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ffxvremix · 4 months ago
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Prompto asks Noctis what "lasagna" means. Noctis doesn't know. The end of the world follows.
Read here! || AO3 Collection
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sidaramed21 · 4 months ago
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"bir atın gözlerindeki anlam.."
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belgianschmoopies · 19 days ago
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memgibi · 1 year ago
“bu nasıl bir döngüdür küheylan...
sen kuşlar gibi uçamadığına,
kuşlar da senin gibi koşamadığına yanar.”
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elvenchain · 1 year ago
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nomoreipaditstimeforsleep · 13 days ago
Omfgggg wallows is so good
I have been listening to only nothing happens
But holy fUCK it's so good
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ancalagxn · 2 years ago
Mun: Or the alternative when I was trying to gpose Hesperos and Laha as @angelic-din-mortem literally heard me yelling
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tirabeesu · 1 month ago
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makes my own sticker sheets. for evil.
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apexart-journal · 2 years ago
Caitlin Hespe in NYC - Day 27
5:40 train to Rockaway Beach for ‘Life Rolls On’ event.
Involved swimming in groups around a surfer to make them feel safe. The surfers were all people with a disability of some kind, so what made them feel safe varied greatly. Was very cool to be there and see the excitement and joy in the water. Very special.
Feeling particularly introverted wasnt ideal, but was also fine. Just, i felt pretty out of the loop for most of it, a lot of people were volunteering in groups from work or social groups. I felt self-conscious, but not wanting for anything, or attention, just not really feeling comfortable, or aware of what was happening. Once the surfing was happening, it became more clear, and I found more of a ‘place’, but outside of that, it was quite a weird space.
And although the event was not about me feeling good, it was about the surfers and letting them have a great experience, which I think they did, it still felt strange to me that I wasn’t ‘comfortable’. Seeing the joy of the others was great, but once out of the water, I felt pretty strange again. This is curious to me. I wonder if it is something to do with knowing a ‘role’ to play.
Some sort of accident occured at the train station I needed to catch it from, which put all the trains at rockaway out of action. Waited 50 mins for a bus, which became packed-packed-packed, and it was hot, and then a fight and actual fight broke out at the front of the bus between a couple and they were yelling a lot and then some other people on the bus tried to yell at them to stop it, to just wait, because we are all tired and want to get off the bus, jsut hold it, but they kept yelling more, and it felt scary, like maybe someone would be violent, and more people were yelling, saying listen! Just stop! And it wasnt working and it was quite strange for a bit there, and I couldnt even see who was yelling at who at the front, that was how packed it was, and then the bus stopped and I think it was to let the fighting couple out and then they were on the street and he spat on her, and lots of people yelled at him. The bus driver had to make a phone call, so we waited another 5 mins before moving again, and the rest of the ride to rockaway blvd was quiet.
Two more trains later (3.5 hours all up) and I got home, and see myself for the first time that I am very sunburnt (despite applying a lot of sunscreen) and kind of uneven/botchy on the face. How unfortunate,
Remembering the spirit of pride though on the train into the city, it was a relief from the stress of the bus.
Walked with pride, in many ways. Was genuinely joyful.
Went to comedy.
Walked back home imagining every overheard snippet as a bit in seinfeld, with some slap bass in the background.
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ffxvremix · 1 year ago
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Chapters: 2/2 Fandom: Final Fantasy XV Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Cindy Aurum/Lunafreya Nox Fleuret Characters: Cindy Aurum, Lunafreya Nox Fleuret, Cid Sophiar, Noctis Lucis Caelum, Prompto Argentum, Gladiolus Amicitia, Ignis Scientia Additional Tags: Canon Compliant, Bittersweet, Grief/Mourning, Flirting, Headcanon, Embedded Images, Other Additional Tags to Be Added Summary:
All we get's a shot at bein' happy some of the time. ◇
A remix of GingerEl's Wrench for the 2023 FFXV Remix Event!
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lenamiyabi · 4 days ago
well then... Can I adopt them instead?
are you my soon to be adopted stepfather?
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belgianschmoopies · 7 days ago
Voor onze grote finale van De Hampioenschappen zijn we op zoek naar hespenexperts. Dit moeten uitverkorenen zijn die vanaf hun geboorte gezegend werden met een hespennaam. Wij denken dus meteen aan Otto-Jan Ham en Jan Jambon en hun aanverwanten, maar indien u ook een naam heeft die volgens u naar hesp verwijst, reageer dan met uw motivatie. Wij wachten vol ongeduld
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birguzelllincirkini · 1 month ago
Kerê me ji hespe benamusa çetire
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pearl-and-gemstones · 1 day ago
Starts running quicker. There's no one who can stop them now- oh wait look! a kitten! they crouch to pet the kitten.
So...I adopted Foxy. Do we...battle it out in court or something?
-🦪 (@pearls-and-gemstones / let's cross our fingers and hope this one doesn't follow my other blogs and dissappear)
*grabs spear* No, we battle to the death. Prepare yourself.
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polldermodel · 2 months ago
Ken jij het woord smos/smosje dat gebruikt wordt voor een broodje met kaas en/of hesp, mayonaise, rauwe groentjes en een hardgekookt eitje?
NL, ik ken het niet
NL, ik ken het, maar gebruikt het niet
NL, ik ken het en gebruik het
BE, ik ken het niet
BE, ik ken het, maar gebruikt het niet
BE, ik ken het en gebruik het
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minarcana · 8 months ago
hesperos having glasses and shit eyesight for like, no reason, will never not be funny to me. but also i do think it counts as much more of a 'disability' in amaurot than it does in the modern age, where glasses are commonplace and accessible, so it gets forgotten that theyre a disability aid
amaurots insistence on wearing masks also fucks up hesperos and makes him hate going there (when he could do that) because it forces him to take his glasses off and then he cant read street signs or the like to figure out where he is or where he's going, and just not using a mask so he can keep the glasses on keeps getting him weird looks and "dont do that?? what are you doing??" as hes just Please I Am Trying To Find Office 306-H
aids of various type tend to be uncommon in amaurot and also he's pretty bad at making glasses himself from aether+mats since they're specialized instruments, so hes protective of them... would rather just go into a fight with the wols only being able to distinguish blobs than break his glasses unu
sorry i just like him....
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