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Pavilion Rudolph Hertzog in Berlin, Germany
German vintage postcard
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rausule · 1 year
Kunsliteratuur van jazz in Suid-Afrika in die 1920's
Twintig is in verskeie opsigte, en in sy hoofmomente, 'n vervollediging, Die unieke verbeeldingryke Baz Luhrmann (Moulin Rouge!, Hair ) skrywers soos Jr Tolkien , pak F. Scott Fitzgerald se landmerkroman, The Great Gatsby, aan met die spogster Leonardo DiCaprio in die titelrol. Spider-Man se Tobey Maguire vertolk as die Fitzgerald-agtige skrywer Nick Carraway wat in 1922 in New York aankom, 'n era van losse sedes, glinsterende jazz en bootleg-konings. Nick jaag sy eie Amerikaanse droom na en ontmoet die geheimsinnige miljoenêr Gatsby en sy betowerende niggie Daisy. Binnekort word Nick ingetrek in die boeiende wêreld van die superrykes, hul illusies, liefdes en bedrog. Nick het getuig van hierdie nuwe wêreld en het 'n verhaal van onmoontlike liefde, onverganklike drome en onvergeetlike tragedie gedink - wat ons eie tye en stryd weerspieël. Regisseur Kobus Hanekom sê: “Ons het Hair gekies op grond van sy ryk geskiedenis, sy ikoniese status en onderliggende boodskappe wat die produksie vertel wat is ‘maak liefde, nie oorlog nie. Hierdie produksie saam met die choreografie deur Tyron Zoutman, BTEC internasionale pryswenner, beloof om 'n skouspelagtige, hoë energie produksie te wees vir almal om saam te geniet. afronding en bekroning van voorgaandes. 'n Paar jaar ná die groot en bloedige Randse staking (1922), waarby talryke verarmde Afrikaners betrokke is, moet die Suid-Afrikaanse Party die landsbe wind oorgee aan 'n koalisie van Nasionaliste en Arbeiders. Hertzog en die Nasionale Party bly onafgebroke van 1924 tot 1932 aan die mag. Afrikaans neem in 1925 vir alle amptelike doeleindes die plek van Nederlands in. Die Unie word 'n soewereine staat as gevolg van die Statebondskonferensies van 1926 en 1930. 'n Begin word gemaak met die grootskeepse industrialisering van sommige, veral Transvaalse, gebiede. Die verstedeliking van die Afrikaner word 'n bestendige "trek"; die armblanke-probleem is op sy nypendste; om dááraan die hoof te bied, is een van die regering se belangrikste opdragte die skepping van 'n ewewig tussen agrariese en industriële ekonomie. Die Afrikaner deurleef nou op die akuutste wyse die geestelike node wat gepaard gaan met die vervanging van voorvaderlik-landelike isolasie en vaste sedes deur kosmopolitisme en gemeenskapsontwrigting. Hy staan met lyf en siel te midde van die probleme van 'n moderne samelewing en dra nou, as vernaamste deelhebber in die landsregering, die hoogste verantwoordelikheid om self 'n oplossing daarvoor te vind.
Die taalbeweging as sodanig tree terug na die tweede plan, altans in dié sin dat dit so goed as geen offisiële verowerings meer moet maak nie. In sekere sin word dit deur drie verwesenlikings voltooi: die aanvaarding van Afrikaans as feitlik die enigste taal van die Hollandse Kerke (1924), die Bybelvertaling (gereed Des. 1930, in druk beskikbaar 1933) en die stigting van 'n uniale Federasie van Afrikaanse Kultuurvereniginge (1929). Dit spreek vanself dat die verband tussen taalbeweging en letterkunde oor die hele linie nou wel heel los kan word. Brandende aktualiteit is nie langer die stryd vir en rondom die
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Briana Hertzog
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sitting-on-me-bum · 1 year
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An elephant seal is surrounded by penguins (Manchots Royaux), on Desolation Island, part of the Crozet Islands, a sub-Antarctic archipelago of small islands in the southern Indian Ocean. The Crozet Islands are home to four species of penguins. Most abundant are the macaroni penguin, of which some 2 million pairs breed on the islands, and the king penguin, home to 700,000 breeding pairs; half the world’s population. Mammals living on the Crozet Islands include fur seals and southern elephant seals. Killer whales have been observed preying upon the seals
Photograph: Patrick Hertzog/AFP/Getty Images
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supersonicart · 2 years
Briana Hertzog.
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Recent amazing works from artist Briana Hertzog.
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frankbelloriley · 2 months
My dad has this thing where he has playlists that just have the title as the year, and it's just songs he was really liking at some point during that year. So I've started doing that and on my 2024 playlist there are two (2) songs that sample the score to the Jean-Claude Van Damme film Bloodsport.
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90smovies · 2 years
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cbjustmusic · 2 years
Marion Williams performs a restrained version of “God Bless the Child”, and then belts out “How I Got Over”. This is from 1967. _____________________ God Bless the Child Songwriters: Billie Holiday and Arthur Herzog, Jr.
Them that's got shall have Them that's not shall lose So the Bible said and it still is news
Mama may have, Papa may have But God bless the child that's got his own, that's got his own
Yes, the strong get smart While the weak ones fade Empty pockets don't ever make the grade
Mama may have, Papa may have But God bless the child that's got his own, that's got his own
Money, you've got lots of friends They're crowding around the door But when you're gone and spending ends They don't come no more Rich relations give crusts of bread and such You can help yourself, but don't take too much
Mama may have, Papa may have But God bless the child that's got his own, that's got his own
Mama may have, Papa may have But God bless the child that's got his own, that's got his own
He just don't worry 'bout nothing, 'cause he's got his own
_____________________ How I Got Over Songwriter: Herbert Brewster
How I got over how I got over How I got over how I got over You know my soul looks back and wonder how I got over How I got over how I got over How I got over how I got over Oh, my soul looks back and wonder how I got over
Just as soon as I see Jesus oh yes The man who made me free oh yes oh yes It was the man who bled and suffered oh yes oh yes oh yes You know he died for you and me oh yes
I wanna thank him Because he brought me oh yes I wanna thank him Because he taught me oh yes oh yes I wanna thank because he kept me oh yes oh yes oh yes Cause he left me oh yes I gonna thank God he never left me, oh yes
I wanna sing hallelujah  I might shout this evening trouble over I'm gonna thank Jesus for all he's done for me
Oh yeah, how I got over, over  My soul looks back and wonder how I got over Oh yeah, how I got over, over  My soul looks back and wonder how I got over
I wanna wear a diadem In the new Jerusalem I wanna walk the street of gold In the homeland of the soul I'm going to view the host in white Who travel both day and night Coming up from every nation On the way to the great coronation
I will sing hallelujah Trouble over I wanna thank Jesus for all he's done for me  How I got over, over My soul looks back and wonder how I got over How I got over, over My soul looks back and wonder how I got over How I got over, over My soul looks back and wonder Soul looks back and wonder Soul looks back and wonder Soul looks back and wonder how I got over
I wanna thank you thank you  Thank you thank you  Thank you Thank you Jesus thank you Lord Thank you Lord thank you  Thank you Jesus thank you Lord You brought me You taught me lord You kept me  And you never left me Thank you Jesus Thank you Lord How I got over how I got over How I got over how I got over My soul looks back and wonder how I got over
Soul looks back and wonder how I got over Over, over Soul looks back and wonder Soul looks back and wonder Soul looks back and wonder how I got over
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teleclub · 2 years
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An aerial view of Île Saint-Paul in the southern Indian Ocean, part of the French Southern and Antarctic Lands, seen on December 28, 2022. A scientific-research cabin on the island is used for scientific or ecological short campaigns, but there is no permanent population.
© Patrick Hertzog / AFP / Getty
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baeddoll · 6 months
coolest esoteric gender i see preformed is furries drawing their non dog ocs doing pup play. hell yeah that salamander *is* a good dog
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donospl · 10 months
Co w jazzie piszczy [sezon 1 odcinek 29]
premierowa emisja 30 listopada 2023 – 19:00 Graliśmy: Alex Hitchcock “Grace (Part 2)” z abumu “Dream Band: Live in London” Frode Haltli Avant Folk “Zwischenspiel” z albumu „Triptyk” – Jazzland Recordings Saso Popovski “Change of Heart” z albumu “Steps Art Melodies” Kostas Patsiotis “Last Scene” z albumu “October” Elsa Nilsson’s Band of Pulses  “Rock, Tree Reprise” z albumu “Pulses” –…
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chantireviews · 1 year
CROSSING The FORD by Gail Hertzog - Historical Fiction, Magical Realism, Old West
CROSSING The FORD by Gail Hertzog - Historical Fiction, Magical Realism, Old West
  Crossing the Ford by Gail Hertzog opens in classic Western fashion: a train rolls in, carrying a stranger. Twenty-five-year-old Ruby knows, when she sees “that little lady” get off the train, that life in her rural Nevada town will never be the same. Until this moment, Ruby’s children and her no-good husband have claimed most of her time and energy. But she gets to know Kenna, the red-headed…
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sitting-on-me-bum · 1 year
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Ernolsheim-Bruche, France
A great hamster of Alsace is being freed as part of a reintroduction program in the east of the country. Sixty great hamsters of Alsace are reintroduced on plots of cereal crops, located near the new highway allowing to bypass Strasbourg.
Photograph: Patrick Hertzog/AFP/Getty Images
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supersonicart · 11 months
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Supersonic Art's latest group exhibition, "CREATURES," opens this Friday, November 10th on Supersonic Art Shop at 1PM PST.
This curated collection spotlights the masterful creations of over 30 esteemed global artists, each bringing to life both authentic and fantastical CREATURES.
Featuring work by artists:
Request a collector's preview NOW!
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festeringfae · 1 year
me if I was on the Yellowjackets team: would you bitches calm the hell down and give me your shoes? We were going to play fucking soccer, which means every single one of you assholes has an extra pair of shoes once we take into account Jackie's shoes and Coach's leg to cover for Travis and Misty. It is 1994 and we left in autumn, I know at LEAST half of you brought leather shoes. Shut up, put your cleats on, and let me boil your goddamn shoes so we can eat them. Werner Hertzog ate a goddamn shoe just to get a movie made, okay, I promise, we can all eat a fucking shoe to avoid eating JACKIE. Maybe just drink the shoe broth a few times, get multiple meals per shoe. Then after that we can all hike back to the plane in our FUCKING CLEATS which are BETTER FOR SNOW ANYWAY and strip all the leather off the sear rests and shit so that we can boil THAT for food. If one of you dies on the hike, fine, THEN you can call that a blood sacrifice to whatever the fuck is talking to Lottie, whatever, but that fucking happens, we are not EATING JACKIE'S CORPSE, you uncreative fucking freaks! *storms into Coach's room and slams the door behind me*
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uwmspeccoll · 2 months
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Wood Engraving Wednesday
Today we present three wood engravings by Northern California engraver and fine press publisher Richard Wagener (b. 1944). Wagener has an undergraduate degree from the University of San Diego and a graduate degree from ArtCenter College of Design. He has been engraving wood for over forty years and his work has been in a number of fine press editions, most notably with Peter Koch in Berkeley and the Book Club of California. In 2006 Wagener established his imprint Mixolydian Editions, to publish fine press editions of his own work, and Magnolia Editions, a fine art print studio in Oakland, California, providing artists with technical expertise and access to advanced printmaking tools. His collaboration with David Pascoe of Nawakum Press earned them the 2016 Carl Hertzog Award for Excellence in Book Design, and Wagener was also awarded the 2016 Oscar Lewis Award for contributions to the book arts.
The prints shown here are from broadsides included in portfolios of the deluxe editions of Parenthesis. Journal of the Fine Press Book Association. The first, a 2000 engraving entitled Euphorbia halipedicola, was printed at Wagener's Mixolydian Editions in 2015 with Bruce Whiteman's 2002 text Succulent for the portfolio of Parenthesis 29, Autumn 2015. The next two were printed for the portfolio of Parenthesis 24, Autumn 2013: the first, Outlook Juniper (2009) was printed with a text by John Muir at the Havilah Press in Emeryville, California; the next, Koch Peak, with a text by Peter Koch, was printed by Wagener in an edition of 175 copies.
Our run of Parenthesis is another donation from the estate of our dear friend Dennis Bayuzick.  
View other books from the collection of Dennis Bayuzick. 
View more posts with wood engravings!
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