#Hev asks
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oc-musings · 9 months ago
📻 + leti pls 🥰
Okay, I had to go through her playlist and listen to several to see which one I would choose. I chose:
Ellie Goulding- Love I'm Given
Now, if you look at the lyrics, it does allude to that positive love that can have a positive change in your life. But for the other lyrics, it goes fairly well with Leti's later actions in life. Decisions she's made, actions she chose that had consequences. A lot of which have to do with what takes place during Uncharted 4 and her dealings with Rafe (I could speak forever about this but there's too much analysis. Hit me up in my dms LMAO). She's had to do some growing and changing.
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gordon-freeman-phd · 9 months ago
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me (on the chair) and my super soldier friends, im 6 foot 2 btw
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adrian-sheppy · 7 months ago
wait. gorgeous is like. buttass naked in the og series aside from the boxers. how the fuck were they dressed when they showed up in the timeline-
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it got weirder........
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hunniegl4zed · 1 month ago
Wait, question.
If patch is scourge reincarnated, and is anni’s little brother, then how would krush exist in the universe without scourge?? 0-0
Cause if it were to be bombs away ending in delirium, then krush would exist most likely. Assuming he doesn’t have krush at an earlier point in time, but patch probably wouldn’t exist unless it was some sort of weird magic thing- 0.0||
New ending for the AU?? 👀
AAAAAA MY HEAD HURTS 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫 But you're right! 👀👀
Krush was born before the whole shabang of the AU came to be. So it would be a little paradox to see his own dad being tiny baby boy again 😬😬
I do be living for the fact that Scourge and Patch could coexist in the same timeline. Calling it the ''Paradox ending'' 🌀🌀🌀
Zonic wants to sent back Patch to his own timeline again, but nope. Nazo and Seelk got attachted to the little fella and they ain't about to give him away easily.
Would be funny too if Scourge would take care of Patch as well, and it would effect him even more. Patch noming down on some apple and Scourge immediantly going: ''Ah, I want apples right now.'' Man is oblivious to Patch being himself so yeah. Goofy times ahead 🎉🎉🎉🎉
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airyesart · 9 months ago
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eye of the storm
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mephostophilis · 30 days ago
i really cant get over my griffin mcelroy dentist profile picture shame like it might be the funniest thing to ever happen and it’s mortifying
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hevexns-realm · 5 months ago
HEHEKEFJFBDJEOSI ISH YOUR BIRTHDAY TODAY?! 👀👀👀👀🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 IF IT ISH, HAPPY BIRTHDAY, REALM 🥳🥳🥳💞💞💞💞 (or my stoopid ass read the previous post wrong, my apologies 🫣) OMG I'VE GOTTA SIT MY ASS DOWN AND MAKE SOMETHING FOR YOUUUUUUU!!!!!!!
I am now finally a legal adult! MEANING I GET TO VOTE. HAHAHHAHAAAAA- (the MAGATs in my city will FEAR me in the voting polls on Nov 5th, Hehehe)
I already made myself some birthday art, I’ll upload it soon!! 🤍🖤
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cactus-zombie · 1 year ago
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The Savior of the world and his two fucked up ghosts
Base by @miss-mossball
ALT versions under the cut
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utopians · 11 months ago
i know we say this every year but it feels like you’ve been 21 for 8 years
IT NEVER ENDS... and I'm not even close to being 22 yet another 4 months still remain... I feel like around the age of 17 I was put in some sort of time prison and now the passage of years doesn't affect my age the way it affects other people
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oc-musings · 9 months ago
😘 for miss leticia
Okay I have to do Leti's music one but when I get HOME
My girl has so many LOL
Sully: has called her Angel from the moment he picked her up from Colombia
Nate: has called her Lettuce since she was a kid. It was an accident and it just stuck LMAO
Sam: Spaghetti. Again, childhood nickname. But born from her obsession with pasta (particularly his pasta) and it's interchangeable with Leti Spaghetti
Rafe: Tish. The only one she's ever let call her that.
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locksox · 7 months ago
I’d better start selling my baking NOW
But, I promise, I WILL cosplay your Tango design
A gorgeous design DESERVES high effort cosplay
we won’t talk how much i payed for mine (200~ erm)
also wtf this is so cool 😭 i won’t hold u to it (not that i even know who u are behind that anon img) but holy shit i will go crazy if you do…..!!!! i wanna see so bad
and thank you omg.. “gorgeous design” 😭<33
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risingsh0t · 3 months ago
HEYYY melina andddd spins the wheel of res evil characters— jill and ALSO carlos :3
goddddd i would love to see it. the hotness of those 3 together? yeah. it might be a bit tricky because she had a hard enough time accepting and admitting her feelings to leon. baby girl has too many trust issues after her lying, deceitful ex. so can you imagine doing that x2? 😭 character-wise, i think having the support of both jill and carlos would do wonders for melina. it'll just be a slow burn!
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dacuslucy · 1 year ago
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tacticalhimbo · 10 months ago
okay HIIII 🪩💎 this is really specific but. i want to know ur thoughts cs i’m also crowdsourcing for my own list but— top 5 poor little meow meows in media
this IS so specific, but luckily for you i love hyperspecific shit-
if we're going for the truest definition of poor little meow meow (endearingly pathetic and extremely flawed), in no particular order, i would say:
harry du bois (disco elysium) - he is the easiest answer on this list. i mean. need i say more?
agent 47 (hitman) - i'm sorry but this man is so pathetic in the most unconventional way. like. badass i can do anything and kill anyone and i'm like a ghost mode of operation, if you watch this man's dialog when he's trying to blend in? it's so endearing. "it's to die for" sir you are as subtle as a freight train. he is a meow meow. to me.
tanner greyton (scrutinized) - niche fandom alert! this guy is another top contender for meow meow to me because he's like. the guy ever. cheery disposition stalker and (alleged) serial killer? he literally has a scare in the game where he pops up on your camera feed waving his hands like wallace talking about cheese. he also says, and i quote, "well, this is awkward" before one of his kills. literal GO WHITE BOY GO energy.
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vector hyllus (star wars: the old republic) - another niche answer but listen to me. listen to me! he is so... incredible. imperial (stinky) diplomat (less stinky) who ended up joining an alien hivemind and now talks about himself in plural tense and is one of the most unintentionally funny guys out there? he's beautiful <3
black noir (the boys; tv version) - if earving has no fans i am dead. he has been wronged from the beginning (forced into a masked superhero identity because of racism and the profitability of the corporation he worked for, all the while being abused by said corporation's poster child superhero at the time) and who, from childhood, has vividly imagined and interacted with the characters from the in-universe equivalent to chuck e cheese to cope with moments of emotional stress.
o7 hope this helps with your curation! and ty for the asks btw i love you <3 <3 <3
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bloodskinandteeth · 8 months ago
actually i want desire + wylla, xinbei, AND celia thank u mwah
since i already answere desire for wylla, i'm gonna just do xb and celia :) mwah
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desire: What's one thing your OC wants more than anything in the world? Are they open with that desire? Why or why not? What would they do to fulfill it?
Xinbei is currently conflicted by her two greatest desires. One being making up for lost time in Outworld by reconnecting with her mother and sisters, fulfilling her role as crown princess and helping to protect Edenia and Earthrealm through kombat. Her other more secret desire is to return to how things were before; before she knew her true identity and before learning about the threat to her home and loved ones. 
Although it’s impossible, she most wants to go back to when things were simpler in Fengjian Village with her friends and Madame Bo. Xinbei dreams often of what life would be like having a peaceful future with Kuai Liang but keeps this kind of foolishness to herself. Though on quiet nights and mornings, when she lay with Kuai she will find herself whispering these desires to him in a half-wakeful state.
She would kill for her desires, definitely, because often they’re for the greater good. Hell, Xinbei would sacrifice herself even if it meant those she cared for could live peacefully. As for her secret desire, that would only come true if she had power like Liu Kang, so she tries not to dwell on it.
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desire: What's one thing your OC wants more than anything in the world? Are they open with that desire? Why or why not? What would they do to fulfill it?
Celia’s desires are somewhat of an enigma, they change as her need for survival and control does. For many years it was escaping the basement she was imprisoned in, after that her desire is a strange cocktail of wanting revenge on her captor, to control her impulsive bloodlust and, unexpectedly, the approval of Dr. Hannibal Lecter.
Celia’s personality is very secretive, she finds it hard to trust and thus always plays her cards close to her chest even to those want what’s best for her. To a degree she doesn’t even trust herself, and thus isn’t open with her desires unless she’s certain she can get her way.
As far as fulfilling those desires… the thing with Celia is that the beginning of her story is very fleshed out but I haven’t finessed the details of how her arc completes itself, so much of her desires will likely change. Celia herself almost doesn’t know what she wants, which makes it hard to achieve fulfilment. 
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lustyargonianmaid · 1 year ago
“masks fall off real quick” rich coming from someone who is too much of a pussy ass bitch to come off of anon to be rude on purpose huh. fuck you
it's always the people who hide behind anon that have the most shit to say. i don't even know what fuckin mask they are referring to but i guess im supposed to lay down and take it while being called a terf, unintelligent and whatever the fuck else glib means
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