#Hey let's talk!(Tenten)
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historias-multorum · 15 days ago
@kaito-akimoto “Happy Valentine’s Day, Tenten. This is for you,” Kaito said, gifting her a box of chocolates, hoping it would be well received. He had been crushing on her hard ever since she did a tarot reading for him.
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"These are- for me?!"
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"Awww! That's so sweet of you Kaito thank you so much! Here, lets eat them together, there's no way I'll eat all these alone."
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the-himawari · 1 month ago
A3! Hyodo Kumon - Translation [SR] Bright Star of Blooming (1/2)
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*Please read disclaimer on blog; default name set as Izumi
Kumon: …
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*door opens*
Kazunari: Hey, what’s hanging? I wonder if anyone's here?
Misumi: Ah, Kumon’s here~!
Muku: What are you watching there, Kyu-chan?
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Kumon: Videos from “Journey to the Colours”! I thought I’d re-watch them before the screening party. I was still a high school student back then, huh~? That’s a blast from the past~.
Kazunari: Oof, not sure enough time has passed for you to be saying that, fam!
*notification sound*
Kumon: Ah! It’s a LIME from Yamaguchi!
Muku: Is Yamaguchi-kun doing well?
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Kumon: Yep! We’re gonna play backyard baseball together next time!
Muku: It’s great you’re still close after starting university.
Kazunari: If they're gonna play a backyard baseball game, should we go cheer them on again?
Misumi: Let’s go, let’s go~!
Kumon: Really!? That’d be awesome! Thanks, guys! But we have do to the screening party first!
Muku: I’m looking forward to that too!
Kazunari: Is Gucchi gonna come to the screening?
Kumon: He said he’d pass since it’s not an actual performance~.
Misumi: Aw~, that's too bad!
Kazunari: Yay! Rocking the long hair again~!
Misumi: I have red hair~.
Kumon: Sumi-san’s red hair looks so fresh! “Journey to the Colours” is great ‘cause we get such bold hairstyles. Azami never misses! Of course the colourful costumes Yuki made are the best too!
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Yuki: Yes, yes. I know.
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Izumi: It’s almost time, everyone. Are you ready?
Kumon: Ah, hey! It’s been a while, but since we’re wearing our costumes, let’s do a huddle! C’mon, gather ‘round, everyone~!
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Misumi: I’m down. Let’s do it~!
Yuki: It’s not a play though.
Kumon: Man, it’s too bad Ginkaku and Kinkaku aren’t here…
Yuki: Well, those two are the bad guys.
Kazunari: Right!
Misumi: Lead the cheer, Kumon~!
Kumon: Alriiight. Here goes… LET’S GO, TO TENJIKU!
Troupe members: YEAH~!
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Kazunari: Everyone~, thanks for coming today!
Kumon: We were just talking about this in the dressing room, but it kinda feels like we’re missing something without Kinkaku and Ginkaku here… sorry about that!
Yuki: It’s fine this way. If they were here, they’d be calling me char siu.
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Audience: Ahaha!
Kumon: Hey, Ginkaku would say that, but Muku wouldn’t! We may be wearing our costumes today, but we’re not acting like our characters!
Misumi: That might be fun too though~?
Kumon: You mean speaking in character? If we did that, then this whole thing would become improv—.
Kazunari: …Goku, please. Quiet down.
Kumon: HUH!? Kazu-san totally transformed into my Master…!
Misumi: Goku’s bouncing off the walls like usual.
Kumon: WHAAA!? Now Sumi-san’s Gojo…!?
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Guest A: Ahaha, that’s the Summer troupe experience!
Guest B: They’re the best!
Yuki: See, we’re getting off track now. Goku, I mean, Kumon. Pivot back.
Kumon: Right! Um… what should we talk about? Maybe some behind the scenes stories from the show?
Yuki: In that case, you have to say something about your time as the lead.
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Kumon: You think~!? Lemme see… I guess it was really fun getting to do proper action scenes with Summer troupe~. It felt cool having Banri and nii-chan train us too. It was super exciting for all of us to use long weapons and do fight scenes together!
Misumi:  It also felt new having an enemy team in one of our plays~.
Kazunari: I know, right! Paul from Sky Pirates was all alone in the first run. I was super jealous Tenten and Mukkun got to be a team~!
Yuki: In Summer troupe’s plays, I guess we appear more often as one team rather than splitting up into enemies and allies.
Kumon: During the run of this show, I was supported by not only my co-lead Kazu-san, but also everyone else in the Summer Troupe during both the rehearsals and on stage. I’m truly happy that I get to act together with Summer troupe in this theatre company! Once again, thank you so much for everything!
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Kazunari: Kumopi…!
Misumi: I’m glad you’re here too, Kumon~!
Yuki: I can’t believe he can say all that without feeling embarrassed.
Guest C: All of them get along so well…!
Guest D: Summer troupe is so precious…!
Kumon: Ehehe!
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tentenismybitch · 9 days ago
knock knock hello i also have fledgling thoughts about team gai postwar depression, neji leaving konoha, and team gai as the main characters, and would love to hear your takes!
(cftdk and sasusaiten piqued my interest if you’d rather/also like to talk about those!)
OMG THANK YOU SM FOR ASKING!!! i was going to scream abt all of these but actually i ended up getting a couple more asks! which is great news cus now i can REALLY yap about neji leaving konoha au!!
neji’s takeaway from his fight with naruto is that he can be the decider of his own destiny. he’s not so idealistic as to believe that he, a 13 yr old boy, can singlehandedly change the clan, and he isn’t naive enough to think that he will not experience extreme backlash and abuse for trying to do so. but he thinks. and meditates. and trains. and tries to be at least a little nicer to lee and gai-sensei and tenten.
and then. that uchiha kid leaves the village. and neji is like, huh. and he knows from history class that there was something up with that uchiha clan. and then he is handpicked to be on the mission to retrieve sasuke, who just left the village. and a light bulb goes off in neji’s head. the only way he can be free is if he leaves! and this mission is the perfect cover!
except he can’t resist saying goodbye to the person who used to tie pencils into his hair and throw rocks at him in the academy. the person who stuck beside him even when all he tried to do was push her away. his right hand arm man. his silly rabbit. his best friend tenten.
and tenten is immediately like. bro. wtf? i’m not letting you leave the village and live in the woods by yourself!!! i’m coming with you!!
so they make a quick and hasty plan–neji almost getting killed by kidomaru was not part of the plan but hey. shit happens. tenten puts on a whole show about “not getting left behind” when lee leaves the hospital to chase after the boys and also leaves, but she goes to find neji.
and…i’m kinda stuck on figuring out how tf neji survives after kidomaru almost kills him LMAO but. i know that he does, and i know that they become rogue ninja who travel around the world together (well. tenten is a rogue ninja, neji is presumed dead.) they live in a cave together for a while, they have to change their looks, they end up in amegakure at one point, they reunite with neji’s mom*, tenten gets an infection and almost dies and neji has massive guilt over it, tenten becomes a fuinjutsu master as she tries to figure out how to remove neji’s curse seal without killing him, they maybe cross paths with lee again years later, they fall in love……
AT LEAST! that’s what happens in my mind cus i’ve only written 840 words on an ideation doc LMAO
*my headcanon about neji’s mom is that, rather than being dead, she abandoned him. which sounds fucked up but like. hizashi married an outsider, who was not entirely familiar with the clan’s traditions, and there is a whole veil of secrecy and she is kinda treated like an outcast amongst the clan. she doesn’t find out that neji has to get branded until right before it happens, and she is so furious and heartbroken, and after hizashi says there’s nothing they can do she just. gets defeated and kinda just leaves the village. WHICH. we see the parallel with neji in this don’t we? don’t we? gosh someone make me write this forreal
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shukakumoodboard · 7 months ago
Soooooo, about that gaaleesbians fan fic you were talking about....
i swear i've mentioned it before but i cannae find it so i shall simply. talk about it again relieved emoji
i have exactly one(1) gaaleesbians fic which came to me in a bolt from da lord after @urieskooki was talking in chats about a fic she was working on affectionately called priestie boys and so now you are all eventually getting: naruto but puritan salem witch trials lesbians au. behold
it's called thread of deepest scarlet, heart of shining pearl and it's going to take me an eternity because i've decided i will write it ye olde 17th century sermon style for why though hey totally unrelated hey would u like a snippet? would u like a snippeptpett? woul ud dyu--
“If you would but allow me to taste you,” she whispered, her lips a red gleam against pale skin, red as shone the skin of a crisp apple in the Garden of Eden. Crimson, like blood on the fangs of a snake. “I might offer your treasure worship.” What treasure had she to offer? What worship might she, humble mortal as she was, deserve? “I do not know that of which you s-speak!” What were these feelings coursing within her, consuming her? Was she bewitched, as the sermons had warned? Was Gaara beset by the Serpent, invoking such spells as to ensnare Lee, feminine and vulnerable thus to such infernal spirits, so said the gospels? She had tried, with prayer, with holy silence, with physical toils, to protect herself against the plagues of consumption and stay herself upon the Lord. And yet. “La petit mort, the little death, or so say the French,” she said. Soft her hand slid across Lee’s cheek to brush a strand of hair. Her low laughter rang across the chamber, sweet bells for which no music could find itself an equal. “Has no lover bestowed upon you such wonders?” “L-lovers!? I have but one, my h-husband!” A husband for whom she must always be deferent to, obedient, subservient… Scarlet lips curved down, a frown to wrinkle her pale forehead and its wine-stain mark. “Does he please you?” “To serve my Lord and my husband is my d-duty—I shall not neglect even if he—” “This I have not asked.” Her words struck Lee down, like gospel, her eyes the nails upon which the Saviour crucified. Bow your head in prayer, o wretched ones. “Has he brought you raptures? Does he please you?” O Lord, forgive her. “No.” Lee had thought no sin could truly taste sweet until this moment, where fruit glistened naught on branches but between red lips and shining teeth. And she itched, burned, Hellfire under her skin screaming for a thirst that but Gaara’s touch might slake. Fingers, delicate, stroked up her front, around her waist to until the apron, green wool pooling to the floor while Gaara undid the small glass buttons down her gown front one by one. Lee should not allow this. Her body was a revelation meant for her husband alone. And yet. “As Christ loves His church, the husband must love his wife absolutely, and so I vow this unto you, I will be joined to you and you alone, as one body and one flesh.” Tenten’s stockings, a gift from Lee herself, on the floor— “Wives, be subject to your husbands, as to the Lord.” No. She would not! No sanctity could be found in her home, no longer was her bed a place of holiness, why should she be the sole faithful one? Let he without sin cast stones upon her, she would bear it. Gaara’s crimson red lips sang poisonous, blasphemous hymns, and she wanted nothing else. “I can,” she breathed. “I would show you, in all your loveliness, such wonders, if you wish it.” For if Gaara was the serpent in the Garden, she was Eve, and in that parable, it was she doomed to succumb to temptation; her weakness preordained, this was her Apple and the ways of wickedness were already within her, and so. “Please.” And so, she let Gaara consume her.
if it's not obvious as hell: local witch gaara is asking to consume wife-of-the-pastor-who-has-never-nutted-lee's coochie . hell fuckign yeah
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jujumin-translates · 8 months ago
[A3!] ★ Main Story | Act 14 - DREAM CATCHER | Episode 16 - “Challenge”
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Tenma: “If he’s a wizard, then maybe he knows something about the fantastical paradise oasis.”
Yuki: “Still haven’t given up on that, have you? Whatever. As your wife, I’m worried, so I’ll come with you.”
Misumi: “If you’re going on a journey, I’ll go with you too. Or rather, I ask that you take me with you.”
*Misumi jumps*
Tenma: “Hey, don’t just hop into my bag without my permission.”
Izumi: Tenma-kun, can you put a little more emphasis on that last line?
Tenma: …
Izumi: Tenma-kun?
Tenma: Ah, yeah, my bad.
Izumi: Alright, that’ll be it for today then.
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Tenma: Okay… Good work.
*Door closes*
Yuki: What’s his deal… Still jet-lagged?
Muku: I haven’t seen Tenma-kun looking like that in a long time.
Kumon: I wonder if something happened.
Kazunari: But he was so hyped when we got the script~.
Misumi: …Actually, I saw Tenma talking on the phone last night and he was acting kinda weird.
Yuki: Jeez… He’s bottling things up again, isn’t he?
Kazunari: Hm~, and for situations like that we need--.
Kumon: Huh? What?
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Kazunari: TenTen, c’mon. c’mon!
Tenma: It’s about rehearsal time, right? We’d better go and get r--.
Muku: We have today off.
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Tenma: Hah?
Yuki: C’mon, let’s go.
Kumon: The car’s already here!
Tenma: The car…?
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Misumi: C’mon, c’mon~! I’m driving today~!
Tenma: Wait, where are we going!?
Yuki: Just hurry and get in!
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Tenma: --Gh.
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
*Waves crash*
Tenma: The ocean…?
Kazunari: Bingo!
Misumi: We’re taking a break today, so let’s have as much fun as we can~!
Tenma: …I’m not really in the mood for that right now.
Yuki: Ughh~. --Tch.
*Yuki pushes Tenma*
Tenma: UWAGH!?
*Tenma falls into the ocean*
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Tenma: Pfph, don’t just push me outta nowhere!
Yuki: If you’ve got something to say, just say it. It’s a real pain in the ass when you don’t.
Yuki: Rehearsing with you when you’re in this state isn’t gonna get us anywhere. Do you really think we have a chance of winning the New Fleur Award when you’re acting like that?
Tenma: --.
Kazunari: Yukki, dontcha think you’re being a little dramatic~?
Kumon: We’re all worried about you, Tenma-san.
Misumi: Cheer up, Tenma~.
Muku: As Summer Troupe, we really do have to do our best for the sake of the company, but…
Muku: I’m sure you’ve got something other than that on your mind, don’t you, Tenma-kun?
Kazunari: …We’re friends before we’re Summer Troupe, right?
Kazunari: And if a friend’s feeling distressed, it’s only natural to ask them what’s wrong, so don’t worry about it too much and just say whatever you wanna say~!
Tenma: …
Tenma: …Actually, when we went to the U.S., that director I was introduced to offered me a part in a movie.
Tenma: I’ve been overseas for filming before performances before, but it’s a bigger role than I’ve had in the past, and the filming period is longer too.
Tenma: I’ll have to devote more of my time to the movie.
Tenma: But it’s such an important time for the theater company to all come together and put the New Fleur Award first…
Tenma: I know I should’ve refused, but I wanted to give it a shot because I thought it’d be a chance to get one step closer to my dream of winning the Best Actor Award…
Tenma: I’m not qualified to be the leader of Summer Troupe. Sorry.
Yuki: It’s not like someone as full of himself as you to apologize so honestly like that. Well, I guess you really have grown.
Misumi: You don’t have to apologize, Tenma. We’re friends, aren’t we?
Misumi: And everyone wants to support their friends’ dreams, right?
Kazunari: Exactly. You don’t have to give up. You can do both.
Kazunari: ‘Cause that’s who we are, right?
Kumon: I’m sure that everyone in the company would agree that challenges like that lead to growth!
Tenma: You guys…
Muku: If you’re going to do it, then why don’t we all do it together? Take on a “challenge”.
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Yuki: Huh?
Muku: Actually… I’ve been kind of thinking about something like that too.
Muku: When I saw all those different kinds of actors performing in the U.S., it made me think that I also would like to be on a bigger stage.
Muku: I thought I wasn’t good enough to be on a big stage, that I wasn’t ready for it yet, but…
Muku: I feel like if you’re free to take on that challenge, then we all deserve a chance to take on on too.
Muku: It’s scary and I’m not that confident in myself, but I still have to take that first step to get started.
Muku: Tenma-kun, I think you should also do it “now” rather than “someday”.
Kumon: …Then I’m gonna do it too!
Kumon: I was inspired while we were in the U.S., of course, but…
Kumon: When I saw Sumi-san’s performance, it made me wanna become a better actor so that I can perform on lotsa stages like that!
Misumi: I’m sure you can do it, Kumon.
Kumon: Hehe. Thanks! I wanna “challenge” myself more so that I can grow as an actor!
Yuki: …Since we’re on the topic, I got an offer at my part-time job, too.
Yuki: I wanna try to “challenge” myself with the chance to work with a world-class designer.
Yuki: I just feel like I need to do it now. I’m sure there’s something I can bring back to the theater company.
Kazunari: Then I wanna take on my own “challenge” too. I wanna go to Europe to study design again and get inspired to do lotsa things.
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Misumi: I wanna take on a “challenge” too! I wanna do a performance at Syu’s ‘cause he worked with Gramps on stage!
Misumi: That way I’ll get even better-er at performing!
Yuki: This time, we’re not just gonna wait for you to get back, but we’re gonna take on our own “challenges” with you, Tenma.
Yuki: That way, you don’t have to overthink anything.
Tenma: …H-Hmph. So you guys have grown, too, huh?
Yuki: Excuse me?
Tenma: That’s what you just said before.
Kazunari: It’s like Ibukichi said, you only live once, so you don’t wanna waste even a second of it.
Kumon: Yeah, yeah! Let’s do all the things we wanna do!
Muku: Right. These “challenges” will be good for both Summer Troupe and the company.
Misumi: That’s why we’re gonna chase our dreams together, right, Tenma?
Tenma: …Thanks.
Yuki: We’re not doing it just for you, you know.
Tenma: You know, it’s okay not to say things sometimes!
*Tenma splashes Yuki*
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Yuki: --Don’t splash me!
Muku: Ahaha!
Misumi: I wanna do that too~!
*Misumi splashes Kumon*
Kumon: Whoa! My turn--!
*Kumon splashes Misumi*
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kiljoius-writes · 2 years ago
Love - Distinction - Fascination
Pairing: Hinata Hyūga/Sasuke Uchiha
Summary: Hinata sometimes wonders if everything bothers Sasuke.
Word Count: 5k
Rating: General
Happy birthday to @nagareboshi-sh !!! Here is some fluffy SasuHina for you my dear. This is meant to be the start of their relationship in the same storyline as "Cooler Than Me", meaning it is a Uchiha!Survive and Neji!Survives AU :) I hope you enjoy and have a wonderful birthday, lovely!
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When they were 19, Hinata and Sasuke crossed paths on their respective walks with Tenten and Naruto.
“Oh! Hey Tenten! Hey Hinata!” Naruto calls brightly, waving his hands above his head. Tenten calls back a greeting while Hinata waves shyly. Sasuke gives a simple nod of acknowledgment, which makes Tenten snort.
“It’s a nice evening for a stroll, isn’t it?” Hinata attempts conversation as they meet face to face, eyes bouncing from Naruto to Sasuke.
“Sure is!” Naruto gestures forward. “Walk together?”
“Sure, why not?” Tenten responds, nudging Hinata with her while Naruto repeats the action on Sasuke.
The four fall into step together and engage in idle chatter, though now most of the conversation is flowing between Naruto and Tenten. Prior, Naruto had been lamenting Tsunade’s recent bet losses to Sasuke, and Hinata had been telling Tenten about working in the Yamanaka flower shop. The natural course of conversation was taken over by the two extroverts, Tenten boasting her promotion to jōnin and Naruto asking Hinata if her byakugan could tell what number and symbol, say, a poker card had from the other side.
“Hey, Hinata, that’s the river with those flowers you like, isn’t it?” Tenten asks, craning her neck down to look at Hinata. Hinata looks up, curious.
“Oh, yes.” She nods with a smile, impressed with Tenten’s thoughtfulness. “I don’t think they’re in bloom yet, though.”
“They are.”
Naruto, Tenten, and Hinata all look up at Sasuke adding to the conversation.
Naruto’s the first to pipe up. “Ah, looks like you’re an expert, buddy!” He swings an arm around Sasuke’s shoulders, who looks away in annoyance. “You guys should go check ‘em out, huh?”
“Yeah, yeah! That’d be nice!” Tenten nudges Hinata’s elbow encouragingly with a sweet smile. Hinata looks up at Sasuke to find him still avoiding anyone else’s eyes, and she swallows harshly. “Go on, since Sasuke knows all about ‘em. You’ll have lots to talk about!”
With that, Naruto and Tenten shove them near each other and begin strolling away, oblivious.
“Erm,” Hinata mumbles, rubbing her upper arm nervously, “w-we don’t have to—”
“Let’s go,” Sasuke interrupts, nodding toward the direction of the river. He’s already making strides toward it and Hinata’s eyes go a little wider, finding herself left behind by…everyone, now.
“O-okay!” she calls after him in vain, jogging to catch up. Once she’s next to him, she tries to fall into step next to him, elongating her strides to match his. “Do you also enjoy flowers, Sasuke?”
Hinata stiffens at his tart reply, bringing her hands together in front of her. Doesn’t look up to see his expression morph from one of stoicism to one that looks ever so slightly regretful.
“I mean…” Sasuke sighs, running his fingers through his hair. “They’re fine. My mom gardens.”
“Oh.” She nods her response, wondering if this is an invitation for conversation. She bites her lip before going on. “My mother gardened, too. She taught me how to press flowers.”
It’s a small win, but it makes Hinata smile. Once the river comes into view, he looks at her to see her smile widen and something turns in his brain. She gestures outwards. “You were right, they are in bloom.”
“Were you questioning me?” he asks, his tone a little softer now. She shakes her head quickly, pushes her hair behind her ears.
“I wasn’t. I was just surprised because it’s earlier than normal,” she clarifies, stopping at the bed of the river to crouch next to a patch of wildflowers. Reaching out, she cups a tall cardinal in her palm, running her thumb over the petals.
Sasuke watches her quietly, still standing back with his hands in his pockets. Honestly, he almost expects her to question how he knew they were in bloom but isn’t surprised when she doesn’t. Hinata’s always been quieter than the other girls in their class, one of the few that never bothered him. When he was younger, he wondered if she thought she was too good for him.
It was almost comical that he was maybe even a little annoyed she didn’t pay him just mind. Now that they’re adults and he knows her a little better, he’s come to appreciate that it’s just who she is. Someone who doesn’t pry, stays in their lane, and just seems genuinely authentic. So, she remains one of the few people he tolerates being around, even rather enjoys it on occasion.
Hinata, on the other hand, has always felt a little stiff around Sasuke. That’s probably normal, she figures. Most people are a little anxious to be around Uchiha’s in general, Sasuke being nowhere near the exception. It doesn’t help much that he’s not really a boy anymore, now, but a full-blown man who stands quite a bit taller and grew out of all that baby fat she used to think was cute.
In the last year, he’s softened a bit. A little less rough around the edges, easier to approach. One time, she told Ino she assumes it means he was finally exiting his teenage angst phase and Ino laughed so hard her side started cramping. Either way, she finds it easier to be around him now.
Without looking back, Hinata settles on her knees and begins humming, quietly. When she doesn’t hear him protest or snicker, she hums a little louder, smiling at her reflection in the water. She reaches down for the satchel on her thigh and tugs out a kunai. She slides it and her thumb over the stalk of one of the taller cardinals, then slices through it.
She holds the cardinal in front of her face, twirling it slowly. Her eyes drift a bit when she sees his reflection in the water now, too, over her shoulder. It’s a little unnerving that his footsteps are so impeccably light that she hadn’t even heard him crunch through the leaves, but it doesn’t take her aback. She feels his body crouch next to hers and she smiles at his reflection, holding the flower a little higher. His eyes are cast off to the side, looking at her own.
“You’re always humming something.”
Suddenly, silence fills the space between them and Hinata’s smile falls. She lowers the flower and drops her gaze. “I apologize. Perhaps we should find the others.”
Sasuke’s eyes go a little wide at her sudden attitude shift, watching her immediately come to her feet. He looks at the cardinal in her hand and sees her tuck it away in a satchel. Before he gets up to catch up with her, he leans down to pluck one of the cardinals and discreetly tucks it away in his own satchel.
And that’s how it began. At least for Sasuke, it had begun. Now Hinata Hyūga had sufficiently piqued his interest, and he went home that night and immediately asked his mom about the song he’d heard her hum.
His mother was the first and only person to ever hear Sasuke hum, and he only did it to see if she recognized the song Hinata had hummed.
Hinata would become the second and last person (as far as he was concerned) to hear it.
He sought her out the next day because he didn’t want the flower to wilt. His mom suggested keeping it in a bath of water, which did indeed keep it nice and perky, and now Sasuke Uchiha was swiftly making his way across the village to the Hyūga compound with a glass full of water and one bright, red cardinal in it.
Without so much as a glance, he brushes past the guards at the gates of the compound and makes his way straight for where he knows Hinata’s room is, knowledge of it just sort of lingering in his head until now. He knocks briskly on her door and sucks in a deep breath, wondering why his chest feels tight in this specific moment. It feels similar to the team part of the chūnin exams in the Forest of Death, when he was evading enemy attack. But this is no enemy attack.
When Hinata opens her door, she feels her jaw clench and breathing stop, all involuntarily. She immediately pulls a sheet of paper behind her and stutters out a greeting. “H-Hello, Sasuke!”
“Can I come in?” he asks, eyes immediately darting to the arm that’s curled around her back.
Her demeanor goes from panicked to calm in the blink of an eye and he tilts his head at the abrupt change. So similar to yesterday. Her thin lips go from a simple straight line to showcasing pearly teeth as she ushers him in. He watches her carefully, taking in her movements. She’s not as sneaky as she might like and he catches her pushing away a book with her foot. He doesn’t comment on it as he makes his way in, her closing the door behind him.
“What can I do for you?” she asks, airy and light as usual, and he stops in front of her for a moment to take her in. She’s in sweatpants and a tank top, clearly threw a cardigan on top for modesty sake, and has her arms crossed, looking up at him with a pouty lip.
And then it strikes Sasuke that he’d really like to know just how soft that lip is.
He pushes the thought back and holds the glass of water with a flower in it up to her, doing his best to look nonchalant. “I want to press this flower.”
He lets a little chuckle go at her questioning tone, not because it’s cute, but because it’s dumb. Of course. Nothing a Hyūga does can possibly be cute. “You press flowers, don’t you?”
“What is it? You don’t want to help me?”
Hinata carefully folds the paper in half behind her back, creasing it, and sliding it on top of her dresser. She watches his eyes carefully, and when she sees them wander to the paper, she reaches out for his shoulders. He recoils briefly, but she puts a firm hand on one and spins him around towards the door, then begins guiding him out. Ignoring the little grunt that he gives, she responds to his request, “of course, I would be happy to help you, Sasuke.”
“Then what are you—”
“I don’t have the things to press flowers in here!” she exclaims a little louder than she intends, and pulls the door shut behind her. Just as he turns to her, she plasters that smile back on her face and gestures forward. “This way.”
It now occurs to Hinata that she hasn’t had enough time to properly process what was happening. Sasuke Uchiha is inside of the Hyūga compound, came to her room, and asked her to show him how to press a flower. How bizarre…maybe it’s for his mother.
Right around the corner is a greenhouse that she leads him into, then motions for him to set the glass cup down on a little wooden table. He tilts his head at the contraption on top, setting the glass next to it as she reaches in to grasp the flower. She smiles at his curious expression, the way his eyebrows pull together, and he brings his index knuckle to his chin. She rubs her thumb against the stem of the flower and says, softly, “it’s a wooden flower press.”
“A whole contraption for pressing flowers,” he comments, experimentally twisting the handle on top. He recoils when her fingers touch his wrist, and he looks up questioningly.
She pales a little bit and clears her throat. “Sorry—just, be gentle. It’s very old.”
Sasuke grunts at that and tucks his hand away in his pocket, then watches her get it set up with parchment paper. He pays special attention to her fingers, noting the smoothness of them, the way they seem so light and precise in their movements. They gently pull the flower apart, and dab at it with a cloth, wicking away the moisture from the bath.
“Next time, you don’t have to try to preserve it,” she tells him, looking up to find his eyes locked on her hands. She curls her fingers around the petals, stopping her movements until his eyes drift up to hers. She notices the way his lips thin, and his eyes go a little wider when she speaks. She decides she likes the way his face looks when he’s not entirely sure of himself. “It’s actually better to let them dry just a bit beforehand.”
“So, we have to wait?”
She shakes her head. “No, with a press it’s still okay.” She smiles at the way he nods, blinking rapidly. Curious to see how he might respond; she outstretches a hand and curls it inward to beckon him. “Here, you can sit while you do it.”
“Me?” he questions dumbly, and she giggles. Then, something she thought she’d never see: the slightest hint of pink coming over the apples of his cheeks. He coughs into his fist and without receiving a response, he sits on the bench in front of the press. Glad he’s taking direction well enough, she leans over his shoulder and holds the flower in front of his face. He reaches up to grab it and she points at a stack of paper.
Methodically, she begins guiding him in how to open the flower, lay it properly, what type of paper is best, and of course, carefully operating the press. She holds her breath when he starts to turn the handle, pressing back the nagging urge to reach out and guide his hand to ensure he does it gently enough. She directs him in locking it up so it’ll stay in place, and they both gaze at it in silence.
She’s careful not to accidentally brush her hand against his, and Sasuke feels strange about that. He can’t quite pinpoint why, but his hands move a little more erratically when hers become closer to his. Is this how the idiot feels whenever Sakura’s around?
Broken from his thoughts by the sound of her clearing her throat, he straightens his shoulders and slides off the bench. He asks, “how long does it take?”
“Three weeks.”
“Three?” he repeats back, frowning.
“Are you in a rush?” she questions with a head tilt, crossing her arms behind her back.
He huffs, scratches the back of his neck then shakes his head. “No, I guess not.”
Sasuke leaves and Hinata feels uncertain about what just happened. But days pass without further contact, and she almost forgets the interaction even occurred.
It marks two weeks when he comes knocking on her door again, and she politely informs him that he needs to wait at least one more week. The flash of dejection on his face makes her curious as to what was so important about this flower, but she chooses not to press him about it. It’s after this that Hanabi begins teasing her about her ‘new best friend’ in the form of one Sasuke Uchiha. The day after the third week comes to an end, she expects him and chooses to clean up around the area of her unit so she can sense him coming.
Right on time, at 12:30 p.m., just like the other two days, she sees him walking up with his hands stuffed in his pockets. She sets aside the broom she had been using and offers him a wave and a smile, and he gives her that little nod upward back. They don’t even exchange a proper greeting before he starts walking down the path to the greenhouse she had taken him through. This doesn’t really surprise Hinata, because Sasuke’s always been like that, but she still finds it a little funny. People don’t normally exude so much confidence in the confines of the Hyūga compound, but Uchiha were different that way.
She stands back and decides to try not to be pushy while watching him attempt to operate the press himself.
And then it happens: one of the few times Sasuke feels complete and utter guilt.
The handle of the wooden press cracks as he tries to open it too soon.
It’s too late, Hinata’s gasp already reaches his ears before he can try to cover it up, and she’s at his side, reaching for the broken handle. He backs away and lets her pick it up and hold it up to her face. His heart sinks when he sees tears pool at the bottoms of her eyes.
“I can – I can fix that—“ he tries, reaching for it, but she turns her back to him.
“Don’t worry about it, Sasuke,” she whispers, and the way her voice trembles sends his heart further in his gut. “Come back tomorrow, okay?”
Without another word, he takes off and does something he never thought he’d do.
Hinata feels guilty when Sasuke doesn’t return the next day. She’d been able to repair the handle fine herself and did feel bad about her reaction. It wasn’t intentional: she wasn’t trying to make him feel so horrible about it. She knew it was an accident and not a big deal, it was just an item that could be repaired. But her instinct was panic that something unrepairable had been done to her mother’s old press, which was irreplaceable. Some wood glue got the handle back on, and she decided after a few days without seeing him, she’d seek him out.
She enters the Uchiha district and briefly considers using her byakugan to look for him but decides against it. She politely asks someone in passing where she can find him, and she follows their directions with the pressed flower in hand. With a polite knock, she waits outside of his family home that she had only been to once before with her father.
“Hinata?” She’s immediately greeted by Sasuke’s dark-haired mother, who excitedly waves her in. “Come in, dear!”
“Ms. Mikoto.” She bows respectfully and toes off her sandals.
“I know what you’re here for.” Hinata’s surprised when Mikoto winks at her slyly and nudges her head for her to follow. “He’s been working hard on it. I think he’s almost done!”
Hinata processes these words but can’t for the life of her figure out what they mean, until she’s greeted with the sight of Sasuke and…Kiba.
“Hey, Hinata!” Kiba greets her, and just as he does, Sasuke, who had been crouched underneath a table, jerks up and smacks his head right into it. He groans and Kiba laughs.
“Shit – what are you doing here?”
“Sasuke!” Mikoto scolds with a frown. He steps in front of the table, holding his arms out his sides to shield it away from their sight.
Hinata cranes her head a bit to try to see what it is he’s covering but gives up when Kiba rounds the table to stand next to him. Reluctantly, she holds up the pressed flower. “I was bringing you the flower…I fixed the press myself – there’s no long-term damage.” She tries to soften the declaration when she sees him grimace, slightly. She steps forward and holds it towards him.
Kiba snickers, “welcome to the club, bud.”
“Club?” Sasuke grunts out, slowly taking the flower.
“Mhm, Hinata only presses flowers for people she likes.” Kiba swipes at his nose and Sasuke glares at the flower now.
“Well, it was Sasuke who pressed it,” Hinata interjects, and Sasuke scoffs.
“Yeah, and broke the damn thing,” Kiba laughs. “That’s why he came crawling to me, begging, pleading—”
“Inuzuka,” Sasuke growls, and Kiba waves his hand in front of him.
“Whatever, I’ll give you two some space or whatever.”
Hinata watches in confusion when Kiba ever so casually gestures for Mikoto to follow him, who offers him tea and the door shuts behind them. She whirls back around to face Sasuke, who is clutching the paper a little harsher than he should be, and she tilts her head. “Are you okay, Sasuke?”
“I didn’t want you to…” he trails off, sucking in a harsh breath through his nose as his lips purse. “I was just…trying to make up for breaking the other one.”
Slowly, he steps aside, and her eyes grow as they set on a homemade wooden press.
Immediately, warmth spreads within Hinata’s chest and it feels like pleasant bubbling in her tummy. She steps forward, quickly, breezing past him to bend over it to inspect it further. “You made this?”
“Not really,” Sasuke admits, stepping further away, eyes fixated on the way her hair gracefully spills over her shoulder. “Your dog teammate did most of it.”
Hinata pauses, scrunching her nose slightly. She pushes her hair behind her ear and looks over her shoulder at him, pulls the corners of her lips up higher. “Please don’t call him that.”
Sasuke blinks twice, then nods. Something about the way she asks so kindly, without any snippiness to her tone like Sakura or Ino might have, makes him want to listen to her. And suddenly, he wonders what kind of hole he’s just dug himself into. He sucks in his cheek when she turns back to the flower press, satisfied with his agreement, and begins prodding and pulling at its levers.  He decides now is the time to ask, for whatever reason.
“Can you tell me what it was you were hiding from me?”
He sees her visibly lock up and he swallows harshly, wondering why. Slowly, she stands back up, hands clasped behind her back, then turns to look at him. Her lips twist to one side as she bounces on the balls of her feet. Eventually, she nods and gestures for him to follow her. She holds up a hand when he reaches out to pick up the newly built press and he stops, questioning look. “Leave it here.”
“I knew it,” Sasuke huffs, bringing his hands to his face to drag them down across it. “I knew you would have wanted something nicer, like mahogany, not pine like that idiot dog – I mean—” Hinata’s surprised at how he catches himself.
“Sasuke.” Her hand finds his shoulder and she feels him tense under her touch. She squeezes, gently, and is pleased to feel him relax under her. “Like I said, I was able to fix mine just fine…now you can have one, here.”
“You’re keeping it?” He frowns and something about the way his eyes get bigger and doughier immediately makes her feel soft inside. “Even though it’s old? And I broke it.”
“It was my mother’s,” she says, softly, without any malice in her voice, because she knows the question is innocent and doesn’t expect him to know.
“I feel like a dick now,” he whispers, his face falling further.
“Please don’t,” she insists, stepping closer, resting the other hand on his other shoulder. “Besides, this way I have a reason to come here…when I want to press flowers, and I don’t want to put stress on my mother’s…I can use this one, right?”
Silence sits as they both turn those words over.
Then she steps back, hands leaving his shoulders, and she waves him towards her. “Come with me? I’ll show you what I was hiding.”
Sasuke’s never been one to just let his feet guide him without input from his brain, but today, he is.
They breeze through the home, Hinata bidding a kind farewell to the odd scene of Mikoto and Kiba having tea, and she takes him back to the Hyūga compound.
It will be the fourth time Sasuke’s been in her room.
He stands awkwardly to the side as she pulls open her top dresser drawer, but his eyes never leave her. Every action, he etches into his memory, and he’s not even entirely sure why he’s doing it. All he knows is that the way she moves is so fluid, like water, or silica maybe, stuff that just feels smooth on your fingertips. That’s how he envisions Hinata, and now he really wants to know what the edges of her fingers feel like. They’re probably really, really soft.
He wills himself not to instinctively step away when she comes next to him holding a large binder. She opens it to the first page.
“Cosmos,” he breathes out on instinct and instantly her mouth splits into a beaming smile. When his eyes catch it, he feels heat in his cheeks. It burns in a good way.
“You’re well-versed in flowers,” she says, quietly, not expecting him to respond. “This was the first flower I pressed, with my mother. I was three, and she did almost all of the work, but I did spin the handle.”
“Okay…” he says, slowly, squinting at the page. He watches her grab a few pages all at once to flip. He recognizes the next flower as an Iris, and this time, she doesn’t speak. She lets him read the words below the flower in silence. In some of the prettiest handwriting he’s ever seen, he reads:
Hanabi Heiress to the Hyūga
“You did this one when she took the title?” he asks, glancing at her. Though her smile isn’t as big, it’s still there and she nods. A few more pages, and another purple flower appears. A violet, and below it:
Neji Chūnin, true to himself
Sasuke doesn’t ask about this one, this time. He knows this must have been the day Neji had defeated her in battle during the chūnin exams. How she thought of this fondly, he wasn’t sure.
Finally, she pulls the rest of the pages back and reveals the red carnation she had picked with him a few weeks ago.
Sasuke Quiet, pensive
Hinata stares at the page alongside Sasuke, not daring to look up to see his reaction. He’ll think I hate him.
“Come with me.”
She blinks up in surprise when he leaves her side so suddenly. Nervous that she has indeed upset him, she quickly folds the binder closed and tucks it away before taking off after him.
Because silence between the two seemed to just be a more comfortable state of being, they walk alongside each other quietly.
Hinata’s never been uncomfortable around Sasuke. She knows he makes lots of people uneasy, and if he’s not making them uneasy, they’re falling at his feet. There never seemed to be any in-between when it came to him, except with maybe Naruto. She’s always been on the peripheral when it came to him, friends with his team but never quite friends with him. There had seemingly been some mutual respect and understanding between them. Or at least, that’s what she thought.
As far as Sasuke’s concerned, that’s accurate. His favorite kind of people were those that were on his peripheral. Not bothering him, but also not actively making him feel like a jerk. Hinata was one of those few people whose company really didn’t bother him, and right now, he was even welcoming it.
At some point in the last few weeks, he realized it didn’t just not bother him to have her around, he enjoyed it. His lips twitching into a smile at the way she giggled, his ears feeling warm when she smiled at him, her thoughtful words that made him want to actually listen and respond.
They reach the same spot in the forest where the carnations stand a little taller than last time, and Hinata stands back as Sasuke approaches the edge of the river and sits on one of the larger rocks. She waits to see if he’ll motion her over, but instead, she hears…light humming.
Her head turns to hear it better as if she can’t believe a soft sound like that could come from Sasuke. But no one else is here, and it’s coming directly from him. So, she’s compelled to step forward to listen, realizing it was similar to what her mother used to hum. What she hums now.
Sasuke keeps his eyes locked on the water in front of him, not on his own reflection, but on hers. Even with the way the water ripples, twisting the image as it does, he can see her big, pearlescent eyes get even bigger, and he continues forcing air through his nose. Her reflection gets bigger as she comes closer until he feels her next to him, and she takes a seat on the rock next to him.
Little crescent patterns of light hit Hinata’s hand as the high sun peaks through the canopy of trees, and now, that hand is covering the top of Sasuke’s, hanging loosely off his knees. The hum stops.
“That sounds like my mother’s hum,” Hinata tells him, quietly.
Sasuke stares at her hand, responding, “my mom hums it.” Then, mindlessly, he continues, “but I like it more when you hum it.”
Like statues, they freeze in place.
It’s Hinata who moves first, but Sasuke moves quicker. Their eyes close, their noses bump and their lips brush against one another.
Hinata feels her heart race and fingers tingle. Sasuke’s hand turns and his fingers lace with hers.
She pulls away first, eyes popping open to find his face flushed. Her free hand flies up to her cheek to cup it, feeling the heat burn through her skin to her palm.
They stay like that for a little bit, Sasuke’s eyes slowly peeling open. His nostrils flare and he questions what exactly pushed him to do it. The moment she started to lean in, it was like some sort of instinct. Almost like he wanted to…
“I won.”
Again, he’s not sure why he says it.
“You won? Won what?”
But the way it brings pink to her cheeks and smile lines next to her lips…
“I was quicker.”
Really, she’s not sure how those words can sound so adorably ridiculous.
“You won…being quicker to kiss?”
But she does, and she likes the way her cheeks feel when they’re sore from smiling.
“Yeah…I won.”
They both know one thing.
“And…what is it, that you win, Sasuke?”
They both really like that hum.
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hellcifrogs · 2 years ago
hiii im the anon who talked about doing family trees and just thought i'd add ive now spent several hours trying to come up with a family crest as well the fixation beam is real now for an actual question: if you had to assign an animal to the Non Animal clans in Narufox what would you choose for who and why?
Hey~ I actually HAVE answered something similar before and went to look for it to see if anything changed... But I wasn't actually trying to fit them into the AU
Then (based on vibes):
Sai would be a cat.
Sakura a tigress <3
Ino should be maybe a bird... I'm really not sure... could also be a boar I guess, but it's ino, I'd like her to be something pretty... (something that goes along nice with a tiger lol)
Lee would be a frog :}
Chouji would actually be a capybara <3
Shino a moth, you know those with wings that kinda look like eyes? Are those moths? One of those
The Hyuugas I think would be swans.
Tenten i think a red panda, because it's cute.
Makes sense to me for Sasuke also be a cat.
The sand trio are alrealdy tanukis, but I remember when I first watched Naruto I thought Kankuro's design was somehow related to a bat and I guess Temari could be a weasel (if the two were to be different animals).
Now (trying to make sense):
Sai - a Bird, I think I'm imagining a heron? Something graceful and white.
Sakura - something small like a squirrel or mouse.
Sasuke - people have mentioned both dragons and cats for the Uchihas, I think I'd go with them as tigers this time.
Ino - Boar, I guess, for obvious reasons.
Lee - I still like the frog, maybe monkey?
Chouji - I cannot let go of the capybara, the Akimichi could be butterflies by logic, but I feel like that would make them a "cousin clan" to the Aburame.
Hyuugas - actually I change my mind, Uchihas can be lions, Hyuugas will be the tigers
Tenten - Another small cute animal, for her, Sakura and Lee who aren't from big clans I can only imagine them being something small in comparison too.
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thenewfuture · 1 year ago
Yeah Kyosuke, Tenten did bring up how you handle the trial; you didn't let Makoto, his friends or the 5 survivors speak at all! You just jumped quickly to execution and even let your attack dog aka Juzo attack them without even letting them talk - if you really are going to take over as Future Foundation; I seriously do fear how this foundation will be run because I rather not be around when your in charge.
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...! *Kyosuke puts Tengan's phone down and storms out the door*
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.........*Kyosuke is just outside in the hallway*
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Hey... You good...?
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Ah, yes... Pardon me...
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So, you want to tell me what that was all about?
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..........How do you feel about me?
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HUH?! Wh-What the hell brought that on?!
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Apologies. I meant to say, how do you feel about me as a leader?
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O-Oh... Oh that's what you meant. *Ahem!*
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Well obviously, I think you're great. You're a real natural born leader, ever since high school. You're incredibly dedicated, logical, calculated, and determined more than anyone else I've ever seen.
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Well thank you. That means a lot coming from a cherished friend.
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But obviously as you know, some would....disagree with that...
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I want to build a world with hope... And to do that, I have to eradicate any and all traces of despair...! But there are some that don't agree with my methods. And I'm wondering...if I really am doing the right thing.
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Well screw them, man. You don't need to listen to that bullcrap!
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You gets results done, better than anyone else here! It be stupid to think anyone else would be running this place better than you! Me and Chisa will follow you wherever you go and do anything that is necessary to help your cause first and foremost!
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And in time, others are going to see that too. It happened in school, it'll happen with the Foundation, and then the world. You'll be the one putting this world back on track. A new and better Ultimate Hope than Naegi ever will be.
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Thank you Juzo. I know having you and Chisa by my side to help me will help that goal come to fruition. You are a dear friend to me.
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meenatranslates · 2 years ago
[R] Taichi | Cheerful Festival-goer
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I still don't know what happens after death, but it'd be nice if we could spend every day happily and laughing over there! Lead Skill: Divertido Calavera (Funny Skull) Adlib Skill: Colorful Papel Picado
This card is from the scout of the event Day of the Marigold.
Translation under the cut
Handmade Papel Picado - Part 1
*Director's default name as Izumi
―Veludo Way (Evening)―
Taichi: Today’s classes were super tiring...
Tenma: You partied up all night with Kazunari, that’s why.
Taichi: I was just consulting with him about the preparation for the performance we’ll do at the festival of the dead!
Tenma: Then I take it you’re done preparing for that.
Taichi: Of course! It’s all perfect.
Kazunari: Tenten and Taicchan! Otsupiko! Back from school~?
Taichi: Oh, speak of the devil! Kazu-kun, you’re here~!
Tenma: Are you also back from university?
Kazunari: Yep yep! Btw, what was that about me earlier? Were y’all talking about just how sick and indescribably cool I am?
Tenma: Totally not.
I was just talking about how you and Taichi were so noisy last night.
Kazunari: It sure was a blast~! Should we party again tonight, Taicchan?
Taichi: Sounds good!
Tenma: Stop it! Just go to sleep.
Kazunari: Oh yeah, I was passing by the next town earlier, but it looked super festive with their prep for the festival of the dead~.
The garland-like they put up were totes adorbs! Apparently, they’re called “Papel picado”.
Taichi: Pa-Paper... Car dough...?
Tenma: ...Was that some kind of spell?
Kazunari: Papel picado! It’s the name of the decos for the fest!
Look, see! They’re something like a garland but with skulls drawn on it.
Taichi: Wahh, that looks so cute!
Kazunari: Ikr? I knew you would get it!
Tenma: They’re kinda creepy though...
Kazunari: You don’t get it, Tenten~! It’s the slight of creepiness that makes it super cool!
Taichi: Our dorm will look cuter if we decorate it with these skulls!
Kazunari: I super-duper agree with that! It’s a lit idea, Taicchan~!
Tenma: Hey! What’re you gonna do if we get cursed because of those!
Kazunari: You’re such a worrywart, Tenten~. It’s gonna be just fine~. Now that we’ve decided, let’s go and buy some materials!
Tenma: Huh? We’re going now!?
Kazunari: Well, duh! You gotta put your ideas into action A.S.A.P! Come on, Tenten~!
Tenma: I-I get it already, so let go of me!
―Lounge (Night)―
Izumi: I’m home~.
Taichi: Oh! Welcome back, Director-sensei!
Kazunari: Welcome backsies~!
Tenma: ...Welcome home.
Izumi: It’s kinda lively in here, huh.
Taichi: We’re making Papel picado!
Izumi: Pape-what...?
Kazunari: He meant the decos for the festival of the dead~. They’re a lil bit spooky and super cute!
Taichi: They’re something like this!
Izumi: Hehh... So they’re kinda like garlands? They’ve got many kinds of shapes, huh.
Kazunari: Peeps in our uni’s been talking about this festival of the dead, y’see!
Then I thought, “Let’s give our dorm a décor and have a party like the fest too!”!
Tenma: Isn’t the purpose of the festival being to hold a memorial service for the dead? You’ll get haunted for saying something like that just now.
Kazunari: Geez, again with that~. Tenten is such a scaredy-cat.
Tenma: I-I’m not scared...!
Taichi: We’ve bought this many materials, so all of us are gonna do it together!
Kazunari: Seems like it’s okay to draw whatever you want~. Director-chan’s gonna join us too, right?
Izumi: (Papel picado... Might be nice to experience the feel of the festival.)
Let me join you as well then.
Kazunari: OMG, this is getting fun! Let’s give our dorm a makeup with tons of skulls!
Tenma: Stop that! What’re you gonna do if we accidentally summon something weird!?
Taichi: I wonder what I should draw~?
The festival of the dead they mentioned refers to a Mexican holiday "The Day of the Dead" or in Spanish "Día de los Muertos", celebrated on November 1 and 2. The holiday involves family and friends gathering to pay respects and to remember friends and family members who have died. It is portrayed as a holiday of joyful celebration rather than mourning. The traditions are honoring the deceased using calaveras and marigold flowers known as cempazúchitl, building home altars called ofrendas with the favorite foods and beverages of the departed, and visiting graves with these items as gifts for the deceased. [wikipedia]
Papel picado with the meaning of “punched paper”, is a traditional Mexican decorative craft made by cutting elaborate designs into sheets of tissue paper. This delicate tissue paper signifies the fragility of life as it is ephemeral. You can see Taichi holding it in his bloomed card.
Handmade Papel Picado - Part 2
Kazunari: What’s that, Tenten~?
Tenma: Hm? It’s obviously a skeleton.
Kazunari: EH! How so!? It doesn’t look boney at all!
Tenma: S-shut up! What about yours then?
Kazunari: Me? This is what mine’s look like.
I tried making it by imitating what I see, so it might be a little bit different from the real one~.
Tenma: ...What’s with the completeness.
Izumi: As expected from Kazunari-kun.
Kazunari: Thanksies~!
Taichi: Have you drawn something, Director-sensei?
Izumi: Hmm... Does this look okay?
Taichi: A flower! That’s really pretty~!
Izumi: Thanks. What did you draw? ...Is that a circle?
Taichi: Nuh-uh~! It’s a ‘senbei’!
Tenma: Why ‘senbei’ out of all things...?
Taichi: Hehe, it’s what my late grandpa liked!
At the festival of the dead, you welcome your deceased ancestors by offering their favourite things, right?
I thought maybe he’d come back if I give him my drawing of ‘senbei‘!
Tenma: Isn’t it better if you just offer the real thing rather than that-...
Kazunari: That might be possible! What’s important is your feelings towards the other person, right? Feelings!
Tenma: -BWAH! Don’t suddenly close my mouth! I couldn’t breathe just now!
Kazunari: Sorry, sorry~.
Izumi: What kind of person was your grandfather?
Taichi: Let’s see~...
He was really strict in disciplining from holding chopsticks to table manners, and he always give me only 500 yen for New Year’s gift...
He often scolded me, saying that I’ll get punished if I leave even a single grain of rice in my bowl since there are gods residing in each grain.
He’ll mercilessly smack my head if I play a prank on him... Anyway, he was a really strict grandpa!
Kazunari: Dang, that’s crazy!
Tenma: But what he said is not entirely wrong.
Taichi: Yeah... Besides, at the end of the day, he played with me whenever I came back for holiday!
I was always looking forward to eating the ‘senbeis’ together with him in the house.
That’s why I loved my grandpa who’s strict but kind so much!
Izumi: I see... Those are some nice memories you got there.
Taichi: But like you said, it’s just a circle.
I guess it’s too hard to express ‘nure okaki’ in a drawing, huh...
Izumi: (It wasn’t simply just a ‘senbei’, but a ‘nure okaki’...!)
Kazunari: You’re aiming too high, Taicchan!
Tenma: ...Speaking of ‘nure okaki’, isn’t that what Sakyo-san likes too?
Izumi: Now that you mention it...
Taichi: You’re right! Gramps’ strictness is also kinda similar to Sakyo-nii...!
They're both more or less stubborn old men too!
*door opens*
Sakyo: ...Who are you calling a stubborn old man?
Taichi: !?
Izumi: S-Sakyo-san...!
Kazunari: Yikes! What a timing~!
Taichi: U-um, oh! That was a figure of speech just now!
I-I love my grandpa, but I also love you too, Sakyo-nii!
Sakyo: ......
Kazunari: Damn, look at that pressure from Frooch-san~!
Tenma: Just shut your mouth.
Izumi: Uh, um... Sakyo-san...
Sakyo: ...Hahh, don’t even try to flatter me.
Taichi: I really meant those words as compliment! And I really do like you, Sakyo-nii!
Sakyo: I get it already, so let go. You're hugging too tight.
Taichi: Oh, I know! How about you and I draw ‘nure okaki’ together? It’s pretty hard to draw it differently than ‘senbeis’~.
Sakyo: I refuse.
Taichi: Don’t say that~! Come on, Sakyo-nii!
Kazunari: I’m so jelly that Taicchan and Frooch-san are so chummy with each other~!
Should we mess around like them too~?
Tenma: No way we’re gonna do that! Geez...
Izumi: (Everyone sure is having fun. I hope the performance for the festival of the dead will go well at this rate.)
Story Clear!
Senbei is made from non-glutinous rice “Uruchi Mai (うるち米)”. The main ingredient of Okaki is glutinous rice “Mochi Gome (餅米)”. And these crackers usually have a pleasant crunchy bite in common.
However, there is an exceptional variety of Senbei and Okaki, which isn’t crunchy at all. They have a soft, moist, and chewy texture. For the texture, the exceptional type of Senbei and Okaki has the word “Nure (ぬれ)” meaning “wet” in their name. [source]
Senbei are large and flat disks, whereas okaki are smaller and puffed. [source]
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luffythinker · 1 year ago
found my divorce dad stuff for my sidestory where i was making the Hokage give a damn about child soldiers and how the mission Kakashi went on with the bridge builder was not a good thing because he got in trouble for taking those kids on a high rank mission and he knew it was even though they didn't really have a choice but to do it he's getting scolded for this but not like really bad.
Here's that scene but here is some stuff i don't remember if i included in it https: // archiveofourown.org/ works / 48919981
heres the stuff i don't remember if i included
Kakashi Iruka argument
Kakashi: That is why you need to think about this from the best perspective, a perspective where Naruto actually learns something! you know what he is and you know why he'd be best in my care i will take care of him.
yeah, just like how you take care of Sasuke. Iruka says. Naruto is not a pet Kakashi, he is a human being, he is a child and he deserves to be treated with care
I do care about him
You care about what he can do! and what you can make him do! Iruka is in his face and pointing his finger at him
i don’t trust you Kakashi
i know, and that’s why your doing this
I do not trust your judgement, you may be able to train Naruto in a way that makes him the strongest but what about his mental health? what about his needs? he isn’t in the best learning enviorment in your care Kakashi! that is why i cannot allow you to be his sensei, im sorry, i wish you could change my mind but i just cant
this scene was a argument because Iruka was hoping to let the Hokage see "HEY let me be Naruto's sensei or take him out of Kakashi's care"
This one is a conversation of the Jonins talking about which kids they want because the Hokage says it would be best to switch the teams around
Asuma: Like Guy i wanna say even thought we’re spliting up InoShikaCho I’ll only take two genin into my squad
Whys that?
Shikamaru is special, he laughs, kid’s a genius put him through all sorts of test and he didn’t even know it. Kid’s got an Iq of (number bc i forgot what it was lol)
Kurenai: I’ll take Sakura, you said she has amazing Chakra control right? i can train her to use genjustu
Gai: And i’m not parting with Lee, not even for you kakashi
and i wouldn’t ask you to do that Guy. his eye softens for him. (they are gay)
Kakashi: Very well, then i will take Neji i want to teach him to release chaka natures. I will also take Kiba.
Kureinai: Interesting choice, but i can’t say you’ve got me a little curious. why him?
Well, my mother was an Inuzuka, i thought maybe he’d have a fleid day with someone closer to home. He scratched his head closing his eye gleefully.
(Found a headcanon where someone said Kakashi's mother is an Inuzuka and her being an Inuzuka explains alot about him. We know that the Inuzuka have an affinity for dogs and use them in battle. We also know that Inuzuka's have an enhanced sense of smell.)
i think i found this on reddit or something: Kakashi exhibits all of those traits. He can summon a pack of dogs and he uses them for some of his techniques. This is also one of his oldest known jutsu seeing that he used the in the Anbu as well. We also don't see anyone else in the series that uses dogs besides Kakashi and the Inuzuka so where could he have gotten his. Kakashi's sense of smell was hyped by Naruto to be better than Kiba who is also an Inuzuka. Also Kakashi doesn't have the name Inuzuka because his father is a Hatake and they don't give the children their mothers last name usually except in in special cases like Naruto.
this is the way i was gonna do the teams this way
Team 7 Leader: Asuma
Naruto Tenten Shikamaru
(NOTES Help Tenten on her kenjutsu, Help Naruto with wind release, Be Shikamaru father figure )
Team 10 Leader: Guy
Ino Lee Shino
(NOTES Shino can make a wall of bugs and she shoots her mind transfer jutsu through it, Ino needs taijutsu lessons)
Shino and Ino could use Taiju and Guy is willing to give it to them
Team 9 Leader: Kurenai
Sakura Sasuke Hinata
(NOTES “There is Genjutsu in Sharingan.“ - Kurenai trying to teach Sasuke charka control)
Team 3 Leader: Kakashi
Neji Kiba Choji
(NOTES Kakashi wants to teach Neji to add element to release maybe Neji can teach him gentle fist and maybe he can teach them element release as well for fireballs)
first bit had me really confuseddskjnkfd but let's go
the fic: I'll go along with you by ZerosWaifu
ouch this one bit hurts a lot:
"I do not trust your judgment, you may be able to train Naruto in a way that makes him the strongest but what about his mental health? what about his needs? he isn’t in the best learning environment in your care Kakashi! That is why i cannot allow you to be his sensei, im sorry, i wish you could change my mind but i just cant"
i can totally understand where iruka is coming from, but i love kakashi i can't help but have hope for him dkjdfkjf
love the brief kakagai gay moment
i can totally see kakashi and Neji and kiba working well together tbh, i think he would be a good teacher to them. i also believe the inuzuka theory !! it just makes sense for his mother to be from the clan, since he has a lot of the traits from it
"Be Shikamaru father figure" KJSCKJSFKMDFM THIS IS SO FUNNY
Ino-lee-shino is an interesting team, i feel like ino and lee could be best friends
i like the teams, i would only switch sakura and choji just for girl balance, but i think sakura staying works better for sasuke
this is looking great so far love that
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feather-rose · 2 years ago
Killed by a kiss..
Hinata(Looking quite shy, here and wondering why she had accepted this, and to come up here.): I’m not quite sure, it’s gonna happen, Ino-chan! Cause there are too many too people, here and the music is far too loud!
Ino:(Laughs) Trust me, I’ve never been wrong! Hina-chan! My point has always been right with all the reading mind I’ve been through onto people’s mind--
Sakura(Drinks a bit of her sake drink.): You did lost onto that bet with Shikamaru, though..
Ino(Groans.): How was I supposed to know that Neji would have had the guts to have a real relationship with Tenten and let her move with him? Heck, even all that sex Shika had heard from his floor..
Sakura(Looked disgusted.): Urgh..Ino..That’s just so gross..
Hinata(Looked unsure, here. With all the crowd.): Well, Ino, I really don’t know if I should..
Ino: Just kiss the first guy who’s coming into this bar, Hinata, and we’ll be through. How’s that?
Sakura: Ino, seriously..
Ino(Interrupted her.): And do it, sexy. Guys like it a confident woman who take action, here. Swing off your curvy hips! Trust me!
If it meant, for her to get out of her shyness, and become a proud woman but confident. And wip off the reddness from her her cheeks. Be a woman, Hinata! Naruto wouldn’t wait, any longer! She sighed up to that thought and acted up fast as she closed up her eyes and slammed up the table that made the table jump, along with the two girls, here.
Hinata( Sighs) A..A..alright..Give me some sake..And I’ll do it..(She waved over the sake bottle and took it over her hold, poured some and drank fast enough until it made her throat burn.) Too fast..(She blinked up a bit and jumped out from her booth and a bit too fast.) My head is spinning around now!
Sakura( Didn’t looked too sure as she she seen Hinata wobble a bit, here.after a drink.): Hina?
But the dark long blunette girl wasn’t listening any longer she unzipped her coat and walked away from the round table, confident even with her cheeks pink as ever, but confident.
But what she did not know was that the guy she made up with had his back turned to her as he rose up a finger.
And without an instant, she grabbed his shoulder and made him whirl around with surprise.
His dark eyes were shocked.
:Hey what the--
Until she kissed him, hard onto the lips, almost cutting him out of breath. Much to Ino and Sakura’s surprise. Passionate enough as she grabbed him by the white collar of his shirt. Both of Hinata’s friends were too shocked to act, more like theirs jaws had dropped down with shock at the scene.
Ino: No way! Why?
Sakura: Why him? Why Sasuke-kun?
Hinata was so focusing onto kissing the first guy she had seen walking into the bar. Not giving a damn thing if the guy was too shocked or pleased. But she was having a great time, here.
Couldn’t even heard him groan or if it had been a moan. She wasn’t sure, though.
And then she dropped him down onto the floor, like garbage. Missing his head to hit onto the booth, and walked away, swinging off her hips, happy and confident.
Not giving a damn thing about the comatose guy onto the floor..
Whose soul had been under a happy cloud.
Sakura: Hina--
Hinata(Happy as ever. As she took another drink under her friends’s shock): It was so much fun! Thank you Ino-chan!
Ino( Not so comfortable, after what she had seen, here.,): Uhh..
A few days later...
Into the hokage’s office. When Naruto wasn’t around here, Neji had taken his place for the meantime as he was analyzing a few files. Never ending files onto the desk and through the computer. When the lazy Nara had called in through the open doorway as he knocked.Man, If I had known, that being hokage was a pain onto the ass--
Shikamaru: Yo, Neji?
Neji(Checked up through the files and sighed as he took one of them.); What?
Shikamaru: Sasuke wants to talk to you.
Neji(irritated): What does he want? Don’t you see I’m busy, here? Could he ask, Naruto?
Shikamaru(Sighs as he put his hands into his pockets.): Nope, it’s not him, but he wants you. Man, what a drag..
Neji(Sighs): What does he want, again?
Shikamaru(Shrugs): I don’t know, should I sent him in?
Neji(Looking defeated, but he had no other choice): Hn. Not my favorite person, but sent him, in.What could be worse?
If he had known what came in next, he would’ve had prevent it.
Sasuke(Walked in after Shikamaru walked away.): Hi, sorry to interrumpt you, Hyuuga, but..
Neji(Still irritated): Just say it! What do you want?
Sasuke(Rose up a hand and scratched the back of his neck, looking uncomfortable, here. Maybe because he was talking to Hinata’s cousin.A very strong man that came back from the dead.): Say..Do you have your cousin’s phone number?
Neji(He tries to stay patient when it came to his cousin. When he felt like his hands were clutchering up onto the file he held..): Say what?
Sasuke: Look, she’a fucking good kisser--
This is where a nerve had touched the war hero Hyuuga Neji as he dropped everything he held onto his hands and had actived his Byakugan, here.
And sent the young Uchiha out from the broken window, with his powerful gentle fist.
All because Sasuke wanted Hinata’s phone number. Because Neji’s cousin was a fucking good kisser.
Not so much for Neji.
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historias-multorum · 2 months ago
since all your friends are hot, Tenten, who would you bang?
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"Hnnnnn! That's so hard man! Like, have you seen my friends?!"
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"I can't pick! I don't know who I'd bang it's way too hard!"
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alumort · 2 years ago
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I started a new fic, it's a the owl house x naruto crossover!! Things will be changed here and there hehe, no need to know abt either fandom to enjoy x)
He was right in front of his apartment, but he was almost afraid to enter– his sister always made sure to make him feel welcome, yet…
Tenten worked long shifts at a local supermarket in order to allow him to finish school and also take combat lessons every now and then, sometimes she didn’t even appear at their small home although she always made sure to leave him a some food before leaving– Lee found himself surprised to see the girl near the table, resting her head on it without saying anything at all.
“Tenten, you are home!" was the first thing he said, feeling guilt in his throat as his sibling flinched due to his loud tone. Softly, the boy went on. "I did not expect you to…"
“I'm happy to see you too, Lee. How was school?”
For a moment, there was a profound silence, albeit Tenten was probably too exhausted to notice how tense her brother was.
School wasn’t somewhere Lee enjoyed being at– there, other teens liked to tease him over his dark skin and thick hair, for his lack of parents and that he still hung out with his only friend from the orphanage. She was a couple of years older than him and was legally his tutor now, doing her best to make him happy no matter how tired her cashier job left her afterwards.
He couldn't trouble her more; Tenten deserved to rest without worrying about anything, and so Lee just let out a big smile.
"It was okay! Math was hard, though," Lee said, deciding to use parts of the truth to speak. "I still mix up numbers and letters… but the teacher is nice."
His sister let out a smile and nodded, getting up in order to prepare him something to eat– but she was falling asleep on the spot, barely managing to keep her eyes open. The boy ended up finishing the meal for both of them, making Tenten sit down in the meanwhile.
She had to rest. His problems could wait a little longer if it meant Tenten would be okay, although she didn't even manage to take a couple of bites from her food before falling asleep on the spot– her job always left her like that, and for some reason she had been doing more hours lately against what Lee wanted.
They could start sharing meals, she didn't need to work harder for him…
"... Good night, Tenten," he mumbled before covering her with a blanket, saving unfinished plates on the fridge before getting ready to sleep.
Or that was the original plan. Lee could hear a strange noise coming from his trash can, and then–
A small green and blue tortoise fell off the bag with some leftover chicken bones on its mouth, looking at him before running away faster than any animal could. Lee decided to follow it with a mixture of curiosity and confusion; when had it entered his apartment? He made sure to close the door before leaving, following the creature towards the woods nearby.
"Hey, wait! What are you doing?" the boy exclaimed, still managing to keep track of the tortoise even when it was starting to get dark. He used his phone as a light, and he stopped on his tracks when he saw the animal had entered an abandoned house.
A spark had appeared near the door and then– it disappeared. Lee tilted his head to the side, opening the door and finding nothing but a strange red glow coming off it.
An adventure! Lee still had his charger on his pocket and his phone, so if anything he would be still able to talk with his sister.
And so he stepped into the mysterious light, too excited to notice that a snake-like shadow had been looming nearby, scared off by the sound of the door closing. Who knew what was on the other side?
The first word that came to Lee's mind in the new world was 'red'. From the grass to the trees, everything seemed… obscure. Scarlet leaves, dark trunks and lighter rocks every now and then could be seen around the boy.
And that small tortoise stared at him, denying with its little head before running away once again. But before Lee could follow it, a man appeared into view– he had a black bowl cut, and his ears… were pointy like an elf's.
"There you are, Torthomas! I was wondering when you'd return–" the stranger began with a grin that shifted into surprise at the sight of Lee. "... you brought a human? Well, welcome to the Boiling Isles, child! You can call me Gai."
"Um… I am Rock Lee. Please call me Lee!" Lee said, nervously looking around as he talked. "Your tortoise stole from my trash!"
"Ah! Yes, he does that. He picks stuff up from the human realm for me, stuff I sell later to other witches," Gai explained, doing a thumbs up as he talked. The tortoise was in his hands and the boy had just realized it.
Before they could continue talking, a strange monster appeared into view– with sharp teeth and claws, it went towards them with killing intent in its eyes. Lee yelped and hid behind a tree, noticing that the animal on the man's hands had turned into a staff of sorts.
And Gai effortlessly swung it around, making bright circles in the air which made vines appear out of a sudden– hitting the enemy right on the chest, stopping it on its tracks.
"It seems we'll also sell monster parts today!" was all the witch exclaimed, going to clean up the dead body without thinking it twice.
Seeing how easily Gai had destroyed the monster with the help of magic vines left the boy wide-eyed, mesmerized by the mere sight of real magic.
"I want to be a witch just like you, mister Gai!" Lee exclaimed with excitement in his voice, and the witch chuckled at how formal he was.
"Well, Lee, if you're serious about that… you must prove yourself!" he exclaimed, doing a thumbs up as he talked. Somehow, his smile seemed to shine. "Magic comes with hard effort and training! But first… we must recover energy! Come, I have some food for you at my home."
Gai placed Torthomas on the ground, who was still in staff form– it began floating and so both Lee and him rode on it, flying through the Boiling Isles, slowing down a bit so the boy could see the view.
It was disturbing yet beautiful, in a way. An enormous skull could be seen on the sea, and there were plants on top of it, as if it had been made of earth or something like that. Soon they arrived at a hidden clearing where a big house had been built; the roof resembled a red tortoiseshell, and that was where they stopped.
"Welcome to… The tortoise house!" Gai exclaimed, and the window above the door moved.
A tortoise's head appeared from it, red as the roof. It blinked and looked at the newcomers.
"Gai, you've taken your sweet time coming back! And where did you find a human?" it said, rolling its eyes. "Put them back from where you took them!"
"Lee, this is Ningame. He keeps our things safe!"
Ningame ignored him and hid on the window again, deciding against questioning anything and instead finding refuge on his shell.
As soon as Lee entered the house, something fluffy climbed to his arms, moving its tail in excitement.
"Gai, you brought me a friend!" the small creature announced, and Lee realized its head was protected by an animal skull with horns. It had yellow and white fur, and… it was hard to decipher what kind of animal it was. Maybe a demon?
"He wants to be my apprentice, Naruto! But first, we must get some food for all," Gai replied, carefully taking the creature off his hands, and Lee just chuckled. "You do seem pretty youthful, child. What do you like to do in your free time?"
It took him a while to answer; there wasn't much he actually could do, much less when numbers and letters got mixed up on his eyes unless he used a special font in his phone. And looking up cute cat videos wasn't a hobby at all… there was one thing that didn't involve reading at all, though.
"Sometimes I go to combat lessons! My teacher, Iruka, says I am good at that."
Gai nodded at that, and with Torthomas' help he soon managed to cook something– a suspicious-looking fried egg with strange strips that resembled a beacon somehow. His companions ate with joy, though Lee almost gagged at the taste.
He would need to get used to these new things! And soon he would fly around with his own staff!
"Gai, when am I going to become a witch?" the boy asked between bites, and he had to wait for an answer.
"... To prove you have the will to be a witch, you'll need to do something for me," Gai said as soon as everyone had eaten, a serious expression on his face. Lee looked at him with curiosity, remaining silent. "Help me sell stuff in the city, and prove to me you can stand anything."
"I will, mister Gai!" Lee replied, standing up almost immediately. Gai patted his shoulder for a moment before grabbing an enormous bag, filled with human junk that witches and demons seemed to adore. Naruto ran to be by his side, moving his tail because of how excited he felt.
"No need to be so formal! Only Gai will do."
The witch, the demon and the human went to the town, placing a blanket on the ground just to sell things. Lee was in charge of wooing potential customers, who were curious by his lack of pointy ears and soon flooded the place.
Demons and witches alike took things off his hands, leaving many shiny coins behind– Gai seemed satisfied with his job. He would be a witch! And Tenten wouldn't need to spend so much time at the supermarket, so she wouldn't be so exhausted anymore!
Lee was excited for long minutes, but he saw something strange in the corner of his eyes; some people were taken away, people who had made messes by accident or had just spoken in intricate ways. Taken for being different…
That wasn't fair! He had to do something! Training be screwed, people needed help– Gai would understand.
And so Lee left the small stand behind, following the guards from afar to wherever innocent ones were brought to. It was like a prison, and the boy managed to sneak inside without a hassle at all.
Countless witches and demons were there, of all sizes and shapes– some resembled animals somehow, and all cried for freedom without anybody paying them attention. How could anyone allow it to happen? He had to free them!
… there was a huge lever five meters to the right, suspiciously labeled 'open cells'. It was too good to be true, but still Lee tried lowering it to see what would happen.
Joyful cheers could be heard from everywhere in the prison, deafening– in the sea of escaping prisoners, Lee managed to see a certain demon who seemed to be in charge. They looked like a mix of man and shark, and they looked mad; everyone froze on their spot, afraid of the consequences. But not even a fly could be heard.
"Lee!" a familiar voice called, and soon Naruto fell from the roof and fell on the guard's face, scratching them while keeping an eye on the human every now and then. Gai quickly followed, soon allowing the flood of witches and demons to continue.
Seeing a new enemy, the shark person grabbed Naruto by the scruff, throwing him to the ground without thinking twice.
"Why have you done that?!" Lee exclaimed, yet his words went unheard for the stranger only had eyes for the other man.
"You…! Don't you remember me, Gai? I'm Kisame!" the guard explained after being freed from the smaller demon, and soon he began looking through his black cape for something… Gai didn't really recognize the other man, though he decided to remain on guard.
"I've fought many people over the years! I can't remember them all!" he announced, squinting his eyes as Kisame took something from his clothes and–
"Date me, Maito Gai! I've been waiting for this moment for years!"
A small bouquet of flowers (if they could be called that, for they had eyes where the center should be) had appeared on his scaly hand, a huge grin on his face. Gai seemed uncomfortable by the offering and pushed him away, yet the shark demon was insistent… Lee had to do something!
He got closer to Kisame and without him even realizing it, the boy managed to land a direct hit on Kisame's face, a punch strong enough to break a bone or two. His karate lessons were working after all these years, Tenten would be proud!
His knuckles hurt, and the shark-like demon whined by the pain, collecting his fallen teeth as if they were valuable somehow. It was then that the older man found an opportunity to call for help– the small orange tortoise appeared from his sleeves right when the witch spoke.
"You've proven yourself with your courage, Lee!" Gai announced as the three of them got on Torthomas, who had returned to his staff form without Lee even realizing it. They began floating in the air, escaping the prison by breaking a window on their way. "It's my pleasure to take you in as my first apprentice!"
But before the boy could reply, Naruto spoke again, his blue gaze still fixed on the ground below them.
"Can you leave all that for another moment? Sharkboy is still chasing us!"
It was true; Kisame didn't want to give up following the escapees, still carrying the eye-flower bouquet and waving at them, almost forgetting his actual job wasn't to date who broke in. Gai laughed at the situation, doing a strange circle in the air which sent a strong current of wind behind them, allowing Torthomas to fly even faster than before– Lee's eyes shone at seeing such a casual display of magic. He wanted to do it, too!
But when they got back to the Tortoise House, his eyes closed on their own, body almost falling to the ground by how exhausted he felt; Gai didn't have any trouble picking him up before he could get hurt, soon making a homemade bed with some extra blankets, only for Lee.
He had a lot to tell Tenten! But she would be too worried about that new world, tired from her job and then due to stress… maybe it would be okay to keep quiet just one time.
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hyuganejiswife · 2 years ago
beauty | neji hyuga x gn reader
drabble | fluff, angst?, pining if I miss something let me know. I could probably write a part 2 to this
word count: 1,086
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Defined as a combination of qualities, such as shape, color, or form, that pleases the aesthetic senses, especially the sight.
Beauty was such a strange concept. Its definition was broad and the concept itself was vague. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Everyone had a different definition of beauty.
For Naruto, you’d assume that a bowl of ramen would be next to the word in the dictionary.
For Sasuke, perhaps revenge is equated with that very word.
For Shikamaru, a long nap.
For you?
Neji Hyuga of the well known Hyuga clan.
Maybe that’s where you made your mistake.
You’d admired the man since you’d met him during the exams. He was intimidating to say the least. Just a year above you and yet he was perhaps one of the strongest and most powerful ninjas you’d ever met apart from Sasuke.
He never once acknowledged your existence, but you didn’t mind. Being in his presence was more than enough to sustain you.
But of course, this was years ago.
At the very least now, the two of you spoke quite often, yet you never seemed to make it past “acquaintance.” You didn’t mind, because once again, at least he knew you existed. That was more than enough for you… At least in the past it was.
More and more, do you notice the effects of just barely being acknowledged by the man. It started to take its toll and you found yourself having to force yourself away from the man whenever you found your paths crossed. You couldn’t allow yourself to be distracted by silly feelings that would never be returned.
“Earth to Y/N.” A snap of his fingers has you jumping and Shikamaru holds his hands up in defense. “Woah… Never seen you so jumpy before. Usually it’s Choji overthere.”
You hum unamused at your teammate, dropping your gaze to your glass of water while you wait for your sensei to come join you.
Shikamaru frowns, his brows furrowed as he tries to break down what had gotten you so under the weather in just a matter of moments. “What’s up with you? You know we can’t have you distracted, so whatever it is, you need to handle it like yesterday. We’ll be out on a mission for a month, we need our healer in pique condition.”
“Hopefully you won’t need me at all.”
“That’s besides the point!”
Choji looks up from his appetizers, his eyes flickering between the two of you. He swallows his mouthful, “Honestly, please don’t fight. The last thing we need is tension before the mission too. Just… Try to stay calm.”
“Tell him that.”
“I am calm! What’s that supposed to mean?” Shikamaru immediately gets defensive and once he realizes the point you’d made, he drops his hands to his lap, sighing. “Whatever. This is lame anyway. I’m here if you decide you wanna talk to whatever.”
“Gee, thanks.”
The next morning, after a well needed night of sleep and escape from your thoughts about Neji Hyuga, you find your way to the gates, only pausing mid step when you see the man who’d been consuming your thoughts, illuminated by the glow of the sunrise. He’s there with Rock Lee and TenTen, and you can’t help the fluttering feeling in your chest. You knew it was silly to believe that they’d be seeing you off, let alone Neji himself, but one could hope.
You and Choji come to a stop, surprised to find that Shikamaru wasn’t far behind you, plopping himself down at the foot of a tree as he waited for your sensei to arrive and send the three of you off on your own.
“Hey!” Rock Lee is the first to greet you, rather excitedly, might you add. “Haven’t seen you in ages! How’ve you been?” You can’t help but smile at him. He’s always been so sweet and often offered to train you. In fact, the last you saw each other was just a few days ago for a short sparring session.
“We saw each other on Friday, Lee.” The man goes wide eyed and then taps his chin as if he had to recall that long ago.
“Exactly. Ages.” He grins again and you simply smile, tearing your gaze away to greet his teammates.
“You three heading out?” Your gaze flickers between the two remaining teammates. Neji’s gaze remains unwavering as you look at him. As serious as ever.
TenTen nods, the two of you have never really spoken much before, so it doesn’t surprise you that she keeps her answer short and simple, “Delivering scrolls…”
“Us too. We’re going towards the sound village…”
This seems to get a reaction from Neji but before you can question anything, your sensei shows himself. Funny how he decides to be on time today when last night he was late. You sigh, sparing one last glance at Neji. Now the man doesn’t take his eyes off of you, watching as Asuma greets the three of you. Even when TenTen nudges him, he’s taking in your form, getting a sense of whether you were ready for this mission or not.
At least that’s what he tells himself.
That’s what he’s told himself for years. He was simply checking your chakra, watching your form. And if someone ever told him that he was staring, he was simply examining the competition he had to become the best ninja. He had tried to convince himself for ages that nothing was actually taking place. That he wasn’t conflicted when he saw how close you and his own teammate were together, let alone yourself and Shikamaru. He didn’t even want to think about that.
“You’re staring.”
That’s all he needs to tear his gaze away. His cheeks are flushed and he growls softly, “I was examining their form and chakra. If they didn’t sleep well last night then they’ll end up getting themselves killed and their team killed.”
“Y/N knows what they’re doing. They’d never intentionally do anything to put their team in danger. You and I both know Neji.”
You take one last glance over your shoulder and Neji finds that his heart is racing and he wants nothing more than for your mission to end soon and for you to come back safely.
In Neji Hyuga’s dictionary, the word beauty could once been defined by being accepted by his clan.
Today, Neji was beginning to wonder why he was seeing you more and more as something beautiful.
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ap-kinda-lit · 2 years ago
Inner Neji: What are you doing? You're blowing this!
Inner Neji #2: Well, what am I supposed to say? I don't even know what made her like us in the first place!
Inner Neji: Fine, fine. Just calm down. Hard part is over. As long as she doesn't throw us any curveballs, I think we're good.
Tenten: Ssoooo, what should we do now?
Inner Neji: FUCK.
Inner Neji #2: What is she talking about? What comes after sex!?
Inner Neji: I don't know! All those books and romance movies were vague.
Inner Neji #2: Well, she asked us a question, so we have to say something!
Inner Neji: Look, just...just say anything.
Inner Neji #2: Anything?
Inner Neji: Anything! Just say it with confidence.
Neji, out loud: We should get married.
Inner Neji: NNNOOOOOO!
Inner Neji #2: What!? You said say anything!
Inner Neji: Anything but THAT, obviously!
Inner Neji #2: I'm sorry! I don't do well under pressure!
Inner Neji: You know what? It's fine. Forget it. We'll just play it off as a joke. No harm done.
Tenten: Yes. Let's do it!
Inner Neji #2: Hey, she seems happy. Maybe she knows something we don't.
Meanwhile... Inner Tenten: BITCH, WHY THE FUCK DID YOU SAY 'YES'!?
Inner Tenten #2: I DON'T KNOW!!
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jujumin-translates · 2 years ago
Misumi Ikaruga | [SSR] MANKAI Feature | Today’s Star: Akari Shinonome - Part 1
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*Phone notification*
Misumi: !
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Misumi: Waah, I got a LIME from Madoka!
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
*LIME Start*
Madoka: I’m at Grandpa’s villa right now.
Madoka: I found some paper airplanes.
△△△: I probably forgot them there when I last visited!
Madoka: Makes sense.
Madoka: It seems like the cleaning person found them and saved them.
Madoka: If you want them, I can bring them whenever I see you next.
*LIME end*
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Misumi: Hmm…
Tenma: Hey, what are you staring at so intensely? Walking while on your phone isn’t safe, you know.
Misumi: Ehehe, sorry~.
Misumi: Umm, I was just replying to Madoka…
Misumi: …Alright! Sent!
Tenma: Okay, let’s go then.
Misumi: Yeah! Practice time, practice time~.
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
*Door opens*
Kumon: Ah, they’re here, they’re here!
Tenma: Hm? What are you reading?
Kazunari: This month’s online survey results!
Misumi: Waah, I wanna look too~!
Muku: “Shiro from Sardine Search is so cute! I love him so much!” Fufu, I think so too.
Yuki: “Thanks to the streams of the performances, I’m able to see all the subtle changes in the performances that I otherwise would’ve missed out on.” …That’s a good point actually.
Kumon: It’s so great to get all this feedback~. I get super hyped just reading them!
Kazunari: Totally! Tenten and Sumi got a lotta feedback too.
Yuki: Here’s one that says, “I really liked all of the paintings Shinonome-kun from Sky Gallery did and I’d love to see more of them.”
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Misumi: Ehehe, I’m glad~.
Kumon: This one here says, “After watching the stream again, Rio became my favorite Tenma-kun role!”
Tenma: Huh, Rio.
Muku: There’s a lot of feedback we got about roles other than the leads and co-leads.
Kazunari: All the characters are just that interesting thanks to Tsuzurun’s scripts.
Tenma: That’s true. Nice to see that fans seem to understand that too.
*Door opens*
Kumon: Ah, it’s like we summoned them here with our talking! It’s Director and Tsuzuru-san!
Tsuzuru: Hey, good work, you guys.
Izumi: Since you’re all here, can we quickly borrow you before you start practicing?
Izumi: You guys were just looking at the online survey results, right?
Yuki: Yeah.
Izumi: Perfect timing.
Izumi: As you can probably tell from the survey responses, we’ve started putting out streams of past performances…
Izumi: Since we’ve been getting more and more feedback on past performances, it seems like it’s become a topic of conversation among the company.
Kazunari: Definitely.
Tsuzuru: When I was reading through the feedback, I got the sense that a lot of it was related to the supporting characters too.
Muku: That is true.
Yuki: That’s what we were just talking about too.
Izumi: So we were thinking of something interesting for what we could do with that information.
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Tsuzuru: And we thought it’d be interesting if we did spin-offs that focused on the supporting characters as the main characters instead…
Izumi: Exactly what Tsuzuru-kun said.
Misumi: That sounds like a lotta fun!
Kumon: Yeah, and super interesting too!
Izumi: I’m glad you think so. I already went ahead and discussed it with Sakyo-san and we came up with a plan.
Izumi: And we wanted to ask you guys to be the ones to kick the whole thing off.
Tenma: Us?
Izumi: Here’s the proposal--.
[ Next Part ⇢ ]
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