#Hi Izzie 🌿
xuseokgyu · 2 years
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COLORING BEFORE & AFTER TAG Seonghwa and Dokyeom edition I guess hahah
I’ve been tagged by the lovely @soonscoups @hwiyoungies @jinniebit and @coupsnim <3
Final Sets: Gif 1 | Gif 2 | Gif 3 | Gif 4 | Gif 5
So, this is interesting... My process didn’t change at all, but I got a new computer that has a totally different screen color than what I was used to and no way to actually adjust it so you might have noticed some changes in my coloring (some skins are looking way more pink than intended) In the end I’m just having to save my gifs and post them in my drafts so I can see them on my phone to check how they’ll actually look on most screens... Is a very slow process, but I’m getting better at achieving the results I want on the first try They always look incredibly different on my computer and on my phone tho... But looking on the bright side, I’m basically insuring that they will look good no matter your screen coloring hahaha
I don’t know who has already done this, but tag me in it if you did! I tag @injunnies @jeong-yunhoes @jjongho @jeonwonwoo and @applejongho
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meanbossart · 8 months
I love Izzy so much, I feel for him tremendously.
Can you tell us something about his future relationship, whatever it might be, with Grodderick? Or is it under wraps for spoilers? 👀
Sure! The details of their relationship are never relevant to the plot, it's more of a background thing that changes some very minor character interactions in ways I doubt one can predict by simply learning about it - I'll still leave it under a cut for anyone who wants to avoid it. I'll also skip certain story beats which allow their relationship to happen in the first place that are most definitely spoilers, and only talk about the actual dynamic between them and post-ANE events, so if details feel amiss, that's because they are.
So it's probably obvious that they're meant to develop a romantic relationship lol this happens after Grodderick gets somewhat "stuck" with Izzy around through certain circumstances. Izzantar, in his predicament, happens to be far more comfortable around him than anyone else because of his predisposition to feel safe around "slave" races. Now, that's obviously not a great start to any relationship, romantic or otherwise lol but it is what it is.
They grow a little closer through Grodderick's endless patience and sincere curiosity about a culture he isn't familiar with. Izzantar, despite his experiences, considers the underdark his home, he can only properly conceptualize of surface customs by comparing them to his own culture, and Grodderick is the only one willing to hear it without judgement - with the eventual wisecrack or pushback. But the way he does it is one Izzantar comfortable with.
Likewise Izzantar would probably defy Grod's own generalized negativity around the orc-ish side of his culture (and frankly be positively shocked it has any merit at all). It's a funny little game of "no, YOU have internalized hate" they keep playing between themselves by accident.
Another major point here is that Grodderick is a) the only person who sees Izzantar as an adult and b) someone who immediately recognizes him as someone with an anxiety disorder. With time he would help Izzy to calm the fuck down and not always assume the worse out of people. His company also allows Izzantar to feel more at ease in public settings in the surface as a drow, and Izzy's brazen company and completely unfiltered perspective is a breath of fresh air to Grodderick. He thinks he's funny, he recognizes and participates in his dry humor, he doesn't offend easy, and he's the furthest thing from a drow. This makes him an apt friend choice and later a romantic interest. Being hot and having cool tats helps LOL
Also they both like to partake in a little devil🌿 which is likely how their first meaningful interaction ever happens (Izzantar sees him smoking and is like "oh boy I could really fucking use some of that right now")
They probably starting fucking kind of casually. It's entirely on Izzantar to pursue him since Grodderick isn't interested in feeding a drow's ego, which is a funny interaction of its own where Izzantar just blows up frustrated that he won't make the first move, since he's used to being a very passive partner. Something along the lines of "WHY DON'T YOU WANT TO FUCK ME" probably comes out his mouth verbatim LOL they get over this non-misunderstanding quickly and Izzantar is just happy to have sex in a way that's completely the opposite of what's expected of him in the Underdark as a popular breeder. Obviously he also finds Grodderick profoundly attractive both for his confidence, smarts, appearance, and frankly his imposing presence because he's not immune to a little bad-boy charm.
I think they catch feelings around the same time as one another, and proceed to get on a long-term relationship.
Izzantar (this is post ANE and never mentioned) eventually sets shop somewhere as a jeweler. He gets a lot of business based on the fact that he's a drow and knowingly plays up the part of someone who's mystically more knowledgeable and skilled about precious stones and minerals than most because of his race (on top of his genuine talent). His bad attitude is also hysterically seen as charming drow bedside-manner and indicative of the quality of his work to wealthy clients.
He lets his hair grow out and for semi-plot-related-reasons starts passing as a female drow (also, he just likes it) Grodderick doesn't care either way. At that point they're living together and get a cat that Izzantar names Angkacha. To his despair, Grodderick nickanames it Chacha and it sticks. Izzy wants the cat to be a vicious killing machine but whenever he casts animal speak on it the cat's just like OOOO MAMA ME LOVE MAMA and he hates it (but not really, he would kill for this cat)
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aaaand here's some old doodles of him from that point of his life! The last two have been uh cropped for uh reasons
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requested by a friend ...
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Noah, Eva and Izzy all have a group chat they cannot decide on a name for if their lives depended on it. Izzy and Noah argue over the name about twice a day.
They spend pretty much their every waking moment together post-season, and at Playa des Losers once they're all eliminated. Week-long sleepovers ftw -- they all practically live at Eva's house and have keys of their own
One time, Izzy tried to climb on Noah's back and he almost broke his arm (Eva drove them all to the hospital. She yelled at them the entire time)
Izzy steals Noah's books and eats the pages
Eva and Noah can't go out to eat with her anymore because she refuses to use utensils.
RELATIONSHIPS (platonic or otherwise, take any of them how you like)
Izzy and Owen used to date, however, they split soon after. (They're still friends!!)
Izzy and DJ are unlikely friends -- post-TD, they go on weekend camping trips once a month.
Eva and Izzy are incredibly close (as well as with Noah.) They're best friends who just might kiss sometimes.
Izzy and Leshawna keep in casual contact, but most of their conversations are just Izzy trying to recruit Leshawna to do the most insane shit with her.
Geoff and Izzy, despite not talking much on the show, formed a close bond afterwards and Izzy often helps Geoff party plan. She was also definitely his biggest fan during the Ridonculous Race.
Izzy used to tell Lindsay the most absurd and made up facts and play them off as true, often for weeks on end. During Island, she convinced her that butterflies were actually called butter KNIVES -- and it stuck with her well into Action. (Izzy forgot she even said that.)
Cody is SCARED of Izzy. Like, actually scared of Izzy. She found this out back on the show, and used to chase him around to scare him
Izzy uses she/it pronouns.
She is biromantic and asexual.
Izzy is transfem fight me!!!
Izzy is a fiend at hide and seek. She will hide anywhere and everywhere. As a child, she once hid underneath a car for 6 hours because nobody could find her.
Izzy smells like the smell when it's just about to rain. How she achieves this, nobody knows.
Izzy frightens children.
Her favourite holiday is Halloween.
Sorry if these aren't that good! I didn't actually have many in my hoard for Izzy -- so I spent like two hours on this post, haha. Hope you enjoy, Izzy fans!! X3 - Kitty
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futharksys · 9 months
we're futhark, a probably disordered, madd based, audhd, neuro/trauma/adaptive system. we're very queer and love learning abt stuff.
pretty much all of the system is alterhuman or entirely nonhuman, with two groups being dragons and elves.
we might switch between we and i a lot and also forget to sign stuff a lot so just. embrace the chaos
we do digital art sometimes and are thinking of making a new blog/accounts to post that stuff on.
no specific dni because that's what the block button is for. we're inclusive of all systems and good-faith queer id, mogai/liom, alterhumans, self diagnosis, etc. our m.o. is if you've properly, informatively reflected on it, you probably know yourself best and we believe you.
under the cut is the list of headmates!
the list™
home world: Nirn
kyria 🗡️ she/they
(theres also internal fictives of alduin, paarthurnax, and odahviing. all use he/him)
home world: The Void
echos (echo ⛅ ey/they, enn ☁️ ey/they, nym 🍃 ae/ey/they)
bee 🐝 she/they/bee
radio 📡 ae/they/cele/star
null ⚫ none, null/voi/x
home world: Earth2
morgan/izzy ⚔️ they/fae/fey (any variant on fae)
morganite 🍓 they/she
paige 🪴 lun/kit/zie/they
home world: Kestrel Earth
kess 🍏 fey/ae/they
bracken 🏞️ neos/they
kez 🌌 fey/they/xe
dusk 🌆 neos/they
io 🌠 they/them
moon 🌙 they/it
cass 🦇 xe/they/ix/it
amber 🌄 they/she
sæwine 🐚 mer/sai/ne
home world: Nightside
ash 🌑 they/them
ava 🌘 they/lun
nep 🌕 they/them
verdi ❇️ they/it
aspen 🌿 ae/ey/they
hazel 🌰 she/fae
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arealcrow · 2 years
🌿 🌺 💫 ask meme for Izar the star!
🌿 What way does your OC show that they care without using words? What way do others show your OC that they’re cared about without using speech?
izzy shows his care through attention and support. he's a great confidante, a very loyal Companion. i know i compare him to a small dog so often, but he truly just does want to sit in someone's lap and make sure they are emotionally content. and on the flip side of that, izzy likes to be taken care of materially and organizationally. stuff like taking care of scheduling things for him and helping him get around, taking him out for nice meals and remembering his favorite things to order.
🌺 What does your OC do to calm down when they’re scared or after a nightmare? Do they have any special comfort items or need to be reassured by a specific person? How do they handle this if they’re alone?
he wants to be Held by someone who feels safe. or hold a small, soft animal. if he's alone he would go wake someone else up so he was not alone, or stay up the rest of the night until he could see someone else. nightmares are hard for him <3
💫What is your favourite fact about this character and why?
he stutters in basque, less in spanish, and not at all in english. one of many tidbits im borrowing from family members, i think its a fun thing that can happen as you learn languages lol :3
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wristful · 2 years
 🌿 will harri—*gunshot* stevie spirit?!???!?!?!
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stevie and spirit have been in a corner for most of the night with andrew hovering in and out, mostly to ask what they're doing or drinking and to shoot stevie looks out the corner of his eye. to make sure i'm not buying anything he thinks for a second and then reminds himself that andrew might not actually know what he and spirit do outside of his company; regardless, they just sit and simmer. watching from the edge of the party.
ellie and andrew are doing drinks in the kitchen; izzy, sasha and charlee have been doing shots in the living room. and from the far side, will is talking to harris.
(this isn't the plan. it wasn't supposed to be the plan anyway. spirit had made it pretty clear how fucking awful harris was and while will is insufferable and a harvard-toting jackass, he's not kill-worthy. he's not punishable. stevie just hates the way will makes his skin crawl with guilt and fear.)
right now, will is sipping on his eighth glass of wine (a rarity from mr my body is a temple) and studiously avoiding his phone that lights up every fifteen minutes with texts or missed calls gone straight to voicemail; harris has enraptured him in some kind of story. the two of them laugh at the right places and stand closer and closer and stevie can't hardly watch. this is such a bad idea. it's such a bad idea. even spirit looks antsy about it.
it's not until someone tosses mistletoe at the back of stevie's head that things really get interesting; he stoops to kiss spirit's cheek with a secret smug smile and then belts the little plastic plant at will.
(stevie is never going to get the image of harris sliding his tongue into will's mouth like he owned the other man out of his head. ew.)
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🌿 from Izzy for Stede
Send 🌿 to accidentally get caught under the mistletoe with my muse. @avastyetwats
The crew isn't nearly as subtle as they think they are. Roach had made them a special dinner that insisted that only the Captain and the First Mate could taste. Frenchie played a few songs, only when they were nearby. The decoration gave a much more... romantic vibe to the ship rather than holidays, as it was supposed to. Black Pete and Lucius and their comments...
Now they told them to wait here, right under the mistletoe. ❝I don't know about pirates, but back on land...❞ Stede tells him with a smile, shifting his gaze from the mistletoe to Izzy ❝...this means we are supposed to kiss.❞
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coupsnim · 2 years
hi izzie just dropping this cus i think you'd love it :3 https://twitter.com/okidoki_DK/status/1509904404559785992?t=rPTLidDOhffwSNWMI0A-bA&s=19
- 🌿
this is the best thing that happened to me today, thank you so much for sending it!!!!! my heart is full 🧡
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lonely-paracosmos · 3 years
🌿 and 🍒 :)
🌿 - Any cliques among alters?
A little bit! XZ, Izzy, and Tento are legit always near each other and hangout with one another
🍒 - funny story that happened in headspace?
UHHH IM NOT IN HEADSPACE A LOT?? But Izzy once accidently let out all of his bugs out of the bug room?? Chaos ensued
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xuseokgyu · 2 years
Every month of 2022 with Belle!
I was tagged by @ambivartence and @coupsnim to link your favorite and/or most popular post from each month this year (it’s totally fine to skip months!) and tag some CCs you love!
Since I’m a rambler I’ll be putting the list under a read more 😅
January So the most popular post was my favorite looks of Lee Know... I have maybe 20 posts max of stray kids, bur they certainly have one of the most active fandoms, this post will make a comeback from time to time and suddenly there are yet more notes, but my favorite must be this crazy interaction and incredible face expression by our one and only Joong in one of Maddox’s vlogs hehehe February my most popular here was Yunho crying during endingment cause apparently we all love to suffer (is one of my favorites too); and I guess my favorite would be the compilation of all of Wooyoung’s Thanxx outfits (at least the 9 I could find for the set heheh) March I’m not surprised at all to find out the most popular for march was the 97 Line entrance to their cover of Light A Flame... I get it; My favorite tho was YunGi for Ode To Youth... this photoshoot is still one of my favorites and I could have chosen any of the *three sets* I made of this specific part (don’t judge) but in this one I tried a coloring a bit different from my usual and I really liked the result April This was a reeeally slow month cause of some life changes heheh (I literally made only three gifsets, I am shook myself) so I’m not surprised the most popular post was my gfx for Mingyu’s birthday; all my gifsets were for my HwaYunGi in every logbook series and although I like them all I can’t really chose a favorite.... May As expected the most popular post was the one made for Seventeen’s Anniversary (i’m such a sucker for before and afters <3 babiees) and even tho it was a slow month as well, my favorite post was the one for Hongjoong’s cover of Lemon Tree, I really liked the coloring hehe June Now, this is not only the most popular post of the month, but the most popular of the year hahaha ngl I expected the Ateez as Onion Headlines post to do good, but I was overwhelmed all the same ahah I had such a great time making it!! Besides this one (cause I really love it) my favorite is the set I made for my favorite songs of the first half of the year... I love when and idea just works exactly as you want it to July I was so happy with how this post turned out so I’m glad to see that the most popular set of July is the Cheers vs Change Up one; and I have some other favorites in this month be it for coloring or whatever but THIS ILLUSION!JOONG POST was completely robbed for not showing up on the tags... I know he would do so much better if it wasn’t for it... thx tumblr... August The most popular set was this stunning DK during Good Offer GoSe... I understand why, believe me, but this is such a plain set I did not expect to do as well as it did haha and omg I have so many to choose for my favorite.... I discarded some others but I can’t decide between this two and since both kinda have the same appeal to me I give you Pink Cat and Sleepy Pink Bunny Hwa September I have a brand and I’m glad you clearly understand my vision, no wonder the most popular set was the 97 line literally just standing there in suits hahahah Now, again there’s many favorites here... ugh this is hard... I’ll go with my set for Anna with her biases in the special Mama stage (Again, one of those cases where you have an idea and everything just WORKS... so satisfying); But I also have to mention this Pouty Puppy Yunho set because I love the look, I love the coloring and I know it was also robbed by tumblr not adding it to the tags.... October This was THE month of before and after thanks to Ateez’s anniversary and our little countdown event hahaha (I have to mention my two favorite sets of the countdown: Woo for the evolution and Hwa cause I was REALLY proud of the coloring) but no surprise the most popular set was Ateez’s Anniversary d-day; Now, besides the special mentions, my favorite set was this Mingi during tour... not because of my coloring or really anything I did just... THIS MINGI November Time for Atiny’s anniversary and is no wonder the most popular set are our cuties dancing in pajamas to celebrate it hahaha and my favorite set marks not only the end of some long time without a computer but also a new era of coloring since I can’t calibrate the screen and the first time I actually remade a set and was able to visualize how much I’ve improved also DK singing to Smile Flower will always be a vision December I had to have it in my blog and apparently you feel the same cause the most popular post so far is Producer!Joong ... is such a simple look AND YET!! I can’t explain what is it about it but I know you get it... For my favorite I have to go with Paradigm Hwa cause witch/vampire coded Seonghwa is always a win for me
Honestly... If I had not yet admitted to you and to myself that Ateez became my ultimate group this post would be eye opening and quite embarrassing to carat Belle...... I’m still a carat and Dokyeom is still above all other bias, he is the ultimate, but I can’t deny I have been creating waaayyy more for those 8 pirates that just barged into my life AND I’LL SEE THEM LIVE IN MADRID!!! CAN YOU HER ME SCREAM??????
Anyways... I had to share the good news; back to the tag game hehehe I tag @jinniebit and also some newer moots to see what you were doing in the beginning of the year! @jeong-yunhoes @skz-films @chwejongho @dazzlingkai @woosanmas @changbeens @hansolz and @jonghho​
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xuseokgyu · 2 years
happy happy happy birthday my dear belle! 🎂🥳 I hope you had a great day celebrating! 🧡
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Thank you so much love!!!
I did have an amazing day 🥰🥰🥰🥰
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xuseokgyu · 3 years
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rules: post your biases (from different groups) to see if you have a type!
In no particular order:
Dokyeom: Seventeen
Minghao: Seventeen
Mingyu: Seventeen
BM: Kard
Mingi: Ateez
Yunho: Ateez
Han: Stray Kids
Changbin: Stray Kids
Jackson: Got7
I guess I have a thing for total dorks.... Let me know what other point in common you see here people! (FYI: I couldn’t make this post without Minghao, but he is my son, not really my type, so coming up with it should probably count him out)
The first time I saw this tag game I only knew svt 🥲 I know there’s still very few groups here but is funny to see how things are turning out for me heheh
Tagged by @defgyus , @coupsnim , @shuaway and @sanpoems Thanks Val, Izzie, Lee and Mi!! 🥰🥰
Tagging @best-quality-boo @sanshiine @junhaoshua @24hoursofdaisy @mulberry-rose @vernons @julyprince @svt-incorrect @kyeomblr @ohoshi @myungho
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xuseokgyu · 3 years
ur moots as aesthetics? :D
Okay okay it’s been a while since I’ve done a moot tagging ask!! (to the anon(s) that sent me the one asking about them as idols I’m so sorry but I didn’t have the brain power 😓)
I know I’m not exactly part of this generation when I don’t know many aesthetics names (I’m making most of them up) ahhaha but here it’s the general vibe I see them as
@haniehae - street / dark athletics
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@jihooned - dark academia
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@woozi & @scoups - bubblegum girl
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@coupsnim - cottagecore
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Cottagecore is probably not what I’m thinking about but I don’t know what else to call it 🤭
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xuseokgyu · 4 years
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@coupsnim​ requested -  My Blog as a Movie
I just instantly knew what I wanted to do for your poster hehehe  Maybe is because of your style of graphics or the whole experience I get from you, but if I had to imagine your blog as a movie it would be a period romance... I know I told you this before, but your edits and the addition of plants and paint like details always make your work feels poetic 
The poster is actually inspired by the one from Pride & Prejudice 2005 (my favorite movie of all time!) I hope you like it!! P.s.: Don’t look too much into the awards, I wanted to add some cause it felt right to, but I didn't create them so the achievements are random 😅
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xuseokgyu · 3 years
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO THIS AMAZING PERSON! 💕💕 I hope you get to enjoy your special day... e buon compleanno! 🥳🎂🎉
You are amazing 💕💕💕
Grazie bella 😘😘
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