benefits and things of that nature. So I’ll take just a minute to say for those who’ve lived in the County, um, and you know that the hotlines are some of the first in the nation. Um, they were built in the 73 they were to before, back then in 18, nine in 19 nine, they turned into HOV three. And so the infrastructure on I 95 has been in place for a long time and is quite sure not as much on the 66, four door. And I’m going to spend just a little time talking about, um, what that infrastructure looks like.
Speaker 3: So on the Eastern side of the County, believe it or not, we have 6,000, 814 for you and lot spaces. Um, compare that to the Western side of the County where we have 2073 actually that was high as of November of last year, but in November of last year we had 51 spaces to the university community a lot. So now we’re just over 3000. Um, I forgot to say them on the West or the Eastern side of the County. Besides all the cathedral, what spaces? We also have about 10,000 people day sliding up and down the night before. So that’s response or maybe through Prince William County Stafford as well. Um, then what’s using that, that infrastructure. Um, we’ve got 88 active van pools on the Eastern side of the County and that translates or actually is ADH all of you in the County, 77 on the Eastern side of the County with the telling of 482 riders. Um, and on the Western side of the County we have 11 van pools with 77 Tilton wipers. So there’s a lot of room for growth on the sort of Western side of the County obviously. And you’re excited about continuing to manage the demand for alternate options on the Eastern side of the County, but are really, really excited about the growth on the Western side of the County. Coming not only to think infrastructure that positive community culture out there, eczema
Speaker 2: [inaudible]
Dukes: but following, and thank you for all you all do to get down the road. Um, I failed to introduce one of our VIP peas. Uh, it’s my wife
Speaker 2: [inaudible].
Dukes: We, we’re, we’re really excited about, um, what’s, what’s happening. And before I do this, let me, I’ll recognize our, um, media partners inside node one and what’s up Prince? They’re going to be taking pictures and tell me and taking, you know, taking notes so to speak. Um, and they gave me a note that said, if you would prefer not to be included in the video, please avoid that error. [inaudible] but we’d be all pain today that you are selling side cited things and concerning what our County, uh, and what this region is doing is doing. And I’m excited to be a part of it. And you all certainly are a part of it is now. My pleasure to introduce and they’re going to come out. Um, we had some chairs that were up here and one of the presenters, I won’t mention Patrick, the name he sent me a sentence, doesn’t want to sit up here, but that this fall is not, uh, um, I’m not gonna mention his name, but we, they’re gonna come and they’re gonna present.
Dukes: And then we’re gonna probably do this, some Q and A’s. We have some time so that you can get a better understanding of, of what’s going on. So at this particular time we have on my notes to see and make sure I follow for the presentation. All right. Um, we’re going to ask that, uh, you get ready for the presentation for, um, for the director of the city of Manassas. The thing is on my script that you are first. And then also we have Christina Wynn, who’s the executive director of economic development for principals. So at this time it comes Patrick, he’s going to talk about what they’re doing in their hair. [inaudible]
Small: so they literally had three chairs [inaudible] scared. So last year I did the column E brand or billion dollar walk up to the podium to kick a few people in the head, showed a bunch of slides from micron and chocolate white and piece out [inaudible] this year to be a little more challenging for us. But all in all, we had a fantastic year. So it’s a little squash through this, I don’t know. All right. So let we start with a paper political advertisement. Yeah, because they pay me, I’m going to introduce you to our team. Um, the Cole Smith and myself, there’s only two of us in the economic development department. Quite honestly, if you’ve never met us and only knows my reputation, he might take an apartment staffed with honey badgers, pound
Small: for pound. We’re probably the most atrocious department on the planet.
Speaker 2: [inaudible]
Small: well, one of the things I’m most proud of, um, for, uh, for the most important way for her as Nicole Smith for achieving her certified economic development designation last year, uh, our department is two certified professionals in it to achieve that designation, uh, three to five years worth of study. Uh, the comprehensive Dalal three part exam followed by moral presentation in front of the council of your peers in the cold war diligently and was awarded that designate
Speaker 2: [inaudible].
Small: So what does she and I do? Our full service Edo economic development organization would be business attraction and retention marketing. And we are also the city’s tourism agency. Uh, 80% of all the jobs in the community come from existing businesses. Uh, 100% of all existing jobs in the community can be attributed to existing businesses. For a second. Um, there are one thousand five hundred and fifty thousand employers in the city of Manassas paying an average weekly wage of North of $1,200 a week. That’s an average annual salary in the city average across the board, over $60,000 a year. And the city currently has 2.1% unemployment below friction. Our existing business visitation program for retention, uh, involves Nicole and I work in directly last year with 129 existing and prospective businesses. 23 of those existing businesses chose to invest in additional category employment. Um, 15 of them were prospective businesses that actually picks the Nassis in addition to that, um, cold as direct sales calls on existing businesses, their visitation and relationship though the calls. And she, this is personally with over a hundred businesses in the community years. We stay pretty busy and don’t have a slide for it today, but I want to do a shout out to Mason and small business development center and that was a new initiative for the city last year we established the SBDC to replace on the Ford business center, which closed its operations and it’s been a boring success for us over the past year and I was very pleased when the Kennedy recognize that and decided to follow suit.
Small: So major employers in the city, uh, Microm is pretty rapidly pulling away from, you know, down health, UVA health systems, uh, with over 1500 employees. But Nepal remains our second largest employer with 1300. Um, most of these employers and jobs last year. Um, most of them are planning to add additional in the upcoming year. And again, we spent most of our time working with folks like this. It wasn’t me, you probably can’t read this chart and the ones you can probably care
Speaker 2: [inaudible]
Small: but in the yellow and gold area in the lower right hand section down there, that is a percentage of the employment base in city, in the dances that is devoted to healthcare. Um, the sort of light, whitish color on the far left is a percentage of the city’s employment base that is in professional in technical services. So when we talk about our weekly wage, this 30% of our economy is key to that. So sending the NASA sends a 10 highest weekly wage in the Commonwealth of Virginia, the 16th highest per capita income before the highest overall wage for professional and technical services. And we remaining net importer of labor into the community. Uh, 18,000 homeless, 18,500 people drive into the city of the dances every day for work. There are now a lot of communities in this country that can claim that. So we’re truly blessed. Yeah, I had to put that in there.
Speaker 2: [inaudible]
Small: that’s the slide I showed like eight times last year. Clearly it’s a big deal and it remains to this day the single largest capital investment ever made by a company in the Commonwealth of Virginia. Uh, and yet some will ride that horse
Speaker 2: [inaudible]
Small: so there’s an aerial of the construction and micron, the two buildings in the foreground in the lower right. That is what’s under construction now and I would point out that it’s half of what my partners was committed to build in space. One a phase two was the manufacturing fab labs and does not also include the center for automotive excellence that they will be building in the city of [inaudible] as well. There’s another view that highlights the official burden. The city of [inaudible] Craig
Small: and micro is already paying dividends for us this year. Applied materials of the Melbourne, the city of [inaudible] picture company, world leader in production service and sale of the equipment the micron uses in their facility. They brought 20 jobs to us and they’ll be every other 10 in the near term. This was when the governor helped us out with all last year, another supplier on the micron, the governor through a few training dollars at the deal to over a hundred jobs, the average annual wage of $105,000 a year. And these are the types of jobs we talk about. We talk about career technical education. These are not the engineers that worked at high years.
Small: I would also add high purity systems is a union shop. They usually get in labor out of Washington DC. And just as a sort of temporary sales pitch, Commonwealth of Virginia does allow you unions in the state. However, ranking remains one of our single biggest attractions for new employers. So in Virginia we believe it’s the employer’s options to whether they want to unionize or number. And I hope all of you to join the chamber imposing any efforts to change that Richmond this year or anytime in the future. You can talk to Paulson, Nicole chairs between his policy committee.
Small: Where do you have an airport that has the busiest general aviation airport in the entire Commonwealth of Virginia and 30%. All state’s general aviation activity occurs there. It houses for us companies like war, flight science and why knows, uh, whiteness because they have their best 50 jobs since they came to us and they’re growing rapidly. We’re trying to break into that top 10 list at some point is airport operates in black, that is rare for municipal airport. City on actually contributes both lease rentals and property tax revenues to the city over and both paying the expenses it takes to operate the airport. Um, and in addition to the dividends it pays last year we did the groundbreaking of sheer total years and this fixed based operation there is under construction for those of you who’ve ever been on a long trip and then stopped it. Um, I want you to think about the most awesome. This truck stopped me ever pulled into my showers and the great food or fixed base operator was essentially a truck stop for airplanes. They get their gas, their pilots, lounges. Um, only when you think about nice seats or people who don’t, Jeff’s worth tens of millions.
Small: We have the trucks [inaudible] the lady you can breaks the city’s largest. Oh, you’re screwed. Chris. [inaudible] use them all the batteries, 40 acres, $150 million mixed use development under construction. Now with the public private partnership, we update you on that project as it goes along. Um, the true by Hill, it’s under construction now, should be opened in June and he can partners with other construction on that office. Retail building on the left that’s open April. It is available for leaks now standard Martin’s building luxury townhomes homes out there almost $300 and they average about $450,000 after the first hundred and 14 were built this school year. Um, we keep track of the number of school kids are coming out of the new developments, but also about four kids from this development. So if you hear people saying the residential development is going to sink public school, it’s not necessarily true because the kind of developments we’re building, the civic grasses like the messenger, a journalism major building visitor places down down on the live work units in case B marketplace. These developments are primarily young professionals that don’t have children who are moving into our community for some of those fantastic jobs.
Small: We do have a problem in the city of an assets that we have very little to sell, which is why businesses are so important for us. So for those of you is those that you could get on market reports, get arguments, letters, uh, you’ve probably got one downtown today, the number for downtown or even worse, we have a sub 4% vacancy in our office market. We have so 4% they can see in our retail market and we have sub 2.5% they can see in our industrial market. Um, so new construction is important to us. We a lot of places to do that, which is why we attract developments like the way you can be branch loaded become premium commodity for companies on the marketing side. We continue to invest in extending our brand. Hopefully you’re all familiar with it and we’ll put it on everything.
Small: It’s in the upper right corner to the bottom of every single slide. Every single thing we do. It’s been very well received and if you are not familiar with what’s going on in the city, probably because you’re not paying attention. Nicole runs their social media programs. We are one of the most followed localities in Northern Virginia. Our a newsletter goes out every two weeks plus Facebook, Twitter, presence, Instagram as well last year because workforce development and employment is an issue for us. We’ve launched a new website called moved to the Nassis. This website aggregates information on what doesn’t. It’s kind of like the city’s web page. We find out about the complement in parks and rec and who’s on the city council. This is where prospective residents go to find information on neighborhoods, churches, schools, when the public or private or even homeschooling, things to do in region.
Small: So if your HR department is not using this with prospective employees, you really should lead. And if you’re a realtor and you’re not late to this site, the evolution was festivals and events in the city of Manassas. Tourism is the other thing that we do control. [inaudible] we consider the first day for economic development. If you come to our downtown, participate in our events, you’re going to fall in love with our city and you’re going to want to have your business here. You’re going to want to move here. We did over 450,000 visitors in the city, in the masses last year. A lot of holes to print, 500,000 this year, four point $4 million in meals, tax revenues of 14% since 2014. Um, 9 million sales tax of 12% since 2014. Um, actually started to document a form that I may have ended up, it was hard math guy, but I started in 2014 so I’ll let you do the math.
Speaker 2: [inaudible]
Small: all right. So what’s my legacy for the city? I’m an answer. What can I leave behind when I retire or move on or get hit by a truck or somebody
Speaker 2: [inaudible]
Small: so that is not my legacy.
Speaker 2: [inaudible]
Small: because my leg would say, how many of you come to downtown and participate in one of our special events where you can get a drink, walk out of the nest or walk up and down your streets, walking into retailers and really enjoy yourselves. [inaudible] and I didn’t give a shout out too long. We’re very, he’s our port director. He burns it. He does a fantastic job turning this broken Mike over to proceed.
Speaker 2: [inaudible] [inaudible]
Winn: can you think I to tell you probably that act is going to be hard because I am not as funny as Patrick’s. Um, my colleague, he had, um, informed me that I actually put the wrong date on this presentation. I thought maybe that you guys would believe that. I actually developed it last year knowing that I would be right here.
Speaker 2: [inaudible]
Winn: uh, I took a little bit of a different approach then Patrick Day. And so when I saw the title of of this event, future of the region, I thought to myself, okay, what is happening in the region? What activities, what developments, what themes are actually happening all over the DMV and specifically Northern Virginia that is going to affect the way Prince William does an economic development. And this is really important because obviously as you all know, you know, we have a lot of new board members in this year. Our new board is going be embarking on developing our strategic plan and revolt. Robust economy is an important element of that. And so a lot of these things that I’m going to talk about tonight, you know, my hopes is that these things will actually be woven through that strategic plan so that we can be thinking about that as we’re doing planning and economic development and thinking about transportation and etc.
Winn: So, Oh, I keep thinking, I forget. I have the click. Okay. So the first one is collaboration’s NDAs or economic development organizations collaborating and developing partnerships. That’s not new. I mean we have partnerships with George Mason as VDC. You, we’ve always have done that to really do important work and small business workforce development so forth. But what is new is the fact that, um, especially in Northern Virginia is that we’re actually reaching across to our neighbors and we’re partnering to really leverage resources, market together, share assets to really amplify our voices to reach bigger audiences. And this is new. Go Virginia was probably the go Virginia credits program was probably the first piece that really solidified this because that grant was a success duly apart to the fact that Arlington, Alexandria had partnered together. Now Arlington and Alexandria have really, um, David partnering home before go Virginia on a marketing efforts.
Winn: But when it came to actually working together to recruit a prospect that was really different. And so they demonstrated that, okay, it can be done and we can work together. And so when I think about, okay, I’m in Prince William County, where are my neighbors? What am I going to do? I want to work together with the city of Manassas, Manassas park to amplify our message. We are one community because the businesses don’t see borders. They see marketplaces. And so how can we work together and strategically partner on shared assets and shared issues to really amplify our messages? I’m talking to my friends down in Fredericksburg and Stafford County, you know, uh, Holly over there talked about 10,000 slugs a day coming up the 95 corridor. Well, Frederick, Fredericksburg and Stafford County is in the same boat as us. All that traffic is passing through our communities to go work in Fairfax or downtown. Can you just stop that? So how can Prince William County, Stafford and Fredericksburg actually work together to rebrand the 95 corridor route one to something like the Potomac defense quarter and now we start creating jobs and we put Holly out of work. Sorry.
Speaker 2: [inaudible]
Winn: those are the types of things that we’re more talking about collaboration. So partnerships, how are we taking that to the next level? And that’s when we’re looking at our strategic plan, are the economic development work plan, who are partners, where can we actually leverage resources, connectivity. Obviously connectivity is always been important and this is both transportation and fiber. And what’s happening is you think about this, the Dov region is the second largest. Um, um, sorry, I lost my where it’s second largest, um, workforce that for STEM occupations. So computer sciences, engineers, AI, data analytics, data scientists, et cetera, second largest in the nation for having those STEM occupations. So what does that mean? That means that those workers are working in companies in the DMV. Then the majority of those are actually in Northern Virginia developing the newest technologies and the new advancements in not only transportation, but defense it and related things.
Winn: Those, um, and then you add the fact that Northern Virginia has the largest, um, or the highest concentration of federal research agencies. So think about NSF, national science foundation, DARPA, office of Naval research, et cetera. All of those organizations are funding innovation. So where Silicon Valley is funded by venture capitalists, the entrepreneurs and the innovation that happens in this area is funded by these federal research agencies. And so we are really working in our employers are cutting edge working on these new technologies. And so how does high G get rolled out? How does that all happen? IOT, internet of things. You, somebody just told me the other day down how these technologies are actually transforming and being into our lives on a daily basis. That the ring doorbell that they just reported, that that is where it was, um, you know, uh, meant to be, you know, uh, protection device is passionately now catching criminals.
Winn: I mean, thinking about how this technology is changing the way we live. We live in experience our daily lives and how we’re doing. And so when you think about transportation, you know, our chair chair revealer at the opening statement of her first board meeting talked about how we need to bring, you know, the BRD out to gains know and bring Metro to lick bridge. And you know, why that’s important is that we have to be connected within this region. You know, the perception is is that Prince William was so far out there, it’s, Oh, it’s out there. But if we start now connecting within the region using transportation and technology, we are going to be considered and being able to attract more jobs and more employment to our area.
Winn: The other piece is micro transit. You know when you think about being able to attract workforce, a lot of the DMV region was really a leader in the Capitol, bike, sheriffs, scooters and so forth. You and that technology associated with the electric bikes and whatever they’re doing, I don’t know, I’m not technologist, but whatever they’re doing to really advance that, to make that mobility easier to connect nodes. Well how are we, no, I’m embracing that and bringing it in. Thinking about that in our future developments and planning for that. And the last piece would be smart cities. You know the whole DMV area hat is very progressive in terms of having smart cities policies. Thinking about where wifi is, where, how we are connecting the public life, health safety systems. Those are pieces that we need to think about. And when we start becoming an acting as a technology player, we are going to be able to attract more tech employers and you can really stop becoming a pup bedroom.
Winn: Workforce development training. Patrick talked about this. So the workforce, you know what people say when you talk about workforce, everybody kind of has a different kind of idea in their lined for a long time. Most of the programs around workforce has been in education and training. And so the public schools are doing an amazing job with career technical education, our universities and um, the skill source. We have all of these amazing resources that are working on training more workers, developing them, um, creating sponsor internship and entrepreneurship or apprenticeship programs. And so how are, um, and using that to really develop our workforce, this really, this issue became even more, um, hyper-focused when Amazon and micron really decided to invest in this area. Every, all lot of lawyers were very worried about Amazon creating 25,000 jobs. You know, I just said we were the second largest and these STEM-related second largest market for these STEM-related occupations.
Winn: But now Amazon is going to come and take all the jobs, right? That’s what everybody’s thinking. So there is a lot of emphasis and a lot of focus at the state level, the local level, all of our university partnerships, um, and so forth to really think about how are we developing the workforce of tomorrow? How are we cranking out more, uh, university students and graduates in these STEM-related programs? The Virginia economic development partnership is making a lot of strides in creating, um, a tech talent pipeline with their investment in the university system. They anticipate that through this investment that they’re making over a 20 year period, they’re going to increase the number of computer science graduates by 25,000 people, um, which has almost doubled what they are doing right now. And so that is super important as we’re thinking about how our, if, if we are perceived as having a future labor force, a shortage or that it’s hard to get workers, it’s going to be hard for us to attract jobs. And so there’s a lot of efforts and going into this. The other piece is talent recruitment.
Winn: Well if you listened to the fuller Institute and the reports that they put out, art, the DMV area has always lost a lot of, um, graduates that grew up here. A lot of Prince William students that went to high school here go to college and they never came back home because they didn’t think they had a job. And the only reason why I’m reaching bros is because we have this international, um, in migration of, of people coming in. And so the NOAA economic development Alliance, how many people know about what that is? Nope. Okay. Alright. Good job. So when I talked about collaboration and partnerships, one of the most amazing things that happened to justice fall was that the 10 jurisdictions in Northern Virginia got together the economic development directors and said, we are going to create an Alliance so that we can market together and um, work together to, uh, amplify the Northern Virginia message.
Winn: And because, because of the Amazon, when they were North of Northern Virginia actually got recognized separately from the DMV. Always in the past. Anytime that people would talk about Northern Virginia, they always love it in with DC. They wouldn’t say Metro DC area. And so when that shortlist came out with Amazon, it didn’t say metropolitan DC, it’s a district cook clock and then it said Northern Virginia. And so what we got together as um, an a as partners to say we’re going to work together. One of the things that we’re going to, we’ll focus on is talent recruitment is how are we helping really bring that the, the workforce in the talented workforce in to supply our work, our employers and to make sure that pipeline doesn’t dry up. And Fairfax County is one of the leaders in that area. They have a large budget and they are already investing in trying to develop programs and opportunities to start to market in our area.
Winn: You know, I got ’em handed off to Patrick and Nicole, you have their um, moved to Manassas website. I did stumble on that very early on. It’s a fantastic website because think about it, if I’m looking for a job and I’m from this area, I want to know, you know, what is there to do, how are the schools, what is, what is the opportunities here? And so having those resources available and marketing to be able to attract that workforce is really important. The workforce incentives piece is also, there’s always been some kind of grant training, job training program, but again, the Virginia economic development partnership recognizes that workforce is such an issue that they are, um, they’ve taken a big step this year. They are, they plan to create a workforce program and who have over 50 employees working in workforce related, um, program. And they, I have created a new, uh, it’s called a tap program, the talent accelerator program.
Winn: And what this is, is instead of an employer that’s coming into the area, they either can opt to have a grant and then go do workforce recruitment on their own. Or they actually get this customized service from the state, from the Virginia economic development partnership to work with. Um, then the staff to develop, recruit and attract. They’re more enforced for their jobs. And so it is modeled after some of the best workforce programs in the nation and our state, Virginia will have that. That means that when we’re attracting employers to the city of Manassas and um, principally Yolo County, we’re going to have access to be able to market and that’s going to be extremely instrumental placemaking.
Winn: So placemaking obviously we have it is, um, it’s been, uh, you know, it has been continuing to evolve. I would say as the, um, I think the regular kind of, um, residents you placemaking, it was always been kind of like urban centers and city centers, you know, think about like, uh, those experiences and reskin Thomas center was one of the very first communities that started to try to create this sense of place. And it’s taken over 20 years. Her rests into view what it is today. But what’s, what we’re thinking about now is how are we creating those nodes of activities, those pop up experiences. People don’t shop at stores the way they used to because we can buy what like 90% of what we need on a daily basis online. So when we’re going out, we want to have experiences, we want to connect, we want to engage with people.
Winn: And so our city centers are our nodes of activity, have to be able to give people this, this opportunity to experience things and to bring together the sociability. And so we need to think about like what Prince William is doing with our small area plans in developing these nodes of activity. This is going to play a big part because if we’re going to be able to attract the workforce and we’re gonna be able to attract the little, um, the tail it, people want to know where are they eating and shopping at lunchtime or after work. And they’re gonna go get a drink and they don’t want to have to go miles and miles away and they don’t want to get in their car. They want it accessible. So having amenities available is going to be super important. Pop up retail being a or a pop up libraries, pop up art spaces.
Winn: Those are great tools to help us activate maybe spaces that are vacant or have been underutilized for a period of time and try, try to bring new life into a neighborhood or, or a no. And so when we think about another trend and things that need to be, um, really implementing and doing are our strategies. Placemaking is huge because people, um, because places matter to people in economies. It’s not about, um, it’s not about where the lowest prices are, the lowest landings. It’s about the place which brings me to the revitalization of the, the I 95 route one corridor. We are focused. When I think about how these, uh, placemaking, um, principles are actually going to affect how we start to strategize and encourage investment. This plays a big part just right before the end of the year, the North, um, Woodbridge area, small area plan was adopted and approved.
Winn: That small area plan actually calls or mixed use vertical development in a walkable community that’s going to have that sense of place. Do you know, ever since that plan has been approved, we have gotten so many, um, interested property owners and investors that are now looking to this area. And these are real so that it’s too early for me to talk about, but it’s, but it’s, it happens and the County has made some investment in terms of infrastructure and, um, widening route one and clearing utilities to help create that sense of place, the, um, the market. And so, you know, like I, I get a lot of people saying like, well, we never really focused on the Eastern side of the County before and, you know, why are we doing this now? Or you should have been doing this before. Well, what I tell you, you’ll find years ago, I don’t even think that we could have put, um, got me level of interest in this area.
Winn: Like we are a nap. And that reason is, is that you have these higher priced markets in Restin, Tyson’s, DC, Arlington, Alexandria. And so now those government contractors, those it companies, those maybe second tier, uh, in my class with companies that may have gone to those places, you know, initially they’re being out price and they can’t afford to actually be there. So if they don’t need to have direct access to the Capitol or DC or the pedagogue, this is a great opportunity. And so I feel like when we’re thinking about the future of 20, 20 and beyond, I in 85, route one corridor is where it’s at.
Speaker 2: [inaudible]
Winn: existing business engagement. So I’ve been a big proponent for, um, my economic development career when, when I think about an existing businesses, I think about what types of value added services that we can offer to help, um, companies generate more revenue and um, create new law, new partnerships that hopefully create a new lines of business. And with bottom line that I want you to expand and grow in my County. And so we develop our programs and services around us in mind. How can we lift up our companies and give them more opportunities? The interesting thing is about existing business engagement is because the workforce today and the one tomorrow is so socially conscious. When they are looking for jobs, they go to an employer’s website and they want to see what is that employer doing in the community? Do they have volunteer programs? Are they giving back because they want or do they recycle?
Winn: Like right? What kind of policies do they have? And they want to be a part of companies that embrace those same values that, that they do. And so when we think about where we’re going in the future, part of our engagement is going to be, Oh, ground getting the, uh, existing business community involved in the community. How are we helping give opportunities to that, to their workforce to get involved and give back? And we believe that that is going to create more opportunities, more partnerships, and um, and really help them continue. It’ll like, it’ll dig them in the roots where they’re so connected into our community and they’ll never want to leave. Um, and it’ll create more opportunities for them to connect and generate more revenue. The last piece is entrepreneurship. If you’ve heard me speak before, I told you, that’s what I have told you, that um, one of the interesting Coke towels from Amazon relocating to Northern Virginia is that they have a stat that says, um, three out of every 10 employees that worked for Amazon goes off and starts their own business.
Winn: And so when you think about what small business and entrepreneurship is, and, and we have Mike run in these other major employers in the area and you have technology, we need to be ready to really build capacity with our small businesses and help them not only start and launch a business, but then scale and continue to grow. And whatever their exit strategy is, whether it’s they want to leave, they want to continue to grow and leave a legacy for their kids or they want to exponentially grow and get bought out. We need to support and be able to have the tools ready so that we can grow our home. And because I think there’s unreal lot more opportunities that is, um, Debbie presented for more entrepreneurship and more companies to, to grow with small business and entrepreneurship. It takes a village and it takes many different partners.
Winn: And you know, I’m going to echo, uh, George Mason given her, I go Patrick and give a shout out to our friends at George Mason. And as Patrick says, we did follow suit. We just like to copy him, um, every time. Um, um, uh, reach out and we still, we have a Mason small business development center in order to looking at, you know, when you think about the themes and all connects back because we’re looking at how do we partner with better programs? How do we, how do you partner with AA RFP to engage retired professionals to start new businesses? How are we engaging with the Latin, um, Latino, uh, economic development chamber and a corporation to make sure that we have Spanish speaking counselors to really help our minority and women owned businesses? You. So how are we creating those partnerships? And it all circles back. So all of those things all integrate it in order for us to do economic development. And then last facility with our snapshot, I did not do any, like, here’s what our accomplishments are. So when I think about the future of 20, 20, you know, our demographics are continuing to change. You know, I’m hoping that with our ability to con, um, to attract more workforce, that talented workforce and create more jobs here in Prince William, that our demographics will even get better and, um, more attractive to, uh, attract more companies. Thank you.
Speaker 2: [inaudible].
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wikitopx · 5 years
The beautiful forested slopes, clear lakes, and flower-filled valleys have attracted nature lovers, vacationing families, seekers of peace, and pointing to people in so many ways. system.
This picturesque Pennsylvania mountain in northeastern Pennsylvania overlooks the Delaware River and Delaware Water Gap and borders Wallenpaupack Lake and Wyoming Valley. Here are the best things to do in the Poconos, PA.
1. Delaware Water Gap National Recreation Area
The breathtaking natural beauty of the area surrounding the Delwar Water Gap has been touristy for more than a century, and it is considered one of the natural wonders of the world. To protect it, manage it and tell the world about it, this area was declared a National Recreation Area in 1978.
It is a large park that covers 40 miles of the Delaware River, 67,000 acres of mountains covered in dense sub-forests, valleys, submerged plains, exploding ravines with rhododendrons exploding in bloom in the beginning.
Spring, native Sam large forest, and abundant wildlife call it home, including bears, foxes, lynxes, chipmunks, deer, and more. Visitors can enjoy more than 100 miles of trails that take them to the most beautiful waterfalls, canyons, and ravines.
Those who like to drive can enjoy more than 100 miles of scenic beauty. About 27 miles of the Appalachian Trail passes through the area. The Poconos is a spectacularly beautiful region excellent for bird watching, zip-lining, hiking, fishing, canoeing, golfing, skiing, parasailing, and whitewater rafting.
The charming small towns that dot the region are all unique and make a visit to the Poconos a true delight. Keep reading for more things to do & where to stay in the Poconos.
2. Bushkill Falls
High up in the Pocono Mountains, the crystal clear water of a narrow stream tumbles down the cliffs and makes its way to the Delaware River far, far below.
The stream sped up as it ran toward the first of the eight, Pennell Falls, continuing through the narrow Glen Glen and upper canyon until it fell down a 100-foot-high cliff, creating Main-coated waterfall. rate. It forms a beautiful, deep, cool lake surrounded by ferns and flowers before dropping an additional 70 feet.
The whole area is intersected with narrow trails and observation areas that offer an unforgettable day of exploring and spectacular views. Get a map of the trails to find the one that appeals most to you.
If you're lucky, you might spot many birds living in this lush area. Wild animals like black bears, foxes, and bobcats are there too but are more elusive. After your hike, you might want to relax with a paddleboat ride, play a game of mini-golf, or sit on a bench and feed the ducks.
3. Hickory Run State Park, Pocono Mountains
Hickory Run State Park, located in Carbon County, stretches over 15,990 acres in the forested western foothills of the Pocono Mountains. The park is popular for Boulder Field, a flat area covered with large, round boulders that look like the surface of the Moon.
Sand Spring Lake has a lovely swimming beach and a golf course, and this is one of the three fixed points for orientation courses. The area includes hundreds of picnic tables, playground equipment, and restrooms.
Many streams and lakes in the park are great for brook and brown trout fishing, and hikers can enjoy more than 44 miles of trails. Some of the trails are permitted for cross-country skiing and others for snowmobiling in the winter.
The best time for hiking is June when the rhododendrons are in full bloom. The park is also popular for Geocaching, high tech treasure hunting with the use of GPS.
4. Poconos PA: No. 9 Coal Mine & Museum
Experience firsthand the dark world of coal mining by visiting No. 9 Coal Mine, the oldest continuously running anthracite coal mine in Lansford, Pennsylvania, 1600 feet into the mountainside.
The mine operated from 1855 to 2002, when it was closed and converted into a tourist attraction and museum. Trained and experienced guides will take you on a walking tour deep into the mountain and tell you the horror stories of the lives our ancestors who worked as miners had to endure.
You will see the original 900-foot deep elevator shaft that was used to haul coal cars to the surface, a miner’s hospital, and the underground mule-way. The museum is located in the former miners’ shanty and it contains original tools such as picks, drills, shovels, saws, axes, blasting tools, and even miners’ caps, lamps, and lunch cans.
5. Great Wolf Lodge Waterpark, The Poconos
To say that Great Wolf Lodge is kid and family-friendly is a gross understatement. Located in Scotrun, a small town between Mount Pocono and Tannersville, this resort is all about family fun.
It starts with the hotel suites that have ‘wolf dens’ and kiddy camps with kiddy bed bunks. And then there is a large, water park that operates year-round to entertain the whole family with thrilling rides, water slides, swimming pools, etc.
Enter Fort Mackenzie to get splashed and soaked until you escape through the Totem Tower slide. Dare to try Hydro Plunge, a roller coaster made of water. Let the kids go crazy and escape to the North Hot Spring soothing warm pool where no kids are allowed. Wherever you go, the temperature is a perfect 84 degrees even if it is snowing outside.
6. Poconos weekend getaway: Promised Land State Park
High on the Pocono Plateau, over 1,800 feet above sea level, Promised Land State Park is 3,000 acres of a natural wonderland. It is surrounded by over 12,464 acres of Delaware State Forest, densely covered with oak, beech, hemlock, and maple. It includes two lovely lakes, one with a well-equipped picnic area, a popular starting point for exploring the area.
The area is located in a picturesque forest next to the Promised Lake and has a playground, water, sand volleyball court, basketball court, and two sandy beaches. Concessions nearby provide boat rentals.
Both Promised Land Lake and Lower Lake are great for taking a slow canoe trip, and if you are a fisherman, try your hand at catching some bass, pickerel, yellow perch, or catfish.
Hikers have 50 miles of trails that intersect the Promised Land State Park and the Delaware State Forest for exploration, nature study, bird watching, or just reveling in the pure joy of magnificent nature. Don’t forget to stop at the Masker Museum with interesting natural history displays, including mounted animals.
7. Quiet Valley Living Historical Farm
The Quiet Valley Life History Farm seeks to preserve Germany's unique heritage in Pennsylvania. Guides dressed in traditional clothing re-enact scenes from daily farm life for visitors and provide information about the founder of the farm, Johann Depper.
The expansive farm includes pastures, streams, and forested areas, and goats, cows, horses, sheep, chickens, pigs, and other animals roam the 114-acre area. Visitors can walk through a vintage farmhouse, a cabin, a smokehouse, and a handful of little barns.
The quiet valley is open to individual and group tours, and the farm can be rented for birthday parties, weddings, and other special events.
8. Poconos weekend getaway: Kalahari Waterpark, Poconos
Pocono Manor is home to Kalahari Water Park, 10,000 square meters of African themed water park. This indoor waterpark has fun and challenging attractions for the entire family, including indoor surfing, body boarding, and waterslides.
Visitors can wind down by floating on the lazy river or lounging in the hot tub. On warm days the roof of the water park can be retracted to let the sunshine in.
The Kalahari Waterpark is part of a resort that has nearly 460 luxurious suites. A vast convention center, spa, restaurants, and family entertainment center make the Kalahari Waterpark a one-of-a-kind spot for corporate events, parties, retreats, and other special gatherings.
9. Claws 'N' Paws, Pocono Mountains
Claws 'N' Paws is a zoo and animal park that hosts many fascinating programs throughout the summer and fall months. Visitors can have up-close encounters with more than 120 animal species, including parrots, reptiles, alligators, and pythons. Claws 'N' Paws also has a variety of baby animals at its facility.
At the petting zoo, visitors can interact with deer, lambs, and goats. Dinosaur Outpost, a recent addition, is an interactive space where adults and children can go to dig fossils. Finally, the Claws 'N' Paws allow visitors to feed parrots with the help of animal park staff.
10. Eckley Miners' Village, Poconos
Eckley Miner's Village was a bustling center of activity from the mid-1800s to the mid-1900s. The central part of the village consists of a museum, two churches, a sports club building, a company store, and some outstanding houses. At the visitor's center, guests watch a video that explains the hardships of mining life as well as the history of the village.
The churches and social club give visitors a glimpse into the day-to-day lives of the miners who lived in Eckley Village, along with their families. At the store, visitors learn about how company stores operate and why miners avoid them. Before leaving, guests can receive souvenirs in the Eckley Village gift shop.
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From : https://wikitopx.com/travel/top-10-things-to-do-in-the-poconos-703344.html
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nashvillepremiere · 6 years
Homes For Sale In Sumner County Tennessee Towns
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The Reserve at Cambridge Farms
Gallatin Tennessee is more than a convenient suburb of Nashville. On its own, this Sumner County city is a thriving hub of recreation, entertainment, attractions, history, and events. The Reserve at Cambridge Farms is located off Long Hollow Pike, near Vietnam Veterans bypass and Highway 109. We chose this location for its convenient access to these major roads but also the scenic beauty that the natural landscape will add to the neighborhood. We will offer a wide array of energy-efficient, single-family homes here, in sizes that range from 1,536 square feet to 2,988 square feet of indoor living space, and from three to five bedrooms. With so many choices of homes for sale in Sumner County Tennessee towns, as well as options for each design, you can certainly find the right home to suit your lifestyle. When you live at The Reserve at Cambridge Farms, you’ll enjoy a sense of community, as well as close proximity to the 22,000-acre Old Hickory Lake and the trails at Station Camp Greenway, ideal for enjoying the great outdoors. Historic Downtown Gallatin is only a short distance from the neighborhood. Browse the shops, taste the diverse menus at the eateries, and experience the many events that take place here throughout the year. Long Hollow Golf Course is located minutes from The Reserve at Cambridge Farms, so you’ll always be close to your next round of challenging golf. To learn more about this community or to set up your personalized appointment, please contact me.
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