#Hetalia genova
wallpapersdehetalia · 7 months
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He's my fav. #1 boy.
Character: Genoa
Theme: Red Roses, Rose Garden
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It's him! Again lol. I really love how I did the hair here, I think I'll keep doing it.
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temtamtom · 2 months
I keep circling back to the idea of APH Genova having long hair in modern times. Except it's kinda ugly and choppy because his ass is too cheap to go to a hairdresser. I wouldn't be surprised if Feliciano takes pity on him and offers to cut his hair (for free!!) sometimes--
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lightprkdraws · 3 years
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I watched the old guard with a friend the other day and I've been thinking about ancient gays and a crossover between this and hetalia ever since. So I drew these bad doodles before bed as a way to get this out of my system skhbdf
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panfrycek · 5 years
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art trade for @his-talia
I wanted to draw them in in some festive similar costumes, hope you will enjoy it!
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wander-yet-wonder · 5 years
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“My friend, rider of the seas like a swift wind, clever keeper of the most precious gold, treasurer of smiles and hearts, after we joined together and mapped the oceans, we sailed to the new world and conquered it, now what is this sleep which has seized you? You have turned dark and do not hear me!" But his eyes do not move, he touched his heart, but it beat no longer
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buruzaitama · 5 years
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Another Vargas family member X))) I'm wondering if he's an older brother or the father/uncle of Feli and Lovi...and maybe Sebo... I think he's the newest character of hetalia (or one of the newest). Genova © Himaruya Ps. I don't know how are his colors... I assume he's like Lovi or Feli... the clothes are randomly coloured XD. Ps2. any fanname for him? x)) I like Gianni or Dante... ** Don't use / don't repost **
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Scenarios with the Italy Trio (Part 60)
Trio, stuck in a desert: *stares at the last water bottle*
Romano: I think I should take it because I am way more responsible than the two of you! Plus, I'm older!
Italy: I think I should take it because I need it to boil pasta
Seborga: I think I should have it because I'm the youngest and very tall!
Trio: *looks back at water bottle to see it disappeared*
Genoa: *runs away with water bottle*
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his-talia · 6 years
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I’m absolutely loving all the attention and feedback my blog is getting!! :D So many asks to work on! I hope you all have some patience with me because I like doing full colored and shaded replies because I don’t really like my art  ‘plain’.
And a special thanks for @nyotaliafan-pinkmermaid​ and @devintrinidad​ for being here since the first hour!!! I see y’all <3 
Something Devin said was interesting to me that my Venice looked a bit like canon Genoa- and I hadn’t seen that before. So I want to hop on that bandwagon to talk a bit on how I historicize designs. Because I try to take the canon design because we all love and are attached to the show, and then use it as a building ground!
That little crown. I don’t really know what it is- it’s cute but I can’t have it in a historical design. It really reminds me of those tiny tophats that cute lolita fashion uses sometimes. The only way I could maybe allow it is if it’s a city-crown. Like Cybele is wearing. These were used all trough the renaisance to signify personifications of cities. That would actually be a really cool historical nod if that’s what Hima meant by it. But then all my boys would constantly be wearing crowns and I like to clothe them in more civilian clothes. So unfortunately, little crown you gotta go.
The extreme boyband sidepar I just- no one wore their hair in such an extreme sidepart for a large part of history. Slight sideparts happen, which is why I let Romano keep his, but this just looks too modern. So I changed it for a mid part. It’s really the only part of the design I changed.
The low bob I love the awkward mid-ear-low-bob-bowlcut that Genoa is sporting in canon. It actually reminds me of the ‘Farquaad’ hair that was popular in the 1500′s. So it stays. It gives him something recognisable!
Venice???? My Venice wears his hair long, shoulderlength and brushed back out of his face. I don’t really see the similarity but they do both channel that energy of flouncyness!
I really love replies and interactions so please keep it up! :D 
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blogitalianissimo · 6 years
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Sì, l’anime delle personificazioni nazionali. Quando ero attiva in quel fandom creai parte di questi personaggi (ovvero le personificazioni regionali), ma così per divertimento, non avevo intenzione di trasformarli in nulla di serio. Un anno e mezzo fa (presa dalla noia) provai a ridisegnare i miei oc, e... dopo i vari “disegna la mia regione dai”, o ancora “dai qualche vignetta con tizio e caio”, decisi di creare questo blog (che è diventato un puttanaio di trash italiano misto, ma ssshh). 
Adesso sono molto distaccata da Hetalia, cioè nel fandom vero e proprio manco da anni, perciò non so manco se considerare questa roba “Hetalia”. Penso siano personificazioni e basta, anche se comunque non negherò mai che è partito tutto da Hetalia, anzi io sono una delle poche persone a non “rinnegare” il passato hetaliano. 
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tomatoandlettuce · 7 years
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I did Genoa! He is a new character from World Stars! I wish I knew more about him, his design looks super interesting and idk why but he seems like a salty mofo, and I love that tbh.
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starsilversword-art · 1 month
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Post 3. Noticed all my fav hetalia charcters have wavy hair.
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temtamtom · 1 year
Any thoughts on Seborga?
Ohhh I love love love him. He's my little guy. My rotten soldier. My sweet cheese. My good-time boy.
I didn't care about him all that much until I visited the town of Seborga last year (I was in the area and wanted to drop by). I started thinking about him a lot more after that, and here we are now. I can't have modern Itabros or Itafam content without Sebby, it just wouldn't be the same 😔
This post might get a lil' lengthy as usual, so I'll put my headcanons and thoughts under "read more":
I feel like he's under-utilized in the brother/family dynamic, which is a shame. He's an interesting contrast to his brothers, who've been around for thousands of years and experienced so many hardships. He's very young and still a little naive to the reality of nationhood. His brothers kept him sheltered throughout his upbringing so he could have an easy, happy childhood. Lord knows it was messy for Romano and Feliciano. They didn't want that for Sebastiano.
Since Seborga is in the region of Liguria, I think he was given to Genova(/Liguria) first as a baby. Genova, who isn't very good at caring for others and knows it, immediately called up Feliciano. One thing led to another, and Seborga soon became part of their family. Sebby and Genova have a relationship but not as brothers. Maybe Sebby sees him more as a close family friend/"zio" type of person. Someone he can turn to for advice when he doesn't want his brothers to get involved in his problems.
The first few years of his life were very nerve-wracking. I have a headcanon that he aged scarily fast for a nation, on par with a human. They weren't sure if he would keep aging and eventually die off, and they didn't calm down until the late 70s/early 80s when his growing slowed to a halt. There was also a lot of debate about what sort of relationship they should have with Seborga. They were raising him from infancy, so were they his parents? Is one technically more of a "parent" than the other? What about just being brothers? Yeah, brothers sound better. Brothers but with more Nuance(TM).
Romano and Feli received an extensive education as children, so it felt obvious that Sebby should attend school as much as possible. Due to their living and working arrangements, Seborga went to school in Rome and consequently picked up a lot of Roman mannerisms. Something that didn't go unnoticed by Genova every time he saw the kid ("Look at what you've done to this Ligurian boy! He's Roman!")
Onto one of my favourite dynamics within the family- Romano and Sebby's dynamic. Grumpy boomer big brother and his baby brother who likes getting on his nerves at every opportunity but, goddamnit, that's his weird baby brother and he still loves him to pieces. I'm a big softie for some loving-big-bro-'mano content. That man will look out for his family I just know it. His doors are always open for Seborga and there will always be food on the table for him, no matter what. Even if Seborga likes to grind his gears.
Seborga grew up reading a lot of comics! He started with the more kid-friendly ones like Disney comics (Paperino, Topolino, etc.) and soon graduated to things like TEX (one of Romano's favourites) and Dylan Dog. As a child, he'd draw his own little comic strips and characters- a hobby that Feliciano actively encouraged.
One of his closest friends is Monaco. Seborga is very close to the French border, and while I was in the area, I got the chance to visit Monaco for a day. The drive was quite easy and relatively quick, so it's not hard to imagine that they would've struck up a friendship since they're quite close! One thing that I enjoy about this friendship is the Uptown Girl/Downtown Boy dynamic they'd have ❤️ I don't know, I just think they're lovely
I'll stop here, but. Yeah. I just think he's neat! A lovely fella
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donamoeba · 7 years
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We have a new addition to the Hair Curl Family! Meet Mr. Republic of Genoa (Genova), an independent state in north-western Italy, before it was conquered by the French First Republic under Napoleon.
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wander-yet-wonder · 5 years
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“Shh, it’s all over now. Close your eyes. Just go to sleep.”
in 1805, after having been worn down by attack after attack, having lost his protector and ally Spain, Genoa is giving up. 
Napeoleonic France invaded and plundered his lands, renaming him the Ligurian republic- and leaving him to fight of the Austrians and Brits.
Until finally Genoa just begged France to take direct control of his lands. Perhaps then his people would be spared. He can’t do this anymore. 
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billowingwaves · 7 years
there’s an aph genoa now!
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