#Hesh is out rn
I asked Logan how he was feeling because he seemed tired, and he just said "egg" after a long pause of staring into space
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tokillamockingbird427 · 2 months
You know what I would enjoy? If in a Ghosts 2 scenario we got a chase scene w/ Rorke. Like I wanna be in Hesh’s POV absolutely bloodlusted while this man runs for his fucking life because he’s suddenly realized Hesh might be a bit more than he can chew rn.
Like I wanna be ON. HIS. ASS. Chasing him through a building or whatever while taking down whoever is dumb enough to get in the way and catching glimpses of him while doing so. Shit needs to explode. Like Micheal Bay levels. Ridiculousness.
Rorke is no stranger to pussying out either. He was running away on the train it was just that he was in the engine and didn’t need his own two legs to skedaddle he could just sit there.
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wjehfshs · 1 year
Hesh NSFW hcs bc I’m obsessed with him rn
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I’d say he’s a switch/can go either way
But when he’s domming he’s very vanilla, soft and sweet
Normally he goes at the pace you like, presses kisses to your face the whole time and just holds you close to him
He’s big on praise
“So good for me love”
Although he does like spreading his cum on you
If you don’t want him to cum inside hell do it all over your stomach, he can’t help but smear it around
Even if he does cum inside he hooks some on his finger and smears it on your lips/mouth
Only time he’s not like that is when he’s stressed
Specifically after a hard mission or he’s had a hard time lately
He isn’t mean or intentionally rough but his thrusts gets frantic, have no rhythm, and they’re a lot harder than normal
But still the entire time he’s praising you and his touches are still so soft
“That’s it, yeah. So so fuckin’ pretty likes this”
I wouldn’t say he’s a moaner but more of a sigher
When subbing he’s a whiner
Likes when you peg him/do anal with him
Also likes when you ride him and take control
Overstimulate this man and he’s yours
If you are overstimulating him he’s finding any part of you to grip onto
Gasping and whining as he screws his eyes shut
Trying to pull his hips away from you but if you actually stop he’s trying to pull you back
“Oh fuck. Baby it’s too much. Too muc- what? No no don’t stop please come back, come back” he whines as he reaches out for you
Also likes when you degrade him, honestly
He also likes it when you’re a little rough
Anyways that’s it, idk how I’m supposed to end these things. I wanna see him pregnant tbh
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gunnrblze · 9 days
Okay so your moodboard for Keegan and Ajax got me thinking (plus that old ask way back comparing Keegan and Ajax to the moon and sun respectively) I apologize in advance for my ramblings and the length of this
My song of choice is The Moon Will Sing by The Crane Wives (aka one of my favorite songs)
"Tell me once again I could have been anyone, anyone else before you made the choice for me."
Basically.. Sandviper. It all set into motion Keegan and Ajax becoming Ghosts -> Ajax's eventual demise
"My feet knew the path we walked in the dark, in the dark, I never gave a single thought where it might lead."
Keegan and Ajax became Ghosts together, walking the same path. In their line of work, you can't really know where the future will go, so they might have tried to live life in the present savoring the moments they had together
"All those empty rooms, we could have been anywhere, anywhere else. Instead I made a bed with apathy."
This just reminds me of Keegan searching for Ajax during struck down, clearing room through room searching for him. I feel like part of Keegan knew Ajax wasn't making it out alive.
"My heart knew the weight, ten years' worth of dust and neglect, we made our peace with weariness and let it be."
More Sandviper for the soul. Your honor, they're tired
"The moon will sing a song for me, I loved you like the sun. Bore the shadows that you made with no light of my own."
I like to think Ajax brought out the best in Keegan, the sun shining his light onto him in a sense. Without the sun's light, you can't see the moon. They both had dark parts of their lives, but Keegan was more than willing to bear both of their pasts if it meant Ajax would continue to shine. Extrovert with their adopted introvert my beloved
"I shine only with the light you gave me." x2
Keegan was aggressive, desperate to get his other half back. He goes from yelling at Federation soldiers to cradling Ajax's body, carrying him with reverence as he's just lost part of his soul, his source of light
"Name your courage now, we could have had anything, anything else instead you hoarded all that's left of me."
Keegan towards Rorke no doubt. Not sticking around for a fight after killing one of their own? Coward. Rorke took the greatest thing in Keegan's life and didn't even hang around to see what he caused- leaving Ajax to have to drop the bombshell that Rorke was hunting Ghosts.
"Swallowing your doubt, like swords to the pit of my belly. I want to feel the fire that you kept from me."
More Keegan vs Rorke here. I'd say if Hesh wasn't the most likely to kill Rorke, Keegan would be a runner up as Ajax's death definitely hurt. What hurts more is that Ajax died from a stab to the stomach by a Federation soldier (like swords to the pit of my belly)
Anyways thanks for letting me lyric dump, I love The Crane Wives and have plenty of other songs that get me thinking about the Ghosts. I hope this made sense
HELLOOOO WHAT?😭 i literally love this song, but the Keejax breakdown? MY HEART omg, makes total sense ur a genius. This is literally their song I’m afraid, such a good dissection of them
“I shine only with the light you gave me” I’ll cry rn
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halcyone-of-the-sea · 11 months
CODENAME: DEADBOLT ❗️A HESH FIC ‼️ Bestie you CAN'T be slick about this, I practically stalk your navigation page lol
AHHH 😭😭😭 it's just a concept rn I don't have a solid plan for it, I promise!! With CoV planned all the way out and my plans to do that with Ravishing Allure as well, I'm stocking up for future series and everything - my Simon one and the Hesh series will be fazed in respectively as the previous ones get finished.
I do know that it's going to be with a reader that's in the forces though!!
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logan-w · 3 months
He said he'd give Tumblr a try, Anon- take a breather, he's out with Riley rn lol
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callofdooty · 2 years
5-4-3-2-1 Tag Game!!
Tagged by @alidravana ! Thank you so much for the tag! :D
top 5 works i’m proudest of (not in any particular order):
Since I only have two actual works, I'll just put them both LOL:
Just Us - Keegan and Merrick havea moment after the events of the game
My Bed Is A Pool And The Walls Are On Fire - Keegan being delirious for 1000 Words
top 4 current wips i’m excited about:
Mostly all Whumpuary works since they've got my full attention rn LOL
Woken Up Like An Animal - Fill for the prompt Nightmares. Logan makes friends with Mouse after he accidentally kicks her across a room. Title is a line from Human by Daughter (aka one of the best Logan songs to exist LOL)
Keegan's Hypothermia fic - Prompt fill for Hypothermia and "Stay With Me" - Trying to play into the found family as much as I can because I am a SUCKER for it) Pending title ^^
My Heroes Are Dead (They Died In My Head) - Prompt fill for Betrayal. Bitter stream of consciousness, takes place after Struck Down, from Keegan's perspective (but Ajax's fate will be left ambiguous so he might be dead, might be canon divergence that lets him live) Title is a line from Diluted by Slipknot
I Won't Give Up On You (So Don't Give Up On Me) - Prompt fill for "Don't Do This" and Blurry Vision. Not entirely sure what this will entail but it will probably center around Hesh and Logan :) I love :) Angst :) I'm just hella into the title and the prompts as a combination. Title is a line from The Sadness Will Never End by Bring Me The Horizon
top 3 improvements in my writing:
Actually rewriting drafts. A lot of the time, I don't typically rewrite drafts, but for some of the Ghosts ficxs, I've actually got multiple different versions of fics LOL
Uhh I'd say I've definitely developed a stylised way of writing? Which, is actually pretty much just the way I write normally AHA - a lot pauses in strange places, and of course the angsty internal monologuing. I also like messing with structure when I can (Unfortunate House of Leaves simp over here)
Catching when my tenses slip. I don't know why, it might be due to roleplaying, but I find that I often flip between past and present tense in the middle of writing (where it wouldn't make sense to) But I've been able to catch it, lately. Makes editing fics a bitch LOL
top 2 writing resolutions:
Just posting more honestly. Last fandom I wrote fics for got a grand total of three fics because I didn't get to finish the others LOL, and then I kind of drifted off to other things (it's still some of my best angst work, so hopefully I can bring that energy to the Ghosts. The character I fixated on actually might have some similarities to Logan ssooo 👁 👁)
Maybe trying to branch out more? My two modes of writing are Hurt/No Comfort (hilarious, because I hate reading Hurt/No Comfort) and Whump so maybe I can try smth else? Maybe romance? Definitely not something I'm familiar with writing, but it feels like something I could try. (The real issue is finding ships I wanna write about /hj)
number 1 favourite line:
Hmm, this is hard, so I'm going to make up for all the other ones I can't fill by giving a few LOL
From Just Us, I'm quite fond of this line:
Shame stirs in his stomach, making him nauseous before working its way up, gripping his heart and then balling up to cause a lump in his throat that he tries his best to swallow around. "I miss him." The shame ignites like a gasoline trail, flaring quickly into anger (whether it's at himself or Rorke... it's hard to tell with all the smoke) that only makes him feel more sick. "God damn it, I miss that piece of shit."
From the Nightmares fic I'm working on (almost done with it!):
Her eyes did more than enough talking on that front, strangely expressive for how closed off she otherwise seemed. They told a thousand stories; all indecipherable, written in a language that no one could speak of, but could understand all the same. The mind's exact tales of suffering were locked away, hidden, but their effect still seemed to shine from the soul's very own fractured looking glass. A hint of resignation acted as dust upon the reflection's surface; a house haunted by time more than any other phantom.
and then this giant excerpt from a WIP abt Hesh :)
Occasionally, a glimpse will come to Hesh’s mind. Sometimes it’s intrusive, lightning flashing against a canopy of dark clouds, shaking the foundations of his mind with a deafening roar. Sudden, brief and violent in nature. Other times it’s… slow. Easy and gentle, like ocean waves crawling their way up the beach; soft, hushed. Almost comforting, if not for the deep grief that the tide often brought with it, the wind brushing by carrying the faint echoes of laughter and excited voices.
On days like this, the wind only seems to carry his own distant screams. The tide now feels lonelier than it ever did. That one set of footprints trailing in the sand was just that; a single set. The second set of imprints settled in his own stride now gone. 
Instead, the ghost of his shadow is embedded yards away, a trench dug out by desperately grasping hands, reaching for anything. Reaching for him.  
It’s still the gentle ease of a memory washing over him, sea foam gathering, swaying and receding slowly, but that’s perhaps what makes it worse. The slowness. The time he has to sit there and dismantle himself from the inside out, while his own head taunts him with things he no longer has, can no longer reach out for. Even the ebb and flow of water can wear down cliffs with enough time, steady and persistent in its movements. 
Imagery galore! LOL
tagging... @bubble-dream-inc , @goorehound and @neon-amnesia (If y'all want to, don't feel pressured to! ^^)
Basic Template:
top 5 works i’m proudest of (not in any particular order):
top 4 current wips i’m excited about:
top 3 improvements in my writing:
top 2 writing resolutions:
number 1 favourite line:
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interneteclipse · 2 years
Your writing is sincerly amazing, whats on the works rn if u dont mind me asking?
This is just curiosity btw, not rushing you or anything like that lmao.
Hi I’m glad you like it!! I have a handfull of ideas but I’m a little behind on schedule so I’m replanning them 😭😭 I think I have two hesh fics requested, two for Keegan (one of them already has a draft that I need to revise), some concept inspired by like a tattoo by Sade (but I’m figuring out what character to write for that), a short König request, and perhaps a forbidden lovers Valeria fic.
For now im just trying to at least have a draft for each of them before I make anything else
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simonxriley · 4 years
5 to 10, for Liz and Skylar please? 💜💜 (have I told you how much I love these ladies? Icons!!)
Awe thank you! 💜💜💜
5: Do they have any siblings? What’s their names? What is their relationship with them? Has their relationship changed since they were kids to adults?
Liz - She has two older brothers’, Logan and Hesh (David). Liz is much more closer to her brother Logan than Hesh, Logan was always there for her while Hesh was too much like their father who Liz never got along with after she turned 12. Luckily her relationship with Logan never really changed as they got older, even when she’s living in another country she always finds a way to talk to him. Liz and Hesh did have a close bond when they were kids, but as they grew up they just drifted apart due to clashing personalities. And that Hesh just wasn’t there for her. 
Skylar - She has two older sisters’, Valary and Chloe. Skylar has a very good relationship with her sisters’, yeah they may fight like normal siblings here and there, but their bond stays the same. They’re also quite protective over Skylar because she is a decade+ younger than them. In a way their relationship did change when Skylar nearly died during the Outbreak, they got closer. 
6: What were they like at school? Did they enjoy it? Did they finish? What level of higher education did they reach? What subjects did they enjoy? Which did they hate?
Liz - She was a surprisingly a good student because she wanted to become an astronomer and that takes a lot of good grades. School was her escapism from home, where she could see her friends and gossip, and learn. She did finish school, graduating at 17 (her b-day is July). If it wasn’t for her father forcing her into the service she would’ve had a PH.D in astrophysics. The subjects she loved was science and English. The subjects she hated were biology and chemistry. 
Skylar - She was a good student as well, graduating at 16, a few years before she was actually meant to graduate. She got her bachelor's degree in Chemistry a few months before she joined Rainbow. The subjects she enjoyed were chemistry, choir and English. The subjects she hated were math, she understood it she just hated how long it could take to answer one single question. 
7: Did they have lots of friends as a child? Did they keep any of their childhood friends into adulthood?
Liz - She had a small group of friends as a child, but as she grew up and went into the military she only really kept two from her hometown. 
Skylar - She had a decent amount of friends as a kid, most she lost before high school for multiple reasons. They either moved or personalities clashed, or they just turned out to be bad people that she didn’t want to be associated with. 
8: Did they have pets as a child? Do they have pets as an adult? Do they like animals?
Liz - She had a hamster named Poe when she was a child, she loved that little guy until he passed away. As an adult she has a black lab named Shadow and a calico cat named Spotty (named by her son). 
Skylar - She has a dog named Dixie, that’s still alive and horse named Midnight. She also had a bunny named Thumper for a few years. As an adult she has a Russian blue, gifted by Tachanka (unnamed for rn), a pitbull named Stella and smaller animals the kids wants when they get older. 
9: Do animals like them? Do they get on well with animals?
Liz - They do, Liz may not like humans all that much but animals she loves. It’s nice to have a companion that’ll love you no matter what. 
Skylar - They do and yes, yes she does. She grew up around a lot of animals (her aunt and uncle own a farm) and just loves them. 
10: Do they like children? Do children like them? Do they have or want any children? What would they be like as a parent? Or as a godparent/babysitter/ect?
Liz - She was meh about children at first, mainly due to the fact she’s barely around any, but she would never be mean to one if one wanted to talk to her. Liz wasn’t sure if she wanted children or not, if it happens it happens. Then she ended up getting pregnant with Faith and that changed her prospective on things. She eventually has 4 and is a very good mother, that’s something she struggles with at times, but she’s learned to walk away and take a few deeps breaths. 
Skylar - She loves children, they always seem to gravitate towards her and she has no idea why. She babysat for a neighbor when she was younger and loved that little guy, it also gave her some practice for when she becomes a mom. She eventually has 8 with Tachanka and Sky is one amazing mom. She is the hands on type of mom, you’ll always see her playing with one or more of the kids whenever she gets the chance.  
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tokillamockingbird427 · 2 months
No longer you from Epic the musical is scarily accurate for a timetraveled Logan or maybe Hesh to Elias, shortly before SV, telling him out of order what's gonna happen (and possibly even after "a brother's final stand" and all that)
Mmmm I like you rn. I have a lil daydream (Maladaptive daydreamers rise.) where Logan gets booted back to the time before Sand Viper and kinda joins the Proto-Ghosts because well. He has nothing else to do. And he's a little intrigued... he wants to see if everything his father said happened will happen.
So he just sits back watching everything go down, wondering if at some point he'll rubber back to his present, and taking notes every so often of details Elias forwent.
Logan figures if Hesh were in his place he'd try to warn them. Would definitely try to kill Rorke. But logically he knows it'd be dumb to warn them, and risky to attempt the "Kill Rorke" route. For the prior, he'd have one hell of a time convincing them to believe him. "Yes, I am your son, from the future. And your captain over there, the most protective & loyal guy you know, tries to kill us all! Trust me bro." For the second, he's not sure what time shenanigans would happen if he even succeed. Without a Rorke alive to make him hate Rorke, he wouldn't even consider killing a past Rorke. It's a mess to even think about.
Whole thing is pretty much just "Live Logan reaction" with some comfort tossed in. Yes Elias does realize at one point despite the wildly illogical leap it takes and he's like "Damn that sucks." which somehow helps Logan a lot in processing his grief. IDK man, it's in my brain and nowhere else.
Fucking good ass song tho, the daydream possibilities are endless!
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wjehfshs · 1 year
Ghosts train NSFW with these fuckers
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NSFW, if you don’t know what a train is, please look it up before reading this, exhibitionism, I’m so tried rn, everything in this is consensual, Logan and Keegan are rough asf in this, Elias chews them out for it in the end lmao
Merrick goes first (I personally think he’s the oldest so he’d go first)
Makes you get yourself off by riding him as he keeps your chest flush against his clothed one
Literally too lazy to take off his shirt just keeps it on as he unzips his pants
Runs his hands up and down the curve of your back
And sometimes your thighs
Sometimes he’ll just sit back and let you do the work
Even though he is lazy he praises you the whole time
Prefers for you to set your own pace, especially since you’re just starting
Ajax goes next
Eats you out (regardless of sex) while you’re lying down on the couch, completely naked
Doesn’t care about himself, just you
He can jerk himself off once he hands you to the next person
Also may I add, he is the god at giving head
Proudly wears your cum on his face
(If you have a dick he’ll wipe it off your stomach and lick it)
Mumbling to himself how good you taste
Kick is next up
Also makes you ride him, but instead he’s holding your hips and moving you instead of making you move yourself
Actually takes his shirt off unlike Merrick (although he doesn’t take his pants off, just unzips them and slides them down a bit)
He gives me vibes of either really mean or whimpers, no in between
If he’s mean, he’ll slap your ass occasionally and slam you down on him
Or on the other side he’s practically using you as a toy unintentionally, throwing his head back and whining frfr
If you can get pregnant he’ll pull out and cum on your thighs
But if you can’t he’s def finishing inside
I think we can all agree that Logan and Keegan are teaming up
First it’s Keegan in your mouth and Logan pounding into you
Then they switch right before you cum
Leave just enough time between switches to have to build up to that point of cumming
They will absolutely bruise your insides and throat
Get off to the sounds as well
They try to fuck you as hard as they can to put on a show
Hair pulling, deep throating, you name it
(But if you don’t want your hair pulled/don’t have hair, it’s instead a hand around your throat)
After around 3 times of switching Hesh gets impatient and tells them to hurry up or else he’s snatching you away from them
Both of them cum on your face after you’ve finished
When Hesh finally gets his hands on you, he’s so soft
Makes sure to wipe all the cum off you before kissing up and down your body
Kisses any red spots from hickeys or something
He’s so soft, treats you like a porcelain doll
Will try to make you as comfortable as possible, knowing how you just got absolutely ruined
Although once you’ve finished for the last time that night, he can’t help himself but cum all over your stomach and smear some on your lips/face
Aftercare is Merrick carrying you bridal style to your room (makes sure no one else sees you) while you’re covered in a blanket
Sits you down in the shower and washes you up
Eventually he lets Ajax and Kick take over
Washing your hair and making sure there’s nothing left on (or in) you
Eventually they get you dressed into some more comfortable clothes (literally just some of their own clothes they got from their closets) and into your own bed
Holy shit you had the best sleep of your life that night
Although you did sleep in and Elias went to go wake you up
He notices the bite marks and hickeys, also not to mention now you slept in Ajax’s and Kick’s clothes
So he chews the boys out for it, once he finds out what happened
Not actually angry about you guys doing it, fine with that. Just worried they may have been too rough
Let’s you sleep in until you wake up
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tokillamockingbird427 · 5 months
Mmmm…. Why is thinking about Uriel making me emotional rn…
Listen I have a lot of Feelings about his situation. Uriel wants more family even if he loves his Papa and Tia and he has family but they are strangers to each other for reasons entirely out of his control.
God if Hesh could actually be his uncle… he loved Logan so much he’d be so delighted to have a nephew.
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Overheard conversations pt7
Elias: How's David?
Keegan: Well, he's suffered some pretty bad blood loss.
Hesh: It's not lost, I know exactly where it is. It's on the floor!
Keegan: He also has a mild concussion.
Elias: I see. Anything else?
Keegan: um.
Elias: Um?
Keegan: I might have dropped him when I was carrying him to the exfill.
Elias: You dropped him.
Keegan: Just a little bit. He was already cuncussed.
Elias: You're grounded. Go to your room
Keegan: Yes, sir.
To be fair to Keegan, with all the blood Hesh was probably a little slippy. And he wriggles. The bastard.
Hesh will also be grounded, as soon as he's out of the infirmary. But rn he's just grounded there, just by a nurse instead of his father/captain.
At least Keegan admitted he dropped him lol.
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tokillamockingbird427 · 6 months
Something i think about far too often is a Ghosts bodyswap AU type thing, (at least) one of them (Hesh) is trans so they, at least for a little while, get to live as a cis guy..
It’s worth noting that if they were stealth that would be more anxiety inducing than anything else that somebody knows that they’re trans now when they were trying to keep it secret
Hesh and Rorke swap bodies and the first thought that crosses both of their minds is "If I off myself rn would I actually die and not go back to MY body? Might be worth it." quickly followed by "Wait a minute... HE'S TRANS?" so on top of hating each others guts they also gotta do that nod of mutual understanding and respect. (Yet another way him Rorke are paralleled. /J, but also maybe /Srs.)
Hesh's first concern: Being outed via weird impossible shenanigans. Second concern: Are they (whoever is in his body) actually gonna wear his packer or is his body gonna be missing a dick?
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listen, originally i was gonna post either this or a very angsty ask either next week or the week after since i posted an ask on monday already,but heres something i feel like elias may do :) (is it dad elias? probably, yea i think…)
contributing to the previous anons ask(not the rick roll one.. that shits funny im sorry lmao) about elias carrying hesh & logan in baby slings, i feel like he still does, but randomly, carries or hugs hesh, logan or even any of the ghosts to this day just not in baby slings of course. but the man targets logan.
why logan? well, the poor guys the youngest(son AND in the team, not to mention the second shortest besides kick, whos an inch or so shorter.), and is kinda light for a 6 foot guy(hes 170 ibs according to the wikis… i think half of that is pure muscle.), making him a perfect target for carrying/hugs. he doesn’t mind it… some days. some days he just accepts defeat and other days, this man SPRINTS away and does anything to not get carried or hugged. (i like to think he doesn’t really like physical affection. also think of this— merrick(i chose him and i dont even know why.. brains not working well rn) drinking coffee in the afternoon to then see logan SPRINTING away from an elias whos running after him and later tackles him to the ground or face plants into a wall cause logan made a sharp ass turn)
logans suffering does NOT end there though, cause elias’ tantics go onto hesh, then later keegan, and the list goes on…
(hesh on the other hand does not mind it at all and enjoys when his dad does that. feel like that man LOVES physical affection.)
(also regarding my last ask: dont worry about not responding to my ask on time ! i was pretty fucking tired writing that so dont worry, we all get tired :).also, i live in the est timezone if ur wondering if we are indeed living in the same timezone :))
—🎧 anon
Laughing at me being Rick Rolled, how dare! (Joking)
Elias for sure saw that post where it was like "One day your parents put you down and never picked you back up again." so he vowed to himself to pick his boys up at LEAST once a week if not more because that shit hurted him. INCLUDING the Ghosties. Even Merrick. Mark his fucking words.
Half the time when Logan runs he's playing, and the other half he's serious and will wail like an angry cat when he's caught. Elias will back off if he realizes Logan's serious but that's usually after he faceplants into a wall. He will then goes and takes out the affection on Hesh, who is entirely too happy about it. Big goofball.
(Timezone buddies, hells yeah. And don't worry about sending multiple asks a week, send em daily for all I care lol.)
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KATAR!!! Anymore Keegan and Logan HC?😭
Sorry I didn't answer this sooner, Dear. Being motivated to do anything rn is hard for some reason.
To make it easier on myself I'm gonna kinda do the hc's like. Chronologically. You'll see what I mean.
First time they met Keegan actually scared the shit out of Logan. He was too busy looking at Merrick and then Keegan just appeared out of thin air (Walked out of the bushes he was concealed in.) and Logan almost snapped his neck doing a double take. (Keegan continuously teases him about it.)
When they found Ajax under the stadium, Logan felt hella awkward about it because he and Hesh really had no clue what was going on. He did take note of how Keegan handled it though. He and Ajax were obviously very close and he didn't care to try and hide it: He grieved very openly. In a strange way, it was a bit charming? Logan may also be a sucker for sad+strong men. Maybe. (Also when Logan and Hesh started realizing how close the Ghosts were, because Keegan leaned on them and they leaned on him.)
Keegan helped patch Logan up after they lost Santa Monica, seeing as he was stabbed in the chest. This was the moment Logan realized he maybe had a crush, which is a little embarrassing because Keegan had his hands all over his chest and Logan could only try to will away the blush: He failed. Like, you're not supposed to have a lot of ego in the military, so him being half naked wasn't the problem. The problem was that Keegan had his nice warm+strong hands all over Logan's chest, and his mind was so far in the gutter he could only think of said hands being used someplace else, in an arguably better way. (Logan also found that Keegan's "Focused Face" was adorable.) Keegan's inner monologue: "Don't look at his boobs. I mean pecs. Nipples? Don't stare his face is right there, HE'LL SEE. DON'T LOOK... I looked. Fuuuuuck."
During the entirety of the Federation Day mission, Logan felt a little (Very) distracted. They were stealth, so Keegan was being quiet, and his voice was all low and sultry... Logan was honestly lucky that Hesh could cover his ass because 80% of the time he was NOT paying attention. Keegan was confused the entire mission because Logan would just be staring at him. Very hard. He was also distracted 80% of the time, wondering if he was faking himself out or if Logan was really staring at his ass. (He was.) (Shout out to Hesh, for carrying these two doofuses the whole mission. They would be swiss cheese if he weren't there.)
Keegan realized he liked Logan more than he thought he did after their plane got shot down. (Birds of Prey/The Hunted. After they capture+lost Rorke.) Why? Well, all of a sudden, Logan jumped to the top of Keegan's "People to Be Worried About." list. Even over Elias, his captain. (He kinda lost one already so now he's got anxiety.) Logan, meanwhile, was realizing that yeah, he did in fact have a crush on Keegan, because his concern for Hesh and him were equal. Which is not something that happens a lot. (Meanwhile Hesh fighting off a panic attack because his baby brother isn't there to hold his hand. Merrick just :| the whole time.)
The one mission where Logan is less distracted by Keegan and more distracted by something else is Clockwork. He was too busy marveling over the snow. He's a SoCal baby, remember? Keegan found it really cute. And this was the point he came to terms with the fact that he had a big fat crush on one Logan Walker. Really a pain in the ass for him, because he has better things to do than die by Hesh's hand. (He's a touch overprotective.)
Before they go to the Atlas oil rig, Logan finally confesses his feelings for Keegan... to Hesh. He doesn't know how to deal with his crush so he goes running to his big brother for help. Hesh is just *Big Sigh* "There there." vibes. Honestly, he doesn't have a lot of advice because he doesn't date (Too busy looking after Logan.) but he tries because he knows it's important to his brother. Talks with him over his feelings and determines that Logan really does have a crush and not just feelings of admiration he's gotten confused about. (Though he has his fair share of that too.) Tells him to take it slow. Keegan, meanwhile, has gone to Merrick for help. Because oh my god, I have a crush, but it's on LOGAN, whose literal father is my captain. SOS. (Merrick thinks it's hilarious.) They talk and Merrick cautions him to handle it carefully, because there's a lot that can go wrong or be misinterpreted. He also reassures Keegan, telling him if anyone's smart enough to work through the mess that it's him. (Which actually does a lot to still the poor guys nerves.)
During Into The Deep, Logan and Keegan are alone together the whole time. Both are mulling over their feelings but a good majority of their focus is the mission. To say Keegan freaks out when the lighthouse collapses and Logan gets pinned is an understatement. One second, you're being smacked by the hand of god (The lighthouse hit him on the way down.) the next you're looking for your little buddy and find him suffocating to death on the seafloor. Keegan almost had a literal heart attack from pure stress. He himself has almost died several times in his career and he's never had an adrenaline rush quite so strong as the one he had then. Could not resist the urge to check up on Logan after, and bitched about the nurses wondering if they did a good enough job stitching Logan's wrist up. Logan, meanwhile, just feels his crush grow because Keegan just saved his ass and was kind enough to "bother" him after. (Logan very much enjoys the Knight In Shining Armor trope.) Both of them have the idea to confess then, but neither do. Dumbasses.
Keegan fr started re-evaluating his life after they all nearly got crushed by the stacks when running away from the factory bombing. Not because he almost died, he's too used to that, but because Logan almost died. So he was just like "Okay, i gotta tell this man I like him." But not literally, he just thinks "signals" are sufficient. They are not. Logan is still pleased with the attention tho. He also keeps doubting himself everytime he wonders if Keegan likes him lmao.
Oh this is where it all goes to hell. Okay, so like. After Sin City, pretty much everyone is a damn mess. But hey, Logan and Keegan make out, so not terrible? No. They both independently decide the only reason they made out is because they were both really super stressed because there's no way this other motherfucker likes me. (God they're so dumb, lord it's a damn miracle they ever get together.)
Keegan actually loses his fucking mind when he hears Logan went on the train after Rorke. If the fiasco didn't end with Logan abducted and Hesh almost dead then he'd be ripping them both a new one. But Logan did in fact get snatched and Hesh did in fact almost die, so with no where to put his anger/fear he just gets really sad. Aggressively "Adopts" Hesh as his Brother (in law.) because he feels really guilty over not being able to help them, despite his own reasons for not being there. Not much to say for Logan, seeing as he's literally just trying to survive and scared as shit. He cries a lot though. Anytime he looks at the scar on his wrist from Into the Deep he thinks about Keegan tho.
That's all I got lol.
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